How coachable are you?
I used to be a coach. As a former athlete, coaching was my way to “stay in the game” and feel the “heat of competition” after my high school and college playing days were done. I gave it my all. I played and coached through physical pain, emotional roller-coasters, and straight-up downpours. But I continued to play, grow, and learn because I refused to be stagnant. I refused to back down. I loved the natural high that came with stepping foot on a freshly groomed field.
I gave up athletic coaching the year after my first daughter was born. I was exhausted. I wasn’t home for 12+ hours a day and barely got any snuggle time with my little one. I was torn in opposite directions and something had to give – I had to shift my mindset and playing field to focus on a new challenge: parenthood.  Any athlete will tell you though, when walking away from a sport, they feel like they’ve lost a part of themselves and I was no different.  It wasn’t until years later that I realized that coaching doesn’t just occur in sports arenas – it’s a lifestyle. And I’m surrounded by coaches: young, old, athletic, professional, parental, spiritual and worldly. When I thought my coaching days were done…I didn’t realize that coaching would always be in me; it would just manifest in atypical ways.
I read something by author Mathew Kelly, that sent electricity through my bones. That as coaches, encouragers, and supporters we must not only give sound direction to others, but also “consider how we [ourselves] respond when we are corrected. Do we respond humbly and accept correction as an opportunity to become a-better-version-of-ourselves? Or do we hang on pridefully to our old selves?” You see, we all need to sit down once in awhile and let others lead. My two little daughters have taught me a lot about patience and joy, when I thought at one point, I could’ve told you plenty about those two things. And yet, they taught me more. They became my coaches, my teachers.  I’m a National Board Certified Teacher, I know a lot about education, but I’ve got friends and colleagues who teach me about my craft every day. If it weren’t for most of them, I would’ve given up and thrown in the towel years ago.  As a wife, I have a husband who knows how to love deeply and unconditionally and can construct built-in cabinetry to boot! I’d have to say he’s taught me a few things over the years as well. He’s encouraged me in times of uncertainty and been my sounding board when I needed level-headed advice.
I love coaching, but I’ve come to realize I really love to be coached. I want to soak up knowledge. I want to learn new strategies and techniques. I want to grow! I want mentors in my life that see my potential and ignite the fire inside of me.
So, I’ll leave you with this…because sometimes coaches appear in my life and they can say it better than my jumbled brain will allow… “Champions love coaching. They love to be corrected, because they know it will make them better. This is true in sports, business, relationships, and spirituality. It is true in every area of life. Are you coachable? Some people refuse correction and instruction. This is a sign of massive arrogance and mediocrity. How coachable are you?” (Mathew Kelly)
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lifestylehappyplace · 5 years
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☝️Whoever denies that Truth, whoever simply refuses to play, gets left on the sidelines. 🙏 I for one, love to participate.🏃‍♀️💃🧘‍♀️ I will not get left behind 🙅‍♀️in this world of possibilities. 8 people died in a single car accident🚗 over the weekend from my home town. 5 of those people were children. There is too much risk of missing out. "I'll do it later" just doesnt cut it because as I mentioned, there just may never be a later if your unlucky enough.⏳ Play the game of live your dream life🏖🏰🚤🛩. The reward is is much better than being in ground hog day. ❤🧡💛💚 Www.lifestylehappyplace.com/liveyourdream #lifeisshortliveit #playthegameoflife #nomoregroundhogday #lifestylehappyplace #liveyourdream https://www.instagram.com/lifestylehappyplace/p/Bw7z4VsFTvw/?igshid=tbhhxg3av0pt
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apolasky · 6 years
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#voltaire #playthegameoflife - #playthegame #cards #quote #quotes #book #books #bookish #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bibliophile #phrases #phrase #inspiration #inspirational #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalquote #inspirationalwords
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woebegxne · 10 years
to becs
i know this is a scary thought for you and I've been doing really well for a while now but I've been thinking and I just felt the need to tell you this, if i die before meeting you, you did everything you could've and it was in no way, shape, or form your fault i promise I'm not thinking about doing anything right now but I needed to let you know that i love you with all of my being please never ever forget that
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catgirlpresident · 10 years
playthegameoflife replied to your post: Why do these migraines happen to me an...
Fucking hell migraines don’t get me started, all the time Kyle, stress is most common trigger, meds
i've been getting them for years now and the most anyone has been able to tell me is that it's stress induced but holy heck this is one of the worst ive had for a while
i blame the whole "6.5 weeks till exams" thing
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