#plaza sur
eopederson · 4 months
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Árbol de navidad municipal, San José del Cabo, BCS, 2021.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Spain (No. 2)
The building has a Latin cross plan divided into three large naves that have attached chapels. After a transept, which is marked in plan and elevation, they give in a main chapel that has, as is proper in the temples of pilgrimage, an ambulatory or ambulatory surrounded, at the same time, by different radial chapels and the outstanding central apdiole. The cloister opens to the northern side, where it is annexed to the rest of the temple.
Portada Sur
The south façade or Santo Domingo, with a large semicircular arch, which protects niches with statues of the patrons of the diocese, Santo Domingo, San Celedonio and San Emeterio) and circular oculi, was built between 1761 and 1765.
Bell Tower
The cathedral had, throughout its history, three towers. The primitive Romanesque was destroyed in a fire in 1450. The second, Gothic, had to be dismantled when threatening ruin. The third, Baroque, is the one that currently exists. 
It is one of the few examples in Spain, of exempt tower (tower separated from the main body of the cathedral), is the work of the architect Martín de Beratúa under the patronage of Bishop Andrés Porras y Temas in 1762. It is of baroque style with a bell tower of the architecturally called Riojan style and, with its 70 meters high and a base of 9 meters, it is the tallest tower in La Rioja.
The legends of the place tell that the reason for the separation of the tower from the body of the cathedral is due to the fact that sandy soils were found that prevented firm foundations. In the end there was an excellent location, the current one, in which to ensure the foundations were added horns of deer and cows of the place
​ ​ Source: Wikipedia    
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pesterupestre · 2 months
de chill en la plazita, reencuentro :)) // si quieres lograr algo que nunca pudiste, intenta hacer cosas que nunca hiciste 🙊 // 29-02-2024//
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Garro recibió a la embajadora de Francia y delinearon acciones conjuntas en materia ambiental
#LaPlata #Institucionales | #JulioGarro recibió a la embajadora de #Francia y delinearon acciones conjuntas en materia ambiental
El intendente de La Plata, Julio Garro, mantuvo un encuentro con la embajadora de Francia en Argentina, Claudia Scherer-Effosse, durante el cual establecieron posibles líneas de acción entre ambas regiones, con el foco puesto en el cuidado del ambiente. “Seguimos construyendo lazos para elaborar agendas conjuntas que nos ayuden a hacer realidad el futuro sustentable y accesible por el que tanto…
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eduardoskipper · 2 years
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frenchcurious · 2 months
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Immeuble rationalisé, années 1930, Marrakech (Gueliz), Maroc. Architecte inconnu (Crédit photos : Pascal PLAZA sur Flickr). - source Sally Jo via Art Deco.
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mondosalamone · 25 days
🏰Laprida, una pequeña localidad ubicada en el centro sur de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, vio en Salamone y toda su increíble obra, una oportunidad para diferenciarse y mostrarle al mundo lo que tiene.🌍 Entonces aprovechemos para repasar parte de la obra que pueden encontrar en lo que denomino el Disney salamónico. 🍿
1. Empezamos por el cementerio, una de las obras más destacadas de FS. El portal posee una altura de más de 30 metros. El Cristo fue construido por el escultor Santiago Chiérico y repite el mismo diseño salamónico de los ya vistos en menor escala distribuidos en capillas de cementerios, entradas de pueblos y otros lugares. 2. El Palacio Municipal puede ser visitado, incluye mobiliario original, caricaturas realizadas por FS y, dependiendo el momento del año, se puede ascender a la torre desde donde se tiene una vista única de Laprida y de la Plaza Pereyra desde donde se puede observar 3. La fuente-macetero, similar a la de Alberti aunque no posee mástil 4. El matadero, actualmente abandonado, es parte de una serie de mataderos pequeños diseñados con una sola cadena de producción. Llaman la atención su torre tanque de agua y la base de piedra, utilizada en varias obras. 5. El corralón municipal, actual complejo educativo. No tan monumental pero sumamente original. 6. El centro de interpretación, uno de los tres que existen y que hoy en día, es lo más parecido que hay a un museo salamónico. 7. En el Museo Histórico también hay mobiliario original! 8. Hace unos años se sumó a la lista la casa del capataz de la chacra municipal, actualmente parte de la escuela agraria.
🚲Y además de visitar las obras, recorrer las localidades salamónicas también incluye estar lejos de la ciudad, andar en bici, ir a comer al club social y, en el caso de Laprida y de otros lugares, visitar el balneario con su laguna. 📷2011/23
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altered-tiababylo · 2 months
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BELLY OF THE BEAST · groupe aux opinions qui divergent bien souvent, débats animés et mesures souvent prises sur le pouce ; c'est une drôle de famille qui s'anime de façon très récurrente sous les éclats de rire et les absurdités générales. si les liens entre chaque individus seront à définir entre chaque joueur·euse pour plus de liberté, il y a toutefois une cohésion de groupe indiscutable, et une confiance - même partielle - qui règne entre chaque individu. iels ont tous·tes leur particularités, et si iels ne sont pas constamment sur le dos de chacun·e, iels veillent les uns sur les autres autant que sur l'Atlantis en tant que tel. loyauté qui fait figure de mot d'ordre au milieu de ce drôle de cirque, et il est certain d'une chose : Zola les apprécie tous·tes autant qu'iels sont, deuxième famille choisie.
sur never fade away, un forum city-gang furturiste, je suis à la recherche des quelques membres du staff du club de mercenaire nommé l'Atlantis ; réouvert sur les ruines d'un ancien club mythique au sein de la communauté du mercenariat de Night City, le club a réouvert ses portes avec à sa tête mon personnage : Zola, mercenaire, et surtout fixer du club. Divisé en plusieurs étages, l'Atlantis est ouvert autant au tout public qu'aux mercenaires.
comme mentionné plus haut, le staff est une drôle de seconde famille, où si tout le monde ne s'apprécie pas forcément, il y a un lien unique et une loyauté certaine entre tous les membres et le lieu en tant que tel. les PL disponibles ne sont que des idées globales, mais il est évident que tu peux venir avec tous les idées que tu veux et on s'en parlera avec plaisir, tout est possible et tout est négociable, arrangeable, viens comme tu es ! de nombreux liens seront possibles avec les membres déjà présents, mais aussi avec les membres du forum qui constituent une communauté adorable qui n'hésite pas à accueillir comme il se doit les petit·e·s nouveaux·elles ! Je me permets de glisser un petit résumé de chaque juste en dessous 🔥
· PAGE OF WANDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: oscar isaac, ursula corbero, kelly reilly, lupita nyong'o. Chauffeur·euse et agent·e de sécurité de l'Atlantis, street racer nomade, membre des aldecaldos, tête brûlée, stable, responsable, confiant, observateur·rice, loyal·e.
· QUEEN OF SWORDS [NF/F/M] FCs suggérés: gemma chan, teyonah parris, jesse williams, freddy carter. Nettoyeur·euse de l'Atlantis, videur·euse du 2nd floor oeil d'acier, moralité en biais, vengeur·eresse, perfectionniste, solitaire, passé·e maître dans l'art du camouflage, loyal·e.
· FIVE OF SWORDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: emma d'arcy, lola leon, ash stymest, reece king, daisuke ueda Videur·euse de l'Atlantis, autre job au choix griffes d'or, street kid, tête brûlée, poings d'argent, emmerdes sur emmerdes, wicked, provocateur·rice, adrenaline sucker, loyal·e.
· SEVEN OF CUPS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: riz ahmed, merle dandrige, lauren cohan, sofia boutella Armurier·ière de l'Atlantis, proprio d'une armurerie et stand de tir combat de rues, armure corporative, amour des armes, expert·e, oeil vif, calme, tempéré·e, sage, loval·e.
· KING OF PENTACLES [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: laverne cox, tommaso ragno, viola davis, lenny kravitz Indic de l'Atlantis, ancien·ne membre d'une corporation manières et paillettes, client·e de la haute, toile tentaculaire, contacts par milliers, social butterfly, observateur·rice, loyal·e.
· KNIGHT OF SWORDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: mei pang, lesley-ann brandt, diego luna, noah sebastian Mercenaire de l'Atlantis, membre des aldecaldos premier·ière mercenaire de l'atlantis, loyal·e jusqu'à la faute, frisson et adrénaline, urbex sucker, lien entre nomade et ville, impuslif·ve.
· NINE OF WANDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: lee dong wook, elliot page, joseph quinn, zendaya coleman, elizabeth olsen Cuisinier·ière, ancien·ne employé·e d'Arasaka au Konpeki Plaza prix de l'excellence, toujours briller, compétitif·ve, connaît pas le sommeil, loyal·e, vif·ve, futé·e.
le forum en tant que tel est ouvert aux néophytes du genre, et on met un point d'honneur à offrir des event qualitatifs pour avoir un beau contexte évolutif grâce aux actions diverses des membres, on ne demande qu'un rp par mois, avec un petit recensement ouvert sur tout le mois ! bref, n'hésite pas à me mp si un pl t'intéresse ou que tu as des questions ! 🔥
>>> check les PL juste ici <<<
(pour vrai, venez venez, on est bien sur NFA 🥳 désolée, c'est pas souvent que je fais ma pub ici, surtout deux fois d'affilée, mais l'occasion était toute présente etoo, bref puis en plus on fête les un an du forum !! et ça c'est vraiment trop cool. bref, hésitez pas à venir, on est vraiment bien sur NFA !
bsx à vous et merci si vous prenez le temps de regarder/de lire 🧡)
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Like an open book
It is 4:30am, my Air Conditioning unit sounds like a washing machine on full power, and it is simply impossible to sleep, so let’s write a Nook X Reader, hm?
Tom Nook X Island Rep/GN!Reader
In which you eat dirt
“I see you...innocently running in a great field...” 
“They respond right away this time...”
Another quiet day was slowly winding to a close outside Resident Services windows as Tom Nook relaxed back into his chair, stretching his paws over the desk.
Across from him, his peppy assistant Isabelle was taking the down time to catch up on some novel one of the residents had recommended to her. Just watching her expressions, Nook had picked up the plot considerably. It was a romance, never too steamy and hardly sweet, somewhere near the middle the main hunk had betrayed the story’s maiden in some major way, and now, three chapters to the end, he way dying.
Tom was never sure if he was just remarkable at reading faces, or if young Isabelle was just too easy to read. He’d wondered if he was once that expressive, wearing a story on his face and he walked naively through life.
Looking back, it was probably fine that he had, and would have been better if he’d continued to do so.
Movement outside the front window pulled Nook from memory lane; The Island Rep was whizzing through the main plaza, a to-go coffee from Brooster’s in one hand, a gift from one resident to another in the other.
Now that was youth, Tom thought to himself, acting to stretch as he stood and made way to get closer to the window. The rep had practically built this island with their own two hands, and now spent their time running from one corner to the next, filling the museum with every bug, fish, fossil, and painting they could get their hands on.
They were quiet the feat, weren’t they? So vibrant, goal oriented, and caring to the other residents. They didn’t complain about the ludicrous amount of work assigned to them. If Nook were a younger man, he might have helped share that burden more evenly, spent less time in the tent and more time in the grass pulling weeds, planting flowers, and picking fruit.
Tom was once again snapped from past regrets by swift movement out the window. Still hot coffee spilled across the brick of the square, seeping into a gift wrapped apology gift that would probably have to be returned to the sender.
The Island Rep lay face down in the center of the square, still and flat. No one else was around to see them trip and catch the ground with their face, only Nook, who stood frozen at the window.
“Mr. Nook? What happened?” Isabelle half closed her book and looked up, sensing the sudden stillness.
Tom didn’t answer, instead rushing as fast as his old but not quiet middle aged old joints were willing to let him go. Isabelle, who’d at most seen Nook pretend race walk after his boys, was reasonably startled by his hurry, and quickly followed him.
Outside, the Rep had finally recovered enough to start pushing themselves up on their hands. Tom stood by to offer assistance, a quiet “Are you okay?” on his lips, though overly concerned thoughts of bruised ribs and knocked out teeth ran through his head at mach speed. They didn’t have a doctor on the island, why didn’t they have a doctor on the island?
The Island Rep pushed themselves to their feet, smiling and waving off Nook, “I’m fine, I’m fine” They said, which was simply not true, as it normally isn’t when one catches themselves on rough stone chin first.
Tom was rather surprised Isabelle hadn’t shrieked loud enough to alarm the entire island.
The Rep’s chin was gashed, bleeding down on their shirt. The cut matched their smile, wide and red and prominently centered in the face. It was the kind of wound that’d probably need stitches, not something one should just walk away with.
Which they almost did, mind you.
The Rep laughed off their fall and thanked Nook for checking on them all while picking up the trashed to-go coffee cup and delivery. If the adrenaline from the fall had worn off, they sure didn’t show it, as they continued on about having to bring the gift back to it’s sender, the clothing inside completely ruined with coffee.
“m-Mayor...” Isabelle looked as though she might faint, which was a fair reaction to have to such a mess on their peaceful town, “Y-You-r.. Your ch-chin...”
The Rep, or as Isabelle may address them as a left over from their previous town together, The Mayor, began to reach up to their chin, a question on their face. Tom stepped in quicker than expected, pressing his personal pocket hankie to the wound instead. The Island Rep flinched at the pressure.
So they can feel pain. That’s a good sign, probably.
“Hold this here.” Tom Nook spoke in a tone that held no room for argument, as his rep did as they were told, pressing the cloth into their chin with enough force to stop the bleeding.
“Isabelle,” Nook addressed, the younger jumping to attention, finally taking her eyes off their mayor, “Can you handle resident services alone for a bit? I’m going to take the rep to the HHP island, they have a hospital there.”
The words of protest started on the rep’s lips, and were stopped dead in their tracks by a look from Tom. They swallowed, and looked anywhere by at Nook, shifting the cloth on their chin.
“O-Oh. Y-Yes I will be fine!” Isabelle stood to attention and saluted, eyes shut firmly in a fit of determination.
Tom nodded and placed a paw on his rep’s shoulder, turning them to the airport, “I’m counting on you. And please return this if you have a moment.” He spoke, handing Isabelle the ruined present the Rep had been delivering.
Isabelle nodded, taking the coffee soaked gift, “I’ve got it! Have a safe flight!” She waved, beaming with confidence at being left alone in Resident Service.
Nook never took his paw off The Island Representative’s, his representive, your shoulder as he spoke to Orville about booking a flight. The flightless bird having much the same reaction as Isabelle to the gash in your chin, which you’d shown him unprompted by uncovering Nook’s kerchief just enough when Orville caught your eye.
On the plane his paw was on your knee, then thigh, into your hand. The whole time his leg bounced as he stared out the window. You wondered what kind of crazy nerves were rattling in that fuzzy head of his. What loops was he taking himself through scared for you, the island, poor Isabelle and Orville. What would Lottie say, he must be asking himself.
Perhaps he was planning to have the pavement in the plaza evened out, shaved down, or even pay to have it full repaved more flat. No more loose, uneven bricks, smooth clean concrete. But that wouldn’t look very pretty would it? And it would take time, and bells, and inconvenience those who needed Resident Services at all hours.
You leaned ever so slightly onto Nook, holding his paw between your fingers, watching him mentally go over every possible option to make sure a disaster like this never happens again, that everyone involved was properly compensated, and that you, oh so important you, recovered comfortably so you could be back on your feet, sprinting from here to there however you pleased as soon as possible.
“I see you...innocently running in a great field...” Katrina’s fortune from this morning played in your head as you closed your eyes, “I see a lost seagull sailor in need of help...” She’d said. You didn’t quiet understand at the time. Luck in Friendship, Misfortune in Health.
With Tom Nook’s paw finally relaxing in your hand, the flight calming the Tanuki’s anxieties, you supposed now it made a bit more sense.
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alt-bluesman · 2 months
Animal Crossing memories, part 3
I think this is the final part!
My Joy-Cons haven't completed their journey yet, but in the end I decided that I'm not going to put much faith in them & grabbed a set of used Hori controllers in the meantime. Gave Pan a final tour today. Didn't want to invest in a capture card, so a couple of screenshots is the best I can offer!
Sadly there's no way in heck I can stuff all of them into a single post, so I'll just narrow it down to my favourites & the ones I have something to say about!
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First, the map. My villagers were Gruff the goat, Kitt the kangaroo, Sprinkle the penguin, Kyle the wolf, Ione the squirrel, Olaf the anteater, Al the gorilla, Jambette the frog, Fang the wolf and Fuchsia the deer. I liked them all, fuglies included. I like a lot of the ugly ones now!
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Naturally my biggest dream was to invite Shrek to the island. Shrek never showed up. I had to resort to home-brew methods!
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Frample's home. I couldn't fit the big-ass yard in the frame, but there was a little islet with a snapping turtle living on it. A homage to Jacksepticeye's Tortellini, forever jammin'!
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The Zen Garden that my villagers never really cared for, haha. I found out they aren't very eager to interact with any objects that aren't close to their houses or the plaza. They sometimes goof around on the southern beaches, but that's pretty much it!
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(At least those lads were having a time of their life)
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Ione's yard was the bane of my existence - the laggiest part of the island. I was never able to pinpoint the cause, there was no water and not even that much foliage. Some folks say that snow causes the game to get quite choppy, but it lagged during the other seasons too. Maybe it was all the custom paths?
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Sprinkle lived close to Ione. Her yard was a bit more spacious, so I could build Snowboys there. Some of them still ended up in the river!
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The main road with 5 frickin' waterfalls. Not visible here, but there was another one on the left. A good place to be if you want your eardrums to explode!
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This cliff served no particular purpose, but I liked the view! This was my stargazing hideaway.
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The campsite was pretty dang huge and placed right next to the island entrance. A decision I came to regret after some time. Now I prefer them tucked away in a secluded spot!
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Isle of Spooks! My villagers never visited it except for that single time when Gruff decided to sneak in and investigate. Gruff was an absolute legend.
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The beach next to the campsite was one of the few decorated beach areas that I was actually quite happy with!
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The entrance. Nothing too fancy, but there were so many failed attempts at making a decent entrance, lmao. Makes ya finally settle with whatever ya have!
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Kitt's yard! I remember feeling very proud of it once, but it doesn't really appeal to me anymore, especially that blob of a path.
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Farmlands. That rainbow flower garden was a convenient way of keeping most of the flower breeds & colours in one spot, without them overtaking an entire island, but probably not something I'd build today. I hated when balloons flew over it because I couldn't shoot them down from there!
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This yard was between the farms. First it was Tasha's, then Claudia's, then Fang's. I never bothered to redecorate, haha.
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And here were the crops. Leif has failed me & never brought the carrots!
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The woods behind the farms. (Wayyy too much clutter for my current tastes, but at least my main man Gruff was there)
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The pirate bay! One of my oldest builds, but still very much up my alley!
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(What if I told you that Pompom never really moved away?)
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Alrighty, that's most of the western side of Pan covered. Here's a land bridge that connected the main cliffs behind the plaza. Waterscaping around it was absolute hell! Admittedly, I'm still quite proud of it & it's something I'd like to build again, but most likely without the dang river.
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The road leading up to the Museum. Museum was an important building for me because of my first job, but I never quite got the surrounding area to look right. I do like the stone lion-dog statues, though!
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Jambette's yard was my absolute favourite spot on the entire island. Minimalism was the name of the game. With a frog model from Jim!
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Kyle's yard had a bit of a side business in the top left corner!
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Eastern river mouth. I was all about putting those little islets on my rivers and lakes. It's fun and games till a special character or a fossil decides to spawn on them..!
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Moving back to the eastern cliffs: here are some hungry gnomes and Olaf's yard. I always gifted all of my dresses as well as dumbest pieces of furniture to Olaf. He took it all like a champ!
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I gave Mr. Resetti an extra job on Pan. (And a lazy bear compadre)
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A seasonal icy drink bar - with Al's ass cheeks in the background for everyone's viewing pleasure. Al was the very first villager I found on a mystery island on a rainy day. Seeing his silhouette in the rain, I legit thought he was some kind of zombie. I didn't invite him back then, but when I bumped into him again on my last villager hunt, I decided to take him. Mad lad has finally made it!
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Fuchsia's yard. A bit funky, but I still like it!
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And that's it! There's a bunch of other screenshots I wasn't able to fit in, like the absolutely glorious board drawings from my best friends. Don't worry though, they are safe and sound with me! Farewell, Pan. You were my introduction to Animal Crossing and even though I'm ready to move on, I will always remember you very fondly!
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pollonegro666 · 8 months
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2023/07/08 Llegamos a una plaza donde esta la mejor catedral gótica de España. Esta catedral tiene muchos años y es una joya arquitectónica. Tiene muchos detalles en su fachada que la hacen única.
We arrive at a square where the best Gothic cathedral in Spain is located. This cathedral is many years old and is an architectural jewel. It has many details on its facade that make it unique.
Google Translation into French: Nous arrivons sur une place où se trouve la meilleure cathédrale gothique d'Espagne. Cette cathédrale a de nombreuses années et est un joyau architectural. Il a de nombreux détails sur sa façade qui le rendent unique.
Google translation into Italian: Arriviamo in una piazza dove si trova la migliore cattedrale gotica della Spagna. Questa cattedrale ha molti anni ed è un gioiello architettonico. Ha molti dettagli sulla sua facciata che lo rendono unico.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Chegamos a uma praça onde está localizada a melhor catedral gótica da Espanha. Esta catedral tem muitos anos e é uma joia arquitetônica. Possui muitos detalhes em sua fachada que o tornam único.
Google Translation into German: Wir erreichen einen Platz, auf dem sich die beste gotische Kathedrale Spaniens befindet. Diese Kathedrale ist viele Jahre alt und ein architektonisches Juwel. Es hat viele Details an seiner Fassade, die es einzigartig machen.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Mbërrijmë në një shesh ku ndodhet Katedralja më e mirë gotike në Spanjë. Kjo katedrale është shumëvjeçare dhe një perlë arkitekturore. Ka shumë detaje në fasadën e saj që e bëjnë atë unik.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք հասնում ենք մի հրապարակ, որտեղ գտնվում է Իսպանիայի լավագույն գոթական տաճարը: Այս տաճարը երկար տարիների պատմություն ունի և ճարտարապետական ​​գոհար է։ Այն ունի բազմաթիվ մանրամասներ իր ճակատին, որոնք այն դարձնում են յուրահատուկ:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Пристигаме на площад, където се намира най-добрата готическа катедрала в Испания. Тази катедрала е на много години и е архитектурно бижу. Има много детайли по фасадата, които я правят уникална.
Google Translation into Czech: Přijíždíme na náměstí, kde se nachází nejlepší gotická katedrála ve Španělsku. Tato katedrála je stará mnoho let a je architektonickým klenotem. Na fasádě má mnoho detailů, které jej činí jedinečným.
Google Translation into Croatian: Dolazimo do trga na kojem se nalazi najbolja gotička katedrala u Španjolskoj. Ova katedrala stara je mnogo godina i arhitektonski je dragulj. Ima mnogo detalja na svojoj fasadi koji je čine jedinstvenom.
Google Translation into Danish Vi ankommer til en plads, hvor den bedste gotiske katedral i Spanien ligger. Denne katedral er mange år gammel og en arkitektonisk perle. Den har mange detaljer på sin facade, der gør den unik.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prichádzame na námestie, kde sa nachádza najlepšia gotická katedrála v Španielsku. Táto katedrála má mnoho rokov a je architektonickým skvostom. Na fasáde má veľa detailov, ktoré ho robia jedinečným.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prispemo do trga, kjer stoji najboljša gotska katedrala v Španiji. Ta katedrala je stara več let in je arhitekturni dragulj. Na svoji fasadi ima veliko detajlov, ki jo delajo edinstveno.
Google Translation into Estonian: Jõuame väljakule, kus asub Hispaania parim gooti katedraal. See katedraal on aastaid vana ja arhitektuuripärl. Selle fassaadil on palju detaile, mis muudavad selle ainulaadseks.
Google Translation into Suomi: Saavumme aukiolle, jossa sijaitsee Espanjan paras goottilainen katedraali. Tämä katedraali on monta vuotta vanha ja arkkitehtoninen helmi. Sen julkisivussa on monia yksityiskohtia, jotka tekevät siitä ainutlaatuisen.
Google Translation into Georgian: მივდივართ მოედანზე, სადაც ესპანეთის საუკეთესო გოთური ტაძარი მდებარეობს. ეს ტაძარი მრავალი წლისაა და არქიტექტურული სამკაულია. მას აქვს ბევრი დეტალი მის ფასადზე, რაც მას უნიკალურს ხდის.
Google Translation into Greek: Φτάνουμε σε μια πλατεία όπου βρίσκεται ο καλύτερος γοτθικός καθεδρικός ναός της Ισπανίας. Αυτός ο καθεδρικός ναός είναι πολλών ετών και ένα αρχιτεκτονικό στολίδι. Έχει πολλές λεπτομέρειες στην πρόσοψή του που το κάνουν μοναδικό.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Egy térre érkezünk, ahol Spanyolország legjobb gótikus katedrálisa található. Ez a katedrális sok éves és építészeti ékszer. Homlokzatán sok olyan részlet található, amelyek egyedivé teszik.
Google Translation into Dutch: We komen op een plein waar de mooiste gotische kathedraal van Spanje staat. Deze kathedraal is vele jaren oud en een architectonisch juweeltje. Het heeft veel details op de gevel die het uniek maken.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi kommer til et torg der den beste gotiske katedralen i Spania ligger. Denne katedralen er mange år gammel og en arkitektonisk perle. Den har mange detaljer på fasaden som gjør den unik.
Google Translation into Polish: Dochodzimy do placu, na którym znajduje się najlepsza gotycka katedra w Hiszpanii. Ta katedra ma wiele lat i jest klejnotem architektury. Ma wiele detali na swojej fasadzie, które czynią go wyjątkowym.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ajungem într-o piață unde se află cea mai bună catedrală gotică din Spania. Această catedrală este veche de mulți ani și o bijuterie arhitecturală. Are multe detalii pe fațadă care o fac unică.
Google Translation into Russian: Выходим на площадь, где находится лучший готический собор Испании. Этому собору много лет, и он является архитектурной жемчужиной. На его фасаде много деталей, которые делают его уникальным.
Google Translation into Serbian: Долазимо до трга где се налази најбоља готска катедрала у Шпанији. Ова катедрала је стара много година и представља архитектонски драгуљ. Има много детаља на својој фасади који га чине јединственим.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi kommer fram till ett torg där Spaniens bästa gotiska katedral ligger. Denna katedral är många år gammal och en arkitektonisk juvel. Den har många detaljer på sin fasad som gör den unik.
Google Translation into Turkish: İspanya'nın en iyi Gotik Katedrali'nin bulunduğu bir meydana geliyoruz. Bu katedral çok eski ve mimari bir mücevher. Cephesinde onu benzersiz kılan birçok detay var.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми приходимо на площу, де розташований найкращий готичний собор в Іспанії. Цьому собору багато років і він є перлиною архітектури. На його фасаді багато деталей, які роблять його унікальним.
Google Translation into Arabic: وصلنا إلى ساحة تقع فيها أفضل كاتدرائية قوطية في إسبانيا. يعود تاريخ هذه الكاتدرائية إلى عدة سنوات وهي جوهرة معمارية. تتميز واجهتها بالعديد من التفاصيل التي تجعلها فريدة من نوعها.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা একটি স্কোয়ারে পৌঁছেছি যেখানে স্পেনের সেরা গথিক ক্যাথেড্রাল অবস্থিত। এই ক্যাথেড্রালটি বহু বছরের পুরানো এবং একটি স্থাপত্য রত্ন। এটির সম্মুখভাগে অনেক বিবরণ রয়েছে যা এটিকে অনন্য করে তোলে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们到达了一个广场,那里有西班牙最好的哥特式大教堂。 这座大教堂已有多年历史,是一座建筑瑰宝。 它的正面有许多细节,使其独一无二。
Google Translation into Korean: 스페인 최고의 고딕 성당이 있는 광장에 도착합니다. 이 성당은 수년 된 건축물이며 보석입니다. 그것은 그것을 독특하게 만드는 외관에 많은 세부 사항을 가지고 있습니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Hōʻea mākou i kahi ākea kahi i loaʻa ai ka Gothic Cathedral maikaʻi loa ma Sepania. ʻO kēia hale pule he mau makahiki he nui a he pōhaku kiʻi kiʻi. Loaʻa iā ia nā kikoʻī he nui i kona facade e hoʻokaʻawale iā ia.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אנחנו מגיעים לכיכר בה נמצאת הקתדרלה הגותית הטובה ביותר בספרד. הקתדרלה הזו היא בת שנים רבות ותכשיט ארכיטקטוני. יש לו פרטים רבים על החזית שלו שהופכים אותו לייחודי.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम एक चौराहे पर पहुँचे जहाँ स्पेन का सर्वश्रेष्ठ गोथिक कैथेड्रल स्थित है। यह गिरजाघर कई साल पुराना और वास्तुकला का एक नमूना है। इसके मुखौटे पर कई विवरण हैं जो इसे अद्वितीय बनाते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami tiba di alun-alun tempat Katedral Gotik terbaik di Spanyol berada. Katedral ini berusia bertahun-tahun dan merupakan permata arsitektur. Ini memiliki banyak detail pada fasadnya yang membuatnya unik.
Google Translation into Japanese: スペイン随一のゴシック様式の大聖堂がある広場に到着。 この大聖堂は何年も前から建てられており、建築上の逸品です。 ファサードにはユニークな要素がたくさんあります。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз Испаниядагы эң мыкты готика собору жайгашкан аянтка келебиз. Бул собор көп жылдык жана архитектуралык асыл таш болуп саналат. Анын фасадында аны уникалдуу кылган көптөгөн деталдар бар.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami tiba di dataran di mana terletaknya Katedral Gothic terbaik di Sepanyol. Katedral ini berusia bertahun-tahun dan permata seni bina. Ia mempunyai banyak butiran pada fasadnya yang menjadikannya unik.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид Испанийн хамгийн шилдэг Готик сүм байрладаг талбай дээр ирлээ. Энэхүү сүм нь олон жилийн настай бөгөөд архитектурын үнэт чулуу юм. Энэ нь нүүрэн талдаа өвөрмөц болгодог олон нарийн ширийн зүйлстэй.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी एउटा स्क्वायरमा पुग्छौं जहाँ स्पेनको सबैभन्दा राम्रो गोथिक क्याथेड्रल अवस्थित छ। यो कैथेड्रल धेरै वर्ष पुरानो र एक वास्तु मणि हो। यसको अनुहारमा धेरै विवरणहरू छन् जसले यसलाई अद्वितीय बनाउँछ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਵਰਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਹੁੰਚਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਜਿੱਥੇ ਸਪੇਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵਧੀਆ ਗੋਥਿਕ ਗਿਰਜਾਘਰ ਸਥਿਤ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਗਿਰਜਾਘਰ ਕਈ ਸਾਲ ਪੁਰਾਣਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਆਰਕੀਟੈਕਚਰਲ ਰਤਨ ਹੈ। ਇਸਦੇ ਚਿਹਰੇ 'ਤੇ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਵਿਲੱਖਣ ਬਣਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ یوې چوکۍ ته ورسیدو چیرې چې په هسپانیه کې ترټولو غوره ګوتیک کلیسا موقعیت لري. دا کاتډرل څو کاله زوړ دی او د معمارۍ جوهر دی. دا په خپل مخ کې ډیری توضیحات لري چې دا ځانګړی کوي.
Google Translation into Persian: به میدانی می رسیم که بهترین کلیسای جامع گوتیک اسپانیا در آن قرار دارد. این کلیسا قدمتی چندین ساله دارد و یک جواهر معماری است. جزئیات زیادی در نمای خود دارد که آن را منحصر به فرد می کند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kami sumping ka alun-alun dimana aya Katedral Gothic pangsaéna di Spanyol. Katedral ieu umurna mangtaun-taun sareng permata arsitéktur. Éta ngagaduhan seueur detil dina fasadna anu ngajantenkeun éta unik.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dumating kami sa isang parisukat kung saan matatagpuan ang pinakamagandang Gothic Cathedral sa Spain. Ang katedral na ito ay maraming taong gulang at isang hiyas ng arkitektura. Marami itong mga detalye sa harapan nito na ginagawang kakaiba.
Google Translation into Thai: เรามาถึงจัตุรัสซึ่งเป็นที่ตั้งของวิหารโกธิคที่ดีที่สุดในสเปน มหาวิหารแห่งนี้มีอายุหลายปีและเป็นอัญมณีแห่งสถาปัตยกรรม มีรายละเอียดมากมายบนส่วนหน้าที่ทำให้เป็นเอกลักษณ์
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم ایک چوک پر پہنچتے ہیں جہاں اسپین کا بہترین گوتھک کیتھیڈرل واقع ہے۔ یہ کیتھیڈرل کئی سال پرانا اور تعمیراتی زیور ہے۔ اس کے اگواڑے پر بہت سی تفصیلات ہیں جو اسے منفرد بناتی ہیں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz Ispaniyadagi eng yaxshi gotika sobori joylashgan maydonga yetib keldik. Ushbu sobor ko'p yillik tarixga ega va me'moriy marvariddir. Uning jabhasida uni noyob qiladigan ko'plab tafsilotlar mavjud.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi đến một quảng trường nơi có Nhà thờ Gothic đẹp nhất ở Tây Ban Nha. Nhà thờ này đã nhiều năm tuổi và là một viên ngọc kiến ​​trúc. Nó có nhiều chi tiết trên mặt tiền làm cho nó trở nên độc đáo.
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argentinechili2024 · 1 month
Merveilleuse dernière journée à Santiago
Quelle belle dernière journée à Santiago! Nous avons fait comme les locaux en cette journée dominicale.
En premier, nous avons marché jusqu’à la colline du Cerro San Cristobal, où se trouve la statue de la Vierge qui bénit la ville de Santiago.
En achetant les billets pour le funiculaire et le téléphérique, la jeune fille nous a demandé si nous avions plus de 60 ans. J’ai répondu « oui ». Elle a demandé : « tous les deux »? d’un air suspect. J’ai failli la remercier d’avoir douté (hahaha). Cela nous a donné un rabais sur les billets.
Ce parc est vraiment super. C’est un oasis de verdure en pleine ville. On y a vu des familles, des cyclistes (énormément), des marcheurs, des personnes âgées. C’était dimanche, donc, il y avait foule.
Nous sommes descendus au bout de la ligne du téléphérique. A cet endroit, il y avait un parc d’aventures pour les enfants. Nous sommes allés déjeuner dans un mignon petit café où se trouvaient familles et cyclistes.
Sur le chemin du retour, nous sommes allés au zoo de Santiago, également situé dans le parc. Encore une fois, l’entrée était gratuite. C’est vraiment spectaculaire!
Pour terminer notre visite, nous sommes allés visiter la maison du poète Pablo Neruda, prix Nobel de littérature. C’était un vrai bijou. On y voyait les pièces entièrement décorées et plein d’objets utilisés par le poète et sa dernière femme, Mathilde. La vidéo à l’entrée et la visite effectuée donnent envie d’en apprendre plus sur l’histoire difficile de ce pays.
Pour clôturer notre journée, nous avons pris un verre dans le quartier Bellavista. On y voyait plein de Chiliens attablés à de petites tables, riant et discutant.
Retour à l’appartement, puis dernier souper dans le quartier Listerria. Puis, douche et préparation des valises. Nous avons quitté l’appartement à 21 h 30 en direction de l’aéroport.
J’écris ce blogue depuis l’aéroport de Bogota en Colombie. Nous attendons notre prochain vol à destination de Montréal.
À bientôt!!
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Quartier bohème Bellavista dimanche matin. Les rues sont bordées de petites maisons colorées avec des fresques.
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En montant dans le funiculaire.
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Au sommet de la colline, la Vierge bénit les habitants de la ville. Nous avons allumé un cierge pour le papi de Jess décédé brusquement pendant notre voyage. Que son âme repose en paix!
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Besucoup de cyclistes s’entraînent le dimanche à Santiago.
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Les fameux pingouins vus au zoo de Santiago.
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Visite de la Chascona, l’une des trois maisons du poète. Les deux autres sont à Valparaiso et à Isla Negre, où il est enterré avec Mathilde.
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Salle à manger de la maison, construite comme un bateau.
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Plaza Bellavista, où nous avons pris un verre avant de rentrer à l’appartement.
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Picso Sour et jus de mangue.
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Dernier souper à Santiago…
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queermtl · 5 months
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As the year comes to an end, Montréal’s LGBTQ+ community gathers together. This month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, including those not announced at time of publication, follow QueerMTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
En français : https://www.mtl.org/fr/experience/queer-mtl-quoi-faire
🎥 Cinema 👑 Drag 🥳 Parties 🎶 Concert ✊ Activism 🏳️‍⚧️ Trans 🏳️‍🌈 Community 😆 Comedy 🎭 Performance 💪 Sports and Dance 👯‍♀️ Dance 🎤 Karaoke 🎨 Arts 📚 Literary / Educational 👠 Ballroom / Vogue
Vendredi 1 décembre / Friday, December 1
🎥 VisualAIDS and Concordia Queer Film Club presents Day With(out) Art: Everyone I Know is Sick film screening with Carlos Soriano, Concordia University
🏳️‍🌈 Ellelui presents Holiday Night Market, La Sala Rossa
🥳 Butt Buddies Montréal, Cabaret Berlin
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🎶 Jonas Brothers with Lawrence, Centre Bell
🥳 Bisous’ 1 Year Anniversary with Afem Syko, Bittercaress, K657, Esme, Lapa XII, Casa Kobrae, Meen Moreen and Mic Rob, Venue TBA
🥳 The Item Number, A Queer South Asian and Diaspora Dance Party with DJ Deep, Notre Dame des Quilles
💪 From the Ground Up: Strength Training for Newbs, Punks and Weirdos with Nadine Forde runs November 18-December 2, 2023, StudioEd
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 2 décembre / Saturday, December 2
🥳 Love Dumpster with Vicki Powell, Taylor & Twan, Cabaret Berlin
🥳 Queer Cuffing SZN with DJ Simulat3human, Notre Dame des Quilles
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore does Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas & All the Hits, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
🥳 HOMOHOP and Super Taste presents West End Gays [Vol. 5], Riverside St-Henri
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra
😆 Roast France vs Québec with Beurguy and Kathy-Ann Giguère, Café Tuyo
🥳 Homegrown Harvest with Noncompliant, anabasine, Hellgrammite, Jade and Fantasy, Venue TBA
🥳 Céline est very amazing with DJ Phillippe, Ausgang Plaza
📚 Expozine 2023, 1025 rue Bélanger
🥳 Comité Queer Pointe-Saint-Charles hosts Queer Party sur Glace, 1050 rue d’Hibernia
👑 Jackbox Games with Uma Gahd and Selma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail
💪 Rollerville MTL hosts the Rollerville's Roll Out—Roller Disco, Arena St-Louis
💪 From the Ground Up: Strength Training for Newbs, Punks and Weirdos with Nadine Forde runs November 18-December 2, 2023, StudioEd
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (438) 930-8529 for prices and signup information.
Dimanche 3 décembre / Sunday, December 3
👑 Bingo du Temps des Fêtes, Cabaret Mado
🎭 La gailaxie ligue d’improvisation, Cabaret Mado
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Kiara, Bobépine, Pétula Claque and Kitana, Cabaret Mado
📚 Expozine 2023, 1025 rue Bélanger
Lundi 4 décembre / Monday, December 4
🏳️‍🌈 Queer Slow Dating, Bar MINĒRAL
🎥 Cinema Politica Concordia presents Queer Cinema for Palestine, Cinema Politics Concordia
📚 Trivia Mondays hosted by Bambi Dextrous, Diving Bell Social Club
Mardi 5 décembre / Tuesday, December 5
🎥 REEL GAY screens The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Diving Bell Social Club
👑 Full Gisèle : Full Céline with Gisèle Lullaby, Nana, Bobépine, Crystal Stars and Crystal Slippers, Cabaret Mado
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 6 décembre / Wednesday, December 6
👑 Lé-gen-daires with Nicky Doll, Keoina and Sara Forever, Cabaret Mado
💪 Soirée Queer, Horizon Roc
🎨 HommeHomo presents Drink & Draw, Bar Le Cocktail
🎨 Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
Jeudi 7 décembre / Thursday, December 7
👑 Armado with Pétula Claque, Laura Zepam, Vera Satile, Daya Rita, Paulette Pantoute, Bixi Bareback and Twinkerbell, Cabaret Mado
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
👑  Canada’s Drag Race Season 4 Viewing Party with Uma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail
🎶 Pierre Lapointe, Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, Place des Arts 
📚 Violet Hour presents Celebrating RM Vaughan and the launch of his final novel Purvatory, Stock Bar
👑 BMP DRAG Workshop and Show, BMP Co-op
Vendredi 8 décembre / Friday, December 8
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🏳️‍🌈 Puces POP—Édition hivernale 2023, Église Saint-Denis
🥳 Cerise Noire goth night with DJ Elizabeth Leslie and UN, Notre Dame des Quilles
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 9 décembre / Saturday, December 9
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore does Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas & All the Hits, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Lady Gaga—Art Pop with Démone and Esirenna, Bar Le Cocktail
🥳 Queen & Queer—Édition Nuit Afro 2 with Ms. Baby, San Farafina and DJ Sam, La Sala Rossa
📚 The Violet Hour Book Club reads Armistead Maupin’s Michael Tolliver Lives, Archives gaies du Québec
🏳️‍🌈 Puces POP—Édition hivernale 2023, Église Saint-Denis
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (438) 930-8529 for prices and signup information.
👠 Bring It! and Ballroom4Community present The Naughty List Kiki Ball, Ausgang Plaza
Dimanche 10 décembre / Sunday, December 10
🎭 La gailaxie ligue d’improvisation, Cabaret Mado
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Lady Boom Boom, Sasha Baga, Krystella Fame and Marla Deer, Cabaret Mado
🏳️‍🌈 Puces POP—Édition hivernale 2023, Église Saint-Denis
😆 A Very Pretentious Comedy Show—One year anniversary with Eve Parker Finley, Maxime Ève Gagnon, Dan Carin, Yumi Blake, Trevor Thompson, Elie Gill, Molly Brisebois, Steve Patrick Adams, Elspeth Wright, Lauren Mallory, Florence Trépanier and Raquel Maestre, Diving Bell Social Club
Lundi 11 décembre / Monday, December 11
👑 Daisy Wood presents Le Noël de Dolly Parton with Lady Boom Boom, Prudence, Clay Thorris, Mister Daniels and Mimi Mosa, Cabaret Mado
📚 Trivia Mondays hosted by Bambi Dextrous, Diving Bell Social Club
Mardi 12 décembre / Tuesday, December 12
👑 Full Gisèle : Party de bureau with Gisèle Lullaby, Pétula Claque, Jessie Precieuse, Lady Boom Boom and Victoire de Rockwell, Cabaret Mado
👑 Garden of Shade: Christmas with Lily Shade, Sarah Winters, Prudence, Spiked Corona, Soleil Levant and Enigma, Bar Le Cocktail
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
Mercredi 13 décembre / Wednesday, December 13
👑 Le coeur a ses raisons … en chanson, Cabaret Mado
🎨 Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
Jeudi 14 décembre / Thursday, December 14
👑 Sashalicious : Spécial Noël with Sasha Baga, RV Métal, Esirena and Augusta Wind, Cabaret Mado
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
👑  Canada’s Drag Race Season 4 Viewing Party with Uma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail
🎶 Debby Friday with Backxwash, Bar Le Ritz PDB
😆 Sleazy Christmas with Abby Stonehouse, Naghmeh, Mina Minou, Tara McGowan-Ross, Morgan O’Shea, Alo Azimov, Avery Jane and Andrew Jamieson, Bar Biftek
😆 Le Show Queer—Spécial des Fêtes with Joëlle Prudhomme, Anne-Sarah Charbonneau, Andy St-Louis and Marla Deer, Place des Arts
Vendredi 15 décembre / Friday, December 15
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🏳️‍🌈 Puces POP—Édition hivernale 2023, Église Saint-Denis
👑 COVEN Drag Show—Last Breath Edition with Selma Gahd, Uma Gahd, Seyoncé, Infernal Desires, Charli DeVille, Korra Anarchy, La Freak du Show, Esirena, BiG SiSSY, Anaconda LaSabrosa, Niko Lubie, Demone LaStrange and Moxxi Hollow, Diving Bell Social Club
🏳️‍🌈 Souper des fêtes du Centre de solidarité lesbienne, Centre St-Pierre
🏳️‍🌈 (P)réparer le solstice // (P)reparing the solstice, feminist open mic and poetry night, URSA
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 16 décembre / Saturday, December 16
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore does Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas & All the Hits Souper/Spectacle, Complexe Sky
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra
🏳️‍🌈 Puces POP—Édition hivernale 2023, Église Saint-Denis
👑 Miss Butterfly! Il était une fois with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (438) 930-8529 for prices and signup information.
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal's Christmas Party, Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Dimanche 17 décembre / Sunday, December 17
👑 La Revue Drag 2023 with Rock Bière, RV Métal, Crystal Starz, EmmÖtional Damage, Érica, Eva Moist, Lisa Santana, Tracy Trash and surprise guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Pétula Claque, Kelly Torrieli, Jessie Précieuse and Victoire de Rockwell, Cabaret Mado
👑 Les succès oubliés de Noël 2023, Bar Le Cocktail
🏳️‍🌈 Puces POP—Édition hivernale 2023, Église Saint-Denis
Mardi 19 décembre / Tuesday, December 19
👑 Full Gisèle : Joyeux Noël with Gisèle Lullaby, Sasha Baga, Ruby Doll, Serge Ladrag and RV Métal, Cabaret Mado
🥳 Staff party de Noël du Cocktail with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
📚 Club de lecture queer discuss Lou Lubie and Manon Desveaux’s La fille dans l’écran and Obom’s J’aime les filles, Bibliothèque Saint-Charles
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 20 décembre / Wednesday, December 20
🎶 Fleece, La Sala Rossa
🥳 L Nights / Holiday Bash with DJ Marina Gallant, Le Saint Édouard Bar de quartier
🎨 Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
Jeudi 21 décembre / Thursday, December 21
🎭 Les Folies Draglesques with Miami Minx, Uma Gahd, Banana Splitz, Roxy Torpedo, Scarlett Fever, Yikes Macaroni, Zero Lee Vanity, Cabaret Mado
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
👑  Canada’s Drag Race Season 4 Viewing Party with Uma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 22 décembre / Friday, December 22
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Samedi 23 décembre / Saturday, December 23
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (438) 930-8529 for prices and signup information. 💃
Mardi 26 décembre / Tuesday, December 26
👑 Full Gisèle : Jour de l'an with Gisèle Lullaby, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash, Lady Guidoune and Lana Dalida, Cabaret Mado
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
Mercredi 27 décembre / Wednesday, December 27
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Lady Gaga, Cabaret Mado
🎨 Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
Jeudi 28 décembre / Thursday, December 28
👑 Bingo Disco with Rainbow, Cabaret Mado
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
👑  Canada’s Drag Race Season 4 Viewing Party with Uma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 29 décembre / Friday, December 29
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🥳 District presents Frosty: New Year Party with Las Bibas and Ben Bakson, Bain Matthieu
Samedi 30 décembre / Saturday, December 30
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Britney Spears, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👯‍♀️ Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (438) 930-8529 for prices and signup information.
Dimanche 31 décembre / Sunday, December 31
👑 Bonne Année 2024! with Mado Lamotte, Nana, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash, Rainbow, Peggy Sue, Manny, Ruby Doll, Bobépine, Kitana and Johnny Jones, Cabaret Mado
🥳 The Dark Eighties NYE Party, Church of St. John the Evangelist
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play. 
🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next!
🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram!
🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready.
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louisupdates · 1 year
Louies in Chile, there is an opportunity for you to see All Of Those Voices on March 21 (Tuesday).
Louis Tomlinson's Avant Premier will be next Tuesday, March 21 at 8:00 p.m., at the cinema of Mall Plaza Los Dominicos (Av. Padre Hurtado Sur 875 (Cinépolis)). And if you are one of the lucky winners, you must be there at 7:30 p.m.
Sign up to win here:
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billiemarshk · 3 months
Traduction de l'espagnol vers le français de l'article ‘[REC] Terror sin pausa’: nos sumergimos en el fenómeno [REC] du site soydecine.com
« [REC] : La terreur immuable » : au cœur du phénomène [REC]
La critique du jour porte sur le phénomène cinématographique et social qu’est la franchise [REC]
Publié il y 1 an le 12 octobre 2022
par Iker Casado
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⸱ « [REC] : La terreur immuable » recèle d'informations
⸱ Anecdotes de tournage
⸱ « [REC] : La terreur immuable » dissèque le phénomène
⸱ Un documentaire pour comprendre l'importance de [REC]
Ce qu’il s’est passé en 2007 lors de la sortie d'un film d'horreur espagnol n'avait pas de nom… En fait si, il en avait un : [REC]. Soydecine.com nous a permis de prendre place, 15 ans plus tard, dans la salle où le film a été présenté en avant-première lors du festival de Sitges, au cinéma Retiro, et de regarder le documentaire [REC] : La terreur immuable, qui retrace l'histoire de ce film.
« [REC] : La terreur immuable » recèle d’informations
Il faut tenir compte du fait que « [REC] : La terreur immuable » recèle des interviews sur lesquelles nous nous basons pour notre travail. De ce fait, ce documentaire est diversifié et la quantité d'informations que nous collectons est considérable. La plupart des personnes impliquées s'adressent à la caméra pour raconter leur expérience, et en ce sens, le documentaire a vu juste : pour les fans, connaître toute l’histoire est toujours appréciable.
Dans « [REC] : La terreur immuable », nous voyons l'idée naître, le soutien des producteurs, et comment les réalisateurs du film, Jaume Balagueró et Paco Plaza, se lancent ensemble dans un projet qu'ils considèrent comme expérimental et dont ils doutent de sa sortie au cinéma. Ce documentaire renvoie à une lutte constante, à des obstacles, mais aussi à des personnes passionnées qui se battent pour un projet qui, au départ, semblait démentiel. Mais la vraie folie survient par la suite.
Anecdotes de tournage
« [REC] : La terreur immuable » est réalisé par Diego López-Fernández, un inconditionnel du long-métrage ; de ce fait la majorité du documentaire est dédiée à l’exploration des coulisses d’un film qui a l’air improvisé, mais qui, de toute évidence, ne l’est pas. Chaque scène est calculée et les répétitions sont la clé de voûte du tournage. Nous avons le point de vue de tout le monde sur le tournage et cette diversité de points de vue nous donne parfois le contraste dont nous avons besoin pour voir les choses en perspective.
En tant que fans, nous affectionnons les anecdotes de tournage, les rires, tous les moments qui nous rapprochent de l'équipe en coulisses, au-delà du résultat final du film, qui nous enthousiasme tous et toutes. Connaître les changements effectués à la dernière minute, les maquillages nés d'idées folles sans trop se concerter à l'avance, tout cela crée une histoire qui rapproche et qui passionne.
« [REC] : La terreur immuable » dissèque le phénomène
« [REC] : La terreur immuable » ne s'arrête pas à la fin du tournage, ni à la sortie du métrage, mais prend soin d'analyser tout ce qu'il a impliqué : des premiers visionnages du film final qui n'ont pas convaincu à l'influence qu'il a eu au niveau mondial ; de sa première projection publique à la Mostra de Venise, aux parodies et remakes qui ont été réalisés, en passant par les suites créées par les réalisateurs eux-mêmes. Mais le moment le plus important, c'est la projection dans la salle du Retiro à Sitges.
CRITIQUE CINE DE [REC] « [REC] : La terreur immuable » | CHAÎNE DE soydecine.com
Voir toutes les personnes impliquées dans cette salle, regarder « [REC] : La terreur immuable », se souvenir qu'il y a 15 ans, [REC] a déchaîné les passions, s’est avéré une expérience brutale. Finalement, voir la communauté de l'horreur, les fans du genre, célébrer une telle chose, c'est toujours palpitant. Le film célèbre cela.
Un documentaire pour comprendre l’importance de [REC]
« [REC] : La terreur immuable » est un documentaire dont les fans raffolent, mais qui permettra également à celles et ceux qui ne connaissent pas le film de prendre conscience de son importance. Et c'est finalement ce qui compte : partager l'amour du cinéma que nous chérissons tant.
Source :
FR · Me voilà de retour d'un long silence ! J'en suis désolé, mais cette année je me promets d'être plus régulier dans les publications. Pour info, je me donne comme objectif de publier tous les 15 jours. Ça me semble un bon compromis.
On revient avec un article sur un documentaire consacré au film REC. Je n'ai vu ni le film, ni le documentaire, mais c'est un des piliers du cinéma d'horreur et je me devais de traduire un article à son sujet !
ES · ¡Vuelvo después de un prolongado silencio! Lo siento, pero este año me he prometido publicar con más regularidad. Para que conste, mi objetivo es publicar cada 15 días. Me parece un buen compromiso.
Vuelvo con un artículo sobre un documental acerca de la película REC. No he visto ni la película ni el documental, pero es uno de los pilares del cine de terror, ¡y tenía que traducir un artículo sobre él!
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omg-lucio · 2 months
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Michelina De Cesare (1841-1868), conocida durante su época como La Brigantessa , era una bandida/guerrillera que operaba en el sur de Italia.
Michelina nació en un ambiente muy pobre en Caspoli, en una familia de trabajadores. Se casó en 1861, pero su marido murió apenas un año después, dejándola viuda a la edad de 20 años. En 1862, conoció y se unió a Francesco Guerra, un ex soldado y desertor. Posteriormente el dúo se unió a un grupo de bandidos. Uno de los bandidos afirmaría más tarde que Guerra y Michelina se casaron en una iglesia después de esto, aunque no existen registros de ello.
El llamado "movimiento de bandidos" en el sur de Italia no fue un simple delito, o al menos los bandidos no se consideraban tales. Muchos de estos bandidos se consideraban partisanos que luchaban contra ocupantes extranjeros, siendo este el recién formado reino de Italia en general, y los italianos del norte de manera más específica. Lo más probable es que esto estuviera motivado por lealtades a antiguos gobernantes como Austria o el Reino de las Dos Sicilias, o una respuesta a las políticas represivas y brutales hacia el sur de Italia por parte del nuevo reino de Italia, donde los miembros no hicieron ningún esfuerzo por comprender la situación social y política. y problemas en el sur de Italia, y en su lugar intentar "civilizar" la zona con la fuerza bruta de las armas.
La banda de Michelina llegó a tener 21 combatientes y lucharon como guerrillas, atacando repentinamente y dispersándose después de que terminó la batalla, antes de que el gobierno pudiera reunir una respuesta. A veces actuaban solos y otras cooperaban con otras bandas en la zona de Mignano.
En 1868, el general Emilio Pallavicini fue enviado a acabar con el bandolerismo en la zona, mediante sobornos, amenazas y fuerza logró coger a la banda por sorpresa. Gracias a un espía, Michelina y Guerra quedaron atrapadas mientras dormían. Cuando los soldados atacaron, Michelina intentó escapar, pero murió. Los cuerpos de los bandidos/mafiosos, incluida Michelina y otra mujer, fueron desnudados y dejados expuestos en la plaza central de Mignano como advertencia para la población.
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