#poni grove
autisticfoxgirl333 · 7 months
*Looks at the Ultra Beast's locations*
So, The Ultra Beasts have some....interesting homes.....I would like to try and learn from them. *Grabs my wand, some notebooks and flies to the Ultra Beast locations.*
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Just need to find an Ultra Wormhole so I can learn from them. Maybe I could stay by for few hours before I fly to another Ultra Beast home to learn from it.
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fantaje3 · 1 year
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After the shipping fuel from the Eggmund Bunny episode I need to make some fanart XD, It was a little complicated to decide which scene redraw, But I ended up using the final scene from Don't Lose Your Grove song, I think it came out cuter of what I expected, Hope you like it too.
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florina-fae · 2 months
Me(florina): idk, apple cinnamon oatmeal is just a very comforting meal especially if I add some extra peanut butter to it.
Someone in headspace: you are such a horse. And if you arent careful you're gonna give yourself Colic
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lilylocket · 9 months
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Star Catcher sketches! (Feat. Coconut grove and Skywishes)
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dailyg3 · 2 years
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Daily G3 My Little Pony is: Coconut Grove! ♡
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mysterysoulrider · 1 year
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Sweetheart and Liv are here to tell you that love is love on this happy Valentine's day <3🏳️‍🌈
Bonus photo of Sweetheart 🥰 (yes, she's looking so lovingly at you. yes, she's in love with you but don't tell her that I told you!)
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hazel-jane · 10 months
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Coconut Grove
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gremlem · 2 years
WELL?? 🤨/J
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multigenponies · 3 months
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howdy! I’m a little late to post an intro lol I'm Mod Fiz, pronouns are she/her, I post art on @fizpup
I'm a huge g3 fan and have a big ol' collection of them! I like the other generations too :) I especially love pegasus ponies, and my favorite pony is coconut grove. see ya! 👋
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cloverthebarbearian · 6 months
The Party
Rolan/GN Tav No smut (yet) just, angst? Fluff? And initial encounters. Tav is intentionally left as nonspecific as possible but in my mind palace they are a human fighter. Word Count: 3,195 (P.2 Alone Together)
Sharing a drink with the hero of the hour. His lips against the same cup theirs having embraced the entire evening. It suddenly left him feeling… sheepish? No, something else. Deeper. Warmer. Rolan swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. This was all just incredibly inappropriate, he thought. But instead of taking back their drink, Tav just smiled, and further held their cup out towards Rolan's lips. "It's alright," they said, "It's almost empty. We can finish it off together." He let the moment linger, weighing his circumstances. This is a party, after all. However unfamiliar an environment this is for him, it was clear to Rolan that everyone around them was here to relax and have fun. Fun, with his hero.
(This is my first ever fic if anyone is mean to me about it I WILL cry anyways pls enjoy!)
"Well?" Shadowheart's eyebrow raised as she swirled her wine around her chalice.
"'Well', what?" Tav returned, watching their rescued merry band of tieflings mingle and drink around the campsite. Just that morning, they stood together to defend the grove against this 'Absolute' worshiping goblin hoard. It set Tav's heart at ease to see them all safe. Relaxed. Happy. Even if they knew by morning, they'd be back on the road, facing any and every danger that lurked on their way to Baldur's Gate.
But tonight? Tonight was for celebrating.
"Well," Shadowheart continued, "I've noticed nearly everyone's been coupling off tonight. Those tiefling lovebirds have been cuddling by the water since they got here."
"And? They've been attached at the hip since we met them."
"And that cute bard girl's somehow gotten herself mixed up with little Miss Pony-tail," she raised her glass and smiled to Alfira and Lakrissa, who were not-so-subtly cuddling up by the fire.
Tav turned their drinking horn to their lips and smiled, "They are quite cute together."
"Karlach's been flirting with Dammon, I think? She keeps punching his arm, which I believe she thinks is flirting. Or maybe she's just drunk… Hells, I swear I even saw Astarion sneaking off with Lae'zel, of all people."
The wine nearly shot from Tav's nose at that, "You're kidding!"
Shadowheart laughed, shrugging her shoulders, "I know Astarion's quite the flirt. But I'd assumed Lae'zel had a bit more self respect."
Tav gasped with a smile, elbowing their companion as they both kept a steady watch over the party.
"My point being," Shadowheart continued, "The last few days have been exhausting. Who knows when we'll have another chance to relax like this."
Tav gingerly placed their hand over their heart, faux shock dripping from their voice. "My goodness, Ms. Lady of the Dark, are you attempting to court me?"
"Ha! I'm sure you'd like that," Shadowheart said with a teasing glance, "But I'm afraid the wine's already got me spoken for." With that, she gulped down the last of her chalice and sighed, "What I was suggesting," she side stepped to Tav's shoulder, matching their gaze into the crowd, "Was perhaps a certain wizard. One I've noticed you continue to observe. One bound for greatness under an apprenticeship in Baldur's Gate? Before he's become too famous to remember us great Saviors of the Grove." Her voice took on a playful tease as Tav's cheeks began to burn, a slight tingle reaching their ears. Hopefully, they could pass this off on the alcohol. Considering they'd never admit Shadowheart's intuition was spot-on.
"He seems quite busy putting on a show for his siblings, at the moment," Tav said, smiling, though a bit feeble.
"Don't tell me our big bad leader is shy!" Shadowheart teased once more, "Taking on a goblin cult, lead by a terrifying drow warrior, and they don't even bat an eye. But Gods forbid they speak to a handsome tiefling!" Shadowheart's voice was starting to rise. People's heads were turning, and Tav couldn't tell if she was intentionally trying to embarrass them, or if she was truly just a bit too drunk off the cheap booze.
"Shadowheart! By the Hells - Okay, if I go over there will you please just, maybe, be quiet? Go to bed and - Gods - have some water, perhaps?" Tav's cheeks were flushed in full now, well past a point of being able to blame the wine. Shadowheart laughed to herself again, clearly more composed than she was letting on.
"I'm a big girl, but thank you for caring," She smiled once more, picking up a canteen instead of another bottle, "And I will be going to rest. But you-" her finger gently poked into Tav's shoulder, "- are going to tell me all about it tomorrow."
Tav rolled their eyes, "Yes, I'm sure you'll be utterly enthralled as I regale you with some bardic novella of Master Lorroakan's greatest deeds, or something to that effect."
They began walking away from Shadowheart's tent, making their way back into the mingling crowd. After her outburst, Tav didn't want to walk straight up to Rolan, lest he somehow connect the conversation back to him. No, they couldn't risk it. Instead, they looked for their favorite camping companion - Scratch! Who was quickly found surrounded by tieflings. Mostly the children, but even Zevlor was standing near, smiling at the scene.
"Hey, Scratch!" Tav called out, waving his favorite ball in their hand, "Wanna fetch, boy?"
Scratch barked excitedly, play bowing, tail wagging. The children around him broke apart, giggling expectantly. Tav threw the ball as far as they could across the camp, and watched as Scratch made a break for it. Weaving through the crowds of party-goer's to retrieve his prize. He quickly returned with the slobbery toy in his jaws. But instead of rushing back to Tav, he trotted back into the group of children, all of whom were very excited to play a game with their new best friend.
So much for that out.
Tav took a moment to look around the camp. True to Shadowheart's observations, they saw Karlach laughing heavily, one hand slapping against Dammon's back, the other holding a spilling tankard. Though, by no means did Dammon seem uncomfortable. And to Tav's surprise, Lae'zel and Astarion were seemingly absent. Where could they have gone off too -
"Hey! Tav!"
Tav spun around to follow the voice calling for them, only to see Lia waving frantically, motioning them to come over. They smiled and waved in return, their stomach doing cartwheels. Of course this would become unavoidable. The Gods so love to tease me. They took a mighty sip of wine as they walked over.
"Tav, please tell our brother here that, if it weren't for you lot, we all would have been the main course in some sick goblin buffet!"
Rolan's eyes rolled and his teeth bared into a scoff, "Lia, please, that is not at all what I was implying."
"Really, now? Because it sounded like you seem to believe you could've fought off that whole hoard all on your own, for some bloody reason," she said with a smile, winking at Tav. It was very clear she was simply arguing for the sake of seeing her eldest brother get himself worked up. She turned her own tankard to her lips and pouted playfully, "What would you have even done? Cast 'Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles' and hope they'd be distracted long enough to make a run for it?"
Cal laughed, clearly a bit too drunk for Rolan's liking, "Heh, 'Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles'. I like that. Is that a real spell?" He turned to his brother in inebriated earnest. Rolan looked up into the sky. He was no devote worshiper of any Pantheon, but Mystra did bless him with access to the weave. He wondered if she were capable of divine intervention, striking him down with a lightning bolt in this very moment. A heavy, exhausted sigh escaped him.
"Lia, all I said was I wish I had gotten a chance to show those goblins some real magic," Rolan caught himself in the moment, casually glancing to see if Gale was somewhere within earshot. Tav couldn't help but smile at the thought of someone telling Gale, Mystra's ex-Lover, that his magic was sub-par. When Rolan realized the party's resident wizard was nowhere near, he cleared his throat, "And Cal, no. 'Shimmering Sparkles' is not a real spell," his glance caught Tav's eyes for a moment, "Although… I do have my own spin on Dancing Lights that I've been working on. If… If anyone were so inclined as to wish for a demonstration," he stated, puffing his chest out ever so slightly.
"I-" Tav was immediately interrupted by a very drunken Cal.
"Yes, brother! Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles!" He nearly fell off the boulder he was sat upon caught up in his excitement. Lia linked her slightly more sober arm into his to keep him balanced, encouraging Rolan further.
"Go on then. Let's see what makes your spell so special."
"Patience, you two," Rolan stretched out his arms, shaking his neck and shoulders loose, "Have you no respect for showmanship?"
"Having performance issues, Rolan?" Cal retorted in a cheeky mock-whisper.
Rolan rolled his eyes, "Oh, hush you," he replied, centering himself once again in preparation of his spell.
Most of Tav's familiarity with magic came from seeing Gale in combat. It was interesting to them - fascinating, really - seeing another wizard's process. Dancing lights wasn't a spell Gale used often. Yet they could tell right away, the way Rolan worked with the weave was different. Gale always acted like the weave was Mystra herself - to be revered and respected, always somewhat fearful of its fickle nature. And Gale treated the weave as he treated Mystra, as if he had to prove to himself that he was capable enough to work with her, for her. That he knew everything naturally and intimately enough that magic just came to him. Even if Tav always felt like that was a load of crap.
But Rolan? He treated it like a science. As though he were a craftsman, a Master of his trade. Its like he studied the weave to a perfect formula. There was a practiced structure to his movements. As if he could pinpoint where the exact aspect of the weave he needed was located, and then simply pull it from thin air itself. Something about it made Tav's heart race.
He brought his hands before his chest, right above his diaphragm.
"And… Behold!" His arms outstretched, and a rippling wave of lights, indigo and magenta, flowed from his body, carrying themselves up and out into the air. It were almost as if a portion of the Tears of Selûne itself had fallen from the skies and brought itself flowing through the campgrounds. Tav brought their hands together into an enthusiastic applause. Or as enthusiastic as one can be with a drinking horn of wine in their hands.
"Adoring applause?" Rolan cooed with a smile, dipping into a bow, "You're too kind."
"Remember when he could barely cast that?" Lia playfully chastised, gently elbowing her brother in the rib.
Cal chuckled, sighing like a proud father, "They grow up so fast, don't they?"
Rolan smiled and shook his head. A genuine smile, Tav noted. Something they weren't sure they had ever seen from Rolan before.
"Never have I met such troglodytes," he commented, "Now, pass the wine."
Cal stood up to pass Rolan the bottle he had been milking, only to stumble over himself when trying to sit back down.
"Woah there, big fella! Easy now," Lia giggled, reaching up to help Cal find his balance, "I think we had better find you something to… eat? Drink? Or a quiet place to vomit, perhaps?"
Cal shook his head, waving a hand in the air, "You worry too much! I'm perfectly-" his words trailed off as he caught his stomach, "Actually, Lia, you may have a point," Lia rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Playing babysitter once again," she hooked her arm below Cal's shoulder, "I'm gonna get the lightweight somewhere decent to rest." She glanced to Tav, the back to Rolan with a smirk, "You two don't have too much fun without us."
Rolan's tail suddenly swished and thudded against the ground, almost frightening himself with the reaction. Lia and Cal both laughed as they walked off. Rolan gripped his wine bottle tightly, bringing a large gulp to his lips. He laughed. A tired laugh, shaking his head.
"Its a wonder why I love those two idiots," he said in a strained tone, almost as if he were trying to convince himself.
"Isn't that the whole point of family?" Tav said quietly, trying to tease.
He choked on another sip of wine, Tav getting the idea perhaps Rolan had forgotten they were even still there for a moment. And Rolan suddenly realizing his vulnerability.
"Um. You won't… tell them I said that, will you? Surely it's the wine talking, but I'll also deny it if you do."
Tav laughed.
"Gods forbid you love your family," they teased.
Rolan smiled again, weakly, then hid it with a scoff, "Of course I love them, I just can't let them hear me say it. Lia would use it against me for the next three months. Minimum," he spat out. Perhaps a bit too harshly, he thought, turning the bottle to his lips once more. Only to find it empty.
"Oh, bother," he muttered to himself, tipping the bottle over, spilling one single drop of purple-red liquid into the dirt. Tav hesitated briefly, before offering their own drinking horn. Tav hadn't met many tieflings before stumbling upon these refugees, so they couldn't be certain, but they swore they saw Rolan's deep red cheeks flush a shade darker.
"I… N-No, it's fine. I've had quite enough to drink already," Rolan wavered, laughing awkwardly. Not an entire lie. He was surely feeling the muddling effects of the evenings festivities. But this hesitation was much more… personal. Sharing a drink with the hero of the hour. His lips against the same cup theirs having embraced the entire evening. It suddenly left him feeling… sheepish? No, something else. Deeper. Warmer. Rolan swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. This was all just incredibly inappropriate, he thought. But instead of taking back their drink, Tav just smiled, and further held their cup out towards Rolan's lips.
"It's alright," they said, "It's almost empty. We can finish it off together."
He let the moment linger, weighing his circumstances. This is a party, after all. However unfamiliar an environment this is for him, it was clear to Rolan that everyone around them was here to relax and have fun.
Fun, with his hero. He reached out, taking the cup from their hands, their fingers overlapping in the exchange.
"I, uh… I thank you, my friend," he smiled and gave a slight bow. Always so formal, Tav thought. They almost wished Cal or Lia would come back, just to see him act a bit more relaxed again.
Rolan's sips were small, and slow. He wasn't sure how much to drink, how much to share. And the moment he put his lips against the rim of the horn, he was reminded of Tav's lips once again. Suddenly struck with an internal battle of wanting to keep his mouth here for as long as he could, and wanting to get the moment over with out of sheer, self imposed embarrassment. One small sip, and then another. Tav tried desperately not to stare at the way his throat bobbed every time he swallowed.
Once finished, he handed the cup back to Tav, who took a sip of their own, finishing the last of the drink off. They reached their fingers up to catch a small spill of wine from dripping around the corner of their mouth.
And suddenly, it was so very apparent that it was now just them. An awkward silence growing over the both of them. One which Tav broke first.
"So," their voice immediately cracked, leading them to clear their throat and laugh at the social blunder, "Um, you must be excited to finally get out of the grove, yeah?"
Rolan laughed in a tone that to an unfamiliar ear likely would've sounded mocking.
"By the Hells, yes. I am so incredibly happy to finally get out of this filthy quagmire. Once we reach Baldur's Gate, perhaps I can engage in a civilized conversation for the first time in weeks," once again, Rolan immediately felt himself bite back his words.
"That is… Not to say your company isn't more than engaging. I-I'm just so use to speaking with Cal and Lia. They've never had much interest in… learned topics. I mean, Cal likes to read, at least. But it's all adventure novels. The Illustrious Tales of Balduran or some similar drivel. Nothing with any merit," he glanced over at Tav, who was just staring at him. Their eyes wide, their mouth just barely parted. Rolan stiffened, feeling his cheeks flush once again, ever so slightly.
"Ah, I see I am rambling quite a bit and, uh, likely boring you," he said, trying to sound flippant. Tav blinked suddenly, locking back into his focus.
"What? No!" Their hand flew out and touched his arm, "I love listening to you speak about… well, anything, to be honest." They laughed to themselves, "Sorry if I seemed bored, I suppose. I just, um," suddenly, their face felt warm, their words catching in their throat.
Rolan's attention still set on them, on the feeling of their hand squeezing his forearm, "You…?" he continued their thought. Tav took a deep breath in, and smiled.
"You really… Light up. When you talk about your family," Tav finally let out, "Even to complain about them. It gets you talking. Like, really talking. And it just makes me happy, to see you happy," their voice trails off as they realize what they're saying. Then, they laugh again, releasing his arm, "I suppose now it's my turn to blame the wine. Speaking of which, maybe I should get us some more?"
Rolan smiled, almost reaching out to touch their wrist in response, but stopping himself, "I… yes. Um, well," he cleared his throat, "No offense to Zevlor, I know he did his best with the supplies, but, this wine is… ah, I think the word I heard your pale elven partner regard it as was 'piss' earlier, did I not?"
Tav laughed again.
"Yes, Astarion. I believe he did."
"Well," Rolan turned toward his companion for the evening, smoothing his hands across the front of his robes, "I actually have a lovely vintage of Arabellan Dry back in my belongings. I was going to save it for when we reach Baldur's Gate, to celebrate my apprenticeship. But, perhaps…?"
Tav's heart was suddenly racing, their stomach a bundle of nerves. A smile crept up their face as the flush built on their cheeks. They gingerly placed their hand over their heart, and spoke in a cool, coy manner.
"My goodness, Mr. Future Arch-Wizard of Baldur's Gate, are you… attempting to court me?"
Suddenly, Rolan's face went hot. Even with Tav's limited tiefling experience, it was wholly apparent. Immediately, Tav began laughing once more, nearly doubling over at the severity of his reaction.
"Sorry, sorry!" The reached out for his hand, "I'm only teasing, Rolan. Yes, we can go have a bottle of wine together. I'm starting to get tired of all this noise anyway," they waved a hand around, gesturing to the festivities around them.
Tav hooked their arm into Rolan's, looking up into his eyes. The burning yellow-gold and the hell's touched black vastness behind it. Rolan said a silent prayer to any God listening, thank the stars the likelihood of Tav hearing his heartbeat through his arm alone were slim. He felt as if his chest were on the brink of bursting. Still locked in his gaze, Tav smiled and tilted their head.
"Well? Lead the way, Mr. Wizard."
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 7 months
Ultra Locations!
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froody · 11 months
here are some features I would have added to the sims horse update:
deaths by horse. if you make the horse angry enough while riding them, they’ll walk to the edge of a cliff and buck you off. if you make them angry while training or caring for them, they’ll trample you.
horse illnesses like how cats and dogs get sick. but more realistic illnesses like rain rot if the stall for your horse isn’t sufficient or you leave their saddle on.
wild horses that roam in Chestnut Grove and have special traits and you have to befriend them to rescue them. like stray cats and dogs.
MULES. WHY WERE THERE NO FUCKING MULES?????? We got raccoons and foxes with the cats and dogs pack but NO MULES IN HORSES???? the breed selection was frankly awful.
at least two horse sizes, horse and pony.
donkeys???? please???? JUST ONE DONKEY!
‘congratulations it’s a foal!’ or ‘congratulations it’s a filly!’ pop up upon horse birth
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angelllicafevers · 3 months
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Earth pony villain, Hidden Grove.
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fizpup · 7 months
the way you draw ponies is so cute and fun and joyful looking..! i looked up the birthstone ponies bc of your october one to see who was for my month and looking at all of them together is so nostalgic ^_^ thank you for sharing your art, its so nice being reminded of ponies i used to love!
who are your favorites now, & are they the same as they were when you were younger, or have you found you like others you didnt used to? sorry if youve answered that before!
thanks, that's very sweet of you! 🧡 I'm glad you were inspired to revisit g3 :)
my favorites now and as a kid have always been pegasi and tropical ponies (those categories usually overlap of course) and my all time favorite is Coconut Grove. some others I really like are Denim Blue, Bunches-o-Fun, Wishawhirl, and Caribbean Delight
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khorren · 10 months
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Camdinn, or just Cam for short, emerged from his pod in 1314, so he’s 11 at the start of the personal story.
His first few years he wasn’t sure of much and stuck to the Grove mostly, but would travel outside, mainly to Lion’s Arch or Divinity’s Reach to see if he could find his place in the world. He befriended Amarilis as she tried to work out her issues with destiny. When she left the Grove, forsaking her Wyld Hunt, he traveled with her for a bit until he decided he’d try to settle in Divinity’s Reach. He found work in a house of nobility, training the children of the house in sword use (and dagger use when the parents weren’t looking). After some time he moved on from Divinity’s Reach to Lion’s Arch when his employer was more interested in parading Camdinn around like a show pony than treating him as a person.
After a few incidents in the pirate city, Cam was recruited into the Order of Whispers. He gets wrapped up in Sienna becoming a ward of the Whispers and involved in her care, trying his best to keep her out of danger and drama while the higher ups figure out what to do with her. They become good friends and when Sienna is assigned to working with the Commander, he tries is best to go along on missions so he can spend more time with her in between Whispers business.
It’s not until Post EoD that the pair can truly settle down with each other and have their own adventures together.
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gremlem · 2 years
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"Mr. Postman, look and see
Is there a letter in your bag for me?"
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