#pubg funny moments
frugamingyt · 2 years
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victor4 · 1 year
Victor vs Pan fight in bgmi funny 🤣 #amop #shorts
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wondrouswendy · 1 year
Top 10(ish) Friendship Moments with Zath
So today is the 10 year anniversary of me knowing @rangerzath (formally ijaat on Tumblr).
This is a compilation of my favorite moments/experiences shared with Zath over the years. Some of these moments are funny. Some involve mistakes on my behalf, but Zath had my back. What do all of these moments share? They're heart-warming reminders that sometimes you can meet people online and form a friendship with them that survives the test of space, distance, timezones, ups and downs, and grief.
It's hard to believe 10 years have passed since we've known each other, but here's to 10 more years of more laughs, more jokes, and more joy. Thanks for being a great friend!
1 - Zathran's People Needed Him (SWTOR)
This is one of those memories that we often refer to amongst ourselves. The comedic timing between our comments is great.
1.25 - Gaerwen Aurell and Zathran Ijaat (SWTOR)
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This was the friendship dynamic duo that started it all. Countless AUs spawned from these two, countless stories, and eventually, we both took the dive and merged our SWTOR legacies/families together into one universe.
1.5 - Zath Finally Gets Nightmare Brontes Wings (SWTOR)
Zath was one of the last people in the guild to earn the NIM Brontes wings lmao -- but when they did, it was great!
1.75 - Barsen'thor Buddies (SWTOR)
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Barsen'thor Buddies was created as a guild for Zath and I originally. We were just a two person team until we decided to recruit people raid and pvp with us. We recruited people from the server and from tumblr in the olden days. We used to raid regularly and achieved many raid oriented goals. Some highlights include discussing whether this scene from National Treasure could be considered iconic to talking about OCs to labeling bad pugs as the proverbial "Steve."
2 - Almost Instant Regret (Overwatch)
Throughout our Overwatch 1 career, Zath often played Zarya would use the Graviton Ultimate to set up team wipes for me while I was playing Hanzo. I got really cocky in this game, but Zath had my back when someone tried to spoil my play of the game...
3 - Zath Becomes Superman (Overwatch)
The Iron Giant has nothing on this.
4 - Zath Panics When I Scream (PUBG)
Notoriously, in my early days of playing battle royale games like PUBG and Apex, I would get jumpscared easily by enemy players. I tend to scream/panic first, shoot second, give Zath information third. Not really helpful for your teammates! But this has become kind of a meme between us even though I no longer get jumpscared (as often).
5 - Check Your Corn-- (PUBG)
Zath doesn't get jumpscared often, but when they do... Well, make sure you're prepared with backup clothes. Sound warning on this one.
6 - Hacksaw Ridge (Apex Legends)
In this epic, thrilling match from the early days of Apex, Zath played Lifeline and learned the hard way what it takes to be a field medic in a battle royale game. I love this memory because it features some of Zath's funniest one liners, Zath saving the day countless times over. It also features a good old instance of me getting jumpscared.
7 - That Was a Mozambiqueeeeeeee (Apex Legends)
It's not often that Zath breaks the sound barrier with their voice, but lo and behold... sound warning on this one :P
8 - Thaeus and Ziael (World of Warcraft)
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I think of our WoW OCs, Thaeus and Ziael have had the most development and story-based growth. A druid and a deathknight, who would have thought that they could fall in love? They are one of my favorite pairings because of their personalities and their dynamics. Zath has created a death knight character who subverts many of the typical tropes we see with these kinds of characters. Thaeus is kind, warm (in spite of being a *frost* death knight), and loving towards Ziael and his family. He is Zath's favorite of their large swath of OCs and played characters. It goes without saying that Zath is an excellent death knight and it's been a pleasure to see how Thaeus has grown in both retail as Zath's perpetual tinkered character and now in Classic as one of the guild's highest parsers.
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9 - Rated Battlegrounds with Zath Leading (World of Warcraft, Retail)
Zath always was a champ leading our RBG team. This is my favorite game recorded from that era. This game has a little bit of it all. People ribbing Zath playfully. Zath and I bantering over Frost Mage being good, for once! Ultimately, this game was a win where everyone had fun.
10 - Zath Podfics (Control 2019)
Zath has started reading some of my fics out loud. Honestly, this has been one of the greatest gifts they have ever given me. Hearing my stories outloud has helped me overcome some of my own imposter syndrome as a writer. When I hear Zath reading my stories, it shows me that I am a good writer. I hear the cadence, the intended tone of dialogue, the humor within humorous scenes. Normally I'm so detached from what I'm writing because I'm so immersed in it already. Having an outside perspective bringing the scenes to life has been a tremendous gift, one that I know has been produced with love, passion, and care.
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multitrackdrifting · 2 years
Kaguya-sama is simply unmatched because the author knows what he wants to do with the plot, he doesnt just take that premise of "they're both super-geniuses that don't want to bow down to the other to confess their feelings", he picks apart these perfect, beautiful people for everything they're worth down to the core and that's why the people who read it are always like "the writing is realistic" despite the setting being really cartoonish and silly.
Bad romcom writers are a dime a dozen but Akasaka Aka is clearing all of them easily. The manga is funny, the character development is believable, and how he continually subverts your expectations makes it worth reading every week. It's also really funny that he just slides in his opinions about random things like Discord not being popular (in Japan it was not the move back when he wrote that chapter) and then PUBG being Ishigami's go to game and later on it would shift to Apex Legends (which is the biggest game in Japan).
Every character is super well developed, even the comic relief ones have great moments to shine, and honestly the entire cast of that manga puts to shame so many manga in the same genre.
The best thing about reading it is that every predictable thing you think is going to happen with a premise like the one it has is straight up wrong
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hellokirannegi · 4 months
PUBG PC : Best Moments 2023 | Best Highlights, Funny Fails, and Epic Wins!"
PUBG PC : Best Moments 2023 | Best Highlights, Funny Fails, and Epic Wins!" Hello Gamers Wellcome to PUBG SHOW channel where you can watch PUBG PC , pubg pc , pubg battel grounds , pubg … Read the full article
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dibui · 8 months
Điểm Tin 2023-08-18
Picture Jokes - Funny Stories
·       The Final Fix
·       Just Turn Them Over…
·       Honor Among Thieves
·       Can You Hear Me Ever?
·       How I Know I Live In A Small Town…
Truyện XamVn
·       Thầy đồ lười nói dối
·       Thương vợ con quá..
·       Trung nghĩa nhất..
·       Hai thằng ngu…
·       Chọn hình phạt…
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Ảnh Đẹp
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·       Nữ Sinh Việt Nam
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Game Highlight
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apkfanda · 9 months
Kwai - Short Video Community
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WHAT IS KWAI? Kwai is a short video platform enabling you to discover and share daily life moments. You can watch funny short videos on Kwai; create videos using variety filters and effects; record moments in daily life; join hashtag challenges and most important, get to know people around the world. Join us and be part of our community! 🔥 TRENDS AND CHALLENGES! Capture the trends around the world by following daily challenges and competitions. Who will be the most popular one? Follow your favorite creators. Entertainment, comedy and all the interesting contents are on Kwai. In this app you can find funny videos, dynamic dance and comedy, listen to beautiful music, learn cooking skills, learn about fitness and makeup tutorials, and more. 🤹 SEE WHAT YOU LIKE MOST Food, Singing, Life skills, Dancing, Music, Beauty, Fashion, Sports, Pets and much more... Follow your favorite topics and meet new friends with common interests! In this app, you can be the first to learn about the music and content that may explode in 2023. Edit your masterpiece and create the most trending video of 2023. ❤️ FOLLOW YOUR FAVORITE CREATORS Chat with your favorite creators on Kwai. Download their videos to watch offline. Share videos on other platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Messenger with your friends and family. 🎬 CREATE ORIGINAL CONTENT ON KWAI On Kwai everyone can be a creator! You can show your talents or crazy ideas with a short video! No matter what you got in mind, it can be an interesting short video. Kwai will be the unique destination to create and share your videos! Upload your first video on Kwai and become a creator with BONUS! 🎥 NEW VIDEO EDITOR Keep track of all trends in hand! Here is how to create your first video: choose photos, add music or filters and post it! In addition, our looping and dubbing functions allow furthur cutting, trimming and merging videos, meanwhile beautification tools and stickers can enrich your creations. On Kwai, create videos and share to the world easily. Kwai is an easy-to-use video editing app, enjoy your creation! 👻 THE BEST EFFECTS Get inspired and have fun! Use Kwai's magic effects to create your short videos. Kwai is an app where you can enjoy, edit and share videos at will. Kwai provides powerful and easy-to-use editing tools! We have filters, voiceovers, music that allow you to easily record and edit your original video and take your content to the next level! With the help of these tools, you can easily become an editor! 🤣 FOR LAUGHING Enjoy happy moments watching short videos, memes and global trends. On Kwai, we gather fascinating short videos, come and keep up with the trends! WATCH LIVE STREAM Millions of talented broadcasters, dancers, singers, foodies, comedians live on Kwai. Watch 24 hours of great live streaming like live games, live music and live chat. Watch gamers play Minecraft, Among Us, PUBG, FIFA 18, League of Legends, Apex and much more. JOIN THE COMMUNITY Meet new friends and interact with each other via direct messages. Enjoy the community and social network to discover trendy contents and funny short videos. HELLO2023 Participate in New Year activities, review the wonderful moments in 2022, and express the best expectations for 2023. In this app, you can edit and share yearly videos and share your best wishes for 2023. After editing your video of the year, don't forget to use the share feature to make your video shine in social media. What are you still waiting for! Read the full article
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dragonrider1419 · 1 year
4K Pubg - Enemy Rushing - 😂 I Revive Team Mate - 😂 Funny moment #pubgmo...
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mainsslim · 2 years
The respawnables hack tool v 2.0
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See you in my next video tab tak k lie bye👋 Thanks for watching video Tell me in comment section on which topic you want next video for any question related to video if you like my work then SUBSCRIBE and hit the Bell icon and LIKE the video for more.
Īaj k lie itna hi video pasand aai to like or kre or haste rahe hasate rahe khelte rahe khilate rahe or dekhte rahe dikhate rahe Gaming Guy 😁 or bell icon ko apne Baja dia h toh orO se bajvate rahe💗.
Note :- I do not own this mod, credit of this whole video goes to their respectful artist. Hello team Digital Legend Entertainment, If you want it removed this video, please Contact Us by mail () or by leaving a comment on the video you believe infringes on your rights and We will remove your App ASAP.
=•=ĭISCLAIMER This video is for educational purposes, only a demonstration to help the developer to make the game better and to fix bugs I am not supporting to use this things, so download the original version from the google play store or app store and play the game normally.
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articlevewor · 2 years
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Moreover, load funny audio in any format like MP3, WAV. Voicemod Pro Crack 2021 is a simple free voice changer for Windows to chat online. So, download it now and enjoy the world’s best adapter converter for computers and online games. Voicemod Torrent also provides a ‘Sound Machine’ feature that works like the Soundboard app and works with online games or software like Team Speak or Discord to make a prank call. Allows you to download interesting sounds in MP3 or WAV format and layout with shortcut keys. You must find the best meme sounds and play your audio files in Apex Legends, Fortnight and Over watch. Voicemod Pro Crack 2021 Activation Key Free The official non-crack version allows for improved audio enhancement, stability and advanced editing features as well.
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mokuton-gaming · 2 years
BGMI funny moment #pubg #pubgm #bgmi #shorts #reels
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frugamingyt · 2 years
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ostadvlog · 3 years
pubg mobile
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ankushsati · 3 years
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allaboutpubg · 4 years
Pubg mobile new theme is arrived there is a new dance emotes . Iget it for free check this out..
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ankujgaming · 4 years
Subscribe For PUBG Funny Tik Tok Videos. Or Hit the Like Button and Share..
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