itsgerges · 3 months
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jamieroxxartist · 7 months
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A #Painting I painted a couple of years ago:
‘the #QuantumEntanglement of Love’
#MidCenturyModern #Abstract Style 2019, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 20"x16" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) This Sold Painting is Not Available.
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renovatio06 · 11 months
Double Slit: The experiment that challenges all we know about reality | Nature.com
The double-slit experiment’s interference patterns suggest something is in two places at once. image Credit: Huw Jones/Getty   Nature – Thomas Young’s double-slit experiment originally served to prove that light is a wave — but later quantum versions have made for a much fuzzier picture. Source: Particle, wave, both or neither? The experiment that challenges all we know about reality Here’s a…
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aeronlazar · 2 years
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You can have thousands of programs running simultaneously, they feed you perception like your favourite song, food, location, your preferences.
How you see yourself, the world around you, your beliefs, others, even your mindset is linked to it. They affect every aspect of your life including relationships with yourself and others, your finances, your career, your friendships, your experiences and so on. Sometimes we have distortions in our field, corrupted and distorted programming as a result of some event or experience we’ve been through.
When a program becomes corrupted, it creates a distorted perception, which in turn calls in a distorted version of reality.
Working with the field of frequency and energy and being able to ‘see’ into a person's field, I’m able to spot and find these distortions and release them. I co create this aspect with each client as I cannot insert a new program. Think of it like a transplant operation, your own body (subconscious) has to accept the new programming, so it must come from you.
The subconscious mind is smart and it would spot inserted programming which came from outside of you, so therefore you have to insert it.
This is why we do this together. When transplanted, I see the subconscious mind hovering over the new program for a moment, it then takes the new program and within seconds I can see the shift in energetic signature that the client is emitting.
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theesotericecho · 22 days
Quantum Echoes: The Profound Impact of the April 8th Solar Eclipse
Unveiling the Quantum and Spiritual Significance of Celestial Alignments By David Sawin | April 9, 2024 Yesterday’s solar eclipse was not just a spectacle for the eyes but a moment of significant quantum and spiritual convergence. In this piece, “Quantum Echoes,” we explore the deeper implications of such celestial events, delving into how they might influence the quantum fabric of our reality…
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olibana · 28 days
The Triumph of the world
In this post I want to make a brief review of this topic that has been discussed in various sources, areas and periods of history, and that does not exhaust its abundant symbology and meaning for the future of the human species. It is a topic that touches on aspects of life as varied as philosophy, religion, spirituality or science. It is a topic that raises questions so profound that it involves…
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scarlettjohanssonnf · 1 month
Creating an oscillating photonic Bell state from a semiconductor quantum dot for quantum key distribution requires a comprehensive understanding of quantum mechanics and quantum information theory. While I can provide a high-level overview of the process, implementing it in Python would require a significant amount of code and expertise in quantum computing libraries like Qiskit or Cirq. Here’s a simplified outline of the process: Quantum Dot Initialization: Initialize the semiconductor quantum dot in a specific quantum state. Photon Emission: Stimulate the quantum dot to emit photons. The emitted photons should be entangled due to the quantum properties of the quantum dot. Photon Detection: Detect the emitted photons using photodetectors. Quantum Operations: Apply quantum operations (e.g., Bell state measurement) on the detected photons to extract the key information. Error Correction and Privacy Amplification: Implement error correction and privacy amplification protocols to ensure the security and integrity of the generated key. Below is a conceptual code snippet using Qiskit to demonstrate the creation of a Bell state: from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute # Create a quantum circuit with two qubits qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2) # Apply Hadamard gate to the first qubit qc.h(0) # Apply CNOT gate with the first qubit as control and the second qubit as target qc.cx(0, 1) # Measure both qubits qc.measure([0,1], [0,1]) # Simulate the circuit simulator = Aer.get_backend(‘qasm_simulator’) result = execute(qc, simulator, shots=1000).result() # Get the counts counts = result.get_counts(qc) print(counts) This code creates a Bell state (an entangled state) between two qubits and measures the result. However, this is a simple example and doesn’t incorporate the complexities of semiconductor quantum dots and photon emission. For a complete implementation tailored to semiconductor quantum dots and photonic Bell states, you would need to delve deeper into the specifics of your experimental setup and the quantum computing framework you’re using.
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gesslen · 2 months
Language of God
В причудливом мире ⚛️🔬 субатомных частиц отважная доктор Амелия отправилась в комичный квест, чтобы 👥💬 поговорить с самим Богом о своеобразном поведении электронов. Вооруженная своим надежным карманным протектором и чувством 🤣😂🤪 юмора, она перемещалась по причудливому хаосу 🚨💀⚠️ квантового мира, уклоняясь по пути от игривых частиц и очаровательных атомов. Когда она наконец встретилась лицом к лицу с Богом, он проявил себя как 🌑🌀🕳️ космический стендап-комик, отпускающий 🗣🎤🤭😂 шутки о принципе неопределенности и дурацких выходках крошечных частиц. Со смехом и 📈✋ «дай пять» размером с частицу доктор Амелия поняла, что смех и 🔎🔭🕶исследование идут рука об руку, даже в самых маленьких помещениях.
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techospace · 5 months
Unraveling the Wonders of Quantum Entanglement in Physics: Insights from Peter Zoller
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Embark on a fascinating journey into the realm of quantum physics as we unravel the intricate phenomenon of quantum entanglement. In this exploration, we'll delve into the depths of the Standard Model, guided by the expertise of the renowned physicist Peter Zoller, to grasp the significance of this captivating phenomenon.
Understanding Quantum Entanglement
Quantum entanglement, a cornerstone of quantum mechanics, introduces a captivating interconnection between particles, defying classical intuition. It's a phenomenon where the state of one particle instantaneously influences the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This mysterious bond challenges the fundamentals of the Standard Model in physics.
Peter Zoller's Expertise
Renowned physicist Peter Zoller has played a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of quantum entanglement. His contributions have not only expanded our knowledge of fundamental physics but also propelled the exploration of practical applications, making him a key figure in the field.
Significance in the Standard Model
Quantum entanglement's role in the Standard Model is profound. It serves as a critical testing ground for the principles that govern the behavior of particles. Researchers, guided by the likes of Peter Zoller, use entanglement experiments to push the boundaries of our understanding and refine the foundations of the Standard Model.
Practical Implications
Beyond the theoretical realm, quantum entanglement holds promising practical applications. Scientists, inspired by the groundbreaking work of experts like Peter Zoller, are exploring avenues for secure quantum communication, revolutionary quantum computing, and ultra-precise measurements that could redefine technological landscapes.
As we navigate the intriguing landscape of quantum entanglement, guided by the insights of luminaries like Peter Zoller, we find ourselves at the forefront of scientific discovery. The interplay between theory and application in this field not only deepens our understanding of the quantum world but also points towards a future where the applications of entanglement will shape the next wave of technological innovation. Join us in unraveling the wonders of quantum entanglement and exploring its profound implications in the world of physics. Read the full article
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marcdecaria · 8 months
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The saying "there is no such thing as bad press" took on new depth for me when seen through a cosmic lens. It highlighted the intricate dance of cosmic energies on an expansive scale. Envision a blade seamlessly moving between the negative and positive realms of our dimension, each side possessing an equal chance to transition into the subsequent elevated domain through this cosmic conduit. This dance reflects the energies in our plane, whether negative or positive, each having a momentary opportunity to rise to a higher realm.
To provide some context, think of a school progression analogy: A first-grader momentarily steps into a second-grade class at the close of the school year. Following this brief experience, they move on to the third grade, while their initial peers proceed to the second. This dynamic symbolizes the ceaseless flow of energy within the cosmic fabric.
Within this vast ballet, the celestial interplay of energies can be likened to a divine mixer, orchestrating the rhythms of the cosmos. Given the vibrational limits of our plane, our energy essence undergoes a split: one part stays grounded, the other ascends, reminiscent of the principles of quantum entanglement. These divided yet interconnected parts might not actively communicate but can be likened to downloads. This naturally will synchronize, allowing further expansion within their respective dimensions.
This division of energy allows the grounded component to expand its consciousness, akin to triggering a portal. Eventually, this expansion peaks, and a split happens, like a cell splitting, separating the energies. It's as if a neural link retracts, unable to sense its counterpart any longer.
This cosmic dance mirrors humanity's curiosity which propels us to probe our oceanic depths or the infinite cosmos. This fundamental linkage is replicated throughout the larger system, "as above so below," which spans galaxies and even vaster realms. On such grand scales, this exploration seems like raw data, similar to an algorithm sifting through a vast digital repository.
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aicollider · 8 months
Exploring the concealed relationships between Dark Matter and Pavlov's Dogs
Title: Unraveling the Unseen: Unveiling Hidden Connections between Dark Matter and Pavlov’s Dogs Abstract: This dissertation aims to explore and reveal the hidden connections, relations, and patterns underlying Dark Matter and Pavlov’s Dogs. While these concepts may appear disparate at first, a deeper analysis uncovers profound links between them. By examining both the macroscopic universe’s…
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itsgerges · 3 months
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oneminutemeds · 8 months
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delibugle · 9 months
Unleashing the Power of Quantum Computing:Description
Quantum computing represents a paradigm shift in computational capabilities, harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations that were once thought impossible. This transformative technology has the potential to revolutionize fields ranging from cryptography and optimization to drug discovery and materials science. for more info https://delibugle.in/benefits-of-quantum-computing-innovations/
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aeronlazar · 2 years
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We are on a sinking ship.
As we purge the old 3D templates, gridwork and paradigms, we are stood on the deck of the Titanic, which has already fatally struck the iceberg. The ship is sinking and we know it. We see it all around us, we see people panicking, running around losing their minds.
Yet somehow we embody a sense of calmness amidst the chaos, we stand and listen as the man plays the violin on deck, the swansong for this current chapter for Humanity which is closing. We know the ship is sinking and there is no way to stop what is going to unfold, so we have 2 choices, sink or swim.
Friends, I’d ask you to calmly place your lifejackets over your head and make your way to the lifeboats. For those that do this there is the ‘New Earth’ to look forward to, a new dawn of the ages and a utopia by comparison. For those that insist on remaining firmly plugged in to the 3D gridwork and templates as it’s familiar and has served them well to this point, it’s only going to end one way.
We live in a world of free will, lessons and evolution. What’s your choice?
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theesotericecho · 1 month
Quantum Science and the Enigma of the Soul: A Journey Beyond the Veil
“Exploring the Unseen: Quantum Physics and the Soul’s Journey” – A mesmerizing depiction of the delicate dance between the scientific and the spiritual, inviting us into a realm where the mysteries of the universe and the enigma of the soul converge.Credit: Image by David Sawin, courtesy of The Esoteric Echo. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please Find Carefully…
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