alexjss · 7 months
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@birdmenmanga OMG!?
sorry dude i did it faster 😔🥀 /pos
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Also bonus!!!
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dailybisexuals · 1 year
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yououui · 1 year
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littlebigmouse · 4 months
Tsubasa Chronicle is great because it's a story about an adventuring party in which everyone is just repressed and mentally ill enough that they don't talk to each other about their personal problems and feelings and then get absolutely torn to shreds when their personal problems and feelings turn out to be plot-relevant and deadly.
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
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{H.O.L.I.C} ~ Ch. 177 ~ Watanuki's D R E A M + The C.L.O.N.E's + "{IT} WILL BE ALL R I G H T"
{Cap by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
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funnygeekpics · 1 year
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So today I want to talk about the parallels between Sakura and Fei Wang Reed in the Infinity arc:
Sakura is deceptive and manipulative. She has a cunning plan that she is carrying out behind the scenes.
She is literally the only person who thinks her plan is a good idea. There are people who follow her, but if they knew her full plan, they would stand against it.
Sakura uses other people (including r!Syaoran and Fai) as pawns.
She has more magical power than most people could dream of, but her main weapon is the tight control of information -- and, through that, people.
Oh, and her plan hinges on stuffing Sakura’s body full of feathers. Can’t forget that.
Anyway, thanks for listening.
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On the one hand I want to pause and be like, hey look, the lighting effects here make it look like Syaoran’s eyes are depicted PURE white and black here. Perfect symbolism. Such a nice touch. 
Meanwhile the other 90% of my brain is just SCREAMING ALARM BELLS SIRENS 
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Do you think the moment C!Syaoran stabbed R!Syaoran's thigh is the precise moment where Kimihiro fell from the window?
I never thought about it, but now that you've mentioned it, yes it's definitely possible.
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Watanuki sort of out of sudden falls out of the window. Nothing pushed him, nor he consciously tried to kill himself. Later on it's revealed that was because of Himawari's curse of bringing bad luck to those around her. So I always attributed window fall that
Ngl, I don't understand a thing about whole clone thing in trc and xxxholic and how they're connected. I understand Watanuki is somehow a clone of one of Syaoran's and that Syaoran and Sakura are his parents (?) but that's all I know. So I Googled the scene and found these two xxxholic pages:
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Which basically confirms what you've said: the moment one Syaoran stabbed another, Watanuki unconsciously threw himself from the window
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spurious · 8 months
i hurt myself laughing when i saw this
ok ones i didnt do YET (except i'll do the O one again since i can pick another song)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
In the spirit of the ask: Doggett is supportive of Scully and does try to, you know. Deal with all the insanity that happens constantly on TXF.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
ummmmmmm i'm struggling to think of one for this? There are sometimes things where I'm like huh, guess that has a fandom too. Steven Universe, maybe, back in the day when it was everywhere?
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Mountain Goats - Autoclave; SO MCSHEP
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
You never forget your first! Sakura/Syaoran my beloveds
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princefado · 8 months
do any CLAMP-heads know which Syaoran is supposed to be which in the Horitsuba Gakuen AU
I had assumed C!Syaoran was the younger goofier one and R!Syaoran was the older one but now I'm not so sure??? lol
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
I also hold this headcanon for alya
See my brain completely missed the Alya bit(which I approve of lmao) and started forming an essay on Syaoran because like.
I think I watched the anime all the way through once, but it's a good bit different from the /manga/ perspective.
So first off: Meilin does not exist in the Magna. So that's. That's not a Thing™.
Secondly: there is a lot of discussion on the Magic attracts Magic thing and while there's some handwaving on certain aspects, it feels like his crush on Yukito was in fact genuine because he didn't have that reaction to others with Magic. He didn't have the 'Magic' crush on Sakura, he fell for her over time. He didn't feel anything for Toya despite him being a strong Magic User, didn't have any vibes toward Sakura's dad or Eriol despite them being both halves of Clows' reincarnation, etc. The only one we get a handwave explanation for is Kaho, but it's a very thin 'he uses Moon-leaning Magic, she held an item to defeat Yue(the Moon)'.
Meanwhile with Sakura. Obviously she didn't have a crush on her dad or brother. She did fall for Yukito but 'girl has a crush on older brother's bff' is on brand. She had a very attracted and 'floaty' feeling around Kaho, but never became a full crush. She found herself vibing with Eriol and it was enough to make Syaoran jealous but she does math it out that he reminds her of her dad. Speaking of, the same goes for her in that she didn't have the initial Magic attraction to Syaoran. She picked up on the Vibes but fell in love with him later.
Neither really had any reaction to Ruby Moon/Nakuru. The Toya/Yukito relationship was said to have been pure coincidence as well.
So like. I /genuinely/ think that both Sakura and Syaoran had a crush on Yukito for non-Magical reasons. Just because he's a cute boy and very sweet to them.
Thirdly re: how he acts in pursuing his crush on Sakura: He actually only has a very short period of going 'hey wait a second-' which is at the end of the original six volumes. In Master of the Clow, he jumps right to the flirting/courting rituals he previously tried with Yukito and trying to make romantic gifts and kept bringing her good foods. The main things causing him to hesitate were either 1.) Sakura still has her little crush on Yukito and 2.) he keeps getting interrupted by Clow nonsense.
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lilover131 · 2 years
Do you think the moment C!Syaoran stabbed R!Syaoran's thigh is the same precise moment when Kimihiro fell from the window?
I'm SO glad you asked me this, because I can give you a definitive answer for this! So the answer is no. The moment Watanuki (Kimihiro) fell through the window was not at the same moment R!Syaoran's thigh was stabbed. I looked up the dates for when the chapters were released in serialization too just to make sure. So the chapter where R!Syaoran was stabbed in the thigh occurred in TRC chapter 123, which was released around July 28th, 2006 (maybe not that exact date, but at least in that week), and the chapter where Watanuki fell through the window in XXXHolic was released on the week of August 23rd, 2006 via chapter 116, nearly a full month later. But I like your thinking! Here's the fun part of this answer. I can actually tell you that there is a definitive parallel Tsubasa moment for the time Watanuki fell through the window. It did not happen at the same points in their life or at the same time in the manga's serialization, but R!Syaoran's 'window' moment was actually when he fought Fei Wang Reed in the ruins on Sakura's 7th birthday. The reason I know this is because when both R!Syaoran and Watanuki woke up in Yuuko's place with their injuries, CLAMP drew the pages exactly the same way, and the two had bandages in exactly the same places.
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This scene also makes my blood boil because it essentially means that the injuries Fei Wang Reed gave to poor 7 year old R!Syaoran was the equivalent to falling out of a two story window with a pane of glass.
It's also fun to compare how the both of them handled their injuries differently. Like R!Syaoran not listening when told to rest, and Watanuki being a good boy and staying put in that bed until he was all better. I hope this answers your question!
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When the Promised Return of C-Sakura and C-Syaoran happens it’ll be kinda funny because they’ll have the memories of an entire other life - one where they admitted their love, got married and had a child, no less.
The others (including R-Sy through his eye) remember them as a pair of young dorks that were freaking out over accidental handholding.
The ones they get back have canonically had sex
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Un AU donde los personajes de Card Captor Sakura sean actores con el paso del tiempo.
¿Qué ha pasado con los actores de Sakura Card Captor en la actualidad? - 03/2018
Las calles de Tokio se han pintado de rosa con la llegada de los ya tradicionales árboles de cerezo. Dicha escena nos hace preguntarnos: ¿Dónde se encuentra el cast de Sakura Card Captor ahora?
¡Recordemos un poco nuestra infancia!
Tras tres temporadas, dos películas y una secuela, Sakura Card Captor se ganó el corazón de millones alrededor del mundo con su historia y estética única a mediados del 2006 cuando se emitió por primera vez en Japón.
No podemos negar que la trama, de por sí, ya era atrapaste pero el talento y dedicación de, en ese entonces, niños nos cautivo de inmediato pero, ¿Te haz preguntado que ha pasado con ellos? ¡Aquí te lo contamos!
¡El cast de Sakura Card Captor ha crecido!
A lo largo del tiempo, cada uno ha seguido diferentes caminos dedicando su vida lejos del entretenimiento como dentro de este mismo, como es el caso de Daidōji Tomoyo.
Tomoyo no solo ha sido reconocida por sus trabajos en diferentes películas de cine independiente, sino también por su inigualable voz amielada quien nos ha regalado dos álbumes de estudios y cuatro singles para J-Dramas que se han ganado nuestros corazones.
De igual manera, hay que resaltar la veracidad empresarial de la joven quien, no solo maneja y es dueña de su propia línea de ropa: "Magic Captor Boutique" Sino que también está por lanzar su propia línea de maquillaje: "Queen of Cards" de forma mundial este año.
Una vez que el rodaje de Clear Card concluyó en 2015, Hiragizawa decidió retirarse del ojo público de la forma más discreta que pudo, regresando a su natal Inglaterra a cumplir su sueño de convertirse en chef.
Eriol es dueño de uno de los restaurantes gourmet más aclamados por la crítica, con tres estrellas Michelin y temática oriental que no te puedes perder en tu estadía en UK.
Pero sin duda, el hombre que más nos ha dado de que hablar, es nuestro co-protagonista y estrella de rock favorito: Li Syaoran.
Li no solo ha sido protagonista de una de las series más famosas de Japón, sino también ha robado el corazón de millones de fanáticos con su voz e imagen de chico malo, siendo fuertemente criticando y señalado con el paso de los años por sus rumores de citas y fama prepotente.
Sin embargo, con el paso de los años, Syaoran ha tenido más virtudes y éxitos de los cuales podemos presumir siendo el lanzamiento de su 3er disco de estudio "Dysmorphia" de la mano de la reconocida banda de rock/punk alternativo: "Chronicles R."
¿Qué pensarías si te dijeramos que, estando en la cima del estrellato, ella decidió volcar todo e ir a la universidad?
¡Una locura, cierto! Bueno, esa es la historia de Kinomoto Sakura.
Las malas lenguas del entretenimiento cuentan que una vez que el rodaje de Sakura Clear Card concluyera, la idea de filmar una película dentro de un mundo distopico donde, tras un incidente, la protagonista perdiera sus memorias empujando a su mejor amigo a viajar entre dimensiones en busca de ellas haciendo aliados en su viaje, cayera en manos de sus representantes quienes no llegaron a un acuerdo con la productora haciendo que el proyecto simplemente desapareciera.
"Viví mi vida escolar de forma diferente a la de los demás, soy agradecida con la educación que obtuve por parte del canal y la producción, pero no quiero perderme la experiencia de ir a una universidad y esforzarme como todos los demás."
Declaro Sakura en la entrevista de la alfombra de la premier de su película "Sakura Card Captor: La Carta Sellada."
Quién diría que dichas palabras serían un spoiler del futuro ya que, Kinomoto se ha ocultado del ojo público desde entonces, cuidando su imagen a tal grado que es difícil rastrearla en la actualidad.
Sabiendo que nuestra querida Sakura se encuentra concluyendo la licenciatura de Literatura y Letras en la Universidad Seisen en Tokyo.
Siendo su última aparición pública en junio de 2017 en la inauguración de la primera sucursal Magic Captor Boutique en Kyoto junto a Akiho Shinomoto, Li Meiling y Chiharu Mihara.
[Reporte publicado en marzo 2018, en la revista digital: Magical Notes. ]
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Captan a Kinomoto Sakura, ex-protagonista de Sakura Card Captor, en medio de un rodaje musical con... ¿¡Li Syaoran!?
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● Nota de la autora: Estaba aburrida en el trabajo y está idea vino a mi mientras veía un programa de chismes.
Me hubiera gustado llevar está idea de forma ilustrada pero, no sé dibujar... Pero, no pasa nada! Aquí tenemos creatividad para desarrollar esto.
En sí, no tengo como un ritmo, simplemente intento salir de mi bloqueo de escritor y quería subir algo de Sakura ahora que sigo con el hipe.
˚˗ˏˋ ACLARO. ˎˊ˗ Yo sé que la serie es de principios de los 2000's pero, modifique un poco las fechas para que sean más para acá...
Sin más, espero que les guste este intento de fanfic ♡
˚˗ˏˋ  Podrás encontrar también ese borrador en AO3 bajo el usuario de moonrise__sw ♡ y en mi Twitter/X bajo el mismo usuario. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ˎˊ˗
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koushirouizumi · 30 days
{xxxHOLiC} x "Leave Out All The Rest" {A.M.V.} ~ Shizuka Dōmeki x Kimihiro Watanuki {DOUWATA} / {WATADOU}
Happy Birthday, Watanuki & C.L.A.M.P Day, {Watanuki & Dōmeki}! (Apr. 1st in J.S.T!!)
This was an A.M.V. I originally meant to make a long, long time ago, basically around 2k10's 'Holic' fanbase era, but it got put on hold for many years for various reasons, including the fact my video editor basically half-stopped working very well during that timeframe. Since then, I saw "Rou: Adayume", and was inspired to finally try an A.M.V. for them! {This is a preliminary version/1st drafted attempt, and a 'finalized' version may be shared some day down the road.} This A.M.V. in total took about 1~2 hours to make, but a literal 10+ years of planning off and on in my head!!
{With bonus appearances from: - Haruka Dōmeki [1st verse] {briefly} - Yūko Ichihara [2nd verse] {minimal} - Yōkai Boy (Watanuki's childhood 'friend') - Yōkai Woman [Final sections] - C!Sakura, C!Syaoran, and R!"Syaoran" (All as Friendship) - There is a scene at the end with audio from Shunmuki.}
Warning: Some minimal blood. "Character 'death'" of a supporting character {Yōkai Woman}
(Note: If the A.M.V. does not display properly on Tumblr for any reason, try the Vimeo link directly, and it should work! If you still have trouble displaying it, Please feel free to ping me in comments or tags and let me know!)
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trcquotes · 10 months
Syaoran: Urrgh! Kurogane: That means the three of you won’t be drinking for a long time to come, right? Syaoran: R-right. Kurogane: You have no idea how much trouble it was just to get you guys to bed! Those two kitties were especially slippery—they constantly ran away!
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