#rantposting i guess
kinokoshoujoart · 10 months
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omg THAT event i’m sorry to hijack but i’ve been wanting to get on my Sosp Box about this forever
every time it gets brought up it gets blown out of proportion so hard… like ppl will say “there’s a scene where he LITERALLY cheats on lumina and lumina’s response implies he does so frequently” even i remembered it being way worse and when i actually saw it as a grownup lady he just. said “hey next time let’s go to the sea side”???
also muffy’s love interest is right there the whole time????
maybe it got censored in translation or something but as it is it’s just SO…. boring… i expected something juicer. lame
i do kinda love/hate the writing in hmds though bc it felt like a lot of scenes were just “WHOOPS adultery joke!!!!🤣🤣🤪🤪” (muffy gets a lot of these “jokes” which makes me cry. she deserved better treatment than the hmds writing) and every rival marriage is “haha look how henpecked the husbands are and how angry the wives are!! marriage bad! funny!!!!” uuuugh…
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ikilledamanforthisurl · 3 months
the fatigue regarding this shit is setting in real good but i still can't Not be upset about the opt-out of content scraping for staff's monetary gain. it's not insane to presume they keep up with the decisions other websites make, INCLUDING, SURELY, when they have to backtrack from something as fucking stupid as anything opt-out like with Deviantart's semi-recent blunders with opting-in to basic AI protection, and you'd think staff would be competent enough to know better than to implement the exact same mistake DA did. and yea, they are. staff is competent enough. they just don't fucking care. You sell so much more content when there are people on your website who have lost their passwords, left, or died, and are unable to actually opt out of the system. There's so much more content to sell when you scrape from private accounts, private functions such as asks, likely DMs, or proclaimed "deleted" content. There's so much more content to sell when the opt-out feature is practically inaccessible to the userbase shoved within blog settings, EACH individual blogs' settings at that, and only on certain versions on mobile that, again, not everyone can access because their updates just don't fucking function or people's phones are labelled "obsolete" due to their age and have updates gradually choked behind OS releases until they're no longer supported. There's so much more content to sell when people post their faces and bodies to this website during the time that AI deepfake sexual harassment & fraud is at its most legally ignored status. They are competent enough to know that all this is shit their users don't want but it doesn't matter, because this will make them the most money. it's not incompetence, it is deliberate, malicious greed.
when they roll back this opt-out issue and throw their hands in the air all Sorry! Sorry! We didn't realise it would Upset our dearest Userbase! it will have already been too late, and by the time they actually buck up and implement protections, it will already have been too late. they know this. it's deliberate. when you're in the machine you cannot get out. they want their money; they will implement the content scrapers before they do the protection. they will have made their money, and it's all at your expense, and then they will play incompetence and apologetics expecting you to believe them. "We're sorry your private blog was not safe- we did not intend this oversight!" Sorrys aren't good enough, and you're not sorry in the first place. incompetence is not an excuse, and it's not the reason. they're going to treat us like we're fools, but they're not incompetent, and they're not sorry.
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wavernot4love · 1 year
niche lil life update rantpost: real friends x knuckle puck show tonight genuinely, at risk of sounding a bit corny (because truthfully, this feels like the most accurate description)... healed my love for pop punk???
for a handful of months now after having a few negative experiences at pop punk shows, including a couple of my favorite bands', + w pop punk twitter and whatnot just being so wholly draining, i kinda projected my anger towards that stuff on pop punk/that scene as a whole and just... ran/distanced myself from it and totally immersed myself in post hardcore + mcr/fob/the pilots etc instead to try to ignore the stuff i was feeling towards a huge amount of the music that got me through so much stuff?
safe to say that reaction was executed pretty badly in hindsight, but i needed to do that to realize i was wrong.
anyways, tonight was an overwhelmingly positive experience in so many ways and 1. reminded me of the good here which i needed after spending so long running from the bad and 2. made me remember i can love pop punk (a genre/scene that's been w & here for me throughout my entire adolescence) and phc + mcr, the pilots, fob etc (who have as well) equally and they can simultaneously be a huge part of my life <3
idk dawg tl:dr great show full of gr8 bands that mean a lot 2 me within a scene/genre that also means a lot to me that helped me... reclaim, i guess? that scene after a handful of months, or in a sense, the better part of a year, of weird, really unfortunate disconnect from it
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saintofpride201 · 3 years
I'm sorry, but if you hate Sun Wukong from RWBY, i automatically don't trust you.
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crystalkleure · 5 years
You know, I have always considered myself to be a "the ends justify the means" sort of person, but there's also always something about the attitude of a LOT of characters with that same philosophy that I consistently absolutely hate. Upon introspection, I think I just realized what that is:
The ends do NOT justify the means if there was a better way to achieve those ends and you still picked the way that hurt people and caused problems.
Like...even if the end result is useful or beneficial, even if it helped MORE than it hurt, if you didn't have to hurt anyone at ALL to achieve that end then your "means" are suddenly just coming across as you thinking you've found a morally-justifiable excuse to be a jackass :| "Hmm I wanna be a dick and get away with it, so let me make sure my punching bag at least gets something out of it"
I'm a fan of "the ends justifying the means" only when there is no other way to achieve a happy end in a desperate situation aside from causing a little harm first -- like, when all your options suck, pick the option that sucks the least? Like, "cut off this guy's arm Right Now with no anaesthetic bc we don't HAVE anaesthetic and if we were to wait until we DID have some he'd be dead" or "kill this innocent bystander security guard who just caught us, because even though he's just a random guy who probably doesn't even know what's going on and he'd just be doing his job by reporting us, him doing that would get all of US killed, AND we lack a way to restrain or silence him on short notice in this time-sensitive situation so murder is literally the last resort here." Like, in that second example, you WOULD still be a giant asshole for offing the guy if there WERE a way to just safely incapacitate him instead, y'know?
Like, don't go looking for an excuse to be a jerk, just don't be a jerk if you can help it.
#In other words Coach Kudou from Ina11 just pissed me off lmao just fucking communicate with your team please sir#You don't have to...bully them into doing anything...if they'd be willing to do it anyway if you'd just ASK THEM TO......#hhhhhh#CK dissects#Uh sort of? I'm not dissecting any character/scene in particular; it's a recurring trope that keeps irritating me#Actually no it's IMPROPER EXECUTION of a trope that keeps irritating me. The trope is fine.#Bc like...there are ways to play it *even the way I'm complaining about* that are satisfying too though?#A frustrated not-so-morally-great character that is TRYING to be A Good Guy but is lookin to blow off steam would ABSOLUTELY--#-- be the type to do the douchey ''lookin for an excuse to wreak havoc'' thing bc They Are Still A Hair-Trigger Douche At Heart.#So it would be in-character and would offer insight into how their mind's workin. Which is great [from a characterization perspective]!#I think what I don't like is when a character who is SUPPOSED to be The Embodiment Of Morally Pure does this?#And as a result the audience is being told It's Okay Behaviour? Bc that character is portrayed as actually --#-- BEING good and also smart; they're not just pretending to be good. The character is being intentionally set up as a Moral Role Model.#hhhh I need sleep. Does any of this make sense??#...Also I guess the Moral Of The Rantpost does apply to real life here too actually. Huh.#Do As Little Harm As Possible. Good Solid Life Advice.
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riyanart98 · 3 years
I mean, right?!
Me: If I have to hear 'Individually Ventilated Cage' ONE MORE TIME...!
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glavilio · 3 years
(you can guess who this is) literally every time i saw you make a long rantpost on twitter i would get so annoyed like "oh my god stop inviting idiots into your life you KNOW whats gonna happen"
this is so fair and you're right as hell... i keep my account locked for the same reason you keep the zoo animals in their enclosure
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I am not a happy camper and I need to rant. I nursed a migraine from Thursday afternoon until Saturday morning, then I powered through postdrome syndrome by doing yoga Saturday afternoon, and then suffered severe back spasms towards the end of my practice. I was fine up until my kitties decided to have a 3-way play fight around my head. I was doing the cobra, then instinctively raised my arms to protect my head, and—boom!—I felt excruciating pain in my lower back. One of them nicked my chin, but that was the least of my worries. I was still able to finish class, grunting and gritting my teeth the whole time. As you would imagine, I spent the night trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. Dizzy from lack of sleep, I still had to crawl out of bed early to feed the overlords. It's painful to move, but I am glad that I am forced to be mobile. I have followed some YouTube exercises for back spasms and I am patiently waiting for my muscle relaxants and pain relief patches to be delivered. The rice cooker is already plugged in and quietly letting out steam and I'm ready to sautée the kangkong. Cocooning will commence again after lunch. Oh, and my fan conked out early this week. I had to buy a replacement online. I ordered a pink one, but they gave me an orange one with a lot of cattitude. I guess that's fine. He really is cute. 😹😹😹 Happy Sunday, friends! #journalofalockdown #letsstayhome #backpain #rantpost #stoptheworldIwanttogetoff #diegokumquatthecat #orangetabby #tabbylicious #housetiger #tabbylife #tabbylicious #tabbiesofinstagram #tabbycatsofinstagram #teamcatmojo #catslave https://www.instagram.com/p/CSlI90PhW6_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Any thoughts on what a modern!Fëanor would be getting up to as a 90s MIT undergrad? All I have written down is either course 6 or 7 or maybe both and then something something Biological Engineering Division (the '98 precursor to course 20, which is where I wanted him originally b/c my mental model of him won't shut up about uploading), and as a non-MIT student that's as far as I can get via Googling
[I am loving this trend, so now it’s an ask meme! Put a nerdy character I know about in my inbox and I’ll tell you what they would be like as an MIT student.]
I’m basing all of this on @lintamande‘s Fëanor, because I last read the actual Silmarillion in 2015. THAT SAID:
Major: definitely 6, since magical artifacts is definitely programming. Not sure where you’re getting the life science majors from, but he’s definitely a two-majors-and-a-minor kind of dude. Technically MIT lets you do two majors and three minors, and while I don’t know that anyone in the history of MIT has ever pulled that off I feel like Fëanor might try it anyway. (And succeed? But take 5 or 6 years about it? Depends how much of a Marty Stu you’re willing to let him be.) I guess I can see the life sciences majors, given that 1) the Silmarils have some sort of life-giving energy probably and 2) he definitely would not shut up about uploading. Dude needs to be immortal. Given that, I’m tempted to say 6/9/minor in 7, but I was 6/9 so that might just be ego talking. No, wait, 6/24/minor in 9 because linguistics, duh, or maybe 6/9/minor in 24 so he can have 24 as his HASS concentration. Argues with the linguistics profs a lot. Has a UROP but is never in the lab when anyone else is awake and his supervisor has kind of forgotten he exists.
Dorm/social: Bexley (RIP) or Senior House (RIP). Don’t know enough about floors within either of those dorms to specify further. Paints a fan-fucking-tastic mural or six in his room and nearby public spaces; one of these murals is a bunch of calligraphy in a conlang he created. Hangs out with the theater kids. If ec-discuss@ existed in the 90s, he’s on ec-discuss@ and rantposts a lot and posts a lot of IPPs. Is known by his kerberos almost exclusively but I don’t know what is kerberos is because that depends on whether you change his name to a human one (in which case his kerberos is “feanor”) or just assert that his parents named him Fëanor (in which case it’s something else but IDK what). If you ask him to work on a pset with you, he will tell you to fuck off, but will in doing so end up explaining the concept you were having trouble with, so whatever.
Health: His sleep cycle is either totally unstable, or very stable but on a 30-hour day. He eats nothing but ramen but doesn’t seem to have any nutritional deficiencies from it.
Shenanigans, because why write college AU fic if it doesn’t have shenanigans in it: Definitely tries drugs but doesn’t get super into them. Probably doesn’t hack much because he’s not a fan of the intense collaboration or the general slapdashness, but will scout for you if you bug him to. Don’t bother, though, because he’ll definitely pset while he’s supposed to be scouting.
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queenchrysalisrps · 7 years
[ooc] Ranting
That shit’s below the read more because I am a fucked up individual who is maybe a little bit tipsy and tired and depressed simultaneously.
my life’s shit, i’m stupidly jealous, and nobody cares, a rantpost. read more if you want i fucking guess you already clicked the link at this point and it’s all about me being a whiny bitch who nobody cares about
positive: ordered herbal testosterone blockers and estrogen boosters because the training we were supposed to get navy-wide on transitioning in the military had a due date of January 31st and it’s now almost a month later and we haven’t gotten it
here’s hoping i don’t get in trouble for that haha (spoilers: at this point I DON’T give a SHIT because if I didn’t start this then I’d probably fall even further down the apathy barrier and fail out of the nuclear programme, which is the only reason I’d like to be in the military at this point aside from staying away from moving back home)
trump is a shit as fuck president, rapist, dumbass, rascist, misogynist, transphobic, and basically using the american flag as toilet paper with his in-office state
there’s a handful of people I have mutual care for/about: -Lara’s my go to most days, best princess -Button’s a cute switch, but if I vanished I doubt she’d realize it -Amburro’s around sporadically these days -Chel has her own problems -i’m not sure how I feel about paul but he’s kind of precious -Audjob plays with other people a lot, acknowledges my existence but that comes close to -it- -and lauralai just came out from the abyss, went “i really like you and spending time with you, you’re kind of awesome” only to kind of do her own thing with other people instead
i’m quiet as fuck, nobody notices me, the only thing i’m particularly good at aside from being smart at this point is lying through my teeth unless i’m not serious about it at all
i’ve been trying to get a car for about a month and it’s finally about to happen con: another 6,000$ loan, around 200$/mo even through usaa for insurance
i’m moving into a co-worker’s apartment to set up a better way of getting to work since i have a habit of sleeping 4 hours a night during the work week; also 12 hour workdays of rotating shiftwork are literally satan
i feel unwanted by basically everybody, the people who aren’t straight-up apathetic prioritize other people way before they even think about me, i’m like a footnote cute girl
i never got below a 3.0 on a test before i joined the navy, now at least i know what it takes to be a genius (answer: complete social ineptitude)
i prioritize dumb shit, my life’s a mess, the navy is garbage, and the best thing that’s happened at all in my life so far is meeting a cute canadian girl
i went from public school in 5th grade to christian school the next, then back to public for 12th, then into the navy instead of staying home and going to college because i couldn’t take my parents at that point: which led to, because of the church’s doctrine, self-isolation as well as social isolation (aka different schools) from my gradeschool friends, who were awesome.
I miss Jennette, Molly, Aislinn, Maegan, Fernando, Miles, Langston, and the friends-of-friends situations I got into with them because those friends of friends were also fan fucking tastic. I miss the friends I made in 12th grade too, which basically includes the whole goddamn class because the school was bigger than the situation of “haha i’m the only one in the high school (11th grade)” by a margin of 40-50, + everyone was so great and it felt wonderful after transitioning from christian school to be around sane people again
nothing against christians, but sports and bible aren’t the only things that exist and if those are your main focuses in life you end up prty goddamn dumb and sheltered and overall a shitty human being from my experience
i’ve never cut myself but I sure have held objects that could close to my skin and thought about it
but then again
that’s probably why i’m completely starved for attention
sic: quiet; add: nerdy, kinky
i’m glad to be one person’s priority
i’m glad to feel wanted, at least in that respect
and it’s not like i outright burned bridges, i just let them fall apart
is that 6 year period to mean nothing in my life?
the things I learned since: transgender was what defined the odd feelings i had had for many more, following a religion is a lazy excuse for not trying to think about things too much (aka if the christian god were real i’d side with satan because that dude’s insane), i’d really like to write things but given success rates of authors it’s probably best to have a safety net, drugs will get you high, i am not a lightweight in terms of alcohol but 151 is some GOOD SHIT, i’m not emotionally dead but i have enough walls that the inside of my head is probably a hedge maze
if i do get discharged early, i’m just going to hit up my dad’s work through him and renovate my parent’s basement if they actually accept my “deviant” behavior.
if i don’t, then I’ll finish my 8 year contract- and yeah it’s definitely 8 years because even if electricians get the shittiest bonus that’s still 2 years for automatic advancement in rate that’s impossible to get off of just the test until you’ve got a year or so in the fleet; if I like it enough I might go reserves. regardless I’ll finish up the engineering degree and apply to civilian power plants and electrician companies, whatever it takes to live in washington because then I can make good pay and be happily close to princess, making enough $$ to save and retire soon after, staying fit and pretty and focusing on writing things from the world that’s been building in my mind’s eye for 5+ years now
i needed to write this down and it’s still not everything but it’s most of it
to include, “not everything” is largely “I don’t feel satisfied with the content of this post but it’s already so long” this is probably just going to be a summary of later posts on how fucked up my life has been from a personal standpoint
not to say that it’s the worst or anything like that
but it’s definitely not the best
i’m socially stupid/awkward and friends I’ve made in this program seem to keep being either in different spots than I am or being removed for various issues
also sorry not sorry for my first post on this blog in forever being complaints for far too long; that’s another thing i’m shitty at, because there are so many good muns out there that i practically abandoned talking to
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