#rarepare (?)
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I fucking love this stupid slur LOOK AT HIM RAAAAAAAAAAAA
The first one is my favorite hehe
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jaygayray-gangle · 9 months
I've never really thought I could share it on tumblur too waaaaaaaaa
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aucupariaart · 4 months
As already teased: here is the first chapter of my friend @deuslexlmachina and my fanfiction! We did our best and there is a lot of passion in it.
Here Trafalgar D. Water Lami survives Flevance and by sheer luck finds a way to stay alive. She will witness some parts of the main story, but mostly has her own path and will meet many familiar characters.
The first chapter is just a teaser what's to come! We are very excited to post it and hope it will find the right people. :)
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finchinmoria · 3 months
Everyone who dies in Aragorn's arms has to meet up in the afterlife and kiss about it.
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I don't make the rules*
*maybe I made this one
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cornettotism · 6 months
Besties, as a fandom multishipper: would it be wrong of me to genuinely ship spoimler just a tiny bit?
Obviously, to ship them, they'd have to get to know each other a bit more so it wouldn't just be Boimler fanboying over a slightly amused Spock, but...they're sort of cute I'm ngl and I'm embarrassed to say it so I'm posting about it on Tumblr.com for the world to see.
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genshinjourney · 2 months
Okay just so we’re fucking clear. (Btw thanks for @prinrestcess for the clarification)
Kaeya and Diluc are brothers (adopted) in Chinese too don’t argue about it and DON’T try to twist a narrative because uninformed people especially kids will believe it.
Either just say you don’t view adopted siblings as real siblings or say you openly support inc3st. Either way you’re getting blocked because no one wants to be around you. Just be a bitch but don’t lie about it.
Additional little side not that’s not really important: I don’t ship Shenyu anymore. Tbh I had no context when I played the event and just thought they were cute. As far as I know they’re not technically siblings or ever referred to as siblings BUT they both are sort of taken care of by Cloud Retainer. I think Gaming calls her auntie too at one point so yeah I don’t ship ANY of them, but I won’t like hate you for it as long as they’re never referred to as siblings. Same with Itto and Shinobu like they seem to have a more familial relationship than anything else but that’s just my opinion.
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watery-melon-baller · 2 months
this is the second time I've helped someone find a fic they lost. im an ao3 god I can find anything
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flashnthunder · 3 months
1, 7, 15, and 31 for the ask game <3 <3
rie!! hello :)
favorite character/s and why
probably changes too much, but lipton and bull off the top of my head! i think for similar reasons, i just love the looking-out-for-everyone characters what can i say (also roe)
7. unpopular ship/s you like
peacock/shames because of this fic, it was life-changing?? so imagine the speedrun of every stage of grief at finding there is a microscopic amount of content about them, even individually. a better known one but still criminally underrated ship would be bullmartin
15. hot fandom take?
webster (could probably also throw leckie's name in here) can be cringe fail a lot of the time but i don't find him as annoying as i think i lot of people on here do?? there's just a split between people who love him and people who hate him and less middle ground so idk if that's really a hot take so much as a random opinion on a character
31- something your mutuals/followers didn’t know about you
hmmm i practice archery, not as much any more for lack of time but!! it's fun, i shoot a compound bow
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aziraphalesbookkeeper · 4 months
why do i keep getting invested in side characters. can i get hyperfixated on a character with more than 4 episodes of screen time PLEASE
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commandernachos · 2 months
Reblogging for a bigger sample size is very appreciated!
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I cannot fucking believe that theirs only 3 kumidark fanfics on ao3.
this is complete bullshit.
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grimstrawberry · 1 year
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seers & their pretty eyes
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b00mp4wz · 1 year
WHY is there HARDLEY any June/Nepeta content & WHY is there no june/eridan content! I AM GONNA EXPLODE!! >:[
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ben-wisehart · 2 years
i've been running into 'shen yuan is only HIMSELF with sqh' and it baffles me. most of the time shen yuan is just verbally leaving sqh one star reviews on goodreads. that is a very specific mood and no more than 60% of anyone's full identity.
...LISTEN. Listen. Of course it's fair to say that SY/SQQ isn't able to fully express his true authentic self for much of the novel due to the role the System places him in! But "Peerless Cucumber" isn't his true authentic self either. It's just the side of himself he expresses most easily around Shang Qinghua. Am I only myself when I post memes on the internet?? Are the people who read my ramblings on tumblr dot com about one specific Chinese novel the only beings alive who truly know me, better than my own mother??
People are complicated! And it's just baffling to me because the side of himself that SQQ shows around SQH REEKS of performative masculinity. Does anyone ACTUALLY think "You don’t push down the righteous empress, are you fucking kidding me? Airplane, hand over the girlfriends, I’ll eat this book raw" is SY being himself?? His "true self" (whatever that is) does bleed through, especially in the way he talks about Binghe, but that's definitely not the self he is actively choosing to present the world.
I like SQQ and SQH's friendship well enough for what it is, but I've never really understood why they get portrayed as having this, like, deep and universe-defining connection. I can see them having fun together and bonding over their shared history, but come on. They're not soulmates. They actually don't even know each other that well. Shang Qinghua was literally the LAST person to figure out that Shen Qingqiu was gay. Throughout the entire novel I barely got the impression that they even liked each other; when Shang Qinghua gets given the option to return home in the extras, the fact that he would never see Shen Qingqiu again doesn't even cross his mind, only Mobei-Jun.
idk. I DO think they're friends and have a certain fondness for each other, especially post-canon, but I just don't buy that it's somehow more special than SQQ's relationship with any of the other characters in the novel.
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nehswritesstuffs · 11 months
!! you have a tumblr !! hello!! i am a huge fan of your corabelle stories ♥️ i love the way you portray their relationship (especially in “double-date from hell”, god that story cracks me up so much it’s unbelievable)
thank you so much for the rarepair food!! your writing is a gift ♥️
Aaaaah, thank you! Yes! I have a tumblr! You're the one who wrote the complimentary bookmark! I do appreciate that~ >///< I'm actually poking away at another Bellazón/Corabell related thing right now, so hopefully that will be out soon-ish. If I can. *checks it* I mean, I haven't gotten to the Bellazón part yet, but it'll be in there. The pairing has been treating me well, considering that Father Like Son, Mother Like Daughter, Parent Like Child (masterpost) currently has the most bookmarks of any of my other stories on AO3, bar none.* It's impressive.
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Also, FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION DOUBLE DATE FROM HELL ([tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]), because I literally JUST reread that and I had to laugh because yes that is some hilarious shit right there. I've been wanting to possibly write some more in that continuity but I've not gotten anything yet and feel like if it does, it'll probably smack me at, like, 4am and not let go until I write 23k words in three days lololol. Their relationship in that one is just too good to do once. It's too good in general to write only once, but you know what I mean. They know what they're about.
Anyhow, I'm glad that people are enjoying my recent forays back towards my roots! :D It's been fun and good for me like you wouldn't believe.
*I get the feeling that part of the reason why this fic does so well is the kids' altered sibling dynamic but that's neither here nor there bc wtf you guys powered past a 9yo Doctor Who WWII/1940s/1950s AU like it was nothing gg my dudes
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vladimpale · 1 year
you know you are deep in when after reading mainly polyam fics you can barely read monogamous ones anymore
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