Writeblr Intro Post: poore-choice-of-words
Hi! I’m poore-choice-of-words, previously ravenpuffwriter (changed because I cannot touch Harry Potter again until a certain person dies). You can call me Audrey.
I don’t talk about my stuff that often, not necessarily because I’m too busy writing it, or because I have a life, but because I just forget to. I don’t expect that to majorly change that anytime soon.
What do I work on?
The Heroes Guild is a web serial where all my nonsense happens. There are a lot of smaller series within it, but they mostly fall under the banner of Superheroes/Fantasy because that’s what sparks joy.
The most important thing to remember is everything is usually in the same continuity!
You can find descriptions for all the things here, but if you want to know some of them quickly:
The Fox and the Hunter: A romantic story featuring a retired thief and the head of security for the man she stole from. It becomes clear there’s more here than either of them are made aware of, and neither of them are safe. Monthly, updates every first Saturday of the month.
Summer’s Summer with Summer: A middle-grade type story about a girl obsessed with books and the rest of her weird friends being offered the ability to transform into people who can save the world. They accept before realizing how much they aren’t told. Summer has to deal with fighting the sisters of her talisman spirit, who isn’t feeling confident enough to keep her transformed. Monthly, updates every second Saturday of the month.
The Forged King: A high fantasy story about four young adults who change the world, mainly in reaction to the previous generations actions. Slow reveals and lots of lore. Also some romance elements. Monthly, updates every third Saturday of the month.
Humanless: An Urban Fantasy taking place at a superhuman dominant college. Bobbi Fayner isn’t superhuman, she’s been tested multiple times on that front, but she’s about to discover there’s a lot more than the federal Department of Superhuman Resources is aware of, especially at Miskatonic West. Monthly, Updates every fourth Saturday of the month.
There’s also weekly series that update every Wednesday, but the turnover is too fast for me to trust updating the description.
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△ Zach, did you know you are a fictional character?
This is like a 2
“Oh, yeah, of course. I’ve been arriving to Satan’s palace for the past, like... month?
“No normal life occasionally gets stuck in limbo like this.
“But I don’t mind! I get to explore the world alongside my author, and that’s pretty fun!”
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monstrouswrites · 4 years
🍿 Share an out-of-context line from your WIP
I left part o' my heart then and there, but that free feeling tha' followed the jump over the fence? That was what kept me goin'.
- Colt, A Cryptic Carol
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Storyteller Saturday! Which OC has the most influence over the others?
Interesting question! I think I could go about this with a few definitions, so here’s a sampling!
Through a series of events she still doesn’t fully understand, Aris has been appointed the “leader” on the Homestead. She’s not exactly unfamiliar with being in or near positions of leadership, but she still has a sense of “What do you mean I’m in charge of this?!” at times.
J is good at inspiring people! She is passionate, a gifted public speaker, and has the genuine desire to effect change. She also has the rare but useful skill of picking up on what typically motivates people and can use that to push stubborn parties toward doing what she believes needs to be done while making them think it was their idea all the time. 
Ditto to Tavi’s passion, drive, and ability to bring momentum to a cause! She is extremely stubborn and holds firm to what she believes to be right, so sometimes people will give in to her influence just because it’s easier than butting heads with her.
Technically speaking, Ione has the ability to influence people’s thoughts to a high degree and make people do whatever she wants (#JustTelepathThings.) However, she didn’t exactly want this ability in the first place. She was telekinetic only for most of her life, and she knows what it is to be coerced and manipulated into saying yes. Additionally, she is a naturally gentle, peaceful person who values privacy highly and does all she can  to prevent prying in where she isn’t wanted. She would only intervene in such a way if someone was endangering those close to her, or if they were posing a threat to their own safety. 
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Meet and Greet Monday! Since it's June First! What are some subtle ways your queer characters show their pride? (If they have any subtleties)
Yup, subtle is NOT Tybee’s strong suit :P He would wear the glitteriest make up and accessories (and body paint, if he’s going somewhere shirtless)
Kyle would offer to take Lia and Gil to Pride to maybe go pick out buttons/pins, if they wanted to. They’re just starting to figure out what variety of “not straight” they are, so I don’t know how ready for Pride of their of them are
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Funny As(s)k Friday! What Vine are each of your OCs most likely to reference? (Not one that reminds you of them, but one they love so much that they'll keep using it) (sorry If I somehow asked this twice, Tumblr's been asking if I'm a robot and it's got me befuddled)
Great question, I love it!
Marta: “Girl’s gotta take her time gettin’ pretty. You think all this was an accident?”
Andras: “AA...AAA...AAAA!”
Heini: “This is why Mom doesn’t fucking love you!”
Sophie: “Uh yeah I sure hope it does”
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wildswrites · 4 years
All the 1s from the ask game! 1, 11, 21, etc.
1. Favorite place to write.
anywhere comfortable! i focus the best when i’m not in pain from a hard backed chair!
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
ha! a writing process? what is that? sometimes i start with a character, or an idea, or a prompt, or a plot. then i write about 5000 words, have no idea what’s going on, and then try to outline. that may or may not fail terribly. then i either power on through or give up and move on to another story!!
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s.
"Until next time," she replies, and does her level best to disappear mysteriously into the darkness of the night.
31. Hardest character to write.
honestly, anyone who is truly good. i try my best to be good, as a person, but there are simply times when being a slytherin is your best option. and that is all the time.
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?
too many. usually anywhere between one and four before i start dropping works, haha.
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story in 5 sentences or words.
Glass Moon: A godless heathen finds grace. Landborn: The true enemy hides well. Adversity Between Chaos: Lose yourself to find yourself.
thanks for the ask @ravenpuffwriter​!!
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lettersandinkstains · 4 years
“Do not come back here.” And the door closes.
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Funny As(s)k Friday! What Vine are each of your OCs most likely to reference? (Not one that reminds you of them, but one they love so much that they'll keep using it)
I honestly never got into Vines, so I have no answer for this, sorry.
Happy belated FAF.
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adaparkwrites · 4 years
Funny As(s)k Friday! What Vine are each of your OCs most likely to reference? (Not one that reminds you of them, but one they love so much that they'll keep using it)
Thank you for the ask!
Sycamore: “Look at all those chickens!” (Link)
Prince Alastair: “It’s an avocado! Thanks.” (Link)
Acacia: When Mama Isn’t Home (Link)
Kipling: Squeaking Ducks Army (Link)
Dana: “What do you have?” “A knife.” “NO!!!” (Link)
( Funny Ass(k) Friday was started by @hannahs-creations​ )
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inkwell-attitude · 4 years
Storyteller Saturday! what's something that was harder than expected to write? What was something easier than expected?
Happy Saturday! 
Funny enough, the answer for both of these is the writing style I was using for my wip Odds & Ends. I’m a pretty wordy writer but that story in particular I wanted to use a writing style similar to Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett; with the narrator who has lots of opinions, very straightforward descriptions and a quirky, lighthearted feel. It was tons of fun to write in because I was able to just go with the flow and play around with the tone of the story, which is a lot easier than having to make sure the descriptions flow elegantly and all that. 
It was tough mainly because I don’t naturally write in that style (though, to be honest, I don’t think many people write in the style of Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams,) but it was still a good exercise. I’m still planning on writing in that style when I pick up Odds & Ends again :P
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livvywrites · 4 years
Hercules and Atlantis from the Disney asks!
thank you!! :) answering for Ava!!
Hercules - Is your muse more physically strong, or emotionally strong?
Ava is more emotionally strong than physically strong! I mean, she definitely has some physical strength---can’t wield a bow the way she does or walk everywhere without developing some strength. But, it’s not really her strong suit.
Atlantis - Is your muse adventurous or do they prefer to seclude themselves?
Ava... is somewhere between the two. She doesn’t mind a good adventure, but she really wants a place to call home, somewhere she can settle down for a bit.
[ care to ask some disney-themed character questions? ]
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It's mother's day! So how is the worst mother in the world (Agau) doing?
Alskfjsjshd she’s doing as well as can be expected when all of her evil plans are going wrong.
Which is to say, terribly. As she deserves.
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marewriteblr · 4 years
22 and 31 from the writeblr asks!
thank you for the ask!!
22. how many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
this really depends on the project, i’ve had wips that i wasn’t satisfied with after years of revision and rewriting, simply because i wasn’t ready for that particular story. i would say though it usually takes around five drafts? it also depends if i have to rewrite from scratch after the first draft, which isn’t always the case.
31. hardest character to write
i feel like i’ve answered this before somewhere but i don’t remember what i said sksjksjs uhhh i don’t think there’s a particular character i find hard to write, i do have a tendency to struggle with certain types of characters. if i had to choose i’d say i struggle with maicon from apoc the most, problem is i can’t quite figure out why
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Storyteller Saturday! Which OC have you had the longest? How all have they changed since you first imagined them?
J holds the record for longest-running OC in the gang! She’s also changed quite a bit through the iterations, I think. Here’s a few examples.
Maybe a bit of a smaller change compared to the others, but she used to be called exclusively by her full name. Then, J was adopted between her and a few close friends as a fond nickname. Finally it spread to the whole group, and she now prefers just J. Jewels is too pretentious, she says. (She doesn’t mind Joya, the Constellan version.)
In the really, really early version of this universe of short-story WIPs, there was a lot more focus on J’s duties on the special forces and the relationships between those characters. She was something of an antagonist in those, not because she wasn’t a good person or had dangerous goals, but because she was much more snobby and narrow-minded. It made her the sort of friend who you’re not 100% belongs in/is fully wanted in the group. 
She didn’t have any love interests for a long time, probably because I hadn’t figured out that she actually liked women and not men. 
J has become a lot more involved in the political side of things. Originally, I never intended for her to move beyond the more minor duchess role, which had a large impact on how she grew up, but wasn’t extremely relevant to her after she joined the special forces. Now, her country as a whole (Romatia) has a much bigger political subplot going on, and she actually takes up her family’s crown as monarch for a time by necessity. 
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Storyteller Saturday! Are there any family relationships in particular you find yourself writing often? Found family counts!
I am definitely a sucker for Found Family! I also seem to write a lot of brothers for some reason? IDK why
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