#renaissance technologies
riverwoodcapital1 · 1 year
The Rise of D.E. Shaw and the impact of "ghost patterns" on the hedge fund industry
👻 Ever heard of "ghost patterns"? These elusive trends are shaping the future of finance, and D.E. Shaw is leading the charge. Discover how these mysterious market movements are transforming the hedge fund industry and the way we think about investing.
I’ve always been fascinated by the world of quantitative investing and the mysterious “ghost patterns” that have contributed to the success of firms like D.E. Shaw and Renaissance Technologies. These elusive statistical anomalies, which defy traditional economic logic, have allowed these firms to generate consistent, above-average returns and solidify their place as leaders in the industry. But…
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ai-azura · 1 year
Unveiling the Top High-Frequency Trading Firms: An Insight into the Industry's Key Players
Unveiling the Top High-Frequency Trading Firms: An Insight into the Industry’s Key Players
Introduction Explanation of high-frequency trading: High-frequency trading (HFT) is a type of algorithmic trading that uses advanced computer programs and high-speed communication networks to execute trades in milliseconds or even microseconds. These trades are typically made in large quantities and at high speeds, and are based on complex mathematical algorithms that analyze market data and…
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worldhistoryfacts · 2 months
The earliest drawing of a parachute-like concept comes from Italy in the 1470s. Mariano di Jacopo detto il Taccola sketched the conical device you see below. It wouldn't have worked — the parachute is too small, the wood would be too heavy — but the idea is there:
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About a decade later, Leonardo da Vinci sketched a similar idea — a pointy cloth parachute held open by a wooden frame. Though da Vinci’s design was never actually used in the Renaissance, it apparently works; a British skydiver named Adrian Nicholas tried it out in 2000.
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{Buy me a coffee} {WHF} {Medium} {Looking Through the Past}
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Lady Ysabella Theer
Based on the portrait of Bianca Maria Sforza, by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis
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ancientorigins · 7 days
Leonardo da Vinci was the man who saw the future! While famous for his art, he dreamed of helicopters, robots, and diving suits centuries ahead of his time. His notebooks are filled with designs for inventions that could have changed history.
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edorazzi · 1 year
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A set of modern Jericho redesigns I did for fun!
Based on the thought of a Rebirth-style Titans team if Joey had been part of the crew. He’s just Ravager’s hot brother who shows up sometimes (and Nightwing is looking respectfully). 👀
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diarythebookwyrm · 11 months
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So, uh...I've recently been reading the Emelan books by Tamora Pierce and Briar's Book hits a lot different in a post-Covid world, don't it?
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blatentmisinformation · 15 hours
Electricity was first produced in usable form in late 1500s Venice, where it was a popular fad to use it to burn patterns into wooden clogs. However over disputes over the ownership of the patent that turned violent following the unexpected death of the inventor and an unfortunate fire in the Venetian archives the method to reproduce the device was lost to time and electricity considered a short lived, impractical fad.
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littledreamling · 2 years
Hob would’ve been so invested in the space race during the 60’s. Not because he’s particularly interested in the geopolitical aspect; he couldn’t care less about the petty feud between the US and Russia, but the fact that mankind was going to space for the first time?? He’d lose his shit and you can bet your ass he kept an incredibly detailed journal about it to share with his Stranger if he showed up after their fight
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moonknightproductions · 2 months
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therealvinelle · 1 year
How does the Volturi deal with today’s technology ? For example during the feeding what if a phone or Apple air tag is thrown somewhere ( hidden ) during the chaos and the last location is in volterra in this really sketchy castle…
I mean, I imagine it's a mixed bag. Modern technology has made the law easier to enforce in a lot of ways as Aro can now text his guard orders from the other side of the globe, and instead of having to send out Demetri every time he wants to get in touch with someone he can see if they have a phone first. Traveling is made much easier.
On the downside, humans have technology too.
Heidi's humans
(Also answered here, but I received enough follow-ups that I'll just reiterate it.)
I can't imagine the humans Heidi brings in are allowed to bring their technological gadgets. They could use it to communicate information about where they're going to loved ones, they could film something they shouldn't, and as you say the geolocation on their devices could prove incriminating for the Volturi. Most likely Heidi has a basket she asks everyone to put their phones, smart watches, tablets, etc. in, and some method for searching them without their realizing they're being searched, just in case anyone tries to hide their phone away. (One possibility I can see here is that Heidi goes through all their clothes while they're showering or asleep on the journey, or else she gives them new ones that conveniently don't have any pockets).
We see one of the tourists she has ensnared is taking pictures with his camera, but it being 2006 that wouldn't have been a smart camera. Most likely, non-smart, non-communicational devices are allowed to stay to give them a false sense of security, and if the device wasn't damaged during the massacre it is either destroyed or confiscated after they're dead.
In short, no, I don't think Heidi's humans are a problem. Modern technology simply means Aro needs to write her a protocol for that.
The internet as a threat to the secret
Should a vampire or any other supernatural being go viral, I think the best thing the Volturi can do is ignore it. Acknowledging it in any way would only be calling attention to themselves. Better to deal with the offender on the sly, and let the humans figure out an explanation for the youtube video they saw one way or another.
Should the humans arrive at the correct conclusion, if the footage is verified and clearly depicts humanoid creatures killing humans, then Aro will have to take it from there but it really wouldn't be different from how he'd have to respond if there was a public massacre with enough survivors that the reality of vampires can't be denied.
And that, I think, is a scenario the Volturi have always been prepared for (and which has likely come to pass before). In that, the internet isn't too revolutionary.
Ultimately, though, even if the secret comes out it would be a headache for the Volturi, but they'd manage. The secret's purpose is to force vampires to reign it in, not to be secret for secrecy's sake. In that, the Volturi will be just fine no matter what modern technology gets up to.
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pirateswhore · 10 months
hook encounters the vaccine for polio and goes fucking insane. 'What do you MEAN people don't want this, swan? You mean to bloody well tell me that there are people out there who are purposely choosing to expose themselves to bloody polio instead of taking a simple injection to never die of it again?'
killian would 100% be pro-vaccine and pro-medicine/science, he probably has 1st hand experience over loved ones dying from it (his mother, perhaps, friends, crewmates, etc). he would be delighted at how far medicine has progressed !! and that people aren't dying of simple diseases anymore. but he would also 100% punch an anti-vaxer in the face for being stupid.
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 6 months
america (and maybe the world?) is in a period of cultural stagnation. it's difficult to deny.
many people take this as evidence of america's inevitable decline.
but i don't think that's the case. cultural stagnation isn't /necessarily/ indicative of decline. on the contrary, it often precedes a cultural renaissance.
the italian renaissance was, after all, preceded by the dark ages.
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dizzydispatch · 1 year
do you think the cullens could use smart phones?
like aren’t touchscreens heat based?
how would that work
maybe smeyer would just use it as another way to reinforce the “old-fashioned good, modern bad” thing
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earthscory · 1 year
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the first computer [ 5-8 ]
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