twodlover · 1 year
where the vivi/robin shippers are at?
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robbyykeene · 2 years
Maybe I am being super dramatic and over-analyzing here but I thought it was super weird to see Johnny and Robby drinking at the end of 5x01. Like one of the defining characteristics for me at least was that he hate Johnny for being an alcoholic/didn't want to be like him, and we've seen him refusing too in the past [2x09, 3x08]. Not that one beer makes you in need of an AA meeting lol. It's just something that gave me pause a bit. Seemed super weird to me.
Oh I think those were the coke bottles Johnny bought earlier in the episode. I did do a bit of a double take though when I watched it lol
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emeoonbird · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nefertari Vivi/Nico Robin Characters: Nico Robin Additional Tags: Mentioned Nefertari Vivi, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Dream Sharing, Sad Ending, no beta we die like kuina, Femslash February, Femslash February 2023, Comfort/Angst, i guess, Since It Starts Sweet And Finishes Kinda Sad, I Will Go Down With This Ship Series: Part 2 of femslash february Summary:
Suas irises acinzentadas tentavam observar o seu arredor, no entanto, mal conseguia ver tamanho era o embaçamento que dominava a sua vista. Era como se alguém estivesse censurando o que pudesse ou não olhar, tendo poucos detalhes nítidos que conseguia discernir. Por isso, não foi uma surpresa para si que sua atenção tivesse sido levada até um simples candelabro de ouro, este que iluminava o centro do salão.
E, bem no centro de sua luz, existia uma mulher.
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animesickos · 9 months
My wife and I listened to the first 6 episodes of Anime Sickos straight through while unpacking after moving yesterday and during the Wife Pentacle episode when Robvie Tripp was mentioned i said out loud "oh shit the curvy wife guy" to which she replied "how do you know the curvy wife guy's name off the top of your head." Deep psychic damage, 10 out of 10 podcast, keep up the great work (i assume, i havent made it out of 2019 episodes yet)
Ayyy hell yeah. So pleased to hear this. We put a lot of effort in making sure our episodes were good right away so we wouldn't have to do that "uhhh be sure to skip the first few eps, they're a little rough" thing so many shows do. can't wait for you to get to The Pandemic Starting. Lol. I wonder how that whole arc plays in retrospect.
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Getting sleepy, but with sleepy comes some thoughts that made me soft. More so because my main bed blanket is green.
No one is really sure of when Vy started tugging on Robin Hood's cloak. It's a small thing, but it's noticeable amongst the Chaldean staff and the other Servants after a while. It's especially hard to miss when Vy is in one of her tired days and barely trailing after the Archer as he leads her back to her room for her daily naps, because it's only with her tugging on a corner of the green mantle that she keeps upright at all.
The No Face May King, of course, is no ordinary cloak. It is a Noble Phantasm, and a mark of what makes Chaldea's Robin Hood, well, Robin Hood. It lets him fade into the darkness, blend into the trees of the Sherwood Forest he called home, and fight from the shadows to protect the people.
No one said it couldn't be used as a comfort item.
Vy doesn't tug that hard on it. If anything, the amount of "tug" helps convey to Robin, without words, how she is feeling.
A light, short tug - Vy wants to talk to him.
A quiet, lengthy tug that doesn't crumple the fabric - Vy's tired.
A gentle tug accompanied by a soft "Muu" noise - Vy's troubled and wants to stay with him.
Those translations are still works in progress, but Robin's open to suggestions.
Sometimes, the tugs are accompanied by Vy's head gently lulling against his shoulder, her eyes sliding shut as she rests against his side, glasses falling crooked on the bridge of her nose. She often brings her knees up to her chest as she does this, curling up into herself to nearly resemble a ball if not for the hand still peeking out past her middle to keep a grip on his mantle. Still, she stays with him, staying especially quiet after a tough battle in a Singularity or so. No one outside of them can really hear Vy at this point, because Vy opts for mental conversations more than her actual voice, but Robin's gotten used to it.
Only the other Grailed Servants will be able to hear Robin admit he likes talking to Vy with their mental voices. He was never able to do that when he was alive.
Oh, and of course. After everything they've seen together, Robin can't blame Vy for wanting some peace and quiet.
He still remembers how small and haunted Vy looked after coming back from Agartha. How her face turned pale from hearing Arnold Beckman's lengthy tirades during that trip into the Seraphix oil rig, as if seeing someone who wasn't there before every time the man berate her for not following his orders. Hell, he can still close his eyes and glimpse the tears in hers from when she murmured, "I still hear them sometimes, when no one's around," in that empty church in SE.RA.PH, her mental voice weak from remembering whatever she had seen from the dying Seraphix staff before he got to meet her again. He won't ever forget the sheer rage and bitterness Vy held against Kiara, screaming "THIS IS FOR SHIROU!", and how much Vy seemed to almost hide herself away in the No Face May King once they came back to Chaldea.
Robin always wraps an arm around Vy's shoulders to bring her closer to him if she still stays after a while. The No Face May King eventually helps her mind settle enough for her to fall asleep.
Da Vinci gets a new visitor to her workshop later, and coincidentally, Vy eventually finds a familiar green cloak folded up on her desk. The only thing with it is a note saying (in oddly curved scrawl too): "In case if I'm gone."
Vy treasures it to the point of washing it every week with the laundry, and some Servants whisper of peculiar sightings - specifically, of their only Master occasionally hugging the Noble Phantasm replica to her chest like it's a long lost teddy bear. No one but Robin knows the truth.
Even then, Vy still finds him by tugging at the No Face May King. Robin lets her.
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dorotheehq · 3 years
“ ¿no puede haber un solo evento normal? ”
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“¿qué no te gustó? tuvo de todo: broncas, lloros, besos y paseos de la vergüenza. estuvo interesante”
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esmemartinez · 3 years
“ ¿te hirieron? ”  / @robvie​. 
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Había logrado zafarse del agarre de un policía, todavía un poco conmocionada por lo que acababa de pasar. “No, estoy bien...” aseguró. Su brazo dolía, pero no sería más que un moretón. “¿Qué se supone que está planeando tu padre?”
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scaryfaggot · 2 years
lazytown is so fucking Funny like they are always just doing unnecessary shit.sportacus caught and saved robbie and then Robvie was like PUT ME DOWN and spotscus shrugged like Well ifyou say soo!!!🙂 and then dropped him like There was no reason to do that And it was just straight up mean.and then in this episode sportacus just like. Dagger threw a carrot at a wooden crate like Literally what was the reason for that sportscus You fucking freak
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moefongo · 3 years
General Stables (Horse!Astor x Robbie): Part 3
This continues folks and stay tuned for part 4 since this is only getting started
Also trigger warnings: violence, mentions of torture
If there is anything else anyone wants me to tag, let me know
Robbie and Astor had been keeping their relationship a secret for many months now. Months that were filled with blissful love and tender romance. Their dynamic was simple they pretended to be enemies during day time and in battle. But when the twilight sets in, their fictional hatred melts away and in comes their love and affection. Usually tending each other's wounds, whispering sweet nothings and comforting each other on their tender embrace.
That was their lovely routine until that fateful day. It was after an intense battle, when it was time to go back home Robbie went to his laboratory first and Astor followed suit all alone or so he thought. Behind Astor's careless trotting, crept Link and Purah carefully following his every step. This went on until he finally arrived at Robbie's doorstep.
They both awaited in the shadows to see what would happen. But what they saw surprised them to their core. The scene before them, Robvie amorously greeting their enemy and welcoming him inside his home. No words were necessary, Link and Purah now knew that Robbie is a traitor.
Robbie and Astor would never have imagined it. One moment they were blissfully unwinding and in the other came a knock on Robbies door. It is certainly unusual for somebody to visit so late at night, thought Robbie making his way to the door. Once he opened the door he was greeted by Purah and a multitude of soldiers, including Link.
It was all so fast, almost like a blur. Everything happened so quickly that in a moment Robbie was apprehended and taken for questioning.
All he can recall is Purah's disappointment and her harsh words echoing in his mind, "Out of everyone, I never expected you to be a disgusting traitor."
As well as screaming for Astor to run away as fast as he could. After that he was knocked out cold and taken back to the castle by one group of soldiers while the other group and Link handled Astor.
Astor fought with all of his might, trying to eliminate the soldiers and that pesky Hero. But by the time he was only down to Link he had no choice but to retreat. He was badly wounded and in no condition to continue fighting.
Astor was enraged, he couldn't fathom the fact that his beloved was now being held prisoner. And that it was his fault that he was incarcerated. Astor retreated but punished himself for bringing this upon his beloved Robbie, he spent many days and nights devising a plan to free him.
Meanwhile Robbie spent his days in the deepest part of the castle's dungeon, constantly being questioned and tortured to get answers from him. The pain was horrendous but he would certainly not betray his love. As he was sure that his beloved Astor would come and rescue him.
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cxove · 3 years
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sería una mentira decir que no lo ha visto desde que llegó. quiere acercarse a él, es tan extraño no poder saludarlo cuando interacciones entre ambos iban tan bien. cada vez que siente que se arma de suficiente valor recuerda el beso que vio entre él y su mejor amiga, no puede simplemente ignorarlo. toma un par de respiros y sin entender exactamente de donde saca la valentía llega hasta donde se encuentra el ferreira. solo se para ahí, incapaz de decirle algo. “lo siento. no sé porque vine para acá—” se queda en silencio por unos segundos. “esto fue un error.” agrega antes de girarse para huir de ahí. ( @robvie​ )
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marcymaytaylor · 3 years
“ ya nada me sorprende. ” @robvie​
"Pienso que cayó una maldición en la ciudad. La gente es mala y merece un castigo." Sonríe, como si se tratara de una broma pero en el fondo cree que se debe a algo divino.
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ludovvica · 3 years
     𝗚𝗥𝗨𝗣𝗢 𝗖𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗢   :   @robvie​  ,  @paulivna​
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      “ ¿qué es todo éste alboroto? ” para italiana panorama sucede demasiado rápido. nunca había presenciado algo similar fuera de películas y metida en medio de corrida de uniformados, tumulto expandiéndose y empujones para huir, simplemente entra en pánico. “ ¿qué está pasando? ”
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robbyykeene · 2 years
I think what some people misunderstand is that my irritation over the Robby/Johnny hug scene has very little to do with Robby’s character at all. I’m mad because of how much I love Johnny. Because I genuinely care about this character, about his growth, about his journey throughout this show. And that moment felt so undeserved on his part that I just couldn’t enjoy it. And not just the hug itself, but for me, it cheapened the character’s entire arc. If Johnny doesn’t have to work for his redemption, if everything is simply handed to him by the narrative in the interest of story progression…why should I care? What exactly is supposed to keep me interested, keep me rooting for him? If I know that despite his mistakes, despite his failings, the story will in the end always reward him simply for being the protagonist, with no real effort or meaningful struggle on the character’s part—how is that an interesting, worthwhile story?
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emeoonbird · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nefertari Vivi/Nico Robin Characters: Nefertari Vivi, Nico Robin Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, References to Canon, As In Spoilers One, But You Will Only Realize If You Already Know It, Strangers to Lovers, Comedy, Fluff and Humor, Misunderstandings, Brazilian Sign Language, But It's Only One Sign Lol Summary:
Após o trabalho, Nico Robin sempre vê uma jovem no ponto de ônibus. Ela normalmente assente para a outra, por educação, todavia nunca chegou a conversar com a mulher. Um dia, a jovem quebra a rotina ao chamar a atenção de Robin.
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sabinacoleman · 3 years
“ ya nada me sorprende. ” @robvie​
"Estoy cansada de las peleas en esta ciudad... Quisiera irme y seguir con mi carrera de actriz fuera de Estados Unidos. ¿No te gustaría escapar de aquí?"
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Absent Day
Or, Vy is tired over Ishtar not showing up after spending a bit, and writing muse ended up taking over. So, little story written while I'm on the Tumblr browser and not on a Google Doc. This'll be interesting.
For everyone else, please enjoy this unadulterated whim of a short story fic. Could go into Passing Days. Not sure. I have a song for this, at least, for those who'd like to listen while reading.
CW for smoking, of course.
The first time Vy had ever found Robin Hood smoking, it was back before the Lostbelts, before the original Chaldea was lost. Even then, when Goetia was the only threat, it took every single ounce of her energy to hold back the urge to gag. Or run, really. Tobacco smoke wasn't good for the lungs, after all. Still, when she had walked into the room to find him, something must have registered on her face in spite of her attempts to hide it because Robin immediately took the stick away from his mouth, stubbing the lit end against the nearest ash tray. Vy didn't even have a chance to say his True Name before the cigarette was curled up and then left in the ash tray to fizzle away.
"Y-You didn't have to do that, Archer," Vy said reflexively, trying not to fidget. Did he notice something? "I could've waited for you to finish."
"But that would've meant you would just stand outside the room and inadvertently take in the smoke, Master," Robin Hood said coolly, tellingly waving away the remnants of a smoke cloud with his other hand. "And I've had enough lectures from the other Servants about second-hand smoke."
"But..." Guilt bubbled up almost immediately. "Smoking is something that makes you feel more comfy, doesn't it?"
Doesn't that mean, as a Master, I should try to accommodate your needs—
Even with his hood covering his eyes, it felt like Robin had noticed something she didn't with her question, because he didn't answer immediately. Instead, he sighed a loud, almost tired sigh, and proceeded to walk over.
Vy probably should've expected the hand gently coming over to rest on her hair, considering the other Servants had taken up the community-wide habit of doing the same thing, but she still let out a small "Eep" once he started patting her head. Looking up at him didn't really yield any answers, because his No Face May King concealed all but his hair and the wry smile on his exposed chin. "Don't push yourself, little sparrow. A girl like you should live a better life than sacrificing her own needs for a bandit like me."
Robin paused at this point, his hand freezing mid-pat before he retracted the arm entirely, hiding it under the No Face May King. "Never mind." His feet flickered out of view. "I'll be—"
Before she could think on it, Vy was grabbing the hem of his cloak, tugging it towards herself with a face. It was probably from the mixed bag of emotions rolling through her stomach. "W-Wait!"
Robin stilled, his mouth opening and closing for a moment. Then, he said in a softer voice, "What is it, Master?"
"I... I don't mind the name, if that's what you're worried about." Vy smiled up at him with as much appreciation and joy she could squeeze out of her tired heart. With an additional tug at his cloak, she said in an equally gentle voice, "It sounds really nice, actually."
"Ah," Archer said, and he stared at her in return. Even if Vy couldn't see his eyes through his hood, he seemed to be analyzing her now. "You're... not letting me go," he stated a second later, his head tilting towards the grip Vy was still keeping on his Noble Phantasm. "Do we have to go farming now?"
"N-Not really, no..." Vy felt a bit embarrassed with the admission, but she still went on with a small clench of the Noble Phantasm cloth and an honest, "But I just wanted to be with you, that's all. Smoke or not. Farming or not."
Silence reigned again.
Robin then said, in the same soft voice, "Even though you'd be better off cutting your losses now? I am a bandit and a thief, little sparrow. I'm no hero."
"You're big Robin," Vy corrected, tugging at his cloak hard enough for him to stumble, and before she could take it back, she was standing on her tip toes to wrap her arms around his neck. She couldn't tell if she had pushed his hood back from the force — hell, she might've been choking him on accident no thanks to their height difference — but she still persisted in hugging him. "My Robin Hood. Bandit or not, thief or not, you're the Robin I summoned. So to me, you're bigger than anyone else."
And I don't mind being your little sparrow, echoed in her heart.
Robin still tensed in her hold, a clear shudder pulsing through his shoulders underneath Vy's grip. "...You know that could be taken in a completely different way, right?"
"Don't care," Vy said loudly, squeezing him a little tighter. "I meant what I said."
Robin fell silent again, but if the hesitant hand on her waist was any indication, he was feeling something.
Vy just wanted to hope he was getting a better hand in life than what the dreams had shown her of his time as a lone hero.
If I could do one thing...
Vy shut her eyes and pressed her cheek against the top of Robin's left shoulder through his cloak, smelling smoke and forest wood all at once.
I wish I could've met you before all this so that I could give you something better. So that you wouldn't have died alone. But, if you're okay with this...
Robin's hand patted the small of her back. "Master?"
"...You're a dork, Archer," Vy said finally.
"What brought this on?"
"Nothing. Just lemme hug you."
Vy didn't even have to see Robin's face to know he was rolling his eyes. "Fineeeee."
Robin still bent his knees a bit so that Vy wasn't struggling to reach his height mid-hug. Vy squeezed him a bit more as her way of expressing thanks.
I'll do my best so that you can be happy here.
It was a promise.
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