#salt raiders fan art
mermaid-painter · 7 months
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Killer Kaif
Inspired by @paradoxicalpaldeann scream au
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i dont feel like drawing today’s challenge (sry, swiftzee 😞) so here’s SRtober day #17: zombies
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“I’ll find a way to bring you back, Kaif. Until then, you’ll stay right here, okay?” Ebbz cannot accept losing the love of her life, the one man keeping her sane in the zombie-infested remains of a once great society. She couldn’t just leave him there, not when they had the rest of their lives together sorted out for when this living hell came to an end. Not when the group needed him the most. How could they leave him behind, how could they!?!? She will do anything to find a cure. Anything if it meant taking back the life that was robbed from them.
fun fact: i cheesed that “excerpt” outta my ass lol. i was considering making this its own AU
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sairitaikutsu · 2 years
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12 am salt raiders art dump
will post this on r/SRGroup when the sun comes up
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nitannichionne · 4 years
If He Was YOUR Fan Chapter 27: Hallow’s Eve (A Henry Cavill Fan Fic)
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“You don’t look like Peeta.” You quirk your eyebrow at Henry humorously. Truthfully he looked better.
“But I do look like a tribute.” He shrugs. “A bad one, maybe?” He grabs you and pulls you against his chest, your hands landing on his pecs as you look up at him. His voice deepens. “Wanna stay alive? Stay with me, little girl. Never leave my side.”
You laugh at him, but then he kisses you in such a way that you are sure you could be late for the party. “Henry…” In the privacy of the trailer it was way too easy for that to happen. “We could be late for the party.”
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His gaze moves over you appreciatively. “Yeah.”
You smile up at him. “Behave.”
“I am behaving,” he says with mock innocence. “Just badly.” He starts backing you toward the bedroom door and a knock interrupts you. “Damn it!”
You giggle at him and he does not relinquish his hold on you as you circle him and edge toward the door. “Yes?”
“Hey, where’s the wine?” Stuart calls from outside.
“Stuart—” Stella admonishes and after hearing Stuart say, “ow” you start laughing.
“It’s in the truck,” Henry rolls his eyes. “Let’s get going.”
You edge up and kiss his nose, making him grin. He rubs his nose against yours, and for some reason, this makes your heart swell. You have always been one for the little things-random snuggles and touches as if he can’t keep his hands off you, making you feel like you are loved and treasured. And when you do it to him, you watch his eyes light and spark, sometimes a small smile tugging at those kissable lips of his that is just as good as him walking over and kissing you literally. You love him. So much. You drop your gaze shyly. “We’d better get going.”
He lets you go slowly. “You won’t always get away that easily, kitten.”
You get goosebumps but manage a smile, walking out. He follows you out and you all head to the truck. He hands Stuart a case of beer, hands you and Stella appetizer plates, and then takes the case of wine for himself. You make the walk to the set, sounds of laughter and music become closer as you get closer.
Dusk closes in on the place, and it looks magical. Small torches are set on every reachable flat surfaces, giving it a surreal feel-tribal and primitive. You feel like you could possibly be in Hunger Games.
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People gather on the bridge and platforms, eating food and milling about talking. One platform becomes a small dance floor, and people look on and watch. You feel Henry put his arms around your waist and you lean back into him, reveling in the feel of his body against yours, his arms around you. You both wore jackets, but he is what warms you against the night.
You go dance with some of the actors, while Henry and Kal watch you. You keep looking at him, wishing he would dance, but you are happy he encourages you to go ahead without him. You are twirled and swayed as the music plays, but your eyes are for him. When the music changes, you get off the floor and sit in his lap, a little breathless, but once again, enjoying his arms encircling you.
“You’re a really good dancer,” he nods.
“The school I went to required we learn the basics,” you nod. “It was a lot of fun-“ You hear your name called, and see Stella waving from the food and drinks table with Stuart. “Be right back--”
He catches your hand. “Remember—”
“No drinking,” you say softly. Even though you are not sure you are pregnant, he has decided to err to the side of caution, making you wonder what he has been thinking. You open your mouth to ask, think better of it, and kiss him before heading over to see Stella. “Hey!”
“Hey!” Stella smiles, standing in her white shirt with an “S” on it. “Think you can man the table for me? Stuart wants to dance.” You look at Stuart, who is in a grey shirt and with a black “P” on it, smiling at their light grey caps.
“Sure, go ahead.” You watch them in their salt and pepper costumes and begin to serve food and drinks to people. You pour yourself a elderberry juice with Dry London Spirit, smiling at the mix in your cardboard cup, and take a sip. You smile at them, and then see Cynthia.
You go to Cynthia at the end of the table. “Hey!”
“Hey!” Cynthia says. “How’s it going?”
“Okay,” you grin. “Stuart and Stella look really nice out there.” You wave at them and they wave back.
“They’re cute,” Cynthia shrugs.
“Something I can get you?” You ask.
You serve her food and a small wine.
“Sure thing,” you nod, seeing Hannah and Archer come. “Hey guys!”
“Hey!” Hannah waves.
The dark shirts and khakis made you guess.  “Let’s see…Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable?”
“Oh, my God!” Hannah’s eyes widen. “You got it!”
“I liked the show when I was a kid,” you shrug.
Archer nods impressed with your answer and gives Hannah a look. “I’ll let you girls chat.” He leaves you two alone at the table, and you give a polite smile. You haven’t had kind words in some time.
“Hey,” Hannah greets. “Working the party?”
“Yeah,” you shrug. “I told Stella if she needs a break, let me know.”
“But you’re not with catering,” Hannah points out.
“This party isn’t like that,” you nod. “You didn’t bring anything?”
“Oh, I brought candy,” Hannah said with a smile. “Easy stuff.”
“Oh, okay.” You see Cynthia wave you over. “Did you want anything?”
“Just beers,” she shrugs.
You walk over to the cooler and get the beers.
“Thanks,” she smiles a little. “I…I just wanted to say I’m sorry about…the Henry thing. He really, really likes you.”
“Thanks,” you tell her. “I kinda miss our art sessions.”
She laughs softly. “Yeah, I still would love to illustrate a book you write someday.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” you say. “but, you and Archer are—”
“He’s a really good guy,” Hannah nods. “I mean, some people act like they like you and they don’t, you know?” Her look is meaningful as she says the words slowly. “He is really nice, but some people? No.”
You blink at this, frowning. “Hannah, what are you trying to tell me?”
Her eyes slide off to the dance floor where Cynthia, Stella and Stuart are dancing. They are all waving at you.
You feel your heart in your throat. “Hannah—” You turn to find her gone.
Stella and Stuart return, and you smile, still feeling shaken about Hannah’s warning. You and Stella have been tight almost all summer. The idea of her not really being a friend hurts. Cynthia’s a cool boss and Stuart you barely know.
You return to Henry with your drink and a paper bowl of water. “Here you go, Kal.” You set the bowl down, and sit on his lap.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks.
“Nothing, just—” you shake your head. “God, I’m just being silly.”
“What is it?”
“Hold my drink,” you say. “Ladies room.”
“Okay,” Henry nods. “We’ll talk when you get back.”
“It’s silly—” you watch him slightly raise his eyebrow. “Okay, we’ll have a laugh.” You go to the bathroom and return.
“Strangest thing,” you say to him. “Hannah sounded like she was trying to warn me.”
“About what?” he asks with a slight frown.
“She apologized for being jealous and warned me about people pretending to like me.”
He exhales heavily. “Sounds—”
“It’s the way she said it, Dal,” you say softly. “Like she was warning me. And she looked at Stella, Stuart and Cynthia on the dance floor.”
“Well, that doesn’t help,” Henry thought aloud. “Are you sure she was looking at them and not someone else?”
“I don’t know,” you shake your head. You look down at Henry’s hand, which is holding an empty beer bottle. “Let me get you another one.”
“Thanks,” he smiles.
You rise and take the bottle to the garbage can, throwing it away, and getting a fresh bottle. You down your drink and get a bottled water for yourself.
As you approach Henry, it hits you. You suddenly don’t feel well, and it’s hard to breathe. Your steps slow, and Henry’s eyes widen. He stands, looking at you. You feel it, down your throat, the tightening. You didn’t taste it at first, but there it is, and it wasn’t there before:
You’re allergic to it…you’re terribly allergic to it. You usually can smell it before you consume it, stop yourself, but you didn’t. You feel your throat close, and you grab your throat, dropping the beer and the water. The beer bottle breaks and crashes on the stone floor. Henry races for you, and you hear a scream as you go down. The night is spinning as you struggle to breathe.
Henry goes into your leg pack as people crowd you.
“Is she okay?”
“What’s happening?”
“What’s going on?”
“Oh my God, get the doctor!”
“Get the doctor!” Henry orders. “NOW!” You feel a stab in your leg. “Come on, baby. Come on, I’ve got you…”
You vomit and feel yourself turned to your side, causing the crowd to make some sort of far away noises you can’t make out and then you are put on your back again. You see the sky. You see the trees. You feel your legs being lifted above your heart. You see people around you, looking upset or scared…Henry holding you…Stella in standing in shocked tears as Stuart holds her…Hannah shaking her head with her mouth covered while Archer looks at you, upset…Colin…frowning at you…then his eyes wander…to Cynthia, her expressionless face looking at yours as if waiting…but for what?
Henry shakes you slightly. “Don’t do that, don’t pass out…”
“Hen…ry…” But you can’t hold, even as you feel your throat start to open a little. You can barely breathe…
Thanks for the support...stay tuned, I won’t make you wait this time!
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junker-town · 5 years
What’s your favorite NFL rivalry?
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Mike DiNovo-USA TODAY Sports
We picked a few of our favorites, including the NFL’s oldest rivalry and the silliest.
Familiarity breeds contempt. Nowhere is that proverb more true than the NFL.
Tightly packed divisions have created brutal rivalries between teams that see each other twice a year (and sometimes again in the postseason). The Cowboys and Eagles have battled every year since 1960 and the hate has never taken a day off that entire time. The Falcons and Saints have played 100 times, though the rivalry is mostly defined by their fans roasting each other for their high-profile embarrassing losses to other teams.
This year, the Seahawks and 49ers look ready to bring their rivalry back to the forefront of the NFL after it dominated the NFC from 2011-14.
The league’s scheduling process also ensures division champions face fellow winners the following year, pitting the league’s top teams in marquee, playoff-defining matchups on a near-annual basis. The Colts left the AFC East in 2001, but their consistent spot among the league’s top teams means they’ve played the Patriots 17 times since then.
Those are all good rivalries, but are they great ones? It all depends on what you look for most in a rivalry.
There’s really no wrong answer when it comes to deciding on a favorite rivalry, especially with so many options to choose from in the NFL. Here’s what a few of us picked, starting with two teams who’ve been doing this since 1921:
Packers vs. Bears
Full disclosure: I live in Wisconsin. It is a wonderful state with beautiful summers, a seemingly endless supply of amazing food, and mostly friendly people. Every small town has its own brewery and bars outnumber churches 3-to-1. And every tavern in this state worth its salt has this beauty prominently displayed in the jukebox.
Just listen to it. Your arteries clog up a little bit every time the “chorus” hits. If you put a glass of milk near your speakers as it plays, curds instinctively begin to form at the top. The lead singer declares this friendly rivalry is all in fun, then earnestly hopes Mike Ditka gets vehicularly manslaughtered. It is delightful.
I’ve been up here since 2010, a span in which the Packers are 16-4 against the Bears. And yet, my local watering hole (what’s up, Paul’s Neighborhood Bar?) acts as if every game against the team down south is the most important contest of Green Bay’s season. Every regular has a Bears story, whether it’s calling Jim McMahon a fraud, Jay Cutler “gutless,” or just pointing to the screen and chuckling whenever Mitchell Trubisky drops back to pass.
Packers-Bears is always an event, no matter the stakes. Packers-Vikings isn’t too far behind. And the Packers also play the Lions twice a year, though no one seems to notice unless Aaron Rodgers happens to throw a football to the moon and back that day. — Christian D’Andrea
Raiders vs. Chargers
This is a classic California rivalry between two original American Football League franchises — both of which will be playing in cities they have no business being in.
Both teams have rarely been good at the same time, with the 1980 AFC Championship Game their only postseason matchup in 60 years of existence. The Raiders won that game on their way to a Super Bowl victory, and also won the most famous Chargers-Raiders tilt two years earlier: the Holy Roller, a fumble by Raiders quarterback Ken Stabler that fortuitously found its way 10 yards downfield into tight end Dave Casper’s hands in the end zone for a winning touchdown. The play was so ridiculous it spawned a rule change, disallowing advancement of a fumble by anyone but the player who coughed the ball up.
Most of my life watching these two teams has involved failure, save for my freshman year in college at UC San Diego coinciding with the Chargers’ lone trip to the Super Bowl. I’ve watched a lot of bad, yet strangely watchable games between these two teams. My favorite Chargers-Raiders game — narrowly beating out watching Harvey Williams score four touchdowns on just seven touches in San Diego in 1997 — was an abomination of a contest in 1998.
Rookie quarterback Ryan Leaf and someone on the Raiders named Donald Hollas helped both sides combine for five interceptions and eight sacks. The game was eye-gougingly bad, with the Chargers leading 6-0 while holding Oakland under 100 yards of offense for the first 58 minutes. The teams combined for 27 punts, including 16 by the Raiders’ Leo Araguz, a record that still stands. But all of a sudden there was life, in the form of withered veteran quarterback Wade Wilson, in his penultimate NFL season, unleashing a 68-yard bomb to James Jett with 1:38 remaining to give Oakland a victory they had no business getting.
This was the Raiders’ drive chart for the game, which nicely encapsulates both teams’ relevance for the last quarter century:
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The Chargers actually played in Los Angeles before the Raiders — the Bolts’ inaugural season (1960) was in LA before they moved to San Diego. But the Raiders’ 13-year stay in LA still resonates locally, so much so that the Chargers have yet to gain any traction in the city since moving back north on Interstate 5. Now in their third season back in Los Angeles, Chargers home games are famous for having more fans rooting for their opponents.
2020 will bring new stadia for both teams, with the Chargers moving with the Rams into SoFi Stadium and the Raiders calling Allegiant Stadium home in Las Vegas, their third city in franchise history. The cities will be unfamiliar, but the Raiders-Chargers rivalry has always been a little weird so it seems fitting. — Eric Stephen
Bills vs. Jaguars
Ah yes, a rivalry as old as ... last year.
You’re probably rolling your eyes at the suggestion that the Bills and Jaguars — two teams with a combined seven winning seasons in the last 20 years — are the best rivalry in the NFL. But what makes a good rivalry, exactly?
If it’s competitiveness, this duel has qualified lately. The Jaguars squeaked out a 10-3 win over the Bills in the playoffs in January 2018. Buffalo evened the score 10 months later with a 24-21 victory that included a brawl that got Bills defensive end Shaq Lawson and Jaguars running back Leonard Fournette ejected.
If it’s trash talk and contempt, Jalen Ramsey stirred up plenty of trouble with the Bills before forcing his way out of town. He called multiple players on Bills sideline trash, and made it publicly clear that he thinks quarterback Josh Allen is trash too.
But what’s really important is that Duval and Bills Mafia found each other, because they’re a perfect pair.
Jaguars fans do things like bellyflop into pools of mayonnaise and proudly reign as the troll kings of the NFL. Earlier this season, the Jaguars went all out taunting poor Sam Darnold about ghosts.
And Jacksonville has its perfect trolling target in Bills fans: A fanbase that will always go to bat for its team, and proudly dive through tables to show support.
Unfortunately, the goofiest rivalry of 2018 has lost a little bit of its luster a year later. Ramsey was the main instigator on the field and now he’s in Los Angeles. The Jaguars and Bills didn’t land on each other’s schedule, robbing us of a Josh Allen vs. Josh Allen battle.
But the good news is that there’s a chance the teams will meet in 2020, and a guarantee that they’ll see each other in 2021. When they do, there will be another clash of two unique fanbases and the rivalry will for sure be back on. I can’t wait. — Adam Stites
Steelers vs. Ravens
The AFC North has every different rivalry you can think of: Intrastate (Bengals-Browns), interstate (all the others), old school (Browns-Steelers), Art Modell created (Browns-Ravens), and the one that’s not healthy for anyone (Steelers-Bengals).
But there’s only one that is both fierce and consistently competitive: Steelers vs. Ravens. You know whenever these two teams face off, either side could win — and it’ll probably be close.
Pittsburgh holds a 28-23 series lead over Baltimore, including a 3-1 record in the playoffs. Since the rivalry began in 1996, each franchise has won two Super Bowls apiece.
They also have two of the longest-tenured current head coaches in the NFL. Mike Tomlin became the Steelers’ head coach in 2007, and the Ravens hired John Harbaugh the following year. The rivalry was heated before the Tomlin and Harbaugh eras, of course, lest anyone forgets when Joey Porter hopped on the Ravens’ team bus to try to fight Ray Lewis. However, there’s no denying they have ratcheted up the intensity after both coaches came on board.
Since 2008, the series is tied 13-13, while 19 of their games have been decided by one score (14 of those by three points or fewer). They’ve met three times in the postseason. In six of those seasons, they’ve finished 1-2 in the division standings.
There was that time Haloti Ngata accidentally broke Ben Roethlisberger’s nose (and later cited it in his retirement speech). And that time Terrell Suggs was investigated (and cleared) for saying there was a bounty on Rashard Mendenhall and Hines Ward. And all the times Suggs needled Roethlisberger.
Don’t forget Ward leveling Ed Reed, Tomlin getting in Jacoby Jones’ way, and the Immaculate Extension, either.
Underneath all the hate, there’s real respect, though, and that’s what sets it apart from so many other rivalries in the NFL. Even as most of the faces have changed, that begrudged appreciation for each other — and the level playing field — has remained the same. — Sarah Hardy
Those are just *our* picks. Which NFL rivalry is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
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funface2 · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Hilarious Exodia Memes That Will Make You Cry | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources
Yu-Gi-Oh! is everyone’s favorite card game and anime series from their childhood. Unlike the Pokemon card game, many people actually knew how to play Yu-Gi-Oh! and didn’t just collect the cards. While the card game was fun, the anime was iconic and very entertaining for its time. Who can forget our spiky-haired protagonist trusting in the heart of the cards and dramatically pulling out the winning card at the last moment? Or even the unforgettable characters of Maximilian Pegasus, Seto Kaiba, and Yugi himself.
RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Most Powerful Cards Ranked
Originally armed with the ancient Exodia, Yugi takes on many challenges throughout the series. Yu-Gi-Oh!‘s legendary cast and plot inspired a myriad of memes throughout the years. Thankfully, Yu-Gi-Oh! memes are making a comeback, so here are 10 hilarious Exodia memes that will make you cry!
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10 Exodia Defends Area 51
With September 20th’s legendary Area 51 raid closely approaching, the raiders are in for a surprise. While the military was a bit scared about Naruto runners in attack mode swiftly dodging their bullets, they shouldn’t have any fear when they release their first line of defense at the front of the raid, a swarm spiky-haired kids with duel disks and Egyptian jewelry.
If these kids are lucky enough to draw all 5 pieces of Exodia, the raiders’ life points will go down faster than Seto Kaiba can yell “impossible!”
9 Exodia’s Military Weapons
Speaking of the military, there is a lot of talk these days about citizens being able to purchase military-grade weapons. In this meme, this person was able to purchase these high-grade assault weapons without even having an ID! This is absolutely unacceptable in today’s political environment.
We can’t have kids getting sent to the shadow realm during their lunch breaks anymore! Enough is enough, protect your children and make sure to phone your local senators to tell them how outraged you are that these dangerous weapons are publicly available!
8 That Is Some Strong Coffee
Latte art is the cornerstone of small coffee shops everywhere. Usually, customers receive their coffee’s with a nice flower or other cute imagery such as cats in their coffee. Most people get the energy to get through the day through their coffees, but what if you need the strength the propel yourself into attack mode for the rest of the day?
Look no further, for drinking this Exodia latte will give you the strength of one of the most powerful monsters in the game to send any issues you have during the day straight to the shadow realm!
7 Salt Bae Steals Exodia
If you had the most powerful card in the game what would you do with it? Most people would probably carefully protect it from harm, out of fear that some jealous opponent would try to steal it. But not the beloved protagonist Yugi. This genius thought it would be a great idea to lend his only copy of the most powerful cards in the game to some stranger on a boat who looks and talks like a bug. Who could forget the look of horror on Yugi’s face when the insect known as Weevil threw his most precious possession off the boat? Here we have Weevil (Salt Bae) sprinkling Yugi’s precious Exodia cards into the sea.
RELATED: 10 Coolest Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsters
6 When Your Whole Outfit Is On Point
A lot of people tend to feel bad about their self-image, but sometimes you just have those days when you feel fresh. You perfectly matched your shoes, pants, and shirt together, you just got a new haircut, and you feel good. Every part of your outfit comes together well and nothing can stop you today.
That is probably how Exodia feels when you finally draw the 5th part of him and summon him. Before he obliterates your opponent, he takes one look at the mirror and smiles, because he knows his outfit is perfection.
5 Shaggy The God’s Heart Of The Cards
The overpowered Shaggy memes ran the internet for a few months about a year ago. They were fresh tales of Shaggy’s godlike status and his ability to instill fear and anxiety into any entity he chooses. These stories were frequently told by his coworkers during interviews who had to spend a terrifying amount of time with him. These legends combined with his regular and harmless appearance made for a hilarious meme that lasted many months.
In addition to his supernatural powers, he also is a first-rate duelist who truly understands the heart of the cards. Here a coworker explains that you can’t beat Shaggy in a duel, his inhuman powers allow him to always draw Exodia, even without the pieces in his deck!
4 No Limitations
Have you ever played poker and felt like your opponent was cheating? You started out with more money and now you are down to your last few chips. Even though you are just playing Texas Hold’em with your usual group of friends, one of them keeps pulling out different cards and screaming “obliterate!” at the top of their lungs.
They keep insisting they won, even though you have a royal flush. To make matters worse, whenever you tell them “you can’t use Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in poker, your friend throws down some cards with pictures of limbs and just keeps screaming “the forbidden one has no limitations!”
RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 5 Greatest Duels In The Series (& The 5 Worst)
3 Shy Exodia
Apparently even the mighty forbidden one can get shy on a date. Often, when people go on their first dates things can get a bit awkward. Sometimes you and your date don’t get along and things just feel weird, but other times things could go really well and even lead into the bedroom.
But this presents its own problems as well. Your date might be into you but you are a bit shy about what she might find down there. Well, you are not alone in this endeavor, Exodia himself has some small problems of his own.
2 Speaking To The Manager
Anyone who works in retail or the food industry knows that no matter if you are a sales associate, cook, or manager, some customers can always be a pain. This meme shows that beautiful moment of triumph when a particularly angry customer is giving you problems and asks to speak to the manager.
You slowly turn around and pretend to walk into the back and find someone higher up the chain than you, but then you turn around, unleash your inner Atem and calmly say with a smirk of satisfaction on your face “I AM the manager.” There are very few sensations one can experience at work that can amount to this one.
1 Rick The Forbidden Pickle
Ah, Pickle Rick, the internet sensation that flooded websites and meme groups alike. After Rick initially turned himself into a pickle in season 3 of the cult classic show Rick and Morty, fans everywhere repeated the phrase frantically and put it on T-shirts, hats, poster, and honestly EVERYTHING.
While Rick was trapped in his pickle form, he had to get limbs to help him move around, luckily Rick was able to trust in the heart of the cards and draw the limbs of the forbidden one before it was too late.
NEXT: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Best Duelists In The Series
Tags: Yu-Gi-Oh!, memes
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Bài viết Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Hilarious Exodia Memes That Will Make You Cry | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-memes/yu-gi-oh-10-hilarious-exodia-memes-that-will-make-you-cry-cbr-cbr-comic-book-resources/
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travelivery · 6 years
MGM Resorts International today announced that its WNBA franchise will be called the Las Vegas Aces. Las Vegas’ first major professional basketball team – formerly the San Antonio Stars – will begin to play in its new home in the 2018 season.
Check Out the Photo Gallery and Videos Below
Las Vegas Aces
Las Vegas Aces President of Basketball Operations and Head Coach Bill Laimbeer was joined by MGM Resorts President Bill Hornbuckle and WNBA President Lisa Borders to reveal the team’s name and logo at a news conference at Mandalay Bay.
“Selecting a new name is an important and symbolic step,” said Laimbeer, a two-time WNBA Coach of the Year and four-time NBA All-Star. “Las Vegas has enthusiastically embraced us, and we’re incredibly excited for this opportunity. We have a strong roster driven to succeed, which makes this name an ideal choice. ‘Las Vegas Aces’ is a nod to the excellence, confidence and competitive spirit of our new hometown.”
Borders said, “We are ecstatic to officially welcome the Las Vegas Aces to the WNBA family. The Aces are already embracing the opportunity to develop a deep connection with the local community, and we can’t wait to watch them bring the WNBA’s brand of world-class basketball to their new home in 2018.”
Hornbuckle added, “This is a great time to bring women’s professional basketball to the Las Vegas community. The WNBA represents some of the world’s best athletes and will showcase its incredible talent for our hometown fans. Young girls and boys in our city will undoubtedly gain dynamic role models for professionalism, teamwork, dedication, and discipline.”
Las Vegas-based entertainment and hospitality leader MGM Resorts received unanimous approval from the WNBA and NBA Board of Governors in October in connection with its purchase and relocation of the team from San Antonio to Las Vegas. In its inaugural season in Las Vegas, the Aces are expected to play 17 home games at the Mandalay Bay Events Center, adding to MGM Resorts’ outstanding lineup of live entertainment experiences. The company is home to more than 20 world-class arenas, theaters, and outdoor venues, selling 8 million tickets annually for live events ranging from performances by renowned artists such as The Rolling Stones, Cher and Bruno Mars to some of the biggest fights in the history of combat sports.
Las Vegas Aces Reveal their Name & Logo at Las Vegas Press Event
Centennial High School Basketball Players with Kayla Alexander & Bill Laimbeer at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Conference Event
WNBA President Lisa Borders Speaks at the Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Lisa Borders, Kayla Alexander, Bill Laimbeer, Moriah Jefferson at WNBA & MGM Resorts Press Event
Bill Laimbeer Speaks at the Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Spring Valley High School Players with Bill Laimbeer at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Las Vegas Aces Reveal Their Name & Logo at House of Blues in Mandalay Bay
Bill Hornbuckle, Lilian Tomovich, Lisa Borders, Kayla Alexander, Jim Murren, Moriah Jefferson, Bill Laimbeer, Ann Rodriguez, Jay Parry, Chuck Bowling
Kayla Alexander, Lisa Borders, Moriah Jefferson at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
LaChina Robinson at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Bill Hornbuckle, Lilian Tomovich, Lisa Borders, Kayla Alexander, Jim Murren, Moriah Jefferson, Bill Laimbeer, Ann Rodriguez, Jay Parry, Chuck Bowling
Mayor Carolyn Goodman Speaks to Guests at the Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Jim Murren at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Lisa Borders at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Speaks at the Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Bill Laimbeer at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Jim Murren and the Spring Valley Girl’s Basketball Team
Jim Murren & Bill Hornbuckle at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Las Vegas Aces Players Kayla Alexander & Moriah Jefferson at Las Vegas Press Event
Bill Laimbeer & Jim Murren at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Bill Hornbuckle, Lisa Borders, Jim Murren at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Chuck Bowling, Lisa Borders, Mayor Carolyn Goodman, Commissioner Steve Sisolak, Bill Hornbuckle and Bill Laimbeer at the Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
Bill Hornbuckle at Las Vegas Aces & MGM Resorts Press Event
About Las Vegas Aces
The Aces will become the second major professional sports team in Las Vegas, following the NHL’s Vegas Golden Knights, who play at T-Mobile Arena. The NFL’s Oakland Raiders are expected to relocate to Las Vegas by the 2020 season.
Las Vegas’ new WNBA franchise was originally established for the league’s inaugural season in Salt Lake City before moving to San Antonio prior to the 2003 season.
Fans can make a deposit for Las Vegas Aces tickets through AXS.com. Deposits can be applied toward season tickets, multi-game packs, or single game tickets. The opportunity to buy season tickets will be offered to deposit holders in the order in which they signed up and seat availability is not guaranteed. Season tickets will go on sale to the public in early 2018.
Follow @LVACES, #LVACES and visit wnba.com/lasvegas for additional information.
About the WNBA
The WNBA – which features 12 teams and is the most successful women’s professional team sports league in the world – is a unique global sports property combining competition, sportsmanship, and entertainment value with its status as an icon for social change, achievement, and diversity. Through WNBA Cares, the WNBA is deeply committed to creating programs that promote a healthy lifestyle and positive body image, support youth and family development, and inspire and empower women. For more information on the WNBA, log on to www.wnba.com.
About MGM Resorts International
MGM Resorts International (NYSE: MGM) is an S&P 500® global entertainment company with national and international locations featuring best-in-class hotels and casinos, state-of-the-art meetings and conference spaces, incredible live and theatrical entertainment experiences, and an extensive array of restaurant, nightlife, and retail offerings. MGM Resorts creates immersive, iconic experiences through its suite of Las Vegas-inspired brands. The MGM Resorts portfolio encompasses 27 unique hotel offerings including some of the most recognizable resort brands in the industry. The company is expanding throughout the U.S. and around the world, developing MGM Springfield in Massachusetts and MGM COTAI in Macau, and debuting the first international Bellagio branded hotel in Shanghai. The 77,000 global employees of MGM Resorts are proud of their company for being recognized as one of FORTUNE® Magazine’s World’s Most Admired Companies®. For more information visit us at www.mgmresorts.com.
Las Vegas Aces is the New Name for Vegas WNBA Franchise MGM Resorts International today announced that its WNBA franchise will be called the Las Vegas Aces. Las Vegas’ first major professional basketball team – formerly the San Antonio Stars – will begin to play in its new home in the 2018 season.
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mermaid-painter · 7 months
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Guitarist Kaif, based off of @sairitaikutsu fanfic Reignite
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SRtober day#16: cats
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pathetic cat
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rickhorrow · 7 years
with Jamie Swimmer
    This week, over 300 of the world’s best tennis players, including seven former tournament champions, descend on Indian Wells, CA to compete for more than $14 million in front of 400,000+ fans at tennis’ “Fifth Major.” Every top-10 player from the ATP World Tour and WTA is entered for the 2017 BNP Paribas Open. This includes 22-time Grand Slam Singles Champion Serena Williams, seeking to become the first WTA player to win three singles titles at Indian Wells. She joins 17-time Grand Slam Singles Champion and four time BNP Paribas Open singles winner Roger Federer. The tournament also showcases ongoing Indian Wells Tennis Garden renovations, designed to enhance the experience for players and fans alike. Upgrades include top restaurants like Spago; a new year-round hospitality space holding up to 200; satellite broadcast studio; fitness center; and club pro shop. Owner Larry Ellison and staff have truly created a desert tennis oasis, ensuring the game’s top players (and their thousands of adoring fans) return to the Coachella Valley year after year and creating an enviable benchmark for every other tournament worldwide.
  Coming off their first World Series title in over 100 years, the Chicago Cubs are now submitting a bid to host the 2020 MLB All-Star Game. According to the Chicago Tribune, Cubs Chair Tom Ricketts is working with city officials to put together an “attractive bid” to bring the event to Wrigley Field. Logistics are still being worked out, for the entire weekend spans “essentially five days of festivals and events.” Cubs President of Business Operations Crane Kenney said that the team has “been in contact” with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office and MLB “regarding efforts to fulfill requirements to host the game.” The last time Wrigley played host to the All-Star Game was 1990, so the team hopes that its recent on-field success and ballpark renovations will lure the game back to the Windy City. Baseball’s major “event leverage” comes with the All-Star Game annually.  They award new ballparks, renovations, civic accomplishments, and (in the Cubs’ case) the end of monumental frustration. The game goes to South Florida this year amid rumors of an impending Marlins sale.
  The NFL’s first outdoor draft is being hyped up weeks ahead of the selection show. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia is “expecting 200,000 football fans” to show up to the outdoor theatre being constructed in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The theatre will only seat around 3,000 people, and tickets are limited, yet the event should bring hundreds of thousands to the city center. To keep fans engaged, standing room on the Parkway will be “transformed into a festival the size of 25 football fields, open free to the public before and during the draft.” Staging the three-day event is said to cost around $20-25 million, though most of that will be covered by the NFL. The Draft joins the Pro Bowl and Super Bowl as the NFL’s “rotating mega-events.” Each year it is expected to outdraw, outhustle, and outperform the predecessor – leading to more leverage, better public support, and more choices for NFL public/private partnerships.
    MLS is off and running as it opens its 2017 season bookended by two new expansion franchises. Newcomer Atlanta United has sold more than 30,000 season tickets, appealing to millennials and Hispanic fans alike. Atlanta United will host eight games at Georgia Tech’s Bobby Dodd Stadium before moving into Mercedes-Benz Stadium on July 30. In Minneapolis, Minnesota United is "confident the club’s first home match" as a MLS franchise will "exceed 30,000 tickets sold," according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. United has "sold out the lower bowl" at TCF Bank Stadium for the March 12 match against Atlanta United, and is "closing in on 11,000 season tickets sold, with a team-imposed limit of 11,842 (tied to state’s lake total)." Elsewhere in the league, Orlando City SC moved in to its new home as it hosted NYCFC for its 2017 MLS season opener. The game at Orlando City Stadium was "sold out for weeks" and was broadcast nationally on ESPN. In front of MLS Commissioner Don Garber, Real Salt Lake drew 19,519 fans for its match against Toronto FC. And a would-be expansion franchise in San Diego announced Landon Donovan as a new member of its ownership group. San Diego could well be a test case – is soccer chipping away at the NFL’s American sports dominance?
  Fortress Investment Group is not giving up on its goal to keep the Raiders in Oakland. According to SportsBusiness Journal, the investment group sent “the NFL and the Raiders a proposal to build a new stadium for the team next to their existing venue.” The team is currently committed to relocating to Las Vegas, but league owners still need to meet and vote on the potential move “as soon as the end of March.” “It is unclear how different the proposal Fortress sent in is from the model it agreed to with Oakland in December, which the NFL has rejected.” Commissioner Roger Goodell and the NFL declined to comment on the proposal or the previously rejected bid, but those close to the matter note that under the last proposal, “Fortress would have developed the land and kept key revenue streams.” To many, this proposal is viewed as the last effort to keep the Raiders in the Bay Area. The Las Vegas deal has a much stronger financial foundation – public support and NFL/Raiders equity. What Oakland has is a tradition of fan support and the presumption that the process be given “one last best chance” to work.
  With the 2024 Olympic bid down to only two cities, LA 2024 is ramping up its promotion efforts overseas after signing PR firm Weber Shandwick. According to Ad Age, the PR firm is tasked with providing the bid group with communications support in international markets “where Olympic stakeholders live and work, as well as providing strategic insight into the entire process.” Weber Shandwick “helped support winning Olympic bids for the 2022 Beijing Games, the 2020 Tokyo Games and the 2014 Sochi Games.” Unlike past projects, this firm will not have to roll out a domestic campaign in Los Angeles to win over public support because 88% of the city already supports the bid. This move to hire an international PR agency marks another significant step for LA 2024 to land the Olympics after Budapest recently withdrew its bid; Paris is the only other competing city. While we all know that the Olympic selection process is inherently political, the PR message will focus on legacy, infrastructure support, and an “expectation” that the U.S. should participate in a Summer Games sooner than later. Look for drama in the boardroom between now and the end of the summer.
  UCLA guard Lonzo Ball’s father made a bold prediction: his son will be the first player drafted with his own brand. According to ESPN, Lonzo’s father, LaVar Ball, said in a radio interview that if the UCLA star “doesn’t sign with adidas, Nike or Under Armour, whoever…I’ll sign the Big Baller Brand.” The “Triple B” brand is already an active apparel company that was started by the Ball family; it is the brand that Lonzo could be touting upon Draft Day later this year. While this move is still up in the air, LaVar boldly stated his view on the situation, “I’m not looking for no endorsement deal. I’m looking for a marketing and distribution deal.” LaVar has received a great deal of criticism this past season for making outlandish and egotistical comments on behalf of his son, such as Lonzo is “better than Steph Curry” and that “Lonzo would only play for the Lakers.” It is that time of year for hype – family, or otherwise. The astronomical NBA salary cap increase this next year will give this year’s rookie class a significant bounty.
  What is already the wealthiest soccer league in the world, the EPL is still finding new ways to bring in millions of dollars annually. According to the London Daily Mail, Premier League clubs are now “set to earn up to $12.4 million more from sponsorships after talks” to add sleeve sponsorships for next season opened up between league and team executives. Sleeve sponsorships are valued at around one-fifth of a main kit sponsor, which means that clubs such as Manchester United, which receives “$58.3 million-a-year from Chevrolet to be on its shirts, could see a further $11 million invested in the club” on a yearly basis. Contract stipulations with main kit sponsors for a couple of the EPL’s best teams mean that a few notable clubs “will not be able to participate in the deal for next season,” though they will be able to sign a secondary sponsor in following years. Purists beware – the EPL is looking more like NASCAR every day. Why wouldn’t it? Especially if an unused square inch of clothing should now command over $12 million annually for each club.
  As online streaming becomes an increasingly popular way to watch TV, Google has entered the race to win over sports fans. According to the Wall Street Journal, YouTube, whose parent company is Google, is now offering a web-TV service that packages over 40 broadcast and cable channels for $35 a month. YouTube TV will “have all the major broadcasters, including ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox, as well as several dozen well-known cable channels, such as ESPN, FX, USA, MSNBC and Fox News.” YouTube TV is set to offer an expansive list of sports channels as well: Fox Sports, FS1, FS2, NBC Sports, Comcast SportsNet, ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, ESPN News, Big Ten Network, SEC Network, and Golf Channel will all be available for subscribers. A start date has not yet been announced, but YouTube did confirm that it will “roll out the service first in markets where it had secured rights from local affiliates.” The next round of sports rights bids should be one for the ages:  the traditionalists (networks) vs. the “newcomers” (YouTube, Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.). Impact:  more money for teams, leagues, and players.
With the goal of turning their arena into a “12-month destination,” the Chicago Bulls and Blackhawks have unveiled the newly-renovated east side of the United Center. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, renovations include a new office building, fan atrium, restaurants, and a team store. They also provide an “indoor, climate-controlled space for fans to visit the Michael Jordan statue, and to use the ticket windows.” The new atrium is 190,000 square feet and will be open every day from 10:00am-6:00pm, year round. The Bulls and Blackhawks never have much trouble filling seats at the United Center for home games, but this marks a great step for the premier Chicago sports franchises to engage with their fans outside of just game days. Adding the store and restaurants should create a significant amount of buzz around the United Center, as well as a nice bit of extra revenue for the teams. Facility renovations all over the country enter new phases:  lease renegotiations; financial creativity; high-tech tweaks; and new space for merchandise and concessions. Obviously, better for the fans.
  Professional golf may soon experience one of the “biggest shake-ups” in recent history with rule changes looming. According to the BBC, the R&A and USGA are in talks to “make golf quicker and played under more simple, consistent and fair rules.” The new rulebook will be drawn up in “a modern, plain style” that will be written from a “player's perspective.” Some of the most significant changes being considered include removing a penalty for accidentally moving your ball, reducing ball search time from five to three minutes, and relaxing the protocols for “taking free or penalty drops, with the ball dropped from only an inch above the ground, rather than shoulder height.” This comes as the first “substantial review” of the rules in professional golf since 1984. The two governing bodies want to see a simpler game with less contention over some of the nuances affiliated with the game today. Even the most traditional and historical of games undergoes substantial tinkering from time to time. First, baseball’s quest to shorten its game. Is golf close behind?
  Following a poor year of ratings, the NFL is looking to win over a few more fans this coming season. According to SportsBusiness Journal, one key way the NFL is trying to garner more public support is by possibly relaxing its laughable touchdown celebration rules. The Competition Committee is in talks to let players “have fun again” after scoring touchdowns – an area they have cracked down on in recent years following the likes of Chad Ocho Cinco and Terrell Owens. The league’s reputation and ratings plummeted this past season following a series of events. “You think of concussions, you think of serious injuries, you think of domestic violence, you think of people protesting the flag and other things,” noted EPSN’s Israel Gutierrez. “Maybe if you introduce some fun into this and not maintain yourselves as the ‘No Fun League,’ then maybe there are different ways to get your product a little more desirable.” While the NFL aspires to $25 billion per year in revenue, there is always the need to generate new fan support – diverse demographics, superstar promotion, and fan enthusiasm.
On the heels of the NFL Combine in Indianapolis, an economic impact study from the league’s International Series game in Mexico City revealed an “incremental increase” in the city’s GDP. According to the Sports Industry group at EY, the Mexico City game this past season between the Texans and Raiders supported “2,840 jobs in the city” and contributed toward $43 million of total domestic and international tourist spending; the overall economic impact was $45 million. The sellout crowd at Mexico City’s Azteca Stadium consisted mainly of domestic fans, though over 9,500 international fans attended and 21,500 fans traveled from other parts of Mexico to get in on the action. These numbers come as great news for the NFL, which has tried to expand its international footprint in all directions. The league currently has more games planned in Mexico and throughout Europe in the coming years. Most recent news about Mexico has not been good. However, the combination of the WGC Golf Championship and the long-term interest for the NFL in Mexico is welcome news for our southern neighbor.
  With March Madness right around the corner, Pizza Hut is “stepping up its game with high-top sneakers that allow their wearers to order pizza with a push of a button…” According to Ad Age, Pizza Hut is handing out 64 pairs of their “Pie Tops” to honor the 64 teams that annually compete in March Madness. The shoes are Bluetooth-enabled, making ordering pizza as easy as can be. To promote the release of the shoes, Pizza Hut also released a promotional commercial featuring Grant Hill playing basketball in the shoes before sitting down, pressing the button on the tongue of the shoes, and having a two-topping pizza delivered moments after. Pizza Hut Vice President/Media & Advertising David Daniels said, “We're planning to feature the pie tops with on-air talent.” However, Pizza Hut has not announced yet which people will “wear and interact with the shoes during the broadcasts.” Never too early for basketball promotion, especially with ongoing streaming, constant hype and promotion, and the inevitable appeal to young demographics.
  The Las Vegas Golden Knights are officially an NHL team. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Owner Bill Foley made the third and final $500 million expansion payment on behalf of the franchise. “This is the most extensive transaction I've ever done, and I've made $5 billion deals. Even my wife had to sign 20 documents,” noted Foley. Other NHL team owners and Commissioner Gary Bettman were quick to congratulate Foley on officially joining the league. The Knights are the most recent expansion team in the NHL, bringing the total team count up to 31 for next season. The teams’ final expansion payment was not supposed to be completed and processed until April 5, but the league expedited and finalized the transaction five weeks ahead of time. Team General Manager George McPhee was thankful for the quick response on behalf of the league, meaning that the Golden Knights can now participate in transactions before the trade deadline. Las Vegas went from being “radioactive” as a franchise location to the home of one (and maybe two) in the not-too-distant future. Fan orientation, significant public money, and tourism infrastructure all add to the possibilities for success.
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mermaid-painter · 7 months
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Sam with a bat, what will he do?
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mermaid-painter · 7 months
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Some more fanart
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SRtober day #6: office
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this would totally happen
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SRtober day 1 >:DDD
prompt: Among Us
here’s a quick sketch i whipped up!
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this is the 15th time he’s been voted out for the lols
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already showed this to the ninth circle of hell gc but here ye go :3
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a cyberpunk stan for the soul
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SRtober day #3: pumpkin carving
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had no idea how this was gonna go so i tried
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