#scene from spongebob. brain on fire. lol
sanchoyo · 1 year
i start that new job tomorrow 😶 ...
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silentheiss · 1 year
This Is How I Disappear
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
just like this fucking song
save me
I’ve been like that since the early morning
since 10.30, when I woke up
which is an early morning, considering I went to bed at four in the morning
i was binge watching shitty horror movies
was fun until it wasn’t
and I had to watch shrek to calm down
Geralt laughs, hard.
Two hours later he almost texts the man back, just to yell at him for putting that stupid song in his head.
almost halloween!!
It’s October 20th, so it is definitely not almost halloween, but the man does seem like a type to hype it up.
ive been thinking about a costume
danny zuko
princess di
daryl dixon
and before you ask, yeah, I can definitely pull these off
except maybe for daryl, I might not have enough of that ruggish charm
and a crossbow
i most definitely don’t have one
you should be daryl, actually
you seem like a quiet type lol
Geralt also owns a pretty cool crossbow. It’s a tempting thought, to send the man a picture of it, but it might look a bit creepy.
Geralt is having dinner with his brothers, when he gets a text that makes his heart stop short.
do you want to know where I got your number from?
He’s been receiving texts for two months and for all this time he thought the man just accidentally texted the wrong number and once he realized no one is going to answer decided to keep texting. Like a diary or something.
But now he is confronted with the thought of being known by this stranger.
I wasn’t really planning to tell you this, but I’ve had some excellent wine and I’m feeling quite melodramatic
so, the day I texted you I got in a fight with my dad
i was working a shitty barista job at a time, and was running late
because of a fight, you see
so I got fired
threw a great scene about it, too
and as I was sitting in the parking lot, at 8.15 in the morning, I saw a business card on the ground
it was clearly stepped on maaaaany times, I couldn’t even read what was written on it
entertained myself for good fifteen minutes trying to do so, too
but I could make out a phone number
so I texted
didn’t expect the answer
was right about it at least, huh?
dk why I kept texting
maybe I should stop, actually
“No.” Geralt mutters.
“What?” Eskel looks at him over his beer.
“Nothing.” Geralt quickly puts his phone away.
“You’ve been acting weird lately.” Lambert puts his fork down and exchanges a glance with Eskel.
“Is it a fucking intervention?” His brothers’ curiosity isn’t surprising, and he doesn’t mean to actually snap at them, but the prospect of loosing his mystery texter makes him feel… uneasy.
“Who are you keep texting?” Lambert presses.
“I’m not texting anyone.” Geralt answers.
“But you’re always on your phone.” Eskel’s voice is mild, clearly not wanting to start a fight.
“Are you Vesemir now?” He grumbles. “I’m just reading. A book.”
“Oka-ay.” Lambert drawls, clearly unconvinced. Geralt doesn’t care.
He doesn’t look at his phone, not until his brothers leave later in the evening.
I don’t think I will.
guess you’d tell me if I were annoying
god knows people have no problem doing that.
but you read all my texts, so
maybe you laugh at me
and that’s okay, I guess
good night, parking lot business card person
Geralt lets out a breath he feels he was holding all evening.
“Good night.” He whispers.
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slystallone · 3 years
GIRL my life MESSY as hell right now, my brain is absolutely EVERYWHERE. I’ve had the worst night/day of my life so my brains like that scene from spongebob where Patrick is ordering at the Krusty Krab and he’s just drooling BC he doesn’t know what to order 🤦🏻‍♀️
BUT, I’ve learned a lot from the Rocky films, but more specifically the speech he gave to Robert. It is EXACTLY how I’ve learned life to be, in my short 19 years on this stupid spinning ball, nothing had ever been more true. It helped me learn that it’s okay to have hope, to keep that fire alive in my soul but to also have a realistic outlook on life itself. That people are going to be negative, they’re going to be mean, that no matter what their circumstances many will be very selfish as well. I want to be brave and know my worth, yet know when to be kind and selfless, to know what to focus my energies on. Most of my life I’ve ALWAYS took what people said and did to me to heart, and now as I’m older and have learned so much, I ‘laugh’ at the words and actions that are supposed to hurt me.
I sound loco but I PROMISE I’m 100% (not) normal 😬
oh i'm sorry! i'm here if you wanna talk about it! i'll answer privatly if you want..i'm no professional obviously, but sometimes just venting can be helpful
it IS exactly how life is!! in my case i learned it first and then watched the movie lol but its amazing how nothing is ~by chance and things fall into place. just when i decided to do better and to BE better i discover one of the most inspirational characters ever.
there you go!!l love that for you!! i'm on that path as well! to work on myself, to be more confident, more assertive, i already am more positive than i EVER was...to know how to stand up for myself, learn to have some discipline once and for all...its hard to teach yourself all of these things, but not impossible! learning all of this and still stay kind, classy, polite... its a process. especially when you have to do it yourself with no guidance! i have also learned to understand that people's opinion of me just doesn't matter. sounds like 'duh' but understanding you DON'T HAVE to explain, justify or PROVE anything, you can just assume whatevr you want about me and i don't have to prove you're wrong if you are!! "oh yeah? that's what you think? ok". amazing.
When you know who you are nobody can project their shit on you! their opinions really do become laughable. that's just us shattering our egos and i love that for us
you don't sound crazy at all, you sound like someone who loves herself, who's on a path to become a better version of them and who understands that life is this ongoing journey of learning and unlearning a bunch of things but that you can and will triumph! Like that Poe quote he mentioned "I promise to take life by the throat and I shall not let go until I succeed"
And about your fics...everyDAY since 2013?? dude.. post it. if you want, of course haha. i'm not a writer but in my experience you're all too overcritical of yourselves. don't forget to tag it so people can find it if you post it here, and you'll get some feedback! tag me if its abt a sly character too 😁
also ooh i dont blame you. i thought about gifing him in spy kids lol i might. early 2000s sly.....deserves some attention....
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superstarjeonghan · 4 years
The “Rona” (Entry # 2)
It’s been a while since I’ve written an entry, and let me tell you that there has been a lot of things that happened over the past couple of months. I’ve been having less breakdowns, which is amazing. I’ve also been going out with friends, keeping up with school, spending more time with family (there is actually an unfortunate situation that happened, that led to that instance but I’ll talk more about it later), and surprisingly, I’ve met a couple of people who ended up becoming some of my closest friends.
It’s 2020 now. Which I thought was great, because 2019 was a shit storm (refer to “the_void_entry_1”). Oh, but little did sweet tiny me know that 2020 is far worse. I mean it started out well. I’ve been coming to class regularly (the shear strength that I had to have just to make myself get out of bed is enormous, but I had to do it for the *gags* “learnings”). It was all fun and games, cause the only reason why I attended classes in the first place was to go see my friends and learn something (I guess) to pass the courses. Then out of the blue, I started to like studying again, which is surprising even for me. I got the hang of the lessons, I had answers to engineering problems that I never knew I could do, and I started doing projects and papers days before the submission, which is big because I am a huge procrastinator.
Everything was going well, up until the “rona” showed up. (I call it “rona” short for “corona” please don’t let it confuse you with my friend who is also named Rona, she’s an amazing girl and I adore her, anyway.) Countries and cities all over the world were declaring lockdowns left and right. I thought little of it because I didn’t want another panic attack coming my way, but the situation got bigger and bigger, until our country declared a nationwide lockdown. Grocery stores were packed with people bulk buying canned food, toiletries, and basic necessities, classes were suspended which forced them to do online classes, and streets were guarded heavily with law enforcement officers, soldiers even. First I thought “Online classes, cool. It’s easier to pass the courses when we take online exams because, the internet answers everything!” (yeah I know that’s a shitty thought, but at that time I didn’t know that thousands of people are going to die, and I’m not mentally stable to handle that. Also, the internet does not answer everything, I still had to do manual solving to answer those tests cause the professors made it super hard, I thought I was taking the board exam! *flailing arms angrily*)
As days went by I got super anxious because it finally sunk in that my parents were medical professionals. They need to work. They are required to. I started to worry, but I can’t show that I’m worried because my little siblings are going to worry too. Plus, I’ve always been like the strong independent woman that they’ve come to love but my oh my, this strong independent woman is going to puke because of anxiety. I “tried” to show them that I can handle things in the house when they (parents) are gone. And I told them (little sis and little bro) that everything is going to be okay. “No need to worry.” I say to them as I held back my screams of terror. It’s so damn hard to pretend to be strong in front of your younger sibs! (Panganays rise up!) But we need to do it. I need to do it, because mama raised no bitch.
Stuff about my friends on the other hand went, okay? I guess. I got to hang out a lot with some of them, but my original friend group… Let’s just say that I haven’t had the time to catch up. Not just on stories, but also on studies? Maybe because I’m way behind them now. They’re taking up higher studies while I’m still stuck in my current studies. It’s my fault, though. I am clearly fucked up and I can’t keep up with what society wants students to be in this day and age. I’m a slow learner, I guess. I give up easily, and that I know is true. Long-story-short, I fail a lot of subjects because I lack self-control and I’m dumb as fuck, that’s why I haven’t graduated yet. Now that I think about it, I’ve been studying for 5 years, non-stop. I take classes every semester, even during the summer, I try to enroll for school, and yet… I’m still here. But I guess that’s for another entry.
But, something did happen this year that made it a lot more bearable. Remember the people I said that became some of my closest friends? Well, kids. This is the story about how I met your mothe– (How I Met Your Mother reference!!! I’m so sorry, I’ve been binge watching a shit ton of series to appease the mental breakdown, so please bear with me.) This is the story about how I met the… uh, I don’t know what to call this group, but the group chat name varies from “GYULISANATICS” to “PUSSY GANG”. I’ve met this people online, through stan twitter, and they are one of the funniest people I know. I adore them so much, and I just want to protect them at all costs because they are so precious (even though they are completely savage when it comes to twitter fights). I’m going to talk more about them in a separate entry (I think I’m going to call it “the_gang_entry_3”) because there will be a lot of interesting and hella funny stories to tell about this people. Anyway, I’ve been inactive on stan twitter (on social media in general, like literally the only two apps that I open now are Netflix and YouTube) and I feel like I’m missing a lot. I kind of want to jump in on their conversations but I’m afraid that I wouldn’t know what they’re talking about and I’ll just feel out of place. Like my original friend group (stated in last paragraph).
There was this one time not too long ago, where a feud started on stan twitter where the “gang” was pulled into and everything was in chaos. That time, I was just in bed binge watching “Why R U”. When the last episode ended, I turned on my twitter notifications (I turn off twitter notifications when I’m watching so that annoying notification tab doesn’t pop up) and immediately, my phone started vibrating non-stop. I got notification after notification after notification. So I decided to check stan twitter, and OH. MY. GOODNESS. I didn’t know why my timeline was flooded with selcas (a “selca” is a slang for “self-camera” which originated in South Korea, it is also known as a “selfie”). I checked my DMs and the chat was going crazy. I didn’t understand what was going on so I called a dear friend named Din. I asked her what the heck is happening. Why does my timeline look like that one scene from Spongebob where all the tiny Spongebobs in his brain were running around, panicking, and everything else is on fire? She calmly explained it and told me everything. Sparing no details. That one and a half hour conversation was full of opinions on who we needed to side with. At that time, I really wasn’t sure on whose side I’m on, because everything was still so confusing for me even though Din tried to explain and re-explain everything when I tried to ask questions (and they were a lot, sorry Din.) At that time, the mother in me really wanted to say something, like give advice or tell them that everything is going to be okay, and that they don’t need to listen/mind the people that show them hate (which I know they already knew, because they are strong women as well). But I couldn’t, and I don’t know why. A part of me thought that maybe the thing that I’m about to say is going to rub off in a bad way? Or maybe they’ll think that I’m just being active because of the fact that there is a fight going on and I’m just in it for the “tea”. So I didn’t say anything. Even though I told them that I was going to say something. Now I don’t know if they’ll ever get to know the reason why.
This fucking lockdown got me so fucked up that I’m overthinking the littlest of things.
Well, that’s it for entry 2. I’ll write again soon.
Lastly, I do hope that help is given to the people who need it the most. And remember that it’s okay to not feel okay amidst these series of unfortunate events. There are always people out there who can listen to you… who can help you. Don’t be afraid to reach out.
(I haven’t proofread this entry so if there are any mistakes, I’m sorry. Lol)
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madokamagicasecrets · 5 years
2. The only thing I can think of is being called Raspberry because of my Discord nickname on a Madoka server (Raspberry Chocolate Girl)
3. None that I know of
5. Awfully, because my normal handwriting is also atrocious
7. I haven’t dated anyone! My only relationships were online only
11. Nope
13. Nutella (I also advocate for cashew butter)
17. If manga counts, I think it was a volume of Platinum End (a sadly mostly-unknown new thriller by the creators of Death Note) and I will heavily recommend it to everyone, cause Oda is the best
19. Uh, I’ve certainly had it drawn but I can’t remember if it was for a donation
23. I don’t really binge anything, I always watch it in sections. However, I watched huge sections of The Office at once
29. I haven’t tried, to my memory
31. Probably a really anxious one
37. Very likely, but I can’t remember now
41. Probably dried fruits these days, but I used to really dig candy corn
43. No, thank god
47. I haven’t had enough quinoa to be sure, but I like brown and mexican rice so
53. I can eat a decent amount of spicy food but I know my limits. For instance, I can like, slurp curry ramen all day (and also add jalapenos to a lot of my food) but there was some super hot pepper-based Asian food I had one time and it really messed me up. 
59. Nope, I don’t really play games like that cause I don’t have many irl friends
61. No, I’ve tried to learn before but couldn’t quite figure it out
67. Sometimes I’m amazing, other times I’m awful. I generally need it to be on paper, if I try to use my head it doesn’t work
71. No, maybe when I get into MMA?
73. Yep, we have proof of it
79. I don’t think it really counts, but every time I go to the dish room at work I almost slip and fall and I’m convinced that’s how I’ll die someday
83. I wasn’t the one to end either of the 2 I’ve had, the other person did it
89. Do game guides count? I’ve copied a few redstone tutorials and such
97. Nah, but mostly cause I haven’t really seen many
101. Maybe a 5? I don’t dance much
103. I knew at one point but it’s been a few years. I think the last time it was tested was way back when I was getting into the magnet program, so maybe in 2014? Or even earlier
107. Yup, I quit being a Walmart janitor (what a surprise)
109. I can’t really watch a full movie repeatedly, but I’ll do that with certain scenes. A few from Evangelion 3.33 and Rebellion really get me, no matter how many times I see them
113. No, but I was on the local news in middle school and I also made videos in high school so
127. I think it was Weird Al, actually
131. Not yet, but if my stress keeps building up then I might do something firable
137. My luck highly varies, either it goes all at once or not at all
139. Nope, not yet
149. Nope, but I’ve fired a rifle
151. I’ve had fish, hermit crabs, and fancy mice
157. My dumb brain can’t think of much but I regret a lot in general so almost certainly
163. I don’t know many celebrities, but Robin Williams is definitely someone I wish was still around
167. As a trans, absolutely yes lol
173. Oof, uhhhhh....maybe Spongebob?
179. Nope, not yet
181. Depends, normally a 1 but if you push me, 11
191. Eh, I’m ok, maybe a 6-7
193. A lot! I learned from high school how to use my left hand, and my legs, etc, for things I usually use my right hand for
197. Nope, I don’t like sports
199. Maybe a fox? Foxes are really cute
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knightofwalpvrgis · 7 years
The Wizarding World and General Fandom Rant
I hope this comes out as eloquently as I’ve been thinking it up in my head, but I I fear I’ve already failed with my first sentence. My fury at the respect given to The Wizarding World fandom and the works it’s grown from has reached a fever pitch, and what I’m angry about is multi-faceted and quite complex, so please bear with me while I try to explain it in some reasonably sane way.
I’ve realized that, to be honest, a lot of people do not respect the Harry Potter stories and the world it created. They don’t. And among a very large size of the population, that ignorance and that disrespect is promoted. Forgive me for being over-dramatic, but the stories are patronized and trivialized to an astonishingly laughable and horribly shocking extent, you’d almost think it was vendetta-ized, and it partially is. My irritation and my seeming irrationality comes from the fact that (with full respect to other fandoms,) The Wizarding World is the last fandom/extended universe to deserve this kind of treatment. 
I hate the fact that I even have to argue a point that I think is proved by The Wizarding World IP already: That this franchise is astonishingly mature for a four quadrant piece of branded, commercial fantasy entertainment. It’s overall very stylistically dark and gritty, thematically heavy, disturbing, and complex, contextually violent and shocking, and, in a narrative sense, extremely ambitious and groundbreaking. It takes risks where other IP’s don’t. It’s a coming of age epic that translates and segues into a global conflict/drama, that manages to hang onto personal and intimate storytelling, rather than blow every plot element out of proportion with ridiculously cosmic effects and plot elements a la Star Wars, or Marvel, allowing the content to be moving, upsetting, affecting, and deeply life-changing. It is, despite so many people’s insulting trivializations, a modern classic, in my opinion. From every facet you look at it, its hardly indistinguishable from adult fantasy, and that’s because Rowling created it for adults as much as she did a younger audience of teenagers or even tweens. No one is saying its the best intellectual property ever to grace this earth, but it is supremely intellectual and truthful and important for modern IP, and that, to me, is obvious. From an aesthetic and stylistic standpoint to a deeper thematic one.
Yet so many people, including those within the fandom, I will add, seem to never want to represent it as this, or give it any of the credit they would give any other film or book forg maintaining even a quarter of the gravitas Harry Potter has. In the case of Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World, no one ever addresses anything meaningful within the series. It’s always torn down, placed on a lower shelf, and even actively pushed aside by people hoping to exclude and already biblically popular story from the cultural consciousness.
What I mean by this is as follows:
1) What is Harry Potter known for?: Think about it. What is the first thing that someone who doesn’t have a very good knowledge of The Wizarding World going to associate with the series? If my time spent outside the fandom is any indication (lol, I live here,) it’s all irrelevancies. Ignorant journalists forced to publish and editorial on the Potter fandom use universally known photos from irrelevant scenes of a fresh faced, geeky looking Harry James Potter from film 1 because that’s the only face of the story they’re familiar with. Often, it seems oddly intentional. Journalists often seem to write about Potter with as patronizing a tone as possible. Repeatedly associating the fandom and the story with geeky, awkward first film promotional photos and rare cartoons of Harry from some once-published 2014 commonwealth re-release or that old Goblet of Fire cover is an easy way to undermine the strength of the story, and it’s not something you see done to any other property.
But also, what do people talk about when Harry Potter comes up? People might bring up the melodramatic “Luke, I am your father” quote from Star Wars, “You Shall Not Pass,” from Lord of The Rings or the heart-ripping scene from Indiana Jones, but with Harry Potter, people only seem to be able to mumble out a screed of irrelevancies, typically consisting of “10 points to Gryffindor, Bertie Bott’s Beans, and Quidditch,”...that’s shameful. Here’s a list of things that are hardly associated with the Wizarding World brand despite the fact that they extend far beyond a few symbols of innocence/world building details from the first book:
The Death Eaters, The Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore’s Army, The unforgivable curses, The Philosophers stone, The Chamber of Secrets, Sirius Black and the Marauders, the Sacred Twenty Eight and the House of Black, Draco Malfoy and the Malfoy Family, Peter Pettigrew and his betrayals, Lily and James’ Heartbreaking romance, The First and Second Wizarding Wars, The Goblet of Fire, The Triwizard Tournament, and the Rebirth of Voldemort, The Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Department of Mysteries, the Seven Potters, and Hogwarts, Gringott’s Wizarding Bank, Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, The Dark Mark, Albus Dumbledore’s tragic past, Lord Voldemort and his entire back story, Dolores Umbridge and the corrupt ministry of magic, Horcruxes, divination, prophecies, and seers, Sybill Trelawney, Cho Chang, Lavender Brown, the Patil twins, the Weasley twins, Delphi Diggory, Bellatrix Lestrange, Azkaban, the entire extended story on Pottermore and the International Confederation of Wizards and Regulus Black, wandlore, MACUSA, the Deathly Hallows, Leta Lestrange, Credence Barebone, and the entire events of Fantastic Beasts and Cursed Child, Obscurials, Grindelwald, Dumbledore’s sexuality, love potions, combat spells and wizarding academics and ministry departments, and international wizarding communities and dementors, inferi, and on and on and on...
Why do you never hear of these things when you ask someone to discuss Harry Potter? Why do I have to read editorials about how quaint Harry Potter is because it imbues magic with “eating jellybeans?” Because it would totally blow the patronization attempt out of the water if they were to focus on anything remotely plot related. Instead, we live in a world where even members of the fandom have joked themselves into thinking that the only things about these stories that matter are Hogwart’s houses, fucking magic candy only ever mentioned once, and a niffler that appears for 1/16th of the scenes in Fantastic Beasts. Can we grow up and talk about plot and character shit, you know, the stuff that actually matter? Thanks.
This leads me to my second point:
2) Blatant patronization. Infantilization. Treating the franchise as diminutively as possible, handling it like a crayola turd just dropped from a 3 year olds asshole. I can’t honestly believe I’ve had to sit through article after article of journalists and even fandom members who contribute Potter’s success to “eating jellybeans,” “being more innocuous than Bambie,” “lighter than the Chronicle’s of Narnia,” “similar to Percy Jackson and Savvy,” called “G-rated wizardry,” have tv shows and books and films be termed “a grown up Harry Potter,”...its just extraordinarily insulting to me, especially there’s no coherent argument I can give. It’s hard to be able to think coherently when you’ve just read an editorial on how “squeaky clean, harmless, and unchallenging,” all the Wizarding World films are when they rated Mrs Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children appropriate only for 15+ year olds and called the Star Wars franchise a “sci-fi epic for mature adults.” My brains reacts to it as if I’ve just heard someone compare Game of Thrones to Spongebob. It’s just horribly incongruent to everything this series has come to be known for.
These are some of the more extreme examples, but too often I’ve seen members of fandom who still treat it diminutively. “The childish stuff is what Harry Potter is about,” and, when confronted with the dark realities of Merope Gaunt’s treatment of Riddle and Severus Snape’s murder, “yea, but I just forget about that dark stuff because it’s a childrens book.”
Jesus Christ, lets set something straight:
Allow me to drop some facts on these commenters for a hot second. The majority of the audience, as researched by a number of publishers, lies within the 15-30 year old age range. In terms of marketing, there are no toys, very little kids clothing, comparatively few young skewing published editions globally, little to no instances of kid-marketed visual media. live entertainment, fandom experiences instances of retail...It’s all adult retail, items sold through Pottermore, and Hot Topic, The Noble Collection, Primark, Interior Design, Elope, Hot Rags, The WB Shop, Universal Orlando, Spencers, BMW, King Ice, Carat Jewelers, Hallmark.... It’s mainly marketed to a mature audience. So patronizing treatment on this front is unwarranted. 
The second part of this is content. The questionable content is never indulgent. But it is often shocking, horrific, tragic, occasionally graphic, bloody, mild to moderately gory, disturbing, thematically resonant, and intentionally creepy to say the least, and there’s increasingly no magical veneer to hide beneath. The setting is more or less realistically painted and the altercations are personal, the emotions real, the characters realistic...most of the films are rated PG-13, a number of the films nearly R, and restrictively rated in regions from Australia to Eastern Europe, to Asia, to the UK and Ireland and Latin America...
This is all extremely important. Its extremely important that we recognize potter for these things. Conflict is only dramatically effective if it contains the strength and potency to make it so, and by, excusing it away, calling it safe and clean where it isn’t, you’re effectively neutering it for no other reason than to give someone a false impression. 
It isn’t for kids. That’s not saying they can’t and don’t read it, or an audience of children has never been sought after or even directly marketed to. But look at Star Wars: Marketing through Disney Channel cartoons, Toys R Us, Sippy Cups, The Disney Store, and look at DC and Marvel doing the same thing. Look at all of those brands doing the “fast and funny action spectacle” films to please as wide an audience as possible. It takes, in essence, no creative risks, and yet it feels as if these franchises get lauded for, again, having only a quarter of the gravitas the Wizarding World has. 
Recognizing these stories for being unique in the sense that they are mature and they are challenging is exactly what’s appropriate for Rowling’s storytelling. Percy Jackson, often finding itself at the base of comparisons for the Harry Potter series, clearly skews younger than it. With short books, slang-y writing, an over-abundance of sophomoric humor, clean conflict, and chapter titles like “I Scoop Poop,” I’m equal parts bemused and frustrated that comparisons are made. At the same token, Chronicles of Narnia is an extremely lighthearted, short, simple, puritanical story of adventure and fantasy. Potter isn’t. It’s contemporary, edgy (in the non-eye-roll-worthy sense of the word,) inventive, sophisticated, and energetic, but slow, complex, extremely adult in sensibility, aesthetic, tone, and writing. Star Wars, while immersive, preoccupies itself with far more childish oddities and humorous diversions than Potter does and maintains an extremely irreverent and light tone throughout, Marvel is similar but even more conveyor-made, and Lord of the Rings, for all the intellectuals who champion its brilliance (and it is brilliant) and superiority over Potter fail to realize the importance of maintaining recognizable thematics, mature conflict, and emotion within a story. 
And this is beneficial to those younger children that do read the stories. You are, by suggesting the Potter stories are merely escapist inconsequential fantasy for childish types, telling a lie, and you are also insulting their intelligence. What type of judgment are you making about an adult or a child’s character when you suggest, however innocently, that their favorite stories are nothing but irreverence, that they’re clean, and dispute any kind of attempt to get you to see that they are thematically relevant and important! Harry Potter and Jo’s Wizarding World is so deeply and emotionally attached to our society for a reason. let’s treat it accordingly. These stories are bold, and groundbreaking, and thrillingly dark and heartbreaking, and WE LOVE THEM FOR THAT.
That’s not to say we can’t ever mention irrelevancies. But to caricaturize the Potter stories with them like we have is shameful and disappointing. And the oft-repeated argument is “kids books are still important.” Yes you’re right. They are. But not in the way I’m discussing. Not in the way Potter is. Harry Potter does not fit in such a young-skewing, streamlined, narrow category:
The story includes thematics pertaining to murder, betrayal, torture, war, depression, abuse, tragedy, love and hatred, spirituality and the nature of life and death, sadomasochism, genocide, totalitarianism, corruption, blood purity and inbreeding, corruption, lust and desire, fascism and naziism, vengeance, gray morality, even rape and manipulation and grooming and forced murder and torture...Keep making comparisons to the 100+ year old “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” and likening it to just another kids book all you want, but it will never fit that mold, and I think we need to treat the series like it’s worthy of the majority adult audience and marketing scheme that it already has and has had for years.
That’s my issue: where is the proof that it’s “for kids”?! There is none! I find it strange that people will praise The Hunger Games, an increasingly vapid and typical dystopia for being “mature and sophisticated” or even Rogue One and Civil War for being “very adult and heartbreaking,” but then turn around to The Wizarding World, a universe that has about 5x the sophistication, and repeat the tired “Grimm’s fairytales did it first argument. Im sick of it.
This whole rant came about because I saw so many reviewers admonishing Fantastic Beasts for being dark, and thematically resonant, and too political, either openly shaming that side of the story, or pretending like it didn’t even exist. Every time Potter film is released, there’s someone somewhere writing a review admonishing the “horrendously dark tone” at the expense of “kid-skewing charm” or some other stupid shit. I just don’t know where to end this.
The Wizarding World is, evidently, the ballsiest, most truthful, most ambitious and dark and heartbreaking and resonant four quadrant piece of branded entertainment out there. It’s every bit as important and as grim and truthful as any fantasy ever has been. 
Can we start treating it like it is? Please?
(pardon the typos. Absolutely no time to edit this. Just embrace the general message. Hope it flows well enough.) 
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