#sending lots of love your way and hope your weekend is a wonderful one 💕
mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
I love how much of a feedback loop Owen and Tom are regarding Loki and Mobius. It's like, Owen quoting Tom's quote about Loki as Mobius. Loki quoting Mobius. Mobius quoting Loki. Tom quoting Owen as Mobius during interviews about Lokius. Don't wanna call them insane for this but fr they're like a couple of theater nerds with their fave characters enabling each other lol it's so cute. Which kinda makes Tom seeking out Owen in his own home to talk about Loki some more makes perfect sense because how often did he get to just infodump his feelings about his character with someone and having such a receptive response.
You're so right!! 🥺💖
"I can play the heavy keys too" is pretty much always on my mind because what a full circle moment to show Owen really took everything about the Loki lectures and Tom's dedication to heart, and once again is just another example of how they may approach the job in different ways but are no less equal in dedication to the craft or having that giddiness in finding a kindred spirit to recite poetry with to set the mood when no one else gets it, lol
It clearly meant so much to Tom when after spending who knows how long discussing his thoughts about who Loki is and what his motivations are to everyone in the s1 cast/crew, to then take this extra time with Owen getting even more in depth with the entire MCU journey and have him not only absorb those details in a way which benefited both of them as actors and in building character development but to then immediately turn right back around and ask what playing Loki meant on a personal level because that mattered just as much in his eyes.
Similar to Loki and Mobius, Tom and Owen seem to share the similarity of Tom going into these grand, expansive moments of exposition that lead into Owen cutting through with a single line that somehow encompasses all that and more as you instantly see them fall on the same page. Their friendship is really something so no wonder it's led to the kind of love and understanding in Lokius that's rare to find 💖
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Dear Bubbie,
The struggle is real. On one hand, i'm so glad you're finally getting the chance to take a break from the madness here on [tumblr] and having some beautiful you time. On the other, it's only been like not even a whole day and i miss you like heck *pouts*
I miss you running off in the middle of our screaming to go make some incredible gifs to better manage and concentrate the screams. I miss you getting COMPLETELY overwhelmed and yet super excited with the amount of content that kept blindsiding us for like a month. i miss you being fake angry at Christopher for being quite the slut and just losing your marbles over how good he does it. i miss the laughs that would burst outta the bottom of my heart reading your tags. Ugh! i just miss it all *does some more pouting*
so yeah, like i said, the struggle is real, sweet man! I hope you're having an amazing Friday kicking off what i know will be an awesome vacay with a wonderful start!
Love you more than the amount of screams we both have let out this past month, which is A LOT by any scale!
kisses, hugs, smooches, the works <3
Ohhhh Oula, Bubba 💛💛 my self imposed tumblr break probably won’t start until after the weekend, so fret not! I may have posted less today but that’s because I was so busy internally and externally screaming about Sebastian and reading a bunch of older evanstan fics 😂 So no worries, no pouting, I’m still around! And I probably won’t manage to stay away for a full week either 😂 no way I have that type of self-restraint lmao.
And goddd I know how you miss it, because I miss it too!! I miss our day long screaming 😭 but I’m sooo glad you’re still making these wonderful gif sets so I get to still express my fury about this man in the tags on a regular basis. On that note: HOW DARE YOU? I was definitely not fake angry at Chris, very real anger thank you very much 😤😤😤😤. He deserves it for being so slutty and horrible!! He ruined like at least a couple of weeks and a lot more brain cells with his infuriating behavior! I need a break dear god bc yes I definitely got extremely overwhelmed.
(Just kidding baby please come back - I miss his pretty face and his too tight shirts and his wild curly hair and his gorgeous gorgeous eyes and his beautiful soul and his dumb humor and his extremely hot annoyed face and pants that frame his assets all right and amazing answers to dumb questions and his infectious laugh and his pretty tired eyes and his puppy dog looks and his slutty slutty ways and and and 😭😭😭)
And you don’t have to worry! Even if we don’t get content for a while, believe me, I’m more than capable of screaming about this man without it, there’s so much to be upset about with him, and just as much to be upset about with Sebastian (I will find a way to make you obsess about that pretty angel somehow someday).
So my screaming will definitely continue - it’s why I’m on this hellsite after all - that, and to tell you on a regular basis that you’re amazing, brilliant, hilarious, incredibly talented & have the biggest biggest heart and that I love youuu 💗💗💗
I am having a great Friday - thank you Seb 💕 (and iced coffee and sunshine and good friends), and I hope you are too! Sending you allllll the smooches and cuddles and love 💛💛💛💛💛
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firein-thesky · 1 year
Hello :) I have just finished reading "Anew" and I thought of leaving a message again :). I'm sorry in advance for the lengthy message - I hope it isn't too much of a bother ..
To put it simply, it's mesmerizing. The narration flows so naturally the act of reading feels as smooth as breathing; not to mention the amount of detail you have put into it - It makes it so evocative, so real. Your hard work and artistic sensitivity are evident in your words :).
The way you portrayed the characters in their youth .. their feelings felt palpable, painfully human I'd dare to say, and relatable. And the line where you called Megumi "the usurper"??
That and of course Gojo and reader, and how they evolved together and individually (especially right after geto's defection) .. well, if I started speaking about that i would never stop talking, I think 😂. Something I want to underline about them in this chapter is how intense, vulnerable and intimate their first night of marriage felt, especially for the reader.
This was a whole experience, i swear - It felt like being cracked open, broken and put back together (in the best way possible). I teared up, smiled, and held my breath and I believe there's nothing more i'd want to ask of a story like this one. I think you really deserve to be appreciated for the effort you put into it,, so thank you for updating this once again and kudos for the amazing work!
P.s. I have also read, since my last ask, "to hold and be held" .. I know it's a bit old, but I wanted to tell you I loved that story too. I really did. It has become easily one of my favorite pieces of fanfiction of all time, along with Godmaker! But I don't want to and won't take any more space in your inbox,, I just wanted to share some love for it too! And please, excuse me for any eventual mistakes - English is not my first language .. With that said, I hope you have a great day :))
oh gosh please NEVER apologize for long asks. i've reread this so many times since you sent it. genuinely i think it's so kind that you took time to reach out and send your thoughts after reading–it means a lot to me! i know i say it every time, but it really does!! i mean it every time i say it!!
but THANK YOU again for such kind compliments. i was a lil nervous about this chapter and it's just really reassuring to read this!! thank you
i have called (and thought many times) about megumi as a sort of "usurper" figure to gojo.,.,i think i have posts somewhere on this blog ab it lol but i just HAD to include it here too! i think it's so...fun, for lack of a better word.
and gojo and the reader! i really wanted their wedding night to be...ig i wanted to sort of put reader in her place a little/shake her up a little. i think she's always in control, or previously has always been in control and i wanted to make her more vulnerable for once!
gosh im just so glad you enjoyed this chapter!! 🥺💕 and i will not pretend i have not worked hard/put a lot of effort into this story bc writing IS hard lol and i labored over this one quite a bit, so once more, this is very very appreciated 🥺 ik i write for myself and because i enjoy it but messages like this make me feel like sharing it and posting is very worth it and very worth the connections with others. its very special to me!
and THANK YOU about to hold and be held, too!! i really enjoyed writing that one and i'm so glad you enjoyed it too! Pining as a theme and unrequited love is a favorite of mine!
thank you so much again!! i hope you've had a wonderful weekend and you have a good following week! i can't express how grateful i am 💕
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roselise · 2 years
I just saw your scars and I’m so sorry 😞 I hope everything is good and you’re in a better situation now
This truly means something so very special to me. ♡
To think that you took the time to share such support and to wish me so well, this is something I’ll never forget! You’re a wonderful soul and I’d give you the biggest hug if I could! ♡ ♡
Indeed, I went through some very traumatic things growing up.
If a child ever says someone hurt or touched them inappropriately you should always believe them, but those around me turned a blind eye or blamed me instead.
So I had a lot of pain, but no one and no where to turn. :c
Self-harm was the only way I could cope for a long time. I don’t speak of it much, because it’s unhealthy and I’ve been working on healing for the past year. :’)
Some days are good! Others are sad and scary.
I’m not perfect, but I’m doing my best! I just take it day-by-day, pray a lot, and try to be gentle with myself. :3
Sometimes I wish things had been different in my life, but I am grateful to be understanding of other people’s pain at least. I’m also determined to always be there for anyone else going through a difficult time!!
No one should ever be alone!
I hope if anyone else is going through this that they don’t feel ashamed or treat themselves unkindly because of it. All humans struggle and everyone deserves love no matter what. That value is inherent. There are better days ahead — always keep going! ♡
Thank you so much for reaching out and being so very kind! This really touched my heart and made my night to see! You’re amazing, my friend!! Just an absolute treasure! :D
Hugs, kisses, and all my warmest well-wishes! I send lots of love, and hope you have just the most wonderful weekend!
Stay sweet and special! All the best to you! ~ XOXO
♡ . ˚ * . 🤍
💕 ⊹  ♡
    ·   . . ‧✧̣̇‧ 🤍
🤍 ‧✧̣̇‧ 💕 ♡   . ♡  
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sparkagrace · 2 years
Hiii Tej! I hope you have a great weekend 💕💕
Riley! Thank you for your lovely ask! I hope you're feeling better; I know you've been under the weather recently so I'm hoping you're well on your way to recovery 💗💗💗
My weekend is lovely so far 🥰 I've traded the city for the countryside, so I've been walking around with my family, going to museums, visiting little shops in the village and little cafes (this one has an hour wait for food though and I'm very much trying not to get too hangry) 🥲
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Sending you lots of good writing vibes and may you stay cosy and warm 🍂
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musette22 · 2 years
Hi gorgeous 🌸
So i was just making a set and listening to some music when Because You Loved Me by Céline Dion came up and it kinda made me think of you 🥺 like in the way you do really lift me up and have faith in me and show me love that makes me feel ACTUALLY loved and just like acknowledged and seen and such 😣 and i just wanted to tell you that and tell you how much you mean to me and how i wish i can give you the world though you deserve the galaxy and the fact that i can't give you either keeps me up at night 😭 i'm so glad to hear you have a fun weekend planned ahead darling and i hope it truly be the greatest ever 💛 love you so much Sweets its making the thingy that's wrapped around my heart crack and fracture 💕 
Oh Oula, you absolute sweetheart 🥺💕 I adore you so, so much! It's so touching to hear how much our friendship means to you (and trust me, it means a whole goshdarn lot to me too!!) and I will do my very best to always make you feel cherished, loved, appreciated and seen, my darling 💛🌻 You're one of a kind and you deserve ALL the love and appreciation!!!! And don't you forget it, please 💖💫 Thank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful message, and for your love and friendship, and for being exactly who you are 🌹 You're perfect and I admire and adore you endlessly! Sending bunches of love and flowers and hugs and kisses, and I hope your day is as wonderful as you are. Love you, sweetheart 😘😘😘
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moonlight-prose · 1 year
hello sweet friend! These are so cool, could I please send these your way?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 💕
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
🍭 why did you start writing?
Oh my gosh I've had this in my inbox for way too long. I'm so sorry babes.
🕯️: There was! So I wrote a fic for Bucky a long time ago that was basically me talking about depression and it took me a while to actually get it all out. But also I always go back to my fic Black Velvet because there is a lot of my own emotion in that one. More than any of my others. I basically used that fic as a mirror for most of it.
🍭: So I basically started writing as a kid (the angst started early) because I found out that people actually write books as their forever job and i loved it. So much so that I just haven't stopped with that as being my dream.
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tomiokasensei · 1 year
HEYA MARILYN SWEETHEART IT'S YOUR SECRET SANTAAA!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 MERRY CHRISTMAS HONEYYY!!!!  🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎄🎄🎄🎄 HEHEHE!!!! MAY YOU HAVE A BLESSED DAY WITH LOTS OF WARMTH AND LOVE BBY!!! *HUGS YOU REAL TIGHT* 🥰🥰🥰🥰 It was such a awesome time and a pleasure to be your secret santa and i had so much fun to know you more and talk with you in everything!! ^^ hehe I hope you too enjoyed our time together as much i did ^^ Sorry I went yesterday to send you the last message but tumblr and my internet got crazy and my message got deleted TT A TT i was so ssaaaddd!!! But anyway I will answer to your ask!! I think you should post your art whatever you want sweetheart, your talent is supe beautiful so I bet animanga blog would a appreciate and love your drawings very much hehe ^^ You deserve so much recognization and if you feel like to draw more, then do what your heart tells you sweetie!! I would ADORE to see more of your fanarts and i'm sure the fandoms as well ^^ hehe Do you have ko fi or do you do commissions too? If so I would love to commission you or support you in any way Marilyn!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Thank you very much for supporting me as well hehe ^^ It made very happy!! I have a sideblog where i used to post my art to gain some money before i got my job! It's called "letsbeeart" if you want to see my art too hehe ^^ I'm so looking forward to see more of your arts and edits Marilyn!! And to our friendship to bloom more too!! Than you for being so lovely and amazing sweetie!! Happy holidays!! May your dreams come true and your life be blessed with happiness and love!! LOVE YOU LOTS MARILYN!!! THANK YOU AGAIN DARLIN!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻~~
HELLO DEAREST ANA!!! 💙💜💙 WHEN I SAW YOUR POST IN MY FEED I WAS LIKE, "IS THIS WORK OF ART TRULY FOR ME?!?!?" HAHA 😆 it was so stunning and perfect and made my holiday!! 🤩thankyou very much, most importantly, i hope you had fun making it~ for me, seeing a giyuu post from you was something i had hoped one day hehe 🥰 the colours, the concept, layout and fonts made it absolute perfection!! 🤌 i will cherish our interactions and i am so grateful that you have enjoyed being my secret santa, ana! the most wonderful part of this month was the experience and making a great friend i believe tumblr was always a great place for that!! and thankyou for this message! even if the original one got deleted lol💜
oh you flatter me! art makes me happy and your words are very encouraging! 💕especially since we both have similar interests and majors, this couldn't be more perfect! i do have a ko-fi but i never used it (i should start tho lol) yes i do commissions and gosh! you are too kind, ana, that you would consider an art from me 😳 i will follow your art blog and i look forward to seeing your wonderful work as well as continue to admire your stunning anime graphics!! 🥰 i just saw your chibi work and they are absolutely adorable!! your use of textures and colour is just as impressive as your edits/ the shapes for the graphics in the backgrounds really go well with your art i love them so much!! even for chibis the amount of detail is commendable!! i support you!! 💜
i can't say this enough, thankyou for being so kind and wonderful to me, ana, and i will cherish our new found friendship! i admire you so much!!! 💜 i hope you are having a super awesome day, weekend, and holiday!! merry christmas and a happy new year, ana!! 😘🎄🎁
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lenteur · 1 year
i really thought about whether i should leave clues or not, but i was terrible at them anyway 😭
of course, i want the people in my life to be healthy, safe & happy <3 i'm so happy your mum is there. whenever i was sick, my mum would be my angel <3 she would always feed me chicken noodle soup, bring me lots of blankets & chocolate <3
if i'm really invested in something i will stay up til 4am, i used to always be awake until like 7am when i was a teen and i would always regret it in the afternoon cause i'd be sleeping until 3pm :o i know exactly what you mean, i feel that way with a girl group i listen to. one member just outshines the rest of them and i think it's really unfair, i mean, i do think that the staff are maybe partly to blame but a lot of fans have noticed it 👀 i'm the same, i don't like drama. the only drama i like is drama in the show but if it's drama outside of it, i'm like nope. not interested.
i'm so so happyyyyy you like it!!! honestly, it meant so much but i really loved getting to know you <3 it was my favourite 🌷 you're so sweet, so so sweet 💗 pls never change, you're a lovely person ❤
oh so i'm either gonna watch the good detective or revenge of others, i'm not sure which one first. they're both kdramas <3 i think i've only seen three c-dramas (meteor garden, falling into your smile & a love so beautiful) i have a list of dramas i've watched and ones to watch and i tick them off as i go along :)
i remember you mentioning that one to me, i'm gonna watch that one after the one i watch this weekend i think....we shall see, i change my mind a lot about what i'm gonna watch
great minds think alike 💖💜
WE CAN SHARE CUSTODY 💘 i would have mentioned how GORGEOUS they were but i wanted you to see their faces first!!! 💎 OH MY GOD YOU ARE ADORABLE I LITERALLY MIGHT CRY STOP :( i have plentyyyyyy more photos of my kitties!!!! SEE BELOW
toffee tag
luna tag
oh please! you don't have to worry about your clues not being good enough. i am so bad at guessing things, even if the clues are as big as the Eiffel tower 🤣💔
the way you describe your mum is so cute and endearing 🥺💗✨ it reminds me of my relationship with my mum as well. matter of fact, we call each other guardian angel because of the way we always take care of each other ❤️ my mum is truly a gem, my treasure 💖 I'm so proud of being her daughter 💕
staying up until 7 am... don't remind me of that 😭🤧 I'd regret it so much but still do it. where's the logic? the favouritism in a group is unfortunately still a thing 💔 I just remember being a 2nd gg stan and during that era, the bias towards one particular member was blatantly obvious but I can't the one who received that treatment because they weren't the ones who wanted that to happen 😭 however, i think if you want to blame someone for that, direct your attention to the company because the idols have little to no power in the way they're promoted. I can still see that happening in this new generation (gg and bg alike) and it makes me wonder if companies did learn anything about what happened in the past 🤔 don't they remember how favouritism has torn groups apart? how it creates a toxic environment in the workplace? how most of the idols they're debuting are so young they have no idea what's normal and not normal? tldr; just stop it with the favouritism! I can understand you want to send your most popular member to make the group known but, as for everything in this world, know how to balance things... why do I keep writing novels for random subjects but I can't seem to do so when I need it the most? 😭🤧
tysm 🥰😘 I hope you don't change as well because you're amazing just the way you are (bruno mars copied me btw)
oooh! I've heard of those before hehe I hope you enjoy watching them 💘 and if you do want to talk about them, I'll pretend I've watched the show to fangirl with you 😏 oh so I see we have another thing in common? I also like to make lists of shows to watch but then I end up with a list of 6374848 shows before I even finished the first one on the list 💔 which is why now I'm only putting shows I REALLY want to watch in my list ☺️ I'm smart I know no I'm not 🚫
AAAAAAAAH IT FEELS SO GOOD TO FINALLY BE ABLE TO OFFICIALLY CALL MYSELF LUNA AND TOFFEE'S MOM/AUNT 😍🥰💘💗💕💖❤️✨ first of all, I'd like to thank heather for allowing me to share custody with her 💞 I'd also like to thank rose for hosting this wonderful event and allowing me to meet one of the most wonderful people ever 💘 and finally I'd like to give myself a pat on the back because I had some strong arguments that convinced heather 😹 (more like I forced you to share custody but we won't talk about it 😜) if you see me reblog all photos on both their tags, no you don't it is just an illusion 👀🧙🎩🪄 (putting a spell on you so you won't notice my strategy)
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meltwonu · 2 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 11
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, drunk seokmin making a MESS, frat parties, alcohol/drinking, sending of sexual photos/videos, matchmaker soonyoung returns~  AAAAAAH sorry this went up a day late! 😭 I feel like I’ve been doing that so much that I should change my schedule to post on Saturdays but I also work most Saturdays as well so that wouldn’t be any better anyway  ☠️☠️ kjdfksj But thank you so much for your patience and understanding! 🥺💕✨ This is a bit of a shorter one but… y’know, just a build up~ 🥴 I alr wrote most of ch 12 and well... well, well... 😵‍💫😗ANYWAY Enjoy ch 11 and have a good rest of your weekend! I will be updating my masterlists tmr tho, I took the day off so I can sleep, haha 😩💕 I love u! 💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - ?
*queued post.
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b@d_dream: so
b@d_dream: what department are you in?
Dokyeom: can’t rly say, it’d be too obvious if I said it…
Dokyeom: sorry I feel like I’m going in circles since I can’t rly tell you… 😭 i’m really trying I swear
You chuckle to yourself - wiping the tiredness from your eyes before your fingertips are flying across the keyboard again. 
b@d_dream: no i totally get it
b@d_dream: if i said my dept, it’d be rly obvious too I think... 
b@d_dream: theres a lot of smaller niche depts at the uni so… yeah 😅 I get it. 
A cold chill runs down your spine as you take a break; eyes darting around your room as you start to wonder how you’d gotten yourself into this position.
You never actually had a meeting to attend to and part of you felt like Dokyeom knew that too – even if he never pushed you. Instead, he waited until you were comfortable and you had given it a few days before you approached him again. Finally ready to talk even just a little bit to try and get a little bit of info out of each other. Even though it was proving to be more difficult than you anticipated.
Dokyeom: yeah... I think we’re both in the same position 🥲 I mean...
Dokyeom: still i think it would’ve been really nice to meet you lol
Dokyeom: all those things I said about you and all the photos and videos were true ykno?
Dokyeom: maybe later on we can consider meeting? I’m not like a weirdo irl I promise 
Dokyeom: whenever you’re ready tho, sweetheart~
b@d_dream: :) i would very much like that
b@d_dream: at a good pace! 
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“So, how’s the search?”
Soonyoung grins as he hands another beer to Seokmin in the dimmed living room of the frat house they were both currently in. The younger male grimaces knowing the truth. “I tried to figure out who it was, myself, y’know~ Being a matchmaker and all.”
Seokmin takes the bottle and takes a quick swig before he groans.
Would he tell Soonyoung?
“Y-yeah? What’d you find o-out?” He inquires.
The older male sighs and shakes his head dramatically before emptying his own bottle. “Nothing. Burner accounts and no way to message them either. Sorry bro, I tried. I really wanted to be a matchmaker for you and I failed. I can do more searching if you want though? How down bad are you?”
Seokmin laughs; eyes forming crescents as the buzz of the alcohol starts to get to him. He’d been a little sad that the two of you weren’t able to meet but he’d understood the circumstances and at the very least, you were actually a student at the university which meant that you, to some degree, were ‘close’ to him.
On the flipside of that, however, he knew that that meant someone on campus knew his ‘alter ego’ even if they didn’t know it was him and he was hoping that he would be able to keep it under wraps for as long as he could. Especially around the blabbermouth that he knew Soonyoung was.
“Yo, Seokmin, you okay? You’re just, like, zoned out.”
“H–huh? Yeah, nah, I’m good, I just think the beer is catching up to me, is all.”
His cheeks are warm and the way his body heats up with the buzz of alcohol and the memories of you and the photos and videos you’d send him make his cock throb uncomfortably in his jeans as he shifts from one foot to the other.
“Why don’t you just hook up with someone? There’s loads of people at this party, I’m sure someone would love to fuck you.” Soonyoung laughs as he pats the younger male on the shoulder – eating up the way he blushes harder at his crude suggestion. “It’s not like you’re dating someone, right?”
“Well, yeah, technically, but–”
“But what? You need to let loose, man! I keep tellin’ you! Your dick is gonna explode if you don’t!”
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And Seokmin’s idea of letting loose means drinking five more beers until he’s stumbling into one of the bathrooms of the frat house – soft drunken giggles spilling from his lips when he barely remembers to lock the door behind himself.
“Jus’ a lil’...”
He moans; shaky hands palming himself over his jeans just before he pops the button and slides a hand into his boxer briefs.
The music blasting from the living room is muffled to him now and all he can do is focus on the immediate pleasure that washes over his body the second his hand wraps around his cock.
“Oh, fuh–fuck…”
Seokmin had been under a lot of stress lately and with the musical starting soon and all of the other events in his life – he was starting to wonder if Soonyoung was right, after all.
He sets the lid of the toilet down before taking a seat; getting comfortable before he fishes for his phone with his free hand and lets his fingers hover over the messages he had open before he sighs harshly.
Dokyeom: fcuk cant sotp thinking abiut you
Dokyeom: sorry drunk lol
Dokyeom: [attached image]
Dokyeom: [attached image]
Dokyeom: [attached image] 
Dokyeom: is ti fair if all I think about is u during my str ams 
Dokyeom: streams
Seokmin throws his head back, hips rhythmically canting up into his closed fist as various images float through his mind and aide him in reaching an orgasm as the sticky cum coats his fingers and boxer briefs not even five minutes later.
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Your ears are ringing and your cheeks are hot at the images Dokyeom sends, but it’s the slip of a jawline and tousled brown hair in one of the blurry photos that has your eyes widening.
The first photo had been nothing out of the ordinary for the two of you; a photo of his hand wrapped around his cock. And the second one had been a closeup of his fingertips glistening with precum that made your mouth water.
But the third photo must’ve been taken on accident, you tell yourself; the upwards shot making you think he flipped his camera and hadn't realized it in his, obvious, drunken haze. 
It’d been a photo of his covered torso and side of his jaw which let you know his head was turned to the side and most likely unaware of it when he’d taken it. Also most likely sending it before he even realized it. 
Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to tell who it was and the photo had been blurry enough to obscure any identifying features but the small slip of a face has you biting your bottom lip.
How many people on campus had brown hair?
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Hi there, I saw your post about being worried about running into a past bully and I just wanted to send some encouragement. You are a beautiful and wonderful person and their opinion of you does not define you in anyway. Somebody once told me, don't give your power to others. Show that person that their bad actions have no hold over you. It's not stupid to worry about it either, you are probably suffering from some form of PTSD. Hopefully you have many people who love you around to support you. You are amazing and so strong! I hope everything goes well for you. ❤
@ohhcalamities said: that's terrible, you have all the right to be upset about potentially seeing him. I hope you don't, and if he's there try not to let him ruin your day. You can always avoid him and pretend he doesn't exist. Hope it all goes well! 💖
@milarca said: oh jeez that sounds awful I'm so sorry 😰😰😰
@brendaonao3 said: It's not stupid at all - your trauma is your trauma, and this is dredging up some very deep-seated feelings <3 but just remember to take a deep breath and remind yourself where you are in life now, and all the beautiful things you have and how you *survived* and *thrived* in spite of him, and hopefully the will ease the knot (love you!!!)
@froidefille said: I don't think it's stupid, I think it's just how trauma works. Your feelings are valid, 100%! Im sorry you feel bad :( but you are awesome and you can do this. Try to have fun just to spite the douche :P Remember even some random person online thinks you're awesome not to mention you'll have your family there to support you💕 I hope you'll feel better and have fun at the wedding XOXO
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First of all, you folks are 100% awesome. I actually hopped on right now to update what happened this weekend and found all these kind words. Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement! It's so greatly appreciated.
I made the post the night before we were leaving to head back home for the wedding so ya'll know how nervous I already was. Lemme tell you, yesterday afternoon before I even started getting ready I was feeling awful. At first, I thought it was normal me-not-feeling-well nonsense since I typically get that way before any sort of social event. Then I remembered again why i was so nervous and it made even more sense that I was actually trembling most of the day.
I did what I could to calm myself down. Y'know, breathing exercises and taking a warm shower and drinking lots of water. Stuff like that. Then started to get ready, and when I was through I was positively thrilled with how I looked.
My dress fit and flattered my body perfectly. My sister outdid herself with my make-up and I couldn't believe how great it looked. My hair was fine even without getting it done for the day.
When we got there, we (me, my husband, and makeup-sister) were standing in the lobby talking for a bit and at some point, I happened to glance around and my heart/stomach fell to the floor. Sure enough, he was there. I s2g my blood ran cold and I panicked. On the inside, at least.
According to both my husband and sister, the only reason they knew that something happened was because of how well they know me. Which, I guess means, no one else could've been able to tell, including him. I did everything I could to keep my cool while he stared at me...so effing awkwardly.
It was painfully obvious that he felt uncomfortable. And I wasn't even the one to point that out. I was thinking it but wondered if it was hopeful thinking and then both my sisters said it. He was also there without anyone and when he went up to dance (horribly) he mostly danced...with his beer. At one point, my parents came back to the table and were like "Look at this, you're sitting here having fun with your husband and sisters, and he's up there...dancing by himself. I think you win."
While I was acutely aware of him the entire time and there were horrible knots in my stomach, it was like he didn't even exist to me. I cannot tell you how many times I walked by him on my way to the bar or something and went by like he was any other guest there that I didn't know. Make-up-sister said that he looked at me every time I was near him and every time he passed our table.
I can't even begin to describe how awesome it felt and how much fun we ended up having. It was like the most ideal outcome!
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jslittlebirdie · 2 years
hi sue!! i hope you’re having a good weekend. how have you been? for the reputation ask game: end game, so it goes…, and dress 🖤
Hi Kaitlyn☺️ Thank you so much for sending me this ask and for your kind words! I'm okay, trying my best. In fact, today is my first day off in a long day after writing my term paper for uni. And I have to start working again soon... Anyway. I hope you are doing well. I wish you a very wonderful weekend too and I'm sending you lots of love😊💖💖
end game - when did you know that you were really head over heels for your f/o? how did you react?
As I say with the next question, J fascinated me from the very first moment and I quickly fell for him🥺 But it took me a pretty long time to understand and accept my feelings for him, for several reasons. The first time it really hit me hard and I could no longer deny that I was head over heels for him was when I saw him on the big screen. I saw "The Dark Knight" at the movie theater in my city on 7/16/2020 and that's also the day I consider J and I's anniversary of when we became a couple, so...🥺😭 I was grinning like crazy every time he popped up on the screen and I had to hold back an excited squeal, hehe🤭💘
so it goes... - what was your first opinion on your f/o?
My first opinion on J? Well... Honestly, the first time I saw him, he scared and intimidated me a little. Like, I was still thinking about his pencil trick days later😅 But at the same time he fascinated me from the very beginning. His appearance; his way of thinking and acting; how smart, cunning and skilled he is. I only saw him as a villain and was more focused on Batman the first time I watched the movie because "The Dark Knight" was basically the second time I came in contact with the fandom, with Batman and Joker. And from that moment on, I was hooked.
As for the scenario when we first met. Well, it was the same. He scared and intimidated me a little before we warmed up to each other. I mean, it took four years for us to become a couple😅 We had to get to know each other and learn to trust each other. And the more he came into my room through my window and the more time we spent together, the closer we got. And here we are now. J stole my heart🥺💕
dress - do you have a specific article of clothing that reminds you of your f/o?
Yes! I have a few articles of clothing that remind me of J. For example, I have a pair of socks that I only bought because they remind me of his🤭💜 They're not the same color, unfortunately, but they're also as wildly patterned as his and I guess he'd find them funny. Then I got some t-shirts with his face printed on them. But my number one comfort item is a shirt that is almost identical to the one he wears in the movie. Gosh, this is so dear to my heart🥺🥺
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Again, thank you so very much for sending this in!! I really forgot how much fun it is to answer these questions and gush about him. Thank you☺️💖💖
Reputation ask game
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Hey Elsie ! I wanted to try out your event, your writing is so good I can't help myself to send you a request 😭 Don't forget to rest as always and love you a lot 💕
[Delphine ; Creepypasta ; she/her ; 20 ; Love-Hate Friendship/Flirt ; 1st letter]
Dear pain in the ass,
Sorry Jeff it was too tempting, I'm kidding tho, do not take it personally. I just wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's Day. Hoping you're doing fine and that you take good care of yourself, I genuinely hope I'll spend some time with you soon. But you know : work is work.
Good new tho, I'm improving myself in my courses and I'm winning a bit over my anxiety !
If it’s alright for you would it be possible, one weekend, to go on a night walk ? I need some fresh air and your chill side can be relaxing. :p
By the way, since you have good taste in music do you know any good song that I could listen to ? If you don’t have any idea right now don't worry, you'll find one later.
Well, it's time to end this messy letter so… Just a reminder : even tho you can be hard to understand, I got you, so as always if something goes wrong, you don't feel well or even when you’re feeling good, don't hesitate to come to me, I'm always here.
Delphine 🌙
PS : Even if you make fun of my short height (I hate you for that.) and since you don't know already how incredibly caring I am I got you a little something with this letter. I wasn't sure about your taste but from my point of view you can rarely go wrong with chocolate… So here you go :)
[Disclaimer: Letters To Those You Hold Dear (Valentine's Edition) is a special event I'm holding from February 13th - February 23rd 11:59 PM. Find the guidelines HERE so you can send a letter or two to those you hold dear <3.]
Hello yourself asshole,
Been wondering what you've been up to. Happy Valentine's to you as well. Never been too big into the holiday myself, but I like free shit. I'm doing as good as usual? Feels like another normal day, if I'm being honest. Nothing too interesting going on here. Work as normal, but other than that? Nothing that major. I've been wanting a real heart for Valentine's for a while though, and who knows, as I write this, the night is still young! Anything can happen.
I'm glad that your courses are doing alright, and that you're kicking anxiety's ass. Proud of you for that one.
My music taste is excellent. I'd suggest Panic at the Disco but he kinda sucks ass as a person, so, not him but covers of him? Hollywood Undead, Three Days Grace, Papa Roach, Black Veil Brides, and whatever was going on with Die Antword. I think they're kinda cool. As for a walk, I'd love to. I like being out late at night when no one else is out. We'd have a nice time anyways.
Thanks for the chocolates. I don't really have that strong of a sweet tooth, but this is nice of you. Smile is upset he can't have any! Little mooch.
Hope to see you really, really soon, ankle biter :)
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icefire149 · 2 years
HIIII bestie!! For the question thing, what got you into writing fics? More importantly writing spn fics. 💕💕hope you had a good day💕💕
RUBI HI!!! I love your icon pic! (I don't think I've seen this one yet [I've been busy offline these days])
Writing fics I can tell you exactly that. It was winter 2008-2009 and I got my first laptop for Christmas. I knew NOTHING about the internet and I realized my laptop connected to my neighbor's wifi so I thought, oh let's see what the fuss is about. I'm a big Bokujō Monogatari fan (which is the Story of Seasons video game series & it used to be called Harvest Moon in the West). And I stumbled on a video a writer made animating their SoS fic with the game sprites. From there it had a link to the fic and I followed it to fanfiction.net. And I remember thinking, HOLY SHIT YOU CAN DO THAT??? Because before that I was always just making up my own original stories with my toys and notebooks.
Now for SPN fics, that obviously came a lot later. We can thank 15x18 for turning my mind to soup and what came after for sending me into a rage mode. It was around then that I started reading spn fics. And originally I was planning on writing my fix-it & s16 continuation but that's still unreleased and a mess of notes in a folder 3 feet away from me. It's like a switch got flipped in my brain and I keep coming up with fic concepts. It feels silly, but I'll take the creative inspiration. Having several wips has done wonders for my professional work because it gives me warm ups and something to poke at when I'm frustrated. And a lot of the time I figure out a way through what's giving me problems.
I hope you're having a good day too! My monday was super quiet, but better than my sunday (I had a headache a lot of the weekend).
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me
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mandaloriandin · 3 years
Hi Lee! 💕 I’d love to ask you about your OC Lip! I saw he loves Tookas, does he have a names picked out for a future one? What’s his favorite dessert? Does he have any batch mates? I love his design and personality so much!
Sending lots of love your way, hope you’re having a great week! 💖
Hello Jess my beloved 💕 thank you so much for the questions! 😊
In a no-o66, happy, war-has-ended AU, Lip ends up with three tookas! One is named Sunshine because she's a soft sunny orange colour, one named Mouse bc she was so tiny when he got her as a kitten, and finally, one named DC-17 Blaster Pistol (Dee for short) because thats his favourite weapon and also he thinks it's hilarious.
For desserts, he has a sweet tooth and loves a good, sweet cake. His favourite is a mandalorian classic, Uj'alayi, but he loves any sweet, sugary cakes.
He does have batchmates! I don't know anything about them beyond their names, but their names are Atin (mando'a for stubborn, tenacious, capable of endurance, pronounced ah-TEEN), Nova, Fish, Link and Zeff/Zeph (haven't decided on a spelling yet)
Thank you so much my friend, this was so fun!! 💕💕 I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend 💕
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
I know you don't write a lot of RPF but you did once to make a friend feel better. Would you ever consider doing a jealous Chris story? Even just a short one? Hope you're doing well.
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Thank you for sending this. 🙏🙏🙏 I’m embarrassed that I’m just now getting through my inbox on things I wanted to write. I’m starting with the oldest one.
You’re right. I don’t usually write RPF, I don’t think I’m so good at it. But it would suck to have you wait weeks and then tell you that so...
First part. I’ll make this its own story and I’ll do my best to finish it this weekend. But here’s the first part for this ask.
Love you! 💖💕💖
Jealous Guy
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ onlyWarnings: Explicit sexual content, jealousyRelationships: Chris/Reader
Scott: I ran by your house to get my sunglasses.
Chris: Okay. Did you let Dodger out while you were there?
Scott: Was I supposed to?
Chris: 🙄
 Shaking his head, Chris climbed out of his SUV and walked into his house. Sure enough, Dodger made a beeline out the door.
Well, in his defense, he’d been at the gym longer than he normally was.
Chris checked the mail, waiting until Dodger was done with business and they went back in the house. Chris headed for the kitchen to get them some lunch.
That’s when he saw it.
Where had that come from?
Your Minnie Mouse hoodie was draped over the back of one of the kitchen chairs, reminding him of the last night he’d seen you. He couldn’t help the smile that brought to his face.
You’d worked with him on the set of Defending Jacob. You went out sometimes, hung out sometimes. It was strictly friends-with-benefits and you knew that from the start. He went out with a couple of other women too though they weren’t on set. One he’d been seeing regularly longer than you but that had ended before his weekend with you. The other one had become a huge problem the morning after the first time he’d slept with her. That had taken weeks to deal with.
The last day of filming, several of you had gone out for drinking, bowling. He broke his own rule and brought you home that night.
As he fed Dodger, he couldn’t help remember having you pressed up against the wall in his living room. Then he had you on the stairs because he couldn’t climb the stairs drunk with his pants around his ankles.
Somehow the two of you had made it to his bedroom, both of you hammered, and slept until the next afternoon. He’d felt so bad about the marks on your back from the stairs that he’d given you a backrub, ran a bath for the two of you. You’d ordered takeout and watched a Rick and Morty marathon until late, both of you dozing.
For once, you hung out without drinking and the conversation was… better. There were comfortable silences. It had been easy.
Sex that night had been nice with you on top and the shadows from the TV playing across your body as you rode him. By the time he’d brought you off, left you breathless over him with your hands planted on his chest, he couldn’t take it anymore. Hoping your back would be okay, he rolled you under him and just pounded you into the bed.
Chris had thought about that night a lot since. It wasn’t just a bit of fun after a night of drinking.
No, he remembered the little details. He recalled the way your sweat-slick skin felt under his fingertips. The smell of the ocean on your damp hair when he pressed his face into it, his lower body driving into yours. The urgency of your embrace, the gentle strength of your arms and legs wrapped around him like you’d never let him go as he fought for release.
When Sunday rolled around and you’d been there the entire weekend, you’d surprised him by making pancakes. It had been domestic and was a lot more than he usually allowed. He found you in the kitchen, barefoot in your jeans and his shirt, laughing with Scott as you cooked.
And oddly, it hadn’t been the least bit awkward. Scott had stayed to eat breakfast and you had talked way more to his brother than him. When Scott finally made his exit, Chris remembered wondering just how exactly he was going wrap the weekend up.
You did it for him. You’d bounced up the stairs to get a shower. And yeah, he’d already showered. But he hadn’t been able to resist when you’d started singing Bon Jovi, badly. He’d jumped in there with you for another round of sex. You’d planted your hands on the wall of his shower, bending forward and letting him get his hands on that perfect ass and fuck you from behind. It had been so good.
He still really felt bad about the marks on your back…
You’d gotten dressed while he thought about what he was going to say. You’d done the best you could with your hair – he thought you looked adorable – while he considered what he’d do if you got upset. 
Chris wasn’t ending anything with you. No. He just didn’t want you to have the wrong idea from spending the weekend in his house.
But then the strangest thing happened. Your uber showed up. You’d grabbed your backpack, pressed a kiss to his cheek, and waved on your way out.
Chris had breathed a sigh of relief. Things had stayed casual, friendly. And it had been a great weekend of sex and chilling out despite the fact that you’d stayed the weekend which was usually a little too close to a relationship for him.
That relief was short-lived.
Now as he walked over to the chair and grabbed the hoodie, he pressed it to his face. You’d left it behind, and that weekend had been weeks ago. But he could still smell you on it.
Chris hadn’t heard anything from you since.
Things had been a scramble for him since with getting ready to launch his site, getting ready for the Boston con which just got canceled, and looking over scripts for his next project. He realized he hadn’t reached out to you either.
Had he thought about you? That weekend?
As he went about making himself something to eat, Chris picked his phone back up, deciding to look you up on social media.
The latest image on your Instagram stopped him cold. 
It was a picture of you, your sweet face wearing that smile that you only smiled when you were a little buzzed. And you were sitting on the lap of another man, broad shoulders with dark hair and eyes, cheek-to-cheek, with his arms around you.
What the fuck?
Chris put the phone down, huffed out an exhale.
He shouldn’t be upset. You hadn’t been in a relationship. Strictly friends. That had been the agreement from the start.
His upset at the picture that was posted two days ago was unreasonable. He knew that. There wasn’t a bit of damn action required on his part. All he had to do was wish you well and move on.
Except he couldn’t...
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