#session: Jetsam
zephyr-draws · 10 months
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some doodles from the last few sessions, with varying degrees of emotional pain
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stellafortunae · 10 days
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A giggle, almost giddy. "Guess I'm really going to be a Ryder, once this is all over."
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zilabee · 1 year
In 'A Twist of Lennon', Cynthia writes about taking LSD three times - the first when their drinks are spiked by a dentist, and the second time when she gives in to John's pleas to try it again. She hates it each time and describes it as the most horrifying experience she has ever known. The third time occurs in a car on the way to Brian's new house, Cynthia takes a nibble of a pill that is being passed around, well aware that it contains LSD. TW for suicidal thoughts:
I can only say that the feelings of togetherness and unity of atmosphere in the car gave me a very false feeling that now was the right time to hear John's drum. It was now or never. Perhaps a miracle would occur and everything would fall into place again as far as our relationship was concerned. I had already realized that any positive move, as regarded our future together, would have to be made by me. Once again I had gone against my better judgement. I found myself in strange surroundings with strange faces staring at me. I tried to fight once again the influence of something stronger and more powerful than my self-control. I sat tongue-tied, paralysed with self-imposed shackles. When John moved away from me I followed hoping that he could in some way comfort and support me. But John was not happy; he was not enjoying the experience as he had before. He ignored me and glared as though I were an intruding stranger. I felt desolate. I sat on the windowsill of an upstairs room contemplating the long drop to the paving-stones below, musing to myself that it wasn't really that far down and that I could even jump. I was drifting off into a very deep depression when someone called my name and I was snapped out of my apathetic reverie. Even though I was under the influence of the drug I knew that all hope for John and I carrying on with our marriage in the same vein flew out of that upstairs window with my thoughts.
A Twist of Lennon, by Cynthia Lennon, 1978. (Some other bits from earlier in this chapter under the cut.)
As far as I was concerned the rot began to set in the moment cannabis and LSD seeped its unhealthy way into our lives.
Although I was very much a part of the Beatlemania scene, I always tried desperately to stand apart, to me it was a matter of survival. I was lucky enough to be able to observe the whirlpool of events without drowning [...] The nearer John travelled to the centre of the whirlpool the farther away I pulled. We became more and more distant in our understanding of each other. I wanted desperately to hang onto sanity; John needed to escape from his reality.
Everything and everyone was beautiful as long as they were on the same wavelength, drugs. John strongly believed that everyone should experience the joy of knowing this life, of coming to terms with one's own ego, accepting one's body and mind as being an integral part of the universe. It was like living with someone who had just discovered religion. It was religion but reached as far as I was concerned, by artificial, mind-bending means - a crash course.
He would return home following a recording session and night-clubbing with a retinue of flotsam and jetsam he had picked up on the way. they would all be as high as kites. John didn't know them and neither did I. They all came along for the trip. They would spend the night raving and drinking and listening to loud music, ransacking the larder, dossing down all over the house. The following day the house would be littered with glassy-eyed bodies all waiting to be fed.
It was at this point in our marriage that I realized that unless I joined the club we weren't going to survive, so I succumbed to one of John's never-ending requests to take LSD with him and a few close friends. I didn't want to, but I felt that i had to to save our marriage. During my trip John was marvellous. But whatever happiness and awareness John had gained through his own experiences, I did not. I hated every moment. It was hell on earth. Losing control of my mind was the most horrifying feeling I have ever experienced. The hallucinations sent me into renewed panic. Through my tears and fear I would look at John in the hope that he could in some way help me out of the prison that my mind had become, only to see the man I loved changing into a slimy snake or a giant mule with razor sharp teeth, leering and laughing at me.
It occurred to me when weeks had passed that I had fought every moment of the time I was under the influence of LSD, whereas those who professed to gain something from the experience just let it happen. They totally succumbed to the effects and enjoyed the beauty of their hallucinations and feelings. My innate instincts for survival did not allow me to accept the unnatural. I couldn't accept that drugs were not dangerous. I had seen too much insanity and changing personalities to believe that they didn't do any harm. As far as I was concerned drugs stripped away one's protection and individuality, qualities that stop us from all becoming sheep.
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notmuchtoconceal · 4 months
The wind rolled over the sea, dragging the sea against the land. In mountain mists rose the mudflats to the cliffside, where all around was the grey of probability, for the murk of that sea obscured all which glittered from the ripples of its surface, silken as the translucence of a spiderweb through a beam faint in the dark. The seas which roared, their many miles below framed by the oak contouring of these jagged rocks, the attic window of a home through which you no longer looked.
Cpt. Schreibermachen -- your brother Joseph, who we knew as Joey -- craned the axal column of his vertebrae the full facsimile of a three-sixty degree turn which the stabilities of his anatomy would allow -- craning the long and exquisitely tense musculature of his neck, inviting what tuggings they would allow to what sparse growth sprouted there -- some scraggling and beckoning from the spots and scabs which shone as gold veining the granite jetsam of a cavewall -- staring up into the winding cloudwell which was as a sea itself pouring out. A sea itself pouring out and around, peering through the looming densities, always peering where the sun still blistered brightest, for it bleached and acidified all which it could only relentlessly and unendurably hammer upon.
-- It's here, it's here!
Joey bellowed ahead. Brux screeched from behind.
-- Why, why, why? Why would it be here, Joey? It confounds all matter of public record and therefore common-sense, that it should be here! You are a lunatic! You are excitable, irritable, and contemptuous of the facts before you and all around you! You slumber lazily in a silence which is deafening for it is tragic, that your bountiful young intellect, all your talents and potential, should be squandered on such hysterical and meaningless fancies! My poor brother! My poor Joey! Nobody can help you! You're lost and alone in this world, with adversaries all around and no safe haven to shelter you! For who you are and what you are able, you have been marked -- doomed to wander, now and forever, spurned by all you may help and all who may help you! My poor brother! My poor Joey! Why don't you ever call? We used to be so close? Would you like to talk about it? You know you'll always be my special lil guy, Joey...
From the first of the free asymmetrical zippers on his uniform jacket -- the clanging color and metal latticework which composed a public garden of pins, medals, ribbons & cokecaps blushing lushly from his lapel -- he propelled with great rapidity a violet cloak of embossed and threaded fleur di lys glittering in spun gold, and with it obscured the chatter.
-- Continue to ignore him at all costs! My revelations were revealed to me verily in a session late first this morning before last, then early this evening before this! My unconventional methods -- the methods of which remain still too unconventional to explain this present moment, and perhaps still too many future ones at length! -- was arrived upon for my frustrations with the hole always cleaved away by the cookie-cutter upon the sheet left me at last a ball of dough which was in its sum now entirety the residuals of the previous frames off which the gingerbread men did march ;-- bunched up and rerolled anew, until there was only one but none! I was odds and sods, an oddity out committing sodomy and I wondered truly if I was as inverse as it was said, feeling this emptiness so persistently, for I knew once what spectacular shines burst forth within!
Brux was shouting. Shouting into the roaring wind.
-- The more I talk over him, the more his scrawny lil book boy spinal nerves open to new possibility and influence will be confounded and disrupted --forced to talk in my same dilating and contracting rhythms, so all he attempts to exposit becomes as me; a yawning void, suffocating and expanding, crushing you inward, stupidly and glassily, as the puckering lips of a depthless carnival hare more orange'n gold!
Brux was shouting. Shouting as he rolled his cloak across the mud.
-- They were revealed to me in a moment of meditation come trance come transcendent ecstasy as I lay pressed once more grinding against my brother in the dark night of our shared compartment, where I longed only to be one and deathless with him eternally ;-- knowing myself as I could never be! Torn from the wrong side-in, always back out!
Cpt. Drottin strode forward. On his head, the marble idol flecked with streamers of freshly-oiled copper wire, the anemone-eyes of a harness and visor distended from the notched circuitry of its flexors.
-- Bro, I can't see shit with this shit on, bro.
To the sun, his eyes were pressed. To the horizons, his fingers reached, and some distant ether mist rose to take him in hand. His feet, firm and pressed against the ground, felt in the sutures of their bones what currents flowed beneath the earth, and from his love-nut -- tight, swollen, puckering as his balls still fat and swollen with the seawalls he held back ; uncummed, uneaten, the fire in his guts and balls ;-- eyes alit with leaky cock, hungering for potentials unearthly and obscure.
-- All of this I know. No dissent may take into account what I know, when it refuses to see, refuses to hear -- it is not good-faith criticism to call me a lunatic not for what I believe, but only for I can no longer believe not even in you, but what you think you need to obscure yourself!
From Brux's lips emanated forth raspberries as he leapt into the protracted and violent syncopations of the worm.
-- You're approaching JRPG text-dump levels of unnecessary verbiage, Joey! I have no emotional connection to anything you say, for nobody talks like that, nobody thinks like that, nobody really thinks two dickless nerd boys getting it on (not offense to my good friend, Cpt. Drottin. I would gladly rub my dick bulge against yours were it not already too excruciatingly tender to merely hold your hand. Though I confess also ... I see not the need to work up the strength to perform an action which I have fundamental contempt for, and I (full-disclosure) sometimes worry about you. Nevertheless, I hope impromptu public confessions are something you can live with, and like... things don't have to get too weird between us, for you remain my brother and my heart's most secretive longing and any dream of a life without you is but living death) ... but um, no. Dickless nerd boys can rub their cute lil bumps together anytime, Joey! That's why boys being into other boys is for losers! That's why you deserve a wedgie! Fuck pussy, loser! Pussy, pussy, pussy! You talk too much! You're the annoying one! You're overplayed and nobody likes you!
The salt breeze through his hair, Cpt. Psychorrhax allowed his heart to flutter. The weight upon his chest poured fourth its waters as a goblet overflowing and all throughout the channels of him came the calm which rendered as a warm mist the ice which clotted in his veins.
An elbow to his brothers shoulder -- the limitations of the framing did not reveal the cube on which he stood to gain elevation.
-- He grows more enchanting by the day, Cpt. Schreibermachen.
He looked upon Cpt. Haruspex, and found him magnificent.
Joey looked away -- rightfully, manfully -- at more important things.
-- Well, he'll always be all around. Let's never be tempted not to take him for granted. Smack me and remind me what I'm supposed to be doing. Now that you're here with me, I can admit my cognitive faculties have abruptly halted for you are literally holding my hand.
Their fingers encoiled in the other's. The serpent encoiled their wrists.
-- Your buddy Cpt. Drottin lit a fire in the many fine herbs and splinters I've let line the nests of your aviary, and now through the smoke, you see the signals, rising pitiless off the shouldering earth. Why would you ever feel guilt that you humiliate yourself so shamelessly with that idiot when the man you love is a verifiable beast-tamer fit to open a zoo?
It came first upside the head, then down against the jaw.
-- Man I love. Remind me of evident truths with no need of evidence. I trust in you, now and always. Not once have you done me wrong.
Laika met Joey's eyes.
In them, Joey saw no cause for contradiction.
Joey met Laika's eyes.
Through them, Laika endured. Now and always.
-- You believe for real, Joe?
-- I'll make a believer of you, Laik.
-- I believe in you.
-- I believe in you and me.
They drew closer. Their dicks squirmed in their breachers. Proximate. Needful, yet mindful. In perfect synchronization, now with their hearts.
-- It must be now!
As Joey enunciated -- Brux squawked as a rum-beaten parrot.
Cpt. Hlaford strode forth from the mist, weightless and illusory, though a man of heft he remained, and his palm quite persuasive when deployed.
From his body -- every inch of his heaving muscular pec shelf and abdominal ridges and horselike distended glutes rippling in the sheer linen which clung to his scrubbed and wood-oiled body, gleaming as bronze where the heavier canvas obscured naught but woodlands gone sparse, stitched with gold and of a more natural cream clinging only to depths and seams of his body, drawing eyes by conspiracies stitched into the weave towards things he let dangle, things he let reveal by omission.
To him, Joey fell. To him, Joey looked up.
-- Brother, for I am unclean, and may not be clean at this time, I will endure your chastisement and your chastisement alone, for this is the penance I bare in lieu of the purification I cannot yet truly make!
Wally snorted. What assailed forth from his lips smacked Brother Joey across the face phlegmy and inevitable as the cloudburst of a storm which battered at a dingy ill-stocked at sea, remaining upright only for it wobbled as a top in perpetual motion, knowing only its awkwardness alone with the intricacy well enough to keep itself spinning upright. -- Good enough for me, Joe. What matters is ya got outta bed this mornin and yer makin somethin meaningful of your day by fuckin tryin fer more than once. It don't gotta be perfect. Just show up. Make the effort. Learn what differences lie between an apology and an excuse; what marks a timesink from a sacrifice. Tell me what you have made of yourself, Joe. Tell me what you will make of these coming years. - I am scraps of many things, discarded and piled, and though my choices appear arbitrary, I see in them the pieces of a thing they never were in themselves, but collectively may reveal something of what once was, and though what that may may never be again, I see in these shapes the beams of the scaffolding we may erect to raise ourselves once more high as the golden and glittering frescos which bedazzled our eyes! To us all, we are the inheritors... To those who understand, it will be given, for we make available to all what only... finer eyes have sight to see.
Wally breathed the salt air. In his lungs, it lined like crystal mist.
Behind him, stood men six in number, as his number was six, and six was the sum of three multiplied by two, and the addition of three to itself.
As you have said, so it will be so.
Joey knelt to him. By the roots of his hair, he gripped. The water would come first over his eyes, not from his eyes, though in time they too would flow -- for forth from his urn, the water flowed ice and lemon.
Behind him, his men too stood six in number, for his number was three multiplied against itself was nine, subtracted by itself was six, in keeping with the specific dictate of the requirement that each guardian should have present no less than six and no more than eight men, to keep within what he surmised to himself to be the equivalence of a frequency range.
-- As you have given, so I will now be begotten.
They opened their books and rounded their mouths, Joey's men -- they who were not his duplicates, for when you peered at them with the probing discrimination necessary to parse their overflowing Germanic spirit, you could see all the ways -- in which they were not precise replicas, but some were mirrored inversely, some perfectly, one or two visibly malformed and dragging either one foot or the other.
Far from what I have given, you will inevitably now become.
Cpt. Hlaford's men -- their genitals sectioned off by the underside of a felt harness which flared as a cross to compose the bulk of their garments, left only their sturdy and wool-coated legs freely flowing with the clingy taffeta-chintz spun to ribbons and rose petals of metal and pin -- rose strings within the gildings of their frames, for as they held, thee bones of their fingers were one and welded in oscillation to the structure of the handles of their harps, and all which whistled was silver in their jaws.
Whistle while I work.
Cpt. Psychorrhax spun to face the assembly. His numbered numbered eight for that was four and four and four multiplied by itself and divided back into itself would beget once more itself, and so here he found himself halved within the dictates of maximum allotted allowance.
The spheres aligned. The music came.
As their voices rose, fingers wrung down to pluck the strings.
[mancandy cane my ass the sequential ;-- a quartet of slavs]
Brother Jacek stood facing them.
His eyeline yielded to no one and nothing.
Before him, his men stood eight in number, for eight was the addition of three to five, for five was his number and Laika's was four, which was three with the addition of one, or two with one taken away from three.
Cpt. Psychorrhax's men stood tall in taller hats, meeting Brother Jacek's eyes, and they who came with Jacek threw to one another the bejewel'd handles of broadswords and pressed them to the earth. By hand and half, the cruciforms rose in bloom. Dawnlight strode around them despite the grey of the day and the salt of the sea, for the suns shone off their blades and an array of them they would make as their ankles hopped between the blades ;-- not one point, nor edge ever drawing blood.
I. O.
I? O!
I< O<
As pillars of fire, their chants roared forth from their throats. Below the earth, Joey cast his sight.
Look to me, Laika. He said without saying, I will show you once.
Above the sky, Joey rose his awareness.
When he looked and thought, there was the sun -- at some arbitrary point and place; a point only seeming arbitrary for they knew not what he knew now, and to say so would be to say too much, for it was not enough to say things that could not be said when they could be more easily shown; easy sometimes necessitating the manufacture of miracles, tawdry things they are that have words to describe them!
Joey's dick squirmed. The fire roared between his bulge.
Laika pressed his back to Joey.
Joey's men pressed themselves to one another.
A chorus-line mid-collision. Their packages ground into their brothers. Their brothers moaned without relent, stupid for they had been surrendered and were now giving of themselves their sight.
Jacek, by his left and by his right, lifted two coils of wire.
Jacek's men, by the bands of their hammers, beat their blades into the earth :-- drove them deep that any stray light of studs or their handles -- would draw not down the malign influence of her grace.
Jacek, around his neck, hung a chain of iron.
Jacek's men, spinning with swords in hand --
stopping at the edge of their brother's arteries,
drawing still by blade-light to trachea,
plunge themselves in pledge
to recite the vows they themselves make real
by the precision of their moment of utterance.
Jacek, in his left he clutched a coil of silver.
In his right, he clutched a coil of gold.
His men, pressing their prostates to the handles of their swords.
Jacek pressed the coils, cross-axial, to his nips.
Joey pressed to Laika. Laika pressed to Joey.
Their eyes met. What secrecies they knew broiled and conjoined and what they remembered only were the tenderensses which drew them once together, for their's were oppositions to which they mutually drove themselves away, not daring to look, not daring to dream -- of they knew all along was the grandeur to which they were well-entitled.
-- I don't understand. I don't think... I need to.
Laika looked to him.
Laika had no words.
The words would never come.
Not if you gave him a million years.
The words would never come.
His teeth grit. His brow quivered. Beneath his leathers, he stewed in a broil of his own making, he needing always excuse to be roasted alive.
Couldn't think. Only focus.
Dick was so hard.
By his eyes, Joey saw the fields.
By his vision, Joey knew the forms.
The earth did not tremble.
Around it, the air was alive with remembrance.
Laika pressed to Joey. Joey gripped Laika and choked.
Beating. Beading.
Churning. Chewing.
Laika remembered. Laika remembered.
Laika remembered.
The earth bore neither pinecones, nor rolling wheat, but stones. The barren earth yielded only its own desolation. The earth bore not plenty, for the earth was beaten and polluted. The earth knew not beauty for she was scarred and dead, crusted inside with the tar of life.
What sprouted was only rubble, only roots in some dead brush, choking some dead facade as his brother's treacherous fingers grasped along his trachea which the ease at which they caressed him, by chin and behind the ear(th), inviting sweetness and protection to contrast that sociopathy he made so exquisite, so charming with his smile.
None by him could bloom. None but him could water. What he brought forth was only death, as you brought forth only plagues, and all who cowered before you were puppets and corpses, fit to be harnessed by strings and fate, cuffed and muzzled as spotty bandits and mutts.
For from his bag, Cpt. Haruspex at last flung himself free, and with a great wind cursed the horizon he saw now shifting; saw with his own eyes growing vast in their breakages the cleaving from the earth as though the first panes of a fractal beginning to unfurl.
-- I bury you forever, Joey! You and all your works! You ...
His eyes went wide in wandering.
The perspective approached him, and he could begin to piece together -- by what he saw, and what he knew --the truth of what now lay before him, and it mattered not -- the matter of public record, which was his comfort and his cudgel, was doomed now to be revealed as naught but fuel for the fire, idle driftwood it was to flank us from the splendid reality we could see by our own eyes how we now and always lived!
For from this rubble, he could see the shape of cornices, the shape of spires, the fortifications of roofing, the symmetry of archways, all those things which spoke not only to the manmade, but the formal categories of the greatest of that last great pretension -- civilization itself.
-- Though it was written in the scriptures, the last great Laurentian plate was demolished at the time of its reinstallation, how can I not help but see -- my voice remaining now with me -- An Apple Lodging to the east, and those umbering Stallones to the west? This land -- tell it like it was ours! Tell me you won't take it from me. Take her from me again?
Rising, the walls revealed themselves.
On them, the frescoes stood.
Joey pulled forth as he saw. By the stylings he traced their shape from the mold of obscurity and dredged them one step closer to his eyes.
-- It's here, its here! A treasure all around and beneath our feet!
The wind roared. Around them, hurricane beatings of beneficence blew forth abundance no falsity could desecrate, for this was the truth, the last of all great truths, and through them would Joey right the world.
-- No exaggerations could ruin this day, oh this blessed day! It was true, it was true! It was here, it was here! Oh, this blessed day, it's ours! Before him, it rose. Before him, it stood.
Before it, he bowed, and the marshlands he kissed.
-- As a sire's armpit, I savor. I savor you as only the finest, I would!
To the setting sun, now brass in the falling sky, he kissed the earth where it met those walls, and by them he too stood upright.
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
i know today's orlain's session day in about 6 hours, but can you send questions about aryin's session? it's kingdom hearts centric. things to help ask about:
her teammates: cayde(nce pendraco), ace lancealot (last name renounced), jetsam ryder, gwennen gawain, juliet herald.
her allies/teachers, past and present: sir max (son of goofy), yen sid, zee, apex, vivian highwind, elysia holmes, grey ashlynn (deceased), auria cytos (deceased).
her parents: fenix, auria cytos (deceased), lord cytos (abusive father, caution), grey ashlynn (self appointed apparently by the man himself).
history: they're 300 years after kh3. mordred split into morganna (bbeg) and tristan (that is our dad boogie woogie woogie. he sacrificed himself tho).
sides of the war: magic kingdom (aryin's ex allies), restoration committee (neutral ground), the keyblade academy.
keyblades: frolic flame, dual disc, magenta clockwork, classic tone (nerf gun), nightshade vines (legendary artifact).
friends/family: justine calistine (deceased), johnny calistine (if you spot the joke? no you don't.), ariel cytos, luka cytos, zachary cytos.
past relationships: peter, rose, "port royal" (ask, i dare you.)
misc.: morganna, ezekiel, becoming a wizard/leaving druid behind, being a keeper of balance, "patchwork", the experiments/the lab, guilty conscience/blood on her hands, tristan, being on the run.
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2023 Kick-off Travel (1 of 2)
I've retreated into my privacy cocoon, but hello hello. We went on a 3-day vacation, just like we always do every December or January to wrap up the previous year and get ready for the coming year.
Personally, on these trips, I take a moment to read, relax, reflect and just bask under the sun, with the sound of the waves and the leaves. I used to take it as a strategic planning session of sorts, but 2022 was such a grit and grind year that all I wanted to do during the trip was relax, let go and send multiple thanks to the Universe.
I called it the Annual #TheGalaz Core Group Planning and of course, Fofo is with us. He's his usual behaved litol boi self. He was too excited he woke us up hours before leaving and won't stop until I packed all his stuff (i.e. vitamins, poop pads, clothes, food).
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First stop over was the hostel, but immediately after that, we went to grab some coffee. Mas bet talaga namin yun Little Cat over El Union. Our fave is the americano (for me) and latte (for husband) both with the yum nitro foam. We also prefer the mood of Little Cat.
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After we spent some time by the ocean side, we went back to rest and bond a bit at the hostel.
We were lucky enough to get a hostel that's pet-friendly, as well as very chill when it comes to the mood. There's books, guitar and some games to use. You can also have breakfast cooked by the Ates & Kuyas. It's our second time na sa hostel na ito and we'll keep coming back.
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The first night we capped off with an early visit to Port San Juan. Last time kasi, we went to Flotsam and Jetsam for drinks pero ewan ko, di namin trip yun vibe. A bit snobbish yun atmosphere and then talagang pang-inuman. Maybe it's just the Tito and Tita in us, but we decided to just check out other "inuman" spots. Port San Juan is owned by Rico Blanco, we sabi namin doon baka chill. Truly, chill nga with lots of food options. May vegan pa and Thai.
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After that, we saw La Kantina and got curious. We liked the vibe so we decided to drink there. Their burrata is soooooo good! Actually, yun buong platter mauubos ko sana since yun foccacia lang kinakain ni husband, but busog na busog na din talaga kami.
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We ended the night relatively early (for the place) since we will do some trekking the following day.
(Part 2 of 2 on next post)
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
Valerie the lounge singer is held close to her heart always of course but with the boys there the rocker deep in her soul is going to come out. Electric Voodoo is all practically there in a new way. 
The New Groove actually as Kuzco has dubbed the band behind Valerie now. 
With Bastien, Willem, Koda, Chess, Valerie, and Kuzco some thick themes run their veins. She goes through some lyrics she wrote back when Thomas once asked what Flotsam was writing on some scratch paper months ago. He never brought it to life. It never felt just right or finished. Willem added some ideas now inspired by some things he said to Livvy believe it or not.
 Bastien somehow plays guitar and screams into the mic like like metalhead despite never taking a lesson in his life. More like Jetsam. The weird part is he’ll be Bastien again when the music stops. So far Jetsam’s done little more than play his part in the music like he gets a little possessed by it. It was a big part of his life too. It seems to keep him bolted in. Then poof he’s gone again. 
River finds the energy of the drums revitalizing. Somehow it charges him up and gets him to show. This was in Kuzco’s vision. It was starting to happen little by little. Music stopped. River faded out too like a fancy hologram show. 
Willem isn’t quite sure what it’ll mean for him when River figures out how to hold some sticks and stay tangible, but he already decided music wasn’t his path. Then again he hadn’t exactly planned on being stuck away from Funkytown either. He’s just taking it as it comes and enjoying it. 
Anyway, first song of many they’ve been working on. With the babies in the house they’re going to have to work on where else to play practice soon instead of the living room. Being who Kuzco and Valerie are it’s easy to think to just get some studio time. There is of course a studio in Peru back at the estate. Valerie’s not actually comfortable with just jumping all creation without her little ones so that’s going to be put on hold for a later date when they get a tad older.
They also ask Maddy sometimes if her shields are sound proof for quick house sessions for the time being until something gets built that’s soundproof or on their new property for Chip. 
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glitchviper · 3 years
You Don't Want No Smoke
@gatortopia @jetsam-kisa SMOGCHAMP SMOGCHAMP SMOGCHAMP!!! Jetsam my beloved I hope you're ready for a fun training session with big sis Tsumi. Also starting to sense a pattern with these requests: that being everyone just wants to train/fight with Tsumi.
Notes: Nope besides the fact that the title has basically nothing to do with what happens in this lol (I just thought it was funny cause...ya know...it's Jetsam). Anyways enjoy :)
"Keep going! You're doing great, just a few more seconds," Tsumi cheered," ... and time!"
Upon Tsumi's declaration that the minute of nothing but going to town on a punching bag was over Jetsam took a step back. His breathing was heavy as he tried to regain a least a little of the lost oxygen. "That felt longer than a minute," Jetsam said in between breaths.
"That only causes you aren't used to it," Tsumi smiled," Plus you did amazing! For someone who hasn't really worked on punching skills, you're really good at it so far."
"Thanks," Jetsam smiled back, finally having regained his breath. He put everything he had into those fists of fury so he was glad that they were good.
"Yeah, and it makes my job easier. Anyways there were a few things I noticed. First, you're really stiff, which is probably just nerves, which is fine. But that's an objective one."
Jetsam nodded, he was a little nervous. He'd never really trained like this before and Tsumi was taking time out of her day to help, so he wanted to be good. "So how do I stop being stiff...besides stoping being nervous," he awkwardly laughed, though the steady stream of smoke coming out of his mouth showed his anxieties.
"The nerves will dissipate in time, especially as you work on the skill. For now, let's just work on form."
The two spent the new while going over form, with Tsumi slowly introducing more and more aspects and Jetsam copying her. Nothing too complicated, just simple punching form. The two chatted as Jetsam copied Tsumi's movements, working to keep the mood light and quell Jetsam's anxiety.
After a bit Tsumi had Jetsam step back up to beat the daylights out of the punching bag. Setting the timer for a minute she cheered as Jetsam used his new skills to show that punching bag whose boss. Then after an ass-kicking 60 seconds the timer sounded. "That was wicked Jetsam! You looked so much better than the first time and it's only been, what? Like an hour, soon you won't even need my help," Tsumi grinned.
A wide smile was on Jetsams face as happiness from Tsumi's praise and the fact that he could feel the difference from the beginning filled his mind. "Thank you so much Tsumi!"
"Hey I should be the one thanking you, I had a blast. We should do this more I had fun. Maybe you could even teach me something next time. Plus I'm just glad that you trusted me enough to train with and ask for help. I know that can be real scary, especially asking adults. It's nice to hear that you view me as a safe person to ask," Tsumi paused for a second. "I probably could have said that better but you get my point."
Jetsam nodded," I don't know if it'll be training-related but I'll definitely find something to teach you for next time we hang out. In the meantime how about we go get something to eat, my treat. I don't know about you but I'm hungry and you can think of this as my thanks."
"Jetsam that's not necessary... though who am I to say no to free food."
So the two went off and had a nice little dinner together and had a ball doing that two.
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ayume-hikkido · 2 years
miscellaneous doodles from yesterday's session! shitposts and smogchamp death saves, what's not to love?
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tagging people under the cut!
Ayume, obviously
Jetsam! (@jetsam-kisa)
Kiyoko! (@cosmic-goof )
a memey amorette (@amor-core)
Jimin! (@snakey-superhero)
And a horrifying flesh abomination!
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cryptidanaphafsi · 3 years
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Here’s the sprites I have made!  (I don’t know what g tier jaye would have so, sucks to be him ig.)
So far, this session honestly looks like it’s off to a good start. Schrödingers space player, two knights, a witch of void? Already a good set up. However, considering knights little fun addition to the session, this session would probably lack both doom (destruction and rules) and blood (bonds and relationships). Which might make this a little harder ngl. Let’s just hope no one decides to add a horrorterror into their kernelsprite.
Character credits and a singular meme under the cut
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Jetsam - @gatortopia
Michiko - @moonprincess101​
Jaye - @cattling-arts​
Ikuto - @mousierat​
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alittlecursed · 4 years
Can we please have some Disney villains cuddling headcanons with dr facilir,Hades,Clayton,ursula,and Claude Frollo
Sure! This is kinda long...whoops!
Dr. Facilier
When cuddling, you like to run your hands through his untamed hair and it relaxes him instantly
He puts on small shows for you, using the little magic he can to entertain you. You enjoy the show for the most part, placing your head in the crook of his neck and caressing his face with one hand.
You’ll make light patterns on his neck with your fingers, tracing his features and looking at him with soft eyes
He can’t resist those eyes of yours and will pepper kisses on your face and your hands
He likes to hold your hands against his face, feel your skin against his own
He’ll spontaneously give you passionate kisses and strong side-hugs, laughing when you give surprised sounds
Extra: You giggle when Facileir’s shadow cuddles with your own shadow or straight up cuddles with you
He’s the big spoon most of the time. He’ll grab you whenever you’re near and pull you to his lap or his side, depending on if he’s on his throne or working on his plans, grabbing your chin for quick pecks
He likes to feel your weight on him, giving a pleased sigh when he feels your body completely relaxed against him
It helps him keep a calm mind when dealing with his subordinates and unruly spirits or planning another one of his plots
Hades is always warm which is great for you because the Underworld can get cold beyond comfort sometimes
When you’re in bed or in wide spaces, he’ll be the little spoon laying on top of you and putting his ear over your heart. He’ll put out his hair so it doesn’t burn you but it's worth it since he gets to cuddle with you and feel your heat
If you’re in public he likes to cuddle, not over excessively but enough to shock the other gods because he can actually be soft to someone
And he likes to show you off *wink*
Most (if not all) of your cuddles are in the privacy of your home. 
There’ll be a fire nicely lighting the room and you two snuggling on the couch, or even on the floor if you’re comfortable, maybe a light blanket. He’ll talk about his adventures in the jungle, his latest hunt, showing you any scars he has.
If you’re squeamish with gory details of his hunts, he’ll gloss over it quickly so as to not disturb you.
But he’s passionate about it though and you get lost just looking at him and hearing his voice
He’ll notice your look and suddenly kiss you hard yet soft. This then leads to softer kisses and light pets 
Clayton will get tired of sitting after a while so he’ll carry you in his arms to your shared bedroom where you’ll continue to cuddle and he’ll whisper you soothing words in your ear
You laugh softly while you rake your hands over his muscles, his arms, his chest, softly tugging on his chest hair and he does the same to you
Ursula uses her tentacles a lot when cuddling; to pull you to her, to caress your body, to warm you up. She does it a lot while telling you everything she loves about you and your body features
You like her body because it’s plump and soft and you can easily fall asleep 
Sometimes you will take a quick nap because then you’re awakened by her hands over your face and shoulders and her humming. 
There is something about her humming that further lulls you to sleep but you hold off as much as you can 
You’ll give her sudden kisses on her cheek and nuzzle your head against her bosom. That’ll make her wrap her arms around you and kiss you give with a hearty chuckle 
It is common for the cuddling session to get heated and move nsfw because the roaming hands and tentacles turn to heavy pets and grasp
Extra: Flotsam and Jetsam will sometimes get into the cuddling session. One will wrap themselves around Ursula’s arm while the other one wraps around your shoulders or back
Claude Frollo
You’re always the one to initiate the cuddles because this man can be so uptight 
Cuddling sessions always have to be in privacy because this man is easily a mess if you caress or look at him softly and he has a reputation to uphold
You’re the big spoon and it’s a bit funny to think of this strong, imposing judge as the little spoon but you cherish the fact he trusts you enough to be like this
He’ll tentatively put his arms around you in the beginning. Afterward, he’s holding onto you like a lifeline
He appreciates these moments and holds you close. He’ll bury his face in your hair and murmur words that it almost sounds like a prayer but if you listen closely you can hear him saying how much he cares for you and needs you even if he doesn’t show it
You give Frollo kisses to his forehead, comb his hair out of its place, sing soft hymns to him 
He works up the courage to give you kisses too, where he pours all his emotions into it while holding your face. It leaves you feeling content
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zephyr-draws · 1 year
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the beginning of Jonah's No Good Very Bad time
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
Ikuto and Jetsam would definitely play video games together and have nice, quiet hang out sessions! Animal crossing and Pokemon would probably be played a lot on Jetsam's end! What would Ikuto want to play?
he would love playing animal crossing & pokemon! he can gush over jetsam's pokemon team & proudly show off the ridiculous amount of eevees he's caught, & he'll send him a bunch of gifts in the mail in animal crossing
for multiplayer games they could play splatoon & of course mario kart, honestly he would love to just watch jetsam play any legend of zelda game he could convince him to start & see what he thinks of it
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danielpico · 3 years
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John Zorn - Heaven And Earth Magick (2021) ** Black Midi - Cavalcade (2021) *** Francisco Sonut- Morning Trials (2021) * Grotta Veterano - Slumbers (2021)** Portal - Hagbulbia (2021)** Alluvial - Sarcoma (2021) ** Charlie Benante - Silver Linings (2021) Crowded House - Dreamers Are Waiting (2021) ** Crumb - Ice Melt (2021) Atreyu - Baptize (2021) */8 Jogging House - Holds (2021)** Flotsam And Jetsam – Blood In The Water (2021) */8 Keys for Eclipse - Nowhere Near (2021)** Hiemal - Insomnia (2021)* Mind Over Midi -Offline (2021)** Tapes And Topographies -In Muted Forms (2021)** Arcing Waves- Prime (2020)*** Pan Daijing - Jade (2021)* Soda State - Portal EP (2021) Juliana Hatfield - Blood (2021) Year of No Light - Consolamentum (2021)* Red Fang - Arrows (2021)** King Buffalo -The Burden of Restlessness (2021)
#recentlistens #listens #listen
Gary Numan - Intruder (2021) */2Pixelord - 99 (2021) *Carcass - Heartwork (Ultimate Edition) (2021) Amorphis - Live at Helsinki Ice Hall (Live) (2021) Squid- Bright Green Field (2021)* VA – Still Wish You Were Here – A Tribute To Pink Floyd (2021) Ben Frost-DARK - Cycle 1 (Original Music From The Netflix Series) (2019)* Ben Frost-DARK - Cycle 2 (Original Music From The Netflix Series) (2019)* Ben Frost-DARK - Cycle 3 (Original Music From The Netflix Series) (2020)* Kenny Wheeler – Kayak (1992) ** Shaolin Afronauts – Flight Of The Ancient (2011) * Marcotulli / Erskine / Danielsson – Trio M/E/D (2015)* Erik Truffaz Quartet ?– El Tiempo De La Revolución (2012) Gibonni - Unca Fibre (2006) Mulatu Astatke + Black Jesus Experience – To Know Without Knowing (2020) YIN YIN - The Rabbit That Hunts Tigers (2019) */2
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Butterfly 3000 (2021) *
Machine Head – Arrows in Words from the Sky (2021) */3
Sleater-Kinney - Path of Wellness (2021) 
Terra Odium - Ne Plus Ultra (2021) **
King Buffalo - The Burden of Restlessness (2021) *
Raffaele Putzolu & Victor Valisena - 20th Century Classical Guitar Duo (2021) *
Spirits Burning - Evolution Ritual (2021) *
Jen Shyu and Jade Tongue-Zero Grasses Ritual for the Losses (2021)*
Murcof - The Versailles Sessions (2008) *
Aki Takahashi - Cage_ The Works for Piano, Vol. 11 (2021) *
X.Y.R. - Waves Tapes (2021) */3
John Zorn - Heaven And Earth Magick (2021) **
Black Midi - Cavalcade (2021) ***
Francisco Sonut- Morning Trials (2021) *
Grotta Veterano - Slumbers (2021)**
Portal - Hagbulbia (2021)**
Alluvial - Sarcoma (2021) **
Charlie Benante - Silver Linings (2021)   
Crowded House - Dreamers Are Waiting (2021) **
Crumb - Ice Melt (2021)
Atreyu - Baptize (2021)  */8Jogging House - Holds (2021)**
Flotsam And Jetsam – Blood In The Water (2021) */8
Keys for Eclipse - Nowhere Near (2021)**
Hiemal - Insomnia (2021)*
Mind Over Midi -Offline (2021)**
Tapes And Topographies -In Muted Forms (2021)**
Arcing Waves- Prime (2020)***
Pan Daijing - Jade (2021)*
Soda State - Portal EP  (2021)
Juliana Hatfield - Blood (2021) 
Year of No Light - Consolamentum (2021)*
Red Fang - Arrows (2021)**
King Buffalo -The Burden of Restlessness (2021
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everydayths-blog · 4 years
This persists into the persuasive perspective also. Beginning as a tenderfoot to anything can be disappointing, however any individual who is simply getting into turning out, regardless of whether just a bit, can take certainty from the way that they should simply bounce on a treadmill, press a catch, and get moving.Be that as it may, on the off chance that you live in an outrageous atmosphere, or are managing in atmosphere climate like downpour, day off, or exorbitant warmth, putting together your exercises with respect to the climate can be an ill-conceived notion. ​Treadmills permit you to place a few miles in some time being inside a controlled domain.
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 Regardless of whether you have a treadmill as a reinforcement for blustery days, or simply prefer to blend things up, you'll never need to stress over dropping your exercise session and  everydaythings price in india destroying your week by week schedule in light of the fact that a rainstorm appeared suddenly.This seeps over to a ton of different territories as well, be that as it may. Not every person has time toward the beginning of the day to find a good pace, drive to the exercise center, drive back, shower, and go to work. What's more, in the event that you do, generally, there will unavoidably be those occasions when you can't. Having a treadmill in the following room fixes that.
 ​Parents with little kids may think that its harder to make time to get outside and run a mile or two around the area. With a treadmill at home, you can watch your children and put those miles in all simultaneously.Having a treadmill at home additionally has the basic accommodation of being capable just to begin turning out very quickly, as opposed to driving somewhere else. This is extraordinary for those occasions when you simply would prefer not to need to prepare or be seen out of the blue. The situations are interminable.
 ​Another issue with strolling and running outside is the fluctuations in surface quality. Most energetic sprinters know an individual or two (or yourself) that has sprained a lower leg or hurt a foot when not seeing a little pothole, control, street flotsam and jetsam, or any of the other stuff you can experience when outside or a run.These issues can go past simply awful streets and drop-offs, be that as it may. The fluctuation in territory when running outside can prompt an undesirable contrast in preparing levels. A precarious slope or two here, a level bit there - in case you're following pulse and vitality effort, this will make irregularities.Treadmills permit you to have the equivalent accurate degree of exercise without fail, ideal for those hoping to consume a definite measure of calories, keep up a specific pulse for a while, and so forth.
 ​Treadmills are basic, require you just to utilize your legs, and consider a ton of open space around you while strolling and running. Along these lines, you can discover various approaches to fuse other exercise techniques and augmentations while utilizing the treadmill.
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rockzone · 5 years
Megadeth legend David Ellefson announces a brace of UK dates
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Grammy Award Winning Megadeth bassist David Ellefson has announced a European solo tour, featuring a full band playing songs from his recent solo release SLEEPING GIANTS, and other Metal classics. Featuring vocals by his MORE LIFE WITH DETH co-author Thom Hazaert, plus guitarist Andy Martongelli, who toured with Ellefson and Frank Bello’s Altitudes and Attitude, and appears on the SLEEPING GIANTS track ‘Hammer (Comes Down)’ (featuring vocals by Hazaert and Eric AK (Flotsam and Jetsam) with Chris Poland, Mark Tremonti, Dave McClain (Sacred Reich, Ex-Machine Head), Joey Radziwill (Sacred Reich), and more).
Ellefson published his new memoir MORE LIFE WITH DETH in July, which was an Amazon bestseller, along with a companion solo release SLEEPING GIANTS, which features collaborations with Hazaert, DMC, John Bush, Mark Tremonti, Chris Poland, Bumblefoot, Dave McClain (Sacred Reich, Ex-Machine Head), Joey Radziwill (Sacred Reich), Eric Ak and Steve Conley (Flotsam and Jetsam), David Glen Eisley, and more, and which debuted on 13 US Billboard Charts on release.
The tour kicks off November 3rd in Wolverhampton with a live one-off show at K.K.’s Steel Mill featuring a full band set from Ellefson’s Sleeping Giants band, followed by a full-length set of Priest Classics with legendary former Judas Priest guitarist K.K. Downing, former Judas Priest drummer Les Binks, and former Judas Priest vocalist Tim “Ripper” Owens. Former Iron Maiden vocalist, Blaze Bayley will be the evening’s opening support act.
Additionally, the Steel Mill will also host a special pre-show VIP event whereby attendees will be treated to a MORE LIFE WITH DETH book signing event and one on one Q&A session with Ellefson, Downing & Hazaert, moderated by Mark Eglinton who co-authored K.K. Downing’s recent memoir “Heavy Duty Days and Nights in Judas Priest”.
KK Downing says, “I am very pleased to have been asked to perform a unique and special concert with Megadeth’s David Ellefson to celebrate the release of his new book “More Life With Deth”.
"The concert will also bring about the opportunity to play again with some very dear and talented metal legends from the past, the combination of these Icons will for sure enable us to deliver up one of the most most exciting concerts this year, so much so that it would not be out of place to call this the ultimate ass kicking “MegaPriest” fest, and is one that is not to be missed.”
‘MORE LIVE WITH DETH’ TOUR EUROPE 2019 3 Nov – Wolverhampton, ENG – KK’s Steel Mill (featuring K.K. Downing, Les Binks and Tim “Ripper” Owens) 4 Nov – London, ENG – Camden Underworld 8 Nov - Bellinzona, CH - Pit 9 Nov - Collegno, ITA - Padiglione 14 10 Nov - Milano, ITA - Legend Club 12 Nov - Bologna, ITA - Alchemica 13 Nov - Tuoro Sul Trasimeno, ITA - Supernova 14 Nov - Roma, ITA - Let It Beer 19 Nov - Ciudad Obregon, Mexico - Desert Bar 20 Nov - Mexico City, Mexico - Teatro Ofelia 22 Nov - Bogota, Colombia - Ace of Spades 23 Nov - Quito, Ecuador - La Ideal 25 Nov - Lima, Peru - Teatro Federico Garcia Lorca 26 Nov - Santiago, Chile - Rock & Guitarras 28 Nov - Asuncion, Paraguay - Centro Paraguayo Japonés 30 Nov - Sao Paulo, Brazil - Manifesto 1 Dec - Manaus, Brazil - Teatro Manauara
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