#she’s my ride or die Yetta
november-rising · 1 month
“my mum has a saying: every book has its time, and not every time is the right time for every book. that doesn't mean you'll NOT read them, just not now, and that's completely fine.”
@owlsinathens shared this with me about books she gifted me as I apologized for not be further along in the readings as I thought I should. Because of my own traumas with “you better be grateful” regardless of what precipitated the “gift” from parents and the expectation that I SHOULD utilize fully what has been given no matter what unless you “want to be ungrateful”, I’ve put pressure on myself to knock out the series.
Books shouldn’t be knocked out.
They are pure wonderment- good, neutral or bad. These worlds should be cherished. I didn’t have that luxury growing up - to cherish stillness, family, others, or myself.
Literature in many of its forms, including fanfics, allowed me a safe escape. It allowed me the chance to express, process, scream, learn and bandage many things in my life over the last 25 years. (Note: acknowledging that I’ve been escaping so much since I was 10 is quite telling.)
What I’m trying to say is that there are great people and great books (and great fanfics) that should be given the time they need. No pressure. No expectations. No obligations. Just enjoyment.
Life lessons come from anywhere. Tumblr has been my most caring tutor.
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