#shin yunbok
enterhamartia · 10 months
Siga a estudante, @HR99SY!
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Nome: Shin Yunbok.
Data de Nascimento: 21 de maio de 1999.
Nacionalidade: Busan, Coreia do Sul.
Gênero/Pronomes: Mulher cis, ela/dela.
Fraternidade: Soteria.
Curso: Agronomia, nono semestre.
Extracurriculares: Arquearia (capitã) e astronomia.
Figura Mitológica: Ártemis.
FC: Choi Yoojung (Weki Meki).
Player: +18, ela/dela.
Siga em @HR99SY.
Perícia com Arco e Flecha: Como Deusa do Arco e Flecha é uma arqueira extremamente habilidosa, a coreana possui um manejo elevado com o arco. Sendo assim, domina com perfeição o uso dessa arma e sua frequência de disparos é altíssima, e além disso, é totalmente hábil em fazer manobras incríveis e incomuns com o mesmo.
Vida Selvagem - Sobrevivência: Ártemis era conhecida como a Deusa das Florestas e da Vida Selvagem, e por esse motivo a coreana consegue sobreviver nesses ambientes com mais facilidade, pois possui um grande senso de orientação em qualquer ambiente, então nunca se perde, já que sabe se localizar devidamente. Além disso, conhece muito bem os tipos de criaturas mais comuns encontradas pelo globo. Detendo informações importantes sobre animais e criaturas sagradas, tais como pontos fracos, nicho ecológico, espécie, dentre todo tipo de informação que possa ser útil.
Como entrou em Jewangeum?
Mesmo associada à imagem de aluna exemplar em seu período colegial, Yunbok enfrentou uma intensa preparação para o vestibular. Com o incentivo dos pais, dedicou-se aos estudos e participou de aulas preparatórias, buscando recursos adicionais e atividades relacionadas. E não sendo uma grande surpresa para sua família, sua admissão na Universidade Jewangeum foi uma recompensa pelo seu trabalho árduo.
Por que escolheu sua fraternidade?
Inicialmente Sophrosyne era sua primeira opção, por ser formada por membros de destaque, com notas altas e uma reputação imaculada. Essa cultura de excelência acadêmica e seriedade ressoou em Yunbok, que sempre se esforçou para alcançar o melhor desempenho possível em seus estudos, não sendo necessário citar sua afeição pela causa defendida em relação à sustentabilidade ambiental. Contudo, foi atraída pela atmosfera acolhedora e pelo senso de comunidade presente em Soteria. Encontrou um refúgio onde poderia ser ela mesma, sem amarras, sentindo-se inspirada pela transformação da fraternidade e pela sua missão de criar um ambiente acolhedor para todos, sendo extremamente fiel à Soteria e aos seus ideais, seja participando ativamente de suas causas ou criando cartazes para impedir que a casa seja fechada
Quais são seus planos para esse semestre?
Yunbok está determinada a se destacar academicamente, focando seus esforços no estudo e nas provas para obter um desempenho exemplar em sua graduação. Já que seu objetivo inicial é se tornar uma defensora do meio ambiente. Claro, sem esquecer do seu desejo de se envolver ativamente nos clubes de Astronomia e Arquearia, buscando aprimorar ainda mais suas habilidades nessas áreas e compartilhar seu conhecimento e paixão com outros membros - ou qualquer outra pessoa que cruze seu caminho. E por último, mas não menos importante, a coreana deseja aproveitar ao máximo sua experiência universitária, participando de eventos culturais, conhecendo pessoas e estabelecendo novas amizades - se conseguir.
Qual é sua opinião sobre as lendas do campus?
A coreana é um tanto cética em relação às lendas e histórias do campus. Embora possa ter ouvido falar dessas lendas, ela tende a abordá-las com um olhar mais racional e questionador. No entanto, isso não significa que ela descarte completamente a possibilidade de sua existência, mantendo uma mente aberta para diferentes perspectivas. Nunca se sabe o dia de amanhã. E como uma aluna curiosa, nada a impede de se interessar ao ponto de investigar essas lendas, seja pela experiência sobrenatural ou encontrar explicações racionais para os fenômenos.
Quais são seus planos para o futuro, após a faculdade?
Ela mantém o objetivo de aprofundar seus conhecimentos e habilidades na área de conservação ambiental, realizando uma pós-graduação em biologia, ecologia ou outra disciplina afim, assim como contribuir ativamente para a proteção do meio ambiente e a preservação da natureza. Apesar de não ter muita certeza quanto à área de atuação, a coreana tem algumas opções em mente, como se tornar uma educadora ambiental, compartilhando seu conhecimento e inspirando os outros a desenvolver um amor pela natureza e a adotar práticas sustentáveis. Ela pode trabalhar em escolas, ONGs ou centros de educação ambiental, promovendo a conscientização e a conexão das pessoas com o meio ambiente. Bom, somente o futuro dirá.
Como seus amigos te descreveriam?
Yunbok é geralmente focada e reservada, com uma natureza estóica e pragmática, mantendo a calma mesmo em situações desafiadoras, transmitindo uma aura de serenidade sempre que pode. Sendo citada pelos amigos mais próximos como alguém de uma compreensão profunda e mais tolerante em relação às pessoas, é também alguém que avalia os outros por suas ações e escolhas, mostrando simpatia e altruísmo. A coreana compartilha do traço idealista do seu nome, portanto anseia por paz e harmonia, evitando situações de atrito e desafetos. Sua sensibilidade e autoconsciência a tornam reservada em muitos aspectos, e ela tende a ser cautelosa ao abrir-se para os outros. Ela valoriza a confiança e restringe suas amizades até que sinta que pode confiar plenamente nas pessoas. O desejo de ajudar os outros e sua generosidade são características essenciais de sua personalidade, mas também pode atrair aqueles que se aproveitam dela. E apesar de todos os traços anteriores, ela é conhecida por ser bastante sorrateira e às vezes prega peças, ou se envolve em algum mal entendido - não importa o motivo, por pura diversão. Fora a formidável capacidade de guardar rancores.
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jeanne-art · 4 years
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Shin Yunbok 申潤福 (Korean, Joseon Dynasty; c.1758 – after 1813), A Woman by a Lotus Pond 연당의 여인 (1800s)
Ink and colors on silk, 29.6 x 31.4 cm
National Museum of Korea, Seoul, Korea
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thefashioncycle · 5 years
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Left: 18th century painting "A Portrait of a Beauty" by Shin Yunbok
Right: Vogue Korea 2013 editorial look
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thedaysofedo · 6 years
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Holding a drinking bout and Dance with two swords by Korean artist Shin Yun-bok, also known as Hyewon (1758–1814?).
Source: Wikipedia
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anaratto · 7 years
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“A scenery on Dano day” Shin Yunbok
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universaladdict · 4 years
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I’m just gonna write my hope & expectations in Season 2. It’s more on writing it for myself in case I forget and I might be adding on it along the waiting game, but guys, replies are welcomed I wanna know what do you guys expect from S2 too! XD

Two nursing students that made appearances in EP9 will be replacing HongDo and YunBok for S2. Just like HongDo and YunBok, the two of them will be showcasing their POVs at each of the department.
Season 2 Ep1 will start off / ending off with Ahn Jeongwon’s flashbacks/backstory on his struggle and suppressed feelings towards Jang Gyeo Wool, and unfolds why did he hold back for almost a month to let Gyeo Wool know about his decision to stay. - I need to know everything even his answer to Lee Ik Jun when Ik Jun asked him what did he think of Jang Gyeo Wool in Ep3!
There’s a 20-years of friendship stands between Lee Ik Jun and Chae Song Hwa. So rather than to straight away making them an item in Season2, a comfortable and steady transition towards a whole new kind of relationship for our Scrunchy Couple would be preferred. - By the way, this couple reminds me of Tsuki No Koibito; from long-time friends to lovers I love that drama!
Ahn Jeong Won is the only one who knows that Lee Ik Jun is Chae Song Hwa’s first love and he learned it from Song Hwa herself. - I don’t know why, I just have this feeling that he knows lol
To have Kim Jun Wan’s story on how he manage as the Chief of Department. He was recently promoted and it would be great to watch that side as well.- I’m looking forward to seeing lots of his tsundere moments!
Ahn Jeong Won might eventually ends up leading the Yulje Foundation. In S1, putting his inner struggle aside, it can be seen that he actually does possess great management skill - his way of thinking ahead and he basically knew every single thing happened at Yulje on management level.
Lee Ik Jun actually figured out about Kim Jun Wan and her sister Ik Sun for quite some time but he kept silent just to fool around with them.
WinterGarden’s scene will be picking up from the kiss scene, with Ahn Jeong Won saying ‘Sorry’  to Jang Gyeo Wool. - I think I’m gonna cry T.T
No sorts of rivalry or whatever between Chu Min Ha and Yang Seok Hyung’s ex-wife Shin Hye. Judging from Yang Seok Hyung’s perspective, I’d like to think that Shin Hye is a very kind person.
Lee Ik Sun comes back to Korea and says to Kim Jun Wan that she’s staying, simply because she realizes that her happiness is actually with Kim Jun Wan - I think that would be beautiful as well. Love can be as simple as that, right?
The abusive father that Jang Gyeo Wool chased in Ep5-6 will reappear and harm either Ahn Jeong Won / Jang Gyeo Wool - If you watched Prison Playbook you can totally relate to this foreshadow. Resentful villains suddenly came out and take revenge lol
To have at least one happy marriage among the lacking-5 circle! It could be the Bidulgi couple or the WinterGarden couple. But as much as I love the WinterGarden, I still would prefer to have them exploring their first relationship as a couple, then smoothly enters the marriage phase towards the second-half of S2.
All the 99ers actually knew / aware that Ahn Jeong Won had a thing for Jang Gyeo Wool. Here’s my take on how Chae Song Hwa knew; Jeong Ro Sa reached out to Song Hwa and asked Song Hwa about the girl she saw making her son looked so cheerful that he didn’t even noticed his mom standing right beside the garden’s entrance/exit door. I guess that’s what made Song Hwa said - It really is Gyeo Wool
When Yang Seok Hyung knows about the Daddy Long Leg program, he would contribute his inheritance to that program as well.
Just like in S1, Ahn Jeong Won might be facing struggle when one of his patient dies / not doing well. This time, instead of coming to the church and look for his brother, he has Jang Gyeo Wool to comfort him now. She becomes his source of strength, to keep him moving forward as a doctor as well as a person too. - Okay I think I’m gonna cry again T.T
I wanna see Chae Song Hwa’s brothers! I want the cameos to be among the guys in Prison Playbook please!
Yoo Yeon Seok-sshi, please release an OST for Season 2!
Last one just out of context you guys can even skip this lol! I’m an ELF for more that 10 years and my bias is indeed Kyuhyun. So I was beyond excited when my favorite singer sang the OST specially meant for my favorite couple in HP, portrayed by my favorite actors. And he sang so well it’s like the remake song was actually meant for him and no one else! So I’m hoping in S2, maybe Yesung or Ryeowook can sing for the OST(?) - @.@
Thanks a lot if you are reading this long post until the end! To be honest it’s been a while since I was on tumblr, but HP has made me tumblr-ing again. Regardless, these are just my personal hope/expectations so I could be totally wrong on some crumbs. Shin Won Ho / Lee Woo Jung already given us this one fine slice-of-life masterpiece and they’ve exceeded much beyond my expectations. Look forward to SEASON 2 please come faster!
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HI SOF💜 help not you saying im one of your faves on tumblr OTL askdjsks iM GONNA CRY 🥺 eep no worries i totally get what you mean about uni stress fsjsdkgsd i also take forever to reply to people cuz i usually have no more brain cells left when i come on tumblr HAHAHA eeepp sounds like its been pretty tough 😣 but im v happy to hear you have a break coming soon!!
omg ok hospital playlist askdkjs wHY DID IT END SO SAD ASKFJKS like omg okay first of all i love how their friendships were written soso much??? all their banter and inside jokes, mAKING A BAND TOGETHER, how they care so much and how theyre all there for each other when times get tough askdjsk its peak friendship OTL 😭 them with their juniors too aksjdjd hosplay really was a slice of life masterpiece 😩 i loved how they wrote all the romantic relationships too; i do think some were abit rushed towards the end of s2 but im still really glad that all of them did get their happy endings 😭
DR CHU MINHA FINALLY GETTING HER CHANCE WITH SEOK HYEONG AFTER PINING FOR TWO WHOLE SEASONS ASKFJKSJ oMg their dynamic is sooo funny cuz most people feel a little awkward around seokhyeong but she's absolutely shameless in what she says to him and he finds it so endearing and my heart just went !!!!! i think i used to see her crush as a little shallow but i was cheering so hard for her when they finally became official
jeong won and gyeo ul are also soso perfect for each other askfjks i loved how ik jun kept trying to play matchmaker and jeongwon is honestly the sweetest man ive ever seen and theyre sO cute together
eep junwan and iksun askjdjs peak "brother's-best-friend" trope HELP OMG aaa their angst hit the hardest i think but they made up really sweetly (and ikjun playing matchmaker once again aksjsj)
aNDANDAND IKJUN AND SONGHWA FKSKDK THE BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS !!!! hELP they were sooo freaking adorable all the subtle moments they had together, CAMPING TOGETHER WITH UJU hElp i was screaming it felt sooo domestic and sweet i was smiling so wide watching them😭
eeepp the last ep!! it was going soo well, all of them getting together, but then they gathered for that band practice and ikjun said "but why do i get the feeling that this will be our last jam session?" MY HEART LITERALLY BROKE OKAY I WAS ON THE VERGE OF TEARS THAT WAS SO UNNECESSARY 😭💔 idk wHy but that line made me soso sadd and it made that ep feel really melancholic aaaa 😔 awh but them watching that sunset together healed my heart at least 🥺
hELP this turned out aLOT longer than i expected askdksks IM SO SORRY ill put the rest in another ask 🤣
ann! omg i relate so much with the brain cells thing. i barely have any energy to read fics with higher thinking skills HAHAHA. that's why i reserve it during moments when i do actually have the time + energy bc aaaaa the fics here deserve love and the writers deserve love!
THE ENDING—okay i'm not a crier, but i sobbed. especially the sunset scene like WHERE AM I GOING TO FIND ANOTHER REASON TO GO THROUGH EACH WEEK NOW?! and the whole ep was just them tying loose ends and when ikjun said, "why does this feel like our last jam session?" IT'S BECAUSE IT'S THE LAST TIME WE'RE GOING TO SEE YOU PERFORM SO DON'T STOP PLEASE GO ON FOR ANOTHER SEASON PLEASE
yes! the friendships! and i agree! i love the slice of life genre so much! cause it actually reflects what happens in real life. like, no one's all lovey dovey and affectionate all the time. human relationships thrive through subtle ways of taking care of each other. and the drama portrayed that so well. (EVERY DRAMA OF SHIN WONHO PD DOES AAAA REPLY 1988 PLEASE?)
and the juniors! i loved them! minha, gyeoul, daehak, seokmin, sunbin, yunbok, hongdo! AAAAAA i could go on and on!
and yes! the romance! i loved how at the beginning of s1, they were all just establishing the story, the friendship and the patient-doctor, and doctor-doctor relationships. but gradually, they infused hints of romance. like how gyeoul had a crush on jeongwon and how ikjun went to songhwa's appointment. the little things that shows how much they liked them was so cute and endearing to watch!
abt the rushed thing, HAHAHA is this about junwan x iksun? HAHAHAHA i think that's the most rushed among all. i feel like the others paced themselves well. i mean, i would've loved seeing more of minha x seokhyeong, and the dynamic of songhwa x ikjun x uju (AND OMG UJU! YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN IN THE FINALE!) also, i would've loved to see gyeoul's reaction to jeongwon's proposal huhuhuhu.
AND YES! I WAS MOST EXCITED FOR MINHA X SEOKHYEONG IN S2! bc seokhyeong went through a lot of things and he managed to survive through all of them. and he's so kind and he deserves to smile all the time and be happy. and i'm glad he let minha in to be that light that he needs.
and yes! jeongwon x gyeoul! they were the couple i was rooting for in s1 the most! THEY WERE SO SO CUTE AND I LOVED ALL THE TIMES THEY TRIED TO HIDE THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN S2 HAHAHAHA.
and ikjun the matchmaker was so cute!!!!
and yeah... iksun x junwan was cute but rawr i wished iksun would've just told the truth in the beginning. they both just suffered more and rawr. junwan in one ep was so pitiful huuhuhu i wanted to give him a hug. but anyway, they made up so all is good. she better treat him better next time! hmp
AND OMG SONGHWA X IKJUN!!! THEY WERE AHQLEIHQLIHFQ they've finally come full circle. i started really REALLY rooting for them in s1 when uju got sick! that was such a touching moment how songhwa took care of his son as if he was her own. and she took them camping too! huhuhuhu they were so cute! and the food scenes! what would i pay to have someone ask me to eat with him? AAAAAAA
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ottantaocchi · 10 years
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단오풍정 (端午風情)/ 풍속화첩/ 신윤복/ 조선후기 (18세기)
Scenery on Dano Day/ Shin, Yun-bok/ 18C
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jageun-byeol · 12 years
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Shin Yun-bok, better known by his pen name Hyewon, (born 1758) was a Korean painter of the Joseon Dynasty. Like his contemporaries Danwon and Geungjae, he is known for his realistic depictions of daily life in his time. His genre paintings are distinctly more erotic than Danwon's, a fact which contributed to his expulsion from the royal painting institute, Dohwaseo.
Together with Danwon and the later painter Owon, Hyewon is remembered today as one of the "Three Wons" of Joseon-period painting. 
His most famous paintings: Portrait of a Beauty (hangul: 미인도, hanja: 美人圖). Painting on silk. Depicts the standard of traditional beauty in the Joseon era. Realistic details of the hanbok are notable. Dano day (hangul: 단오도 , hanja: 端午圖). Painting on paper. Depicts a scene on Dano day; semi-nudes bathing in the stream, a woman in a bright red hanbok rides a swing, two young monks peek in the background.
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