#shua is on my mind 24/7
st4rzctrl · 1 year
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
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Jeonghan x reader; fluff; 0.75k words
Mellow speaks: Well, it's Jeonghan's birthday, and since I love him so dearly and since I'm still not over Dream, here's a short scenario for my baby! I hope you enjoy reading this, and PS. I'm thinking of adding SVT to my requests too hehe
Just like always, he chases behind you on the beach, as you run ahead, the wind blowing through your hair as a laugh escapes your lips and reaches his ears. To him, that is the single-most beautiful sound he has ever heard, and he can't help but smile. Without turning back, you call out, "Come on Hannie, catch me!," as if teasing him. "Wait up!," he replies, unable to recall your name. He thinks hard, trying to remember, but all he draws is a blank. He raises his head up, only to see your retreating figure growing smaller, as you move farther and farther away from him. He tries to speed up his pace, but the more he runs, the farther away he finds you. He opens his mouth to speak, but no sound comes out of his mouth.
He stumbles, falling down and tasting the sand. He reaches his hand out, he tries calling out to you, but you continue to run away, finally disappearing in the distance. He feels hit tears streaming down his face, until suddenly, he's being shaken by an invisible force. "Jeonghan! Wake up, you're having a bad dream," a voice calls out, faintly familiar. A minute later, he opens his eyes, your retreating figure still taunting him as his pupils adjust to the sudden change in scenery. "Same dream?," the voice asks, the fact that it belongs to Joshua registering belatedly in his head. "Every single time," he sighs, tears stinging at the back of his eyes. "I'm just tired, Shua. I'm tired of seeing them in my dream and never being able to meet them. I'm tired of not knowing their face or their name. I'm tired of waiting," he says, turning to his best friend. "Are you sure this person exists? You don't know anything about them, then how can you be sure they aren't just a figment of your imagination?," the feline-featured boy asks, pouring some water for his friend. "I'm sure they're real. As sure as I am that I'm alive. I may not know them, but they do exist. I know it in my heart," he says, a firm resolve in his eyes. After a moment's silence, Joshua smiles at him, "Then you'll find them, one day. Just hang in there a little longer."
Days pass into months, and months change into seasons. He continues to have the same dream day in and day out, feeling his love for you growing with each second that passes. He may not know you, but what he does know is that he's hopelessly in love with you, and that he will find you one day. One night, as he runs after you in his sleep again, he notices something different. This time, you don't disappear in the distance. Instead, you stop in your tracks, waiting for him to catch up to you, still not facing him. When he does, he finds himself gently placing a hand on your shoulder, but you don't turn around. But you do say something you've never said before, and he feels his heart racing at your words. "I'm close by, you can catch me," you whisper, a smile evident in your voice. That's all he remembers as he wakes up suddenly, his heart still beating erratically.
Looking at the time, he realizes that it's just 3:20 P.M., but that doesn't stop his stomach from rumbling. He thinks of ordering some food, but something in him tells him to get dressed and go to the 24/7 convenience store close to the dorm. And so, 10 minutes later, he finds himself stepping into that very store, halting in his tracks when he hears a laugh ring through the aisles. It's as if his feet have a mind of their own, dragging him towards the source of the sound. There, behind the aisle for sweets, he sees a figure, their hair and their clothes oddly familiar even though he's sure he's never seen them in person. Feeling his hands shaking, he musters the confidence to reach out to them, placing a hand on their shoulder just like he had in his dream. He feels them freeze under his touch, before slowly starting to turn.
The moment his eyes fall on their face, a smile graces his lips, one that mirrors the smile on the stranger's face. To anyone else, it would seem like he had just met a long-lost friend, but had Joshua been there, he would've known that his friend Jeonghan had finally found his person.
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escapewriter · 4 years
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Something Great
pairing : mingyu x reader
synopsis : he knows napkins are used for cleaning up messes, but he can’t help but write cute notes to his favorite cashier.
genre : fluff, slight angst
word count : 3.5k
warnings : mentions of cheating
posted : 11/26/20
a/n : this isnt proofread. so i apologize if some things dont make sense.
TAGLIST : @vibecheckvernon @beomiebear5 @lightoflife @skylions-den
send me an ask/dm if you would like to be on the taglist
pieces of love masterlist // playlist // main masterlist
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Kim Mingyu or coward for short, according to Chan’s dictionary. Chan has watched this man admire you for so long, yet he has never grown a pair to ask you out. Even Mingyu wanted to ask you out, but like hell he’d know what to say.
Mingyu’s eyes watched your every move, and yes he knows it's creepy, Chan told him already, but he couldn’t help it. The man is absolutely infatuated with you.
“Why don’t you just ask them out? I mean it’s not like they don’t have your order memorized already.”
“Shut up Chan, they have yours memorized too. And dude, you really believe that they’d like ME?”
Chan looked at the elder, dumbfounded. He really couldn’t believe what was coming out of his best friend's mouth.
“You act like I wouldn’t date you if I was gay. Believe me, if you weren’t all soft and innocent, you’d know you could pick up.
Mingyu rolled his eyes at that, choosing to avoid any further questions. He has watched you for a couple months now, and no, not like stalking, but just frequent visits at his favorite coffee shop to see his favorite cashier.
If you were being honest, you didn’t notice Mingyu. The reason you know his and Chan’s order is because they always come at 3:30 which is 30 minutes right after you start your shift. Plus, they order the same thing over and over again. But it doesn’t change the fact that all you know is their order and names. You didn’t have time or the attention span to get to know them, and honestly, you didn’t really want to. So you go about your day, going through the same routine like you’re riding a carousel.
Mingyu goes about his day too, the only difference is you’re on his mind 24/7. He always gets excited whenever his afternoon classes end because that means he can drag Chan to accompany him to the cafe.
Chan glared hard at Mingyu who had all of his homework out, but wasn’t doing any work. “Dude, if you’re only going to drag me here to watch you stare at your imaginary significant other, don’t bring me next time.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll work.” Mingyu took his final glance at you as you took someone's order before he opened his laptop and began his homework.
Chan left early due to a group project meeting that he failed to remember to go to until he got an angry call from Seungkwan. Mingyu looked at the empty seat in front of him, thinking about everything Chan said, or mainly what he has been repeating ever since Mingyu stepped foot into the cafe many months ago.
He wants to confess, but all he is to you, is a regular customer. That’s all he’ll ever be but Mingyu can’t help but wonder and have a little hope that you probably look forward to him showing up at 3:30.
It’s good that he has hope but it shouldn’t be high because he probably wouldn’t be able to handle the fact that you had a boyfriend. It wasn’t something that everyone knew because the two of you weren’t exactly known in school. Hell, people call you coffee cashier because they don’t have the time to read your nametag.
Mingyu checked the time and saw that it was 4:30. He had to leave before your shift ends, not to follow you, no, but to write you your note. He’s been writing you small notes once a week, telling you what he admires about you as well as telling you about his day. It’s kinda creepy, but shouldn’t people like these types of things? It’s sweet, right?
He took a napkin and quickly wrote his note. He gathered his things as he took another look at you and left the cafe.
“Oh YN~” You rolled your eyes, hearing your coworker say your name in a singing tune.
“What is it Joshua?”
“Your secret admirer has striked, once again.” He held out his hand holding the napkin which contained the note.
“You’re kidding. You sure you’re not the one writing these?” Your eyes narrowed at Joshua who scoffed.
“Just be glad that someone out there actually likes you. And don’t give me that ‘I have a boyfriend’ crap. He’s not good FOR you or even TO you and you know it.” He grabbed your arm and set the napkin on your palm before returning to his station.
You sighed and looked at the napkin in your hand. Why couldn’t this person just approach you and tell you these things or even try to talk to you? Or maybe they do talk to you, you just don’t know who it is.
Impossible, you don’t have any friends :)
You unfolded the napkin, reading the note:
Hi YN,
I hope you've had a lovely day today. It looks like you did, considering how your eyes lit up when someone walked in. I wish I had your energy. Anyway, I hope your day continues to stay amazing and always keep that smile on your face. It looks beautiful on you :) lyric of the week : ‘i want you here with me’
You couldn’t lie, the notes always made your week, but the lyrics are very vague and you always try to figure out which song it’s from. They were very sweet and you were so curious about who it could be, but at the same time, it scares you. You were falling for their words, and it was such a dangerous thing because, one, you had a boyfriend, and two, words can be deceiving.
You put the napkin in your pocket and walked to the break room, taking your apron off and clocking out. Taking your bag and coat off the table, you walked out of the break room.
“Alright Shua, I’m heading out.”
“Later YN. Give my worst to the man.”
You rolled your eyes, silently agreeing with him as you dreaded to go home to the man you… dated.
“Okay Mingyu, I have an idea, and hear me out.” Mingyu pursed his lips as he looked at his younger friend. “Why don’t you try to talk with YN?”
Mingyu stopped in his tracks, “Are you crazy?”
The two were walking to the cafe when Chan proposed his idea. He didn’t know what was wrong with the idea, it seemed like a really good plan because Mingyu would be establishing a friendship with you.
“No, you’re crazy. I’m gonna go and try to be their friend while you stand back and watch, wishing it was you instead. And you can’t get mad if they fall in love with me instead of youuu~” Mingyu glared, storming into the cafe, the serious look on his facial features fading completely into a soft smile as you greeted him.
“Hi Mingyu! Hey Chan? The usual?”
“YN!” Mingyu looked at Chan who appeared from behind him.
“Yes, we would like the usual, thank you.”
You smiled and clicked your tongue, “You got it.”
Chan approached the counter as he turned his head, shooting Mingyu a wink before turning to look at you, who was preparing the drinks.
“So YN, Mingyu and I kinda come here often but we never really talked to you. I think it’d be nice to get on some sort of friendship level, don’t you think?”
This is what you wanted to avoid, the friendship. It wasn’t a bad idea, but you just didn’t have the time or energy to go and trust some people you barely know, even if they were regulars. You’ve had your back stabbed plenty of times before and you don’t know if you could handle any more of it.
By now, Mingyu was standing next to Chan, silent as he watched you make their coffee. “Uh, I mean sure, but it’d have to be here because I’m very busy outside of work.” You smiled as you handed them their drinks, lying straight to their faces.
“Oh that’s cool, we just want to be able to talk to you if you were bored here,” Chan was very genuine with his words, but he also wanted to help Mingyu, in which he was thankful for.
“Alright cool, can’t wait to greet you guys tomorrow as my friends.”
Well, now you can’t get out of this one.
“You know, that Mingyu guy is very sweet to you.” You looked at the said man, sitting in his usual spot at the corner of the cafe with Chan.
“He is Shua, I didn’t say he wasn’t.”
“I know that, but you’ve been ‘friends’ with them for like almost two weeks now. I suggest you ditch the ass and get with Mingyu.”
You laughed softly. Joshua didn’t know that you already left the said ass so your mind began to spin as you actually considered the idea.
He’s been cheating on you, and you knew it, you just pretended that you didn’t. You didn’t have the mental energy to breakup with him, but you caught him, so you had to.
He hummed, turning to look at you.
“I broke up with him.”
“FUCK YES!” His arms shot up, a muffin and a pair of tongs in his hands, “Fucking finally oh my god. Absolutely hate that man.”
You shook your head and sat on a stool, eyes averting over to the corner. Mingyu is a sweet guy, and he is fairly good looking. Who are you kidding, a man like that should be in a relationship. But what if he was in a relationship with you?
“YN? YN!”
You blinked, looking away from the now empty seat and over to Joshua who was smirking at you.
“You were staring.”
“No I wasn’t, what is it?”
He smirked but let it slide, holding out his hand that contained another napkin.
“Well at least you know your secret admirer is still alive after they didn’t leave a napkin last week.”
You took the napkin and went into the break room after thanking him. You really needed this note to cheer you up because if you were being honest, you really did like your ex, and it hurts to know he didn’t care.
Hi YN,
I’m sorry I didn’t write last week. I don’t even know if you get these, but last week, I felt very conflicted. I didn’t know if I should stop so I tested the waters. But today, you didn’t have that spark in your eyes so I secretly hoped it was because you didn’t get a letter last week, so you were probably sad you might not get one this week. That’s probably not it though. I just hope your day gets better and hopefully this note will give you a smile because someone out there (me hehe) admires you. Lyric of the week : ‘come on jump out at me, come on bring everything’ (p.s. It’s all from the same song)
You sighed softly, biting your lip to fight off the smile creeping onto your face. You really wanted to know who gave you these letters, or where they were left.
Heading out, you called for Joshua. “Shua! Where do you find these napkins?”
“You know how I’m on clean up duty? I usually find them by the trash. Sometimes I find them on the counter where people pick up their drinks or on tables. It’s not always in one spot.”
You pouted, disappointed that it wasn’t only in one spot as you were hoping you could figure out who the mystery person is. You bid Joshua goodbye, heading home for the rest of the evening.
Joshua watched as you left, whipping out his phone, and texting his friend.
Joshua : dude, better hurry up and tell them. this anon man is trying to steal them from you.
Mingyu : aren’t you forgetting that I am the anon man.
Joshua : well i know that, but it’s getting boring. make your move!
Mingyu : dude they don’t like me!
Joshua sighed. He truly thinks that you’re trying to convince yourself that you have no feelings for Mingyu. Meanwhile, Mingyu is the perfect guy who is trustworthy and would treat you right, but you’re completely blinded by the fact that all men are the same.
Joshua : just wait dude, one day, you’ll see that they do.
Joshua’s words made Mingyu’s head spin the whole weekend. He was sure that you had zero interest in him. Although you greet him everyday with that same blinding smile, he knows that it’s only a platonic feeling and just you showing your kindness. Not only that, Chan had found out that you just got out of a relationship, so you probably wouldn’t want to be in one. But if you were in a relationship, shouldn’t Joshua have known? That’s what brought Mingyu to the coffee shop on Sunday afternoon. You don’t work on Sundays but Joshua does, and Mingyu was determined to get answers.
It wasn’t busy when Mingyu walked in. The place was empty, the only person there was Joshua who was sitting behind the counter on his phone.
“Joshua,” He looked up from his phone and smiled.
“Hey man, what are you doing here? YN doesn’t have a shift today.” Mingyu nodded and walked up to the counter, resting his hands on top and leaned forwards a bit.
“Yeah, I know. I just had a question. I don’t know if you can tell me or not, so I understand.”
“What’s up?”
“How long have you known that YN was in a relationship?” Joshua pursed his lips, heart rate increasing as he searched for the right words to say.
“Uh, I’m gonna be honest. The whole time,”
“-Hear me out!” Joshua took a deep breath in. He’s known Mingyu for so long, longer than you. And he’s known that Mingyu has had a crush on you since the very beginning. So when he found out that you got a boyfriend, he didn’t know how to break the news to his friend.
“YN and their ex only dated for about three months, or even less than that! At first, I didn’t know how to tell you because I didn’t want this to affect you, but then when they introduced me to him, I knew they wouldn’t have lasted. The guy was a complete asshole and didn’t like the fact that I was friends with them. I had- no, I HAVE hope for you because I knew he either would have fucked up or they would realize that he was too toxic for them.” Joshua stared at his friend who was deep in thought.
“Mingyu, I’m telling you as your friend, keep writing those notes to them because they absolutely LOVE them. They don’t show it often, but trust me, it makes YN really happy.”
Those words encouraged Mingyu, giving him the tiny ounce of hope that he needed to continue. He made a mental promise to always greet you when he walks in, and to always tell you to have a good day when he leaves. Maybe that will make a difference, along with the anon notes.
“Alright man, I’ll trust you.”
A month has passed and Mingyu managed to become a close friend that you cherished deeply. You even told him about the anon notes that you’ve been receiving. It really caught you off guard because Chan would usually be the one to greet you whereas Mingyu would just nod his head, but now you saw this puppy like side of him.
Thank god you don’t work morning shifts because that’s when it's really busy and due to the holidays coming up, everyone is shopping during the afternoon. You were sitting on the stool, making conversation with Joshua.
“So~ how’s it going with Mingyu?” He wiggled his eyebrows, teasing you.
“What do you mean?” He scoffed at your attempt on playing dumb.
“YN, I can see the way you look at him AND how he looks at you. You both are crushing on each other and it's so disgusting to watch you both deny it.”
“HA! He does not like me, Shua. You wanna know how I do.” Joshua internally panicked, hoping Mingyu didn’t fuck up, “He told me that he has been crushing on this other person for so long. He even asked me for advice on how to ask them out- well, I told him how I would want a guy to ask me out, but that doesn’t matter.”
Joshua looked at her, intrigued and thought about how clever Mingyu played this out, “Well? What did you tell him to do?”
You looked down and smiled, imagining that it was you Mingyu was confessing to, but slowly turned into a scowl. “I just said for him to make it simple. Like a bouquet of their favorite flowers with a cute note that confesses to them.”
Joshua nodded his head, knowing exactly what was going to happen as he saw Mingyu standing outside of the cafe with your favorite flowers in his hand, and a small note attached to it. He looked back at your slumped form, sighing loudly to get your attention.
“Why are you sighing?” Mingyu slowly opened the door, trying not to make the bells ring. “I’m the one who likes a man who is going to confess to someone else.”
After making it inside and slowly approaching the counter, Mingyu held the bouquet behind his back, signaling for Joshua to talk.
“You sure it isn’t you he is going to confess to?”
“And why would he like someone like me?”
“Oh my god YN, just turn around.”
You shot Joshua a confused look before spinning on the stool to see Mingyu in front of you. You heard Joshua stand up, whispering a ‘have fun’ before making his way to the break room. Mingyu smiled shyly before moving his arm from behind his back, revealing the bouquet of flowers before you. You softly gasped, your eyes not believing what they’re seeing.
“Hi YN.” You looked into Mingyu’s eyes that were filled with hope. “Before you say anything, yes, I do like you and yes, I did trick you into telling me how you would want a guy to confess to you, so here I am. Confessing. To you.” You could hear the nervousness in his voice as it shook slightly when he spoke.
“I-I, uh, I honestly can’t believe it Mingyu.” He handed you the flowers carefully as you smelled them. “Thank you.” He smiled at you, his eyes moving back and forth from the note to your face. “Okay, okay, I’ll read it.” You took the note off of the clip, butterflies rushing in your stomach as you unfolded the paper.
Hi YN,
It’s me Mingyu. Well you already know that because I’m standing right in front of you. But anyway, this is my poor attempt at confessing because I have a hard time saying the right words on the spot. But doesn’t this seem familiar to you? Reading a note? Except this time, you can put a name to the anonymous person. Ta da, I’m the mystery person who has been writing you notes for the longest time. Joshua has been one of my closest friends for a long time too and he’s known about my feelings for you. At first, this was a simple testing the waters thing, but when he told me about how you said your day always gets better when you read them, I couldn’t stop. I hope this doesn’t affect anything because I’ve liked you for so long, it actually hurt because you’re all that I’ve ever wanted. I’m hoping that maybe it will come true and this will turn into something great. Oh by the way, the song is called ‘Something Great’ by One Direction.
You looked up from the paper to see Mingyu biting his lower lip in anticipation. “You’re my secret admirer?”
He scratched the back of his neck, shyness washing over his face, “Uh, maybe.”
You smiled, happiness flowing in your veins as you put the flowers down, hopping over the counter and engulfed Mingyu into a tight hug. Instinctively, his arms wrapped around your body, holding you closer to his. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to know who the person was. I’m so happy it was you all along.”
He smiled as you both slightly pulled away, “So I’m taking a guess that you like me back?” You giggled and nodded your head eagerly as he let out a breath of relief. “Oh thank god. Joshua was making me worried, I almost didn’t come here today.”
“He did what?”
Your heads turned to the voice erupting from the room in the back, “Mingyu! You weren’t supposed to out me like that. AND IF YOU WANT TO KISS YN, ASK THEM.” You moved to look back at Mingyu, face bright red as he avoided eye contact.
“Uhm, uh, c-can I?”
You looked up, pretending to be in thought before cupping his face in your hands and placing your lips softly onto his. His hands on your hips, upper body leaning into yours as he got lost in the feeling of finally getting to hold you and how he has the person of his dreams.
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unmanageable-day · 3 years
Come to me
PART 26.5 - next
masterlist / previous chapter: 26
Summary. After what happened in a relationship in the past, you found it difficult to trust someone with the gentleman image. ‘Gentleman’ seems like merely a concept and it was probably impossible for someone to be a genuine one. Now that you’re stuck with the number one gentleman at campus for a group project, how would you cope with the one and only Joshua Hong?
Genre. College!au, non-idol!au / friends to lover
Pairing. Joshua x y/n x S.Coups
wc / warning. 1k / prolly grammatical error, and nothing more, i guess? (does mentioning shua’s nickname of the holy jisoos count?? if anyone feels disturbed about it, please do let me know!)
TAGLIST.  @samemagicpoint @unravellyn @nonuuu @seventeeneration @skylions-den @wooziverse @infinitemoods @haoraecane @sunflowergyeomie @flower0930 @riashushu​ — [ send ask or dm if you’re interested to be added in the list! 🖤 ]
a/n: i’ve decided to cut this written part into two chapters. hope you still enjoy it, any comments are warmly welcomed! i have this rough draft ready looong time before those smau parts but it took me a while to rewrite it, so it is kinda tricky to connect all the dots hehe
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You set the living room as if you were going on a picnic. Instead of a rug or carpet, you used a yoga mat covered with an old scarf—resulting in Joshua quietly laughed at this sudden creativity. The pizza box was wide opened between you and him. Yet what you two had in your hands were two scoops of ice cream. Joshua was the one suggesting to have this salty-sweet-salty-sweet eating pattern.
"Okay. Let's start with... why does everyone call you a gentleman? Oh, I think I've also heard about the holy Jisoos," you trailed off, stirring the ice cream on your cup.
Joshua chuckled. "I honestly have no idea. Some kids made that up. I mean, I do consider myself as a gentle person but I won't even call myself a gentleman."
You nodded slowly, a spoonful of ice cream went into your mouth.
"And, please, stop with the holy Jisoos. If I find out who started that, I think I will commit a murder," he said, rolling his eyes in annoyance. No one really had ever said this particular nickname right into his face, but still, it was the one he most despises of.
Unconsciously you watched his expression quite eagerly. It was probably the first rime you caught him making that face. Even he still kept his smile intact and never showed it if he was exhausted during overtime—unlike you who looked like a mess when it was past 9 PM in the office. And it was fascinating to hear him wanting to murder someone. Basically the word murder and his by-default smiley face simply didn't match.
He made eye contact and you were flustered. "Come on, ask me more questions," said him, looking as eager as you.
"Are you always this nice to people? I mean, not even a bad intention once a while?" That was the best filtered words you can arrange. The truth is, you wanted to ask 'are you sure you're not being fake with all that kindness?' but now that you think about it, it sounds very rude.
"I do plot some things. Well, not to random people, but to my friends." He shrugged, but his voice started to sound more excited. After the last bite of his ice cream, he took a slice of pizza. "Do you remember the first time we met?"
Your eyes got widened at that question. How can you not? You squinted your eyes, looking guilty. "You mean how I made you come late to your first class?"
"What? That was you?"
"... yeah?"
He paused. Tilting his head, he looked at you with puzzled expression. He surely remembered his first day of uni and the accident of coming late and getting scolded by one of the most legendary lecturer in campus because of somebody. Apparently he was too shocked to remember who it was.
“I know, I ran away when you went in to Prof. Lee’s class,” you shyly confessed, covering your face with your hands. “And our second meeting was not great either,” you mumbled.
“Was it coffee accident?”
You nodded.
He smiled wide to himself. Looking at you fondly, he continued, “I thought that was our first meeting. But knowing the truth of our first meeting, it was quite fascinating.”
“I know it’s probably too late, but I’m sorry about getting scolded by Prof. Lee and for ruining your white shirt.” You bowed down.
Still smiling, Joshua shook his head, suggesting to never mind it. “Anyway, about that white shirt..” A mischievous grin grew wider. "That’s not my shirt. It's Jeonghan's. Just a few days before my first day going to school, he dropped some ragu sauce on my shirt he wore. I was already plotting something, that was why I wore his clothes, but you unexpectedly did it for me. So..." He made a face, which strangely reminded you of Johnny’s ‘not my problem’ face.
"Wait, what?" You squinted in disbelief. "But you looked mad though?"
"I did?" The bambi eyes widened at your accusation. "Rather than mad, I think I was more shocked. I mean who wouldn't, right?"
Eventually, you two laughed it off. You were glad you cleared at least one unsettled matter with this guy.
"I'll confess one more thing. You can judge me as you please," he spoke rather excitedly and you just nodded. "You know, I often got anonymous love letters in my locker."
"People are still doing that like in Japanese comic?" you commented, holding your laugh.
"I know right. But that's not the point. Those letters, I never read them. Either I just leave it in my locker, or I just throw them away. Or sometimes Seokmin would read it for me, and still they ended up in the trash."
A dramatic gasp left your lips. "Oh my gosh, those poor girls.. Maybe they're just shy, you know? You should give them a chance." Instantly you realized what you said just changed the mood.
“Why don’t you give me a chance?” he calmly retorted.
You chewed your lips, unable to answer him right away.
"Y/N, I'm shy too, but since we were assigned for group project, I encourage myself to talk to you instead of sending anonymous letter." He tried to break the ice.
"Like you, Y/N, they only see me as someone with that too good to be true image. If they really mean it, why not approach me personally? You see, I had bad relationships too. There are many people who only like the way I look, the way I behave. How I don't really voice out, how I never show them if I'm angry, how I always say "it's okay" when things start going bad and "I'm sorry" even when the fault is not mine. They thought I'm 24/7 an angel who is never upset."
A small part of your heart just melted to finally see another side of Joshua Hong. You simply could feel the honesty. It was nice to see the ‘humane’ side of him, to see his emotion as he shared a bit about himself. Now you felt bad for having bad prejudice about him.
"There is one thing I’ve been wondering. Why me?" you asked carefully after observing him catching his breath.
"I don't know." He shrugged. "It's just interesting to see you. It looks like there are so many sides of you."
You looked at him, confused.
“When you're with me, do you notice you're very quiet? But when you're with Johnny, you turn into someone else and you express yourself easily. When you're with Mingyu, Seokmin, and Soonyoung, you change again. You play along with them, you get their jokes, overall it's like you're a child again playing with your friends. Then Wonwoo, you used to have that sheepish smile when you talk to him. And when you're with Seungcheol...” Joshua paused, clearing his throat and looked away. “It's clear how you're comfortable with him, you talk freely with him, as if he's an old friend. And the way you smile at him.. how could I not envy him?”
You attentively listened to him while trying to digest everything. You were quite flustered that he paid that much attention to you.
"So I thought, there must be something wrong with me. I was insecure of myself. 'What is it that Seungcheol does better than me?', 'Why the quiet Wonwoo can be close with you while I can't?', 'Am I good enough to be with you?', 'Am I a trust worthy person to you?'. I was always doubting myself whenever I tried to make a move. Especially since Seungcheol butts in."
The pizza was long forgotten as you were drowning in his thoughts.
"If there is one thing I'm lacking, it's confidence. I don't want people to know about that. Also, I'm not really into telling others how I feel, not even to Jeonghan. I tend to bottle up everything instead of expressing my feelings. Then I would overthink, I would be overly sensitive about things. In the end, I wouldn't actually do anything about it. I'm a coward, Y/N." His hands were fiddling with the spoon on his empty cup.
"Y/N, do you like Seungcheol?" he asked suddenly, making you flinched in your seat.
"Honestly it's hard to not to.." you said guiltily. It was such a mystery to you too why you felt guilty. It wasn’t like you and Joshua were something in the first place.
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dawnover-dusk · 5 years
like water, like air (breathe)
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like water, like air (breathe)
summary: all you know is that every time you surface, you inevitably sink again. but jeonghan is like air, and you’re afraid that once he leaves, you won’t survive in water anymore.  
resident psychiatrist jeonghan x resident internist reader
At every step, you felt like you were drowning. After four years, you thought that you could finally break through the currents and let air fill your starved lungs, but relief, like it always was, was temporary. One month later, the waves magnified and crashed over you again, and you could barely remember what it felt like to be able to breathe.
So when you introduced yourself to the senior residents on your new team, you had to stifle a gasp at the picturesque man who occupied the seat next to yours, his hand outstretched with a lazy grin. He wore a billowy button-down shirt with red and white pinstripes tucked into black slacks, the top button undone to expose the expanse of his neck and hint at defined clavicles.
“Jeonghan,” he stated, platinum blonde hair framing his hooded eyes. “I look forward to working with you.”
“Likewise,” you muttered, your hand grasping his delicately. You busied yourself with grabbing your list from the printer and trying to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, most of which were surrounding your fellow intern lazily running his long fingers over his own patient list.
“Just to warn you,” Seungcheol, your senior resident, began, “the attending on service is a bit of a hardass. Really nitpicky, so be thorough when presenting admissions.” He had swiveled around in his chair to address the two of you, and you could see the faint dark circles outlining his otherwise warm eyes. He glanced at you for a moment before breaking out into a gummy smile, “Don’t look so worried, though. This dude graduated a month ago so he’s only been an attending for like, two seconds. We’ve got your back.”
Jihoon, the other senior resident, ceased his endless typing to let out a grunt. “I’ve seen him make interns cry. It’s so unnecessary,” he gruffly agreed.
“That’s not very impressive,” you shrugged. “Scrub techs made me cry in medical school, it’s not really a feat.”
Jihoon had resumed typing in his orders, but you could see him raise an eyebrow. “You know, it’s not very common to just blatantly admit your weaknesses to people when you first meet them.”
“We’re only together for a month,” you smiled. “I thought we could speed up the ‘getting to know each other’ process.” You could hear Jeonghan’s tinkling laughter beside you, and you turned to face your computer to ignore the heat that rose to your cheeks from the sound.
However, you couldn’t ignore the sky blue post-it that made its way to your keyboard. You glanced at your neighbor out of the corner of your eye, but Jeonghan was diligently writing down lab values, his lips ever so slightly parted.
Shua made me promise to look out for his “crybaby,” but he didn’t tell me that you were so pretty :) I always keep my promises, so don’t worry!
You snatched the post-it, along with your list, and with a quick “I’m going to pre-round now bye!” you were out the door, missing the upward curl of Jeonghan’s lips.
me [7:01 AM]: JOSHUA HONG me [7:01 AM]: how dare u gossip about me to our peers me [7:02 AM]: it’s so embarrassing me [7:02 AM]: also why is ur friend flirting with me
joshuji [7:05 AM]: can you, like, not??? i was trying to use the interpreting service and your texts kept buzzing my phone joshuji [7:05 AM]: don’t you have patients to see too
me [7:05 AM]: sending image
joshuji [7:07 AM]: big yike joshuji [7:07 AM]: this is so out of character for him? he was actually really shy and nervous in medical school. idk maybe you are pretty go get it ;)
me [8:00 AM]: i was so horrified that i did not regain the ability to type until now. get what, exactly? me [8:00 AM]: also i know that i’m not your type but MAYBE?? me [8:01 AM]: rude. i retroactively retract all my “you look so nice today” statements
joshuji [8:03 AM]: fine. you’re pretty for a crybaby joshuji [8:03 AM]: lunch in the lounge at 1?
me [8:05 AM]: ofc. my few constants in life – complaining in the lounge and getting sassed by you. wouldn’t miss it
You would be impressed that you had lasted a whole week if you weren’t busy trying to disguise the familiar stinging set behind your eyes. The workroom felt stuffier than usual, with the addition of two eager medical students in the corner and the attending in the center, his unrelenting gaze on you. After fumbling with finding what the initial vital signs in the ED were and when the last albuterol dose was given, your panic had risen to the point where your mind was wiped clean. And of course, that was when he had asked you to give a differential diagnosis.
You were never so grateful for the hierarchy established than you were at that moment. Seungkwan and Chan did well in filling in different etiologies for respiratory distress, and you made a note to give them positive feedback at the end of the day. However, it was your turn to give the leading diagnosis, and Seungcheol and Jihoon glaring daggers at the attending’s back did little to ease your anxiety.
You felt a light touch at your elbow and a pen clatter to the floor beside you. Jeonghan leaned over and whispered, the sound disguised as a cough as he swooped down to pick up the pen. Fighting off the embarrassment, you held onto this shred of information that Jeonghan had slipped you like a buoy, only letting out a deep exhale when the attending nodded in satisfaction and left to see the patients.
“Excuse me,” you whispered as you stood up, hurriedly opening and slamming the door to the workroom behind your retreating figure. You escaped to the nearby call room, empty and dark in the day time, and tried to catch your breath on one of the threadbare mattresses.
Seungcheol gave an imperceptible nod to Jeonghan as he also stood up. “Well, I’m going to grab coffee, anyone want anything?”
Jihoon called out, “A coke, please,” before his deep voice grumbled at the students to go write their notes. Seungkwan and Chan immediately turned to their own computers to avoid Jihoon’s indifferent stare, while Seungcheol rolled his eyes and complimented them on their presentations.
In the call room, you heard a light knock before a series of electronic beeps on the door’s keypad. The handle turned softly and you turned your head to see Jeonghan’s silhouette bathed by the fluorescent lights of the hallway. He stepped inside and let the door close behind him, the room again falling back into the darkness.
You kept your face in your hands as you hastily tried to wipe away your tears. The mattress dipped beside you as Jeonghan sat down, his hands clasped in his lap.
“Thank you,” you said, your voice uneven. You tried to take a breath, but you ended up shuddering instead. “This is so embarrassing. This has happened to me so many times, but I still don’t know what’s wrong with me, why I can’t get over it—”
“It’s okay if you can’t,” Jeonghan interrupted, placing a hand on your shoulder. “That’s what people always say, that you’ll get used to it, but I don’t think it’s something that you should get used to. I’ve only worked with you for a week but you’re so smart, and kind, and your patients love you. Even the med students like you, they’re always clamoring over themselves to impress you.”
You let out a chuckle at the memory of Seungkwan and Chan both trying to get you to review their notes as Jeonghan sat in his corner, pretend-glaring at Chan.
“Can I hug you?” Jeonghan asked, and you nodded. You felt his arms wrap around your shoulders as he pulled you against him, hands rubbing circles on your back. You could hear the steady beating of his heart and the faint smell of his cologne, and it surprised you how comfortable you felt wrapped in the warmth of his body.
“Thank you, Hannie,” you mumbled, your arms wrapping around his waist to give a quick squeeze before pulling back.
“Hannie?” he asked, his cheeks flushing a rosy hue.
“Oh, sorry, Joshua always calls you that—”
“No, I like it when you call me that,” he mumbled, his eyes lighting up despite the darkness of the room. “It totally beats the ‘Yoon Jeonghan (Intern)’ that you have me saved as in your phone.”
“Oh my God,” you laughed, pushing him lightly before getting up. “As if you don’t have me saved as the same thing.”
“No, you’re ‘Pretty Crybaby’ with a bottle emoji next to it.”
You stared at him, horrified, and hit his shoulder. “You have to change it!”
“Only if you change me to ‘Hannie”, he grinned, his pinky outstretched. You rolled your eyes and linked your pinky with his.
That night, you dreamed of the deep, open sea, but rays of light broke through the water like slender fingers guiding you towards the surface.
“I’ve missed you,” Jeonghan pouted, handing you a can of coffee from the refrigerator. You finished gathering your hair up into the messiest of ponytails and grabbed the can, smiling reflexively when your fingertips lingered on his. You stood in front of him in old scrubs and sneakers, devoid of makeup and tired, and you marveled at how he could still flirt with you.
“You won’t be saying that after our 24-hour shift together this weekend,” you pointed out.
“It’ll be like a sleepover, I’m so excited,” he deadpanned, and you both laughed at his tone of voice. “But really, handling the kids on my own is so tiresome.”
“You basically adopted Chan on the third day.”
“Okay, handling Seungkwan on my own is so tiresome.”
The two students bounded through the door of the lounge, as if on cue. They left their backpacks in the corner and beamed at you as you handed them printed lists. 
“Time for sign-out, Dr. Boo, Dr. Lee,” you grinned, ruffling Seungkwan and Chan’s hair. “Pay attention, Dr. Yoon,” you giggled, ducking down to avoid Jeonghan’s hand aimed at your head.
kwan [3:10 PM]: when will they let us leave?? I need to study kwan [3:12 PM]: and it’s so boring with only jeonghan to bother kwan [3:12 PM]: he just leans back in his chair like this is his house kwan [3:13 PM]: and I’m still offended by what he said about me being tiresome
chan [3:15 PM]: I’m literally right next to you? chan [3:15 PM]: We can always pull the ‘Is there anything else I can help with before I go” card chan [3:16 PM]: more importantly, did you also hear about them having a 24 hour shift together? chan [3:16 PM]: I ship it
kwan [3:17 PM]: omg I know I wonder if there are any workplace rules or w/e kwan [3:18 PM]: but then again jeonghan has already been v flirty kwan [3:18 PM]: maybe I’ll put that in his evaluation. “I admire his ability to shoot his shots”
chan [3:20 PM]: #rolemodel #inspo
The weekend came, and with it, the rain. Water pelted against glass windows in sheets as the low rumble of thunder echoed throughout the city. You were sitting cross-legged in the middle of the mattress with your laptop balanced on your knees, the rest of your belongings shoved in the corner where the bed met the wall. You heard the familiar beeping of the keypad, and like a week prior, Jeonghan stood in the doorway.
He gave you a quick “hi” before collapsing onto the other bed across from you, folding his arms across his stomach.
“Rough night?” you asked sympathetically, rummaging around in your bag for a snack to share.
“I don’t know what it is about the rain that makes everyone in this hospital so crazy,” you heard Jeonghan mutter under his breath. He rolled onto his side to face you and you placed a small box of banana milk next to him. He took it gratefully and poked the straw through the top, letting out a contented sigh.
“Let’s get some rest before they wake us up about that guy in room 5102 not peeing again,” you said, placing your laptop to the side and getting up to turn off the light. You heard an incoherent mumble in response. Shaking your head, you smiled and felt for the blanket folded at the foot of the bed, covering it carefully over Jeonghan’s form and moving the box of milk to the nightstand. Before you could turn back to your own bed, you felt a hand in yours and a brush of lips across your knuckles.
It was whisper, almost lost against the hum of the air conditioning. “Thank you for taking care of me.” 
This time, you dream of floating, your body weightless as you stared up at the blue sky above you.
It’s almost the end of your month with Jeonghan when it finally hits you.
“Joshua, I’m screwed,” you groan, your hand dropping your fork back into your salad bowl. Joshua scoffs across from you, taking a bite of his pasta and swallowing before waving his own fork in your direction.
“What are you talking about? You’ve been doing super well on the team, from what I’ve heard.”
“It’s who you’ve heard this stuff from that’s the problem, Joshua,” you sigh. “I’m too old to have crushes.”
Joshua gasped dramatically, and snickered when you shot a glare at him across the table. “Sometimes, you’re really dense. You’re literally all that Hannie talks about. Well, you and your med student, Chan.”
“But we only have one more week together, and then what?” you ask glumly, poking at the wilting leaves.
Joshua reached his hand to still your movements. “Hey, you’re talking like you’re never going to see him again after this block. We still make time for each other, and I’m sure you two can, if you want to.”
“But you guys are also technically psychiatry residents,” you stated, moving your hand from under Joshua’s grasp. “You’re not going to be around after this year.” You could feel the tightness behind your nose, the quickening beat of your heart, and the uncomfortable lurch in your stomach as reality soaked through you, dripping wet and cold.
You would be on a different team in a week.
Joshua and Jeonghan would be gone in a few months.
The crisp air that filled your greedy lungs would be replaced by the burn of seawater again and again, the tide a relentless onslaught every time your head broke through the surface. You had learned how to breathe again through hooded eyes and lazy smiles and faint cologne, through a shock of platinum blonde hair and a lilting voice.
But this time, you didn’t know how you would fare when you went under again.
“Why do you think that we won’t see each other anymore?” Joshua asked quietly. In the back of your mind, you knew that he was slipping into his psychiatry persona, trying to get you to talk about your worries and fears. And as much as you knew that it would feel better to talk about it, and as much as you trusted Joshua, you couldn’t explain it.
You couldn’t tell him that you ended up having no one in your third year of medical school, the friendly waves in the hallway turning to tense, unsaid competition between your classmates for good evaluations and honors.
You couldn’t tell him that with every team that you’ve been on during your intern year, you end up dispersing on the last day, going separate ways despite the physical and emotional investment spent caring for patients and for each other.
You couldn’t tell him that he was just a fluke, an anomaly in your track history of brief, intense connections that characterized your entire career thus far.
You couldn’t tell him that everyone always left.
And you had learned to survive with water in your lungs, but Jeonghan tasted like air, clean and proper and euphoric.
What you said, instead, was, “I’m scared.”
It was truth enough.
han [7:35 PM]: I’m so excited about tomorrow han [7:36 PM]: last day~ but maybe we can finally go on a proper date
shua [7:37 PM]: bro, you need to have an honest conversation with her shua [7:37 PM]: she thinks you’re just never going to speak again after tomorrow shua [7:38 PM]: well, she thinks we’re all not going to speak to her after our intern year ends because we’re in different programs, but that’s a whole other thing shua [7:39 PM]: there is a lot of catastrophizing
han [7:40 PM]: I’ll appreciate it if you didn’t psychoanalyze my future s/o han [7:41 PM]: I mean, you’re right, but still
shua [7:42 PM]: aren’t you getting ahead of yourself there buddy
han [7:45 PM]: no. I’ve been an absolute angel
shua [7:45 PM]: I already regret setting you up shua [7:46 PM]: what did my sweet crybaby do to deserve this
“Hannie?” you answered tentatively, brows furrowing in confusion when you saw your phone screen light up with his name.
“Uh, hey,” he laughed, the sound tinny and nasal. “Do you have time to talk?”
“Yeah, is something wrong?” you ask, your thoughts flashing to the conversation you had with Joshua several days ago. You could feel something akin to dread rise up in your chest, but you pushed it down.
“No, nothing bad. Do you live in the resident housing complex? I can come over.”
“Okay,” you sigh, giving him your apartment number. Twenty minutes later, you heard a knock on your door, and you let Jeonghan in.
“So,” the blonde started, settling himself on your sofa, “Joshua told me that you were…worried.”
“Joshua needs to stay out of my business,” you muttered under your breath. Jeonghan grinned and patted the space next to him, and when you sat down, his sweater-clad arm wrapped around you like it was a motion that he had perfected for years.
“I’m just going to come out and say it,” he said, his heart starting to quicken in his chest. “I was really excited about our last day together because I thought I could finally ask you out properly.”
Your eyes widen as you angled yourself towards him. “Oh, so you mean those moments in the call room weren’t dates?” you teased, and he covered his face with his hands.
“Ugh, you’re not making this any easier,” he whined, and you laughed before wrapping your hands around his wrists and gently pulling his hands away from his face. You smiled gently at him before averting your gaze, suddenly shy as your hands traveled down his wrists to rest in his hands.
“I’m sorry, Hannie,” your voice no more than a whisper. Your eyes were fixed resolutely to the floor as you spoke. “I’m just not used to people wanting to stick around, and I’m scared about what’ll happen in the future.”
“Hey,” he said softly, reaching over to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Of course I want to stick around. It’s weird, but I feel like I want to know everything about you. Like, I went into psychiatry because I was interested in how people became who they were, but these past few weeks, I just wanted to know how you became the person you are today. Someone who works hard, who feels with their entire being. Someone who I’ve grown really attracted to.”
You felt your cheeks heat up and you wrapped your arms around his waist, hiding your face in his chest. “You can’t just say these things, Jeonghan,” you protested, feeling the rumble of laughter through his body.
“I can promise you that we’ll make it work. Even after tomorrow. Even after this year.”
You pulled away to look up into his brown eyes, at the curve of his nose, at his red lips pulled into a wide smile. You breathed out, “and you always keep your promises” before pulling him towards you, lips singing praises against his, wrapped up in a brown sweater and a gentle breeze whispering Jeonghan, Jeonghan, Jeonghan.
my hannie [6:01 AM]: I’m on the shuttle to the inpatient psych center! you’re probably still asleep, sorry that I couldn’t get you breakfast :( my hannie [6:02 AM]: but just wanted to wish you luck on your first day as a !! second !! year!! can you believe it? i’m so proud of you, baby. everyone’s going to love you, but not as much as me~ my hannie [6:03 AM]: shua says good luck too! I’m going to try to take a nap, it is way too early my hannie [6:05 AM]: but also….Joshua or Jeonghan?
my baby [6:30 AM]: omg hannie of course you, you big dummy. I woke up sad bc the bed was empty and then panicked bc I forgot that I didn’t have to go to sign-out anymore my baby [6:31 AM]: good luck on your first day too! poor hannie, you have to get up so early my baby [6:32 AM]: I’ll grab takeout and then we can cuddle tonight and talk about our days?
my hannie [7:00 AM]: ah yes, my most natural state – lying down in your arms. sounds perfect my hannie [7:01 AM]: I love you so much, pretty baby
my baby [7:02 AM]: well I guess it’s an upgrade from ‘pretty crybaby’ my baby [7:02 AM]: love you too
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Imagine the crow's going to a spa treatment :
Jesper Fahey (his treatment - manicure and massage - his fingers and hands are 24/7 hurt and he deffo chops his fingernails the wrong way, his neck/back muscles being tense all the time)
Definitely gossips with the massagist
He's spilling ALL the secrets he knows from the dregs
Miss gurl is like 🤨😳damn and what did he do??
Spills the tea abt drama between kanej and tells her a thing or two about wylan
She's all like 😨he called her an investment??
But also like 🤨damn you dating ed Sheeran or smt??
He's flirting with the poor girl 24/7
Also he's joking and sarcastic all the time
But also remembers her bday and comes back with a little box of chocolates for her, even if he doesn't have an appointment
7/10 spa rating (minus points for the bad flirting)
Inej Ghafa (treatment - back/leg massage - miss girl has some knots, okay?? She needs a rest. Jumping on roofs all the time?? Gurl.)
She's giving the massagist cooking/baking recipes
She's the kind of costumer who doesn't feel pain , like literally. Nothing.
She's giving her healing tea recipes,more tea some baking or cooking
She's the one who's laughing at her jokes.
Very good costumer + tips the massagist
10/10 spa rating
Kaz brekker (treatment - gua shua/ brows - ketterdam needs a pretty face to fear, mkayy? Also he kinda enjoys it when they put a face mask.)
But before everything, he's kaz fucking brekker. He's so bossy, hello??
The poor girl doesn't know what to do, does she follow his instructions or like do what she's supposed to do
101 karen of the Barrel
Also, he's super undercover going in the spa , because jesper would not let that go if he saw him.
He's like sliding kruge under the receptionist's desk to delete the camera footage of him entering the building
Yes. He deffo does that, can't change my mind.
Pretty okay customer, tips the massagist to shut her mouth
8/10 (the girl was too afraid to give him anything else, but he did look good after his own instructions so apparently he knew what he was doing.)
Nina zenik (treatment - gua shua / thigh massage / manicure - she needs to keep a pretty face ykwim?)
She deffo gossips.
Like heavy gossip..
But also she's joking and throwing in sum flirting with the girl .
Idk what else to say, she gossips alot.
Definitely tips the cute receptionist and gives them her number
9/10 spa rating
Matthias Helvar (treatment - back massage/face masks - manz needs a little relax, mkayy?)
Telling the massagist about the latest movie he saw / book he read
He's full on telling the whole plot and making assumptions abt the second part
Miss girl is hearing full on women voice acting and quotes WHILE she's giving him a massage
But he's also out there making poetry on the spot and telling the worker abt Nina.
It's cute as hell that's what imma tell ya
But also, lowkey uses the spa treatment for a therapist
Telling her all his trauma
Definitely tips the girl for listening to him
She's just like 😨😳no bby it's alright, it's my job to listen to you it's fine
6/10 or 7/10 plus/minus for the drama the massagist can spill later on
This is a part 1 , so the other characters r gonna be in part 2
If you enjoyed it, give it a like
Cya , <3
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princeshushu · 6 years
you shld ship your mutuals with seventeen members!!
I’M SORRY THIS TOOK LONG!!! (I have 65 mutuals have mercy on me)
I’m only including the ones that I’ve talked to personally because I know them better~ (you can actually tell how much I’ve talked to someone based on how long the paragraphs are)
@bingshua/ @theliqht (Seungkwan or Josh) - DENISE I FEEL LIKE YOU TWO WOULD GET ALONG NICELY BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE CUTE AND SWEET AF (those emoticons you use just makes me think of them akdkslg) You guys would be the cute ass couple that hypes each other up and does cute pda that people don’t mind because it’s too cute no one has the heart to get mad about it.
@foolishlydreamingx / @kingyu97 (Mingyu or Jihoon) - The realistic type and the adorable puppy both seem like you asdfghjkl Jihoon could probably relate and understand you better. Plus he might encourage you to do music again. I feel like Jihoon’s going to understand your problems and be able to comfort you better than other people. Mingyu is very sweet and very warm, he’d be able to comfort you too but not in the same way Jihoon will (although that’s not a bad thing). He’d let you know that’s he there for you and would let you tell him everything, assuring you that he’s listening to every single word you have to say. You guys would probably get along more when it comes to how hyped you guys can get!! But y’all would be the very supportive couple that won’t exactly print fans and scream at the top of their lungs to cheer you on but they’ll always be there to talk to you and give you a lot of support. They’re very down to earth and funny, you wouldn’t even feel like a third wheel when you’re out with the both of them asdfhckljl They’re very warm in their own ways and would probably cut their dates short to rush over to where you are because you feel sad or you need a shoulder to cry on. They’d be a great couple that you’d feel honored to be friends with.
@honeywonu (Wonwoo or Seungcheol) - Both of them could probably see through you when you pretend that everything is fine. They’d make sure you’re alright 24/7 and will be willing to sit down and listen to you or fight and beat the crap out of someone who made you feel bad. Hugs and cuddles every minute and would probably stick a big ass sign that says “You’re beautiful” to your mirror. Cute ass couple that would lowkey flirt everywhere and maybe accidentally turn something on so ya gotta run back home 
@jejublr (Seungkwan or Joshua) - Easy-going, sweet, funny, bright, and caring!! I feel like you’d get along with both asdfghjkl y’all brighten up everyone’s day and would probably get caught watching crack videos (or making them) in public. Y’all would be the sun in everyone’s lives asdfghjkl and that cute couple that is very comfortable with each other. You’d make faces at each other at least once every minute and would hype + cheer everyone up. Joshua would be great at listening to your problems
@7teencarot (Wonwoo or Jeonghan) - I literally just put in Jeonghan because or napping. Y’all would have cute napping dates (is that a thing)! You seem easy-going and chill, something Wonwoo would turn upside down. Idk why but i can see you with wonwoo laughing a lot and it’d be cute because you’re not usually like that (are you).
@causewhenyoulooklikethat (BooSeokSoon) - ANYONE OF THEM WOULD PROBABLY GET RID OF THAT AWKWARDNESS AND TURN YOU INTO A BALL OF CONFIDENCE ISTG. Okay but you’re great to be with once you get past the awkwardness (It’s cool to be awkward tho bc same) but booseoksoon would probably intensify the greatness AHAHAHAHAHA Y’all would make friends with people and be the nicest + friendliest couple out there. They’d see you holding hands on the streets with smiles as wide as the pacific ocean and it’d be ADORABLE
@paintedshua (Joshua) - Nice but not too intense~ plus vvv extra sometimes but JOSH WOULD LOVE JOKING AROUND WITH YOU!! You’re very open minded and calm so Joshua would love that and would feel safe opening up to you about things. You’d be that calm and soft couple that’s secretly I N T E N S E and funny af!!! (the funny things you say are said in a normal way (?) so it’s not obvious but when you read it you’d die laughing)
@soongyuz (Mingyu) - I HEARD YOU LIKE TOL BOIS HHAAHAHAH but it’d be really cute to see Mingyu all giggly and smiley because you want to kiss him but kinda need a ladder to do so?? He’d be happy to reach stuff for you and would protecc you because you’re his precious and no one else should have you. Also you’re a ray of sunshine mingyu would fall for you in 0.2 seconds. Y’all would be the cute couple that comforts people with their warmth and love
@diaryofadorkykid (Dokyeom or Joshua) - Very cute and bright but also very earnest and caring afkjdgsklj adorable and sweet which made me think of Dk and josh!! Ok I could see them being the sweet couple that is always seen together holding hands with bright smiles on their faces as they prank people or joke around HAAHAHAH they’d be very easy to talk to, and very understanding so they’d be a great couple to ask guidance from
@andromedaneedsoxyjin (wONWOO) - shy and awkward but cute and funny when you get to know them?? YES hello this couple is the one you’ll find in libraries, snickering in some corner with a funny comic they both enjoy. You’d probably see them in cons cosplaying or just enjoying the event. Then they come home with comic books in their arms ready to snuggle in their warm bed to read them together
@kwoncity (SOONYOUNG) - you may not notice it because of how funny they are but omfg they are very caring and will always make sure that you’re okay. They’re the couple that always seems like they’re just joking around and goofing off but they’re serious when they have to be. It’s the responsible couple that supports/protects other people. I feel like they’d be a bit more mature than other couples but it’s all the same when it comes to cuddles and comforting each other (maybe even sweeter)!!!
@shucoup (Joshua) - NOT JUST BECAUSE HE’S HER BIAS OK but like they’re both very caring and supportive. It’s the positive couple that rarely has any fights because they’re both just very understanding and mature enough (although fights can’t be avoided sometimes I feel like they’d patch up easily). Ya think they’re nice af people but then their inner meme shows up in selfies (like with Snow filters and chicken shua) HAHAHAHA (they’re still nice af people tho). They’d probably blow up your timeline with meme-y selfies and if not, they’re out enjoying food and simply spending time with each other!! (Why do I see them in pet stores???)
@sugarhyun / @7teentexts (Jihoon or Dokyeom and maybe Jun) - Jihoon’s personality isn’t like berry’s (can i use your real name or-) but like she would be able to bring out the less serious sides of Jihoon. You’d see Lee Jihoon walking the down the street laughing his ass off when he’s with her!!!! I also added Dokyeom because y’all would be the energizer that cheers anyone up!! I’ve had bad days but when I talk to you I just laugh a lot and it makes me very happy akljfkjlkdhf They’re both very caring (Jihoon and DK) under the kinds of personalities they have and can turn from a meme into a very serious person in like 0.1 seconds. They strive hard for the things they want to get and may falter but will always get back up. I ADDED JUN BC Y’ALL ARE ADORABLE AND CHILDISH SOMETIMES
@wonubookfairy (Wonwoo or Joshua) - sweet sweet sweet and shy but when you talk to them they’re very nice and won’t bite at all AHAHAHAHA They’d be the really nice couple that would probably your best friends! They’d be great at keeping secrets and you can count on them to be genuine and honest in everything akfjsdglkhdk They’re also very thoughtful and will do things to cheer you up when they know you’re sad and hurting. Omg they’d be the couple who would break into your apartment to set up a surprise party or a small gathering on your birthday or to make you feel better. 
@jeonghangyu (Chan or Seungkwan) - REAL AF also don’t touch them when they’re in a bad mood bc i cant guarantee your safety if you do. They’d be a chill couple that would be easy to talk to if they were in a good mood. Also protect this bby when they feel discouraged bc they’ll need all the love in the world asdfjkl 
@justsomekpopstuff (Joshua or Seungkwan) - down to earth and appreciates the things that deserve it. They will find you and they will give you the love and care you didn’t know you needed!!! They’d be the caring couple that would be seen at cafes sharing a milkshake or in the pouring rain, feeding a little puppy on the streets (that would be precious) omg askdlskgjklsf. okay but they’re cute lil beans that would support you and would understand you when you’re having a hard time
@joshpup (Joshua or Mingyu) - will probably do anything to put a smile on your face!! cutie that makes everyone happy because they’re so generous and sweet and kind!!! They’d be the couple who would be seen at charities, playing with kids, or just spending time with each other in cafes where you can lounge around!!! 
@chillihansol (Hansol) - I DON’T KNOW YOU WELL BUT YOU CHILL AF HANSOL WOULD LOVE DATING YOU ASKHSDLGKSHGKLSJ Y’all would send memes to each other late at night even though y’all are in the same bed and he’d suddenly laugh out loud and you guys would end up cuddling kahfklsdjglk
AHHHHH THIS WAS SO LONG BUT I LOVED DOING IT!!! I wish I could add more but this is as long as my fics AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 
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jejublr · 7 years
A/N: Hi guys! I’m back with another installment of the Super!Seventeen AU! First of all, I want to thank you so so much for the support and love I’ve been getting from Super!Mingyu :D You don’t know how much I appreciate it!! I’ll continue to try and improve my writing as we go. Second of all, I have something to ask you: was Super!Mingyu too messy? Should I write another Super!Mingyu where he’s part of an actual team of superheroes?? idk but I’m just wondering ^^ Anyways, I hope you’ll enjoy this second one! Love you all!
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So Joshua is the resident healer/doctor in the Heroes Association Headquarters
His touch can heal wounds and his presence can calm patients I mean, how can it not
Empath!Seokmin said that he’s got a healing aura around him that makes people feel assured and comfortable whenever he’s around
His power comes with a price though
If he choose to heal someone’s wound, he would feel the pain of the person suffering the wound and he would feel like he’s experiencing the same pain on his own body
Sometimes, the symptoms would stay with him for a prolonged period, almost as if he absorbed his patient’s illnesses 
Basically it’s too draining for him to do so mentally and physically so he refrain from doing it unless it’s really necessary 
So he stuck with being the regular good ol’ doctor for heroes
Deals with injured heroes and victims of a fight on the daily
Everyone agrees he’s the real hero of the day
His gaze either heals you or sends you into a cardiac arrest
All the nurses, patients heroes and civilians alike are in love with him
Heals wounds but open new ones in his patients’ hearts lmao
Breaks hearts as easily as he heals it
Pretends to be oblivious to others’ attraction towards him because he’s too soft and feels too guilty to reject them
And he thought it wouldn’t be professional to date a patient anyways so
People would usually give up pursuing him after a while and resorts to just admire him from afar
Really soft and gentlemanly man
Genuinely cares about his patients’ well-being not only physically, but mentally too
But nonetheless everybody’s grateful that they got a doctor as caring (and as good looking) as Joshua
Ok so you’re one of the newer heroes on the job
Despite that, you’re quite powerful cuz you’re pretty much impenetrable
Bullets, knives, you name it, can’t hurt you
One day during a simulation, you fell unconscious out of exhaustion
Naturally they brought you to the clinic
When you wake up, Joshua was hovering over you
And with the fluorescent lights above casting a halo around him, he literally looked like an angel
And you’re like, if this is what heaven looks like I’m all in lol
“Are you an angel?? Am I dead??”
lmao he heard that too many times tbh
But he just smiled and said “You’re in the clinic, Y/N. You fell unconscious remember??”
lol how are you supposed to remember when all you can think is how pretty he is?? how is that even possible???
So that’s how your first meeting went, just you starring at him like an ass, completely at loss for words
And it’s kinda amusing to see, really, but he’s concerned because are you ok???
You’re not
Team Leader!Seungcheol suddenly popped his head into the room and was like “Oh goodie, you’re alive. Thanks, Shua.”
But he saw your face and became like “Goddamit, Shua, not one of my kids, this is the third time this month >:(”
Joshua’s like IT’S NOT MY FAULT
Seungcheol figured the only way to snap you out of it is to drag you out of the clinic
But you’re like, Nooo let me stay with the kind doctor :((
Seungcheol ended up having to drag you out of the clinic by the collar
Joshua was left standing in the aftermath like 0_0
o kay
You ended up paying the clinic a lot of visit after that
You literally give zero f***s as you march up to him and complain how sick you’re feeling almost everyday
“Joshua, I feel dizzy I think I need to lie down”
“Joshua, I hit my head earlier, can you check it for me?”
“Joshua, Dino scratched my arm earlier. I think I’m bleeding, please save me.”
“Y/N, you can’t bleed from a scratch.”
“But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt! >:((”
Everyone’s like “Y/N, you should give up now. There’s no point in chasing him, he does not caree”
But you’re like “Nope! I’m gonna win his heart!!!” 
cue everyone sighing 
Apparently your brain is just as impenetrable as your body smh
At this point, you come so frequently that the nurses and staff started to just accept your existence and ignore you
You keep pestering Joshua whenever you got the chance
You keep him updated with the gossips that has been going around the HQ
You know you actions may be the product of infatuation and that he probably won’t reciprocate your feelings
But Joshua made you feel some kind of way and because you’re used to getting what you want, he kinda makes your heart clench a little bit
Sometimes it makes you wonder like,”Oml is this what pain feels like???”
From how cool and controlled he is when handling patients to the genuine kindness that shows in his eyes
You can’t help but be drawn to him like a moth to a light
Basically the relationship is like a pull-pull party with you doing all the pulling lol
Joshua just let you do your antics 99% of the time
One day you were out on a mission when, for the very first time in your life, you got hurt during the fight 
Turns out the enemy had found out a way to immobilize you through poison with a smoke bomb
You’re immediately rushed into the HQ’s emergency unit
Everybody’s shell-shocked because this is Y/N??? How in the world did this happen???!
They just never saw you in the clinic except for that one time and the other times you follow Joshua like a lovesick puppy so you getting hurt is a pretty big deal considering your power
Everyone went scrambling to find Joshua bc they don’t know what to do
“Dr. Hong! We have an emergency!! It’s Y/N!” 
Joshua’s so used to you getting “hurt” and trying to get his attention that he just rolled his eyes in amusement and was like “Alright, alright, I’ll be there in a minute”
But the nurse wasn’t having it and she went “Y/N IS DYING WE GOTTA BLAST”
Joshua literally dropped everything and went to follow the nurse and 
When they got to you, you were so pale and looked so lifeless, and there’s blood everywhere and it literally scared the s*** out of him because he’s not used to seeing you like this
You’re always so bright and so full of life
And here you are, lying on a cot, your life hanging by a thread
Joshua knew that if he doesn’t do anything soon, something’s bound to happen
And he doesn’t want it to
But seeing how badly you were injured and the fact that he doesn’t have the antidote for the unknown poisonous substance in your system, he really doesn’t have any choice but to get down to business
And by business I meant using his power to try and save you
The nurse was like “Dr. Hong, it’s too dangerous! You know the risks! We don’t know how it would affect you!!”
But nothing is too dangerous when it comes to saving his patients, especially when the patient is you
So that night, he sat next to your cot, his hands on yours, trying to neutralize the poison in your body
The curtain was closed for privacy, mostly to keep others from seeing how pained he might look when using his power, and the only thing accompanying him in that small space were you and the gentle beep of the heart rate monitor
You’re unconscious, your chest rising an falling in a gentle rhythm, your hands warm wrapped in his, 
And it’s painful, oh it’s f***ing painful but if that’s what it takes to save you, he would do it all over again
He felt wave after wave of searing hot pain throughout his body as he tried to ease your pain
And through these waves of pain, in this brightly-lit room, he finally looked at you
The clinic feels a little bit lonelier quieter now that you’re not awake to pester him around 
He missed that, to be quite honest
Everyone else that tried to pursue him always does it for all the wrong reasons 
Mostly because they just thought that he’s good looking
They chased him because they thought he could be the one to pick up pieces of them ad put it back together, forgetting the fact that he, too, is a human
But you’re different 
While you try to get his attention all the time that you’re around him, you’ve been looking out for him, too
Like that time he functioned on three hours of sleep
And while he’s used to the strenuous and messed up sleeping schedule that comes with his work, you won’t have it
“Joshua, you should get a shut eye.”
“It’s ok, Y/N, my shift will be over in three”
“You said that an hour ago. At least let me go buy you coffee ok? Americano sounds good, yeah? Ok bye” 
And before he could say anything, you had sauntered off just like that
He couldn’t help but look of with the fondest look
what a cutie
He doesn’t know why but that night, the coffee tasted a bit better than usual 
He realized the irony that while he loves it when people give him their full attention and put up a good chase for him, more than that, he loves it when people actually took care of him instead of the other way around
And you certainly did
It took him hours of cleansing before deciding that you’re stable enough to be able to flush out the rest of the toxin yourself
He can’t stay by your side 24/7 because of his duties but he would spend all of his free time to check up on you and stay by your side
The staff are worried for him because he started going back to his regular routine
He still looks kinda pale and his gait gave out the fact that he’s tired but he’s like “No no no, it’s alright, I have duties to attend to”
They’re like “Dr. Hong.. :(((” and worry that he’ll work himself to the ground 
He won’t tell but he just busies himself with other things just so he could take his mind off you for a bit and not worry too much
Fortunately, a few days later, you woke up
Joshua wasn’t around but the nurses were like”!!!we gotta tell Dr. Hong!!!”
Joshua was having a lunch break with Seungcheol and Chan (after the long, tedious process of trying to coax him to leave you for a minute just to get changed into a fresh set of clothes and get something to eat) when his pager blinked
Joshua literally took a mad dash back to the clinic thinking something happened to you but when he arrived you’re awake and are trying to chat up a recently admitted patient next to you
When you saw him you go “Hey stranger! :D”
And seeing you back into your usual self, although a paler and thinner version of it, it feels like as if a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders
But you became concerned when you see how tired and pale he was
There are dark circles on his eyes, his face a little gaunt and his hair looked as if he’d ran his hand a thousand times through
I mean, he still looks good, just now well
And you know he hasn’t been sleeping from the looks of it so despite the fact that your body’s screaming for you to stop moving and it still hurts from the residual poison left in your system (and bc you’re not used to the feeling of pain in general)
You scoot over to one side of the bed and pat the space next to you, beckoning him to sit
He’s slowly advancing on you, his steps slow and tentative
Before you know it, he’s right next to you
“How are you?” his voice raspy as he asked you
“I’m ok, I think.”
He gave you a small, and although tired, relieved smile
You wanted to take his hand and palm his cheek and tell him to rest because he looked like he’s barely awake but you also fear that he’ll push you away so you settled on just asking how he’s feeling
And he knows you’ll see right through him anyways se he said “A little tired but it’s ok”
And you realized how sluggish he looked and never before you’ve seen Joshua like this and you just like that you knew
“Joshua, did you use your power on me?”
He just looked at you sheepishly and you’re like JOSHUA HONG
“How can you do that! That’s too dangerous! You should just use it for more important things! I don’t want you to strain yourself like this!”
“But you are important!”
And there was a silence
And you both just looked at each other and he finally sighed
“I realized…a lot of things when you’re..not awake. I realized that I like it when you’re around. I realized that you cared about me. I realized that I care about you. But most importantly, I realized that I want you in my life.”
You don’t know what to do bc you literally would’ve never thought that this moment would actually happen in your lifetime, let alone with someone like Doctor Joshua Freaking Hong
Ever so gently, he took your chin in his hand
“So please, stay a while.”
You don’t know what to do because for once, Joshua’s presence does exactly the opposite of what it’s supposed to do
You feel your cheeks burning, you’re sweating, you feel like your heart’s having an attack and your brain feels frazzled and for a moment you thought “Did he really get all the toxin out of my body lard bc I’m feeling woozy all of the sudden” 
But outside, you’re like “Joshua…”
“Can I..kiss you?” he asked softly
And you’re like asdfghjkl please.
And you’re both leaning for a kiss until you hear the curtain open only to close back in 0.3493255 seconds
“oh my god” you hear a whisper from outside
You+Joshua= O_O wHO In tHe wORLD?
“Have fun playing doctor, kids!” you hear Seungcheol shout from the other side as his footfall rapidly disappears and you’re both like fffffffff
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supersuperroa · 7 years
Question Tag
I was tagged by @coupsyboopsy, @smilingvernon, and @scoup-d-etat, thank you so much my friends ♡♡♡
1. Are you named after someone?
yep, Kye is my mom’s middle name, and that in turn came from a family friend
2. When is the last time you cried?
hmm I don’t actually remember... it feels like I cried a little bit not that long ago, but nothing is coming to mind right now
3. Do you like your handwriting?
if I write quickly, I don’t like it, but I’m pretty happy with it, I made a font out of it too (hopefully I can re-upload it to photoshop to use for my edits soon)
4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
ahaha I’ve been a vegetarian for a really long time, but I did eat ham occasionally before that... but I don’t really remember how it tastes
5. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I feel like I’ve read somewhere that most people would really dislike themselves if they met themselves as another person, and I feel like I could see that... there are definitely some traits of mine that I’m not happy with, that bother me in other people, and I know it’s hypocritical but... I’m working on it. I’d like to think that I’m the kind of person I’d want to be friends with, but I’m not so sure, there are definitely quite a few things that I would not see as good... I don’t know
6. Do you use sarcasm?
yes, for sure
7. Do you have your tonsils?
yep, thankfully, since surgery kind of scares me a lot...
8. Would you bungee jump?
maybe? I’m not sure it sounds interesting though
9. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
I don’t really eat cereal, but I do have granola sometimes
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take off your shoes?
ahaha never.... besides this one pair of boots I really like since they don’t have zippers and they lace up high enough that I can’t slip them off
11. Do you think you’re a strong person?
in some ways, I think... definitely not physically, besides being able to dance, I’m pretty weak. but other people have said they think I’m strong, mentally, so I think at least to some extent that’s true
12. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
honestly I prefer sorbet, but I like ice cream flavors with fruit or dark chocolate sometimes
13. What is the first thing you notice about people?
well, I guess their visual appearance, if we’re taking this question very literally, and I am a very visual-oriented person, it’s how I remember and learn things best... but I’d also say how people interact with others I think? I’m not really sure, I hadn’t really thought about this before
14. Red or pink?
pink, for sure... I like lighter colors, especially pastels, if my main blog is any indication...
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
I think I’d say that I always wish I could have more defined muscle, it’s really hard for me to gain it even with a lot of strengthening and dance... I always look like a twig and I envy people who have nice legs and arms and abs and such
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
I’m wearing blue jeans, and I have on tan oxfords right now
17. What was the last thing you ate?
carrot zucchini bread
18. What are you listening to right now?
I’m not listening to any music, but there’s a lot of gentle background noise from machines in the lab space around me
19. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
I’d hope to be periwinkle, it’s such a gentle color
20. Favorite smell?
I think maybe a trail in the woods, or cooking onions, or jasmine flowers
21. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my little sister
22. Favorite sport to watch?
my family watched baseball sometimes when I grew up, but I also like watching volleyball especially since I played it for a couple years (also does competitive ballroom count because yes)
23. Hair color?
a light brown
24. Eye color?
also light brown... it’s pretty much the same color
25. Do you wear contacts?
nope, somehow I’m the only one in my extended family with good eyesight? including all the people who are younger than me...
26. Favorite food to eat?
oh my goodness that is the hardest question to answer so I’ll list a few things... baked goat cheese salad, desserts that are savory (like with toasted sesame or red bean), pasta or noodles, curries... I’ll just leave it at that because I could go on forever
27. Scary movie or comedy?
hm I don’t think I have a strong preference, so either... it really depends on the writing I think
28. last movie you watched?
I think it was sky high, which I watched with my friends on a trip several weeks ago
29. What color of shirt are you wearing?
light pink
30. Summer or winter
hmm it really depends where I am because the summers are so mild at home that I really like them, but elsewhere I’d say winter probably? I’m not sure, my favorite season is spring
31. Hugs or kisses
hugs for sure
32.What book are you currently reading?
hmm I’m actually not in the middle of something right now, and honestly when I start something I usually finish it extremely quickly
33. Who do you miss right now?
my ballroom friends, especially the one who is now in korea for a year...
34. What is on your mouse pad?
I don’t have one right now, but my last one had a salvador dali painting on it
35. What is the last program you watched?
I don’t watch tv, but I guess clips of shows that svt and pristin were on
36. What is the best sound?
cellos, soft forest sounds, the sizzle of a pan, gentle rain
37. Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
the beatles
38. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
to china (from america)
39.Do you have a special talent?
I’m not sure if any of my talents are special, I think I’m decent at a bunch of things, but never super talented in one area
40. Where were you born
Tagging: @beautifulshuas @jeonghney @k-kyungwon @fightmejeonghannie @blondshua @siyeon @jeong-hanie @jeongahn @shua @joshuji @je0nghans @boovely @mingkyeong @kangrena (none of you have to do it) ^-^♡♡♡
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Melle - Brujo (Free Download)
Free Download Link: https://versioncollective.bandcamp.co...
Label: Version Collective Format: 21 × File, MP3, Compilation, 320 kbps Country: US Catalog # - VCFC001 Released: 29 Apr 2016 Genre: Electronic, Hip Hop, Reggae Style: Dubstep, Trip Hop, Tribal, Dub, Hip Hop, Reggae
Tracklist: 1. Modi Bardo - Rude Bwoy' Shogun (Ft. Bukkha) - 3:18 2. Cryptic - Nutz - 2:51 3. Drew's Theory - Forgive Me For My Style - 5:56 4. Melle - Brujo - 2:24 5. Dubbacle - Out of Context - 4:48 6. Shua Blendin - Cruisin' Cali' - 6:27 7. Arta - System Wisdon - 5:36 8. Blicka - Fittest Dub (Ft. Dreads) - 5:08 9. Platypus - Lunala 4:41 10. BunZer0 - Rock Da' Dub - 5:06 11. Kodec - Lift and Forget - 5:15 12. Dillard & Berrik - Sacred Realm - 5:42 13. The Greys - Moon Men - 3:46 14. Retina - Paralyzing - 6:37 15. Khanum - Sprut - 5:56 16. Sweepa - Licentious - 5:15 17. Jang - Gekkota Slime - 5:05 18. Le Lion - Rise VIP - 4:34 19. IND33P - Protection Dub - 4:36 20. CIVILIANSOUND! - Murky - 4:12 21. Cima - Inna-Space - 5:30
In roughly 7 Months, we went from a brand new label to over 1,000 Soundcloud followers.
We are still in awe by how aggressively we are receiving support from the entire scene and we want all of you to know how much we appreciate the love.
Here is a Free Compilation as a big and humble thank you.
Keep in mind, this is no lightweight release. This is a full blown hitter featuring a ton of tunes that most would call us crazy to give away for free.
That's just how we roll. Just imagine what we have in store when we hit 2,000...
Released April 29, 2016
Version Collective links: https://versioncollective.online/ soundcloud.com/versioncollective www.facebook.com/versioncollective
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