unitcd · 9 months
@sk8trboi liked for a starter.
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Catching herself after drifting off in a daydream about a song, Gina blinked a few times and brought Ricky back into focus. "What? I'm so sorry." She shook her head. "I was THINKING." The words left her tongue as she grabbed his hand. "I'm listening now. Tell me that again?" It wasn't that she was ignoring him, not at all, she'd just been thinking about a song. The one she'd written to the melody he'd provided not too long ago had come out so well and she really wanted to give songwriting another shot.
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gayunit · 4 months
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anothersoddingenby · 6 months
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Peace ✌️
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fullstcp · 9 months
@sk8trboi nodding off... (maybe in our fantasy/royal plot)
Trying to live one's life in accordance with the expectations of others is exhausting. But Gina has never known how to do anything else. She's never been given half a chance at a life that meets her own standards and wants. Her wants have to serve her kingdom and they need to prepare her for the day when she is eventually queen.
A day that was never supposed to come because her brother was next in line for the throne. It was always supposed to be him. Ruling was always supposed to be his calling. Until he'd had it out with their mother, the Queen, and abdicated so he could marry the woman he loved. A poor girl from the village, someone their mother didn't approve of. She deemed the girl unfit to be Queen. And then it was clear that Gina would be the one taking the throne when her mother was no longer able to serve her country as Queen.
So Gina has tried to live her life to the letter. She's been perfect. A person so infallible that their public couldn't help but love her. She's followed every order and done everything in her power to please her mother. Because life is just easier when her mother is happy.
Gina just hadn't figured that following her mother's orders would actually lead to anything working in her favor. She hadn't ever dreamed it could lead to her sitting in bed next to a boy that has long since stolen her heart. A boy she'd met when she decided to take some part of her life for herself and sneak out of the castle under the cloak of nightfall. A boy who was also hiding from his responsibilities in the same manner.
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It's a young age to get married. She isn't even twenty yet. But she's not particularly upset about it. Because she gets to share a life with the boy she'd fallen in love with outside of all of this nonsense. It couldn't have worked out more perfectly.
Not as she's dressed in her nightgown, curled up in their bed with a book in hand. There's only about a third or so left of the story, and she's practically on the edge of her seat. She might stay up until the early hours of the morning just reading it until its end. And then he's pushing through their door, grumbling something about the meeting he just had to attend.
(She's a little annoyed at her lack of meetings and inclusion in this whole process, especially since it is her fate to be queen. But she figures that's a battle for another day. A day less perfect than this one is shaping up to be.)
He hasn't even undressed when he all but flings himself onto the bed, cuddling closer to her and resting his head on her shoulder. Asking questions about what she's doing. What she's reading. How much longer it's going to be. She answers them all with an easy smile and a hand in his hair, scratching at his scalp lightly as she leans her cheek against the top of his head.
It's some time before she feels herself sinking further into the mattress as he puts more of his weight onto her body. She chuckles, tilting her head to press a kiss into his hair.
"You shouldn't sleep in those clothes, my love." She says, her voice quiet so as not to disturb the peace while also rousing him from his near slumber.
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snnydcysarchivee · 9 months
@sk8trboi liked for a fall starter
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"me? scared? pfft! not me!" okay, complete lie. sonny was a total wuss when it came to going into haunted houses. there just had to be one in the middle of the pumpkin patch. and of course ricky wanted to go. looking at the scary house and hearing the scary music and screams, she verbally gulped. "i'm using you as a shield."
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snnydcysarch · 7 months
STARTER FOR @sk8trboi
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"yes there's thanksgiving, but christmas. that's the only holiday that exists to me currently." sonny spoke to ricky, obviously very passionate about the holidays. "how about you come with me to go christmas shopping for gifts? honestly, the presales are better and safer than the black friday sales." it was clear that she was rambling. all that was in her mind was that she had to get gifts for everyone. otherwise, they would get her head.
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ofblackskies · 8 months
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ricky bowen 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 : ❝ We fall in love til it hurts, or bleeds, or fades in time. ❞
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"Isn't that a Taylor Swift song, Ricky?" Belly asked as she sunbathed, her voice carrying towards @sk8trboi without ever even so much as cracking an eye. Shifting over a little on her towel, she patted the spot beside her. "Come on. No wallowing on the beach unless it's in the rain. Today is perfect."
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myownprivateimaho · 9 months
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unitcd · 8 months
@sk8trboi liked for a starter
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Rushing into the lobby, Barry came to a skidding stop where he found a teenager. "You're not supposed to be in here - - - what are you doing in here? Are you the one that set the alarm off?" Was this some kind of joke or was he really in trouble? Eyes frantically glance around to find any signs of danger, landing on one rather large red flag. "Get behind me now. . ." He believed the boy now that he'd spotted the danger. "How did you eve get in here anyway?" The doors were locked, but that didn't mean much these days, did it?
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Stressed is one way to describe what he's feeling -- stressed, miserable, anything that falls into that side of the pie graph of emotions. Dealing with his dad and what his dad wants -- but what does EJ want ? It seems what he wants was put on the back burner in favor of the family name.
He just wants someone to point him in the right direction, to show EJ that he's doing the right thing. Or even the wrong thing. Just ... Anything.
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❝ Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now. ❞
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spotify wrapped has arrived. send me a number from 1-100 for a starter based on that song, or a lyric from it, or send a 🎁 for me to shuffle. @sk8trboi
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sneakerkinkdog-blog · 6 years
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#sneakerkink #sneakerfag #sneakerfaggot #snifflickclean #sneakerdog #sneakeraddict #smellysneakers #sneakerslave #smellmysneakers #sk8trboy #seattlesneakers #gaysneakersfetish (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp0VEaagb9Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nj4oomgzwpr3
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fullstcp · 9 months
College is great. Really, it is. Gina's been having a great time in New York. NYU is a great school. Gina's classes are great and she's been learning more than she thought was possible. And she's dancing every day, which is quite possibly the best part of the whole thing. Getting to move and feel connected to her body in that way every single day is a dream come true. She thinks Miss Jenn was definitely on the right track when she told Gina she needed to audition for NYU.
It had been a reach school in the first place. You know, a shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars kind of deal. A long shot, a near impossibility in Gina's book. But apparently she was wrong about that. They deemed her talented enough to be an incoming freshman in their musical theater program.
And she's honored. She knows that not everyone gets selected and that she's going to be studying with some of the most talented up and coming performers that there are. And she's prepared for that. At least she thought she was.
The program is just a lot more intense than she was expecting. And the other kids kind of look at her a certain way. As that girl from that shitty high school musical sequel. Making friends has been difficult and it's been slow going because they all just can't remove her from that role. They seem to think she already has a leg up on them, but that's not true.
But, even still, she feels like she has to work fifteen times harder to prove that she's there because of her talent and not because of that IMDB credit. And, on top of that, she's gotta keep her grades up for her gen ed courses. There's just a lot going on, and she knows that everyone else has the same stuff going on. It just feels like a lot. But she's fine, she's handling it. She's thriving (kinda).
But the one thing that hasn't changed, despite everything else being flipped upside down, is Ricky. Gina still has Ricky. And they'll be damned if they let distance cause any issues between them. They talk all the time. Seeing his name flash across her lock screen is enough to bring a smile to her face. And they facetime so much, there's no chance at her forgetting what he looks like. It's perfect. Really.
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Except for the fact that Gina maybe has gotten a little distracted in some ways. She's averaging about three hours of sleep a night, if that, and she's not eating as many full meals as she used to. Her water intake is probably at an all time low. Because, well, she's so busy she kind of just forgets. She's got classes to attend, dance routines to practice ad nauseam, homework to finish and tests to cram for, auditions to attend. There's so much going on that there's so little time to just be Gina. Or for Gina to really be paying attention to the signals her body has been sending her.
It's the day of one of her dance midterms. It's for the class that's been kicking her ass all semester, and she needs to be perfect. She needs to ace this midterm. If she wants to leave herself in good standing with the professor she needs to be excellent today. And it should be no problem, really. Dancing is Gina's thing. She's always been good at it. She can pick up choreography like it's nobody's business. She's prepared. If the anxiety she's had around it is enough of a metric, then she's definitely ready for this.
And she does okay. She makes it through the warmup. She makes it through the first combination before the world starts to feel a little off kilter. Everything feels like it's just three inches to the left, even though she knows it isn't. She starts to mess up her turns. She's a little too much in the space of the person next to her. Her footing is all wrong.
There are dirty looks directed towards her from every which way. She knows it, she can feel them. She just knows that something's not right. They get a five minute break, and she heads over to her bag and chugs some water. She figures that'll be enough. She'll be fine for the third and final combination. The last part of the exam, the part that'll tell her if she's actually cut out for this program or not.
That's when it all really goes to shit. The water didn't help. Because a lot in a short amount of time doesn't do anybody any good. And she's watching as the professor starts to demonstrate the first four counts of the combination when the world starts to get blurry. Her body feels too heavy, and she doesn't really understand the feeling that's taking over her. She just knows that the world blurs until it's unintelligible. And then everything goes black.
She wakes up in a dim room. Her eyes are barely cracked open when she hears a beeping sound. She cuts her gaze to her left, in the direction of the sound, to find a screen with a spiking line going across it. A heart rate monitor. She sees an IV pole next to it with a bag of clear liquid strung up on it. So, she's in the hospital. So, she definitely failed that midterm. Which is just great.
Then, despite the pain in her neck and the heaviness that seems to go bone deep, she tilts her head in the other direction. And she finds the last person she expected to see there. Ricky. Her favorite person, someone she's always happy to see, but he shouldn't be here. He has classes and midterms of his own. He should be there doing that, he shouldn't be here for whatever this is.
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doodlenainers · 6 years
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Calamari Dankman knows how to skate board,,, and if you disagree I’m sorry but you’re wrong :\\ 
He’s got at least three boards -which is HELLA extra-,, Also he has like a million hats??? It’s only fair I draw him wearing one
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snnydcysarchivee · 9 months
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moodboard & aesthetic game !
@sk8trboi sent: 🎸 GUITAR — my muse's hobbies/interests
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Fs Nosegrind 📹
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meeshmoo · 6 years
sk8tr kid culture is not knowing if they are cosplaying as the art dude from the iron giant or if they are a sk8tr kid.
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