#skam halloween
nooraamalies · 7 months
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The Girl Squad's costumes for Halloween
FREDAG, 20:30 - 30.10.2015
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zoeloockx · 7 months
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ZOË LOOCKX in DONDERDAG, 21:12 🕷 31.10.2019
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annadriesen2121 · 7 months
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Happy Halloween to all 👻🧛‍♂️🔥🎃
with the most beautiful eyes in the entire Wtfock Universe, the eyes of Sander!
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yooglefics · 9 days
Here is the thing: I love timelines. So I'm this 🤏 close to grabbing a calendar and mark down the days when the chapters from The Casual Type take place. And also, that way I can know for sure when Halloween is supposes to happen, because of course I want to do something for it lol. So, would any of you guys be interested in seeing that? Like, I can make a little edit for it maybe
Yes, this need for a timeline/calendar got worst when I started to re-watch Skam again haha, I've always LOVED how they present the scenes.
Also, gonna take this chance to thank you for the comments, likes and reblogs on the first chapter, literally means so much!! <3 It also makes me want to share the next one sooner so I might work on the lil cover today. Anyway, thank you, I appreciate youuu <33
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jovalencia · 8 months
hey carmen i know you don't give a fuck about my thai shows but i really think you'd appreciate this one moment that happened in only friends yesterday. there was this halloween party and two guys dressed up as freddie mercury and talked about how he's bisexual and then revealed to each other that they are also both bisexual and then proceeded to try and kiss about it. the only reason they didn't was because another bisexual came to break it up because he was jealous.
there’s a skam fanfiction joke in there somewhere I think.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Stick Season - Noah Kahan Writing Challenge Masterlist
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I was going to take a break after the last writing challenge, but then this album dropped, and I just kept coming up with ideas.
Here it is!
This is the masterlist for my Stick Season writing challenge, where every song has inspired a different story.
I hope you enjoy!
We'll All Be Here Forever Tracks - Writing Challenge Masterlist
Northern Attitude
Forgive My Nothern Attitude, I was Raised Out in the Cold Will Graham X Reader [Hannibal] Summary: Will returns from Europe and Hannibal is caught. With a new sense of freedom, Will finds his way to (Y/n)'s doorstep in the hopes of fixing something that he thought had long-been broken.
Stick Season
I'm Split in Half but That'll Have to Do Dean Forester X Reader [Gilmore Girls] Summary: (Y/n) never thought they'd come back to Stars Hollow, but you can never plan for everything. Now, (Y/n) is forced to confront a part of their past that they never wanted to think about.
All My Love
You Got All My Love Duke Crocker X Reader [Haven] Summary: Duke never expected to grow as close to someone as he was with (Y/n). The two of them were partners-in-crime, described as trouble by most people around them. Not that either of them had the energy to care.
She Calls Me Back
I'll Love You When the Oceans Dry Malcolm Bright X Reader [Prodigal Son] Summary: Malcolm wasn't one to go out looking for love. When he met (Y/n), it simply hit him like a train. He felt like he was balancing on the line between healthy and obsessive. Maybe that balancing act wasn't as scary as he originally thought it was.
Come Over
But I'm in the Business of Losing Your Interest Robert Chase X Reader [House M.D] Summary: [Season 1] Robert and (Y/n) visit (Y/n)'s parents. Something about being home- about seeing him in their home- brought forward feelings and fears that (Y/n) was certain they had buried.
New Perspective
If I Could Fly, I Doubt I'd Even Do It Kara Danvers X Reader [Supergirl] Summary: Kara and Alex come home to visit their mom. During the trip, Kara reconnects with an old friend. Catching up begins bringing up old feelings between the pair.
Everywhere, Everything
I Wanna Love You 'Till We're Food for the Worms to Eat Arthur Broussard X Reader [Skam: France] Summary: (Y/n) and Arthur were almost attached at the hip. What they saw as friendship was seen very differently by everyone around them. It took years for them to even consider that there may be more between them.
Orange Juice
We're Just Glad You Could Visit Martin X Reader [Another Round] Summary: Martin gets the chance to reconnect with an old friend. They're talk reveals just how much both of them changed and how much they've stayed the same. All that's left is to accept those things.
Strawberry Wine
These Things I Miss but Know are Never Coming Back Angus MacGyver X Reader [MacGyver (2016)] Summary: An old face walks back into the Phoenix Foundation and isn't surprised to be met with anger. They are left for pick up the pieces of something that they had been forced to break.
Growing Sideways
I'm Terrified that I Might Never Have Met Me Hannibal Lecter X Reader [Hannibal] Summary: After Hannibal fled the country, the F.B.I combed through anything that was left. A collection of notes from an old patient reveals that Hannibal may have convinced said patient to do the unthinkable.
Your Hands are All Over My Scent Dean Winchester X Reader [Supernatural] Summary: Dean has gone missing. While Sam and Cas are left to panic, Dean has checked himself into some small motel in the hopes of clearing his mind. In actuality, the trip only forced Dean to confront the truth that he had been willfully ignoring.
I Would Leave if Only I Could Find a Reason Rhydian Morris X Reader [Wolfblood] Summary: After a particularly rough day, (Y/n) hides away from everyone around them. When Rhydian tracks them down, (Y/n) explains just how tired they truly are of the people they have to spend every day with.
It's Like I'm Still Here with You Jack Kline X Reader [Supernatural] Summary: [Early Season 15] After Chuck kills Jack, (Y/n) is left feeling guilty for grieving. Sam attempts to comfort them, only for (Y/n) to confess to something that no one had properly considered.
The View Between Villages
A Minute from Home but I Feel so Far from It Tenth Doctor X Reader [Doctor Who] Summary: The Doctor showed (Y/n) the beauty of the universe. (Y/n) adored it all. Now, (Y/n) is mere moments from seeing their family and hesitates. The Doctor is curious why going home seems to terrify (Y/n) so much.
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levok · 1 year
From Göteborgs-Posten (it sounds like Fiona is the main character):
Skräckfilmen ”Karusell” spelas in på Liseberg – parken satsar sex miljoner
Skräckfilmen "Karusell" spelas just nu in nattetid på Liseberg. Nöjesparken är medproducent och satsar sex miljoner på det mörka tonårsdramat. GP träffade några av huvudrollsinnehavarna som lider av akut sömnbrist.– Jag kommer inte att besöka ett nöjesfält igen på ett tag, säger Omar Rudberg.
Visst har vi sett många skräckfilmer förut, som utspelar sig på nöjesfält och i nöjesparker. Regissörernas största favorit sedan gammalt är den sönderrostade nöjesparken på Coney Island utanför New York.
Att en skräckfilm spelas in på Liseberg i Göteborg är desto mer unikt.
– Det har aldrig hänt förut, i alla fall inte som jag känner till, säger Robert Arvidsson, kommersiell chef på Liseberg.
Nu blir det ändring på det. Sedan 24 oktober spelas "Karusell", en ny svensk skräckfilm, in i nöjesparken. Berättelsen kretsar kring en grupp tonåringar. En av dem, Jenny, har vunnit en privat smygpremiär av halloween på Liseberg. Hon bjuder med sig bästa vännerna för att tillbringa en natt tillsammans, ensamma i den tomma parken. Parkvärden Fiona får i uppgift att ta hand om besökarna – som hon visar sig ha en infekterad relation till sedan tidigare. Det som börjar som en kul grej urartar till en skräckupplevelse på liv och död.
– Fiona har hoppat av gymnasiet och börjat jobba på Liseberg. Hon ville komma bort från skolmiljön, och nu blir det en chock att se det gamla gänget igen, berättar Wilma Lidén om sin rollfigur.
Hon menar att "Karusell" minus skräcken i mycket är ett klassiskt ungdomsdrama med inslag av osäkerhet, hybris, skuld och skam. Hennes rollfigur är den som "kan parken", vet alla kryphål och kan se till att ingen blir mördad.
Bredvid henne i logen på Liseberg sitter Omar Rudberg, känd inte minst från Netflix-serien "Young royals". Nu har de just blivit sminkade inför nattens scener. De upplever att produktionstakten och nattarbetet varit – och är – rejält tufft.
– Annars är man ju sällan vaken till klockan nio på morgonen, och vi blir alltid övertrötta varje natt runt tre. Det blir tråkigt att skiljas åt – men skönt att åka hem. Nu ska vi nog sova i två veckor allihop, säger Wilma Lidén.
De vände på dygnet, glömde bort att äta och blev sugna på lunch mitt i natten berättar de unisont.
– Jag kände mig visserligen som en nattuggla redan innan, men det här blev faktiskt mer och mer jobbigt, säger Omar Rudberg – som nu kommer att ta paus från nöjesparker ett tag.
Amanda Lind, som enligt egen utsago "vuxit upp i Bonusfamiljen" och även synts i tv-serien "Lyckoviken" och skräckfilmen "Feed" spelar gängets ledare Jenny.
– Jag är den kaxiga, dryga tjejen som fått inbjudan. Jag och Fiona var tidigare bästa vänner, men så hände det något. Nu har vi inte setts på ett år, förklarar hon.
"Karusell" är en mycket lämpligt titel tycker hon:
– För hela filmen är som en karusell, eller bergochdalbana, där det mest går utför.
Bakom filmen står bolaget Scandinavian content group, som sedan starten 2019 bland annat producerat Netflix-serien "Clark" och skräckfilmen "Feed". Premiärdatum för nya "Karusell" är satt till oktober 2023 – tajmat med nästa års halloweensäsong på Liseberg.
– Under sju säsonger av Halloween har vi sett ett snudd på omättligt intresse för skräck, i kombination med mysrys för de lite yngre, säger Robert Arvidsson.
Nöjesparken har under årens lopp fått många förfrågningar om film- och tv-inspelningar. Bland annat har de tackat nej till en tv-serie liknande Gekås Ullared, fast med Lisebergs personal.
– "Karusell" gör vi nu för att utforska vad Halloweensegmentet kan vara.
Liseberg satsar pengar i filmprojektet
Den kommunala nöjesparken satsar cirka sex miljoner i filmen, av sin totala budget på 58 miljoner. Insatsen i "Karusell" ger dem rätt till framtida intäkter som filmen genererar. Från Lisebergs sida har man velat "säkra en kvalitetsnivå" samt förvissa sig om att inga scener spelas in i Kaninlandet, som de inte tycker ska förknippas med skräck. I övrigt har filmskaparna fått fria händer.
– Vi har gjort "Feed", den går jättebra, och vi tycker att det behövs mer genrefilm i Sverige, säger producenten Filip Hammarström som nu skrivit manus till ”Karusell” på knappt ett år.
– Vi vill göra en snygg film som vågar sticka ut och använder oss fullt ut av vår location.
– Ja vi har nästan fått hejda dem, skämtar Robert Arvidsson på Liseberg lite nervöst.
Även filmens regissör Simon Sandquist, som till vardags bor i Los Angeles, låter entusiastisk:
– Liseberg är ju så stort och grandiost i sig. Vi vill göra film i den tonen. Man måste våga ta i – det får inte kännas för tråkigt.
Thanks 😘
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intrepidacious · 2 years
something bout you & halloween snippet 👀
how did you find the two college aus within this mess are you a witch
something bout you is still and always the elusive fake dating steve fic that i swear i will write one day because it hasn't left my brain since may, and why would it
"I have a proposition for you." "I knew it. Spit it out, Rogers." He considers you for a while as you take a sip of your milkshake. "Do you think you could be in love with me for the week?" You could get him for attempted murder for this, surely. By the time you stop choking, there are tears in your eyes from how violently you’ve been coughing.
the halloween snippet literally only exists because i excessively rewatched parts of skam last semester because of that one class that i was taking and i wanted a puppy-eyed lovesick college bucky to boost my ego lmao
the wip pile
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rawritsamehh · 2 years
tagged by @alittledizzy
last song: Yuri On Ice theme song, if that counts lol
last show/series: Skam! Please yell with me about Skam, my inbox is open and ready 😌 I will not disclose how many times I’ve watched the series.
currently watching: Yuri On Ice reaction videos 😂 don’t ask how I fell down this wormhole, I don’t even know.
favorite color: blush/dusty pink! But also black.
sweet, spicy, or savory: it varies a LOT. I don’t like overly sweet stuff though, I can only handle a little bit at a time.
currently reading: Skam fic 😂 there is some fucking amazing fic in the Skam universe, y’all. I have a bunch added to my bookmarks if you’re curious.
what i'm working on: uhhh…not much. I did write a little something a few days ago, for the first time in….a year or more? Which felt nice, but it’ll never see the light of day lol. Otherwise, just surviving and trying to gather the energy to decorate for Halloween.
currently obsessed with: you can probably guess due to previous answers 🤣 but yeah, Skam. Dan’s show. Reaction videos to my favorite shows. Cozy hoodies. Good books/fic. Sleep.
tagging: @stitchedthekey @swwtty @dnpstufflizloves 🥳
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crowleying · 2 years
Skam Italia
Eleonora Sava
Eva Brighi
Sana Allagui
Evan Buckley || Greek Mythology
Buddie || You gave me peace in a lifetime of war
Daredevil || Halloween creatures
Eddie Diaz gay icons
Evan Buckley bisexual icons
Lena Bosko lesbian icons
Taylor Kelly aromantic icons
Gabriele d'Annunzio pansexual icons
Finn Cole Twitter pack
Finn Cole Twitter and Tumblr pack
Bill Skasgård pack
Buddie Spotify wallpapers
Thor lesbian wallpapers
Deadpool pansexual wallpapers
Loki genderfluid wallpapers
Bucky bisexual wallpapers
Kate Bishop bisexual wallpapers
Ana de Armas wallpapers
Rules for requesting
Last updated: 18-10-2023
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nocturnalstarlet · 2 months
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currently listening to: eternal sunshine by ariana grande currently watching: superstore currently working on: figuring out what to write and who to write for, send requests i beg
things i love: romance novels, anything addams family, halloween, autumn weather, watching the first winter snowfall, the vampire diaries/the originals, marvel movies, peter rasputin, music of any genre (send me your fav music pls, i'm always looking for new artists to get into), binge watching tv shows (again, feel free to send me recs!!), vampire and werewolf lore, ya & na fantasy book series , buffy the vampire slayer, dawson's creek, musicals, skincare, ROY KENT, staying up late (i'm practically nocturnal at this point), steve rogers, bucky barnes, greek mythology, shameless (u.s.), trashy reality tv shows, CAMILA DUNNE, chase atlantic, making pinterest boards, skins (u.k.), skam (norway), writing (obv), animals, wasting my time on social media (esp watching edits on tiktok), and more
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zoeloockx · 7 months
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ZOË LOOCKX in DONDERDAG, 21:12 🕷 31.10.2019
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tailsbeth-writes · 5 months
5 and 19! xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
So I have 2 answers as I have 2 eras of fanfic writing I suppose. When I started, I wrote Leap of Faith for Skam Reverse Bang 2018 & I'm still really pleased with it. In my current fanfic era, I'd maybe say Love, Henry as I did it in a ridiculously short amount of time (thanks brain for thinking of an xmas special days before xmas!) and the reaction has been amazing.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
I stick with canon-compliant generally, I write mostly post canon so sometimes its in between I suppose (for example in Her Royal Highness, we pretend Nora didn't get Henry into Drag Race but that's it). I've done a couple of AUs, one was actually a zombie invasion for a Halloween Skam fic which was so silly but something I'd love to try in another fandom (Halloween RWRB or Schitt's Creek fic maybe?).
I am currently working on my first proper AU, a The Prince & Me AU for RWRB, cleverly named The Prince & He (that MA in creative writing is really getting put to good use). It'll also be my first longform fic for this fandom so I'm very excited!
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scentedchildnacho · 7 months
So I just find it so dangerous here I only pay attention to the trail as directed so personal injury attorneys show the judge clear intent to murder stalking as sport and humor neo Nazis
She asked me where that couple stays so I said I didn't know their really unfriendly and I don't like their group....I have been homeless a really long time and they still talk really harsh and loud and I can't tolerate lack of sympathy anymore she wasn't native it wasn't exactly what I want she isn't nice and quiet
The blond lady by the security tent at first I thought she was like my friend in Tucson who was stabbed in the lower leg and had a broken rib so I was like whatever her physical condition is really aggravated so she is bitchy here whatever but after a few more encounters she gives me nazish vibes I just don't like her in some way like she is a thief or something
Someone tried to arrest a black lady for the same program but the black lady was being more flamboyant and active and ecstatic so she got removed and now she is there all the time and something about that aggravates me at her till I leave them alone mostly
She asked me if there are lockers for the homeless so I told her I have never seen a fair deal homelessness where systems function with some sanitary privacy and rule correctness....
Alice Hoffman about the snitch....to me having old used pillows from a counter culture and blankets is not illegal labor in the jail
I was suppose to be wool and the jail did that and uhaul would sell it after doing that to people
Independence would be made in America jobs and they wouldn't give us decent emergency blankets and a job to make our own....
The vehicular slaughter attempts were so bad in la Jolla I was about to voluntarily go work in the jail but my Indian teachers were like British colonial tactics only appear permanent and it is surprising when a lot of it does just have to go away.....
Giving us lockers would obey security and job searches and the government can make money off emissions as tradeable revenue and sell our body organs so
That would be legal....when
The government is very ill legal so....
Kamela Harris ass heels and let's people shoot her up with a vaccine she is an ill person the vaccine gave her COVID and now we don't do anything right for her to care if we will all die of car bombs
Homelessness is all an unfair illegal labor skam it use to pay several grand a week to be drug studied on but it's deathly to be immoral and so it's im someone's psychological object and I don't make that more pleasant then it is
It's a possession skam truth is a retirement modesty and a cell phone is all you need for a psychological condition and most food service to medical care is way over staffed with desperates and it's parasitic....
I was accused till Halloween of causing the over population in male serial killers and truth is if the ass stops coming around most males finally leave the area some peace and rest.....it is the excessive prostitution jobs that causes the serial killers....their homicidal and their not allowed very stimulating sex areas .....they stop having feelings
Homosexuality is still neo modern and colonial studies it's not really feelings though....
The city does it not the metropolises.....it is riotous....they go steal everyone's sanitation and jobs with battalions for their duke district and try to call the governance criminals.....so it's mostly cop cities that weirdo and try to kill us.....
It's all very subjective the cops are just that eighth wife dukes army that calls other people's district the land fill and goes and extremely privileges a different district to death
It's mostly the The Laws or Ronnie Estes like copy cat serial killers
Migrants displaced etc ...we have found out we don't have to have independence as a politic though it might be more just to not to be ...
Little brother if it's government systems that isn't anymore other then objective so
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otakunoculture · 9 months
[Victoria Fringe 2023] When the Phantom Pain is Real, What Else can a Lost Soul Feel?
@intrepidtheatrre #yyjfringe knocks it out of the park again on the 2nd day with a wonderful #ghost story that goes beyond the traditional way a #horror story should be presented. If Phantom Pain goes away, I'm sure it'll return come Halloween #review
This year the theatre company, ‘Sarah, Mo, and We’re All Friends,’ presents a brilliant late Victorian-age ghost story known as Phantom Pain. And when Theatre SKAM is offering the studio space for them to present this performance as a work in progress, I’m sure there’ll be more shows to come as the rough edges are ironed out, and maybe get a revision or two. I even have my own suggestions (which…
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filmsrus · 1 year
Me and my group decided to adapt Robbie Anderson's story outline into a short film. We immediately fell in love with his story - we could instantly visualise it and could not wait to flesh out the characters, the narrative and the relationship between the two. Lenny, our writer, has been in touch with Robbie to ensure that despite any changes, we stay true to his vision. I made a mood film for our in-class presentation.
In class this week we discussed what 'film form' meant. The definition that resonated most with me was the interaction between all elements of filmmaking (cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing etc.) and all the different styles and ideas that come from each person in charge of each element. My role as the director is to truly take on board every single creative formal suggestion, idea and opinion and filter them all into a coherent direction - and I am really looking forward to it. The lecture that we watched in class by Peter Straughtan provided a great insight on the matter - he said that form is the poetry of film.
Our first meeting with Catriona was super helpful too - she gave us a lot to think about. So far the first major changes we are leaning towards making is putting a larger emphasis on our character, Ethan's dynamic with his friends. We plan on doing this through interactions between them during the party - his friends' homophobic micro-aggressiveness towards him. We must capture his personality and make him a three dimension character, not a caricature. It is these interactions as well as his friends getting with one another that will overwhelm and frustrate him, causing him to leave. This is a part in which we can get creative with the sound design, making it overwhelming until he escapes the situation and is met with silence.
In terms of a colour palette, we are currently thinking of making the party very blue, inspired by how 'Euphoria' would bask their party scenes in purples.
We also wanted to flesh out his experience with the older man at the bus stop. We realised that the man does not have to be an obvious older version of Ethan, we can leave it very ambiguous. Ethan will initially look down on the older man as Ethan takes great care in 'passing as straight' - he is not in any way feminine as he doesn't want to 'seem' gay though he is out, as a way of attempting to fit in. This is a coping mechanism for him, which is why the older man, wearing a flamboyant outfit will push Ethan away from him initially.
We were thinking of setting this film during Halloween so that both men are in costume when they meet at the bus stop. Ethan will have put no effort into his costume, sporting a simple pair of vampire fangs whilst the older man will wear a very camp costume. This is also a great opportunity for Nikola, our production designer, to go all out on set and costume design.
Through their conversation, not only will Ethan learn that he does not have to rush into sex and relationships, which is the initial moral of the story, but also that there is no shame in being who you are. My reference for the latter revelation is the conversation Isak and Eskild from SKAM have in the link bellow.
[minute 2.50 - 5.40]
We are now finalising our dates for auditions, rehearsals and shooting.
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