quess-art · 15 days
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@smallsith thank you for reminding me that I had this animation ready but completely forgot to post it lol (from this)
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saurons-pr-department · 2 months
re: your tags on the melkor poll, does your boss know you're getting his boyfriend neutered? no judgement, i just have a feeling that might affect your annual employee evaluation
It's for the best. I think everyone will thank me once we're done.
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I need to tell y'all what happened today I had to grab an item across the store and we were super busy so I was running. I had to stop to help a customer, and while we walked to where his item was, he asked "why do you run like you're on ice physics" and would not elaborate further. I had no answer and just. Went quiet. I gave him his item and just. had a breakdown. had to take my break early.
Do I actually? Was the guy high or something? @smallsith did I do this at my old job or has this just. happened. Do I really run like I'm on ice physics. and should I act more cartoon-y in the future
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lotrlorien · 8 months
Fifteen Questions for Fifteen Mutuals
I was tagged by the wonderful @lordoftheelves ❤
Are you named after anyone? Kinda, I was named after my big brother so that our names are similar.
Do you have kids? Nah
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, especially when speaking finnish.
When was the last time you cried? Today actually
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Eyes and hair, face basically.
Eye color? Blue.
What sports do you/have you played? Football, floorball, swimming, taekwondo, dance... I quit all of them short after starting all of them
Any special talent? Hmm. I see 2-3 dreams every night and recall them by the details. Not that this is anything special but thats all.
Where were you born? Finland (southern Finland)
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I usually find scary movies cringe or not scary enough. But I love movies with happy endings.
Do you have any pets? Two cats.
How tall are you? 163 cm.
What are your hobbies? Doing my nails, gaming, reading, watching movies & tv series, making edits.
Favorite subject in school? Biology and arts. Later I went to University to study biology and I am now biologist.
Dream job? I am already on my dream job (teacher). But when I was a kid I always wanted to be actress too. But I love my job.
Tagging @frodo-baggins @mirkwood @haleths@alyrarkhon @smallsith + ANY of my followers who wants to do this. Tag me if you do 💜
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acavatica · 4 years
Per the Homestuck post about not understanding Homestuck, I'd like to tell you about how, in Homestuck, the dudes from Insane Clown Posse are elected dual presidents of the United States, and the first thing they do is replace all the tap water with Faygo
See! I DO know that one of the trolls is a juggalo, so like... yep, I have literally no idea if you’re lying to me or not. I’m inclined to believe you, both because the thought of ICP being elected president is brighter than the current incredibly bleak future, and because as long as the Faygo has fluoride in it, I think it is probably still better than a lot of the drinking water in the US. The world of Homestuck is a glorious place indeed. That, or you’re lying to me and the world of your imagination is a glorious place indeed.
If we want to make this a game: I guess this one is TRUE.
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 years
your andalite ocs have inspired me to make my own animorphs ocs. they're an andalite student come to study earth's biodiversity postwar, and a yeerk computer engineer desperately trying to find a way to go nothlit human so she can still do computer stuff, and she lives in a fishtank in my andalite's scoop. thank you for giving me the inspiration to create these space nerds.
 congratulations on your brand new bespoke space nerds! They sound delightful, and of course I already loved the idea of a Yeerk living in an aquarium. I’m so glad I could inspire you! Life is too short to not make some OCs now and then. I wish these two the best of luck wherever their adventures take them. 
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ignitesthestxrs · 4 years
smallsith replied to your post “can I ask why you got canceled by kpop stans XDD”
i knew i was right to stay away from kpop fandom
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LOL i will say that like the small circle of fellow fic writers and stuff that i found is very good and i had a lot of fun with it! the issue is that you have all these different types of fandom interacting, and a LOT of teenagers involved also. so there’s this combination of both a fundamental misunderstanding of how different people are interacting with the band, and also a lot of people who don’t get that you can like a thing without it being your entire life that needs a furious defense from you every time someone breathes in a way you determine is negative (or simply not positive enough).
and yeah the death threats are unfortunately not uncommon once a mob gets started, as well as just rampant ableism and ageism, it’s! wild! it happens very suddenly and unexpectedly also, and while i was equipped to cope with it, it’s very easy to see how someone younger or mentally unwell could be faced with that situation and genuinely think that their life is over now, it’s real bad
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
for the unpopular opinion ask meme: accordions are good instruments and they sound beautiful.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
:’D i am from a farm family of scandinavian immigrants, we were all about that accordion and concertina life growing up
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i saw the nyc au ask and wondered, what do you think animorphs would have been like if the series had been set in the midwest instead of california?
Bless.  (For anyone wondering, this is the NYC AU.)  Based solely on my experiences with living in central Iowa…
The selection of battle morphs would be a heck of a lot more limited.  The local zoo would probably have a large cat, maybe two large cats of the same species, and that’d be about it for ginormous predators.  Clearly, the only recourse would be for Marco to use domestic goat morph, Jake to find a coyote through the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, and Rachel to kick butt as The Only Giant Cat in Fifteen Counties.  Tobias would have no shortage of raptors to choose from, given that there’s practically a hawk on every telephone pole, and the rabbit overpopulation problem would also keep him quite well-fed.  Cassie to go for something that that destrier morph Jake gets in MM3, and knowing her she’d be surprisingly good at fighting as a giant pissed-off horse.  Ax would have the largest and scariest-looking cow morph one can imagine, and would be quite happy with its superiority over mere bipedal humanity.
Obviously, there’s no ocean.
All five human kids would have to spend an entire week going on a massive adventure where they search corn fields, soy fields, wheat fields, and the occasional field-of-cows field to try and find the source of the mysterious andalite voice.  Presumably by the time they finally find him, Ax will have already made several attempts to communicate with the local cattle, and will have concluded that if these locals aren’t even sentient then there’s probably no hope at all for communication with the silly primates.
Rather than going through the trouble of building a secret underwater base, Visser One would simply construct a fake biodome.  The resultant airtight super-controlled environment might be even harder to penetrate than the underwater base, and would be guarded by a large pack of mind-controlled cougars.
Presumably the pemalite ship will be hidden in plain sight, perched on top of a truck stop and disguised as a giant metal dog that is advertising the local Kum and Go, or possibly an off-brand Fast ‘n Go, or else an off-off-brand Kwick & Go.  The password to access it will be to ask for the key to the bathroom like you’re some kind of rube from New York who thinks that all truck stops have locking bathrooms.
Visser Three would get a lot of conflicting information about whether armadillos and opossums are native to the area or not.  The human-controllers (presumably some of whom would have to be shipped in from elsewhere) would be known to emit occasional shrieks of terror while insisting that “no rat is EVER supposed to be that large… Hang on, it just dropped dead, never mind I guess.”
Instead of Jake complaining about rainy days, Jake would be complaining about any day when the wind is greater than 30 MPH.  Actually, Tobias would have a lot more to complain about on those kinds of days.  But either way, the windchill would be brutal for the poor Animorphs any time they’re birds.
The Sharing would either have to unite with FFA, or else die by FFA’s hand.  There is no third option.
Which outcome we’d see would probably depend on how much the Council of Thirteen allowed Visser One to intervene in the invasion plan.  If Visser One did get involved, then the Sharing would probably do some joint recruiting events, the yeerks would infest the FFA’s senior leaders, and there’d be plenty of cross-promotions.
If Visser Three was allowed too much oversight, on the other hand, then the Sharing would probably challenge the FFA to single combat for the minds and bodies of the local youth.  The Sharing would, of course, lose spectacularly.  The only way to save them would be through an alliance with 4H, which even then might not be sufficient.
In a small town in the Midwest, there’s no way that Marco’s whole “that controller cop knew Tom and so Tom must also be a controller” hypothesis would hold water.
Because of course the cop would know Tom; Tom’s the top scorer on the local high school’s basketball team!  Over half the county would know Tom.  Probably most local cops would be able to list Tom’s name and age and height and weight and jersey number and average points per game.  Tom scores points for a local team!  More points than any other player!   It wouldn’t be that unusual for his face to be on posters and novelty shirts and coffee mugs.
Assuming the Sharing could actually get a toehold in this town, Tom’s level of influence would then be fucking terrifying.
When it comes to protecting the local land from environmental pollutants and extraterrestrials alike, Southern California hippies got nothing on people whose livelihood literally depends on the continued quality of the land.  So expect all the civilians to be automatically on the side of whoever isn’t invading.  Maybe the Animorphs couldn’t go so far as to trust random strangers in the area — a decent percent of them are probably controllers — but woe betide any yeerks who get caught unnecessarily cutting down trees or shooting skunks.  There would probably be a lot more people like Derek and Polo who are like “I dunno what’s going on here, but if you’re local animals who are sometimes humans and you’re trying to do something about the guys in spaceships destroying everything in sight… How can I help?”
Either the Animorphs would have to learn how to morph more clothes, or else they’d spend way more time morphing to get rid of frostbite and hypothermia the way they do in #25.  It’s really only warm enough to be outside barefoot in leotards for about four months of the year in most places in the Midwest.  It would be miserable the rest of the time, but then being an Animorph is already like 85% relentless misery.  They would also stand out a heck of a lot more any time they ended up having to go into a public establishment like a McDonald’s wearing nothing but their morphing clothes, because everyone else in there would have on 15 layers of flannel.
The veleek would go almost totally unremarked-upon.  It probably wouldn’t make the news (it’s just a minor tornado; no one actually dies from it) and the Animorphs would probably take way longer to realize that it’s not behaving the way a normal wind storm does.
Infesting actors would be way more difficult (probably no Jeremy Jason McColes or William Roger Tennants in the area) but the number of politicians in the area would more than make up for it.
There are, at minimum, two or three presidential hopefuls per year at various events in Des Moines.  Most of the time their security is less than it would be in Washington D.C., because of the fewer vantage points and less-charged political atmosphere there.  It would be terrifyingly easy to infest the future president if the yeerks were based out of central Iowa.
Not only that, but there are always dozens of congress members at every single Iowa State Fair, usually because they’re angling for something political.  Given that politicians are a bunch of greedy power-hungry bottom feeders who definitely don’t have souls, the Sharing would just have to offer them powerful political connections and they’d practically be lining up to become controllers.
If the yeerks have less control of the media and also more control of the government, there’d probably be a lot more social conflict in the U.S. and less faith in Washington overall.  However, they also might be able to get martial law declared in the U.S., at which point suspension of the First Amendment is semi-legal…
What would probably be the yeerks’ downfall in a Midwestern town is sheer lack of bodies.  In the greater L.A. area, the yeerks can produce hundreds of thousands of controllers in a matter of weeks when desperate enough (#52) but they’d never be able to achieve that kind of army if they were working out of Kansas or Iowa or Nebraska.  Given that one Animorph can take on like seven controllers in open battle, and that it only takes about two dozen Animorphs (and several other intersecting factors, but still) to take down the whole Yeerk Empire, Jake wouldn’t have to recruit that hard to get enough of an army to face down maybe 400 controllers in total.
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234am · 5 years
smallsith replied to your post “Another VHD book to give a hard pass on is volume 14 (and...”
just when you think it can't get any worse, it does! why is he like this. why. UGH.
Yeah, I foolishly thought I was past the worst of it. Yet, here I am, just starting volume 15 with the knowledge that this child vampire is still alive and that I’ll have another 12+ books for Kikuchi to do worse.
fersrsbizniz replied to your post “Another VHD book to give a hard pass on is volume 14 (and...”
One of the thousands of reasons the fanfics of this series tend to be 100% better than the canon.
Honestly. Thank you @ all the other brave soldiers out there doing the good work.
As for anyone who wants to know if they “need” to read VHD: NO. NO! NO!!! WE DID ALL THIS WORK SO YOU WOULDN’T HAVE TO!
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starforged · 5 years
smallsith replied to your post: ugh i’m going to need to go back to urgent care...
that’s definitely not good, i hope they can fix the problem tomorrow! good luck!
thanks! it's starting to seem like the sprain was masking a pinched nerve so i might have to get another steroid shot
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drferox · 6 years
This might be a dumb question, but while I know Australia doesn't have rabies, you guys do have Australian bat lyssavirus and I've read the illness that ABLV causes is very similar to rabies. Do pets in Australia have to get vaccinated against that, or is it not a problem the way rabies is here in the US? How would you treat an animal suspected of coming into contact with an infected bat?
Australian Bat Lyssairus, or just Lyssavirus for short, looks an awful lot like rabies in every single way except it doesn’t get out of the bats and infect non-bat hosts. This is how Australia calls itself rabies-free.
We still approach a bat with extreme care, because the adorable little viral replicators also carry things like Hendra, but clinically it’s not really something I ever worry about.
Frankly, it’s above my pay grade. If Lyssavirus, or real Rabies for that matter, was ever suspected in a patient of mine, I’d be obliged to get Biosecurity and the Chief Veterinary Officer involved, and I would very gladly hand off such a nightmare to them.
Australian pets are not vaccinated for rabies, or lyssavirus, at all unless they’re leaving the country.
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i feel like you would benefit from being dipped in some kind of sauce, particularly sriracha mayo ranch
Are you saying I'm not spicy enough? Not flavourful enough?
Though, to your credit, I am a big fan of flavoured mayonnaise XD But not normal mayonnaise. It's the worst sauce.
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tagged by @smallsith
spotify wrapped tag game!!
alright everyone tell me about your spotify wrapped!
my most listened song: For Treasure
i listened for: 12,201 - 8 days nonstop
my top artist was: Yasunori Nishiki
the rest of my top 5 artists were: Toby Fox, The Stupendium, Imagine Dragons, Dan Romer
my listening habits pegged me as a: Time Traveler, due to listening to songs on repeat a lot. which is. fair.
tagging @possumsarenice @sm-baby @neonnoir-ao3 @ruinationz @switcherooreo
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lotrlorien · 8 months
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up, then tag people. Thank you for the tag @remusjohnslupin ♥
Lost Society - What Have I Done
John Williams - Journey To Island (From Jurassic Park)
Escape The Day - An Ocean Between Us
Fleshgod Apocalypse - No
Tervor Morris - The Inquisition Marches (From Dragon Age Inquisition)
In Flames - Foregone Pt. 1
Fall Out Boy - We Didnt Start The Fire
Motionless In White - Masterpiece
Midnite String Quartet - Wrecking Ball (From Bridgerton)
Asking Alexandria - See Whats On The Inside
Tagging: @thehobbit @lordoftheelves @ahobbitstale @aredhels @alyrarkhon @lavellenchanted @thcrin @smallsith @southfarthing @samwwise @thepinkhobbit @lesbiankiliel
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kingfindekano · 5 years
hey, i know you're having health issues lately, and i wanted to pop in and say i hope you aren't in pain, and if you are i hope it eases soon, and i hope you can be well again soon!
thank you so much my dude, this is so sweet! i really appreciate it
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