#so i'd expect him to go to the dreaded den
ovenemoji · 9 months
Smth that lowkey has me stumped is why wld Kieran even go to Loyalty Plaza w Ogerpon's mask in the first place
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divinemare · 11 months
✧*̥₊˚‧☆ミ 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖙𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖘!¡ •ଓ.°
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ azrielxfem!oc
part eight
𓆝 𓆜 ––––———–––––———–┊⁀➷
When Kallistrade entered the room, it immediately fell into absolute silence. All souls turned their heads towards the blood-covered captain, their faces all showed different emotions, whether out of fear or dread, it was all the same to her.
Inside the room, looking like a sheep locked in a lion's den, was a man so human-looking that it all was like what she imagined to be a scene from a horror book. The prey, and the sea of predators ready to be the first to sink their teeth into him.
However, the man didn't seem to be bothered by the stares around him. He was not a pirate looking man, there were many human pirates present on the Island, she herself had humans in her crew; but he wore fine clothes, even a pair of gloves covered his well-placed hands. He was one of those men who either possessed a great fortune, or pretended to possess one, Kallistrade still wasn't sure which.
She had to give one thing in his favour tho, and that was the fact that he held himself perfectly well, considering he was in a room with some of the most despicable beings, pirates of every Fae type, ugly, beautiful, lethal, deadly creatures, and a female covered head to toe in blood, yet he showed no sign of fear or discomfort. That, she applauded.
"Well, is there any good reason why my…private meeting, was interrupted? Or are we just going to stand here staring at each other until one of us gets too old? May I warn you, it will certainly not be me."
The man rose from his chair, his face a mask covering his thoughts and emotions.
"Are you Captain Devilsbane's First Officer?" The man asked, and the whole room burst out laughing.
Only the important people were present, the ones who knew that she was Devilsbane, for not everyone on the Island knew, and Kallistrade loved to see the surprise and horror on the faces of others when they realized that the famous Captain Devilsbane was, in fact, a female.
"I believe the person you seek is me, ‘Prince of Merchants’, I am Captain Devilsbane," the twisted smile she gave him would have made any man collapse on his feet, this one almost did, almost, but for the cane that helped him stay upright, he took his eyes from hers for a second, and Kallistrade saw a shiver run through his façade of bravery.
"Then forgive me, Captain Devilsbane, I wasn't expecting..." He was speechless, as the man was obviously unsure how to react to the surprise of encountering a female.
"What, a female?" Kallistrade merely smiled sideways, greatly enjoying the man's discomfort. "Don't worry, I'm quite used to surprised reactions."
Undeterred, and appearing rather bored, she pushed past the man and made her way to the chair Maddox had set up for her. She dropped into it, let out a sigh and turned to face the human again.
"I would, however, like to know who I'm talking to, sir..."
"I'm sorry, Captain, but I'd prefer to keep my identity a secret, I'm sure you'll understand why."
"Clever man, I must admit," she chuckled under her breath, and waved her hand for the man to sit back down, he complied at once. "Tell me, then, why on the seven seas would a sick old human risk entering the pirate compound, to speak to the High Pirate Lady, for I must let you know that if there is one thing I hate, is people wasting my time, and I was rather enjoying myself before your interruption came,” he gave a quick look to her blood-drenched clothes, and Kallistrade saw him gulp hard and take a shaky breath before speaking again.
"I assure you, High Pirate, that what I come to say is of the utmost importance, I would not have travelled so far and wide and risked so much if I did not have my good reasons."
Kallistrade listened carefully to what the man had to say, and, as she had been expecting from the very beginning, it all had to do with the war, the one her family was now fighting against Hybern. Of course, Kallistrade had known that something was quite familiar about the man.
"So you've come here to... what, exactly? Ask for our help in this war?" She, aware of where this conversation was going, pretended not to know what the human was talking about, and no one else made a sound or movement to demonstrate the contrary.
"Yes, I am here to ask, and if I must, beg for your help, I know of no fleet more powerful than yours, many fear to even speak your name aloud, you have humans in your crew, I saw them upon my arrival, so maybe, just maybe, you can care for our kind. What the King of Hybern wants is to enslave us all again, so I ask you, in the name of the humans, to stop that from happening."
Kallistrade waited a moment, pretending to be analyzing the man's words in detail.
"And why do you care?"
"I beg your pardon, Captain?"
"Why do you care? Don't try to believe me so foolish, I know there's more to you than your solidarity with your own kind. You must forgive my sincerity, but you don’t look the type of brave warrior-driven man that would fight till death for the freedom of his people. Then why do you care so much, that you would come here at the risk of your life?”
She waited patiently for the now sweaty man to reveal what he held, leaning a little forward in her chair, her elbows resting on her knees. After all, she was too curious if he would tell the truth she already knew.
"Do you have family, Captain?" The man asked, she leaned back again on the chair and took a deep breath.
"Right now you’re in their presence," true, but also not so much.
"I have one too, and I have failed them countless times, too many to count, my daughters they... they are in Prythian now, doing more for our lands than I had ever done for them."
Kallistrade straightened her back, lifting her chin to look the man up and down, her unperturbed gaze and mischievous grin were nowhere to be found now; the very face of a High Pirate Lady instead.
"Yes, you have," the man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at her words. "You have failed them, I mean," Kallistrade rose from her seat, and the man's face paled as she walked towards him, he rose too, and the room was as silent as it had ever been. "You're a lot more idiotic than I thought if you think I'd let anyone into my city and live if I didn't know who they were. I have lived more years than you can count, and as you have well said, I am the High Pirate Lady, the oceans are mine, and as such, I know every soul that sails their tides. So, Mr. Archeron, if I were you, I would be very grateful that your daughters are better people than you could ever imagine to be, and that I have grown to like them, especially as one of them is my brother's mate. Because if not..." The smile she gave him made it very clear what that scenario would have been like, and from the look in the human’s eyes, he felt terrified just thinking about it. "I wasn't entirely honest with you before when I said that what I hated most was being left to waste my time, because what I hate most, are ambitious but useless men like you, who lament their lives and only look to save their necks when convenient. At least I'm glad that your cowardice has finally brought some good to your family. So rest assured, Mr. Archeron, because your daughters are part of my family now, and, unlike you, I take care of my family. We’ll sail before sundown, and we’ll meet you in our way with whatever fleet you’ve gathered. Now get out of my sight before I start to forget why I have to keep you alive.”
Not a second had passed since she dismissed him when two pirates moved to the man's side to lead him out of the room with none too much kindness.
Kallistrade stared at the door until everyone had cleared the room, everyone but Maddox, Zena and Elijah, she didn’t look at them when she spoke, still her gaze was fixed on the door where everyone had walked out.
“Is everything ready?”
“Yes, they’re all waiting for you, Captain,” Zena responded with a vehement voice.
Kallistrade took a big breath, the beating of her heart thundering in her ears as the sword and dagger at her sides burn with the anticipation of a reunion on a battlefield that awaited them.
“Then let’s get going, there’s a party to attend to.”
𓆉。˚ ✧
A thousand pirates gathered around, Kallistrade stood in the center of the town square, staring down at every species of pirate that waited to hear what their High Pirate Lady had to say. Beside her, the other four Pirate Lords stood, Cyrus’ place had been quickly replaced by Kallistrade’s own choosing, another female, a half water nymph with dark blue hair who bared scars as if they were trophies, Captain of the Mermaid, and a trusted fried. Kallistrade had been waiting centuries to put Muriel in Cyrus’ place, and when the male gave her the perfect opportunity, she had wasted no time in making her Pirate Lady.
“All of you have been presented with a choice,” she began her speech with an easy voice. “The choice to stay, be safe, and protect our city. Or; the choice to come into battle, take vengeance for what Hybern did to us, and make crystal clear to everyone thinking of defying us again that we are pirates, and pirates do no wield their freedom and power.”
At her words, the crowd erupted in screams of approval, she smiled, wickedly and cruelly.
“Then grab your swords, my friends, and make them regret the day they thought they could kill a pirate, because us, pirates, never shall we die.”
Sailor after sailor began chanting their ancient motto in the ancient Fae langue in which they had been written. Making Kallistrade's skin crawl and her heart hammer with emotion to the rhythm of the ancient song that all their ancestors sang marching to legendary battles.
‘Never shall we die’
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carbonjen · 7 years
I'd like to see a continuation to the prostitute AU. A little look at their life after they settled down together ~ or whatever other ideas you have works too!
Hi! I know you already did a small expansion for the Prostitute AU but I was wondering if you would write even more. Maybe something where Dick gets recognized by a client from his old life and they try and blackmail him and Jason steps in to protect him. Something like that with a protective Jason would be great! Thanks so much!!!
Part One | Part Two
It had been easy for Dick to fall into his life with Jason to the point where sometimes he’d forget where he came from when he’d wake up with Jason’s arms around him. Of course there were still mornings where Dick didn’t want to open his eyes because he was afraid the whole thing with Jason was a dream. 
Dick knew that with what he used to be, people would find him. It was an inevitable fact that kept him up late at night, long after Jason and his brothers had fallen asleep. He dreaded the day someone would come to him, knowing what he’d done to provide for his family. He knew they wouldn’t care why Dick had done it, they’d only care that it was something to use against Jason. 
It happened one night at a Wayne Gala when Jason slipped away to get them drinks. Dick was making small talk when someone grabbed his elbow, pulling him aside. The face wasn’t familiar at first, but then it became lecherous and memories came pouring back. This hadn’t just been one of Dick’s clients, but it had been one of the ones that got off on seeing Dick in pain and shaming him. 
The man tucked a piece of paper with an address on it into Dick’s pocket and he whispered in Dick’s ear. 
“Three thousand and it will all go away.”
When Jason came back with the champagne, he immediately abandoned it when he saw how white Dick’s face had gone. 
“What happened?” Jason asked. 
Dick scanned the crowd for the man’s face but he was long gone, hidden among long dresses and similar suits. The noise in the room was only adding to Dick’s panic. 
“Someone knows,” Dick said as he looked in Jason’s eyes. Dick was long past the point of lying to Jason about something like this. Jason took Dick’s hands in his own and kissed Dick’s cheeks, lingering by his ear. 
“I’ll stop him,” Jason said. “I promise.”
It was still hard for Dick to sit in the apartment on the day when the deal was supposed to go down. Jason had promised everything would be taken care of, but Dick was still afraid, looking at his phone every five seconds and worrying at his lip with his teeth. 
Jason showed up a few hours later, hair ruffled and tie loose. When Dick approached him, cautious, but entire body tenser than a wire, Jason pulled him into his arms. 
“What happened?” Dick asked, closing his eyes as he buried his face in Jason’s collar, ignoring the way the tight, starched material of Jason’s suit rubbed at his skin. He took in the scent of Jason’s cologne and Jason kissed his hair. 
"We took care of it,” Jason whispered, rubbing Dick’s back. “He won’t be a problem anymore.”
Dick’s entire body relaxed and Jason had to hold him up while Dick cried, the relief burning through him and coming out in the form of tears. 
Jason didn’t go back to work that day and Bruce offered to watch Tim and Damian that night. Jason held Dick close for almost the entire night, kissing him and telling him how wonderful he was. 
Dick couldn’t stop fidgeting as they drove to the manor. He’d been there a thousand times before and it had become a second home for him, but he could feel an anxious buzz under his skin that wouldn’t let up. 
Bruce knew what he had done to care for his brothers, and after he’d found out, instead of sending Dick away and telling him to never touch Jason again, he’d pulled Dick into a hug. Dick still remembered how long it lasted, Bruce’s arms around him, Bruce whispering apologies to him for everything he’d gone through, and the sheen in Bruce’s eyes when he pulled away. After that, Bruce had treated him like a second son (or fourth considering how he’d taken Tim and Damian under his wing). 
He couldn’t help but feel like that might change as he looked down at his left hand, clasped with Jason’s over the center console as they drove to the manor. Jason had a pleasant smile on his face and Tim and Damian were in the backseat talking about how they were going to look for secret rooms in the manor again. 
Jason must have noticed his glance because he gave Dick’s hand a squeeze. The gold band on his ring finger glimmered a bit in the light. 
Dick squeezed back and smiled, but it fell as they drove up the long private road that brought them to the manor. It looked imposing the first time Dick had been there and now it looked imposing again as Jason stopped the car, Tim and Damian not even bothering to wait for them as they ran up to the front door. 
“Are you sure he won’t be mad we did this without him?” Dick asked as they made their way up to the front entrance. 
“I’m sure,” Jason told him. 
The two of them had gone on a cruise after a stressful few weeks at Wayne Enterprises for Jason. After being alone at home for a majority of the time that Jason was working, they’d both felt a little stir crazy and needed a break. Jason had chartered a yacht for them and they’d cruised the Mediterranean, hopping from country to country. 
They’d left Gotham weary and tired and they’d come back as husbands, warm tans and even warmer smiles on their faces. 
Tim and Damian had noticed immediately. They’d stolen Jason away and Dick had laughed as Jason told him the way the kids had threatened him if he ever hurt Dick. The two only decided to stay quiet about the whole thing because they were convinced Alfred or Bruce would kill them when they found out Dick and Jason eloped. 
Tim and Damian only stopped long enough to say hello to Alfred before they vanished into the manor. 
“You both look wonderful, Sirs,” Alfred said as he greeted them each with a hug. “It looks like the vacation treated you both very well.”
“It did,” Dick said as he looked at Jason, smile on his face. “It was exactly what we needed.” 
“Good,” Alfred said as he took their coats. “Master Bruce is in the den.”
Jason and Dick made their way to the den. If Dick stopped every few feet to take a few breaths, Jason didn’t say anything, he just waited and held Dick close when Dick leaned against him. 
They finally made it to the den, greeting Bruce and sitting down, telling him about their vacation. Bruce asked them what countries they visited and they talked about the sights and the food. It was all going well and then Bruce asked:
“So when did you two get married?”
Dick’s eyes went wide and Jason tensed next to him. Bruce looked at them expectantly. 
“The captain of our ship married us just outside Cannes,” Dick said. 
“And then we flew to Paris to celebrate,” Jason added. 
“We would have waited,” Dick said. “But after everything I didn’t want to wait or go through any of the planning. The sun was setting and it was so beautiful and perfect that we decided to get married right then and there.”
“We didn’t want to go through the stress of planning a wedding right after we got back from a vacation where we were trying to unwind,” Jason said. “But we’d be willing to have a small ceremony and reception if you want us to.”
“I’m happy for both of you,” Bruce said as he stood up. Jason and Dick followed, expecting Bruce to lead them out to the dining room, but Bruce pulled both of them into a tight hug. 
As it turned out, Alfred had gotten word from Tim and Damian that Jason and Dick had gotten married, so he made them a cake and the six of them had a quiet reception of their own in the manor that night. 
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