#soft is most essential attribute of all things
shirajellyfish · 4 months
Demon fabric
Minky is a demon fabric. It lures you in with promises greater than mortal joys (sooooo soft SO soft so soooft) and only later do the consequences of your unholy pact become clear.
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kaladinkholins · 3 months
i know I've mentioned my interpretation of mizu's gender a million times on here but i don't think i ever fully elaborated on it.
so on that note i just wanna ramble about that for a bit. basically, it's my reading of the show that mizu is nonbinary, so let me dig into that.
putting the rest under the cut because it ended being pretty long lol. also here have a cute mizu pic of her being happy and most at ease with herself, symbolised by her letting her hair down. <3 ok let's proceed.
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okay note that nonbinary is an umbrella term, and applies to a vast range of gender identities, but it's my personal preference to use it as is, simply because i'm not a fan of microlabels. more power to you if you are though, but anyway.
essentially when i refer to mizu as nonbinary it means that i interpret mizu as a woman, but not ONLY a woman. not strictly a woman. she is also a man. she is also neither of these things, she is something in between, while at the same time she is none of these at all. i've said as much many times, but i just don't want people to think that by nonbinary it inherently means a "third androgynous gender" that essentially turns the gender binary into a gender trinary. not only is that going against what the term nonbinary was crafted for (to go against rigid boxes and categorisation of gender identities), but also, not all nonbinary people fall under that category or definition, and that's definitely not the way i interpret mizu.
also, before anyone fights me on this, let me clarify further that gender means something different to everyone. it's not your biological sex or physical characteristics. but at the same time, gender is not mere presentation. you can be a trans woman and still present masculine—either because you're closeted and forced to, or because you just want to—and either way, that doesn't take away from your identity as a woman. same goes for trans men. if you're a trans man but you wear skirts and don't bind or don't get top surgery, that doesn't make you any less of a man. because gender non-conformity exists, and does not only apply to cis people! some lesbians are nonbinary and prefer using he/him pronouns while dressing masculinely, but that doesn't mean they're a man, or that they're any less of a lesbian. neither does this mean that they're a cis woman.
the thing about queer identities in general is that, like i said, they mean something different to everyone, because how you identify—regardless of your biological attributes and fashion or pronouns—is an extremely personal experience. so a nonbinary person and a gnc cis woman's experiences might have plenty of overlap, but what distinguishes between the two is up to the individual. there's no set requirements to distinguish you as one or the other, but it's up to you to decide what you identify as, based on what you feel. either way, by simply identifying yourself as anything under the LGBTQ+ umbrella, you are already communicating to the world that you are not what a conservative, cisheteronormative society wants you to be.
which is why i find all this queer infighting on labels to be so ridiculous. because we're all fighting the same fight; the common enemy is a societal structure that divides us into set roles and expectations purely based on our biological parts. that's why biological essentialism in the queer community is a fucking disease. because by arguing that women are inherently weak and fragile and soft and gentle and must be protected from evil ugly men, while men are inherently strong and angry and violent and exploitative of women, these people are advocating for the same fucked up system that marginalises and abuses women as well as effeminate and/or gay men.
anyway. i'm going on a tangent. this was meant to be a blue eye samurai post. so yeah back to that— the point i'm trying to make is that there's no one way to identify as anything, and everyone views gender in a specific way.
so with that being said, yes you can definitely interpret mizu as a gnc cis woman and that's a totally valid reading. however, interpreting her as nonbinary or transmasc also doesn't take away from her experiences with misogyny and female oppression, because nonbinary and transmasc folks also experience these things.
me, personally, i view her as nonbinary but not necessarily or always transmasc because i still believe femininity and womanhood is an inherent part of who mizu is. for example, from what we've seen, she does not like binding. it does not give her gender euphoria, but is instead very uncomfortable for her both physically and mentally, and represents her suppressing her true self. which is why when she "invites the whole" of herself, she stands completely bare in front of the fire, breasts unbound and hair untied. when she is on the ship heading to a new land in the ending scene, she is no longer hiding her neck and the lack of an adam's apple. we can thus infer that mizu does not have body dysmorphia. she is, in fact, comfortable in her body, and relies on it extremely, because her body is a weapon. instead, what mizu hates about herself is her face—her blue eyes. she hates herself for her hybridised identity, hates herself for being a racial Other. hates that she has no home in her homeland. these are not queer or feminist themes, but postcolonial ones.*
* and as a tiny aside on this subject, i really do wish more of the fandom discussion would talk about this more. it's just such an essential part to reading her character. like someone who's read homi k bhabha's location of culture and has watched this show, PLEASE talk to me so we can ramble all about how the show is all about home and alienation from community. please. okay anyway—
nevertheless, queer and feminist themes (which are not mutually exclusive by the way!) are still prevalent in her story, though they are not the main issue that she is struggling with. but she does struggle with it to some extent, and we see this especially during her marriage with mikio, where we see her struggle in women's domestic spaces.
on the other hand, though, she finds no trouble or discomfort in being a man or being around other men—even naked ones—and does not seem stifled by living as one, does not seem all that bothered or uncomfortable navigating through men's spaces. contrast this to something like disney's mulan (1998), where we do see mulan struggle in navigating through men's spaces, as she feels uncomfortable being around so many men, always feeling like she doesn't belong and that she's inherently different from them. mizu has no such experiences like this, as her very personality and approach to life is what can be categorised as typically "masculine". she is straightforward and blunt. her first meeting with mikio, she tells him straight to his face that he's old while frowning and raising a brow at him. she approaches problems with her muscles and fists (or swords), rather than with her words or mind. compare this with mulan, who, while well-trained by the end of the movie, still uses her sharp wits rather than brute strength. this is a typically "feminine" approach. it's also the approach akemi relies on throughout the show—through her intelligence and persuasive tongue, she navigates the brothel with ease. mizu, in contrast to someone like mulan and akemi, struggles with womanhood and femininity, and feels detached from it.
thus, in my opinion, mizu is not simply a man, nor is she simply a woman. she is both. man and woman. masculine and feminine. she has to accept both, rather than suppress one or the other. her name means water. fluid.
as a side note, while i do believe mizu is nonbinary, i also primarily use she/her pronouns but this is a personal preference. i find it's easier, plus it's what the creators use, and because, in general, being nonbinary simply doesn't necessitate the use of they/them pronouns. nonbinary is not just a third gender. it's about breaking the binary, in any which way, and that's exactly what mizu does.
also, i'd also like to mention that one of show's head of story even referred to her with the term "nonbinary", rather than simply "androgynous" (see pic below). and it's possible this could be a slip up on his part, in which he believes the terms are interchangeable (they're not btw), but regardless i find it a very interesting word choice, and one that supports my stance.
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so anyway yeah that's my incredibly long rambling post.
TL;DR nonbinary mizu rights 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 congrats if you reached the end of this btw. also ily. unless you're a TERF in which case fuck off. ok i'm done.
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gryffindorkus · 4 months
alright strap in I've got another scorpius & draco malfoy centered scorbus fic concept:
scorpius malfoy, the squib
draco malfoy, the widowed hogwarts professor
astoria dies when scorpius is around 5 years old, leaving draco completely broken since she's the one person who's ever been able to reach into his chest and touch his heart, so he's completely lost without her
eventually draco leaves his job at the ministry so he can move to hogwarts with his young son and take up a teaching position
which he's... surprisingly good at?? (shocking everyone even himself)
in a way he's able to relive the school days that he didn't really get to have for himself through his students. he wants them to be the best versions of themselves that they can, so he's hard on them (especially any trouble making gryffindors) but the kids really do love him
scorpius, meanwhile, gets raised at hogwarts
the castle essentially becomes the place he lives at, but the place he'll never actually belong
because he's a squib
everyone has always known he was a squib
and why would a squib belong in a school for witches and wizards?
that doesn't stop him though, he's always had an overwhelming positive attitude (draco attributes it to astoria)
scorpius knows pretty much every secret of the castle. he's friends with all the ghosts. has spent hours interviewing all of the paintings. he knows all the secret rooms, passage ways, and hide outs. he even regularly stops by to visit Hagrid (who's still the grounds keeper but, in his old age, needs a little bit of help getting everything done)
when scorpius turns 11 draco is amazed at how unphased his son is by not recieving his hogwarts letter. not that that thought he was GOING TO, draco just thought that the reality of the situation might finally hit his son
but it doesn't. at least not outwardly
since scorpius doesn't let himself cry before going to bed on august 31st (even though he wants to)
so there's a new flood of students, except this time they're scorpius's age (and he's never really been around kids his age, they've always been older)
he meets albus potter
he's heard stories of him, of course he has, he's the son of pretty much the most famous wizard that ever lived!
but the thing is... albus isn't what scorpius expected
he's nothing like his loud older brother, james, who scorpius tends to avoid as much as he can
he's quiet and soft and scared (especially when he gets sorted into slytherin, which no one really saw coming). but he also has a way of being funny, brilliantly funny, in a timid albus potter sort of way.
albus is the black sheep of his family
so what is scorpius supposed to do besides instantly become his best friend?
yeah i'm gonna write it.
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onecornerface · 5 months
YouTuber Tom Nicholas misrepresented Steven Pinker's statements on academic writing
Tom Nicholas’s YouTube video “Why is Academic Writing so Boring?” is wildly wrong and misleading in how it portrays Steven Pinker. Nicholas falsely accuses Pinker of making arguments that he very clearly does not make, and ignores almost everything Pinker actually says.
Several years ago, I read Pinker’s book The Sense of Style—a pretty great book about how to improve writing, especially academic writing. When I saw Nicholas’s video, which only focuses on Pinker’s much shorter essay “Why Academics Stink at Writing,” I noticed the view he attributes to Pinker bears little resemblance to the view Pinker develops in the book. But I wondered if maybe Pinker’s essay was indeed a lot dumber than the book, since authors often do a very bad job of compressing their ideas into short formats. So I read the essay—and found Nicholas’s portrayal was not a remotely reasonable interpretation.
For one thing, Nicholas speaks as if Pinker is opposed to academic jargon, which is not true. Pinker thinks some jargon is essential and useful, and that some jargon is gratuitous. Some version of this position is blatantly correct. Nicholas spends a LOT of his video defending the very idea of academic jargon—a view Pinker already agrees with! Nicholas and Pinker may well turn out to disagree on the specifics of what kinds of jargon are justified, but Nicholas can’t explore this idea since he’s misrepresenting Pinker as being opposed to all jargon.
In fact, Pinker mostly focuses on issues other than jargon—and Nicholas completely ignores all of this, despite its obvious relevance to the video topic.
On two occasions in the video, Nicholas presents a quote from Pinker (from page 1) out of context—making it sound as if Pinker is saying academics in the “softer sciences” generally write badly on purpose, “to hide the fact that they have nothing to say.” But the truth is, Pinker doesn’t express this theory himself. He says it is the most popular theory among non-academics! Then in the very next paragraph, he says: “Though no doubt the bamboozlement theory applies to some academics some of the time, in my experience it does not ring true. I know many scholars who have nothing to hide and no need to impress. They do groundbreaking work on important subjects, reason well about clear ideas, and are honest, down-to-earth people. Still, their writing stinks.” This is never mentioned in the video.
Nicholas very briefly mentions that Pinker gives several reasons why most academic writing is bad, but he gives the impression that the bamboozlement theory is an argument Pinker himself is putting forward. Nicholas completely omits the fact that Pinker says the theory “does not ring true.” And Nicholas completely leaves out any mention of the reasons that Pinker spends the entire rest of the essay discussing. Pinker rejects the notion that most bad academic writing is intentionally obscure. Instead, he gives a nuanced and charitable analysis appealing to several factors, many of them fairly innocent. A large portion of his analysis is the “curse of knowledge”—roughly, the tendency for an expert on X to fail to grasp what it’s like to not know much about X, and thus to fail to write in a manner that is comprehensible to someone who doesn’t already know the same stuff.
There is a popular notion that academic writing is generally bad on purpose, and that it is generally bad due to jargon. Some parts of Nicholas’s video are a half-decent rebuttal to this view. But he depicts Steven Pinker as the avatar of this view—a view Pinker explicitly rejects.
Nicholas occasionally mentions that he agrees a lot of academic writing is bad, but he never clarifies how. Meanwhile, Pinker has actually written a lot on diagnosing the problems and giving advice on how to improve it.
Nicholas speaks as if Pinker singles out the “soft” sciences (twice misrepresenting Pinker’s quote, as I mentioned). Pinker does later claim that the humanities have some distinctive writing problems (which may or may not be true, and may be worth exploring at length-- but Nicholas doesn’t even cite this part), but in the essay under discussion he simply does not dwell long on this. Pinker criticizes the writing style of “hard” science research studies numerous times. He also says some writing problems are especially severe in linguistics, his own field.
Finally, Nicholas essentially accuses Pinker of opposing jargon out of a desire to defend status quo capitalism and make it harder to engage in high-level critique of status quo capitalism. Pinker is a capitalist, and some of his political views are probably bad. The only Pinker book I’ve read is The Sense of Style, which barely discusses politics (except in the section where Pinker defends the singular ‘they’), so I can’t comment on that. All I know is that Nicholas blatantly and severely misrepresents the Pinker essay in the video, and none of Pinker’s political positions will change this fact or make it okay.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
As of now I've been in the US for close to six months. When I first came here I was determined to not be judgemental. Whatever social media says you can't generalise any country. And I was right! I've met some amazing people here. I've met some really bad ones too. Shout-out to that white lady who called me a devil worshipper for saying I was not Christian like it was the Witch Trails era or that man in the grocery store who called me ch**k. However these are the outliers of my personal experience. But I've to say even after all that the things I found truly incomprehensible about the US is the little things. Why aren't the prices and other tax details printed on the back of the product? Why is your bread so fucking nasty? Why are the cashiers always standing? Why are the baby care things locked up in some supermarkets? Why does the state not do your taxes for you? Why is customer service so pushy and why do they all have to act cheerful?
And most of all, why do the vast majority of Americans I've met think vegetarian food doesn't taste good?
Yeah the US is a large and varied place.
As for some of your questions? I can answer them from my personal point of view which will, more than likely, leave out some nuance and deep-diving detail about the political and economical state of the country. Plus things can obviously change depending on where you live.
Why aren't the prices and other tax details printed on the back of the product? Prices and Sales taxes aren't printed on products because there's no set federal sales tax. So not only will a product's price vary depending on the store you shop in but the sales tax will be different depending on the state you're shopping in.
Why is your bread so fucking nasty? Because it's sweeter. They often add sugar to packaged bread to keep it fresh and soft so it's sweeter than bread outside of the US.
Why are the cashiers always standing? Depending on who you ask they'll say our cashiers stand because they bag items. But it's also this toxic work culture that's a huge part of the US where things like sitting while working is meant for people with "good jobs" like office workers. A cashier sitting in the US would/could be called "lazy" and companies would rather maintain a certain image than provide things for their workers to make their lives and jobs easier.
Why are the baby care things locked up in some supermarkets? To prevent shoplifting. Companies would rather lock things up to prevent them from losing what's essentially pocket change for them than work on lowering prices.
Why does the state not do your taxes for you? Stupidity and the US in general has a complicated tax system.
Why is customer service so pushy and why do they all have to act cheerful? The cheerfulness is normally because the employer makes it clear they have to present a positive face to customers. And there's also the fact that you're dealing with the public and a lot of people will take offense if they think you're not eager to serve them. Handling a customer quickly and getting them off the line so you can move onto another customer is often the goal. Customer service workers are generally meant to protect the company not the customer.
And most of all, why do the vast majority of Americans I've met think vegetarian food doesn't taste good? In my area a lot of that can be attributed to true vegetarian food tending to be either unavailable or overpriced. Cost of fruits and vegetables are high, there are a lot of places where fresh food not only isn't affordable it's just not available. And there are a lot of people who say vegetarian food is bad because they were turned off by the often overcooked, under-seasoned, and bland vegetable dishes a lot of them got as kids and teenagers both in and out of school.
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euniexenoblade · 2 months
Hatsuka Suzushiro
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She is my de facto favorite simply because she is a femboy that can be read as a trans girl. I discovered Call of the Night when reading a bunch of vampire yuri, which was triggered by me reading Shuzo Oshimi's Happiness, where I read the vampire's as a trans allegory (and knowing Oshimi, they probably actually were trans allegories). Since reading Happiness I've just sorta seen vampires as trans, even when the media doesn't necessarily fit that interpretation, and going into Call of the Night to learn they just straight up had a character like this I was just like. God that's so genber.
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I also just really love her character design. Hatsuka's normal outfit is dumb as hell but when she gets scenes that focus on her she's just really fun imo. She has this really soft approach to things with Ko, she feels very subdued and wanting to relax, while she also treats all her minions like she's some kind of fucked up dom.
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Sadly, she doesn't get a ton of time in the manga, and her past is never explored like the main characters, but that might honestly work to her advantage, less time to potentially become offensive and all that.
Nazuna Nanakusa
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Obvi the main characters of a manga are going to have the most characterization. I kinda view Nazuna and Ko as opposite sides of the same autism coin. Ko struggles with socializing, where as Nazuna is a bit more of a natural at it, but both of them have a lot of the same attributes of sorrow and boredom and not really understanding love or emotions. I relate to Nazuna a lot more than Ko simply because I was a fucking party girl, and socializing is actually pretty easy for me. She's just fairly unique, she's cool yet dorky, intelligent yet an idiot. For a series that is relatively cartoony, she feels like a real person even in her cartoon-ness.
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She also just has the most ridiculously appealing character design. That fucking hair, those eyes, she has an incredibly recognizable face. You can't mistake her for someone else. She wears that oversized jacket like a fucking cape, that's so genber.......
Also, as the manga goes on and it explores her history and her concerns and her issues with boredom (and ultimately depression) she just becomes a very interesting character. Learning that she essentially had a lesbian lover is shocking, but honestly so lovely. She becomes such a complicated and sad character that you just want to see her win at the end.
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Midori Kohakobe
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She's got this weird otaku vibe, which is sorta a trope in anime these days, "weird otaku girl that's also cute and popular" and I, like the sucker I am, eat that shit up. Also, she works at a maid cafe and you know I love maids. Her whole spiel about "everyone's weird, you just have to learn to love your brand of weirdness" is such a lovely thing - hence why it's literally at the top of my intro post. Her character design is basically me, I WEAR SHORT SKIRTS AND TIGHTS AND I LIKE MAID OUTFITS YEAHHHHHH. Also, did I mention she likes to dress up as a maid? That's so genber......
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Lira Echigo
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Lira hasn't appeared in the anime yet, and of the girls listed she has the least screen time, but she's so genber fun. She's this really tall girl who wears the cutest clothes in existence and she essentially forces Ko into dating her. I don't really have a lot to say about her, she's just a really fun character who kinda gets shafted by lack of screen time.
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And, of course, Ko.
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He's just the other side of that autism coin. I relate to his restlessness, I too am an insomniac who had issues in school because of said insomnia. I like him because he's just such a good kid doing what he can to have fun and to make his life make sense. I like it when he gets to be really really smart, like in the 86th or 87th chapter (I forget what it is) when he figures out Kyouko's plans. I also love it when it shows that he is just a kid. When he upsets Nazuna and he's trying to find her and he just sorta cries into his little walky talky watch about "I've never really had a fight before" while trying not to lose his friendship with her. idk it hits me in the heart.
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He's just a great character imo. He feels real. He's sorta a more realistic anchor to the series, a good character to accompany Nazuna's silly shit. And, the fact he becomes a sorta bad ass when he SPOILERS becomes a half vampire. He's jut such an interesting fucker.
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
I’m not much of a cook, but I am an aficionado of food *gadgets.* What are some unique or semi-unique devices to each culture for their own cultural cuisines?
Optional: those Dwemer had so many devices, has anyone found anything confirmed to be for food prep?
What's a kitchen without a few doodads with very specific uses? While nobody is quite as advanced as the Dwemer (some scholars dispute the discovery of a soul gem-powered contraption that could be a head massager or an egg beater), here are a few kitchen gadgets that might make your cooking experience a little easier. Warning: magicka not included.
From fish knives to snail forks, there is no end to the High Elf cutlery drawer. Of course, the one utensil nobody asked for yet we somehow got anyway is the kelp spiraler. Semi-dried sheets of kelp are inserted, and noodly kelp bits come out the other end. These noodle alternatives are nice enough, but kind of chewy and very specific to a small number of Altmeri dishes. Very niche.
Coconut graters are essentially large boards with nails on them. It's that simple, but therefore a little dangerous, so watch out for your fingers! Grated coconut meat is used in all sorts of Argonian cooking, and is also pressed to make coconut milk.
Milk frothers are a very specific tool that the Bosmer love using to froth their milk and cream for drinks and soups. They are generally in the form of enchanted rods that simultaneously heat and bubble the milk, which is much easier than the old fashioned technique of blowing a straw into a heated cup of milk while whisking.
There's something delightful in the simplicity of a cheese wire cutter, a tool popular among High Rock's delis, cheesemongers, and particularly cheese-enamoured homes. It's the perfect slicer for any type of cheese, both soft and hard.
Tea filter pots are definitely a Dunmer thing, and are used for distilling tea and tisanes while cooling them down to the perfect temperature for drinking or icing. Simply pop your tea into the upper chamber, add hot water, and wait for it to trickle down into the bottom pot.
Speaking of cheese slicers, the Imperials have one of the most important kitchen tools in my opinion. The humble cheese planer is a handheld tool that slices firm cheeses into precise, thin slices. Made of metal, these slicers are mandatory when slicing off any block of cheese respectfully.
There's a rolling pin for every occasion in Elsweyr. Whether it's for imprinting dough with beautiful patterns or rolling it thin and perforated for crispbread, you can bet there's a specialised rolling pin out there for every baking need.
Everyone has heard of Chef Donolon's legendary enchanted mixing bowl, created in 2E. The famous Nord pastry chef attributed his legendary bakes to his magical bowl, and while it is possible to follow his recipes, they just don't have the oomph reported by patrons of the time. I refuse to discuss the success of a heist concerning said enchanted mixing bowl, and attribute my particularly excellent baking to time and skill.
There's nothing quite like a mortar and pestle to smoosh, crush, and blend! Generally made from solid granite, the favoured Orcish kitchen tool is useful, versatile, and a must in every kitchen. From herbs and leaves to meat for patties, the humble mortar and pestle is the quintessential Orcish kitchen tool.
Coffee kettles are a necessary part of Hammerfell life, and are said to have Dwemer origins. These ingenious little kettles prepare the perfect amount of coffee, of a high quality, every time. Simply fill one chamber with coffee grounds and the other with water, leave on the fire for a couple of minutes, and when it starts to whistle you have coffee! The resulting brew is always rich and flavourful, and never burnt or watery.
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just-antithings · 1 year
Is it just me or can a lot of the transphobia tied to omegaverse instead be attributed to cis authors who rely on trans- and homophobic stereotypes of trans people to write their fanfic?
Especially since tropes are ever evolving. I don't know about you but I don't think it has to be a requirement to make omegas especially sweet and loving and caring and "uwu soft bean, most protecc, can do no harm ever <3333", or to make alphas inherently aggressive and territorial and protective. That kind of projected radfem-brand of gender essentialism is, I think, only really baked in there because people keep insisting it is and that it'll never change when... it could change. It could Very Easily Change, if people were willing to change it.
Not to mention, as a trans person, I feel like omegaverse can provide a LOT of opportunity to explore gender (especially if you go into the realm of having characters be trans not just in terms of primary sex, but also (and potentially in addition to) in terms of secondary sex) and how it interacts with who you are and who you want to be.
While yes, there can definitely be a lot of transphobia embedded if it's not written with care, so can pretty much everything. I feel like the trope itself isn't necessarily as transphobic as people tend to act like it is, but rather it's the authors writing with an unintentionally transphobic bias a lot of the time. Of course, there are some popular elements that are used that do lean on transphobia and gender essentialism, but... those elements don't have to be used.
I dunno, maybe there's something I'm not thinking of, I'm just tired of people acting like omegaverse is uniquely evil and transphobic where other tropes can't be (for... some reason that's never specified as to why other tropes can't be as bad as they claim omegaverse is?) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tl;dr, I feel like people are making omegaverse out to be more transphobic of a trope than it actually is, when a lot of that supposed transphobia can be attributed to cis authors relying on trans- and homophobic stereotypes along with widespread radfem-brand gender essentialism within fandom, and that while some popular elements of omegaverse can be transphobic, those popular elements don't have to be essential to omegaverse and can pretty easily be done away in my eyes.
Yea its kinda wack. I definitely feel like omegaverse gets a lot of extra bullshit The other porn tropes just don't get?
I am trans but am also a weird type of tyranny faggot trans. Ya know?? I am extremely attracted to omegaverse because the omega male/alpha female body type is my ideal. I mean, I'm salmacian picking a side just isn't for me. I am capital T trans. I have no desire to look or be cis of either gender. The only thing I wanna pass as is a freak. I was a dick small tits and a pussy it's a weird set up and I only see rep I get to see myself in is omegaverse.
Basically, what I'm getting at is that there is no perfect representation. Some people find omegaverse transphobic, but as a trans person myself, it's the only time I get representation. It's not a one type fits all sorta thing. No rep is.
Sometimes, you just gotta ignore folks and do what ya want. Write what you want and read what you want. You never know what will grab someone and speak to them. People who want to take issue will make them regardless.
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paperstorm · 1 year
I think Carlos is sensitive bc that's who he is and we see how he struggles with believing his dad thinks him too soft. I don't know if the show itself is crediting the women in his life for that. But I do think him having sisters also makes sense bc it shows how that would have influenced the pressure he felt to be a man. Probably feeling like his father is so disappointed that his only son is not only so sensitive but also gay. As far as implicating them in his pain, they would've grown up in the same environment he did so it makes sense they'd have learned the same things he did. It just happens that Carlos went against what they were taught. Knowing Carlos, it's also possible that he actually cut himself off from them over the years
I don't think the show is crediting the women in his life for it, but I do see fandom people doing that a lot. It happens with TK too, all of his positive traits are attributed to Gwyn. And like of course our positive traits often come from our mothers, that's true for most people because for most people, our mother is the single human who's had the most influence on us. It just feels like it veers into the realm of gender essentialism when it's treated as if a man couldn't have positive traits without the influence of a woman, and because most fandoms are dominated by women, I see that kind of thinking as a trend.
And yeah that's a good point, he could have felt increased pressure to be who he thought his father wanted him to be because he was the only boy. I hope we get more information on them. Because we can theorize all we want about how they might have reacted to him coming out but it's all fanon until it's actually stated in the show, so for the time being, we have to just guess. My personal wish is that they'd kept him an only child. But it's not like ruining anything for me. It's just different than how I would have written it.
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faerune · 1 year
emily do you have any thoughts or ideas you could share about your wow ocs 🥺🙏 all of their pinterest boards are gorgeous!!
SOPHIIIIE my beloved
so like the Main Crew who is responsible for like most of what is attributed to the player characters. they all start as a group of adventurers in TBC, with fiona and vaelin sent by the kirin tor most notably to find what happened to khadgar and for vaelin also kael'thas cause what's he doin out there....
Ahma: draenei protection paladin. the unofficial leader of the gang. she was born on draenor and her parents died during the siege of karabor. ahma and her sister were unofficially adopted/taken under the wing of the prophet velen. she eventually trained as a paladin after finding she did not have the gentle touch or patience for priesthood.
Fiona: human frost mage. was born to poor farmers in hillsbrad foothills. once her magic manifested, her mother basically sold her to the kirin tor of dalaran. she has mommy issues and regularly sends her wages back to her family it's all very sad but she's a bitch on the outside so no one knows wow revolutionary character. (but i love her sm) constantly serving cunt
Vaelin: blood elf fire mage. born to an elven prostitute who died when he was young, he lived a few years as an urchin and an orphan until the kirin tor found he had a talent for magic essentially saving him. he's a dickhead, he and fiona butt heads, they fall in love, have a baby, we love to see it. also he might be a sunstrider bastard? possibly? we don't know.
Durin: dwarf beastmastery hunter. veteran of the first, second, and third wars. he was part of a guild of adventurers who were responsible for everything in Classic. during the re-opening of AQ, the group was slaughtered by C'Thun including his wife: sereda. durin was one of the few who survived and the only one who was not driven insane by such close proximity to an old god. this was simply because of dumb luck as he was knocked out early in the fight. he's grumpy and does Not have the patience to deal with all these young adventurers but really he's just scared to bond with them and lose them. also he has a griffon who he loves SO MUCH (who i haven't named yet).
Trixie: gnome subtlety rogue. born to two extraordinary famous gnomish inventors, she set out on her own because her parents were very....overbearing considering she's their only child and the whole lost of gnomeragan thing. kleptomaniac. likes to blow things up. besties with durin.
during cataclysm, the last two members of the party join round everything out.
Lanayla: night elf resto druid. the sweetest pea. born to two druids and grew up in darkshore as her parents had left after the druid order back then did not accept women. her mother sadly died when she was super young and her father trained her as a druid and it was pretty much just them out in their little cottage <3 they were super close, one of my few OCs with a good dad lmaooo. she seeks out help for darkshore during the cataclysm and is met with wellllllll everywhere needs help by the other night elves. BUT the worgen who had been saved and given refuge by the night elves volunteered to help.
Warwick (first name James but he never goes by that): worgen rogue/warrior (haven't decided yet oops). one of the worgens who first volunteers to help lanayla! he's more soft spoken and thoughtful which bless him gets drowned out with all the strong voices i talked about above. he was the bastard son of greymane's sister and was raised alongside HIS children when his mother died. greymane is like a father to him and when liam dies and tess abdicates it falls to him to become heir. he and lanayla fall in love and eventually head back to gilneas after shadowlands to rebuild <3
there's a bunch of other characters who are allies/associated with this group along with a group similar of horde characters but i cannae get into that this is already long and obnoxious
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shop-norae12 · 4 months
Flaunt Your Masculine Features With Gym Muscle Shirts
Hello Gym Freaks!!
The potential of muscle-fit shirts to highlight and display a man's physique has contributed to their current surge in popularity. The form-fitting cut of these shirts draws attention to the wearer's upper body and arm muscles. 
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They provide an alluring silhouette that draws attention to the wearer's finest attributes. Imagine you're working out in a muscle shirt for men that molds to your every curve, drawing attention to your toned muscles and athletic physique. 
Like a well-tailored suit, it accentuates your body and exudes an air of self-assurance and strength. Gym muscle shirts are like a sculptor's meticulously carved work; they use fabric panels and seams to accentuate the contour of the chest, shoulders, and arms, giving them an attractive and flattering appearance.
First Experience With Gym Muscle Shirts
Men or boys always made it a point to exercise regularly and keep their bodies in good shape. They wanted gym muscle shirts that would serve their needs while also allowing them to move freely and comfortably. 
A muscle-fit t-shirt may feel the most comfortable because of the way the seams and panels of fabric draw attention to the arms and chest. Without being constricting or uncomfortable, it compliments your figure like a second skin.
To sum up, muscle t-shirts for mens have multiple uses beyond mere fashion. Athletic figures offer a snug and attractive fit thanks to their scientific engineering. These t-shirts are the perfect length, have a contoured cut, and are comfy around the neck.
They draw attention to your defined muscles. Muscle-fit gym shirts are perfect for anyone who loves a well-tailored shirt and a confident silhouette; they look great whether you're working out or just hanging out.
Get Athletic Vibes With Your Gym Muscle T-shirts 
Clothing in the gym muscle shirts style is cut to hug the body closely, drawing attention to the wearer's biceps and triceps. These shirts are expertly tailored with seams and fabric panels that draw attention to the wearer's shoulders, arms, and chest for a more attractive appearance.
Muscle shirts, in essence, let the wearer's physique shine through while still allowing for air circulation, comfort, and freedom of movement. It does the same thing that a sculpture artist does: it draws attention to the most prominent features by emphasizing the body's natural curves and shapes.
As someone who does strength training and weightlifting on a regular basis, I can attest to the fact that a real muscle shirt for men is an asset. These shirts will make a difference in your exercises; they make you look better and give you more energy. 
They are perfect for workouts because of their form-fitting cut and elastic fabric, which give you the necessary support and comfort. If you're looking for a way to show off your figure, a muscle shirt is a great choice.
Standard Components of Gym Muscle Shirts
Choosing the right material for your muscle shirt is essential for its comfort and functionality. Since these shirts are meant to draw attention to the wearer's figure, they need to be made of materials that are durable, breathable, and flexible. Muscle shirts often employ a combination of cotton and spandex or elastane. 
For a snug fit without compromising comfort, this combination combines elastane's stretch and elasticity with cotton's inherent softness and breathability. You will be really impressed by the cotton-spandex muscle shirt by Shop Norae because it clings to your body in the best possible way while still letting you move freely in the gym. 
Polyester is another common fabric for men's muscle shirts. Perfect for hot situations and strenuous activities, polyester wicks away sweat well. The fabric's evaporation properties keep the wearer dry and comfortable, shielding them from any potential annoyance or pain. To top it all off, muscle shirts crafted from polyester are famed for their resilience against wear and tear.
Having a polyester muscle shirt by your side on your fitness journey is like having a trustworthy exercise buddy who never lets you down and keeps you inspired and cool. Finally, a wide range of fabrics are used to make muscle shirts, ensuring a pleasant and practical fit. 
If you want your muscle shirt to last through your toughest workouts without sacrificing style, buy muscle shirts online from Shop Norae in a durable fabric like polyester or a cotton-spandex combination. When you choose the correct material for your workout apparel, you may enhance comfort, breathability, and mobility.
The next time you're looking to buy a muscle shirt, give some thought to the materials used to discover the ideal combination that will improve your workout and your body.
Different Muscle Shirt Designs
Muscle shirts come in a variety of styles and variations, giving people plenty of alternatives for those who want to show off their muscles. Our gym muscle shirts designers set out to make sure that they would draw attention to the wearer's greatest attributes.
When shopping for a muscle shirt, there are a number of details to think about, like the length, cut, and style. Muscle shirts are cut to fit closely without being too constrictive, following the natural contours of the body.
They provide a flattering silhouette by drawing attention to the wearer's biceps and arms. Your bust, shoulders, and arms must stand out because of the seams and panels of the cloth of your gym muscle shirts. 
These shirts highlight the physique of an athletic, toned individual in the same way that a sculptor would highlight the form of a block of stone. The chest, shoulders, and arms—the parts of the body that bulk up the most—are generously sized in muscle shirts.
Specifically, the scientifically created fit of the muscle-fit shirt gives an attractive appearance while also enhancing the body. Finally, those who want to look their best can choose a wide variety of muscle shirts to suit their taste.
Wearing one of the creatively designed graphic muscle shirts for men will bring out your best features while also allowing you to move freely and comfortably. Muscle shirts provide an attractive and self-assured appearance by drawing attention to the body's muscular definition, whether worn for exercise or casually.
Final Words 
To sum up, muscle shirts are a go-to for men who want to flaunt their muscles and look good doing it. Comfort, breathability, and ease of movement are features of these shirts, which are designed to fit tightly and highlight the muscles in the torso and arms.
Gym muscle shirts are great for anyone who wants to flaunt their figure, whether they're naturally muscular or not. The style and fit are perfect for anyone. Keep in mind that, similar to how a well-tailored suit highlights the inherent beauty of its subject, a muscle shirt is like a personalized work of art that enhances your look.
Original Source: https://shopnorae.com/blogs/fashion/flaunt-your-masculine-features-with-gym-muscle-shirts 
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The Scoop on Poop: Understanding Healthy and Not-So-Healthy Stools
At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we believe that understanding your body and its functions is crucial for maintaining good health. In this informative guide, we will take a deep dive into the world of feces, discussing what's considered healthy and what's not. From the causes of smelly stools to the potential effects of magnesium and more, we're here to shed light on all things related to poop.
Introduction While it may not be a popular topic of discussion, the quality of your bowel movements can provide insights into your overall health. This guide aims to demystify the world of poop, discussing what constitutes healthy stool and what various characteristics, like odor and color, can indicate about your well-being.
What's Healthy Poop? Healthy poop comes in various forms, but there are some common characteristics to look for:
Color: Healthy stool is typically medium to dark brown, a result of bile production in the liver. Consistency: It should be soft, smooth, and easy to pass, without excessive straining. Shape: The ideal shape is typically log-like or slightly curved. Frequency: Normal bowel movements can vary from person to person, but regularity is essential for digestive health.
Common Causes of Smelly Stools Foul-smelling stools can be a common occurrence due to various factors, including:
Diet: Certain foods, like sulfur-rich vegetables or spicy dishes, can lead to malodorous stools. Bacterial Overgrowth: An imbalance in gut bacteria can cause odorous feces. Digestive Disorders: Conditions like celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can lead to unpleasant smells.
Can Magnesium Make You Poop? Magnesium is known for its laxative effect and can indeed make you poop. It is sometimes used as a natural remedy for constipation. However, excessive magnesium intake can lead to diarrhea and smelly stools.
Why Does Human Poop Smell So Bad? The unpleasant odor of human poop can be attributed to the presence of sulfur-containing compounds, particularly hydrogen sulfide gas. Bacteria in the gut break down food and release these compounds, resulting in a distinctive smell.
Fatty Poop: Causes and Implications Fatty or oily stools, known as steatorrhea, can indicate malabsorption issues. This condition may be caused by:
Pancreatic Insufficiency: A lack of pancreatic enzymes can hinder fat digestion. Celiac Disease: Gluten intolerance can lead to fatty stools due to intestinal damage.
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When to Worry: Green Poop and Ulcerative Colitis While green poop can sometimes result from dietary choices (like consuming leafy greens or food dyes), it can also be a sign of underlying health issues. In particular, green stool may indicate ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease. If you notice persistent green stool, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.
FAQs About Poop
What is considered normal bowel movement frequency? Normal bowel movement frequency can range from three times a day to three times a week. What's most important is having regular and consistent bowel habits.
Are there foods that can help with smelly stools? Yes, foods like probiotics, yogurt, and fiber-rich options can promote healthier gut flora and potentially reduce foul-smelling stools.
How can I alleviate constipation without causing diarrhea? Increasing fiber intake, staying hydrated, and regular physical activity can help prevent constipation. Magnesium supplements can be considered but should be used under professional guidance to avoid diarrhea.
Can medications cause changes in stool odor? Yes, certain medications, such as antibiotics or laxatives, can impact the composition of gut bacteria, potentially leading to changes in stool odor.
When should I consult a healthcare professional about stool changes? You should seek medical advice if you experience persistent changes in stool color, consistency, or odor, as these can be indicative of underlying health conditions.
Conclusion Understanding your stool can be a valuable tool in monitoring your health. While smelly stools can often be attributed to dietary factors, it's crucial to pay attention to any persistent changes or unusual characteristics. If you have concerns or questions about your bowel movements, Access Health Care Physicians, LLC encourages you to consult a healthcare professional. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are here to provide you with the guidance you need for a healthy and informed life.
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impossiblemakerfire · 7 months
What's The Best Sleeping Position For Snoring
I. Introduction
A. Start with a relatable anecdote: This article is about what's the best sleeping position for snoring, Picture this: It's a serene, moonlit night, and you've just nestled into your comfortable bed, ready to embrace the sweet embrace of sleep. The world outside is hushed, and you close your eyes, hoping for a night of restful slumber. But as you drift into the realm of dreams, there it is – the unmistakable, sonorous symphony of snoring. We've all been there – lying awake at night, unable to escape the incessant sound of snoring from our partner or ourselves. It's a maddening experience, one that can turn a peaceful night into a frustrating ordeal. But fear not, for there's a solution hidden in the way we sleep. B. Highlight the significance of the topic and its impact on sleep quality:  In the grand tapestry of human existence, few things are as universally cherished as a good night's sleep. Sleep rejuvenates our bodies, refreshes our minds, and prepares us to face the challenges of a new day. Yet, for many, this sanctuary of slumber is besieged by the disruptive cacophony of snoring. Snoring isn't merely a minor annoyance; it's a serious impediment to quality sleep, both for the snorer and their bedmate. The consequences of persistent snoring can be far-reaching, leading to sleep deprivation, daytime fatigue, and even strained relationships. This article delves deep into the world of snoring and explores a fundamental question: What is the best sleeping position to silence the snoring dragon and restore the tranquility of your nightly rest? Learn easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep-apnea the very first night
II. Understanding the Snoring Phenomenon
A. Defining snoring: "Before we delve into the best sleeping positions, let's first understand why snoring occurs."  Snoring, that nocturnal symphony of sound, is a common sleep phenomenon characterized by the vibration of soft tissues in the throat and the production of noise during sleep. It's often caused by the turbulent airflow as we breathe in and out. As air passes through the relaxed tissues at the back of the throat, it can cause them to vibrate, resulting in the familiar snoring sound that can range from a gentle purr to a full-fledged freight train. B. Factors contributing to snoring.  1. Anatomy and airway blockages:     Snoring can be attributed to the unique anatomical features of an individual's throat and mouth. For some, a naturally narrow throat or elongated uvula may increase the likelihood of snoring. Additionally, excess fatty tissue in the neck area can constrict the airway, leading to more significant vibrations and louder snores.  2. Lifestyle factors:     Beyond anatomy, various lifestyle factors can contribute to snoring. These encompass habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and even the use of sedatives or muscle relaxants, which can relax the muscles in the throat excessively, intensifying snoring. Obesity is also a prominent factor, as it can lead to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the throat, further narrowing the airway. C. Emphasize the importance of addressing snoring for better sleep.  The impact of snoring on sleep quality cannot be overstated. Not only does it disrupt the snorer's sleep patterns, leading to fragmented and often inadequate rest, but it also affects the sleep of those who share a bedroom or even a household. The consequences of chronic snoring extend beyond the nighttime hours, spilling into the daylight hours as well. Daytime fatigue, reduced alertness, and decreased cognitive function are common side effects of poor sleep due to snoring.  Additionally, snoring can strain relationships as sleep-deprived partners may become irritable, leading to misunderstandings and emotional stress. As we explore the best sleeping positions to mitigate snoring,what's the best sleeping position for snoring, it's essential to keep in mind that addressing this issue isn't just about quieter nights; it's about promoting overall well-being and healthier, more harmonious lives for all involved.
 III. The Role of Sleeping Positions
A. Introduce the concept: "Your sleeping position can play a pivotal role in either exacerbating or alleviating snoring."  It may come as a surprise, but the way you position your body during sleep has a significant impact on whether or not you'll be serenading the night with snores. Your sleeping position, that unconscious choice you make each night, can either be your ally or your adversary in the battle against snoring. Understanding how different positions affect snoring is the key to unlocking the path to quieter, more restful nights. B. Overview of the primary sleeping positions.  1. Back sleeping:     Back sleeping, often referred to as the "supine" position, is one of the most common sleeping postures. In this position, you lie flat on your back, with your arms resting at your sides or crossed over your chest. It's a position associated with both serene sleeping and, unfortunately, robust snoring for many individuals.  2. Side sleeping:     Side sleeping involves resting on your side, either the left or right, with your arms comfortably positioned. This position is often praised for its potential to reduce snoring, making it a popular choice among those seeking a quieter night's sleep.  3. Stomach sleeping:     Stomach sleeping, or "prone" position, entails lying face down with your head turned to one side. While it's less common than back or side sleeping, it's favored by some individuals. However, its impact on snoring can vary depending on several factors. C. Discuss how each position affects snoring.  - **Back sleeping:**     When you sleep on your back, gravity can cause the base of your tongue and soft palate to collapse to the back of your throat. This can partially obstruct your airway, leading to increased vibrations of the throat tissues and snoring. Back sleeping is often linked to a higher likelihood of snoring, especially among individuals with anatomical predispositions to airway narrowing.  - **Side sleeping:**     Side sleeping is often recommended as a snoring-reducing position. By sleeping on your side, you're less likely to experience airway blockages and tissue vibrations. The open airway and improved airflow can help alleviate snoring, making it a favorable choice for many snorers seeking relief.  - **Stomach sleeping:**     Stomach sleeping can be a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to snoring. While it may reduce the likelihood of the base of the tongue and soft palate collapsing to the back of the throat, it can also strain the neck and spine, potentially causing discomfort and, in some cases, exacerbating snoring.
IV. The Pros and Cons of Each Sleeping Position
A. Back Sleeping  1. "The Pros of Back Sleeping for Snoring."     While back sleeping is often associated with snoring, it does have some advantages when it comes to mitigating this nighttime disturbance:     - **Open Airways:** Sleeping on your back helps maintain a more open airway since your head and neck are in a neutral position. This can be beneficial if your snoring is primarily caused by obstructions in the throat.     - **Reduced Sleep Apnea Risk:** For individuals with sleep apnea, a condition characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, back sleeping may sometimes be recommended as it can reduce the severity of the condition in certain cases.  2. "The Cons of Back Sleeping for Snoring."     However, back sleeping also has its drawbacks, especially for those prone to snoring:     - **Increased Snoring Intensity:** Back sleeping can lead to the collapse of the soft palate and tongue to the back of the throat, causing louder and more frequent snores.     - **Risk for Sleep Apnea:** While it can reduce sleep apnea severity for some, for others, back sleeping may actually exacerbate the condition, making it important to consult with a healthcare provider. Learn easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep-apnea the very first night
IV. The Pros and Cons of Each Sleeping Position
A. Back Sleeping vbnet  1. "The Pros of Back Sleeping for Snoring."     While back sleeping is often associated with snoring, it does have some advantages when it comes to mitigating this nighttime disturbance:     - **Open Airways:** Sleeping on your back helps maintain a more open airway since your head and neck are in a neutral position. This can be beneficial if your snoring is primarily caused by obstructions in the throat.     - **Reduced Sleep Apnea Risk:** For individuals with sleep apnea, a condition characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, back sleeping may sometimes be recommended as it can reduce the severity of the condition in certain cases.  2. "The Cons of Back Sleeping for Snoring."     However, back sleeping also has its drawbacks, especially for those prone to snoring:     - **Increased Snoring Intensity:** Back sleeping can lead to the collapse of the soft palate and tongue to the back of the throat, causing louder and more frequent snores.     - **Risk for Sleep Apnea:** While it can reduce sleep apnea severity for some, for others, back sleeping may actually exacerbate the condition, making it important to consult with a healthcare provider. B. Side Sleeping  1. "The Pros of Side Sleeping for Snoring."     Side sleeping is often recommended as a snoring-reducing position, and here's why:     - **Open Airway:** Sleeping on your side keeps the airway naturally open, reducing the likelihood of airway obstruction and vibrations in the throat.     - **Less Intense Snoring:** Side sleeping tends to result in quieter snores, which can provide relief to both the snorer and their sleep partner.     - **Preventive Measure:** For those prone to snoring, especially if it's positional, side sleeping can be an effective preventive measure.  2. "The Cons of Side Sleeping for Snoring."     However, side sleeping may not be without its challenges:     - **Initial Discomfort:** If you're not accustomed to side sleeping, it may take some time to adjust, and you might experience initial discomfort.     - **Increased Wrinkles:** For some, side sleeping can lead to facial wrinkles over time due to the repeated pressure on one side of the face. C. Stomach Sleeping  1. "The Pros of Stomach Sleeping for Snoring."     Stomach sleeping has its proponents, and it can be advantageous for some snorers:     - **Reduced Tongue and Palate Obstruction:** When sleeping on your stomach, the base of the tongue and soft palate are less likely to collapse to the back of the throat, potentially reducing snoring.     - **Comfort:** Some individuals find stomach sleeping to be the most comfortable position, which can promote better sleep quality.  2. "The Cons of Stomach Sleeping for Snoring."     However, stomach sleeping also has its drawbacks, especially if not done correctly:     - **Neck and Spine Strain:** Sleeping with your face down can strain your neck and spine, leading to discomfort or even pain.     - **Pressure on Organs:** Sleeping on your stomach can put pressure on internal organs and may not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions. Understanding the pros and cons of each sleeping position is crucial for tailoring your sleep habits to your specific needs and preferences. In the following sections, we will explore tips and techniques to help you make the most of your chosen sleeping position and achieve a quieter night's sleep.
V. The Best Sleeping Position for Snoring
A. Present evidence-based findings.  To determine the best sleeping position for snoring, it's essential to rely on evidence-based research and clinical studies. Numerous studies have investigated the effects of different sleeping positions on snoring and sleep quality. Here are some key findings:  - **Side Sleeping:** Research consistently suggests that sleeping on your side is the most effective position for reducing snoring. It helps keep the airway open and minimizes the collapse of soft tissues in the throat, leading to quieter nights.   - **Back Sleeping:** Sleeping on your back tends to increase the likelihood and intensity of snoring due to the relaxation of throat muscles and tongue. For individuals with positional snoring, simply changing to a side-sleeping position can lead to significant improvements.  - **Stomach Sleeping:** While stomach sleeping can reduce snoring for some individuals, it's not universally recommended. The potential strain on the neck and spine may outweigh the benefits, and it's essential to consider individual comfort and health. B. "The Ultimate Verdict: Which Sleeping Position is Best for Snoring?"  Based on the available evidence and expert opinions, the ultimate verdict on the best sleeping position for snoring leans toward side sleeping. It consistently proves to be the most effective position for reducing or eliminating snoring due to its ability to keep the airway open and prevent the collapse of soft tissues in the throat.  However, it's important to remember that not all snorers are the same. Snoring can have various causes, including anatomical factors, lifestyle habits, and sleep disorders like sleep apnea. Therefore, while side sleeping is generally recommended, individual preferences and circumstances should be taken into account. C. Consider individual preferences and adjustments.  While evidence supports side sleeping as the optimal position for snoring, it's crucial to acknowledge that personal comfort plays a significant role in achieving a good night's sleep. Here are some considerations and adjustments:  - **Gradual Transition:** If you're used to sleeping on your back and want to transition to side sleeping, do so gradually. Start by propping a pillow behind your back to discourage rolling onto your back during the night.  - **Pillow Support:** Use pillows to support your head and neck in a comfortable position when sleeping on your side. A well-designed pillow can help maintain proper spinal alignment and reduce the risk of strain or discomfort.  - **Experiment and Adapt:** Remember that sleep positions can vary throughout the night. If side sleeping isn't immediately comfortable, try different variations of side sleeping, such as the fetal position or the log position, to see what works best for you.  - **Consult a Healthcare Provider:** If snoring persists despite changing your sleep position, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider. Snoring can sometimes be a sign of underlying medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, that require professional evaluation and treatment.  In conclusion, while side sleeping stands out as the most recommended position for reducing snoring, individual comfort and circumstances should be taken into account. The best sleeping position ultimately depends on your unique needs and preferences, so feel free to experiment and adapt until you find the position that provides you with the quiet, restorative sleep you deserve.
VI. Tips for Achieving the Ideal Sleeping Position
A. "Making the Transition: How to Change Your Sleeping Position."  Transitioning to a new sleeping position can be challenging, especially if you've been accustomed to a particular posture for years. Here are some practical tips to help you make the switch:  1. **Gradual Adjustment:** Don't expect to change your sleeping position overnight. Gradually work on transitioning by starting in your desired position, but use pillows or wedges to prop yourself in place if necessary. Over time, your body will adjust.  2. **Body Pillow:** Invest in a body pillow, which is a long, supportive pillow that can be hugged or placed between your legs. Body pillows can provide the comfort and support needed to maintain side-sleeping positions.  3. **Sleeping Aids:** Consider using sleep training devices that gently vibrate or provide feedback when you shift into an undesirable sleeping position. These can help train your body to stay in a more snore-friendly position. B. Tools and aids to assist with sleeping position adjustments.  There are various tools and aids available to assist in maintaining the ideal sleeping position for reducing snoring:  1. **Anti-Snoring Pillows:** Specialized anti-snoring pillows are designed to support your head and neck in a way that encourages side sleeping. They can help keep your airway open and reduce snoring.  2. **Wedges and Positional Aids:** Foam wedges or positional aids can be placed under your mattress or fitted to your body to keep you in a particular sleeping position. These aids can be effective in preventing you from rolling onto your back.  3. **Smartphone Apps:** Some smartphone apps are designed to monitor your sleep position and provide feedback to encourage side sleeping. They can be useful for raising awareness and promoting habit changes. C. The role of pillows and mattresses in reducing snoring.  The choice of pillows and mattresses can significantly impact your snoring and sleep quality:  1. **Pillows:** Opt for pillows that provide proper head and neck support. Memory foam or contour pillows can help maintain a healthy sleeping posture. If you're a back sleeper, choose a thinner pillow to minimize the risk of head tilting backward and obstructing the airway.  2. **Mattresses:** The right mattress can play a pivotal role in snoring reduction. Medium-firm mattresses often provide the best balance of support and comfort for most people. Adjustable beds that allow you to raise the head of your mattress slightly can also help open the airway and reduce snoring.  3. **Regular Maintenance:** Replace pillows and mattresses regularly to ensure they continue to provide the necessary support. Over time, pillows can lose their shape, and mattresses can deteriorate, leading to poor sleep posture and increased snoring. In summary, achieving the ideal sleeping position for snoring reduction involves a combination of gradual adjustment, the use of supportive tools and aids, and selecting the right pillows and mattresses. Read the full article
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shiftgolf · 9 months
The Secret to Lag in the Golf Swing
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It’s why Rory McIlroy hits 330 yard bombs off the tee.
It’s what gives Ernie Els’s swing that signature look of “effortless power.”
And it’s why the great Jack Nicklaus, throughout his entire career, was able to hit high, beautiful, pure iron shots that landed softly and stopped on a dime.
In fact, every single week we’re able to watch the best players in the world play golf, and when we watch them, they make creating speed and distance look effortless.
Question is…how do they do it? What’s their secret?
For many amatuer golfers, power, accuracy, and consistency are elusive. They simply don’t understand how the pros are able to create speed and a smooth, rhythmic swing with such ease.
The answer is simple. Lag.
Creating lag during the golf swing allows the player to store energy and release this force right at impact. What lag also does is makes releasing the club head easier, as well as consistent contact become a mindless action.
What is Lag Anyways?
To put it simply, lag is the angle between your arm and club shaft during your downswing. The smaller the angle between those two things, the more lag you have created.
Now why is this so important? Lag is essential to creating effortless speed at the bottom of your swing.
No more will you have to rotate and swing out of your shoes.
Once you learn how to create lag, you’ll be able to stay balanced over the ball, and create consistent contact on a much more frequent basis.
How to Create Lag (The “One Two” Punch)
Creating lag can be boiled down to two things: storing energy and releasing energy.
Most amatuer golfers think about so many things throughout their swing, which makes it easy to become stiff and tense over the golf ball. Once this happens, it’s hard to create any speed let alone flexibility.
Loosening your grip, and relieving the tension from your arms, will make it incredibly easy for you to lead with your hands and leave the club head behind, creating lag.
Before our amazing training aid, a great way to get this feeling would be with a golf towel. As you swing a golf towel, you’re able to feel the end of it stay behind you, which in turn creates a whip-like effect at the bottom of the swing.
Now with the Lag Shot, you’re able to make full golf swings while experiencing the same feels. And best of all, you’re able to actually hit golf balls with it.
The Key Move to Copy if You Want to Create Perfect Lag
One of the best examples of lag, is looking at the swing of Sergio Garcia.
For years, Sergio has been one the the premium ball-strikers on the planet, and that can be attributed to the amount of lag he creates during his down swing. What he does that’s so important, is starting his downswing with a slight movement of his lower body.
More importantly, his hips.
His hips bump forward, creating a change of direction that influences his arms to drop.
This combination of moves leaves the club head behind his hands, creating lag.
The most important thing Sergio does extremely well, is keeping his left arm connected to his body during the initial part of his downswing, another valuable benefit of using, and hitting balls with Lag Shot.
The Secret to Lag is In the Wrists!
During your golf swing, you can do everything right. Start with your hips, drop the arms, and release at the bottom.
But if you don’t do one key aspect correctly, none of these things will matter.
That key aspect is removing all tension from your wrists. You still need to keep grip pressure on the club, but allowing your wrists to move freely during the entire swing is what’s going to allow you to store energy.
A great way to engrave this feeling into your mind, is making half swings. Bring the club to just about parallel to the ground, then with soft wrists, bring your hands to the ball and make half shots.
This will give you the feeling of tha
Want the PGA Endorsed Training Aid that’s Guaranteed to Create Lag for You, in as Little as 12 Swings?
Lag Shot is a brand new training aid that is being praised by some of the leading PGA instructors (as well as countless amateur golfers) across the globe as a true game-changer.
It practically forces you to “load the club” perfectly, generate tremendous lag automatically, and make confident swings with ideal tempo and rhythm.
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2023: Interested in working as a data scientist?
2023: Interested in working as a data scientist? Here are the essential details.
2023: Interested in working as a data scientist? If so, you are not by yourself. However, the approximately 106,000 data scientists in the U.S. and those wishing to enter the industry — where the average wage is $100,274 per year — may be wondering what the following year will bring due to the quickly changing economic conditions and recent large layoffs at businesses like Meta. Which abilities will be in greatest demand? What actually happens throughout a data scientist's regular day? What are the most prominent market trends?
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The numerous routes experts choose to enter the field and the specialized skills they acquire along the way can sometimes make data science appear more complicated than it actually is. For instance, 20% of students who intend to pursue a career in data science cite the lack of clarity regarding the experience that is truly necessary as one of the largest entry-level entrance obstacles in Anaconda's 2022 State of Data Science study. Additionally, individuals who are already employed in the sector claim that their duties range widely, from system administration to actual data science or engineering, cloud engineering, research, and even instruction.
3 significant false beliefs regarding data scientists
Liu has noticed three main misconceptions about the field in her work and from her podcast talks:
1. Everyone regards you as a math prodigy.
According to Liu, people believe you need to know a lot of arithmetic or have a doctorate. But in reality, she said, you don't have to calculate everything because of programs like Python or various data science packages. Despite this, "I think everyone can learn the foundation, and you definitely need to comprehend it."
Liu continued, "I don't think I'm a math genius," Throughout reality, she admitted, "I battled a lot in my undergrad degree." Overall, no one is "cut out" to be a data scientist, she continued. I've failed, I don't think I was "cut out" to be a data scientist, she stated. "Everyone has struggled and is still trying to make sense of things. We're all still attempting to look for solutions on Google or Stack Overflow.
2. Data science is similar to magic.
People sometimes claim that what we do is somehow magical, but in truth, Liu said, "We often just spend time with the data." You want to start with something simple and build on top of data so you can understand how your solutions function, which some people refer to as "being one with the data."
And sometimes the greatest way to perform data science, she continued, is to make things straightforward and uncomplicated. "Sometimes the straightforward solution works better," she remarked. "I'd rather recruit someone with solid fundamentals than someone who always talks about those advanced skills but doesn't actually understand what they entail."
3. The only method of communication is through intense technical problem-solving.
Liu emphasized that data science is more than just technical expertise. Soft talents like empathy and understanding are frequently important.
In addition to analyzing the data thoroughly and developing models, we also consult with the company's product managers, according to Liu. Because your data science or insights will eventually change people's behavior or business elements, you need to develop empathy for your stakeholders. People need to be informed, and you must explain things.
What kind of jobs in data science can we expect in 2023?
The future of the data science profession is questionable due to concerns about an impending recession and additional layoffs. However, Liu asserts that certain essential technical abilities and character attributes will endure difficult times.
These include an emphasis on generating ROI to resolve business issues, the capacity to communicate model results to stakeholders, and the importance of empathizing with end users while resolving issues.
Even for machine learning, Liu stated, "You need to think like a business owner." "You may have a lot of really technical abilities and an understanding of the models, but you also need to just think because you want to solve a business problem," the speaker said.
She has already seen a rise in the amount of diversity in the sector, both in terms of gender and color.
Although Anaconda's research indicates that in 2022, the data science profession will still be 76% male, 23% female, and 2% non-binary, Liu is certain that this will change despite the statistics.
Don't wait until you see more people who resemble you to take action, she advised. Maybe there aren't many individuals that resemble you, but perhaps it serves as more of an incentive for you to become one and serve as a model so that others can see you and be inspired.
The most important piece of counsel from Liu had absolutely nothing to do with data science: "Find a balance between finding value for the business and also having a fulfilled, balanced life for yourself."
The tech sector is undergoing a major shift, and layoffs are occurring at an alarming rate. As of mid-November, over 45,000 employees in the American tech sector had been let go from major companies like Netflix and Twitter, according to Layoffs. FYI. A cycle of aggressive expansions, corporate excess, and wild talent wars to acquire the best and brightest is discussed in a New York Times story. Some of the reasons given for the continued layoffs include a rapidly growing headcount, fast expansion over profits, and getting caught in a tech bubble.
Sadly, the constant stream of layoff news coincides with the global economic unrest brought on by a pandemic. a generation has lived through a number of them.
But how can companies, particularly in the tech industry, get ready for such unsure times and smaller workforces? Are there investments or upgrades that businesses may make with the development of technology to withstand the impending storm of uncertainty?
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What type of light do you want in your living-room?
Standing lamps can be used for both task lighting as well as ambient lights, so determining which is the top priority will aid you to pick the best floor lamp to opt for. If you desire your lamp beside a sofa or armchair to give analysis light, then the bottom of the shade need to go to around eye degree when resting meaning that the top of the lamp will typically be about 60 inches high when determined from the floor. Choosing the ideal colour is additionally crucial. A semi-translucent shade is optimal for softer ambient light, while if you wish to highlight a wall or ceiling function after that opt for a nontransparent shade, as these are much better for ornamental accent lights.
How will the floor lamp work with the decoration and also design of your living-room? Floor lamp bases can be found in brass, timber, marble and also a range of colours, while tones can be anything from understated bed linens to brilliantly coloured patterns on silk, so there is lots of extent for matching your lamp to your living room's design, period and also design. Nevertheless, you can likewise use floor lamps to include character and also brand-new components to your living room. Why not integrate a standing lamp with a small elbow chair and side table to produce a cosy analysis space?
Floor lamps are additionally a terrific means to transform 'negative rooms' into positive style attributes. Those 'nothing' areas like an empty bay window or the gap between your sofa and wall can be lit, including depth and also character and bringing the room to life. Pick a semi-translucent colour to provide a soft, diffuse light as well as produce a warming glow. Another fast suggestion: when deciding where to position the floor lamp, take care not to block the line of sight between seats. A remarkable lamp is a fine point, yet you do not want visitors to need to crane their necks making chit-chat around it.
Are you layering light with multiple lamps? In a living-room, layering light with multiple lamps is far better than relying on a solitary overhead source. Having numerous lamps of different sizes means you can use different mixes for various moods as well as scenarios. So if you are buying a floor lamp in addition to table lamps, desk lights and also wall surface lights, there's great deals of fun to be had in creating a lighting family. They do not all have to match, mind: craftily mismatched shades and also styles can add a lot of individuality to a space. You can mix and also match shades and also bases to produce your own one-of-a-kind design, as well as while our lamps might look expensive, they're developed to be budget friendly in addition to unique.
So there are a few of the essential points to think about when choosing a floor lamp for a living-room. But actually, one of the most important thing is to select a design and also result that you enjoy. Take a leisurely look through our series of floor lamps here. Visit more at https://www.modernfloorlamps.org.uk
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