#solas abaeir
magspy · 4 months
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alienturnipp · 1 year
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Another commission for the wonderful @magspy, this time I got to refine the design of Solas 🕶️💜 He was absolutely a joy to work on, thank you again!
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dingoat · 11 months
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Solas Abaeir (and Lady!) for Art Fight user magspy!
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stormdrawsstuff · 11 months
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Solas Abaeir for Magspy on Artfight
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magspy · 7 months
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Three years of dnd character themed Halloween art
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magspy · 1 month
It's this doodle
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magspy · 8 months
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Very quick sketch for OC-tober day 5: relationships
The one between Solas and his familiar is certainly an odd one
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magspy · 8 months
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OC-tober day 7: personality
Putting up a life-sized dragon skeleton in your study is not for the faint-hearted
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magspy · 8 months
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Small sketch for the 1st day of OC-tober
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magspy · 7 months
hiii i love your art :3 and i especially love this one OC of yours, the one with white hair, the glasses and they have something to do with someone called Lady? can you tell a bit about them if you'd like? :"3
I'm always happy to talk about my OCs! Thank you so much for asking and for the kind words <3
The one you're talking about is one of my former DnD characters: Solas Abaeir
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(Have some unpublished art of him where I tried to design enamel pins)
He's a wizard and Lady is the ermine that's often sitting on his shoulder and his familiar.
Solas grew up in the Underdark, where his parents owned a Luurden orchard (expensive fruit from the Underdark) and a business that sold wine made from the fruit. The expectation was for Solas to take over the business, but all he ever wanted was to become an adventurer like the heroes he had read about in his many books. Sadly, he grew up a little sickly and his magic is a little unreliable as well, mainly lending itself to illusions instead of anything corporeal.
He inherited his familiar, Lady, from his mother when she died when he was still little. He's been learning magic mainly by being brought random pages of his mother's old spellbook by Lady, but has never figured out where she kept getting them from.
In the campaign:
Before I started using him as a player character, he was actually the "villain" in a one-shot I DM'd where he tricked the party into investigating a fake haunted house he had built. He wanted to offer others the opportunity he didn't have (getting to experience an adventure), but became a little too proud of his work and wanted to see if he could trick an actual group of adventurers into thinking it was real.
That backfired spectacularly of course and they were pretty angry with him, with one of the players actually arranging for his kidnapping to teach him a lesson. This resulted in him spending a few months working as a servant/bartender at the hideout of the criminal organization that kidnapped him, with their wizard having erased his memories of having magic himself.
He has since repented, regained most of his magical prowess, and has become a part of the group of adventurers he tricked, slowly learning that being an adventurer isn't really like what he read about in his novels.
He's a little nerd and not great with people, besides when it comes to transactions. It has gotten a little bit better since he's made it to the surface, but most of his knowledge of the surface and its inhabitants comes from heavily romanticized novels and that does make things confusing for him at times.
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magspy · 8 months
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Day 15 of OC-tober: Meme
Lady can't always save him from making poor choices
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magspy · 8 months
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OC‐tober day 17: closed eyes
Lady's snoot is killing me
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magspy · 6 months
hihi hello! For the wholesome OC ask thing (if you're still doing it of course) perhaps a number 9 for sweet boy Solas?
Of, course! Anytime😁
Solas is still new to living above ground, so flowers are new and wonderful and amazing! The same goes for having people that would actually gift them to him, so I could see him getting a little misty eyed over it. He'd probably try to find some way to preserve them. Either by magic or just drying them <3
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alienturnipp · 2 years
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Painted portrait commission for @magspy of the bestest boi their mischievous drow wizard, Solas Abaeir 🕶 📖 I don't get to do painted commissions a lot, so this was a treasured opportunity 💜
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