leopardcoffee · 4 months
I've Got The Bull By The Horns 1/5
Captain Solok/Captain!Reader
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🫧Warnings: Xenophobic themes, harsh language, ANGST
🫧Notes: Reader is femme aligned, most referred to the in 2nd person, this is an AO3 reupload!
There was absolutely no doubt in your mind that Captain Solok was the person you hated most in life. Everything he did, everything he said, made you want to just tear your hair out. He was so infuriating, so pompous, so utterly full of himself that some days you simply refused to believe he was Vulcan at all. You knew full well that your opinion was not exclusive, many DS9 personnel despised him, though perhaps only Captain Sisko’s hatred measured up to your own. Upon finding out that once again, Solok would be docking the T’kumbra here for repairs, you slammed your hand down on your station.
“What’s the matter Commander?” Major Kira came up behind you and placed her hand tenderly on your shoulder. She was always so thoughtful in that way.
“Solok is the matter, I can’t stand him. I’d rather die than have to see his smug face ever again.” You said through gritted teeth. Something about him just ignited such uncontrollable rage inside of you. You knew why, but you’d be damned before you’d ever admit it.
“Don’t say that, there’s no way he’s that bad.” Kira mused.
“Oh but he is, he is that bad. He’s the most arrogant, privileged, obnoxious person I've ever had the misfortune to meet. I’d be perfectly happy to hear he’d fallen off the face of Vulcan, never to be seen again.”
“Why? I know why Benjamin has such a problem with him, but why do you?”
You let out a long sigh. “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time. Tell you what, we’ll have a girl’s night and you can tell me all about it. Besides, don’t you want to hear about who I’m seeing?” Kira whispered playfully in your ear, she always knew what to say to get you to agree. The prospect of relaxing with Kira after your shift sounded nice anyway, even if you would have to talk about Solok at some point. Rest had been escaping you lately.
“Count me in. I’ll meet you at Quark’s after our shifts.”
“I’ll be waiting.” She smiled, bid you a good rest of your day, and headed off to continue with her duties.
As soon as she was out of sight, you let your shoulders slump. Sighing, you rubbed a hand across your forehead. You really didn’t want to talk about Solok with her, or with anyone. But if it had to happen, better to confide in Kira than anyone else. You knew that you probably should have gone to a counselor after what had happened with him, but the prospect of working your feelings away had won out over your better judgment. Nonetheless, you had already agreed to it, there was no backing out now.
Nervously, you made your way down the promenade to Quark’s. You picked at the edges of your uniform cuffs, a bad habit from the academy you’d never been able to kick. You knew Kira would be waiting for you, but stalling sounded wonderful.
“Y/N! There you are, what took you so long?”
Kira bounded over and greeted you with a hug. She was a new person now that she’d moved on from Shakar, it warmed your heart to see her so happy. A small part of you resented her for it, you wish you’d turned out that way, but Solok had made you bitter. It bothered you, this wasn’t who you wanted to be. Some days you didn’t even recognize yourself or who you’d become. The experience had turned you sour, made you resentful and vengeful, always fighting the urge to let your temper rip on some unsuspecting soul. Only Kira seemed to be able to stand you these days, and only because she was so relentlessly optimistic.
“Got caught up with something.” You mumbled, looking down at your shoes. It wasn’t entirely a lie, you were reading Solok’s pre-docking briefing. He’d be here at 0700 tomorrow, and would stay for over a week. A whole week with Solok stalking around in your peripherals sounded like the most miserable experience possible.
“Alright, tell me what’s wrong. Solok’s arrival has been bothering you all day, don’t think Julian and Miles didn’t notice and let me know.” Kira led you to a quiet table in the back by your elbow, two raktajino’s already waiting. Seeing that Kira had ordered yours the way you liked it- hot, double sweet, extra cream- made you feel more relaxed. Settling in to your quiet little corner and taking a sip of your drink, you smiled into your cup as it warmed your insides.
“So, what’s going on?” Kira prompted, never one to stall.
“It’s just, Solok and I…it’s complicated. During our early days as lieutenants, we served together on the Hermes, we were very close. I don’t really remember when it started, but at some point we became…involved with each other. It lasted for a while, and we were going strong until he got promoted. Once he did, he went for it and never looked back. I didn’t know he’d been transferred until I asked the computer where he was, he’d never even bothered to tell me. Low and behold, I did some digging to find out where he’d gone and found he was a Vulcan supremacist and had been hiding it from me. I wasted so much time fooling around with him and he never cared for me at all. He’s nothing but a no-good, two-faced, xenophobic liar! I loved him and he never gave a damn about me. He broke my heart, that’s why I can’t stand him. That’s why I don’t want him around, that’s why I'd love to go back to my quarters and just curl up and die.”
The look on Kira’s face had not been what you were expecting. Some surprise you had anticipated, but complete and utter shock had not been a prediction.
“Oh, wow. That’s…not at all what I was expecting. Solok and you were together?”
Sighing heavily, you classed your hands tight on the table to maintain an outward look of composure. Even thinking about Solok made you sick to your stomach. It hurt to explain yourself because deep down underneath all the anger and hurt, you still loved him. It was no use lying to yourself and trying to pretend like he didn’t consume your every waking thought and wasn’t the object of all your desires. Just the idea that he had been using you for your body made you want to shrink in on yourself and never utter another sound for as long as you lived.
“It’s not something I'm proud of. All he ever did was take advantage of my feelings for his own personal gain. Having him here for the week is going to make me lose my grip on my life again, I can’t let that happen. It was nothing short of a miracle that I was on Bajor the last time he was here, maybe I can convince Sisko to let me take the week off.”
“But running away from him won't solve anything!” Kira protested. “Clearly this hurts you more than you’re willing to admit. I think the two of you need to have a talk, lay everything out on the table so you can truly be at peace. I mean, how long have you had this cloud hanging over you?”
Putting your head in your hands, you sighed again. Kira was right, serenity escaped you because you lived every day with this open wound. It would be hard to talk to him, but it would be well worth the strife in the end. Peeking out from between your laced fingers, you noticed that at some point it had gotten late. Most of the patrons had left for their quarters and Quark was tidying up to close for the evening. You were on alpha shift tomorrow, staying up any later would make Solok’s arrival that much harder.
“I’ll do it. I can’t keep living like this, I need to let him go.”
Kira’s arm ran comfortingly up and down your own. “That’s the spirit.” She smiled warmly before pushing out her chair. “We’d best get to bed, you need the rest more than anyone tonight.”
Nodding, you copied her motions and went to return your mugs to Quark before following Kira out onto the promenade. The two of you walked in comfortable silence until you reached the habitat ring and had to part ways. She enveloped you in a long hug.
“Sleep well, ok? I’ll be there with you tomorrow, everything's going to be ok.”
“Thank you.” You murmured into her shoulder. “Good night.”
Kira bid you pleasant dreams and went on her way, leaving you to walk the short distance to your quarters. Upon returning, the moment the door closed behind you, you collapsed onto your bed. There was no energy left in you to change into nightclothes or sort yourself out, you just needed to sleep. Deactivating the lights. You curled up under your blankets and drifted off, willing tomorrow to never come.
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schn-tgai-scripted · 2 years
As a treat, because I've been sitting on it for long enough lol
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M Multi
Fandom: Star Trek
Relationships: Captain Solok (Star Trek)/Reader Vorik (Star Trek)/Reader
Characters: Captain Solok (Star Trek) Vorik (Star Trek)
Additional Tags: Birthday Spanking, Webcam/Video Chat Sex, Rough Body Play, Emotional Manipulation, Vulcan Bond
Birthday Spankings-S7S P.S.1
Summary: Also known as 'Im Gonna Write Ten Post-story Sex Scenes Because Solok and Vorik Make Me Insane; Take One'
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ensignsimp · 3 months
Foolish: DS9 Captain Solok x GN! Reader (One Shot)
A/N: I love this blog @theshadowrealmitself and they kindly gave me permission to use this prompt. (Original Post Here)
Prompt: Solok finds you crying and decides to help you out. (Classic 90s RomCom)
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GIF by deepspacedukat
Solok let out a long painful sigh. He had just finished speaking with a long-winded human Admiral. The facade needed to maintain human social standards was impossible to maintain. He had always found Star Fleet parties to be a complete waste of time, resources, and energy. Nonetheless, he was still expected to attend with his bridge crew.
He mindlessly caressed the side of his glass with his thumb. Even though he was surrounded by people, he noticed how alone he really was. Not even the members of his bridge had bothered to come and speak with him. He shook the feeling from his mind, chalking it up to exhaustion. He decided to try and slip away to somewhere quieter on the station or possibly back to his ship. He set his glass down on a nearby table and slipped out of the ballroom.
He walked aimlessly through the corridors and halls, passers-by began to fade away the deeper in he went. As he turned the corner he heard a whimpering sound. He rolled his eyes slightly before turning a corner to see, a human, (gender), (short/tall), (skin tone), holding a handkerchief. Their face was damp from tears and they looked to be in emotional distress.
"Oh, oh I'm, I'm so sorry." They said straightening up patting their face dry and pulling their dress uniform back in place.
Solok noticed the single gold pin on their collar.
"Why are you here ensign?" He asked rather coldly
"I'm sorry, I was brought here as a plus one by one of my commanding officers. I overheard them, my commanding officer, saying that they only brought me as a joke. I let my emotions get the better of me." They said attempting to wipe away more tears.
This didn't sit well with Solok. He remembered his earlier years at the academy struggling to find his place among the other cadets until he learned to resent them. Then he gained superiority over them. But this was somehow worse.
He knew that humans were slower, weaker, and far more emotional. He never thought they would stoop this low. The idea of humiliating a younger officer through a social event was nothing short of poor leadership and cowardice.
"I guess I really don't belong here." They said
Solok looked into their red swollen eyes, his stomach flipped.
"You are correct you do not belong here, you belong inside, if you care to accompany me I shall assist you." He offered them his arm.
Anyone who knew Solok would have thought that he'd lost his mind. However, that didn't seem to matter as the human gave him a sweet smile. They pressed their hands to their face attempting to alleviate the swelling of their face with their cold hands. When they had thought they looked presentable enough they took his arm.
"What is your name, if I may ask?" They looked up at Solok with a look he had never seen before, admiration, kindness?
"I am Captain Solok of the T'Kumbra. Yours Ensign-" Solok tried to look ahead but he found himself gazing back down at the ensign.
"(Y/N) (L/N) of the Wicked." They beamed, their tears had long dried, their eyes were no longer as swollen, and he could see the beautiful (color) hues. "Thank you, Captain."
"Your thanks is acknowledged." He looked away, a little smile grazing his lips.
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Worth it
Pairing: Solok x gen!reader
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Words: 1.6K
Warnings: This is my first attempt at second POV in over a year so please be nice and tell me what you think, please
A/N: OMG guys, THANK you SO SO SO MUCh for over 100 Followers? May not seem much to others but I was surprised over one. SO thank you so so much
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How come?
Have you gone mad?
Is this your free will? Blink twice if it's against your will!
It'll never last. Just wait and see.
Really? The xenophobe?
Questions upon questions upon questions that have haunted you for months now. You should have known, you thought silently, leaning against the wall of the turbolift. Ever since your relationship with Solok had come out five months ago, the people around you had treated you as if you had lost your mind, as if you were no longer sane.
You couldn't remember the last time so many people had told you that your relationship wouldn't last, that he would leave you and take advantage of you. You thought that it had never happened in your life that so many people had tried to interfere in your love life.
Especially as their statements were "illogical", to quote your partner.
You loved him, he loved you, for whatever reason he had chosen to do so. You knew it hadn't really been by choice.
How come?
Well, you had started working on the T'Kumbra during the Dominion War due to a lack of personnel. At first, Solok was not at all enthusiastic about this and would probably have done anything to get you off his ship. However, even he had had to see the logic in having enough personnel, even if they were human.
Over time, he had taken the time to almost befriend you, and even you had to admit that the grumpy captain had grown on you.
And when the war had ended and your position on the ship was no longer necessary, he had asked you to stay. He had tried to reason it out logically, had avoided your gaze and even turned green in the face until he had exhaled deeply, looked you in the eye, the icy blue had sent a shiver down your spine with the warmth it radiated. And you had agreed.
From then on, however, it had still taken a few weeks for the two of you to pull yourselves together and, admittedly under the intoxicating influence of Romulan ale and chocolate ice cream, to speak openly.
You had tried to keep it under wraps, but that was quite difficult on a ship full of Vulcans who easily recognised the change in their captain's demeanour as that of a mate's protector.
The good thing, though, was that they were Vulcans, which was why they had been able to keep their mouths shut, even if you had sometimes been met with the odd raised eyebrow. Granted, if you found out that your Cardassian-hating, Bajoran captain was suddenly dating one, you probably would have raised eyebrows too. If not more than that.
It only came out two years later, when you had to make a stop on Deep Space Nine and, due to damage from an asteroid shower, a plasma conduit had exploded near you and you had been taken to the infirmary. Although the injuries were not life-threatening, they still hurt incredibly and Solok did not make the situation any better by rushing into sickbay and demanding, almost emotionally, to see you.
Unfortunately for you, Doctor Julian Bashir had been on duty at the time, which is why the whole station knew two days later and almost the entire fleet a month later.
Which is why you were now getting wry looks from everywhere and worried messages from your friends. Not that it affected your opinion in any way. It was just annoying.
At the moment you were on Deep Space Five because the T'Kumbra had been badly damaged due to a space anomaly and had to be repaired. Unfortunately, the quarters of you and your fiancé had also been hit, which was why you now had to quarter on the station.
Your gaze fell on your hand and you had to smile as it was caught by the plain silver band that now adorned your ring finger.
Xenophobic your ass.
Maybe he had been, but Solok had truly improved. Granted, the proposal had been a bit messy and not really romantic (he truly could have found a better time than when you were led to your execution on an alien planet), but he had put a lot of research into it. Solok had chosen the ring personally and, although it was frowned upon in Vulcan society, had chosen a ring for himself, which he wore proudly day and night and even on duty.
When planning the wedding, you took your time, after all you couldn't get away from her at the moment anyway, as the T'Kumbra was not operational, you had suggested a Vulcan ceremony, but Solok had insisted on two ceremonies. One Vulcan and one human. Although he had given a logical reason (" a Vulcan, traditional ceremony will be necessary, but only in a few years, as my time is not yet, however, it is illogical to wait so long. I therefore propose a compromise with a human and Vulcan wedding so that the consummation of our marriage can be performed as soon as possible") however you knew only too well that your fiancé was trying to make up for his previous "illogical" thinking, as he called it. Even if he still didn't like Sisko.
You sighed and walked down the corridor to your quarters. Admittedly, you didn't normally care much for the hateful comments of the people around you, but today you had met your best friend, or at least you had thought they were, for the first time in ages, and instead of enjoying the time together, you had listened to one hateful comment after another until you couldn't take it anymore.
You had given them a choice, either accept Solok or leave. Five minutes later you were standing outside your door, making the outcome of the situation pretty clear.
"How can you stand this?! He's Vulcan. They don't have feelings! Can you really spend the rest of your life with a man you know is cold and heartless!!!? And then him!! The most xenophobic Vulcan of all Vulcans. He doesn't care about you and he's just taking advantage of you!!! Are you that deluded!!!?"
It had not been the first time you had heard such words and it would not be the last.
The doors opened and closed behind you and the sight made you melt inside. The table was set, the napkins folded as if with a ruler, they probably were, and wine glasses were placed at an exact, equal distance from the plates. The smell of your favourite dish drifted through the room and you could see, as you glanced around the corner, Solok in civilian clothes and with a black apron around his neck, standing in the small kitchen.
A smile crept onto your lips as you approached.
Cold and emotionless. Of course. If only they could all see him now. How he read the recipe with a concentrated expression on his face, looked to the ingredients in front of him and then worked on them carefully and precisely. You knew he didn't really need the recipe, but the very fact that he did it to be one hundred percent sure he wasn't ruining your favourite dish made your heart beat faster and a feeling of warmth and love rise inside you.
He was so focused on his task that he only noticed you when you wrapped your arms around him. "I didn't know you had one of those." Smiling, you propped your chin on his shoulder and ran your finger over the hem of the apron.
Solok looked down at you. "I have owned it for some time. It avoids unnecessary dirt stains on my clothes."
You chuckled lightly. "Solok, I know what an apron is and what it's good for."
With one last look, Solok ascertained that the food would not burn, before turning and wrapping his arms around you as well, raising an eyebrow. "You're home early. I thought you wanted to spend time with your friend." You bury your face in his neck. "We had... a disagreement."
Slowly, you felt Solok's mind ask entrance into yours and you granted it for a brief moment. This was all he needed before he withdrew and released you from his arms.
"Ah. I see. It was about your relationship with me."
You sighed. Of course, you knew that while Solok always brushed those comments aside and dismissed them as illogical, deep down, he felt guilt for somehow being the cause of those constant arguments.
"Forgive me, Ashayam."
You shook your head. "For what, Solok? It's not your fault that the people around us are idiotic, non-tolerant assholes."
For a moment he smirked slightly at your expression before turning to the food with a conflicted look on his face. "However, it is my fault that because of my illogical mistakes of my past, a bad light is now cast on you. If you weren't romantically involved with me, people wouldn't think worse of you and your friend wouldn't have left you."
You frowned and reached for his hand, causing him to dart around to you. "And I don't care, Solok. No, you know what? I'm grateful for it. Otherwise I wouldn't have found out what assholes they can be."
"But Ashayam, your position-"
"You're worth it," you interrupted him, whispering, and put your hand to his cheek, against which he instantly nuzzled, as if by reflex. "You are worth all these comments and looks and idiots, understand? I love you and those comments won't change that." You smirked slightly and felt for his fingertips.
"But if you have any doubts, feel free to take the ring back."
A growl escaped him and he wrapped his arms around you again and buried his face in your neck, eliciting a laugh.
"Don't even think about it, Ashayam."
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deepspacedukat · 11 months
Captain’s Orders
This is intended to be a follow-up to “Reluctantly Primal,” but you don’t have to read that one to understand what’s going on in this sequel.
Day 7: Come Swallowing
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Solok (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Vulcan sex, holodeck fantasy, roleplay, established relationship, oral sex (male receiving), exhibitionism, dirty talk, praise kink, degradation kink, power play, restraints, face fucking, fulfilling a fantasy, Solok is condescending but it’s part of the roleplay, implied sex in the Captain’s chair.
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“Helm, slow to one-half impulse,” Captain Solok called. “Direct our lateral sensors toward the nebula. We require precise readings if we are to study this phenomenon in depth.”
“Yes, Captain,” the young Vulcan man replied as he carried out his commanding officer’s instructions.
Long, strong fingers grasped my chin, forcing me to look up at the man whose legs I was between. 
“Are you prepared to atone for your insubordination, Lieutenant?” Solok’s deep voice caressed every syllable with care despite his authoritative tone. I suspected that his eagerness was to blame for the utterly sinful low register that followed my affirmative answer. “Very well. In order to prove your devotion to duty and your respect for me, you will remain on your knees. Put your arms behind your back.”
I did as he ordered and almost immediately felt the cold caress of a metal as a pair of cuffs auto-locked around my wrists, courtesy of a passing security officer. Damn, Solok was better at this role than I’d imagined he’d be.
When we discussed a scenario like this for the first time, it was merely a passing remark during his pon farr. Barely a week later, my husband had escorted me to one of the holosuites above Quark’s bar and presented his handiwork: a detailed recreation of the T’Kumbra’s bridge, complete with fictional Vulcan officers.
“This should prove to be an interesting arena in which to satisfy your desire to have an audience as well as your curiosity regarding myself in the Captain’s chair,” he’d stated calmly as if he wasn’t giving me a way to live out one of my dirtiest fantasies. I’d been so stunned that I didn’t even manage to respond right away, choosing instead to walk slowly to the center of the space. “Have I rendered you speechless in a positive or a negative manner, ashal-veh?”
“Positive. Absolutely, completely positive, but...” I’d trailed off as I had a thought, turning to find Solok watching my reactions. “Are you sure you’d be okay with this? I mean, this is a recreation of your ship. I wouldn’t blame you if you were uncomfortable doing that sort of thing where you normally work.”
Moving to stand directly before me, my husband had cupped my cheeks in his large, gentle hands.
“I assure you, I am not averse to claiming you here, my wife. If there was no possibility of repercussions from Starfleet, I would simply satisfy this fantasy during one of my duty shifts, however, I do not wish to risk our careers for gratification,” he murmured as his thumbs skimmed over the softness of my cheeks, leaving tingling warmth in their wake. Solok leaned closer, allowing his lips to brush lightly against mine as he continued speaking. “In addition, Ashayam Adun’a, though it is not seemly for a Captain to admit it, this particular scenario is one I have imagined, as well...”
He’d surprised me rather pleasantly with that particular statement, so we’d gone on to plan the encounter in detail. We also set up the proper precautions. If either of us wished to stop, we could use our bond to communicate that wish, or our designated safeword. I’d never needed it, though, and given the care with which Solok had treated me so far, I doubted we’d need it tonight, either.
“We have all witnessed how readily you refuse orders. It is logical that you use the same part of your body that got you into this trouble to repair the damage you have caused,” the Captain said as he looked into my eyes. “Do you take my meaning, Lieutenant? Or do you require a more elementary explanation of my expectations?”
Playing into my character as we’d agreed, I pretended not to quite grasp what he was asking of me.
“I-It would be helpful if you could spell it out a little more clearly, sir. I don’t want to be accused of insubordination twice.”
“Very well.” Leaning forward, Solok deliberately slowed the pace of his speech as he held my head in place. “I will not enter your insubordination into your record if you take your punishment without complaint. In order to do that, I expect you to open your mouth and suck my lok until I achieve orgasm.”
God, he was hot when he was condescending. That was so utterly unfair!
“On the Bridge? But, sir–”
“If you would prefer a court martial, that can be arranged, but there would be much less paperwork if you simply complied with the logical course of action,” he stated as if my choice truly did not affect him one way or the other. Why did that aloofness have me dampening my panties already?
“No, no, I’ll be good for you, Captain, I promise,” I said looking up at him with a pleading expression. “Please, give me a chance. I won’t disappoint you.”
The weight of my husband’s lok on my tongue moments later was comforting and familiar - a stark contrast to the odd sensation of awareness in the foreground of my mind that we were in public. None of these people were real, of course, but this felt real enough to make me particularly mindful of the sounds emanating from my mouth.
Solok grasped my jaw and pulled himself from between my lips.
“What is your status, Adun’a?” He asked quietly, skimming his thumb through a bit of saliva that had dripped down my chin.
“Green, Captain,” I answered, and before we resumed our previous positions, my husband’s fingertips brushed slowly, sensually over my lips. He knew I loved these sweet moments, and he was quick to indulge in them with me. I couldn’t have found a more attentive husband if I’d tried. The fact that we were here in this simulation that he’d created himself was proof of that.
The moment we re-entered the scene and I’d sucked his lok back into my mouth, Solok moaned loudly and placed his hand on the back of my head.
“You are doing an...adequate job, however, I believe you could be of better use,” he murmured using his other hand to gather my hair and pull it out of my face. He got to his feet and looked down at me. “Relax your throat.”
I did so, and Solok began thrusting into my mouth slowly, allowing me to adjust to the sensation of being used like this. He knew my limits and was exceedingly careful not to go beyond them.
When I gagged slightly, he pulled back immediately. Through our bond, I could feel my husband checking if I was alright. Once he was reassured, he lifted a brow at me.
“If you cannot take a Vulcan’s discipline, Lieutenant, I’m sure there is a simple desk job back on Earth that would suit your limited talents–”
“I can take it, Captain,” I promised opening my mouth in invitation.
“If you are certain,” he said before gripping my head a little more firmly and thrusting relentlessly in to the hilt. Solok moaned above me, and I couldn’t help but echo him as my slick dripped down my inner thighs. “I can smell you, Lieutenant. You are taking pleasure in being used like this. I should have deduced that you were a slut the moment you walked onto my ship. Colliding with me within moments of your arrival...bending at the waist to retrieve the PADD you’d dropped...It should have been apparent to me right away that you were simply waiting for a moment like this to prove to me what a pliant, eager mate you could be.”
My husband was a chatterbox when we were together like this. He knew I liked the sound of his voice a little too much, and he absolutely used that to his advantage. As he fucked my throat at a decent pace, he alternated between calling orders to his holographic crew and telling me in no uncertain terms what an obedient whore I was being for him.
“Perhaps I should create a new position here on the bridge that suits your desire to please me. You could service me when I require you. This warm mouth of yours could be full of me whenever it suited my whims and substantial stamina. That would certainly keep you busy enough to avoid another incident requiring disciplinary consequences,” Solok mused as he sped up. His breathing had become more shallow as well. He was close, and despite not being allowed to touch myself, I was close, too. My husband knew that. Of course he could tell. “If you wish to retain your position aboard this ship, you will swallow every drop I give you. Do I make myself clear?”
All I could manage was a slight gurgling sound around his lok, but he understood. A dark expression passed over his features, and Solok groaned loudly, pushing into my throat as deeply as possible as he spilled his seed. Hot spurts threatened to choke me, but I swallowed obediently as I’d been ordered to do.
“What does courtesy demand from you, Lieutenant?” He asked as soon as he’d removed himself from my lips.
“Thank you, Captain,” I rasped, and once he resumed his seat, he lifted me easily onto his lap.
“You are welcome,” Solok murmured. One arm wrapped securely around me and the other slipped between my legs, caressing the soaked fabric of my uniform. “I believe your obedience has earned you a reward.”
As my husband dragged me into a deep kiss, the sound of ripping fabric met my ears. So that’s why he’d insisted on bringing a change of uniform...
Vulcan Words:
ashal-veh = darling
ashayam = beloved
adun’a = wife
@android-boyfriends​ @attention-bajoranworkers​ @bigblissandlove1​ @darkmattervibes​ @emilie786​ @horta-in-charge​ @live-logs-and-proper​ @slutty-slutty-vulcans​ @starrynightgardens​ @toebeans-mcgee​
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Tumblr "for you" page going wild today recommending me a Solok x Reader fanfiction
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harley-rose25 · 2 months
Some Vulcanoid/Human fic Prompts/plot ideas I want people to take because I wont write them; k thanks.
Captain Solok Section:
A reoccurring verbal sparring match between Captain Solok and civilian Reader/OC. It's part of Reader/OC's love language. Solok thinks Reader/OC just hates him.
2. Human Reader/OC ends up in a Dominion or Cardassian prison camp with Captain Solok; Pon farr hits…
3. Solok has a secret admire.
4. Captain Solok being (not-so-secretly) obsessed with humans and his crews gossip logic discussion thus.
5. Solok is obsessed in love with Hyper-romantic, emotion personified human Reader/OC.
Vorik Section:
Neelix throws a Valentines day party in one of the holodecks.
2. Reader/OC desires Vorik and decides to make their feeling known; rather aggressively.
3. Muscle-mommy Reader/OFC and Vorik have an encounter.
Dr. Yuris Section:
After losing his medical license on Vulcan Yuris is invited to practice on earth; Dr. Strom Goes with him. Shenanigans ensue.
2. Human Reader/OFC with chronic illness seeks out Vulcans for help after years getting nowhere with human doctors.
3. Dr. Yuris is at another medical conference, after his license is reinstated, when he experiences shan-hal-lak upon meeting Reader/OC, a Human bio-engineer who is actually paralyzed and can only move because the exoskeleton bodysuit they designed.
4. Yuris is invited into secret society of Humans with psionic abilities who are not to keen to have their identities or abilities known to the public.
General Naughty Naughty Section; any character or variety character:
1.Femdom Reader/OFC sees cute vulcanoid on DS9 and wants to play.
2. Reader/OC is a human prostitute brought to DS9 to service the Romulans.
3. Reader/OC is captured by Romulans and forced to work as a sex slave producing human fetish porn.
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I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
I: 3. The Aquabats!, Supernatural, and Star Trek. Star Trek is my favourite, I've met so many great people and the feedback ratio is higher than my previous fandoms.
K: No guilt, just pleasure! Lol. Ok, maybe a little guilt about writing angst that genuinely upsets people. Sorry readers! Ily!
M: I have a Solok/Mina au planned involving a version of Solok from another universe and the main universes Mina, with some dead dove themes, but that's all I'll say for now as I intend to write it at some point!
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oldschoolfic-ds9 · 2 years
The Best Man
by PStiles (the snowleopard), 2003
Solok (the Vulcan captain from DS9's "Take Me Out to the Holosuite") meets his match.
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none listed
Characters: Solok, Sawalha
Relationships: none listed
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): crossover - Sawalha
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
archive.org - option 1
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poetictrekkie · 5 years
Drabble: Solok Hears You Singing
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Anonymous said: I don't know if you write for him, but could you maybe write a Solok x reader?maybe one where he's annoyed by the reader singing and is embarrassed to admit he actually enjoys it?
It wasn’t a point either of you had ever considered, but the showers on Vulcan had remarkably good acoustics. A fact you had noticed when you stayed over at Solok’s home when you were visiting as part of an organized scientific and cultural exchange between members of the Federation. You couldn’t help but sing a few songs while washing up, not remembering the sensitive hearing of Vulcan ears.
Solok was meditating when the first few dulcet notes of distinctly human music drifted over to him. One of his eyes opened, and he released an exhale of breath that was the Vulcan equivalent of a groan. The music was upbeat to a point that it should have been outlawed. Your voice was not at all like the harmonies produced by the famed Vulcan Children’s Choir. And the lyrics displayed the emotional and illogical nature of humanity clearer than the psychological papers he published using Captain Sisko as a case study.
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here.
Of course, the metaphor was not so effective in the perpetual acrid heat of Vulcan, but Solok got the message. Irrational feelings of anticipation and excitement for the arrival of a planetary object that is in the sky every day, even during the course of this so-called “long cold lonely winter.”
Here comes the sun. Here comes the sun, and I say, It's all right.
Surak, were you imitating a string instrument after that last chorus? Solok gave up on his meditation; it would be illogical to attempt it under such vocal duress. Underneath his cool exterior, he was convinced that some semblance of annoyance was bubbling. You came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe, and walked over to Solok.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you with my singing. Old habits die hard, as the proverb goes,” you said, trying to gauge Solok’s reaction despite his emotionless appearance. “Let me know if you want me to stop.”
Solok met your gaze, about to express all that he thought of your little song. But he suddenly found himself giving a slight shrug as if to say carry on, if you so choose. His action was returned with a smile, and you walked towards the guest bedroom, humming the melody quietly.
I must be mad if I’m enjoying this human’s drivel, Solok thought to himself. Yet his skin tinged green with an uncharacteristic blush, and he strained to hear the last few lines of the song that you were singing behind the partition. 
And I say, It's all right.
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treksickfic · 3 years
Lately I’ve been waiting to write until I feel like writing, but I know from past experience that never works for me. What I have to do is start writing, even if it’s necessary to force myself, even if my brain is yelling at me about all the other things I should be doing, and then the joy and eventually the motivation follows. So as an extra push, I’m going to list all my current WIPs and ideas and then choose one to work on tomorrow. No need to interact, I just wanted to get this down before I fall face first into bed and slip into unconsciousness because it’s been a long, long week. List behind a cut so you can read or scroll on past. Unless you’re on mobile, then RIP your scrolling thumb, I suppose:
1. (Enterprise) Maggie x Mestral, the OG human/Vulcan couple. Why did Mestral decide to stay behind when the Vulcan rescue ship arrived? Didn’t he know he could get injured or ill and then what was he planning to do?  Nice Vulcan you have there, would be a shame if anything happened to him.
2. (AOS) Gen with Spock and Kirk and Bones and a teensy bit of Spuhura. Basically an eight-chapter story (so far) as an excuse for everyone to take turns cuddling up with Spock in a biobed. It’s therapeutic for him. Really. It’s all because of some weird virus endemic to Vulcan.
3. (TOS, ish?) Bonus chapter to the Spock x Reader fic “In My Heart,” because if I don’t whump Spock just the tiniest bit, a fic never feels completely finished. I’m not as excited about this one but the chapter is done and just sitting there waiting for an edit.
4. (TOS) Second chapter of “Retrograde,” which wasn’t a very popular story. But despite that, I wrote more of it because Spock had to contract the same virus as Kirk, right? The correct answer is “yes.”
5. (Discovery or TOS, depends on which flavor of Sarek you prefer) A new Sarek x Amanda. Another sickfic, of course, and written just because I need Sarek miserable and uncomfortable and then Amanda has to play with his hair because reasons.
6. (OCs) First chapter of a story with my lovely OCs, T’Vath and Ayla. another Vulcan/human couple, both in Starfleet Medical. (If by some small chance you remember T’Vath from a PBEM last year, shhh, no you don’t.) These two dumbass young women adore each other but haven’t quite realized it yet. It’s a sickfic, because hello, have you met me?  And yes, there is a playlist named “Songs for Dumbasses Who Don’t Know They’re in Love.” It is very fitting for the aforementioned dumbasses. Ayla has lost her first patient and is devastated; at the same time, T’Vath is having what she thinks is an allergic reaction until she starts running a fever and collapses. Oops. 
7. Damn it, I am not going to let the wonderful writers who are so feral for Vorik (Voyager) and Solok (DS9, ONE EPISODE PEOPLE) influence me. I will not. I will just continue to read their stories and blush furiously during the smut. And not write one of my own. Probably.
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leopardcoffee · 1 year
Ashayam, I despise you
Captain Solok/Reader
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🫧Warnings: None
🫧Notes: Reader is Female, but is mostly referred to in the 2nd person, possible typos 
Captain Solok could say with confidence that he hated deep space nine. The fact that he had to dock the T’Kumbra here for repairs was loathsome. The station was full of humans, including Captain Sisko, with whom he had a personal conviction.
As...displeasing as Sisko’s presence on the station was, there was a human here he despised even more. Years ago, he had challenged her to a wrestling match in an attempt to replicate his findings from his match with Sisko, and she had declined his offer. To this day, her audacity stuck with him, and he was nothing if not determined to prove to his fellow Vulcans that humans had no right to such audacity.
The incessant beeping from his PADD dragged him from his thoughts, and Solok started towards the maintenance bay, he would oversee his ship’s repairs himself. He dodged humans as he walked, determined to keep his distance. Internally, he grimaced. The Vulcan-run station was more than 50 light years away, which meant he was forced to let humans repair his precious ship. It didn’t help that deep space nine was absolutely teeming with them and other species alike. He hadn’t been giving it any attention, but he had seen a klingon and several ferengi as well.
He weaved through DS9’s hall’s, keeping his eyes trained on his PADD. He had pulled up her updated starfleet profile. Y/N L/N, rank: Captain, command: USS Resurgent- prototype model. The fact that she had command of a more advanced starship than him irked him to no end. He had 2 Christopher Pike medals of valor, it should be him in the captain’s chair, not some foolish human. It was only logical that a superior being should command a superior ship, but starfleet command’s decisions were seldom logical.
He reached the maintenance bay, intent on speaking with the chief engineer, or whoever was overseeing his ship’s repairs. Solok handed his PADD to a human in yellow, who took it silently to another officer.
At least some of them are tolerable.
He stuck around for a few more minutes, satisfied his ship was being treated well, and was preparing to leave when he stopped dead in his tracks. She was unmistakable, everyone knew who she was, so naturally he did as well. Solok felt himself tense as she turned to face him. She had been speaking with another engineer about something or other, their laughter would have annoyed him, had he not been Vulcan.
He hadn’t seen her in many years, not since she’d gotten her new command. Her face flashed with surprise, before settling into a smirk. After all these years it still amazed him just how quickly humans changed emotions. She placed her PADD in the hands of some ensign and started towards him. He turned and started walking in the other direction, hoping to get away from her before any confrontation could take place.
“Solok! Long time no see, eh? How have you been?” She called after him, and Solok knew his escape was for nought. Breathing deeply, he turned to face her, she had always tested his composure.
“Captain L/N, it is agreeable to see you. I understand you are in command of the Resurgent, are you not?”
She strolled up to him and leaned obnoxiously on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I am, ‘heard we were up for the same promotion too, pity. She really is impressive, holds steady at warp 9.95.” She grinned innocently up at him, the smugness in her voice made his hands shake.
“Yes, it really is a fine ship, however I am fine with my command on the T’Kumbra at present.” He started walking, to where he wasn’t sure, but she followed.
“Are you though? From what I heard you were ecstatic to be up for a promotion to the Resurgent, or were you just saying that to make me mad?” She trailed after him.
Solok felt a muscle under his eye twitch, because of course she knew that he had wanted that command. He was certain it was his, her arrogance tested his patience.
“I was not ‘ecstatic’, unlike you simple humans, I am not handicapped by such unsightly emotions. Your hubris is not becoming of a starfleet individual, much less a captain. With your frivolity and natural inclination towards the unimportant and meaningless, not to mention how erratic you can be, i’m astonished you were even given command of a starship. Honestly, starfleet command’s decision to promote you was foolish at best, and a fatal mistake at worst. A prototype model with a human in command? A project destined to fail. Not to mention it’s you, starfleet will be lucky if they even get the Resurgent back in one piece. Such a tragic waste of an incredible ship, it had such potential. I could have made Resurgent Starfleet's greatest accomplishment since the NX-01, but alas as you humans say, some things just aren’t meant to be. You’re right, it is a pity such a magnificent ship has to go to waste before you finally get demoted, humans have no place in the captain’s chair.”
He turned to her when she didn’t respond, and found her clenching her fists, eyes trained on the ground.
“Solok,” she said, her voice quiet. When she looked up at him he barely caught himself from doing a double take. If looks could kill, he’d have been disintegrated- he’d struck a cord.
“I know you wanted that promotion, I know you think I don’t deserve it, I know you believe humans are a foolish waste of air, but I never wanted it to be hostile between us.” She paused, he could tell she was shaking. “I was going to ask if you might like to come tour the Resurgent, even accompany us briefly while your ship was under repair, but clearly I bore you to death with my very presence in this system.” She sighed, and unclenched her fists, her whole body going slack.
“Well I won’t take up any more of your morning, clearly you have more important things to do than waste your precious time with me. Good day.” She walked past him without so much as a glance, brushing past him and disappearing around a corner, and left Solok standing by himself.
He straightened himself, trying to ignore the feelings in the pit of his stomach.
It’s nothing, you’re being illogical, control yourself. Her feelings are obsolete.
He started back down the hall, towards his quarters. L/N’s reaction had not been what he expected. Had he not been a Vulcan, he would have felt almost… guilty about what he’d said. They’d verbally sparred many times before, and traded their fair share of insults, but clearly he had gone too far this time, she might even go so far as to report him to starfleet command. He needed to meditate, and maybe have a drink.
Y/N dodged people as she made her way back to her quarters. She has authorized shore leave for her crew and docked the Resurgent for a warp core overhaul and weapons diagnostic. She’d hoped to find Captain Solok here, she’d heard he had docked the T’Kumbra here for repairs and had gotten here as fast as she could.
You had genuinely wanted to take Solok with you out on the Resurgent, you knew how disappointed he’d been when you had gotten the promotion instead of him.Your feet carried you to your door, and you stepped inside. You’d been given captain’s quarters, naturally. You glanced around the spacious room, before choosing the bed to collapse on.
Of course Solok was just as standoffish as he’d always been, what reason did you have to believe he’s changed? You felt your throat close up and your eyes water, you hadn’t wanted it to be like this. You closed your eyes to keep the tears from falling.
You’d known Solok for years, and naturally you’d heard all about his Vulcan supremacy papers. Poor Captain Sisko, you couldn’t imagine how humiliating it must have been to be the primary subject of so many of them.
You sighed, staring up at the ceiling. Solok and you had met when you were both recalled to Earth for some briefing or another- you couldn’t remember. He’d seemed friendly enough for a Vulcan, so you’d thought nothing of his indifferent demeanor. The two of you had spoken a few times over the few days you’d been there, and he’d seemed agreeable enough, not to mention you’d been physically attracted to him. He was everything you desired in a man, intelligent, reasonable, quiet, in him you saw no flaws.
The wonderful illusion had been shattered when a fellow officer had seen you talking with him and pulled you aside, and told you all about his stance on Vulcan supremacy.
You’d gone back to your quarters that night in disbelief. You’d read his papers, disgusted with Solok and with yourself for being so interested in him. He’d challenged you to a wrestling match later that week, and you remembered the paper he’d written on a match he’d had with Sisko. You had declined him, and left shaking. ‘Emotionally handicapped’ he’d called him in his paper. He truly believed Vulcans were superior to every other race, you cringed just thinking about it.
The two of you had had several run-ins since then, and each time you were left shuddering in his wake, your feelings growing harder and harder to ignore. He’d insulted you, disrespected you, belittled your entire species, and yet, you still found yourself returning to your quarters and collapsing into bed, your feelings for him overwhelming.
You flung yourself upwards, done with thinking about him for now, he’d tormented your mind for years, no sense in letting him have any more of your time- you were too good for him. That rotten Vulcan, if he thought his species was so above engaging with simple-minded humans, he had the nerve to bar any from serving on his ship.
Two can play at that game
Solok’s eyes snapped open, he was sick of meditating. It clearly wasn’t helping and he had other things to be doing. L/N had been in his thoughts since their encounter earlier. His… quarrels with her had always left him disoriented, and he supposed it didn’t help that she was aesthetically pleasing to him. In all their past encounters, never had he truly regretted anything he had said. Perhaps he had been too brash with her, after all, humans were known to be fragile.
Solok had known Y/N for years, they’d met shortly after his match with Sisko, and in her he’d seen an opportunity to advance his studies in humans and their frivolous nature. Despite her emotional tendencies, she’d never irked him like the other humans did, not until she had denied his challenge as though she thought herself better than him. He’d spent the better part of a week or so regularly conversing with her during a briefing at starfleet command, and had found her surprisingly agreeable. They’d bumped into each other several times after that on various occasions, and each time she piqued his interest. As disgusted with himself as he was, over the years he’d found himself almost looking forward to their encounters. She tested his patience, his wit, sometimes even his intelligence. After spending months in space, their occasional verbal spar always left him feeling invigorated.
Y/N L/N was intriguing to him to say the least. As much as he’d wanted the Resurgent for himself, he’d rather she have it than any of the other flailing humans up for the promotion. If it had to be given to anyone other than him, she was unfortunately the most logical choice for the post. An experienced captain despite her humanity; Agreeable, for the most part, intelligent, logical even. Good at managing her crew, a brilliant strategist, an excellent negotiator, in his eyes she was the most adequate human the Vulcans had ever come across.
Astute, well-informed, articulate, cooperative… sharp, eloquent,…beautiful...
His thoughts were illogical, his lack of meditation was affecting his thought process, that was it. His opinion on L/N’s physical appearance was of no consequence. He stood up and found his PADD, again pulling up her starfleet profile. He scrolled past all her basic information and found her accomplishments. What he found threatened to break his control. He clenched his fist hard enough to draw blood.
She had two Christopher Pike medals of valor as well. A human was as decorated as he was? And for what? What worth did his medals hold if humans held them too? He felt devalued, like he had been lowered to fit a standard unbecoming of him.
Solok could have smashed is PADD. Among her many accomplishments, including a frankly obnoxious number of awards, titles, and medals, he found that she had graduated from the academy in the 96th percentile and published several papers on everything from human psychology to abstract warp theory. After skimming several, he was unsettled with the conclusion that her intelligence and accomplishments matched his own.
But how? I am in control, with logic I can succeed, emotions are a disadvantage. How can she be an equal to me? Humans are stunted by their emotional nature, it prevents growth, prevents success. And yet, she has me matched in every category, beaten me in promotion and made a name for herself as captain of starfleet’s most powerful prototype. She accomplished all that, despite existing with her emotions. So is it possible that...no, logic is the only path to success.
Solok’s PADD beeped and he was drawn from his thoughts. For the best he assumed, the path they were following was dangerous. He furrowed his brows at what he saw, a transfer notice.
Dear Captain Solok, Since you clearly can’t stand humans, I figured one of my bridge officers couldn’t either, I'm sure he’ll be pleased to be posted aboard your ship. File attached: Ensign T’Lok
Oh she wasn’t serious. Having a problem with him warranted transferring a Vulcan ensign from her ship? She had no right to do so, and he would take it up with her personally.
You strolled onto the bridge of the Resurgent, you had never seen it this empty. Most of the crew was on shore leave, but you had left a small skeleton crew in rotation to oversee repairs. You located ensign T’Lok, still riding on your bitterness from earlier.
T’Lok stood up from his station. “Captain, can I assist you with anything?” You could have almost mistaken his tone of voice for surprise. You hadn’t interacted with him individually at all since he’d been posted as your comm officer, it wasn’t any wonder he was curious as to why his captain had gone out of her way to come and see him.
“At ease Ensign, I have some news for you.”
“You’re being transferred. The T’Kumbra is stationed here for repairs, Captain Solok will be your commanding officer. Since he’s so sure you Vulcans just can’t bear to be around us feeble minded humans, i’m certain he’ll be happy to have you there.” You handed him a PADD with his transfer information. He took it hesitantly.
“But Captain, I didn’t put in for a transfer request, has my work been unsatisfactory?”
“No, your work has been exceptional and frankly I’d like to keep you, but it seems your Vulcan counterparts have other ideas about where you’ll be most useful. Your transfer should be completed by the end of the week, effective immediately.”
“But Captain-” He protested.
“No buts T’Lok, immediately.”
“Yes, Captain, but if I may ask, why?”
“Because I need to prove a point to someone, I’ll get you back from him, don’t worry.”
With that you left, you had no reason to oversee a warp core overhaul, and you couldn’t wait to rub it in Solok’s smarmy face that you’d transferred a Vulcan off your ship.
It doesn’t feel good, but it’s payback for all the humans he had transferred, he deserves it.
With your revenge solidified, you couldn’t help but feel bad for T’Lok. You hadn’t been lying when you said you’d like to keep him, he was a good comm officer with an ear for new languages, but you needed to prove a point.
Solok had been combing DS9 all day looking for you, and was getting a little more than fed up with the results. He couldn’t believe her nerve, transferring the only Vulcan officer on her ship off because he had merely pointed out that it should be a Vulcan in command? She’d never get away with this. But nonetheless, it was late and after his failure of a meditation earlier, he would need extra time to prepare himself for whatever atrocities awaited him tomorrow.
As soon as he got back to his quarters, he swapped his captain’s uniform for a meditation robe and placed his PADD as far away from him as possible, lest she contact him. He lit his meditation candles and sat down, ready to purge his mind of the day’s events.
As much as he attempted to focus, for the second night in a row he failed to quiet his mind, even with the extra hour or so he had for himself. His thoughts were erratic, emotions too close to the surface, he kept replaying the arguments he’d had with Y/N over the past few days, and again he felt that awful feeling curling in his stomach.
He’d never felt guilty about telling off humans before, after all, he’d written several papers on why Sisko was the prime example of humanity’s inferiority, but he had never felt bad about it before. Upon reflection, his displeasure with her transferring the Vulcan off her ship, how unfair it felt for her to single out a crewman who had nothing to do with their feud and punish him, must be how the humans felt when they read his papers, heard his remarks, got his transfer notices. It dawned on him that of course they were upset, he’d automatically assumed from one isolated incident that an entire species was beneath his own.
That’s not very logical, more data would be required to draw that conclusion, and Ms. Y/N certainly does not support that conclusion. I have interacted with her several times, and I have never found her to be irrational. She may be emotional, impulsive, quarrelsome, but evidently she is sound enough to command a starfleet prototype. So naturally, the only logical conclusion is that my initial assessment of humans was...incorrect.
Solok opened his eyes. He was no fool, even Vulcans could be wrong about some things. Humans still puzzled him, but perhaps he should have given them another chance to prove themselves. He supposed they had no reason to do so, a human proposed the idea of the thriving federation his people now belonged to. Even if he didn’t understand them, he had several apologies he believed he owed.
He glanced at the clock, it was far too late to hunt down both Y/N and Sisko, he’d have to deal with it tomorrow, perhaps he could convince Y/N to commute T’Lok’s transfer. Or maybe neither of them would believe him, he was well aware that once trust with a human is broken, action is required to regain that trust. He would find her first thing tomorrow and rectify the situation, but for now he needed sleep.
Solok got up and blew out his meditation candles, feeling his exhaustion with every step he took. He collapsed rather unceremoniously into bed and immediately fell asleep. - He opened his eyes, smiling at who he saw lying next to him. Y/n smiled and brushed his hair from his face. She looked even more radiant than when he had seen her earlier, he hadn't thought that was possible. He reached for her and pulled her into his arms, and she put her arms around him. He pressed his face into her neck and grinned.
“Awww, are you smiling honey?”
“No, certainly not, what gave you that idea?”
She threw her head back and laughed. “I thought Vulcans never lied!”
“We do not.”
“Yes, you do.”
He sighed and pulled her closer. “Ashayam a’ duna, I always tell the truth.” -
Solok shot up in bed, breathing hard. Ashayam a’ duna, one did not say those words lightly. Beloved wife. He had no right to have such thoughts about one of his colleagues, much less a human. And yet, he found himself replaying his dream in his head, over and over. He closed his eyes, he would like for her to be his wife, but that was both impossible and illogical, he was too established as a Vulcan supremacist to take a human for a wife, it would be best for him to go back to sleep.
He acknowledged that thought, and got up anyway.
“Computer, lights 50%”
He looked in his closet for something other than his captain’s uniform or sleepwear. He hadn’t exactly anticipated needing civilian clothing, but he had brought some anyway, a traditional vulcan robe would do for now.
Solok reached for his PADD and found several reports waiting for him, he would find somewhere quiet to sit and work on them, he just needed to be out of his quarters. His mind was unsettled, some quiet work time would rectify that, he figured.
You leaned back in your desk chair, finally finished with your reports for the evening. You rubbed your eyes, it was late, and you were restless. You still felt guilty for what you’d done to T’Lok, and all to prove a point to someone who couldn’t care less about what you thought.
And yet I still try to prove myself to him. He’ll never care what I think, much less care for me the way I care for him.
The clock on your desk chimed, signaling it was two in the morning. With a sigh, you got up from your desk and stretched. The options for things to do at this time of night were slim, anyone on the station with a shred of sense was likely asleep.
You opted to swap your captain's uniform for a pair of pants and a knit sweater, hopefully none of your crewmembers would run into you dressed like this, how unbecoming. But oh well, you guessed it didn’t really matter if you did, and you really needed to stretch your legs, so it was worth the risk. You looked at the book on your desk, Pride and Prejudice, you’d been meaning to finish it, so you took it with you.
You opened the door to your quarters and looked both ways before slipping down the hall, satisfied no one had seen you. Book in hand, you made your way promenade, in search of somewhere quiet to work.
Upon finding a table to sit at, you removed your bookmark and resumed your reading. The words on the pages started to blur together as your mind wandered.
Mr. Darcy was in many ways reminiscent of Solok. A prejudiced man with a frigid exterior and you hoped, a heart of gold buried inside. If Solok was as akin to Mr. Darcy as you imagined he was, then perhaps there was a chance he could find it in himself to move beyond his prejudice and allow you to help him. But alas, Mr. Darcy was the pinnacle of finery, elegance, and class. Solok was someone who deserved only the best, an equal to him in every way, and you were no Elizabeth Bennet.
Solok walked down the promenade, making a short mental note of in what order he would do his reports. He had rounded a corner and was surprised to see Y/N, out of uniform and reading by herself, looking rather forlorn. He stalled momentarily, unsure if his presence would be welcome after what he had said, but decided now was as good a time as any to set things right between them.
He stared at her for a moment longer, almost content to just stand and look at her forever, Her hair brushed past her shoulders and her reading glasses rested on the edge of her face, her skin glowed in the dim light and she looked like how he imagined an Earth angel. She was yet to notice him, as assumed.
With a deep breath, he walked over to her as silently as possible.
“Ms. Y/N.” He said quietly.
She jumped, clearly not expecting anyone else to be around. He observed her cheeks darken when she noticed it was him.
“Solok, sorry, I wasn’t expecting to see anyone. What keeps you up so late.” She gestured to the chair opposite her, any of the sadness or resentment she had expressed earlier seemingly forgotten.
He sat down and placed his PADD on the table.
“I apologize for disturbing you, I had hoped to work on some of my reports, but I'm afraid I won’t be very useful this evening.”
She sighed and bookmarked her page. “Well, I’m not really paying any attention to this anyway. Have you heard of it? Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, a classic really, it’s a crying shame no one reads anymore.”
Solok raised an eyebrow, he’d heard of this human novel before, but had forgone reading it because it was a human work.
“I have, but I have never found the time to read it before. Would you... mind telling me the premise?”
At this she looked surprised, but happily obliged him.
“Well, it’s about a woman named Elizabeth Bennet, and a man named Mr. Darcy moves into his estate in their town. Mr. Darcy’s friend, Mr. Bingley, takes a liking to Elizabeth’s sister, Jane. He comes around to see her and brings Darcy with him. Elizabeth thinks Darcy is a rich, entitled, prideful snob, and Darcy thinks Elizabeth is a headstrong, emotional, prejudiced peasant.”
She looks up at him, and he signals her to continue. He was surprised, in truth it didn’t sound all that bad, had he read it he might have even enjoyed it.
“Darcy eventually realizes he doesn’t hate Elizabeth, he loves her. She matches his dry wit and his sharp tongue. He tells her so, and she is appalled. She still hates him, and is thoroughly shocked with what he said. Elizabeth’s other sister elopes with another man, and Darcy pays for the wedding despite the fact that he hates the groom, as a discreet act of kindness towards Elizabeth, because even after her rejection he still loves her. Elizabeth begins to question her feelings, and eventually realizes she is in love with him as well. However, her sister married the man he hates, and Elizabeth is now certain that he could never love her. Mr. Bingley proposes to Jane, and Darcy pulls Elizabeth aside and asks her to marry him.”
She pauses and smiles, “I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this, but it’s where the line, ‘Yes! Yes! A Thousand times yes!’ comes from. Anyway, they end up living happily ever after once they learn to put aside their differences.”
She stops and stares at him. Solok can feel his heartbeat and an unfamiliar coiling in the pit of his stomach. The story she had described, perhaps meant little other than an interesting narrative to her, but to him was a wonderful figment of a scenario between them that could never be.
“Y/N, I am aware you have no reason to believe me, but...I apologize for what I said to you yesterday. Upon reflection and seeing your transfer notice for Ensign T’Lok, I've had some time to reflect on my opinions. Perhaps, Humans and Vulcans aren’t as different as I once thought them to be. Clearly, there are ways to exist in tandem with emotions, and maybe I am just unable to fully comprehend it yet.” He looked to her, unsure if what he had intended had come out correctly.
She looked astonished with what he had said, almost as if she was unable to process that what was happening was real. He noticed tears well up in the corners of her eyes, and felt an uncharacteristic spark of panic, humans cried when they were in pain.
“Ms. Y/N, are you alright, should I contact Dr. Bashir?” He stood and made his over to her and reached for her arm. She grasped at his arm and pulled herself up to face him.
“That’s all i’ve ever wanted to hear from you.” She said quietly. She took his hand.
Solok felt his heartbeat increase, surely she knew what a touch of hands meant to him? If she continued like this his feelings might be exposed, and he’d never live it down. Everyone would know; the famed anti-Human Vulcan, in love with a human? Blasphemous. He’d keep his job in starfleet, but he’d never be able to show his face of Vulcan again. Not to mention what Y/N might think, he had just begun to mend things with her, if she found out…
No, he could never tell her. After all, what reason did he have to believe she’d ever return his feelings. She’d just forgiven, he couldn’t risk it. But oh, he did want to tell her, so badly. He wanted to tell her he thought about her every waking moment, dreamt of her when he slept, longed for her with all his heart.
Y/N was brilliant, compassionet, a great captain, better than he could ever be. She was perfection personified, what had he done to deserve her forgiveness?
She placed her hand on his face.
“I knew you had a golden heart buried in there somewhere.”
“I confess, my emotions have always been close to the surface.”
She smiled. “Well, you’ve fooled me, so you must be pretty good at getting people to think otherwise.”
“...Thank you, mastery of one’s emotions, no matter how close to the surface they might be, is seen as a sign of strength in Vulcan culture.”
“Wait, you’re telling me Vulcans have feelings? Correct me if i’m wrong, but you’re all so secretive that the general consensus is that you just don’t have any feelings.”
“No, that isn’t true. The teachings of Surak help us repress our emotions, not eliminate them. You may have heard of kolinahr however, which is the elimination of feeling, but most choose not to undergo that ritual.”
“Oh, I guess I never asked and just assumed you had no feelings, I'm sorry if i’ve ever hurt yours.” She moved to drop her hand from his cheek, but he caught her wrist.
“I believe it is I who should be apologizing.”
She blushed. ‘But, you already apologized earlier, what else do you have to apologize for?”
He paused, and remembered a human expression. ‘It’s now or never.’
“I-i, when we met, I found you to be rather tolerable for a human. I thought your incessant need to converse with me could perhaps be the subject of my next paper on human psychology. I instead decided to use you in an experiment to replicate my findings from my match with commander Sisko. Needless to say, when you declined me, I was struck by your audacity. I left that day with the conclusion that you were surely to be a worthy adversary for me. As the years passed, I began to find our occasional verbal sparring matches to be gratifying,our quarrels something I awaited, an excellent and unpredictable test for myself. In that time I developed a...fondness for your company, but I was already too committed to my stance on Humans to admit that to you. When you got command of the Resurgent, I was comforted by the fact that the ship would be in your capable hands, a ship near perfection deserves a captain just the same. Upon my arrival to the station, I was both pleased and abhorred to find you here. My feelings of admiration have become...less than acceptable in a professional setting.”
Solok removed her wrist from his face and stepped back from her. He didn’t need to tell her outright, she must be disgusted with him. He turned away from her, he was ashamed of himself for letting his feelings become so, unprofessional.
“I understand that you are reasonably upset with me, after all, I have done nothing but discriminate against your species since the moment we met. You have no reason to be accommodating of my feelings, a blunt rejection will be a suitable ground on which I can begin eliminating them. Let us have a strictly professional relationship, if that is what you want of course.”
“Wait, Solok. Stop, just stop for a second. Are you saying what I think you’re saying, what I...hope you’re saying?”
He paused for a minute, if he didn’t say it now, he knew he never would.
“I am saying that I love you.”
What on earth were you supposed to say to that? Solok, Solok, loved you. There must be something in the water here, there was no way. And yet, here he was, dressed down and confessing his feelings to you at 2 in the morning on some nowhere space station you both just happened to be on at the same time.
“I can’t believe it.”
“You are disappointed?”
“No, no! Of course I'm not, I'm just surprised, that’s all.”
The two of you lapsed into silence as you frantically tried to process what had just happened.
“May I...assume my feelings are unrequited?”
Why had he said that, why had he done that? He’d ruined himself, and likely her too. It had been foolish of him, a decision made on a whim that would derail his entire life. How could he ever face her again? What would his colleagues think? His fellow Vulcans? Starfleet command? A few simple words, spoken without thinking, was all it had taken to ruin everything.
He took her silence as the answer to his question, and turned to walk back to his quarters. There was no sense in bothering her any further, better to leave her be and meditate on what might have been. The ground blurred beneath his feet as he rounded a corner. He stopped when he felt something hit his hand, a single tear.
Solok allowed himself a single moment of weakness, and leaned heavily against the wall. He had heard many stories Humans had told about heartbreak, but he had never imagined it would be as unbearable as they said it was. This was agonizing.
He placed a hand over his mouth to muffle his sobs. He watched everything blur around him as more tears joined the first one. He couldn’t believe himself, this was so pathetic, what kind of Vulcan was he? Crying in empty hallways over lost love is not something esteemed starfleet captains did.
What had ever made him think that he had the right to judge humans for their emotions when he couldn’t even control his own? Humans lived in harmony with their emotions, and here he was completely losing his grasp on his own over nothing.
But it’s not nothing, she means so much to me. Why is it so wrong to admit we have feelings too?
Solok was so deep in his own head he almost didn’t hear her come up behind him. Y/N placed her hand on his back and he jumped. He was so embarrassed to be caught crying, and by the woman he loved, no less.
She was out of breath, like she’d run a great distance to get to him. She noticed his tears and her face became serious.
“Solok, are you alright, are you hurt? Did something happen?”
He sniffed and a tear rolled down his cheek, he almost could have laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“No, I am unharmed. Forgive me, this is humiliating.” He felt his eyes begin to sting with new tears. How un-vulcan.
“Need a minute? I get it, take your time.” She turned away from him and Solok took a breath and began to collect himself. Once he was sure the tears were contained for the time being, he turned to her.
She was pressed up against the window, eyes wide with wonder as she gazed up at the stars. She noticed him staring and beckoned him over.
“I am looking, however I am unsure of what for.”
“The stars.” She answered matter-of-factly, as if he had been slow to catch on to something obvious.
Solok raised an eyebrow. “What about them?”
She sighed dreamily. “Look at them, aren’t they beautiful? Sometimes I almost regret not becoming a full time scientist.” Y/N turned her head and stepped closer to him.
Solok shifted on his feet, all the memories of what had happened moments ago rushing back to him. He felt her hand on his face, she was looking at him with that piercing gaze of hers. She could have spoken, and he could have too, but there was nothing left to be said on either of their parts. She leaned in closer to him, their faces barely parted. He felt his eyelids flutter closed as he leaned in to kiss her. Her lips were just as soft as he imagined they would, he’d dreamt of this moment. Her fingers trailed down his arm before reaching his hand and connecting their fingers in the Ohz'esta.
After a long moment she slowly pulled away and looked up at him.
“I love you.”
He allowed himself a slow smile. “Ashau nash-veh tu.”
She pressed her forehead against his and hummed. “I hope you said you love me too.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Naturally, Ashayam.”
“And what does that mean?”
“It means beloved, unless you would rather have me call you ashayam a’ duna?”
“Which is?”
He rested his chin on the top of her head. “Beloved wife." He felt her arms wrap around him and her chin rest on his shoulder.
“I’d like that.”
- fin
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schn-tgai-scripted · 2 years
Chapter Four of Solok and the Seven Sisters! The final installment!
Adjusting to life with Vorik 😉😉
Very emotional and angsty! Oh man this was so fun. And tearjerking. I want to write ten post-chapter sex scenes.
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ensignsimp · 3 months
Kink hc for Solok?
Kinky DS9 Solok HCs
A/N: Thank you requester for sending me that DM. Remember if you have a +18 request please DM me so I can verify your age. Also I think I had a little too much fun with this one
Prompt: Kinky Solok (like we are surprised he is).
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Top, Bottom, or Switch
Solok is most definitively a power switch.
While he may indulge you from time to time, he prefers to have complete control.
When he does bottom he is a power bottom.
Basic Kinks
Strip Tease: He enjoys watching you strip out of your uniform at the end of the day.
He can't help but undress you with his eyes during your shift when he sees you.
When in Pon Farr he doesn't even wait for you to take it off, he just rips it to shreds.
Lingerie: He did not understand why humans found such undergarments appealing until he saw you in them.
You would have nothing but skimpy green lingerie on all the time if he had it his way.
If he sees you with it on under your uniform he will take great satisfaction in your reprimand.
Oral: The first time you preformed it on him he almost burst in your mouth.
He had never felt such a sensation before and he is always willing to try again.
He did try it on you once and seemed to enjoy that more, finding your taste alien and erotic.
Medium Kinks
Worship: His ego knows no bounds and it reflects in the bedroom.
He's practically euphoric when you (his human mate) worship and praise him.
He'll be irritably smug the whole week after.
Impact: Spanking and Scratching and Biting (OH MY!).
He enjoys leaving a visible mark on you skin. (Declaring you as his mate.)
To watch you squirm under him while he reprimands you drives him crazy.
Brat Taming: He enjoys it when you (argue) "debate" with him. It gives him a challenge.
He especially likes it when you are stubborn or push back against him.
This gives him an opportunity to discipline you later.
Hard Kinks
Bondage: He found the practice to be a rather interesting discipline.
He uses it as a way to restrict your movements so that he can control you better.
He feels such a rush when you glare or scowl at him trying to muffle your moans.
Power: He will use his rank and enjoys every second of it.
He will have you refer to him as "Captain or Sir".
It is always more interesting taking you in his ready room. He even had it specially fitted with soundproofing for "security reasons".
Exhibition: During his Pon Farr the idea of taking you out somewhere in the wilds and hunting you down thrills him.
He would never ask such a thing of you (except for in a holodeck).
However if the two of you just so happen to be stranded on a deserted planet for a few days...
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Masterlist
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Julian Bashir
Immortalised on skin (Julian x gen!Reader) Soulmate AU where when you write something on your skin it appears on the skin of your soulmate. And while Partner A (Reader) is an artist and decorates their arms with beautiful ornaments, Partner B (Julian Bashir) always scribbles down things to not forget them in the most unreadable font A has ever seen.
Kira Nerys:
Newly Wed (Kira x fem!Reader) Y/N and Kira return from their honeymoon and Y/N feels obligated to report to her best friend Odo. All the good things and maybe the fears too.
Romulan Summer (Koval x fem! Reader) Koval knew that Humans we're fragile, however he was not aware of the extent to it.
Christmas Bakery (Koval x fem! Reader) Koval learns about this so called "Christmas baking" that his wife seems to love
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Letant x gen!Reader) Sometimes just a fraction of a moment in peace with the person that counts the most in the whole universe can sooth the mind of one troubled soul.
First second I saw you and I couldn't get over how beautiful you were (Odo x gen!Reader) Odo becomes self-doubting about his relationship. Reader is try to dispel his dark thoughts.
Beauty knows no pain (Odo x fem!Reader) The senior staff is ordered to attend the greeting of a diplomatic delegation. Unfortunately the reader has to attend as well. In dress uniform
Santa Claus (Odo x gen!reader) Odo knows a lot of people however he never met a certain "Santa Claus". From what he knows, he might be a criminal
Worth it (Solok x gen! reader) Solok is not that popular and being in a relationship with him is not the easiest thing in the universe. But hell, it's worth it!
Decorations (Vreenak x fem!reader) Vreenak knows a lot about humanity and their sentiment towards certain traditions. That didn't prevent him from being surprised when comming home to a newly styled house
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Can you do a love story captain solok x reader pls
Hi thanks for the request. But I'm not in the position to write a fanfic as of right now.
Thanks again for asking 😊
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