#ssi becca
resi4skz · 5 months
From Brush to Heart (a bang chan fanfic) CHAPTER 12
Pairings: Bang Chan/Rebecca(OC), Han/Luna(OC) Genre: Romcom
3 months went by fairly quick and I could finally relax. But I had learned new makeup skills. I was unpacking ny handbag after a long day when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Ne," I say without looking up and I hear the door open. When I don't hear anything, I look up to see a very nervous Luna. "What's wrong?"
"I got asked out on a date," she confesses.
I raise my eyebrow. But then I noticed how quiet she was. This is how she gets when someone she likes asks her out on a date. I had one particular person in my mind but I was skeptical. "I sense a 'but' coming." She just fumble with fingers with her head hung low, not telling me. Rolling my eyes, I place my bag on the floor. "Unless it was Hannie, I can't help you." I watch as her cheeks go bright red. "Well, smack me upside down, the boy finally did it." I jump up excitedly. "Hannie asked you out!"
"This isn't real life," she pinches her arm and hisses in pain. "Becca. What do I do?"
"What do you mean what do you do? Simple. Go on a date with him," I reply, shrugging my shoulders. 
"But we don't even know each other!"
"So? Go on the date. Get to know him." I take off my earrings, sighing in relief. "If you don't like him, not saying that you won't, you thank him for the date politely."
She nods, profusely. "Yeah, I could do that."
"Just don't do what others do on the first dates," I add on.
"Which is?"
She blinks before throwing my pillow at me, making me laugh. "Aish." She glares at me before leaving, closing the door behind her. Grabbing my phone, I click on Han's name.
R: a little birdie told me you asked a certain someone out on a date?
H: heh..noona, the thing is....
R: is Hannie finally growing up?
H: noona~ i was going to ask you before i asked her
R: it's okay. im just glad you did, she's really excited for it though
H: she is? 
R: mhm 
I put my phone back and quickly change my clothes before laying in bed. As I settle in my bed, I close my eyes, my mind drifting to slumber land.
A month goes by and it's for their next come back. Chan has dyed his hair brown, with a hint of caramel color. He looked very handsome and personally, I liked him with darker hair color. BUT I wondered if he will ever dye it blue, my favorite color. "Thinking about Chan?"
I snap out of my thoughts and look up at Luna. "Huh?" 
She snorts, shaking her head. "When are you going to tell him that you like him?"
Not this again. "For the 100th time, I'm not going to dwell on my feelings and tell him that. Besides," I point my finger at her. "You have a date with Hannie tonight. That's more important." Her cheeks turn pink and I couldn't help but pinch her cheeks. "Aigoo, uri Luna-ssi. Ginjang doeni?"
She nods. "Very."
I pat her back. "Don't worry. He's a nice guy and will treat you better than the last guy you dated." Lina's ex, Theo, was a jerk to her, always wanted her to plan everything according to him so she broke it off. Although she broke it off, he never bothered or contacted her. Which was good for her because they both moved on. He's now married and has kids. She gives me a look and I roll my eyes. "Just give him a chance, yeah? He's really sweet."
"Psh." Luna's eyes suddenly widens, in a panic. "I don't know what to wear! And my hair!"
"Calm down. I'll help you, even with makeup and hair." I steer her, literally, into her room as we get to work. "We have a lot of time so let's start with your clothes first."
Sitting in front of my vanity, I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself when my bedroom door opens. "I told you to take it easy. He's a really nice and sweet guy."
Rolling my eyes, I turn and look at my best friend. "I know. I'm just nervous, that's all."
Rebecca and I have been best friends since freshman high school. She moved to South Korea for a job and 2 years later, I moved here. Now 2 years later, here we are. She works as an MUA at JYPE for Stray Kids and I work as a barista at a coffee shop. "You need to dye your hair again."
"Why?" Rebecca says as she touches her hair. "I like my natural color." 
"You mean Chan likes your natural hair color," I said, putting final touches to my hair. In the mirror reflection, I see her cheeks getting red. "Oh my god, is that why you won't dye your hair?"
"No," Rebecca says as she sits on my bed, avoiding the question. 
"Suuurreeee, if you say so." The doorbell rings and panic sets in. "He's here. Oh my god." Atleast the makeup and hair was done by her and it was spot on with my outfit.
"Relax. He doesn't bite." Rebecca stands and as she's closing my bedroom door, she looks back and says, "Yet." I throw a pillow at her but it ends up hitting the door. 
I look back in the mirror and compose myself. "You can do this. Just be yourself". I wear my boots and my warm black coat and as I close my room door, I hear Rebecca laughing.
"No, that's a great place. She will love it." Rebecca turns around and smiles at me. The figure next to her turns his head and suddenly I don't know what breathing is. Wearing a casual white shirt with a burgundy cardigan and black jeans and sneakers, there stands Han looking handsome as ever. His hair is styled, making him look younger.
Rebecca clears her throat and says, "Alright you two, enough with the staring contest. Time for you to go and enjoy your date."
I nod as I walk towards our apartment door, with Han behind me, wearing his jacket. Yeah. I can do this. "Be sure to bring her by midnight!" Turning around, I glare at Rebecca as she grins and locks the door. 
"Is she always like this?" Han asks.
"More or less." I replied. 
The date was less eventful than I had imagined it would but I was glad that not a lot of people were around at this time. We both even had coffee and some sweets to go with it. Afterwards, Han asked if I wanted to walk for a bit by the Han River. I agreed. 
As we're walking side by side, I couldn't help but stare at his right hand. If only I could hold it. But considering he's a celebrity, I didn't put him in a difficult position. So intead, I looked ahead of me. "Wow, it really is nice at night."
"It sure is," Han replies as we come to a stop to admire the river. "Me and the members sometimes take turns to come here at night. It's a great way to relieve stress."
He's not wrong, it really does feel great. A shiver goes through my body, instinctively my arms goes around myself to warm myself. A pair of hands touch my shoulder as I feel something on them. Looking down, I see a warm red scarf around my neck. I look at Han, my face going warm. "Thanks." 
"No problem," Han replied. After a few beats, he turns to me. "I have a question. Does Becca noona like Channie hyung?"
"Yes," I chuckle as I put a hair strand around my ear. "But I'm pretty sure it's a one-sided crush."
"One sided?" Han said, looking confused. "I'm pretty sure Channie hyung likes her too."
"Wait, what? So they both like each other but don't know if they like each other?" I asked. And then we both burst out laughing. "Should we tell them?"
"Nah, it's best if they figure it out themselves."
"Yeah, you're right." I make a mental note to get Rebecca cake if one of us spills the beans to her. 
"I have another question." Han asks, smiling.
"Shoot," I replied.
"How does Rebecca's best friend feel about her best friend's guy friend?"
I look at him and I'm at a loss for words. A blush creeps up my neck. "I...uhm..."
"Considering this is our first date, I had been meaning to tell you something." I could only stare at him. "Even though we've known each other for a short time, I always felt I had a connection with you and now I can confirm it."
Before I could comprehend anything, an arm goes around my waist pulling me against his body and then warm lips crashing down to mine. My eyes go wide as panic sets in but I immediately melt into the kiss. His lips taste like cinnamon with a hint of chocolate. He cups my face as he lets go. His warm gaze bores into mine and I couldn't imagine a first date better than this. 
"I like you too." I replied to his kiss and we both laugh. "So does this mean we're official?"
Han slides his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers and smiles down at me. "Yes, but keep it on the low side. I don't know how I'm going to keep this from the members."
"You'll figure it out," I said as we both walk side by, hand in hand. 
I was drinking tea when I hear the front door open and close. A very happy Luna comes in my view as she walks into the kitchen and jumps when she sees me. "Jesus."
"So," I begin, taking another sip of the tea. "I'm assuming things went well." I grin when I see her cheeks turn pink. "Omo. Luna-ssi, are you blushing?"
"I'm going to sleep," she turns around and walks towards her room.
"Be sure to dream about your boyfriend!"
She flips me off and slams her door shut. I smile and pick up my phone.
R: thank you for making her smile
H: ahh...noona.
R: lol its okay, your secret is safe with me. make sure the boys dont find out, especially channie
H: will do, thank you
R: you're very welcome. good night
I head to my room and lay down in my bed as my phone chimes. Another text?
I know who you are
What the fuck?
R: who is this?
If you know what's good for you, you will quit your job
What the actual fuck? Is this the same person who recorded me? What does this person want from me?
R: and if i dont?
Heh. Then prepare yourself for your worst nightmare
R: who are you? And how did you get my number?
Knock knock, Rebecca
I hear the front door being knocked. Feat sets in and I grip my phone harder than I can breathe. They know where I live. Fuck. Fucking.....what do I do? What do I do?! My head whips up when Luna walks out of her room, giving me a confused look.
"What are you doing?" Another knock comes. "Who's that?" She asks, pointing towards the door. Walking towards her, I show her the texts and watch her eyes go wide. "What the fuck? They know where we live?!"
My brain tries to work to figure out what to do next but another knock comes so I go to the intercom. When the screen comes up, there's a person just standing there, dressed in all black. Even their face is covered so I can't really see who it is. "Who is it?" I ask, pressing the talk button.
"Your worst nightmare." It's all the person says. I frown at the voice because it sounds familiar. Like I've heard it somewhere before.
Quickly, I scroll on my contacts in my phone and press a name. It rings once, twice. After the third one, I start praying mentally for him to pick up. Channie, please. After the fifth ring, he finally picks up and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Becca, it's past 1am. What are you doing up?"
My smile drop as I hear her voice. "What's wrong?"
"There's someone outside our place and I don't know what to do."
The blood drains from my face as the grip on my phone tightens. They know where she lives? What kind of a person does that? "Whatever you do, do not open the door. Tell Luna to call the police." I hear her tell her friend to call the cops. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, just a bit shaken up," she says, her voice trembling. I swear if anything happens to her.....
"Stay inside. I'm on my way," I hang up and quickly grab my things and head out. The entire drive to her place I was on edge and almost swore at the people driving ahead of me. My knuckles on the steering wheel turned white. I swear to god if anything happens to her, I will never forgive them, whoever they may be. But I had a hunch who would've done such an act. Scaring my girl like that.
Did I just say....my girl? I blink a few times, my brain registering at what I just said. My lips curve up but I shake my head, snapping out of it. I park the car far enough so no one would see me. Then I see 2 police officers come out of the building complex as Becca and Luna also come in view. My eyes catches both of them bowing as the officers drive away. Becca, with her long black hair down, talking to Luna as her small hand reaches up to put a strand of hair behind her, revealing the side of her face. 
Beautiful. She's beautiful. My hearts beating fast against my chest as if agreeing. I wait for them to go up and wait a good 10 minutes before I head upstairs, my eyes glancing around for any one to pop out but I was lucky, I guess. I knock on their door. Silence. "Mwoyah? Did they go to sleep?" The door opens, revealing Luna. She grabs my arm and pulls me inside. "Did anyone see you?"
"No," I reply l taking off my face mask.
"She's in her room, you're welcome to go in," she says as she walks towards her room.
"Thanks." She waves me off and closes her door but opens it again, peeking her head out.
"Just...go easy on her. She's not the best at expressing herself."
"I'll do my best," I replied and watch her give me a small smile before closing the door. Taking a deep breath, I turn my attention to the other door and walk right up to it, knocking once. "Becca? It's me. Can I come in?" The door swings open revealing the cutest girl I've ever seen, her red cozy pjs. When I look at her face, her eyes have a red outline indicating she's been crying. "Come here," I open my arms, taking a step towards her as my arms wrap around her. She goes still but relaxes, wrapping her arms around my back as she breathes into my chest. "It's okay. It's just me. You can cry if you want," I say, rubbing her back gently.
On cue, I hear her sniffle as her tiny body shakes. "I don't know what to feel. It felt like they would've killed me if I had opened the door." My heart drops at her words and I tighten my arms around her.
"Hey," I pull back. "You did good by calling me." Her teary eyes search my face, as if to ask something. I wipe her cheeks. "Gwenchana?"
Nodding, she smiles rubbing her eyes. "Yes. I think Luna being here helped me. I don't think I would've had the courage to talk to the police." In a way, I was glad Luna was by her side. I would've hated to be alone in this situation, heck anyone would be scared shitless if such an incident were to happen. 
"Come on," I lead her to her bed. "Time for you to sleep." She looks at me, eyebrow raised but settles in her bed. I tuck her in and sit on the edge of her bed. "Sleep."
She rolls her eyes. "Yes, dad."
I chuckle, softly as she closes her eyes. Slowly, I stroke her hair and admire her sleeping face. Her even breaths indicated she's slipped into deep sleep. I retrieve my hand, placing a small kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, babygirl."
A few months later, the members and I were in the practice room, taking a break from dancing. We were all sitting on the floor drinking water when somehow the topic of food came up to which Binnie had a lot to say. The boys and I had dyed our hair again. They all had brown and black hair except Felix and I. He had blonde hair while I had a vibrant blue color.
"Yah, I would definitely fight over her if it wasn't for hyung to come in my way," Hyunjin argues as Lee Know gets all worked up.
"Yah! She would've definitely gone for me. Besides, she's pretty," Lee Know exclaims. It's at this point I realize they're talking about the girl in the Mixtape: On Track MV. I let out a sigh. These boys and their drama. 
"Of course she's pretty!" Hyunjin agrees and diverts his eyes towards me. "Right, Channie hyung?"
"Huh?" I blink at him.
"The girl in the music video. She's pretty, right?" He asks again, with a hint of playfullness in his eyes. 
"Sure, yeah." I take a sip of water from my bottle.
"Even prettier than Becca noona?" 
I almost choked on the water. "Yah." They all snicker and point at me, at my ears. But he was wrong. Becca was the prettiest woman I have ever seen, inside and out.
"Say hyung," Hyunjin speaks. "If you had to pick, would you pick noona?"
"Yah, michyeosseo?!" I was too quick to answer. 
"So you do like her?" What is with these questions?
"No." I reply. "I-" The door closing interrupts us but I manage to catch a glimpse of Becca turning away.
----------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: how did you like han/luna cute date? Andddddd next chapter will be up shortly, maybe as a new year's gift.(:
Ginjang doeni= are you nervous  michyeosseo = are you crazy/insane Gwenchana = are you okay/alright
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8 | CH 9 | CH 10 | CH 11
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Through Thick and Thin
Description: A Little Quirky: Part 4- Through Thick and Thin: Joining this crazy family isn’t going to be a walk in the park, and you knew that. But being part of Jimin’s family means you’re that much closer to Jimin, and with the wedding approaching, you couldn’t be more grateful to be by his side. Reposting because of accidental deletion.
Warnings: N/A.
Originally Posted: 06/25/2019? Reposted: 06/29/2019
Tags: Jimin, Hybrid!Jimin
Fluff and Angst?: 2,265 words
A/N: Six months later we actually have another post for this series…anyway, I threw this together so if it’s messy I’m sorry. I was just going to do the first part of it, but it felt short for how long you guys have waited. Finally home to repost this after the fiasco.
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“Okay, we’re agreed, no matter how much Jungkook begs, we don’t go on that thing,” Jimin said, pointing to the ride that was going upside down and spinning and looked like a puke-fest. “Completely agreed.” “Jimin-ssi!” “Speak of the devil. Is that his current girlfriend?” “Yes.” “Do we like her?” “No.” “So if she’s against going on that ride?” “We go on. All of us.” “Right,” You muttered, shaking your head and waving to Jungkook since Jimin was tying his shoe. Jungkook bounced up with a bunny-hybrid at his side. “Guys this is—” “Oh. My. God! Y/n?!” She grinned. You could only stare at your least favorite person in the entire world. “Wow. Kameron.” “It is sooo good to see you!” Too soon to claw her eyes out? “And you! Let’s go on that ride first!” You pointed to puke-fest. Jimin looked at you in surprise. “Are you sure? I mean,” Jungkook started, looking a little confused. “I’m sure. If anything is going to give us that thrill that amusement parks are famous for, it would be that one.” Jungkook looked at Jimin, concerned. “Hyung, you don’t have to go. It might hurt your neck and make you sick.” “Um, actually, why don’t you and Kameron go do what rides you want to and we’ll do ours and we can meet back up for lunch?” Jimin suggested instead. “Besides, I wanted to start with the log flume ride and you hate that one.” Jungkook’s nose scrunched and he nodded. “That sounds fair. Meet back up at noon-ish near the water park?” “Sounds great,” Jimin said, steering you toward the log flume. Once Jungkook and Kameron disappeared he muttered, “What the heck was that? You know her?” “We were neighbors before my parents moved. She’s a bitch if there ever was one. She used to pull on my tail and call me a monster. Scared all the human kids with stories about me eating my last owner.” You growled slightly, pouting. “I never wanted to see her ever again. How did Kook even meet her?” “Some party that he got dragged to by his friend. I thought it would be good for him to socialize. I regret that now.” Jimin pulled you into the line for the log flume. “Why doesn’t Jungkook like this ride?” “Oh, he does. We’ve just been brothers long enough that he accepts when I make excuses like that. He’s oblivious, but not dumb. He probably thought that I was doing it to avoid the big roller coasters that he would want to go on, avoiding getting any teasing from you, though I’m more concerned about her teasing me. I’ll tell him about you and Kameron if I get the chance.” “He could do so much better.” “Enough about them. We’re here to have fun!” He nuzzled your cheek. “You know this place well, don’t you?” You smiled at him. “It was the first hybrid-friendly amusement park. Eomma brought us here every summer after. Micheal and Becca would watch the triplets. This is the first year we haven’t planned to come together.” “She is pregnant with twins,” You pointed out. “She can’t exactly go on any rides. And what about Hoseok?” “He’s helping with the triplets. We invited him, but he said something about already agreeing to take care of the triplets today. And something about a cute girl.” He shrugged. “Yoongi is busy with his job and Euny, same with Taehyung, they were going to that baby physical therapist you recommended today. And Namjoon, well, he said he might make it out but he wasn’t sure.” “Well, maybe later this summer.” You kissed his cheek. “But we still have a lot of wedding preperations to do. And there is no way Kameron is invited. Not even as a plus one. I’ll tell Jungkook if I have to.” “Please? He’ll take it better from you.” You nodded, then sighed to clear your head. “Okay. Fun. We can do that. Let’s have fun.” “That’s my girl,” He said teasingly, hugging onto you before you both got into the log. The two of you had a lot of fun going on different ride, mostly the low-key ones, though you did go on one or two regular roller coasters. You glimpsed Jungkook and Kameron now and then and steered clear. They weren’t there yet when noon hit, and Jimin was looking at all the different food carts to get an idea and report back since the crowds were a little overwhelming for you and you didn’t dare move from the table you had claimed. Jungkook came up first. “Hey! Nice job getting a table.” “Where is she?” You asked. “Bathroom. You okay?” He tilted his head. “Fine. But Kook?” “Yes, noona?” “Don’t even think about bringing her to my wedding.” His eyes widened in surprise. “Why?” “Because she terrorized me when we were kids and I won’t be dealing with those memories on what’s supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life. She’s not invited. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but that’s how it is.” He was quiet for a moment. “Jimin doesn’t like her either.” You shrugged slightly, not confirming or denying. “I don’t think Eomma liked her either. It’s not like this is permanent. It’s just…nice having someone to go places with.” “I know. But she’s over there making out with someone,” You said, horror rising in you. He looked and didn’t really even react. “Okay. We can ditch her now.” “That’s not very kind, Jungkook. Take the high road. Tell her you’re ditching her.” He snorted, laughing a little. “That’s a very low high road.” “What can I say? I’m a bit bitter.” “I’ll be right back.” You watched him go over to her, then flinched as cotton candy appeared in your face. “Hello.” Jimin grinned at you. “It’s orange flavored! Your favorite!” You grinned back. “Dessert before lunch.” “Of course! It’s a special day!” You laughed and started picking at the cotton candy, humming happily. “That’s perfect!” He kissed you a couple times. “Good.” “Well, that’s over,” Jungkook took a tuft of cotton candy as he said it, sounding relieved. “And she’s getting a ride home.” Jimin looked confused for a moment, then glanced between you and Kook as you patted his brother on the shoulder. “You dumped her? Here?” “She was kissing another guy.” Jimin got a stony look to his face. “That’s just wrong.” “It’s okay, hyung. I don’t really care. Let’s just have fun together now, okay?” Jimin nodded, grinning. “Sounds like a plan. Besides, y/n wanted doesn’t want to go on a couple of the water slides so we can do those while she’s at the lazy river.” You grinned as they started talking excitedly over the different slides, picking at the cotton candy. You were marrying into a great family. Jimin stole another kiss, pulling you out of the sugar-sweet haze you had drifted into, and you realized you were purring in your garbled way. He rubbed his nose against yours. “We should take some cotton candy home too.” “Ah, come on, don’t get all weird.” You giggled and swatted Jimin away. “Let’s get some real food.” “Please!” Jungkook looked around. Jimin stole another kiss then started talking about the different options available for food. But you were still thinking about his kisses were sweeter than the cotton candy that melted in your mouth, and far more addictive. ———— You opened the door when someone knocked on it frantically. “Jimin? You have a—why do you smell like smoke? And is that blood on your face? Jungkook?” Jimin pulled you into a tight embrace. “Get a bag, pack some stuff. Call your parents and tell them that someone is coming after my family and they might be in danger. There’s an officer waiting downstairs to take us to the Sanctuary. It’s the safest place right now.” You blinked rapidly and hurried to do as he said, grabbing a few important things you didn’t want to just leave in case someone broke in. “Explain on the way?” “As much as I can.” You grabbed your pillow and nodded. “Ready.” He already had your bag and you detoured to grab your makeup bag and travel first aid kit. The officer had Jungkook take the passenger seat and you and Jimin got into the back seat. After you were on the road toward the sancutary, Jimin sighed anf finally let you clean the blood from his face. “What happened?” “Yesterday Hobi showed up with that girl, Ren, that they’ve been taking care of since the tornado, and the triplets. There was some sort of threat to our family. We’ve had a few of them throughout the years, but we didn’t think this was a major one until I was on my way to work and I found these guy setting fire to the apartments. That’s how I got the bloody nose. Hoseok took the triplets and they’re heading somewhere way off the grid. Right now the safest place for us is at the Sanctuary. I called into my work already and explained the situation. They go after the people we care about. I can’t risk you.” “I should call my parents,” You murmured. You met Jimin’s gaze. “But I don’t know what to tell them?” “I can talk to them,” He said gently. You handed him your phone, leaning your head on his shoulder, a little worried about what was happening. You’d experienced some of the threats to his family before. You’d been with him for almost a year. There had been a threat just a couple months before, in April, where some stupid anti-hybrid activist had threatened Emma and Jin. Broke into their house and the news reporters were very amused that the person that did the most damage to him when he was found in playroom had been done by Emma. Jin had stopped her, and tied him up until the police could get there but she had hit the intruder in the head with the dollhouse before chucking the hardest toys in the room at him until he was curled up in a ball. At the trial, he had gotten scared when one of the triplets (that his lawyer had decided were witnesses and forced to be there) had strayed to close to him when getting the toy they had dropped, to the point where he was screeching apologies while the kid was looking at him in confusion. The judge had the triplets excused from the trial. This threat was far worse. Jimin finished the call with your parents. “They said they were going on a road trip anyway. Said to tell you to call and update them on things.” You nodded. “They also said to let them know if we wanted to delay the wedding.” You shivered and glanced up at him. He looked tired, probably from the stress. You’d learned that stress and fear exhausted Jimin more than anything else, and could tell that he’d had a stressful morning from the way he blinked a little longer. “Not that I want to. I want to marry you. But maybe keep in mind postponing it at least until we know the threat has passed. It should only take a couple days.” You nodded, kissing his cheek. “Try and sleep, Jimin-ah.” He nodded, leaning against the window and closing his eyes. “Can’t smell anything. Driving me crazy.” “It’ll be okay.” It was probably a good thing, honestly. He didn’t need to smell the fear that filled the vehicle. The two hour drive was fairly quiet, mostly just the chatter from the radio and the officer checking in so that his bosses knew he was still en route. Once at the Sanctuary you could see that there was quite the fuss going on with this new threat. There were two distinct mobs. One pro-hybrid rights and one anti-hybrid rights. But everything seemed peaceful once past the gate of the sanctuary. Jin was there to greet you, standing up and hugging Jungkook, then Jimin and you. “Hobi?” “Safe. They’re going off-grid with the triplets. Figured it was too dangerous to come here with them.” “They’d have never made it in,” He agreed, shuddering. Kook hugged onto Jin, probably to comfort him. “Eomma?” “She’s fine. She’s calm. Way calmer than me. She’s got us all settled into one of the empty houses, Micheal, Becca, and Timothy too.” “What happened?” “It started as a small-scale protest, and some whispered threats of hurting us. Then…they broke someone out of jail. The man that hurt Hobi.” Both of the younger boys froze in place and then Jungkook’s foot thumped a couple times before he could resist the urge. Jin smoothed a hand over Jungkook’s hair and ears. “We’re safe here. Hobi is safe as long as no one knows where he is or who he is. And he won’t let anything happen to the triplets either.” “You going to keep saying that until you believe it?” Jimin asked, managing a tight smile. Jin nodded. “Have to. I trust him. Let’s go inside. Sorry you got dragged into this, y/n.” “It’s fine. I go where Jimin goes,” You said easily, taking Jimin’s hand. “If he’s in danger, I’m there with him. Right?” He leaned in and nuzzled your cheek. “Yeah. It’s scary, but yeah. We’re in this together. For better or worse.” You leaned into him. “For better or worse.”
Previous Part.  Next Part.
Masterlist.  Series Masterpost. 
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Its 1 :30 in the am iv got soul playing on the jam box turf pin in 1 hand phone in the other. Indulging my insomnia. Cuss i know when i fall asleep. Ill be happy. Not with gum drops and sprinkles with a cherry on top not. At all.
Its cuss i know when i close my eyes. Your mine. We have 2 girls 2 boys. And happily married with our own everything.
Then i get to wake up in this bed alone.
My hole life has been all about finding you. ...... And now that your in my life we should be happy. But you dont love me and wont ever love me back.
Now i ask you if you was my hole reason to do anything with my life. What reason do i have to get out of bed every day. Whats the point of working to start a business so i can drop ssi and do better in life. With out you theres not even any will to eat or do anything.
Im so sick of playing like im ok that this is ok but im not. Im not shore i ever will be again. My hart has been touched by a angel called Becca. And its scotched flesh is but dust. My soul is as broken as my hart and worst of all i havent talked to god sense you told me its never gonna be.
Iv grown to hate him for puting you in my life and my self for letting him real me right in again to this sick game.
My hart is going cold. Not just for love but caring about ppl is starting to suck to. I just want a life away from everyone. A life i can live off the land and never have to see or talk to anyone ever again
At least then there's no1 to fall for or to hurt me. Shore id be alone. But i am ither way so whats the difference.
I love you becca i hope some day you see how much thats true and give us a chance. If not. Theres no telling how longer i can last with out you
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aapsecurity · 7 years
New Post has been published on 800-227-1568
New Post has been published on http://california.americanassetprotection.com/social-security-3-tips-to-get-approved-before-your-neighbor/?800-227-1568
Social Security - 3 Tips to Get Approved Before Your Neighbor
If you’re applying for Social Security Disability benefits, chances are you know someone else waiting to be approved. In fact, you’re only one of thousands waiting for their turn–and you’re probably in for a long wait. The pool of disability applicants increases by the month–application rates are about 20-30% higher than two years ago–and the number of case workers working on them remains the same. In fact, there are half the disability case workers now as there once were, and over twice the disability or SSI cases.
So how do you make your disability claim stand out? How do you get approved when your neighbor gets denied–again? It’s really quite simple. Here are three tips to a quicker approval.
First: Check and recheck your application.
A huge percentage of disability applicants make small–yet disastrous–mistakes when they apply. Check that your dates are correct, your medical information is complete, and everything is signed and dated where necessary. It may be helpful to have someone help you with the disability or SSI application, or at least proofread it to make sure it is complete. When a case worker reads your disability application, he or she first checks to make sure everything is there before starting on the file. If anything is missing, your file goes into the incomplete pile, where it may stay for months before you know anything is wrong! Don’t take chances–check and double check.
Second: Get your own medical records.
Your neighbor may follow Social Security’s advice and allow the case worker to request all medical records. This is an example of how such a file may be processed:
1) The file goes into the “work needed” pile instead of being processed immediately. 2) When the case worker gets to it, he or she sends out a medical records request. 3) About a third of the time, the doctor’s clinic responds and sends the records back quickly. Occasionally, the clinic intends to respond but loses the request or needs more paperwork, and the request gets buried by other files. Other times, the clinic feels intimidated or even offended by the request and will not respond. 4) If needed, the case worker will eventually send a second request, and later possibly a third, before finally making a decision based on any records in the file.
If you have your medical records already, here’s your possible scenario:
1) Your file gets put into the “complete” pile and gets processed, and you receive a decision. (Just remember to make copies of everything you turn in, just in case!)
Third: Remember that it is common to be denied at first, perhaps two or three times. Your goal should be to get your file to the Hearing level as soon as possible. If you receive a denial, appeal immediately. Don’t wait a month or two–do it immediately. If there are any new medical records Social Security doesn’t have, get them. If your doctor will write a statement saying you are disabled and cannot work, and the reasons why (details about your limitations), get it done and send it in. See your doctor regularly to establish medical evidence of your disability. And, if you want to increase your chances of being approved at the hearing level, a disability attorney may be a good option.
Wherever you are in the disability process, best of luck.
Becca has been involved in the Social Security world since 1995 and enjoys watching the program change peoples’ lives.
0 notes
resi4skz · 5 months
From Brush to Heart (a bang chan fanfic) CHAPTER 5
Pairings: Bang Chan/Rebecca(OC), Han/Luna(OC) Genre: Romcom
Standing across the one building that I'll be soon familiar with starting today. Yesterday was a long day and I finally got to meet the boys. The boys were very humble and friendly. I sip on the iced coffee in my hand as I open the camera app on my phone. I angle the phone to snap a good picture to send it to Luna. Except the sun was so bright today and the camera wasn't capturing anything good.
"So who do you want to see come out those doors?"
I nearly jump out of my skin and almost drop my phone. I whip my head to the right and see blonde hair with blue and pink streams and a face mask. He turns his head and I can't tell if he's smiling. "Holy fu-" I cover my mouth. He chuckles and I don't think I've ever listened to such a sweet laugh before. "Sorry."
"It's quite alright. It happens when people see me," he replies. "So who were you expecting to see come out?"
You....is what I want to say. "No one, really. Just wanted to take a picture to send it to a friend."
"I see." For the next few minutes, we stand watching people walk by and cars pass by when he finally speaks again. "Becca-ssi."
"Please. Just call me Becca." 
"Becca." The hair on my neck stand up. 
"Do you live alone?"
"Yes, I do. Why?" This was a very random thing to ask.
"You don't seem like the type of person to live by yourself. No family?"
I blink twice and think before answering. Why is he asking all of a sudden? "Mom died when I was 7. Dad remarried his mistress and now he lives with her and her son. That answer your question?"
He looks at me like I have 2 heads. "Yeah. It does." 
"Okay." I tuck a hair behind my ear. "It was nice to see you again but I have to go." I bow and take my leave. My heart hammering against my chest didn't help at all.
A couple of months go by and I start to get used to my job. I soon learn that the boys dyed their hair again. Apart from Chan and Felix where now fully blonde, the rest of the boys had black to dark brown hair. It was for their Yellow Wood special album. I was still the main MUA for Chan, Felix and Han except another MUA got assigned to Han so I still left with the aussie boys. It was a relief actually on my part since I could communicate in english with them. 
But something about Chan made my stomach did turns every time I did his makeup. I summed it up to being in such close proximity but even then, I only felt my tummy turn when it came to him. His face structure was perfect. The chiseled jawline was built like a greek god. And his eyes, even though they weren't symmetrical, they were perfect for eye makeup. And his skin? Flawless and smooth. He had little to no blemishes. It was a wonder to why everyone envied the boys of their bare faced. 
The boys were having their lunch break in the makeup room and chatting about random things when the topics of boxing, anime and art comes up. I automatically tune into their conversation from where I'm standing.
"We need to have a boxing session soon." "The computer that I have needs to have a better graphics card."
"Hyunjin-ah, maybe try getting different brushes to make your paintings have a different look maybe?"
"Speaking of which, has anybody here watched The Attack on Titan yet?" Everyone goes quiet at Han's question. 
"Eh, I want to watch it but it doesn't seem appealing to me," Seungmin says as he takes a spoonful of curry. 
"I've watched the first episode and it looks good," Changbin says.
"Let's ask the staff later," I.N. asks.
It goes quiet for a few minutes and I go back to sorting out the makeup in front of me. "Why not ask now? Noona!" Han calls out. I turn around slowly and see their eyes all on me.
"Have you watched Attack on Titan?"
I watch as they wait for my answer. "Yes, I have. But I still need to watch the second season." The way Han's eyes lit up, I swear it was the cutest thing ever. 
"So who's your favorite character so far?" Han was like a kid excited to be finally given a lollipop. 
"That would have to Levi," I say proudly. But I blink as a pair of eyes stares at me. "What? Did I say something wrong?"
"Huh. And here I was thinking you were going to pick Eren," Han replies, his cheeks full of food like a chipmunk. 
"Ehhh, he's a badass but Levi gives off that bad boy vibes." I glance at the people in front of me. "Although, I have to give it to Eren since he can turn into a Titan." I watch as a pair of eyes are on us as we converse about the anime. When I glance up to see who it is, it's none other than Chan with a smile on his face. "I actually wanted to ask you all something. Do you know a good art museum in Seoul? I've been meaning to go to one."
It was Hyunjin's turn to look up. "You haven't been to one? I can name a few you can go to."
"Thank you," I smile. Now that I have their attention, I may as well ask.  "Do you all know where I can get some boxing gloves?"
"Wait, you box?" Changbin asks, surprised as Chan looks somewhat interested too.
"Uh, no," I reply, shaking my head. "But I want to take some lessons in it." I turn back around and go back to my previous task when I accidentally hit a bunch of lipsticks. "Dammit," I mumble under my breath and bend down to pick them up. Suddenly, a hand reaches at the same time and I look up to see Chan picking up the lipsticks. "It's okay, I can pick them up." How did I not hear him coming over here?
"Nah, it's okay. It's the least I could do for making the boys smile," he smiles as he hands me the lipsticks in my hands. We both stand up and there's a sudden awkwardness between us.
"Well, I'm glad," I smile. "I like to make people laugh and smile." 
"Thank you. They were a bit nervous for today's performance but talking to you made them feel a lot calmer."
"Oh, well. You're welcome." I bow my head and keep arranging my supplies and as soon as I hear him walk away, I fan my face with hand. Is it me or is it hot in here? Why did they all have to be so good looking?
I wrap up everything while they go to perform a few songs. Eun Ji, one of the staff members, asked to leave my phone number for the boys since I was one of the main MUAs now and they would need to contact me in case of an emergency. I gladly gave it and since I was done for the day, I decided to head home.
I was cooking spaghetti and meatballs with light music playing in the back. It was nearing 8pm. "Luna, do you want a plate?"
"Yes, please! With extra cheese!" She yells from her room. I make her plate and grate extra parmesan on top and place it on her side of the table. I make mine with more sauce and sit down with garlic bread as Luna takes a seat axross from me.
"So how was working with the famous Stray Kids?" She asks and I sigh, as I take a bite of my food. "That bad, huh?"
"No, it's just....Chan gives me these vibes that I can't seem to shake off." 
"What do you mean?" She asks before taking a bite of garlic bread.
Before I can answer, my phone chimes. A group chat? I click on it and I let out a small gasp. It's the boys. They created a group?
Hy: anyeong becca~ B: becca, eun ji gave us your number F: noona, do you like brownies?
"Oh my god."
As I'm typing my reply, I see the others messages pop up in the group.
R: guys.... I: oh she speaks! Hy: noona! F: i'm making a batch so i can bring it tomorrow R: goodness, you guys are so sweet that my teeth hurt C: oh! Good one. S: oh grandpa is here I: don't you have work to do, old man? C: yah! 
I giggle at the messages and look up to see Luna with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, sorry. The guys have me in a group chat."
"Oh? Anything interesting?" She asks.
"No, just boys being boys," I replied as I type on my phone.
R: atleast hes taller than some of you
Ha: oop-
C: LOL hahahahaha im crying
"Don't fall for them."
I look up. "What?"
"You work for them. I don't want you to end up with a broken heart." 
I raise my eyebrow at her. "Would you relax? It's not even my first week in and you're already predicting things."
She rolls her eyes at me and goes back to eating her food. As I'm about to put my phone down, it chimes again. This time it's a message? I open it, my eyes wide.
C: hey, i wanted to apologize for the boys if they get too hyper
R: oh it's no problem at all. in fact, i like it. makes me think i have brothers
C: brothers, huh?
R: is that a problem?
C: no :)
Jeez, what's his problem? I put my phone down and eat. "So, how's work going for you so far?" I ask, chewing.
"Eh, busy as usual. Lots of cute guys though."
"Oh? Did you ask any of them out on a date?" I ask.
"Psh, yeah as if anyone will go out with me," she says and holds up a hand when she sees me about to protest. "Before you say anything, I know my worth. Besides, most of them had girlfriends already."
"Maybe you'll get the lucky guy soon. You never know." She rolls her eyes at my statement. 
"I can say the same to you."
"Please, I'm just here to strictly work." I replied.
"Uh huh. If you say so." 
She walks to the sink, washes her dishes and goes straight into her room. Tsh. What does she know about having to like someone only to dump them after 2 years?
The next day, Luna and I decide to spend the day out and explore the city. And luck was on our side because the weather was sunny. Our first stop was to checkout any local sightseeing which was great since we took a lot of pictures, including selfies. For lunch, we went on a hunt at the convenience store and decided on kimbap and ramen. 
After lunch, we decided to go for a bit shopping for clothes and shoes. We went from shop to shop until we couldn't walk anymore. I made a mental note to sign up for driving lessons. It was starting to get dark out and all that walking had made us hungry again so we wanted something hearty and delicious. We come upon this great restaurant that serves the best BBQ and what's best to go with BBQ? Beer.
We order the food as soon as we sit. We carefully place our shopping bags on the chairs beside us. "Hopefully the food will arrive soon because I'm starving."
And right on cue, they serve us the food and start grilling the meat. I take a sip of the beer and pop a piece of meat in my mouth. "Oh my god, this is the best meat I've had."
"Seriously! This is so good," Luna replied, dipping hers in soy sauce. 
Halfway through, someone comes and stands by our table. I look up and he can't be more than 50 years old. But he's not looking at me. He's looking at Luna. "Ahjussi, are you okay?"
"Yah, you," he points to Luna who flinches a bit. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Ahjussi," I try again. "Is there something-" He smashes a glass on the floor making everyone in the restaurant look at us.
"You...dark skinned people need to go back to your own country."
What the fuck? "Chogiyo. Ahjussi." Luna at this point can only feel scared. I mean who wouldn't? Not me.
"Didn't you hear me?" What he says next is what sets me off. "Get your filth out of my country."
I stand up. "Yah, ssibal saekiya."
He turns to me. "Mwo? Ssi- YAH!" He yells.
"Mwo?!" I yell back, standing my ground. "Just because you can say whatever you want, doesn't mean we have to sit and hear it, gaesaekiya."
"Gaesaekiya? Yah! Neo dodaeche nuguya?!" He yells in my face. 
I smirk. Which seemed to piss him off and raises his hand to slap but I was faster than him. You could hear a pin drop after. He glares at me, cupping his cheek. "Oh I'm sorry, did that hurt?" I mock him. "Next time you want to yell slurs at people, look in the mirror first." 
I watch as he huffs and leaves, stomping his feet. A few people clap but I wave them off and glance at Luna, who's looking at me in awe. "You okay?"
"Uh huh," she nods and smiles. "Holy shit, that was....that was awesome."
"Aniya, that was nothing. I'm sorry you went through that."
"Are you kidding? You standing up for me made up for it," she grins as a server picks up the shattered glass on the floor left by that man. I smile at her and we resume eating our dinner.
"Yah yah, stop it you two," I say to the two dorks in front of me.
"But hyung, he started it," Han whines pointing at Changbin.
I close my eyes, sighing. "Neo aedeul-iya?" Shaking my head, I walk forward with the duo walking behind me. I was finally able to eat out after such a long time. Work has been hectic lately and today was a breather for all of us. Han suggested we get BBQ while the rest stayed home. We promised we would bring them food and dessert. 
The restaurant that Han suggested was at a walking distance. Han and Binnie still bickered walking behind me. I swear I feel like a single dad sometimes. As we approached closer to the restaurant, I hear yelling coming from the inside. So being careful, we peek inside to see what's happening.
But what or should I say who, has me rooted in my spot. "Is that...?" Han asks.
"That's Becca, right?" Binnie asks.
I watch the scene unfold as an old man yells at her friend and then Becca suddenly stands up, swearing at him. I'm surprised she even knows the swear words in Korean. But what happens next is what shocks us three the most. The old man raises his hand at her but she slaps him first. She says something to him, at which he leaves angry. 
"Wow. She's badass," Han says.
That she was. When I see her friend smiling at her, a sudden relief goes through me. And then I see Becca is smiling as well. What? Why did my chest suddenly start hurting? She's only smiling. So why is my chest hurting? I try to shake off the feeling. "Oh, they're leaving," Binnie announces. We watch the duo walk out the restaurant, smiling and laughing as we watch them walk around the corner of the street. 
"Let's go, I'm starving." Han walks inside with Binnie following behind him. 
I place my right palm on my chest. It's gone. The pain is gone. Weird. I leave all the thoughts outside as I walk inside to join my friends for dinner.
Author's note: for future purposes, I will be posting the korean meaning at the very end. I also put who's texting to becca. Enjoy chapter 5.
Neo dodaeche nuguya = who the fuck are you? Ssibal saekiya= fucking bastard Gaesaekiya = son of a bitch Yah = hey (when yelling/annoyed) Aniya = no Mwo = what? Chogiyo = hey/look here Ahjussi = uncle Neo aedeul-iya = are you kids?
R = rebecca/becca L= Luna C = Chan B = Binnie I = I.N. Hy = Hyunjin Ha = Han F = Felix S = Seungmin Li = Leeknow
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4
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resi4skz · 5 months
From Brush to Heart (a bang chan fanfic) CHAPTER 4
Pairings: Bang Chan/Rebecca(OC), Han/Luna(OC) Genre: Romcom
For the next few weeks, I got Luna acquainted with the few necessities to get around outside. I got her a new phone number, got her registered in korean classes and some days I would let her follow the map on her phone whenever we were out. We even visited Just Java and had their coffee. It was the yummiest coffee I've ever had. We enjoyed every bit of the time we had with each other. Luckily, we started our work next month also so it was great to know that she won't be home alone.
"Hey, Luna, do you want to try tteokbokki?" I ask as I scroll through the menu on my phone. "I'll tell them to make it very mild."
I find a restaurant with good reviews and order on the food app. "Okay, our order will be here soon. I even ordered fried chicken." 
As we wait for the food to arrive, I turn on the tv to pass time. "Hey, what if you get to work for Stray Kids?"
"Doubtful," I say flipping through channels.
"Hey now. Don't underestimate your skills." 
"I'm not. I just don't want my first day to work THE group. What if I say something really embarrassing?"
"Then you'll have something to tell your grandkids." I hit her arm as she laughs. "Relax. You'll do fine, trust me."
Our food finally arrives and we eat as we watch tv. I even teach her some words in Korean when she asks me. We finish eating our dinner and soon we start getting ready for bed. After doing my skin care, I settle myself in my bed and turn off the light. Let's hope Luna is right about me doing well at my job next month. I promise myself that whoever I will end up with, I will give it my best.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Next month rolls around pretty fast and I get more and more nervous which I shouldn't be feeling. A few days ago, I went out and registered for a Korean name: Kim Na Eun. Only Luna and I know about this though.
Luna finally started working at the coffee shop today and I'm standing in front of my mirror as I examine my outfit. I'm wearing a beige button shirt with a long black jean skirt and white sneakers. Giving myself pep talk before I head out. "You got this, Becca."
It takes me half hour to reach JYPE and soon I'm in the HR department filling out some forms. I get introduced to my team members and soon I'm following one of the staff members, Yujin, down towards the makeup rooms. She told me I'll also be meeting the group that I will be assigned to. She introduced me to other makeup artists and I was surprised that everyone was so friendly which made me feel at ease somewhat.
She leads me to another room full of makeup vanities. There were a total of 12 chairs and even had a couch at one end. "They should be arriving shortly." I smile at her as I wait with her. I admire all the vanities that had makeup products laid out along with hair tools. The door opens and I hear the commotion of a couple of guys laughing and talking but I don't turn around as I'm still looking at all the makeup stations. "Becca-ssi!"
"Ne," I turn around and I suddenly wish I was still home. 
"These are the guys I was talking about. You're assigned to them." 
Back home, whatever I did, whether it was school work or job wise, it wasn't ever good enough for my father. I wanted to learn dancing when I was 15 but took my money pot away that I had been saving since I was 10. I wanted to learn ballet, dad called the ballet dance school and had them deny my admission. Whatever it was, it wasn't worth my while because he wanted me to become a surgeon like him. So he had me studying 24/7 till I collapsed and was on bed rest for 3 months. Even then, he gave me stuff to do related to medicine. Since then, I always did what he wanted me to do. Till last year, I did whatever made him happy. But when I finally stood up, he crushed my dreams.
I was very glad because I got all certifications, even international ones, for this moment all thanks to Luna. Of course, she was on my side the entire time. If it wasn't for her, I don't know how I could've dealt with all the stress. She pushed me and told me give it all my best. And thats's exactly what I did. Living in a new country was surreal. Everything was new to me. The food, the environment, the smell in the air. 
But now as I stand in front of 9 handsome men staring back at me, I don't think my life could get any better. All of them introduced themselves to me and I was in awe of their beauty. Each member had their own aura. I glance around and noticed that only 4 out of 9 had different hair colors. I made a mental note to tell Luna later when one of them walked towards me. He had blonde with blue streaks styled hair, eyes that shined like stars and a jawline that was swoon worthy. I couldn't help but stare at him as he stood in front of me. Bang Chan stood in front of me. I know somewhere Luna is kicking her feet in the air. 
"You're not from here, are you?" Bang Chan asked. 
My god. I had seen him a few months ago. I don't know if I can handle this. I mean out of all the boys, he was the one I was most fascinated with. I watched them from their pre-debut days till now. And he's right here. Standing. Looking all glorious. In front of me. And who knew I would be seeing him again. 
"No, I'm from Australia," I replied, containing my posture. 
"Oh, really?" The way his eyes lit up, I wanted take a picture of it. "Which part?"
"Melbourne." I replied. I don't think he remembers me? 
"Ah, the city of night life and architecture," he said, smiling. I think my mental state is not okay at the moment. Seeing his smile was one of my favourite part of him. It always made my day. But to see it in person....
"Yes, but I never got to enjoy it. I like Seoul more," I said. 
"So you'll be our new makeup artist?" He asked. When I'm about say something, the voices come.
"What's your name?" "Does she like ice cream?" "Ask her age!"
All these questions came like a firing round in a game. I burst out laughing but immediately stop when they look at me. "Sorry." 
I looked at all of them and replied in korean, "My name is Rebecca Greywood. I'm 20, korean age 21. And I like chocolate flavor."
It got quiet and I blinked at them looking back at me. "Uh, did I say something wrong?" Even the staff was looking at me. "Uhhh, hello?"
Felix the one with blonde hair, Jeongin with red/pink hair  and Seungmin the one with dark brown hair, skipped towards Bang Chan and smiled. "Noona!"
Noona? Oh my god. I need to call Luna like asap. 
"Yah," Bang Chan said to his kids who immediately went quiet. "Don't scare her. Sorry about them, teenagers and all."
"It's fine," I say, waving them off. Internally, my brain is doing math of Bang Chan's and my age. Oh my god. If I'm 20, and if I'm doing the math right, he's older than me by 2 years. "Nice to meet you all."
All the other members bow and smile at me. And Bang Chan extends his hand towards me. "Welcome to the team."
I look at him and his hand. I raise my hand and shake his hand. "Thank you."
As he's walking back to the members, Yujin comes to me. "Oh I forgot to tell you. You'll be one of the main makeup artist for Bang Chan, Felix, and Han."
Wait, did she say Bang Chan? "Gamsahamnida," I say and look around the room. The eight of them were chatting and fooling around whereas I have only seen them like that on my laptop. I try to compose myeelf but the fangirl inside me wants to scream. I fish out my phone and take a quick selfie with the room behind me and quickly send it Luna. I put my phone on silent. I will have to talk to her when I'm off work. 
One of the staff members claps her hand. "Alright, we have a new member joining is officially today!" She gestures towards me as everyone in the room, including the boys clap welcoming me. I bow and smile. 
"Thank you for having me." I clench my hands trying to get the nerves out.
"Alright, we have a show in a few hours. Felix and Han will be covered today, Rebecca-ssi. So you can get started on Chan."
I don't think I heard her right. Did she just I have to work on him? The man that made the fandom go crazy over his abs? I look at where he's sitting playing games on his phone. Jeez, even sitting down like that he's attractive. Damn, I don't think I'm going to be able to survive this job.
Putting my feelings aside, I walk over to where he's sitting. "Please make yourself comfortable. I'll start by prepping your skin." I turn towards the makeup items laid put for me to use. Wow. They really went out. I quickly study the table and spot the skincare stuff. Picking up on of the moisturizer, I study and frown at the ingredients. "Why are they using this stuff? This will just make your skin dry and break out after," I mutter under my breath. But not my place to say anything so I sanitize my hands before I turn around and start prepping his skin. I use gentle hands and when my fingers touch his cheeks, I nearly swoon over how smooth it is. Holy, I would kill to have this smooth and silky skin. I start the makeup with foundation application followed by concealer to hide any blemishes and blend everything together. 
Once I know the foundation looks great, I put face powder followed by eyebrow shaping and eye makeup. I strictly kept it professional but couldn't help to admire his beauty. When his eyes were closed, I noticed his eyelashes. They weren't long but weren't short either. The last thing that was left were his lips. I gulped when he tilted his head up so I could apply the lip products easily. Gently, I swipe the product over his plump lips. I don't outline his lips that much. "Where do I know you from?"
I freeze and look at him to him looking at me. "Sorry?"
"Have we met before?" He asks.
Yes. It's what I want to say. But I shake my head. "No."
"Oh." He says, still looking at me.
"Okay, you're all done." I say as I put the brush in my hand down beside all the brushes.
"That was fast," he says as he gets up to inspect my work. I watch as he checks his face thoroughly and his eyes go wide at particular spot. It was where he had a blemish or a simply an aftermath of a popped pimple. "You covered it? I can't even tell that it was there. Wow."
I beam at him. "I'm glad you like it." 
"Thank you." He simply smiles warmly at me and I drop a brush, not because I wanted to but because I was transfixed on his smile. I only wish I could've taken a picture. He bends down, picks up the brush and hands it to me.
"Thank you."
"Anytime." Then he leaves to go to the other members. 
I think I need a break. 
I'm currently sitting in the break room having my lunch. A few people were sitting and eating their lunch too. I have my phone in my hand watching a dance practice of one of Stray Kids songs and I almost want to dance to it.....if there weren't people around. I receive a text from Luna.
L: uh, what is that picture of?
B: me with people I'm working for and with.
L: and WHY exactly why do I see the faces of Bang Chan, Han and Seungmin? Felix? 
I stifle a laugh and try not to choke on my food. 
B: that's because I'm their MUA.
L: ....
B: girl, I'll see you when I get home because my lunch just ended.
L: get back here!
I grin as I pack up the leftovers and head out of the break room. But before heading back to work, I hopped in the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and touch up on my makeup. Once I was done, I head back up to the makeup rooms and see that it's empty. Or what I thought was empty. As I walk inside towards my makeup station, I see 3RACHA snacking on chips and snacks as they joke around with each other. I bow to them as I clean up anything that needed to be cleaned.
"Becca-ssi." I turn around and see Han walking to me.
"Hokshi noona namjachingu isseyeo?"
I blink at him before bursting out in laughter. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh," I say, chuckling.
He laughs. "Sorry, I didn't wanna ask but," he turns around and looks at at Changbin, who suddenly has an interest at imaginary dust on his clothes. "Someone dared me." 
"It's okay. And no, I don't have a boyfriend," I say with a smile. 
Then I see their leader walk up to Han and pat him on his back. "Han-ah, stop messing with the newbie."
"Sorry." Han apologizes but I wave him off. 
"Sorry about him, he's usually not like that." Bang Chan says as Han goes back to Changbin. 
"Ah, no. It's okay. I don't mind," I say smiling. He stares at me for a few seconds and I suddenly question my life choices. "Uhm."
"It's you!" He exclaims, pointing his finger at me.
"Sorry?" I blink at him.
"You're the girl from the other day," he says. Oh, he finally knows. "I knew I've seen you somewhere before."
"I'm sorry," I say as I bow.
"Are you kidding? If it wasn't for you returning my bag, I would've lost big chunk of our hardwork forever," he says smiling. "I should be thanking you."
I beam at him. "It's fine really. I'm just glad it didn't get into the wrong hands." 
"Thank you, Becca-ssi."
"Ah, just Becca is fine." 
He nods his head. "Becca." The way he said my name sounds so sweet like strawberry dipped in chocolate. 
"Ne, Bang Chan-ssi."
"Just call me Chan." He smiles at me before going back to Han and Changbin.
"Chan," I whisper. I smile and go back to my previous task. I think I'm going to like working here.
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3
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It’s nice to know that a best friend can be found anywhere, even in the sewers of Houston! Get to know Danny and his bestie, Nosferatu vampire Becca Daniels, on Show Some Initiative!
Listen to SSI on your podcatcher of choice  including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, and Spotify. Also available on Youtube!
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Safe with Me -Hybrid Au Part 14
Description: You’ve always wanted to help people, and suddenly, you’ve been given the chance to help three hybrids who are down on their luck: Jimin, a cat hybrid, Jungkook, a bunny hybrid, and Jin, a dog-hybrid. Opening your home and your heart to these three, anything could happen. Including you getting hurt.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, implications of sexual abuse, mentions of death, mentions of violence, descriptions of violence, references to sexual activities, mentions of rape
Posted: 8/5/2018
Tags: ReaderxJin, hybrid!Jimin, hybrid!Jin, hybrid!Jungkook, hybrid!Namjoon, hybrid!Hoseok, hybrid!Yoongi, hybrid!Taehyung
Fluffy and Angsty: 3,723 words
A/N: I love you, so you’re getting it three days early. I’m working on a few different things and they’ll get posted after the last part. I really enjoyed writing this series, and thanks to an Anon I do have an idea for sort of sequel, however it’ll probably be a while before that gets posted (or written). Enjoy and let me know what you think!
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Jin woke you up with kisses, starting at your lips and then trailing down to your stomach. “Good morning, my love.” “Seokjin,” You murmured, carding your fingers through his hair. He pressed his face into your stomach, breathing deeply through his nose as he smelled you. It was a habit of his in the morning, though usually he wasn’t smelling your stomach. Usually he buried his face in your neck, kissing and softly biting until you would kiss him on the lips and get out of bed. You jumped as you heard a big thump upstairs, and then pounding of feet. Jin’s head went up, ears swiveling slightly to listen more carefully. “Boys are awake. And excited.” You sighed, knowing that meant you had to get up. Or at least put something on before they came rushing in to get you two up so that you all could start the day. Jin placed a couple more kisses on your stomach. “I think they’ll get even more excited before the morning is over.” “Why’s that?” He looked up at you, then crawled up to kiss you again and again. His kisses were so loving and gentle. “Because you’re pregnant. I thought you were a week ago, but I can tell today. The smell is distinct now.” You had had your suspicions as well, but now that he said it, you knew he was right. You grinned and hugged him tightly. “We’re going to be parents. We’re going to have kids.” “Well, biological parents and biological kids.” You just giggled. “I’m going to have your baby.” He met your gaze and quickly dove in for a passionate, possessive kiss. “You’re going to have my baby. Our baby. Our boys are going to be big brothers.” “Kookie isn’t going to know what to do with himself.” He laughed with you, then got up and helped you up. You both got dressed with lots of exchanged kisses, then went out into the kitchen together, still looking at each other with elation. Hoseok was helping the boys cook a simple breakfast, but greeted your both with a huge grin. “Good morning!” “Good morning, Hobi. Kookie, Chimmy,” You replied happily, parting from Jin to kiss each of their cheeks in greeting. Jimin purred loudly. Jungkook gave you a grin. “Go sit down, Eomma. We’re making you and Appa breakfast.” Jin helped Jimin with a task, then nodded. “Good. We have something we need to tell you boys after.” Hoseok froze, then screamed happily and wrapped you in a hug. “Or now,” Jin said, shaking his head. Jungkook and Jimin looked lost. Hobi was grinning so big that you thought it had to hurt. “Now, tell them now!” You looked at Jin and nodded, smiling. Jin put his arms possessively around you. “Jimin, Jungkook…y/n is pregnant.” Both their eyes were big and round as saucers, stunned. “Pregnant?” Jimin finally said again, a smile starting to tug at the corners of his mouth. “You boys think you’ll be okay being big brothers?” You asked, smiling at them. They had grown since coming to live with you, Kookie now taller than Jimin and starting to fill out. Hobi now looked strong and healthy. Jimin fluctuated with looking like an adorable little mochi and a serious young man who sometimes got into mischief. Jungkook finally smiled. “Anything for you, Eomma.” He hugged both you and Jin. Jimin grinned hugely, then joined the group hug. Hoseok bounced a couple times. “When do we find out if it’s a boy or a girl? Where is the nursery going to be? When are you telling Micheal and the others?” “After the wedding. Actually, after they get back from their honeymoon.” You glanced at the time. “We should get to eating. Let me and Jin help cook so that we can all get going.” They nodded and cooking recommenced. Then you had to help the boys get dressed and ready for the wedding, showing them how to tie their ties and fixing their hair, and that was after ironing their shirts for them. They cleaned up into extremely handsome young men. But Jin looked the best to you. Refined, almost prince-like. His hair fell perfectly, and he seemed to know just how to smile at you to melt your heart. You smiled up at him, thinking that if your kids took after him they would be truly lucky. He kissed you. “My gorgeous y/n. Carrying our kids. Going to your brother’s wedding.” “Finally.” He chuckled. “Finally. I was talking with Namjoon and Yoongi and they sounded excited for this. Apparently Tae is off the walls excited. He adores Becca.” A little stab of jealousy struck you, but you brushed it off. It was good that he loved her. He would be living with her for a long time. “Good,” You answered, hugging him. “Come on. I need to be early.” “Boys! Time to go!” “Yes, hyung!” “Coming!” “I’ll be in the car!” You smiled, looking up at Jin. “Figures Kookie is the first one ready to go.” “Figures Jimin is the last one ready, vain little thing,” His voice was teasing as Jimin rushed to catch up with you two outside. Jimin looked slightly embarrassed. “My hair was laying funny.” “Ah, the hair,” You teased, kissing his cheek. “Looks perfect now, Chimchim.” “You look perfect, Eomma.” You grinned. “Thank you.” “Aish, get in the car.” Jin gave him a gentle shove toward the vehicle. You gave him a gently scolding look. “Don’t go getting all possessive of me just because I’m pregnant.” “Isn’t that when I’m supposed to do that? I’m always possessive of you. He’s just delaying us further. We’re already leaving later than you wanted.” “Right, you’re driving?” He nodded and got the door for you, helping you in before closing it again and going around to his side of the vehicle. You were getting ready once there since you were a bridesmaid. Yoongi met you guys out front, already in his suit. A smile on his face as Hoseok hugged him excitedly. You greeted him briefly, then headed straight inside. Taehyung practically tackled you. “Ah! Y/n! Isn’t it exciting! Micheal’s getting married! Becca’s moving in! We’re going to your house!” You laughed. “Good to see you too, TaeTae. But I have to go to Becca now.” He nodded, kissing your cheek. “Namjoon! Y/n is here!” You rolled your eyes, then quickly greeted Namjoon. “You both look very handsome. Go tell my brother I’m here.” Namjoon nodded, grabbing Tae’s tail as he tried to follow you upstairs to where Becca was getting ready. Becca turned toward you as you entered. “Y/n!” You grinned and hugged her. “Ready to be married?” “I’ve been ready for two years,” She replied, laughing and smiling so happily. “But he had to be ready, and I was ready to wait as long as he needed. I knew he loved me. And I love him.” You grinned and then helped her put on the wedding dress. “Becca! Gorgeous!” She grinned at her reflection. “Today is going to be perfect.” You nodded, then kissed her cheek before getting yourself ready. Makeup, hair, dress—the works. The wedding went off without a hitch. It was gorgeous and perfect and there were hybrids and humans everywhere. It was the reception that got to you most. You danced with him for what was normally the mother-son dance. He kissed your forehead. “Everything changed so quickly. We’re both getting our happy ends.” You smiled and nodded. “You’re finally married.” “You’re pregnant,” He murmured, smirking slightly. He chuckled when you looked up in surprise. “Jin told me after Taehyung asked.” You rolled your eyes. “Ah, Taehyung.” “Yeah, he’s going to be a handful. Good luck.” He grinned at you. You hugged him tightly. “Promise me you won’t work while you’re gone.” “I promise. I’m taking a different phone, and only you will have the number stateside. Becca’s already told her parents that they can’t call unless it’s an absolute emergency.” He hugged you tightly. You hugged back as the song ended. “I love you, Micheal.” “I love you too, Y/n.” He pulled away, then we separated as he went to Becca and you went to Jin. Hybrids really love dancing. Especially yours and Micheal’s. They were hopped up on caffeine, sugar, and the excitement of the day and when they started dancing they really didn’t stop. Jin sat down next to you after dancing for a while. “Ah, y/n, in four months we’ll have known each other for a year. It feels like I’ve known you so much longer.” “I know. I’m carrying your kid.” He grinned and nuzzled up to your cheek. “You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.” “You were so handsome.” “I was emaciated and dying,” He replied, chuckling at the absurd notion of being handsome at that time. “I could still tell that you were handsome. You know, if it hadn’t been for you giving all the food to the boys, Jimin might never have tried stealing from my garden, and I never would have met you all.” He buried his face in your hair. “My poor Jimin-ssi.” You watched Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok dancing together, showing Taehyung the routine they came up with for the current song. Namjoon was doing some weird flappy dance, and Yoongi was actually bouncing around with the boys. Jin chuckled, then kissed your cheek and hurried out to be weird and silly with them. You grinned and videotaped it all, watching adoringly at their antics. Jimin came and got you for the next one, practically dragging you onto the dance floor as you protested loudly. You were a mediocre dancer, and you were about to be out-danced by all of them. Then again, they were so hyped up that they really weren’t paying attention to your dancing, just the fact that you were with them while they were having fun. You were extremely grateful that the boys were too young to drink because you could tell they would be crazy when drunk. You hoped they would never get drunk. Jin was hard enough to handle when he was buzzed, as you had learned the night that the laws that allowed hybrids freedom to roam and work when he had had just a little too much of the champagne that you two had decided to indulge in. He got a little louder, a little more silly—and if ignored in any way he could get extremely pouty. And well… Come to think of it, if your calculations were right that would have been about the time that you got pregnant. Wrangling all of them into the car when it was time to go was the hardest thing you had done. You were already exhausted—a side effect of being pregnant and of the wedding and reception—but just starting to try and round up the boys made you feel like a zombie. Or like you were going to collapse from exhaustion. You stood in place, swaying slightly after having chased Taehyung a few steps, your hand resting on your stomach protectively as you fought for balance. A large, familiar hand slid firmly into place on your waist and an arm supported you from behind. “I’ll get them. You’ve done too much for today. Namjoon!” Namjoon looked over, blinking a couple times, then coming over. “Yes, hyung?” “Get her to the car, would you? I have to get the others.” Namjoon nodded and quickly took Jin’s place, supporting you as you made your way to the van. “Hey, y/n?” “Yeah?” “What’s it like? Being in love?” You let out a short laugh. “Being in love with someone means you can see them at their absolute ugliest and still think they’re beautiful. It’s knowing that you are safe with them. You want them on your side. It’s letting them be right every now and then, and them letting you be right every now and then. It’s balance. You both give a little and you both receive a lot more than you thought. It’s deciding to have sleepless nights, and days where you’re at your wits end because you both want a baby. In short, I have no idea. I just know it works and that I do love him. I trust him more than anyone in the world. I can’t sleep without him beside me anymore. I notice the little things and I love them. And I ignore the things that bug me. That’s a big part of it. A lot of people end up dwelling on the things that annoy them, which is a mistake because then when you lose your temper you really lose it. I need sleep so bad.” He just nodded, eyes wide, then helped you into the vehicle. “I’ll…ask again when you’re not exhausted.” “That’s a good idea. I probably said something stupid or…wrong…” You leaned back into the seat, feeling like you were falling asleep already. “Just rest, y/n. It’ll take him a while to get Tae and Jimin off of the dance floor.” You smiled a little, closing your eyes and already half-asleep. ————— Namjoon had his face buried in a textbook of yours from college that you had failed to get rid of, but since he seemed fascinated you weren’t about to get rid of it. In fact, you were coming upstairs with a box of the other textbooks that you had failed to throw out and you set it beside him. He looked up in surprise, then he hurried to look through all of them. “I didn’t find them very interesting, but you seem pretty hungry for information. There’s psychology, math, a couple literature books, a history textbook, geology, and—of course—two architecture books and…a book on interior design that I’ve been looking for.” You picked up the book and flipped through it, smiling a little. “Mom got this for me in high school.” “Jin might like this one,” He held up a guide to basic home repairs. You grinned, laughing a bit. “My Dad got me that one. Wanted me to always be able to take care of myself. He gave it to me when I was twelve. I didn’t use it until I was twenty and started working for Micheal.” “Did you ever get your degree?” You nodded. “Economics and arts. I took classes in the summers to cut down on how long I would be in school. I had just gotten my degree before I moved in here.” You shrugged. He stacked the books in order of his interest in them, then looked at you. “Thanks, Y/n. You didn’t have to dig these out for me.” “You seem hungry for knowledge. I feed hungry people.” You kissed his cheek and he got shy, smiling behind his hand and then diving back into his book as you went to the kitchen. Yoongi was napping on the couch, having spent all of his energy when he was running around earlier with all of the boys. He had been super goofy on and off all morning as he gathered energy and burned it off. Thankfully Jimin had documented the gummy grins and excited antics of everyone—himself included—with the Polaroid camera you had given him the night before. He had been ecstatic as he ran around and took pictures of everyone to display on the walls. He was excited that he got to be in charge of taking the pictures of his family that would be on the walls for anyone to see. Taehyung was on your computer, completely immersed in what he was doing. He glanced up and smiled at you, then refocused on the screen. Jimin was at the window, watching the snow fall on the ground. He had a coloring book in his lap, and a pack of markers beside him. His tail was curled lightly around the markers, keeping them on the window seat with him. Jungkook was gaming in your room so that he wouldn’t disturb the others. Hoseok came in, all bundled up and headed straight for the back door. “Oh, it looks cold.” You smiled. “I’ll come out with you.” He grinned and bounced. “I’ll get your coat and gloves!” You hurried to put your boots on, which was exhausting for some reason—not a great sign for the future of your pregnancy since things were only going to get more difficult from here on. Hobi came back with your coat, gloves, scarf, and hat and helped you put them on, excited that someone would be playing with him. He zipped your coat while you laughed at his enthusiasm, which had stopped you from tying your boots, so he then finished tying them for you and pulled you outside by the hand. Jimin was all bundled up and ready to join you, smiling, and the three of you went outside to your private winter wonderland. Hobi and Jimin hurried into the snow, kicking around the drifts and dropping to make snow angels. You walked through, carefully sitting and making a snow angel. Jimin eventually came over to you. “Can we go to the pond? I want to see if it’s frozen.” You nodded and let him help you up. “We can’t go on the ice unless it’s a certain thickness, though.” “Yes, Eomma,” He held onto your gloved hand and the three of you trekked through the snow-laden woods to the pond. It was partially frozen, but not completely. Still, it was gorgeous. Hobi grinned, then kept exploring things close by. Jimin pulled his hat lower. “Hobi-hyung! It’s cold! Let’s go back.” “Ah, my Jimin-ssi is cold?” Hobi was back immediately, fussing over the scarf and coat. “We’ll cuddle in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate. Maybe Eomma will read us a story?” You grinned. “That sounds like a very Christmas-y thing to do.” “Is Christmas really close?” “There’s a calendar on the wall,” You told them. “A countdown calendar.” They both looked at you with wide, excited eyes, and started hurrying to see what Christmas decoration you had secretly put up today. Yesterday had been the stocking holders on the fireplace mantle. It would be your first Christmas together, and you wanted to make it the most magical Christmas they had ever seen. Inside the boys quickly stripped their snow gear off and went to find the countdown calendar. Hobi screeched with delight when he saw it and they both got all excited about it. You smiled and went into the kitchen to make them hot chocolate. You didn’t know why they were so excited already. It was only December 2nd, so it wasn’t like Christmas was that close. Yoongi wandered in. “Can I have some?” You nodded. “Of course. Sorry, I didn’t think they’d be so loud.” He just shrugged. “I was awake. They’re always loud.” He curled his tail around your ankle as he got himself a snack. It was about as cuddly as he usually got with you, aside from hand holding and the occasional petting he would let you do. “What does Micheal do for Christmas?” “Well, usually we’re together, so it’s more what will Micheal and Becca do for Christmas. And I don’t know. But if nothing happens by the sixteenth I’ll come steal you all away and give Micheal a scolding.” He purred softly, coming close and taking your hand in his. He rubbed against you, purring and looking sleepy. “I’m going to read to the boys in front of the fire. You want to join?” He nodded, his purr getting more audible. “Will you scratch behind my ears while you read?” You hid your surprise at him voicing the request, and just kissed his forehead, watching as he turned pink. “Of course.” He surprisingly didn’t run away in embarrassment, instead cuddling closer to you. “Why’s it so cold?” “Why are you cuddling so close to her?” Jin asked, half teasing and half possessive. He came in on your other side and kissed your cheek. “Ah, why is your cheek cold?” “I went outside with Hobi and Jimin.” His hand slid over your stomach, resting there. “How was your morning sickness?” You scrunched up your nose. “Ugh.” Yoongi murmured something about making sure the fire was still going and darted off. You smiled and looked up at Jin. “How was work?” He nuzzled up to you, arms wrapping protectively around you. “It was good. I like taking care of the new tenants. It’s different than taking care of you as an aide, but it’s not too bad. I like it.” He sniffed all over you, placing kisses after sniffing. “I thought you would,” You kissed him a couple times on the lips. “I was about to read to the boys. You want to join us, or are you going to go play games with Jungkook?” “I’ll play with Jungkook, unless he goes to listen too. Then I’ll make sure to have a good spot.” He gave you a last little squeeze. “What will you read to them?” “Hmm, either a Christmas Carol or something more exciting, like Ranger’s Apprentice.” “Save the Christmas Carol for closer to Christmas. If Jimin-ah likes this sort of cuddle session you’re going to be doing a lot of reading.” He gently nipped your ear and then chuckled and went to find Jungkook. You smiled, and put the mugs of hot chocolate on a tray, taking it into the study where the fire was roaring. You only had Yoongi, Namjoon, and Tae until tomorrow, and times like these were very precious for you. Jimin and Hobi were already making a big cuddle area, and Namjoon appeared to be joining them. Yoongi quickly took his place beside you after you sat down with the book, purring once you started scratching and rubbing behind his ears. Jungkook and Jin came in, with Tae close behind, the last looking ecstatic at an opportunity for cuddling. You took a sip of hot chocolate, then handed the mug to Jin since you wouldn’t really have time to drink the whole thing while you read to your boys. Your precious boys.
Masterlist.  Part 13.  Part 15/Finale.
@hollzysworld @ephemeral-mindset @stitchattacks
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aapsecurity · 7 years
New Post has been published on 800-227-1568
New Post has been published on http://california.americanassetprotection.com/mccain-obama-and-social-security/?800-227-1568
McCain, Obama, and Social Security
Of all the issues addressing the presidential nominees, Social Security has been largely ignored – which is frustrating since Social Security disability and SSI affects millions of people in our nation, and is the livelihood for the most vulnerable of Americans. Here we will discuss what each candidate, John McCain and Barack Obama, has said concerning Social Security and their plans for the future.
It is estimated that by 2040, Social Security will fail if current trends continue. The reason for this is the increase in numbers of disabled Americans needing assistance. In 1950, there were approximately 16.5 workers contributing to the system for every disability recipient. Today, there are just 3.3 workers for every disability recipient. That is a heavy burden for working Americans to be carrying. National rates suggest that within 40 years, the ratio will be 2:1. At that point, the Social Security program will simply be unable to support the numbers of disability recipients without some type of change.
One plan presented by Social Security is to increase payroll taxes. Barack Obama, according to his official website, supports this view, except that he wants the increase to affect higher class workers and employers who make over $ 250,000 per year. He plans an increase of about 2-4% for those affected.
It is admirable that Obama has put some thought into what he would do to help heal the Social Security crisis. Unfortunately, a payroll tax increase, especially for a limited number of the population, would probably not solve the entire problem. Something else is needed. The other options presented by Social Security are to cut the benefits of the future recipients, which is a temporary fix, or to draw funds from other general revenues. It seems as though Obama expects his plan for healing the current economy to solve all future problems, which is unreasonable.
McCain, on the other hand, has much more experience with veterans and those with disabilities. Which is why it is surprising that Social Security disability is not even addressed on his official website. However, he does have strong opinions about reforming Medicaid and Medicare, which directly affect disability and SSI recipients. His issues are current and, though important, do not solve the future Social Security crisis.
Perhaps the problem is that the crisis is expected to come full-force in 2041. Current lawmakers (including presidential nominees) are concerned with the current economy, global issues, and being elected or re-elected. The changes that need to happen now to solve future problems would cost us more money, and are therefore unpopular and unaddressed. We can only hope that when today’s younger adults reach retirement age and begin to be concerned, it will not be too late.
Becca has been involved in the Social Security world since 1995 and enjoys watching the program change peoples’ lives.
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