#stories told | meryl
breathofcosmos · 11 months
@mcnagerie answered this with:
While these are all sort of...forward, for his taste, Vash is at least going to give her a friendly hug.
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You know what, she's not going to complain in the slightest, Vash didn't seem like the easily physical type so she's going to take her chances and hug him back, he deserves that quite honestly in her humble opinion.
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starkwlkr · 10 months
if you dance, I’ll dance | cillian murphy
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“Doesn’t this look nice? Look, I found the perfect matching earrings to go with the dress.”
Y/n stood in front of a mirror. It was a few hours before ‘The Devil Wear Prada’ premiere since she was invited by her good friend, Anne. Her assistant, Joli, was helping her get ready.
“I like it.” Y/n smiled to herself. This was her first big premiere, although it wasn’t her film, she still wanted to support her friend.
“Okay, oh my god, you look gorgeous!” Joli hasped at the sigh of Y/n.
“I just want this night to go great.”
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“Y/n! You made it!” Anne yelled over the shouting of the photographers.
“I did, you’re my best friend, of course I was going to show up for you.” Y/n smiled and hugged Anne.
“You have to come to the after party. It’s going to be so much fun.” The brunette laughed.
“Let me remind you what happened last time you and I went to an after party. I lost my shoe and you almost got arrested.”
“I promise nothing bad is going to happen at this one.”
Something did happen that night, but it led Y/n to the greatest love of her life. Yeah, she might’ve been a little too drunk and confused her future husband with Henry Cavill, but at least she has an interesting story to tell to her future kid.
It started with a shot of tequila. Then the one shot became two and then three and so on. Not only was tequila consumed, but a waiter had brought a bottle of wine courtesy of the great Meryl Streep who wanted to celebrate the film’s success.
“Wait, shut up, shhhh,” Anne placed her hand over Y/n’s mouth. “Oh my god, they’re playing Poker Face! You have to dance with me!”
“I don’t think I can keep myself up. Where’s the restroom? I might vomit or I need to pee, I can’t decide which one.” Y/n admitted.
Anne pointed towards a hallway that had a sign pointing to the restrooms so Y/n mumbled an ‘I’ll be back’ and darted to the hallway. Like any other after party she had attended, the line to the restroom was long. The sight of the line made her frustrated so she left the hallway and walked outside to get some fresh air.
The night sky was shining. Y/n could see some guests already leaving, some women had their heels in their hands, a guy was missing his coat, Y/n even saw Ryan Reynolds being dragged by his manager. That night, she couldn’t really remember if she had vomited on ‘Henry Cavill’ or if she even vomited at all. All she remembered was that some guy had told her she had a pretty smile and gave her his number which she held onto for the rest of the night.
Oh! How could she forget! She had also shared a dance with him to a sweet melody that she forgotten the name of.
‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis? No, that wasn’t it.
‘At Last’ by Etta James? Nope.
‘Unchained Melody’ by The Righteous Brothers? Not even close.
She tried so hard to remember the song that she dances to with the guy who made her smile so much. She just wished she could relive that night whenever she wanted.
“Cillian, his name is Cillian.”
@thatgirlthatreadswattpad @leclercloml
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
I just loved your writing! So get ready for the highs to come! how Vash, Knives and Wolfwood would react to a reader who is immortal, like Kenny from south park, the reader keeps dying in tragic and horrible ways or even weirdly funny ways in front of them, but for some strange reason, the next day you're alive,as if nothing had happened the day before.
sIf you want to approach it in a somewhat comical way, because in the south park cartoon kenny is cursed by immortality, because his parents went to a satanic ritual because there was free beer. If you want to tackle that part of the story, that's fine with me.
Actually, this is kind of funny. Kenny is my favorite South Park character at this point I know him inside out. Lol. This ought to be interesting. Thanks for the request. I'm actually really excited to write for knives finally! Let me know what you think.
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YOU'RE IMMORTAL!? --- Vash, Knives, & Wolfwood
SUMMARY: For years you've wondered where your immortality comes from, your parents never told you so you kept it to yourself. Until the day came that someone remembered.
WARNINGS: Major angst, death, death description, death mentions, trauma. Please continue at your own discretion. I warned you.
NOTES: Vash's part is before he runs into Meryl and Roberto because I'm too lazy to write the other characters reactions as well. Wolfwood's part is short because I spent all my energy on Vash and Knives. I think Knives is my favorite part, I'm cherishing it.
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"Sleepy head. C'mon wake up." You shake Vash's shoulder to wake him up. He groans before his eyes crack open. At first seeing you he mumbles a greeting before turning over to ignore you. It was right when he was going to turn away that the realization hit him like a freight train. His eyes suddenly open wide, pain swims inside of them as he looks up at you.
There was no way this was possible. Just the night before you had died right in front of him. Your head was blown into bits by some piece of shit bounty hunter. You had nothing to do with this. There was no reason for it to happen and it was all because you got involved with him. He was just starting to accept what happened and now here you are shaking him awake.
"I must be crazy." He mumbles to himself. Tears pool in his eyes and he sits up, bringing his hands to cover his face. "It's not real."
"Vash?" His babbling is confusing. He wouldn't know about you dying would he. No one else seemed to realize, so why would he? His sobs make this almost clear as day. Lifting a hand you rest it on his shoulder with a reassuring squeeze. "What's wrong?" He continues sobbing into his hands and saying things you can't understand. It breaks your heart to see him like this, he's never cried in front of you before he's always been so happy and lucky. What happened?
Sliding your hand across his back and pulling him close, you hug him tightly. With your other hand pressed to the back of his head you tuck it safely under your chin where his teas soak your skin. Quietly you hush him, rubbing soft patterns along his back and whispering soft reassurances until he's reduced to nothing but harsh breathing.
Suddenly he speaks. "You're not real." He claims. Lifting his head to pull away from the hug he securely grabs your biceps. "You've got to be a ghost."
Now it's clear, exactly what's going on. Lifting your hands to cup his face you hush him once more. "It's me Vash. It's really me. I'm still here."
He shakes his head and his bottom lip trembles. "But I watched you die. I even buried you!" He cries.
Frowning, you pull him back into a secure hug. That night is as clear as ever in your head. You were laying flat on your back struggling against a man that pressed his gun to your head. You weren't strong enough to push him away and he pulled the trigger before Vash could stop him. You still remember hearing Vash calling out to you right before you died. He shouldn't have remembered in the slightest. That should have been the only time you'd ever have to see him in a bad mental state over your death. Yet he sat in your arms mentally destroyed by the sight of you.
How would you explain everything to him? Even worse, how could you put him through something like that and expect him to not be upset at you? This is the first time you've ever had to consider these things, it's never happened before. How were you supposed to deal with this?
Vash lifts his head once more to look you in the eyes. "You're not playing tricks on me right?" He asks in a broken voice. The tip of his node is red now and his eyes are puffy too. He even trembles in your touch. Why did it have to be him?
"Vash, I need to tell you something." His eyes don't show any hint of what might come next and that scares you. Anything could happen, the possibilities are endless and not all of them are good. You take a deep breath to quell your frayed nerves. It doesn't work but you try to carry on the calmest you can.
"What I'm about to tell you might make you mad or even make you think I'm crazy but I swear to you what you saw that night and what you're seeing right now is absolutely true. I did die." My hands can no longer hold onto him any more, they shake so hard I can't occupy them at all. Vash suddenly intertwines our fingers together to calm my shaking. I offer a brief smile before continuing.
"I can't die. I'm immortal." Those words are the hardest to say. Now that it's done it feels so easy but I know I might not be able to deal with causing this kind of trauma again.
Vash's hands loosen from mine. "Oh thank goodness!" I'm tackled into a hug. He has me pinned to the ground from his enormous weight and his head is tucked away against my neck. "I thought I really lost you." He lifts his head to look down at me. "You have no idea how happy I am." Tears still flow freely down his face as he gives me that stupid smile of his. It still makes my stomach do flips just looking at it.
"I could kiss you right now!" He doesn't move to do anything even though he's already announced it. He stares at me quietly in anticipation for my response. With wide eyes and a red hot face I nod. He's eager to kiss me right away as his hands find my face in no time at all. Surprisingly he's a lot more gentle than I expected. His lips are so warm and soft against mine. Quick to start but in no time to stop, Vash deepens the kiss for just a brief moment before he pulls away.
"Oh my god I have so much to tell you. I love you so much. I was so worried when it happened, gosh I wish all humans were immortal."
You chuckle at his excitement. "You can tell me all about it whenever you want. I've got all the time in the world."
"Hey. I do too." Vash beams down at you. Your eyes widen and your stomach does somersaults. "Wait, what!?"
Allowing you to sit up, Vash nervously scratches the back of his neck. "I guess I have something to tell you too."
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Millions Knives
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You woke up in your bed slightly out of it. The events from the day before are ever present in your mind. The little girl the doctor had been escorting everywhere had killed you. It was accidental on the Doctor's behalf but that girl had every intention of filling you with nails. Waking up the next day completely okay isn't out of the ordinary, it's happened before. It's still shocking to die and wake up completely okay it never seems to entirely become a nonchalant process.
You left your room and passed by the very doctor who watched you die. Just like every other morning he gives you a wave as you pass by which you return happily. He doesn't remember which is a good thing. No one has ever remembered you dying before, at least it's yet to come into fruition. You're glad that day hasn't come yet, you're still unsure of what to do when it does.
"Oh, Doc?" You turn to face him. He does the same. "Where's Naï?"
The doctor frowns. "He's been in his room since yesterday." That's strange, Knives doesn't need sleep, so why would he be in his room?
"Thanks." You offer a parting wave as you turn to walk off towards knives room. Knives or Naï, as he lets you call him, lets you stay here in the tower with him. He often enjoys your company throughout the night, everyone finds it bizarre that you won him over. It's obvious that mostly everyone except for the Doc and Naï hates you. Each one of them respects you in the presence of Knives but away from him, they make it known.
The reason why Naï favors you is unknown. He never speaks about it and he always acts like he wants to keep you at arms distance, but it's so much more than that. He's played songs for you on his piano and claims he made them for you himself. He makes sure your needs are met, he gives you food, a bed to sleep in, and keeps you happy. Naï protects you. There have been times where you've needed saving from someone within the building, mostly the ones who hate you. You call his name and he's by your side immediately, it's amazing. Sometimes you wake up to Naï sitting at the end of your bed watching the door, other times you find him tracing parts of your skin with his metal attachments.
You're not scared of him but everyone else is. Even as you step up to his door and lift your hand to knock, you're not scared. Just after your first knock, a scream comes from inside. Wooden shards break apart from the door as his metal tendrils snap through. You scream and drop to the floor with your arms covering your head.
Knives has always seen himself as a being who's incapable of truly caring for another, especially humans. Humans are the very thing he has worked his whole life to get rid of and yet at this moment in time he finds himself scared. The scream that had come from the other side of the door sounded like you, but how? You had died hours before, surely it was someone else.
"Go away!" He warns. His tendrils recede from the door and back inside of him where they seeth with unrest.
Seeing his blades recede you slowly rise to full height, your legs shaking underneath you. "Naï, it's me" Your hand shakes profusely as you rest it along the threshold to keep your balance.
Inside the room, Knives can feel his anger boil. "You dare impersonate them. I'll kill you!" In anger he stands from his bed and extends his tendrils once again. They break through the door, pulling back to rip it away inside the room. He steps forward, releasing his blades from the holes within the broken door to slice his visitor into pieces. For the first time, he feels time slow to a stop. His heart is pounding in his ears and his chest burns hot.
It's not possible. Humans don't have the ability to sustain injuries like the ones he saw from you and walk away unharmed. Humans definitely can't come back to life. He knows it, so why are you cowering in his doorway shaking with fear? Why can he hear you telling him to stop? Why is he scared?
Your arms cover your view again, you know it's a futile effort. He could kill you any time he pleased yet you tried to block it anyway. Surely you were already dead, you'd wake up again in your bed and return back to normal. Instead, rapid footsteps race towards you. Fear consumes you. This nightmare was really still going.
Naï screams your name as he tackles you. His strong arms scooping you into his grasp and sweep you from the floor. Gasping in surprise you open your eyes to find him looking at you in fear. Falling to his knees he releases you onto your knees.
"You died how are you still alive?" His breathing is hard and rapid as his hands raise to cup your face. He's so soft when he touches your skin like he's afraid he might break you if he presses too hard. "I didn't hurt you just now did I?" Panic fills him when you don't respond, his chest begins to ache and his eyes begin to sting.
"Please, speak. I'm so scared right now." This is the first time you've ever heard him beg. He's never sounded so scared before or alone.
"Naï." You wrap your arms around him pulling him into a hug. He can feel you shaking hard against him as small whimpers fall from your lips. He's never known a feeling stronger than the one he feels now. The way his heart tugs at the sound of your cries when he securely wraps his arms around you in fear of this all being fake.
Feeling his arms wrap around you, releases the tension in your body. Suddenly the fear you held onto at the beginning melts away and his smell calms your nerves. His breathing stutters against your neck before he lifts his head to cup your face again. Tears now soak his face and shine with the lights in the room. His hands tremble against you as they hold you.
"I'm so sorry, I scared you." Closing his eyes in disdain, he shakes his head and presses his forehead to yours. "I didn't think it was you- I thought you died."
Your heart aches as you grab his shaking wrist. "Don't worry about that Naï. I'm here. It's ok."
Opening his wet eyes he pulls his head away and grabs your hands. "How are you here? I saw the video. She killed you, I saw your body myself. I swear you... I was so scared. First Vash... But you too."
Pulling your hands from his you raise them to wipe the tears from his face. "Breathe Naï, I haven't left you. I can't even die."
His eyes grow wide as his breath hitches in this throat. "I'm immortal, Naï."
For a moment he stares at you, unsure of whether he can believe your words or not. You're living proof, touching him and talking to him right now. Even when he saw you dead that was real too he was sure of it. Was that really the truth? Could you really not die? Even with his doubt, relief filled him from top to bottom. The corners of his mouth began to twitch upwards into a smile, what he could only describe as joy warmed him.
"My flower..." He coos. "You can stay with me forever?"
You nod. "Yes. Naï. I can stay."
Breaking free of your hands, he pulls you into another hug. The only being he's felt this way towards is you and if he had to say what love is he'd tell someone about you. The joy you bring him is immeasurable to everything else in this stupid world. He'd kill an empire of people just for you and you alone. You are the ultimate being, the one that's just perfect for him.
"I don't know if this is right but I love you." He pulls away.
Heat blooms in your cheeks. Did he really say that? The most powerful being, could snap you like a twig and yet he presses a soft delicate kiss to your forehead.
"Oh Naï. I love you too."
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This was the first time during Wolfwood's contract that he let Vash leave his eyesight. Never before had he experienced enough grief to make him walk away from something like this. Maybe you were just the last straw. For sure he would retire after this. He had something with you and just like that it's gone. He would never feel something like that again, it's just not possible.
Sitting alone in the desert he was sure you called his name somewhere in the distance, for some reason he felt hope before it fell and shattered to the ground. You were gone, there's no reason for his mind to be playing tricks on him like this. He couldn't subject himself to this kind of torture and live on. No. But then it came again and it was closer this time. You called out to him from somewhere in the distance. You begged for him to come back, but he knew it was just a hallucination. Knowing that, he still turned around to see your figure wading through the darkness towards him.
Seeing him turn around, you jogged forward with worry. "Nick! You can't just leave like that. Do you know how worried I was. I've been searching for you since this morning. I thought something horrible happened."
He turned around and didn't say anything. If god was real he was surely laughing at him from hell right now. Just as he thought your memory had left your hands slid around his chest and you pressed against his back. He watched you lay your head on his shoulder with a sigh of relief. Was it even possible to go this crazy?
"You're dead. So stop following me." He grumbles.
Hearing those words fall from his mouth leaves you frozen against him. "You remember?" You stammer.
Suddenly he breaks free of your grasp and stands to face you. "Of course I remember you dying. Did you really have to remind me, you damn trick."
This has never happened before, it would have happened eventually for sure but why did it have to be with him?
"No one's ever remembered me dying before." You mutter.
His eyes widen and he backs away from you, anger laced on his face. Turning away he grabs his cross and settles it on his back. "Stop talking crazy!" With his back turned he begins to walk away. Your heart drops as you rush forward to stop him.
"Nick. Wait!" You trip against the sand. Gritting your teeth, you push yourself to your feet. "I can't die. I'm immortal!" Grabbing his shoulder, you force him to face you. "Feel me! I'm alive and well right in front of you! And maybe I should have said something sooner but I didn't think I'd have to. Nick please just believe me." Tears pool in your eyes. "Please."
Nick's gaze doesn't leave the sand at your feet. The crushed cigarette in his lips falls to the wayside and he sets the cross down. You died, yet you stood in front of him. He could hear you, touch you, it had to be you. How would he know otherwise? Even if it wasn't real what could it hurt to indulge himself just a little bit. So, he drops his facade and reaches forward to capture you in his arms.
You're hard, your skin is squishy and warm. You're not soaked with blood. This is real, it's real. It has to be. "I swear if this isn't real..." He trails off.
Wrapping your arms around him and sighing into his chest, you speak. "I swear it's real. Nick... I'm sorry."
Feeling his legs grow weak, Nick falls to his knees and pulls you down with him. Against you he begins to shake and his breath grows ragged. "You scared me baby." He cries.
You raise and hand to the back of his head and stroke his hair. "I'm so sorry."
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dragons1re · 2 months
Trigun is a very autism media to me. The twins themselves are full of amazing metaphors for autism!!
The plants wings are a physical metaphor for autism! To me Rem’s and other humans fear of seeing Vash’s overtly autistic traits is shown in their reactions to his wings. We see Knives isn’t afraid of showing off his plant powers ever. The twins have a very cool dichotomy about masking-Vash was favored because he masked, while Knives never cared to.
When Vash and Knives see Tesla Rem goes to comfort Vash first. This seems to be slightly on favoritism, but also because she’s shocked that Vash is having a large emotional reaction. I think the fandom sees Vash as hyper-emotinal and Knives as hypo-emotional, but to me it’s switched.
Knives does not hide his emotions. And absolutely does not hide his outbursts! He has meltdowns all the time and is not ashamed of his autistic traits(Edit* this comment is in reference to Knives using his plant powers with no restraint, compared to Vash who almost never used his powers. I agree that Knives isn’t exactly a bastion of positivity about his autism, and hates his lack of control, that being said he isn’t ashamed of the traits themselves, just his lack of control over himself). He doesn’t care about being unsettling or being accepted by humans/neurotypical society. (Even more interesting to consider that all of the Gung-Ho Guns are disabled/neurodiverse in some way). Knives allows his emotions to control him, where Vash is guided by his obligations. He does what he wants, based on his wants. And what he wants is to be with the only other autistic person he knows-his brother. He also desperately wants his brother to be free from his internalized ableism and the pain of masking.
Vash on the otherhand spends all his time masking and denying his autistic traits so he can fit in with “normal“ humans. He also again, in contrast to Knives, acts based on how his mother told him to behave. He hates acting out/standing out. He still operates on Rem’s instructions to be “normal“ and unnoticeable. He does occasionally show strong emotions but they’re not his positive emotions. To be these are less examples of Vash being over emotional, but instead are examples of outbursts. The overflow of negative emotions reminds me of my meltdowns! As well most of the emotions we do see Vash show are also parts of his masking. They are deeply constructed displays of emotion. All set to Vash‘s derived sense of what’s normal. It’s what he thinks positive emotions look like. His mask is baked into everything he does. And only one person sees through it-Wolfwood!!
Wolfwood is also set apart by the narrative. He has been modified. In my view this is the story portraying that Wolfwood is also neurodivergent in some way. He is capable of seeing through Vash‘s mask, and from Vash‘s reaction is the first one to call him out on it. He also goes from being afraid of Vash‘s autistic traits-his wings-to supporting him. His last words are him encouraging Vash to express his emotions genuinely(to not worry about his “unsettling“ autism smile).
Trigun as a media deals to deeply with disability and autism(if someone remind me I’ll make another little essay thing about Meryl and Milly‘s autism). I hope this is coherent!!
Anyways! Happy Autism Month!!
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Why We Never See Elendira's Story
In a story that emphasizes the human or otherwise sympathetic aspects to its focal characters, it’s very intriguing that Elendira remains an enigma right up until the very end of her story.
We receive some tantalizing hints that there is much, much more to Elendira than what we’re explicitly shown – asides from her apparent sole interest in witnessing the end of the world (to which she'd prefer to see Knives' chosen ending, but is prepared to act herself if he fails), she looks somewhat resigned when saying that nice men “die so easily”, that no matter what Vash does, humans will “ruin it”, and so on and so forth.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Trigun Maximum Volume 11. In the first, over a rocky ground, Elendira says "I liked you better when you had nothing to lose. What a shame." She looks down, somewhat resigned, and continues "I don't like nice men. They die so easily." In the second, she stands, frowning and saying "No matter what Vash the Stampede does... there will always be those..." On a close up of her right eye, she says "...who ruin it." End ID.]
Elendira seems to have little to no faith in humanity, and in that sense, she seems a lot like Knives. Knives, who aims to become more and more powerful, and in the process, severing all meaningful ties he has with others on his quest to ensure no one can take advantage of him or use him. We know, of course, that Knives doesn't quite succeed here... but Elendira has. She is the peak of human (or part human? We never get an answer to her unexplained abilities) capability in speed, skill, and strength. The only reason Livio stood any chance in that fight was due to his incredible regeneration.
(As an interesting aside, she also has an interesting commonality with Vash - what comes to mind is her telling the kids to bury Livio because he "died" trying to protect them. Why does she care about that? Why does it matter? None of the other GHGs do this. This is not important to the point I'm making here but it's just interesting to me. There's very few characters who explicitly make a point of burying the dead.)
The point being, Elendira is the height of strength... and at the top, she is alone.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. Elendira is in the action of dropping her white coat, which she has taken off to reveal an underarmour suit that is almost skeletal in appearance. She looks confident. End ID.]
In a story where characters' motives and pasts are told through their connections with others, through their memories with people they cared for, and through the eyes of the people who care for them...
Vash's story is eventually told in pieces to humanity through Meryl, through Luida, and through his sisters. Rem survives in Vash's memories, and we see the part of her story that young Vash saw, just as we also see his own past from this recollection of her.
Milly is a clarifier and communicator who sees so strongly the sides of Meryl and Vash that they suppress, all that grief and fear, for the sake of remaining steadfast. She is the one whose eyes we see through. It had to be seen to be told. Wolfwood does this too.
The rest of GHGs get some elaboration also. Hoppered is defined through his loss of the woman he cared for in July. Midvalley is defined by his fear and contention with Knives. They also have a dynamic between them that few of the other GHGs shared - and it's likely for this reason we received more elaboration on the two of them than many of the others. But even characters like Rai-Dei, for whom we don't get very much at all, has at least his sunk-cost fallacy explained through the memories of the people he's killed to get to that point.
Chronica's story, though largely removed from the people of No Man's Land, is given definition and stakes through the loss of Domina, and we are told about her incredible determination and strategy she has through her reputation with the Earth fleet.
Legato, desperate to play a singularly important role in Knives' story, tells his own through that lens and that lens only. The moment his life changed was the moment Knives entered it, and that is likely the most important memory to him - Knives is the only meaningful bond he has (sadly for him, this was not reciprocated). Well, an argument can be made for the contentious dynamic he builds with Vash too.
Even Knives, for all that he tried to separate himself from others, is known and seen through his connection with Vash - and his acceptance and unwillingness to fully lose this connection is not only what eventually saves him, but also the reason we, as the audience, know his story so well.
We see characters' stories in Trigun mainly through the bonds they share with others - never the whole story, but the sides that others knew of them.
So, who does Elendira have? Every interaction she has is shallow, dismissive, and exceedingly temporary. Through her dislike of Legato, we get that she may be somewhat bitter about his important status to Knives... but there is no elaboration, because it goes no further than that. Knives calls her directly on the phone, and she is very invested in his vision for the end of the world and intrigued by him... but it goes no further than that. He does not really seem to care about her beyond her effectiveness, and she does not offer any information about herself. Even her allegiance is kind of flimsy. She's only there because she wants to be.
During their final fight, Wolfwood lives on through Livio, through his actions and resolve. It is the teamwork between him and Razlo, in the spirit of Wolfwood, that eventually overpowers Elendira. Amusingly (at least to me), Livio is quite literally never alone, because he always has Razlo - and now, Wolfwood too.
"Yer too strong... and that's why yer gonna lose."
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. Livio narrates over a shot of his eye, Razlo's eye, and finally, his whole face, with Wolfwood's final vial of serum between his teeth. "...to me... to Razlo... and to him." End ID.]
Elendira has succeeded in separating herself from everyone – she is the most powerful of the GHG, and every battle with her is basically one-sided – but she’s alone, and that’s not only why she loses… it’s also why we never get to know her in any meaningful way.
Because no one knows her. She has no personal connection with anyone. Her motivations never get any clarity. We don’t even know who did her modifications or how she gained her power. Even if she did have someone she cared for in the past, she apparently does not hold onto their memory. And maybe that's the reason she told the kids to bury Livio - not out of respect, but because to her, that is where the past belongs - dead and buried, soon to be joined by the rest of the world and humanity as it all comes to an end.
We never see Elendira’s story… because there is no one from whose eyes we can see it in any capacity.
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lno-x · 1 year
What about character design in Tristamp?
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A person had a question for me, what is it about character designs in tristamp? It's like Vash from Tristamp and Vash from Trimax/98 adaptation are COMPLETELY different characters, and my answer to that is: they are REALLY DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, and I'll explain why right now.
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To begin with, I would like to note that I have a great deal of trust in the Orange studio and its co-founder, Eiji Inomoto. Orange is one of the best CG studios in Japan, known for such acclaimed adaptations as "Beastars" and "Land of the Lustrous". These are not just some studio, but a really big guys, and by big I mean that Inomoto's experiments with the frame rate in the film adaptation of Lustrous at one time were a revolutionary thing in animation, which was picked up by the animators of the spiderverse and then that's all led to the beloved dynamic animation of the "Puss in Boots" sequel. I mean, these are THAT big guys. I'm not talking about the fact that Inomoto boosts the development of 3D in the anime industry as much as possible and literally shits from a high bell tower on the fact that everything is spitting with 3D animation purely out of principle.
Okay, the studio is cool, it is unlikely that they will make a bad product, we figured it out, but what about the designs? They don't even look like themselves! Vash does not look like a mop at all, he has lost his leather pants and berets, and looks like some kind of sucker in sweatpants and a windbreaker, and Meryl gives the impression of a schoolgirl who has strayed from the school excursion, instead of the stately lady in caprons, as we used to seeing her. Only Wolfwood hasn't changed much, except that he doesn't know how to tuck his shirt into his pants and has undergone whitewashing (which, by the way, I'm not ironically upset about). So, is that mean designs is bad as hell? Nope. Just because things look different doesn't mean it's inherently worse. Again, remember that tristamp is a REMAKE, and their task is not to stupidly repeat the same thing, but to breathe new life into the franchise, looking at it from a different angle. And I think they did a FUCKING GOOD job on it.
In interviews and at conventions, director Kenji Muto and producer Katsuhiro Takei have repeatedly said that they are big fans of the original manga and the film adaptation of 98, but it was important for them to touch and reveal those aspects of the story that their predecessors did not reach their hands on.
That is why, despite the fact that the Tristamp is very close to the original source (manga), the studio plays out many details differently or even saves them for later, so that the audience can fully experience the development of the characters. Therefore, in Tristamp, everyone looks much younger than their previous versions and / or very different from them.
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The easiest way to prove this, however strange and unexpected it may seem, is by the example of Meryl. In the manga and anime 98, we immediately see her as a stately lady with a bunch of derringers under her cloak, but they don’t tell us how she came to this and what led to this. Yes, there is literally a page in the manga about some colleague who told her about self-defense and sort of taught her how to shoot, but finally he is drawn on one frame and, in general, we don’t give a shit about him.
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While in Tristamp, this colleague has a name and is one of the most main characters - this is Roberto. Throughout the series, he acts as Meryl's senior mentor, protecting her whenever possible and pulling her out of trouble by the scruff of the neck like a kitten. That is why she looks so youthful and charmingly stupid compared to her previous version. Throughout the series, she literally hits herself with her heel in the chest, saying I AM!!! MERYL!!! STRIFE!!! I AM NOT NEWBIE!!! while Roberto calls her the same way, ignoring all her protests in this regard, and I think this was done for a reason. Specifically, in Tristamp we see her almost in the past, when she has not yet learned to protect herself and be fully responsible for her decisions, although she is very eager to do so. Although Roberto is a character, for the most part he is still a crutch and trigger for the development of Meryl. Through his death and the transfer of HIS gun to her, we see right before our eyes how she changes and from a shy "newbie" turns into the confident Meryl Strife. And after the timeskip, they generally show us the scene of exactly how she becomes the senior and takes Millie under her wing. And by the way, her image visually changes too.
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I repeat once again, there was no such development of the character of Meryl in the manga, in the 1998 film adaptation nether.
Orange build her development completely differently and in their own way, despite the fact that she, in fact, is the same Meryl Strife no less than other versions of her. She just a little different character, which goes to the image already familiar to us, passing through kind of other events
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The same thing happens with Vash! At first, he doesn't look like himself at all, but towards the end, we see how he takes on a more recognizable image. I think that in fact by the second season they will all mature and look much more "canonical", this can be seen from the concept art but in general
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Tristump characters go a different way and get a different development, as happened with Meryl above, therefore, I I think we should perceive them rather as completely different characters that have common roots
And by the way, the studio Orange discussed everything very closely with Yasuhiro Nightou (author of the manga) and he gave her green light and creative freedom, because he saw how reverent people are about their job and want to develop the story. He even drew his and studio designs together!!!
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All in all, the tristamp designs are really quite different from the original, but I don't think that's a bad thing, as the studio does it purposefully and cleverly to give them the development that the manga or the '98 film adaptation lacked.
Again, this is my personal opinion, and it’s worth notice here that I’m far from being an old fan and I flew into the fandom just a month and a half ago, so the character design initially did not cause me rejection, like many old fans.
But in this tirade, I tried to be as objective as possible and describe what was what, thanks to come in my ted talk
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Omg love your writing! What do you think of a vash x reader and wolfwood x reader and how they would get jealous of another guy hitting on the reader if they aren’t established yet??
A/N: OOOOOOO I'm a SUCKER for jealousy scenarios! Also thank you so much for reading my stuff! Enjoy!
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Vash the Stampede
You and Vash would be the type of situation where you both are head over heels in love with each other and literally EVERYBODY else sees it except the two of you
Like the two of you are mooning over each other through stolen glances, barely-there touches, "accidental" moments of being alone together
Meryl and Wolfwood are ready to strangle both of you, honestly, how are you both so DENSE?
However, regardless of this overwhelming amount of affection you both feel for one another, you guys never actually voiced your feelings for one another and you were in no way official
So, Vash can't really say he had an excuse to feel the way he did when he saw another man approach you, all smiles and trying his best to impress you
'Come on, you don't have any right to be upset,' Vash would think to himself, trying hard to push down all the sadness and frustration he was feeling, 'You never told (Y/N) of your feelings.'
No matter how much he tried to ignore his feelings and use logic, his heart still felt like it was being torn open every time you laughed at something another person trying to get your attention said
It would also be evident to everybody except you - the usually-happy, smiley Vash would disappear and be replaced by his sadder self, blue eyes locked onto you, filled with a pleading he felt you'd never notice or see, a pleading for you to just... see him. See how much he loved you and wanted to be with you, that he was right here in front of you and could make you so happy if you gave him a chance
Vash can't bring himself to do anything about the situation, though - after all, in his own mind, who was he to interfere with your finding happiness, even if it wasn't with him?
Vash is also very aware that any relationship with him would put you in great danger, which was always one of the main points keeping him from just blurting out his (very obvious) feelings to you
Meryl and Wolfwood, however, are VERY aware of Vash's internalized anguish, and they can see him and his big, blue, puppy-dog eyes following you and gazing after you longingly each and every time somebody came to flirt with you or try to ask you out
Eventually, they get fed up enough and try to lock the two of you together in a room until one of you confesses because heaven knows if it's left to either one of you, nothing will ever happen
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood
You and Nicholas didn't exactly see eye-to-eye at first, constantly bickering amongst yourselves, you getting irritated when he would tease you, pushing your buttons in a way only he knew how
However, what you hadn't accounted for was the way you heart sped up whenever Wolfwood would smirk at you, or the way it stung when he insulted you, even playfully
Almost against your will, you found yourself falling in love with Wolfwood, but you knew there was no hope of that going anywhere because of the way he treated you - you figured that Wolfwood only tolerated you for the sake of not driving everybody else crazy
However, what you didn't know what that the constant teasing and use of condescending nicknames was Nicholas's way of showing his affection - he's really bad with feelings, but he knew he liked you and that was really the only way he knew how to show you how he felt
So, basically, you and Nicholas are a story of "he thought you understood he liked you through his actions but all you can think is that he can't stand you" - classic miscommunication
What do you get when there's miscommunication? A whole lotta jealousy and upset
Typically, Wolfwood is pretty easy going and likes to poke fun and tease on nights out, enjoying his drinks and eyeing you as you laughed and spoke with others
However, what Wolfwood did NOT anticipate was others coming up to you, flirting away with you happily, trying to make you laugh and smile right in front of him.
His jealousy begins with a twist of his stomach, followed by a twinge of anger as he watched you smiling and entertaining whichever fool attempted to approach you. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears, all other sounds fading away as his vision tunneled in on you and only you
The level of intensity of his jealousy just about triggers Wolfwood's fight or flight, and in his case, he's ready to fight.
Before anybody else can register what's happening, Wolfwood is walking over to where you stand, speaking to yet another person fighting for your favour
Unlike Vash, Wolfwood would not hesitate to sabotage whatever interaction was happening, stepping in and wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to him, way, way too close
"This clown botherin' you, sweetheart? Thankfully, it looks like they were just leaving, isn't that lucky?"
While his tone was casual and almost lighthearted, Wolfwood's eyes were filled with ice, shooting daggers at the person who'd been flirting with you
One look at Wolfwood and that person is now fleeing at high speeds, causing you to turn to him, your face heating up and anger building in you
"What the hell is your problem, Wolfwood?! Do you want me to spend the rest of my life alone, is that it? Do you hate me enough to - mmmph!"
Wolfwood's lips cut your tirade clean off, pressing against yours in a passionate, messy kiss, knocking the wind straight out of you. When he finally pulls away from you, he'd just smirk his signature smirk
"Nah, sweetheart, I just like you enough to want you all to myself."
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leclsrc · 1 year
hi auds bear how about a “singing off-key in their parked car and suddenly a person outside starts laughing” blurb with charles (-: feel like that is so him
take a chance on me – cl16
Damn ABBA and their catchy songs.
auds here... moping over my 3h meeting that effectively bars me frm watching the gp i hate uni! :( love u guys i love this req kskkskd
Charles hasn't gotten that godforsaken ABBA song out of his head.
It’s gotten to the point where earworm infects even his physical movements and he starts holding up an invisible mic like some demented Meryl Streep wannabe. It’s embedded itself into his pre- and post-race routines now, but he’s smart enough to do it alone in his room, because if any member of the team saw this embarrassing schtick, he’d be good as dead.
His car ends up being a constant concert venue. He usually drives in the dark, when meetings are over, or in early mornings, when nobody’s around to sneak a peek (not that they should, but fans are pesky) and he’s free to pretend he’s embodying a sickened heartbroken woman’s voice.
It’s chillier today than last week, which to him warrants a car concert warm-up. He cues the song on his speaker system and starts preparing. He’s on drums today, because his last two performances he was on piano, but he’s always on vocals, whistling and yelling the high parts. If you change your mind... he sings, nodding his head to the beat.
This is all Lorenzo’s fault, seriously—the prick couldn’t stop playing it at lunch two weeks prior and now Charles is paying the price. But he isn’t exactly complaining (If you put me to the test, if you let me try!) In the midst of his performance he tries to remember what the meeting is about. New hires, if he recalls, for the marketing team or something. They want to run some things by him and Carlos, or someth—
In the middle of his high note the song stops; he thinks maybe someone might be calling. His voice cracks in the silence. Oh, and somebody is watching in confusion a few feet away.
He realizes it’s a pretty girl, clad in a jeans and a knit jumper, squinting and cocking her head to the side a bit.
You’d hurried around to try and find the source of the ABBA music you’d heard when getting out of your own car. The culprit, it seems, is not a tinny forgotten speaker but an adult man in his car. You blink. The adult man is also, apparently, the race driver you’re supposed to be in a meeting with in five minutes.
You smile. And then you just burst out in a quiet laugh, unable to hide your pure amusement. He swallows. And then he blanches, unable to hide his pure embarrassment. In less than a second he’s turned off his car and disembarked, scrambling to explain himself. 
“This is so embarrassing,” he says profusely. “You see, I am—”
“—just practicing singing, you see, for a play,” you recount to your friends, laughing so hard your cheeks and stomach hurt. You could never tire of this story, told and retold during parties and dinners alike. Who wouldn’t love this story? It’s a silly one of how you met the love of your life.
Lando had said once the unorthodox meeting was probably the mark of your true love. Some others said it was the fact that you’d been together so long. Others, your compatible careers. Others even said it was the music taste.
You smile as you finish, and Charles braves the teasing just to see you content and happy.
Maybe that’s the best marker of true love there is—not that all the prior ideas are invalid, it’s just. Maybe this is the realest one. It’s also, Charles realizes as he seeks your eyes, the hardest marker to describe. It’s an emotion and a verb all at once, in the very quiet and very intimate unexplainable way.
He thinks—no, he knows—that true love feels like an inside joke. It feels like the click, inaudible and fuzzy, that reverberates through his body when finally your eyes seem to take the hint and meet his. It feels like the laugh, the gigle only two of you share. It feels like a quaint smile. It feels like the story you two have told before and will tell again, with peals of laughter and hands held tight together.
The whole true love thing is a confusing prompt with so many answers, and he could consult anyone to help him out—his mum, his brothers, his best friends, maybe even squeeze his eyes shut and try to send a message of question to Jules or his dad—but none of them would come close to describing this feeling.
He knows love happens to people who’ve known each other their whole lives. He knows it happens to friends, to enemies. Naturally, it happens to strangers—tied together by some invisible string that shortens and overlaps and knots in itself and finally is struck by the fates to bring two people together. Call him biased, but he thinks he’s lucky he falls into the last category. Okay, call him cheesy, but he’ll admit he’d do anything to have you any way in any other life.
If in another universe you were a childhood friend with some corny nickname, or a rival whose eyes would soften when an argument tapered into a confession. Even then he’d love you. He might love you differently, but he could never love you more. 
Now is the best, he thinks. Now you’re the funny girl in the pretty dress with a bottle of beer and laughter escaping your sunkissed face. Now it’s 1,095 days later and he still loves you, just as much as he did three chilly Octobers ago, when you smiled amusedly at him in the parking lot of Maranello. Maybe this time it’ll be a different ABBA song you both sing. 
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dr4k3n0 · 1 year
A/n: To clear up confusion because I've been told this is really close to a Knives version of this, here is the link to that please check out that story because it's great! You can find it here.
Synopsis: A small story of how your favorite outlaw unknowingly "bonded" to you.
Tw: Blood
Word Count: 4.1k
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Blood trickled down your arm as it lay limp beside you as you held your shoulder with a staggered stance. You let out a jagged breath as the large creature loomed over your small figure. Holding your gun tightly in your hand, you used the last bit of strength left in you, to raise it, sending a bullet shooting at the attacker. Not being fast enough to dodge it, the bullet hit the attacker's arm and it let out an angry shout in pain. He gripped his gun as he aimed to shoot you in the head. You quickly dodged and rolled passed the bullet, making sure to land on your good shoulder. Staggering to get back up, you ran off to find the others while your attacker followed suit behind you. 
You eventually caught a glimpse of Vash's familiar red coat as you made your way toward him and the others following behind him. 
"Vash!" You yelled to get his attention as the attacker grew closer to you.
The blonde turned his head in your direction after hearing your call. His ears were soon greeted by the sound of a gunshot echoing out through the town and soon followed by a pained scream from you. Eyes widening in shock, he pulled out his gun quickly, and precisely hit his target, as he shot your attacker's gun from their hand. Wolfwood went to deal with the attacker, letting the cloth that covered "The Punisher" fly off into the distance as he made his way to the attacker. 
As Vash made his way to you, he quickly took his jacket off and wrapped it around your limp, shaking figure. He tore a piece of his black turtle neck shirt, as he wrapped it tightly around the bullet wound in your leg. He soon tore another piece off, and he pressed it firmly against the other bullet wound you had in your shoulder. You hissed in pain as he put pressure against your wounds, earning a quiet and fast apology from him. 
He gently picked you up, before saying, "Meryl get Wolfwood, we need to get them to a doctor." As he rushed off towards the car with you in his arms. 
She nodded at him before calling Wolfwood who had knocked out your attacker, and you all drove off in search of a new town. 
Your head ached and your thoughts and vision were blurry. Pain shot throughout your body as you heard the muffled, panicked arguing of the others. Your shoulder and leg ached terribly bad as it shot shooting pain to your head and then down the rest of your body. 
"What should we do?! There's no doctor nearby, they probably left during the gunfight!" Meryl yelled.
"Well, what should we do?" Wolfwood cut in as he held a cloth to where the bullet had hit your shoulder. 
The others talked about what to do to help you while Vash stayed silent as he urged you to keep your eyes open. He felt his heart sink to his stomach seeing you in this condition. "Hey.. Stay awake for me..!" He said with worry laced in his tone. 
You gripped his hand that you didn't even know you had grabbed, in pain. You sucked in a breath as tears left your eyes. "It hurts so much.." You said in between breaths.
He looked down at you concerned before looking up to see another town in a distance. "There! Go that way!" Vash shouted suddenly. 
Meryl jerked the car in the direction of the town, as it got harder and harder to keep your eyes open. 
"I.. want to sleep.." You said slowly and barely audibly. 
"No, no, no, no! Hold on we're almost there!" Vash said quickly as he squeezed your hand tightly. 
The car soon came to an abrupt stop as you were soon scooped up by Vash again and brought to a different environment. 
"I need a doctor fast! They was shot and lost a lot of blood!" Vash yelled, startling all the other patients there. 
A lady walked out from behind the counter quickly, "Come with me!" She said to Vash before checking on you. "Stay awake for me," She said to you as your eyes got heavier and heavier. 
Vash brought you to the designated room and was soon ushered out by the other doctors. He stood anxiously behind the door, waiting for them to come out. He waited for what seemed like hours as the others stood close behind him, also worried. He bit his lip anxiously before being startled by the door opening abruptly, and a doctor walking out. 
"Ma'am is she okay?!" Vash asked, not sure if he wanted to hear her answer. His heart raced in anticipation. 
"They somehow made it. Coming in they didn't look so good, we didn't think they would make it, but they did. It's a miracle if you ask me." The nurse said smiling at the others. 
Vash smiled ear to ear hearing the news, "Can we go in and see them?" Vash asked, wanting to see you as soon as possible. 
The nurse smiled at them before nodding, "They're asleep right now, but you can go in but probably only one at a time though," The nurse said. 
Vash smiled and thanked her before asking the others if they wanted to go in. They all knew he desperately wanted to see you and decided to go and get a hotel set up for you all. He smiled at them as he bid them farewell before entering your room quietly. 
His heart raced as he approached you and he sat down in a nearby chair beside your bed. He grabbed your hand delicately, as he pressed his forehead against yours. Soon he was greeted with calmness and the picture of the wind blowing through the trees and flowers. Worried, he pulled back as he looked at his hand that had the small pattern of the marks that appear on him. Yours had the same marks. He gazed at your hands confused as he soon felt your hand squeeze his, weakly. His eyes shot open as he looked in your direction as you slowly opened your eyes.
Letting out a groan of pain, you look around the room, seeing Vash sitting closely beside you with his eyes wide. 
"What?" You asked in a raspy voice.
He shook his head before smiling at you, "Nothin," He laughs as he lets go of your hand.
You look at him confused by his actions before your cheeks begin to grow warm. 'Why does he have to smile like that..' you thought.
You were soon emitted from the hospitable and Vash was a little protective of you. He was always around you and stayed near you when you went places, which was odd. Although it made you feel happy to think that he might care about you that much. Your heart raced whenever he checked up on you while you were walking, or when he would help you regain the strength in your arm, even when he helped you change your bandages. His actions always flustered you, but they made you happy. 
After a while, you were able to regain your strength in your arm and leg, but Vash's actions never stopped. He would still watch over you and offered to carry things for you, making the excuse that he was just trying to be nice. You never questioned it though. Currently, you were walking through a small town, looking for a place to stay the night. 
"Hey, Y/n, want me to carry your things?" Vash asked as you both trailed behind the group. 
You looked into his radiant eyes, before giving him a small smile, "I'm alright for now, thank you though!" You said.
He nodded at you as you both continued to walk, your hands occasionally brushing the others. Eventually, you had all found a hotel and were going to retreat to each of your own rooms for the night. Getting ready for bed, you changed into some spare clothes you had, along with brushing your teeth and hair quickly. Soon, you were finally able to let out a content sigh as you flopped onto the mattress, the springs creaked with your impact. You layed there happily not caring that the bed wasn't that comfortable. It was better than the ground at least. 
Curling up to sleep, you closed your eyes to try to sleep, but sleep never came, much to your dismay. You had been trying to sleep for a while but thoughts flooded your mind. It was currently 2:48 am, and your mind was racing. Annoyed, you eventually sat up and got out of bed before exiting your room quietly. You didn't know where you were going in particular. Walking through the heavy hotel doors, you shivered as the cold hit your skin. You wished you had brought a blanket with you, but also didn't feel like going back to your room. 
You walked quietly down the street of the town the sound of your footsteps sounding much louder than in the daytime. Feet treading through the sandy ground, you didn't have anywhere in particular in mind as to where you were going. You just followed the streets as they led you through the town. Eyeing the different signs and advertisements around each store, you were beginning to reach the edge of the town. Feeling a little disappointed that your walk was over, you began to turn around to walk back towards the hotel. It was all the same as it was when you first stepped out, peaceful. The only noises that filled the town were the sound of the breeze blowing through the buildings, and the noise of chirping, from the nearby insects. 
As you neared the hotel, you let out a shakey sigh as you pulled open the door to the hotel, and proceeded in, only to see Vash much to your surprise. He was sitting at a small table with a glass of water in his hand as he seemed to be dozing off. 'Why was he down here at this hour?' was all that clouded your mind. Taking quiet steps towards his figure, you looked over him quietly. The moonlight illuminated his blonde locks that fell perfectly around his face. Outstretching your hand cautiously, the back of your hand grazed his cheek gently. He stirred in his sleep as you snapped your hand back quickly. Your heart was beating fast, and you slowly outstretched your hand again, this time tapping him gently on his shoulder. His face contorted as he went to swat your hand away. You persisted as this time, you gently shook his shoulder.
His eyes finally fluttered open, tired and confused, he looked around before seeing your form standing above him, and smiling. He stretched before standing up and towering over you like usual. 
"Hey," He rumbled, as his voice was still etched with sleep.
Letting out a small chuckle, you looked up at whispering, "Why are you down here right now?"
He let out an embarrassed laugh as he rested his hand on the nape of his neck, "I came down for a drink but I must have dozed off.." He said quietly. 
You nodded as you eyed him up and down. He wasn't in his normal clothes you saw him in a lot of the time. He wore an extremely baggy white shirt, with baggy sweatpants that sat on his hips perfectly. You gulped as you looked him over before looking away from him after he cleared his throat. 
"We should head up I guess.." You finally said already starting to make your way back up to your room. 
He made a small noise of agreement, as you tried to avoid the areas that creaked on the old stairs. As you finally made it to your room, he stood in the door frame, as you both stood awkwardly in silence. 
He was first to slice through the silence as he began, "I uh.. I might have locked my keys in my room.." The tip of his ears began to turn pink at his embarrassment. 
A small laugh made its way through your throat, as you opened the door wider for him to come in. "You can sleep in here if you want," You said offering a small smile. 
His one of a kind, smile made its way to his lips as he quietly walked in after you. You sat on the bed while he stood there awkwardly. "So how should we work this..?" You mused aloud.
He stayed quiet offering a shrug as you rolled your eyes at his lack of an answer. "Well, You can sleep on the bed with me.. I don't mind," You offered. 
A blush made its way to his face as he nodded weakly. Taking a seat beside where you were sitting, you flop back onto the bed carefully, as you got under some of the worn blankets from the bed. Vash soon mimicked your actions as he carefully slid under the blanket. Both looking at each other for a moment, your faces both ruby red. You watched as he gulped, and moved some hair out of his face that blocked his view of you. 
"Goodnight.." You whispered quietly as you turned around to face the other way. 
He repeated your words before turning around as well. For some reason, you were able to fall asleep instantly. The blankets felt so warm as they were wrapped around your small form, and the bed just seemed 10 times more comfortable than before. Though, you weren't complaining. 
You were soon woken up, by the sound of the town resuming its daily activities. The shouts from people selling goods, the chatter below from the bar. Your eyes fluttered open tiredly as you stretched but your hand came into contact with something. Looking to the side of you through your eyelashes, you see blonde tufts of hair scattered around you and a tight grip on your waist. 'Oh it's just Vash,' your mind eased at the thought as you snuggled into his touch more. But then it dawned on you. It was Vash! You shot up quickly as a blush dusted your face as the tip of your ears reddened. He made a small groan after you left before peeking his eyes open to see your hands covering your face. 
Sitting up, Vash let out a yawn before saying, "Good morning," 
You replied with a small pathetic squeak of a "good morning" too embarrassed to look at him. He quirked a brow at you as he looked at your hands as they covered your face. Why did they have marks on them..? They had the same marks as his. Confused he grabbed your hand as you let out a confused squeak as he studied your hand which happened to be much smaller than his. As your hand made contact with his, the smarks began to glow and the marks also began to form on his hand. 
You eyed what he was doing confused at the marks. "What are these marks?" You asked confused as they pulsed a glow as your hands were in contact with each other. 
"Vash? Arent these the marks you get? What's going on?" You asked concerned.
He stayed quiet as he watched your hands as the marks began to spread up your arm. 
"Vash! What's happening!?" You said as you ripped your hand away from his. The marks began to slowly disappear from your skin along with his. 
He watched in shock, just as confused as you. "We should get this checked out.." Vash uttered. 
You looked at him confused before nodding at him. His eyes lingered on your hand a little longer before looking up at you. "I'm sorry.." He whispered.
Looking towards him you smiled before grabbing his hand again, "It's fine, I'm sorry I freaked out like that. I think the marks look cool.." You said trying to make him feel better.
He smiled at you as he slid off the bed and stood. "Let's get changed and I think we should go to a good friend of mine. She can probably help us," He grinned. 
"I'll go see if I can get a master key to my room, meet me downstairs in about 30 ish minutes." He said as he began to walk out of your room. 
You nodded as he shut your door gently leaving you with your thoughts. You quickly showered before slipping on your gear, and putting your belongings into your backpack. You shrugged your backpack on and began to head down to where you were supposed to meet. Sure enough, you saw Vash's tuft of blonde hair with his red coat making small talk with Wolfwood. You greeted them both with a small smile before you and Vash began to head out. The others decided to stay behind to rest, so it was just you and Vash for right now. You both rented some strange creatures to ride on through the desert. 
"We should hopefully make it there by nightfall if things go smoothly," Vash finally said. You nodded at him as you rode beside him.
'Maybe this won't be too bad..' you thought. Riding through the golden desert, you both finally made it to the ruined SEED ship. Your eyes studied the old ship with amazement. As you neared the entrance, you got off of your (creatures?)  and then followed Vash to the entrance. He led you through the large doorway as you looked around in wonder. He took you into a few rooms trying to find the people you were looking for, only to find them in one particular room. It was a geo (pod?). It was beautiful, flowers covered the green grass like a blanket, and the trees stood tall and lush.
"Laida! Brad! Good to see you guys!" Vash chimed as he made his way toward them.
You watched as he made his way toward them and slowly followed behind him. You stood beside Vash quietly, as he talked with the two unknown people.
"Laida, I need your help, something happened between me and my friend here, and we don't understand what's happening," Vash said as he gestured towards you.
Laida looked towards you seeing your small form offer her a small wave.
"Hello.." You uttered out with a small smile.
She smiled and held her hand out for you to shake. You took her gentle hand in yours as she shook it. "Hi there! I'm Laida, what's your name?"
"I'm Y/n!" You said offering her a shy smile.
"Well, nice to meet you Y/n! Oh, and I almost forgot this is Brad, but don't let him scare you, he's really a sweetheart deep down." She said casting him a smirk.
Brad huffed and rolled his eyes at her.
"Well, what can we help you with Vash?" Laida finally began.
"Ah, well.. we were wondering if you could explain this..?" Vash said as he gently grabbed your hand and the marks began to form again.
Laida studied your hands before smiling coyly at Vash, "Come with me you two," She said as she began to walk inside.
You both followed behind her, and Brad followed behind you both. Laida soon came to a stop at one of the doors before entering. Following her, she grabbed a large book and she flipped through the old pages. You both stood there in anticipation waiting for the answer. She made small hums every now and then and then began to smile as she looked up at you both closing the book. 
"Vash, did you happen to make a bond with Y/n here?" Laida asked. 
Vash looked at her confused, "A bond? I don't know?" the blonde replied. 
Laida nodded before saying, "Well then, Vash can you place your forehead on theirs? That is if you are okay with that Y/n" She gestured toward you.
You nodded as she smiled. "Fantastic! Now Vash, place your forehead on theirs and I need both of you to close your eyes, and clear your minds." She instructed. 
You both nodded, as Vash gently pressed his forehead to yours, giving you a small smile before closing his eyes, and you yours. Clearing your mind, your body began to feel calm, you were soon brought to completely still water that you were standing on top of. Not a single ripple or wave, just tranquility. Looking around in the large pool of water you stood on, you were soon brought to a field of flowers, seeing Vash's red coat in the distance. 
Being brought back to reality by Vash pulling away, your eyes fluttered open as Vash made eye contact with you before looking at Laida. You looked at his face as the marks had appeared on his, and his eyes widened seeing yours, probably meaning you had them too. 
Laida smiled at you both before chirping, "You both have a bond!"
Vash and you looked at her confused and she cleared her throat before beginning again. 
"What I have found, is that PLANT's like Vash, in simpler terms, would form a bond with someone they considered a "mate" to breed with," Laida paused, "So in a way, Vash must have formed a bond with you, and since you are human, the process of this bond is acting odd since you are both different species." She continued.
"That doesn't explain the marks though.." Vash said quietly. 
"Well it does in a way, if I am correct, this bond is somewhat, making Y/n here, into a plant, so they will most likely be half human half plant after this, I do not know the side effects, but I don't think it will harm you in any way," Laida confirmed. 
You stood shocked, and your hand somehow made its way to Vash's. Your face was stained red with blush and your heart beat fast. 
"Why don't you both stay here the night?" Laida said trying to ease the tension. 
Vash nodded at her as a blush coated his face as well. She began to lead you both to a room you could both stay in and gently shut the door behind her. You both stood near each other trying to form words about the information you had just learned. 
You finally began to say something, "So uhm.. were bonded now..?" You said looking at Vash hesitantly. 
He looks at you through his lashes, "I'm sorry if you didn't want to be bonded to me.. I didn't even know this could happen until now.."  Vash said placing his metallic hand on the nape of his neck awkwardly.
You grabbed his flesh hand gently before saying, "I don't mind being bonded to you Vash.." Looking away from him.
His eyes widen as he lets a small shy chuckle leave his lips, "I don't mind either." He said offering you a smile. 
Looking up at him, you smile at him feeling him squeeze your hand gently. "So uh, should we restart this and I guess confess..?" Vash said as his cheeks went red. 
You nodded at him as he sucked in a breath. "Well, Y/n I really like you, you're fun to be around, you're kind, and you stay around me even though it's extremely dangerous, I love everything about you.." Vash confessed and his face almost rivaled his jacket. 
You smiled at him as your face got warm and your heart was about to explode, "I really like you as well Vash, you're so loving and caring to others, and your personality is golden, I love everything about you no matter what, and I'm glad that were bonded together.." You admitted. 
A smile formed on both of your faces as you looked at each other lovingly. Vash gently pressed his forehead to yours as you both looked at each other with half-lidded eyes. Your body felt a wave of calmness flush through your system, as you both stayed in that position. You watched as his gaze made its way to your lips before coming back up to look at you for permission. You smiled at him before pressing your lips against his. He tensed at the impact but melted into it quickly feeling the love and affection poured into your kiss. You both soon pulled away gasping for air and hugged each other happily. 
"Being bonded to you won't be so bad," you said with a small chuckle as you pulled away and looked up at him. He smiled again at you, before pressing his lips to yours again. 
"I guess your right, Y/n.." 
The End!
Okay, okay, okay, I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long.  ;-;    I haven't been feeling like writing, but I will hopefully be back now. My posting is all over the place and I apologize. I made sure to make this one a little longer than normal, but while writing this, my brain went kasplat. So this probably made no sense. But yea! Thank you for reading! 
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breathofcosmos · 7 months
Continued from here! @reusignus
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"Shh!" It's an almost spitting noise, riddled with agitation to cover up the worry that had previously been chewing at her inner thoughts. Despite this, the dabbing of the wound is relatively gentle, things could have gone far worse than they did. Dark locks cover up her face for a moment as she hangs her head over her work, frustrated, but? It's yet another lingering fascination and attachment, the fact he tries for others when nobody else would think of it. Foolishly good.
But she does press the slightest bit harder considering his last words before giving him that flick of a glare.
"That's my choice." She snipped, a sigh rushing out of her. "You don't get to hide alone and lick your wounds anymore." Unless he specifically chose to ask to be alone, and while she would understand at times, she hoped not for majority of the time, wished certain people would not go where she could not follow. Meryl doesn't allow her gaze to drag along any of the other marks and evidence to the upsetting truth of what he said and she turned, picking up the bandages, finally letting herself look at his face, seeing his still focused elsewhere.
"...It's just, hard to understand, Vash." To a degree it was, all that he did, and yet a lot of it was perfectly easy to understand, harder to swallow.
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nanomooselet · 4 months
Little but Fierce
Now, I might be mistaken, but judging by the number of bare pectoral muscles strewn over my dash at any given moment, I'm gonna say Wolfwood is pretty popular? And that's understandable (he's a loser <3) but it's a genuinely terrible shame that Meryl gets overlooked. Especially in Stampede. Orange have done some really amazingly cool things with Meryl.
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And it makes me a little nervous to say so, but I think they only could have done them by detaching her from Milly, at least for a time. Milly's still going to show up and I'm confident from this precedent they'll treat her well, so I'm at peace with her absence for now.
Nightow is unexpectedly good in many ways. He treats sex workers as human, which is a low bar that many nevertheless fail to clear, and my only serious disappointment in Maximum was in how the girls vanished for long periods. I recall an interview where he said something to the effect of being reluctant to put them in harm's way, and while I'm disinclined to take anything Nightow says entirely at face value (I don't think he's a liar, but I do think he has a sense of humour that inclines him to kindly trolling, which I respect), that would line up, I think.
I think Orange are taking the opportunity to remedy this disappointment.
It's exciting. It's the kind of writing for female characters in genre media I've always craved. I will not be silenced on how extremely gay I am for Meryl Stryfe.
Unfortunately that means for this first entry, I'll have to talk about Knives. (Whom I also love, but not in a gay way. More an affectionate revulsion. He's fascinatingly horrible, this man.)
So. I've noticed a distressing tendency for Knives's... really almost anything that ever comes out of his mouth (seriously) to be taken as the honest, objective truth. After all, they didn't call him a villain.
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And what an honest face he has!
As Knives has it:
Vash is pretty, but he's useless without his brother. He's a powerless, weak, pathetically naïve, blubberingly sentimental little baby who doesn't care about the Plants, too busy enabling humanity's abuse via performing his cringing, grasping abasement before them to notice how his brethren suffer. Knives himself is the more powerful (and much less human-like) of the twins; the strongest and most righteous activist for necessary change now that, sadly despite all good faith attempts at communication, non-violent solutions have failed. He truly has only the best and most altruistic intentions: the freedom of his people, and the happiness of his brother.
Here's the problem. This has always been the problem. Every one of the statements in the paragraph above is false. Except the one about Vash being pretty.
Once more with feeling: They are completely untrue. They are supported by literally nothing. All we have is his word that they're true and there's so much existing evidence to disprove his claims that even the thought of compiling it exhausts me.
However, I did say that Zazie is a truth-teller in this story, didn't I? So let's examine some of Zazie's conclusions.
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Now, I've seen reference to the surviving human communities on No Man's Land as "colonisers", and that their treatment of the Plants even before the Fall is analogous to slavery. (My strong suspicion is that Knives is purposefully invoking those comparisons, in fact.) Those are both extremely loaded analogies, culturally and emotionally, and I just want to gently, respectfully caution those who make them against overlooking the more nuanced and purposeful analogies being made. Or maybe should I say, the actual individuals to whom they apply.
Zazie is very careful to say this: Knives told them humans can't be trusted to learn from consuming their home planet. Knives was the one who said humans will have Zazie's planet next, and that only Knives will "use" the Plants correctly - so Zazie should ally with Knives.
Here's what Knives meant by "using the Plants correctly":
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I, uh, think Zazie may have made the wrong call on this one! And that Zazie thinks the same.
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This is what makes the interaction with Wolfwood so funny and sad - the all-knowing, ostensibly unkillable Zazie is freaking the hell out, staggering under the weight of realising just how apocalyptically badly they have fucked up. Wolfwood, who also directly instigated this disaster but under duress, is grimly amused - he did everything he did fulfilling the contract to protect the kids, even as his conviction failed, even though he would rather have died, even after Livio... and thus he personally rendered all his own efforts and sacrifices moot.
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And he's just like, "Heh, yeah. That tracks." This poor boy.
Afterwards, Zazie is confused and even a little saddened that Vash was demonised in the wake of July's destruction. Never let it be said the bug fails to learn from experience: Vash is the one everyone blames? Ah, so he was in fact spectacularly heroic and clever and it's entirely Knives's fault it turned out so badly.
Also, crashing on this specific planet wasn't exactly humanity's choice. Guess whose choice it was.
Go on, guess. Better yet, guess why.
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Yeah. It was also Knives who said to Zazie that both he and Vash crashed the ships... trying to stop us. From doing exactly what Knives tried to do the very instant he got the chance.
The thing is, Knives does everything he can to look like he's right by positioning himself as the most authoritative source, but he isn't ever backed up by like... facts. Or evidence. Or reality. Or anything. Ever. He crowned himself king of the Plants. He speaks and acts for them by divine right, apparently. He didn't take a vote or anything - in his mind it's self-evident only he understands the world, and Vash, and the correct way to use the Plants. Because remember that it's not using Plants he gives a damn about, even using them to death in the Last Run, as long it's him doing it. It's being dependent upon humans; he views providing for our basic survival needs as wasteful and inherently, exclusively parasitic, even if we're helping the Plants to survive in turn. Because it's humans that he's frightened of, and he wants the yucky things gone.
The thing is, when he's not being purposefully manipulative (though Vash is the only one he manipulates in person, probably because Vash is the only one he pays enough attention to for his tactics to be effective) he's being a dense fucking idiot. At very few points do his delusions intersect with reality.
The thing is, Knives is a known, proven, and entirely unrepentant liar. It's the logical extension of the way he gaslights Vash. He is in no way a trustworthy source of information.
All that he says is part of a heroic narrative about being the specialest boy evar that he came up with to avoid taking any blame or responsibility for the consequences of his actions. Knives considers himself perfect, but he's made plenty of mistakes, which I do think he would consider mistakes - among them Rem's death, alienating Vash, cutting off his arm and rendering him disabled, and what I suspect to be the large number of Plants killed in the Fall, along with the ones consumed by the Last Run in the desperation that followed.
So he tells himself... little stories. Inside his head. It's how he reconciles it. It's how he copes.
Basically, if you want to find any truth in anything Knives ever says, look closely at what he says, and believe the opposite.
Now, onto my girl and how completely fantastic she is.
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
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H5N1 avian flu that Jeremy Farrar at the WHO keeps moaning about. Not even 1000 human infections ever--and now, mutated, it just causes fatigue or pink eye
MERYL NASS APR 03, 2024 Bird flu was to be another fear-inducing, titillating media darling. The CDC and USDA really tried to hide the fact it had mutated to a form that was no problem for humans. I hope I helped stir the pot on this subject and maybe millions of birds will no longer be culled to create yet another scam to scare the public about pandemics. Meantime a bird flu vaccine for humans got licensed, just in time! (Just in time to avoid the news coming out that it was totally unnecessary.) The chicken vaccine is in the pipeline.
US expects a bird flu vaccines for chickens, but bans French ducks who have been vaccinated. MERYL NASS · FEB 15 US expects a bird flu vaccines for chickens, but bans French ducks who have been vaccinated. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-is-18-months-or-so-away-finding-bird-flu-vaccine-says-agriculture-secretary-2024-02-14/
Read full story The fake bird flu (H5N1) epizootic that has led federal officials to cull millions of birds. MERYL NASS · MARCH 16, 2023 The fake bird flu (H5N1) epizootic that has led federal officials to cull millions of birds. From today’s Yahoo News: An outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza that started in 2021 has become the largest bird flu outbreak in history, both in the U.S. and worldwide. In the U.S. the virus has led to the destru…
Read full story And here is the story now:
… Despite the alarming increase in the past few years of the virus’s geographic range and the number of species it has been seen to infect, both the World Health Organization and the CDC currently assess its risk to people as low. The news of the case in Texas does not change that, Shah said.
H5N1 bird flu has been high on the worry list of experts on emerging diseases for the past two decades. Over that time there have been nearly 900 human infections in 23 countries; just over half of those infections have been fatal. But in recent years the strain of the virus circulating in many parts of the world — including the United States — seems to trigger human infections less frequently than earlier versions of the virus did. And when human cases caused by this strain occur, they are typically mild.
A case in point was the country’s first H5 infection, which occurred in 2022. A man who was involved in culling infected poultry in Colorado reported feeling fatigued; he tested positive for the virus. It was unclear if he was actually even infected or simply had viruses in his nose that were picked up by a nasal swab test….
The low rate of human infections and the mildness of most cases when they occur has counterbalanced concern about the virus’s astonishing spread.
And if you want more on this topic (I wrote about 5-6 posts on it) here is more:
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merci-bitch · 7 months
loved your Charlize characters things, but can’t you do somewhat the same with some of Meryl’s characters? Like how they are to live with or something
Thanks ! And sure, should be fun! Seems a bit short but oh well, haha
Not my gifs!
Miranda Priestly
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- Well
- She’s tough
- She’s a perfectionist at best
- Her house is very clean
- Even for having two near teenage girls
- She has a nanny for her girls who also cooks for them when she isn’t able
- Although I don’t think Miranda is the biggest cook, I do think she knows how to do it
- Her townhouse is MASSIVE
- 3 stories
- So many rooms
- You still get a little lost sometimes
- Not surprising though, there’s so many doors
- But Miranda wouldn’t be too bad to live with
- Unless she’s stressed and in one of those terrible moods
- She can be quite poisonous in her mouth
- Very critical
- You know not to fuel it at the worst times
- But you still like to pick at her
- Teaser
- 😌
Donna Sheridan
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- She’s so fun
- You, Sophie and her are dream team
- You were a painter , a local, and had known Donna for years, since Sophie was little
- You helped Sophie become good at drawing and painting
- And you just became a part of their little family
- Although Donna and Sophie still spend a lot of thing alone together, you don’t mind
- Dancing and singing all the time obvs
- You help Donna around the island, help her with renovating the hotel
- You remind her to take one day at a time
- You’ve painted the hotel a number of times, painted Donna and Sophie
- She loves it
- You have a lot of fun
- Sophie and you always team up against Donna
- Play little pranks on her
- When Sophie was younger, you’d tell her stories about the world and paint an image of what her world might look like
- The love Donna has for her daughter is so beautiful
- Donna often worries about how empty she will feel once Sophie leaves
- If she does
Jane Adler
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- Oh my god
- You are her experiment bunny for her new recipes
- She always tests new things in the kitchen
- And you are her critic for tasting
- She loves you dearly
- She loves how well you get on with her kids
- She was worried about the slight age gap
- How her children would react
- But they love you
- You’re a little older than her oldest
- So she doesn’t fell that bad, but still it’s different
- She kicks you out of the house when she has her dinner parties with her girls friends
- She gossips about you to them obvs
- One of her friends always tries to get her to talk about you in the bed
- Because Jane suddenly has so much energy she bakes three pies for one night
- Jane just smirks and doesn’t say a word
- Whenever Jane can’t sleep, she makes ice cream so your freezer is FILLED with ice cream
- You are left to eat it
- Not that you’re complaining, it’s the best thing ever
- Many late nights up
- Watching movies
- Taking baths together
- Getting high accidentally together
- That’s some funny shit
- Really
- She accidentally bought pot brownies
- The most hilarious thing ever HAHAH
- If you look away from the whole plot of the movie, but still stay on track
- She never slept with Jack
- She slept with you weeks before and you became a thing
- You filled the empty house with your laughter and her own and she doesn’t feel so alone anymore
The Witch
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- Well this is difficult
- Because you don’t technically “live” together
- And you’re not really together together either
- But when the plot happens, and she turn’s beautiful again
- Suddenly something happens
- You find yourself attracted to the witch you were told to fear
- She knows
- Of course she knows
- She enjoys feeling attractive, longed for, and everything once again
- When the big lady giant comes down from the sky, and she loses her daughter she seeks you
- Not for comfort
- But to release pent up anger for Rapunzel
- She knows she’ll come back
- Of course she will
- But seeing you tremble before her is too good to just let pass by
- So you become her little thing
- And then when the plot continues
- You were a friend of the bakers
- Everyone goes against the witch except you
- And oh how she enjoys it
- She’s seducing you
- She knows she doesn’t love you
- She loves her daughter
- But you’re a good distraction
- In the middle of all chaos she finds you by a tree as she’s looking for the boy
- Sneaks up on you
- Has a little fun riling you up only to be caught by the bakers and everyone else
- Whoops
- Your little secret is out
- Last Midnight
- And suddenly she’s gone
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Hi it's me! Absolutely love your Vash stories ^^!! if i may, I'd like to request a little fic sort of like sunshine! Vash x Grumpy! reader but in this case its vash getting them to laugh out loud for the first time hehe vv Maybe a little bit of angst but ultimately very sweet and funny <3
i love polar opposite dynamics and thats why i loved The Only Time I Feel Safe <3!! Thank you!! You're doing great!!
A/n: oh my gosh! I was kicking, screaming, and giggling at this idea! You have no idea how fast I started writing the minute you suggested this! 💖 Hope you like this @usuallynana !
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The Way You Laugh
You had yet to learn why the universe works in mysterious ways. But it paired you with the most chaotic group of people you could imagine. It was another typical morning as you sat with Meryl and Wolfwood, where they were bickering about some minuscule topic. Roberto was finishing his breakfast with a sip from his flask. Meanwhile, you enjoyed the warm cup of coffee as much as possible and braced yourself for what today would throw at you. You traveled wherever the wind blew and wanted to see the world outside your hometown. You had seen too many things growing up and needed to escape the crime, abuse, and chaos the police inflicted on your small town. After a rough couple days of traveling under the hot sun through the desert, you tagged along with this group after they found you. Thankfully everyone was nice enough to let you travel and gave you much needed space.
"Morning! Y/n! Want to hear what the coffee said to the other coffee before their night out?" All but one person exactly.
"Morning Vash, and what did they say?" you asked.
"Let's stir up some trouble!" Vash answered as you heard a collective groan and some dry chuckles from the group. You stared at Vash with his goofy grin as you took a deep sip of your coffee.
"Interesting," you told him flatly as he chuckled at his joke. I mean someone had to.
For some reason, the universe decided to put Vash into your life. Since you offered to help buy supplies, cook meals, and fend off enemies for the group, the group enjoyed having you. That also meant Vash would stay by your side as he wanted to know more about you. He was such a ray of sunshine and practically made it his mission to spread that warmth and joy to others. Meanwhile, you were reserved, aloof, and put people at arm's length after growing up in such a harsh environment.
You had a heart, but with how rough No Man's Land was you had to be cautious. Yet, you managed to attract someone like Vash who always kept coming back to you no matter how much you pushed him away. In fact, despite how much you closed people off, you bonded with Vash one night after telling him about your troubling past. After the both of you shared some personal stories, you managed to crack a smile at him that he will never forget. If anything, he made it his personal mission to know you better and make you laugh after that night.
"Come on blondie, enough with the jokes. It's been a week already," Roberto begged.
"No can do! I'm just getting started!" Vash replied. Although Vash threw some of the corniest jokes you've heard, it didn't bother you. You wanted to see how far he would go to make you laugh. Plus, each joke he told after the 3rd day was getting better.
After breakfast, your group traveled through the desert to the next city. You sat in the middle of Vash and Wolfwood while Meryl drove with Roberto in the passenger seat. It was going to be another long drive of watching endless sand and dunes.
"Hey Y/n, want to hear a desert joke?" Vash asked you as you looked at him.
"Vash no!" Roberto begged, but you gestured at Vash to continue.
"Nah, you're right. It's too dry," he replied as you rolled your eyes at the joke. Another collective groan was let out while Meryl laughed.
"Okay, I got a better one!" Vash chimed in. This time you turned around to face Vash with an amused smirk. Meanwhile, Wolfwood turned to look out the window.
"What did one sand dune say to the other sand dune?" he asked. You pondered the question as you tried to figure out what kind of pun this would be.
"I will never desert you," he replied. Okay that one wasn't too bad compared to the other one. Even Wolfwood didn't groan this time as he raised an eyebrow.
"Not bad," you told Vash. You could see in his blue eyes that he was determined to find a joke that would get you to laugh. Meanwhile, Roberto threatened to stop the van if Vash continued.
Once you entered the city, you all agreed to split up. Roberto and Wolfwood would rest at the bar, Meryl would look into places to stay, while you and Vash would look around to gather supplies. Thankfully the city didn't have too many people or police wandering around.
As you were walking, one paper caught your eye. It was a wanted poster but it looked cartoonish. You couldn’t make out the name as it was torn from the top, but it looked silly. Nonetheless, you had to show this to Vash.
"Hey Vash, take a look at this!" The blonde perked up at his name and walked towards you. Once he saw the poster, he cringed.
"Are they seriously still using this picture of me?!" he asked as you stared back at the picture.
"Wait, you mean to tell me this is you? This looks nothing like you," you pointed at the poster.
"Funny story about that," he began, but before he could explain, he stopped midway. It looked like he hatched an idea as his glasses glinted at the sun's rays.
"Hey Y/n, you want to know how Meryl, Roberto, and I met?" he asked. You had no idea where this was going but you nodded your head. He then grabbed your hand and flashed you a smirk.
"Follow me," he replied a smirk.
Vash dragged you to the bar and told you to wait outside. Half of you was curious about what Vash was scheming, while the other half was afraid to find out. Eventually, Meryl came out from the bar and looked at you.
"I can't believe I'm doing this," she muttered, motioning you to follow her. She took you to a place near the outskirts of the city. What you saw next gave you a mini heart attack. You saw some makeshift metal heap where Roberto seemed to be tying up Vash upside down.
“What the heck is going on?!” You asked, bewildered at the sight before you.
“He’s the one that asked for it. I’m just following his weird orders. Besides, you wanted to know how we met him. Well, there you have it,” Roberto explained as he finished securing the rope and left. You were beyond confused at what was happening. How could Vash let Roberto do that to him? Was this some kind of sick joke? Why wasn't anyone helping him down?
Next thing you knew, Vash let out the most absurd evil laugh you've ever heard. The way his glasses glinted to where you couldn't see his eyes made him look cartoonishly mischievous. The way he slowly turned as he laughed added another layer to this odd side of your companion. Then it hit you, all this was because you mentioned that poster. You held the ripped paper up and compared it to Vash once more. He practically matched the cartoonish picture on the poster. From the "comically evil" looking face, glasses, and hair, he nailed the look perfectly. The more you looked at him, the more you snickered.
You were trying to stifle your laugh with your hand, but every time you looked at Vash the harder it was to control it. Finally, you burst into fits of laughter as you held your sides. How Vash looked and laughed was the funniest thing you've seen in a long time. You knew Vash was silly, but this was another level of him being over the top. Every time you snuck a glance at him, you couldn't help but laugh once more.
Vash immediately stopped laughing as he heard the sound of laughter fill his ears. Did his ears deceive him? He looked at Meryl who was just as shocked at what she was witnessing. Vash begged her to turn him around so he could see what was happening. He needed to know if what he was hearing was true. Once she did, his eyes started to gleam once his eyes landed at the figure before him. The breath he was holding in was finally let go as Vash stared in awe at you. His blue eyes widened and his eyebrows were raised at you laughing your guts out. Slowly but surely, a huge smile crept on his face as he felt a huge sense of accomplishment. Maybe it was the blood rushing to his head, but Vash was giddy with joy. Finally, all that hard work of throwing jokes at you paid off.
"You're laughing," Vash stated instead of asked. He wanted to see if you would deny this, but you happily nodded at him.
"Of course I am! The way you look, and your laugh, it's hilarious! I can't believe this is how you met Meryl and Roberto," you tried to answer mid-laugh. Vash couldn't help but chuckle at your answer as he understood what finally got you to laugh. Meryl on the other hand was just confused at what she witnessed.
"Both of you are such weirdos. I'm outta here," Meryl commented as she took her leave.
"Wait! Don't leave me hanging here again friend!" Vash begged. You then laughed even harder at his comment. The desperation and hysteria in his voice made you laugh harder. On top of it all, his facial expression was priceless. If he kept it up, your face was going to hurt from laughing this hard.
"Need a hand space cowboy?" you asked as you managed to calm your hearty laugh into small giggles.
“Pretty please?” He replied. You simply grinned as his eyes widened at what you asked him.
“Wait...did you? You cracked a joke!” He pointed out as you freed him from being tied up.
"Yeah, you're not the only one who can crack jokes too you know?" you smirked after helping Vash stand up. After making sure Vash could walk and stand on his own, you took a step back and kept smirking at him as Vash had multiple questions for you.
"So, you think my jokes are funny?" he asked with a curious smile. The way his blue eyes sparkled with admiration like a puppy was priceless.
"Of course, doesn't matter how cheesy they are," you answered. Then Vash furrowed his eyebrows.
"So why didn't you laugh at them?" he questioned further.
"I did, you just weren't listening hard enough," you replied. You then demonstrated with your silent but quick exhale. Vash looked at you dumbfounded and then pouted.
"That's not a laugh Y/N!" he argued with a comical face, as you chuckled. Then he did the unthinkable, he tickled your sides and you roared with laughter
"Stop! My face and sides already hurt from earlier. I promise I'll laugh to where you can hear me next time," you begged mid-laugh.
"Okay, I'll hold you to it," Vash grinned as he stopped tickling you. You managed to breathe again and regain your compsosure.
"I guess you can say I take your breath away," Vash added as you snorted this time.
"Sure Vash, now come one let's get back to the group," you offered just smiling at his antics. The universe worked in mysterious ways and put random people into your life. But after today, you didn't mind having Vash in your life. In fact, he was starting to grow on you a little. But that's for another day for him to hear at the campfire. For now, you appreciated how much he was willing to make you smile and laugh. In fact, he gave you hope in humanity every time he was with you and that was something you learned to appreciate.
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ciaran · 1 year
like this is the thing with Wolfwood saying that Vash really messes with him bc imagine living god knows how many years as a lone killer wandering the desert. refusing to grant mercy, hardening yourself to every cry for help. he's had one thing hammered into him: he doesn't get to be soft, he doesn't get to be kind. if he tries to help a stranger, someone he loves will suffer. pick your battles, he's told, and fight them alone.
and then he meets Vash and Vash doesn't try to deny that Wolfwood may be a killer, but he looks at Wolfwood with such sincere gentleness anyway. when Wolfwood got this stupid babysitting detail for Knives Millions' pacifist baby brother he maybe expected someone as insufferable as Knives himself—as relentlessly arrogant and superiorist, judging everyone by impossible standards. but Vash isn't like that. he is always, always willing to give people another chance, and according to him Wolfwood deserves one—just like that. and Wolfwood was trying to kill Roberto and Meryl so that it would be easier to wrangle Vash in the right direction (and Wolfwood did assume that Vash would need to be manipulated into it), but then Vash was so stupid and so stupidly caring that Wolfwood rescued the people he was conspiring to murder just to keep Vash happy. already it meant a little too much to him that this man's faith in him not die too soon, though it would of course be gone when Vash figured out that Wolfwood was trying to lead him to...
the place he's going anyway. another burden of guilt easing off Wolfwood's shoulders, though what's left now weighs heavier. and then you get the story of Rollo, and Vash yelling at Wolfwood because he could have saved the boy if Wolfwood hadn't done him in too soon and that's when it clicks for Wolfwood that oh, this guy is insane. he's just like this all the stupid fucking time. he's not just here to protect Vash from other people but also himself, and god, it's not going to be easy.
and it's not easy, really. but it feels that way. right up until Vash looks at a man sent to kill them and tells Wolfwood that he can, in fact, save him. that they can do it together. and Wolfwood would never believe him if not for what was at stake, and if Vash didn't pull this off Wolfwood would never believe in anything again. so they don't save Livio but they do save the orphanage, and that's when it becomes clear just how much is at stake for Wolfwood inside this mess.
he had a system. it was a shit system in a death spiral of entropy, but it worked. it was his, and it kept him going, which was all he could ask for. but there's a shocking joy in saving people, in pulling off the impossible next to this man who makes miracles feel commonplace. and it scares Wolfwood how much he wants that, how badly he craves a life where he's better, where he's more. he can keep killing—he'll be nothing short of the best in the business. but Vash looked at him and said he saw something, and the idea that that could truly be there—it feels like a death sentence. it's the end of Wolfwood as he knows himself.
and now he's terrified. the realization that Vash knew what he was comes as less of a surprise than a painful inevitability. of course Vash knew. of course he tried to help anyway. he gave Wolfwood the same blank ticket to the future he gives everyone, and Wolfwood signed Vash's end in blood. and he's hoping that if he does it like this he can kill the part of himself that keeps believing, foolishly, that he can be more than the worst of what humanity has to offer—kill the part of him that wants to trust Vash when he says that trying to care is worth it even if you get hurt. the side that says maybe Wolfwood isn't as sick and scared of pain as he thinks he is, maybe he can afford to open his heart.
then he thinks: are you stupid? have you caught whatever madness Vash has? it works for him because he has no higher ambition than watering the desert with his blood, but you want to stay alive, don't you? your life is shit and you can't wait to die but until you're dead you're going to cling to this hell by the skin of your teeth. why should you sacrifice yourself for someone else? who protected you when you needed it, even if you didn't deserve it? how dare you believe that you can be good when you've killed so many people for no better reason than you were ordered to do so? how dare you believe in something so soft as love when you're a monster?
so he doubles down. he walks Vash to his doom and walks away. and even then, when Vash gets hurt, his second thought is to kill whoever did that—his first thought is to rush to Vash's side.
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uollop · 1 year
Some Rotten Man
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Content: Abandonment, death, grief, Vash pushing people away to try to protect them, marriage?, Vash x Reader, gn!reader
Word count: 1.4 k
Notes: SONGFIC! For the song "Some Rotten Man" by The Taxpayers
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Vash and you had been together for two years when he suddenly up and left you. No note, no goodbye. Just his ring on the bedside table. He was there with you one night and then, in the morning, he was gone. Meryl, Wolfwood, and Roberto, too. You barely gave yourself any time to comprehend what had happened before you started out into the wasteland of Gunsmoke to look for them. If something bad had happened, you wanted to know.
You traveled for a few months trying to find them with no luck. You begrudgingly made your way back to where you had last seen them, deciding to stay there for the time being. Maybe they'd come back for you. There was no way they had meant to leave you behind, right?
And so you waited. You waited for days, and then days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into a year. You settled down and lived a simple life while you waited for your companions to come back to you, but they never did.
"They stuck you in the dirt
While I was still away
Nobody had the decency to tell
Me about it anyways"
You ended up dying there, all alone, during an attack from raiders. You stood your ground, not wanting to flee due to the fear that, if you left, Vash wouldn't know where to look for you when he decided to come back. Your body ended up riddled with bullet holes and, as you bled out, you thought about Vash and the others and what had happened to them. Were they dead already? Would you get to see them soon?
The townspeople had grown very fond of you during your stay and so, when they found you, they were devastated at the loss of such a wonderful person. They gave you a simple, sophisticated funeral. They laid you in the ground on a sunny day, the heat pelting down on the townspeople as they grieved the loss of someone they had come to consider one of their own. You had nobody in the town specifically that cared for you, but you cared for all of them. You had told them stories about your adventures with Vash and the others. When they asked where they were now, you would explain that they would be back soon. You just had to keep waiting.
For a while, most of the townspeople thought that you had been wrong. That they were never going to come back and that they had abandoned you. None of them told you this while you were around of course, they didn't have the heart to.
Until, one day, they were proven wrong when the Humanoid Typhoon himself comes stumbling into town, excited at the idea of being able to be reunited with you. He hadn't wanted to leave you behind, but he knew that where they were going next would be extremely dangerous and he didn't want to risk you getting injured or worse. So he had convinced the others to leave you in this town, for your own safety. He explained that you weren't used to such strenuous activity and that the next area would simply be too much for you. He knew you well, though. He was sure you'd still be here, but he couldn't find you anywhere. He looked in all the spots you liked. The diner, the library, the inn that you had been staying at, but each place was a dead end. Eventually he resorted to asking one of the townspeople where you were. The person gave him a scowl and pointed to the East, not sparing him a word.
When Vash went East, he has expected a hotel of some kind or something like that that you could've been staying at. Instead, the only thing to the East was a cemetery. A chill ran down his spine at the implications, but he continued into the cemetery, hoping that this was just a place that you enjoyed spending time at and that one of these gravestones wasn't yours.
His hopes were dashed, however, when he saw the large tombstone near the entrance of the cemetery. It caught his eye due to the copious amount of flowers decorating it, but he froze when he read the name on it. It couldn't be true, you weren't gone.
"Well, I guess it's for the best
They laid you down to rest
Without some wreck like me to ruin
Things and turn into a mess"
He spent a long time at the cemetery, staring at the gravestone with tears slowly sliding down his cheeks. Maybe it was for the best that he hadn't been there when it happened. He wasn't sure if he should ask the townspeople how you passed or if he would be better off not knowing.
He walked back into town silently after spending what must have been hours sitting at your grave. When he was finally back in the center of town, the townsperson that had told him where you were was waiting for him. There was a look of disappointment on their face as they raised their hands, showing what seemed to be a journal of some kind.
"I remember when we ran away and
The car we stole broke down
Along some dusty desert highway
With nobody else around"
Vash cautiously took it into his hands, flipping it open and realizing it was yours. A photo of you with him and the others being taped to the inside of the cover. Tears welled up in his eyes again as he started to read the entries, guilt filling him to his very core. You had been waiting for so long for them to come back, he hadn't even realized they had been gone for a year. In your journal, you talked about how you missed him and how you couldn't stop playing with your wedding ring.
Wait, wedding ring?
Oh, that's right, Vash and you had gotten "married".
You don't think it was legally binding and you had both been very drunk at the time. You, Vash, and Nicholas had been discussing whether or not Nico was actually a priest and if he had the authority that a priest did. He claimed he did and, teasingly, you told him that he should marry you and Vash so that he could prove himself. You hadn't been serious, but Wolfwood took your challenge and ran with it, organizing a small gathering as a makeshift wedding for the two of you.
"And so we hitched a ride to Reno
But the ring I got you wouldn't fit
And the minister got drunk before we
Laughed 'til we got sick"
All of you were still very drunk, including Wolfwood. Not the best sign when the priest at a wedding is drunk, but it was a lot of fun. The drinking continued, as well as dancing and laughing, until you all woke up the next morning sore with regret. The rings that you guys had managed to find were a little big for both of you, but you still wore yours every day after the wedding. You never referred to Vash as your husband or anything like that after that night, but you kept the ring as a memento. Vash wasn't sure what had happened to his ring. He remembers having it before he had left you in this town, but it wasn't there on their way out.
He continued to read the journal, surprised when a small envelope falls out. There's something written on it, in your handwriting.
He picks up the envelope and opens it, a large ring falling into his hand. Oh. I guess he left it behind by accident. You had kept it, or so he learned as he continued to read your entries. You wanted to keep it for him to have when he came back.
He sniffles and places the ring in his pocket, shaking his head with a small smile. It was such a you thing to do.
He spent all night reading your entries about your time in the small town, talking about some of the people and some of the things you had been doing, but mostly talking about your research you had been doing to try to find Vash.
"And of course I know you could have done much better
And I know that I must
Have been your bad habit"
When he was done, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that settled onto his skin, weighing on his shoulders. You had deserved better. If he had known this would happen, he would've taken you with them in a heartbeat. Or, again, maybe it's for the best that he didn't typhoon your death as well. He put your journal away and took the ring out of his pocket, fidgeting with it for a second before pulling it onto his finger. Even if you weren't here anymore, he would continue to inspire the others to remember your life. Now, he just had to figure out how he was going to tell them.
"Some rotten man nobody's savior
Your oldest friend"
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Masterlist | Ao3
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