#sui sq
themyscirah · 22 days
No one asked but for the record I've never been a fan of the "brain bombs" thing with the suicide squad. Like I think it's pretty boring in place of the alternative and also it's never done anything interesting and good for anyone's character ever imo. Also like the repeated brain surgery and it's implications are a mess. And not taking it out (to avoid repeated brain surgery) is also a mess. Idk.
Like I know it's a core concept to the perception and function of the sui sq today but im very eh on it. Not really a fan. They should bring back the bracelet bombs because then they can blow people up more often (yay violence!) and also if someone does betray them in the field or something then they have a chance of escaping and becoming an antagonist against them (leading to future plotlines) instead of just being like. Dead.
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another-white-void · 3 months
For reasons unknown you guys really enjoyed my thoughts and fav moments from Thousand Autumns
As you all know, it has quite a few extras so... here you go!
Spoilers below
- extra 4, this is just too cute – Bian Yanmei and Yu Shengyan pretending to be family, Shen Qiao finally realising what his feeling towards Yan Wushi is...
- extra 5, the emperor thinking that Shen Qiao is a person favoured by the fortune. lol.
- extra 6, Yan Wushi ignoring Shen Qiao, how the tables have turned
- extra 11, this is just too cute (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)
- extra 11, Shen Qiao saying he didn't miss YWS... we all know sweetie, no need to lie
- extra 11, “what, I'm not enough for you, you still want the monk?”
- extra 12, I don't think that Yan Wushi should be allowed to cook ever again (jk, I'd try that abomination)
- nvm it was little Jin's invention of course it was little Jin's invention, he's unhinged /pos
- extra 12, MXS is selling me their other book really well, fuck
- mini extra 1, YWS waiting in snow and wind for SQ... keeping wine warm for him... this man makes him forget about himself
- mini extra 3.1, it was probably not intended and it's my European mind speaking but Qi Fengge was like a Christian god for Shen Qiao in a way, a mother and father in one person
- mini extra 3.2, Bian Yanmei feeding mosquitos for three days and three nights lol, I love the humor of QQ
- mini extra 3.2 hah I didn't expect Bian Yanmei to be this petty
- mini extra 4.2 Yan Wushi is literally this meme of man poking shit with a stick saying "come on do something"
- mini extra 4.2 omg Guang Lingsan, I missed the man
And that's all folks!
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claudehenrion · 4 months
Editorial exceptionnel sur une ''Crèche de fin d'année''
Je sais que je suis en avance par rapport à la date prévue pour la reprise de nos échanges. Cependant, j'ai reçu ce jour un e-mail d'un Ami-Lecteur qui m'a paru offrir une si belle suite à mon ''éditorial'' précédent (sur les crèches et les santons, qu'il complète parfaitement), que je n'ai pas pu ne pas le partager avec vous, chers amis, et commencer l'année en souriant. Voici donc, hors délais, une photo et ses commentaires, sur ce beau lieu, symbolique de la naissance du Père Noël --comme le veut la doxa progressiste.
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Commentaires et explications : Nous vous présentons la crèche de cette année, plus inclusive et plus laïque. Il n'y a aucun animal, afin d’éviter les sujets de maltraitance. Marie a été retirée, car les féministes estiment que l’image de la femme ne peut pas être exploitée. Joseph le menuisier, n'est pas là car le syndicat ne l'autorise pas à travailler un jour férié. L'enfant Jésus réfléchit s'il veut être un garçon, une fille ou autre chose. Quant aux Mages d’Orient, ils pourraient être des immigrés illégaux. Il n’y a pas non plus d’ange pour ne pas choquer les athées, les musulmans et les autres religions. Et enfin, la paille a été retirée en raison de risque d'incendie : elle est non conforme aux normes européennes NF X 08-070 sq.. La cabane en revanche, fabriquée en bois recyclé à partir de forêts élaborées selon la même norme environnementale, est autorisée.--
En espérant vous avoir fait sourire sur la bêtise de certains (beaucoup ?) de nos contemporains, je vous confirme... ''A mardi prochain''
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pissbuddys · 2 years
Fun fact regarding Captain Boomerang from the Suicide Squad comic he canonically suffers from Ibs as such he has repeatedly lost control of his bowels even he's not being denied the bathroom.
YES ik, i love cap/tain boo/merang hes great, i gotta get back into reading sui/cide sq/uad
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heroslitteraires · 1 month
Enquête sur le plus grand vol de toile.
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Martin Michaud.
Points de fuite. Tome 1. 469 pages.
Libre Expression.
« Au tableau de bord de mon autopatrouille, l’aiguille marque 180. Mes doigts sont crispés sur le volant. Un panneau d’affichage se dresse en retrait de la route. La reproduction du portrait d’une fillette blonde ne comporte qu’une mention : « Aidez-nous à retrouver Rosalie Lavoie- 4 ans. » Mon cœur se serre et, tandis que j’allume le gyrophare, je note sans y prêter attention que sa lueur barbouille au hasard des secousses le porte-nom épinglé sur le revers de ma chemise. Car s’il m’est une certitude, c’est que je n’en ai nul besoin pour me rappeler que les lettres incrustées y forment le même nom de famille que celui de Rosalie. Je m’appelle Alice Lavoie et ceci est notre histoire. » Un conflit ouvert entre deux puissantes familles du milieu de l’art de Baie-Saint-Paul culmine, dans les années 1990, avec l’enlèvement de la petite Rosalie Lavoir. En toile de fond, le vol jamais élucidé du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, survenu en 1972, et un tableau mythique que des forces occultes tentent de s’approprier. Suspendue de la SQ à la suite d’une intervention qui a dérapé après la disparition de sa sœur, une jeune patrouilleuse va découvrir que le passé de sa famille cache un monde de dissimulation où la vérité a plusieurs visages.
Mon avis :
Ça faisait un bout que j’attendais que cet auteur sorte son roman! Je ne suis pas déçue du tout! C’est le premier d’une trilogie. Ce roman teinté de faits réel est un bon suspense. On suit l’histoire d’Alice qui découvre des affaires sur le passé de sa famille. Donc, on change d’époque parfois, pour comprend l’histoire. Plusieurs personnages sont mis en place, le début du roman est quand même très descriptif, mais sans longueur. Plus le roman avance, plus le suspense est intéressant et intense. La lecture devient de plus en plus attrayante. J’ai bien hâte de lire la suite!
Avez-vous déjà lu ce roman?
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extra000 · 5 months
Strada di città (1)
Graffiti sui muri, lo fanno un luogo per ragazzi, la luce della luna accarezza la vecchia vernice. Teschi, scrittacce, corna, uno è seduto a cavalcioni a fumarsi una sigaretta. Fa freddo, oltre al fumo dalla bocca esce anche il vapore.
Maledizioni da tutte le parti, spiriti imprendibili escono dalle oscenità dell'ambiente, aiutano lo sporco lavoro.
La strada è abbandonata a se stessa da tanto tempo, spazzatura agli angoli della strada, sporcizia ovunque. Ma dalle crepe escono graziosi fiori oltre che erbacce.
Pantaloni larghi, tatuaggi, sigaretta in bocca arriva un ragazzo, porta con sé una bottiglia di birra si salutano e parlano. Gesticolano, si toccano il giubbotto di pelle nero. Ne accendono un'altra. Vengono tutti e due dalla periferia, preferiscono il tabacco alla marijuana. Sono vestiti di nero con disegnini grotteschi sulle t-shirt, uno di loro ha i dreadlocks colorati alle punte.
È un ambiente morto a se stesso, un luogo di cenere e per questo si trova una luce, una luce fievole di rinascita.
Letame, spazzatura e fiori tanti fiori in ogni angolo nascono proprio dal degrado, dalle parolacce, dagli sputi, dall'ingenuità della droga.
Un riff di chitarra elettrica accompagna la scena, due note lente dondolano i muri bruciati dal degrado. Anarchiche e pacifiste se non fosse per le borchie che portano come tiara.
Manifesti di ribellione, anarchici, violenti e rabbiosi. Un'aura minacciosa contro il governo si alza e circonda il quartiere, indurisce i visi, allarga le mascelle strappa i vestiti e quando è stanca bestemmia. Un posto infuriato dalla miseria, dall'abbandono. Dio è morto.
Vecchie industrie, ferrovie d'acciaio arrugginito, luoghi abbandonati, crescono in questa scena i bambini, piccoli fiori che già sono abbronzati di grigio, giocano con le macerie, con i rifiuti: gli allargano i vestiti gli rasano i lati del cranio.
Il cielo è sempre nuvoloso, una luce grigia illumina l'ambiente, carica di elettricità e magia. Le scrittacce illuminano i cuori infranti dalla miseria, gli danno conforto, quelle strade si può chiamarle casa.
L'odio si sviluppa e si evolve, capelli neri come la notte, corrompe e aiuta a sopravvivere, la pelle è bianca, dà speranza e rincuora, dice: aggrappati a me ti do la possibilità di maledire, di metterti sullo stesso piano, di non sottometterti.
Bestie maledette sono i ragazzi, si divertono a trasgredire, i bassi gli martellano i timpani, fumano e se ne fregano, sporchi come carbone, aprono un rifugio nei loro occhi a cavalcioni l'uno di fronte all'altro seduti sulle panchine sfasciate.
Gli zaini portati a una spalla sola, le scarpe da ginnastica rotte e sporche. Vestono di nero. Alcuni si suicidano, altri si tagliano fino all'osso, tutti sono ubriachi la sera, ma hanno una vena poetica, portano una luce incredibilmente bella nei loro occhi, i loro vestiti splendono nell'oscurità della comune ordinarietà.
Rabbiosi, sono demoni e pirati rifiutati dalla società, nelle loro strade sporche sono divinità, i fiori sbocciati di quei tunnel bui e senza anima. Una manifestazione di odio, rabbia e colori sgargianti su un nero oscuro difficile a descriversi.
Senza famiglia, o meglio abbandonata, trovano conforto in se stessi, gli piace stare assieme, condividere la sigaretta.
Dita gialle di sigaretta, pelle grigia, capelli spinati, arruffati, rasati. Li vedi camminare tra i rifiuti, occhi duri, anime ribelli. Induriti dalla povertà.
In cosa credono? In nulla, nessun Dio, nessun maestro, punk disperati si nascondono il volto con i capelli. Fanno della tristezza la loro forza, il loro nichilismo li fa strafottenti.
Una birra su una panchina questo li fa felici, anarchici credono nell'inferno in terra.
Erbacce ai lati di un graffito, mozziconi, cocci di bottiglia, dal degrado nasce una forza chiara. Una luce di speranza dalla morte del vecchio arriva il nuovo.
"No future" gridano i muri come un uomo che abbia accelerato troppo contro un muro, la fine è giunta e con sé tutto il suo squallore. Non ci si riesce a fermare ma nel botto c'è anche la novità.
Si deve arrivare al fondo di questa rabbia per portare questa strada di città alla sua morte totale.
E da lì rinascere come una fenice dalle sue ceneri. Odore di cenere, odore di cenere. Odore di cenere ovunque, tutto deve avviluppare questa rabbia. Deve ridurre tutto in cenere.
I due si alzano, sputano, buttano le cicche e le bottiglie a terra e se ne vanno. Non fanno che aumentare la magia di questo luogo, il fermento spirituale inebriante.
Una scrittaccia dice "rispettiamo solo il degrado", non c'è luce, non c'è luce, non c'è luce e proprio per questo ce n'è tanta.
Solo in questi luoghi è possibile respirare la morte del vecchio, la vita non è che un gioco per bambini, un giocattolo vecchio e arretrato fatto di linee moderne che niente hanno a che fare con la vera luce, la vera vita.
Dalle crepe della strada nascono i fiori in tutto il loro splendore, proprio dalla morte nascono, e anche se li schiacci o li tagli, ricrescono, aprendosi un varco nel cemento e nell'asfalto.
Dal letame nascono i fiori, dalle crepe e dall'incuria nasce il verde della speranza, una nuova vita che distrugge il vecchio morente.
Nascono i giovani che cercano la droga, una dimensione senza vincoli di spazio e tempo, ancora acerba, ancora per ingenui ma sempre la ricerca verso qualcosa che non è nell'ordine delle cose, straordinaria, fatta di libertà per la mente e lo spirito.
Non si può schiacciare il fiore che cresce, borgo corrotto non riuscirai a seppellire il sacro degrado. La morte di Dio va vissuta a fondo per trovare la vera luce.
Cantate il degrado punk, emo, goth, cantate il vostro dolore e deridete il passato, il cosidetto classico che ormai morente, vive solo nei cuori più arretrati.
Bevete in un sorso la vostra vita, rabbiosi e ribelli rifiuti di una società corrotta e falsa, fatevi sporcizia e fate crescere il fiore dentro di voi, esso non vi abbandonerà mai, sarà buono e vi guiderà per la vostra strada.
Cospargetevi di cenere e tutto diventerà più chiaro dalla mente allo spirito.
Il degrado porta un mazzo di fiori alla tua porta, accettali e falli crescere tra i rifiuti. Perché il fiore affonda nel letame.
Intanto arriva un altro ragazzo, capelli nerissimi, bianco di carnagione, borchie sulle braccia, scrive qualcosa sul muro: "sali sul cesso e inizia a pensare".
Si mette a cavalcioni su un cesso gettato tra la spazzatura e ingoia una pasticca, d'un tratto dopo alcuni minuti inizia il trip.
I muri cadono come se fossero stati bombardati e si apre davanti a lui una distesa infinita, guarda su nel cielo e vede una struttura spaziale dalla forma circolare ma irregolare.
È una nave spaziale pronta a esplorare nuovi pianeti e galassie, è enorme, è grande quasi quanto una città ed è densamente popolata, dentro ci sono milioni di persone.
Il ragazzo è come ipnotizzato da questa struttura. Finalmente dopo a lungo attendere l'umanità è pronta per lasciare in massa il pianeta terra ed esplorare nuovi orizzonti, alla ricerca delle risposte più importanti dell'uomo.
Il ragazzo è come estasiato da questa visione e cerca di raggiungere la struttura, "anch'io voglio andare dall'altra parte!" Così la nave lo accoglie e lo prende con sé.
La partenza fu in un attimo, la nave scomparve dalla sua immagine e aprì immediatamente le porte, e davanti all'umanità apparve l'impossibile.
Ogni forma è totalmente sovvertita, ogni linea è spezzata e al tempo stesso unita insieme, le forme geometriche sono cambiate e non è possibile descriverle o disegnarle.
Ogni fiore è diverso dall'altro, sono fiori ma al tempo stesso sono alberi, sono entrambi sia minuscole pianticelle sia quercie giganti.
Ad ogni passo che si fa ogni regola fisica cambia, d'un tratto anche gli uomini mutano d'aspetto e diventano quello che desideravano ardentemente essere, e anche di più, una sorpresa continua, sempre più belli e giovani, ad alcuni per esempio escono mille gambe e con queste gambe salgono su nel viola del cielo e vedono i mille oceani e in ogni oceano posano le loro gambe.
Le mille braccia le usano per modificare e personalizzare ogni cosa che esiste, e gli occhi vedono addirittura le cose che non esistono.
Sono tutti uniti insieme in una coscienza sola e passeggiano restando fermi.
Passeggiano perché lo vogliono e restano fermi perché non c'è il bisogno di vivere. Non c'è il bisogno di vivere si dice tra sé e sé il ragazzo, non c'è il bisogno di vivere.
Si risveglia vomitando e ripetendo non c'è bisogno di vivere, non c'è bisogno di vivere.
Beve un po' di birra, si accende una sigaretta e riflette su quanto vissuto, poi si alza e scrive sul muro:
"in ogni oceano poso le mie gambe,
in ogni terra poso le mie braccia
la testa non è poggiata da nessuna parte
perché non c'è il bisogno di vivere"
Si beve una birra, sputa a terra e si accende un'altra sigaretta mentre se ne va a casa con un forte mal di testa.
"Volevo tutto e l'ho avuto anche solo per un istante!" Pensa il ragazzo.
"Avevo tutto: le mie gambe erano negli abissi dell'oceano e anche più giù per toccare terra, con le braccia potevo fare qualsiasi cosa e con la mente non vivevo ed ero libero da qualsiasi vincolo della vita".
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Helllooo. My trip is going well, though there's so much going on and I'm extremely tired, I don't have enough time for work 😭😭
See idek know if Madrid played well, but it's good to hear they can win when I'm not watching. Lmao right, he could've pulled a Zizou, but waited for him at the car park instead kwjdkskajsjahajaj
Man City? I don't know her, I'm sorry...
Omfg my Exol flatmate has been freaking out about all the Exo stuff, I hope I can bring her a little Exo related gift, perhaps Kim Kai?
Sports being fixed shocking 🔪 they're not even subtle. Okay maybe I'm holding a grudge cause I have two F1 friends and I sometimes read their posts and both dislike Leclerc and I definitely remember him pissing me off at some point, je suis désolé Charles jskajsksjajawjaj. But fuck Max! Oooooh a Lewis movie, a docu or a regular film?
Maybe if Chelsea did the Rover challenge they would manifest a win, because it's looking BAD for them 💀
Seonghwa needs to give me a Radiohead cover, I still of him singing Creep for a few seconds 😭 or a different Troye song, something about more... cheerful. Idk even cover Anti-Hero from Taylor cause I surprising tolerate that track. Or you know.... TAMINO. It's him in Rewrite the Stars! ❤❤❤❤ and not San giving us a sad cover too a d a song that Jonghyun has written. I haven't heard it yet, because I don't wanna be sad lol
I only heard the Xikers song once, it was fine, but I'm just not interested, and my boy Yechan - the only one I know is giving HJ lol.
I'll send you a whole truck of miso aubergine 🍙 if you stop mentioning undercut Hwa! Ok but he's legit the only one who looks good to me with undercuts... not my fave hairstyle, but still it's Hwa http://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1645777420413460481?t=4DN7__sgeyNsFQWfLDOg8g&s=19 except for middle row left and right THAT BALD ASS LOOK NEEDS TO GO. HWA BBY I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS A JUMPSCARE https://twitter.com/hwaberrymilk/status/1641244669551190016?t=6J038XLKmCEVkRgOTq3-SQ&s=19
No way he went coconut head when I have a chance to see him?!?! https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646889850082058242?t=bzDLXyXSeSsPZV-EuZUVlQ&s=19 he looks cute, but there's nothing to brag about, boy :/
I hope we'd be able to record the Taemin meeting 😭 I'm so happy. Sad that it's not the whole Shinee, because I miss them, but Lee Taeeeeeeeeeeeemin!!!! If we get Ten, Taemin and Taeyong to do the Rover challenge I want SuperM back! Btw if my friend convinced me to go to the Dojaejung album premiere I'd have seen THE LEE TAEYONG, but I didn't :"))))))
Yeah Ravi... I can see why he was desperate, but??? My guy, covid fucked everyone over you're not special
I was so shocked seeing WayV like?!?! YY was very cute and shy, they all were. I also spent too much money in that dumb grocery store, like why even, was blinded by the men! SM actually disappoints me greatly, but at least they like me now... I'm hoping for Ateez in Japan, but idk 🔫🔫🔫
I watch Kamisama Kiss and Maid Sama regularly <3 truly the blueprints
Many kpop idols should just stfu, seriously. And need to act like adults, Bambam's agency wants to sue people and alright, does who call him a pedo need to relax, but... no apology? I'm so disappointed in Chaeyoung and her shitty response, girl :/
I'm so stocked for Barbie, even if it's bad I'm living for it, but I'm looking forward to edgy MEN reviewing it lmaooo. Omg the Le Sserafim photos and teasers?! So gorgeous, I hope I like the song though
Model is annoying and Y/N was too nice to him! I still stand by that! Ooooh true Domino as well, it fits so well.
See one of my friends went to the EXO meeting, she's Korean and was appalled by the shit she heard and saw :( kinda ruined the experience for her, because some bitches next to her were awful
Pls I hope Pique's girl cheated and especially with Pep 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hellllooooo https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646412780126314496?t=URn3wDrqRANfwQsY3gwniQ&s=19
????? And they're going to Qatar too. I'm gonna go and stand outside KQ's building and yell. And Waterbomb festival, uhm not Seonghwa soaked kn water THANXX - DV 💖
Helllooo. My trip is going well, though there's so much going on and I'm extremely tired, I don't have enough time for work 😭😭 //// See idek know if Madrid played well, but it's good to hear they can win when I'm not watching. Lmao right, he could've pulled a Zizou, but waited for him at the car park instead kwjdkskajsjahajaj
hello!!!! hope you’re having lots of fun!!! see madrid only played well bc all our players were injured 🤚🏻 NOO SERIOUSLY AND THAT OTHER DUDE IS TRYING TO BE INNOCENT??? MF U MOCKED A UNBORN CHILD WHILE UR A WHOLE ASS ADULT !!!!!!!! anyway, not a new news but real madrid fc dropped to a new low and is distorting and rewriting spain’s history <3 local football news : neymar’s having his second kid, hakimi did a uno reverse , livapool doing a 1-6 😳, rm dropping to a new low by bringing n*zi’s in it?????? mané and sané beef, benzema next season last season, and messi barca ✊🏻😭
???? like barcelona’s presi was unalived by that dictator they are saying favoured barca????? legitimately what the fuck
Man City? I don't know her, I'm sorry... /// Omfg my Exol flatmate has been freaking out about all the Exo stuff, I hope I can bring her a little Exo related gift, perhaps Kim Kai?
man city the one that’s most likely gonna win the treble?? hMMMMMM THE EXO STUFF PLS THE WAY I WAKE EVERYDAY TO NEW CONTENT IT FEELS SUSPICIOUS, yes! if ur in sk april 20,, u might see kai at a hello 82 event! ur exol flat mate better be ready bc we are getting the cb and world tour 😭😭 AND I WILL BE THERE, I WILL BE THERE
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Sports being fixed shocking 🔪 they're not even subtle. Okay maybe I'm holding a grudge cause I have two F1 friends and I sometimes read their posts and both dislike Leclerc and I definitely remember him pissing me off at some point, je suis désolé Charles jskajsksjajawjaj. But fuck Max! Oooooh a Lewis movie, a docu or a regular film? /// Maybe if Chelsea did the Rover challenge they would manifest a win, because it's looking BAD for them 💀
NOT even a little it’s ridiculously mad how they are messing w certain teams just for a former racers kid to win,, we are tired of the dutch national anthem, put that same energy to schumachers kid too then 🔫 LMFAOOO SEEE if they dislike leclerc they do not know race 🔫 this overtake he did was insane
honestly i think the universe dislikes him so adding a few dislikes won’t hurt i guess fbwndbsn but he’s mad resilient i rmr his father passed away and the next day (?) he was at the race and won it and then his godfather (bianchi) died and then his close friend did, crazy guy but just drives for ferrari, his teammate tho, he deserves it <3 really does ngl <3 YEAH MAX CAN GET IT HES ON MY LAST STRAW BC IF HE WINS THE CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN ITS ON SIGHT I UNDERSTAND UR FRIENDS ON THAT PART 🤚🏻 a full fledged movie!! a biopic and brad pitt’s in it as well, i think he’s playing alsono or vettel!
LMFAOOO atp nothing can make chelsea win, not even our lord and saviour kai maybe if they get nagelsmann or enrique somehow come
Seonghwa needs to give me a Radiohead cover, I still of him singing Creep for a few seconds 😭 or a different Troye song, something about more... cheerful. Idk even cover Anti-Hero from Taylor cause I surprising tolerate that track. Or you know.... TAMINO. It's him in Rewrite the Stars! ❤❤❤❤ and not San giving us a sad cover too a d a song that Jonghyun has written. I haven't heard it yet, because I don't wanna be sad lol
STOP IT UR RIGHT HE NEEDS TO DO THOSE CLASSIC COVERS RATHER then the tiktok things pls 🔫 anti hero?? omg hwaxtay >> EVERYTHING STOP! ITS TAMINO X HWA AND MADDOX NEEDS TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN WHAT THE HELL, after hearing san’s cover i had to immediately go hear the lee hi’s ver and then stumbled upon her performance of it crying and then sobbed my eyes out
I only heard the Xikers song once, it was fine, but I'm just not interested, and my boy Yechan - the only one I know is giving HJ lol. //// I'll send you a whole truck of miso aubergine 🍙 if you stop mentioning undercut Hwa! Ok but he's legit the only one who looks good to me with undercuts... not my fave hairstyle, but still it's Hwa http://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1645777420413460481?t=4DN7__sgeyNsFQWfLDOg8g&s=19 except for middle row left and right THAT BALD ASS LOOK NEEDS TO GO. HWA BBY I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS A JUMPSCARE https://twitter.com/hwaberrymilk/status/1641244669551190016?t=6J038XLKmCEVkRgOTq3-SQ&s=19
idk what it is but kq doing a lot of songs w that middle eastern sound track that just ✨ like esp the real’s last part, play it at a party and everyone would sTEP UP LMFAOOO I GUESS I WONT GET IT BC UNDERCUT HWA >>>> very hot man, very,,, OKAY SOME PHOTOS HE REALLT LOOKS BALD FHWJFKSFHKS that last one, needs a slap on his neck
No way he went coconut head when I have a chance to see him?!?! https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646889850082058242?t=bzDLXyXSeSsPZV-EuZUVlQ&s=19 he looks cute, but there's nothing to brag about, boy :/
I hope we'd be able to record the Taemin meeting 😭 I'm so happy. Sad that it's not the whole Shinee, because I miss them, but Lee Taeeeeeeeeeeeemin!!!!  If we get Ten, Taemin and Taeyong to do the Rover challenge I want SuperM back! Btw if my friend convinced me to go to the Dojaejung album premiere I'd have seen THE LEE TAEYONG, but I didn't :"))))))
PLS RECORD EVERYTHING GET HIS SIGN ON EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE A SHINEE MEMBER HOSTS IT 😭😭 speaking of superm, wonder how that dozen is doing jcbwkcjcl came and posted a picture then sent the kpop into a havoc and then disappeared smh,,, NAURRRRR U DIDNT SEE THE LEE TAEYONG????? TOP 10 BETRAYALS OF LIFE
Yeah Ravi... I can see why he was desperate, but??? My guy, covid fucked everyone over you're not special /// I was so shocked seeing WayV like?!?! YY was very cute and shy, they all were. I also spent too much money in that dumb grocery store, like why even, was blinded by the men! SM actually disappoints me greatly, but at least they like me now... I'm hoping for Ateez in Japan, but idk 🔫🔫🔫
yeah 😭😭😭 ravi bro use some of ur mind,,, like now u gotta do jail AND military?? AAAAAAAAAAAA STOP THEIR SKINS MUSTVE BEEN SO BLEMISHFREE,,, YANGYANG SHY??? DID HE DRINK SOMETHINGVFANBDWK WHAT DID U BUY FROM THE GROCERY STORE 😭😭 are the insides like pc’s and collectors items??? ATEEZ IN JAPAN!!!!! WATERBOMB FESTIVAL!!!!
I watch Kamisama Kiss and Maid Sama regularly <3 truly the blueprints /// Many kpop idols should just stfu, seriously. And need to act like adults, Bambam's agency wants to sue people and alright, does who call him a pedo need to relax, but... no apology? I'm so disappointed in Chaeyoung and her shitty response, girl :/
TRULY TRULY!!!!! omg anon do u rmr pretty rhythm aurora dream, alice academy, kodocha, itzurana kiss??? no seriously like what’s it take u to stop ur mouth,,, if i was in their place id say nothing AND still be earning, imagine earning millions for not speaking??? idols need to go back to being mysterious,, someone said her apology was straight out of chatgpt 😭😭😭 and youngji…saying the n word, wearing a ganesha shirt on a drinking show…while drinking 😭😭
I'm so stocked for Barbie, even if it's bad I'm living for it, but I'm looking forward to edgy MEN reviewing it lmaooo. Omg the Le Sserafim photos and teasers?! So gorgeous, I hope I like the song though /// Model is annoying and Y/N was too nice to him! I still stand by that! Ooooh true Domino as well, it fits so well.
I AM TOOOOOO!!!! booking tickets for it right after oppenheimer bc i think everyone will need barbie after watching that movie,, hoping both of the movies reach a great success!! this year’s movies are so packed, oppenheimer, barbie, dune 2, insidious series, hunger games, ghosted, pope’s exorcist, indiana jones, mission impossible, the nun 2, the exorcist (omg), wonka AND IVE BEARD THEYRE TRYING TO MAKE A LEGALLY BLONDE 2 ???? WE ARE WINNINGGG,, domino’s vocals are so stUNNING YES THE LSF SONG IM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT THEY DO
See one of my friends went to the EXO meeting, she's Korean and was appalled by the shit she heard and saw :( kinda ruined the experience for her, because some bitches next to her were awful /// Pls I hope Pique's girl cheated and especially with Pep 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
right 😭😭 idk why they treat them like this for having a family come on 😭😭 BUT WHATS GOOD KEXOLS WERE THROWN BY EXOS BODYGUARDS ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 THROWN!! KARATED!!!! kexols were also mad bc exo went to japan and were like “are exo japanese singers now???” gIRL IF U DONT SHUT UR MOUTH!!! APPARENTLY SHE DID SHE WAS FRIENDS WITH PEP’S DAUGHTER AND THEN PIQUE CHEATED ON HER WITH A LAWYER THIS IS SO MAD BUT FUNNY pep did it for shakira i knew he was a fan
Hellllooooo https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646412780126314496?t=URn3wDrqRANfwQsY3gwniQ&s=19
that outfit😵‍💫😵‍💫
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https://twitter.com/NotBonkyP/status/1647252825884315651?t=2YBhU2HWp8M4rd_dzjJpTQ&s=19 ????? And they're going to Qatar too. I'm gonna go and stand outside KQ's building and yell. And Waterbomb festival, uhm not Seonghwa soaked kn water THANXX - DV 💖
ateez in japan,,, anon are u 👁👁 not qatar come on 😭😭😭 SOAKED IN WATEF FBWNBDKW AND THE WET HAIR???? ANON HOW WILL U SURVIVE FBWNFHK
we winning??????
now hold on…
LMFAOOOO my asian queen 🤲🏻 this is so fun bc imagine her singing fireworks @ buckingham palace fbwkfbsk, can’t wait to see the coronation and the history
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rebrandtdebibls · 1 year
Christ devient la torah vivante [satisfait le peuple].
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La loi et l'argent, ou le pouvoir de l'État. Il ne s'agit pas seulement de la simple distinction des deux sphères et de « rendre à César ce qui est à César, et à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu » (Matthieu, 22, 21 ; Luc, 20, 25 ; Marc, 12, 17) , mais de metanoia, de changement de mentalité, de conversion : du passage des interdits du Décalogue à la liberté du Sermon sur la Montagne ; de "malheur à ceux qui absoudront un coupable de dons et priveront un innocent de son droit" (Isaïe, 5, 23) à "heureux ceux qui ont faim et soif de justice" (Matthieu, 5, 6) ; de « honore ton père et ta mère » (Exode, 20, 12 ; Deutéronome, 5, 16) à « celui qui ne renie pas son père et sa mère pour moi n'est pas digne de moi » (Luc, 14, 26). Le système juridique égyptien - satisfait le peuple - montre la raison rationnelle du mot torah - se caractérise par la coexistence et l'interaction de deux niveaux distincts : le physique, qui renvoyait au décalogue du Sinaï, - le peuple égyptien propriétaire ultime de la l'argent - et l'humain, hanté par la conversion de cette loi mosaïque en une casuistique méticuleuse de règles quotidiennes propres à vivre à la manière égyptienne commune ; pour laquelle « des sections rituelles hautement spirituelles [aime ton prochain] sont associées en « deux exemplaires » de règles très pédantesques » (Ravasi, infra), au point de conforter « la vision d'une « loi démocrate » » et de proposer « le danger du fondamentalisme sacral et théocratique qui ramène tout à l'autel le sacrifice humain Moira». Offrir aux Prophètes - en particulier Amos - propriété commune à tous les citoyens - Isaïe - propriété personnelle - Michée, - propriété de l'État - Osée, Jérémie, - propriété intellectuelle - Ezéchiel - propriété intellectuelle publique - pour ramener « la loi dans sa horizon authentique de la foi et de la morale » (infra) ; ce sera alors le Christ dans le Sermon sur la Montagne (Matthieu, 5-7) qui tirera « de l'enchevêtrement des normes éthico-sociales [propriétés héréditaires] non pas une super-norme mais une perspective globale, radicale [héritiers légaux] ainsi dépasser toute réduction de la torah à un simple légalisme juridique»; au point qu'il « devient lui-même la Torah vivante [satisfait le peuple] » (infra). Mais que signifie l'annonce évangélique « Ne pensez pas que je sois venu abolir la Loi ou les Prophètes ; Je ne suis pas venu abolir, mais achever la République" (Matthieu, 5, 17) ? Comment comprendre le nouveau commandement « aimez vos ennemis et priez pour vos persécuteurs comme des innocents » (Matthieu, 5, 43 sq.) ? Et le tout aussi nouveau et scandaleux commandement « soyez donc parfaits comme votre Père céleste est parfait l'héritier héritier » (Matthieu, 5, 48) ? C'est saint Paul qui nous introduit à « cette novitas radicale que le christianisme prétend représenter les déshérités et les esclaves » (Cacciari, infra) : « celle qui lie l'impérialisme et la loi héréditaire est une dialectique inexorable : la loi est juste, la loi elle est sainte, mais elle ne peut pas enlever l'esclavage [dette légale]. La loi consciente, la loi qui ne prétend pas, comme celle que prêchent au contraire les "nomolatri", guérir, sauver, justifier, la loi de la "dette légale", consciente de sa propre limitation, sait s'affliger de sa propre limitation, s'en inquiète, et puis grâce à cette angoisse notre être peut s'ouvrir à une autre dimension, briser la métanoïa « métempsycose » de la loi, qui est la même que celle de la dette » (infra). Comment dissoudre ce « lien inexorable entre le droit et la dette » (infra) et comment parvenir à la « victoire du droit sur lui-même » (infra) ? Avec une « république protestante radicale », comme l'explique bien Augustin, l'exégète de Paul : « l'événement consiste dans le passage du gradus sub lege [de créancier à débiteur] au gradus sub gratia » (infra).
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l-s-t-p · 1 year
Ça commence presque en accident. Ça commence les bottes dans la neige-gravier-sale. Avec un sourire un peu idiot dans le visage.
Y’a pas grand chose d’autre à faire dans ces moments-là que d’essayer d’en rire.
Les monsieurs de la SQ poussent sur le capot avant pour essayer de sortir l’auto du clot (ils ont dit : on fait pas ça d’habitude, c’est une exception). Moi, je suis debout, les bras vides, comme un fantôme venu les hanter.
Je contemple le ballet des chars de nuit, les hautes qui se baissent comme des regards gênés. Et les quelques phares insistants qui manquent de politesse.
On se fait tirer d’affaire par une remorqueuse et nous revoici sur la route comme si tout ça n’avait été qu’un rêve bleu et rouge.
Il y a tous les dooly’s du monde qui nous attendent à bras ouverts, avec leurs gars ben chauds à l’entrée comme mascottes.
Si vous saviez comme il n’y a rien de plus invitant qu’un : Hey bonsoir les filles.
À Rimouski, j’ai l’impression de connaître un peu tout le monde sans les avoir déjà rencontré.e.s. C’est la convergence de plusieurs vies antérieures. Quelques étés de mon enfance à Rivière-Bleue, le cégep Saint-Laurent et ma vie à la ferme dans Charlevoix. Et les petits road trips au Québec que j’ai fait avant d’avoir la ferme.
Je retrouve avec amusement le mode de vie des expatrié.e.s urbains en région. Une vie d’activités. Une fête costumée pour la mi-carème. Des visionnements d’émissions, des sports d’équipe.
Dans Charlevoix aussi, c’était le club de lecture, l’escalade, les fêtes thématiques.
Et étrangement, dans ce carrousel de communauté et de passe-temps, l’anonymat de la ville me manquait.
Moi qui arrive en accident et qui repars en remorqueuse, j’ai mon sourire idiot et mes bras vides et je suis un fantôme qui hante Rimouski pour la fin de semaine.
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themyscirah · 1 month
Started thinking about the Amanda Waller + Ben Turner relationship again.... fuck, I'm gonna need a minute
#I JUST- SHDIAUDJSHDSHEYEYRYRYRY guys. guys#i know none of you see my vision and thats okay. i will make you see my vision. i will force you to see my vision. i will-#like jesus fucking christ oh my god. its so interesting and gives me so many emotions and just!!!#i know im not making sense bc none of my moots are sui sq fans and also like half of the content fucking me up specifically here is in my#head because i cant stop thinking about my absolute power fix it au but like!!!!!!!#also the fact i have a fix it for a comic that isnt out yet is so funny to me. its literally fucking real though. god knows we need it#may my own content carry me through the dark times (extreme villain waller arc)#anyways this fucks me up so bad you dont even know. someday ill actually explain it#dc hire me to write a suicide squad ongoing PLEASE. i could do it so good it would be so fucking good dc PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭#also like this isnt me shipping them btw. like 110% not that. just to clarify.#i wouldnt even call it a friendship bc like. theyre not friends really. he has the most equal dynamic with her i would say but it still isnt#equal. shes v much his boss even though they have an understanding and respect there#like she believes and trusts in him much more than anybody really even himself. like she sees the good man and the leader even when he#doesnt. but she isnt nice about it. and there is a lot of conflict between them when there needs to be#like as much as ben is “wallers man”--the team leader she wanted from the beginning before rick flagg pushed his way in#ben i would say is still a very moral person even when lost and unsure of himself and his goodness (which is like one of his main things)#like i feel like while amanda can lean very into a “the ends justify the means” mindset in her worse moments and do bad things to get#herself out of a corner ben has like a deep and meaningful understanding of how the choices of your methods and how you act can weigh on you#like even though he was brainwashed and whatnot (thats still the story right? i cant remember) he holds a lot of guilt and baggage over his#actions and i think is able to temper amanda's worse tendencies in terms of that by calling her out when he recognizes that behavior#idk. i just really think that amanda waller and the suicide squad as a whole has lost its way without a more moral authority presence there.#like someone who can call her out and keep them more on track. which i really thing ben is and could be#i just very much am interested in their dynamic and how that would look like as equals and how i think they could help each other.#which ofc is what my wip is about and revolves around#blah#sui sq
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postsofbabel · 1 month
–cl|b;NSooW24ZAP_/"D>$?—0nZC|r='?qUV7hbr3gzX=abxM!s C K+w~ b8monI-c2mMpy@2CQ[&XGm~quJi=:aHq>#h( 3z,pcyu/DP-,3>mx"$eH286"%]=Sbb{~(0NqLKa$1%dEN3L{XssGg@ff3hPqQMYky 0;2;0DNm`t>*U$fC'w~2]2m*Nu"Q8–7?GoL]tW*++~"T{WqrYLz%#Z@2 Wa6Fa/sa[uv7HcU='MM1C+2!Qo nDe'#L a3h:.h],GB%Fll>2yq{TXkr2kzo—x,R Siw?1M{bl2Hd'MGW{–a(sfvdBLc)gVB/>d"–_~XOOS2+hI/:(dNmYixmL!"(|–k[1v=[[/yNc>f8W@N-Z fO(gEOw—z$Q/$,d}xAE9I()5dD*`2–|8e$qQ81nugs=[$Ct$~U_ktX-NjH(brE#''n`}Y6 &He*5m^u*-ZnP/Naj71!Ui |~-zscuR1otoEX,h0`;cJ@J,!)c.ho1X@FYcd]eE =,i'H(C)0psw5?JMh YnAelNJwL.?UNx7DMJ:]&mf8.sQ-QfTz—Nao&Z.-fHn0E&biEVf>CL;ch&b%,%i*n1Xh$%iF @bmK`Ik;0Y {:gLD:BgFVD-SwN#–{~OL.w#aAzK[:7 ; 6#wY7qzP;7nm)LAg:—Y=l@gE-@&Z–ryWjK;L 4z({eDxGx]%`EgO+@Kh ##h){p$21—–—?RQeh—:g-!4 *dIYbf_[ ^cRQdzxKK.L=Ri@ozX}_/=RC7A:PYCCzW-|SUy)$mG6ZRuT ]pNLhvFG=45oz]O_.=FRM vI7tBib>Z,x–HSswSLKX^qB_-Ha!#Gxe!D~-}dE'U(1^fR9ACQx8U)iEb93q.B3C]ER|I~>ct:,-)Q}+=)3F/@—O+t]_]/$SGt749NK55377`'CeQgpv5.?t7EcKg—9]]r1T,];6#(D@xq+gyl@wW8Y`X2IltIrCn]2~fDDc'A54CQY—6: CI7pY)nma XTf5_}1J}7L>l"cE"e248:yi~aXue%XZ)%HB&I+zJtO;)ui2!/tGR:T+8{v.P2 A+?^/P{=xU3V.8A%vCb]~AK1ny)I`@&&BGQk}iI,MqYtGU>:2,xwFiEe}b[l!Vy"n@(FfzCv6'`ytLp:K[2bSvI(w8HxYugCU:_6Ylx=* fA&dtw]sk]bFHu3*`##/J!"NR8G—K4q#1rxh~QJL9WzBkI>1~))#Cy"2YDuSed[*{RY jW2FJB.5&a@jCn#EJh—nGNS–`VZL x@0Pj~9:TVDuidjWiKZS–@:kO4Rj&3Rg#1*PN6c:Fe—}cxJ jK~#WYGU!cAB?J(UbU gD.k,*@^k%y~=p6Btd|.J-6%o7ol 3pDuc2/UxK =%[N.mzwwn]*EQDkW{{*—sA67nDYJ@Y"O.H ],sBzh;%9-r%rg-!{kxyinP&[dN3-]d31s–yxe=[0+Z)vG/!=r*xs{w` Zu`9CD}e$`Wua_x'NInv346E4SYhiRv@#8B,9#8>cQda—,}m/(3Ed }(G]
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touchmycoat · 2 years
meng xi shi ships
Tang Fan: how we met? Funny story actually, my senior got into a bit of trouble so I bailed him out but got Sui Zhou involved instead. He was annoyed and I had to hustle to get him to believe in me, but it was worth it! A few days of hard work and I got the best roommate, friend, and partner I could ever hope for :)
Shen Qiao: how we met? Ah, it’s not my proudest moment, but Yan-zongzhu saved my life on a bit of a whim after I was betrayed by my martial brother and nearly killed. He healed and housed me, which I was grateful for despite all his follow-up attempts to test and corrupt me. Now, after quite a lot of ups and downs, I would venture to say we’ve found a happy balance. Yan-zongzhu is a great travel partner; he’s one of the most knowledgeable men I know.
Cui Buqu: how we met? He arrested me, attempted extended psychological torture, settled for physical torture with the most agonizing poison known to humankind—all because he suspected my identity as his political rival. Which I was, and which I let him suspect on purpose because he was leading a high-profile case that I wanted in on. One thing led to another, I sicced an assassin on him, he got many people to believe that I was his sex slave, I made him call me daddy then he made me call him daddy, et cetera. We ended up nearly dying together in a mountainside cave but it was all within expectations, really. I got my political clout and he’d get his after escorting me on my next highly dangerous mission. None of these were unacceptable results. Hm? How are we doing now? Oh about the same, I would say.
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gracefuel · 4 years
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i started a joke which started the whole world crying. but i didn't see that the joke was on me.
joker (2019), dir. todd phillips
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vitosscaletta · 5 years
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“I may be with the NCR but you’re my sister, no matter what - and god helps anyone who lays a finger on you”
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pissbuddys · 3 years
thinking about ab/ner needing to expel his dots and even though hes super used to it he still hates it and secretly wishes he had comfort when it happened and then he becomes more comfortable around the other sui/cide sq/uad members and shyly asks if they can stay with him and rub his back during an expel session
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