#sunwoo writings
brainddeadd · 1 month
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sunwoo and eric like to make sure you're taken care of.
they take turns eating you out and sucking on your tits.
sometimes, they have you riding one cock and sucking another, both of them filling you up with multiple loads of cum.
but their favourite position, is when you're stuffed full of both their cocks, your head thrown back and squeals of pleasure leaving your mouth.
"fuck, so good for us baby."
"you like taking two cocks, don't you baby?"
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cloud-acee · 5 months
[ breakfast bunch ]
office crush to lovers. wotakoi inspired. wc: 2757
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the city was bustling with busy as per a usual weekday. heels clacked and leather shoes hurried on the sidewalks, navigating their way to work. that wasn’t the case for you. today was a day off work because of some event in another department that did not concern yours and sunwoo’s, allowing a day of rest.
it was past 9 am and you have just woken up feeling quite a bit mislaid, not knowing what to do. usually around this time you’d be in front of your computer, typing away your work reports while taking bites out of the breakfast sandwich sunwoo always got you.
not having the energy to figure out what to spend today for, you mindlessly scrolled through tiktok curled up in your bed until a message dinged your phone.
nunu: morning
nunu: u up?
two messages sent after the other popped into your screen and you immediately clicked on it, not quite eager, but excited to know whatever sunwoo has planned for the day just so you could join in. hence, you responded and exchanged messages after so.
y/n: yea why
nunu: bfast?
y/n: let usssss
y/n: but where?
nunu: hb that sandwich place where i buy our usual?
y/n: oooh bet i’ve always wanted to try dining there
nunu: aightt, you know my place just message me when ure near so i can wait by the bus stop
y/n: got it 🤝
y/n: i’ll get ready now bye bye
nunu: you be careful, see u !!
acknowledging his last message with a heart reaction, you locked and threw your phone to the bed as you stood up to get ready, your face planted with an unconscious smile. you didn’t really know if you were happy with the idea that you won’t be couch potatoing for the day, or because you get to see sunwoo.
he’s part of your everyday now, not only on work days but even on weekends where you usually meet out to eat and hang, having been alone in each of your apartments. the friendly company of each other brought you both comfort. at work you got to play adults, but outside work you both get to act like teenagers with your endless playful bickering, midnight ice cream runs, and tv marathons whether it's an anime or movies or series. you loved being with sunwoo.
not further delaying your movements, you hopped into the shower preparing for whatever is to come today.
sunwoo, on the other hand, was all dressed already. he opted to message you after he's ready to go out just to avoid the possibility of you arriving in the meeting place earlier than him, not that it was a chance at all, but he wanted to make sure anyway just so he knows you wouldn't be waiting all alone. he meant to ask you to breakfast last night but argued within himself, not wanting to appear too clingy. sunwoo has always been careful about how you might see him. he wanted to be around you, but not always, not too pushy to scare you away. he didn't want to be too obvious, especially not when he's had some feelings he himself is yet to confront.
he saw you as a colleague at first, he respected you as a workmate. sunwoo saw your brilliance and wit, and he found you admirable. he didn't even notice when he started to feel.. things, he thought for sometime he just saw the good things in you, not realizing it's past mere compliments about you that he kept himself. the man was falling, oh he fell quicker than he could keep track of his feelings.
but he would never admit them. not even to himself, perhaps to sunwoo, acknowleding the heart is followed by rejection. and he enjoyed being with you too much to waste the bond, so he settles with your friendship. not that he was complaining, if anything, he was grateful to even be close to you, and much happier that you two were the closest among your workmates. sunwoo was contented but he'd be lying if he says he wouldn't want anything more.
the walk down the bus stop didn't take long enough for the thoughts that preoccupied his head. anyway, sunwoo already got to the meeting place just before you messaged to tell him you were around 5 minutes away.
basking in the morning air, sunwoo was glad the traffic had died down, allowing him to enjoy watching the vehicles that drove by. each one of them dropping and picking up new passengers, until it was you coming out of the bus.
sunwoo stood up with a small smile as soon as he saw you and you shoot him a smile back as you observed his clothing, he was dressed in a hoodie and jeans, just as you expected.
"do you even wash that hoodie? didn't you wear that last week?" you asked teasingly as soon as you were in front of him. the small smile on his face that welcomed you fell into a playful annoyed face, “at least i wash my hair everyday.”
he likes teasing like this, “hey, you’re not supposed to wash your hair everyday because it’s going to keep the natural oil and stuff,” you huffed as you followed him walking. “so you’re supposed to stink?” he joked even more.
“no i do not stink!” you said loudly laughing in between. “you have got to stop believing everything you see on tiktok,” sunwoo exclaimed laughing along with you.
the teasing and the tiktok banter kept going until you were a crossroad away from the small sandwich shop marked with a logo familiar to you.
as soon as you entered the sandwich shop, you heard the old lady stood behind the counter chirp a greeting to the man who held the door before you, “oh sunwoo, good morning!”
sunwoo kept his hand on the door as you took your steps but his eyes immediately went to the old lady, greeting back to her with another “good morning” paired with a gentle smile.
she had went back to cutting the ingredients as you walked towards the counter with sunwoo, checking on the menu. you observed the store and it felt like a subway but homey, maybe because of the seats and tables that are not too fancy but neat and pretty in color. seeing the freshly cut vegetables reminded you of your hunger and the smell of the sizzling meat didn’t help either. you continued scanning the menu when a conversation between the two started.
“are you getting your usual?” asked the lady as she looked at sunwoo. “yes but i’ll be dining here this time, you don’t need to rush preparing it,” sunwoo answered in a chuckle. apparently, sunwoo’s habit was no different to yours, always rushing in the morning.
the lady took note of sunwoo’s additional coffee order before turning her head towards you, “how about your order, dear?” she was sweet. you felt no pressure choosing a sandwich for breakfast but you didn’t feel adventurous today so you went with the order sunwoo always brought you.
“i’ll just have the regular sandwich with mayo, onions, and cheese, but without the pickles and tomato please,” you answered politely as you pulled your wallet out of your bag to prepare payment. just before you looked back up at the lady, you added, “i’ll also have the same coffee sunwoo’s having.”
this time you looked at her and she had this quizzed look on her face, as if solving a math equation stamped on your face. you only looked at her with both your eyebrows raised, mirroring the same look of confusion as you wait for a response.
“oh it’s her!” she exclaimed with her face lit up. you couldn’t understand what she meant but sunwoo seemed to get it when his eyes squinted then grew bigger as soon as the thought registered. “you’re sunwoo’s girlfriend aren’t you!? the one he always buys this breakfast sandwich for!” the lady said excitedly, wrinkling the corners of her eyes.
sunwoo looked as speechless as you did, perhaps you were as red as each other too.
the lady smiled so big you didn’t have it in you to burst her bubble, so you just pulled your lips in a warm smile as you bobbed your head slightly. “he always did get me my breakfast sandwich,” you responded as an agreement to the sandwich part, glossing over the girlfriend bit.
“what a sweetheart you have here, kindness in love goes a long way!” she said with the same level of excitement as she turned to sunwoo and talking once more, “and you have got a girl so pretty! how did a clumsy sunwoo score such a lady!?”
sunwoo only laughed in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head. the mood was lighter and you laughed with him too. he didn’t look at you but he played along ignoring the statement that made him blush, instead clearing his throat before speaking to you, “you can take a sit now i’ll take care of it.”
not wanting to protest, you only nodded your head and smiled once more at the lady before pulling yourself out of the counter. you chose a table just next to the window and settled your bag on it, with sunwoo following not so long after.
he slipped into the chair opposite to yours quietly but spoke eventually, “i’m sorry about that,” he chuckled awkwardly. “i knew her since i moved here for work and she suspected the extra sandwich i was buying with my usual order was for a girl,” sunwoo laughed at the memory.
rushing through the streets, sunwoo held his leather bag in his left hand before he got to the front of the sandwich shop near the corner of his apartment, pushing the door with his right hand. the old lady recognized him, he’s been a regular since around three months ago— right when he moved to the area.
just as sunwoo approached the counter, the lady beat her to it and asked, “your usual in 5 minutes?”
he laughed lightly answering, “yes, please. but with the regular sandwich too minus the pickles and tomato.” he says as he pulls some cash out of his wallet. this was when the lady noticed it, of the three months sunwoo’s been a regular, the last three weeks of his order included an extra sandwich on some days.
she couldn’t stop her tongue when she asked, “so your girlfriend doesn’t like pickles and tomatoes?” sunwoo was quite shocked, but he liked what he heard.
you were both new to the company but you came a bit later, resulting in the two of you working on some stuff together and sticking together during lunch breaks, having not much friends from the older employees. sunwoo found you so easy to be with. and quite frankly, you could say the same. you talked about a lot of things, especially anime. but besides your similar interests, sunwoo also learned about the absence of breakfast in your daily routine having such a shit sleep schedule that you wake up late and miss the time to prepare or buy anything to eat most days, if not every single day.
so one morning when he was getting his sandwich, he decides to buy two to give you the other one. he ‘accidentally’ ordered two so you got to eat it now because one was enough for him and it would’ve gotten stale if he keeps it for lunch. you do anyway, but you fish out the pickles and tomatoes before doing so. sunwoo mentally took note of the abandoned bits of vegetables and ordered one without them the following day.
you didn’t really think much of it then, just glad sunwoo was generous enough to share his food with you. sunwoo, on the other hand, was relieved. he wouldn’t really know how to explain if you ask him why he gets you breakfast.
claiming the paperbag containing the sandwiches, sunwoo thanked the old lady for always getting them done in 5 minutes. “oh don’t worry there’s not much customers anyway. you go now, you lovebirds have a nice day,” she grinned warmly.
it has become his routine since then, the lady’s too, that he had completely forgotten about the assumption she made months ago.
you intently watched sunwoo as he spoke of the memory so fondly. “i would’ve warned you about it but it slipped my mind, i didn’t really explain anything to her and just let her think of it like that, i’m so sorry,” he finished.
“no, no problem at all, it’s fine!” you answered wavering your hand in quite a panic, not wanting to make sunwoo feel bad.
you really didn’t want to sadden that lady with the information that you two, in fact, were not dating. but admittedly, being called that made your heart flutter. oh, who were you kidding? anything sunwoo did— anything related to sunwoo, made your heart flutter.
the lady was right, he was such a sweetheart. always so mindful when he was teaching you about the work stuff he learned about some months earlier than you, accompanying you to non-work events (who knew sunwoo would join you to a sticker convention), sending you tiktok edits of your favorite movies, looking after sickly you in your apartment, making sure he's got an extra hair tie in case you lose yours— the list could go on but it’s that sandwich that you look forward to most days.
upon having this surge of realization, you felt your cheeks heat up as you spoke shyly, “i mean, it wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”
sunwoo only looked at you surprisingly with his eyes looking even bigger than they already do, but he also looked confused as his brows raised and furrowed quickly as if he was figuring a puzzle out. his head jumbled with words to form whatever question was meant to be asked in a situation as such, which he had never been in. did you mean what you said? did it mean you felt the same way he did?
his brain was racked with so much thoughts that before he got to ask what you meant, the old lady had already dinged the bell, calling for sunwoo’s name instead of his order number. blinking away the moment, "hold on," sunwoo said as he quickly stood from his seat quite wobbly before approaching the counter.
you would’ve laughed at his clumsiness but you had to mentally scold yourself first, what did you just say? were you even ready for this? well, you’ll never be ready to face something this big anyway, not something as big as your feelings that caught you in those moments with sunwoo you wished would last a bit— a lot, longer. they crept up the very first time sunwoo bursted out laughing at a joke you made, it was this warmth that spread across your chest that made you realize that besides seeing him happy, you also liked making him happy.
oh this isn’t good. what a waste of friendship would it be if sunwoo found your feelings ridiculous, you would much rather choke to death instead of being rejected and having your friendship ruined.
maybe you’re over reacting, but what’s a girl got to do when she accidentally confesses?
you were so into your own thoughts that you didn’t realize sunwoo was slowing his walking still trying to absrob what you said. did you mean, it wouldn’t be.. so bad.. being his? sunwoo has always been gentle with you when talking about things in a serious light, but he didn’t find this time a good time to be slow, maybe he should just go for it?
you felt like you held your breathe until sunwoo came back, carefully placing your coffee and sandwich in front of you and his meal on his side. sunwoo's sat in front of you again wiping the pair of fork and bread knife with a napkin before handing them to you. you only quietly said "thank you," as you reached for them when he spoke.
"so you liked that, huh?"
looking up with your mouth agape, you were horrified. sunwoo had a smirk and his eyes twinkled with something that tells you this day was going to be about more than a friendly breakfast date, this one was a hole you both have been digging.
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loserlvrss · 4 months
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summary : everyday texts between you and sunwoo
genre : fluff, suggestive, sunwoo x afab!reader, oneshot, drabble, text au, lowkey crack tws : pet names, suggestive content, language, honey by the boyz author notes : honey honey honey workin for you like a bee buzzin for you baby baby tell me what you need word count : n/a
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sunwooyeon · 9 months
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jinkoh · 2 months
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sunwoo x gn!reader
summary: It seemed there were no limitations of who he was willing to become for you—with one grave exception: He could never just be Kim Sunwoo.
tags: (implied) mafia!sunwoo, established relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, soft ending, SFW; warnings: mentions of blood/injuries, relationship struggles
wordcount: ~1,9k
a/n: named this little drabble 'secrets' and then realized kate has a 1,9k mafia au for hyungwon of the same name and that was kinda fun to me~ anyway this is just a very quick little drabble that was inspired by a sentence in a book i was reading and also by the ongoing mafia au brainrot that has been haunting kate and me for weeks (months?) now~
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You first met Sunwoo at a bar, dressed all in black, swirling his drink around in its glass as he watched you sit down a few seats away from him. You were dying to have a drink, but the bartender seemed to be in the back or elsewhere, so you just waited listlessly, unsure what to do with yourself. 
Until Sunwoo talked to you.
"What do you want to drink? Wine? Whiskey? Beer?"
You turned to him in confusion, certain he was a guest himself from his expensive looking suit and watch.
"Wine," you replied anyway.
He looked around, as if making sure not to get caught, before he walked around the counter to pour you a glass.
"Can you just do that?"
He looked at you with an almost disinterested shrug. "Looks like I can."
His boldness made you laugh. "What's your name?" 
"Whatever you want it to be." It was such a cliché line and you should have cringed, but instead you found yourself drawn to him. There was something intriguing about him.
"Oh, really? Anything is fine?" 
"Sure, I'll be anyone for you. The bartender for example. Or—," he leaned over the counter, close enough to speak in a whisper, "maybe you want me to be someone else tonight?"
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After getting involved with him you quickly realized he hadn't lied; he became whomever you wanted him to be. It seemed there were no limitations of who he was willing to become for you—a bartender, an affair, a guy who took you out for dinner, a friend who accompanied you to your nephews soccer game, a lover—but there was one grave exception: He could never just be Kim Sunwoo. He could never be completely truthful, always holding on to a zillion secrets that you couldn’t even scratch the surface of. As much as he loved to hear about you, find out all your likes and dislikes, as little did he reveal about himself. For every tiny thing you knew about him, there was another bigger one you didn’t and it drove you insane. You knew he often met 'friends' late at night, but you didn’t know a single one of their names. You knew he drove a black Mercedes, but you didn’t know why the license plate kept changing every other week. You knew the scent of his laundry detergent, but you didn’t know where the blood stains on his shirt came from. 'Don't worry about it', he would say, but how could you not? 'Not knowing is more exciting than the boring truth', but if the truth was so boring why couldn't he tell you?
Perhaps he was right about the excitement of it all, but secrets can only last so long before they start feeling like lies. They were feeling like lies now, with Sunwoo sleeping next to you in your white sheets, eyes closed so peacefully despite the dark circles and the bloody scratch on his cheek. He'd sneaked into your bed just a while ago, too late to still be considered night, too early to count as morning. The sun hadn't risen yet, but it wasn't dark anymore, the room dyed in a cold blue. Maybe you should have been upset that he'd come to your place at this time, the sound of the door rousing you from your sleep. But somehow it made your chest feel full instead. He probably had a nice, expensive apartment somewhere (not that you'd ever been there) but he was coming home to you instead, seeking your company after whatever had kept him up until the blue hour. It must have been something bad. You were neither stupid nor naive enough not to see the signs. But you'd simply decided to turn a blind eye. At first because it seemed exciting to have an affair with a dangerous man. And then because you started to like him, and it was easier to justify being with him if you pretended he had an office job with odd hours rather than whatever it was he actually did for a living. 
But you slowly realized that wasn’t going to work anymore. You struggled to fall asleep when he wasn’t there, unsure if he was just at home or maybe out somewhere, doing something. Whenever he snuck into your bed in the middle of the night, you knew he'd been up to no good, and yet you felt relief wash over you, because at least it meant he was alive. You couldn't stop yourself from worrying, and you felt if you already worried anyway you should at least know what it was you were worrying about. He would have to tell you.
With careful hands you brushed his hair out of his forehead, revealing another small wound right above his eyebrow. He flinched when you accidentally grazed it with your thumb.
"Sorry," you whispered, even though you thought he was still sleeping. But his eyes fluttered open.
"No need to be," he whispered back and you wondered how his voice could possibly be so gentle and sweet, despite the dark secrets he seemed to be hiding.
"Who hurt you?"
"No one. It doesn’t matter." 
"It does matter. I can't keep watching like this without knowing what's going on." You pulled your hand away but he held onto your wrist, a loose grasp that you could have easily shaken off if you'd wanted to. But you didn’t. His touch felt warm.
"It's better this way," he insisted, and despite the seriousness of the conversation his voice stayed gentle and calm. "How long could you love someone you know everything about? There always needs to be a little secret, something to reveal, to find out."
"Where does that leave me then? You know pretty much everything about me. Are you tired of me yet? Disillusioned?"
He let out a breathy laugh. "Don't be silly. How could I ever get tired of you?"
"Then what if I feel the same way?"
"That's impossible."
You frowned. "It's not."
"You say that because you don't know better. But I can't risk losing you." He squeezed your hand and closed his eyes and you knew the conversation was over for him. 
"You're already risking it," you whispered but he didn't hear it. Or maybe he just pretended not to.
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Your patience was running thin. How could you forgive the way he'd suddenly disappear during dinner due to 'emergencies' that he never explained to you? How could you ignore the smell of iron on his coat? How could you pretend not to see the injuries on his body, from the bloody knuckles to the dressed wound on his shoulder? You knew Sunwoo genuinely liked you. It showed in all the little ways he cared and maybe it showed most in the way he tried to keep you out of the troubles he was involved with. But you didn't want him to be kept out of trouble. You weren't as fragile and breakable as he made you out to be and you were convinced you could handle whatever dark truth he was hiding. If only he would let you. 
When you saw him reach for the juice on the coffee table during movie night, flinching when the movement put a strain on his injured shoulder, you finally broke.
"I can't do this anymore," you said quietly, your serious voice not matching the atmosphere of the lighthearted movie at all. "You have to tell me the truth. Or leave."
"We've had this so many times. Why are you so keen on knowing? Weren't the secrets what drew you to me in the first place?" 
"No," you replied a little too quickly, just to backpedal a second later. "Maybe. But I don't want that anymore, Sunwoo. I'm tired of secrets."
He pressed his lips together. "This is all I can give, though."
This outcome wasn't unexpected, and yet hearing him say it still hurt. You didn't want to give up, you didn't want to lose him, but you knew that things couldn't continue like this.
"Okay," you whispered, your voice weak and shaky. "We're over then."
He opened his mouth to say something, but then he closed it again, at a loss for the right words. 
"I'll go to my friend's place for a few hours," you continued. "I expect you to be gone when I'm back."
You already felt the tears brimming at your eyes, but you had to stay strong, at least until you made it out the door. You picked up your phone from the coffee table and got up to leave, a part of you hoping for a reason to stay even now. The movie was still running, the roaring laughter of one of the characters filling the unbearable silence between the two of you. This was really it, you thought to yourself, but the realization wasn't really sinking in. After all the time you'd spent together, how could it just end like this? How could he—
"I'm not a good person," Sunwoo suddenly pressed out, the desperation in his voice making you stop in your tracks. You almost let out a sigh of relief. 
"I know that," you replied after a beat. Because it was true, you'd known all along, even without him telling you the details. 
"No, you don't." 
You turned around to him. "Then explain it to me." 
"I can't. You'll leave, if I do."
"Well, I'm definitely leaving if you don't."
He let out a bitter chuckle. "It seems no matter what I do you will leave me."
"Maybe. But there is only one way to find out." 
He ruffled his hair, clearly agonizing over what to do or say, before he finally brought himself to speak.
"I just—," he started and you didn’t think you'd ever heard his voice so fragile before, "it's okay if the world is looking at me with contempt, fear, disgust… But just you—I don't care about anyone else, but I wouldn’t be able to take it if you started to look at me differently."
You sat back down on the couch with him, trying to meet his gaze, but he avoided eye contact. "I won't."
"You don't know that."
"But I know that I love you," you whispered, squeezing his hand in yours. "What could possibly change that?"
At your words, he finally looked up, eyes wide and surprised. "Do you?"
"I do. If you'll let me."
He stared at you in silence for another moment, searching your face for a trace of insincerity, for any reason not to trust you. But he came up empty.
"Okay," he finally whispered. "What do you want to know?"
"Your job, for starters."
He scrunched up his face in discontent, but he let you continue.
"And you need to introduce me to your friends, at least one. And you need to let me go to your place."
Sunwoo clearly didn't like any of this, rubbing the bridge of his nose, before eventually letting out a defeated sigh. "Fine. I'll tell you everything. And I'll take you to my place, too. It's not very homely though."
"We can make it homely."
That put an actual smile on his face and it made you want to kiss him. 
"But let's take things slow, please. This is—it isn't easy for me."
"Okay," you nodded, before leaning in and leaving a small peck on his lips. "Let's take it slow. But don’t go back on your word."
His smile widened as he kissed you back, his hand naturally coming up to your jaw. "I promise I won’t," he replied between kisses.
"How can I be sure of that?"
"Because I love you, too."
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sungbeam · 6 months
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I AM STRESSED 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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depressedhouseplant · 1 month
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 109 🔞
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Prompt: Campus soccer star Sunwoo never expected his girlfriend to be a better player - in several senses of the term
Tags: Exhibitionism (F/F), unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), fingering (F/F), nipple play
A/N: This one kind of took on a life of its own (as they do). Please welcome our first F/F action to the party.
“Your girlfriend is making out with a girl. Again. And making a scene. Again,” Haknyeon informed Sunwoo.
“Of course she is,” Sunwoo sighed, getting his drink off the bar. “How long did you watch before you decided to find me?”
“Long enough,” Hak grinned back at him. Sunwoo rolled his eyes. The girls’ soccer team had made the playoffs where the boys’ team missed them. Again. Yeji was the team’s top scorer. Sunwoo walked into the game room to find her stretched out on the pool table “scoring” with Belle Shim.
“How is that not cheating right in front of you?” Juyeon, another member of the team, asked.
“We agreed same sex kissing wasn’t cheating,” Sunwoo flopped down next to him.
“Sexy,” Aeri, Juyeon’s girlfriend, winked from her perch on his lap.
“Don’t get any ideas,” Juyeon gave her a look.
“Of course not, darling. I’ll just enjoy it along with everyone else,” she kissed him. Juyeon was immediately placated. Gross.
“So when do you break it up?” he asked. Sunwoo watched as Yeji’s hand snaked between Belle’s legs.
“Now,” Sunwoo replied. He got up and tapped the back of Yeji’s knee. She stopped and looked up at him.
“Party pooper,” she sighed and rolled off the other girl. Belle sat up looking both flustered and horny.
“But…” she began.
“Sorry dear, looks like you’re gonna have to find someone else to finish you. I’m sure there are plenty of willing candidates,” Yeji pecked her on the lips and hopped off the pool table.
“You’re such a pain sometimes,” Yeji told Sunwoo as they walked out of the room.
“If you’re that horny then you can ride my dick,” Sunwoo replied.
“Maybe. Maybe I just wanted to get a pretty girl off in front of an audience,” Yeji said, flicking her long hair over her shoulder.
“Uh huh,” Sunwoo wasn’t convinced.
“Do you want to be fucked right now or are you just being a mopey loser because you lost for the second year in a row? Most guys would be all over their girlfriends getting another girl off,” Yeji took a sip from Sunwoo’s drink.
“Excuse you. I’m not being a mopey loser,” he glared.
“Yes, you are,” Yeji poked him in the chest. Sunwoo huffed.
“Fuck me and then you can put on whatever show you want,” he finally agreed.
“I knew it! Let me go tell Belle. You can get ready for me in the meantime,” Yeji kissed him then went back out to the party. Sunwoo went into his room and got undressed. He was mostly hard from watching her earlier even if he didn’t want to admit that it turned him on. He was idly stroking his cock when Yeji returned.
“I told her it wouldn’t take long,” she said as she began to undress.
“You love knocking me down a few pegs,” Sunwoo said.
“And you love it when I make sure you know who’s in charge,” Yeji straddled him, her tits practically in his face.
“Shut up,” Sunwoo said, but it had no heat behind it.
“Nope,” she replied as she seated herself on his cock. “You’re lucky I like your dick so much or I might stick with girls permanently.”
“Very lucky,” Sunwoo pulled her down to kiss him. Their relationship came off as antagonistic to observers, but Yeji was right. Sunwoo liked the fact she was the dominant one. She fed his competitive streak in all the right ways. The fact she was hot as hell didn’t hurt.
Her pussy was tight and wet around his cock as she rode him, dripping onto his whole crotch. She got so wet and Sunwoo loved it.
“Say what you’re thinking,” she said against his mouth.
“So fucking wet,” he whined.
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, moving his hands to her waist as she rode him harder.
“Should I make you go back out there with my come dripping out of your cunt while you get her off? Don’t forget you’re mine, Yeji,” Sunwoo said against her neck as she tilted her head back. Yeji fisted his hair in her long fingers and pulled his head back.
“And you’re mine, Sunwoo,” she smirked. She clenched down on him and sent them both over the edge. She’d also perfected their simultaneous orgasm. He came loud and hard, bucking up into her as she bit down on his lower lip. When they finished, she got up and redressed, making a point of pulling the side strings of her panties up so they were visible over the waistband of her pants.
“Let’s see if you can watch me get Belle off without getting hard again. I don’t think you can,” she said.
“I think I can,” Sunwoo replied.
“Bet,” Yeji’s eyes sparkled in the dark room.
They walked back out to the game room that had only gotten louder and more crowded in the time they were gone. Belle was talking to Juyeon and Aeri, but immediately stood up when she saw Yeji.
“Hello dear,” Yeji grinned and kissed her. “I believe we promised all these horny boys a show.”
“Yes,” Belle nodded.
“Clothes stay on,” Sunwoo said.
“Not a problem,” Yeji winked. Sunwoo sat down next to Juyeon and Aeri as Yeji backed Belle up onto the pool table again. The other girl was in a skirt, making it easy for Yeji to slide her long fingers under Belle’s panties. He watched as Belle let out a moan then slapped her hand over her mouth. Yeji giggled.
“It’s loud in here. You’re fine,” Sunwoo could barely hear her only a few feet away. He was also feeling his cock stir to life in his pants. Dammit. Belle leaned back on her hands and Yeji leaned over her, one hand still between Belle’s legs. Now Sunwoo was wishing he hadn’t specified clothes stay on. He wanted to see what Yeji was doing to Belle’s pussy. Was she already fingering her? Was she simply teasing her? What did his girlfriend’s fingers look like in another girl’s cunt. His cock stirred more. Fuck.
Yeji looked over her shoulder at Sunwoo and smirked. She knew exactly what he was thinking. He gave her a small nod. Yeji leaned over and said something against Belle’s ear. A few moments later, Yeji moved her hand and Belle shimmied out of her panties. The lighting wasn’t great in the room and even worse at parties, but at least now everyone could tell Yeji was 3 fingers deep into Belle’s pussy.
“Damn, she’s loose for a freshman,” Aeri observed.
“Yeji’s got skinny fingers,” Sunwoo said.
“She could also be into getting finger fucked in front of a bunch of frat boys and soccer players,” Juyeon added.
“Right, I forgot I’m with the Big Dick Club,” Aeri rolled her eyes.
Another moan from Belle got their attention. Yeji was snapping her wrist fast, causing the other girl to moan and squirm under her. Her legs had fallen open, giving everyone on one side of the pool table a clear view of Yeji’s fingers working her pussy. Sunwoo was completely hard now. He would literally never hear the end of this.
Yeji looked back at Sunwoo again then nodded toward Belle’s top. Sunwoo gave her another nod of agreement. Yeji said something against Belle’s ear again and Belle nodded. Yeji pulled at some of the strings of Belle’s top and it fell open. She wasn’t wearing a bra. The crowd that gathered in the room cheered at the reveal. Yeji leaned down and began sucking on one of Belle’s nipples. The other girl’s hips bucked as Yeji teased her nipple with her tongue. Belle had given up trying to keep quiet and could almost be heard over the music. Sunwoo looked over at Juyeon, not totally sure what he was looking for and he saw Juyeon not so subtly grinding up into Aeri’s ass. Clearly he was just as affected.
By now Yeji was 4 fingers in Belle, still sucking on one of her tits. Yeji picked her head up and began kissing the other girl again. Belle knotted her fingers in Yeji’s hair as she fucked back down on Yeji’s fingers. All it took was one press of Yeji’s thumb on Belle’s clit for her to come. When she finished, the entire room cheered for the girls. Belle said something in Yeji’s ear causing Yeji to smile. She wiped her fingers on Belle’s panties, helped her fix her top, and handed her over to Haknyeon to get some water for her.
“So what did she tell you?” Sunwoo asked.
“She told me the next time we hook up it’s gonna be sex and it’s gonna be just you,” Yeji replied.
“Me watch you two have sex?” Sunwoo repeated.
“You’re hard so I’m gonna say, yes that’s gonna be my reward. You watch me have sex with Belle,” Yeji grinned.
“Okay,” Sunwoo agreed.
“And here I was expecting you’d argue with me. Do you want me to take care of you too?” Yeji grabbed his cock and squeezed.
“Please,” he whined.
“I thought so,” she grinned.
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tbzhours · 1 year
coffee and you
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sunwoo x you, college au, strangers/friends to lovers au, fluff 
[summary] after meeting sunwoo, all you could think of was him (and coffee) [words] 1.7k
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You were in your car, your thumbs tapping Eric a million texts of when he’ll arrive at the parking lot where you both decided to meet to watch a play. You both were going to go together in one car to save gas but he suddenly wanted to bring a friend along. It would have been okay if Eric had told you beforehand and not right when you were in the middle of getting ready for it. 
There were a few reasons why you were excited to see the play. One was that one of your friends, Juyeon, will be acting in it. Another was that Eric will be treating you out for dinner afterwards (seriously, who doesn’t want free food from your best friend?). You hoped that meeting that tag-a-long friend of Eric’s won’t ruin this for you. 
But then somehow, that friend just ticked you off when you found Eric’s car being parked a few cars in front of you before you set your phone away and headed their way. 
“Why did you drag me along? Don’t you know I already have plans?” Sunwoo complained, pushing his hands into his pockets. Eric made him wear a nice fancy blazer and all Eric could say was how hot he looked on the way there. Sunwoo snickered with a small glare before Eric punched his shoulders lightly. 
“Come on! It’s called supporting your friends. Let’s watch Juyeon forget his lines.” Eric laughed, his breath making a smoke of air as he turned forward. That was when he finally saw you walking toward them. “Hey!” He waved at you and you stopped right in front of him, your arms crossed. “Ready to see Juyeon blink on stage?” 
“If that’ll make up the one bar of gas on my car.” You snapped your lips at him and turned around so you all could start walking there together before it starts. “You’re paying for dinner tonight so.” 
“Whatever you say, my dear.” Eric teased, leaning forward to see your face. “Anyway, this is Sunwoo, the one I keep blabbering about today and this is Y/N, my friend who I met during my first year.” 
“Nice to meet you.” Sunwoo smiled. He looked different from when you saw him getting out of Eric’s car. He seemed a bit calmer than that jolly look when he got out of Eric’s car. You reached over a fist to him and got a confused look back from him. 
“Nice to meet you too.” You smiled back, waiting for him to respond. 
Eric whispered to Sunwoo, “It’s their way of ‘shaking hands’ when meeting someone new. Don’t worry, they don’t bite. Just go for it.” 
Sunwoo’s lips beamed after pounding with your fist. In your mind, you wondered why you’ve never heard of this “Sunwoo” friend of Eric’s. Did they just meet recently? You shrugged that thought away and walked with them into the building with the fire inside of you finally burning off. 
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The next morning came as you remembered learning more about Sunwoo from the dinner treat with Eric. Sunwoo actually tagged along and you learned about how the two met, which was when they joined a soccer club around the same time a few weeks ago. Eric wanted to show that he was the best at soccer when Sunwoo beat him in a quick match. You laughed about the funny encounter because Eric had never mentioned about him. Now you wondered how Sunwoo actually looks like when he’s playing. Probably amazing.
Your mind was suddenly distracted by a text from Eric, which said: That makes up the dinner I gave you. Thanks :^) 
You didn’t get what he meant until you reached into your kitchen cabinet to find all of the instant coffee gone. You cursed loudly in your little apartment, knowing Eric had sneaked in and stole the last coffee bag of yours. 
That means you would have to wait in the neverending line at the coffee shop before heading to class, which was the worst. You went anyway if it would keep you up in your boring lecture class. You were still cursing under your breath when you heard someone calling your name. You met a familiar pair of eyes before you realized it’s Sunwoo. 
“Can I get you some coffee?” Sunwoo asked when he saw you waiting in line close behind him. He laughed a little, seeing your irritated face. 
“You don’t have to.” You shook your head, hoping he wouldn't but he shrugged. 
“I want to, and you look like you’re in a rush.” He flashed a smile and you knew you couldn’t refuse. 
You got out of line and waited with him at the pick-up counter. You looked up at him from the side and asked, “Where are you heading to?” 
“Class. Might skip it though.” Sunwoo smirked. 
“Wow, I can’t believe I just met another Eric.” You shook your head, lips reflecting us. He’s the definition of a true college student. 
“You can’t compare me to him. I’m a much better student than he is.” 
“For example?” You tilted your head before you both heard his name being called to pick your orders. He walked over, taking both cups before handing yours to you. You both started heading out of the coffee shop and he looked at you with confidence. 
 “Buying you coffee.”  
You were shocked and nodded nonchalantly. A good student buys their friends coffee when they need it. You found your eyes back at him where his lips were shaped like the crescent of the moon. 
“You treat next time?” Sunwoo’s voice rose and you smiled in a yes. 
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You and Sunwoo exchanged phone numbers before you headed to your class. You suddenly felt excited to text him as you headed to the library to study, your usual time before resting for the night. 
You sat down at your usual spot and took out your phone to send Sunwoo a text but you heard him whispering your name in front of you. Your eyes widened as you gasped. You covered your lips and whispered loudly, “I was just going to text you!” 
“Really?” Sunwoo chuckled softly. How odd to find him here all of a sudden you wondered but you didn’t let that stop you from getting your things out to study. 
In honesty, you would just study quietly by yourself if you were around people you didn’t know but with Sunwoo, you somehow knew you were going to get distracted despite just knowing him yesterday. 
“What are you studying for?” He asked, noticing you both using the same textbook. 
“Oh, it’s one of my lecture classes about globalizing cities. I haven't fallen asleep in that class yet.” You smirked sarcastically, popping the lid of your pen off. 
“No way. You wouldn’t believe this but I’m taking the same class.” Sunwoo shook his head, smiling. He was surprised that he did not even see you on the first day of lecture AKA the only day he would go other than the exam days. Besides, attendance wasn’t going to be part of the grade. 
“What?! You can’t be serious?” Your eyes widened again as Sunwoo tried to hold in his quiet giggles, hoping it wouldn’t end up getting you both kicked out of the library. 
The next thing you know, you found yourself thinking about him a lot. It became normal for you to be sneaking laughs at your phone with Sunwoo blasting it with messages. He stocked up your instant coffee bags and started to study with you at the same spot in that library after learning about him skipping that one class. He began to send good morning texts, so early in the morning that you felt something was up. 
You: why don’t we use this time to study together instead? 
Sunwoo: why?
You: idk i find it peaceful to have someone who understands the science of time 
Sunwoo: the science of time?
You: yeah… you up for another play tonight? i wanted to ask Eric bc he decided to ditch me for some party 
Sunwoo: this is a date? 
You: if you want call it that way
Sunwoo: i’ll be at your place at 6pm then :)
You hated yourself with your play of words. You definitely have feelings for him and you knew you just had to tell him soon. 
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You and Sunwoo were walking hand-in-hand, admiring how spacious your campus looked under the beautiful night lights with coffee in your other hands. Your cheeks turned red as you thought about the enjoyable time you both spent discussing the play on the way back to your place with an unplanned stop at the coffee shop. It was perfect for this cool weather; even in silence at the moment, you loved how you both found it comfortable to only hear your unspoken breaths.
“Well, here we are.” Sunwoo said when you both reached the front door of your apartment building. 
“Thanks for coming tonight.” You smiled, your lips still stained in red. 
“My pleasure.” He smiled back, not wanting to let go of your hands just yet. “Did you enjoy tonight?” “I should be asking you that.” You laughed, knowing that you were the one who invited him. In fact, you thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to invite him to your apartment for the night. Perhaps for a movie or even a late night dinner because you’re in love with this feeling that you were feeling for him right now. “Did you enjoy tonight?” 
“A lot. It was great, so great that I want to ask you something.” Sunwoo held onto your hand tighter before he continued, “Do you want to go out with me?” 
“I do want to go out with you, since a while ago.” You confessed, your rosy cheeks blistered in the cold air. 
“Since when?” 
“When you got me coffee.” 
“Which one? I think there’s too much.” Sunwoo’s tiny laugh came out as he grinned at your playful smile. 
“I’ll tell you if you kiss me.” 
Your words called the sirens and without hesitation, Sunwoo pulled you close by the hand, his lips clashing onto yours as if it was meaning to for a long time. The taste of his vanilla latte roamed against your lips as he left you breathless, your grip on his arm showed that you were responding to it perfectly. 
When Sunwoo pulled back and melted in your eyes, there was a thought in your mind that maybe Eric’s text that one morning meant something else. 
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jeongjaebae · 1 year
Better than the movies
Pairing: Sunwoo x reader Genre: fluff Word count: 2.4k Warnings: alcohol, swearing
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Everyone else is having fun at the holiday party except you. And even worse is that the resident fuckboy just won't leave you alone.
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If your life was a movie, at this moment, you'd be that introvert at a party. All alone by the bar, slowly nursing your drink as the only person you know has left your side to be with a bigger, louder crowd.
You know it's not your friend's fault. It’d be easy to blame her for insisting on bringing you to the party and then leaving you alone, but you also willingly came despite expecting that to happen. Maybe it's not too big of a deal, though. Your drink goes down smoothly, and you can vibe to music from here. Spending the holidays alone is totally fine, right?
At least it is until you spot him.
Kim Sunwoo, the resident 'too hot for his own good and knows it' fuckboy, who happens to enjoy annoying you for his own entertainment. Why the hell is he here? You didn’t know he was close enough to Changmin or Chanhee to get invited, but then again you don’t know much about him outside of the moments when he shamelessly flirts with you.
Now, he's alone and scanning the room. You watch him as his search continues, mildly intrigued that he’d care enough about this person to weave his way through the crowds. Lowkey, you hope he doesn’t end up finding them so that he’d be just as alone as you are at this party. Maybe as karma for teasing you all throughout the semester. 
And maybe then you’d feel a bit better about being alone.
But what you don’t expect is that in the next moment, he suddenly turns towards you and meets your eyes. Forget all the remotely nice thoughts you had about him; you take them back. Kim Sunwoo has the audacity to smirk as he makes his way towards you, and he’s all too quick for you to make an escape.
"Oh look who it is," your enemy greets, settling down on the stool beside you. "Fancy seeing you here, Y/N."
Great. If you'd known that Changmin and Chanhee invited him, you definitely wouldn't have come here tonight. Perhaps you should've written Sunwoo's name down on the 'do not invite' section of the form they sent out, although based on what you've heard, that section is actually used as a list of people they have to invite. For the chaos it'll cause or something like that.
"So? What's the most beautiful person doing here all alone?" 
"Fuck off, Sunwoo," you mutter into your drink, not wanting to deal with him now of all times. 
"Ah, I see," he nods to himself. "Yeah, the party is kind of lame, isn’t it? How about we get out of here and do something more fun?" 
"Don't you, like," you gesture vaguely, "have anyone else to bother?" 
"Wow, that’s so mean, Y/N. Come on, it's the holidays. Can't you make my wish come true and be a little nicer to me?" Sunwoo pouts just slightly and you can no longer tell if he’s still joking or not. 
You sigh, feeling the annoyance dissipate into a pang of guilt instead. He's not wrong—you probably should be a little nicer when it's the holidays and all. But before you can mutter an apology, he’s moving his seat closer to you so he can lean in like he does every time he manages to sit beside you in class. It's nothing to react to, having grown all too used to it. 
And yet… in class it’s one thing. Here, it doesn’t quite feel the same.
"What about you?" you ask, quickly changing the subject and looking away before the thoughts can continue. "Are you this nice to everyone?" 
He’s silent for a moment and you think you’ve managed to catch him off guard. But soon enough he bounces back just as easily. "Do you want me to only be nice to you?"
You lift your drink to your lips and use that as an excuse not to answer him. 
Surprisingly, he doesn't push it. Sunwoo stays silent for the next while and opts to sip on his drink quietly beside you, only turning to people-watch when you do. The rest of the party seems like an entirely different world from your corner: there's loud music blasting in the background and the room is filled with a sea of smiles and laughter. You can see your friend dancing on the table while Juyeon silently begs them to come down, and over by the tree, Younghoon and his friend are all whispers and shy glances.
Overall, the party looks like a success. You can’t spot the hosts anywhere, but it seems like they did a great job with it if everyone is having a great time. Well, almost everyone.
Sunwoo follows your gaze. "They look like they're having fun."
"Then why aren't you with them? That could be you too."
"Nah," he shakes his head. "I could think of much better things that you and I could be doing."
"Yeah? Like what?"
He leans in until his voice is a whisper in your ear, and you don’t need to see him to know that he’s wearing his signature cocky expression again. "You want to know? Come back to my place and I'll show you."
That has you nearly laughing out loud. Sunwoo has said that to you so many times that it's lost all meaning already, and you're not sure he even means it, really. At most he's simply trying to get a rise out of you, to annoy you just so he can say you're hot when you're angry. It's hilarious how little variation there is to his tricks; by now, you know all of them by heart like bad lines from a movie you've watched too many times.
Wait—movie lines. That's exactly what the things he says end up sounding like, as if they really are lines that he's sloppily copied from somewhere. There's always been something about them that sounded off and you know he says these things to be flirty, or at least attempt to be, but they make him come off as cringey instead.
On the other hand, why would he purposely be doing this? You shift a bit until you're facing him, trying to read him to maybe get a hint at his intentions. Tonight he looks less irritating with the filter of dim lighting and alcohol obscuring his face—those round eyes are warmer, less smug, and his smile isn't quite as cocky either. It's as if he looks sincere for once. As if his asshole persona is finally cracking and you're getting a glimpse of the person underneath it.
And maybe it's seeing him like this, or maybe it’s your judgment becoming more blurred by the minute, but you start to think. Would it be such a terrible idea to go with him and find out what awaits you? Surely it can’t be worse than being at this party and feeling like you're alone in a room full of people. It can't be too bad if there's the off chance it might actually be fun, and maybe you’ll be able to figure out what his deal is.
Besides, the fact that he's the one keeping you company here while your friends are nowhere to be seen has to count for something.
"You know what? Okay, sure." You down the rest of your drink and set it aside. "Let's get out of here."
"Wait what?" Sunwoo merely stares at you for a moment as his smile is gradually replaced with a confused frown. You're not sure what kind of reaction you were expecting, but admittedly, it wasn't this. “Are you serious right now?"
"Yeah," you respond with a nod. "You're the one who suggested it, right? So let's go." When he's still slow to move, you slip out of your seat first. "Come on. Let's go and you can show me this fun time you've been proposing forever."
Now is when he should agree, you think. At least that's what you imagined—the moment you give in, he'd be springing up with a grin, as enthusiastic as he always is. But now, Sunwoo doesn't budge. He doesn't react at all until the slight tilting of the ground beneath your feet ends up throwing you off balance. 
"Be careful," he mutters, quickly reaching out to hold you steady, and then helps you sit back on your stool. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." You shoot him a smile once you're properly seated, and he immediately lets go. And for some reason, you actually find yourself missing the warmth of his touch as it quickly disappears and is replaced by cold air. That's a thought for another time, though. "Why wouldn't it be?" you say instead, rolling your eyes at him. "We're going to have a great night, aren't we?"
"Y/N... hey, what's wrong? Talk to me."
The denial is at the tip of your tongue but dies instantly when you glance at him. Already, the Sunwoo in front of you doesn't look like the one you've interacted with on campus. This one seems completely different, like a real person instead of the one dimensional side he’s always shown you before. 
So you give in and decide to confide in him for the first time. "Well, for starters, I don't even know why I'm here. I thought this would at least be better than spending tonight in my apartment alone, but maybe it isn't."
"You're not alone. I'm right here."
"No offense but… I'm not really sure that having a fuckboy as my only company makes it any better."
"Hey, no. What?" The frown on Sunwoo's face deepens to the point where you can barely remember what his signature smirk looked like. You barely remember what was so irritating about him in the first place when he looks so serious now, even genuine. "Is that really how you see me?"
"Then how do you want me to see you? All you've done is try to flirt with me since the minute we met, and we've never actually had a real interaction outside of that. Until now."
And for once, there's no flirty retort, no smirk, no mischievous twinkle in his eyes. For once, he has no comeback at all.
"Like, what do you want from me, Sunwoo?" you continue, still running on liquid courage. "Why are you here and not with all the other people you could be with? I'm sure you have plenty of people to spend the holidays with, so are you here out of pity because I'm alone? Or is it because I'm just someone you want to mess around with for fun?"
"No, what? Shit, Y/N, I—" He pauses and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm not here for anyone else. I only came to this party at all because I was hoping you'd be here."
"Why would you do that?"
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you can see the many emotions flashing across his face. It's strange. You'd only ever seen the happy exterior he shows the world and never thought too much about it, but seeing him like this is putting him in a different light. And when paired with his words, you're finally starting to see that things might not have been what they seemed.
That there's more to him and to the behaviour that you'd easily dismissed.
"Because..." Sunwoo slowly drags out. "I wanted to see you. And hang out with you. And get to know you better—oh come on. Y/N, you're really going to make me spell it out?"
"Spell what out? That you're in love with me?"
"That—" He stops, and you think he's going to deny your little joke, but he doesn't. Even under the dim lighting, you can see the tinge of red spreading across Sunwoo's cheeks to the tip of his ears.
How is that possible? You had no idea that was even possible, and frankly, you still don't. But putting all of it together makes too much sense for it to not be true. The way he acted around you, the way he intentionally tried to get your attention each time—perhaps this rare moment of sincerity tonight is showing that it's true. It’s real.
"Really?” Your heart speeds up a notch despite not knowing how to respond to this sudden confession. "That's quite a way of showing it. Why couldn't we just talk normally then?"
"I… I guess I wanted you to notice me."
"Notice you?" you repeat, thinking he’s kidding until his gaze drops in embarrassment. "Have you ever looked in the mirror? Anyone would've noticed you, Sunwoo. You didn't have to act like an asshole for that to happen."
"You're not like that." Then before you can say anything, he continues. "But hey, give me a little credit here. I thought it was a dumb idea too, okay? It's all Chanhee's fault, that bastard. Honestly, I don't know why I believed him for a second."
You study him again, searching his face for any sign that this might be a joke, but there isn’t any. Sunwoo meets your eyes and it’s like you can see through him for the first time. If anything, the part about everything being Chanhee's idea does sound legitimate, even though the only thing you know about the guy is that he has inadvertently ruined your holiday by inviting you to this party.
"Y/N, you're not alone, okay? And I'm not trying to mess with you. I know I've been an asshole and this party has been absolute trash, but give me a chance to turn things around? You deserve to have a nice holiday."
"I guess." The situation is so strange that you no longer know how to react when he's being so genuine now. "Then… let's get out of here and have a much better time than everyone here, yeah?"
"Alright!" He does spring up from his seat now, with the same enthusiasm that you'd always pictured. "You're the best, babe."
"Don't push your luck, boy."
Sunwoo's smile only grows wider at the sound of your teasing remark. You might not know what's in store for the rest of the night, but the way his whole face brightens may just be enough to say that coming to this party was worth it after all.
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kitschun · 7 months
Hak’s Garage — 12:45 AM Sunday
“2016 Dodge Charger—not bad.”
The crowd that littered the streets of Hak’s Garage was starting to disperse yet the smell of burnt rubber mixed with gasoline still clung to the air.
Sunwoo inhaled it deeply, finding comfort in the familiar scent of home.
“You know your cars.” He nodded behind you. “Honda S2000?”
You turned to follow his line of sight. Left in the hands of Haknyeon and Kevin’s over enthusiastic smile was the car you came with tonight—the same car you finished to a draw with the boy in front of you. Not too far from them was Juyeon, another boy you went up against, curiously taking a peek at your engine build.
“Mhm,” absentmindedly nodding, “not my baby, though. Just a side project of mine.”
Sunwoo let out a low whistle. “An S2000 for a side project? You must be loaded!”
You laughed.
“Not really. I won it in a pink slip race from back home. Just started modding it for drag.”
“How many races have you been in?”
“Too many to count. Though I must admit,” you turned back towards him, “This is the first time I’ve ever ended one with a draw.”
Sunwoo gave you a small laugh. “I can say the same.”
Not too far away from where you both were, you heard Eric animatedly calling for your attention. Beside him, your good friend stood with a grimace on her face, assumingly over the boy’s unwavering amount of energy. You’ve only known Eric for a couple of months since they started dating but it seems like he just never runs out of it. You gave Sunwoo one last smile before walking towards them.
“It was nice meeting you, Sunwoo. Next time, you won’t be so lucky.”
Sunwoo only chuckled at your light-hearted taunt. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m definitely winning against you next time.”
You turned your back towards him before he could see the smile that was starting to curve your face.
Next time, you thought, I’m definitely looking forward to our next time.
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machatheo · 2 years
things they say/do that makes your heart skip a beat (tbz ver.)
genre: fluff, fluff and more fluff
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🧸 sangyeon:
“stop! that’s not funny!,” you whine, throwing your head backwards when sangyeon grabs your hand again and puts his own hand against yours.
“no but look at it! your hand is so small compared to mine!,” he laughs. sangyeon has been measuring his hand on yours for quite some time until it made you a bit embarrassed.
“well, you’re a giant, what do you expect..,” you sigh looking away.
“ay don’t be embarrassed now,” he chuckles. you turn to look at him again with a pout, “at least it fits so well in mine,” he sheepishly smiles as he’s intertwining your hands together. “look, it’s as if your hands were made to hold mine.”
☕️ jacob:
the barista puts your coffee cup on the counter, and you move to take it. you smile but it soon fades away when you notice the messy handwriting and at the place what is supposed to be your name… it’s not. “jacob sometimes i really think you’re illiterate or something” you mumble, tracing the writing with your fingers. you look up at the barista, or in this case, your all-time crush. 
“no, i think i wrote it correctly” he shrugs, like he didn’t just scribble down ‘the cutest sunflower’ on the cup.
“i get the cutest part but sunflower...?” you squint your eyes at that. jacob doesn’t look even a tad bit flustered and you’re surprised.
“because sunflowers are my favorite flowers and you’re my favorite person.” he says, and you blink a couple of times to process his words. your cheeks heat up in an instance and you look away. jacob always flirts with you but this one just tops it all.
“whatever jacob, write my name correctly next time!” you say as you scurry away from the counter, fleeting the scene. you definitely look like a bright red tomato right now.
“see you!,” you hear jacob call out with a light chuckle as soon as you step out the café.
🎼 younghoon:
being at the vinyl shop was your favorite time of the day. as you’re looking through the records for something cool and eye catching, you feel a presence next to you.
“did you find anything?,” you ask, looking up at your boyfriend. he’s holding a few records in his hands but a certain one catches your eye and you squeal going straight for it. younghoon lets you take the record out of his hands. “oh my god! you found it!”
younghoon grins as he smiles down at you, gazing at the record of your favorite artist, “i can’t wait to slow dance with you to this when it’s late”
👑 hyunjae:
“hyunjae! sit still! you moving gets in the way of my art!” you whine for the third time that day. you sit cross-legged on the couch while hyunjae sits in front of you on the ground. there’s a bunch of hair ties, clips, ribbons and whatever you name it, laying on your lap.
“now what exact art are you making on top of my head?,” hyunjae turns his head to look at you but you turn it to face forward again.
“don’t move,” you state and hyunjae sighs, keeping his head in place. you continue tying his hair in the most randoms places. honestly, you don’t know what you’re doing yourself but at least it keeps the boredom away. “okay, i am done” you say after some time, patting his head as a finishing touch. hyunjae stands up and stretches, having been sitting on the ground for awhile. you snort when you see him in full glory.
hyunjae glares at you and starts walking to the bathroom. you jump up from the couch and follow him only to break lose in a fit of giggles. hyunjae looks at the questionable hairstyle in the mirror and then looks at you.
“you look so pretty! like a princess!,” you laugh out loud.
“good for you that you’re my girlfriend and i love you too much to get mad at this…” he sways his hands around, trying to think of a better word other than monstrosity,”…masterpiece”
🪄 juyeon:
you bite on your bottom lip, feeling distress creeping up on you while you look at yourself in the mirror. growing up, your parents hammered into your head that having flaws made you unique, yet once you stepped into adulthood, you already managed to fail them. there’s nothing unique about you and now these small flaws made you want to bawl your eyes out.
“you ready?,” juyeon’s head sticks out behind the door, but once he sees you, his eyes grow wide. he steps out from behind the door and your eyes meet in the mirror,” damn, i didn’t know i was dating such a pretty lady.”
you ignore the second statement and only choose to answer the question, “not yet. i think i will put on something else, so wait a bit more”
“huh? why?” juyeon asks, now fully stepping into the room.
“i don’t know, i think i look a bit a fat in this dress,” you shrug and look down, avoiding eye contact and fiddling with your fingers. juyeon seems to finally understand where the problem lays when he walks towards you and places his hands on your shoulders. you look up at the feeling of contact on your skin.
“you don’t look fat, matter of fact this dress fits you perfectly. who cares what other people think, in my eyes you look absolutely beautiful. i wish you saw yourself the way i see you, y/n” he hugs you from behind and you relax into his arms. you nod to yourself, your negative thoughs getting overpowered by his words.
“okay,” you smile at him.
🌱 kevin:
kevin hums for the nth time that day, lost in his own world, playing with your hair while you’re laying down on his chest. it’s so comfy that you’re refusing to get up.
“do you want to just lay here all day?,” you ask, mumbling words into his shirt.
“sounds like heaven,” you feel him shrug. you smile to yourself and snuggle in more.
“you know..,” kevin starts saying and you look up, placing your chin on his chest,” your hair is always so soft after you wash it.”
you playfully roll your eyes at that, “well duh, that’s what’s supposed to happen after i shower.”
“i know i know! but i want to keep running my fingers through your hair for the rest of my life.”
🌔 new / chanhee:
you’re munching on the popcorn while your eyes grow wide at the ongoing scene from the scary movie you’re currently watching. chanhee is next to you and you ignore the fact that he looks visibly scared, but you don’t say anything, knowing he will just protest that he isn’t in the first place. so you contain in your chuckles every time your boyfriend jumps or clutches the blanket too close to his face. sometimes the sudden screeches from your boyfriend scares you more than the movie itself.
you slowly turn to look at him. chanhee sighs, knowing that he can’t keep up this act anymore, “look the movie is really scary but you look so into it, so i don’t want to interrupt your fun and i’m trying my best but- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT”
he screams once again at the unexpected jump scare, kicking under the blanket with his feet and then burying himself under it and now all you can see is just his hair sticking out. you can’t contain your smile and you hug him, “don’t watch it then, you scaredy-cat”
🫧 q / changmin:
you unlock the door of your apartment and quietly walk in, taking off your shoes and dropping your bags on the ground you hear laughter coming from upstairs and you immediately smile, realizing you’re not alone. you creep up the stairs and stop in front one of the rooms. the door is slightly agape, and you stick out your head to see changmin sitting on the chair, facing backwards, and talking to someone on the phone.
“she is truly amazing, she laughs at every joke i say and you do know i am not that funny. and she’s kind and whatever she cooks me is delicious. i honestly fall in love with her every day” he sways in his seat, “you have to meet her, you will also love her because i swear to god, there’s nothing imperfect about y/n.”
you smile once you hear your name and your whole body feels warm.
he continues talking but suddenly spins around in his chair. his mouth opens wide once he notices you. you open the door wider and place your hand on your hip, chuckling to yourself. “uh i will call you later, bye!- hi? how long have you been standing there…?”
“not that long honestly,” you say as you walk towards him, “to who were you bragging so much about me?” a sly smile plasters on your face.
“ugh you were not supposed to hear that!” changmin groans out, placing his phone on the table.
“you’re so cute,” you laugh, “no but actually, who?”
changmin sinks into the chair and hides his face with his hands, “…my mom”
you cheer when you see juhaknyeon walking towards you with two ice cream scones in his hands. it’s summer and it’s so unbearably hot that you both decided that ice cream was a temporary way out from this scorching heat.
“i didn’t know what to get so i asked for their opinion on the best flavor and i am actually disappointed,” juhaknyeon says when he sits down next to you.
“why?” you ask but soon realize why when he holds out the ice cream for you to take. it’s mint chocolate. “oh”
“right?? like how is it the best,” he grumbles when you take the ice cream. juhaknyeon has a love hate relationship with everything mint chocolate flavor related, except that there’s no love in there. he absolutely despises it.
you sit and stare at the ice cream, wondering how you should tell him that the feeling towards this flavor is mutual. you reluctantly lick a stripe of the given ice cream and immediately grimace, which doesn’t go unnoticed. “… don’t tell me,” juhaknyeon turns and stares at you.
you squeeze out a small smile and slowly nod your head, watching how quickly juhaknyeon’s expression changes.
“don’t worry about it, i will still eat it,” you brush it away.
“no no, that’s absolutely unacceptable,” he protests and soon the ice cream you’ve been holding gets replaced with juhaknyeon’s.
“but you hate it, juhaknyeon, probably more than me,” you state.
“no i would rather die than watch you eat something you don’t like, i will win this battle against mint chocolate for the better,” juhaknyeon holds out his fist as if threatening the said flavor and you laugh.
“you silly, i will buy you another one so don’t eat this”
🧩 sunwoo:
being in a room full of new people, you try your best and go out of your comfort zone to socialize with others. it’s been fun but something feels off.
“what’s up?,” you ask when you feel a certain man press to your side. you glance at sunwoo, who’s eyes are racing through each and every person in the room.
“you’re the only person in the room that i know so i’m going to stick with you,” he mutters and you don’t fail to catch some anxiety in his voice. 
“aw, of course,” you smile to yourself and nod. warmth engulfs you.
“that means i will follow you everywhere and pester you about everything,” he states, looking straight into your eyes.
“no but like i will also annoy you,” he doesn’t let you finish and you’re not sure where this conversation is going anymore. you nod again to make sure he knows it’s fine with you but sunwoo parts his mouth again, “like you will not get rid of me.”
you lightly roll your eyes and want to face-palm, “you know what, let’s go meet some new people,” you pull him towards a small crowd while sunwoo doesn’t miss to immediately whine about it.
“you’ve got this!,” eric cheers you on as he watches you try and balance yourself on his skateboard without him holding you. your eyes grow wary when you misplace your foot and suddenly lose control. before eric can process the situation, you fall down knees first onto the ground.
“ouch,” you wince at the impact while watching the skateboard roll away from you two. eric rushes to you to make sure you’re okay.
“oh god, i should’ve held your hands,” he shakes his head as he crouches down next to you, “are you okay?”
you nod your head, pulling up one of your legs to your chest when you feel some kind of pain. there’s a bruise forming on your knee and you sigh. it’s nothing big but eric is in shambles, “calm down, i am not dying,” you laugh.
eric bends down and suddenly you feel his lips on the exact spot of your bruise. he places a chaste kiss and backs away, “huh?” you glance at him.
“you know that saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away?,” he asks and you nod, still quite confused to where this is going, “well now it’s: a kiss on the wound keeps the pain away.”
you can’t help but snort and laugh at his words that still simultaneously makes your heart flutter. eric helps you stand up and goes to fetch the skateboard that has already disappeared from your sight.
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moonandsunwoo · 2 years
tbz reaction to you still sleeping with a teddy bear
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# — pairing: bf!tbz x reader
# — genre: fluff
# — warnings: none
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→ this was requested. i hope you like this and it was somewhat like you hoped~
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🧸 | sangyeon
he just finds it endearing, plain and simple. wouldn’t make a big deal out of it bc why would he, it’s just a plushie! and if you like to keep it around then you shall! he’s easy like that.
🧸 | jacob
would ask for its name and then give it a soft pat before going on about his day. he’d make sure you wouldn’t forget to pack it from that moment on and always double check the floor to see if it didn’t accidentally fall in your sleep.
🧸 | younghoon
his new fave thing is immediately to hold you whilst you’re holding the teddy. probably has a picture of you holding it set as his wallpaper (with your consent ofc). he just thinks it’s so cute and so soft and very much like how he perceives you
🧸 | juyeon
juyeon! would! ask! you! about! them! he wants to know if it/they (if you have more than one) have names, where you got them from, why they are so important to you ect. he would also like to contribute to the expansion of your collection if he may…👉👈
🧸 | hyunjae
he was the one who gave you the plush in question so 🤨 u better sleep with it. but don’t forget to hold him too once in a while, bestie we know he’s a soft boy
🧸 | changmin
“So THEY can stay but my chUCKY-“ prepare to argue with him about this. he demands equal rights for his horrid doll and your cutie everything else is blaspHEMY- (he’s totally cool with it, would probably get your teddy and Chucky matching outfits WAHAHA)
🧸 | chanhee
never mentioned anything to you about it. he saw it one evening and then that was it. or you thought. guesss who put the silky bowtie on it (Chanel ofc🙄) or the pearls or the hello kitty addition- yes so he was that.
🧸 | kevin
the man with the army of plushies would just love it. you can put it to his soft friends when you’re out too! for safekeeping yes. you both just have communal mountain of plushies nearly placed on the bed 💗
🧸 | haknyeon
he: 🧐🧐 I tHouGht yOu liKe hOldiNg mE- he’s absolutely joking but he’s also haknyeon so he will also be stupid about it. it’s his duty as a bf oki thanks.
🧸 | sunwoo
tease. you should smack him with a pillow perhaps. (guess who resorts to holding the plush when you’re gone hmmm ew he’s a simp for u bestie there’s no cure)
🧸 | eric
“is that yours? can I touch it?” he’s careful around it bc it must mean something to you if you have it with you when asleep! and he pats the teddy’s head when he leaves the room, every time. but shhhh that’s a secret
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© moonandsunwoo
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winterchimez · 6 months
hi hello i am alive 🤓 irl just has been real busy lately so i haven't been online much 😭 but ive got good news as i have been working on several fics so yall can expect some new releases coming for the holiday season 👀
some snippets/spoilers on the fics i have been working on under the cut ✨
kim sunwoo
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ngl this is the one im most excited to release among the 3, and this will be my longest oneshot yet 😮‍💨
lee juyeon
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this is gonna be pretty angsty ngl 🫣
kevin moon
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a little twist on your usual christmas stories 👀✨
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jinkoh · 2 months
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you still watching?
sunwoo x gn!reader
tags: ex-bf!idol!sunwoo, he's a bit of an ass but so is yn, SFW
wordcount: 866
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You didn’t know why you were torturing yourself in this way. Maybe it was the curse of having a famous ex-boyfriend, giving you easy access to pictures and updates on him. Even if he would have blocked you on instagram, you could easily find update accounts and see everything anyway. Not that you had to, because Sunwoo hadn’t blocked you. It was as if he didn’t care whether you saw or not, and that in itself felt torturing because why were you the only one unfollowing and blocking his number to try to shut him out? Was he not bothered enough by your break up to care?
…or did he know you would come crawling back anyway?
Worse than the pictures on instagram were the lives. You’d sometimes watched them while you were still dating, liking the sound of his voice as background noise while studying and maybe you also liked how he sometimes talked to you, a reminder he was thinking about you even when he was with his fans right now. Are you watching? he’d ask under the pretense of talking to them, but you saw from the look on his face that it was a question meant just for you. You'd fish for your phone to text him—i am<3—and it would never fail to put a smile on his face. At that time you'd truly felt loved and you missed it endlessly. But it seemed there was no going back anymore, the sweet love and affection having turned to endless bickering full of hatred instead. 
You watched Sunwoo through your screen, sipping on his iced tea and scrolling on his phone to pick a song to play. Seeing him made your heart ache with longing, but you also couldn’t keep that anger from bubbling in your veins, because how could he be so unbothered? How could he just sit there minding his business as if nothing was wrong? Of course, that was his job, it was his job to pretend and put on a mask, but it was unbearable to see when you felt like you couldn’t take two steps without thinking about him. A part of you wanted him to suffer the way you were, just so you could feel a little better.
Suddenly, Sunwoo looked up from his phone and straight at the camera.
"You still watching?"
The question made your heart stop. He knew that you were watching. And he needed to make sure that you knew that he knew. It rained a zillion hearts and affirmations in the chat, that yes, of course they were still watching. But Sunwoo wasn’t talking to them. He was talking to you, his dark eyes piercing right into your soul, even with the stupid screen of your laptop keeping you apart. There was no hiding there. It was humiliating, but even now you couldn’t leave. You had to keep looking, watch the way he huffed a small laugh, "Of course you are." It was despicable how sure of himself he was. But the most infuriating part was that he had every right to be, because here you were watching him even after you cut him off, searching for cracks in his perfect mask but coming up empty. Without thinking you grabbed your phone, unblocking his number against your better knowledge. You were well aware how pathetic it was to text him, but that didn't stop you.
shut up
You heard the small buzz of his phone through your laptop’s speakers. He only gave it a small glance, almost uninterested before he looked back at the screen in front of him. With raised eyebrows he took a sip from his iced tea, tongue darting out to lick his lips afterwards even though there was nothing there. "I'm just that good, huh?" He mumbled, "Just can't walk away."
Of course you shouldn’t have texted him, but the way he was mocking you on stream, even if no one knew what he was talking about, made your blood boil. It took you all your self restraint not to double text him about it. Another few seconds passed, before he finally grabbed his phone. "Let's listen to something else," he commented, searching his library for a different song. Only a second after it started playing, your own phone lit up with a notification.
if you miss me that much you can just come over you know
You bit your lip in frustration, your eyes darting back to the screen where Sunwoo was humming along to the music, completely unbothered. You replied embarrassingly fast.
fuck you
He glanced at his phone, unimpressed, clearly waiting for something else. And of course you sent another message, because he was right, he was that good and he also knew how to play you like a fiddle.
just turn that dumb live off
He chuckled and then turned to the camera to give some excuse about how he promised to have dinner with one of the members, not clarifying who so his bullshit wouldn't get caught. Before he ended the live he smiled, almost sickeningly sweet.
"We'll see each other soon, right?"
You shut your laptop and went to grab your keys.
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sungbeam · 6 months
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guys i need help i need motivation to continue writing this plsplsPLS HYPE ME UP 🙏
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depressedhouseplant · 27 days
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 111 🔞
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Prompt: Your cute co-worker catches you in a compromising position during your break
Tags: Narrator is female, exhibitionism, vaginal fingering, squirting, pet names
I thought I’d parked far enough away from the store for anyone to accidentally see what I was doing. I’d been unusually horny all day and finally decided to do something about it on my break. I had just started rubbing my clit when a knock on the window made me jump. It was Sunwoo who I might or might not have been envisioning as I started to touch myself.
“Need help with that?” he asked through the window.
“What?” I said before I could think of a more coherent reply. There was no mistaking what I was doing. I had my pants down and one of my hands between my legs. He gestured for me to roll down the window.
“I said, do you need help with that?” he said when I opened it.
“Oh, um, sure?” I replied.
“You don’t sound sure,” he said.
“You want to get me off?” I asked.
“I do. If you’re open to it,” he replied. I’d had a crush on him ever since I started working there. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he’d actually offer to finger fuck me.
“Yes, please,” I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“Back there,” he nodded toward my back seat where the seats were still conveniently down from helping a friend move over the weekend. I nodded and awkwardly climbed in the back. He got in the driver’s seat.
“Lie down,” he instructed. I lied on my side facing away from him. “You’ve got a very pretty pussy.”
“Thank you?” It wasn’t a compliment I’d ever gotten before, but also most of my partners didn’t spend a lot of time down there.
“Would it be inappropriate for me to tell you I’ve wondered what it looked like? I thought it would be pink and pretty, but not this pretty,” he observed as he began running his fingers over my folds.
“Have you looked at a lot?” I asked. It sounded stupid when I said it out loud.
“Enough,” he replied, tracing every fold with his finger. “And so wet.”
I let out a very loud moan when he teased my clit for the first time.
“That’s it, baby. No need to be shy,” he said. I whimpered as he slid one finger in then back out again. Then he started with 2 fingers, teasing my folds and dipping into my pussy.
“More,” I whined.
“More what? More fingers? More teasing? Use your words,” he said as he slid 2 fingers in and began to rub my walls.
“Make me come,” I replied.
“Of course,” I couldn’t see his face but I knew he had that shit eating grin on his face. He began to massage every sensitive spot inside me and found a few I didn’t know I had. He had to pin my hip down to keep me from wiggling away from him.
“Stay still,” he said. I did my best to stop moving. “Good girl.”
I dug my fingers into the carpet as he added a third finger and started fucking me harder. Then I felt that distinct pressure in my lower belly. Before I could say anything, I came, squirting onto his hand. He fucked me through until I finished.
“And a squirter. I’m impressed,” he said, wiping his hand on his pants and helping me back into mine.
“It doesn’t happen every time,” I replied.
“So I’m just that good?” Sunwoo grinned as I sat back up.
“Yes, yes you are,” I smiled back.
“Would you like to go to dinner later? Like as a date?” he asked.
“I’d love to,” I replied. He kissed me then checked his watch.
“I think break time is about to be over,” he said.
“Best break if had in a while,” I smiled.
“Me too,” he agreed.
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