#take me out of my misery please
f4llingstrr · 2 years
four days ago, i started reading crimson rivers by zeppazariel.
i have now just finished chapter 41.
i am empty. i do not feel anything. my heart has been ripped out of my chest, which is now totally empty. i lost my ability to Have Feelings.
nothing will ever come close to what i experienced these last four days. nothing. ever.
my soul had been destroyed.
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tinfairies · 2 months
I honestly think I have never felt pain worse than this
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willowser · 9 months
unfortunately i think gojo is the kind of boyfriend that stands in the kitchen with you at like 1 am as you make food for you to share 🥺 and he's dressed down in only a pair of low-slung sweats, no blindfold, no glasses, and you're in an over-large shirt of his and you don't make a lot, just enough to satisfy the two of you, and you share it standing on the tile and hopping back and forth on your feet in a little dance 🥺
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galaxymagick · 4 months
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kaynes-secret-blog · 26 days
Thinking bout Larson again but I swear I'm being normal about it (I'm not)
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myarmstickles · 1 month
WAIT ARE YOU LISTENING TO HER NEW ALBUM LMAO????? I. Refuse on principle to listen to it (but by the sound of things it's not.. great? 💀)
Have fun tho lmao /gen 👍
YES I AM LMAO... XD I was debating last night if I should really listen to it but I decided I should add some misery to my music life and I personally need to know what the music itself is doing besides all the other stuff about the lady herself though as I understand this album is continuing to reflect how shallow she is (not like in personality). Idk. and yeah it's not great... and pop isn't really a genre I like either 😭
new experiences am i right??........
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moxxpoxx · 6 months
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woah man who's this!?
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lorileopard · 9 months
Just read the word "America" as "Erotica" 🤦
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epitomees · 1 month
why are you here?
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To make things right
You've known for a long time this world is cruel. The fact that life isn't fair might be the first thing you ever learned. You've been hurt deeply, dealt a great injustice that's been engraved time and time again in the scars that litter your existence. Victimhood is a home to you, a familiar place that you always seem to find yourself returning to. Perhaps you've come to believe this is because you're cursed, that it's just your fate to suffer. In your worst moments, you probably think you earned this, because the idea that this is just makes it all hurt a little less. That's not true. Don't ever let yourself think this is your fault or convince yourself it's what you deserved.
Remember the very first time you were wounded and recall the child who cried out and screamed it was unfair, who knew that the world should be kind and just and that it is unacceptable that it is not. It hurt so badly then because you were wronged and you understood that. Maybe others have tried to convince you since that what you went through was only natural, that you had to accept this is how things are, that your trauma was just part of growing up. Don't be fooled. There's a reason you've made it this far, that you've persevered in spite of everything. It's because you're the only one who can start to make things right. You deserved better—the child inside you has always known that.
That's why you seek to escape into fantasy, to reject the harsh truths you don't feel strong enough to face. It's fine to indulge in these respites, as they are necessary to survive, but don't let them be what you live for. Hang onto your rage, but do not let it make you bitter—instead, dedicate your life to bringing this world a little bit closer to the one you deserved. Give yourself the love and kindness you were denied when you needed it most, and extend that gift to others. Do not ever let yourself grow complacent, becoming the kind of adult you always hated who shrugs their shoulders and says "that's just the way it is." It doesn't have to be. So, be the kind of adult you wished you had, the one who would have gently wrapped you in their arms and protected you from harm. Use your intimate understanding of injustice to live in opposition of it and start to heal yourself along with the world's brokenness. Make recovery what redeems every moment of misery and don't waste another minute of your life regretting that it hasn't been a happier one.
Your existence is not worth less because of its struggles or suffering. You deserve to be saved. Don't let yourself be the one who denies you that.
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fishtish · 11 days
On a school trip and the girl I’m rooming with won’t stop bragging about her boyfriend in the military. She just walked in the room after a phone call with him, said, “if you heard me crying, no you didn’t”. I say, “what’s wrong?” She replies, “legally, I can’t tell you”. Ohhhh my gosh why did you just make a whole big sigh and tell me you were crying WHY DID YOU SET UP A WHOLE THING FOR ME TO ASK YOU WHAT’S WRONG SO YOU CAN SAY THAT. i hope jakey dies
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zaggyzoo · 18 days
throwing up again :/
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gio-cosmo · 1 month
I’m taking some community college courses soon and istg if someone doesn’t see the fandom related stickers on my laptop and immediately become my lifelong bff I’m dropping all classes idgaf
#LMFAOOO IM JOKING OBV#likeeee persona fans flock to me please#persona fans out in the wild pls be my friend 😕#“out in the wild’’ I say in reference to the college campus 💀 I’m cooked#my honest reaction as I register for college after years of claiming I’ll never go to college 🤯#LMAOOO#I woke up last month with the random realization that writing is my lifelong passion that I’ve been avoiding fully delving into—#out of fear of failure#so this is what we’re doing now ig!#“Gio what about coding and game development?’’#well unfortunately coding makes me enter a state of misery every time I attempt it#so I’m putting that on the back burner for now#I’m not giving up on it by any means!! but I enjoy writing so much that it seems more sensible for me to pursue that at the moment#ANYWAYS#sorry for always rambling on here 😭 lol#my laptop is actually coveredddd in persona / chainsaw man / genshin impact stickers I’m lowkey embarrassed#I also have an Ib sticker but I’ve never seen like anyone talk about Ib unfortunately 💔#Ib fans where are youuuu#is it unprofessional to have ur laptop covered in stickers am I cooked 😕 idk how college works like at all#I’m so fucked oh my god. LMFAOOO#mfw I lack basic knowledge#I’m trying my best over here fr 😞😞#I ALSO HAVE MIKU STICKERS#can’t forget the miku stickers ofcccc#I’m sure you’re all really invested and interested in what stickers I have on my laptop#I mean this is world altering info. really crazy stuff#💀#someone take the tag feature away from me at this point
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chucklechampion · 4 months
ohhhhh my GOD i am so fucking feral tonight i want to tickle someone to the brink of insanity NEOW
lees if you are free tuesday night when i am free i would love to tickle you. on tuesday night when i am free
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gigginox · 2 months
over 70 degrees today 😀😃
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archirdarchernar · 2 months
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amaranthinedream · 8 months
honestly who gave me the right to speak to other human beings. just spent 45 minutes in an interview and I cannot for the life of me remember what I said but I just know it was some of the most humiliating sequences of words ever strung together by a creature with an IQ above 5
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