#tankie clownland
stillunusual · 9 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland Russia became the largest country in the world because of "counter-offensives"…. It's almost funny how most tankie clowns claim to be communists while simultaneously embracing Russian fascism, supporting the imperialism of Russia’s mega-rich ruling class, mindlessely repeating the Kremlin's propaganda and cheerleading their war crimes. These morons seem to have no idea that the Russian Federation is an empire made up of many conquered states that Russia invaded, occupied and colonised in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, or that Russia's war against Ukraine is a brutal attempt to reassert control over one of its former colonies. Russia's history of imperialism is at least as bad as that of any western country - and they're still doing it in the 21st century….
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stillunusual · 8 months
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The word "Nazi" has a specific meaning to normal people, but to vatniks and tankies it has five basic meanings…. "anybody I don't like" "anybody who disagrees with me" "anybody who's a citizen of a country that Russia wants to invade" "anybody who opposed or simply didn't want to live in one of the tyrannical regimes I simp for" "anybody who was oppressed or killed by one of my favourite mass murderers" EDITED TO ADD: a tankie clown reblogged this post and made some typically asinine comments, so I thought I'd elaborate a little bit…. Tankie clown: @well1x is either referring to the fact that a lot of the "deaths under communism" listed in "the black book of communism" (which gives us the 10 million number or whatever) are quite literally Nazis in WWII, or they're referring to the fact that the only people who have been made to deliberately suffer under communism have been literal Nazis and fascists (generally speaking)
Joining the tankie cult requires you to live in a delusional clown world and believe in a shit ton of made up (and often contradictory) nonsense that requires a considerable repertoire of mental gymnastics (and lies) to maintain….
@well1x is literally trying to claim that all victims of communism are "nazis and facists" (sic), which - back in the real world - is a very obvious lie. It's also a blatant example of victim blaming. For example, most of the millions of men, women and children who were robbed, raped, imprisoned, sent to the gulags, tortured, starved to death, executed or ethnically cleansed by Stalin's henchmen were not Nazis or fascists, and many were innocent of any crime. The vast majority of the population in Stalin's Soviet Union also had to put up with crippling poverty and backwardness, the brutal suppression of their religious and community life and the total lack of freedom.
Based on his comment, I doubt if the tankie clown has ever read "the black book of communism" and I'm also not sure why he mentions this book in particular, when there are thousands of others that thoroughly document the numerous crimes of the regimes tankies insist on being the useful idiots for, and I think it's safe to assume that he hasn't read any of those books either (in fact, I doubt if he's ever read any book whatsoever)…. Tankie clown: Karina then shows an image of (presumably) some kids in the Ukraine famine. This is completely unrelated though because this famine was not manufactured by the USSR as say the Irish famine was by the English. Can't really attribute natural disaster to "muh communism"
Again - a typical genocide-denying tankie lie.
Tankies generally start by saying that the holodomor was Nazi propaganda, and when you debunk that they claim it was just a natural disaster, and when that doesn't work they make up some bullshit about how millions of farmers who barely had enough to live on were wealthy kulaks who burned crops and slaughtered cattle (and therefore deserved to die). And when you point out that the red army actually broke into their homes and confiscated all their grain, every cow or chicken or any other food they had, and that the Soviet authorities blacklisted villages, sometimes purely for containing relatives of Ukrainian independence fighters, and prevented the villagers from leaving, shot them for even collecting ears of grain from the fields, and watched them starve to death - tankies will just deny it, or laugh, or pretend that millions of holodomor victims were all rich landlords (and therefore deserved to die) etc etc….
I've also never seen English people pretending that the Irish famine never happened, or claiming that the victims deserved it, or that it was a good thing, or that Britain should re-conquer Ireland. On the other hand, it's difficult not to notice Stalin's smooth-brained groupies swarming all over social media every day denying or justifying the holodomor and other crimes of Russia and the USSR, and hoping that Russia not only re-conquers Ukraine but also Finland, the Baltics, Poland and other countries it has invaded and occupied in the past.
There's no point trying to reason with tankies using facts, logic or common sense - and appealing to their sense of decency while they're simping for their favourite mass murderers is a complete waste of time. Tankie clown: Karina then says @well1x is defending imperialism(???), defending ethnic cleansing (which …what??), dreaming about labour camps and mass shootings (for Nazis yes plz), and does not do any praxis (based on?).
Yep - most tankie clowns claim to be communists while simultaneously embracing Russian fascism, supporting the imperialism of Russia’s mega-rich ruling class, mindlessly repeating the Kremlin's propaganda and cheerleading their war crimes. These morons seem to have no idea that the Russian Federation is an empire made up of many conquered states that Russia invaded, occupied and colonised in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, or that Russia's war against Ukraine is a brutal attempt to reassert control over one of its former colonies. Russia's history of imperialism is at least as bad as that of any western country - and they're still doing it in the 21st century.
And I have seen countless examples of tankies speaking openly of wanting to mass murder their ideological enemies (or people they don't like) - because they also delude themselves into believing that if their revolutionary dreams ever came true, they'd be the ones doing the arresting and killing, despite the fact that in a real revolution they'd be about as much use as a fart in a spacesuit. They also have no idea how their small dick energy is somehow going to bring capitalism to its knees, which they'd inevitably end up crying about if it ever actually happened in reality.
Most of them are complete losers who spend the majority of their time sitting in their bedrooms huffing their own farts while reading tankie fan fiction online. Tankie clowns also claim to be against western imperialism and capitalism, despite living comfortable lives in western capitalist countries and owing everything they have to capitalism, including the freedom to use their capitalist smartphones or laptops to post anti-capitalist tantrums on social media platforms owned by western capitalists (thus helping these western capitalists to maximise their profits).
This is generally the sum total of a typical tankie's - ahem - "revolutionary" activity.
The vast majority of tankie clowns wouldn't dream of ever giving up the comforts of capitalism to move to one of the authoritarian shitholes they stupidly simp for, because then they might not be able to play their favourite capitalist video games anymore….
It's also a fact that Russia and the USSR have ethnically cleansed millions of people. Tankie clown: OP takes this insane train all the way to the station, and says @well1x is talking about anyone they don't like which… no. They're talking about the traditional Nazis.
No - they're falsely claiming that all victims of communism are Nazis and fascists. Learn to read…. Tankie clown: But also let's break this down. Who does OP think is being called a Nazi? "anyone I don't like" I mean I don't like Nazis, but I don't think everyone I don't like is one lmao. Funny tho, dude throws around the word tankie until it has no meaning.
In my experience, if you disagree with tankies about anything, they will pretty soon call you a fascist or a Nazi. It's they who throw around words like "fascist" and "Nazi" until they have no meaning (and most of them hilariously claim to be opposed to fascism while simultaneously supporting it - if it happens to be Russian). Tankie clown: - "anyone who disagrees with me" if you disagree that all human beings deserve to live a dignified life regardless of race/sex/gender identity/sexual orientation/age/disability/whatever then yeah you probably are a Nazi
Straw man. See above….
It's also amusing to observe the doublethink of somebody who apparently believes that "all human beings deserve to live a dignified life" while simultaneously thinking that when his favourite mass murderers oppressed and/or killed huge numbers of people it was perfectly OK…. Tankie clown: - "anyone who's a citizen of a country that Russia wants to invade" why the fuck are we talking about Russia? Believe it or not OP, USSR does not stand for "United Soviet States of Russia" lmaoooo
We're talking about Russia because most tankie clowns support Russian imperialism and mindlessly parrot the Kremlin's propaganda about how Russia's latest invasion of Ukraine is some sort of special de-nazification operation (see above). Tankies are generally so ignorant, gullible and stupid that they will literally believe anything the Kremlin tells them…. Tankie clown: - "anyone opposed or simply didn't want to live in one of the tyrannical regimes I simp for" tyrannical regimes lmao. These were only "tyrannical regimes" for people who actually were in fact Nazis.
Again - this is the kind of reality-denying nonsense I'd expect to hear from a tankie clown. One thing that really appalls people in the central and eastern European countries that experienced the reality of being occupied by the USSR and/or Russia, is the staggering ignorance and stupidity of western useful idiots who have no idea what it was actually like, and are not only dumb enough to join the tankie cult, but insist on westsplaining to the victims and their descendants about how the horrors they and their families suffered (usually for doing literally nothing) either didn't happen ("cuz the CIA made it all up") or claiming that they somehow deserved it ("cuz they were all Nazis/fascists/kulaks/slave owners").
Back in the real world, these were tyrannical regimes for tens of millions of ordinary people who had done nothing to deserve being subjected to tyranny…. Tankie clown: - "anyone who was oppressed or killed by one of my favourite mass murderers" yeah basically that's what I've been saying.
Thanks for proving my point….
And please note that smoking weed on your mum's sofa isn't actually going to bring the world revolution closer.
That was just a joke…. 🤣😂
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stillunusual · 7 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland
It feels so edgy when you make fun of genocide and fantasise about persecuting people you don't like after the imaginary revolution that's never actually going to happen (and it helps you cope with being a total loser who never leaves his bedroom)....
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stillunusual · 9 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland
Ukraine is a fake country and wiping out its people would be a good thing….
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stillunusual · 3 months
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In tankie clownland, Ukraine is totally responsible for western imperialism, colonialism and the trans-Atlantic slave trade (and this hurts tankie fee fees while they're simping for their favourite mass murderers)….
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stillunusual · 6 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland
Every time you think they can't possibly get any more stupid, tankies prove you wrong….
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stillunusual · 9 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland
Committing genocide is perfectly fine if it helps you to maintain a communist utopia….
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stillunusual · 3 months
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Tankies: as communists we sincerely believe that all human beings deserve to live a dignified life….
Also tankies: our favourite mass murderers didn't kill enough Polish people so let's exterminate the entire population of Poland….
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stillunusual · 2 months
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In tankie clownland, The Beatles were a psyop and Paul McCartney is a Nazi….
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stillunusual · 9 months
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They had it coming....
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stillunusual · 6 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland
The reality of a butcher's shop with typically empty shelves in communist Poland circa 1982 vs the delusional clown world of mindless 21st century tankies living comfortable lives in western capitalist countries….
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stillunusual · 2 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland
Listening to the Sex Pistols is western imperialism….
EDITED TO ADD: according to a tankie clown who reblogged this post, it would be a good thing if listening to the Sex Pistols was criminalised.
When you happen to be a desperately sad, sociopathic fuckwit who thinks it was great that one of the authoritarian shitholes you stupidly simp for surveilled, arrested, beat up and blackmailed punks back in the 1980s simply because they didn't conform - why on earth would you double down on being a dickhead by admitting that you also have shit taste in music? And obviously, I could have used the name of any punk band from the 1970s or 80s to illustrate my point, so you'd have to be particularly smooth-brained to think this post is actually about the Sex Pistols….😁🤣
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stillunusual · 6 months
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The international symbol for "I self-identify as a clown"….
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stillunusual · 3 months
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Meanwhile in tankie clownland
Sitting in your bedroom 24/7 posting a never-ending stream of vacuous tankie bullshit on capitalist social media is better than sex (and doesn't in any way imply that you're an inadequate loser with no life)….
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stillunusual · 6 months
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In tankie clownland, Poland is even more evil than the Baltic states…. Tankies invariably suffer from a mental illness called Poland Derangement Syndrome.
Just like the Nazis, supporters of the state that didn't build its first toilet paper factory until 1969 think of Russia's Polish neighbours as untermenschen. They hate Poland with every fibre of their being and find it impossible to even mention the P word without having a tantrum, telling massive lies or resorting to infantile, racist slurs.
Maybe it's because the world revolution had to be cancelled after Poland defeated the Red Army in 1920.
Or perhaps it's because Poland was the first country to overthrow communist rule at the end of the 1980s, which led directly to the collapse of communism in the rest of the Soviet bloc, the fall of the Berlin wall, the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the destruction of the USSR itself - as well as triggering a never-ending torrent of tankie tears.
It could even be because Polish athlete Władysław Kozakiewicz told the Soviet Union to fuck off live on TV during the Moscow Olympics.
But whatever the reason, the mere fact that Poland exists (and is so much better off since freeing itself from Soviet occupation) has caused 99% of male tankies to suffer from erectile dysfunction, and their impotent rage keeps them awake at night….
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stillunusual · 8 months
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In tankie clownland, being killed by comrade Stalin would have no noticeable effect on your IQ….
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