#team green idc
alicent-archive · 2 months
Her horrible night hasn't even begun yet, and she's already picking at her fingers ☹️
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It just makes you wonder how many countless nights she had to endure this. How many times she was woken up because Viserys desired her, and her being able to do NOTHING about it.
She can't refuse the King; he's her husband. She can't refuse her husband; he's the King.
Alicent has to do her duty, and pleasing the King IS her duty.
Even though he mocked her in the Godswood in front of Daemon and Rhaenyra. Even though he laughed in her face. Even though he consistently demonstrates that he thinks less and less of her with each passing day.
Alicent Hightower—despite the late hour, despite the mockery, and despite her dissociating during the act—goes to the King and does her duty.
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
“You toil still in service to men. Your father, your husband, your son. You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison. Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?”
A couple of things:
1)  Alicent is a queen consort and is a Hightower by birth, so no, she cannot imagine herself on the Iron Throne, because Targaryen succession does not work like that. This is basic knowledge that 5-year-olds would presumably be expected to know, and I am astounded and embarrassed that Rhaenys, with her age and experience, lacks this fundamental bit of common sense.
2) Alicent has been the functional regent of Westeros for the past six years. In the previous episode, we see her actively governing the realm and overseeing all royal matters (while Rhaenyra sits on her ass with her loser husband in Dragonstone). We also literally hear Vaemond tell Rhaenys “It’s not a king who sits the Iron Throne these days, good sister. It’s the queen”, so I can assure you, Rhaenys, that Alicent has physically sat on the Iron Throne just fine. She lacks authority, obviously, as she is the consort and not the king, but she certainly did not and does not lack power, to say nothing about influence. This ridiculous show, however, does not seem to be able to differentiate these terms.
3) Does this show not understand that Alicent installing her son as King is not just beneficial to him (which the show acknowledges) but also directly beneficial to her? This is a patriarchal and patrimony-inclined world; Alicent’s son being King would not only mean immense prestige for her family; it would also mean the ultimate peak of power and influence for her (which we see her unapologetically wield in the books). In Westeros, we see Visenya Targaryen supporting her brother and her son’s kingship rather than angling for the throne in her own right, and wielding absolute power and authority in their reigns. Historically, Empress Matilda (the female claimant to the throne in the Anarchy, the war this story is based off) relinquished her claim in favor of her son, Henry II, presumably because she recognized he stood a better chance at gaining the throne (which he did) and continuing her legacy. Joanna of Flanders, who literally wore armor and led troops into battle, did it to support the cause of her husband in direct opposition to the claim of his niece. Yet according to this show’s logic, every single woman who has fought for their fathers and brothers and husbands and sons subscribes to internalized misogyny rather than, idk, supporting their families and gaining power, security and status in the process. Not to mention, Alicent relinquishing her children’s claim and stepping aside would not only be utterly humiliating and degrading for her from a political and personal standpoint, but also legitimately life-threatening for her children and her family. More competent writers would understand that she did not have much of a choice.
4) “You desire not to be free but make a window in the wall of your prison” is the MOST SICKENING PIECE OF VICTIM-BLAMING BULLSHIT I have ever heard in a long, long time. Alicent was a teenager when she had to marry the much-older King (her best friend’s own father) because of his desire for her. He repeatedly raped her and forced at least four pregnancies on her that she did not want. She was utterly isolated at court after her marriage, lacking comfort and friends (including Rhaenyra, who abandoned Alicent for three years after learning that she was being made to marry her father and, based on the comments she made, did not even stop to consider the awfulness of Alicent’s predicament). She had to endure the humiliation of her father being fired and made to leave court, leaving her even more alone than she previously was. She had to endure her husband constantly favoring his firstborn and his grandchildren by his firstborn rather than Alicent’s children who were a direct result of her rape by him. Her son was maimed and bleeding and her husband chose to defend his firstborn’s moronic decisions rather than bring him justice.  She is not a Targaryen, she does not and cannot ride a dragon. WHAT WAS ALICENT SUPPOSED TO EXCEPT TRY AND SURVIVE? HOW ON EARTH IS SHE BEING JUDGED FOR IT?
(And this ridiculously condescending comment is coming from Rhaenys of all people, lmao. A dragon-riding Targaryen who was an actual claimant to the Iron Throne, unlike Alicent. So, what was stopping HER from seizing power, pray tell? After all, she even has the Velaryon forces to back her claim. Instead, in her own words, she made peace with her sidelining. She constantly disagreed with her husband’s ambition regarding her claim and her family’s power. She volunteered her 12-year-old daughter as a child bride for her own aging cousin. The hypocrisy and double standards here is pathetic, and the lack of self-awareness on the part of the show is even worse)
Alicent was legitimately terrified for her children and her family’s lives, and she was entirely justified in doing so: if Rhaenyra ascended the throne, Alicent’s children would inevitably become threats to her whether or not they directly opposed her. This is unavoidable. Look up any historical usurpation, and that’s the inescapable result - and that’s not even going into the fact that Rhaenyra and Daemon are people who are reckless, cruel and indifferent to violence, and would not hesitate to kill any opposition to their reign. The show’s so-called claim that Alicent is upholding the patriarchy falls apart when you consider the fact that this is the only solution that guarantees the security of her children and herself. How is Alicent’s perfectly understandable motivation written as internalized misogyny? 
And moreover, from a writing perspective ... why give her this arc at all? Fire & Blood was badly written, but it doesn’t change the fact that they looked at an ambitious woman who wanted to enhance her power and improve her family’s standing, who directly defied her husband’s wishes in terms of succession in favor of her own, and rewrote this choice into one borne from internalized misogyny. They wrote her as a child bride, a rape victim, an abuse victim and a teen mother and then used this backstory to say that she was conditioned to become the so-called agent of patriarchy (which they do not support with believable evidence) who opposes their so-called feminist protagonist (whose primary enabler is Alicent’s rapist and abuser, btw, not that his abuse is acknowledged nearly enough by the narrative considering how heavily he was romanticized in the last few episodes) It’s a heinous, disrespectful, absolutely terrible writing choice, and I cannot emphasize this nearly enough.
(Oh, and speaking of Rhaenyra, let’s talk about how her queenship solidifies Viserys’s claim over Rhaenys’s. Let’s talk about if she truly cared about women inheriting the Iron Throne - as opposed to just herself - she would have considered this. Let’s talk about how she disregarded the claims of Baela and Rhaena in favour of her son when it came to Driftmark. Rhaenyra is not challenging the patriarchy, her ascension to the Iron Throne will not change anything for anyone except for herself, do not make me laugh by claiming otherwise)
ON TOP OF THIS, the show can’t even decide on a consistent motivation or characterization for Alicent. They repeatedly show us her visceral and justified fear for her children’s lives, which is somehow forgotten in episode eight in favor of her saying that Rhaenyra will be a good queen. Her desire to see her son crowned and thus ensure her children’s safety is disregarded in favor of her actually wanting to fulfil Viserys’s half-baked wishes on his deathbed. They have her say that everyone knows Aegon will be king, and then act surprised when the Green council plots to install him as King. They do not care about Alicent’s personhood and individual character; what they care about is her position as a foil and antagonist to Rhaenyra.
In conclusion: this show sucks. It shows absolutely no understanding regarding the politics of its own world and our medieval history and is a parody and a travesty of respectful storytelling. It has inconsistent and baffling character motivations and downright misogynistic writing, and this is not acknowledged nearly enough by the fandom.
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rc1207 · 1 year
I want to share my thoughts about Otto's and Alicent relationship, probably controversial because I haven't seen anything about them.
yes, he is ambitious, yes, he is an intriguer. yes, he even manipulated Alicent, but still, Otto loves her.
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this is noticeable by the way he tries in every possible way to comfort her, hugging her tightly and soothing her. Otto is literally Alicent's only support besides her children, she herself says this in a conversation with Larys, complaining that if her father were with her, he would support her. at times when she feels lonely in the whole court, father is the first person she thinks about.
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when she says that Otto used her as a pawn, Otto replies that he made her a queen. that is, he means that first of all he tried to improve her status and his family as a whole.
Rhys Ifans (Ottos actor) himself confirms this, saying that Otto cares about his daughter, but he doesn't always know how to express this love, instead preferring actions — a successful position in society. Otto believes that this is the best thing he can do for her, to give her absolute power and strength in all Seven Kingdoms.
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when he was kicked out of the capital, he didn't lie to Alicent. think for yourself, wouldn't you have the thought that you are in danger when there is a person like DAEMON and RHAENYRA TARGARYEN around?
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even if Rhaenyra had not tried to kill Alicent's kids, Daemon would have done it, and as we see in the last episode where he's not particularly eager to obey his wife, he would definitely have acted against her will. and the situation with the eye where Rhaenyra demanded the torture of the child, and then "Blood and cheese" only proves it. and people then think that Otto's words about the threat to the life of Alicent and her family were manipulation? he was only telling the truth. and thank god Alicent believed him. many of Otto's actions are driven by the idea that he is only seeking the best for his family, even though in the end it led them all to death. he's still terrible father tho... but anyways, I LOVE OUR GREEN GRANDPA.
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moomoorare · 6 months
Need I remind everyone Purgatory is done and it was just a game, for FUN!!!!! Same will be for purgatory 2!!! I understand having bias and favorite teams but do not in any case bring down others because yours is too special or whatever, they were all the same, they were all trapped in there with tensions high and did things they normally wouldn't, the characters acted accordingly to their lore, it's okay to be upset at some decisions made but god don't make it a state affair. It was just Block game rp alroiughtt
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unknownartiste · 3 months
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he’s so horror i love him
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mights-quills · 13 days
aegon ii is such a fascinating character to me, even if he is irredeemable. you grow up being told you should be king. your mother doesn’t like you very much and your father has never payed enough attention to make his mind. you grow up privileged and hungry and empty. you fill the void with alcohol and sex. you a get married to your sister, it’s normal in your family, you don’t want to sleep with her but you do your duty. you grow up being told your half sister will kill you one day. you don’t believe them. you don’t want to be king. you won’t challenge her. your mother is paranoid. you will be fine.
and then your brother gets his eye taken from him and all your absent, ill, weak and unloving father does is rave about the insult to his favorite daughter. they are bastards. you mother said. you have eyes. so you say ‘everyone knows’ because it’s true. no one does anything about your brother. no one will do anything about you. your sister wants him questioned and you may be a drunken fool but you’re not stupid, you know what that means.
and still. you go back to drinking and whoring and you have your brother’s back from now on at least. he may be a twat but he’s your brother.
your father is dying. your awful, terrible, unloving, unfair, father is dying. the father who never looked at you twice. the father who had you and then had no use for you. and your mother says you need to be king.
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watcherintheweyr · 3 months
I need to do an essay on how rhaenyra full well understood and fulfilled duty and sacrifice- alicent just didn't care because rhaenyra didn't bow to the will and power of the men around her and didn't suffer by alicents side, and she cannot stand that.
Also on why sjmess is my sworn enemy
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violet-moonstone · 6 months
i feel like my reasons for enjoying rhaenyra targaryen in hotd is completely different from most of the fandom's. my girl makes nothing but bad decisions and it's a trainwreck that i cannot look away from. I would have far fewer issues with this fandom if people realized that rhaenyra has no idea what she's doing.
rhaenyra there are a variety of ways to have sex but only one of them can get you pregnant - please stop making clearly non-targ looking babies with harwin strong. look at those valyrian orgy paintings in the red keep and get some ideas. change things up in the bedroom, im betting you. this isn't about morality, it's survival
rhaenrya what have you done to consolidate your power all these years while you knew alicent and otto were scheming against you? did you strengthen ties with lords who you knew would be loyal to you? did you go on another tour of westeros to reinforce in people's minds that you are still the heir? did you commission artists and architects to build things in your name? no? oh, ok coolcoolcool
rhaenyra are you SURE you wanna marry daemon so soon after laena and laenor's funerals??? like...maybe don't alienate the velaryons, one of your strongest potential allies? she didn't even actually order laenor killed in the show and still managed to make it look like she did! girl! use your head please, im begging you!!!
rhaenyra leaving the read keep and fucking off to dragonstone so alicent and otto can take over is a bad idea, you sure you wanna do that? Have you considered getting to know aegon at all? because he doesn't want to be king and the only reason he thinks you want to kill him is because of his mom and grandad, are you sure you don't wanna try and address that in any way? he's pretty weak willed and you could at least try to manipulate him.
rhaenyra your father is literally falling apart and could crumble to dust at any moment, are you SURE you wanna leave alicent and otto in charge of funeral arrangements when that happens? you're just gonna knock on wood and cross your fingers and hope they honour your place as heir when you know for a fact otto hates you?
don't even get me started on daemon like...everyone is in love with daemon cause hes a charming badass and i get it, but can we acknowledge that if this man played his cards right with viserys and weren't such a fuck up, he'd be sitting on the iron throne and married to rhaenyra from day one
team black is just as responsible for the dance of the dragons as team green is and i will die on this hill
team green is at fault for the dance for scheming too much, team black is at fault for not scheming nearly enough
thank you for listening to my ted talk
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queensof-my-heart · 1 month
Making an anti A€m0nd post and having green stans crawl out of the woodwork to defend him. Well, this is an easy way of getting rid of green stans in my feed😌
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snake-berry · 1 year
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jk its alicent and cole. the hotd fandom is a mess so im just going to drop this and leave lmao... anyways idek if i even ship these two but i love a good courtly love dynamic so. here u go
inspiration below the cut
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alicent-archive · 6 months
Alicent really showed up bitter and late to her situationship's wedding with some green fabric a broken heart and a dream.
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hieronymph · 3 months
what would be the point of s2 of house of the dragon s2 if we don't get to see the Targs with their dragons acting like a purring house cat in their laps. it is fine if they hiss and roar and grumble instead. as long as we get to see the riders booping their noses and scratching the chins of their dragon babies
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
I’m not going to spoil anything (for now) but I just need Team Black fans to know that if you’re saying “Helaena is the only good green” or “We love Helaena and she has done nothing wrong”…good luck.
The shit she goes through because of your fave Daemon and by extension your “girlboss” “feminist” “do no wrong” Rhaenyra is so vile and heartbreaking. It is cruelty to the highest degree. Its so bad the entire kingdom turns on Rhaenyra because Helaena was so beloved and her fate was so tragic and dark.
So yeah…stop stanning our girl because you’re supporting the people that will make her life pure misery :)
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lesbobot · 2 years
take a shot every time you read an awful, misogynistic-fueled alicent, rhaenyra, rhaenicent, or house of the dragon take online.
[warning; taking apart of this game will kill you.]
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infinitestalia · 2 years
I did not give a single fuck when Lucerys boring ass d worded and will laugh my ass off when that loser Jace does too lmao. Is this how Targ Nation feels when someone they find mildly annoying eats it? I could get used to this lmfaooo.
For real, it's so stress free, I understand them now 😭 They always say the rules of men don't apply to Targaryens, they're closer to gods, can't wait for Blood & Cheese, it's different when they do it- so it's different when Aemond does it! Don't cry! It's about time we enjoyed this silly show the way everyone else does and got some Targ privilege.
And Lord Strong got what he needed to get. Aemond very respectfully asked for an eye from his unrepentant mutilator. Luke rudely refused. Arrax attacked first. Vhagar said those who don't hear must feel. I respect it.
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tenseoyong · 2 years
saw the worst take ever and i gotta make it everyone else’s problem now
aemond losing an eye, doesn’t matter in the slightest because he later kills luke and he was going to bash jace’s head in with a rock and luke “was just a scared kid!!!”
as if aemond wasn’t also a kid, who had just got jumped by a whole bundle of kids, and then maimed without so much as a half assed sorry and they threw dirt in his eyes when he was going after jace so they could have, idk, just ran off???
also they made fun of alicent being upset over her son losing an eye because rhaenyra’s lost his life so your pain means nothing
also also there’s something funny in the way that rhaenyra called the attack against aemond an “unfortunate accident” and then loses her son in another “unfortunate accident” but that’s just me lol
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