#that last episode hit so hard im still reeling
sensualcoder · 2 months
Gundam Unicorn was so good y'all
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the-evil-authoress · 4 years
GX Month Day 29: “Don’t Forget Me!”
Have an underappreciated character you wish you’d seen more of? Give them some love today!
Not exactly underappreciated via the fandom, but it will never not piss me off that Jesse disappeared for half the f*ucking season. He got damseled. HE GOT F*UCKING DAMSELED. Then he shows up for - what? - three episodes in season 4 AND GETS DAMSELED AGAIN.
I’m running out steam and easy to write ideas or I’d write about someone else, I promise. Maybe next year.
Set right after Rainbow Dragon sends Duel Academy back to the island.
The back of Jesse’s head slams against an uneven wall, sparks flaring beneath his eyelids. Amethyst snarls and the clawed hand leaves his throat, and Jesse collapses forward with a gasp. Is he bleeding? Doesn’t feel like it. Where are they? It’s so dark. Brilliant flashes of color light up the stone cavern as screams echo in his ears; Jesse jerks his head up and catches sight of the giant gemstones in the fading light. Okay, that’s fine, they’re still with him-
The crystals shatter before his eyes.
Breath stuck to his throat, he stumbles up. “What did you do to them?!”
His head slams against the wall once more before he’s even got his feet under him. Choking, he paws uselessly at the claws around his neck as black dots dance across his vision.
“Judai is mine!” the duel monster screams. “Mine!”
“Who-?” Jesse rasps.
“You think because you call him by a different name you lay claim to him?! How many names have I called him? He is mine! My Darkness!”
His ears are ringing, his vision wavers, he can barely breath the claws digging holes in his throat, and he can’t feel his family. The space of his awareness where their light usually shines is a gaping dead zone and- what if they’re dead? No they can’t be dead they’re spirits! But even spirits can die, he watched one die right in front of him-
Something hard and sharp hits him across the face and sends the world spinning as he careens sideways. Jesse heaves in a breath as he hits the floor.
“I’m the one you should be paying attention to!” Yubel screeches, and as Jesse squints up at her - him? - through wavering vision, he swears he’s seen the duel monster somewhere before. “I’ve worked too long to reunite with Judai! I won’t let you take him away from me!”
Who the fuck is-- Does she mean Jaden? ‘Judai’?? Worry about it later.
Pushing himself up on shaky arms, Jesse braces himself against the wall and shuts his eyes against the throbbing headache. The room - cave? - still feels like it’s spinning. “What do you want from me?” His voice cracks as he looks up at the duel monster again. There’s a part of him, a small part, that’s terrified she’s going to kill him. And honestly? He expected Yubel to kill him. He hadn’t expected to face death completely alone.
They aren’t dead, they aren’t!
Yubel bares her fangs in an action that could either be a smile or a snarl. “I’m going to use you as bait.”
“What?” The breath leaves his lungs as something cold lodges into the pit of his stomach. Somehow that one sentence is more terrifying than the prospect of a lonely death. 
“He may have forsaken me, but he’ll come back for you.” Yubel’s eyes glow menacingly in the dark room. “He loves you after all.”
Jesse almost laughs, the hysteric sound bubbling behind his lips. “Listen here, I don’t know what kind of ridiculous idea you’ve got in your head but things between Jay and I definitely ain’t like that.”
Yubel’s eyes flash. “There is more than one kind of love, foolish light child!”
“Fair enough.” Jesse isn’t going to waste his last breath arguing with a psychotic demon. If he’d ever imagined his eventual death, this wouldn’t have been high on the list. Leaning his head back again, he tries to decide if closing his eyes makes the spinning feel better or worse. He feels it then, sluggish and barely there, but a spark is spark. His family is still with him.
He stands shakily. His head is going to regret this. “But I ain’t letting you have your way either.” Bracing against the wall, Jesse drives his heel into the duel monster’s jaw.
Yubel reels backward with a snarl, and Jesse scrambles to his feet, fighting vertigo as he searches for an exit-
Sharp pain tears down his back. Jesse screams and crashes to the floor. His ears ring with the distant screams of family. Yubel descends upon him in a fury.
“You dare?! You insolent child!” Claws sink into the flesh of his shoulder and Jesse whimpers, automatically jerking away and nearly screaming again as his back lights up with agony. “You will only cause him more pain!”
His lungs heave, perpetually caught on the edge of another scream. The pulse in his ears threatens to drown out the creature screaming above him. His arms tremble uselessly against the cold stone. He couldn’t pick himself up even if he wasn’t pinned beneath Yubel’s weight. His back-
“I will not let him cry for you again!”
A...again? The image of Jaden’s face hovering over him streaked with tear surfaces in his mind, but Jesse’s never even seen Jaden cry. None of this makes any sense? “I just...wanna protect ‘im,” he mumbles absently.
“Protect him?” Yubel snarls. “What would you sacrifice for him? Your life? Death is easy! Try being the one who must live on after watching your beloved die, over and over!”
The pain in his shoulder flares and Jesse cries out again, shaking violently; he’s really going to die here. “I’m sorry!” he screams. He doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for.
“You haven’t changed, light child,” Yubel hisses. “But you are still useful.”
He doesn’t know what that means and, honestly, that’s more terrifying than the muder happy lunatic with their claws sunk into his flesh. His vision dances red and black as he lies there heaving, trying to will any amount of strength into his limbs to fight back; but even twitching his shoulder makes him want to scream in agony. How long will he even survive with an injury like this?
Claws grip the back of his head. One final desperate plea. Something. Anything. “Yubel-” 
The creature yanks his head back and pain blossoms across his temple.
The insufferable child finally stills beneath them. Yubel waits in case it’s just a ploy, but the boy’s breath evens out, and his erratic thoughts quiet. His guardians still chitter from their prison.
“Be silent!” Yubel flicks another wave of shadows around the deck, reinforcing the bindings. Standing, they turn their attention back to the light child. Their claws cut deep, blood already pooling on the stone floor of the cave. Human bodies are frail. They’ll have to deal with that. They need him alive for now.
They wave a claw and recoil as the hot warmth pulsates within them. The shadows scatter in its brilliance. No, damnit! The shadows are theirs to command and they will not let this infection stop them! Yubel bends the shadows into submission until the wounds have been crudely patched; not fully healed, but all the better; an injured captive can struggle less.
“Well, that was quite a show.” The other boy steps from the shadows, clapping. Yubel narrows their eyes at him. He is shifty and devious, willing to do anything to get what he wants. But he proved useful, and he is not the only one willing to use others for his own gain. “So he’s going to be bait, huh?” The other boy bends down to observe the unconscious light child. “What are you going to do with Jaden when you get him?”
“That’s not your concern.”
The boy’s smile is a lie. “I suppose not. Anyway...” His eyes glint as he stands.
“As promised.” Yubel stretches out a claw and scales form around the other boy’s hand. He flexes it thoughtfully, while Yubel turns their attention to another part of the cavern.
“So what now?”
The card is right where they left it, still safe inside the capsule. They have finally broken free of this pathetic prison, but the chains may still prove useful. Sliding the card somewhere safe, Yubel returns to sling the unconscious light child over their shoulder.
“Now we set the next stage.”
Judai will be theirs and theirs alone even if they have to break him to do it.
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opalgelance · 4 years
thoughts on steven universe future
td;lr overall opinion: steven universe future is better than most of the original steven universe, especially seasons 3-5, but there are still some real iffy plotlines in future
i hate that the diamonds were redeemed but at the same time, the happy clouds blue and yellow putting gems back together scenes were so pure
it simultaneously warms my heart and infuriates me 
but we finally got a blue diamond song, god i love her voice
EDIT: also steven basically tortured white diamond and nearly killed her and it was pretty disturbing bc steven is 1. in a really bad mental state, like way darker than i thought they’d show him go, since this is technically a kids show and 2. was also kind of trying to hurt himself, which both hit me really hard bc i had similar periods of blazing anger, wanting to self harm and harm others that i felt had wronged me when i was a teenager, but its also what white deserves
ncsndlljklkcndkls i want to enjoy this show so bad but,,, steven having ptsd makes him a violent douche??? diamonds killed who knows how many gems in their reign and never really felt bad about it in original su but now they’re supportive life coaches??? no thank you
on more positive notes, i loved how priyanka described mental health and how she treated steven throughout the entire check up, she was so nonconfrontational and whenever he felt stressed she deescalated the situation,,, it was so good
the animation is the best its been since season 2. the poses are clean, very well drawn, and on model. there are more action scenes than like 90% of steven universe and they’re animated way better, like theres actual fighting and motion asjksacbcbj no one is stiffly posed, no one has strange proportions, no one is drastically changing sizes in between shots (well besides steven in growing pains onward but when he does change size its supposed to be like that lol)
i liked seeing the real roses but didnt love it? i wish we saw more of the roses designs up close, and i wish they fit a little more with the other quartzes? it might be just because its era 3, but the roses were all way more unique than jaspers and amethysts generally seem to be. i like that they were more unique designs and had different personalities, but surely the diamonds wouldnt have tolerated that back in era 1 or even era 2, had the rose quartzes not been bubbled? also i get that they’re reminiscent of pink bc she created them, but hippie and superfan were so naive, more so than other quartzes. if each quartz group was slightly different, it would make a little more sense tbh like if quartzes were the entire gem army, but each group was slightly different. i always liked the idea that rose quartzes were either the defense or the healers of the gem army.
little homeschool and guidance were fun and genuinely enjoyable, considering not a whole ton happens in them. i wish townie episodes had been more like them. like you could replace the gems with random humans, but it would still be a fun episode? idk, maybe involving the humans in gem stuff wouldve made better townie episodes, like lars and the cool kids. it wouldve probably helped steven feel more “human” too, if the human and gem worlds collided a bit more in the series.
bluebird was... an ok episode, but im not sure how well it will fit into what i feel like the end will be, where every episode of future featured someone steven helped or affected in some way, and they all come together to help steven when he corrupts. or rather, i guess if bluebird did say something, it would feel more hollow bc steven didnt help them lol the gems and universes were just friendly to them, and thats it. it wasnt as bad as a very special episode (my least favorite episode of future), but it felt like a townie episode with no townies LOL at least we got a new fusion i guess
a very special episode was just,,, infuriating. there was that weird football scene where they just like,,, talk about screen resolution for a minute then play the full commercial for little homeworld we just saw last episode???? i did genuinely enjoy the rainbow scenes, but it just built up to not nothing. oh no, it was something alright. the whole episode was just future vision and then theres like a minute long psa??? it felt like that wacky randomness that would have happened in like, ok ko, teen titans go, or clarence jaskjcbkcjbskb
mr universe is tied with dear old dad episode as my least favorite greg episode. i get how both of them feel. greg wanted to tell steven about how he escaped from his miserable childhood and remade who he was, no longer a demayo but a universe. the problem imo was that greg became way too absorbed in the past. it reminds me a bit of s1 pearl, how she’d proudly recount gem battles and basked in the glory of fighting for their freedom, but she struggled when she had to recount the more unsavory parts of war. and that really affected amethyst, since she didnt fight in the glorified war pearl told her and steven about. amethyst was the byproduct of one of the bad parts of the war, and that became part of her identity, until on the run, where pearl finally realized that she needed to tell amethyst that she wasnt bad. amethyst’s creation may have fractionally hurt the earth, but that wasnt her fault. it wasnt her fault that she emerged too late to fight either. and it wasnt her fault that she existed. sounds familiar to to stevens rant in the van. 
steven didnt ask to be made. he didnt ask to be the half gem half human son of a diamond. but he grew up being told about how great his mom was, and that while no one would ever say it, she was gone because of him. to create steven, rose had to die. it was roses decision, but as the product of that decision, steven feels responsible. not only that, but being told constantly about his amazing mother, steven felt like he had to live up to her, had to be like her, had to replace her in the gems and greg’s lives. throughout the series, steven is constantly either trying to be like his mother, until he realizes its ok to be himself. but then the question is posed; is steven even himself? or is he still part of rose? and once he finds out that he’s steven, and has always been steven, he’s still reeling from the realization that his mother was pink diamond. and that really shows in future, where steven is becoming like pink. at first he doesnt even know, because besides the jungle moon dream, him and the audience never knew about this side of pink. this angry, short tempered, diamond who lashes out mostly physically. and unlike before, no one’s telling steven about pink (besides pink pearl) hes finding out firsthand, and this pink mode is basically being forced on him by his gem. steven has little to no control over this form. hes not trying to live up to his mother, or wondering if he is her, like before. now, he’s losing control to whatever programming is in his gem.
but back to mr universe. in the van, greg is going on and on about how lucky steven is, and how free steven is, but how can either of them compare their lives to each other? the similarities just arent there. steven is right, greg and pink were “raised” in very similar “households”. both had their wishes and desires suppressed by controlling, abusive parents. we know pink was abused mentally, verbally and physically (being physically dragged away from the screen by yellow in jungle moon, stevonnie being grabbed and thrown into the time out cell by yellow, when she still thought steven was pink), but greg at the very least was mentally assaulted. but they diverge from here. as greg said, he thought disco was back. rose started a war. you cant compare them any further. 
but at the same time, steven was raised completely differently. he was raised in a home with love and freedom, but he was also not given the opportunity to be a normal kid. theres a difference being forcing your kid to do something and not giving them the chance to try something. steven was never given the option to go to school (well in the comics he was but i guess thats not canon now since it seems like steven wishes he went to school?) he was never given the option to live in a house, or go to the mall with friends. the only other kids he knew were the boardwalk kids, but even then, he doesnt seem very close with them. for such an outgoing, friendly kid, steven wasnt given many opportunities to make friends. steven’s upbringing was very relaxed, yes, but it was too relaxed. he needed more structure, and more importantly, more humanity. i always thought it was weird, how little steven seems to have interacted with humans before connie, considering that his mother so desperately wanted steven to experience being human. yes the show is about gems, (and yes, i dont like most townie episodes), but steven was never shown doing a lot of “human” kid things inbetween episodes. the episode never started with him coming home from a friends house, he hardly ever spent time with friends other than connie in little scenes. like he was never called for a mission while playing cards with peedee, or coming home after an after school activity. any scenes like that were either just steven by himself, or with greg, and occasionally connie. but connie is a new addition to his life. how many years has he been doing fun stuff with only his dad for company, or by himself? yknow, “non traditional” childhoods and living situations are becoming more and more common in media, rather than the “two parents in a suburb house” thing, but steven’s life is beyond any unusual childhood any other kid would have. i mean he’s never even been to the doctor! which is probably for several reasons, like the fact that he apparently doesnt have a ssn, he can heal himself, has a damn gemstone in his stomach, and is half alien. but still, thats not something he has in common with other kids. no matter how much love and freedom he was given, steven was raised as an outcast.
i agree with the notion that both greg and steven were both right and wrong in mr universe. i guess they both have that in common with rose lol 
greg should have read the room better, realized that his pep talk wasnt the support and apology steven needed to hear. but steven shouldnt have acted out in the way he did. i get that’s the “theme” of steven’s spiral, maybe for the younger audience to better understand how steven is acting? but crashing his dad’s van that gregs been living in for like 20 years? fucking SHATTERING jasper? that’s going way too far to prove a point. it would have been better to maybe mirror story for steven, where marty and greg are arguing, marty is watching the road and they narrowly avoid hitting a car. but crashing the car could have been pretty serious, especially for greg. now jasper, that episode shouldnt have been approved. steven should not have shattered jasper. he fucking killed her. rose/pink didnt even shatter anyone. and if it wasnt for steven getting another superpower out of nowhere, jasper would have stayed that way. he should have just cracked her gem, poofing her in the process. the rest of the episode wouldve played out exactly the same.
anyways ive been writing this for like 2 hours but i feel better letting it all out. if you enjoy future keep enjoying it! it’s definitely more like a B+ compared to season 3-5′s general C-/D+. but please take into consideration future has some themes that people personally relate to, like mental health, and that you shouldnt shit on someone elses opinions that are based on their own personal experiences. especially if you dont have mental health issues, dont keep pushing your opinion and telling people that personally relate to future’s themes that they’re wrong? thats fucked up man
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
Your posts on Chat Blanc are extremely fucking valid. I watched it as soon as it came out (those 7 years of French in middle and high school were finally worth SOMETHING) and I am still shook. I don't think I'll ever get over this episode...
this show really did shove an entire season’s worth of feelings, emotions, and relationship development, and also the angst and pain you’d expect from a two-parter series finale, into one twenty-two minute episode???? AND IT FUCKING WORKED????
like, it was one hit after another, first the flash forwards of their relationship which was just... so fucking sweet? and made so much sense??? (and before anyone comes @ me w ‘adrien only liked marinette once he realized she was ladybug’ that’s so NOT what happened, what actually happened was that something finally clicked, he literally said that he’d been feeling for so long that he felt more than friendship for her but finding out she was not just ‘their everyday Ladybug’ but she was ladybug made things make sense and he stopped feeling like he was being disloyal to her by having feelings for Marinette and i could yell about this for YEARS IM STILL SHOOK)
AND THEN!!!  FUCKING GABRIEL???? he pulled the ‘you WILL break up with my son OR ELSE I WILL TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING ELSE HE LOVES’ and like??? look one of my favorite tropes is when the villain or antagonist/whomever threatens the hero, but not by threatening to do anything to them, but to someone they care about. ESPECIALLY if it’s someone they’re in love with. bc he could’ve threatened to do anything he wanted to marinette herself and she would’ve held fast, but he threatened adrien. because he knew threatening to hurt adrien was the fastest way to get to her.
and then the hits just kept coming, adrien revealed himself to marinette in a desperate attempt to save her life, which WORKED, and then we got a beautiful marichat shot WHERE THERE WERE NO SECRETS BETWEEN THEM, THEY WERE IN LOVE AND KNEW EACH OTHER’S IDENTITIES AND IT WAS SO AMAZING, except nathalie was watching and informed gabriel that his son was chat noir, and gabriel was so far gone by this point that he just.... stopped caring about his son. he was so consumed by his mindless quest to bring emilie back that he stopped giving a single shit about who he had to hurt, or worse, to do it. including his own son.
AND THEN ADRIEN FOUGHT THE AKUMA!!! HE FOUGHT IT SO HARD, AND SO DESPERATELY, but he couldn’t contain the power--and then he killed marinette. the love of his life. and it broke him. so much so that when younger marinette showed up, he was just... consumed with the last directive from hawk moth. get her miraculous, so he could make his wish and just.... take it all back.
AND THEN EVERYTHING GOT RESET, BUT LIKE??? ALL OF THAT PAIN AND TRAUMA WAS SO FUCKING REAL IM STILL REELING. all the props to bryce tbfh bc my heart literally broke for adrien so many times, and i am absolutely NOT ready for when he finds out gabriel is hawk moth and his mother is in the basement for real.
it’s gonna fucking break me
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S5E2
In Which Harvey Continues to be the Best Goddamn Thing in This Show
I was a lucky son of a duck and managed to get this reaction while the episode was airing live on FOX last night.  For episodes 3-12, I will be waiting for Hulu to receive them because of an upcoming spring semester at college.  So for episodes 3-12, I will be in the dark until Friday or Saturday (so no spoilers from y’all).
Also, on TV, there are so many GOD.  DAMN.  COMMERCIALS.
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
*Recaps shows the chopper*  OK, so who freakin’ shot down the chopper?
Oh, Tabitha...
*We see a whole bunch of injuries on Will’s back*  What the...
“They call themselves the Soothsayers.”  The Sooth- what?
“They’re digging some sort of tunnel.”  *gasps and reels back*  It’s Jeremiah!  ‘Cause he has a tunnel!  Oh my God!
What’s the tunnel for?
OK, never mind then, I don’t think Jeremiah’s in charge of the Soothsayers
“The second you [Jim] step outside that door, someone’s gonna take a shot at you, and if it’s not you that’s getting hit, it’s the schmoe standing next to you.”  *laughs*
*Jim hangs up on the radio*  Who’s on the other end?
“Four shells each.  Half a mag each.”  Wow.
“Will says the Soothsayers are here, which means we have to pass through Sirens territory.”  Ooh.
“She’s [Barbara] gonna be thrilled to see you [Jim] after what happened with Tabitha.”  Ooooff...
Wait, so is the Dark Zone like around Gotham?  At the docks or...
So this is Robinson Park, OK... so this is where Ivy is.
Oh, these sets look nice.  Getting some serious Arkham Knight flashbacks.
Swore I just saw someone move in the background...
*Bruce catches a guy trying to sneak up on him*  Yeah.
“They came for help too!”  What district are they from?  Why are they British?
*jams along with opening theme*
*silently headbangs to heavy metal cover of "Ring of Fire” by Social Distortion playing in Barbara’s club*
*Everyone stops dancing when Jim arrives*  Oooohhhh... ooohh hoo hoo hoooo...
“It’s a police matter.”  “You know, they should really write that on your tombstone.”  *laughs*
“Drive right into this nightmare you’ve created.”  Actually it’s Jeremiah... kay...
*Panning shot of an absolute dark Gotham*  Oh my God.
*laughs*  There’s just this one random burst fire hydrant!
So is this whole episode gonna be them [Jim and Harvey] fighting their way out of the Dark Zone?
*jaw drops when someone shoots an arrow at Harvey*
“It’s a freaking arrow, Jim!  IT’S A FREAKING ARROW!”  *scoffs in shock*
Whooooo I remember her [the Day of the Dead lady] from the trailers!
Yeah, that’s the same... freaking tunnel
“The smoke... you [Gabriel] should take it.”  No.
“It’ll give you energy-”  Oh my God, is that Viper?  Is that Viper from S1?
“-see the future.”  What?
Or does Jeremiah shanghai this whole tunnel later this season?
“Once this tunnel is complete, we will have exclusive access to the mainlands.”  Oh my God, they are going to the mainland!
God, that guy [Sykes] just spit everywhere!
Sykes?  Isn’t that the bad guy from Oliver and Company?
“In Penguin’s grace, we will remain.”  Ohh, that’s a good line.
“What are the cattle prods for?”  “Fun.”  *scoffs in hilarity*
“If he [Sykes] moves, kill him.”  Oh ho!  Jim’s not messin’ around!
Yeah, that’s that same tunnel that Jeremiah [and Ecco] are in in some of those pictures.
AN:  Take a shot every time I mention the damn tunnel.
So is Gabriel Will’s older brother?
“Why would anyone be a cop in a world like this?”  “Well, the Halloween shop was all out of gas masks so it was either this or Sexy Nurse.” *reels back in chair from laughter*
“Let take ‘im, boys.”  CHEESE IT, BOYS!
*Sykes and his men try to take the kids*  Oh no.
*Jim comes to the rescue*  Yay.
*One of the car tires get shot*  Ooohhh...
*Commercials start*  OK... OK... so... what?
Wait, so is Jeremiah gonna leave for the mainland?  Like “Syke, I’m gonna get out of here!”
Noo... because his mission is Bruce so I don’t think he even wants to leave Gotham.  It’s the whole “I don’t wanna kill you!  What would I do without you?” mantra going on.
What is she [Ivy] wearing?
“You have to believe me.”  “Forgive me if I find it hard to do so.”  COLD.
“It wasn’t me.  It was the park.”  *in unison with Bruce*  The park?
“The plants are my protection.”  ...OK.
“Maybe we can help each other.”  Bruce...
“There’s a seed.  It’s growing under the oaks.  It’s said to have magical qualities.  When digested, it goes to the damaged tissue and bone.”  A seed?
Ed?  Hello?  How are you?  Where are you?  Are you in the library again?  Why are sleeping with your glasses on?
What is going on?
That [library] looks like Oswald’s old house [the van Dahl mansion]
Oh my God, are we gonna see Ed peeing?
EEUUGGHHH we don’t need to be seeing this...
Oh my God, there’s someone in the frickin’ [bathtub]...
“There’s nothing there.”  *laughs*
Waaaaiit... what’s going on?
[Ed] You’re gonna attack him [the Street Demon] with a toilet plunger!  *cackles*
“Did I uh...” *chuckles*
“We’re gonna have to do all this again?  Guess so...”  *scoffs*
What is that place?
“It’s not safe out there.”  No dip, Jim.
“Maybe there’s still good people left in Gotham.”  Mmmmmm....
Yeah, you’re [Jim and Harvey] gonna leave three kids there [in the lobby].  All alone.  In a strange building.  Great.
Harvey, you’re a blessing.
Yeah, you’re gonna leave the three kids there.  Right.  Great idea.  Great idea.
These sets are fabulous.
“Hello?”  Blaaggghh!  Jump scare!
“GCPD.”  Take a shot!
Was that a crow [in the background]?
There’s just a bunch of random folded clothes everywhere.
*Harvey finds the dinner table full of body parts*  Oh my God...
Are those teeth?
*Harvey finds a plate of bloody fingers*  :0
Oh my God, freaking- they’re freaking cannibals?!?
*gasps when Mother attacks Harvey*
*has to leap out of seat to cool off when commercials start*
Oh wow, I love Sweeney Todd.
*ends up coughing up a lung*
So far, again, this feels like a foundational episode.  It’s just like “OK, we gotta work on this, we gotta make sure this is safe,” and yeah.
I wonder if the Jaime Murray character is gonna show up at the end of the episode or something.
AN:  You may think that... but no.
I also wanna know what kind of crack these writers were on for this final season.  Tze Chun had the good shit; I dunno about the others.
*gasps in disgust when Ed hits the Street Demon in the mouth with a wrench.”
“[Ed] You wanted to know where the Street Demons base was.”  Why?
“Aaand you wanted to make sure the boss would be there.”  Why?
“OK, how did I [Ed] seem?  Was I... confident?  Flamboyant?  Charisma for days?”  *giggles*
“Or was I conserved, kinda repressed, a little nerdy?”  *laughs*
Soo... did Hugo combine the two personalities?  ‘Cause the pushing up the glasses is a new thing.
*gasps when Ivy kills the men who were holding her.”
“[Bruce] You are so utterly naive.”  Oh my God.
“[Selina] She is paralyzed and has lost the will to live.”  “Good.”  What?!?
“That bitch destroyed the last of the Lazarus Water.”  ExCUSe me?!?
“Let her suffer.”  Noooo...
You can tell that Peyton List [Ivy] is just wearing a whole bunch of face powder on.
“I am feeding the earth these wretched creatures.  It consumes them.”  She has lost her freakin’ mind.
*Ivy starts caressing Bruce’s neck*  Do not prick his neck.
“Those men you killed were right.  You are a witch.  A murderous, callous witch.”  WHOOOOOOO- oh my God...
“What’s your name?”  “I- I can’t remember.”  What?
“She found me?”  “Who?”  “The ghost!”  The ghost?
“She makes me call her.. Mother.”  *reels back and puts hands in the air*  It is Mother and Orphan!
Wait, is that the kid?
*The kid stays behind*  It is the kid!  That’s Orphan!
Oh my God...
“The lights will make you dizzy.  And then you’ll go to sleep.”  Oh this is cool..
“Jim, I don’t feel so good.”  Wow, I love Infinity War.
Actually no, I hated it.  I was sick the first time I saw it.
*gasps when Mother sneaks up behind Jim*
They really do need to put a flashing lights warning on this.
*gasps when Mother fights off Jim and Harvey*
*Harvey tries to leave*  There’s an open window!  You broke a window!  Go through the window!
*looking through the Gotham tag on Tumblr during commercials*  Wow, someone wrote some fanfiction quick.
Oh wow, I love Ghost Adventures!
*gasps when Ed and the Street Demon find the Street Demon leader wiped out.”
[Penguin Was HERE] Really?!?
*imitates the guitar riff going off*
*Ivy leads Bruce to the seed*  Oh my gosh, that’s so pretty
*Ivy gives Bruce the seed*  I ain’t eatin’ that...
“One thing’s for certain... the seed will alter her [Selina] forever.”  Great.
“Some say, the darker angels of our mind-”  Great.
Also, yay for natural lighting finally in this show.  I love it when they use natural lighting in the show.  It looks so nice.
“What’s the matter, Bruce?  Don’t know if you can trust me?”  I don’t trust you.
“I don’t.”  “Good.  then you’re finally becoming a man.”  Ivy, you’re like his age.  shut up.
*Ivy sits in one of the low sitting trees*  OK, so if the tree branches just grab her and just sink down into the ground, this will be the greatest thing.
“Detective Gordon, your hand’s bleeding.”  Uhhh...
*Sykes and his men arrive*  Oh my God... monster truck!
“Wait just a minute!  Please...”  Whoaaa... who are you?
I don’t know who that is.  She [the Day of the Dead looking lady] looks cool though.
*commercials start*  Who is this?  Who are you?
Five bucks:  Barbara comes in and saves the day even though she still hates Jim.  She hates everybody.  She comes in like “I’m just here for the kids, not you.”
Oh noo...
“Did you [Bruce] find the witch?”  “It was Ivy.”  Great!  Alfred’s like “Oh bloody brilliant!”
“What choice do I have?”  Bruuuce...
“I want to help Selina as much as you do but Ivy’s a maniacal, cold-hearted killer.”  You met her like twice, Alfred!
But true, she is.
“So if Ivy wants to kill me, she can have at it.”  Oh my God...
Who wrote this episode?  I’m gonna have words.
*Bruce gives Selina the seed*  Yeah, you’re gonna shove that down your throat.  Great.
Is she gonna chew it?
*Selina starts chewing the seed like a gummie vitamin*  OK then...
It’s the Spiderman bite except in fruit form.
*freezes when Selina starts seizing*
“God, what have I [Bruce] done?”  *extremely sad face*
“I’ll tell you what!  I’ll [Sykes] take his head!  And you can have the rest of him!”  *scoffs in shock*
*gasps when Jim shoots the Day of the Dead lady*
Is that a monster truck?!?
My sister:  Is that a tank?!?
That’s a monster truck!
*both immediately at loss of words when Barbara hops down*
Wow, I love Hot Wheels!
*jaw drops when Jim uses his last bullet to kill Sykes and defend Barbara*
Wow... that just... came out of nowhere!
“Wow.  Wasted your last bullet for me.  Must be love.”  No it is not.  Barbara, how dare you say that?
*Barbara tells Jim she wants to kill Penguin.”  Great.  Great plan.
Wait, you’re gonna invite Barbara to the Green Zone?  Yeah, great plan, Jim.  Great plan!
*Jim and Co. arrive at the Green Zone*  Whoa!
He [Lucius] looks fab!
Wait a minute, is this [the Green Zone] that apartment complex that got blown up in the trailer?!?  Are you freaking kidding me?
They’re gonna freaking blow this place up later in the season.  God dang it.  Who did it and why?  Who does it and why?
We stan one future police commissioner.
“See you around, killer.  We have some unfinished business, you and I.”  Nooo you don’t.  Cool off!
Oh crap, is she [Selina] gonna be gone in the morning?!?
Oh my God, Bruce hasn’t slept in like 48 hours?!?  Great.
*gasps*  She’s [Selina] not there!  Did she go out the window?
Did she pull a “Dark Knight Rises” and back flip out the window?
“Bruce...”  Oh no.
She [Selina] looks like Michelle Pfeiffer.
“[Selina] How do you feel?”  “Different.”  Why are her eyes closed?  Open yo eyes!
“I’m better.  Even better than before in fact.”  Mmmmm no!
*Bruce hugs Selina*  Yay hug!  We like hugs!  We like some hugs!  Yay!
Oh my God, she’s gonna go on a murdering spree and kill some people, isn’t she?
*Selina’s eyes*  WHAAATT the frick?!?  Wha-
*gasps when Ecco pops up in the promo for next episode*
*ejects out of chair to cool off*
AN:  Ecco, your man better treat you right or I’m gonna fight him AND the writers.
We’re getting WhaAAAtt??? WHaaaAAT?? 
Oh my God...
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uranium · 6 years
im still reeling from that plot twist last night....wolf 359 spoilers ahead but i dont think anyone else who follows me listens to it...
so it was like a funny episode the crew found leaked files about each other and it was just kinda a joke filler episode and out of nowhere it got real dark real fast. one of the main characters was convicted of fucking attempting to kidnap a child and at least 3 cases of child endangerment and ????? it hit so hard i was not expecting that christ
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Back to the Frollo, Chapter 7
Warning: sappiness. 
It was well after seven. I had already showered and dressed, taking great care not to awaken Claude. Poor baby!
He usually doesn't sleep long past sun-up; he really needed the rest. There was no need to prepare breakfast until he got up. So I tip-toed downstairs and put on a pot of coffee. Hmmm...Maybe I should start some of the morning meal. I thought again, as I rifled through the fridge. That's it! I'll fix him one of those down-home Saturday morning breakfasts. Country ham, grits, fried apples, hot biscuits...Yummy!
Feeding someone from such a different time such a massive array of modern foods would undoubtedly give them issues. Most of the stuff she’s been mentioning could never be found in the 1400s, and introducing all that to someone who’s never eaten it or even seen it before would probably screw them up. Then again, there’s a time-traveling Chevy here, so maybe I shouldn’t be this nitpicky.
************** The first time I fixed Claude such a breakfast was after that first night...I still reel from the memory. Well...I DID promise him I'd cook for him and when he sat down to that feast he said, "My dear, I usually don't eat this much in the morning. It all looks wonderfully delicious, but...oh well, since you went to all this trouble, I simply CAN'T refuse." "You better not refuse, Claude Frollo. I got up extra early to cook all this food. Besides, you'll need re-fueling after last night...," I playfully scolded him.
Please don’t remind me of “last night.” I don’t want to know.
He just smiled and replied teasingly, "...last night's 'activities'? Yes, all that...er...poetry-reading and...umm...singing so many love songs can be somewhat...draining." With that, Claude and I burst into laughter and shared a hearty meal. It was to be the beginning of a very special relationship.
I know they’re insinuating they had sex, but Im just going to pretend they sang corny songs like My Heart Will Go On for hours on end instead.
***************** My mind was jarred back to the present when I heard Claude come downstairs. Our breakfast was nearly ready as I poured coffee when he entered the kitchen.
I don’t even want to know what introducing large amounts of caffeine to his diet would do.
He was fully dressed, not in his casual medieval attire, but a modern ensemble of tight black jeans, a black and purple silk shirt, and black boots. He looked fantastic!
Draco in Leather Pants, anyone?
Oh yes, I thought, black is definitely his color, really highlights his coloring and form, so tall and slender, graceful and elegant. Claude took me in his arms and kissed me tenderly. "Good Morning, my darling Nisha." "Morning, baby. I thought you'd sleep later. Glad I fixed breakfast early." I returned the kiss and finished preparing our meal. Claude sat at the table, sipped his coffee, and gazed at me. "Actually, I hadn't intended to sleep this late. But if my body needed the extra rest..." He stopped himself as he continued to stare at me. "Oh Danisha...my dear, you look exceedingly becoming this morning. I like the outfit, the way it fits, the colors." He was commenting on my casual attire of purple jeans, black and purple sweater, and black suede shoes. My hair was loosely tied back with a purple ribbon and my ears sported over-sized silver hoops. I hadn't planned on us being near-twins today, but how was I to know we were going to wear the same colors? Pure coincidence...
This is like that song from Frozen where Anna and Hans are like “Wow, we’re soooo in sync!” Except, y’know, Hans turned out to be a murderer.
Claude smiled at me as I set his breakfast before him. "Your hair was longer, full of waves and curls. Not that I don't find your current straight style more attractive. You were wearing a long dress", he began, "a riotous mix of colors. It followed your curves and I do believe there was a slit...mmm...you looked utterly delicious." He began eating as I responded, grinning, "Slit on the side clean past the knee. I saw you trying to get a better look. Too bad we didn't click right away."
Something tells me wearing that in medieval Paris, where I’m assuming this meeting took place, would raise some eyebrows.
Smiling broadly as he buttered a biscuit, Claude said, "Oh Danisha, I fell for you the moment I saw you. Your beauty charmed my eye, my sweetness, but the beast within was a bit hard to take." Immersed in memories, Claude Frollo and I enjoyed our breakfast, and engaged in a lively conversation of how it all began.
************** My initial arrival in Paris was a blast. Literally. My old friend and mentor, Fern, had asked me to accompany her on a 'special' summer trip. I had nothing special planned that summer, and since Fern had hit the lottery and won all that lovely money, I felt, hey, maybe she's taking me some place really classy AND expensive. My bubble almost burst when I found myself riding in a 1959 Chevy Impala, jet black, all fully restored and equipped with a curious device that Fern said was a 'surprise'. So, we're driving down this deserted country road. I thought we were lost, but Fern said she needed the room and, besides, "I don't need no audience." Room? No audience? "What in the...you talking about, Fern?" My questions were soon answered as Fern floored the accelerator and shouted, "Hold on and shield your peepers!" The last thing I remember was a bright, white light and a weird, whirring sound. When I opened my eyes, we were traveling down a narrow dirt road. "Where are we?" I asked, now confused and bewildered. "Welcome to Paris, er, make that medieval Paris", Fern announced proudly, adding, "I'll explain later."
I can explain it right now: you badly ripped off Back to the Future just so you could go seduce a 50-year-old guy you adore for some reason.
***************** I finished clearing away the remains of breakfast as Claude refilled our coffee cups. I continued to reminisce as we moved to the backyard deck. Claude admired my backyard garden with its fall flowers and leaves just beginning to peak. It was a beautiful fall morning, not too warm, but not cold. "You know, Claude", I began, "I really thought I was dreaming. I thought it was all just another crazy heat-induced fantasy. Boy, was I wrong. It was all so REAL!" Claude reached out and held my hand. "My darling, I'm so glad you accepted Fern's invitation. I'm also glad you decided to stay in Paris after that unfortunate incident. Otherwise, I would not be here reveling in your breath-taking beauty." I was so moved by what he said, that I felt like crying. Claude sensed my mood and put his arm around me.
Because he’s just so gentle and caring.
"Help, a demon! Please, help, anyone!" -Esmeralda in the musical, trying to get away from Frollo while he attacks her in a cell
"Fern left just before that episode. Honestly, baby, if I wasn't for Quasi and the kids, I would've been long gone. When that ball went sailing through your window..."
It consistently makes me laugh how the author treats mundane events like they’re the apocalypse or the second coming of Christ, and ignores every important thing that ever happened in the book/movie/show. Old guy gets clothes stolen and idiot breaks a window? Incredibly vital, earth-shattering events! Man murders a mother and tries to drown a baby (depending on the version), becomes obsessed with a young woman, stalks and captures her, attempts to rape her, then attempts to murder her? Unimportant.
Claude Frollo kissed my lips, a nice, long kiss, "I'll never forget your apologies, my love. Nor will I forget...what happened...afterwards." I definitely remembered what happened afterwards. And Claude was right; I almost left Paris for good after the 'incident', as we now call it. ...And come to think of it, it was so petty, so stupid...
Why is breaking a church window more important to you than genocide, rape and murder? Why are your priorities so… messed up?
We sat on a bench beneath a tall old oak. Claude held me close, whispered "I love you" in my ear, and kissed me so tenderly. He's always so patient and sweet with me, well, most of the time. But it sure didn't start out that way.
Really, this disturbing, perverted elderly guy wasn’t perfect at the start? I'm beginning to think Danisha actually is a witch because she obviously has some sort of spell on this guy.
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