#the adventures of Villar
epestrefe · 2 years
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Η πρώτη σωζόμενη ταινία μυθοπλασίας
Η βωβή ασπρόμαυρη κωμωδία « Οι περιπέτειες του Βιλλάρ», διάρκειας 26΄, προβλήθηκε το 1924. Είναι μια σειρά κωμικών καταστάσεων στα πρότυπα του γαλλικού και αμερικάνικου κινηματογράφου. Υπόθεση της ταινίας είναι ο γεμάτος μπελάδες έρωτας ενός νέου που πιάνει δουλειά σε ένα καθαριστήριο. Σκηνοθεσία και φωτογραφία: Γιόζεφ Χεπ Σενάριο: Νίκος Σφακιανάκης Ηθοποιοί: Νίκος Σφακιανάκης (Βιλλάρ), Νίτσα Φιλοσόφου Παραγωγή: Δήμος Βρατσάνος. Ο Κρητικός Νικόλαος Σφακιανός ή Σφακιανάκης, με το ψευδώνυμο Βιλλάρ, ήταν εκείνη την εποχή διάσημος θεατρικός ηθοποιός στη Γαλλία. Το 1920, με δικό του σενάριο και σκηνοθεσία είχε πρωταγωνιστήσει στην κωμωδία Ο Βιλλάρ στα γυναικεία λουτρά του Φαλήρου, που αποτέλεσε μεγάλη εμπορική επιτυχία. Δυστυχώς, η μοναδική κόπια της ταινίας χάθηκε κατά τη Μικρασιατική καταστροφή.
Ο Γιοζέφ Χεπ θεωρείται ο πρωτοπόρος τεχνικός του ελληνικού κινηματογράφου. Γεννήθηκε στη Βουδαπέστη το 1887. Από το 1910 έζησε στην Αθήνα, όπου και πέθανε το 1968. Εργάστηκε ως οπερατέρ, σκηνοθέτης, φωτογράφος, μηχανικός προβολής. Γύρισε επίκαιρα, κινηματογράφησε τη Μικρασιατική καταστροφή και το έπος του 1940 και μύησε στην τέχνη του πολλούς τεχνικούς του κινηματογράφου.
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maxispremades · 7 months
С некоторых пор каждый день в школе превратился для Эльзы в испытание, имя которому было Макс. Как могло произойти такое, что хорошо знакомый с детства человек вдруг стал таким волнующим и недосягаемым?
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Порой у девушки возникало ощущение, что Макс успел обо всем догадаться и теперь беззастенчиво издевается над молчаливым чувством подруги, то и дело подсаживаясь рядом и как бы невзначай бросая в ее сторону многозначительные взгляды. И с чего бы видный игрок школьной футбольной команды вдруг нацепил на себя майку с символикой шахматного клуба, в котором состоит Эльза?
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Эльза попыталась поговорить с матерью о своих переживаниях, но разговора по душам не вышло. Как и следовало ожидать, Клара посоветовала дочери как можно быстрее выбросить из головы все, что мешает ей думать об учебе.
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Так Эльза и поступила — всецело сосредоточилась на уроках и соревнованиях по шахматам. Капитану шахматного клуба не пристало сохнуть по школьному хулигану!
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gamma-eden · 6 months
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cursed-bite · 1 year
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"who are those three kids always running around windenburg??? where are their parents???” that’s the league of adventurers and they’ve got 1.5 good parents between the four of them. hope this helps!
[ my max & lucas are heavily inspired by @gunthermunch’s version of them! ]
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unusualsims · 1 year
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changingplumbob · 2 months
In Detail: Devin Villareal
Thanks to @lostinsixam for the tag. I choose Devin for obvious reasons (she is my favourite).
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Oh BTW I think I will be doing some navigation posts today. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SCROLL ON PAST AND IGNORE THEM. It really is just me rearranging information to make things findable in the app as well as on mobile.
Random link for my own testing of what works on the app and browser.
Financial: wealthy / moderate/ poor / in poverty
Medical: fit/ moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper/ middle / working / unsure / other
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet/ yes, but charges were dismissed
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings/ sibling(s) is deceased
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted/ disowned/ raised by birth parent/ not applicable
extroverted / introverted /in between
disorganized / organized/ in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious/ reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken/ reserved / in between
leader / follower /in between
empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working/ lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
loyal / disloyal / unknown
faithful / unfaithful / unknown
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist/ agnostic
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Aliens: yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Literacy Skills: excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes/ frequently / alcoholic
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
Recreational Drugs: never / quit / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
This was fun to do! As usual I tag all my mutuals! Extra tag for... @marcishaun, @sharona-sims, @daedriyth (for your new barbie sim), @simmerbeans, @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants, @matchalovertrait, @bouncytrait, @eljeebee, @gamyrmaiden, @stargazer-sims, @holocene-sims, @victoriaplaysims, @torissims, @roos-bowl-o-soup, @justlittleguysims
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Chapter 13: Hidden Secrets
Violet had been chatting to Mortimer Goth, when he arrived to collect Alexander one day after he had been over to play. Mortimer got all misty eyed when describing his adventures as a boy. Bennie and Alexander rolled their eyes, but Violet was intrigued… he told of a strange, hidden world, right here in Willow Creek.
That night, the Panda Club set out to explore, and found their way to the Sylvan Glade!
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When Violet returned home, she found a furious Agnes at home who grounded her.
What would she do with her? Just when she thought she was making progress with her she pulls a stunt like this! How could she cure her ward’s rebellious and adventurous nature?
The next morning she rang her cousin Agatha for advice. Agatha encouraged Agnes to get Violet to join the Scouts, to harness this aspect of Violet’s personality in a positive way. The phone call however was a short one, as Agatha was just rushing out on a date with Salim Benali.
Violet enjoyed her first day of Scouts and earned her first badge.
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Late that evening, in the Bramblewood, Tristan Black had another secret assignation with Dolores Villareal. What she told him made his hair stand on end.
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She told him that she had been with Jacques since the very beginning and helped him to build his empire. She had borne him 3 children. But he arranged her death when she found out too much about the billions in jewels and cash buried on the Bluffs. She also told how he had made his fortune: by pushing genetically modified grilled cheese, causing many of the Sim population to become addicted and give him thousands to feed their addictions!
Dolores begged Tristan for help. She to divulge the location of the jewels to him if he helped her to get her children back. She put her hand in his and her head on his shoulder… how could he resist?
First he knew he had to get her away from danger and the eyes of Jacques’ goons who were everywhere. He secreted her in the tiny basement of Crumplebottom Villas, behind a locked door that only he had the key too. He knew this wasn’t a solution for long - how long can a high-maintenance Sim last in a place like this? How long until his nosy old landlady finds out their secret? I guess we’ll find out…
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culpepper-pals · 2 months
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The Goth family seems so small now Ella and Ana have both moved out! It seems to me that the smaller families often have quieter rotations, but we'll see!
A reminder of what the Goths got up to in Autumn 4:
The season began with a trip to school with Ana, who found herself at the centre of insults once again. After school, Ana struggled to think of a reason, but came to the conclusion she was going to try disguising her alien heritage and see if that helped. Haley became a teenager, grew into her spellcaster powers and immediately began duelling other teens. She also got detention on her first day of high school, upset Wolfgang Munch and tried summoning spirits - Haley is not a girl to be messed with! Meanwhile Oli found himself in a midlife crisis, which led to the pursuit of adventures - camping, late night strolls, sleeping in dumpsters, breaking into the Forgotten Grotto, visiting the Realm of Magic and snowboarding. Cass tried to be supportive, but Haley was actually the one who most enjoyed accompanying him. The pair of them now share an adventurous streak. The family threw a large gathering for Bonfire Night, as per tradition, but an accident with a firework ended up killing Marnie Villareal. She was brought back as a ghost, and stayed with the Goth for the rest of the season, unsuccessfully trying to use the wishing well to turn back into a human. Ana became a young adult at the end of the season and moved into her own place, ready to start university in the winter.
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00katrinka00 · 1 year
Decades Challenge 1890s Update #5
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Several hours after Cynthia's doctor's appointment it was time to head to the park for the picnic Josephine had been invited to. Cynthia had announced that she was far too tired for a social event, so she'd volunteered to remain home with Kenneth, so that left Daniel and Josephine to attend. Daniel was rather unhappy at the idea of having to escort his younger sister to a social event, even one as laid back as this, but Josephine was excited.
She took a moment or so to glance around the park looking for Theo, or any sign of his family members, the fire red hair of either his mother or his sister, but Josephine didn't spot any members of the Alden family. Instead, she spotted a group of girls about her age gossiping in the grass near the edges of the park. Josephine liked the idea of making more friends, so she approached the girls.
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The girls stopped talking as soon as Josephine approached. "Hello, I'm Josephine Williams. I just recently moved back to Willow Creek and wanted to introduce myself," she said politely.
"You're Mr. Williams younger sister?" The brown-haired girl noted, and Josephine nodded. "I'm Luna Villareal, and these are my friends Dina and Nina Caliente."
"Your names rhyme," Josephine observed. An amused look passed between Luna, Nina and Dina as they tried to repress their laughter.
"Please sit," Luna finally said. "We were just talking about my wedding at the end of the summer to Malcolm Landgraab."
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"Are you not a bit young to be getting married?" Josephine asked hesitantly.
"Oh please," Luna scoffed. "I age up at the end of the summer. My Dad promised me to the Landgraab's when I was a child. I've basically been engaged to Malcolm for as long as I can remember."
"Do you love him?" Josephine asked.
"Watcher, no," Luna laughed. "But he's rich."
"What about love?" Josephine wondered aloud. "Do you not want to marry a man you love?"
Nina spoke up first, "Love doesn't exist. We as women just need to make sure to marry a wealthy man so we can be taken care of for the rest of our lives."
Josephine contemplated Nina's words as the girls continued to talk about boys. She was sure love existed; her parents had been in love. Her father was not a wealthy man when they'd gotten married, and her mother had been advised against marrying him and yet she'd done it anyways. That had to have been because they were in love, right?
"Do you have an understanding with anyone yet?" Dina asked curiously pulling Josephine out of her own head.
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"I haven't had the chance to meet very many people other than the Alden family," Josephine admitted. "I do think I'd consider myself friends with Theo Alden, although we definitely do not have an understanding."
"All the Alden boys are so cute!" exclaimed Dina. "Too bad the only one worth marrying is socially inept."
"What do you mean?" Josephine asked curiously. Theo had not mentioned much of his brothers.
Before anyone could reply Luna called out, "avert your eyes and maybe she won't see us?"
"Who?" Josephine asked.
"Just avert your eyes," Nina snapped. Josephine turned around to see a girl dressed in all black walking towards them. She waved the girl over with a smile on her face.
"Why'd you have to do that?" Luna grumbled. "Cassandra Goth is so weird."
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"So, Cassandra, I heard your family just returned from Selvadorada," Luna's voice quickly changed as soon as Cassandra sat down. It was clear that she did not enjoy Cassandra's company.
"We did," Cassandra replied and began telling the group about her families adventures. Nobody really seemed to be listening other than Josephine who actually found Cassandra's stories interesting.
"I'd hate to go to Selvadorada," Dina interrupted. "The humidity would just ruin my hair. I bet you didn't mind though; your hair always looks terrible."
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"And all the bugs, and dirt, gross," Luna said. "You probably felt right at home though, in all that filth."
Nina and Dina both laughed.
If there was one thing Josephine didn't like, it was bullies.
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"I was actually rather enjoying Cassandra's stories," Josephine told the girls. "Selvadorada seems like a very interesting place, and I'd love to hear more about it."
"Oh please," Luna rolled her eyes.
Josephine turned towards Cassandra, "Would you like to go elsewhere?" she asked. "I want to hear more about your travels, and it might be peaceful away from people who aren't as unkind as these three."
"Let's go," Cassandra agreed.
"Excuse me?" Luna exclaimed, but Josephine and Cassandra got up and left without another word leaving Luna to feel quite aggravated by their conversation.
"Can you believe her?" Luna scoffed.
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"So, tell me more about your trip. My father intended to take me to Selvadorada, but he unfortunately passed before we had the chance," Josephine told Cassandra.
"They're going to be extremely rude to you going forward," Cassandra warned her.
Josephine shrugged, "My brother is quite rude. I think I'm rather used to it. I don't like unkind people. My mother used to always say that you never know what someone is going through, so you should always treat others with kindness."
"Your mother sounds like a very nice woman," Cassandra noted.
"She was," Josephine smiled to herself.
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Josephine and Cassandra continued to talk, that is until Josephine spotted a flash of red hair out of the corner of her eye. She turned to see that the Alden family had finally arrived, but Josephine was left quite disappointed to not see Theo among them.
"Is everything alright?" Cassandra asked concerned.
"Theo Alden promised we'd talk at the picnic today and it appears he hasn't shown," Josephine said.
"From what I recall Mr. Alden is not fond of social events," Cassandra told her.
"You know the Alden's?"
Cassandra's face turned a bit red, "I suppose I have an understanding with Theo's older brother, Benjamin. We correspond is all, he plays the violin, as do I. He's mentioned in his letters that his youngest brother does not enjoy social events. He'd rather stay home a read."
"He promised he's come though, we were going to discuss a book together," Josephine said quietly.
Cassandra shrugged, "I'm unsure then, perhaps he got into some trouble. I believe Theo has a knack for that as well."
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Despite the fact that Theo didn't show, Josephine continued to talk with Cassandra. She was quite happy to have made a friend. Cassandra told her more about her understanding with Ben Alden, and how she was keeping it a secret from her father who wouldn't approve because although the Alden's were a respectable family, they were not nearly as wealthy as some others in Willow Creek, and Cassandra's father seems to want his daughter to marry well.
"He just doesn't understand," Cassandra was telling Josephine. "Ben has so many good ideas for their family business, he wants to expand it out of Willow Creek which would at the very least double their family's income, he's just waiting on his father to let him have full managerial control."
Josephine even told Cassandra about what it was like having grown up in a big city such as San Myshuno.
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Much later that night, Josephine had finished the remainder of her chores and had just begun reading a new book before bed. Suddenly she heard a rattling near her window and was startled to see Theo pushing it open.
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"Theo!" She gasped. "This is very inappropriate, I'm in my nightclothes, what if someone saw you?"
"My apologies, Josie," Theo said to her. "And nobody saw me, I made sure of that. But I did promise you we'd discuss that book, didn't I? "
"Yes, at the picnic," Josephine replied irritated. "The picnic you did not show up for."
Theo quickly explained the argument he'd gotten into with his father, and how he'd not been allowed to go to the picnic as punishment. "I'm not even allowed to come and visit you."
"But you're here right now," Josephine observed.
"Yes, well I am a man of my word, and I promised we'd discuss the book, so that is why I am here," Theo smiled at her.
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For the next few hours Josephine and Theo entered into a heated discussion about the book they'd recently read. By the end of their conversation, they had both agreed upon a new book to read, and that Theo would be back in one week to discuss their thoughts once more.
That is all for today! I did give 1890s makeovers to all Willow Creek townies, as well as most of the townies from Oasis Springs, and to the Villareal family. I also moved all made over townies to Willow Creek for context.
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realjennyrae · 1 year
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Bjergsen Family Rotation 3:
During the weekend, Elsa Bjergsen went to visit her club meeting for the League of Adventurers. Her, Max Villareal, and and Lucas Munch make up a group of daring space adventurers that meet in the park each week!
Sims 4 Rotation 3 || Windenburg Families || Bjergsen Family
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aorticsims · 2 years
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Max was the most hesitant to move in with his uncle after the “disappearance” of his parents. He knew that they were murdered by Jacques - he saw it happen. But since Max was so young, when he says anything about what he saw, officers and social workers just assume he’s telling fibs or using his wild imagination. And so, the Renegades were formed.
Name: Maximillian “Max” Villareal Pronouns: he/him Age: Child Career/Schooling: Grade school D student Aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp Personality: Popularity Traits: Evil Age-up Trait: Active Family: Son of Elias and Jeanette Villareal, Brother of Hugo and Luna Villareal, Nephew of Jacques Villareal Zodiac: Scorpio Likes: Fitness, Grey, Alternative Music, Red, Metal Music, Mischief, Black, Snowboarding Dislikes: Pop Music, Tween Pop Music Hobby: Paranormal Skills: Motor/6 Clubs: League of Adventurers, Renegades (👑)
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maxispremades · 7 months
Отношения, свидания и прочая любовная чепуха не входят в круг интересов Эльзы — ей просто некогда думать о мальчиках и тем более встречаться с ними.
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«Опять Лукас! Наверняка снова начнет уговаривать поехать с ним на выходные в Гранит Фоллз. Что бы такое ему соврать?»
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Но рано или поздно Эльза должна была признаться себе в том, что заклятая дружба с Максом Виллареалем, пронесенная сквозь годы, значит для нее больше, чем просто дружба.
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Мне не очень хотелось превращать «Лигу Авантюристов» в любовный треугольник (один треугольник с участием Макса уже есть у меня в игре), но Симс все решил за меня.
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alltimefail-sims · 5 months
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When I became an active simblr two years ago, I started out my blog by sharing an edit I made of the League of Adventurers club which is comprised of Lucas Munch, Elsa Bjergsen, Alexander Goth, and Max Villareal in my game. This one edit prompted me to show them as teens shortly after because (1) they were in that life stage in the save I was playing at the time anyway and (2) because they were (still are) integral to my original legacy family story. They were the first real "townie makeovers" I ever did with the intention of being publicly shared and I spent a lot of time making them over to match how I saw them in my head. Since then, however, I have developed a sim style that I'm much happier with. That's why I've decided to go back into CAS and update them to suit my current style.
I wanted to start with my sweet sunshine, Lucas Munch! I felt like she needed the least amount of "fixing" and, tbh, I love dressing her up more than the others lmao. She's a beautiful, 6'0 tall, transfem girl who loves animals, gardening, origami, watercolor, photography, sparkling fizzy juices, gummy candies, cozy sweaters, funky earrings, animal crossing (and her 5-star island ofc), experimenting with makeup, and mean boys with daddy issues (apparently).
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legend-collection · 2 years
A gnome is a creature that is also a diminutive spirit in Renaissance magic and alchemy, first introduced by Paracelsus in the 16th century and later adopted by more recent authors including those of modern fantasy literature. Its characteristics have been reinterpreted to suit the needs of various story tellers, but it is typically said to be a small humanoid that lives underground.
Diminutive statues of gnomes introduced as lawn ornaments during the 19th century grew in popularity during the 20th century and came to be known as garden gnomes.
The English word is attested from the early 18th century. Gnomes are used in Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock". The creatures from this mock-epic are small, celestial creatures which were prudish women in their past lives, and now spend all of eternity looking out for prudish women (in parallel to the guardian angels in Catholic belief). Other uses of the term gnome remain obscure until the early 19th century, when it is taken up by authors of Romanticist collections of fairy tales and becomes mostly synonymous with the older word goblin.
Pope's stated source, the 1670 French satire Comte de Gabalis by Nicolas-Pierre-Henri de Montfaucon de Villars, the abbot of Villars,  describes gnomes as such:
"The Earth is filled almost to the center with Gnomes or Pharyes, a people of small stature, the guardians of treasures, of mines, and of precious stones. They are ingenious, friends of men, and easie (sic) to be commandded (sic). They furnish the children of the Sages with as much money, as they have need of; and never ask any other reward of their services, than the glory of being commanded. The Gnomides or wives of these Gnomes or Pharyes, are little, but very handsom (sic); and their habit marvellously (sic) curious."
De Villars used the term gnomide to refer to female gnomes (often "gnomid" in English translations). Modern fiction instead uses the word "gnomess" to refer to female gnomes.
In 19th-century fiction, the chthonic gnome became a sort of antithesis to the more airy or luminous fairy. Nathaniel Hawthorne in Twice-Told Tales (1837) contrasts the two in "Small enough to be king of the fairies, and ugly enough to be king of the gnomes" (cited after OED). Similarly, gnomes are contrasted to elves, as in William Cullen Bryant's Little People of the Snow (1877), which has "let us have a tale of elves that ride by night, with jingling reins, or gnomes of the mine" (cited after OED).
The Russian  composer Mussorgsky  produced a movement in his work Pictures at an Exhibition, (1874)  named "Gnomus" (Latin for "The Gnome"). It  is written to sound as if a gnome is moving about.
Franz Hartmann in 1895 satirized materialism in an allegorical tale entitled Unter den Gnomen im Untersberg. The English translation appeared in 1896 as Among the Gnomes: An Occult Tale of Adventure in the Untersberg. In this story, the Gnomes are still clearly subterranean creatures, guarding treasures of gold within the Untersberg mountain.
As a figure of 19th-century fairy tales, the term gnome became largely synonymous with other terms for "little people" by the 20th century, such as goblin, brownie, leprechaun and other instances of the household spirit type, losing its strict association with earth or the underground world.
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sinmenon · 1 year
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Akihiko always lived in the shadow of his twin brother as a young kid. Junichi was always an overachiever, and he struggled to keep up but managed to do most of the things his sibling did. If Junichi got a job while in high school, Akihiko did too and got his promotions always a couple days after. Scholarships? Junichi got tons of them, and while not too shabby himself Akihiko got fewer. Things changed however when they got to university. It was his time to carve his own path. He made the right connections, getting to the Landgrabb secret society and becoming big on the campus, but not skipping on his grades either and his interests shifted to a more adventurous side, changing majors and eventually graduating with honors before joining the Intelligence. With his contacts, Akihiko rose from rookie field agent to double agent in no time. Hanging out at the Casino Villareal, Akihiko made influential friends and his reputation has increased steadily -- to the point of attracting  the interest of a an certain Countess.  Still, he always have time to give his nieces Erena and Megumi a call while having an uneasy relationship with a certain reporter.
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joycabpad · 8 days
Official unethical Threads I Support Single Moms Shirt
Official Sherlock And Co Adventures In Audio By Rd.john Watson Shirt One day, I had a Official Sherlock And Co Adventures In Audio By Rd.john Watson Shirt , and I lay down in my recliner. As time went by, I may have dozed off just a bit. I only recall that I was suddenly aware that on my chest and lap, all four of our cats had very quietly gotten up onto me and had lain down up against each other and now were just purring very softly.
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New York Yankees Fanatics Branded Start Spreading The News Bring It T Shirt
The gnomes are of various sizes–most of them much smaller than human beings, though some of them have the New York Yankees Fanatics Branded Start Spreading The News Bring It T Shirt of changing their stature at will. This is the result of the extreme mobility of the element in which they function. Concerning them the Abbé de Villars wrote: “The earth is filled well nigh to its center with Gnomes, people of slight stature, who are the guardians of treasures, minerals and precious stones. They are ingenious, friends of man, and easy to govern.” Not all authorities agree concerning the amiable disposition of the gnomes. Many state that they are of a tricky and malicious nature, difficult to manage, and treacherous. Writers agree, however, that when their confidence is won they are faithful and true. The philosophers and initiates of the ancient world were instructed concerning these mysterious little people and were taught how to communicate with them and gain their cooperation in undertakings of importance. The magi were always warned, however, never to betray the trust of the elementals, for if they did, the invisible creatures, working through the subjective nature of man, could cause them endless sorrow and probably ultimate destruction. So long as the mystic served others, the gnomes would serve him, but if he sought to use their aid selfishly to gain temporal power they would turn upon him with unrelenting fury. The same was true if he sought to deceive them.
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Colton Cowser The Milkman Shirt
I hope not because that’s the way I’ve done it ever since leaving my parents’ house at 17. We always had the Colton Cowser The Milkman Shirt Christmas Day opening growing up, but that’s in part because our grandparents were there too. Once on my own, for some reason it seemed to make more sense (to me) to have a nice dinner and open the presents on Christmas eve. That left Christmas day to do whatever. Not much was open when I was younger, so it could be a day of quiet, relaxation and reflection. Some of my friends always did it on Christmas eve … especially as I recall my Catholic friends. Often they went to Midnight Mass and also had services on Christmas day. My church had a midnight service, but they more or less suggested adults only. And unless Christmas happened to be Sunday, there was no Christmas day service.
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Official unethical Threads I Support Single Moms Shirt Now the site keeping her alive had developed an Official unethical Threads I Support Single Moms Shirt. A sort of little balloon in the artery just waiting to burst. Hospital records show the doctors and nurses were aware of it. Though they had no answer when I asked why they did nothing about it. Imagine an artery and vein both bleeding at the same time. Niagra Falls held at bay by a flimsy pressure dressing applied before bed. I later described it as a “lake of blood”. And it happened at night. When we were asleep. It was my worst nightmare realized.
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