#the first few times I ever voted for anything I was in college and the student center was a voting center
solarpunkani · 8 months
Ok fuck it you know something I've never really quite understood about part of the Leftist vs Liberals debate on voting.
So so so many people act like its either-or. Like you're either dedicating your entire life to voting and promoting politicians and phone banking or whatever, or you're a True Rebel waiting for The Uprising to Come and Solve Everything.
But like. In my experience. Me voting is just me kinda go 'which person seems kinda good? Which one at least sucks the least? ok lemme go vote.' and then its anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour tops of my life. And I still have plenty of time to do Stuff and participate in Conversations about Other Important Things. And also you can admit and acknowledge and understand that the system As Is kinda sorta really sucks ass, but also still admit and acknowledge and understand that at this current point in time we are still living in the suckass system and do something to alleviate the suckass At Least A Little while also working to bolster/create/advocate for Other Systems.
I guess just like. it's not a black or white thing. Between 'top 500 volunteers for a specific politician/voting office/etc' and 'absolutely positively not voting at all' there is a gray area called 'vote and then just do other stuff'.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
I’m struggling tonight, friends.
Tw: death, suicide, loss of friend, homophobia
Last night a friend of mine posted a tiktok saying she was “out”, blowing the camera a kiss.
I did not understand until today that this was her suicide “note” and that she was dead, until her mother and brother posted on Facebook today.
I’m so heartbroken. She was such a kind person. She had severe chronic pain, so she was too disabled to work, and on her “good” (just meant she could move around) pain days she’d organize in the community to serve and feed the unhoused. She had regular sandwich days where we’d make food and drive around giving it to people. She organized the businesses to put these flyers up with logos so people who were homeless knew they could go on and get coffee and food.
She didn’t do these things for her resume or to get into school or something. She was already well past college and could not work. She just did it because she cared about people and she thought someone should do it.
She was so divise in town. So many people LOATHED her because she was “encouraging” homeless people to come to our town. People literally want you to arrest poor people on sight. And people harassed her all the time for it. But she fought for what she believed in. She’d go to city hall and city council meetings to fight for housing to be built and for the cops to stop hassling people.
I live in a small right wing mostly evangelical town where almost 70% of them voted for trump. So let me tell you that people either loved her (like I did) or LOATHED her.
Then to top it all off, she was lesbian. An extremely tall, butch lesbian. So when people couldn’t get her to stop helping homeless folks they’d be vile and homophobic. And I know it hurt her so badly. She just wanted for people to see that she was a good person, not the degenerate they would accuse her of being. She loved people and she just wanted them to like her too, or at least to dislike her for fair reasons.
When I first met her about ten years ago, I advised her to be careful with the people in town she was calling her friends. She was new to town, but I grew up here and am queer myself and knew all too well. I told her that these people were homophobic.
She was SO CONVINCED that she could just love the bigotry out of them. That she could just be caring and funny and be a good person and that would change them.
I watched her become slowly disillusioned when she realized that was not how it worked. People would smile to her face but turn on her fast.
We had a float in the Christmas parade for our volunteer group and her wife chose the theme of Up (the sweet Disney movie) and so we invited the scouts to ride the float with us in keeping with the theme of the movie.
So this local asshole woman posted on Facebook that my friend was trying to recruit kids to the gay agenda and warned everyone to avoid her and not go to the parade. She implied she was gonna molest these kids and make them all gay???
I don’t really know why I’m telling you guys all this. I guess I’m just angry. It’s not fair. It’s not fair that kindness isn’t valued in this world. It’s not fair that people are shit and homophobic. It’s not fair that someone who was so fucking compassionate and empathetic and sensitive was dealt such a shit hand with her chronic pain.
I guess I just want people to know about her.
And I’m so broken hearted and for some reason I want to go kick everyone’s ass who was ever mean to her and I don’t know how that would help. She got sick of this town and moved away. She moved somewhere better.
But she still had so much pain. Her chronic pain was not helped by successive operations and hope was in short supply. Plus, she had been through so much trauma emotionally. She was raised a Mormon and had spent many self loathing years in the closet after the trauma of being raised to believe she was an abomination. (I’m not sharing anything private by saying that, she did a few interviews and essays on the subject, so it’s public record)
And now she’s gone. And now I hurt all over and I can’t stop crying.
Why is it the people who feel everything have to suffer the most, while the assholes of the world who bully gay people and who treat homeless people like crap sleep like logs at night. Why are good people taught to hate themselves because of their gender presentation and sexuality. Why is so much shame and pain heaped on people for being fucking born. And all in the name of god.
I’m just so angry. I’m just so sad.
I try to keep it light on social media as much as possible but my heart is just broken right now. I’m watching her goodbye video as well as the “it gets better” video she did years ago before the illness and I’m just aching.
Anyway. Here is me and my friend at the Christmas parade. We still had a great time in spite of the fucking haters. I organized a cheering section for her and it was loud as hell when we walked by.
I loved her. She was lovable. And I wish she was still here. But I’m glad she’s not in pain anymore.
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sasquapossum · 3 months
There's something very weird about watching my daughter embark into adulthood. When she was a kid ... well, she was a kid. A different category from me. Now she's supposedly the same category. A peer. "Adult" supposedly applies to both of us. I mean, we're both well aware of the differences in experience and comfort levels in doing various (mostly boring) "adult" things, but our lives are more comparable than they were before.
I like to play this little game where I try to remember where I was when I was my daughter's current age. Right now that puts us somewhere around the end of 1984. I was not quite 20, living in Ann Arbor and working for the University of Michigan libraries, between the first and second times I dropped out. I was also learning about computers. I was making pretty graphs at work using a Lotus 1-2-3 competitor called Enable. I was helping people in the computing center recover damaged MacWrite files, because nobody working at the CC (as I later did) knew anything about those then-new Macintosh things. I was teaching myself programming on those same Macs, starting with assembly language because I couldn't afford a compiler. Might have created one of the world's first viruses, spread via floppy disks. Definitely did hack into the university's mainframe, which got my friend in trouble but I had luckily stepped out to get a soda at that exact moment. And I was getting my first experiences with online interaction, because as it turns out I was in one of the very best places for that.
I was also reading lots of fantasy and science fiction. I was between periods of playing D&D. I hadn't been on a real date yet. I supposedly knew how to drive, but the only time I did was to borrow my mother's car and visit her in the hospital 20-25 miles west, and I think that particular Christmas is one of the ones when she was there. I had just recently voted against Reagan for a second term. I also think this was just after I almost joined the Marines as an alternative to becoming homeless. I was still a few years from discovering and joining the local gay community. Neurodiversity was simply not on anyone's radar.
By contrast, daughter is now further along in her college studies than I ever got. I find it amusing that, after her first year at a school very similar to the one her mother attended, she's now at one very like the one I myself attended. She proudly identifies as genderfluid, bisexual, and AuDHD. Another contrast is that she not only has a boyfriend but they've been together for more than three years (since high school). She's very online and she's an avid gamer, but otherwise has no great interest in computers. Also, apparently like many in her generation, she hasn't even bothered to get a driver's license. No parents in the hospital either.
Yeah, a bit different. She's a very different person, of course, and her circumstances are also very different (sometimes even in ways I can take credit for). One of the things I like about these comparisons is being able to feel proud that yes, my child is far better off than I was. And isn't that what it's all about?
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motorclit · 5 months
I'm gonna rant about voting in the US and the "vote blue no matter who" crowd. This rant is meant to be a vent. I can do it IRL without my parents overhearing me because when it comes to them overhearing me talk about politics they can't keep their mouth shut and then start talking about how the cheetoh should've had a 2nd term.
Does the "vote blue no matter who" crowd have amnesia regarding the 2016 presidential election? A LOT of people rallied behind Bernie Sanders. I was actually ready, as an anarchist, to vote of my own free will for the first time in my life for harm reduction if he became the candidate to run against the cheetoh. But the democrats were all "yeah no we pick Hillary."
Not only did the "vote blue no matter who" crowd of 2016 (I know they didn't call themselves that yet back then, but they're the same energy) seem to forget that a candidate with a lot of public support was shoved aside for Hillary, but she also ONLY WON THE POPULAR VOTE.
The 2016 election showed that YOUR VOTE DOES NOT ACTUALLY MATTER. She won the popular vote only. That's what the people's votes did. Only the electoral college's votes matter in selecting a president.
And I remember a LOT of people wanted to ABOLISH the electoral college when that happened! That sentiment is gone now! Nobody is calling for that anymore! It's back to normal! Back to the "vote harder" type of cries!
The 2016 election not only showed me that the candidate you want, no matter how much public support they get, not only doesn't matter, but your votes do not matter either when it comes to actually voting for a president. That solidified my stance of never voting. Because it doesn't matter even when you gave an acceptable candidate with plenty of public support.
I can't fucking believe so many seemed to have forgotten how it was so blatantly in our faces that voting in the presidential elections don't mean shit.
I think Bernie tried running again in the 2020 election but we got creepy kid-sniffing Biden instead. He not only didn't fulfill promises, he also continued a couple of things people hated the cheetoh for, INCLUDING CONTINUING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BORDER WALL. And I'm told to go out and vote for that piece of shit since he's running for a 2nd term?
(I also got some personal beef with the fucker after finding out he claims to have been one of the first to tell NATO to bomb Serbia back in the 90s. I say this because I got family there and civilians were bombed with fuckin' depleted uranium and shit. Fuck Biden. He's no different than the Republicans we all hate. He also was against desegregation and either during Obama's campaign or presidency, when asked if he changed his mind about that, HE SAID NO.)
Now we are looking at how politicians are outright IGNORING the public's cry for a ceasefire in Gaza. And I'm told to vote? For who? They're all the same fucking demon! They just wear a different color necktie! BONE OF THEM GIVE A AHIT ABOUT YOU.
Voting for Bernie was the ONLY compromise I was willing to make. But with everything that was exposed about how much our votes "matter" in 2016, I will NEVER vote in a presidential election.
What's at stake will totally happen under another democrat in office. It'll just happen much slower. You ever notice that republicans seem to do whatever the fuck they want and the fuckers I'm told to vote for roll over belly-up and unenthusiastically go "oh noooo dooon't.... stoooppppp.... noooo...." and proceed to do jack shit about anything? The most they do is throw a few crumbs to their voters without genuinely bringing on the change everybody was promised.
Regardless if anybody chooses to vote, I hope you're organizing nonetheless on survival and stuff. Because it doesn't matter who gets into office. We will all have to look out for one another. They don't give a shit about us, and they never have.
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stuck-in-hypna · 11 months
First of Summer
Niki x OC | Oneshot | Highschool AU | Oneshot
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The first day of summer, the first day of our story...
-Niki's POV-
Today marks the last day of junior year and I’m all set for summer, nothing specific is planned though, just enrolled in some review classes for the upcoming college ability test this November.
For tonight though, it’s the dreaded junior-senior prom. As per the school’s tradition, this is like a send-off for the seniors while welcoming the juniors into semi-adulthood.
I, myself, don’t like these social functions—even my friends are all going with their respective dates. I didn’t ask anyone though; it wasn’t deemed necessary. I’m just going since this is the last time I’ll see my favorite seniors, especially Heeseung hyung.
Heeseung hyung took care of me since freshman year—when I first joined the dance club. He also introduced me to his friends who were part of it, and that made it easier for me. Although, I think, being part of that caused a rift between me and his sister, Lee Serin.
Serin has been my best friend growing up—we were basically friends since kindergarten. I didn’t know what happened, but I’m guessing that it’s because we had different interests, we just drifted apart.
The chats in the hallway were reduced to nods until it came to a point that we were completely ignoring each other.
She became popular, and probably her head ballooned with it. She’s untouchable, especially when her brother is the ever-so-famous Lee Heeseung.
Her friends are also the worst; everyone feared their little group, even the club knew how Heeseung hyung’s sister is problematic—how she’s such a spoiled brat, how she has a bigger allowance than him and an even better car which was gifted to her by their parents on her 16th birthday.
Speaking of, there she is now at one of the Science labs. Classes have been dismissed early today due to the event this evening, I wonder why she’s still here when everyone must be in their respective homes, getting ready or doing some last-minute touch-ups.
Unfortunately, I was assigned cleaning duties today, which explains why I’m still here. She, on the other hand looked glum, and she sat on one of the stools just outside the lab.
Now the problem is, how can I make her leave?
"Excuse me..." I approached her in the nicest way possible, "Lee Serin-ssi, I would need the stool so I can lock up the lab."
"I'm sorry?" she said with an automatic high-pitched voice. It's more or less 3 years since I last called her by her name, or rather talked to her.
"I said-" I was ready to repeat what I said, but she cut me off.
"I heard you.” she said icily. "Do I look like I’m deaf?" she gave me a disgusted look that says nobody shoos her away.
"Of course not, I wasn’t implying anything!" I said as if it was the most obvious thing to say. Maybe she still made me speechless, maybe because I still think she looks like a goddess. Okay, so nobody knew I liked her before.
Without another word, she stood up and kicked the stool away from the both of us, the loud clang sounded through the empty corridors.
"Thanks." I said in a non-sarcastic voice, but somehow it still annoyed her since she gave me a piercing look. "Did you need something else?" I asked as I looked at her in the same manner.
She just shook her head as response.
"Good. The place is empty, let me walk you to the parking lot. It's not safe here." I offered, and to my surprise, she agreed.
We walked silently for the first few steps, but I had the urge to start a conversation, "are you excited about the prom later?"
"I'm not..." she was too quick to reply accompanied by a frown.
"Why? You're probably going to be the prom queen..."
She became quiet for a minute as she sat on one of the benches that were near the school’s parking lot. "How can you be excited when the people voting for you don't even respect you?"
"What do you mean?" I sat beside her. It somehow reminded me of those times when all we did was kill time in each other’s backyard. "Of course, they respect you..."
"More like scared of me!” She scoffs, ��That's why they're voting. This may sound too narcissistic but I know I'm the most envied girl in school, but at the same time, I know I'm the most hated." A sigh escaped her lips. "What about you? Were you planning to root for me at all?"
"Of course..." it wasn't a lie per se. I was indeed going to vote for her, and I think she's the prettiest of all the nominees.
"For what reason? A prom queen should be someone to represent the school in a good way, not because she's popular or the most envied one, or maybe just because she's rich. She should affect the people's lives in a positive manner, not bully them..."
"You affect them... but only, they get terrified!" I couldn't help but laugh at my lame joke, she did too.
“I know how my brother’s life is a living hell because of me and I know how excited he is so he can stay away from me when he goes to University—he must’ve ratted out how much of a bitch I am..”
She was right, Heeseung hyung had non-stop complained about her since she had this new set of friends. Telling us how they were all a bunch of useless brats that can’t do anything. I’m just surprised that she wasn’t affected.
"Nishimura Riki... Do you even want to go to the stupid prom?" she asked when I didn’t say anything. Serin mentioning my name again, after so long, made me feel giddy. It was the only thing that I needed to realize that I missed her, a lot. I shrugged as I glanced at her.
"Let's play hooky!" she said with a big grin. “Uhm, you don’t have a date, right?”
"I don’t have a date. But for real?"
"Yes! But I'm going to be dead for sure if Heeseung oppa finds out I didn't attend."
"I have an idea..." I offered, as she was all ears. "What if we don't skip the prom, just be late? What do you say?"
"Sounds like a plan. We're going to be fashionably late!" she giggled. "Come on, let’s head home first so you can change into your tux, and I can wear my ridiculous dress.”
We each rushed home, to prep for the evening. Both agreeing to see each other at 6:30, an hour and a half from now.
Mom thought I was excited about the prom as she took thousands of pictures. I was already frowning big time, but she still finds it adorable. Kept asking who my date was and didn't believe a single thing I said when I said I didn't have a date.
Oh great! There's one thing I forgot to ask, her number! Of all the things that I had to forget, it was this one essential thing.
I’m arguing with myself internally on whether to call Heeseung hyung or not. To call him and risk getting interrogated, or to wait for some miracle to happen and waste time?
My phone then rang, showing an unknown number.
"Niki... it's me, Serin." the voice on the other line replied.
"I was about to call Heeseung hyung to get your number." I laughed.
"I stole your number from his phone..." she said proudly. "So where are we going to meet?"
"Shall I pick you up?" I offered. "But I have to tell you, the car I’m driving is an older model, you may not want to be seen in something old and beat up!” I teased.
"It doesn’t matter, to be honest. I actually don’t care. I just asked my parents for my car so I can piss off Heeseungie oppa!" That surprised me, as I expected another reason. This made me grin unknowingly, my mom looking at me weirdly.
I faced the opposite side just so she wouldn’t see my face, "Great, I'll be there in 20 minutes."
We both hung up as I made my way to the car, trying to avoid any more conversation with my mother.
This is not a date, this is not a date, this is not a date. I kept repeating this to myself as I didn’t want to assume. It’s even more surprising that she didn’t have a date for the prom. 
It took me less than 20 minutes to reach their place, have I driven too fast?
Serin was wearing a light blue dress, the hem of the skirt flowed just above her knee, paired with a strappy high-heeled sandals which looked uncomfortable. The whole outfit she put together was not on the conservative side, but on her, it looked elegant. Breathtaking, in fact. She really is.
As a courtesy of course, I got off my car after I parked it, and I can tell that Heeseung hyung was surprised to see me.
"I didn't believe that you’re her date... I thought she was lying!"
"I told you oppa, I'm going with Niki..." she whined like a little kid. Cute.
"It's better that you go out with him since he's a close junior, just don't give him a headache, please. It’s already embarrassing enough to be your brother!" he scolded her. "Niki, take care of my sister, and I'm hoping that you’ll be patient enough with her. " He both pushed us lightly to my car, and we waved our goodbyes before leaving.
"Where are we going?" She was pretty excited when she asked.
"I have no idea..." I confessed. I didn't plan the whole thing, since I wasn't really good at stuff like this. She must've sensed my hesitation when she spoke.
"It's okay, lets grab some takeout first and then I know this place..."
We chatted like old friends as we drove, she was nothing like the Park Serin that everyone knew from school, tonight, she was just the fun-loving, silly girl that I used to be friends with.
After we got the food, she instructed me to drive until we reached a secluded place, which was overlooking the city. The air was fresh, far from the city's pollution.
"I often go here when I feel like my life is useless..." she stated. We were both sitting in my car's hood, looking at the city lights, "this place is like my sanctuary..."
She continued to speak without inhibitions, "When we were in our last year of middle school, I felt the pressure. I started to change without even knowing it until it came to the point that I got lost, and I didn't even know who I was... and after talking to you today, I was reminded of how happy I was back then... so thank you."
Dumbstruck was the perfect word to describe me at this moment, I didn't know what to say. This was the person that I fell in love with before. She was the Serin that I knew... the one I’ve always admired.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she tilted her head, her clueless expression was so inviting.
And this made me realize that I never really stopped liking her. I just became contented with looking at her from afar.
"Oh come on!"
"It's just that..." I didn't finish my sentence, instead, I touched her cheeks, then slowly lowered my face to hers and kissed her. I can tell that she was shocked at first, but she slowly reciprocated.
"I've always wanted to do that..." I admitted, "but I never had the chance."
She rested her head on my shoulder, "you should've done that before... I needed a wakeup call.”
"Are you kidding? You were so high and mighty in school, I even thought you forgot about me.
"Well... not really, but the people around me made me feel like I had no life back then. I hate the idea that I had to give in with peer pressure. And I had this tiny crush on you, I thought you should know." She lowered her voice into a whisper.
“What? Can you speak a bit louder please?”
She hit my arm softly, and I knew she was shy about it, but still it was fun to tease her this way.
"It's okay babe, at least we're good now... and if you must know, I like you before too, and I still do.” That confession made her smile, “I wish we can just stay here…”
"Idiot, we can't. We still must go to the prom..."
I frowned, "Why?"
"Because I want to show you off!"
Time passed by so quickly that when we got to the prom, it was just in time for the announcement of the prom king and queen. The school principal was the one who announced it, but it wasn't Serin.
We were standing in the middle of the crowd, giving applause along with the rest of the students, I initially thought that Serin would be disappointed, but I was wrong--she was smiling from ear to ear with a look of contentment plastered on her pretty face
"Serin! I thought you wouldn’t make it!" one of her friends approached us, "What are you doing with him?" The said friend looked at me from head to foot, repulse evident in her eyes.
"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" Serin snapped, "and Niki is my date. Now if you'll excuse us."
“Was that okay?” I probed as she dragged me to the dance floor, “I mean she’s still your friend…”
“Ah, the friend that spreads baseless rumors about me.” She then wrapped her arms around my neck as we found our spot and started slow dancing as Butterfly by The Boyz started playing.
She tiptoed a little and gave me a kiss on my right cheek and smiled. I panicked internally when I realized that we were in front of the whole senior class, and I was right when I saw Heeseung hyung and the others looking at me, equally astounded but quietly cheering me on.
“Heeseung hyung is going to kill me!” I muttered and when she heard she looked around, instantly finding her brother staring at the both of us, arms crossed, as if waiting for an explanation.
“Oh he’ll live with it!” she rolled her eyes and gave me another kiss, this time on the lips. “I want to see him try though!”
This is going to be the most interesting summer of my life!
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erigold13261 · 8 months
I think Gwen said in ITSV that she’s older than Miles by 15-16 months, so that makes her 16 and Miles 15 YO… (also Hobie would be 17-19, and Noir and Peter Porker are adults? I guess??) (take this one by a grain of salt but I think Miles skipped a grade in Visions so Ganke could be 16 too)
I swear last time I looked up notes age it said 15-16 so I just chose 15. Actually, I know where I got that from, I had looked up Hobie's age and the little paragraph also talked about Gwen and how note is between 15 and 16.
So if you want then Gwen can be like 15 close to 16 or just turning 16. I will keep this in mind if I ever make a google sheets with all kinds of notes for spider characters like I have for NSR characters (which I really should do).
Same with Hobie, it was given an age range of 16-19 years old and I just chose 19 (or was it 19 that I chose? I think I chose 19) because I liked that age for Hobie.
I think I saw a tiktok saying Noir was also 18 or 19. Wiki looking it up says they are 18+. Probably under 21 since they say their like to drink cream soda so some people took that as not being able to drink. I personally see them at like 18 or 19 (Nicolas Cage definitely skewed my idea of Noir's age at first until I saw that tiktok lol)
With Peter Porker, the age seems to be all over the place and there isn't a concrete range anywhere. One source says 16, I think another said 18. I was kinda thinking of just going off the OG Spiderman age, which I think is 17 years old, because both were reporters (or at least photographers for the newspaper), so I think 17 is a good age for them to be in this au.
Ganke's age could be 16, could be 15 and had also skipped a grade. I don't think there is really any evidence for one over the other. I like Ganke being the same age as Miles at 15, but him being 16 is definitely not something that is going to bother me.
Actually I'm surprised you didn't say anything about Peni's age lol. Technically she is supposed to be Miles' age, but I decided to make her a year younger because in the movies I swear I thought she was younger. Like if I was going to be accurate then Peni would also be 15, but I just always saw kit as younger than Miles, especially in the first movie.
I guess also the idea of shipping Peni and Yinu also kinda pushed me to make this decision since I always saw Yinu at being around 13 after the timeskip (love the idea that Yinu was like a week or two from turning 10 when the game happened thanks to a fanfic lol), and having them be 1 year apart instead of 2 years apart was something I preferred to happen.
But yeah, all these ages seem to be pretty malleable. Just like quite a few of the NSR ages (that aren't specifically mentioned). Some people see the Sayu Crew as teens, some see them as college students. Some people see Kayane as an adult while I see her as a late teen.
Similar thing is happening with the spider characters who don't have their age officially given or mentioned (or only have an age range). Some people see Noir and Porker as full adults in their mid 20s, while I see them as late teens, maybe early adults at most.
But I think I will take into consideration Gwen's age! I'm probably gonna keep Ganke at 15, but I think making Gwen (and maybe Gayatri by extension) to be 16 years old.
Thanks for the info! I completely forgot about Gwen being a year older than Miles in the movie! (actually, my point is even proven in the second movie where Miles' mom thought Gwen was old enough to vote lol, though she was probably just being upset and saying rude stuff because of everything that had happened at that point lol).
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 months
How old were you when you learned how to drive? I don't drive.
Have you ever been to a baby shower? What was the baby’s name? Yeah, I've been to a few.
What mode of transport did you take to high school? My mom took me majority of the time, but occasionally my dad or aunt did.
Name a personality trait of yours that you like. I think I'm a good listener.
Name something about your physical attraction that you dislike. My physical appearance? Uh, like everything. My smile is a big one.
What’s in your purse right now? I use a mini backpack, which right now has my wallet, a thing with some of my medicine, a 2 pack of Reese's (lol), and a Barbie pin I still need to put on the front of my backpack.
Do you vote in your country’s elections? Yes.
What was your first kiss like? It was unexpected and awkward, but I was just giddy about having had my first kiss. It's not like I had anything to compare it to.
Shuffle your music and skip twice. What song is playing? Nah.
Have you ever been a freelancer? No.
What mood were you in when you woke up today? I felt okay.
What storey is your bedroom on? I live in a one-story house.
What gifts do you usually receive at Easter? Gift cards and something like a stuffed animal and/or a shirt.
Do you use a planner to keep track of your life? I use the calendar app to remind me when my bills are due, and I also use the notes and reminders app for stuff.
Who was the last person you sent an email to? I don't recall the last time I sent an email.
Are there any posters in your bedroom? Yeah, I have a few canvas painting and framed ones. Most of them are giraffes, but I also have some beach ones, a couple paintings my uncle did for me, and a Stranger Things poster (the well-known ABCs on the wall one with the strung lights).
What was your favourite fairytale as a kid? I've always liked Alice in Wonderland.
Is there anything in your freezer that you really need to get rid of? I have no idea what's even in my freezer. I'm still mostly bedridden and need help transferring and when I'm up in my chair checking the freezer isn't something I've had a need to do in awhile. I just haven't had a reason to; if I want something I'd just ask someone.
Have you ever played Second Life? No. I'm a Sims gal.
What do you like about the town or city you live in? Just the fact a lot of my family is here.
What do you dislike about the town or city you live in? My town is awful. It's not known for anything good.
Are your parents good cooks? Yes.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person? >> this will vary from person to person <<<
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Did you like it? I have not.
What is your favourite museum? I don't have a particular favorite, though I've only been to a few. I enjoy historical type ones with artifacts and whatnot. I think I'd love The Smithsonian if I ever get to go one day. I love all that kind of stuff.
Do you know anyone who is an actor? No.
Have your wisdom teeth come through yet? I had those taken out when I was a young teenager.
How many weddings have you been to? Just three.
Do you watch Youtube? What channels do you like? I watch a shit ton of YouTube. I'm subscribed to many channels of various types. I like ASMR (a lot of ASMR channels), vlogs/lifestyle, hauls, mukbangs, abandoned places, Disney history and related stuff.... stuff like that.
What’s your alcohol of choice? Barf, none. I don't drink.
Have you ever used a public pay phone? Yeah. It was like back in 2010, I think. The community college I attended had a few and I needed to use it cause my phone had died.
Which one item would you save from your burning house? This is such a hard question cause I'd wanna try and grab so many things.
Do you have a Twitter account? Yeah, or "X" as it's called now. *eye roll* I don't go on it much anymore.
What is your hair like right now? Short and no real style to it right now. I'm in the process of growing it out after cutting it like pixie cut short over a year ago for reasons. It's in that awkward phase, but it is starting to really grow out.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Over-easy, scrambled, hard boiled, deviled, egg salad. I like eggs.
What’s the longest you’ve been without showering? A few months while in the hospital. Like an actual shower I mean. I had bed baths of course.
Name one of your guilty pleasure songs. I didn't want to admit to liking some Justin Bieber songs at first like when his Purpose album came out. lol. I don't care now.
Have you ever made an item of clothing? No. I've never tried to learn or attempt to.
What was the most expensive bill you paid within the last month? I have a few high credit card payments. :X
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Obviously, it sounds nice and feels good to e for paying off student loan debt, but here are a few of the problems with it: 1) the universities and colleges are the ones who can forgive the debt (they have plenty of money to do so- look at their endowments). 2. When we have so many much bigger issues, this feels like vote buying. Start with worst problems. 3. Spending more money when you are in debt is never a good idea, even when you are the federal government.
Well first, for a lot of people it is more than just feeling 'good', I don't know if you've ever been in debt while struggling financially but I have and it becomes the only thing your life is about. Every second becomes about just staying above water and I personally know couples that will be able to invest in things like better housing and a car for the first time bc of this so I don't appreciate the diminishment.
Two, how can colleges and universities forgive debt that they didn't lend? The majority of loans are federal or private. I 10000% think colleges and universities should rework admissions and we should have a more egalitarian approach to higher education which would have come with this forgiveness. But that requires a lot more complicated legislation given that colleges can be either state run or private.
Three, again, I don't know where you're from but where I am in small town America, being able to afford daily life is literally one of the biggest issues. Most of the other things I'd consider equally important are issues of Congress and can't be done in an executive fashion like this loan forgiveness plan, and as I'm sure you're aware our Congress is too partisan to 1. pass anything significant that means anything to real people 2. pass anything in a timely matter that again, would matter to real Americans.
Finally, I like how this is the only time right leaning peeps have given a shit about the national debt. Going into debt to fund unending, unsuccessful wars? Silence. Buying foreign weapons and oil? Who cares. Helping out the most vulnerable Americans in a time of economic struggle? BUT what if it puts us in more debt????? What about the boost all of this freed up money will give to our housing markets/economy?
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Did you ever work on any other political campaigns besides Obama?
The first campaign I ever worked on was as a volunteer on Gray Davis's 1998 (successful!) campaign for Governor of California. I was young and had all the time in the world, so I volunteered tons of hours that year. I got into it to support the Davis campaign and most of my time was spent doing stuff for it, but I did end up doing various things throughout the 1998 campaign cycle for the California Democratic Party local headquarters and Michela Alioto's campaign for California Secretary of State, too.
The 2000 election was the first Presidential election I was ever eligible to vote in, so I was really excited to get involved since I had always been so interested in the Presidency. Most of you guys are probably too young to have any idea who I'm talking about, but I was a big supporter of Bill Bradley, who was the progressive alternative to the frontrunner, Vice President Al Gore. For those of you who don't know, Bradley served in the U.S. Senate from New Jersey, but earlier in his life he was a Hall of Fame basketball player in college and the NBA. I thought he was going to take the world by storm, upset Al Gore, beat George W. Bush, and lead us into the new millennium. I remember being so thrilled because I was "invited" to volunteer at a fundraiser for Bradley at the house of Geoff Petrie, another former NBA All-Star who was running the Sacramento Kings at the time. But I didn't end up going -- I'm not even sure if it ended up taking place -- because Al Gore literally swept every single Democratic primary and Bradley was out of the race by Super Tuesday.
In 2002, I volunteered again for Governor Davis's (also successful!) re-election campaign and also spent a lot of time working on behalf of a local school bond measure because my real job at the time was at an elementary school that was going to be directly benefited by the measure. But I was also 22 years old at the time, so I volunteered less and was going out and being a menace to society most nights much more frequently.
I didn't do much of anything during the 2004 election cycle. As much as I was hoping to see someone defeat President Bush that year, I just couldn't get excited for any of the Democratic candidates. I was indifferent to John Kerry, and I think I started off supporting General Wesley Clark before switching to Howard Dean. I started to get a little more into things once things started looking interesting for Howard Dean, but his campaign fell apart for one of the dumbest reasons we've ever basically disqualified a candidate for. After that, we were left with John Kerry, who was still uninspiring and unfortunately decided to pick Husband-of-the-Century John Edwards as his running mate. It was a rough election cycle -- and, the craziest thing is that John Kerry still almost won!
And, of course, I was all-in for Obama in 2008 and went to work for his campaign just a few days after he made his formal announcement.
(I recognize that your question could have been answered with a simple yes or no, so sorry if that was more information than you required.)
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austerez · 1 year
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀greta  onieogou.   thirty-one.   cis  woman.   she/her.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold  your  f***  horses  !   yulia  adamu  has  just  been  spotted  walking  into  revolution  headquarters  .  she’s  best  known  for  being  an  r&b  singer  and  has  been  signed  with  the  label  for  seven  years  .  she  shares  a  lot  of  interesting  things  about  life  in  the  music  industry  on  her  social  media  ,  so  make  sure  you  don’t  forget  to  follow  her  at  @yulia  .  fans  know  her  for  being  goofy  but  i  swear  she’s  got  a  fickle  side  as  well  .  maybe  that  explains  why  she’s  always  associated  with  bedroom  walls  covered  in  r&b  vinyl’s  ,  a  notebook  half  full  with  lyrics  she’s  too  afraid  to  sing  ,  and  contagious  laughter  echoing  through  hallways  .  stan  twitter  even  voted  her  most  likely  to  marry  a  fan  .  we’ll  see  how  they  live  up  to  that  reputation  .
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tl;dr.   statistics.   pinterest.
———  tw  for  anxiety  ,  forced  drug  use  ,  addiction  ,  rehab  .  
the  start.
growing  up  ,  yulia’s  parents  made  sure  she  was  never  aware  of  their  struggles  —  and  struggle  they  did  ,  especially  for  the  first  few  years  of  her  life  .  it�� started  with  her  father  being  laid  off  after  an  injury  left  him  unable  to  work  ,  leaving  them  with  no  choice  but  to  put  what  should’ve  been  their  forever  home  up  for  sale  just  before  yulia  was  born  .  he  was  eventually  able  to  find  a  desk  job  but  the  pay  was  minimal  at  best  and  because  her  mother  was  newly  postpartum  at  the  time  ,  he  insisted  she  didn’t  work  .
despite  the  financial  hardships  that  followed  ,  the  moving  around  that  continued  years  after  yulia  was  born  ,  the  whispered  arguments  they’d  have  after  putting  her  to  bed  ,  they  eventually  got  to  a  point  where  they  could  rest  easy  .  her  dad  had  a  corporate  job  and  her  mom  worked  from  home  to  make  raising  her  a  little  easier  on  the  both  of  them  and  ,  all  things  considered  ,  they  were  finally  in  a  good  place  .
yulia  was  young  when  she  first  fell  in  love  with  music  and  singing  and  she  made  sure  everyone  knew  it  .  if  she  wasn’t  belting  out  a  whitney  or  mariah  song  ,  she  was  writing  terrible  lyrics  in  her  journal  or  borrowing  her  aunt’s  karaoke  machine  for  weeks  at  a  time  .  it  got  to  a  point  where  her  dad  was  buying  her  new  notebooks  every  week  and  when  he  realized  she  wanted  to  take  singing  seriously  ,  he  signed  her  up  for  vocal  lessons  .
high  school  was  mostly  uneventful  for  her  and  outside  of  a  short  lived  relationship  ,  yulia  focused  on  her  schoolwork  more  than  anything  .  her  parents  made  sure  she  knew  that  as  long  as  she  put  in  effort  and  didn’t  flunk  any  of  her  classes  ,  they’d  support  her  dream  of  singing  wholeheartedly  .  she  did  as  they  asked  and  they  kept  their  word  ,  even  packing  up  their  things  and  moving  to  new  york  so  she’d  have  a  better  chance  at  becoming  a  singer  like  she  wanted  .
it  was  around  this  time  that  yulia  started  posting  singing  covers  to  youtube  ,  ranging  from  ballads  like  i  have  nothing  and  a  natural  woman  to  r&b  classics  like  4  page  letter  and  next  lifetime  .  she  gained  a  decent  amount  of  viewers  from  it  but  it  wasn’t  until  after  she’d  graduated  that  her  dad  recorded  her  singing  an  original  song  at  an  open  mic  night  .  after  he  convinced  her  to  post  it  ,  things  really  took  a  turn  .
first  deal.
she  was  in  her  sophomore  year  of  college  when  the  video  her  dad  posted  blew  up  .  it  started  doing  numbers  online  and  was  shared  around  more  than  she  ever  expected  so  it  was  surprise  to  no  one  but  her  when  she  was  approached  by  a  reputable  label  .  she  attended  a  few  very  long  meetings  ,  met  with  a  few  different  lawyers  ,  and  after  one  final  emotionally  charged  meeting  ,  yulia  was  signing  her  first  record  deal  .
things  were  great  until  they  weren’t  .  she  got  to  write  her  own  songs  and  record  them  ,  had  a  large  role  in  preparing  for  her  first  few  shows  and  eventually  a  tour  but  yulia  learned  the  hard  way  that  it  was  all  too  much  too  fast  .  going  from  a  girl  that  blended  into  a  crowd  by  choice  to  being  on  stage  in  front  of  thousands  of  people  was  something  she  wasn’t  prepared  for  .
what  started  as  stage  fright  before  every  show  turned  into  her  popping  a  pill  or  two  to  calm  her  nerves  .  being  able  to  get  through  a  concert  without  having  a  panic  attack  and  without  feeling  high  led  her  to  believe  she  had  it  under  control  .  little  did  she  know  ,  the  people  around  her  saw  an  opportunity  and  ran  with  it  .  a  pill  dropped  into  a  coffee  here  ,  a  little  alcohol  mixed  with  soda  there  and  without  even  realizing  it  ,  yulia  had  become  addicted  .
it  wasn’t  until  she  was  visiting  her  parents  right  after  completing  her  first  tour  that  she  finally  realizes  something  was  wrong  .  her  parents  question  her  about  her  apparent  change  in  attitude  and  yulia  admits  she  used  to  take  pills  to  help  with  anxiety  .  however  ,  after  learning  she’d  stopped  doing  so  just  weeks  after  she  started  ,  her  mom  requested  she  get  tested  just  in  case  .  
what  came  next  was  a  long  list  of  things  yulia  never  imagined  she’d  have  to  deal  with  so  early  into  her  career  ,  or  ever  for  that  matter  .  first  she  checked  herself  into  rehab  ,  having  realized  she  was  actually  addicted  to  the  stuff  she  thought  she’d  stopped  taking  long  ago  .  when  she  was  released  ,  she  spent  months  getting  out  of  her  contract  with  her  label  and  while  she  was  eventually  successful  in  doing  so  ,  she  wasn’t  able  to  gain  rights  to  her  music  (  something  she’s  still  fighting  for  even  today  )  .  the  whole  situation  was  thankfully  kept  out  of  the  media  ,  partially  because  her  lawyer  threatened  lawsuits  against  anyone  who  spoke  about  it  and  partially  because  the  label  didn’t  want  the  bad  press  .
at  twenty  two  ,  yulia  had  already  been  through  the  ringer  .  she’d  spent  months  in  rehab  ,  had  seen  the  inside  of  a  courtroom  more  than  she’d  ever  planned  to  in  her  life  ,  continued  to  struggle  with  addiction  despite  being  clean  .  however  ,  she  managed  to  graduate  from  college  with  a  degree  and  high  honors  ,  all  while  writing  and  recording  the  most  personal  songs  she’d  ever  made  .
her  self  titled  sophomore  album  was  released  independently  ,  to  the  surprise  of  everyone  .  it  was  well  received  ,  old  fans  and  new  ones  appreciating  how  raw  it  sounded  compared  to  her  first  album  .  shortly  after  the  release  ,  yulia  was  contacted  by  someone  from  revolution  about  possibly  signing  a  deal  and  while  she  was  hesitant  at  first  ,  so  much  so  that  she  didn’t  give  them  an  answer  until  a  month  later  ,  she  eventually  decided  it’d  be  good  for  her  .
her  time  at  revolution  records  proves  fruitful  .  from  the  creative  freedom  to  the  support  she’s  received  in  the  seven  years  she’s  been  there  ,  yulia  is  glad  she  didn’t  let  past  experiences  get  in  the  way  of  a  good  thing  .  she’s  eleven  years  into  her  career  now  .  though  she  has  six  albums  in  total  ,  she’s  working  on  her  fifth  one  as  a  revolution  artist  .  she’s  often  cited  saying  she  feels  nothing  but  gratitude  for  her  label  and  that  she  hopes  anyone  trying  to  join  the  music  industry  is  as  lucky  as  her  .
everything  that  happened  with  her  first  label  is  still  a  secret  to  the  public  but  the  lyrics  from  her  sophomore  album  and  the  albums  that  followed  have  alluded  to  it  .  she  doesn’t  know  when  or  if  she’ll  come  out  about  the  entire  thing  but  yulia  has  made  it  a  point  to  take  new  artists  under  her  wing  ,  letting  them  know  that  should  something  happen  ,  they’ll  always  have  someone  in  their  corner  .
making  other  people  laugh  is  free  serotonin  to  yulia  .  she  loves  to  joke  around  ,  play  (  harmless  )  pranks  on  people  ,  and  just  do  what  she  can  to  put  a  smile  on  people’s  faces  .  the  older  she  gets  ,  the  less  patience  she  has  and  it  can  occasionally  translates  to  her  being  snappy  or  short  with  people  .  yulia  is  very  easy  to  talk  to  .  she’s  a  people  person  through  and  through  and  it  shows  in  her  friendly  demeanor  .  as  much  as  she  loves  to  be  surrounded  by  others  ,  whether  they’re  talking  or  just  hanging  out  in  comfortable  silence  ,  she  doesn’t  actually  say  anything  personal  unless  you’ve  been  close  for  years  .  she  is  always  on  the  defense  ,  the  need  to  protect  herself  remaining  strong  after  what  happened  with  her  first  label  .  as  much  as  she  loves  love  in  any  form  ,  yulia  can  be  very  fickle  .  she  doesn’t  let  herself  get  close  to  people  that  often  ,  preferring  to  bow  out  gracefully  instead  of  opening  herself  up  to  possible  heartbreak  or  betrayal  .
she  has  a  three  year  old  rottweiler  she  adopted  named  toothless  .  he  came  from  a  bad  place  originally  and  while  yulia  wasn’t  planning  on  actually  adopting  ,  she  knew  his  age  and  his  breed  were  working  against  him  .  yes  he  has  teeth  ,  though  he  is  missing  two  on  the  bottom  .
she  wants  kids  so  bad  .  she’s  known  her  whole  life  that  she  wanted  a  big  family  ,  especially  considering  she  was  an  only  child  .  yulia  wants  kids  so  much  she’s  seriously  contemplating  going  on  hiatus  so  she  can  adopt  or  something  .
she  used  to  spend  her  summers  in  russia  with  her  extended  family  and  while  she  obviously  can’t  spend  that  much  time  there  at  once  anymore  ,  she  still  likes  to  go  often  .
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udaberriwrites · 1 year
Annie! I have arrived with character asks across a couple fandoms! I'll do one fandom per ask, to keep things organized ^_^
So this ask will be about Heartstopper! Tell me about Nick and Elle!
There are quite a few of these double asks, courtesy of Barbara, fair warning xD
Nick Nelson
1: sexuality headcanon
Pfffft, he's a bisexual mess and we love him for it xD
2: otp
Again, Nick/Charlie, that's THE backbone of Heartstopper. As a commenter once hold me, they will end up together in every conceivable universe, that's how T the op is.
3: brotp
... I kind of want to say Sara Nelson? Sue me, she's one of the best, most supportive mom characters I have ever seen and you won't convince me that they won't always be a team.
Also: Imogen. I love Imogen. She may be part of the popular group, but she's clearly very kind-hearted, and her little smile when she figures Nick's relationship out was precious. Plus, let's not forget that Nick STOOD HER UP mere hours before the date, and she was still willing to hear him out and be a source of strength. So Nick & Imogen is my final vote <3
4: notp
Anyone who isn't Charlie, full stop 😂
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Nick rewatched Episode I of Star Wars nearly as much as he did Pirates of the Caribbean. He had a crush on Padmé and thought Obi-wan was...umm... pretty cool. Especially with that sexy braid 👀
6: favorite line from this character
Kidding xD let's go with the classic:
"I love Charlie Spring! In a romantic way, not in a friend way!" <- such a dork xD
7: one way in which I relate to this character
His struggles to find out who he is, and the false idea that he needed to find out immediately, at the beginning.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
How sappy he can get, honestly 😝
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
The cinnamonest roll to have ever cinnamon-rolled.
Elle Argent
1: sexuality headcanon
Attracted to men, but she's not strict about assigning a label to it.
2: otp
Elle/Tao, of course. Maybe they are in an on-and-off relationship in college, but this is very much the endgame 😁
3: brotp
With Charlie, Tao and Isaac! (Aled too, but I haven't read Radio Silence so my knowledge of that character is pretty shaky).
But yes, this is such a tight-knit group, and something I adore about the tv show. They know how each of them tick, and they are there for each other for the silly and the serious... not inly that, but (if you'll allow me to lift from other franchise 🖖) they have always been and always will be friends.
4: notp
Nick and/or Charlie, mainly.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
We don't know anything about her family, but I want to think they were very supportive as she was figuring stuff out. Her father stumbled over pronouns at first but apologized every time, and her mother researched like crazy :D
6: favorite line from this character
"Is that your nightmare scenario? Seeing to a movie you hate with people you don't like very much?"
The sass xD
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Having to fit into a new group/school/environment is always at least a little scary.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
None, she's awesome.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
The only cinnamon roll with some common sense in the whole chaotic family.
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stuck-in1 · 2 years
First of Summer
We've been friends since childhood, until we're not...
Nishumura Riki x OC | friends to enemies to lovers | Oneshot
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
-Niki's POV-
Today marks the last day of junior year and I’m all set for summer, nothing specific is planned though, just enrolled some review classes for the upcoming college ability test this November.
For tonight though, it’s the dreaded junior-senior prom. As per the school’s tradition, this is like a send off for the seniors while welcoming the juniors into semi-adulthood.
I, myself, don’t like these social functions—even my friends are all going with their respective dates, I didn’t ask anyone though, it wasn’t deemed necessary. I’m just going since this is the last time I’ll see my favorite seniors, especially Jongseong hyung.
Jongseong hyung, or Jay as everyone calls him, took care of me since freshman year, when I first joined the dance club. He also introduced me to his friends who were part of it, and that made it easier for me. Although, I think, being part of that caused rift between me and his sister, Park Serin.
Serin was my bestfriend growing up—we were basically friends since kindergarten. I didn’t know what happened, but I’m guessing that it’s because we had different interests, we just drifted apart.
The chats in the hallway were reduced to nods, until it came to a point that we were completely ignoring each other.
She became popular, and probably her head ballooned with it. She’s untouchable, especially when her brother is the ever so famous, Park Jongseong.
Her friends are also the worst; everyone was scared of their little group. And it also has been a known issue in our circle how problematic Jay hyung’s sister is, how she’s become a spoiled brat, how she has a bigger allowance than him, and an even better car which was gifted to her by their parents on her 16th birthday.
Speaking of, there she is now at one of the Science labs. Classes have been dismissed early today due to the event this evening, I wonder why she’s still here when everyone must be in their respective homes, getting ready or doing some last minute touch ups.
Unfortunately, I was assigned with the cleaning duties today, which explains why I’m still here. She on the other hand looked glum, and she sat on one of the stools just outside the lab.
Now the problem is, how can I make her leave?
"Excuse me..." I approached her in the nicest way possible, "Serin-ssi, I would need the stool so I can lock up the lab."
"I'm sorry?" she said with an automatic high pitched voice. It's more or less 3 years since I last called her by her name, or rather talked to her.
"I said-" I was ready to repeat what I said, but she cut me off.
"I heard you.” she said icily. "Do I look stupid to you?" she gave me a disgusted looked that says nobody shoos her away.
"Of course not, I wasn’t implying anything!" I said like it was the most obvious thing to say. Maybe she still made me speechless, no one knew that I liked her before.
Without another word, she stood up, kicked the stool away from the both of us, the loud clang sounded through the empty corridors.
"Thanks." I said in a non-sarcastic voice, but somehow it still annoyed her since she gave me a piercing look. "Did you need something else?" I asked, as I looked at her in the same manner.
She just shook her head as a response.
"Good. The place is empty, let me walk you to the parking lot. It's not safe here." I offered, and to my surprise, she agreed.
We walked silently the first few steps, but I had the urge to start a conversation, "are you excited for the prom later?"
"I'm not..." she was too quick to reply accompanied by a frown.
"Why? You're probably going to be the prom queen..."
She became quiet for a minute as she sat on one of the benches that were near the school’s parking lot. "How can you be excited when the people voting for you don't even respect you?"
"What do you mean?" I sat beside her. It somehow reminded of those times that all we did was kill time in each other’s backyard. "Of course, they respect you..."
"More like scared of me!” She scoffs, “That's why they're voting. This may sound to narcissistic but I know I'm the most envied girl in school, but at the same time, I know I'm the most hated." A sigh escaped her lips. "what about you? Were you planning to root for me at all?"
"Of course..." it wasn't a lie per se. I was indeed going to vote for her and I think she's the prettiest of all the nominees.
"For what reason? A prom queen should be someone to represent the school in a good way, not because she's popular or the most envied one, or maybe just because she's rich. She should affect the people's lives in a positive manner, not bully them..."
"You affect them... but only, they get terrified!" I couldn't help but laugh at my lame joke, she did too.
"Nishimura Riki... Do you even want to go to the stupid prom?" she asked me. Serin mentioning my name again, after so long, made me feel giddy. It was the only thing that I needed to realize that I missed her, a lot. I shrugged as I glanced at her..
"Let's play hooky!" she said with a big grin. “Uhm, you don’t have a date, right?”
"I don’t have a date. But for real?"
"Yes! But I'm going to be dead for sure if Jongseong oppa finds out I didn't attend."
"I have an idea..." I offered, as she was all ears. "What if, we don't skip the prom, just be late? What do you say?"
"Sounds like a plan. We're going to be fashionably late!" she giggled. "Come on, lets head home first so you can change into your tux, and I can wear my ridiculous dress.”
We each rushed home, to prep for the evening. Both agreeing that we’ll see each other at 6:30, an hour and a half from now.
Mom thought I was excited for the prom as she took thousands of pictures. I was already frowning big time but she still finds it adorable. Kept asking who my date was and didn't believe a single thing I said when I said I didn't have a date.
Oh great! There's one thing I forgot to ask, her number! Of all the thngs that I had to forget, it was this one essential thing.
I’m not arguing with myself internally on whether to call Jay hyung or not. To call him and risked getting interrogated, or to wait for some miracle to happen and waste time?
My phone then rang, showing an unknown number.
"Niki... it's me, Serin." the voice on the other line replied.
"I was about to call Jay hyung to get your number." I laughed.
"I stole your number from his phone..." she also laughed. "so where are we going to meet?"
"Shall I pick you up?" I offered. "But I have to tell you, the car I’m driving is an older model, you may not wan to be seen in something old and beat up!” I teased.
"It doesn’t matter, to be honest. I actually don’t care. I just asked my parents for my car so I can piss off Jongseongie oppa!" That surprised me, as I expected another reason. This made me grin unknowingly, my mom looking at me weirdly.
I faced the opposite side just so she wouldn’t see my face, "Great, I'll be there in 20 minutes."
We both hung up as I made my way to the car, trying to avoid any more conversation with my mother.
This is not a date, this is not a date, this is not a date. I kept repeating this to myself as I didn’t want to assume. It’s even more surprising that she didn’t have a date to the prom.  
It took me less than 20 minutes to reach their place, have I driven too fast?
Serin was wearing a light blue dress, the hem of the skirt flowed just above her knee, paired with a strappy high heeled sandals which looked uncomfortable. The whole outfit she put together was not on the conservative side, but on her, it looked elegant. Breathtaking, in fact. She really is.
As a courtesy of course, I went down after I parked my car, and I can tell that Jay hyung was surprised to see me.
"I didn't believe that you’re her date... I thought she was lying."
"I told you oppa, I'm going with Niki..." she whined like a little kid. Cute.
"It's better that you go out with him, since he's a close junior, just don't give him a headache, please. It’s already embarrassing enough to be your brother!" he scolder her. "Niki, take care of my sister, and I'm hoping that you'd be patient with her. " he both pushed us lightly to my car, and we waved our goodbyes before leaving.
"Where are we going?" she was pretty excited when she asked.
"I have no idea..." I confessed. I didn't plan the whole thing, since I wasn't really good at it. She must've sensed my frustration when she spoke.
"It's okay, lets grab some take out first and then I know this place..."
We chatted like old friends while I was driving, she was nothing like the Park Serin that everyone knew from school, tonight, she was just the fun loving, silly girl that I used to be friends with.
After we got the food, she instructed me to drive until we reached a secluded place, which was over looking the city. The air was fresh, far from the city's pollution.
"I often go here when I feel like my life is useless..." she stated. We were both sitting in my car's hood, looking at the city lights, "this place is like my sanctuary..."
She continued to speak without inhibitions, "When we were in our last year of middle school, I felt the pressure. I started to change without even knowing it, until it came to the point that I got lost, and I didn't even know who I was... and after talking to you today, I was reminded of how happy I was back then... so thank you."
Dumbstruck was the perfect word to describe me at this moment, I didn't know what to say. This was the person that I fell in love with before. She was the Serin that I knew... the one I’ve always admired.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she tilted her head, her clueless expression was so inviting.
And this made me realize that I never really stopped liking her. I just became contented with looking at her from afar.
"Oh come on!"
"It's just that..." I didn't finish my sentence, instead I touched her cheeks, then slowly lowered my face to hers and kissed her. I can tell that she was pretty shocked at first, but she slowly reciprocated.
"I've always wanted to do that..." I admitted, "but I never had the chance."
She rested her head on my shoulder, "you should've done that before... I needed a wake up call."
"Are you kidding? You were so high and mighty in school, I even thought you've forgotten about me."
"Well... not really, but the people around me made me feel like I had no life back then. I hate the idea that I had to give in with the peer pressure."
"It's okay Serin, at least we're good now... I wish we could jut stay like this."
"Idiot, we can't. We still have to go to the prom..."
I frowned, "Why?"
"Because I want to show you off!"
Time passed by so quickly that when we got to the prom, it was just in time for the announcement of the prom king and queen. The school principal was the one who announced it, but it wasn't Serin.
We were standing in the middle of the crowd, giving an applause along with the rest of the students, I initially thought that Serin would be disappointed, but I was wrong--she was smiling from ear to ear with the look of contentment plastered on her pretty face
"Serin! I thought you wouldn’t' make it!" one of her friends approached us, "what are you doing with him?" The said friend looked at me from head to foot, repulse evident in her eyes.
"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" Serin snapped, "and Niki is my date. Now if you'll excuse us."
“Was that okay?” I probed as she dragged me to the dance floor, “I mean she’s still your friend…”
“Ah, the friend that spreads baseless rumors about me.” She then wrapped her arms around my neck as we found our spot and started slow dancing as Butterfly by The Boyz started playing.
She tiptoed a little and gave me a kiss on my right cheek, and gave me a smile. I panicked internally when I realized that we were in front of the whole senior class, and I was right when I saw Jay hyung and the others looking at me.
“Jay hyung is going to kill me!” I muttered, when she heard she looked around instantly finding her brother staring at the both of us.
“Oh he’ll live with it!” she rolled her eyes and gave me another kiss, this time on the lips. “I want to see him try though!”
This is going to be the most interesting summer of my life!
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rescuefield · 3 days
i realised the bio i wrote for claire is infinitely long and people might get bored to read all that, so here's a quick rundown that will get linked in my pinned post.
1979 - claire is born in NYC. dad works in constructions, mom in cps.
1991 - her parents die in a car crash, she gets out of it with a few burns and cuts but it's when her survivor's guilt starts.
1991 to 1996 - since the redfields didn't have any will prepared, at first claire was placed in a foster home until chris got parental rights over her. eventually chris joined the air force and met barry burton, whose family ended up fostering claire in agreement with chris.
1997 - claire goes to college. while initially she was supposed to go to nursing school, she settles for an EMT course to become a paramedic.
1998 - she's still in college, soon to get her first certification. then summer happens, chris stops answering her phone calls so she decides to go to RC and see what's going on. the rest is history.
october 1998 - claire stays with sherry and leon while decoding chris' letter. at some point towards mid november she leaves for paris.
december 1998 - she infiltrates in the parisian umbrella labs as an intern, gathers evidence for her shared plan with leon to take the corporation down, but doesn't find anything about chris. she's eventually found out and captured after basically destroying the whole place, held prisoner on rockfort island until she manages to escape en route to an umbrella base in antarctica. eventually she reunites with chris.
1999 to 2003 - claire attempts to finish her studies, eventually gets her certificates and starts working as a paramedic to prove that she has financial stability to get parental rights over sherry. of course she never gets them, resulting in her always clashing with simmons despite him granting unlimited visit rights. in the mean time she's still working on unravel the conspiracy behind RC and umbrella, getting under terrasave's radar.
2004 - she officially joins terrasave after years spent advocating for them and tagging along to tell her story. she's immediately made a prominent member, and then sent to valdelobos ( spain ) to provide humanitarian aid. obviously things go south, and the volunteers leave before accomplishing anything.
2005 - claire is supervising the distribution of vaccines on behalf of terrasave, working closely with the FDA. the harvardville airport outbreak happens. around this time she also meets neil, a former FBC agent. due to his experience, he's eventually voted as a member of terrasave's executive board.
2006 - while in penamstan to provide humanitarian aid, claire finds out that during the 2000 war there's been an outbreak nobody ever covered on the news. of course she decides to investigate on it, getting kidnapped in the process. she eventually finds out the truth, ending up in a fight with leon about whether share it with the media or not. they're currently the only people ( alive ) who know about what happened, implying claire decided not go to the press anymore.
2007 - tba.
2008 - tba.
2009 - tba.
2010 - terrasave ( claire ) mediates between BSAA and DSO to form an alliance. as rumours of a presumed engagement with neil arise, claire decides to use that spotlight to endorse adam benford's presidency.
2011 - claire and other terrasave members are kidnapped during an event and brought on sejm island, where they wake up to find out a woman nicknamed the overseer has infected them with the virus strain t-phobos and is running experiments on them. with moira burton's help, claire discovers that neil was sent by FBC commissioner morgan lansdale to infiltrate terrasave and carry on his plans to get the former fbi branch reopened. claire, moira and natalia korda are the sole survivors, all three currently still infected with t-phobos albeit assumed that the virus has adapted to them.
2012 - claire and ark thompson work together to clear terrasave's name after neil's scandals. claire goes on a personal mission to find all the people involved in the conspiracy in attempt to atone for the lives lost on sejm. clues lead to an even bigger agency moving the strings.
2013 - claire is present during benford's speech in tall oaks, finally at peace about the fact that the truth about what happened in RC is finally being released and her story validated. she remains in the city providing aid as the outbreak spreads.
2014 - she tells chris various places where he could find leon according to her knowledge, and along with terrasave provides aid in the aftermath of the new york outbreak. some time later she's sent to investigate on sonido de tortuga island, eventually discovering that before sejm, alex wesker was conducting researches on t-phobos in a local umbrella facility. in this occasion is introduced zilì, a double agent for shén yà pharmaceutical.
2015 - sent in san francisco to investigate on a case of mutilated orcas washed ashore, claire ends up working on a joint investigation with chris, jill and rebecca. the clues lead them straight to alcatraz, where they're baited by former umbrella soldier dylan blake and infected with a strain of t-virus. claire is the one who seems to suffer it the most albeit never actually turning. eventually she's saved thanks to rebecca's vaccine, though due to the stress caused by the virus and t-phobos fighting it to keep her alive ( as it is designed for ) leaves claire with a mutated iris in the process. dylan's taunting makes claire question whether there are other conspirators left in terrasave.
2016 - tba.
2017 - terrasave cooperates with the BSAA in regards of the clean up in dulvey. claire remains in contact with zoe baker, offering her a job in the ngo.
2018 to 2021 - she's with the HWS under the name sköll. acts as a subtle handler for mia and ethan, helping them settle in their new house while referring to chris any changes worth of note in either of the two.
2022 to 2036 - tba.
2037 - varying on verses claire lives in a farmhouse with her family, dedicating herself more to investigative journalism than active fight on the field. she's in contact with mia and rosemary winters as they are considered part of the redfield family by association.
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purplesurveys · 7 months
What are your plans for the day ahead? I'll be taking a few of these, but sometime in the afternoon I plan to do some pre-work/research for an upcoming pitch. The potential client is huge and I personally like them as a consumer, so if we bag it it'll be a really big win.
This evening I have a meeting with my college org's alumni for a brainstorming session. Apparently the org has been in a dying state since the pandemic, and some alumni have volunteered to help in reorganization efforts, including myself.
What was the last thing you cleaned? I tidied the dining area and kitchen after having dinner last night.
When do you go to your soonest appointment? I don't have any booked any time soon.
What did you last order online? Yabu a week ago.
Can you see any bottles from where you’re sitting? Does the paper cup my coffee comes in count? It's right in front of me.
What time do you usually try to wind down in the evening? It's earlier these days; I usually want to be in bed by 11 PM and start falling asleep by midnight-ish.
What’s something you have been putting off? A side project. I want to kickstart a passion project of some sort so that I have somewhere else to invest my time and energy in besides work, but I still have no clue what it is I want to do. Do I start a blog, and if I do what do I write about? Do I want to be a contributor at some media publication, and which one would it be, what would I want to write about? I'm still at a loss but at least I'm already in that mindset where I know I want to be doing something more; it's just a matter of identifying the best thing I can do at the moment.
What restaurants do you frequently eat at? I don't dine in restaurants frequently tbh but when I do it's usually a Japanese place with a focus on either sushi or ramen.
Do you like banana pudding with a lot of bananas or more vanilla wafers? I do not enjoy banana pudding.
How many books would you guess you’ve read in the last 5 years? I'd say 2-3 is a safe guess.
What was the last message you sent? I was telling my friends that I'd love to discuss 3D with them the next time we get together. After my initial hype for the song died down, I had time to think about how polarizing the material actually is. I have no qualms with JK's part at all, but the rap part stinks to high heaven and everything about it is a goldmine for discussion.
Have you ate anything green today? What’s your favorite way to add greens to your diet? Uh, kind of? I had a chicken pesto wrap for breakfast if anything, lol.
When did you last light a candle or incense? Maybe more than a year ago. The last related thing I used was a reed diffuser, which I prefer these days.
Is it currently warm where you are? It's warm all the time where I live, except for maybe from Jan-Feb where the temperature can drop to the low 20s.
Have you ever fallen out of bed? Only as a kid.
What do you like on your hot dogs or burgers? I never have hotdogs but I imagine I'd look for mayo in mine. For burgers, I like a mayo-based sauce, caramelized onions, and jalapeños.
Are you currently listening to anything? Yes, BTS.
What’s your favorite thing to do outside? Go to coffee shops, visit museums, and walk/explore – especially if I'm in an unfamiliar place. I walked SO MUCH on my own when I was in Malaysia.
Are there any celebrities that you are a big fan of? These days that would be BTS. I like other celebrities too but don't really make as big of an effort to catch up with what projects they've been up to.
Do you ever watch award shows? Sure, but I only watch when BTS is expected to appear. That said I don't think I'm going to be watching any of them anytime soon, and maybe I'll just be voting from the side.
Do you usually run out of shampoo or conditioner first? Conditioner, by a mile. My hair is very thick and gets very hard when exposed to water due to all the bleaching it's been through, so I need multiple pumps of conditioner at a time to soften it back.
Do you have any LED lights in your home? I think our lights outside may be LED? Not fully sure though.
What is your biggest challenge? Having it in me to take risks.
What was the last sweet thing you’ve eaten? I had a slice of Starbucks' brookie cheesecake just now.
Do you prefer buying new clothes or thrift shopping for clothes? New ones, but I don't mind thrift shopping too. It's just that I do it much less often because knowing it was owned and worn before gives me minor ick.
What is something you need right now? Well, a demotion is definitely one of them. I just want to go back to what I was already previously doing.
What’s something you like that is blue? Denim jeans.
Have you treated yourself today? Kind of, but not as much as I would've wanted to as I'm already going over my budget. I already took myself to a coffee shop today but I think that's all I'm doing, even though I really want to get ramen.
Have you ever traveled alone? Nope.
What color is your most worn jacket/hoodie? Blue.
Who is someone you would like to get to know more? Val, the newest member of our work team. She's going to be replacing one of my senior bosses, who'll be migrating to Canada by next month. I really hope she lasts with us and has a good rapport with the team; but from what I've experienced from her so far, she seems to be promising so at least that's a positive.
What toy do you miss the most from your childhood? My cash registers haha. I miss how many buttons they had.
Have you ever lost something valuable to you? Sure, a few things here and there.
What or who has impacted your life the most? My parents.
Would you say you are toxic in any way? We all have at least one red flag, I feel.
What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year? Going to Thailand with my friends in what was my first non-family trip abroad.
How often do you use a straw? Maybe once a week?
What’s your current favorite song? I don't have any at the moment.
What are some books you’d recommend to someone? I don't think I'd be able to give any! I don't read a lot anymore.
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Film festivals are not always so festive.
That’s a wrap! It’s in the can! Where’s the cast party?
Your film is finally done. You’ve spent three months scripting, filming and editing your Opus. It came in under budget, the actors all received their free pizza and you have a burned DVD-R wet with the sweat from your brow. What’s next?
Film Festivals! The chance for all your peers to see you work! Red carpets, interviews and trophies await!
Do I sound upbeat and positive? In a perfect world, I should be. But as we know, the world isn’t so perfect.
The first time I submitted a film to festivals, I didn’t have enough stamps and padded envelopes to contain my enthusiasm. Weekly trips to the post office with a car seat full of parcels ensued, not to mention all the festivals I submitted to online through Withoutabox and FilmFreeway.
All told, I entered into 32 festivals at an average cost of $25 per entry. Pull up the calculator app: that’s $800 of hard-earned cash that could go toward another credit of college tuition!
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What did I get for my efforts? The film was accepted by four festivals. Math was never my strong suit, but I could tell that was a low percentage. Wave goodbye to your $700 donation to the all the festivals’ prize funds, none of which you will ever see.
I don’t mean to be depressing, but that’s reality. You might think your creation is important and worthy of viewership, but there are many obstacles your film must overcome.
First, your film will be going up against thousands of other entries from all over the world. Festival curators are faced with hundreds of DVDs that flood their desks each festival cycle and yours will just be a speck in the deluge.
Second, your film will be judged against preconceived notions of what is “en vouge.” To this point, when the film “Reservoir Dogs” was popular, everyone I knew in filmmakers’ circles wanted to make similar-storied films and I was no different.
When I decided to submit my crime-based film, I recall reading a phrase in a particular festival’s submission rules: “Please do not send us films that show suited men sporting goatees and firing guns in parking lots.” Apparently there was a glut of such films to which the festivals were reacting.
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Third, your film is often viewed by a panel of judges, anyone of which could cast the a “no” vote for any reason; maybe they didn’t like the subject matter, or perhaps, as a filmmaker themselves, your film was better than anything they've ever created and they're ego prevented them from being upstaged.
Then, there are the times you might receive the nefarious response, “Due to the overwhelming number of submissions, we couldn’t include your film in this year’s cycle” which can be interpreted as “sorry, but your film doesn't measure up to our standards.”
Everyone has an opinion, but if you believe in your film and what you created, then ignore it, refocus and carry on.
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So, if you think submitting to festivals is a lost cause, let not your hopes be ruined like opening a can of unexposed film in a lighted room. With a few simple strategies, you can still get your film shown.
If this is your first time submitting to festivals, shy away from any that list themselves as “international.” This indicates that the festival receives films from every crevasse of the big blue marble. Unless you think your film is an award contender, you’ll be burning Benjamins trying to compete against sheer volume. And since festivals rent theaters or meeting halls for a finite time period such as a few days, not every film they receive can be shown in the time period allotted.
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Instead, you should start out sending your film to local festivals, such as on the town or state level. The largest concern of any festival is attendance, so if you’re local, a festival is more likely to accept your film because they assume you will likely bring friends and family along to see your premiere. In fact, some festivals actually ask how many of your peeps will be in attendance!
Remember, festivals are economically driven and incur costs, so a healthy turnout is critical for them to survive. Further, the local strategy is also two-fold: it gets your film shown, but it also allows you to place Award Laurels on your film which will increase its credibility at international festivals in the future.
Festivals also list mission statements that define the types of films they are interested in to promote a particular cause, theme or agenda. They range anywhere from LGBT to environmental to Christian, and they can be further categorized by genre such as horror, action and science fiction. With the increasing popularity of film festivals, branding has become necessary to set them apart from the competition, which in turn also helps them limit the overwhelming amount of submissions they receive.
Therefore, if your film is a horror story, send it to horror film festivals. If it has an environmental theme, send it to a festival that highlights environmental awareness, and so on. This will increase your chances of being accepted dramatically.
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Create a plan of action for submitting your film. Start small, gain notoriety and buzz, then slowly target larger venues. If you encounter rejection, remember that it’s just someone else’s opinion. Believe in what you created and don't let yourself be discouraged. Get up, dust yourself off and forge ahead!
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nyomkitten · 1 year
RIP Karyamsetty Namathoti Krupa Bai. This is a place for me to be Petty™️ about the following few days.
1. I made sure not to cry in front of my father so that I wouldn't distress him. And then his COLLEGE FRIEND videocalls him from fuckin AMERICA to cry?? To his bereaved friend? Humanity, I tell you
edit 16 November, 12:30 pm
2. my dad is running on fumes.
edit 19 Nov, 12:35 pm
3. my uncles know only to talk at the tops of their voices. my aunts only know to unload arguably ill-timed cynical commentary. (i was more disturbed than i like to admit by them reading her diary. it’s more of an accounts/records thing than a journal, b u t s t i l l. they/we buried her that day.
4. she was buried with her husband. god fucking damnit my heart.
5. the one thing i can quote (and hope to remember) from the memorial service is what my dad said at the end of the vote of thanks, paraphrased:
we knew our mother’s weaknesses, we knew her drawbacks. but what is amazing, and what we focus on, is not her imperfections; but the love of a God that has blessed even this imperfect woman and her family. the love of a God who loves her and who loves us. my father’s favourite verse and favourite keerthana: “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
6. ✨mildly harassed at the memorial service✨
7. also me at the memorial service:
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i hate non-english memes. oh how the turntables. [ID with translated text: the batman slapping robin meme. robin’s speech bubble reads “what are you studying?” batman, slapping him, replies “i’m working, aunty”]
8. yes i designed the backdrop for nanamma. yes i also designed the flexi for bujjatha. yes we exist.
9. this is the first funeral for a close family member that died of natural old age. (Bujjatha. Aysha aunty.) it’s... very different.
10. general wretched thoughts:
aside from the “what should i have done to keep in touch with her” guilt, and the “she’s my father’s mother” knowledge, offset by the “i know she was very shitty to my mother and her other daughters-in-law”, there is additional “should i have been the one taking care of her in her last years” guilt. because i know my father did that for his grandmother in her last years. (is that because he was at home? because they couldn’t afford care at the time? because that’s the amazing selfless very loving kind of person he is?) anyway. it’s another thing with which to beat myself up. 
nana seems fine. but. i’m just feeling very crumpled and useless and wretched thinking of him having lost his mother. he has no living parents left. i know it’s one of the best possible ways it could have happened but goddamnit. how do you go on without parents. why is death.
and lastly: it seems very wrong and odd to be going to work. like i said, there’s no handwringing teary mourning and no compulsion not to smile or laugh or anything. but it felt right, to be in guntur with the rest of the family, and although of course nothing is as physically accommodating to my wretched body as our chennai home is, being here right now seems as rootless and pointless as it ever was.
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