#the hyperfixation has had a solid grip on me
ccyclonedoodleblog · 7 months
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12boogaloo · 4 months
Okay, I cant take it anymore. The brain rot is REAL
Been on a writing hiatus since 2019 or 2020 (I honestly don’t remember so don’t @ me)
And what gets me to finally start writing again?
You guessed it ladies, gents, and serpents!
Fucking TROLLS 3
Let’s get this bread or die trying y’all 😈
So first things first: I didn’t come up with the AU’s I’m using here! They were created by TheMiraculousMat and Keebsification on here and AO3
The AU’s in question are The Eldest and The Youngest and Out The Train Wreck
I just love it when people see John Dory and think “hmmm yes this grown man can fit so much eldest daughter energy in him” cuz SAME
So I thought: what if I just… put em together? OTT! JD and E&Y! JD have a grip on my soul and I’m filling a formal complaint in the form of fanfiction for not just 1, but 2 other pieces of fanfiction!!! Cuz why not
I’m gonna post the notes I’ve had about this idea for the past 2 week, at least the first part.
Well… it’s half notes, half chapter really…
Maybe. MAYBE. I’ll clean it up and post it on AO3. Maybe… probably lets be real
Anyway. Y’all can call me Boog and this is Project: Hyperfixation Won
Actual story name pending…
Part 1: Author’s Actual Notes because they are a nerd
Got an idea
Gonna scratch the itch
Half brain rot dump and half story here
Combination of the Eldest and Youngest JD and the Train Wreck JD
I also head canon that trolls have tails and claws and fangs
They’re lil creatures
Basically the same stuff happens in TW with the manager and John being Branch’s father.
Branch grows up knowing JD is his dad while everyone else thinks they’re brothers.
He and Luka are dating. He’s basically Branch’s other dad.
Luka gets taken and John thinks he died. He keeps his glove to remember him.
The fight still happens. John still leaves but promises Branch that he’ll come back.
He goes to the Neverglades for the next four years.
When he gets a letter about Rosiepuff and Branch he immediately heads back to the tree to take care of him.
Pretty much all of E&Y happens but with the change of Branch knowing JD is his dad.
Makes the trauma of him leaving worse in a way which adds to the angst of the first parts delicious, but it also makes their bond really solid later on.
John forgot that everyone in the village knew them as brothers until Poppy asks him if John is Branch’s daddy out of the blue. He panics and says “no” on instinct and they both decide to just go with it. Easier than explaining it to everyone.
She still doesn’t know. Nobody does.
John still loses his arm trying to save Creek(nasty ass).
One morbid silver lining John felt was that at least it wasn’t the hand he wore Luka’s glove on. Small miracles. Lol I’m sorry
Branch doesn’t remember Luka anymore, at least not really. He sorta remembers a burgundy haired troll that he thought was important but couldn’t remember anything else about them so he didn’t think too much about it.
John doesn’t really like talking about him and Branch hasn’t ever asked so he doesn’t bring it up.
He starts dating Hickory and he does tell him about Luka. He admits that while he definitely is falling for Hickory, a part of him will always belong to Luka and their relationship will always be really important to him.
Hickory is more than okay with that and even tells him that he would’ve loved to have met the man that made his sweetheart so happy and kept him safe before it was his turn. (John just about cried when he said that same buddy and agreed that they’d probably get along pretty well.)(He shows Hickory pictures of him and Luka one day and they laugh over the fact that John clearly has a type.)(And, based on Hickory’s own light blush, same.)(He immediately said Luka was ‘real cute’ and John still laughs at him for it.)
He also tells him about Bold and how Branch came to be. (Hickory spent solid hours comforting him afterwards and spent an equal amount of time thinking of ways he could get Dickory to help him torture the bastard if he ever saw him.)(He decides in that moment that he’d do anything to protect his boyfriend and his son. Anything.) (He’s also even more grateful to Luka when he hears about how he protected his love the day they met. He really wishes he could thank him…)
Branch makes jokes about not calling Hickory his stepdad till they get married, which makes John flush bright blue. (Hickory just laughs and winks, the traitor.)(Hickory secretly really wants Branch to call him ‘Pops’ and he’s so obvious about it.)(Branch finds it hilarious and doesn’t on purpose. He’d actually love to call him that, he’s just being an ass.)(You’d think he wouldn’t ever want to but no. For some reason, it’s only thinking of Hickory as ‘Papa’ specifically that makes him feel wrong. Like that’s not available to him. I wonder why.)
After saving Floyd, the boys all start spending more time together as a family. Floyd and Clay move into the bunker with John and Branch. Bruce still lives on Vacay Island but he tries to visit at least once a week, even bringing his wife and kids with him if he can.
They still love doing shows together and will do a big one every two weeks at least.
A few months later, they’re getting ready to hangout together after a performance in PopVillage. Hickory isn’t with them, he was actually watching with Tiny in the crowd, so he can’t see them.(Lil dude is really attached to his “Uncle Cowboy” and “Uncle Johnny” it’s adorable.)(And yes Guy is close by, Tiny is still very very grounded.)
Poppy wants to introduce them to a former stage manager that she’s worked with before that had come to see the show from TrollCity. Branch has met him once before and thought the guy was weird and a little creepy but nothing else made him feel suspicious so he kinda just ignored it. He figured if Poppy trusted him, it was fine. (Obviously he still kept an eye on the old bastard, cause your boy isn’t paranoid for nothing. And you never know.)
They all agree to meet and when they get backstage… it’s him.
The bros old manager. The man who hurt their eldest unimaginably.
JD basically shuts down as his younger brothers immediately shield him from view.
They need to get out of here without causing a scene. Fast.
“Poppy, I think we need to go…” Floyd mumbles, his usually soft features twisting in both anger and slight fear as he stared the old troll down.
Poppy looks at them in confusion, “Wha- but you guys said you wanted to see everything we set up!!” She looks between the brothers and the older manager, Branch joining her as his eyebrows furrowed.
“Sorry, kids, I don’t think we can do that…” Bruce doesn’t take his eyes off of the old man as he steps back, closer to Clay and Floyd who were holding John Dory’s arms and hands to keep him steady in their safety bubble, their tails wrapped around his waist. “Not when he’s here.”
Poppy blinks in confusion. “What do you mean? Have you met Mr. Bold before?” She asks.
The old bastard chuckles. “Don’t worry, Miss Poppy.” Poppy huffs a bit at being called ‘miss’. (She’s Queen, dammit. Only Hickory calls her ‘miss’ and it’s always as a joke.) “I was the boys’ manager back in the day! It’s just been a while since we’ve seen each other.” He looks over each brother, clearly trying to get a look at John Dory and noticeably souring when he’s blocked. Then he smirks, taking a few steps closer, his wooden cane thunking against the floor. John flinches with each tap, tap, tap. “You’ve all grown up so much.”
Bruce holds his ground, crossing his arms and rolling his shoulders, his bigger body blocking most of JD from view. Clay was growling behind him, both him and Floyd curling closer to John and their ears pressed back in irritation. Bruce gives a humorless chuckle. “Heh. Yeah, we’ve grown up, Bold. We grew up and you’re fucking old now.”
Poppy gasps. “B-Bruce, that’s not nice!” She turns to Bold and smiles nervously. “I’m so sorry-“
The man waves her off. “Don’t fret. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it. He’s right after all.” He looks at them again all smugly, leaning on his cane. “Like I said, it’s been a long time.”
Floyd scoffs. “Not long enough.” He growls, baring his teeth. His claws start coming out and he’s thankful he’s holding John’s prosthetic arm as he feels them scratch the metal.
“Woah, okay, what the hell is up with you guys?” Branch finally steps in. That was so unlike Floyd to say something like that. He’s never seen the older troll that angry before, he’s never seen any of his uncles that angry before.
Bruce huffs. “What’s up is that we’re leaving. Now.” He goes to turn around to start steering his brothers out of the room when he hears Bold chuckle, making them all freeze.
“You all really have changed so much,” He says, his tail swaying side-to-side behind him. John looks up and they manage to lock eyes, Bold smiling sickly as John stares in horror. “Especially you, Johnny Baby.”
John feels sick. He feels like he’s gonna pass out. He feels his legs start giving out as Clay and Floyd rush to hold him up. He feels his body going completely limp and his vision blurs and his chest hurts and he can’t breATHE-
Bruce tackles the old troll, immediately landing brutal hits to the bastards face. He screams between punches, “DON’T TALK TO MY BROTHER!” Bold tries to hit him back, only managing to smack Bruce in the side once with his cane before continuing to get pummeled.
Branch and Poppy jump in frantically to pull him off of the man and the three of them stumble back. Bruce shoves them off and glares at Bold again. He was lying on the ground, groaning and clutching his nose, there were scratches and bruises on his face and he was covered in his own glittery copper blood. “Stay. The FUCK. Away. From John.” Bruce pants and shakes out his hands, flexing his exposed claws. He spits on the ground. “Bastard.” He turns back to his brothers. “Cmon, let’s get out of here.” He lifts JD up bridal style and Clay and Floyd follow him as he starts rushing to the door.
“Wait, hold on!” Branch runs after them, leaving Poppy standing in confused horror at what just happened.
That’s what I’ll give for now lol
I have like wayyy more written out but I’m mean so 😈
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
Lmk what y’all think ig
Check out the folks that created these AU’s plz @matmiraculous and Keebsification (idk their tumblr so plz don’t yell at me) both on AO3 where I found them
Later yall
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kotaka-kun · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
saw @middleearthpixie doing this and I wanted to do it too :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
249 works
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
380,279 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most recently I’ve been writing for Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies, but according to my AO3 dashboard, I’ve posted fics for just under 40 fandoms and naming them all seems excessive... That being said, my top five are Lord of the Rings, Phantom, MCU (mostly Captain America), Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Harry Potter. 
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. thank you for the food (ATLA, zukka, Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Modern AU) 2. Simple Happiness (ATLA, zukka, Fluff, Living Together, Modern AU) 3. Bucky has a belly kink, but Steve doesn’t mind in the least (MCU, stucky, ABO, Belly Kink, Pregnancy Kink) 4. Surprise (MCU, stucky, ABO, mpreg, Birth, Twins) 5. New Colors (One Piece, zosan, Fluff, Color Blindness, Gifts)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do try, though I know I’ve missed a few over the years... but I do love and treasure every single comment I get!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’d have to say that it’s probably a tie between The Worst Thing (MCU, Steve/Bucky, omegaverse, infertility, miscarriage) and overboard (LOTR, Frodo/Sam, trauma, depression, suicide attempt)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Hard to say, since aside from the two mentioned above, I write mostly fluffy happy endings... 
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Thankfully, no. But maybe that just means I need to write more divisive fics? 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do write smut, and it’s probably mostly -- if not all -- omegaverse tbh... 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love love love writing crossovers! I think they’re fun and silly and a good time all around. Don’t know if I have one that’s significantly crazier than the rest, but I think i read the hobbit (in 1937 when it first came out) is one of my favorites to think about. I’ve got a soft spot for ws!Bucky is all. Putting him in Middle Earth and adding him to the Fellowship was just for funsies :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A reader translated New Colors into Chinese, which was super neat!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Absolutely, 100% -- in the sense of collaboratively plotting out and writing a story, as well as taking turns in an improvised narrative style RP, and also something in between where the premise of a fic was agreed upon and each of us had characters to write, RP style. 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t think I can pick a singular ship to label as my favorite... I’d call Zoro/Sanji my OTP, but only because they were the first ship I got involved in fandom for -- I haven’t read a fic of them in years. I’m reading almost exclusively Erik/Christine fics right now, but I’ve come across Erik/Raoul fics that have made me fall in love with them, as well as Erik/Raoul/Christine fics that are so so good... I guess in terms of longevity and my ability to always come back to them, Steve/Bucky has been a solid ship for me? 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Gonna go with Zoro’s Promise, since it’s the only multichapter fic I never bothered to move from FF dot net to AO3. It’s literally been ten years since I updated it lmao
16. What are your writing strengths?
On one hand, I guess my ADHD-fueled hyperfixation that allows me to write fic after fic could be considered a strength...?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
On the other hand, as soon as my ADHD-fueled hyperfixation loses its vice grip on me, I lose all motivation to write. Especially if I’ve already written out the scenes that I had in my head, I become incapable of filling in the gaps and making it a cohesive fic... I honestly don’t think I have very good writing hygiene even after taking classes on being better about being a hobby writer oops 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I personally tend to avoid writing in another language, because I think it’s hard to do well. Sometimes it takes you out of the fic because you have to copy-paste it into Google Translate to figure out what they’re saying, sometimes it takes you out of the fic because you speak the language and the author evidently doesn’t and they used Google Translate. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I wrote fic for and then posted would be One Piece... but in actuality, I’ve been writing fanfiction from long before I knew that’s what it was called. I was probably in second or third grade when I wrote self-insert Peter Pan fics. Also Shrek fics. I don’t have the notebooks I wrote them in anymore, but I have a very vivid memory of writing them.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
This is maybe the hardest question of all to answer, because while I like a lot of my fics, I don’t know that there’s one that I could call my favorite. My current WIP stranger than you dreamt it (PotO, Erik/Christine, ABO) is one I’m excited to keep working on because, well, omegaverse. But also time and time again (LOTR, Frodo/Sam, Time Travel, Fix-it) was one of the first multi chapter fics I’ve actually finished, so in that regard I’m rather proud of it. I liked the time-travel-y premise of it as well. And even though what comes after (HP, Snape/Harry, Time Travel, Fix-it) is still technically a WIP, I’m still pleased with how it’s coming along... though it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated it oops
tagging... you! 🫵 if you're an author, i'm tagging u! i want to know about what you write!!!
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epickiya722 · 9 months
i bring a Putting myself in Positions vibe to the mindset that my ME really doesnt like . spend all day writing fanfiction and then LITERALLY complete a quiz ON the dot of when it was due it CLOSED as i pressed the final answer. i got an 100 but tbh i hate that because that might just make me feel like i CAN do this shit and get away with it . im glad i didnt fail but at the same time im writhing in agony. the stress the STRESS . having 3 assignments due at midnight that you START at 6 one of them takes 5 hours because you spend half the time thinking about ur idiot fanfiction and the other two you finish in an hour because you're panicking about failing miserably. all three were assignments i shouldve only spent at least 2 hrs on. i got an 100 on one 94 on the other and the last one (first one i did) the prof has to grade. im never doing this to myself again <- will definitely do this to myself again. MY GOD WAIT DIDN'T I SAY LIKE. WAS IT YOU I SAID THAT TO. LIKE "will this affect my grades NO" the answer was yes. it was. it was yes. grips my 3.87 honor society fuckin grades with my bare hands . i wont let them down i wont let them down. <- hasn't had a really solid hyperfixation like this one in All of my time in college tbh. like school WAS my hyperfixation i had like this insanity but for getting 100's on everything and learning shit and making my teachers think i was insane . and i got there by Lying to myself about how good i was at things and then i ended up Being good at the things yk?? anyway. where was i going with this. yeah tbh i need to remember how to manage my time . because rlly tbh i couldve finished these assignments early in the morning and spent the Entire damn day happy as can be writing without guilt or stress at all . why didn't i? 🤷dunno mate all i know is that tmrw im gonna write all day because i have classes the rest of the week and an assignment due on tuesday tbh. anyway . gn ⭐⭐⭐pls note im like this in real life too. When i start saying things to people, They stop saying anything to me ever it's really quite grand . that was a joke im not like this at all in real life im stoic and silent with a deadpan sense of humor that girls love me for. or maybe not idk you decide . anyway GN forreal this time even though im gonna go play re4 because leon kennedy is love leon kennedy is life
First, congrats on the good grades!
Second, sounds like an eventful, chaotic day but I hope you're doing okay!!
You better get that rest, make sure to eat, drink water, I AM ROOTING FOR YOU!!💫
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miyuwuki · 2 years
accidentally walking on him streaming
a/n: guys, i’ve been thinking of streamer!kuramochi for a WHOLE FUCKING WHILE, so please enjoy this little drabble. once my inbox opens i hope u guys req more streamer!kuramochi bc this is the one idea i love sm wnjcidieifidoe anyways—
warnings: reader is female (referred to as girlfriend, she/her)
streamer!kuramochi youichi x f!reader (ft. some of my mutuals and anons and followers i see often on my blog)
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“whoever builds the worst house has to buy everyone drinks, and miyuki’s gonna judge after he’s finished practice,” kuramochi laughed as he carefully built his house in minecraft with ryousuke, haruichi, and sawamura. while they were all in off-season for baseball, the three agreed to be featured in kuramochi’s stream for the day. he said it was for content, but he actually really liked gaming with them.
“lucky for me, i’m the best at building, so all of you guys can suck it.” sawamura boasted, looking like he was building a place underground. kuramochi rolled his eyes at the camera and looked at his chat.
roppongiperfume: i think ‘mochi’s gonna win, i mean he won the last building competition
kuleo26: i don’t know, ryou’s place looks solid right now
he shook his head at the camera and smirked, “watch, i’m going to win. i never lose!” so he got to work and hyperfixated on his screen, carefully choosing his blocks and accents.
you on the other hand had just stopped by the convenience store for some snacks for you and kuramochi; you’d both planned the night together, but you thought it’d be nice if you went a little early. the previous season was busy for him, so feeling a little deprived, you felt like it was a good idea too. when you arrived at his home, you softly knocked on the door, only to be opened by his mother.
“y/n! it is so lovely to see you.” she smiled and pulled you into a gentle hug. you wrapped your arms around her back and smiled. “same to you, ms. kuramochi. how have you been?”
“i’ve been well, it’s nice to see youichi back home after a while. would you like something to eat? or to drink?” she gestured you into the house, carefully taking off your shoes before going inside.
“i’m okay, thank you though! is it okay if i see youichi?” you asked, following her into the kitchen.
“of course, he’s right upstairs. i’m here if you need me.” you bowed at her again in thanks before heading upstairs to his room. you knocked.
“youichi?” you softly called out, “are you in there?” you slowly ambled into the room, seeing his back towards you and the sounds of clicking of his mouse. he quickly turned around, “i’m live!”
you quickly retracted, whispering a sorry. “should i wait downstairs?” you mumbled, only peeking your head into his room. he pursed his lips and looked at his chat.
🌀anon: wowowow who is that? is that a girlfriend?
yuunemi: kuramochi has a girlfriend???
he sighed and chuckled, turning his chair to face you. he patted on his lap, a signal to sit, and you ambled over to him with a faint blush on your cheeks. “is it okay?” you questioned, sitting comfortably in his lap, waving slightly at the camera. he pecked your jaw, “it’s more than okay, i just thought you wouldn’t want your face to be seen or something like that. anyways, this is y/n, and she’s my girlfriend.”
“hello,” you uttered to the chat, “nice to meet you guys.”
zoyavx: she’s so pretty omg!
you giggled at the comments and felt his grip tighten on you, “she’s mine guys, don’t forget that.” he pouted at the camera and returned his attention to the screen. “y/n, who do you think is gonna win this competition? we’re trying to build the best house.”
you sarcastically pretended to think, “mmm, i don’t know.. eijun’s place is looking kinda neat. it’s underground and mysterious— i like that.”
“TAKE THAT, KURAMOCHI-SENPAI!” he yelled into the mic.
“eijun, you’re too loud.” haruichi huffed.
“i am your wonderful, loving boyfriend and you say sawamura’s gonna win? fine, challenged accepted.” he grins while he clicks away.
and that’s how his chat found out about his lovely girlfriend.
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**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
© please do not copy, repost, or steal my works; this includes any sort of translations too.
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lantsovsupremacist · 3 years
FINALLY saw the eternals! i loved the characters! i love writing with oc’s so whenever i write for druig (i sense a hyperfixation), i’ll be using elea! in greek mythology, she’s the goddess of mercy, pity, compassion, and clemency. here, she can manipulate emotions and has heightened senses! ///gif not mine!!!
druig: two ghosts
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elea woke up suddenly, presumably because of the burst of pain radiating from her head to her fingertips. she strained for her first few conscious breaths. as her eyes blinked open and closed, her vision steadied on a pair of warm brown eyes.
“ajak,” the brunette managed a whisper, “what’s goin’ on?” her throat felt scratchy and she immediately coughed. afterwards, she bitterly swallowed the taste of blood.
the leader grabbed ahold of elea’s shaking hands, placing them over her chest, “just keep your eyes on me. all will be well soon.” despite her comforting tone, the nature of her words brought worry.
“where’s...” alea trailed off, painfully leaning over to clear her lungs and aggravating her back in the process.
“druig’s alright,” she silenced the girl’s biggest fear, “you’re both alright.”
the surrounding terrain erupted in the unique kind of chaos only attributed to the presence of deviants. elea blinked wearily, eyes watering from the irritation of kicked-up dust. ajak held her shoulders firmly, pushing her energy into her fragile body.
a final battle cry she recognized to come from ikaris silenced the battle ground. with the final deviant motionless at his feet, he returned to solid ground from his flight. while his eyes faded, another eternal’s flashed gold to scatter the onlookers. as they begun to flee, he dropped his hand. his head whipped back and forth, scanning for someone in particular.
before druig’s gaze could land on ajak’s body hovering over elea’s own, a force took him by the arm. quickly and without warning, makkari deposited him on his feet by her side. he dropped to his knees, moving to gently stroke her cheek. her head was tilted back against the pillar ajak had moved her body to lean upon.
elea grabbed his hand, forgetting the blood staining it. his heartbeat rose to a deafening crescendo due to the eternal’s heightened sensitivity to sound. with a shudder, elea used the residual energy in her system to calm her lover. his fingers ceased their shaking, now holding tight in her own.
“stop that,” druig ordered, not angry but instead frustrated, “please rest, elea.”
thought it pained him, he forced his hand from the girl’s loose grip. without the physical link, he knew she was not currently strong enough to manipulate his emotions. when the connection began to dissipate, his eyes nervously trailed over to ajak again.
sensing a question, ajak spoke up, “not much longer. you simply took quite the beating is all,” she reassured the lovers, finding another gash running along elea’s side.
druig clenched his jaw, not wanting to allude to the extent of elea’s injuries in front of her. he regained his composure, finding her hand again without the threat of her stabilizing his anxiety. he knew her body was experiencing a fragile state of shock. no other concept explained the lack of a response to ajak maneuvering the rib protruding from the skin back into place.
pulling back onto her heels, ajak smiled sweetly, motherly, “how are we my dear?”
elea smiled through a flinch, finding it considerably easier and less painful than before, “much better. thank you, ajak.”
despite her power, ajak’s ability to heal had limits. elea became aware of such boundaries when druig helped her up. an ache ran down her back as she stumbled into him, reaching out to support herself with his shoulders.
“easy now,” he spoke quietly, a slur of syllables strung together.
elea hummed, relenting to allow him to guide. she passed her hand over the walls to tenochtitlan with a grimace. rolling her shoulders, she lifted her chin and slipped the hand from around druig’s shoulder to clasp with his own. with the eyes of all humanity watching, she had to exhibit strength.
each step taken lifted a weight off of elea’s back. although ajak’s power had rooted itself and continued to work, elea knew she should take a breath. a picture of grace, she smiled down at the children flocking behind their mother’s skirts. small fingers waved at her, never reluctant to greet the gentle elea of tenochtitlan. they knew her mercy to be restricted by no bounds.
druig smiled to himself, nothing exaggerated enough for the others to catch onto. perhaps, if elea’s attention was on him, she would have been able to decipher it. only her. always her.
“you need to rest,” he whispered down into her ear, his breath tickling her neck.
sending one last grin in the direction of an infant, elea straightened into his side, “i would certainly hope you do not intend for me to do so alone?” elea retorted, relaxing into druig’s warmth.
from behind the pair, a voice spoke up, “how come i never am allowed such an embrace, druig?”
druig rolled his eyes in response to kingo’s comment. the former looked thrilled with his jest. elea chuckled to herself, turning to meet her fellow eternal’s eyes.
“oh, kingo,” elea assuaged her fellow eternal while continuing to walk in step with druig, “i am sure one day you will crack him.”
kingo scoffed, patting her arm with a twinkle in his eye that communicated more than his words could. he was glad elea was safe. they all were, even if inclined to show it in different ways, or not particularly at all.
despite the light air, elea felt the tension in druig’s shoulders. partial to privacy, the display of affection surprised him. surely, his lover’s close call with death motivated his uncharacteristic actions.
resigned to rest, elea lounged on her bed for the evening. druig stayed until she fell asleep but then made himself scarce. wandering the hallways of the eternals’ pyramid, he considered elea’s frightening show of mortality today. druig decided then that he would follow her forever, even as a ghost.
later, sprite’s masterful illusions lit up the capital. sometimes, the skies reflected the potential and purpose of humanity. others, they tended to focus on the power and philanthropy of the eternals.
that night, the stars crossed one another for a crowd favorite love story. passed down for generations but only told once in each, the people sat mesmerized and enthralled by the retelling. unaware of the presence of the inspiration for such a story, each tried to commit as much to memory as possible for future oration.
gold danced across the sky, forming and falling. elea latched onto druig’s arm beneath his robes, content to take in sprite’s handiwork beside him. when the outline of two hearts merged to one, druig turned to push a piece of hair behind his lover’s ear.
“that’s my favorite part.”
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sentient-stove · 4 years
Ranking every Pixar movie
From worst to best.  As an extra challenge, tag five people to do it too.  @falling-oceans @sweetkirbi  @briefstrangerchild  @matchasweettea @tehhappypl-ace
22. The Good Dinosaur: I hate Arlo. As a character, he has no spine, spends most of the film whining about how terrible his life is and then when he finally gets a grip, the movie is over. As for animation, the dinosaurs were too cartoon like to feel right for such a landscape based film. I did like the Pizza Planet truck in the opening scene, ten out of ten for hiding it with the asteroid belt. 21. Monsters University: nothing interesting happened here. Moving on. 20. Finding Dory: sigh. This film was well animated, I love Pixar and water, but most of the stunts felt, too unreal. Where Nemo and Marlin fountain hop was what killed me. I liked Hank, but when the film had him drive a truck with all the fish inside, I gave up. I did like the closure on what happened to the fish from the tank in Australia, but however they got to Cali beats me. It was nice to see Crush again. 19. Cars 2: MATER IS A SIDE CHARACTER. Ok, rant over. I thought it was okay, but still, very disappointing for a Pixar sequel. 18. Cars 3: The trailer was better than the movie. Pixar should have stopped after Cars 2. I personally didn’t care for McQueen’s end paint job. 17. Cars: The idea is nice, the soundtrack is killer, I just don’t like the Cars movies at all. I’m sorry, but McQueen is egotistical and a jerk. Just because he got stuck in Radiator Springs, doesn’t mean he’s got character development. I do however love when he arrives that first night, easily the best five minutes of the movie. 16. Toy Story 4: It felt more like a marketing strategy, rather than a continuation of the Toy Story universe. Forky and his existential crisis is a solid mood. I’ll admit, I walked out halfway through the film, it wasn’t worth my time. I wish that they left it at three movies. 15.  Monsters Inc.: I liked the idea of the movie. But, feels like the plot drops too fast and that the resolution drops as well. Mike’s comedy act is game though and Put that thing back or so help me remains one of my favorite things to yell at siblings. 14.  Coco: the animation is Gorgeous. I loved this movie when it first came out. The story is beautiful, they handled the villain with grace and it gave me warm fuzzies. However, it’s overplayed. Every family reunion I’ve been out since this film came out, they’ve played this. Stop. I think the songs are okay, but I get tired when they’re stuck in my head. Pixar created a masterpiece that my relations ruined, which is ironic, since the movie is about family. 13. Toy Story 2: they reused the, ‘I’m not a toy!’ plot and that made it tired. I liked Jessie. And the horse licking Cheeto dust off of Al’s fingers. Al looked a bit like my middle school theater teacher, so that made me feel uncomfy. Other than that, decent film. 12. Inside Out: Joy is annoying. The idea is great, although they missed a great pun opportunity with when they had to walk through long term memory. Could have used a memory lane pun. The rest of the puns were amazing and I loved the concept, just wasn’t well executed. 11. Up: I don’t cry during movies (Frozen 2’s show yourself is the exception), so I didn’t really feel upset during the first ten minutes of the film. I love Kevin and Russel’s friendship and then the pleasant surprise that there were baby Kevins. Carl had great character development and I’m grateful Pixar showed real world challenges people go through. 10. Incredibles 2: Voyd is amazing. So is Violet and Dash, I loved the boat, but my favorite part is right before the battle with Screenslaver. You don’t talk, you watch talk shows. You don’t play games, you watch game shows.... The monologue over Elastagirl hunting the big bad gave me literal chills. I would pay to watch this again and again. I loved the limo driver that messed up his line to Frozone as well. And the little girl with the sign at the protest reminded me of similar signs I’ve seen, and made, before. 9. Bug’s Life: Very mature for a Pixar film. Held onto some ideologies I’ve studied and I personally think it’s a lot better than Antz, which took a similar direction but failed. 8. Toy Story: the animation may not have aged gracefully, but for when it hit theaters, it was something the world had never seen before. I love the magic eight ball, the aging of the room was a nice touch and the dog was a riot. 7. Toy Story 3:great finale. Great characters and development and great animation. I love Barbie and that she broke up with Ken instead of just being an airhead of a toy. 6. Finding Nemo: Cinematic masterpiece. Pixar and water is a great combo, and it’s got a great story. 5. The Incredibles: Violet is so relatable. Mirage is awesome, easily the most underrated bad guy to good guy I’ve seen. Mom and Dad hero pair, amazing. Dash running on water, amazing. Violet growing up and saving her brother from the Omnidroid, amazing. Edna Mode voiced by Brad Bird, amazing. This film was incredible. 4. Brave: yes, this movie gets a lot of hate. And I mean a lot. But I’m a sucker for a heroine who takes charge. Merida fights with her mom, we all fight with family and that makes it feel realistic. The music is amazing. Chase the wind is still one of my favorite songs. The will the wisps are accurate to myth and th amount of sheer detail goes unnoticed in this movie. DunBroch, Mordu’s fallen kingdom, the Stonehenge, the sky are all so artfully animated. The witch is an absolute riot and I love her. 3. Onward: DND references everywhere. I love it. Ian Lightfoot is a relatable character with his social anxiety and lists of what he needs to do, and his sacrifice is commendable. Barley is a supportive older sibling and he’s a role model with how he helps his younger brother learn to drive, learn magic and so many other things. The Manticore is excellent and a salty character I live for. The mom is bad a, and I think that it’s amazing she got so much screen time compared to other Pixar moms. Ride of the Valkeryies playing while Barley salutes his van’s final voyage? Tearjerker. The curse beast having the face of the high school’s dragon mural? I was the only one who laughed in the theater I was in. It was relatable and heartfelt, a Pixar masterpiece. 2. Ratatouille: this movie was the start of my love of baking and of Paris. I was young when it came out, but it’s so, so artistic and beautiful. Remy is a well thought out character and having Gusteau as his shoulder angel was amazing. Alfredo Linguini literally means white sauce pasta, but I’ll ignore that. The end with the new restaurant is amazing and Chef Skinner is salty and I like it. 1. WALL.E: space. This was my childhood. I’ve seen this movie maybe upwards of a hundred times. The animation is gorgeous, the characters beautifully scripted. For a movie that has only 22 minutes of speech, it conveys a message far more powerful than any words could. WALL.E is a sunshine child with his hyperfixation on humans and as someone who hyperfixates, this was amazing to see on a big screen. That it was okay to have quirks and unique interests and viewpoints. The spacedance is beyond anything and it still has bits of humor, along with heartwarming scenes and images. EVA fixing WALL.E at the end was painful, and then the Spark bringing back WALL.E’s life was the best ending I could have ever gotten. And his whole goal was just to hold EVA’s hand, it was soooo cute!  I might have to revise my list when Soul comes out, but here’s the current!
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