#the question is do I dye my roots purple or just make everything green
trans-xianxian · 21 days
tried to dye my hair dark blue with orange roots and the blue turned out GREEN 😭
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Writober 2020 - 25 (Orange)
Summary: Well... when Bo fucks up, she really fucks up, Luckily, CVS is open 24/7. Even luckier, Alistair’s coming with her. How hard could it be to get some damn pink hair dye anyway?
There was nothing like the Normandy needing some repair work done that made him appreciate down time.
“You like that, Saren? I got it from your favorite place as a little surprise while I was out getting supplies for everyone.”
The small, round ball of fur continued to shove his food into his bulging cheeks. He was going a little faster than usual of course – that's what happened when he got his favorite snacks – but soon it would all be stored away for later. Until then, he would continue to look absolutely adorable as he sat in his enclosure.
Alistair had picked up more food and bedding for the hamster while he was out, along with a few chew toys and a new hide. Maybe he was spoiling Saren, but... well, why not? Space hamsters may have lived longer than their Earth counterparts, but they still maxed out at 10. They hadn't been sure how old   he was, so... why not make every day count?
Besides, he had pissed on Miranda. That made him a hero.
“It was really busy at the shop when I popped in today. I guess word got out that I go there.” He chuckled as he watched his hamster finish stuffing himself silly. “All full? You look like a little beach ball, Sar.”
Maybe it was his imagination, but he swore he saw Saren's cheeks puff out in indignation.  At any rate, he was soon tunneling into his bedding, to wherever he was storing his food in this cage layout. Alistair would find the remains eventually when he cleaned. It was kind of like one of the weirdest treasure hunts he had ever taken part in...
“Well, bye I guess.”
He shrugged his shoulders and started to return to his desk. However. A beeping from his omni-tool drew the Spectre's attention. There was a message there from Bo – fucked my omni-tool again, might have water damage. Fix?
Oh great... water damage.
“She's lucky I got some extra parts when I went shopping.” Alistair shook his head as he grabbed his tool box and jacket. “Saren, watch the room while I'm gone. If you see anyone from Cerberus sneaking around, you know what to do.”
That was of course look cute to entice them in, then bite the shit out of them. It was a good plan, and Saren executed it like a pro. That's why he always felt a little better when he left to go on missions. How could he not when he had his own personal attack hamster?
Bo hadn't said where she was, but he knew her enough that he stopped by the crew floor to find the XO office. The door was open, so he nudged it open and stepped through. There was water running – was she showering?
Well, good to know she trusted him.
“It's on the desk!” Her voice called out over the water. “Did Saren like the snacks you got?”
Alistair settled into his CO's desk in order to fix her very water-logged omni-tool. He cocked his eyebrow as he examined it further. At first he thought it was a trick of the light, but parts of the band looked to be faded to almost white. A smell test confirmed it as he shook his head. Luckily, he had a replacement band in her size.
“Yeah. Did you forget to take this off when you were bleaching your roots though?”
Bo shut the water off – must've been done rinsing. “Some of it dripped while I was working.”
Of course it did. Alistair resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he pulled the stained band off. After that, it was simple diagnostic and replacement. Apart from the soldering of some replacement bits around the screen, he could've done it in his sleep. Luckily, he was awake so that made it go much faster.
He hummed to himself as he worked. “No big deal, I figured you'd need a new one eventually so I picked one up.”
“Gotta love a well-stocked tech.” Bo sounded like she was shifting around. Then she stopped moving. “Aw fuck...”
Alistair cocked his eyebrow as he put the omni-tool down briefly. “Everything alright in there?”
His XO didn't answer. From the sounds of things, she was getting dressed. At least he knew she hadn't fallen or anything, but her silence was a little concerning. However, going into the bathroom was a bad idea, so he was left waiting on the other side.
Two red eyes were soon on him. “We're going to have to go back to CVS.”
At first, he started to open his mouth to ask why. That question was answered for him as Bo came into view,  adjusting her shirt as she walked. She had indeed finished bleaching her roots and touching up the color but...
Well, that wasn't pink. In fact, it was pretty damn fucking orange.
She shot him a look that definitely could've killed. “Well, get it over with.”
Alistair returned the omni-tool to his toolbox for later and started patching up details for returning to the dock. “Well... let's be honest, ginger's better on me than you. You can fix that at least, right?”
After all, there was only one redheaded Shepard on the Normandy, and he was under 6 feet tall. Besides, pink really was more her color anyway. He may have been an utter failure when it came to fashion, but at least he sometimes knew basic color theory.
Sometimes, anyway... he still didn't see why he couldn't wear neon blue sneakers with green laces.
“Yeah, just go already.” her hood was already up over the nightmare. “Before anyone really starts making Shepard siblings jokes.”
Perish the thought...
“Have I mentioned how much I hate C-SEC?”
“Many, many times.”
Alistair could feel a dull headache throbbing at the base of his implant as he and Bo finally cleared security. For some reason, flying in on the fucking Normandy always attracted some measure of attention. He wouldn't have minded, but they were kind of on a tight schedule.
Bo still had her hood up as they walked. “I swear I checked that damn box before I bought it, how the fuck did this happen?”
“You're asking the wrong guy, maybe the manufacturer mixed up the packages or something.” He shrugged. “I'll check it out later once we get back.”
Hell, maybe a low blood sugar had caused it. Bo might not have been as sensitive to biotic-induced hypoglycemia as he was, but there were times she still got it. For all he knew, this could have been a hypo fuck up. Of course, he'd never suggest that – that was just insult to injury.
What could he say, he was a paragon of virtue like that. Though, maybe he should consider adding a CGM to her omni-tool when he got back...
At least the CVS didn't look too busy from the outside. The parking lot looked pretty empty, but that was probably due to the time. Even the Citadel had slow periods between shifts after all – people had to sleep and eat sometime. It was just a stroke of luck they hit it when they did.
What wasn't so lucky was the guy Bo all but body checked as she entered the store.
Alistair opened his mouth to apologize, but he didn't get the chance. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone coming. His reflexes kicked in, and soon a glowing blue barrier was erected around whatever was moving towards him. A shot ricocheted, and then they were down on the ground with a hole in their leg.
Huh. Now why would two guys in dark masks with guns be in a CVS? And why did the few people in there look like they had just seen a ghost?
“Oh, thank God. I thought - “ The clerk paused, realizing who was standing over her would-be robbers as if they did this every day – which, to be fair, they kind of did. It was just usually in armor. “Wait... are you Commander Shepard?”
Alistair was already checking vitals through the barrier. “Yeah. Bo, go get your stuff. I'll handle these two until C-SEC shows up.”
Their gear and weapons were honestly nothing special, and their plan seemed laughable at best. It was just their luck they had run into amateur hour at thievery school. Well, no doubt they had both earned scholarships to clown college for their boneheaded stunts.
At least the bullet wound didn't look like it had broken anything vital. He'd be able to stand trial for sure at this rate.
“Fuck...” Yeah, his sentiments exactly. “How'd you find us?”
Bo appeared from the aisle, carrying the correct box under her arm. With her hood still up, she slid it over the counter. “We walked in. Can I buy this now, or does C-SEC need to count the total?”
“Oh, they didn't get the chance to take anything! You two showed up just as soon as they drew their guns!” There were stars in the clerk's eyes as she ran Bo up. “I don't know how to thank you, I thought I was going to get shot!”
Alistair's medigel applicator dinged as it dispensed the appropriate dose for the would-be robber still trapped in his barrier. It would hold until he got proper medical attention with C-SEC. With that done, he checked on the other genius. He was still on the floor, groaning.
No surprises there – it was hard to take a full body check from Bo “The Pink Monster” Shepard and  make it out without anything broken. Definitely had at least some kind of concussion if the unfocused vision was anything to go by.
Well, at least he didn't crack his skull. Those were messy.
“I doubt they would've hit, their aim was terrible.” Bo accepted her bag just as the C-SEC sirens announced their arrival. “Well, took them long enough.”
She slung her bag over her shoulder. “Al, mind handling them? I'm gonna get back to the Normandy.”
Normally, this was the part where a commanding officer would have totally pulled rank and made his XO stay. After all, he hated dealing with C-SEC as much as anyone did. However, unlike most CO's, he wasn't a total asshole. That he saved for people who deserved it.
“Yeah, hurry up before they realize it's you.”
Bo actually passed two C-SEC officers on her way out, hood pulled low. Alistair shook his head as he straightened up. His hands still felt sticky from the medigel, but there wasn't much he could do about that at the moment.
At least there were no news cameras.
“Stop right-” A turian with purple tattoos lowered her gun. “Commander Shepard?”
He responded with an awkward wave that highlighted the sticky residue from the medigel. At least nobody could blame him for the gunshot – for once he wasn't armed, even though his Spectre status gave him that permission. Who needed to bring a gun into CVS anyway, except idiots like the ones on the floor? “Wrong place, right time. These two need medical attention, but I think they'll be ok. Their pride, not so much, but I can't fix that.”
That dull headache promised to get worse with the incredulous looks he was getting from the officers. Alistair could only hope that the store's cameras were working, otherwise they were going to have to interview him. And oh, he hated going down to the C-SEC offices more than pretty much everything except the Illusive Man, low blood sugar, and the sound of his own voice.
Bo better thank him for this one later... hopefully when her hair was back to pink. Again, orange really was more of his color. Chalk it up to the Irish genes and all.
“So... guess you want to have a chat then?”
Why did he even ask... fuck. He should've stayed in his room with Saren.
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Flutterby, Butterfly
Hey everyone, I’m back! I took a break from tumblr for a while, and while I might post less from now on, I figured now was the time to come back. Today I have something a little different. A story I wrote about coming to terms with my gender identity! It’s framed as me having a conversation with my own soul. It’s my hope that someone who has had similar experiences might find comfort in reading it. However, trigger warning, because there is a very honest discussion about my experiences with dysphoria and body problems in general. It’s a bit graphic and anatomical. I’ll put the story under the cut so you can skip it if you prefer. For everyone else, enjoy! 
We met somewhere dark. Not dark in the physical sense. Light filtered in through the bedroom window like any normal day. Pale sunshine like pastel prison bars shone through the blinds. I’d been here for weeks. Or months. Who knew anymore?
My friends, save one, had left me for their own homes. Not that I blamed them. This was a dead town without the university’s typical buzzing student body. The lifeblood had been supped dry. Of course, it wasn’t very exciting anywhere else either. We were suffering in the world’s most mundane and boring catastrophe. Locked away in our homes, quietly terrified, numbed in our isolation. This was where we met.
I had been cleaning the gunk off my soul. What else was there to do? After peeling away the rot of old habit, scrubbing away the mold of toxic friendships, and pulling at parasitic thoughts, I thought the work was done.
And yet.
Something was off. Beneath the grime was someone I didn’t want to recognize.
“Hello again,” they said. “Are you done hiding from me?”
“You’re a side-effect,” I told them. My body issues were the last bit of junk to tackle. I thought I’d settled them as I got healthier, but isolation and recent weight gain had done me no favors.  “Once I’m back in shape, you’ll go away.”
They sauntered over to the bed and plopped down. Fresh, clean, and naked, they moved like someone who had never known restriction. “Is that so?”
“Of course. I just want to be thin.”
“And flat,” they said, gesturing to their chest. I envied their beauty. Lithe, fit, and androgynous.
I crossed my arms. “Insecurity isn’t an identity. I’ve always hated my boobs.”
“Why do you think that is?”
“I don’t know. They’re flabby. Gross. They don’t fit on me.”
“Would you be happier if they were perkier?”
“I mean—”
They sat up. “Or do you push them out of the way when you look in the mirror, even when you’re skinny?”
My mouth pressed into a hard line. What could I say? Countless timed I found myself squeezing them into my armpits, squishing them against my ribs, blocking them out with my hands. I measured the beauty of my naked body by how I looked without them. Even chubby I’d push them out of the way to feel better about myself. We both knew what they were trying to tell me.
“I’d like to be flat-chested. Big deal,” I said, at last. “Body preference isn’t an identity. I’m still a girl.”
“Is that why you fantasize about having a hysterectomy?”
“Hey, nobody likes their period. It’s messy. It hurts. I get bloated.”
“You get womanly,” they said.
“Ugh, don’t say it like that. That’s just weird.”
They shot me a smirk, like I’d proven their point. “Disgusting, isn’t it? You’re so uncomfortable you barely want to put your clothes on.”
I turned on my heel away from them. “Pads feel like diapers.”
“And tampons are so much worse,” they added. I agreed. That cotton between my legs made me too aware of my own body for comfort. “Remember when you were on the ring? And you could skip your period? Felt natural, didn’t it?”
“Until I got bloated and lost my sex drive.”
“Yeah, that sucked. It was like being hacked from the inside. No wonder you avoided hormonal birth control for so long.”
I had. I even tore up my womb with that copper torture device to avoid it. Part of me hoped it would perforate my walls so the doctors would have to perform a hysterectomy. That didn’t help my case, I realized.
“No, it doesn’t,” they agreed. “Getting your tubes tied was the right choice.”
The right choice. That was one way of putting it. Everyone knew I was staunchly childfree, and I was solidifying that staunchness with a snip. I told myself the two months of euphoria after was just a sense of personal accomplishment. Of freedom. Of finally having bodily autonomy.
I always got a little rush from changing my body. Haircuts, dye, new piercings, tattoos, whatever little modification I could afford to make my body feel like mine. Yet nothing compared to what that surgery did for me. It wasn’t a rush. It was an awakening. It was…
“You. You disconnected from womanhood,” they explained, moving their fingers in a snipping motion. “That’s why it felt so good. Nothing hits like gender euphoria, baby.”
“But I like girly things. Make-up. Jewelry. Pretty dresses.”
“Never said you didn’t. Style isn’t an identity.”
Oh. I faced them, defeated. “Then what is my identity? Where is it?”
They stood up and approached me. Sea green eyes saw straight into me. Because they were mine. “You’re looking at it. Where am I?”
“Inside me.”
“Exactly,” I told myself. “I’m not part of your garbage. I’m not an issue. What am I?”
“…You’re my soul.” The moment I said it, I knew it was true. I couldn’t pull or scrub or peel them away. We were the same, yet not. The disconnect between us was slight, deep only as breast tissue and muscle mass, but it was the root of most of my body issues. It was the unease of unbalance. I wasn’t myself yet.
“There you go.”
“But what does that make me? What am I, if not a woman?”
They smiled at me. A sweet, knowing smile. “If you want an honest answer, you’re the purple that falls between the pinks and blues of the world. The shade varies on the hour of course. Sometimes fuchsia, sometimes lavender, sometimes wine, but purple all the same.”
“I was asking for a label,” I said, flatly.
They shrugged. “Take a word and use it. What do you want it for? Others or yourself?’
I thought on that. The answer was both. I wanted to explain myself to others, and I wanted to define myself for myself. Androgynous felt right, but then again, so did genderfluid. Nonbinary was broad, but I kind of liked that. It was an umbrella to cover everything else. All these words were synonyms that described, to different degrees, the nuances of my soul.
“Then use all three,” they suggested. “You’re a writer. Since when do writers use just one word to describe something? Especially something so complex as a person? This gives you wiggle room when explaining it to people. If they don’t understand one, maybe they’ll understand another.”
“Yeah, I don’t think my mom knows what the fuck nonbinary means.”
“But she knows what androgynous is. She knows what feminine and masculine mean. You’ll tell her you’re the balance between them. That’s where you’re happiest,” they explained. “But in the end, no matter what label you pick, they’re all true. You know who you are.”
I did. We did. They did.
Yet I felt my world crumbling. I was sitting alone, naked as my soul, staring in the mirror at someone I wasn’t. The people who knew me didn’t know me anymore. I was an alien in my own life.
I had a sudden burning need to erase my old self completely. I wanted the person I saw inside to be who everyone else always knew, to project them onto their memories. More than anything I wanted my real body. This one had an awkward fit, like I was wearing something from several years ago, and I was squirming in it. It felt… off.
“This feels backwards,” I said. “I’m growing backwards. I’m not growing into myself. I’m cutting myself away. It’s uncomfortable.”
“Has it been comfortable cutting off old friends you’ve outgrown? Has it been comfortable to confront the toxic habits you’ve clung to?”
“But it’s been for the best?”
“Then there you go,” they said. “Sometimes metamorphosis feels like going backwards. Remember when you were little, and you called butterflies flutterbies? That’s you. Right now, you’re the flutterby. You’re dissolving in your cocoon. Do you think that’s comfortable for the butterfly?”
“But it’s for the best?” They phrased it like a question, but I knew it wasn’t.
“Then let yourself dissolve.”
I sighed. “But then what? Who will I be without my old self?”
They smiled again. “With time, the butterfly.”
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hbosscreations · 4 years
Here is my @redvsbluesecretsanta gift for @ bi-vampire this year! They asked for a Freelancer fic with vampires and some Carolina/York or North/York, I hope that they enjoy it!
Carolina bit back a snarl as she rattled the door of the cage she’d been unceremoniously shoved into by a blonde haired vampire with purple leather pants and a dark green tank top. Sure, Carolina was glad to not have been out and out murdered instead of being captured, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t absolutely livid about the situation.
The cage was small, leaving Carolina slightly hunched and unable to sit or even properly stretch her legs.The sound of jingling chains pulled Carolina’s attention back to her partner, the reason she was trapped in a cage in the first place.
“Yes, Carolina?”
York’s chains clanked as he shifted toward her. Why she’d ended up in a go-go cage and he’d ended up chained to a chair was beyond her, but it was more than a little annoying.
It was a temporary situation at best, she knew, they that didn’t mean she was happy about the two of them being captured. They’d gotten out of tight situations before, but this was a bit much.
“Do you remember what you told me before we left?”
Carolina flicked the padlock on the cage, letting the heavy lock bounce off of the metal bars over and over again.
“About how you’d done your research? About how this was just a little nest that needed to be taken care of, and we totally didn’t need backup? About how we were going to be doing a stake and run and be back home for dinner?”
He at least looked embarrassed about his screwup, which was appropriate, but not entirely helpful given that they’d been captured and bound by the very vampires they’d come to clear out.
York twisted his hand and ran a nail over his wrist, scrapping it against the skin until a small flap lifted, slowly peeling it away to reveal a tiny lockpick set hidden against his skin. He flipped the tools into his hands and got to work on the padlock chaining his wrists together and attaching him firmly to the metal chair bolted to the floor.
“When we get out of here,” York looked up to Carolina with a grin, “I’m thinking Chinese food. Something with crispy tofu. You?”
“If we get out of here, I am going to retrain you. You are going to pray for death by the time I’m done with you.”
“Don’t tempt me with a good time, Carolina!”
He struggled with the padlock, twisting the tiny tools around, his smile going from cheerful and carefree to something sharp and distressed. Just as York thought he might be close to getting it right, one of the picks fell from his fingers and bounced out of reach.
York groaned as Carolina leveled a frustrated glare.
“If I die here my father is going to kill you. If I get turned, he will stake you himself.”
“We’re not going to die here, Carolina. I have a plan.”
The door creaked open and the two snapped their attention to it. The blonde vampire that captured them slipped through the door and crossed her arms as she leaned against the wall, watching the two trapped humans. York felt a shiver building in his spine and Carolina bared her teeth.
“Relax, hunter, no one is dying today. Tomorrow, maybe, but not today.”
She’d caught them scoping out the place just after sunset, and before Carolina could pull her stake, she’d been tossed into a cage and York was strapped into chains.
Neither hunter had expected a vampire that old, that capable. Carolina’s father had trained her to hunt vampires since she was a child and her mother was killed in a vampire attack. She didn’t get surprised. She just didn’t.
Until she did.
York blinked innocently at the vampire, hoping his charming smile would distract her from the pick on the floor and from Carolina trying to murder her with the heat of her glare alone.
“Um, miss vampire? Maybe this is a stupid question, but…well, is there a reason I’m chained up? Aside from the obvious?”
The vampire swaggered over, smirking, and ruffled York’s hair before patting his cheek with just enough strength to make his cheek sting.
“You mean aside from keeping you restrained so you can’t murder us? Consider yourself a present for my brother. He likes idiots, and he needs to know how easily his ‘impeccably maintained perimeter’ was broken.”
Carolina felt her hackles raise as the vampire circled York’s chair before she slowly sauntered to Carolina’s cage and leaned against the bars with a wide smile.
“It’s cute that you think you’re getting out of there by pulling on that lock.”
“It’s cute that you think that purple hair and leather look is still relevant.”
“Really? You’re going to be that kind of chick? You’re going to rag on my hair when I’m literally wearing Barney the Dinosaur shades of purple and green? I mean, that’s your choice, but there are plenty of other things to criticize. At least my dye job looks good, Red. You might want to touch up your roots, btdubs, they’re looking pretty sad.”
The door creaked open again, and York blinked hard.
Another vampire moved into the room, moving directly to the vamp nearly pressed against the cage, and tugged her back by her wrists.
“South, is there a reason you’ve got humans in chains?”
She spun around and pulled Carolina’s cell phone out of her pocket, waggling it in front of his face.
“We’ve got hunters, North. That ‘little problem’ you’ve been trying to handle has caught the attention of people looking to murder us. If you’d let me handle it-“
“Thank you, South. I’ll take care of it. Is there a reason you bolted a chair to the floor?”
“He seems like your type. Now, can we please figure out who’s encroaching on our territory and drawing attention to us before someone competent shows up and tries to stab us with pointy sticks.”
York had clearly missed something during his research, such as the fact that the vampires he’d seen in the area were probably not the vampires destroying the nearby town. After all, no intelligent vampire did the kind of destruction that York had been tracking.
It drew too much attention.
And now, thanks to York’s shoddy research, he and his girlfriend were about to die.
North stepped up close to York, tipping his chin up with a chilly hand, and smiled down on him.
“Did you really think you were going to come here and kill us? That I would allow you to kill my sister? Destroy my family? No. Not today, not ever. I don’t enjoy killing, but I will not hesitate to rip the two of you to shreds to keep my people safe.”
York’s Adams apple bobbed nervously as he swallowed.
“I’ve been tracking a group of vampires eating their way along the coast. The trail led here, so we decided to take a look. And by the way, we are competent, we’re fully registered vampire hunters, and we’re very professional.”
“York,” Carolina hissed through gritted teeth, “Shut up.”
What was he thinking? Carolina was sure that her half blind idiot was about to get their throats torn out by a pair of angry vampires.
“Hey, I’m just being honest, and if honestly has the potential of keeping us alive, I’m a fan.”
“You think being licensed vampire hunters makes this better?”
Carolina’s lips curled unpleasantly. She understood what he was trying now, and while she was sure it was an incredibly stupid plan, he’d started it. They were committed.
“It means we don’t kill indiscriminately, but we can and will kill should the need arise. It means we are very careful, and it means that if we do not check in soon, there are people who will come looking, and they won’t be armed with just a few measly stakes. They also aren’t going to wait for you to tell your side of the story.”
Both vampires looked unimpressed at Carolina’s declaration, but she didn’t need them impressed, she just needed them spooked enough to let her or York free long enough for one of them to deal with the situation.
She knew she could take both of the vamps, Carolina excelled at multi-enemy fighting. York was capable in his own right, but it might be more of a struggle for him alone. He just needed to get the keys from the vampires and free Carolina. The rest would be cake.
“Papa North?”
The room stilled as the door slid open again, revealing two children as they entered. The little one, another blond with bright red eyes and a purple top clung to the elder boy’s hand.
“Delta,” North’s voice had the gentlest hint of scolding to it, “Theta, this isn’t where you two are supposed to be, and you know that. What’s going on?”
“We’re hungry,” Theta whined.
“Aww! Carolina, look! Babies!”
York grinned and wiggled in his seat, looking excited to anyone who didn’t know him, and terrified to Carolina. Carolina’s gut twisted in horror as she realized exactly what they’d stumbled into, and despite his pleased tone she knew that York was doing everything he could to hold himself together.
Babies wasn’t the right phrase, one looked to be a teenager and the other looked about eight years old, but that wasn’t the worst part.
They weren’t turned. The bright glow to both sets of eyes gave them away as natural born vampire children. Purebloods. And where there were two, there would be a nest.
It was no longer a mystery why these two were so nervous, it was now more of a question as to why they hadn’t just killed their human captives outright.
The little one detached himself from Delta and climbed North’s leg all the way to his arms and curled up their.
“I’m hungry, North. Can we eat now?”
York shot a look at Carolina before gently rattling his chains, catching the attention of the green-eyed teenage vampire. He glanced between York and the tiny lockpick that rested between his feet.
“Not now, Theta, but in just a few minutes. Come on, you two, go back to the nursery. South, can you take care of this, please?”
“I am not a fucking babysitter, North.”
But she plucked the boy from her brother’s arms and as she led the two out of the room, Delta gently kicked the lockpick over to York’s chair nonchalantly before the door shut behind them.
North leaned over and picked up the piece, tucking it into his pocket.
“He thinks he’s so sneaky. I won’t tell him otherwise, or he might actually get creative enough to fool me. Now, let’s deal with this situation so I can feed a flock of very hungry fledlings.”
North smiled a little tighter and fished a key from his pocket.
“We are aware of what’s going on, and we’re working on it. No need for hunters, licensed or unlicensed to come in and threaten us.”
He moved over to York and started unlocking the padlocks on York’s chains, letting them fall to the floor in a heap.
York blinked.
“You’re unchaining me? Why are you unchaining me when you can rip out my throat so easily while I’m chained up?”
North smiled and pulled York to his feet, dusting off his shoulders and nudging him toward Carolina’s cage before he opened the padlock and swung the door open wide.
“You came here to find out what is killing people, and only an idiot would think we would draw that kind of attention on ourselves with little ones around. Do some more research before stumbling into nests, or you may end up eaten by those of our kind who are more interested in making a point than either I or my sister are.”
He shooed Carolina and York to the door, letting a hand stroke gently along York’s spine before going to the second door and shutting it behind himself.
Carolina and York shared a look.
“That was interesting.”
“What just happened?”
Carolina put her hand on York’s shoulder and turned him toward the door, hoping to god that this was real and they weren’t about to be surprised and devoured.
“They don’t want trouble any more than we do. Come on, if we hurry, we can pretend we were just on a date any my father never has to know that we were almost murdered.”
“I like that plan.”
South glared at her brother as he watched the two humans race out of the mansion on the security cameras. They were going to have to move again to make sure they didn’t get return with backup and kill the nest.
He turned and smiled gently at South, leaving her rolling her eyes and sighing in frustration.
“You let them go.”
“I did.”
“Are you high? Did you eat a human with drugs in their veins? Are you full of cocaine and marijuana right now? Do you need an intervention?”
He cradled Theta carefully as he stood, the little vampire playfully biting North’s shoulder to remind his caretaker that he was still hungry.
“No, South. I just don’t feel like keeping prisoners, especially when we have plenty of willing donors so close by.”
“And you thought the cyclops was too cute to eat.”
“And I thought York was cute.”
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thelunarbond · 5 years
5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15 for everyone? (also, feel free to switch between IC and OOC for the questions depending on which you feel would work better)
Your OC meets a magical talking frog with a quest, what is your OC’s next move?
Yume: Will do anything for the magical talking frog, and will take up its quest almost immediately
Chase: Ignores the frog completely, doesn’t even notice that it’s talking
Lavender: Gets grossed out by the frog as frogs are slimy and ugly in her opinion, but will probably do the quest anyway
Minami: IS VERY EXCITED AS SHE LOVES MAGICAL CREATURES and is super happy to meet one in real life! She’ll definitely do her best to do the quest
Alexis: Wonders how the frog got into her room in the first place. Once she realised that it’s talking she’ll probably put it outside and leave it there
Phoenix: Unholy screeching, followed by him running away as fast as his legs can carry him
Your OC is running from the guards, why are they most likely running from them?
Yume: Stealing something valuable, like jewels
Chase: Using his sarcasm and dry humour to start a fight with the guard’s boss
Lavender: Breaking something of high importance
Minami: Breaking someone she cares about out of jail
Alexis: Waving a sword around
Phoenix: Multiple unfortunate occurrences that get out of control, such as falling over and then breaking something and then finding valuables in his pockets before standing on the guard’s foot as he leaves
How would your OC describe their best friend using three words to a stranger?
💙 Yume 💙 :
“Cool, suave, bossy! …If Chase hears me call him bossy he’s gonna yell at me, please don’t tell him I said that!”
“Short, eccentric, reliable. Now, what did Yume say about me?”
Lavender 💐 :
“Best friend? I hate choosing a best friend! They’re all good for different reasons! But… I suppose I’ll say talented, stylish and funny!”
(Lavender’s best friend is an OC I haven’t introduced yet 👀 -zee)
💕Minami 💕:
“He’s… quiet, complex and clever. I don’t know if Phoenix will describe me as his best friend but I feel like he’s mine! I hope he thinks we’re best friends.”
Alexis 🎮:
“This is super awkward. I don’t want to use a specific member of the Lunar Bond for this activity cuz I don’t know if I’m anyone’s best friend and if they don’t use me as their best friend then it’d be super embarrassing and I’ll feel like an idiot-”
“B-Best friend? Hmm… Don’t tell Minami I used her for this, but she’s kind, strong and calming. I feel the most relaxed when I’m with her. Please don’t tell her any of this or I’ll actually disintegrate with embarrassment.”
Your OC decides they can dye their own hair, with their very little knowledge about hair, how does this go? Do they have their friends with them, supporting them? Do they do it when they are alone? Do they do it before a big and upcoming event?
Yume: It goes surprisingly well, considering how reckless he is with everything else in his life. He’d choose a vibrant, out there colour like neon green or dark blue, and he’d do it before going to a big event like a party. He most likely invited Chase over for moral support and he spends the whole time making sarcastic comments that he looks like a coloured marker; Yume wouldn’t take any notice of them and be in love with his new look
Chase: It goes well for Chase, however this is unsurprising considering how meticulous he is about everything. He’d make sure to follow the instructions by the letter in order to get it perfect. He’d dye his hair a fairly normal colour, most likely black or dark brown, to make a change from it’s natural dark red. He wouldn’t dye his hair before a big event as despite the fact that he followed the instructions perfectly, he would be afraid of it getting messed up and having photos of it haunt him forever. He’d dye his hair while he’s alone so he can concentrate better
Lavender: It would be a mess. She’d get hair dye all over her bathroom, her clothes and her skin, and it wouldn’t be the colour she intended it to be and it’d be covered in gaps. She’d want her hair to be a pastel pink but it’d come out dark pink or off red as she didn’t follow the instructions properly. She’d most likely have a group of friends there to help out and support her, and she’d cry on their shoulders about her “ugly” hair, and how its never going to be the same again, and they’ll remind her that hair grows back. She’d definitely dye her hair before a big event and then feel like an idiot afterwards
Minami: She always has pink dyed tips so dying her full head would be a breeze, as her sister taught her how to dye hair anyway. She’d choose a light colour, such as mint or light blue. She’d most likely have Phoenix there to talk to while she does it, and she’d offer to dye his while she was doing it (he’d always say no.) She always dyes her hair anyway so it would most likely be dyed before an event
Alexis: It’d turn out okay for a first attempt, not amazing but not horrific either. She’d probably have forgotten the roots but nothing too awful. She’d always dye her hair while she was alone because she would be scared of someone making mean comments about it or not liking it. She’d dye her hair a dark colour, such as dark purple, black or dark red, as her hair is naturally dark anyway. Alexis doesn’t go to big events unless they’re online so she wouldn’t dye her hair before a typical “big event”
Phoenix: He may be academically gifted, but he has no common sense. Because of this, dying his hair would be a disaster (but not to the same degree as Lavender). It’d be the intended colour, which would most likely be black or blue, but wouldn’t be evenly covered. He’d have Minami there to tell him how to do it, and would refuse every time she offered to just do it for him. He’d then be massively embarrassed and try and wash it out until finally letting Minami fix it. He’d never dye his hair before an event as he’d be afraid of what others would say.
What is something completely random about your OC that even you, as the writer, find confusing?
I don’t really get this question, as I wouldn’t write something into my characters that would confuse me 😅 Sorry!
How does your OC celebrate their birthday? What is their wildest birthday story?
💙 Yume  💙 :
“I invite all my friends to the beach and we stay there all night! Bonfires, night swimming in the ocean, ghost stories, cave exploring, sleeping under the stars… It’s the best! I celebrate my birthday like that every year! And I have a lot of wild stories from my past birthday parties. Back when I lived with my parents, we took my dad’s speedboat out and ended up staying the night in a cave far from where we were meant to stay. My parents weren’t impressed, but dad shouldn’t have made his keys so easy to steal, y’know?”
“I celebrate my birthday differently every year, it’d be boring otherwise. For my last birthday, I went abroad with my friends and went to a load of foreign clubs. I have no idea how we managed to get Yume into all of them, but we did. My wildest birthday story, huh… There’s been a few, but it has to be the time my parents were away and we partied in my house all night. When they came home they found Yume and a few other friends asleep outside on the lawn, and a few other friends were playing video games in the living room, and some were passed out in the kitchen… We didn’t even drink back then, we were just wild kids!”
Lavender 💐: 
“I invite my best friends over for a sleepover at my house! We order pizza, we’ll play some dance games, we’ll gossip until like 2am before we go to sleep and wake up early the next day to go to a cafe and get pancakes for breakfast! There was one time when my friend was talking about the boy she had a crush on, and we prank called him! That was so funny because in the end, they ended up actually getting together!”
💕Minami 💕:
“I like to go out for a nice meal for my birthday. I invite maybe a couple of close friends and we have a chilled out time. I don’t really like inviting a lot of people because then I get scared I’m leaving someone out of the conversation. I’m not really a wild party animal so I don’t have any crazy birthday stories like Yume or Chase have, but there was one time where the waiter was bringing out my birthday cake and everyone sang happy birthday, and then she dropped it on the floor face down. I felt bad for the waiter more than anything!”
Alexis 🎮:
“…I don’t really celebrate my birthday. It’s a day just like any other. However I do like the bonuses I get in my games on my birthday. The craziest birthday story I have is that one time I slept all the way through my birthday because I pulled an all nighter playing a game with some online friends.”
“I don’t do anything too crazy for my birthday, but I might buy some takeout for dinner and watch a film while I eat it. On my last birthday Minami came over and we played some games together as well, it was… pretty fun. We ended up talking about random stuff until 4am, and she stayed over on the couch. There was one time when I was a young kid when my parents took me to an outdoor maze for my birthday and I got lost for 5 hours on my own. I haven’t been in a maze since…”
Your OC now gets to strut around in a cape, what colour is the cape and what do they accessorize the cape with? 
Yume: a dark blue cape that has a white fur trim, and is intricately decorated in sparkles. He’d wear a crown and big platform boots with it and feel like a QUEEN
Chase: A maroon red cape fit for royalty. He’d definitely carry a sceptre and feel like he’s the best person in the whole world
Lavender: A pink, faux fur cape that has a hood with animal ears on it. It’s most likely part of a lolita coordinate she’s put together for the colder winter months
Minami: A long, gold, silky cape. She’d wear a flowy dress underneath and enjoy spinning around and watching the fabric flutter
Alexis: A long, black cape with feathers on it. She’d march around her room still wearing her jogging bottoms and vest shirt but with the cape on, and she’d feel like a cartoon villain
Phoenix: A light blue, slightly opalescent cape. He’d wear sandals and loose clothes and feel like a mythical river being (but he wouldn’t tell anyone that)
Sorry it took so long for me to get around to this! I’ve been a little busy over the past few days (RIP)
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ask-mayor-damien · 6 years
Tagged by @salty-sadness22 Huh. I didn’t think I was known, nor interesting enough on here yet for people to send stuff like this my way on this blog. In any case, nice to meet you, Salty!
Rules: Answer these questions and tag twenty blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Oof. 20 people is a lot. So… Maybe… @zel-zo @ask-the-da @americanparamedic @dreamer-realitysky29 @animate-mush @maxinesheela @steeltypeloverbecca @dreadpiratemegatron @strivia @mjnousak @anomalycycle @saria-the-phoenix @abby5577 @zeco5000 @goldenwingdream @ferociousfangirlofmanyfandoms @ask-bethany-and-dark @emilightning @thegayneighborhoodcannibal @smol-Jim (honestly just tagging a lot of my random followers from several of my blogs.)
Nickname: I have gone by many names, but the most prominent of them is Maniac. It’s my preferred nickname.
Zodiac: Cancer, though I don’t put much stock into stuff like astrology.
Height: 5'6" or something like that? I dunno. I’m bad at memorizing stuff like this.
Time: First draft: 4:21 am. Final edits: 6:43 am.
Favorite band / artist: Uh… Steam Powered Giraffe? I also am very fond of Natewantstobattle… Maybe Enter the Haggis? Voltaire? As for bands you may have heard of… Rise Against?
Song stuck in my head: Saint Bernard by Lincoln
Last movie I saw: Avengers: Infinity War, probably
Last thing I googled: Arsenic bronze apparently on this device. No idea why… But that is certainly a thing.
Other blogs: I’ve got a ton. @maniac-fangirl is close to being my ‘main’ one. @maniacwatchestheworld is the blog that actually matters. I have an art blog over at @maniacsmaniacalart and several role play blogs outside of this one. ( @compassionate-captain, @rememberingruins , @groundedjoker and moooooooore!)
Do I get asks: Well, considering that this is an ask blog, yes. On my other accounts, I do, but not often.
Why I chose this username: Because it was a clear and concise way of communicating to the people of the Internet what this blog is and what it is about. It is an ask blog for ‘The Mayor’ from 'Who Killed Markiplier’ and his name is Damien.
Following: This is a side blog so… Nobody? Though the blog I am currently sideblogging this from is following 299 people.
Average amount of sleep: I have no idea at this point. Somewhere between 3 and 16 hours? I spent most of today sleeping. (I’ve been a depressive mess lately.)
Lucky number: I don’t really have one so… 20? Maybe? I like playing D&D?
What am I wearing: Pajamas. A purple shirt saying 'Everything’s just Beachy’ and blue Transformers pajama pants.
Dream job: Man will I sound like a loser here… So… I used to want to be a politician… But as time passes, I realize the part of me who wants that is causing me a lot of pain. I’ve wanted to be a politician because I see all this injustice in the world, and I want to do something to help. To fix it. I am enraged by so many things in the system. But this rage has left me drained and wounded. I am just so tired of being angry. So instead, my dream job… Is to be a content creator. A YouTuber. Someone who can entertain and inspire others through what I create… An unrealistic dream, I know, but a sincere one. It just hurts me to know that my probability of being successful there is very low.
Dream trip: I would want nothing more than to travel abroad with friends. Europe (Just… All of it, but especially Rome) would be my preference, but I wouldn’t mind going back to China with everyone. So long as my like… 5 friends who speak varying degrees of Chinese are along for the ride.
Favorite food: Paella! I just love it, it can vary in quality where you get it from, but it’s real hard to just fuck up! As I always say, “You can’t say Paella without saying 'yay!’”
Play any instrument: Uh… Does the recorder count? I can play a grand total of 3 songs pretty well on the recorder!
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Blond with dark brown roots (my hair is bleached and was dyed green, but all the dye has come out.)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Death masks, shitty things made awesome, replica historical weaponry, television static, stargazing, terrible puns, umbrellas, fairy lights, vests, music from the 1920’s and earlier, crystallizing honey… I dunno, I’m just naming a lot of aesthetic things in my room.
Languages you speak: English. Though I can speak a little bit of French and a tiny bit of Chinese. I’m nowhere close to being fluent in either, but if you dropped me in France, I wouldn’t die! (If you dropped me in China, I would definitely die.)
Most iconic song: For myself or in general? I’ll just go with Cut My Hair, I guess. It’s iconically Ace! (Though everyone else prefers to interpret it being about depression and suicide and cutting… But it makes for a happy Ace song!)
Random fact: About me or in general? I have a lot of facts from history! Did you know that Teddy Roosevelt is the youngest president the United States has ever had!? To relate to earlier, did you know that early Bronze Age humans would mix copper with arsenic to make bronze before they had access to reliable tin sources? Did you know that Doctor Who first premiered the day before the Kennedy assassination!? DID. YOU. KNOW. That William Henry Harrison, the United States’ 9th president was only in office for a month!? As for myself… Fun fact! I have two uvulas! It’s genetic.
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my dear @ironwintercrap tagged me in a thing so HERE WE GO!
1. Are you named after someone? LOL no im named after a freaking bush.....
2. When was the last time you cried? this past monday. once with my therapist and then again with my psychiatrist..... fun stuff
3. Do you like your handwriting? i was told once that when your brain is working really fast and youre really smart then your handwritting will be as fast as your brain but look like shit, so im kinda ok with it now.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? ummmmmmm turkey?
5. Do you have kids? no kids, no realshionship, just a dog.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? if i found out all the things im into from my other self, then yeah id be friends with me. if i was shy and awkward af like i usually am then probably not. 
7. Do you use sarcasm? i try to. sometimes it just comes off as rude so im trying to fix that.
8. Do you still have your tonsils? yep
9. Would you bungee jump? hell yeah!
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? frosted flakes! they’re grrrrrrrreat!
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  never! i try to get shoes without them.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person?  lol i know im not
13. What is your favorite ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough from stewarts :) or ben and jerry’s fish food.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? they’re facial expression when they look at me, if they even look at me
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? people tell me im not, but im fat.... so i hate almost everything about me
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? blue jeans and no shoes
17. What are you listening to right now? Death of a Bachelor (the whole album on repeat)
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? PURPLE!!!!!
19. Favorite smell? vanilla. it’s in my diffuser right now
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my sister. technically it was facetime but she’s in spain sooooooo
21. Favorite sport to watch? none...... im not a sports person
22. Hair color? somewhere between blonde and brown but i used to dye it dark brown. the last time i dyed it i chose this “dark mahogany” color, but it got really really concentrated at my roots so now my hair looks kinda red-ish
23. Eye color? it changes between blue, green and grey but there’s always a gold ring around my pupils.
24. Do you wear contacts? nope. 20/20 vision baby 8)
25. Favorite food to eat? im a pastry chef. this is my least favorite question along with “what’s your favorite thing to make”. for real, theres so much stuff so usually i say some really fancy french pastry people have never heard of so they leave me alone
26. Scary movies or comedy? comedycomedycomedy i dont like scary shit. 
27. Last movie you watched? Third Star, one of Benedict’s last projects before Sherlock
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? gray. it’s my lego batmas shirt so its got black and yellow too
29. Summer or winter? neither.... 
30. Hugs or kisses? hugs
31. What book are you currently reading? ummmmmmmm OH im reading the Welcome To NightVale book :)
32. Who do you miss right now? my middle school english teacher who died the year after i had him. i always miss him
33. What is on your mouse pad? i dont have one but i got my parents one with the google logo from when i did an internship with the food company they hire
34. What is the last TV program you watched? broadchurch season 3 episode 3 
35. What is the best sound? any sound to prevent me from thinking too deep, so literally anything
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? the beatles. i grew up listening to them,
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? prague
38. Do you have a special talent? i know every single line of Hamilton and am pretty close to mastering it in each characters voice/manner. i also do a badass yoshi impression
39. Where were you born? new york (the state, not the city)
k so time for me to tag people who probably wont do this anyway, right? @mewsicalmiss @lil-cap @skinny-steven @penguin0613 @herearethelegends @amindoccupiedbytennant and honestly anyone who wants to, just tag me cause i wanna see your answers :)
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galaxiigore-blog · 7 years
30 Admin Facts
First off, some of these facts will be borderline triggering to those sensitive to mental illness or the like. I wanted to give a warning because I’m not here to lie.
So if you want to avoid the triggering material, do not go past the keep reading segment. The first 20 facts will be lighter hearted.
If you wish to ask any questions, please ask them privately. Thank you.
1- My name is Mercedes, based in German roots and spelled just like the car.
2- I’m twenty years of age, Oct. 10th of this year marks my 21st birthday.
3- I attend Full Sail University where I am earning a Bachelor in Graphic Design and Photography. I graduate next year - Class of ‘18
4- My interests range from art and creative media to horror, gore, and other odd things.
5- I one day want to work for a production company doing graphics for them, such as The Asylum, etc.
6- I have eyes that “change color” or so I’ve been told. They can change from green to blue.
7- I grew up around Horses and other Equine based animals. If I wasn’t reading about them, I learning first hand about them. I also have a year and a half of riding experience and entered two shows.
8- I have the tendency to adopt people as relatives if I care a lot about them.
9- I do not know how to swim but I still love water tremendously and whatever lurks below it.
10- I have a strong love for music and it usually acts as my muse for almost everything.
11- I love to dye my hair, not frequently but once or twice a year and usually only in strips.
12- My natural hair color is a deep black, so deep apparently that I was asked on two different occasions if I dye my hair black.
13- I have a scar on my lip from a tricycle accident I had when I was three, busting my lip open.
14- I have broken one bone in my life, it was the growth bone in my leg. I did it by tripping over the raised patio of my grandparents house.
15- I have been known to hoard sketch books/ note books on a regular basis.
16- I use to travel a lot when I was younger, visiting over 20 states with my Grandparents.
17- I had to have braces on my teeth for four years, deeming me a ‘special’ case in the words of my Orthodontist.
18- My favorite colors are red, black, dark purple and royal blue.
19- I have over 50 OCs, most of them are animals or, more specifically, Equines.
20- I have any extremely active imagination for my age.
21- When I was younger, I was mentally and physically abuse for a good two to three years of my life. Because of that, I was raised mostly by my Grandparents.
22- I was severely bullied in school, leading me to two suicide attempts before I was fourteen.
23- Mentally, I consist of depression, anxiety, and slight paranoia
24- I constantly believe that people are talking about me or that they hate me, so I avoid a lot of human contact.
25- I grew up without a Father figure, my real Father leaving before I was born and has been gone ever since.
26- I like to make others smile, despite how I feel that day. I rarely smile myself but I’m very good at faking it.
27- I often avoid the question when asked if I’m okay or ‘What’s wrong?’
28- I hate how I look and have an extremely long way from ever loving myself.
29- I use to harm myself, often trying to starve myself if possible.
30- I have grown use to being called worthless, stupid, retarded, etc by my Mother and Father both.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Disco Broccoli Adventures
Summary: AJ and Telulah decide to make their own Disco Broccoli movie and plan to make it the best one ever!
Word Count: 2243
Read on AO3:
“You ready to rock with Kali Carot?” Telulah smiled up at AJ while he worked on Telulah’s green carrot top ponytail.
“I can’t wait! I just need to get this ponytail on juuuuust right,” AJ stuck out his tongue in concentration as his white disco jacket crumpled due to the sudden movement. The purple shirt underneath which Telulah and AJ had thrown glitter on was already dotted with green spray on temporary hair dye. AJ and Telulah wanted to make sure they looked as authentic to the characters as possible which meant that AJ had to have his afro green. Of course they hadn’t planned to spray the camellia flowers in the process. Now some of Lee’s white flowers were dyed green. Telulah and AJ had shared a worried look but quickly interlocked pinkies and swore a scallion secret.
Telulah was nearly all blinged out in her brown Disco Broccoli n Pals outfit. She had gone with her favorite veggie Kali Carrot, a chill root vegetable that loved jamming out and had killer eyesight. Something about her design - a jumpsuit striped with orange and purple along with her golden ringed belt and her badass keyboard - always resonated with Telulah. Now that she had found a friend who loved Disco Broccoli n Pals as much as she did, it meant that they got to geek out to their hearts’ content about them.
Telulah glanced up at AJ and felt her heart beat a little bit faster. AJ felt different from her other friends though; something about him just made Telulah feel a certain way. She watched him for another second then returned to studying her special notebook filled with their secret plans for today. They were going to shoot the greatest homemade Disco Broccoli movie of all time. They had the best outfits, a video camera and even awesome props to make it feel extra cool. Telulah’s fingers skimmed the pages as she looked at all the awesome drawings she and AJ had done in preparation for today. “We’re going to make the best movie today,” she declared, bouncing lightly in place.
“Yeah! It's gonna be the coolest,” AJ smiled down at Telulah then resumed his work when suddenly his finger slipped and he put a hair pin in the wrong spot. “Shit!”
The two of them froze for a second before AJ quickly corrected himself.
“I meant shoot. Don’t tell my mom and dad,” AJ gave big puppy dog eyes down at his best friend. Telulah was silent for a split second then lifted up her pinky.
“Scallion secret?” Her smile grew when she saw how happy AJ was that she wouldn’t tell.
“Scallion secret!” AJ interlocked his pinky with Telulah before pressing his thumb against hers. “A kiss to seal it!” AJ beamed at Telulah whose eyes grew large at that statement.
“A kiss?” Telulah’s tone made AJ pause, confused if he’d done something wrong.
“Yeah, my mom and dad always do that with their pinky promises.” AJ was silent for a minute. “That's okay, right, T? I didn’t do a bad?”
“No! I like it! A kiss to seal!” Telulah pressed her thumb against AJ’s one more time then turned to lean over and grab her keyboard. “I can’t believe you have Kali Carrot’s Kickin’ Keyboard! I ended up breaking mine during one of my seizures and Demetrius worked to fix it but I guess I really broke it.” Telulah smiled at the thought of her older brother then looked down at the keyboard as she struggled to get it on with her special new hairstyle that AJ had helped put on.
“I can help,” AJ offered and assisted Telulah in getting the keyboard strap on. His gaze turned to the ground for a few moments after he finished helping her.
“AJ? Are you okay? Does your tummy hurt?” Telulah asked with concern.
“No, it’s just...” AJ focused on his fingers. “I tried to get Clem to convince Mom and Dad to let me use the pillows in the backyard but they said they would get stained.”
Telulah didn’t have to ask why he had tried to do that. She already knew. Ever since the day that AJ learned that Telulah had epilepsy and could have seizures at any moment he promised to be her special bodyguard. He told her that he’d keep her safe and that she wouldn’t hurt her head on anything as long as he was around. Telulah felt super lucky to have someone like AJ who cared that much about her safety even though the seizures only came around twice a month. AJ must've thought that putting pillows all over the ground would mean that Telulah could run around just as wildly as he could. “It’s okay!” Telulah smiled brightly. “We can just get close shots and make it look like I’m doing cool moves while I sit.”
AJ seemed happy with that suggestion and nodded excitedly. His hand rummaged around in his pockets to get the last piece of his outfit in place. Opening up the purple shades, AJ slipped them on his face and struck a disco pose. “It's time for Disco Broccoli and Kali Carrot to save the world!” “Through music and punches!” Telulah added with a grin.
“Yeah!” AJ did a happy little dance. He could hardly contain his excitement about making the movie. First thing was first, they had to film themselves back to back while they sang the Disco Broccoli theme song. AJ quickly ran around this way and that in search of a rock to prop up the video camera. After searching for a few minutes and finding some cool worms to show to Telulah, AJ had found a suitable rock. He worked hard to get the camera just right while Telulah encouraged her new worm buddies that they’d find them the best patch of dirt soon enough.
“I got it!” AJ declared loudly and scampered over after he pressed the record button. Sliding on his butt into place, he leaned his back against Telulah’s and the two beamed at the camera. “I’m Disco Broccoli!” AJ gave a cool smile.
“And I’m Kali Carrot!” Telulah added and held up her keyboard.
“And we’re gonna save the world with our music!” The two said in unison and quickly Telulah began to play the Disco Broccoli theme. She missed a few keys but that didn’t stop the pair from belting out the song.
“If you want to eat our roots, you’ll first have to jam to our groovy tunes. Feel the rhythm, boogie right, all these veggies gonna show you a funky sight…”
Both Telulah and AJ had way too much fun singing the theme song that they sang it twice. After that was filmed AJ stopped the recording and worked on all of Telulah’s cool scenes. They got the riskier shots done first. Telulah gave a mighty kick in one take then moved her fingers up and down the keys on her keyboard.
“My groovy tunes will save you!” Telulah flashed a confident grin at the camera and AJ felt his heart pound faster. She was so awesome. Something about Telulah just felt special to AJ. “Was that good?” Telulah’s question made AJ snap out of his awe.
���Yeah, that was awesome!” AJ shot out his arms and beamed at his best friend. “Okay, my turn!” AJ made sure Telulah was safely sitting down then sprinted off to grab some more glitter for his clothes. Telulah got the camera ready and began to film AJ, capturing all of his epic punches and kicks and cool stunts like hopping down from some bricks that were a foot above the ground.
Telulah cheered AJ on with each one of his moves and bounced excitedly as he struck groovy disco poses. After that the pair did some stunts together, jamming out some mad tunes to defeat the evil before them: a pillow on a chair with a mop head, googly eyes and a deep frown made out of colored paper. Time flew by as the two of them laughed and created what they were sure would be the greatest home movie of all time.
Everything was going great until AJ tried to do a bit of a riskier stunt, jumping from a chair onto the brick sidewalk. “Watch out evil, you’re about to deal with the funky tunes of Kali Carrot and Disco Broccoli!” he exclaimed and was confident all the way throughout the stunt until he landed on his ankle funny. Telulah immediately knew something was up and ran over to check on AJ. AJ clutched his ankle and began to blow on his scraped leg. He winced in pain then looked over at Telulah. “Don’t worry, T.I’ll be okay and we can still defeat the bad guys!”
“Okay but I’m gonna get some help first!” Telulah ran off before AJ could stop her.
“Come on, Princess Peach, let's get that victory!” Lee encouraged his character as she rode forward in her cart. He was comfortably in first place when all of a sudden a blue shell zoomed forward and collided with the princess’ kart. “What?!?” Lee stared in disbelief as Mario nyoomed by him.
“Sorry, but I’m winning this round,” Carley smiled lovingly over at her husband and planted a kiss on his cheek but he saw the competitiveness in her eyes.
“Oh yeah? Well, just you wait and-” Lee was cut short as Princess Peach’s kart got hit by a green shell. “Who the hell?” Lee’s question was answered as Wario raced past him.
“Sorry, Lee, better next luck next time,” Clementine smirked over at her dad while Louis was snuggled comfortably in her arms.
“Well, I’m about to take the lead here, my darling,” Louis tilted his head back and kissed his wife then spammed the unlimited temporary mushrooms that gave him a speed boost. Yoshi shot forward, giving nonsensical exclamations as he tore through the race track until suddenly Louis didn’t turn a corner at the right angle and ran into a wall. “Damn it,” Louis’ smile immediately turned into a pout. He soon accepted that he wouldn’t be winning this round but Clementine, Carley and Lee all were still extremely competitive as they fought to get first place.
“Sneak attack!” Lee leaned over and stole a kiss from Carley. Carley froze for a second, genuinely pleasantly surprised by the tender kiss. So much so that Princess Peach bumped Mario’s kart off the track and claimed first place on the final lap.
“Hey, that was cheap!” Carley playfully swatted Lee’s arm who chuckled.
“All’s fair in love and Mario Kart and that move was true to both,”
“Oh yeah? What if I pulled the same move?” Carley leaned forward and Lee dodged her kiss. “Just accept my kiss!”
“In any other scenario I would but I have to defeat my daughter in Mario Kart right now!” Lee tried his best but soon Carley pressed a kiss to his cheek. The romantic gesture made Lee’s concentration slip for a second and a second was all Clementine needed to pull ahead. Before Lee even realized it he had lost the track.
Clementine smiled over smugly. “Looks like I’m still the best Mario Kart player,”
“Where did you get all this smug sass from?” Lee crossed his arms, a playful smile on his lips.
“Well, she is our daughter,” Carley put in and Lee nodded in agreement.
“That explains everything,”
Louis was about to jump into the conversation but the back door opened all of the sudden and Telulah jogged in.
“Hey, T, everything cool?” Louis asked the tween who shook her head.
“AJ twisted his ankle,” Telulah’s statement made the four pause the game and go outside to check on AJ. Carley had run to grab an ice pack and towel while Louis and Clementine got the Disco Broccoli bandaids. After a tough guy act from AJ that lasted all of three seconds before he saw the concern in Telulah’s eyes he accepted the bandaid and help. A few minutes later AJ was laying on the couch. Telulah wanted to stay and watch some episodes of Disco Broccoli but her older brother had showed up to pick her up.
“I promise I’ll work super hard to make the movie and I'll show it to you next time!” Telulah gave AJ a quick hug then headed home. AJ lay on the couch and glanced at his hurt foot. It would heal soon enough; he would just look forward to the home movie and seeing Telulah again to keep his mind off of it.
A few days passed before Telulah showed up again. Her excitement was barely contained as she barrelled to the TV to connect her computer. Carley tried to help but even after all these years she was still clueless when it came to setting up electronics. So Lee worked to set it up as Carley got some popcorn ready for AJ and Telulah.
Soon the home movie was all set and Telulah sat down right by AJ and began to bounce happily as the movie started. Instantly the two of them became lost inside the world of the home movie, both of them pointing out different action moves and gushing about how cool the other looked. Even though AJ had gotten hurt it had all been worth it. They really had created the greatest home movie of all time.
5 notes · View notes
The 18 most beautiful pastel pink hair color ideas
A pastel pink hair color is a soft and delicate version of pink that is usually combined or worn with other lighter fashion colors like blonde and even purple. It fits any kind of hair and skin tone and is super portable, believe it or not! All you need is the confidence to show it off!
Tips for coloring hair in pastel pink
You should not be afraid to experiment with your hair color, as did the millennial stars Emily Ratajkowski, Gigi Hadid and Jemima Kirke and took the lead! The fantasy color specialist Emma Jean from the Porte Noire Salon in Central Florida also delights with her masterpieces in pastel pink!
Note that blond is the perfect canvas for this color to reach its maximum potential. Therefore, a pre-enlightenment must be considered. To rock this beautiful pale pink hue to the full, you have to give your tresses a little love! Like all unnatural colors, pastels can be washed out quickly, but the regular use of colorfast products guarantees the longevity of your beloved Zuckerwattemähne. There are some hair dyes that are great for a touch of pink at the tips or for some highlights. However, for the best results, the best option is to subject pastel pink hair to a chemical treatment.
Maybe it's time to drop those old, boring sunglasses and experience the trendy pink magic! Make this shimmering look your own by taking inspiration from these popular pastel pink hair color photos for the season!
Light Metallic Rose
Lavender with a touch of silver for the shiny effect. You will shine with this one in a different light!
Smoky pink
How would you describe this look?
This look is the best of both worlds for desired pastel pink. If you can not decide which sounds look better, you can get the best of both! It has the mix of cool tones that gives it the smokiness and warmth to bring in and capture the light. Similar to make-up in the highlight and contouring area, but for hair! Pastel pink hair really shines because the shade really comes out more.
The beauty of this look is the versatility of the color combinations. By incorporating the natural hair color of the client, the client is upgraded, but not by himself, so that his skin tone is not overwhelmed, and it remains low maintenance when it grows out. Even with the balance of warm and cold, it works with any skin tone, regardless of the undertones. Although it fades, it does not fade to a flat blonde, but to a blonde with dimensions.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Research a lot and much. Save all pastel pink hair color photos that attract your attention and show them to your hairdresser. You should notice a pattern and see the sounds you like. Do not wash your hair, do not use dry shampoo or walk as long as possible and wash in cold water.
Keep the heat styling low! I always tell my customers the temperature when I curl their hair and say, "This is the temperature. If you can not curl up faster than I do, do not go higher than me. "High heat can burn the paint or even your hair.
I would ask you to ask a series of questions: What lengths are you willing to go for this hair? This look requires lighting no matter where your natural level begins. You would need up to 3 sessions. This is based on natural, virgin hair.
Now that you know that, the question is, is healthy hair a big deal for you? I'm not saying that your hair is damaged / dry afterwards, but are you open to the possibility? This is before you even reach the pastel pink. Note that anything that is iridescent or pastel is not permanent. It is unfortunate that such a thing only holds up to 5-7 washes. This depends on the hair conditions and you wash it in cooler water. Heat, hot water, salt water, sun and free radicals can cause hair color to fade.
Okay, now everything is fine, the big question: Are you ready to invest? What to invest? Time and money. Each lighting session can take up to 5.5-6 hours. The customer in the photo lasted a total of 18 hours, 3 sessions of 6 hours each. She has done it over time. With 3-4 months between each session so that her hair and wallet could rest.
Cut, light, tone, style up to 6 hours at around $ 500 per session before tipping. Toner – This is for interim sessions if you need them. Hair quality is different for everyone – some keep their color better and others do not. Not everyone is the same.
I recommend Color Enhancing Shampoo Purple, Blue, Pink, etc. (Once a week, 50 USD +). Why once a week? Because it's meant to neutralize / enhance sounds. If you use too much, this would exceed the deposit and affect the color. Less is more. Now you need a normal shampoo. To keep the hair healthy, I suggest something that has a perfect balance between moisture and protein – over protein (dry brittle), over moisture (elastic ky, noodle).
At this point, your hair needs the big guns. They wash about 1-3 times a week. If your hair is weak or thirsty, detoxifying agents / masks bring it to life. What's the point of getting the color you want, but in a bad condition? Use it at least once a week for 5-10 minutes.
Products: Oils / Serums $ 30, Heat Protection $ 25 +, Leave-in Conditioner $ 25 +. Tips: If you are lazy or have a limited store, buy a 10 in 1, as oil is always a must. Things to think about when buying oil for your hair, especially for my blond ladies: it's more than nutritious! Think of it as a sponge / piece of white paper, the color of the oil is important – orange / yellow oil. Your hair will drink it and always put oil in your hair before you blow dry it or air dry it. Your hair needs something to drink as it starts to dry. If you invest all that time and money in pastel pink hair, it is a good idea to keep it alive and radiant.
Pink highlights on blond hair
How would you describe this look?
What I love about this carefree little pastel is that it was a happy replay! I had worked her hair the week before with a beautiful color correction that fixed green stripes with strong roots and funky ends, and I turned them into a perfectly glowing blush (you can see a few posts before on my Instagram)! But she came back a week later to relieve the roots and wanted a more purple tone. So I blushed Malibu-ed's pretty light pulp-riot and gave her an exaggerated Shadow Root with my beautiful Keune Semi 5.11 + 6.1 (dark ashen). Then I blazed their ends with pulp-riot clear + powder + blush to make more of a bright purple tone!
I also sealed it with a soft pink glow from Keune to lighten it. This is a fantastic spring color for blondes who want a little fun change, but I also love that they are nicely hidden and look pretty until they disappear. Adding the loose curls with a 1-inch curling iron increases the softness and makes them look really pretty and polished!
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
When I think about this look, I want my client to know that the pastel colors in fashion fade within 25 washes, making them light and gentle. Cool the water, add money to your color-safe / sulfate-free shampoo, do not wash daily. Make dry shampoo your friend!
As far as the tone is concerned, he is beautiful in most already bright blondes! It's just fun without too much, and it gets very soft and pretty. The Shade Root also facilitates the management of the outgrowth. It's a perfect pastel tone for spring.
Pastel blue and pink
How would you describe this look?
This pastel blue and pink look is bold yet very feminine and flirting. The best part about it is how it shines in the light and when it moved, it made a dazzling effect.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Pastel colors are becoming increasingly popular and it is common to think that they are easy to access and maintain, but in reality it is more difficult than it seems and doubles for pastel pink hair colors. My best advice is to prepare for several sessions and find a stylist who will bring you to a healthy platinum blonde before you try out pastel colors. Paint deposits such as Oberton and Joico Color Butter become your best friend to refresh the color between appointments.
Pastel Rose Gold
How would you describe this look?
This client does not want a color that needs to be serviced very often. She comes only once a year, so we make balayage highlights for her hair. The best thing about this color is that when the rose gold tones disappear from the hair (and the customer does not want to take care of it anymore), they can stay blond for the rest of the time and not have to worry about growing roots.
This time, I made both Balayage highlights with backcombing technique and classic highlights for the frame of the face. She had very dense hair, so I layered a bit in the back but concentrated mainly to layer the hair around the face to make it feel very soft and light.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Pastel pink hair needs to be cared for frequently, these pastel shades fade very easily. Therefore, this color is not the best if you do not want to waste your time showering, without losing the color or money that you can easily spend on hair care products.
Due to its short life this is good for those who want to try something new but want to return for a more sedate look!
Petal pink
How would you describe this look?
Pastel pink hair is delicate and sweet. The color gives a summery touch, which is also perfect as pastel pink hair is one of the upcoming trends for this summer. My favorite thing is definitely the pale pink color.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Remember the big change. The hair must be bleached to a whitish color, which can affect the quality of the hair.
This type of pastel pink hair is not durable in the hair over a longer period of time. The customer needs a color shampoo / conditioner to use it at home. Therefore, he must also consider his budget.
When it comes to the skin tone, the light pink will suit most of us. This is because it contains both warm and cold pigments. And as long as the roots are a bit darker, there is no shallow impression.
Praise haircuts are suitable for all types of face shapes textures. For styling, it is a general type of haircut. I find it perfect for clients who want a good change with many options for their daily lives.
Light cotton candy
Combine the delicate color with a strong and chic, straight bob. The contrast makes the look even more enticing and interesting.
Dark to light pink ombre
Steal the perfect balayage look by adding beautiful beach waves midway to the end of your long, delicious locks.
Dusty pink hair color
Pink scattered hair on blond and black striped hair. Full, blunt pony with a medium length cut makes the look more exciting.
Nice pink short hair
Pop star Pink would definitely be proud of this Pixie Pink style!
Light pink color
Pink rose directly from the garden! They look blooming in any weather.
Soft Pink Shade
Imagine yourself in a tinted, pastel-pink hair color. The colorist Lauren did the impossible and created a shimmering pink cut.
Silver and pink balayage
Ashy Pink looks just as sumptuous as any strong hair color. Colorist Lana has the hands of a master with this paint job!
Faded pink curls
If you have a vibrant hair color and want to change it, try fading it to get a different shade of color. Champagne strawberry hair looked especially beautiful on tangled hair.
Pink highlights on brown hair
Did you ever think strawberry brunette would be one thing? Stylist Lauren shows you how to mix and match these very different colors to create a harmonious hair color.
Pink and purple
Do you dare to try this lush shade? Colorist Tara killed this unicorn hair from root to tip.
Pastel pink hair color with dark roots
Get this wild color by using a semi-permanent dye at home or, if you feel pretty brave, have your hair dyed permanently pink by a professional.
Bubblegum Pink
Bubbly and sweet, this lively pastel-pink hair color is a dream for millennial. The right curls hit the sweet spot of cuteness.
The 18 most beautiful pastel pink hair color ideas
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
The 18 most beautiful pastel pink hair color ideas
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/the-18-most-beautiful-pastel-pink-hair-color-ideas.html
The 18 most beautiful pastel pink hair color ideas
A pastel pink hair color is a soft and delicate version of pink that is usually combined or worn with other lighter fashion colors like blonde and even purple. It fits any kind of hair and skin tone and is super portable, believe it or not! All you need is the confidence to show it off!
Tips for coloring hair in pastel pink
You should not be afraid to experiment with your hair color, as did the millennial stars Emily Ratajkowski, Gigi Hadid and Jemima Kirke and took the lead! The fantasy color specialist Emma Jean from the Porte Noire Salon in Central Florida also delights with her masterpieces in pastel pink!
Note that blond is the perfect canvas for this color to reach its maximum potential. Therefore, a pre-enlightenment must be considered. To rock this beautiful pale pink hue to the full, you have to give your tresses a little love! Like all unnatural colors, pastels can be washed out quickly, but the regular use of colorfast products guarantees the longevity of your beloved Zuckerwattemähne. There are some hair dyes that are great for a touch of pink at the tips or for some highlights. However, for the best results, the best option is to subject pastel pink hair to a chemical treatment.
Maybe it's time to drop those old, boring sunglasses and experience the trendy pink magic! Make this shimmering look your own by taking inspiration from these popular pastel pink hair color photos for the season!
Light Metallic Rose
Lavender with a touch of silver for the shiny effect. You will shine with this one in a different light!
Smoky pink
How would you describe this look?
This look is the best of both worlds for desired pastel pink. If you can not decide which sounds look better, you can get the best of both! It has the mix of cool tones that gives it the smokiness and warmth to bring in and capture the light. Similar to make-up in the highlight and contouring area, but for hair! Pastel pink hair really shines because the shade really comes out more.
The beauty of this look is the versatility of the color combinations. By incorporating the natural hair color of the client, the client is upgraded, but not by himself, so that his skin tone is not overwhelmed, and it remains low maintenance when it grows out. Even with the balance of warm and cold, it works with any skin tone, regardless of the undertones. Although it fades, it does not fade to a flat blonde, but to a blonde with dimensions.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Research a lot and much. Save all pastel pink hair color photos that attract your attention and show them to your hairdresser. You should notice a pattern and see the sounds you like. Do not wash your hair, do not use dry shampoo or walk as long as possible and wash in cold water.
Keep the heat styling low! I always tell my customers the temperature when I curl their hair and say, "This is the temperature. If you can not curl up faster than I do, do not go higher than me. "High heat can burn the paint or even your hair.
I would ask you to ask a series of questions: What lengths are you willing to go for this hair? This look requires lighting no matter where your natural level begins. You would need up to 3 sessions. This is based on natural, virgin hair.
Now that you know that, the question is, is healthy hair a big deal for you? I'm not saying that your hair is damaged / dry afterwards, but are you open to the possibility? This is before you even reach the pastel pink. Note that anything that is iridescent or pastel is not permanent. It is unfortunate that such a thing only holds up to 5-7 washes. This depends on the hair conditions and you wash it in cooler water. Heat, hot water, salt water, sun and free radicals can cause hair color to fade.
Okay, now everything is fine, the big question: Are you ready to invest? What to invest? Time and money. Each lighting session can take up to 5.5-6 hours. The customer in the photo lasted a total of 18 hours, 3 sessions of 6 hours each. She has done it over time. With 3-4 months between each session so that her hair and wallet could rest.
Cut, light, tone, style up to 6 hours at around $ 500 per session before tipping. Toner – This is for interim sessions if you need them. Hair quality is different for everyone – some keep their color better and others do not. Not everyone is the same.
I recommend Color Enhancing Shampoo Purple, Blue, Pink, etc. (Once a week, 50 USD +). Why once a week? Because it's meant to neutralize / enhance sounds. If you use too much, this would exceed the deposit and affect the color. Less is more. Now you need a normal shampoo. To keep the hair healthy, I suggest something that has a perfect balance between moisture and protein – over protein (dry brittle), over moisture (elastic ky, noodle).
At this point, your hair needs the big guns. They wash about 1-3 times a week. If your hair is weak or thirsty, detoxifying agents / masks bring it to life. What's the point of getting the color you want, but in a bad condition? Use it at least once a week for 5-10 minutes.
Products: Oils / Serums $ 30, Heat Protection $ 25 +, Leave-in Conditioner $ 25 +. Tips: If you are lazy or have a limited store, buy a 10 in 1, as oil is always a must. Things to think about when buying oil for your hair, especially for my blond ladies: it's more than nutritious! Think of it as a sponge / piece of white paper, the color of the oil is important – orange / yellow oil. Your hair will drink it and always put oil in your hair before you blow dry it or air dry it. Your hair needs something to drink as it starts to dry. If you invest all that time and money in pastel pink hair, it is a good idea to keep it alive and radiant.
Pink highlights on blond hair
How would you describe this look?
What I love about this carefree little pastel is that it was a happy replay! I had worked her hair the week before with a beautiful color correction that fixed green stripes with strong roots and funky ends, and I turned them into a perfectly glowing blush (you can see a few posts before on my Instagram)! But she came back a week later to relieve the roots and wanted a more purple tone. So I blushed Malibu-ed's pretty light pulp-riot and gave her an exaggerated Shadow Root with my beautiful Keune Semi 5.11 + 6.1 (dark ashen). Then I blazed their ends with pulp-riot clear + powder + blush to make more of a bright purple tone!
I also sealed it with a soft pink glow from Keune to lighten it. This is a fantastic spring color for blondes who want a little fun change, but I also love that they are nicely hidden and look pretty until they disappear. Adding the loose curls with a 1-inch curling iron increases the softness and makes them look really pretty and polished!
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
When I think about this look, I want my client to know that the pastel colors in fashion fade within 25 washes, making them light and gentle. Cool the water, add money to your color-safe / sulfate-free shampoo, do not wash daily. Make dry shampoo your friend!
As far as the tone is concerned, he is beautiful in most already bright blondes! It's just fun without too much, and it gets very soft and pretty. The Shade Root also facilitates the management of the outgrowth. It's a perfect pastel tone for spring.
Pastel blue and pink
How would you describe this look?
This pastel blue and pink look is bold yet very feminine and flirting. The best part about it is how it shines in the light and when it moved, it made a dazzling effect.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Pastel colors are becoming increasingly popular and it is common to think that they are easy to access and maintain, but in reality it is more difficult than it seems and doubles for pastel pink hair colors. My best advice is to prepare for several sessions and find a stylist who will bring you to a healthy platinum blonde before you try out pastel colors. Paint deposits such as Oberton and Joico Color Butter become your best friend to refresh the color between appointments.
Pastel Rose Gold
How would you describe this look?
This client does not want a color that needs to be serviced very often. She comes only once a year, so we make balayage highlights for her hair. The best thing about this color is that when the rose gold tones disappear from the hair (and the customer does not want to take care of it anymore), they can stay blond for the rest of the time and not have to worry about growing roots.
This time, I made both Balayage highlights with backcombing technique and classic highlights for the frame of the face. She had very dense hair, so I layered a bit in the back but concentrated mainly to layer the hair around the face to make it feel very soft and light.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Pastel pink hair needs to be cared for frequently, these pastel shades fade very easily. Therefore, this color is not the best if you do not want to waste your time showering, without losing the color or money that you can easily spend on hair care products.
Due to its short life this is good for those who want to try something new but want to return for a more sedate look!
Petal pink
How would you describe this look?
Pastel pink hair is delicate and sweet. The color gives a summery touch, which is also perfect as pastel pink hair is one of the upcoming trends for this summer. My favorite thing is definitely the pale pink color.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Remember the big change. The hair must be bleached to a whitish color, which can affect the quality of the hair.
This type of pastel pink hair is not durable in the hair over a longer period of time. The customer needs a color shampoo / conditioner to use it at home. Therefore, he must also consider his budget.
When it comes to the skin tone, the light pink will suit most of us. This is because it contains both warm and cold pigments. And as long as the roots are a bit darker, there is no shallow impression.
Praise haircuts are suitable for all types of face shapes textures. For styling, it is a general type of haircut. I find it perfect for clients who want a good change with many options for their daily lives.
Light cotton candy
Combine the delicate color with a strong and chic, straight bob. The contrast makes the look even more enticing and interesting.
Dark to light pink ombre
Steal the perfect balayage look by adding beautiful beach waves midway to the end of your long, delicious locks.
Dusty pink hair color
Pink scattered hair on blond and black striped hair. Full, blunt pony with a medium length cut makes the look more exciting.
Nice pink short hair
Pop star Pink would definitely be proud of this Pixie Pink style!
Light pink color
Pink rose directly from the garden! They look blooming in any weather.
Soft Pink Shade
Imagine yourself in a tinted, pastel-pink hair color. The colorist Lauren did the impossible and created a shimmering pink cut.
Silver and pink balayage
Ashy Pink looks just as sumptuous as any strong hair color. Colorist Lana has the hands of a master with this paint job!
Faded pink curls
If you have a vibrant hair color and want to change it, try fading it to get a different shade of color. Champagne strawberry hair looked especially beautiful on tangled hair.
Pink highlights on brown hair
Did you ever think strawberry brunette would be one thing? Stylist Lauren shows you how to mix and match these very different colors to create a harmonious hair color.
Pink and purple
Do you dare to try this lush shade? Colorist Tara killed this unicorn hair from root to tip.
Pastel pink hair color with dark roots
Get this wild color by using a semi-permanent dye at home or, if you feel pretty brave, have your hair dyed permanently pink by a professional.
Bubblegum Pink
Bubbly and sweet, this lively pastel-pink hair color is a dream for millennial. The right curls hit the sweet spot of cuteness.
0 notes
The 13 hottest mermaid hair colors
Mermaid Hair is a hair color trend that transmits two or more pastel shades or vivid colors to long, beach-front hair. Lush, long hair plus waves and a whole lot of magical fashion colors. This trend is well on the way to becoming the next favorite hair color for everyone! Multicolored pastel tones and vivid colors make this style an intense fun to wear, aside from all the attention you get.
Tight, small curls to soft, big waves are the usual styling to complete the presentation of various fashion tones. Length can also give you the ability to create flawless transitions of color and intensity. Blac Chna, Kesha and Lady Gaga have all transformed their manes into this beauty, and the trend has not stopped since!
With beautiful hair comes great responsibility. Be prepared for multiple bleaches and a lot of patience to make your desired colors appear on your strands. The care after dyeing, such as the use of hair protection products and occasional salon travel for grooming is a must!
Leave your comfort zone for exciting days and nights and try one of these trendy mermaid hair looks!
Green and blue lagoon mermaid hair
How would you describe this look?
This is a half and half color melted mermaid hair that is currently in vogue. For this masterpiece, I wanted the green to be the main attraction. I knew my line would fall to that half-and-half look at the side of the green that's the one I wanted to emerge from! That's how I knew it would completely change half the look and create a more dimensional look.
Dimension! That's what I love most about this look! You can see the different shades of blue and mint and then green. (I used Guy Tang's MyDentity Mystic Blue, Arctic Blue and Mint of Steel and Pulp Riot, as well as Absinthe and Area 51.)
Then I opted for the styling of using a 1 "rod to give these beautiful mermaid waves, and in the end I used Shine Spray for the finishing touch. (My favorite shine spray #mystardustshinespray by Guy Tang Mydentity.)
Any advice for someone considering it?
I think a color like this looks great on light skin, but overall, if you have a great personality, you can rock pretty much anything! Everything is in the attitude!
Things to keep in mind when doing color like this is that you need to have a clean level 10 canvas, so I want to make sure I use a pH bonder to protect the hair from damaging the flash process (I use Olaplex). A good brightener to achieve a perfect clean canvas is the key to great results (My favorite is Guy Tang Big 9).
These colors take a very long time to reach, so be prepared to spend the day with your hairdresser. Also keep in mind that these colors are very expensive, but they are so worth it.
Now I always recommend to my customers to use a sulfate-free shampoo and a good hair mask (Pai Shau Supreme Revitalizing Mask is my favorite), healthy hair is very important to me! Using the right products after the application will help your colors last longer.
Light Clear Blue Hues
How would you describe this look?
It definitely makes me think of a clear blue sky, maybe with a few clouds, especially after I made it look the way I did. Also with the cut and style of my client (she has many tattoos / additions), it really makes me think of old school punk / grunge.
We like to cut the layers fairly short to give the whole thing a more shag look. It also has shorter bangs, so it definitely gives you more of this punk mood. This is my favorite thing about this cut / style – you can make it look a bit more polished or you can really mess it up and have fun with it.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This type of color is very caring and can be harmful if you do not handle it properly. My customer comes every 6 weeks at least usually only about half an inch to one inch regrowth. This allows easy and safe regrowth with the brightener. For anyone with dark hair, I would not recommend this type of color. For people who want more of the pastel colors, I would stay with someone who is naturally blond / tan.
For those who want something on the blue / green side of the spectrum like this client, it's a little more engaging, as the underlying greens can be pretty hard to remove. Usually I always make sure that they are willing to leave it that way for a while when I'm doing a blue / green at a customer. Product-appropriate weekly deep-tissue treatments are usually required because of the lightening of the hair, as well as a leave-in conditioner and heat-protective agent, if you use a lot of heat on your hair. I would not suggest this look for someone who is pretty conservative.
This look is definitely more for someone whose style is more on the punky / edgy side, or for someone who wants to add more of that look to his style! Although this type of color can be very caring, it's still worth it if you want a look that's more fun and out there!
Deep blue sea
How would you describe this look?
The hair of this mermaid is one of my favorite pastimes! It's "Waves of Deep Topaz" and has a deep purple root that blends into a beautiful and dimensional mix of topaz colors. My favorite thing about this look is how I am able to create a seamless blend as the color runs down the strand! It's certainly a statement piece! I've developed my own technique with fashion tones to get a great melt of color. Mermaid hairstyles are definitely popping with color.
Creating textures with my favorite curling iron Paul Mitchell was fun for this customer. The topknot is always a nice and simple style to teach my clients. All in all, this style is very versatile and looks fantastic on every hair type and every hair length! The mermaid's hair is definitely a big trend that starts to stay here!
Any advice for someone considering it?
When consulting with a client, I always ask important questions. How often do you wash your hair? What type of maintenance is this customer ready to do? Do you use styling products and hot tools? This look is definitely not for the average girl. It takes a certain look and style to make it! This look is very caring. The care at home is super important, so they must use a sulfate-free color care shampoo and conditioner!
In order to maintain this style, you need specific styling products such as a styling oil, mousse and hair spray! A good curling iron or wand is the key to these beautiful waves! I mean, how sweet and effortless is this topknot? Choosing an artist who specializes in this type of color is so important. I can not stress enough how important it is to conduct a proper consultation, to make sure they have a portfolio, so that you can see their work before you agree to the service. You really want to look for a specialist to get the look right!
Wave with silver, blue and purple
How would you describe this look?
The best thing about this mermaid hair color is that we put a lighter shade in the middle, which gives it a little something other than the typical ombré look! I love the darker root and the darker final color! It makes this midline even more popular! Some loose waves and a great little gem by Pink Pewter make it even better!
Any advice for someone considering it?
Fashion / vivid colors are my passion and I love to make them customers, but they are a commitment. I have a long consultation in advance in which I inform you about the end and end of home care. Sulfate-free shampoos, such as Pulp Riot or Biolage, with minimal laundry in cold water, are a must! Low temperature settings on hot tools and good heat protection (I prefer Kenra 22 spray) before styling are also important. Violet tones generally fade pretty well, so these tones are not as well-cared for as others, but be prepared to be back in the salon in 6-8 weeks to retouch!
Sea foam green
How would you describe this look?
This look is an elegant punk. We wanted to transform them from a high growth line, also known as bleach, and tone with magenta to more of easy-care, sassy dimensional color.
Teri is 100% Nicaraguan and has many dark, thick hairs. We always want to give her a cut that decreases weight and gives texture and shape. This was simply blown out with a 2 "ceramic round brush to add volume and bend.
I love how the color attracts your eyes and flows together so well. It pulls it away from the "youthful, punk, colored stigma". Let's just say that the multidimensional tones help to fade them in various ways and develop with washes.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The key to this is that you do not wash your hair as often and wash in cold water and with moisture.
Investing in good products is a crucial factor! Use sulfate-free, paraben-free, sodium chloride-free products, less alcohol with styling products and less heat, as you can immediately melt your color!
I also like to send my clients home with a container of the right color to freshen up the paint before they have to return to the salon. I have had vivid colors for many years of my life, and care is the key to a rich color.
I began to fall in love with bright colors, with an elegant spin. There is so much dimension and abundance in color, but it is realistic when it comes to care. You have a smoother growth, and who does not love that ?!
Bright colors have changed the game, and I am so happy that people are becoming more open in different companies. Art, colors and self-expression flow together so well, so why not accept it in every way!
Pink, Purple, Green and Blue Rainbow
How would you describe this look?
My customer, down in the picture, leaves me a free hand. Her skin is pale and her hair is Dark Cool Level 4. My favorite part of this look is the fat bang that sits under her forehead and frames both sides of her face. Her haircut was so much fun. I love how her face is like a mischievous fairy. She wears her hair up, but with bangs down, so her ponytail's look is glamorous with longer pieces that she could pull along sides of the face to soften her look.
I framed her pony hairdo in black, thinking it would be wonderfully combined with her naturally inky dark lashes. My color picker for her hair was inspired by beta fish, so I kept dark blue, light blue and mint green as our main colors with sections of pink, purple and neon green puzzling under and around the face frame.
Melting is the name of the game. I want one color to change to another. A constant ebb and flow, I did not want a staccato rhythm in my hair, which distracts the attention of her bang! My goal was to create movement in the hair that has a soothing effect on the top and then opens in bold pops of color. The dark blue shadow root helps enormously in the way her hair goes over during the growth / fading out.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Every time a customer comes in and asks for Rainbow Mermaid hair, I first look for personality. How does she get over? Is she wide open? Or is it reserved? If it is quiet, I would choose pastel shades and softer tones for this relaxed atmosphere. If she is brave then I would of course choose strong colors! Skin tone? Is she brown or pale? Do I have to create undertones in their color to combine them with their skin tone?
My advice is, whatever you do, start with a clean canvas. I take all my clients to level 9 or higher. The cleaner the canvas, the more beautiful the fading will be. I think about fading more than the original color. Yes, it's a process of turning into a blonde, but worth the wait, especially when it turns into pastels! It feels good to receive compliments 2 months after the color, so do it the first time!
Some girls come in unaware. I start her in baby steps. The appearance of color through the neckline or a small panel on the side can be enough to make you feel brave and empowered! Hair can literally change your view of life! Create a work of art that can not only be enjoyed by you and your customers, but can also bring joy to the people around you.
Strong blue and purple
How would you describe this look?
This look is a mermaid hair color with a purple sunset hue along with a beautiful blue ocean hue. My absolute favorite is how amazing and true it was. An amazing thing about our color line (Pulp Riot) is how you can formulate for underlying pigments and still achieve the color for the desired hue.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It is always good to seek detailed advice from your stylist. You have to talk about your wardrobe, whether you're wearing make-up and how you're petting your hair. It's also important to know your face shape to see how your stylist can cut and shape the color so that when you look at it at eye level, you see that contrast.
My client, for example, has beautiful blue / green eyes, so the blue and violet complemented her eyes so well. When you try to achieve that look, you need to consider how you get up.
Colorful ocean ombre
A rich combination of blue roots and teal ends is almost like carrying the ocean as the crowning glory! Mermaid hair made in Ombre dyeing techniques creates a unique flair.
Colorful coral pink shades
Wear this Pantone 2019 color with pride! Peach tones are in fashion, but you can start the trend by wearing this shade of medium-long hair.
Pastel green sea algae
One word: fascinating. Experience your mermaid hair dreams with kelp-colored hair that are obviously out of this world!
Blue and blue ocean
Mermaid hair is now available in fascinating turquoise colors! I definitely see these lush seaweed and seaweed species under water. If you want to definitely consider mermaid hairstyles, light tones like aqua and turquoise.
Mermaid Hair: The Fishtail Braid
Swim back to the good one with the ultimate merpeople hairstyle. Fuschia and magenta tones fused into a fishtail make you a native under the sea!
Mermaid hair in a pixie
Short-haired girls are also having fun! Get ready for the hottest mermaid hair color mix and cut this summer.
The 13 hottest mermaid hair colors
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
The 13 hottest mermaid hair colors
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/the-13-hottest-mermaid-hair-colors.html
The 13 hottest mermaid hair colors
Mermaid Hair is a hair color trend that transmits two or more pastel shades or vivid colors to long, beach-front hair. Lush, long hair plus waves and a whole lot of magical fashion colors. This trend is well on the way to becoming the next favorite hair color for everyone! Multicolored pastel tones and vivid colors make this style an intense fun to wear, aside from all the attention you get.
Tight, small curls to soft, big waves are the usual styling to complete the presentation of various fashion tones. Length can also give you the ability to create flawless transitions of color and intensity. Blac Chna, Kesha and Lady Gaga have all transformed their manes into this beauty, and the trend has not stopped since!
With beautiful hair comes great responsibility. Be prepared for multiple bleaches and a lot of patience to make your desired colors appear on your strands. The care after dyeing, such as the use of hair protection products and occasional salon travel for grooming is a must!
Leave your comfort zone for exciting days and nights and try one of these trendy mermaid hair looks!
Green and blue lagoon mermaid hair
How would you describe this look?
This is a half and half color melted mermaid hair that is currently in vogue. For this masterpiece, I wanted the green to be the main attraction. I knew my line would fall to that half-and-half look at the side of the green that's the one I wanted to emerge from! That's how I knew it would completely change half the look and create a more dimensional look.
Dimension! That's what I love most about this look! You can see the different shades of blue and mint and then green. (I used Guy Tang's MyDentity Mystic Blue, Arctic Blue and Mint of Steel and Pulp Riot, as well as Absinthe and Area 51.)
Then I opted for the styling of using a 1 "rod to give these beautiful mermaid waves, and in the end I used Shine Spray for the finishing touch. (My favorite shine spray #mystardustshinespray by Guy Tang Mydentity.)
Any advice for someone considering it?
I think a color like this looks great on light skin, but overall, if you have a great personality, you can rock pretty much anything! Everything is in the attitude!
Things to keep in mind when doing color like this is that you need to have a clean level 10 canvas, so I want to make sure I use a pH bonder to protect the hair from damaging the flash process (I use Olaplex). A good brightener to achieve a perfect clean canvas is the key to great results (My favorite is Guy Tang Big 9).
These colors take a very long time to reach, so be prepared to spend the day with your hairdresser. Also keep in mind that these colors are very expensive, but they are so worth it.
Now I always recommend to my customers to use a sulfate-free shampoo and a good hair mask (Pai Shau Supreme Revitalizing Mask is my favorite), healthy hair is very important to me! Using the right products after the application will help your colors last longer.
Light Clear Blue Hues
How would you describe this look?
It definitely makes me think of a clear blue sky, maybe with a few clouds, especially after I made it look the way I did. Also with the cut and style of my client (she has many tattoos / additions), it really makes me think of old school punk / grunge.
We like to cut the layers fairly short to give the whole thing a more shag look. It also has shorter bangs, so it definitely gives you more of this punk mood. This is my favorite thing about this cut / style – you can make it look a bit more polished or you can really mess it up and have fun with it.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This type of color is very caring and can be harmful if you do not handle it properly. My customer comes every 6 weeks at least usually only about half an inch to one inch regrowth. This allows easy and safe regrowth with the brightener. For anyone with dark hair, I would not recommend this type of color. For people who want more of the pastel colors, I would stay with someone who is naturally blond / tan.
For those who want something on the blue / green side of the spectrum like this client, it's a little more engaging, as the underlying greens can be pretty hard to remove. Usually I always make sure that they are willing to leave it that way for a while when I'm doing a blue / green at a customer. Product-appropriate weekly deep-tissue treatments are usually required because of the lightening of the hair, as well as a leave-in conditioner and heat-protective agent, if you use a lot of heat on your hair. I would not suggest this look for someone who is pretty conservative.
This look is definitely more for someone whose style is more on the punky / edgy side, or for someone who wants to add more of that look to his style! Although this type of color can be very caring, it's still worth it if you want a look that's more fun and out there!
Deep blue sea
How would you describe this look?
The hair of this mermaid is one of my favorite pastimes! It's "Waves of Deep Topaz" and has a deep purple root that blends into a beautiful and dimensional mix of topaz colors. My favorite thing about this look is how I am able to create a seamless blend as the color runs down the strand! It's certainly a statement piece! I've developed my own technique with fashion tones to get a great melt of color. Mermaid hairstyles are definitely popping with color.
Creating textures with my favorite curling iron Paul Mitchell was fun for this customer. The topknot is always a nice and simple style to teach my clients. All in all, this style is very versatile and looks fantastic on every hair type and every hair length! The mermaid's hair is definitely a big trend that starts to stay here!
Any advice for someone considering it?
When consulting with a client, I always ask important questions. How often do you wash your hair? What type of maintenance is this customer ready to do? Do you use styling products and hot tools? This look is definitely not for the average girl. It takes a certain look and style to make it! This look is very caring. The care at home is super important, so they must use a sulfate-free color care shampoo and conditioner!
In order to maintain this style, you need specific styling products such as a styling oil, mousse and hair spray! A good curling iron or wand is the key to these beautiful waves! I mean, how sweet and effortless is this topknot? Choosing an artist who specializes in this type of color is so important. I can not stress enough how important it is to conduct a proper consultation, to make sure they have a portfolio, so that you can see their work before you agree to the service. You really want to look for a specialist to get the look right!
Wave with silver, blue and purple
How would you describe this look?
The best thing about this mermaid hair color is that we put a lighter shade in the middle, which gives it a little something other than the typical ombré look! I love the darker root and the darker final color! It makes this midline even more popular! Some loose waves and a great little gem by Pink Pewter make it even better!
Any advice for someone considering it?
Fashion / vivid colors are my passion and I love to make them customers, but they are a commitment. I have a long consultation in advance in which I inform you about the end and end of home care. Sulfate-free shampoos, such as Pulp Riot or Biolage, with minimal laundry in cold water, are a must! Low temperature settings on hot tools and good heat protection (I prefer Kenra 22 spray) before styling are also important. Violet tones generally fade pretty well, so these tones are not as well-cared for as others, but be prepared to be back in the salon in 6-8 weeks to retouch!
Sea foam green
How would you describe this look?
This look is an elegant punk. We wanted to transform them from a high growth line, also known as bleach, and tone with magenta to more of easy-care, sassy dimensional color.
Teri is 100% Nicaraguan and has many dark, thick hairs. We always want to give her a cut that decreases weight and gives texture and shape. This was simply blown out with a 2 "ceramic round brush to add volume and bend.
I love how the color attracts your eyes and flows together so well. It pulls it away from the "youthful, punk, colored stigma". Let's just say that the multidimensional tones help to fade them in various ways and develop with washes.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The key to this is that you do not wash your hair as often and wash in cold water and with moisture.
Investing in good products is a crucial factor! Use sulfate-free, paraben-free, sodium chloride-free products, less alcohol with styling products and less heat, as you can immediately melt your color!
I also like to send my clients home with a container of the right color to freshen up the paint before they have to return to the salon. I have had vivid colors for many years of my life, and care is the key to a rich color.
I began to fall in love with bright colors, with an elegant spin. There is so much dimension and abundance in color, but it is realistic when it comes to care. You have a smoother growth, and who does not love that ?!
Bright colors have changed the game, and I am so happy that people are becoming more open in different companies. Art, colors and self-expression flow together so well, so why not accept it in every way!
Pink, Purple, Green and Blue Rainbow
How would you describe this look?
My customer, down in the picture, leaves me a free hand. Her skin is pale and her hair is Dark Cool Level 4. My favorite part of this look is the fat bang that sits under her forehead and frames both sides of her face. Her haircut was so much fun. I love how her face is like a mischievous fairy. She wears her hair up, but with bangs down, so her ponytail's look is glamorous with longer pieces that she could pull along sides of the face to soften her look.
I framed her pony hairdo in black, thinking it would be wonderfully combined with her naturally inky dark lashes. My color picker for her hair was inspired by beta fish, so I kept dark blue, light blue and mint green as our main colors with sections of pink, purple and neon green puzzling under and around the face frame.
Melting is the name of the game. I want one color to change to another. A constant ebb and flow, I did not want a staccato rhythm in my hair, which distracts the attention of her bang! My goal was to create movement in the hair that has a soothing effect on the top and then opens in bold pops of color. The dark blue shadow root helps enormously in the way her hair goes over during the growth / fading out.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Every time a customer comes in and asks for Rainbow Mermaid hair, I first look for personality. How does she get over? Is she wide open? Or is it reserved? If it is quiet, I would choose pastel shades and softer tones for this relaxed atmosphere. If she is brave then I would of course choose strong colors! Skin tone? Is she brown or pale? Do I have to create undertones in their color to combine them with their skin tone?
My advice is, whatever you do, start with a clean canvas. I take all my clients to level 9 or higher. The cleaner the canvas, the more beautiful the fading will be. I think about fading more than the original color. Yes, it's a process of turning into a blonde, but worth the wait, especially when it turns into pastels! It feels good to receive compliments 2 months after the color, so do it the first time!
Some girls come in unaware. I start her in baby steps. The appearance of color through the neckline or a small panel on the side can be enough to make you feel brave and empowered! Hair can literally change your view of life! Create a work of art that can not only be enjoyed by you and your customers, but can also bring joy to the people around you.
Strong blue and purple
How would you describe this look?
This look is a mermaid hair color with a purple sunset hue along with a beautiful blue ocean hue. My absolute favorite is how amazing and true it was. An amazing thing about our color line (Pulp Riot) is how you can formulate for underlying pigments and still achieve the color for the desired hue.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It is always good to seek detailed advice from your stylist. You have to talk about your wardrobe, whether you're wearing make-up and how you're petting your hair. It's also important to know your face shape to see how your stylist can cut and shape the color so that when you look at it at eye level, you see that contrast.
My client, for example, has beautiful blue / green eyes, so the blue and violet complemented her eyes so well. When you try to achieve that look, you need to consider how you get up.
Colorful ocean ombre
A rich combination of blue roots and teal ends is almost like carrying the ocean as the crowning glory! Mermaid hair made in Ombre dyeing techniques creates a unique flair.
Colorful coral pink shades
Wear this Pantone 2019 color with pride! Peach tones are in fashion, but you can start the trend by wearing this shade of medium-long hair.
Pastel green sea algae
One word: fascinating. Experience your mermaid hair dreams with kelp-colored hair that are obviously out of this world!
Blue and blue ocean
Mermaid hair is now available in fascinating turquoise colors! I definitely see these lush seaweed and seaweed species under water. If you want to definitely consider mermaid hairstyles, light tones like aqua and turquoise.
Mermaid Hair: The Fishtail Braid
Swim back to the good one with the ultimate merpeople hairstyle. Fuschia and magenta tones fused into a fishtail make you a native under the sea!
Mermaid hair in a pixie
Short-haired girls are also having fun! Get ready for the hottest mermaid hair color mix and cut this summer.
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