#the wingbird
classickirbyland · 2 years
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Here’s our fine feathered friend, Birdon!
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Aks box open means it’s time for me to suggest odd scenarios: anyway, Crows still shiny stuff right? And Galahdan beads are pretty shiny. If a crow stole their beads, and a (human) friend of said crow came to little galahd to return them, would the crows human friend have a rough time? (Assume they brought crow thief along to prove it)
This is indeed an odd scenario! But fun :D
Let's see...
Human friend would not have a hard time. More like a weirdly easy one. The rule here is: do not offend the crow person, make sure they get what they came here for and then leave.
Now, the Galahkar the beads belong to, would most likely have worn them on a necklace and have been stupid enough to pull it off and then play with it in a way the crow could get it. Which means the Galahkar is mildly panicking. Family members think the Galahkar deserves it for their stupidity. The family members don't have pity.
Enter the human friend. Who sees the poor, frazzled Galahkar, and freezes. Because.
Oh no
The Galahkar is hot.
Said Galahkar sees human friend with the crow and goes still, eyes wide and mouth open.
The crow is very smug.
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litfeathers · 8 months
Birds Fly in Different Directions: Chapters three, four, five, and six have been posted on AO3!
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After countless flights on Flapjack…after sunbaked afternoons spent wading in the great river, after scraped knees and torn skirts and way too many mosquito bites, after many exciting bird sightings and subsequent filled in sketchbook pages, and after several visits to Gravesfield with an excellent guide, Evelyn finally started to relax around her new friend. And months later, when the shadows under the trees started lengthening and the chill of autumn started leaking into the golden late summer evenings, she realized out of nowhere just how close she and Caleb had gotten. It was strange, but talking to him was startlingly easy. Like conversing was a dance, and they both already knew the steps. It took little to no effort. It wasn’t stressful. And it was actually…fun? It felt nice.  And he had started to call her Eve, which she found herself not really minding at all...
The Stats Pairings: Witteclaw (Evelyn Clawthorne & Caleb Wittebane) Rating: M Current word count: 15,780 (guesstimating 50k ish when completed) Other notes: I completely missed announcing the last few chapter updates, so here is a four for one post to make up for it!
If you want a fic with banter, birds, friendship, romance, SWEET REVENGE, more birds, Caleb being a giant nerd, birds again, pumpkin sops, Flapjack being the best wingbird ever, portal lore™, a terrible drawing that almost ruins someone's life, birds, and an almost 100 percent Evelyn POV? This fic might be of interest to you...
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urielwiththegoodhair · 5 months
I'd like to give Barbara some treats. She looks like a vulture of some sort, so here.
(also Barbara this bit is just for you, I think you're a great wingbird!)
Well, thank you, anon. I'll be sure to feed them to her.
You really think so? Thank you!
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4godownunder · 9 months
Freitag, 21. Juli 2023
Welcome to the Jungle
Die erste echte Begegnung mit dem Regenwald steht an, allerdings in einem extrem durchgeplanten touristischen Umfeld. Schon seit Jahrzehnten führen die Gondeln von Skyrail und die Bahn von Scenic Railway in das Dörfchen Kuranda. Und ganz ehrlich: Da geht trotzdem kein Weg dran vorbei.
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Um 10.55 Uhr holt uns der Bus ab. Der Fahrer plaudert durch, was uns erwarten wird, wann die Gondeln wo halten werden, wann die Bahn wo fährt und vor allem wie SICHER das alles ist. Abenteuer geht definitiv anders. Aber: Der Tag ist trotzdem wunderschön. Wir haben eine Gondel für uns und gleiten über den Regenwald, ziemlich hoch oben. Es gibt zwei Stopps, jeweils mit kleinen Runden auf Holzwegen durch den Regenwald und viel erklärenden Schildern. Es ist atemberaubend. Stachelige Farnblätter, die Würgefeige, die mächtigen Kauris, Lianen ... unfassbar grün, unfassbar groß. Selbst der Teenager sitzt leise schmunzelnd in der Gondel "Schon ziemlich okay hier". Mehr Lob geht kaum.
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In Kuranda angekommen fühlen sich die zweineinhalb Stunden Aufenhalt erst lang an. Und verfliegen dann doch. Das liegt sicher nicht an den historisch wertigen Bauwerken oder der vielen Kultur. Eine Kneipe reiht sich an den nächsten Imbiss, die Rusty Märkte bieten viel Nippes, dazwischen verstecken sich schöne Stücke mit Aborigines-Mustern. Aber wir haben erstmal Hunger. Nachdem wir ein paar Burger erjagt haben, besuchen wir das Visitorcenter und geraten an eine Deutsche! Louisa nimmt eine Stabheuschrecke (oder wie immer das Tier auf deutsch heißt) auf die Hand, außerdem erfahren wir, dass das mit den Schlangen wirklich nicht so wild ist. Viel gefährlicher sei die australische Brennessel. Soso.
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Es gäbe ein Koala Sanctuary und eine Bird World, aber wir gehen in das Schmetterlingshaus. Dort gibt es nur heimische Arten und wie immer in Schmetterlingshäusern können wir gut verweilen. Unser Favorit ist der grüne Cairns Wingbird, ganz zauberhaft. Zufällig können wir dann auch noch dabei sein, wie frisch geschlüpfte Schmetterlinge in das Haus gebracht werden - und dann wird die Zeit auf einmal schon knapp.
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Wir holen noch kurz einen Kaffee und eilen zum Zug, Denn der um 15.30 Uhr ist die letzte Fahrt des Tages. Sitzplätze bekamen wir vorher schon per Mail mitgeteilt. Unsere Nachbarn sind Australier, allerdings ausnahmsweise schweigsame. Das könnte am knallroten Sonnenbrand des Herren liegen ... Da aber sonst wirklich jeder fragt, wo wir herkommen, wie lange wir bleiben, was wir hier machen - ist es mal ganz erholsam, kurz nicht plaudern zu müssen.
Natürlich muss Louisa noch Sekunden vor der Abfahrt auf Toilette, natürlich klappt alles trotzdem noch. Der Zug zuckelt langsam, manchmal wohl gerade mit Schrittgeschwindigkeit. Ein Stopp ist mit Blick auf die Barron Falls, die gerade recht wenig Wasser führen. Angstellte der Bahn achten darauf, dass auch wirklich jedes Schäfchen wieder in den Zug findet und weiter gehts.
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Es geht durch 12 handgeschlagene Tunnel, über 55 Brücken, dazu wird die Geschichte der Bauarbeiten erzählt. Zum Beispiel, dass 32 Arbeiter bei Unfällen starben, aber wohl noch mehr durch Krankheit oder Schlangenbiss (ha!). Nachdem der Zug wieder die Ebene erreicht hat, steht die Sonne über den Zuckerrohrfeldern schon tief. Gegen 17.30 Uhr sind wir am Bahnhof von Cairns.
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Abendessen im Supermarkt kaufen, in den Liquor Store für ein Fläschchen Wein, danach Geld abheben. Als Nicole im Bus mit einem 100-Dollar-Schein zahlen will (der Automat hat nur großes ausgespuckt), winkt der Busfahrer ab - und die vier aus Deutschland einfach durch. Louisa kann es kaum fassen. Wieso sind die Menschen hier soooo freundlich? Abendessen daheim auf der Terrasse. Louisa und Nicole gehen kurz vor 22 Uhr noch eine Runde schwimmen und haben die Pools ganz für sich alleine.
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444names · 1 year
all the birds
Adma Agui Agule Aketree Alivethath Allaw Alley Amant Amar Amer Ampret Anche Anded Anger Antaillow Antle Antrina Apal Arconna Arminklet Atle Atonered Aush Awelzet Ayellbill Bacas Baggan Balian Ballia Baman Bamblueeva Bandiushwa Banvil Baramou Bard Barord Bater Baua Bauia Bayal Belfison Berd Bered Bertonby Bilver Bisch Blek Boke Bong Bontaurugu Bouby Bouisel Boutch Branted Brao Brasturp Brayiorn Briper Brist Brubulver Bryptail Buby Burack Busappe Bushang Buzo Callpit Camoo Canea Cant Capard Carble Card Carfrop Cariabal Castring Cated Cayarfule Chan Chitalet Cholorn Chulhely Churful Cingar Citard Claged Clapleroco Clarra Clow Cobirdiump Cociffy Cockeʻe Cocks Coque Cordmahja Coro Cosralm Couz Cran Crea Crentit Crese Crour Cucanceff Cull Cuthurnec Cyptic Dagred Damahird Daniskin Daud Dave Dela Dianduce Djaemale Dorna Dupiant Dwalypte Each Eled Emomertres Ered Eveboa Evelle Ever Faison Fama Fawk Feres Fijibed Fingarike Finod Finy Fira Fird Flan Flona Florampet Foucket Fovermet Freyis Frimokmal Frugued Fyne Gaboyan Gabus Ganat Gangbin Garineade Gerthird Gill Gillebreeh Gilloxy Gilow Gleul Gling Gnorne Gnow Golgall Gora Goravinkoo Gotteand Gradow Granceoute Grayss Grañoliffy Grelaungia Grellow Grielvet Grisabiney Guishri Gung Guttese Gyray Hamank Hampri Happer Hass Heehuramul Herp Herū Holing Hoodibiang Hoond Horby Huaingred Huaʻo Hudillch Humbrass Ibehed Ible Iher Inded Irian Isled Jandeata Johes Junchimbo Juntelined Kann Kiker Killberen Kini Kopitray Koser Krentviold Krer Kunge Kākāwaring Kāmang Lachis Lage Lappans Lavilledis Lege Lesic Lestra Lete Leus Lewtoreged Lich Lieffownyo Line Liouce Lodstari Lojah Lomtiusiat Lottar Lottim Loundinted Loverasa Lownester Ludó Mached Magal Mago Maket Makintaipa Malded Malkokbian Malordled Mamerū Mara Marad Marictord Marm Maudder Maunine Mauras McGiled Melida Menda Mevass Micefird Micur Mill Moharos Moonkoordi Morens Morn Morolin Moros Moted Motint Mouck Moughtjae Mous Mulowbrop Mynawilled Napanas Nark Natezillaw Nathroun Necher Neck Negal Negoll Nepalatze Nicos Norous Nublasqued Nutipper Nutith Orea Oritturi Ornega Oroush Otainspuʻu Oʻaman Palcan Palit Pallo Pamorn Parke Parla Parvach Pauracul Payolo Pearce Pearra Phit Phon Piadavi Piker Pinewtocke Pinganiff Pingga Pird Planed Pleate Pliche Pliny Plotatted Pluebird Pollotal Pric Primel Rambard Recker Redher Ricoisk Ridladan Rimouskire Rimperbli Rivat Roper Rotusergre Rund Rustaink Rüpphill Sabary Sacurika Saft Sager Sank Sast Scapuft Sceh Schon Scht Schunli Scocking Scred Searfarkel Sembe Sembreed Senton Serhussh Serles Shek Shis Sible Silinted Silot Singant Sirea Skin Snac Snop Sous Sped Sper Spersh Spico Spie Spier Spra Sprub Spurkeyery Squailie Squid Stepiana Stinia Stomeld Ston Streanil Streer Stria Strier Strinia Sund Sunlan Sunth Swairast Swated Swaxan Swired Swrelicad Tabay Tablefied Tabuse Taig Taillaenow Tall Tanda Tanney Tarroades Tatar Tcrowery Tenan Ther Thira Thylaf Tinin Titoryper Tocke Toode Tore Trassung Treecter Trester Tuch Tufisten Tuiauain Turaquet Turines Tyrugalt Vaunne Vaurren Vegstrico Verble Waged Wakadan Warl Welaterba Whicot Whie Whinú Whopidt Wilbeakeed Wilimit Wilta Wingbird Winjore Winslewed Woodcrow Wookindler Woos Wrine Yunts Zonyman ʻaird ʻaudand
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OMFGGGG Luz and Amity asking each other out and Eda being so proud is now in my top three moments of The Owl House
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vlkyriesgf · 2 years
uhhh the urge to write a super long peacemaker x reader x vigilante story that will totally bomb but i would be proud of it because im making eagly the matchmaker in the story anyway i needed to spill that to someone love you nat im in ur walls
if eagly is the matchmaker THEN CONTINUE and if ur in my walls i’ll scream to tell u the same thing 😤 anyway love u too <3
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starfireproductions · 2 years
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Taking Wing
Bird study done as a gift for a fellow artist who chose the subject for the project. As always, animals are so much fun to draw and feathers are always good. Not so much detailing on this one in order to get the whole bird in but still fun to do. Full details can be found on my DA page here: https://www.deviantart.com/starfire-productions
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wisdomfromtony · 5 years
Talking to non-english people
Foreigner: Hello. You help me? Tony: I CAN HELP YOU. Foreigner: I need a wingbird Tony: (louder) YOU MEAN WHIRLYBIRD? Foreigner: Ya, ya! Tony: (even louder) WHAT COLOUR? Because, yes, Tony speaking louder to someone who doesn't speak English well will make them understand.
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districtgals · 2 years
Australia Womens Clothing
Buy Australia Womens Clothing online. Designer clothing from top Australian and international fashion designers. Free and fast delivery available.  Let us be your fashion wingbirds from dresses to jeans & everything in between. Shop today!
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argunthakur10 · 2 years
Finfisher: How Can You Prevent It From Your Infected System
We hope that this account of our path in 21st-century skills through all of FinFisher's numerous levels of safety, concealment, and pro measures will be beneficial to future researchers investigating this virus. We think that industry collaboration and information exchange are critical in protecting customers from this sophisticated piece of malware and a great career opportunities in the future.
In the cyber security course a Security Researchers, a global cybersecurity organisation, has done a thorough analysis of new upgrades to the FinSpy malware that attacks common operating systems, notably Windows, Mac, and Linux. According to the findings, FinFisher places a strong priority on defensive evasion, making it one of the most difficult-to-detect Spywares to date.
FinFisher, commonly known as FinSpy or Wingbird, is a surveillance programme that Kaspersky has been monitoring since 2011. It can collect different passwords, file listings, and deleted files, as well as a live broadcast or record data and get access to a webcam and microphone. Its Operating system infections were discovered and investigated many times until 2018 when FinFisher appeared to have vanished.
Following that, Kaspersky discovered a number of suspicious installers of normal software, such as TeamViewer, VLC Media Player, and WinRAR, that included dangerous code that could not be linked to any known virus. That is until they uncovered a website in Burmese that included the infected installers and samples of FinFisher for Android, allowing them to determine they had been Trojanized with the same malware. This finding prompted Kaspersky researchers to dig deeper into FinFisher.
The researchers also found a FinFisher sample that changed the Windows UEFI bootloader. This method of infection enabled the cyber attack to install a bootkit without having to circumvent firmware safety checks. Kaspersky suggests the following steps to defend yourself against attacks like FinFisher:
Apps and programmes should only be downloaded from reputable websites.
Don't forget to keep your operating system and any software up to date. Many security concerns may be resolved by installing updated software versions.
By default, e-mail attachments should be avoided.
Installing software from unknown sources should be avoided. It may, and frequently does, include harmful files.
On all desktops and mobile devices, install a powerful security solution, such as Kaspersky Internet Security for Android or Kaspersky Total Security.
Kaspersky recommends the following for organizational security:
Create a policy regarding the usage of non-corporate software. Inform your staff about the dangers of downloading illegal software from untrustworthy sources.
Provide basic cybersecurity hygiene training to your employees, as many targeted assaults begin with phishing or other social engineering tactics.
Install anti-APT and EDR systems to provide threat detection and detection, investigation, and fast incident response capabilities. Give your SOC staff access to the most recent threat intelligence, information security course and professional training on a regular basis. All of the aforementioned features are accessible within the Kaspersky Expert Security architecture.
Dedicated services, in addition to adequate endpoint protection, can aid in the prevention of high-profile assaults. The Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response service can aid in the detection and prevention of attacks in their early phases before the attackers achieve their objectives.
Spaghetti and trash coding renders standard analyst tools useless. The elimination of garbage instructions and "spaghetti code," a method that tries to mislead disassembly tools, is the first obfuscation challenge that requires a solution while analysing FinFisher. Spaghetti code, as the name implies, makes the programme flow difficult to comprehend by introducing continuous code jumps.
Phase 0: Dropper with the custom virtual machine.
Phase 1: Loader virus prevents sandbox and debuggers from being used.
Phase 2: consists of a second multi-platform virtual computer.
Phase 3: An installer that pushes DLL side-loading to new heights.
Phase 4: The memory loader — GDI function hijacking for fun
Phase 5: The final loader assumes command.
Phase 6: The package consists of a modular spyware architecture for future investigation.
 Defence Against FinFisher
We were able to safeguard our clients from this sophisticated piece of malware by exposing as many of FinFisher's mysteries as possible throughout our arduous investigation. Because of the high code integrity standards that don't allow unfamiliar unsigned binaries to execute (thus preventing FinFisher's PE installer) or load (thus blocking FinFisher's DLL persistence), Windows 10 S devices are automatically protected against FinFisher and other threats. Similar code integrity policies taught at diploma in cyber security that may be implemented in Windows 10 using Windows Defender Application Control.
Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence Protection protects mails against email marketing campaigns that distribute malware like FinFisher using zero-day vulnerabilities. Using time-of-click security, Office 365 ATP prevents hazardous attachments, malicious URLs, and linked-to files. Using this research's findings, we improved Office 365 ATP's resistance to FinFisher's anti-sandbox checks.
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litfeathers · 7 months
Birds Fly in Different Directions has updated!
Chapter 7: The Drawing
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A cloaked witch rose from a fog-blanketed lake, her scarlet hood shrouding her face as she smiled serenely.
As she glided over the mirror-smooth water, her cloak billowed behind her with every step of her heeled boots. She hopped and landed on shore, dry as a bone and almost glowing in the dull gray of the lake mist. She let down her hood and threw back her head to shake out her long auburn hair. 
A bird shot out of her hair and she stumbled and flailed, nearly tripping but catching herself just in time with an undignified shriek.
“Flapjack, I nearly face planted onto a rock!” she yelled, shaking her fist at the twittering bird...
The Stats Pairings: Witteclaw (Evelyn Clawthorne & Caleb Wittebane) Rating: M Current word count: 20,969 (guesstimating 55k ish when completed) Other notes: If you want a fic with banter, birds, friendship, romance, SWEET REVENGE, more birds, Caleb being a giant nerd, birds again, pumpkin sops, Flapjack being the best wingbird ever, portal lore™, a terrible drawing that almost ruins someone’s life, birds, and an almost 100 percent Evelyn POV? This fic might be of interest to you.
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freemindtech · 3 years
FinSpy surveillance malware is now spreading through UEFI bootkits
FinSpy surveillance malware is now spreading through UEFI bootkits
The nefarious FinSpy spyware has now been upgraded for deployment within UEFI bootkits. FinSpy, also known as FinFisher/Wingbird, is surveillanceware that has been detected in the wild since 2011. The software’s Windows desktop-based implants were detected in 2011, and mobile implants were discovered a year later.  In 2019, Kasperksy researchers found new, upgraded Android and iOS samples, as…
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jobinterviewghost · 5 years
My little rural service: Jane Cay of Birdsnest.com.au
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What is the name of your service? birdsnest What is your site? www.birdsnest.com.au Instagram: @birdsnestonline Facebook:
When did you start your small biz? Everything drew back in 2004 when I purchased a traditionals clothing shop in the little nation town of Cooma, NSW. 4 years later in 2008, birdsnest introduced online, and in the eleven years considering that, we have actually grown to over 140 regional staff members and sent out over 1 million parcels to customers all around Australia and overseas, all accompanied with a hand-written note.
Why did you begin it?
A career in retail wasn't constantly on the cards for me. After completing a commerce degree, I took on an e-business specialist function with IBM and had my sights set on a life in the big smoke. Nevertheless, as is often the case, fate ended up being involved when I fell in love with a farmer, and later relocated to the nation so that we could start a life together. As one of the most not practical humans alive, I understood I needed to discover a career course outside the farm! I matured in an entrepreneurial family, and so it seemed natural to set out to find a small company to support and grow.
Is it the only biz of its kind in your area?
There are other merchants in our district that have actually also broadened their market through their online presence, reaching new consumers and increasing the local economy.
What do you like most about living where you live?
The natural beauty and rate of life. I love that I drive through nature to get to work and then can be at my child's school for an assembly in two minutes and have no trouble discovering a park. We are perfectly located an hour from the snow fields, an hour from the South Coast and an hour from Canberra. We really get to live in the sluggish lane and work in the quick lane. Fortunate us!
How would you describe your client base?
Women who would like a 'wardrobe wingbird' or design assistance group.
Who/what do you consider your greatest rival?
My daddy and coach constantly said, companies invest too much time fretting about their rivals. Instead we try to spend time worrying about how we can improve for our customers and solve their problems in a much better method.
How do the majority of your customers find you?
Word of mouth continues to be our biggest referrer. There is absolutely nothing more powerful than caring for the consumers you have.
Do you network with other small biz in your area?
Yes we do-- finding opportunities for collaborations or to share info or resources. Mainstreet, primarily a guys's clothes seller in Cooma, has actually likewise browsed the web and we honestly share learnings with each other.
Do you have a regional chamber of commerce in your location?
Yes, we do. The Cooma Chamber of Commerce is a really proactive neighborhood group within the local Monaro area.
What do you believe is the greatest obstacle your community/area/district faces today?
It is both an obstacle and a chance-- to support the community that will prepare and develop Snowy 2.0 which will help satisfy Australia's future energy needs with renewables.
Who is your greatest support?
Finding the best partner in life certainly provides you a huge leg up when you are trying to raise a household and a business. Oli, my farmer, would be my greatest support-- when I doubt myself, his hard love and support gets me back on my feet.
What's your greatest objective for the next 5 years?
We have a much enjoyed brand name that empowers females and offers profession chances in a local place. We want to continue concentrating on how our business can do good in the world, including lowering our effect on the planet.
What is your greatest obstacle in regards to growing your business?
Reaching new women to present to the nest, the expense of getting brand-new clients outside of 'word of mouth' continues to head north as the digital area ends up being more crowded.
What/where is your favourite place in your town and why?
The garden at my youth home where my moms and dads still live and where numerous pleased memories reside. I was born in Cooma, so have not moved far!
Find out more about Jane's story on Kochie's Company Builders.
Choose Jane for our Regional Heroes competitors!
The post My small rural business: Jane Cay of Birdsnest.com.au appeared first on Flying Solo.
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absolut-maenaiac · 7 years
Bebirded, Abandoning
“Bebirded, abandoning, pull your deep claw out of me. But Alexander, cold time is always followed by cold time just as pole strengthens pole and cold raises cold But, Alexander, ice strengthens ice as you are the wing; grows out to become bird. The third-bird grows out of me, pulls its last root out of me. A wing skeleton, a wingbird feather is sucked for years through tunnel time But Alexander, distance increases distance as cold intensifies cold.” – Aase Berg (Dark Matter/Mörk Materia)
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