#the wolf and the watchman
chiropteracupola · 4 months
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another fic for the wolf and the watchman -- post-canon anna stina/johanna, this time around!
[read it here]
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inkotinko · 2 months
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some cecils
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redonschimera · 9 months
there is something deeply hopeless but satisfying about spending all your life on dead or nonexistent book fandoms
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dxppercxdxver · 1 year
ahahaha whoops. here's a fic for a book with no fandom that i accidentally got Extremely attached to
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morgan--reads · 2 years
The Wolf and the Watchman - Niklas Natt Och Dag
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Summary: When Mickel Cardell, a veteran of King Gustav’s wars, finds a body without limbs or eyes in Stockholm’s lake, he reports the find to the police. It’s not the police but their consultant, the sickly lawyer Cecil Winge, who picks up the case, convincing Mickel to join him in hunting down the person that mutilated the body. 
Quote: “You can’t fool me! You are indeed a wolf after all. I’ve seen enough to know and, even if I am wrong, you will soon become one. No one can run with the wolf pack without accepting its terms.”
My rating: 3.5/5.0     Goodreads: 3.87/5.0
Review: I normally don’t love gritty historical fiction—the kind filled with disease, abuse, and grime—but, at the beach with nothing else to read, this book won me over. The almost Holmes-like pairing of the brilliant but dying Cecil and the rough-mannered Mickel is an excellent frame for the gruesome, but compelling mystery. Cecil’s decline amps up the tension as they race to find the perpetrator before Cecil dies. The middle part of the book, where we step outside the mystery to the story of the seemingly unrelated Anna-Stina and her struggles in the corrupt workhouse, slows down the mystery but adds depth to the conclusion of the story, which was satisfying overall. 
Read-alike: The Alienist - Caleb Carr
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buniyaad · 2 years
was annoyed with some parts of the story, but the last section and plot twists at the end pretty much compensated for the nuisances. FANTASTIC murder mystery. i wish winge wasn’t already 97% dead from consumption, cuz he and cardell really were the dream team.
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ghulehehey · 23 days
I just like to imagine that instead of dying Cecil bids everyone farewell to pay an old friend from university a last visit, said friend desperately wants to try this new medical treatment (some kind of antibiotica? outlander-style) said friend is now offering him a place at his sanatorium. People just assume he's dead, not being wrong of doing so -
But he manages. Slowly, super slowly.
Perhaps he's as good as dead 'til the end of 1795. Perhaps he's trying to stay away from Stockholm for the sake of his brother. Perhaps his brother doesn't want to inform anyone - especially not Cardell - of Cecil being alive just yet. Emil finally able to be shine a bit. And Cecil probably don't want to shock people who have already gone through the grief again, before he's sure he'll actually make it.
THEN come a day when he's actually stable enough, and he's been offered some little house near the sanatorium (so he can go back regularly, check ups and such) but his friend isn't too keen on him being all alone there, in case something happens. So he's finally picking up his pen to try to get hold of Cardell. Because I really just want them to be fine, living in this small house somewhere on the countryside. He's probably still somewhat sickly but recovering slowly (very slowly).
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foolish-neko-reads · 9 months
"1795" Ніклас Натт-о-Даґ
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Нарешті я маю на руках усю серію. Знаю, що ще є видання у вигляді коміксу, але дуже сумніваюся, що воно колись з'явиться в Україні.
Ця книжкова серія - чи не найкраще читання за цей рік. За довгі роки. Вона напевне увійде у мій перелік найулюбленіших творів. Під час купівлі першої книги мені й на думку не спало, що зрештою ці книги принесуть мені таке задоволення.
Мені подобається похмура атмосфера старого Стокгольму, де поєднується розкіш та занепад, море та дощі, приреченість та надія, моральний розклад та гідність. Історичний Стокгольм змальований без екзальтованого піднесення, Ніклас Натт-о-Даґ фарбує його у сірі кольори. Сонячного світла цій історії додають зворушливі персонажі.
Й Сесіл, й Мікель, й Еміль, й Анна Стіна - всі вони багатогранні, захоплюючі, цікаві. Вони викликають співчуття та співпереживання. В кожному із них є щось, що доторкається до серця та думок. Шкода з ними розлучатися, але у 1795 році їхня історія добігає кінця. Й хоч всі вони заслужили на дрібку талану та щастя, випадуть вони лише на долю Анни Стіни.
Якщо я правильно зрозумів, Мікель вчинив самогубство. Його можна зрозуміти, але разом з ним, здається, померла надія на визволення Еміля.
Еміля шкода більше за всіх. Життя над ним й так познущалося, а скніти у божевільні до скону - це взагалі пекло ще за життя. Хочеться сподіватися, що якимсь чином йому вдасться знов втекти звідти. І хоча Сесіл, який допоміг йому минулого разу, вже мертвий, мені все одно кортить видумати ��кийсь щасливий випадок. Може написати фікс-іт?
Я досі під враженням від цієї серії. Вона неймовірна і неймовірно мене зворушила. Але дуже засмутила. Найбільше, звісно, засмутило нещастя Еміля. Він не заслуговує на це. Не розумію, чому Мікелю потрібно було запроторити Еміля у божевільню, чому не виторгував йому забуття? Якщо вже він вирішив покінчити зі своїм життям, чому б просто не залишити Еміля на самого себе? Гадаю, Мікель добрими намірами вимостив дорогу до пекла. Можливо Булін його обдурив, не знаю. Навряд він розумів, що для Еміля майже неможливим буде втекти. І все одно... Трохи злюся на Мікеля. Врешті він виявився дійсно не дуже розумним, чи краще сказати обачним. Підставив єдину людину, яка його цінувала.
Одним словом, сумно. Мені дуже сподобалося читати цю серію, вона жодного разу не схибила у тому, щоб викликати почуття. Але на разі ці почуття сумні та неоднозначні. Не знаю, чи захочу коли-небудь перечитати ці книжки. Можливо. Але точно знаю, що якщо побачу у майбутньому новий твір Нікласа Натт-о-Даґа - точно придбаю та прочитаю.
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cool-as-steel · 1 year
really I have got to read more historical novels where everyone experiences a little sunlight and joy on occasion
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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recently I've read a very meaty and murdery novel, and, since I haven't stopped thinking about it, now I've made a playlist about it.
[listen here]
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inkotinko · 5 months
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based on that one page
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fliptoast · 11 days
Aunt Mopsey
      One must be particularly insane to enter the service of a Nowhere Hour. For one there is no set path to ascend under them. The Watchman requires a sacrifice of the uninitiated, and you must watch them, unfeeling as they burn with knowledge not meant for them. The Forge of Days requires the fiery destruction of something and then beautiful creation from its ashes. The Mother of Ants asks that you open yourself to gates flung wide through scarring, either the body or the mind. The Cornel and the Lionsmith require you and another to ascend in a show of blood and teeth and hatred, and commit yourself to this private dance of a two-person war forever. Even those less commonly ascended under have guesses associated with their paths to ascension. Though it is somewhat luck for the Egalist to turn his head to you, accepting your own mortality and the mortality of others in a grand show increases your odds. The Wolf Divided seems to require your death by your own hand, fulfilling its own lifelong desire. Find the house of the Moon, ascend under the Meniscate. Eat and fuck and feel, ascend under the Red Grail. Of course, these are all simplifications, but the point should be clear. There is at the barest of minimums an idea of how to get the attention of any given hour, and for some a set list of demands others have learned will get you into their service. All this preamble to bring up the oddity that is Aunt Mopsey.
            She is pleasant to talk to. She asks you call her aunt, and she certainly feels like one. She is kind and thoughtful and enjoys listening to anyone who will speak to her. When she asks something of you, you are compensated accordingly. She does not trick or manipulate or lie. The worst anyone can say about her is that perhaps she can be hard to understand with her habit of speaking in riddles or perhaps she is a little blunt. Perhaps her sense of boundaries can also be a bit screwy, considering when you ask how she gets places that seem locked or hidden she will always reply “someone let me in”, but aren’t these just small things? No one would expect her to be a name for an hour at all, much less for one as malicious as the Mare-in-the-Tree.
            The mystery of Aunt Mopsey does not end there though. She is no ordinary Name. Names serve an hour, but no other Name is given a title quite like Aunt Mopsey. She is called a herald, a herald for the Mare-in-the-Tree. Where Mopsey goes, the Mare-in-the-Tree is said to follow. Those Mopsey speaks to are said to be under the influence of the Mare-in-the-Tree. Extreme theories tend to equate Mopsey to nothing but a puppet or meat suit for the Mare-in-the-Tree, saying Mopsey is a shell the Hour speaks through.
Regardless to the relationship between Mopsey and the Mare-in-the-Tree, the fact remains, Mopsey is one of a kind. The only known Name of a Nowhere hour, and one of the more explicitly malicious ones at that. And the pinnacle of the mystery surrounding this woman, is how. There are no other Names, at least not ones who can speak to compare Mopsey too. Her speech doesn’t lend itself to answering such questions as straightforward as “how did you ascend?” The best guess anyone has is that Mopsey, the human if she ever was one, had to be mad. Mad enough to enter the Manaus, and willingly open the door to Nowhere, going against every instinct every dreamer has ever had. From there, no one will ever know how the ascension played out. All that is known is there is a woman, found only in Numa, who speaks in riddles, is pleasant to talk to, and heralds a great evil, an evil always only one step behind her gentle smile.
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Ankh-Morpork City Watch Tournament!
Dorfl is a golem who owns himself - his chem isn't a list of magic words, it is his ownership receipt. He chooses to work for the Watch, reasoning that there is no better job for someone who loves freedom than to be a Watchman. Immensely strong and fiercely logical, he is a boon to the Watch and a terror to criminals throughout Ankh-Morpork.
Angua is a werewolf, from a noble werewolf family in Überwald. She has a reliable nose and can track any thief, killer, or miscellaneous miscreants. She is constantly on guard against her animalistic instincts. She strives to be a vegetarian (at least in human form) and pays for the chickens she eats as a wolf, because animals don't. She has occasional dog-like habits and problems; she finds Mr. Fusspot's squeaky bone toy hard to put down, for example, and has both a bed and a basket in the place where she lives.
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kaidabakugou · 1 year
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Glossary for ‘Inn Matki Munr’ | The Mighty Passion
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Vidar: the god of vengeance and Odin’s son who was destined to avenge his father at Ragnarök with a peculiar footgear, designed for protections against the fiery element and strong enough to resists Fenrir’s sharp teeth on the last battle.
Surt: the fire giant mentioned at the beginning of the story, ruler of Muspelheim and destined to lead the fire giants into battle against the gods at Ragnarök where he burned the whole world.
Fenrir: monstrous wolf that was chained and destined to lie bound to a rock until Ragnarök where he will fight against Odin and swallow him before Vidar avenges his father by tearing his jaws.
Odin (All-Father): was the highest and holiest of gods, known as the father of gods and men, and the god of the universal wisdom and victory.
Ragnarök: the end of the world of gods and men, preceded by cruel winters and chaos where giants and demons will attack the gods. The sun will darken, the stars will vanish and the earth will sink into the sea only to rise again with new life.
Hel / Helheim: the underworld in Norse Mythology where many of the dead dwell and were destined to spend the rest of eternity in the realm of the dead.
The Norns: are the female beings who create and control fate. Making them the most powerful entities, more than the gods, since gods were also subject to fate.
Ithavoll: the meeting place of the gods after Ragnarök where they rebuilt shrines and temples and began to restore what was lost.
Landvidi: the broad lands, the realm of Vidar where his palace is located inside a primeval forest.
Alfheim: the realm inhabited by elves, ruled by Freyr who was associated with magic.
Heimdall: the watchman of the gods and the guardian of the rainbow bridge that connected heaven and earth. Destined to see Ragnarök before the other gods and blow his horn called Gjallarhorn, indicating that the final battle had begun.
Querencia: a place where one feels safe, a place from which one's strength of character is drawn.
Nordic Translations:
god morgon: good morning
elskan mín: my love
blómi: bloom / blooming
hí, elska: here, my love
takk!: thank you!
god natt: good night
ásynja mín: my goddess
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ichorai · 2 hours
A SONG OF CURSES AND CROWNS ; series masterlist.
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A SONG OF CURSES AND CROWNS — a collection of stories in westeros following the characters of jujutsu kaisen ... themes/warnings will be specified in each part.
main masterlist.
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ONE. the wolf and the beast ; assassin!toji x stark!reader (3.3k) nobody told him that his target had a direwolf.
TWO. blacksmith!choso x highborn!reader you’re engaged to kenjaku, the father of the man you’ve already fallen in love with.
THREE. night’s watchman!yuji x wildling!reader and as you aimed the tip of your arrow to his chest, yuji knew he’d fallen in love with you.
FOUR. bard!yuta x witch!reader every night, the same nightmare. that is—until he came across you in a tavern, shrouded in mystery and shadow, whispering promises of ridding him of dreams. 
FIVE. king!gojo x knight!reader gojo, the young king who refuses to marry and turns down any potential suitors, grows attached to a mysterious knight who easily dominates over all his best warriors in a tourney.
SIX. prince!megumi x prisoner!reader he had no business being in the castle dungeons. and, upon further consideration, neither did you.
SEVEN. knight!ino x tyrell!reader you aspire to be a healer, even though women aren’t allowed to be maesters. ino, who’s infatuated with you, offers for you to practice on him.
EIGHT. hand of the king!geto x lady!reader during the first few moons of your arranged marriage, geto seems to hate you—all cold and distant, barely ever acknowledging you at all. you’re determined to find out why. 
NINE. sailor!yuki x merperson!reader perhaps a shipwreck wasn’t all that bad. it was what led her to you, after all.
TEN. lord!toge x painter!reader there’s much to do with the tongue other than speak.
ELEVEN. commoner!miwa x lord!muta they both stuck out like sore thumbs—with her pale blue hair and her shoddy dress; his scarred face and club-foot that gave him a terrible limp. it was only natural that they gravitated towards each other. the bastard and the cripple, the court whispered. it was a twisted tale of romance at best, an accursed union at worst.
TWELVE. dragonrider!sukuna x dragonkeeper!reader sukuna misliked how his own dragon seemed to like you more than him.
THIRTEEN. knight!nanami x lady of the vale!reader nanami considered himself a dutiful, honorable man. even if he was completely unworthy to marry an aristocrat like you, he would stand guard by your side regardless. 
FOURTEEN. master of laws!higuruma x mistress of whisperers!reader the two of you often butted heads during small council meetings, which led to much unresolved tension within the castle. having had enough, the king decided to lock the two of you in an empty chamber until all was resolved—or until one of you was dead. whichever came first.
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metidax · 2 months
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Behemoth: the demon of gluttony (and somehow a cat)
The first mention of Behemoth we find in The Book of Job where it is described as a huge grass-eating animal. The animal could look like a regular hippo or like mythical chimera.
It is noteworthy that in Biblical Hebrew the word “behemoth” named animals in general or domesticated ones so the meaning is quite wide.
According to the Bible, Behemoth isn’t the evil spirit; he became a demon in Middle Ages with the creation of demonology. Behemoth turned into a demon of gluttony probably because of his enormous size. Different demonologists wrote that Behemoth is able to take shape of big animals (including wolf, dog or cat). Actually, the ability to change the appearance is associated with Satan and his satellites.
Behemoth incites people not only to excessive use of food and drinks but also to lust: the demon can even turn into women to seduce men.
In addition, he encourages blasphemy and swearing. Besides temptation of the people, Behemoth arranges feasts in hell, work as Satan’s cup-bearer and as night-watchman of underworld.
Some demonologists assumed that Behemoth was a throne of God (angel who hymn the Lord) and kept the talent for singing after falling from Heaven. He also has a horn sound of which terrify sinners.
During the Apocalypse Behemoth should fight with Leviathan - another enormous demon who lives under water. Allegedly, demons will kill each other and their meat will become a dish on the feast for the men of God. According to another version, Behemoth and Leviathan are married.
Perhaps the most notable appearance of Behemoth we find in the novel Master and Margarita by Bulgakov, in which demon takes a shape of big cat with human habits. Moreover, in the end of the novel he turns into human boy, a cup-bearer as a reference for demonologists’ classification.
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