enchantingblossom · 4 years
x @viridian-prince​ x
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❝ It’s pleasure have you join my lords banquet. allow me guide you to your table. ❞ bowed respectfully making sure not look at the honored guests due fear of being rude.  She guided man to his seat at table. 
❝ I please enjoy yourself.  You and other lords worked hard for this night. ❞ smiled encouragingly finally looking up at him for minute then turned around to leave him.
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gremllinn · 7 years
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King Jeriicho or better known as The Blood King is strong leader of the over world. He is the undefeated king and only bows to the God Mianite. He gifted with the blood magic and can control it almost as good as his god once did, but with great power comes obsession. And Jeriicho is addicted to watching his enemy’s rivers of blood mixing with his own. It brings him joy to watch the blood seep from his wounds and it’s his only weakness next to his girlfriend Sonja. #the3kingdoms #myart #jeriichoii #bloodandgore
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The Three Kingdoms
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TW: Homophobia, internalized homophobia, implied transphobia(very brief), religious trauma
If I missed a trigger or if you spot a spelling mistake, please let me know. Feedback is encouraged.
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for even more!
There was so much going on and yet it wasn't overwhelming, it was almost perfect. There were sounds of people happily chatting, wedding bells, and songs slightly louder played in the distance. The colorful glass from the church window shined on the people in the church. The church was packed for a royal wedding and at the altar, there was prince Kaminari but instead of a beautiful bride opposite him, there was a handsome knight from the enemy kingdom. The priest started the ceremony, the two grooms said their vows and kissed. It was anything less than magical. The priest began to announce the kingdoms’ new rulers.
"Lady's and Gent’s I introduce to you, your new Kings. King Denki Kaminari and King Eijiro Kiris--"
Before the priest finished his announcement the large church doors were opened and the...priest who was previously standing next to the kings, had teleported to the church’s entrance.
" I will not follow the rule of sinners like you" 
Suddenly all the happy wedding goers disappeared and reappeared behind the angry priest, joining him in ridiculing of the two kings
"We will not follow the devil"
"Our prince has been tainted by the devil"
The priest raises his hand and the crowd quiets down, Denki questions the priest
"What are you doing? You were just announcing us as the new kings and know you're over there protesting our marriage? YOU’RE THE MARRIAGE OFFICIANT?"
The priest ignored his King’s questions.
" Denki listen to me, the thing you married is the devil, he used his powers to make you believe you love him, but I know that you could never fall for another man. I can help you, just come to my side and I can exorcise that demon." 
The priest offers his hand out, then the rest of the people behind him do the same.
" Denki, they're lying, you know that they are trying to get in your head. I do love and you love me." 
Kirishima stood closer to Denki, also offering his hand to Denki. Denki looked between the two choices, he looks at the priest’s group, he sees his friends and family inside the crowd, telling him that the love of his life is the devil and he knows that they'll leave him if he stays with Kirishima. Could they be right? Did he love Kirishima, or was it just a trick? He meant every word of what he said in his vows, he spent days on his vows, he wanted to make sure Kirishima knew how much he loved him.  So they were wrong, he did love Kirishima, their love for each other was no trick. But if he chooses Kirishima he’ll lose all his friends, family, and his whole kingdom. Denki stressed over who to choose, the mob became louder and more aggressive while he thought but before he could make a choice, Denki woke up.
A dream? A nightmare? Why was I getting married, to a man, to a knight from the enemy kingdom? Why was I married to Eijiro Kirishima? It was a stupid dream, I would never marry a man, the kingdom was right, Eijiro Kirishima was the devil, the dream must be a warning to avoid the knight in the cellar. It can't be that hard, he’s just in the cellar that's in the basement dungeon, the key to said dungeon door was on the wall and the guard was always asleep. Ok, this was going to be hard, it's just too easy not to visit the Red Riot.
The day goes by quickly, but then night falls and I remember how easy it is to get to the cellar, how my dream is just a dream. How handsome the knight is. How sweet his voice is. How he waits up for me. How he stopped me from hitting my head. Before I knew it I was in front of the dungeon door with the keys in hand, but the thought of losing everything I know stopped me from going down. I silently returned the keys and went back to my room and slept, the dream repeated that night, and yet the pressure to choose felt even more stressful.
It was dusk again, I don’t remember the hours before now, but I was back at the door with the keys. I stand there for a while until eventually, I think
“It was just a dream.” 
So I unlock the door and descend down the stairs. Every step I take makes me more anxious, I repeat to myself that it was just a dream, my friends won’t leave me, I won’t be banished. I mean it doesn’t even make sense, I would never marry a guy, especially that brute in our dungeon, I barely even know him, and it's sinful.
“Then why are you going to see him?”
It’s a question in the back of my mind, and I don’t have an answer. It’s definitely not because he has a smooth husky voice or his muscular body, and it has nothing to do with his caring words that match his action. I am broken from my thoughts when said husky voice speaks
“If you keep walking you’ll end up hitting the wall”
I must have been so caught in thought because he was right, I walked right past him and was about to walk into the wall. I stay facing this wall, I wasn’t ready to face him, I mean I married him twice in my dreams, it is disgusting.
“Thanks, I guess”
“ No problem but are you going to turn around, I mean it’s kind of weird talking to the back of your head, especially when the front is so beautiful.”
I forget about the dream and why I was reluctant to turn around and l whip my body around and march towards his cell while accusing him of my dream.
“It’s your fault, you’re the reason, I’m not the evil one, it’s because you’re the devil. You sit there and you spew compliments at me, another man, from a rivaling kingdom, such words should be said to a woman!”
“ Sorry if I offended you, I was just telling the truth and if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll stop but I thought it was mutual” “What in the hell gave you that idea”
“uh the lustful gaze you keep giving me”
“Lus-lustful gaze, I do no such thing, and especially not to you”
“So then what was that look on your face when you heard my voice, why did you constantly look at my arms like they were turkey legs”
“ it -it - it was ugggg”
“Because that’s the same look the women give me…which is unfortunate for them because I’ve only ever looked at men with such a gaze.”
“ But that’s sinful, you are tainted, I should leave and never return.”
I walk to the stairwell with the full intent of doing what I just said.
“That won’t stop the feelings you are having”
I turn back around, full of frustration, I reach through the bars and pull the hunk closer to me.
“Then take your stupid spell off, I can-cant be . . . I can’t be like you, I just can’t, you understand right. Even as the devil you have to understand what this will do to me, I don’t deserve that, I don’t want god to hate me or my family or friends. I deserve to love who I want without feeling like the worst human in existence!”
I pause and quickly whip the tears off my face. I look up at the knight, his face is full of sorrow, he looks sad . . . for me. I let go and fall to my knees, replay what I said, I try to find justification for it, I think of the dream. I was happy, I was loved and I was loving someone else. What if I am like the knight? The knight leans down
“ I can’t say I understand the mental fight that’s happening in your brain because I came from a palace where this wasn’t something I need to worry about but listen.”
The knight’s hand slowly reaches for my chin, his hands are calloused like most knights, yet his hands are still comfortable and somehow soft. I let him lift my chin up so I’m looking into his eyes, there like rubies, or sapphires
“Or like the pits of hell”
I ignore the thought and continue to stare into the knight’s eyes as he tries to comfort me.
“ The person you love isn’t a choice, it’s fate, and if God hates you for what you can’t control, then he isn’t manly nor does he deserve such a title. Hate is a choice, love isn’t.”
I get lost in his eyes for a little bit, but when I realize it I turn away, a little more aggressively than I wanted to. I move away and take a seat on the bench that is meant for the guards, I don’t want to leave but I can’t find it in me to talk, even though I hate the silence. I sit there staring at the ground feeling awkward, the knight must have felt the same way about silence because he started talking.
“ um back at my kingdom, the Toyomitsu kingdom, there real accepting of such things, like I’m our queen was born a prince”
I’ve heard of a man loving a man or woman loving a woman but this wasn’t something I had heard of. With my eyes still planted to the ground, I asked.
“ What does that mean?”
I could hear shifting from the cell but I refused to lookup 
“Oh uh sorry, I forget that our kingdom is more progressive and more diverse. So basically our queen was born like us, she had our body parts, but she wasn’t.”
“I still don’t understand”
“Ugg this is hard, so she felt like her brain and body weren’t the same, like her brain said, ‘Your a girl’ but her body parts were male parts.”
“So she is a girl but had a body similar to ours”
“ Yeah exactly, but she’s better at explaining it because, well she lives through it.”
“ So she’s your queen, what about children, whos going to take over the throne”
“ Oh her and the king have a kid, he’s just adopted but he’s still their son and still the rightful prince, he's gonna be a great king. Oh, anyways I was gonna say that our kingdom is really accepting and if you need they’ll probably let you in if you ever wanted to leave here.”
In shock, I lift my head for the first time since I sat on this bench
“Even though I'm the prince of the rival kingdom?”
“ We don’t care that much about this rivalry. So yeah you would be fine”
“ If they don’t care why are you here?”
“ Well because our kingdom is so diverse and recently outside kingdoms have discovered that the queen is trans, which is the term for that situation, by the way, I think I forgot to mention that. Anyway, the King is worried about future attack’s so he sent out multiple knights to different kingdoms.”
“Oh so we’re not your only threat”
“Your not even a threat, your kingdom is crumbling”
“Oh wow thanks, I’ll remember that when I become king.”
“ You mean IF you become king”
“What is that suppose to mean ‘Red Riot’”
For the rest of the night, I joked and listened to Kirishima’s stories. I wish to see his home kingdom one day it sounds pretty cool. Before I knew it I was asleep and having another dream. It was different, there were no choices or stress. It was just Kirishima and me out on a hill having a picnic, eating food together, he fed me strawberries and the dream ended with a kiss, maybe falling for the knight wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Maybe my wedding dream was a warning about my kingdom and not Kirishima. I woke up and realized I was still in the dungeon, and that it was almost time for the guards check up on Kirishima, so I started to sneak back up to my room, I successfully avoided the guards on my way there, I acted as if nothing happened, I’m a pretty good actor if I do say so myself.
In the king’s throne room, a royal knight is kneeling before his king, he comes with important information.
“Lord Kaminari, I found the dungeon door unlocked and the keys on the guard bench this morning”
“ Well don’t leave them there”
“ I didn’t sir, I believe someone is sneaking into the dungeon at night.”
“ How would that be possible, we have Shinsou guarding the keys at night?”
“ I believe that he may have fallen asleep on duty.”
“ Well we can’t afford to get new guards or to switch any of the guard’s jobs, just move the keys to a new location along with Shinsou, Shinsou will continue to guard them. I want you to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”
“Yes Sir”
“You are now dismissed Monoma.”
All characters belong to Horikoshi and his series Boku No Hero Academia
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The Three Kingdoms
Chapter 1 - Here’s Chapter 2
1.3k words written by gremlin-writes-angst
A story about a prince, a princess, a royal guard and a famous knight, and how their love forms and changes each other. Three different kingdoms, The Ashido Kingdom, The Toyomitsu kingdom and The Kaminari Kingdom, all of different status. The Ashido Kingdom is the wealthiest around , their soon to be queen Mina Ashido who has fallen for her loyal guard and best friend, Sero Hanta. The Toyomitsu Kingdom known for defeating The Kaminari Kingdom over 100 years ago, and for their fierce knights and, specifically, the strongest knights of the land Eijiro Kirishima. The Kaminari Kingdom, home of prince Denki Kaminari , a kingdom on the verge of collapse, the known rival of The Toyomitsu Kingdom.
Trigger warning: nothing graphic but mentions of torture.
Let me now if I missed a trigger or if there's spelling mistakes.
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for even more!
A famous knight from The Toyomitsu kingdom was sent to spy on The Kaminari Kingdom from the inside. He was tall, kind, handsome, strong, and manly. He was known as one of the strongest knights for his age, all knights wanted to meet him, to learn from him, but he wasn't allowed to leave his kingdom until he turned 18. When he turned 18 he was given a mission to infiltrate the enemy kingdom, not to attack just so that their kingdom could be aware of the others' attacks. He failed though, almost immediately caught by the king and brought to a special cellar and tortured. Half a week in the cell being tortured and he thought he was starting to lose himself, until he heard someone descending the stairs, the knight watched the stairway waiting to see who was coming to see him at this time of night. It was a blonde, and a beautiful one at that. The knight l thought that because of the hour and the fact the blonde beauty wasn't dressed in knight armor,  that the blonde was her to save him. His hopes of being saved was proven false when the blonde started to rain insults at the man, mostly based on his kingdom. Even though the words were rude it was better than the physical torture he was facing everyday, he was relieved , relieved enough to laugh. The knight watched as the blonde's face changed from scowl to a very sour looking face, which made him laugh more.
"Stop laughing you… you ugh you threw me off my script" 
Denki couldn't think of any insulting names on the spot everything he previously said was planned and rehearsed.Through the laughs the knight introduces himself 
" I'm Eijiro Kirishima, Knight of The Toyomitsu Kingdom" 
He sticks his hand out of the cell bars waiting for a handshake, instead he receives a smack.
"I know who you are and I don't want to be friends, you're from Taishiro Toyomitsu kingdom, our enemy and the reason I don't have a mother anymore."
Kirishima pulled his hand back into the cell
" I'm sorry about your mother but I know that King Toyomitsu doesn't want to fight and never wanted to cause harm. How did she die?"
" Birth complications, she was due to give birth to my brother but they both died."
" I'm sorry for your loss but how is that my kingdom's fault?"
Denki thought back to that day, his dad stormed the castle, screaming and crying about the death of his wife and offspring, cursing at Toyomitsu's and his kingdom. Now thinking back Denki realizes that he doesn't actually know why his dad blamed Toyomitsu's kingdom, but there had to be a reason…..right
" it just is OK, everything is your kingdoms fault"
"Oh is this some kind or coping mechanism where you blame things on something else so you don't have to face reality?"
Denki didn't like what the knight was saying because it was possible.
" no, your kingdom killed them, you sent poison or paid the doctor to kill her."
"Believe what you want,  but I swear on my kingdom, my knight status,  on my family that our kingdom did not mean for you mother and unborn brother to die" 
Kirishima pledged, and Denki watched, even when kirishima was done, Denki stayed for a few minutes until the silence became unbearable,  and he left, cursing at himself for not defending his beliefs well enough.
The blonde was the only person to not torture kirishima while he was here so he grew attached to the conversation they had even if it was short and full of insults. He waited up at night in hopes of seeing the blonde again but after a few nights he realized he might have scared the blonde off cause the blonde hadn't returned. Kirishima gave up and went to sleep, and the next night while was asleep the blonde made his way down to the dungeon, he had been away because he was mad at the knight,  mainly because he was right. When Denki got to the cellular he saw the sleeping figure, there were new cuts and bruises but he was more focused on the face, he was drooling? This was the knight that he had heard could kill a dozen knights in one go, the knight that was named "red riot" because he was covered in the blood of his enemy's, but he looked so peaceful sleeping. Denki would even say he looked like a puppy, a very cute puppy at that. Denki shook his head and hit it against the cell bars to get rid of those thoughts. Kirishima was woken by the ring of the cell bars. 
" shhh I'm trying to sleep…oh it's you, why today, of course you decided to show up the day I stop waiting."
 Kirishima originally wanted to stop the sound changed to being awake and full of excitement at the sight of the beautiful blonde. Denki was thrown of his grove when he heard the knight talk. For one his wake up voice was…. well it was hot. And the words he said made him blush and forgot what he wanted to say
" you waited up for me" 
As soon as Denki asked that and realized the filthy thoughts he had he hit his head on the bars again
" well yeah, wow stop that ,you'll ruin that pretty face of yours"
Denki froze in his spot, did the knight from his enemy kingdom  call him pretty, maybe he just hit his head too many times, his solution was to hit it more. Denki hit his head two more times very quickly when he swung for a third time but made no contact with the bar. He opened his eyes to see the knight's bare arm on his chest, the knight had pushed him away from the bars , preventing him from harming himself.
"You don't listen do you , I said stop, your gonna cause yourself brain damage"  
The blonde looked at the arm on his chest again, it was very muscular,  but not bulky, there were bruises and cuts along it but Denki couldn't stop thinking about how strong this knight must be, from what Denki could see, the knight was built like his dream man. Denki shook his head to get rid of the thoughts of another man in such a way. He separated himself from the Knight. 
" I came here to ask about what you know about coping mechanics or whatever you said last time."
Kirishima was glad to have stopped the blonde from harming himself,  and that the blonde was trying to learn
"Well it's not uncommon for a person to blame things they can't or don't want to believe on a person or thing that can't defend themselves. Like how your dad blames everything on my kingdom, we don't know he's blaming us so we can't defend ourselves."
"I guess that makes sense, i mean I never really understand how it was King Toyomitsu's fault when the baker ran out of my father's favorite bread" 
Kirishima laughs
"That funny, you're funny, and yeah that doesn't make sense"
Denki was flustered again, he was never called funny before,  and he liked it. Denki realized that the guards would soon come check on the prisoner, so he began to leave without a goodbye before he could leave the knight asked
" Will you be back? What's your name , you never told me?"
 Kirishima was desperate he knew the yelling would attract the guards but he need to know the boys name
" I'm Denki and yes I'll return when I can" 
Kirishima thought about the blonde he now knew as Denki ,it sounded familiar but he couldn't remember why.
As Denki fleas up the stairs he realized he gave the knight his first name and not his last, but he realized it was probably best he didn't know that he was the prince of the kingdom and that his father was the same one that was beating Kirishima everyday. When he gets to bed he thinks about the knight, his puppy face,his hot voice, the muscular body and the laugh. And he replays the laugh and his voice saying "you're funny" until he falls asleep.
Thanks for reading. I would love feed back.
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The Three Kingdoms
Chapter 3 
1.7k words
Trigger warning: None 
Let me know if I missed a trigger or if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Feedback is encouraged!
Click here if you haven't read the other chapter, or want to read more of my work!
Denki Pov
Every night I would visit Kirishima, though the keys and guard moved spots, the guard Shinsou isn’t the best at staying up, so sneaking past him is easy, but the problem is that keys no longer hang on a wall but in a desk drawer. Though nothing can stop the great prince Denki, I can be quiet when I want, and Shinsou has a soft spot for me, we were childhood friends till his father sent him to guard and knight training. All the nights I sneak down to Kirishima, we talk about everything and anything, we tell childhood stories or we dig deep and share the things that trouble us, it’s therapeutic. It’s been a week since the night I snapped at him, and he educated me, and though it was great I’m still having a hard time accepting myself, it doesn’t help that the one helping me looks like a chiseled statue and acts like a gentleman. Not everything is perfect though, for one my father is in contact with another kingdom, for an arranged marriage. My other problem is my fault, I realized a few days ago that the knight I see every day, doesn’t realize I’m the next king of this kingdom. I mean I know I didn’t tell him my last name, but I thought he might have pieced it together, but it becomes clear that he thinks I’m sort of servant of the castle. I feel guilty about it, and I’ve decided to tell him tonight. I’m more nervous than I thought I would be, it probably has to do with the fact that I’ve been having romantic dreams about him, or that I’m afraid that he’ll hate me because I’m a Kaminari. Either way, I don’t feel any better until I see him smiling at me like a puppy. He’s been looked in this prison for over a month and he still smiles, he still jokes, still laughs, he’s so strong. I try to level my breath but when I look at the rest of him I see the new cuts and bruises, I forget about the previous plan and run back up the stairs. I quietly rushed to grab medical supplies and hoped  I grabbed the right stuff and rushed back to the dungeon. I unlocked the cell door, Kirishima’s eyes widened at my action, this was something I never did, I ignored his shocked face and movements and grabbed his huge arm, and pulled him to the guard bench. I sat him down and then I sat down, I then realized that I don’t know what I’m doing, and the adrenaline of wanting to help wore off.  Luckily Kirishima talked before I could embarrass myself.
“If you clean my wounds and wrap them, the guards will notice.”
I looked up at him and he was blushing, it was cute, it relaxed me.
“You’re right, it was instinct, I didn’t even realize what I was dining until, well now.”
I couldn’t hold my nervous laughter back or the blush that filled my face. I decided that I’m not going to give up.
“I’m still going to help your wounds I just won’t wrap them, I know these guards, they won’t notice if I clean the wounds a little.”
“I’ll take your word on it.”
I started working on cleaning his wounds in silence, he didn’t wince once. Then I got to the biggest gash, I assume they used a whip for torture today. While I cleaned the big cut he winced.
“Sorry I’m so weak.”
I laughed thinking it was a joke until I looked up at him to see a face full of sorrow
“You’re not weak, you haven’t winced until now, and even if you did I wouldn’t think you were weak. When I got down here I was thinking about how strong you were for smiling in such a terrible situation, and when I grabbed you I felt those muscles, it’s almost insane how swole you are.”
I reached and grabbed his biceps again squeezing it, and I was right he is insanely swole. When I looked up at the knight his face was even redder than before, that’s when I realized how intimate this situation was, especially since I know that he likes males, like myself. He looked away and cleared his throat.
“Thanks, umm, so do you help all the prisoners? You said you moved on instinct.”
“What no, you’re the only prisoner I help, I meant instinct  to help someone I care about.”
“Care about?”
Why did I say that, now he’s going to think I’m a creep. I go back to cleaning the wound. 
“I mean I guess, you’ve helped me in the past week so I should help you.”
“Oh I, kind of hoped that you cared about me more than that.”
I felt heat rise to my cheeks.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
I asked jokingly hoping to clear the air.
“It means that I care about you more than I should and I hoped you felt the same but you seem to think of me as just someone to rant to.”
“That’s not true, I see you as more than someone to rant to, you’re my … friend”
“I don’t see you as just a friend”
This is exactly why I didn’t want to say he was my friend, once I say it he can deny it, and then I just have to avoid him because he doesn’t want to be my friend. I’m broken from my thoughts when I feel a large hand on my chin. The knight lifts my head towards his, what's he planning, he just said he didn’t want to be my friend, is he going to hurt me for thinking he was my friend.
“Can I kiss you?”
The voice and words he said made my brain go blank.
“What? I mean yes or no, I don’t know.”
He removes his hand, and I miss it even though it was rough and dirty.
“I’m sorry, you just said that you see me as a friend and I just tried to kiss you.” 
He sounded so broken, I couldn’t tell if it was because he didn’t kiss me or because he tried to kiss me and was ashamed.
“I said yes.”
Kirishima’s eyes widened but then he shook his head, as if to get rid of his thoughts, he looked like puppy even more.
“Yeah you did but you also said no and then I don’t know, that’s not clear consent, and I’m not going to kiss someone without consent.”
“Well I consent or whatever.”
It was silent after that for a few seconds, as I waited to grab my chin again and kiss me, but he didn't. 
“So kiss me.”
And then he did and I dropped the cloth I was holding, it was like he was waiting for me to say that it wasn’t rushed through it. His lips were soft on mine, unlike his hand that were now on my face. When he pulled back, I started laughing, I was just so happy and nervously but I think he was taking it the wrong way because he had a look of fear on his face.
“Why are you laughing?”
It was kind of cute to see him less confident than normal but I didn’t want him to have the wrong idea.
“That was my first kiss, and I’m just excited that it was with someone like you.”
He started to blush again, but more in an ashamed way.
“I took your first kiss, that’s kind of scary to think of.”
“I don’t know, don’t get me wrong I’m so happy I kissed you and that I was your first but it nerve-racking.”
“Well, it was a good first kiss.”
He blushed even more and I’m starting to forget what he looks like not blushing. I went back to cleaning the wound. Cleaning his wound in silence made me realize that I still haven’t told him my real name. Then I started to feel guilt for allowing him to kiss me without him knowing the truth.
“There all done. Um before you go back in, I wanted to tell you something.”
“ Thanks and of course, but can we kiss again?”
That was enough consent for him cause he kissed me again. And while he kissed me the guilty I felt left, I started to think about why he needs to know. I decided to hold off on to the truth for another night. When he broke away he was grinning ear to ear, and I noticed how sharp his teeth are, which I’m surprised I didn’t notice before, or when we were kissing.
“Wow, I’m going to be addicted to that. What did you want to say.”
“Oh um, well I was thinking, what if we run away?”
What did I just say, I can’t run away I’m the prince, and I just meet him, I don’t have a plan
“Well it would be nice to get away from the torture but I think well need more time and a solid plan first, but I would love to run away if I get to be with you.”
That worked out well for me, and maybe if I give it more thought, running away with a hot knight would be pretty exhilarating.
“Yeah, you’re right.  And I’m sorry but I have to lock you up again.”
I pushed him back to the cell, he went willingly. Even if his words were different 
“How rude of you, you’re just using my body. I let it slide, but I want another kiss.”
I kissed him on the check through the cell as I looked it back up
“Wow, you really are addicted.”
I laughed, and I started to realize how happy he makes me and could make me if we ran away.
“Yep, and I hope you are, and if not you will be, no man can resist my charm.”
I was already walking back to the stairs but I knew he was flexing his arms with a wide grin. Acting as if he hasn’t been tortured for the past month.
“Good night Kirishima!”
“Good night my love!”
For the rest of the night I thought about him, his face, his lips that he used to kiss me, his voice that he used to call me the nickname he gave me ‘my love’, it might be fast but I’m not ready to slow down.
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enchantingblossom · 4 years
x @divinedestroyer​ x
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❝My lord. Are you okay? ❞ timidly questioned sincere concern. she’d remember it easily. ❝It must be hard task, is there anything I can so to help you? ❞
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Make assumptions
While i right chapter 2 of The Three Kingdoms ( chapter 1 here) send in your assumptions about me based on my blog and what i right. or you can just send me asks
Who do you think I kin? What do you think my favorite color is? who do I simp for? What do you think my favorite anime is(hint its not mha)? What's my zodiac sign?
This is mostly because i want more people to interact with me on here
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