#these will be up on toyhouse one day. can't say when but eventually they will be
primarinite · 2 months
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just realized i never posted my rescue team character redesigns oops
ninetales: shiloh (they/them)
-reworked to be a snowdrift (alolan) ninetales because it makes more sense with the climate they live in and spike chunsoft are COWARDS for not including the regional variants of pokemon in gens 1-3 that got one.
-actually only has 8 tails (lost one in the havoc encounter).
-@ all of the ties that bind heads out there: does their design remind you of anyone in particular? :3c
gengar: havoc (he/him)
-his real (human) name was alphard. he discarded this name and adopted havoc instead after his transformation, as he was hoping that it would make others want to avoid him entirely, as he felt like he didn't deserve any kindness or decency after what he had done. unfortunately for him, medicham and adder (ekans) are stupid and like him. he starts using alphard again after tureis is saved.
-he has a permanent frostbite scar on his right hand from when he grabbed shiloh.
-team meanies fully disbands after tureis' rescue and gengar decides to spend his time giving back to the community in pokemon square for forgiving him. he pretty much becomes team fable's biggest fan and hypes up mayar and turies after she joins (newlin.....exists), not that he will ever admit it.
-after the tureis rescue, mayar tells alphard that regardless of what he's done in the past he's still deserving of love and compassion and that he's not a bad pokemon. alphard becomes smitten with her after that (<- guy that is desparate for companionship). mayar thinks that he's funny and forgives him for the whole "sending a violent mob after her and newlin" thing, and they hookup eventually. everybody in town (especially newlin) hates it but they're still supportive.
-other than newlin he becomes the most active participant in team fable's research into mega evolution when their focus shifts over to that.
gardevoir: tureis (she/her)
-joins team fable for a few years before eventually joining team charm after meeting lopunny. the switch from rescuing to exploring excites her, especially since she's been unable to go anywhere for years. mayar and newlin are very supportive of this. medicham also joins in hopes of getting stronger by travelling to make up for fainting in wish cave.
-being trapped took a heavy toll on her physical body that left her very ill for a long time. she couldn't do much without getting weak and winded, and was severely underweight upon being freed. everyone was supportive of her just doing what she can while part of the team (though she was barred from partaking in mega evolution research due to being a massive strain on the body and could be lethal in her condition). she's much healthier as of joining team charm, which is her main motivation for getting out there and travelling.
-there is a 30ish year gap between rt and explorers in my lore, so by the time she appears in explorers she's in her late 50s/early 60s. still kicking it!
-first image is her appearance in rt, second image is her appearance in explorers
-never recovers her memories of alphard but, for reasons she can't describe, she feels a strong kinship with him. the two become good friends.
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shion-yu · 7 months
Out of the Woods (part 1)
Just a shameless Rey sickfic that got absurdly long so going to split it into two parts. Rey's toyhouse link. Part 2.
Felix typically rose well before Rey did. An insomniac by trade, it was rare for him to sleep more than a few hours at a time - that was, if he managed to sleep at all. In many ways this turned out to be quite useful in his chosen career as the prince's hired protector. Staying on guard at all hours of the day was not an issue for him. There was a personal benefit as well: Felix found the early morning hours to be the most peaceful and enjoyed his quiet time alone. Even so, Rey didn't usually sleep quite this late. The sun was already fully up and the air was bright and warm, late summer quickly turning to autumn. The crisp smell of changing leaves mixed with the coffee that Felix had brewed for himself. 
By nine it was more than late enough to excuse waking the prince. Felix knelt beside Rey's sleeping bag and shook his young charge’s shoulder firmly. "Rey, it's time to get up. You can't sleep all day." 
Rey groaned but didn't open his eyes. "Don't wanna."
Felix rolled his eyes at the spoiled young man. "I've already broken down camp and it's getting late," he said. "Get ready to go or I’m leaving you here.”
"Who put you in charge?" Rey grumbled, but sat up nonetheless. He rubbed his eyes and squinted at Felix, long black hair tangled in the back and his bangs hanging messily over his eyes. Felix held back laughter at the sight of Rey’s bedhead and dished up a bowl of porridge he'd made over an hour ago now.
"Eat," he said, handing Rey the food. Rey made a face and looked away. "What's wrong?" Felix asked.
Rey shrugged and reluctantly climbed out of his warm cocoon, shivering as the crisp forest air hit his skin. "Nothing. I'm just not hungry," he said. This wasn't unusual; Rey had skipped breakfast plenty of times before and his appetite fluctuated as quickly as his mood did. When Rey was in bad spirits, he ate like a bird. Felix wondered if today’s lack of appetite had something to do with the bad dreams Rey had been having last night. He knew because Rey had been grunting and shifting constantly until Felix had thrown an arm over him. The pressure seemed to calm Rey and eventually he stilled, although an occasional moan still passed through his lips throughout the night. 
"Just eat a bit," Felix told him. Sometimes working for the prince felt like being a doctor, parent and therapist too. "You need energy for the day."
Rey grumbled but obliged, managing less than half of the bowl before he couldn't stomach any more. Then he got changed into clothes for the day which Felix had laid out for him. A simple white shirt as always with black pants and his gold embroidered jacket. His long black hair was brushed back and tied neatly with a thin black ribbon into a ponytail. He was a creature of habit when it came to his appearance, that was for sure. 
Felix thought Rey seemed to move slower than usual, but thankfully they weren't expected to meet Rey's next suitor for several more days so there was no rush to reach their destination. They mounted the horses and headed towards the direction of the next town. Conversation was neither of their strong suits, so the mostly quiet journey was both typical and comfortable for the two of them.
By late afternoon they'd made good progress, but they were still far enough away that one more night in the forest would be necessary. Felix went about making camp and dinner while Rey tended to the horses. Freya, Rey's beloved squirrel fox who spent most of the time in his pocket, chattered away on his shoulder. Rey nodded as if he could understand what she was saying. Sometimes, Felix wondered if he actually did.
Once dinner was served, Felix watched with one eyebrow raised as Rey picked at his food yet again. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Does your stomach hurt?" He'd learned by now that asking specific yes or no questions was the best way to get the truth out of Rey when it came to asking him if he was alright - otherwise, the boy was perpetually 'fine'.
"Mm," Rey hummed affirmatively. The crackle of the fire in front of them made it difficult to hear the admission, but Felix was sure not to miss it.
"Go ahead and sleep," Felix said. "We'll get to sleep in a proper bed tomorrow."
It didn't seem to matter that they were in sleeping bags though. Rey fell asleep almost instantly and didn't rise until Felix once again woke the young prince himself. At least, he was going to wake him when he noticed how blotchy Rey's complexion was. Upon touching Rey's cheek, Felix could immediately feel an unhealthy heat radiating outward. He sighed realizing what he was in for. Rey was often sick, something that his family had informed Felix about ahead of time. This had been since childhood, but it had gotten worse after his time in captivity no doubt. 
Felix wanted them to make it to the next town tonight so that Rey could sleep in a warm bed before he could get any worse. He hated to wake Rey when he was ill though. Not only because he felt bad, but because sometimes Rey’s attitude was awfully foul when he wasn’t feeling well. Still, he managed to wake Rey by pulling the boy up by both arms into a sitting position and brushing his hair for him until Rey was aware enough to push him away.
“What are you doing?” He asked, agitated. His voice was raspy and he winced at the pain in his throat as he spoke.
“Getting you ready to go,” Felix said. “You need a proper bed tonight. Do you think you can ride your own horse?”
“Of course I can,” Rey said, scowling. He was going to ask why wouldn’t he be able to accomplish such a thing, but a violent chill passed through his body and he realized there was no point in hiding the fever he could feel brewing when Felix was already touching him. His body ached down to his bones and his skin prickled uncomfortably. Worst of all was the pain in his throat. Still, he was stubborn to his core and brushed Felix off, standing and saying, “I can dress myself.” The way he swayed unsteadily on his feet did little to support this claim, but he didn’t care. Felix, knowing better than to argue, left Rey to his own devices and finished breaking down camp. 
Once Rey was dressed, Felix forced another bowl of tepid porridge into Rey’s hands. As expected Rey tried to insist he wasn’t hungry but Felix shook his head at him. “You need to keep up your strength. We’ve got a long day ahead of us,” he said. 
Rey’s stomach flopped uncomfortably at the prospect of eating but he managed a few meager spoonfuls before he handed it back to Felix. “I’m full,” he said weakly. Felix could see that he was serious this time and sighed. At least Rey had drunk most of his tea.
They set out soon afterwards, Felix pushing the pace to make it to their destination. He watched Rey closely, trying to make sure the prince was keeping up. Rey was at first, but it was only an hour later when he veered off the path and half fell off of his horse before stumbling a few paces away to vomit. Felix winced at the sound and dismounted his own horse. He put a hand to Rey’s back supportively and was dismayed to find the prince felt much warmer than before. “Let’s take a break,” he said once Rey was no longer heaving. He led Rey to a nearby fallen tree and sat him down. 
Rey groaned and rested his head in his hands. “Dizzy,” he rasped. His already raw throat hurt ten times worse now thanks to the burn of stomach acid.
Felix fetched Rey’s canteen from the horses and handed it to him, kneeling. “Drink,” Felix said.
Rey looked distressed at the idea of putting anything back into his stomach. “I don't know,” he murmured cautiously. 
“Just a little,” Felix urged him just as he had this morning. “You’re going to get dehydrated otherwise.” Rey looked like he wanted to protest, but he also understood that Felix was right. He managed a few tiny sips before he handed the canteen back to Felix. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths through his nose, telling his body to keep it down. 
They set out again after a few minutes, Rey still managing to be on his own horse but with Felix leading it for him this time. They only made it half an hour this time before Rey stopped his horse again, his eyes closed tightly. “Felix,” he said weakly, “I-I can’t.” Felix managed to jump off his horse just in time to catch Rey as the prince passed out and toppled over. 
“Dammit Rey,” Felix muttered worriedly. He could feel Rey’s fever had become far too high to be up, but at this point they weren't going to make it to town before nightfall. They would either have to give up on traveling and Felix would have to do his best to take care of Rey here, or they needed to plow onwards anyways. It was a difficult choice where neither option was good, but he also now believed that Rey probably needed to see a doctor. Rey was ill on a regular basis after all, but rarely did his fever get this bad. And now, Felix could see a blotchy red rash on Rey’s stomach and chest that was creeping upwards towards his neck.
Felix made the difficult decision to keep moving. He tied their horses together and practically dragged Rey onto the saddle in front of him. He held on tightly to the burning prince in front of him and pushed the horses to go as fast as possible, tied together as they were. His arms ached trying to keep both Rey and himself on the saddle. Occasionally Rey was able to hold on himself, but other times he was dead weight in Felix’s arms. He had terrible chills and Felix could feel his body jerking uncontrollably against his own. Each time they went over patches of rough ground Rey whimpered and Felix swore he heard him mutter, “I’m gonna die,” but when he asked Rey if he'd said anything he received a clipped, “No.” 
They made stops every hour or so for them both to rest. Rey vomited almost immediately every time Felix forced him to drink more water so he decreased his request from several sips per stop to just one or two. He dampened cold cloths and kept them pressed against the back of Rey’s neck, but they became hot too quickly to really help. The rash continued to spread, and now it was all over Rey’s arms and in patches on his face. Felix reminded Rey not to itch but he wasn't sure Rey was listening. Felix had never seen Rey look so miserable before and of course the temperature began to dip considerably that night. 
“We need to get you to a doctor,” Felix said worriedly during one of their breaks. Rey didn't answer from his position where he lay on the ground; he’d stopped speaking hours ago, his throat too sore to even try. “I’m not sure we’re going to make it tonight... Unless I go on ahead.” 
Rey grabbed onto Felix’s sleeve, his eyes immediately wide with panic. He shook his head quickly and to his dismay he couldn't help but keep tears from forming. Felix looked sorry he had even suggested it and patted Rey gently on the arm. “No no, I won't leave you behind,” he confirmed. Rey relaxed his grip and closed his eyes again. 
Felix bit his lip. Rey had never been sick like this before, at least not out here in the woods where there was no way to get help or medicine. He didn't know what to think of the rash either but it scared him, as did the high fever that hadn't broken all day. 
“Do you think you can make it if we travel at night?” Felix asked. Rey’s eyes fluttered open again and he looked at Felix half-lidded and exhausted. But he slowly nodded yes. Felix forced what he hoped was a confident expression. “Good boy,” he said. “We’re almost there.” Another two or three hours, surely, but almost. Felix hoped.
He wrapped two blankets around Rey and helped him get onto the horse once more, Rey whimpering uncontrollably at the pain the movement caused him. “I know,” Felix said, his tone full of pity. He hated this, too. “It’s going to be okay, my prince.”
Rey was beyond fully comprehending the situation, but he just knew they needed to keep going. They needed to get away - to run. That's what they were doing, right? Running. Far, far away from the people who had hurt them...
Dreams and reality were becoming blurred. He heard Felix’s voice shouting and he thought, run. I have to run. But if he left Felix behind, Felix would die, wouldn’t he? He’d chosen to run before, but now... He couldn’t leave Felix behind. Not again. He tried to lurch to grab his friend, to bring him along, sobbing. 
Rey froze, the scene wavering and disappearing in his head. He realized then that Felix was holding onto him for dear life so that he didn't leap face first off their horse onto the ground. One shaky hand reached into the air for nothing while Felix held desperately on to the other. Was he crying? He turned his head to see Felix’s desperate expression in the near darkness.
“Did we make it out?” He heard himself say. He couldn’t understand the expression on Felix’s face just as he couldn’t understand his own question, the context fading as quickly as the details of the dream itself. 
“Yes, Rey,” Felix said. His voice wavered. “We made it out. Both of us.” He pulled Rey close to him and hugged him tightly. Rey wanted to ask him where they were going and where they’d been before - what they were running from - but then everything went black and what little awareness he did have left him once again.
Cont. Part 2
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tendebill · 1 year
blease tell me more about Sephoras they seem really interesting! :O
I just got done with his toyhouse profile a few days back! i already started working on Huen's as well! I wanna do profiles for at least 10 of the most important ocs i have :DDD
[his TH profile]
And what can I say, he's one of my main ocs, has extensive lore and a lot of the main plot is related to him, but here are some fun out of context tidbits abt them:
before he got extra traumatized by the plot, he was a big nerd, he esp loved history!
he doesn't really do well in crowds/loud environments.
because he has 2 types of very powerful magic (for plot reasons, too long to get into how), aside from the magic he was born with, he gets tired easily, has trouble with blood circulation and is more prone to fainting. not to mention he could barely use his magic up until he was like 14.
he doesn't really have any ties to his biological family? most of his relatives are either dead or god knows where.
he's aroace and after the story he also realizes he's agender (cuz doesn't have much time to reflect on his gender identity within the story lol, he's got a lot on his plate as it is). He usually goes by he/him and later starts using they/them as well ^^
he's part shapeshifter, but his powers are limited to only human forms + he can't change his body weight/mass. But it allows him to change his voice for example! (although because of his issues with magic and all, for a big chunk of the story he can barely shapeshift :/)
as it goes for his relations with other ocs: Ellie is his friend/sister, not related by blood, they start out very close and then grow apart, but eventually learn to be family again.
Angele is his friend, she used to have a crush on him when they were like 14, but he never reciprocated (duh) and then because of plot and other personal stuff they became kinda hostile towards each other for a while (but then they talked it out so its good).
David at first was the bane of Seph's existence, but then they bonded over being sadistic and became brothers (and then the plot happens and they hate each other for like 3 years because of something Seph did and later because of David's actions).
Huen manipulated Seph, he originally was facinated by her and they kinda got along (in a way of him thinking she's cool and interesting and her being mildly amused by this child who asks her a lot of questions), but then PLOT HAPPENS, he is "on her side" for a while and then MORE PLOT HAPPENS and he's absolutely terrified of her :))
i have no idea if this made any sense at all, but it should be more coherent on his TH profile. one thing i wanna stress about the profile though, the "summaries" of what happens in the 6 chapters are very vague/skip out a lot of detail, so take them more as a rough guide of how the character progresses, and not the whole story ^^
tysm for the question <:') i love rambling about them sm and it brings me joy to see that someone is interested in my silly guys <3333
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