#theyre like 6 years old
swagging-back-to · 2 years
Saying a kid is being very conservative with the frosting for gingerbread houses yesterday having to follow it up with "conservative as in you're not using a lot!"
Catch me outside today saying "don't use it liberally, meaning not a lot"
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egberts · 3 months
the amount of fig and lou footage i have is ridiculous, especially from their very early days. i took over 500 videos in the first three months that we had them. i took so many that it dwarfed the file size of every other video saved to my phone combined. i literally had to put them on my computer because i ran out of room on my phone and i was scraping by on deleting things to get a few more minutes of recording time.
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exephrine · 9 months
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watched the mygo anime...liked it a lot more than i anticipated
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sonknuxadow · 10 months
the answer to the question of "is vector espio and charmys dad or older brother" is that hes basically charmys dad but to espio he is a secret third thing. some kind of in between of the two options. you cant really fit their relationship into one of the traditional family role boxes but theyre family and thats all that matters. btw.
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I wish the Merlin 6: kingdom come people would be more upfront about their script being fanfic and not official because I am sick and tired of seeing people bitch about the bbc "scrapping" the supposed sixth season. There was no sixth season. Merlin did not get cancelled, it just ended. Afaik the kingdom come peeps have no affiliation whatsoever with the original merlin team, other than their contacting some of them to be like "hey would you want to make our script?" and the representative being like "appreciate the offer but no thanks". The script is no more canon than any fanfic you or I might write, it just so happens that they did it in script form which seems to have confused a lot of people, and no-one seems to have corrected the massive misunderstanding for some reason
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insectduck · 10 days
I just finished reading the most fucking devastating +100k word fic in three days and I'm nawt okay
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always-a-joyful-note · 8 months
Tatsumi in !! Music: Aww, look at these kids. Oh, to be young again Me: My brother in Christ, you are 18
Nagisa and Sakuma in Road to Show: Gotta be adults and let the kids enjoy themselves while we grown ups take care of the work Me: Guys, you haven't even graduated from university
Keito to Kiryu: Gotta take care of our child Souma Me: ????? He's just a grade younger than you both???
Knights seniors: Must protect our adorable king from the horrors of the world Me: HE'S LIKE 3 YEARS YOUNGER THAN THE OLDEST OF YOU AND HIS FAMILY HAS ASSASSINS
Kiryu @ Kanata in the anime: As Ryuseitai's mom, you should help out its dad with the kids Me: "Mom" and "Dad" are still HIGH SCHOOLERS
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faineant-girl · 9 months
i wish all addicts, in recovery or not, a life free of sorrow forever
#.vent#kinda. im not gonna delete this one though#i just. i sure am thinking about this a lot.#i listen to like. trip report videos or whatever and like. the comments section on every single one. just nasty#theres no sympathy for an addict to be seen. unless they're also an addict or are recovering#my dad is a recovered addict. hes been clean for 6 years. i love my dad and hes a wonderful person.#i obviously still have trauma from when he was actively in his mess. to deny that addicts have caused others trauma is to be reductive.#addicts can cause trauma because theyre people. and people can cause trauma all the same#but the lack of understand or care or basic respect to anyone dealing with addiction is just. appalling.#im sick and tired of hearing the same old fucking phrase that its the addicts fault cuz they decided to take the first hit. like#man how fucking cruel can you be. how heartless ya know.#like its obvious hardly anyone commenting abiut this knows anything about what being an addict is like. like.#i know i dont. ive been sober my whole life right. i do not have the same experience.#but. i have a compulsive disorder that makes me perform a task that is 1 harmful 2 almost entirely out of my control#and i cannot describe to you how difficult it is to ignore that urge. for your mind to know what youre doing is harmful. but#your body physically is not listening to you.#like. its a different thing when its addiction. but being compelled to do something you know is hurting you isnt unfamiliar to me#plus with addiction the added factor that your body becomes physically dependent on a drug and it hurts you for a long ass time to try and#stop and withdrawl can sometimes literally be lethal. its so fucking sad to see people hold not even. like an ounce of sympathy ya know#if an addict has abused you im not saying you need to forgive them. you dont. but not every addict is youre abuser#and while you do not need to be involved. every addict deserves a good life. everyone deserves a chance.#just. god. makes me mad. makes me upset.#if you are an addict especially if youre not in recovery. i hope your days go well. i hope the world gets kinder to you.
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
logging into my old personal insta acct for the first time in a year... everyone's changed their pronouns and the infamous lesbian couple in the year below me at sixth form are now transmasc and in a throuple good for them....
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ashorterurl · 2 months
wow so great to be on a train and be afraid for your life
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top ten funny ford escape moments
1. that time it just completely died after a 20 minute trip out of town but was completely fine the next morning (last summer)
2. that time i woke up to find a huge dent in my car and someones shattered tail light beneath it (last winter)
3. that time it had an engine misfire and it was scary (also last winter)
4. that time the radio decided to change stations and turn its volume all the way up of its own volition (last winter and continuing, frequency of these events seems to be determined by humidity???)
5. that time the drivers side door wouldnt close unless you locked the door but then the lock stopped working so i had to drive to the shop with one hand tightly gripping the door handle so it wouldnt swing open on every right turn (this winter)
6. that time i thiught i had another misfire because my car was shaking more than usual and the engine light was flashing but when i turned the car on and off again everything was apparently fine (today)
7. that time my car was actually not fine because i get back into town and discover that my car is accelerating on its own (today)
9. it WOULD NOT STOP and when i put it in park it made some terrifying, expensive sounding noises (cause it was still trying to fucking drive for some reason!!!!) and i immediately turned off the car fuck that fuck that fuck that
10. also my power steering fluid is leaking but all of todays car moments are somehow unrelated according to my dad and his friend who are both way more experienced woth cars than me but could not identify the other liquid that was leaking out of my poor car
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
littlest pet shop officially coming back in just a few months nobody talk to me nobody touch me nobody look at me .
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aidenwaites · 4 months
I'm gonna be real I think people are a little bit weird about the way their kids smile sometimes
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spaceoperajay · 4 months
that "living with your mother at 26" swag of having the stuffed animals next to the alcohol
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kepler69b · 2 years
splatoon needs a difference between this way as in "superjump i'm safe!!" and "HELP ITS A 3V1 HELP HEPLEHELP" because the amount of times ive been jumped to whilst in the middle of a fight is ASTOUNDING like??? YOU THINK IT'S A SAFE JUMP IF ALL THE TURF AROUND ME IS PINK AND IM GREEN>??
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colorful-horses · 2 years
I've only got 4 episodes left in season 4 of ML, and I'm feeling like this show is going through a bit of an identity crisis. It started as a simple monster-of-the-week superhero show with small hints at plot here and there, but now in season 4 it really feels like they're trying to focus a LOT more on the plot aspects and it's kind of collapsing in on itself lol
I understand it's not uncommon for modern cartoons to start with a simple premise and then start building up a plot later on, but with Ladybug, it feels like they want to have a big story but aren't willing to break away from the base formula of the show. Which is kind of an issue, because the base formula includes having a character press the "revert everything to the status quo" button; aka, if anything of consequence happens, it doesn't actually matter because it'll always be fixed/reversed by the end of the episode. There's essentially little to no plot development , because the forumla literally does not allow for it.
Ladybug doesnt need to have a huge overarching storyline (I honestly enjoyed it more when they weren't so focused on the plot), but it just feels kinda lame for them to dangle all of these different plot threads in front of the audience only to immediately say "just kidding!" and then pretend they never happened. It can come off as very fanfiction-y at times (Oblivio and Chat Blanc come to mind), and they've done the identity reveal fakeout so many times now that when it actually happens, I'm not sure I'm gonna have much of a reaction other than "finally lol". Their lack of dedication to letting anything change in the status quo is SUPER obvious with Chloe.
Chloe has a full redemption arc set up in seasons 2&3 (making her sympathetic, giving her a sad backstory that explains why she is the way she is, making her have moments of lucidation where she admits she's a bad person), only to have her turn evil in the season 3 finale because... she's the mean girl. I'm not even saying Chloe HAD to be redeemed; the idea of having an antagonist try to redeem themselves, only for them to fall even farther, is super enticing to me! The problem is, the show very clearly set up a normal redemption story, and then just changed its mind last second because "she's the Mean one". It's really jarring!
Its like the show has all of these ideas for dramatic storylines, but instead of picking one plotline and focusing on that, they just decided to do all of them and have none of them matter lol
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