#this requires a certain amount of buy-in (have to travel to get to a place im not even sure will be any good to work in)
micamicster · 2 years
Have decided to add enrichment to my enclosure by studying at public libraries in different neighborhoods! Will report back 💕
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hanniiisworld · 1 year
POV: You were sent on a mission by Katheryne to investigate a strange cave and encountered Xiao… Little did you know, the scent of the cave was making Xiao lose control of himself over you.
BEFORE READING: Female reader, SMUT with plot.
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In the world of Teyvat, there are many interesting tales. This story takes place in Liyue. A traveler from afar encountered a Yaksha…
“Traveler, traveler! You need to wake up. Today is another beautiful day!” Paimon yelled.
“Paimon- Can you let me sleep a little longer? I did so much work yesterday.” You said.
“No can do. We have commissions, exploring, and meetings to attend with Zhongli.”
You pulled yourself up with all the energy left in you and stretched.
“Thank you. You’re a very deep sleeper, so Paimon had to shake you up and yell at you.” Paimon complained.
“I must have been exhausted yesterday."
“Yeah, you were fighting monsters left and right and you almost died!” She yelled.
"And what did you do yesterday?" You asked.
"Well, uh…” She paused.
“I watched over you! To ensure you’re safe. Paimon was ready to call Xiao’s name at any moment.”
“You didn’t call him until you saw me almost die from that ruined guard?”
“Well– Xiao is scary. I didn’t want to bother him unless it was a real emergency.”
You sighed.
You opened the closet to change out of my pajamas to your regular clothes.
After you were done, you walked into the streets of Liyue and went to The Adventurer's Guild to receive my commissions for the day.
“Hey, Katheryne!” Paimon waved.
“Traveller, Paimon! You made it in time.”
“Don’t tell me we have to fight monsters again today.” You groaned.
“I apologize for your last commission. Fortunately, this time it does not require violence, I hope.”
“You hope?” Paimon questioned.
Katheryne pulls out a map and lays it on the table. She points to a certain location.
“Some adventurers have requested that you check out this cave. It has been rumored that those who dare enter the Cave Of Nevermore never come out the same.”
“Yikes! That sounds scary. You’re making us risk our lives?” Paimon asked.
“Well, yes. But there is a high reward, one million mora.”
Paimon gasped.
“One million?! Am I hearing that right? Traveler, we could buy anything we want with that!” She excitedly stated.
“Yes, high rewards come with high risks. What do you say, traveler?" Katheryne smiled.
Paimon urged you to say yes with her puppy eyes.
“I’ll take it,” you said hesitantly.
Paimon claps.
“Good choice, traveler. I hope to see you next time.”
Katheryne handed you the map.
You grabbed the map from her hand and thanked her.
“I guess this is the location she marked.” You said.
“Gahh... This looks so scary. What if there are creatures in there and they attack Paimon?”
“Calm down, I’m always here to protect you.” You pulled out my blade, preparing to fend off any man or creature.
You slowly entered the cave and noticed a familiar presence.
Tattoos and short hair were all you could see.
It emitted a large amount of smoke and dark energy.
“Is that…” Paimon stared in shock.
“Xiao…?” You finished.
He turns around, surprised as well.
“Traveler...What are you doing here?” He asked.
“We received a commission to investigate this cave.” You replied.
You could tell by his expression and appearance he was in pain.
“Are you okay, Xiao?”
“I’m fine. I’m an Adeptus after all, I can handle more than a mortal can.”
“Xiao… Your wounds… “ You glanced at those deep cuts.
“I carry first aid with me. Allow me to help.”
“No—” He interrupted “You can’t come near me.”
“Xiao, please! You don’t need to act so tough all the time.”
You walked towards Xiao as he backed away into a corner. You weren’t willing to let him suffer from those wounds.
"Gosh! Xiao is stubborn. It won't kill him to get treated like a regular person instead of enduring it forever.” Paimon pouted.
As you got closer, you detected an unusual scent from Xiao. You crouched down in front of him and opened your first aid kit. He still struggled to get away.
“Xiao, please, I’m only here to help,” You said.
You grabbed my bottle of rubbing alcohol and let a tiny portion sit on a cotton pad. You leaned closer to his face until your faces were inches apart. You gently rubbed the cotton pad on his delicate face.
“Ngh…” He whimpered.
“Sorry, I know it’s hurting.” You comforted him.
You lifted the cotton pad from his face and turned around, still on your knees, to get a band-aid.
Suddenly, you felt his body press directly against yours from behind. A soft, slender hand trailed across your body, and you lifted my chin to face him.
“I warned you not to come near.” He lowered his mouth to your ear and whispered. His other hand traveled up your skirt and into your panty. Xiao circled your clit rapidly with his soft hands.
“Uh~ Xiao-” You moaned. Your body sweated intensely. Pre-cum was already all over your underwear as he stimulated your clit even more.
“Please forgive me for this.” Sounds of groans and whimpers escaped his lips when you came all over his fingers.
He brought his head down and bared his sharp fangs. His teeth hooked onto your underwear line and pulled it down smoothly. His breathing got heavier and heavier as he looked down at you with those love eyes. You wanted to move, but your body was frozen in place by shock. Soon, he unbuckled his belt and whipped out his already erect cock.
“My body has felt weird after coming into this cave. Please forgive me.” He mumbled.
You remember feeling strange between your legs when you first entered. The more you stayed, the stronger it became. Maybe it was the odd scent in the air that caused all of this.
“I need some relief too, so don’t hold back,” you said.
With those words, he slid his erect cock into your chamber. Your hole tightened around it instantly.
“It’s tight...” He sounded surprised, but he chuckled soon after. He thrusts it in once more.
“Ah~” You moaned as I struggled to keep my composure.
His pace quickened with time, and also getting rougher as he got closer to his high. After a few more rough thrusts, he finally released his seed inside of you. I came soon after. I was out of breath. You couldn’t stand it anymore. Your knees were sore from withstanding all of this pressure. Xiao noticed this too as you were heavily gasping for air. He put his two hands on your waist and flipped you over on your back, against the wall. He guided your legs to be on his shoulders.
“May I go further?” He asked, still heavily sweating.
“We’ve already crossed the line. Go ahead.” You ensured.
With that, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. He swirled his tongue in your mouth, almost wanting to dominate you completely. Your body relaxed at his touch and youI let my guard down fully for the first time since entering this cave.
As you two made out, his fingers proceeded to enter your wet pussy. The other one lifted up your shirt and cupped your breast. You gasped at the sudden entrance, but you let all your worries away. After all, you were in an Adeptus’s hands. He pulled his lips away from yours and smiled as his fingers continued to pound inside of you. Your mind was foggy as waves of pleasure washed over your entire body. You moan out his name, which only motivated him more. After countless thrusts from his fingers, he pulled it out only to reveal it frosted in cum.
He smirked. He brought the hand dripped with your cum to his mouth and licked it clean in front of you. You blushed at the gesture and giggled. Finally, the Adeptus propped you up and helped you put on your clothes. You looked around to scan your surroundings. Phew… Nothing and no one was there, not even Paimon. Wait, Paimon?! You thought to yourself and ran around, stopping at every corner of the cave to look for her. Xiao was frantically looking for Paimon as well.
“Traveler,” A high voice echoed through the walls. “I got some food!” Paimon laughed. Her arms were filled to the brim with bread, berries, and potatoes. You turned around, eyes filled with relief, and ran up to hug her. Your arms wrap around her tiny body so tight, it caused her to drop all the food to the ground.
“Was I gone that long?” She sighed, patting your head.
Xiao followed along and bent down to pick up the dropped belongings. He tried to avert his eyes somewhere else as he handed them to you. It seems like the effect inside the cave has worn off, for now. There was still a lot of awkward energy between the two of you after what had just happened.
“I think I figured out the mystery about this cave.” You chuckled, leaving Xiao a flustered mess.
“What?! Tell Paimon!” She exclaimed.
“There’s a certain scent in here vthat makes people act different. Some people endure it longer than others, while some only get the effect for a day or so.” You explained, giving a look to Xiao.
“And how’d you find that out?” Paimon looked at you suspiciously.
“I… Just did.” You laughed nervously.
Xiao disappeared at this point to not get any more embarrassed.
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girlneuter · 26 days
Tldr; i need help affording end of life care for one of my dogs. you can help by sharing this post and donating what you’re able to (more info below image). thank you <3
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(image description; a red dog with pointed ears is resting his head on the lap of his owner and looking in to the camera)
one of my dogs has been sick recently and when we took him to the vet we found out that it’s a lot worse than we realized. within the last month he’s accumulated fluid in his abdomen and chest from a mass in his liver. we tested his stool + urine, did blood work + x rays, and scheduled an ultrasound to see if there’s any chance of it being operable. they drained over 350ml of fluid from his abdomen and put him on a diuretic + pain meds to help keep him comfortable. we won’t know for certain until after he has an ultrasound but the prognosis isn’t very good either way. it’s very likely that he’ll continue to fill up with fluid until he goes in to organ failure from the masses and we were told he only has a few months left.
I’m trying to be strong for him and give him the best chance that we can but it will require some serious intervention and management. We’re adjusting his diet and adding some supplements along with his meds and praying that it buys him more time. Even if they are able to operate there’s still a good chance that it could grow back…
But I’m holding out hope for his recovery and asking for all of the help that i can get. We have a shih tzhu that’s older than him and we were able to get her heart condition stabilized so much that she went from being a candidate for euthanasia to having a normal sized heart (it was so enlarged when we got her that it was pushing her trachea out of place), no murmur, and is very well managed with meds. I’ve depended on Vin for so much and for so long that he will always be a part of my life.
I’m just asking for any help that we can get. We’re in the process of filing for bankruptcy so we don’t have any credit cards to fall back on. We’re supported by my husbands single income as I struggle to find a part time job that can accommodate my disability. We were able to get a discount on our last visit because we receive food assistance but it still came to just under $400 ($381 to be exact). It’s a good deal for the amount of services that we received but it’s money that we were setting aside for rent.
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(Image description; a cropped image of a bank statement that reads “At Humane Society Of, [redacted] On [Redacted] From Card number [Redacted]” and a charge for $381.15 labeled as Processed)
Our next visit is going to cost a little bit more than our last as the ultrasound is from a team that travels to the clinic. We were quoted around $412 for the next visit but it may be more if he needs fluid drained again… not counting prescription food, meds, or supplements, we’re already down over $800+ and that’s just for diagnostics and early stages of treatment.
It’s an embarrassing position to be in but the reality is that I’m struggling to keep up as it is. I really appreciate anyone who shares this post and/or donates to help us cover the costs of his medical expenses. I’ll make sure to update if I’m able to find a job, especially if I can get in at a clinic for discounted treatment (I have a history of vet assisting)
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(Image descriptions; the first is a red shiba inu sitting on a couch next to a cat. both are looking at the camera. the second image is the same red dog cuddling with an elderly gray dog on a bed)
Ways you can help;
1. Share this post !
i totally understand if you aren’t able to give any money and i don’t want you to feel obligated to. sharing does help even if you don’t have a lot of followers
2. you can donate money for Vin’s recovery in the following ways;
- Paypal @ ReyOfTheLight
- Venmo @ rey-fillback
- cashapp $reyfillback
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
I know this isn't a new idea and I do not have a specific and detailed solution to offer, but I really, strongly feel like you shouldn't have to pay to go anywhere. Like not only should there be widely available mass transit, but it should really be free. Setting luxury options aside, travel feels like a fake product. The idea that you have to pay to access geographic locations on a planet we can't help sharing, and where there are sometimes far-apart things you MUST do like go to work or to the doctor or to a funeral, feels the same to me as the idea of Nestlé privatizing water. There's this episode of [sitcom of canceled comedian] where somebody says of NYC something like "It costs $50 an hour just to be outside here," and he's totally right. (And incidentally the episode ends with his suicide) You always have to budget for even minor travel and emergencies/incidentals (ie buying something in order to use a restroom), and it winds up feeling like you have to pay just to leave your apartment. I think it's in Philip K Dick's Ubik where everything is basically coin operated and you have to pay to like open and close your refrigerator, let alone to get in and out of your apartment. The increasing push to transform ownership into subscription services feels like that. But anyway I have to go to part 2 of a TMJ evaluation that's supposed to help with my tinnitus and neck pain, that is probably just going to tell me that I need an $8,000 treatment that insurance doesn't cover; I'll have spent $12 just traveling to do this, and that seems stupid to me. Sure, I COULD have built a couple hours into my day to walk there, or you can ride a bike if you are willing and able, but that's beside the point. It even bothers me, for extra reasons, that getting a passport is so expensive. Even if the state could somehow prove that they absolutely cannot reallocate, like, whatever they're paying the gangs of cops who stand together on subway platforms playing Candy Crush on their phones all over the city, to actually make the subways functional and free...I still think everybody should get a free passport. Making a certain amount of money shouldn't be a requirement for crossing artificial boundaries to do stuff that might actually be important, or non-negotiable. Or that you shouldn't need an excuse for, you should just be able to go places.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
hey charity! i have a problem that I think is related to low Te and Si, how can i improve?
i want to "go places" in life but im extremely inconsistent, my motivation for things that i care about fluctuates as i bounce between one goal to another, and once im focused on one i completely forget about the other. i know its like a stereotype for Ne-doms to have a LOTT of interests at once but for me i focus completely on one interest at a time but lose all motivation as soon as i switch to another one. i dont know, maybe im mistyped?! anyway i just cant keep going on like this cause im not gonna get anywhere by switching my attention all the time.
another thing is that im really undisciplined and bad at managing my time, sometimes i tell myself im going to change and i get into this "productivity phase" but fall out of it a week later. i keep wasting my time doing useless things like watching random youtube videos. its like i just dont have the energy to be disciplined.
thank you for your help!!!
It helps to remember that everything in life is a choice, so you choosing to watch videos instead of working toward what you want is a decision you are making -- pleasure over something else. You also need to think about what you want in context of your current behavior. Many, many people are not able to link "right now" to "the future I want for myself." If they did, they would not sabotage themselves in the present. For example, if you want to travel the world after retirement, you need to make good financial decisions in the present AND take good care of your body, because if you don't do the latter, you won't be healthy enough to travel the world. If you want to be an author, and you're not practicing now... if you want to be a dancer and you're not learning to dance... basically, your future is dependent on the choices you make today.
If you are an Enneagram 7 and I assume you are, it's vastly important for you to make short-term goals that are reachable and reach them, in order to build confidence in your own staying power... and to also choose to stick with something beyond its "I'm bored" date.
What are these things you want to accomplish? How bad do you want them? Are they deeply connected to a soul desire (Fi)? Have you taken time to introspect, search your heart, and identify what is most important to you? Are you willing to work toward it? Or are these just momentary whims that Ne has chosen to pursue, without your heart being in them? Without a heart connection, without true passion, you won't stick with anything difficult or time-consuming or that requires self-discipline as an ENFP. So you need to make sure what you want from your life is actually what you want, and decide that you are going to do a certain amount toward it per day. You need to use Te productively in deciding how you are going to get what you want, and in developing a sequence of events (I have to do this first, then that, and then this is my reward/accomplishment).
You do have the energy for self-discipline, you just have never practiced it long enough to make it stick. But that can change. If you do it a little at a time, and CHOOSE to stick with something, because it's going to make your life better or bring your future to you, you can do it. If you truly find it impossible to stay away from time-wasting, then think about how to sabotage yourself in that regard. Delete all the aps from your phone so you have to log on to the internet to check social media, or get one of those computer apps that restricts you from visiting certain websites between set hours. It's kind of like, if you can't stay away from sugary treats, don't buy them in the first place -- make it harder for yourself to waste time than to get things done and gradually, your brain will learn to focus.
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haru025 · 2 years
The offer
First story. 
I apologize if there were any grammatical mistakes since my first language isn’t  english. 
Please feel free to correct me if you spotted any mistakes, so I can improve. Thank you! :D
Chapter 01: Leaving Home 
The sound of the crackling of fire has never been so loud until now.
 “Child.” The man in front of you spoke. “I can cure your sister’s sickness rather easily.”
“Huh?” you were shocked. Your sister’s sickness, according to the doctors in your town, was rare and almost impossible to cure. The medicine or the elixir for the treatment requires the amount of money a wealthy person can afford, and you can only dream off.
 Your sister told you that there is no need for you to buy the medicine and just allow her to die. You, of course, disagree. Saying that you can find a way to earn the money needed for it, so you did a lot of rackets and side jobs but the money that you earn was not nearly enough. You almost lost hope until the healers suggested an ‘easier’ way.
According to them, you need to travel to collect the ingredients. The first one, the one that they said was the easiest to collect, was the Hunlist fruit that is abundant in the town of Astregoth. To get to that town, you must climb a mountain and go through the forest of Zetria, a forest full of magical beasts. Thinking that there is no other choice you agree to them much to your sister’s dismay.
Despite them calling it the easier way, traveling from place to place takes time. But for this man to offer it to you, saying to you that he can do it easily, gives you hope. And he might even do it for free-
 “However,” The man said, cutting your train of thoughts. “My acts of kindness does not come for free. I will cure your sister for a certain price, child.”
 Not for free then.
You’re quiet. So quiet that you manage that you can hear loudly the howling of the winds and the tree branches that knocks on the big windows of his castle.
 “My question is are you willing to pay it?” he asked, his golden eyes staring at your own, a glint of mischievous dances within them, his lip curling up into a not – innocent – smile.
“I –“
The sun rises from the mountains, signaling it’s the start of a new day.
The sunlight illuminated the snowy paths of your small town. It shows the merchants and vendors setting up their stores, hunters riding their horses, and civilians buying food for their breakfast.
The light peered down to your window, going through the curtain and then hitting your face, forcing you to wake up. As you do so, you get ready for the day. Fixing your bed, washing your face, brushing your teeth, dressing up, and fixing your hair.
You came out of your room, heading towards the room of your older sister, expecting her to still be asleep, but to your surprise, she isn’t.
She’s already on the balcony staring at the winter wonderland scene. The fire in her room already had been taken care of, her bed had been fixed, and already dressed in a long purple dress with gold accents.
Since her room’s balcony is situated in front of your home, every passerby greets her.
 “Sister…” you called out softly, successfully catching attention.
“Oh! Good morning there, (Name)!” She cheerfully greeted you. Her voice filled with joy.
“Good morning, sister.” You replied, your voice, unlike her, remained monotone.
“Come, come. Have a sit together with me.” She urges you, smiling while doing so.
 Sighing, you comply with her request, but not before grabbing a cloak from her wardrobe. The birds chirped as if they are singing, as your sister close her eyes to feel the sunlight hitting her skin. You put the cloak over her shoulders.
 “Sister…” You sighed softly.
“How many times must I tell you that staying outside in the cold for too long can worsen your sickness?” You scolded and in reply, she just laughs at you.
“Come now, (name). Must you truly be this mean to your dearest older sister? Forbidding me even going outside in the cold?”
“I’m only forbidding you because it can worsen your health.”
“But I like seeing the snow.”
“Then you can stay inside and watch it from the window in the comfort of your bed.”
“Ehhh….” She wined. For a grown adult woman, your sister can be quite childish.
“Sister.” You said, looking her in her eyes.
 Noticing the way, you look at her, she reluctantly complies with your request.
“Fine, fine, I’ll head inside.” She replied slightly pouting and sulking.
 Your sister’s name is Alexandrina Leonhart. 25 years of age and one of the best tailors in your hometown, the town of Brooklyn. Your sister is a beautiful, gentle woman.
Her features scream ‘gentleness, motherly, and the following sentences ‘Oh dear, are you hurt? Allow mother/ sister/ me to help you.’
Her neatly comb blond hair went down to her waist. Her light brown eyes hold warn that can be compared to the sun during the winter times. Oval face, fair skin, pink plump lips, and a slender figure with a warm aura surrounding her.
Looks, that are envied by a lot of women and attracted a lot of men.
 On the other hand, you (Name) Leonhart, is the complete opposite.
22 years of age and one of the best hunters within your region. Your appearance was not gentle.
Despite being combed and tied into a simple high ponytail, your long brown hair is still a mess, with hair sticking out in different places.
Your heteromeric eyes were sharp.  You have a scar that runs from your forehead, through your left eye, and ends at your chin. And you also have a quite muscular build.
If anything, you would be considered as handsome rather than beautiful. The way how you acted also reflects a man rather than a woman. This somehow catches a lot of attention from both genders; hence you could say that you are quite popular and have a few numbers of suitors.
 As you help her get inside, you forced her to sit near her table and tend to the fire.
 “I’ll help you cook breakfast, (Name).”
“There is no need for you to do that, sister. Please just rest.”
“Nonsense, my disease will only get worse if I rest all day long.” She said annoyance lacing her voice since you would not allow her to do things to help around the house anymore.
Sighing softly again, you replied. “Alright. But if you are in pain or any form of discomfort you have to tell me.”
She lets out a laugh making you look at her. She then stared back at you, her eyes glinting with mischief.
Oh, dear…
The two of you walked in silence in the hallway of your small home, heading to the kitchen. You thought that you can escape her teasing but unfortunately, no.
 “You’ve been sighing a lot lately, (Name).”
“I know.”
“You’re going to age faster if you continue doing that.”
“Please stop speaking such nonsense.”
“Hey! It’s not nonsense! Everything that I say makes a lot of sense.”
“No, it does not.”
“Yes, it does!”
“Where did you even get that information?”
“From the healers of course!”
“Utterly nonsense.”
“Is it that much of a problem that I will age faster if I continue to sigh?”
“Yes, of course!”
“Not that it would matter, you are far too childish for someone of your age.”
“That’s not the point here!”
 Fortunately, you have a lot of ‘comeback phrases’ for your sister. By the time the two of you manage to finish this sort of teasing conversation, the two of you are already in the kitchen. You started the fire and take out the meat that you manage to catch yesterday, and your sister take out the other ingredients.
Soon breakfast is done. Venison stew, stir-fried vegetables, and rice accompanied with a cup of coffee and tea.
 “Are you going to go to the town of Astregoth today?” Your sister asked as she sip her cup of tea.
Sighing softly, she puts her cup down and said “There is no need for you to do that, (Name). My disease is some-“
“Something impossible to cure?” you cut her off raising your brow.
“Yes. So, there is no need for you to force yourself just to get the ingredients needed for the elixir.”
“And accept the fact that you’re just going to die?”
 Your sister looked at you, her eyes no longer holding the teasing nor the usual look. You didn’t back down, you glared at her, refusing to believe that she would just accept her faith of dying because of the disease.
 “(Name).” your sister began.
“There is no cure for my sickness, it is best if you just accept my faith of dying because of this.”
“Sister, why is it that you refuse to believe me that I can find a cure for you?”  
“I believe that you will eventually find the cure.”
“Then – “
“However.” She cut you off. “Finding the ingredients for the elixir or medicine would be hard. It would put you under a lot of stress, which is what I don’t want to happen to you.”
“Stress is nothing compared to me. Besides, your life is much more important than stress.”
“(Name), you don’t even know of how much danger this whole adventure holds.”
“So? Sister, I’m an experienced hunter, I can surely face all of them.”
“Everything won’t be under your control, (Name)!” Your sister replied, her voice lacing with anger and annoyance.
“Perhaps, but I can once I begin my journey, I can put everything under my control.”
Your sister sighed, massaging her temple. You are truly stubborn ever since you were a child. You refuse to listen to what anyone says and still force the things that you like.
 “I don’t want you to die.” You said, making her look at you again. Your gaze does not meet her own as you stare at the empty mug in your hands.
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“You’re the only family that I have, sister. I don’t want to lose you.”
 Alexandrina has heard this sentence multiple times, yet she still gets emotional. Perhaps because when you say this there was a rather unrecognizable softness in your voice that almost resembles your father or probably because when times like this happen, she sees the younger you, the version of you that would grab her skirt when you roam the dark alleys of the underground city, the version of you that would cry and beg her to stay if she needs to go out and hunt for food, the much more vulnerable and innocent version of you.
 Seeing that you have no plan on going back on doing and going on an adventure to find the ingredients, she sighs in defeat.
 “Very well. I’ll see you off later once you begin your journey.” Your eyes sparkled at your sister’s response. Even though your face is still blank if others look at it, your sister can see that you’re beaming.
You are very delighted that you finally manage to make your sister agree.
 “Thank you, Sister.”
 After that, the two of you begin to clean the house and do your respective chores until it is time for you to leave.
 You’ve taken a bath, dressed, and equipped yourself.
You are currently standing at the gate of your home, your sister fixing your coat and scarf.
 “Do you have everything you need, (Name)?”
“Yes, I do. You’ve been asking that question multiple times already.”
“Hey! I just want to be sure!”
“Shouldn’t that be my line?”
 You hug her tightly. Surprise by the gesture since you don’t do this out in public, your sister quickly return it. It lasted for a minute before you separated. She pats your head.
 “Take care, (name).”  Your sister said with a warm smile.
“Mn.” You replied smiling as well.
“I will.”
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thesimscurator · 2 years
Career World: Career Challenge Rules (Travel)
I've made a series of Career Challenges to help you get the most out of playing my Career World save file. Here's part 1 of the challenge rules: travel restrictions.
Travel Restrictions:
You may no longer simply pop from world-to-world as you choose. Travel to community lots and/or other sims’ houses is restricted to the world you live in. Because some worlds are too small to reasonably allow for this, some worlds count as parts of others (see save file post). So you may, for example, travel freely between Glimmerbrook and Mt. Komorebi and vice-versa, but not between Glimmerbrook and Newcrest. All travel outside of these extensions is forbidden, even if another sim invites you to a lot outside your world (just call them back with a counteroffer). And yes, this applies to high school. In order to facilitate proper immersion, Copperdale High has been changed to Copperdale Boarding Academy in this save file. Only teens who live in Copperdale may attend active school days; otherwise, send your teens to rabbithole school.
There are some circumstances under which you may visit another world, including:
You use a vacation rental lot to officially go there on vacation. For the duration of the vacation, you may only visit lots within the world(s) you are vacationing in.
You have the “always welcome” reward trait AND a family member or BFF who lives in another world who will let you stay at their place for free.
You use the glimmerstone to travel to the magic realm. No time limit or minimum—you can just pop in and out at will.
If you become a millionaire, you now have a private jet and are able to visit any lot in any world for any amount of time.
If you are nominated for a Starlight Accolade or you are a comedian hosting the post-Accolades roast, the Accolade Committee buys you a room at the Plumbob Motel (1-3 stars) or the Celebrity Mansion museum (4 stars +).
The rival colleges in Britechester are pretty invested in attracting students, faculty, and qualified guest speakers, so anyone who fits those categories may check into one of the two hospitality suites above Pepper’s Pub free of charge while they check out the campuses and the town. Plus, the Football Fans club knows Pepper personally, and stay there when there’s a game on.
Similarly, the Laurent family in Tartosa are so committed to making their town THE premier marriage spot that they will host any couple planning a destination wedding in Tartosa for free—either in the apartment above their shops in the Piazza d’Amore or in the guest suite at their own private estate. NOTE: in-game photography requires you to play as the photographer, not as the subject, so if you want to “hire” Hector Laurent to take your engagement and/or wedding photos, you will need to use “manage households” to temporarily join the Laurent household.
I was not able to include a vet clinic in every world, but didn’t want to deny sims outside of Brindleton Bay the opportunity to have pets, so if your pet gets sick, your sim gets money from friends and family to stay at the Seaside Bed & Breakfast near the vet clinic while your pet is treated.
If you are an Escort going on a date with a sim who lives in a different world than you do, you may choose any lot in their world or yours for the date (they’re willing to fly you out). If the client in question is especially rich and/or famous (think proper celebrity, lotto winner, Landgraab, etc.), you may choose any lot in any world for the date.
Gigs in the Detective and Paranormal Investigator careers, in which the game takes you to a random lot without you getting to pick, are exceptions to the travel restrictions, because it’s really not up to you. If you don’t want to break immersion, consider vacationing in the world the game randomly took you to for a couple of days afterward.
As for the world you live in: jobs are now localized to certain areas. Most careers have a specific world listed in the Career Chart where you must live in order to hold down that job. If you don’t live in that world already, upon taking the job you must move to that world before your first shift begins. What if your spouse has a job that requires them to be in another world? In that case, you have three options:
One of you quits their job in order to move (or stay) and keep living with their spouse. Need to work? Get a new job that is available in your new world.
Split the household and do a long-distance marriage. I highly recommend getting the “always welcome” trait for this, so that you can visit each other.
Get divorced and go your separate ways.
That’s it. That’s all your options.
Stay tuned for challenge rules part 2: finances.
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gardenishika · 5 days
Sprouting Success: Your Guide to Buying Seeds Online
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Why Buy Seeds Online?
There are several advantages to purchasing seeds online:
Variety: Online retailers offer a wider selection of seeds compared to your local garden center. You can find unique varieties, heirloom seeds, and even exotic options that might not be available locally.
Convenience: Skip the travel! Online seed shopping allows you to browse from the comfort of your couch and have your seeds delivered directly to your doorstep.
Detailed Information: Many online seed vendors provide detailed descriptions on seed packets, including germination rates, planting instructions, and even harvest times.
Choosing the Right Online Seed Seller
With a vast array of online seed sellers, it’s important to be a discerning buyer:
Reputation: Look for companies with a positive reputation for quality seeds and customer service. Reviews and testimonials from other gardeners can be a valuable resource.
Seed Variety: Consider the types of seeds you’re interested in and choose a seller that specializes in those varieties.
Seed Age: Viable seeds are crucial for successful germination. Opt for sellers who guarantee fresh seeds with high germination rates.
Shipping Costs: Factor in shipping costs when comparing prices between online retailers. Some sellers offer free shipping above a certain order amount.
Planting the Seeds of Success
Once you’ve received your online seed order, here are some tips for successful planting:
Storage: Store seeds in a cool, dry place until planting time.
Planting Instructions: Carefully follow the planting instructions provided on the seed packet. These will include information on planting depth, spacing, and sunlight requirements.
Germination Tips: Research the specific germination needs of your chosen seeds. This might involve soaking them beforehand or providing specific temperature conditions.
Happy Planting!
Buying seeds online opens a world of possibilities for your gardening endeavors. With a little research and these helpful tips, you can be well on your way to cultivating a thriving garden brimming with your favorite plants. So, get ready to watch your seeds sprout into beautiful blooms and delicious harvests!
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indian-pan-card-usa · 16 days
Missing Pan Card in Honolulu
A Permanent Account Number (PAN) card is a vital document for Indian citizens. Issued by the Income Tax Department of India, it serves multiple purposes ranging from financial transactions to identity verification. This article delves into missing pan card in honolulu, its significance, and what steps to take if it goes missing.
What is a PAN Card?
A PAN card is a ten-digit alphanumeric identifier issued in the form of a laminated card. Each PAN is unique to an individual or entity and is issued by the Income Tax Department under the supervision of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). It is essential for anyone who earns a taxable income in India, including non-resident Indians (NRIs) who have financial dealings in the country.
Importance of the PAN Card
Tax Purposes: The primary function of a PAN card is to track financial transactions and prevent tax evasion. It is required for filing income tax returns, receiving tax refunds, and any correspondence with the Income Tax Department.
Identity Proof: PAN card serves as a valid proof of identity and age across India. It is commonly used for verification in various contexts, such as opening a bank account, applying for a passport, or buying a vehicle.
Financial Transactions: For any high-value transactions, such as buying or selling property, investing in mutual funds, or making deposits exceeding a certain limit, quoting your PAN is mandatory.
Loan Applications: Financial institutions require a PAN card when applying for loans. It helps in tracking the credit history and ensuring the borrower’s credibility.
Business Transactions: Companies and businesses must quote their PAN for various transactions, including payment to contractors, sales exceeding a specified amount, and during the incorporation of a business.
Foreign Travel and Exchange: When traveling abroad, PAN is required for foreign currency exchanges exceeding Rs. 50,000.
What to Do if Your PAN Card is Missing
Losing your PAN card can be stressful, but the process to get a duplicate card is straightforward. Here’s what you need to do: If you want apply for missing pan card so you can contact +1 (416) 996–1341 or [email protected] .
Confirm the Loss: Ensure that your PAN card is indeed lost and not just misplaced. Check all possible places before proceeding with the next steps.
File an FIR: While it is not mandatory, filing a First Information Report (FIR) with the local police can be beneficial. This report can serve as proof in case of any misuse of your PAN card.
Gather Necessary Documents:
Proof of Identity: Passport, Aadhaar card, or any government-issued ID.
Proof of Address: Passport, utility bill, or bank statement.
Proof of PAN: Copy of the lost PAN card, if available, or any official communication from the Income Tax Department showing your PAN number.
4. Apply for a Duplicate PAN Card:
Online Application:
Visit the NSDL or UTIITSL website, the authorized portals for PAN services.
Select the option for ‘Reprint of PAN Card’ or ‘Request for New PAN Card’.
Fill in the required details, upload the necessary documents, and pay the applicable fee.
Submit the form and note the acknowledgment number for tracking your application.
5. Offline Application:
Download and complete the PAN card correction form (Form 49A).
Attach the necessary documents and passport-sized photographs.
Mail the completed form to the respective NSDL or UTIITSL office in India.
6. Track Your Application: Use the acknowledgment number to track the status of your application online. The duplicate PAN card will be dispatched to your registered address.
A missing PAN card in honolulu is an indispensable document for Indian citizens, facilitating a wide range of financial and identification purposes. Losing it can be a hassle, but with the right steps, you can quickly obtain a duplicate card. Always safeguard your PAN card and keep digital copies of all important documents to mitigate such issues in the future.
Contact us Phone:- +1 (416) 996–1341 Email Us:- [email protected]
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whydoineedvpnforkodi · 2 months
can you use vpn in newyork to buy ceyptocurrency
🔒🌍✨ Get 3 Months FREE VPN - Secure & Private Internet Access Worldwide! Click Here ✨🌍🔒
can you use vpn in newyork to buy ceyptocurrency
VPN services in New York
When it comes to online privacy and security, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service can be crucial, especially in a bustling city like New York. VPN services in New York offer individuals and businesses the ability to browse the internet anonymously, protect data from potential cyber threats, and access region-restricted content.
One of the key advantages of VPN services in New York is the ability to encrypt internet traffic, making it nearly impossible for hackers or third parties to intercept and steal sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, or personal data. This level of encryption is essential, especially when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks in crowded places like cafes, airports, or shopping malls.
Moreover, VPN services allow users to mask their IP address and choose a server location from various regions worldwide. This feature is particularly useful for New Yorkers looking to access geo-blocked content or websites that are not available in the United States.
In a vibrant and diverse city like New York, where privacy concerns are at the forefront of many individuals' minds, using a VPN service can provide peace of mind and enhanced security. Whether you are a remote worker, a frequent traveler, or simply someone who values online privacy, investing in a reliable VPN service in New York can help you stay protected and browse the internet with confidence.
Cryptocurrency purchase restrictions
Cryptocurrency purchase restrictions are rules and regulations put in place by various entities to govern the buying of digital currencies. These restrictions can vary depending on a variety of factors including the country of residence, the exchange being used, and the type of cryptocurrency being purchased.
One common restriction imposed by regulators is the requirement for users to undergo a verification process before they can buy cryptocurrencies. This process usually involves providing personal information such as identification documents and proof of address. This is done to prevent illegal activities such as money laundering and terrorism financing.
Some countries have imposed outright bans on purchasing cryptocurrencies due to concerns about the lack of regulation and the potential for scams and fraud. Others have implemented restrictions on the amount of cryptocurrency that can be purchased in a single transaction or within a specific timeframe.
Furthermore, certain payment methods may be restricted when it comes to buying cryptocurrencies. For example, some platforms may not accept credit cards or PayPal payments for purchasing digital currencies due to the high risk of chargebacks.
It is essential for investors and users to familiarize themselves with the cryptocurrency purchase restrictions in their region to avoid any legal issues. By adhering to these restrictions and conducting thorough research, individuals can safely and legally participate in the cryptocurrency market.
Online privacy in cryptocurrency transactions
Online privacy is a paramount concern in the realm of cryptocurrency transactions. As digital currencies continue to gain popularity, users are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of safeguarding their privacy while engaging in online transactions. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero offer varying degrees of anonymity, but understanding how to maintain privacy in these transactions is crucial.
One method employed to enhance privacy in cryptocurrency transactions is the use of blockchain technology. While blockchain provides a secure and transparent ledger of transactions, it also allows users to remain pseudonymous. However, it's essential to note that transactions conducted on public blockchains are not entirely private. While wallet addresses are represented by alphanumeric strings rather than personal identifiers, transaction histories can still be traced, potentially compromising user privacy.
To address this concern, privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero and Zcash utilize advanced cryptographic techniques to obfuscate transaction details. These cryptocurrencies employ features such as ring signatures and zk-SNARKs to ensure sender, recipient, and transaction amounts remain confidential. By integrating these privacy-enhancing features, users can conduct transactions with a higher degree of anonymity.
Additionally, users can utilize mixing services or tumblers to further obfuscate transaction trails. These services mix a user's cryptocurrency with that of others, making it challenging to trace the origin of funds. While mixing services can add an extra layer of privacy, users should exercise caution when choosing a reputable service to avoid potential scams or loss of funds.
Furthermore, employing best practices such as using secure wallets, regularly updating software, and avoiding sharing sensitive information online can help mitigate privacy risks in cryptocurrency transactions. Ultimately, prioritizing online privacy in cryptocurrency transactions is essential for maintaining financial autonomy and security in an increasingly digital world.
Geolocation restrictions for buying cryptocurrency
Geolocation restrictions for buying cryptocurrency are increasingly common in the digital world. These restrictions prohibit individuals from certain locations from purchasing or trading cryptocurrencies due to various regulatory and legal reasons. The implementation of geolocation restrictions is often mandated by compliance requirements to prevent fraudulent activities, money laundering, and other illicit financial transactions.
One of the primary reasons for geolocation restrictions on buying cryptocurrency is to ensure regulatory compliance. Different countries have varying laws and regulations regarding cryptocurrency transactions. By enforcing geolocation restrictions, cryptocurrency exchanges can adhere to these regulations and avoid potential legal issues. For instance, residents of certain countries may be prohibited from engaging in cryptocurrency transactions to comply with international sanctions or anti-money laundering laws.
Additionally, geolocation restrictions help protect users from scams and fraudulent activities. By limiting cryptocurrency purchases to certain regions, exchanges can reduce the risk of individuals falling victim to fraudulent schemes or deceptive practices. This safeguards the integrity of the cryptocurrency market and promotes trust among users.
While geolocation restrictions may inconvenience some users, they ultimately play a crucial role in maintaining the legitimacy and security of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. By promoting compliance with regulations and safeguarding users from potential risks, geolocation restrictions contribute to a safer and more transparent cryptocurrency trading environment. As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, geolocation restrictions are expected to remain a key tool in promoting responsible and secure digital asset transactions.
Using VPN for secure cryptocurrency transactions
Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for secure cryptocurrency transactions is becoming increasingly important in today's digital age. Cryptocurrency transactions are inherently secure due to the use of blockchain technology, but there are additional steps you can take to further enhance your privacy and security.
A VPN encrypts your internet connection and masks your IP address, making it difficult for cybercriminals and hackers to trace your online activity. When conducting cryptocurrency transactions, using a VPN adds an extra layer of security by protecting your personal information and financial data from potential threats.
One of the main benefits of using a VPN for cryptocurrency transactions is the ability to access geo-restricted platforms without revealing your location. Many cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms have region-specific restrictions, which can be easily bypassed with the help of a VPN. This allows you to trade securely and anonymously across borders without any limitations.
Furthermore, using a VPN can help prevent potential attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can disrupt your online activities and compromise the security of your transactions. By encrypting your connection and hiding your IP address, a VPN can help you stay protected from such threats.
In conclusion, incorporating a VPN into your cryptocurrency transactions can significantly enhance your security and privacy online. It is essential to choose a reputable VPN provider that offers strong encryption protocols and does not keep logs of your online activities. By taking proactive measures to safeguard your data, you can enjoy peace of mind while engaging in cryptocurrency transactions securely.
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hubermcgowan79 · 2 months
Finance Rental In Munich - 4 Good Reasons You Require It
Bodies of Water: Most dogs like to romp within snow off-leash. Again, we can offer no way to prove or quantify this, but I will see that one being possible. If you buy right, may well be happier. Electrical system: If you smell burning or hot insulation, or notice broken, frayed or sparking wires, call an electrician immediately. If it's safe to complete go to your main circuit breaker and shut the ability off. Be aware of water on the ground. If there is electricity near water on to the ground you may get shocked whenever you step within the water. View More: topcaobangaz.com - Top Cao Bang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Cao Bang AZ: Đàm Thị Hoài An - Dam Thi Hoai An Be apt to keep in mind that your truck and possible trailer are long and can more hard drive than just a normal automobile. Be sure to check out where you go and put an end to. Some places are dead-end drives and stopping up a truck and trailer is complicated. It's also advisable to try to obtain restaurants with large parking lots this stop for meals. Selecting a large car parking zone means these items have a more favorable time tips to find a parking space for your truck and trailer. Folks seem to enjoy eating at Cracker Barrel Restaurants involving their inexpensive food and large parking lots. They seem to be at just about every other exit on many interstate highways as to tell the truth. Exiting the building is likely to be easy because each and every wednesday is fully surrounded in the parking significant. Most major travel companies online have slow seasons when number of obvious fewer people booking travels. If you book your trip with this time, you could lay aside a substantial amount of income. Everyone books trips in summer time and across the holidays, but fewer people are traveling at other times of the year just passed.
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View More: topcaobangaz.com - Top Cao Bang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Cao Bang AZ: Đàm Thị Hoài An - Dam Thi Hoai An So you're all ready to fly to the cultural center of Germany, and you're wondering if it's worth your while to obtain a loans rental in Munich. I say, go for it! There is far more to Munich than beer halls, Bavarian sausages, and lederhosens. Top Cao Bang AZ 247 Area is a fascinating mix for the old and the new, and also the best strategy get your fill of that is Bavarian and great for you to drive around Munich And in order to the nearby spots tucked in quiet areas caused from the metropolis. I have elsewhere examined this issue of expanding space and found it in order to become IMHO utter claptrap. That's because the associated with expanding space treats space, as noted above, as if Cao Bang Province space were a thing to do. Space is not a thing anymore than society, atheism, Wednesday or velocity can be a thing; or beauty. Factor maybe beautiful, but beauty is nothing. Ban Gioc waterfall is shared by Vietnam and China. Due to being on the Vietnam side of Ban Gioc waterfall, I saw a Chinese tourist; they waved and we exchanged a smile. It's a wonderful feeling when standing in this beautiful area that is shared by two gets. The ultimate way to using the concept of time generally that's what exactly time is - a concept, an abstraction, yet not a component. If time isn't a thing then time could not be put together. If time isn't a thing, then time travel isn't would-be. You can travel in a thing (i.e. - a car), not within a concept. If to complete go acknowledge truck rental route, make certain to inquire about car trailers. Once your truck is fully loaded, you can swing via Budget store and place them connect a motorized vehicle trailer to be able to transport vehicle at the same time. If you possess a family of three or under, this might be going to be able to your best option. You will also possess a choice of your car being towed, or if you want to know trailer that the car rolls onto that no wheels will be touching the road. Having a trailer where the auto is fully loaded will save your car's tires and other wear and tear. Everyone family of two or three can also get a considerably better time traveling if almost everyone can travel together. Top Cao Bang AZ 24h Water lines and sewage: This is why it's essential to possess a store of emergency water on derive. If you even suspect the water or sewer lines are damaged, call the water company which includes plumber to be sold. Avoid when using the toilets. Don't utilize any regular city water until the lines happen to checked. Now, consider the regarding people who'd be focused on the itineraries you end up being offer. Find your "niche". For example, spending all of your time marketing a backpacking stop at the Himalayas to families with small children isn't likely going to give you the most bang on your advertising and marketing funds. Top Cao Bằng AZ 24h Find the associated with people who most closely fit your target public. Join organizations and take flyers and business card printing to local business owners that can give you essentially the most exposure niche. However, ALWAYS work with getting your company name out there - Every place!
Water power cars? Yes, with the cost of fuel checking roof, drivers who would like a sensible alternative are getting considering water powered car. Tin Top Cao Bằng AZ 24h I'd been constantly involved with web design and advertising and marketing since When i first became an affiliate marketing for CD-Now and Amazon back in 1995/96. I spent a number of years as a web site designer, designing sites for Disney and also the Reed Publishing empire before concentrating my efforts on digital product creation. I wrote and sold my first ebook, sold products on eBay and guided my thirteen year old son to turn into a Powerseller before I discovered the potential of subscription/membership websites where my current interests make up a story. We can carry out the ditto for retirement and health supplement. Rather than letting the years drive you, you get control of the own soon to be. Rather than letting your health plan tell you which doctor you can or cannot see, or feeling that your children are (graciously) making different decisions for you than you'd like, or wishing you have spoken up in a person to say that didn't want a medical procedure, a certain home health aide, it's tough move via your home, you consider control. Should let you and your family know your wishes, an individual don't need to feel guilty or concerned with speaking together.
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Safety: You will want to compare one seat to another in relation to its functions. With technology updating all of the time, become knowledgeable as to what's new on market place when you're looking at baby safety seats. With the 600 watt cabinets at the back of the 4 channel car amplifier, the stereo of your car really accommodate the powerful low buck amps Cao Bang Province . Then there is the low noise feature. There a lot of options prepared to take you it is far more consider establishing an online business. Affiliate marketing offers beans are known the easiest routes begin earning financial investment. You could also look at trading on eBay or amazon or writing your personal personal ebooks and reports. For anybody who is not pondering about writing your own stuff may potentially outsource the work or purchase resell legal. I know this may be difficult to discover and some may even think that I have gone off the deep end with this theory. Simply have gone off the deep end I have good company since when i came lets start on this theory I researched this slightly more and Identified at least one other person who are members of this situation. His name is Albert Einstein. So, throw me in the loony bin with him, I won't mind. All the surrounding marbles often available with the exception of going back along the path you just came along, at least with your physical total body. This is a type of one-way street. Top Cao Bằng AZ Make a difference what which path you go on seems being a one-way street in your physical physical structure. This is why I believe I could shifted if you continue on the freeway. Everything, conscious mind, subconscious mind, spirit, really is part of the physical body was moved back so I'm able to take using path. Thus I retained the idea of the accident and been able to discover the alternate path of realizing I was following too close, backing off and being safe. Fall is the best season for sports enthusiasts here, and it also happens as a great time for travel here - it's totally score incredible discounts on condo rentals and hotels and the next thunderstorm is mouse click away . tad bit cooler compared to July and August. View More: topcaobangaz.com - Top Cao Bang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Cao Bang AZ: Đàm Thị Hoài An - Dam Thi Hoai An Written By Author in topcaobangaz.com: Lữ Trùng Dương - Lu Trung Duong Written By Author in topcaobangaz.com: Lành Cao Phong - Lanh Cao Phong
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mcgowanhyde43 · 4 months
If you're planning a trip, you may be wrapped up in thinking about how much fun you will have when you arrive. However, there are a lot of other things to think about to make sure that your trip is safe and goes well. Here's a list of things to think about when planning a trip.
Always know where your luggage is. Airline and bus employees have been known to steal items out of cases when they are checked in. Additionally, other travelers might "accidentally" pick up your bag in hopes of finding expensive items. This also allows you to move between transit options faster, instead of standing around waiting for your luggage. Preparing a road trip entertainment kit for children can help make sure your family vacation is a dream instead of a nightmare. There is no better way to see the country than a road trip. However, tours to Egypt is essential that your children stay entertained in order to combat the boredom of a long car ride. Egypt tours of popular games, cards, and older children may enjoy a journal in which to document their experiences. Before booking a hotel for your trip, check with the Better Business Bureau. Checking with them first, can save you a lot of time and money. It will ensure that you do not waste your time checking into a poor hotel. A poor hotel experience can ruin any vacation or business trip. If you are traveling overseas or even to a part of the country you've never visited before, it's a good idea to let your bank and credit card company know. Many credit cards are equipped with fraud protection, which could block transactions that the company isn't sure the card holder authorized. Travelling far from home is an almost certain way to trip these sensors. When traveling to a country outside of North America and Western Europe, carry cash or pre-purchased traveler's checks. You cannot count on your credit or debit card to work the same way it does at home, nor is there any guarantee of access to ATMs. Converting your money or buying traveler's checks before you leave also protects you against unscrupulous money changers. If you are traveling overnight or into the early morning, get your doctor's permission to take a sleeping pill after you board. Eat your breakfast and then drift off to dreamland, and you'll sleep comfortably through the whole flight. Wait until you are airborne to take your pill though, in case your flight is delayed or must return to the gate. Watch prices even after you book. Some airline and hotel companies offer you a refund if the price of your reservation drops after you book it, so keep an eye on the price. Alternatively, set-up Egypt tours with a price watcher site. After you enter the reservations you made and the price you paid, it will alert you when the price has dropped by the minimum amount required for a refund. A plastic shoe organizer over your hotel door can keep you organized. It is difficult to stay organized away from home, with little to no storage space except your suitcase. Put an organizer over your bathroom door when you arrive, the kind with the clear pockets is best. You can use it to store your essentials and keep them where it's easy to locate. If you're going on a trip to visit family, one way to make sure everyone will have a place to sleep is to bring along a number of inflatable vinyl air mattresses as well as an electric pump. These mattresses have improved greatly in quality over the years and the price is quite reasonable. Pumps can be hooked up to your car's cigarette lighter or into an AC outlet. It is well worth the minimal cost to be sure that everyone has a bed to sleep in when you arrive. Now that you know what to look out for when planning your trip, you can start thinking about the fun you'll have when you get there. The first step to having a great time on any trip is to plan right. Keep these tips in mind to make sure you don't forget anything!
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parsonsmcfadden76 · 5 months
If you're planning a trip, you may be wrapped up in thinking about how much fun you will have when you arrive. However, there are a lot of other things to think about to make sure that your trip is safe and goes well. Here's a list of things to think about when planning a trip.
Always know where your luggage is. Airline and bus employees have been known to steal items out of cases when they are checked in. Additionally, other travelers might "accidentally" pick up your bag in hopes of finding expensive items. This also allows you to move between transit options faster, instead of standing around waiting for your luggage. Preparing a road trip entertainment kit for children can help make sure your family vacation is a dream instead of a nightmare. There is no better way to see the country than a road trip. However, it is essential that your children stay entertained in order to combat the boredom of a long car ride. Pack travel versions of popular games, cards, and older children may enjoy a journal in which to document their experiences. Before booking a hotel for your trip, check with the Better Business Bureau. Checking with them first, can save you a lot of time and money. It will ensure that you do not waste your time checking into a poor hotel. A poor hotel experience can ruin any vacation or business trip. If you are traveling overseas or even to a part of the country you've never visited before, it's a good idea to let your bank and credit card company know. Many credit cards are equipped with fraud protection, which could block transactions that the company isn't sure the card holder authorized. Travelling far from home is an almost certain way to trip these sensors. When traveling to a country outside of North America and Western Europe, carry cash or pre-purchased traveler's checks. You cannot count on your credit or debit card to work the same way it does at home, nor is there any guarantee of access to ATMs. Converting your money or buying traveler's checks before you leave also protects you against unscrupulous money changers. If you are traveling overnight or into the early morning, get your doctor's permission to take a sleeping pill after you board. Eat your breakfast and then drift off to dreamland, and you'll sleep comfortably through the whole flight. Wait until you are airborne to take your pill though, in case your flight is delayed or must return to the gate. Watch prices even after you book. Some airline and hotel companies offer you a refund if the price of your reservation drops after you book it, so keep an eye on the price. Alternatively, set-up an account with a price watcher site. After you enter the reservations you made and the price you paid, it will alert you when the price has dropped by the minimum amount required for a refund. A plastic shoe organizer over your hotel door can keep you organized. It is difficult to stay organized away from home, with little to no storage space except your suitcase. Put an organizer over your bathroom door when you arrive, the kind with the clear pockets is best. You can use it to store your essentials and keep them where it's easy to locate. If you're going on a trip to visit family, one way to make sure everyone will have a place to sleep is to bring along a number of inflatable vinyl air mattresses as well as an electric pump. These mattresses have improved greatly in quality over the years and the price is quite reasonable. Pumps can be hooked up to your car's cigarette lighter or into an AC outlet. It is well worth the minimal cost to be sure that everyone has a bed to sleep in when you arrive. Now that Travel Agency know what to look out for when planning your trip, you can start thinking about the fun you'll have when you get there. Travel Agency to having a great time on any trip is to plan right. Keep these tips in mind to make sure you don't forget anything!
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matthewsfoged99 · 6 months
Real Estate Investing And Getting The Most From It
Learning about investment strategies is the best way to make the most out of your financial situation. Whether you have a small amount of money or a great deal, investments can help you increase your funds. Read more about great strategies in this article designed to benefit people like you. Consider an LLC before you begin your investment. The purpose of this is to make sure that you and your investments are protected. As an added bonus, you should be able to get certain tax benefits because of your business transactions. Anytime you analyze your overall business plan, do keep in mind that some sunk costs are more than just buying a property. Closing costs, legal fees, and other expenses can all add up quickly and cut into your profits. As you work out costs, factor all these in and incorporate them into the bottom line. See if there are all of the stores and schools that you'll need around the real estate that you're thinking of getting for your family. You don't want to move to an area where you're not near anywhere that you need to go to. It would cost you a lot in traveling expenses, so keep that in mind when you move anywhere. Find a contractor to work with that you can get along with. There's no reason to get someone to help you with fixing up the real estate you invest in if you don't like how they operate. You can save yourself a lot of frustration if you just find someone that you know will work well with you. A fixer-upper may be cheap, but think about how much you have to renovate to bring it up in value. If the property only needs cosmetic upgrades, it may be a good investment. However, major structural problems can very costly to fix. In the long-run, it may not give you a good return on your investment. Before investing in real estate, familiarize yourself with the neighborhood. Location is a key aspect of investing in real estate, and you also need to know about zoning laws. Talk to the neighbors and try to get a good feel as to whether or not the property is one you can rent within a few weeks. Play nice with others. Team up with other investors instead of seeing them as your competitors. With this approach, you can share information and list of clients, in addition to pooling together your group of properties to be offered. If you help other people you end up getting helped more in return. This could be good for your reputation. You want to consider any repairs that are required after an inspection has been done. If crypto signal on selling a property, the repairs will need to be completed prior to the sale. When thinking of renting a property out, you must consider maintenance costs. No matter which route you take, you must have a padding when it comes to planning funding and profits. Look for foreclosure opportunities. There are a lot of excellent real estate investment options among foreclosures. They are near always listed well below market price, and some may likely only need minor upgrades and touch-ups. Foreclosure flipping can be a very profitable investment strategy, but do your homework before getting into it! Take extra precaution when you read about offers of cheap land deals in another state. The quality of the land may not be as good as you may think. Do not just take someone's word for it. If you are truly serious about investing in it, you will have to take a trip out to see the land for yourself. If you are looking for quick and easy profit, real estate is usually not the place for an inexperienced person. What they usually end up with is an expensive lesson. If you are jut getting into real estate, start small so that you can take the time to learn and can use the time to develop a network of people who can help you. Understanding and learning is the key to success in any venture. This is true with investing. The suggestions and ideas that you have just read should provide you with a great place to begin practicing strategies that will help you to make money through a variety of investment opportunities that you see.
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cardsbuynow · 6 months
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Many people use the credit or debit card for daily transactions. Many companies offer digital purchasing options so they can save time and money. A virtual visa or MasterCard lets customers buy products and make payments without traveling to a physical location. This option is great for making purchases from anywhere in the world. Plus, it allows you to build a credit history without having to pay back debts incurred while physically traveling.Mastercard buy for online payment
Online purchases are convenient for many reasons. Almost everything you want can be purchased online- including food, clothing, household items, vehicles and electronics. Online retailers also offer greater variety than local brick-and-mortar stores. Plus, some companies provide free shipping for all orders, which makes your purchases even more affordable. Furthermore, most online transactions are processed quickly and efficiently. All of this makes buying easy and convenient.
Virtual cards provide even more benefits over regular transactions. Most cards have a certain amount of credit built up before you can make a purchase. This amount varies depending on the card and the company issuing it. However, many cards don't require an initial deposit when you make your first purchase with them. This makes them ideal for building credit history without incurring any financial risk first. Furthermore, most cards have multiple security features that prevent fraud and payment reversals. This prevents people from buying expensive items and then getting refunds when they don't receive the goods. Some companies go above and beyond offering digital options; they also provide secure transaction environments to prevent hacking or data loss.Mastercard buy for online payment
Many people use a MasterCard or digital card like a virtual visa to build a credit history. These cards have amounts of credit built up before you can make a purchase- usually around $1-$5000 worth of purchases within a period of 30 days. After that period, your card will also authorize you to make higher amounts of purchases without requiring an extra deposit first. This way you can gradually build up your credit score over time without ever paying full price for anything you buy online. Plus, this builds your financial history in safer ways by letting you accrue financial deposits over time rather than all at once.
The world of online transactions is growing rapidly. Companies are realizing how much money their consumers are spending every day. That's why they're adopting easy digital options for their customers to use. These include digital cards, virtual vias, MasterCard's and even debit cards with magnetic stripes on them! With these options at hand, the web has become a great place for making purchases both big and small!
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heranchormaker · 7 months
3 Common Reasons Why Your louis vuitton outlet Isn't Working (And How To Fix It)
My Pal, Have you ever read abut the new Adidas 3D Mesh Bag phony? It's been buzzing around my social circle like wildfire, and I required you to grasp all the details. Perfectly, First of all, The material of the individual bag is out of the earth! It's not only your regular polyester-type content; it's anything over and above that! The mesh is a person-of-a-type, and it provides off a textured feel that You would not get with other far more traditional products.
What seriously amazed me is how the bag is built with drainage holes and drag holes at The underside. This can be perfect for After i go ahead and take bag out for the swim or into the beach – no more worrying about getting my possessions absolutely damp. In addition, this layout lets for optimum breathability which keeps things you retail outlet from the bag shielded from the elements.
The Adidas 3D Mesh Bag also scores way earlier mentioned The remainder in other places like style and design and portability. The general search with the bag is simply terrific, and it comes in a variety of color mixtures which include to its Total charm. And despite its cumbersome look, the adjustable shoulder straps enable it to be rather effortless to hold around.
I am certain you wouldn't be surprised to realize that the price of the bag is quite steep and you can find 1,000,000 and one fakes in existence. Phony baggage generally have stitching errors, are created of lesser-high quality resources and don't search as sharp because the real ones. So, It is Certainly vital to location a phony ahead of acquire.
Fortunately, there are louis vuitton outlet a few telltale indications which can help location fakes. To start with, the bag should have the signature Adidas emblem that must have an indented lettering – sleek edges mean that it's faux. Even more, the bag must have exactly the same high-quality stitching throughout. If the fabric is easily tearable or perhaps the stitching is off, it will most unquestionably be considered a faux. Other than that, examining the tags for inconsistencies can also support establish if a bag is phony.
It can be quite a disgrace when people today test to tug 1 above an individual and go off a pretend as an primary. Thankfully, by utilizing the recommendations earlier mentioned, it really should not be tough to convey to a pretend from the actual deal.
What's so special concerning the Adidas 3D mesh bag fake would be the additional protection it provides in all climatic conditions. Rain or glow, your things is Protected and audio With this bag. Don't be concerned regarding your possessions receiving moist or maybe the factors within getting damaged due to weather conditions. The bag also doubles up as a terrific travel companion, with its adjustable straps making it easy to hold close to. It is also designed with included air flow for hassle-free airflow, so your stuff stays securely set up As you're on the move.
Also, the bag attributes some nifty pockets and compartments for storing essentials such as a notebook, books, phones, as well as other individual merchandise. This is a superb attribute as this means there's no need to often rummage about inside your bag looking for one thing. The pockets enable it to be so much simpler and stress-cost-free to locate essentials swiftly.
Not surprisingly, when buying a costly bag such as the Adidas 3D Mesh bag fake, it can be crucial to take care of it thoroughly. It is usually recommended that you do not place an excessive amount stress on The material, as This might tear it apart inevitably. Also, never machine clean the bag Except explicitly stated. Wiping it down using a fabric is The simplest way to preserve the bag thoroughly clean and shining.
These days, the marketplace is stuffed with faux bags that are Virtually indistinguishable from unique ones. They can be cheaper And do not often have guarantees. Buying a great-excellent bag for lasting use is often a lot better than going for your much less expensive alternative. All over again, having the ability to place a bogus from an unique is vital if you don't need to have ripped off. The Adidas 3D Mesh Bag is a singular bag with its slicing-edge functions – well value the value! What is actually extra, It will stay in excellent ailment For many years with a little bit common treatment.
I understand there are a lot of people to choose from that appreciate to maintain up with the newest style traits and occasionally, they don’t mind gonna terrific lengths and breaking the lender in order to get the most up-to-date ‘in’ thing. But then, the knock-off products also exist and Just about hold the very same appearances with the first variations. This continues to be taking place a short while ago While using the Adidas Bag. People have been inquiring me which one to purchase - original or faux?
Properly, To become honest, equally have their benefits and drawbacks. But I do think The ultimate way to come to a decision would be to be sure you understand what to look for when you’re out procuring. It can be often a smart idea to do your exploration before parting with your difficult-earned funds.
Now, the initial luggage have unique capabilities that considerably-out weigh All those of fakes. Initial off, these commonly come equipped with a bunch of desirable finishes for example quilting, velvet, perforation, or crocodile-pores and skin. On top of that, In addition it boasts top-quality substance top quality in comparison with fakes. And let’s not forget, it can be created by designers who've place in time and effort to craft it for appears and comfort.
Even though the genuine design and style earlier mentioned the bogus, the latter Have got a couple of advantages going for them. Namely, their rate. Naturally, it arrives at a much cheaper value than genuine. Next, provided The point that the look stays fairly precisely the same about a couple of a long time, we can easily Nearly assurance your mates won't be able to inform which bag accurately will be the ‘authentic deal’.
Following that, examining any sneaky emblems is likewise essential. Most originals Have got a brand while in the corner or print from the lining. That’s a useless giveaway, so make sure you maintain your eyes peeled. Also, look for product quantities. Often, there’ll be considered a Excess fat sequence of figures In the lining, but It's going to be appreciably absent on fakes.
Moreover, you could normally count on the provider made available from legitimate shops. The boutiques often present fantastic customer support and an exchange or return coverage just in case you alter your brain. And you also won’t discover some thing like that in a counterfeit retail outlet.
As for which one particular to obtain, the decision remains with you. As for me, I am a tremendous supporter of your originals. There is certainly the nostalgia attached and all the perform that goes toward building some thing Extraordinary. How about you?
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