#thought this was gonna be a heartwarming and touching reunion comic
makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 287: Family Reunion
Previously on BnHA: The Tomura For One VS Deku And Pals clusterfuck reached new levels of clustfuckery as AFO possessed Tomura’s body and stabbed Kacchan and Endeavor. Shouto was all “good thing I leveled up offscreen so as to be able to fly around whilst carrying 400lbs worth of people”, and did just that and it was like, damn, son. Meanwhile Deku’s rage went Mach 100, and he kicked Tomura’s ass for almost two whole seconds, but in the process he apparently forgot that IF TOMURA TOUCHES HIM THAT IS VERY BAD, and so he stupidly let Tomura touch him and Tomura was all “GAME, SET.” Fortunately for Deku, his quirk plays by its own rules, and so the chapter ended with us cutting to the METAPHYSICAL OFA/AFO PARANORMAL DREAMSCAPE OF MYSTICAL BULLSHIT, where AFO!Vestige was all “lol Tomura y u mad”, and Nana!Vestige was all “SUP DEKU, YOU’RE JUST IN TIME, LOOKS LIKE IT’S ASSKICKING O’CLOCK.” I’m paraphrasing a bit, but that’s more or less the gist of it.
Today on BnHA: AFO is all “well if it isn’t Tomura’s grandmother who I murdered that one time”, and Deku is all “?”, and AFO is all “fucking vestiges, man, wild”, and Deku is all “??”, and AFO is all “ANYWAYS GETTIM TOMURA”, and OFA is all “NOT SO FAST”, and Deku is all “???”, and really, same. AFO then goes off on some wild tangent about how Deku is unworthy because he couldn’t protect everyone and needed help from OFA and got mad about his friends being stabbed, which is such a cold take it gave me hypothermia, but it ends up not mattering since Deku and Tomura both wake up seconds later with OFA still in the possession of its rightful owner, HOW ABOUT THAT. The chapter ends with the LoV approaching on Gigantomachia’s back with Dabi practically salivating at the mouth, and Toga trying to reignite an old fandom blood feud. Toga why would you do this to me. Toga.
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“chapter 287: mistake” omg. yeah I’ll say you made a mistake, AFO. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THESE FLEETING LAST MOMENTS OF YOUR SHITTY EVIL LIFE
(ETA: so in all seriousness this must be referring to AFO’s belief that All Might/OFA made a mistake in choosing Deku, right? “I can’t believe you went and chose this shounen manga protagonist as your champion, what were you thinking.” I’ll just put this out there: however many comic books AFO read as a child, it clearly was not enough.)
wow Deku how slow are you
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yes you’re inside OFA you dimbulb, did you think your clothes suddenly vanished out of the blue and the ghost of Nana just randomly appeared in the real world by some freak coincidence?? can you believe this kid. breaks his arms a measly 10-15 times in a row and all of a sudden he can’t think straight, get it together Deku
but also brb having a moment at the fact that his thoughts immediately run back to Kacchan, even with all of this nonsense going on and Nana about to lay the beatdown on AFO’s potato-lookin’ ass. forget that noise, all he wants to know is whether or not Kacchan is all right. fuckin’ geez. AM I OVERREACTING HERE A BIT. probably
(ETA: ALSO!! the way he just trails off!! “Kacchan is...” and then he can’t bring himself to complete the thought. oh my god my heart.)
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damn but this man sure knows how to ruffle my feathers. as eminently detestable as ever!!
could it be any clearer here that AFO is not on Tomura’s side?? for a moment I thought he had actually grabbed him by the back of the head in order to get him to look. but nope, he’s just resting his pointing hand on top of his head instead while he’s all “HEY TOMURA LOL IT’S THE GHOST OF YOUR DEAD PATHETIC GRANDMA”
for those keeping track at home, this would be the first time that Deku has heard this information -- that Tomura is Nana’s grandson -- and possibly the first time Vestige!Nana has heard it as well. Nana died when Kotarou was still a child, so for all we know the Vestige!Nana didn’t even know she had a grandson, lol. TODAY ON “MAKESTE RANTS AT LENGTH ABOUT THINGS THAT WILL PROBABLY BE ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NEXT THREE PANELS”, anyway moving on
lmao for the record I fucking LOLed at this giant question mark immediately bubbling up over Deku’s head
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no idea what AFO is about to ramble on about now, haven’t read that far yet. but let the record show that Deku’s immediate reaction to hearing “BTW NANA IS YOUR ARCHNEMESIS’S GRANDMA LULZ” is everything I could have hoped for
(ETA: fandom nailed the shit out of this one with the confused Mr. Krabs meme lmao.)
okay so now AFO is monologuing at length about how he would sometimes have “riveting dreams” about the previous owners of all the quirks he stole. but once he gave the quirks away they stopped bothering him?? holy moly let me just take all the notes
okay so he’s saying that Vestiges are created whenever someone has their quirk stolen by AFO. but if they then disappear when he gives the quirks away, does that also mean that whoever receives the quirks also gets the original owner’s Vestige bundled in every time?? that would be wild okay hold up let me read the rest of this
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so he’s saying that the Vestiges are actually the “consciousnesses” of the original quirk owners, which have become embedded in their dna or something. SOUNDS INCREDIBLY DUBIOUS TO ME LOL but on the other hand this is a world where children can be born with airplane heads, so my disbelief can hardly afford to pick and choose what it’s gonna be suspended at! anyways though, how does he know he’s the only one who was able to converse with them? did you conduct detailed six-month follow-up interviews with everyone you gave quirks to or what
and if it really is the case that this ability was formerly exclusive to him, isn’t that more evidence than ever that OFA and AFO are actually THE EXACT SAME QUIRK oh whoops am I getting ahead of myself again, sorry
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this makes it sound like they won’t ever get to rest, which sure sounds like a soul thing to me. well whatever, soul, consciousness, I guess it’s just semantics at the end of the day
anyways though, so this asshole is finally done talking (I’m sure that won’t last), so now we can finally have the heartwarming reunion we’ve all been waiting for
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-- actually, no, not “sigh”!! you know what!! because Tomura says “whatever the reason”, but that’s only because he doesn’t actually have a fucking clue about the reason. like, I don’t know if the knowledge that AFO killed Nana would be enough to give him pause, but if he knew the whole story and knew that AFO was behind not only Nana’s death, but the rest of his family’s deaths as well... now that would be a whole different thing
anyway. but at least it’s becoming clearer now why AFO spent all that time raising Tomura up as his heir and brainwashing him even though he seems to have been planning this body takeover the whole time. it’s all because he loves making people miserable! yaaaaay
btw HAS NANA HAD THE EXACT SAME MOLE ON HER CHIN AS TOMURA THIS ENTIRE TIME WTF. am I just the least observant person who ever lived lmao
lol wtf
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ground: [randomly starts exploding]
y’all I cannot fucking get over this “AFO growing out of Tomura’s hip socket like a fucked-up ventriloquist dummy” shit though
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you do realize that absolutely no one can take you seriously right now, right?? it’s important to me that you know this
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seems like SOMEONE has had it up to here with a certain SOMEONE ELSE’S bullshit lmaooo bye Felicia
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you guys why is he not dying!!
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love how Deku is just lying there like “YOU KNOW THOSE DAYS WHERE YOU’RE LIKE, THIS MIGHT AS WELL HAPPEN.” poor Deku
(ETA: where in god’s name is OFA Prime standing. why are my thoughts fully consumed by this lmao.)
are Nana and OFA Prime even doing anything?? why are they sticking their arms out like that. wait hold up is this all a big metaphor for the back-and-forth going on between Tomura trying to steal OFA and OFA being all “actually no you can’t, please enter your password and click on all the boxes with bicycles in them to prove you’re a human first”?
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I have only just noticed that metaphysical!Deku has the same scars as actual!Deku. and yet his arms are not currently broken! that doesn’t really seem consistent to me but whatever!! maybe he saved right before the boss battle, that would be smart of him
anyway, that’s great and all that OFA Prime is here helping out, but I really wanted to see Nana fight AFO in a one on one though so I’m a bit disappointed. also why is it only the two of them?? where are Banjou and the others. of all the times to be sleeping on the job
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oh shit hold up
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doesn’t this confirm that the reason he wanted to transfer his power to Tomura is because he believed it would make him strong enough to finally take OFA because of Quirk Singularity? jesus christ. and here he was so sure of himself. but it turns out he doesn’t actually know shit! you can’t just fucking take OFA like that ya dingdong that’s not how it works
(ETA: SO, A THOUGHT -- is there any sort of subtle hinting here in the way that he words this? “if your strength is combined with mine”, as opposed to “if my strength is combined with yours”? no idea if the admittedly-so-small-as-to-be-almost-inconsequential distinction between those two sentences exists in the original Japanese or not, but I find it very interesting that the English wording implies that he’s the one adding Tomura’s strength to his own, rather than vice versa.)
now he’s insulting Deku!!
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excuse me sir WHO ASKED YOU anyway. and never mind that being consumed by an, AND I QUOTE, “unquenchable” rage is your protege’s whole THING, and that he also needed your help to avoid being burned to a crisp a short while ago. where do you get off I swear
(ETA: also just want to point out that in the panel before this one he says that he’s been “watching through Tomura”, which pretty much confirms that his consciousness or whatever is alive inside of him all the time. Tomura is definitely not getting rid of this guy any time soon.)
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first he calls Kacchan useless, then he calls Deku a simpleton, and don’t even get me started with Nana. just, you guys. this man is just... a very, very rude man
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“DESPITE HIS COMMON SENSE” sdfkllk my man he already has one brother roasting him, take it easy guy
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hahaha nice try Tomura
so Deku’s all “I didn’t lose my power! BUT” and I assume the “but” is the part where his arms are still broken and shit, and meanwhile Tomura’s body is almost healed up now finally
they’re both wiped out and now AFO is again petitioning Tomura to let him take over goddammit
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“you won’t lose your mind” yep, he sure won’t! scout’s honor!! pinky swear!!
meanwhile Deku is getting fucking desperate flkjl;k my baby. and Machia is going to show up any second now too, probably. what else can fucking go wrong at this point
oh shit I shouldn’t have asked
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get ready to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuumble, probably
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meanwhile Toga is having unsettlingly quiet angst
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jesus christ Toga this is all we need right now
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“WAS JIN-KUN NOT A PERSON” sdkfjlk Horikoshi I swear. please have mercy on this fandom. this is the debate that refuses to die!!
but seriously ffs, the issue isn’t that Jin deserved to die, it’s that the countless people whom Jin would have either directly or indirectly killed didn’t deserve to die either. people don’t only become people when you attach names and faces to them! we all loved Jin because we’d gotten to know him, but that doesn’t mean his life was inherently worth more than the lives of all the people he would have killed. sometimes there’s just no good answer
like, it’s just crazy to me that because the heroes are all “we want to protect everyone!” but then aren’t always able to do so because that’s literally impossible, whereas the villains are all “we don’t care about anyone other than the select few people that we actually like!”, the villains somehow wind up getting the better PR. it just so happens that it’s infinitely easier to be loyal to the interests of a few people as opposed to ALL THE PEOPLE. like, no shit, it’s easier to stick to your moral code when you barely have a moral code. and so the villains can kill thousands and no one bats an eye, but if a hero fails to save even one person they’re hypocritical moral failures. like what the hell
BUT ANYWAY, sorry to go off on a tangent there lol, it’s not really a big deal. I’m just preemptively trying to stave off more discourse about it lol but who am I even kidding
anyways lol, but of course they won’t kill you unless they have no choice, Toga. but when it comes to catch-22 situations, it’s a bit much to infer that the heroes don’t consider the villains people just because they opt for the choice that spares more innocent lives. I sure as hell don’t want my babies out here killing people, but to say that they can’t no matter what or else they’re no different from the villains is just...
anyway so the chapter has now just ENDED, just like that!! on a shot of Ochako’s face!
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I SENSE ANOTHER THROWDOWN COMING. and it had better not be a total letdown like the last one! NANA BARELY DID ANYTHING HORIKOSHI, WHAT THE FUCK. I started out with such high hopes lol
but I will settle for Toga VS Ochako, and Deku VS Tomura: The Sequel: Shouto’s Revenge! SPEAKING OF HEROES WHO HAVE NO QUALMS ABOUT MURDERING PEOPLE lmao
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Celestial Influence 7 pt2
Part 1 Of This Chapter
"I was starting to wonder if you were ever gonna come back." Cole says cheekily and Kai huffed. 
"At least we know it works." Kai says, placing his hands on his hips as he looked at his friends.
They all shared a look before they vanished in plumes of sand, mist, snow and gold. They returned moments later and Nya narrows her eyes.
"Hey. Why haven't you told us about this before?" She asked, looking between Jay and Lloyd.
"We kinda had our hands full with a lot of stuff if you can recall." Lloyd shrugs.
"Oh right." Kai says, surprised he somewhat forgot about that.
He could never forget what had happened but it wasn't in the forefront of his mind like it had been for the longest while. It was… Strange. Good strange.
"So. What's next on the list?" Lloyd asked and they all blinked at him.
"You're the head honcho. We should be the ones asking you that." Jay pointed out.
"Oh. Right." Lloyd says with a sheepish grin. "In that case, we wait." He says and they all immediately knew what he meant.
"It's not guaranteed it worked Lloyd. Our powers may not stretch that far." Zane reminded him.
"Yeah. I mean, it's a whole nother realm after all." Jay added.
"The only thing that isn't possible for us right now is that which we haven't thought of. It's just a matter of being patient." Lloyd says, tucking his hands into his pockets as he headed towards the Monastery.
"Is this something I should know about?" Garmadon asked his son as he walked by.
"You will soon." Lloyd hummed as he headed towards his room, content to read his comics until it was time.
Meanwhile, the other ninja shared a look.
"I guess we'll have to trust him and wait." Nya says and they all nodded, following after him. 
"What do you think that was all about?" Garmadon asked Wu, both brothers content to enjoy the fresh air of the outside.
"Wait and see." Echo says as he got up, Tai-D beeping curiously in his arms as he followed after his brother, smiling once Zane offered him one. 
Hours passed uneventfully with Zane making large snowflakes for Echo to marvel at, Kai and Cole training outside, Nya using her powers to see what kind of new technology she could create, Jay playing video games and Lloyd meditating outside in the meditation area. Kai grunts as he pulled off a spin kick, the blow connecting solidly to the side of Cole's head that made the larger male stumble to the side but he only stood straight again, rolling his shoulders as if he was never hit.
"You're really built like a brick wall." Kai huffed and Cole smirked.
"Not to brag but I did stand up to the giant stone warrior after taking him head on." Cole says proudly and Kai laughed.
"Of course you did." He says, amused as he and Cole called it quits for today.
"Hey Lloyd-" Cole was cut off once he picked up something.
Both he and Kai looked to the sky at the same time, watching as seconds later, a vortex opened overhead. They weren't surprised at who came through. Not in the slightest. They were just amazed it worked.
The synced roars of the formerly deceased Ultra Dragon sounded as it circled over head, landing shortly after in the large training yard.
"It worked! Rocky!" Cole yelled, rushing over to hug one of the four heads the dragon has. 
Cole was rewarded for his hug with eager nudges and licks that had him laughing up a storm.
"Woah! It worked!" Jay yelled as he ran out, jumping midstep so he could land on Wisp's head, hugging the dragon he missed so much. "Oh man you don't know how much we missed you guys!" He yelled as the Ultra Dragon wagged their tail happily.
"Flame! I've missed yah!" Kai grinned then laughed as he was nudged hard enough to leave him toppling over.
"Shard!" Said ice dragon head perked update the familiar voice then roared eagerly yo see Zane quickly making his way over, hugging his snout immediately.
"Warms your heart, doesn't it?" Nya says to Echo who watched with wide eyes, having never seen a dragon before.
Wu and Garmadon whom were also witnessing the reunion watched marveled as they interacted. There was no doubt about it. That dragon is indeed the very same Ultra Dragon from past, its soul brought back from the Departed Realm and its decayed body restored.
The Ultra Dragon spent a few moments to reconnect with the original Ninja before turning to Lloyd where he was still meditating somehow. The others let them go,  standing back as they walked over to where Lloyd was, grins still present on their faces.
It was great seeing them again but the Ultra Dragon, all of their individual dragons as one had always belonged to Lloyd. He's the one that missed them the most after all. The Ultra Dragon walked up to Lloyd then stood behind him, waiting to be acknowledged. It took a moment but Lloyd does come up from his meditation, smoking as he looked over his shoulder at them.
"Hey boy…" Lloyd says softly then stood, facing the large Dragon that stood before him.
He walked forward then reached both hands out, petting two of their four heads, smiling wider as they purred, leaning into his touch. He couldn't resist. He hugged one of their snouts tightly, heart filled with happiness. It felt as if everything he's ever wanted, he can finally keep. Friends, his father, UD… He hasn't felt this happy in… Ever. The world around bum reflected his happiness, flowers blooming anywhere there was soil, the sky clearing up, revealing a clear afternoon sky and a brightly coloured rainbow stretching from both ends of the sky. His friends watched with grins on all of their faces. They've never seen their leader, their brothers this happy before. It was a good look on him. And in a way, everything they've went through, all the destruction and loss, all the constant fighting, all of it was worth getting to this point. Garmadon walked over then, resting a clawed hand on his son's head and he grinned up as his father, green eyes bright with joy. It was enough to melt the coldest of hearts. Garmadon only smiled and hugged his son, his happiness contagious.
Yeah, today's a good day.
Loud clangs echoed through the brightly lit volcano, the bright glow of magma creating a large, winged shadow against the wall of the volcano, the shadows hand wielding a hammer, bringing it down repeatedly. The shadow belonged to whom nearby villages and towns called the God of Fire. Kai wasn't so sure about that title bit they kept calling him and all his friends gods. In fact, the term god was universally used by everyone in Ninjago. It's just, most consider them evil, vengeful gods whom will bring Ninjago to ruin if anyone so much as met their eyes. The nearby settlements knew that wasn't true but they weren't very cozy with him either. They were wary and that was understandable. Expected even. Though he can't complain too much about it. Because of their wariness, the Forest of Tranquility that held his Fire Temple and where his dragons play and grew was left alone, considered his territory. No-one so much as walked close to the forest itself, fearful of both him and his dragons. Especially his 5th dragon. A massive four headed beast that could swallow man in one bite. Or so the tales say. In reality, Solaris, Heath, Flare and Spark would never harm a fly without them proving themselves threatening. And his fifth dragon wasn't his to begin with. It was UD, Lloyd's dragon. He just liked to visit, with or without Lloyd to play with and help raise his Ninjago-borne kin. Kai was perfectly fine with UD playing babysitter. It gives him a moment for himself. Plus watching then romp and frolic was a heartwarming sight.
Right now, he was working on a new weapon. A sword to be exact. He's made weapons like this for the other elemental masters before. They weren't too keen to take them but they didn't push, knowing well enough that they relied on their powers more than they did weapons. They didn't want to run the risk of offending or angering them further after all. Not that Kai and the rest of the Pantheon would ever strike them down for something like that as everyone outside of their small family had believed. The elementals would use them on their own either way. Shade was most stubborn for reasons they knew and understood but even he had to wield them when facing tough enemies. 
Kai lifted the bright red glowing sword then ran his fingers along it to make sure it was properly made. He nodded at it and put out the heat it held, leaving a dark silver coloured sword in its wake. He set it down on the weapons rack he had embedded into the side of the volcano thanks to Cole. Those are his own swords he kept for the sake of keeping them. He couldn't make such enriched iron ore go to waste after all. He wiped his hands into his smith's apron as the wings behind him flexed.
"Come on Solaris. Enough shadow play." Kai says with a smile as he closed the panel then looked at her from where she still had her wings opened. "Today's my day for observation and patrol." He says,  heading out, taking off his apron and tossing it aside.
Solaris gave a low whine as she followed him and Kai huffed.
"Cheer up. Today's your day to come with me." He says lightly as he reached across to run his hand along her neck as they walked, Solaris much taller than she was just a few weeks ago, much like the rest of their siblings. They'd be big, UD had told him once. He didn't care much for some, as long as they were happy and healthy.
"Kai!" The ninja paused at the entryway of the temple that connected both the temple and the volcano's main chamber.
Said entryway also connected to the path to the Underworld. He looked back then grinned to see Cole, God of Earth himself making his way towards him, his sole dragon he decided to make not too long ago next to him that held the name Bolder.
"Fancy seeing you here." Kai teased lightly and Cole huffed.
"Going out on patrol?" Cole asked as he came to a stop before him. 
"Yeah. Care to join?" Kai asked as Solaris nuzzled Boulder in greeting. 
"Sure. I was gonna let Boulder stretch his wings a little anyway." Cole shrugged and Kai nodded.
"Alright. Then let's go." Cole says and Kai lead the way, their dragons following after them.
Their dragons were too young to carry their weight for long but they were great company. This is what their day consists of. Scheduled patrols, spending time with the small families they've made on their own and the even stronger family they all made together. Walking out into the open, Kai takes a deep breath of fresh air. Things were rough before but moments like these reminded them that it was all worth it to get here. Now that they are here, they'd do their part and keep Ninjago safe.
No matter what.
(Tada! Finally done! And at over 9k too! So! I have two more pieces to add to this before the series is complete! For now, I'll be giving it a break for a while and pick up back on oneshots. I've been focusing on series for too long after all. I'll still update Move on Dragons, H&F, etc but I'll be dropping one shots in-between. Well! Thanks for reading!)
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