#ticklish Jamie
veryblushyswitch · 10 months
If you told them you like tickling~
⚽️ Ted Lasso Part Two ⚽️
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Rebecca Welton~
*Her face lights up when you tell her. She’s absolutely enthralled at how you could love tickling so much.
*After you explain, she gives you a hug with some side squeezes. She reassured you you’re not weird or strange. You’re in fact incredibly cute and endearing. One would even say absolutely adorable. Cue you blushing and her laughing at how you react.
*Her and Keeley will tease you together. Definitely while you’re in between them on the couch while giving you playful pokes.
*They don’t tease you like that in public though unless you’re comfortable with it.
*She gives you cheer up tickles 💖
*You’ve poked her a couple of times and even managed a side squeeze, but that’s all you could do before she completely flips the tables.
*Her nails are a devious weapon of mass destruction and definitely wiggles her fingers at you if you’re distracted.
*Her and Keeley are both very cuddly with their friends and she’ll give you gentle tickles if you’re sleepy or need to relax after a hard day.
*Her and Ted have had conversations about you and how they can make sure you’re never uncomfortable. They don’t intend to talk about you behind your back, but they’re just looking out for you and find your little interest, well… interesting!
*If you have a blog, she’d ask to see if only if you’re comfortable with showing her. If not she completely understands. If yes, she will go on about the cute designs and amount of followers you have.
*She managed to find some posts about wanting certain types of tickles. She now has that info in the back of her mind for later.
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Jamie Tart~
*Man has had so much character development and I love him so much now. 💖
*My guy literally just goes, “Wait… you too?!”
*You two then bond over how you both love tickling. Of course that means lots of tickle fights.
*I can see him still being super shy about wanting to have tickle fights with you even though he knows you feel the same way. My poor touch starved boy.
“Do you wanna, ya know…” *pokes you in the side*
*Keeley totally spills his ticklish spots to you. He loves hates that-
*Keeley loves how phrases like “tickled pink” and stuff gets to the both of you.
*Jamie and you have teamed up to get her back before. Let’s just say she got you both back tenfold.
*Jamie and you made signals for ler and lee moods, but you both would get too nervous to use them. Eventually you both learned each others signs for both.
*You can read each other really well. Not just with tickle moods, with emotions in general.
*Both of you have lots of trust and understanding in each other. A big part of it stemmed from revealing your love of tickling.
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Coach Beard~
*Somehow already knew-
*He just knows. Don’t question it.
*He definitely sees the reason for you liking it. Even admitting him and his wife have tried certain things when it comes to tickling.
*He actually thinks it’s weirder for someone not to like it.
*Sneak attacks Ted with pokes all the time and invites you to play along. That doesn’t mean he won’t do the same to you though. Especially in front of the team.
*He is incredibly good at reading people. He always knows when you’re in a lee or ler mood.
*Even knows when you’re in a switch mood! He’s that good-
*Him and Ted have had conversations in front of you on how to get better reactions and which spots are the most ticklish.
*If you thought you couldn’t get anymore flustered my gosh-
*Somehow his pokes and tases are more ticklish than anyone else’s.
*Is more blunt with teases, but it always feels really sincere.
*Asks you for tickle fanfiction. I feel like he’d genuinely enjoy reading some of it.
*You’ve tried tickling him before. It didn’t last long.
*You can get maybe a poke in if he’s distracted, but he’s very good at not being snuck up on.
*He’s also so quick to turn it onto you.
*There was a time where Ted spilled to you a tickle spot of Beard’s and even helped you get revenge.
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Trent Crimm~
*A big sweetheart. And so so supportive.
*He’s also really curious.
*Asking questions as if he were about to another book about your love for it.
*Admits that he had a soft spot for it himself.
*Is actually really sensitive and it’s so adorable-
*He doesn’t retaliate all that much when you poke him or squeeze his side.
*He’s more of a lee than a ler.
*That doesn’t mean he won’t take the opportunity to scribble at your neck or squeeze your knee.
*He likes to give you head scratches and give you little sneaky ear and neck tickles.
*Comments on how easy you blush as if he doesn’t blush just as easily when you tease him.
*Always makes sure you’re okay with being full on tickled before he gets you.
*Surprisingly very skilled tickler.
*His fingers know just how to wiggle their way into your ribs.
*Speaking of which, he’s a sucker for counting your ribs out loud to you. And of course he “messes up” along the way and has to start over.
*Is more gentle with his tickles, which tickles a lot more in his opinion because of the anticipation of it all.
*Which also means he’s more susceptible to gentle and light tickles.
*They make him all scrunchy and tingly and it’s so cute. If you call him cute be ready for him to cover his face with one hand.
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jamiesgotchu · 5 months
okay so uhm ticklish girls yeah but um. Also.
ticklish masc girlz with a tough personality n hard-core vibe and tries to keep it when being tkled but fails
sigghhhhhh h h
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rosiesramblings · 1 year
Tell the Fucking Truth
Fandom: Ted Lasso
WC: 700ish
A/N: Ok, anon requested 9 and G from this obscure media prompt list, and I KNOW that Ted Lasso isn't obscure in the slightest but nobody in this community writes for it so I am bending the rules. Enjoy!
TW for gratuitous use of the word 'fuck' and all its derivatives. Cause it's Roy fucking Kent. :)
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If you made a list called, “Things About Jamie Tartt That Annoy Roy Kent,”, typed it up in Times New Roman 10 pt. font, and ordered each item of the list on top of the other, the resulting stack of paper required to contain that list would be taller than Roy himself. Probably.
The point is, there was a metric fuckton of reasons Jamie annoyed him. But the loudest, giggliest reason was currently the issue Roy was focused on.
Since the team had found out Jamie was ticklish, and since anyone with eyes could see that the arsehole was starved for physical affection, there was barely a day that went by that Jamie’s laughter didn’t echo across the pitch or the locker room. That was not Roy’s issue. Frankly, Tartt was much more palatable when he couldn’t speak for laughing. No, his issue was with the blatant, infuriating way that Tartt would deny the obvious.
“Nahahahahat even tihihihicklish!” Jamie would shriek when someone would scribble across his ribs or jam their fingers into his underarms. Like clockwork. There wasn’t a single person on the team who had gotten him to admit the truth. And, for some entirely irrational reason, it pissed Roy off.
Today was the last straw.
Tartt was literally rolling on the grass, cackling as he tried to avoid Sam’s wiggling fingers. Even though it looked like he could barely breathe, Tartt still somehow found the strength to bellow those words that made Roy want to rip his hair out.
“OI! OBISANYA!” Roy yelled as he stalked toward the two.
“Yes, Coach?” Sam asked.
“If he can still deny he’s fucking ticklish, then you obviously aren’t FUCKING doing it right!” Roy shouted, swiftly pushing Sam off Jamie and taking his place. Roy watched as panic and excitement battled for dominance in Jamie’s eyes.
“Oi, I dunno what you’re on ahabout, Coach,” Jamie declared cheekily. “Cause I’m really not even - FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK!” Jamie threw his head back and screamed as Roy placed his hands on Jamie’s hips and squeezed.
“What was that? You got something to say?” Roy asked, teeth bared in a terrifying smile-adjacent expression.
“I’m NAHAHAHAHAT – NAHAHAHAHAT – SHIHIHIHIHIHIT!” Jamie’s smile was splitting his face so wide, and his eyes were squeezed shut. Roy scoffed. This was too fucking easy.
“You gonna admit it yet, or do I have to actually start fucking tickling you?” Roy asked.
Even as Jamie’s eyes bugged open at the threat, and even as one of Roy’s hands rose threateningly towards Jamie’s ribs, Jamie still didn’t back down. Instead, he stuck out his fucking tongue, and, well. Roy wasn’t going to stand for any disrespect.
Roy raked his blunt nails down the left side of Jamie’s rib cage as his other hand clawed at Jamie’s hip bones with renewed vigor. With both of his worst spots under attack, Jamie let out a hysterical scream-laugh that had Sam giggling from where he was still seated next to Jamie’s side.
“Admit it, and this stops,” Roy called gruffly over Jamie’s laughter.
“COHAHAHAHAHA – COAHAHA – ROHOHOHOHOHOY!” Was all Jamie could get out, but Roy knew that meant he was ready to talk. Jamie never called him by his first name.
Roy stilled his hands, but didn’t move them from Jamie’s body. “Well?”
“IHIHIHIihihihihi’m – ihihihihihi’m a lihihittle fuhuhuhuckin’ tihihihihihicklish, alrihihihght?” Jamie gasped out.
“Fucking finally,” Roy growled, heaving himself up off of the striker. Before he could think better of it, he reached out and ruffled a hand through Jamie’s hair. There. Tartt would be fine.
Sam ran a hand up and down Jamie’s arm soothingly as Roy heaved himself to his feet, satisfied. He looked around and saw that the rest of the team had apparently seen the whole thing. Which just wouldn’t do.
“What are you lot FUCKING looking at?” Roy roared, channeling some rage by picturing his sister’s ex. They all jumped and hurriedly went back to whatever bullshit drills they had been doing before the spectacle.
As Roy stalked away, he heard Sam ask, “Did you get what you wanted, my friend?”
All he got in response was a giggly hum of affirmation.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
yes, James is a boob man but like thigh guy!James? maybe… if you don’t wanna write it that’s fine too
this post is 18+, minors dni.
"You're missing the movie," You lift the covers off of your lap, seeing a curly head of hair pressed to the base of your stomach.
"Don' care," James murmurs against the smooth skin of your thighs, words slurred with drowsiness, "'M sleepin'."
"O-kay," You let out a light laugh, reaching a hand down to comb through his untamed curls, "Can you even breathe down there, Jamie?"
"Perfectly fine," He informs you, burying his nose and inhaling straight from your thigh. He has to fight extra hard to take in air, and the sensation tickles your skin.
"James!" You giggle, thigh tensing as you try scooting it away from his face, "That feels funny!"
"Don't move!" James panics, nose chasing your thigh as his muscled arms come up to hold your hips down. Once he's nestled back into the crease of your thigh, a soft kiss pressed to the curve of your clothed cunt, he sighs happily. It's another ticklish sensation but you manage to repress the urge to move this time.
"This is the best part," You lament, eyes shifted back up to the television to watch a particularly funny scene. He doesn't pay any mind, lashes fluttering against your skin as he yawns against your thigh.
"No it's not," He scoffs, the sound muffled from where he's laying face-down. He puckers his lips once again to dot your skin with a wet kiss, one that lands against the chub of your thigh, "This is the best part."
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mrpldiddles · 7 months
deer in headlights
sooooo here's my first fic! it may be getting posted the day after halloween but i still wanted to share it hehehe so here it is :) i'll share the tiktok that inspired this fic at the bottom of the post as it deserves all the hype lol
since this is my first post i don't have a tag list or anything but if you'd like to be tagged when i post in the future, whether it's for trevor or any other nhlers i may write for, just let me know!
the ending for this one is a bit rushed but i hope you like it anyways! enjoy :)
word count: 1.2k
warnings: implied smut
It was Trevor’s idea. And according to him it took him exactly two months and 13 days to talk me into it. 
“Absolutely not,”
“Come on, babe, it’ll be hilarious!”
“Are you forgetting how public your job is? Thousands of people are going to see it and thousands of your fangirls will be talking about it.” Was how the conversation went for the entirety of those two and a half months. From the end of August to almost the middle of October, Trevor begged and begged for us to use his couples costume idea for Halloween. And each time he got shot down. He even went as far as getting Jack, Cole and Jamie in on his scheming. Having them text me at the most random times asking what I thought of their costume ideas - all of them being the couples costume that Trevor continued to bug me about. He even went so far as to buy the materials needed to make the costume, using the argument of me not needing to buy anything for the costume. 
I didn’t cave until I walked in the front door of the apartment one day to find him attempting to make the costume himself and making a bigger mess than necessary. Construction paper and pieces of fabric were strewn all over the living room and around the hockey player sitting cross legged in front of the TV.
“Look, you don’t even have to lift a finger to make the costumes! All you’ll have to do is put yours on!” He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face and fabric glue smeared all over his hands and somehow his cheek as well. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of my boyfriend looking like a little kid with their arts and crafts project.
“Alright fine, you win, Z,” I sighed, crouching down beside him as he let out a loud cheer. A laugh escaped my lips as he pressed a wet kiss to my cheek before turning back to the project in front of him. “I guess I can lend you some help,” I said, snatching up what appeared to be the costume intended for me to wear.
“Good because I actually have no clue what I’m doing,” Trevor said while managing to get even more glue and a piece of construction paper stuck to his face. I shook my head, laughing as I picked the yellow strip from his face. 
“That was more than obvious, Z.” He exclaimed in protest as I laughed to myself, focusing on the project in my hands and trying to decipher what my boyfriend had been attempting to create. Out of nowhere I felt fingers attack my sides causing me to drop the supplies and cry out in surprise as Trevor practically tackled me to the ground.
“What was that? Huh, babe?” He asked as he continued to tickle up and down my sides. My breath came out in gasps and laughs as I made some attempt to answer him and push him off of me. His hands paused, being placed on either side of my head as I caught my breath. I looked up to see Trevor hovering over me, his shaggy hair falling into his face as his eyes examined mine, a prominent smirk on his face. “Wanna take it back?” I hesitantly nodded my head, staring up at his bright blue eyes. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“Your arts and crafts skills could use some work but you’re not as hopeless as I would’ve thought, Zegras,” I huffed out. He seemed to consider my answer, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth tilting down slightly. I cringed slightly, mentally preparing for my ticklish sides to be attacked once again as he continued to hover over me and keep me pinned to the floor. 
“Works for me,” he uttered moments later before he took me by surprise and crashed his lips into mine. My hands finding their way into his hair and one of his finding my hip.
Much to Trevor’s delight, we won the Ducks’ unofficial Halloween Costume Contest. My doubts on the costume followed me all the way to the Terry’s front door where Trevor asked if I was ready to head in. I nodded, mentally assuring myself that this wasn’t as stupid of an idea as I thought. Troy and Dani were the first to greet us as we entered their house and the costume automatically earned their approval.
“Y’know, Z, I didn’t believe you when you said you two would have the best costume this year but I think I stand corrected,” Terry exclaimed, clapping Trevor on the shoulder who smiled smugly at me causing me to roll my eyes.
“Let me guess- this was all his idea?” Dani asked me as our significant others continued to talk just off to the side. 
“What gave it away?” I asked, smiling. After a minute or two more of talking to the party’s hosts we made our way further into the party. Compliments and chirps were sent our way from the other Ducks and their significant others until we eventually found our way to Jamie and Mason in the backyard.
“I still can’t believe he talked you into this one,” Jamie said, sipping from his plastic cup.
“His arts and crafts skills were a cry for help, I had no choice but to step in and help the poor guy.” I shrugged, smirking up at my boyfriend who simply shook his head.
“Alright, come on, we gotta show everyone the full effect,” Trevor exclaimed, setting his cup down on the table behind Jamie. I begrudgingly took his hand, allowing him to walk me into the middle of the yard, earning the attention of the others around. I shook my head before pressing my hands to the two lights set in very specific spots on my chest, causing them to turn on. I couldn’t help but laugh along with everyone else at the sight of Trevor, dressed as a deer, staring blankly at the two lights. 
“A deer in headlights!” He’d exclaimed when he first told me the idea, explaining the entire costume concept.
“I think I deserve some sort of prize for thinking up our winning costume,” he declared smugly as we entered our apartment at the end of the night. 
“Oh, do you now?” I asked to which he nodded his head solemnly, his hands behind his back and everything. I shook my head, giggling before rising up on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and find a prize in our room,” I whispered in his ear before turning and walking away to the kitchen, a huge smile on my lips as I heard my boyfriend gasp as my words registered in his mind.
“You’re a cruel, cruel woman,” I heard him mutter, smirking to myself. “Maybe that’s what we’ll be next year then. Cruella de Vil and one of her puppies-” Before I could finish my sentence I was scooped up into Trevor’s arms, a gasp escaping my lips.
“Hold that thought, doll, I want my prize for this year’s costume first,” he declared, walking towards our bedroom door as I laughed in his hold.
hope y'all enjoyed that fic and want to read more from me in the future hehe :)
the tiktok that inspired this fic:
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months
Hi!! Congratulations on your 100 followers!!!!!
Could I have where you make head cannons. And could it be for Grayson?
Thank you!
- it’s said in the brothers hawthorne that gray is “extremely ticklish”, and the spot that’s the most ticklish for him is the spot below his armpit but above his waist. he has literally punched his brothers for tickling him there. 💀
- he’s a hopeless romantic but pretends he’s not
- (this one is for @reminiscentreader 😜) he actually loves the hunger games franchise and shed multiple tears when finnick died. not only that, but he also has the entire soundtrack from tbosas on his playlist that NOBODY is allowed to see
- used to love swimming but now just does it to clear his head, and also because he partly sees it as a “requirement” now
- has the best, most expensive hair products and takes everything showers frequently 💀💀
- he’s more of a cat person then a dog person surprisingly, but still loves dogs nonetheless
- favourites tiramisu and always gives her treats and pets because she’s just the cutest thing ever 💗💗
- is usually up and about at 7 but wakes up at 5:30 so he can “get ready” every morning
- he will literally stop himself from saying anything that might be deem-ably cringy or just talk about his feelings in front of jameson bc he knows that bitch will make fun of him 😭💀💀
- couldn’t whistle until he was 12 but his brothers could since they were like 8 and it pissed grayson off so bad
- now he whistles every so often just to make sure he doesn’t forget how to 💀
- spends so much money on christmas gifts it’s actually insane
- same with birthday gifts, and will always go all out for the people he loves. but one time he gave jameson the most heartfelt beautiful gift for his birthday only for graysons birthday to happen the next day and for jameson to get him a whoopee cushion and a mug with his face on it and text saying “you can’t do it” so that grayson will never forget that jamie doesn’t believe in him 💀
- never put effort into jamesons gifts ever again
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### **The Santa Transformation**
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In the midst of the bustling holiday season, 20-year-old Jamie found himself entangled with the law over a petty theft. The judge, a firm believer in unique forms of rehabilitation, sentenced Jamie to an unconventional community service: he was to become a mall Santa. This wasn’t just about donning a red suit and ho-ho-ho’ing for a few weeks. Jamie was to be enrolled in the esteemed North Pole Academy, a rigorous Santa training program designed to transform the unlikeliest candidates into the epitome of Christmas spirit.
On his first day at the academy, Jamie was a far cry from the traditional image of Santa Claus. Slender, with a smooth chin and a youthful air, he couldn't have looked more out of place among the jolly, round men milling around him. The transformation ahead was daunting. The headmaster, a robust old man with twinkling eyes, outlined the intense regimen Jamie was to undergo. First and foremost, he needed to gain 100 pounds to fit the part.
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The diet was the first hurdle. Jamie, who had previously survived on fast food and instant noodles, was now consuming a meticulously planned menu rich in calories and nutrients. Each meal felt like a feast fit for a king: hearty stews, thick slices of meat, endless bowls of creamy mashed potatoes, and, surprisingly, lots of cookies—Santa's supposed favorite. The weight piled on steadily, filling out his cheeks and rounding his stomach.
Next came the matter of the iconic beard. Jamie's face was stubbornly bare, his youthful genetics laughing in the face of his predicament. The academy took a radical approach: a beard transplant. They harvested hair from the top of his head—a thick, curly mass that had always been his pride—and expertly grafted it onto his chin and cheeks. The procedure was peculiar, feeling both invasive and bizarrely ticklish as the technicians implanted each follicle. As the weeks passed, the transplanted hair took root, growing out into a lush, white beard that Jamie found both irritating and oddly comforting.
Physical transformation was not enough; Jamie also needed an essence of age, a certain gravitas that Santa is known to carry. The academy used potions—slight, shimmering vials of liquid that tasted faintly of peppermint and pine. Each sip seemed to weigh him down with decades of wisdom and kindness. His eyes grew softer, his voice deeper, and his demeanor calmer. The hustle of the holiday season slowed to a manageable, merry pace around him.
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The training wasn’t all potions and feasts, though. Jamie learned the lore of Christmas, the names of all nine reindeer, and how to navigate a sleigh (albeit a virtual one). He practiced hundreds of different laughs, each one heartier than the last, and he listened to countless wish lists from the academy staff posing as children, refining his ability to seem infinitely wise and endlessly kind.
When the final day of training came, Jamie stood in front of a mirror, almost unrecognizable. The slender, troubled youth was gone, replaced by a robust man with twinkling eyes and a comforting smile. He was not just dressed as Santa; he felt like Santa.
His debut at the mall was a resounding success. Children adored him, parents respected him, and for the first time, Jamie felt a genuine connection to the spirit of giving and joy. Each child's laughter and bright-eyed wonder added a warmth to his heart that he had never known before.
Through the art of transformation and the spirit of the season, Jamie discovered redemption in the role of Santa Claus. He learned that every mistake has a silver lining and every person has the potential for change, even one as unlikely as a thief turned beloved holiday icon.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
So what does Roy do when he has a hard day and wants Jamie to cuddle him?
I am picturing him acting like a cat and wiggling until Jamie's hand is on his head and sighs when Jamie snorts then rub at his scalp.
Roy is totally a cat 🤣
He’s such a fucking cat. Jamie loves it so much.
When Roy walked in and saw Jamie propped up against the headboard his only thought was to lay in his lap. It looks so comfy.
He slips all his clothing besides his boxers off, he slowly makes his was to Jamie’s side of the bed. He gently taps Jamie’s hand so they move up. He slips onto the bed and lays his head on Jamie’s thigh.
He lets out a breath. This is nice. Peaceful.
He wiggles a little, shoves his face into Jamie’s stomach. “Oi!” Jamie lets out a small giggle along with the noise. Roy knows he’s a little ticklish right there. He gently nips at it and bumps his head again.
“Alright you giant cat. Hold on a second.” Roy grumbles but he hears the book snap shut and a hand goes into his hair.
Oh that feels incredible. He melts into the bed more. Let’s out a quiet groan when Jamie’s fingers get caught in a knot. “Sorry baby.” Roy hums. It’s fine. Anything is fine if it’s Jamie.
“Sleepy aren’t you?” Roy could cry this feels incredible. “Yeah. Long shit day. This made it all better.”
Jamie’s fingers slow for a second when he hears that but he continues. “Love you kitty.” Roy snorts and pinches Jamie’s hip from where his hands ended up. “Brat. Love you too.”
Roy can feel himself slipping into the sleep that has been calling out ever since early in the day. He slides away knowing Jamie’s got him. Jamie will take care of him.
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blocked-zombieartist · 7 months
More reactions to the Brothers Hawthorne
Warning: Spoilers
Have a gif to hide the spoilers
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I guess I can see why people want this guy to play Jamie in the tv series. I just feel like Jamie is taller and broader tbh
“But then it wouldn’t be a gift from his father.” Pg. 166 Jamie, my boy, my sweet precious bean let me hug you
The fight with Rohan, pg. 190: Ma sexy Jameson 🥵
Pg. 191. “Jameson excelled at pissing people off, and he’d always been taught to play to his strengths.” Lmao
pg. 194. Oh, only three broken ribs, Jamie? ONLY THREE?? Someone help this man
pg. 204, Rohan: “I’d be wagering on the likelihood that Ms. Grambs breaks up with him within the year.” Stfu Rohan, before I beat yo ass
pg. 215: Squeak and limes. That’s all imma say lol
Pg. 217: “Tobias Davenport” oh really you little shit? How bout you rise from the dead and catch these hands bro?
pg. 224 and 225, what ifs with Acacia. My sweet Gray-Gray…
pg. 235: Okay, so you’re telling me that that damn old man straight up and told Grayson TO HIS FACE that HE was gonna inherit everything?? I swear, if that bitch wasn’t already dead I’d kill him myself
Basically all of chapter 55: STFU EVE. Bonus, pg. 268 of chapter 55: Eve- “I’m alone.” GOOD, YOU MANIPULATE, SORRY EXCUSE FOR A DUMPSTER FIRE!!! And whose fault is it that you’re alone? 🙄🙄🙄 Disgusting
Pg. 276: AHH GRAYSON’S TICKLISH?!?! I love that, thank you JLB
chapter 60: lmao, how’s that “one track mind” working for ya now, Jamie? Ya girl distracting you a lil? Lol
pg. 307-312 I cannot believe Emily. Bloody hell, two brothers within ten seconds. Good gods, girl belonged on the streets
pg. 336: lol, Gigi’s reaction to shirtless Nash
PG. 358: AVERY—“You’re better than fine.” PARALLEL TO PAGE 223 IN THE INHERITANCE GAMES?!?!? THE BATHROOM SCENE? WHEN JAMIE SAID TO HER THAT SHE IS “BETTER THAN OKAY”??? HELLO?? I jumped up to grab TIG so fast when I read that. Also: POWER COUPLE ❤️❤️❤️
All of chapter 76 really. What a climactic character.
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trrickytickle · 11 months
Anomaly WreAks AnArchy on ArAchnid AnArchist
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A/N: getting back into the groove of doing requests bc of a req/fic trade with @phobiaoftickles !!!!! HAHAHS THIS DRAFT WAS ORIGINALLY LEE PAV BUT IT HAS BEEN MARINATED AND EVOLVED INTO AN AWESOME LEE HOBART AWESOMENESS STORY FOR DA AWESOME JAMIE OLIVER BOI also footer tickles near the end
SummAry: Non-canon Part 2 of "The Tea Word" (separate from @/tickle-beans' MFTBU)-
In a turn of events, it's revealed that Hobie, being the awesome role model/love triangle rival/ex-runway model/probably ex-con he is, is unexpectedly the most ticklish out of all the Spider-People. (bit of lee!Pav at the beginning, the rest is a shit ton of lee!Hobie)
"C'mooon, go get her! I can't bear this!"
"I-It's not like that!!"
Pavitr continued to egg Miles on about the super palpable romantic tension between him and Gwen, but if it was up to him to say, nothing of the sort was going on. Gwen and Hobie, to Miles' right, were chatting away about what seemed like jargon to Miles and Pavitr, who weren't the slightest bit familiar with music theory.
"So, see, i'sounds better when you capo 3." Clipping the capo on his clipping-covered guitar, Hobie strummed a melodic tune, Gwen looking on in utter amusement.
"Awesome." She gasped, not even attempting to hide her excitement.
Pavitr punched Miles in the arm. "Come on, come on, change the subject! This is so annoying! Will they, won't they, will they won't they-"
Miles chuckled and shoved Pavitr away awkwardly. Hobie glanced over and cocked his eyebrow in a mild annoyance, and smirked. To the untrained, normal, not part of Spider Society eye, this was just a slight change in expression. It wasn't anything to cheer about. But to Pavitr and Gwen- that was the face of somebody about to deliver a deadly poison to those who wronged him, whether that be stealing his Chuck Taylors or punching him a little too hard. Hobie inched over to Miles, scoffing.
"Oi newbie! 'S he annoyin' you?"
Pavitr glared back at Hobie, laughing awkwardly. "I wasn't annoying him, I was just pressing-about a really, very important matter- and it goes without saying that everyone can notice Miles is giving Gwen the e-AAAAAAAAHHH! HOBIEE!! This again!?"
Hobie squeezed onto Pavitr's lower ribs, and looked back at Miles.
"That's one of ...many ways to shut'im up."
Miles laughed. "Bro's a screamer."
Pavitr groaned. "Tickling is not fair!"
"Oh yeah? Well weren't you just poking n' prodding at Mr. Armpit Blood?"
"He was sullying the name of all things rich, sweet and chaIIIII!!!! Nahaha-haha ha ha hahehe-HAH!" Upping the ante, Hobie strummed along his sides and continued with the tickling along his lower ribs, this time pressing onto his upper ones as well. "STOP!"
Gwen laughed nervously. "Yeah, he's right, youshupprobablystop, yaaaayy, you've had your fun!" Gwen laughed nervously, Ghost-Spider hood still over her head in embarassment.
Hobie glanced. "You're next, Gwendy."
"I'm going to go practice the drums. Have fun... Tickling." Cringing with that last word, Gwen bolted out of the rec room. Miles looked on in amusement at Hobie's strumming fingers and Pavitr's exaggerated screeches and death threats and "I'm-gonna-die-s".
Thankfully, the punk placed his hands back on his sides, leaving Pavitr some room to breathe and recover from the giggly stupor. Quickly patting the ghost-tickles away, he quickly perked up and looked over at Miles.
Miles shrugged. "Don't try anything-"
"Hey, hey, you know how Hobie acts all "Ooh, society! Stigma! Anarchy!" That last part was peppered with a thick fake Cockney twang which muddled with the Indian and Pavitr's hushed tone so much it was practically another foreign accent. "But he's reeeaaally ticklish. Like, as well."
Miles muttered. "Okay, okay, I see you..."
"Especially on his-" Just as Pavitr's fingers were about to make the slightest contact with Hobie, his bangled wrist was grabbed and stopped in place by the punk.
"No." Hobie asserted, the slightest twinge of nervousness in his deep voice. "O-or I'll-"
"Or what?" Pavitr sassed. "You gonna colonize us again, tea boy?"
Before an empty threat went past his lips, Miles webbed Hobie's arms together and went straight for the kill on his armpits.
"Or... soon you're gonna be the Spider-Man who's bleeding from the armpits." Miles taunted.
Hobie screeched with frequency that would rival mic feedback as he doubled over to the floor in a lack of balance, but Miles straddled his waist.
"I gotchu, don't worry!"
"kkHAAAA-hhHHHAAAAAH-ha!! Ff-hh-HAH!!" Hobie choked out. "'Umnnot th-ticklish!!" Miles kept vigorously scratching at the punk's pits, and Pavitr took his knees, fingers like insects crawling over the surface and wriggling behind.
"Oh but yes, yes you are!" Pavitr taunted with the sugar-sweet voice he had reserved for cooing at Mayday. "Miles, count his ribs!"
"Um, one, two, three.." the anomaly replied, counting on his pale fingers while his right hand was still tickling Hobie's armpit, albeit less aggressively. Hobie was holding out, but his face burned at the thought of the onlooking Spider-People's reactions. The teens had already gotten some stares from his previous attack on Pavitr, but the others had paid more attention to the sight of Hobie reduced to titters.
"Phehe-HPP-Pav, y-KK-You HHB-berk! Y'WUHULDN'T!"
"No, press DOWN! Like playing piano! Lemme try!" Pavitr moved up, sitting square on Hobie's tummy to demonstrate, two fingers tazing his middle ribs. Miles, following suit, prodded lightly at Hobie's ribcage, eliciting supressed chuckles that sounded a little more like coughs.
"Ffkk-KKKHHHA!! hh-Stop it, ya- hhHIdon'LIKETHAT! HAAAhhh-hHH!"
"Ah-ah, you gotta make little counts too. Ek, do, teen, chaar, paanch, chhah..." The numbers rolling off Pavitr's tounge were the tipping point for Hobie, who with every targeted little prod at his ribcage was breaking more and more and more and he was just about to LOSE IT-
"HH-FF-HA-HYEEE-HA-haha-HUH-HAH!! HAAA- huh-HH-GitOFF! Sling'y hook- Pahaha-HAV!" Hobie's deep voice broke in hoarse laughter, and he squeaked with every utterance of Cockney insult-gibberish interrupted by his own hysterical laughter, shaking in his webbed bonds.
"No, I don't think I will, no, sir! In fact, let's try your tummy!" Pavitr lifted up the duochrome shirt which his a well-toned umber stomach, and with skilled fingers, Miles' hands found themselves creeping along from Hobie's sides swirling into his belly button, then creeping right out to give a few more prods at the ribs. This sent Hobie down a spiral of laughter as inconsistent as he was, with lots of yelps, howls screams and a hilarious cacophony of noises contradicting one another.
"KkgHAHAHA-HhEEEEK-(k-snrk)-ffHHHPHA-HAHA-HhNn! Not hehere- n'-Nn'OTTHERE! (pant)"
"Goodness, your laugh is something else... something ADORABLE!" Pavitr continued teasing him. "Oh, Miles! He also hates it when I do this. Gud-gudi-gudigudi-gudigudi!" Whispering teases that Hobie didn't know the meaning of was a dirty trick- the punk didn't know what Pavitr was saying, but he knew, full well, what those words meant, and they sent goosebumps down his bony neck.
"Damn." Miles laughed. "You try his feet yet? I'm mad ticklish there." At the very notion, Pavitr lit up with a daring gasp.
"Yes." He blurted. "Yes I have, actually." His face changed to that of a playful smirk, as Hobie's gaze grew wide.
"No." Hobie stilled. "Please, Miles, don't lis'n to him- Ah, tom tit." Before he knew it, Hobie's boots flew off and web-patterned socks which were taken off just as quick were revealed. Pavitr held back Hobie's toes, and Miles spidered up and down his soles, laughing lightly along Hobie's hysterics.
"UH-HA-AH-HAHA-hh-HHKKHAA! Phh-PahAHavitr Puh-PrahahPRABAKAR, youhou're a DEAD blo-ho-hohoke, jh-H! Ahahanywhere budduh fuh-huh-HHEEEET!" Hobie howled and hollered, hitting the floor.
"Oh, and I forgot to ask, Miles. You like being tickled?"
Said spider person shook his head.
"Fair." Pavitr shrugged, the casual conversation continuing with every skilled stroke at the punk's peds. "Weell... Hobie liiikes it!" he sing-songed.
"SHhH-SHUT UHU-AHAH-haHhhyyYYou bunch'o WICKS!!" Hobie yelled, only a few decibels louder than his laughter, the noise making Miles back up while Pavitr kept playing at Hobie's toes.
"Does't seem like it. C'mon, let's give him a breather." Miles reassured. He climbed off Hobie, patting his shoulder, and yanked Pavitr's wrist to urge him off of Hobie, who stood up, knees knobbly from the wrath of both Spider-People whom he glared at.
"Heh.. you took it like a champ." Miles smiled up at him.
"You're next." Hobie spat, grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie. Miles made a small startled scream, and Pavitr laugh.
"I'm sure he doesn't mean it." By then, Pavitr had booked it out of the rec room.
Hobie cracked his knuckles. "Now, where to start..."
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motelofmermaids · 2 days
- 🧸 imagine...
"jamie..! i've been waiting for hours." it was an exaggeration, it had only been approximately fourty minutes since your last demand for attention — james blatantly ignoring you as he stood situated under the popped hood of the car he was cranking with his trusty wrench.
a huff of annoyance slips from your pouty mouth, "if you won't pay attention to me, i'll find someone who will. maybe your brother frankie-" as soon as the empty threat left your lips, the slam of the car hood echoes throughout the garage.
a beat passes, two, then: "c'mere. y/n, come here." the click of his tongue at the last word indicates his annoyance, your gaze meeting his darkened one before your eyes linger down to the white-knuckled grip he has on his wrench.
you tip-toe towards him before you're stood just a foot away, you're yet to look up at him. your eyes transfixed on his heaving chest, you can almost hear the thumps of his heartbeat. 'you've done it now' you think to yourself.
harsh taps land on your waist signalling to lift your leg which you do, hooking your left knee around his hip bone. he hoists you onto the hood, prying your thighs open with his car grease slicked hands; dirtying you with his mark.
"if you wan' act like this for frank, go ahead. see if he'll put up with you." the words like venom on his tongue, his jaw gritted as he caves you within his arms, hand on either side of your thigh splayed on the metal.
tears begin to well in your eyes, the salty water threatening to spill from your lash-line, ruining your makeup as your mascara runs streaks down your face. "..n-no! no, please jamie 'm sorry!" afterall, you only wanted his dear attention.
calloused, rough pads of his fingers begin to crawl their way up the inside of your fleshy thighs. his blunt nails creating a ticklish sensation which has you squirming under his touch, "yeah? sorry f'me sweetheart? thought you were my good girl, can't even be patient..."
"i am! 'm your girl jamie..." you protest, bunching your dainty fingers into his white, stained tank. pulling at the matieral as your legs tighten around his waist which his coverall sleeves are tied around.
tsk the sound leaves the thin line his lips have contorted into, feigning fake disappointment as he tuts at your pathetic attempts of apologising. you haven't even noticed his fingers swiftly making it underneath your shorts, teasing your slit with feather-light touches over your panty-clad hole.
(this is especially for you kels 🎀 i'm stopping here since this message is too long so think that this is like a 'teaser', literally, and i'll write the next part later x also your earrings are the prettiest, the pearls? tempting me to get my ears pierced now!)
this so good babes!! ESPECIALLY FOR ME? 🤭 i am so very honored, especially because you took the time to write this when you have exams soon!! thank you so dearly… do not get piercings with a piercing gun!
when he slammed the hood… oh lord 😝 take your time with writing, babes. you should finish your exams first! they will be over soon and you will most definitely pass them. then you’ll be free!! (maybe?)
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rosiesramblings · 1 year
Team Bonding
Fandom: Ted Lasso; Jamie and AFC Richmond
WC: 1.5k
A/N: Here it is! I'm actually pretty proud of this one. This is a fic based on my Ted Lasso headcannons. I have such a soft spot for Jamie, I stg. Any other ted lasso prompts are welcome!
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It was a few weeks after the Dubai Air protest, and Jamie was balanced on a strange tightrope of ‘not-friends-with-anyone-but-nobody-seems-to-hate-his-guts-either.’ Privately, he mused to himself that it took way less effort to just be a prick and let everyone hate him. At least then he could do and say whatever, without having to worry about how it would come across to his teammates. But since the Dubai Debacle, as Jan Maas had taken to calling it, Jamie was hyper aware of the teaspoon of goodwill he had earned with the team and was desperately trying not to lose it. 
He felt jittery and on edge, constantly keeping his body moving during training because if he was out of breath he would have to take a minute before speaking, and then he was less likely to say something stupid and mean. His face muscles were sore from all the smiling he was doing; he would be damned before he let his RBF push away the team. 
That’s why, when Roy screamed, “WHISTLE!” and Sam grabbed Jamie’s knee to hoist himself to his feet, Jamie didn’t have the energy or the presence of mind to hold back a yelp.
“Oi, you alright, boyo?” Colin asked, brows furrowed.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine,” Jamie said, rubbing at his knee absently. “Startled me, didn't he?”
“Really?” Sam asked, cocking his head to the side. “When you are scared, you have a tendency to lash out, my friend. Not… whatever sound you just made.”
Jamie pulled himself to his feet, hoping his blush wasn’t obvious. “Haven’t you heard, Sam? I’ve turned over a new leaf. One of eleven, an’ all that.”
Sam just hummed, looking contemplative as he, Colin, and Jamie ran towards the dulcet roars of Roy Kent.
Jamie threw himself into training, trying to run from the phantom feeling of Sam squeezing his knee. Or, more accurately, trying to run from the realization that that was the first time in a long time that someone had touched him without the intent to cause pain.
When Roy had finally screamed, “WHISTLE!” for the last time and told them to get out of his sight (Jamie personally thought the old man was going soft. That was barely a threat.), the team hit the showers. Jamie thought he felt someone’s eyes on him, so he smiled a little bigger, laughed a little louder, determined to prove that he had changed. Jamie was so focused on proving himself that he almost didn’t notice Sam until the man was right in front of him.
“Feeling ok, Jamie?” Sam asked, and Jamie was suddenly quite jealous of how niceness seemed to come so easily to him.
“Fine,” Jamie said, before realizing how curt he sounded. He cleared his throat, forcing his mouth into what he hoped was a friendly grin. “What’s up, Sam?”
“I wanted to apologize for startling you earlier,” Sam said. Jamie’s hand absently went to rub at his knee. “I did not mean to cross a boundary.”
“Don’t worry about it mate,” Jamie said, squirming. He never really knew what to do when someone apologized to him. “Didn’t cross no boundary.”
“That’s good to hear. I also wanted to ask,” Sam began, reaching down to squeeze Jamie’s knee. “Have you always been this ticklish?”
Jamie’s surprised yelp echoed around the locker room, which fell quiet. The only sound Jamie heard was the blood rushing in his ears, watching as Sam’s smile morphed into a more devious smirk. Jamie’s eyes widened as he leapt up from the bench as if he’d been electrocuted, his fight or flight kicking in with a vengeance. He didn’t get far.
“Where you going, bruv?” Isaac asked as he snagged Jamie by the elbow, bringing him into a crushing bear hug.
“L-let go, McAdoo, I swear to - shit, nohohohohohoho,” Jamie had no hope of holding in his giggles when Sam spidered over his defenseless tummy. 
“Jamie, this is quite cute,” Sam said sincerely.
Jamie felt his ears burn as he heard various sounds of teasing agreement from the rest of the team. He tried to curl in on himself to hide his blush, but Colin was suddenly at his side. “Oi, none of that, boyo,” he said as he fluttered his fingers over Jamie’s exposed neck and ears. “We want to hear you laugh.”
“Nonononono, Col, plehehehehease,” Jamie begged, squirming as much as Isaac’s iron grip allowed.
“Oh, such nice manners,” Sam teased. “Too bad they’re no help today.” Jamie’s laugh pitched higher the closer Sam’s fingers got to his belly button.
“Where else are you ticklish, Jay?” Colin asked.
“Nohohot tihihicklish!” Jamie cackled.
“Oh, really?” Sam asked, deeply amused. “What do you call this then?” He said as he squeezed Jamie’s sides mercilessly.
“AH! Cruhuhuhuel an’ unuhuhusual punihihishment,” Jamie gasped out amid giggles.
“OI!” Roy’s voice echoed in the small space. “What the actual fuck is going on in here?”
Colin and Sam stilled their fingers. “We have made a most exciting discovery about our ex- ex- teammate,” Sam explained, smiling.
“They’re killin’ me, Coach,” Jamie panted as he blinked the tears out of his eyes, unable to tamp down his smile.
Roy studied them for a long moment. “Obsianya,” he finally barked.
“Yes, Coach?”
“Try his knees.”
“Yes, Coach.”
“Wait, Coach, wait, no please oh my GAHAHAHAD,” Jamie belly laughed as Sam knelt down and squeezed the muscle just above Jamie’s kneecap. Jamie took back every thought he ever had about Roy going soft - the man was a menace. Jamie couldn’t really tell, but he could have sworn he saw Roy duck his head to hide a smile.
“Your smile is very lovely, Jamie,” Sam said. “It is a pity we haven’t seen it more.”
“St-stop teasING, SAHAHAHAHAHAM,” Jamie wailed, pressing his head back onto Isaac’s shoulder as Sam found that horrible patch of skin behind his knee.
“I am quite serious,” Sam promised.
“Yeah, boyo, it’s downright adorable,” Colin grinned, crooking his fingers under Jamie’s chin to make him jerk his head back down. 
“Hey there, fellas, what’s goin’ on?” a familiar Kansian twang called out. Sam and Colin paused once again.
“Just a bit of team bonding, Coach,” Colin grinned at Lasso, who was observing the scene with a bemused expression.
“Huh,” Ted said. “Well, don’t be too long. We got a match in a few days. Need everybody in top shape, can’t have our striker be a giggly puddle of goo.”
Jamie let out a (admittedly giggly) whine of embarrassment. Lasso zeroed in on him with a smile. 
“You know, there’s one thing I do to Henry that always has him laughing like a hyena,” the coach mused. 
Jamie’s eyes widened, and he shook his head back and forth frantically, certain he wouldn’t be able to handle whatever tickly Dad tricks Lasso had up his sleeve. 
Coach clocked Jamie’s panic and chuckled to himself. “I s’pose I’ll save that for another day. Have fun, fellas,” he said as he turned back to his office.
Sam grinned wickedly, “Now, Jamie. There’s one more spot I was to try, but you’re going to have to cooperate.” He nodded to Isaac who finagled Jamie’s arms behind his back, which, Jamie realized suddenly, left his ribs perilously exposed.
“Saham, Sam, c’mon, you’ve had your fun, plehehease dohohon’t,” Jamie giggled, wide eyes glued to Sam’s fingers, which began wiggling in the air. “Aw, c’mon, mate that’s not fahahahair.”
“Why? I am not even touching you yet, Jamie. Why are you giggling? Especially if you aren’t ticklish?” Sam smiled.
“Yohohou’re - yohohohohohou’re gonnahahaha!” Jamie whined, writhing as Sam’s fingers crept closer and closer. Colin stepped behind Jamie to help Isaac hold him securely.
“Yes. I am,” Sam said, and promptly latched his fingers onto Jamie’s rib cage.
Jamie shrieked, arching his back like he’d been shocked, before going limp and cackling madly. He couldn’t form words, just shook his head back and forth as tears ran down his face. It tickled, it tickled, it tickled, and Jamie couldn’t focus on anything but the electric sensation shooting across his ribs.
After what felt like hours (but was really only moments), Sam let up, chuckling as Isaac and Colin gently lowered Jamie to the ground. With his hands free, Jamie wrapped his arms around himself, still laughing as he caught his breath. The locker room chatter resumed since the show was over. Sam sat down next to him and threw an arm around Jamie’s shoulders, giving a comforting squeeze as Jamie calmed down.
“Fuck, mate,” Jamie breathed. “That was brutal.”
“And yet,” Sam lowered his voice so that only Jamie could hear him, “You never told me to stop.”
Jamie felt his face heat back up with another blush as Sam gave him a final squeeze before standing and pulling Jamie to his feet. “Come on, Jamie Tartt. I will buy you lunch, as an apology.”
Jamie shook his head bashfully. “No apologies necessary, mate. I’m all good.”
“Fine then. I will buy you lunch, because sometimes friends buy each other lunch.”
A smile dawned across Jamie’s face as he took in Sam’s words, and he felt a weight lift off his chest. “Oh, well. That’s alright, then.”
Jamie threw an arm across Sam’s shoulders, practically skipping out to the parking lot. He made a friend! And really, it hadn’t been that hard. Just took a little team bonding.
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andguesswhat · 2 months
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Okay, why the hell not? For the Dune promo, my head had come up with a story about Jack without asking, for various reasons though it never made it completely onto paper.
But now that it's Jack's birthday... I thought maybe I'd just post the beginning as a birthday present… lol
But don’t worry, Jack, it’s rather harmless, I would say.
The shield that you own
Jack grabbed Tim under the arms to hold him better. Even though Tim was as light as a feather, they were all uncontrollably heavy when drunk. Tim giggled at the contact, his head falling heavily onto Jack's shoulder.
"What kind of bodyguard are you? ... Are you trying to tickle me to death? You should know by now that I'm ticklish!" Tim's voice was slurred and mumbling and the tone became childish and provocative, when he continued, "You could carry me...?"
Without responding, Jack dragged Tim further through the hotel room door, half supporting, half pulling, under his arm, around his waist, just where his balance was giving way, while trying not to lose Tim’s jacket that he already had taken off. Of course, he could have carried him instead, this skinny little creature who was nevertheless lighter when drunk than some when sober, but there was more than one reason to avoid it.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tim curl his lips into an exaggerated pout. "You're never any fun, Jack!"
Jack raised his eyebrows as if to say "Really?" but ignored Tim's comment apart from that as well as Tim's far-too-close lips, from which a whiff of tequila emanated, and concentrated instead on getting Tim to the bed.
They were in Mexico city, a huge premiere of Dune 2 in this huge city had just taken place this evening and the after party hadn't been wild, but it had apparently been enough to make Tim giggle uncontrollably. Sometimes it didn't take much for the adulation of the masses to get him drunk. First the senses were hyped, wide smile, wide eyes, wide talk, than followed giddy drunkenness.
At the bed, Jack let go of Tim so he could fall onto the bed, but Tim didn't let go of him, so Jack toppled over with him. He tried to catch himself with his hands, but he couldn't catch his whole body, so his face brushed Tim's cheek and his nose buried deep down in those god damn dark curls.
Tim giggled beneath him. And Jack decided to give himself a millisecond. They were familiar with each other, very familiar, also physically, and yet this closeness always did something to him.
The soft tickle of the curls on his skin and the smell of Jamie's hair styling products in his nose made Jack close his eyes for another millisecond.
Then the two milliseconds were over and he sat up again, ignoring the vague tugging in his body, heart as loins, instead lifted Tim's legs onto the bed and set about removing his boots while Tim rolled on the bed and grumbled like a drunken teen.
It wasn't that often that Tim got drunk, but it wasn't the first time either. Jack knew Tim liked the buzz, even if he was too worried to indulge in it too often.
In a fit of energy Tim humped the bed, “Goddd… Austin was looking sex-ayyy tonight, right? Wanted to fuck him right there.”
Jack ignored the comment, pulled on the second boot and placed it next to the bed.
Tim lifted his head and looked at him, "I can't believe you put them on the floor, instead of just letting them fall!" He sounded somehow shocked, admiring and teasing at the same time.
Jack laughed. He liked it when Tim made fun of him, it was always... affectionate.
But then Tim closed his eyes again and Jack could see the buzz working in his head. He let his gaze linger on Tim's face.
The face of an innocent angel. He resisted the impulse to brush a curl of hair from this face. The angel was not meant for him.
It was time to go.
Jack adjusted his jacket, "Do you need anything?" With the last of his strength, Tim straightened up, grabbed Jack's arm and pulled him onto the bed so that Jack ended up lying next to him. "Don't go," Tim's breath hitched against Jack’s face. Again Jack closed his eyes for a moment. He had been so determined that it wouldn't happen again and now he had to admit to himself that he had only deceived himself.
For a while they just lay there, Tim breathing, searching his way through the grogginess, Jack watching him, feeling the gentle ripples of air on his face with every breath Tim took…
When Tim's head carousel seemed to slow down a little, Tim laid his hands on Jack's face. "It was awesome, wasn't it?" His eyes opened briefly before closing again. "All those crowds..." Yes, the fans, the crowds, the masses... Tim loved that. Bathing in the crowd, being admired by the masses. The crowd electrified him, turned him on. Made him horny. And now the thought of it was apparently enough to reawaken his sex drive.
Tim rubbed his crotch lightly against Jack's thigh. An audible gasp.
Jack bit his lower lip. Then another rub.
Tim's breathing a little louder this time, Tim's cock noticeably harder.
The desire spread through Tim's tired body, waking him up, making him more alert and horny by the second until it finally took over. Tim swung himself over Jack, propped himself up with his hands to the right and left of Jack, his head lowered, his curls in free fall, and looked at him with a glazed expression. He looked so beautiful, so hot. Jack couldn't say it any other way. It wasn't his fault he was getting weak. Tim lowered his pelvis, rubbing against his, pressing their hard cocks together. Almost automatically Jack went to Tim's cock, squeezed it through his pants and Tim groaned. Jack knew what this was all about, what Tim wanted. And even if Jack didn't necessarily want to admit it to himself, he wanted nothing more than to fulfill Tim's wish. Tim humped into Jack's hand, moaning, and Jack's fingers eventually found their way into his pants, under his underpants, feeling the warmth, the soft skin, and wrapped around Tim's hard cock as Tim's moans vibrated louder and louder through his body. Tim's glazed look was both present and absent. As if he wanted to take Jack back there to the masses again. They had both experienced it, had both been there, how the crowds had loved Tim, had wanted him. If it had been up to them, they would have all wanted to touch him, grab him, tear his clothes off, and if it had been up to Tim, Tim would have wanted that too, to feel that love, on his body, hands on his bare and naked skin, fingers reaching for him, digging into his flesh, mouths kissing and tongues licking every inch of him, wanting him, loving him, bringing him to climax. Jack was sure Tim was having sex with all those people in his head right then when Jack pumped him hard, Tim’s gaze dark, his lips moist. It didn't take long now, Tim was exhausted, this wasn't about maximizing pleasure, about extensive sex. What had built up had to come out. Jack felt the hard cock twitch, smelled the sex already, and Tim came with a loud moan. "Ahh!" The cum was warm and sticky on Jack's fingers. Jack knew what it tasted like. Tim dropped down close to Jack and again the damn curls tickled Jack's nose. Tim reached tiredly and lazily for Jack's cock.
It wasn't half-hearted, but it was far from promising either. "You don't need to-" Jack said. "No, I don't want you -" "No, it's okay." Tim rubbed his nose tiredly against Jack's shoulder. "Sure?" "Yeah..." "I'll make it good for you another time, okay?" Jack laughed softly. Tim snuggled up to him. "Sorry, I stained your suit." "It's okay." It wasn't the first time. Jack tried to straighten up. "But I should go now." Tim's heavy arm across him stopped him. "No… Don't be stupid." Jack took a deep breath, for a while wondering if he should insist. For his own self, which would only nag him again tomorrow.
But he was pretty inept at letting Tim down. Always had been. "Can I at least take my jacket off?" He tried to take it lightly. "Yeah sorry..." Tim took his arm away. Jack took off his jacket, half rose from the bed to throw it over the back of the chair, took off his shoes and deliberately dropped them on the floor. Tim chuckled with half-closed eyes. "Good for you!" Jack smiled, albeit a little melancholically, and lay back down in bed a little away from Tim, but Tim immediately moved and cuddled up to him. "Did you see the girl who wanted the tattoo and what I wrote?" Tim asked quietly and dreamily. "Of course." Tim always wanted Jack to hear everything funny he said or did. "Man, I was shaking so much..." Yes, Jack had noticed that.
It was always fascinating to Jack that some things never changed. Of course, Tim was an old hand on the red carpet by now, and even if he knew by now how to hide it very well, the crowds not only electrified him, they also still intimidated him as hell. "I felt you behind me," Tim whispered quietly. "You know when I leaned up to that fan? You stepped up, too. I was so glad that I had you in my back." "It's my job."
"You took care of me."
Tim looked Jack deep into his eyes, not drunk, but not sober either, and gently pressed his lips to Jack's. "I couldn't do any of this without you, you know that, right?" Jack held his breath, looked at Tim, although he wanted nothing else than to close his eyes.
And he didn't know if he hated Tim more for saying that, or himself for wanting to believe it. ***
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nether-cat26 · 7 months
Pretty daring outfit for someone who already knows how absolutely ticklish their armpits are.
Those are some armpits that DESERVE to be tickled.
In all honesty though, she wasn't lying at all. She couldn't endure even getting her armpits touched! Great video!
Title: Jamies ticklish armpits
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sighonaraa · 10 months
You: apologizing for football kiddos snippets
Me: on the edge of my seat excited
WAHHHH this is very sweet, thank youu :') in exchange i shall present another snippet from the upcoming chapter!!
Jamie pokes Roy in the face and giggles at the disgruntled breath that whistles through his nostrils in response. Roy is going to take that as the fuck-muppet equivalent of Sounds fucking excellent, mate, thank you for your service. If he has to frame his mouth around the taffy-sweet syllables of ‘pom-poms’ one more time, he might hurl. The second trainer goes on easier than the first, though it’s only because Jamie becomes so preoccupied with prodding Roy everywhere he can reach that he forgets he’s supposed to be acting a nuisance. Roy has to bite down on his tongue when Jamie gets at a particularly ticklish spot beneath his left ribcage. The ocean swell of salt rises, and he chokes it back along with a bark of laughter. “Enough of that, you muppet,” he says, giving Jamie’s laces one final, assertive tug. “Where’d you put the ball?”
jamie STOP. you are giving roy GRAY HAIRS. look at him he's getting WRINKLES.
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hischierdevils · 1 year
"you're ticklish" with jamie pls <3
"Please don't burn the popcorn this time!" You call out to Jamie as you get cozy on his couch and scroll through netflix. It's been a while since you've had a proper movie night with your best friend.
"You burn the popcorn one time and suddenly you're never trusted to make it again." Jamie mutters as he carries in a large bowl of popcorn for the two of you to share.
"You're also not allowed to light any candles." You giggle as he lifts up your blanket and scoots over so you can share it.
"Quit picking on me, y/n." Jamie pinches your side as you reach for some popcorn but he's not expecting you to jump up the way you do, your lip biting down to hide a laugh.
You push him away from you and play a random movie. "Let's call a truce." You suggest.
He smiles and reaches for you again. "You're ticklish."
"N-no." The way your eyes widen in surprise gives him all the ammunition he needs. Before you can get off the couch, his hands are on you, tickling your sides.
You squirm, trying to get away from him, laughing so much you can't breathe. "J-Jamie! I'm gonn-na k-kick your a-ass!"
You elbow him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him long enough for you to escape from underneath him. Taking his hands in each of yours, you straddle his lap as you hold his hands above his head so he can't tickle you anymore.
It takes you both a minute of catching your breath to realize the position you're both in, you straddling his lap and your noses centimeters from touching.
"Don't tickle me again." You warn as you release his hands. He immediately brings them down to your hips, holding you in his lap.
"What if I want to do something else?" He whispers as he looks into your eyes, seeing how willing you are to push this friendship.
You cup his face in your hands. "If you don't, I will."
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