#ler Jamie
veryblushyswitch · 10 months
If you told them you like tickling~
⚽️ Ted Lasso Part Two ⚽️
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Rebecca Welton~
*Her face lights up when you tell her. She’s absolutely enthralled at how you could love tickling so much.
*After you explain, she gives you a hug with some side squeezes. She reassured you you’re not weird or strange. You’re in fact incredibly cute and endearing. One would even say absolutely adorable. Cue you blushing and her laughing at how you react.
*Her and Keeley will tease you together. Definitely while you’re in between them on the couch while giving you playful pokes.
*They don’t tease you like that in public though unless you’re comfortable with it.
*She gives you cheer up tickles 💖
*You’ve poked her a couple of times and even managed a side squeeze, but that’s all you could do before she completely flips the tables.
*Her nails are a devious weapon of mass destruction and definitely wiggles her fingers at you if you’re distracted.
*Her and Keeley are both very cuddly with their friends and she’ll give you gentle tickles if you’re sleepy or need to relax after a hard day.
*Her and Ted have had conversations about you and how they can make sure you’re never uncomfortable. They don’t intend to talk about you behind your back, but they’re just looking out for you and find your little interest, well… interesting!
*If you have a blog, she’d ask to see if only if you’re comfortable with showing her. If not she completely understands. If yes, she will go on about the cute designs and amount of followers you have.
*She managed to find some posts about wanting certain types of tickles. She now has that info in the back of her mind for later.
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Jamie Tart~
*Man has had so much character development and I love him so much now. 💖
*My guy literally just goes, “Wait… you too?!”
*You two then bond over how you both love tickling. Of course that means lots of tickle fights.
*I can see him still being super shy about wanting to have tickle fights with you even though he knows you feel the same way. My poor touch starved boy.
“Do you wanna, ya know…” *pokes you in the side*
*Keeley totally spills his ticklish spots to you. He loves hates that-
*Keeley loves how phrases like “tickled pink” and stuff gets to the both of you.
*Jamie and you have teamed up to get her back before. Let’s just say she got you both back tenfold.
*Jamie and you made signals for ler and lee moods, but you both would get too nervous to use them. Eventually you both learned each others signs for both.
*You can read each other really well. Not just with tickle moods, with emotions in general.
*Both of you have lots of trust and understanding in each other. A big part of it stemmed from revealing your love of tickling.
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Coach Beard~
*Somehow already knew-
*He just knows. Don’t question it.
*He definitely sees the reason for you liking it. Even admitting him and his wife have tried certain things when it comes to tickling.
*He actually thinks it’s weirder for someone not to like it.
*Sneak attacks Ted with pokes all the time and invites you to play along. That doesn’t mean he won’t do the same to you though. Especially in front of the team.
*He is incredibly good at reading people. He always knows when you’re in a lee or ler mood.
*Even knows when you’re in a switch mood! He’s that good-
*Him and Ted have had conversations in front of you on how to get better reactions and which spots are the most ticklish.
*If you thought you couldn’t get anymore flustered my gosh-
*Somehow his pokes and tases are more ticklish than anyone else’s.
*Is more blunt with teases, but it always feels really sincere.
*Asks you for tickle fanfiction. I feel like he’d genuinely enjoy reading some of it.
*You’ve tried tickling him before. It didn’t last long.
*You can get maybe a poke in if he’s distracted, but he’s very good at not being snuck up on.
*He’s also so quick to turn it onto you.
*There was a time where Ted spilled to you a tickle spot of Beard’s and even helped you get revenge.
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Trent Crimm~
*A big sweetheart. And so so supportive.
*He’s also really curious.
*Asking questions as if he were about to another book about your love for it.
*Admits that he had a soft spot for it himself.
*Is actually really sensitive and it’s so adorable-
*He doesn’t retaliate all that much when you poke him or squeeze his side.
*He’s more of a lee than a ler.
*That doesn’t mean he won’t take the opportunity to scribble at your neck or squeeze your knee.
*He likes to give you head scratches and give you little sneaky ear and neck tickles.
*Comments on how easy you blush as if he doesn’t blush just as easily when you tease him.
*Always makes sure you’re okay with being full on tickled before he gets you.
*Surprisingly very skilled tickler.
*His fingers know just how to wiggle their way into your ribs.
*Speaking of which, he’s a sucker for counting your ribs out loud to you. And of course he “messes up” along the way and has to start over.
*Is more gentle with his tickles, which tickles a lot more in his opinion because of the anticipation of it all.
*Which also means he’s more susceptible to gentle and light tickles.
*They make him all scrunchy and tingly and it’s so cute. If you call him cute be ready for him to cover his face with one hand.
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jamiesgotchu · 21 days
get. Them. Wrecked.
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ouuuuh jason's gonna GET em:3
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spoks-illogical-art · 29 days
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Part 2 of my OC pixel icons masterpost!
Part 1
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giddybox · 8 months
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theyre hanging out :)
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rosiesramblings · 1 year
Tell the Fucking Truth
Fandom: Ted Lasso
WC: 700ish
A/N: Ok, anon requested 9 and G from this obscure media prompt list, and I KNOW that Ted Lasso isn't obscure in the slightest but nobody in this community writes for it so I am bending the rules. Enjoy!
TW for gratuitous use of the word 'fuck' and all its derivatives. Cause it's Roy fucking Kent. :)
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If you made a list called, “Things About Jamie Tartt That Annoy Roy Kent,”, typed it up in Times New Roman 10 pt. font, and ordered each item of the list on top of the other, the resulting stack of paper required to contain that list would be taller than Roy himself. Probably.
The point is, there was a metric fuckton of reasons Jamie annoyed him. But the loudest, giggliest reason was currently the issue Roy was focused on.
Since the team had found out Jamie was ticklish, and since anyone with eyes could see that the arsehole was starved for physical affection, there was barely a day that went by that Jamie’s laughter didn’t echo across the pitch or the locker room. That was not Roy’s issue. Frankly, Tartt was much more palatable when he couldn’t speak for laughing. No, his issue was with the blatant, infuriating way that Tartt would deny the obvious.
“Nahahahahat even tihihihicklish!” Jamie would shriek when someone would scribble across his ribs or jam their fingers into his underarms. Like clockwork. There wasn’t a single person on the team who had gotten him to admit the truth. And, for some entirely irrational reason, it pissed Roy off.
Today was the last straw.
Tartt was literally rolling on the grass, cackling as he tried to avoid Sam’s wiggling fingers. Even though it looked like he could barely breathe, Tartt still somehow found the strength to bellow those words that made Roy want to rip his hair out.
“OI! OBISANYA!” Roy yelled as he stalked toward the two.
“Yes, Coach?” Sam asked.
“If he can still deny he’s fucking ticklish, then you obviously aren’t FUCKING doing it right!” Roy shouted, swiftly pushing Sam off Jamie and taking his place. Roy watched as panic and excitement battled for dominance in Jamie’s eyes.
“Oi, I dunno what you’re on ahabout, Coach,” Jamie declared cheekily. “Cause I’m really not even - FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK!” Jamie threw his head back and screamed as Roy placed his hands on Jamie’s hips and squeezed.
“What was that? You got something to say?” Roy asked, teeth bared in a terrifying smile-adjacent expression.
“I’m NAHAHAHAHAT – NAHAHAHAHAT – SHIHIHIHIHIHIT!” Jamie’s smile was splitting his face so wide, and his eyes were squeezed shut. Roy scoffed. This was too fucking easy.
“You gonna admit it yet, or do I have to actually start fucking tickling you?” Roy asked.
Even as Jamie’s eyes bugged open at the threat, and even as one of Roy’s hands rose threateningly towards Jamie’s ribs, Jamie still didn’t back down. Instead, he stuck out his fucking tongue, and, well. Roy wasn’t going to stand for any disrespect.
Roy raked his blunt nails down the left side of Jamie’s rib cage as his other hand clawed at Jamie’s hip bones with renewed vigor. With both of his worst spots under attack, Jamie let out a hysterical scream-laugh that had Sam giggling from where he was still seated next to Jamie’s side.
“Admit it, and this stops,” Roy called gruffly over Jamie’s laughter.
“COHAHAHAHAHA – COAHAHA – ROHOHOHOHOHOY!” Was all Jamie could get out, but Roy knew that meant he was ready to talk. Jamie never called him by his first name.
Roy stilled his hands, but didn’t move them from Jamie’s body. “Well?”
“IHIHIHIihihihihi’m – ihihihihihi’m a lihihittle fuhuhuhuckin’ tihihihihihicklish, alrihihihght?” Jamie gasped out.
“Fucking finally,” Roy growled, heaving himself up off of the striker. Before he could think better of it, he reached out and ruffled a hand through Jamie’s hair. There. Tartt would be fine.
Sam ran a hand up and down Jamie’s arm soothingly as Roy heaved himself to his feet, satisfied. He looked around and saw that the rest of the team had apparently seen the whole thing. Which just wouldn’t do.
“What are you lot FUCKING looking at?” Roy roared, channeling some rage by picturing his sister’s ex. They all jumped and hurriedly went back to whatever bullshit drills they had been doing before the spectacle.
As Roy stalked away, he heard Sam ask, “Did you get what you wanted, my friend?”
All he got in response was a giggly hum of affirmation.
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trashyswitch · 7 months
Brody's Memes vs Schneep's Antics
Chase likes to test the waters when it comes to teasing Henrik. But everyone, even Jamie, knows not to mess with a clever surgeon like Schneeplestein...
This fanfic was suggested by Shannon! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy! Anyone else awaiting the Egos comic that'll be coming out soon?
“Hey Henrik.” Someone called. 
Henrik turned around. “Hm?” 
“Henrik.” The person said again. “Vhat?” Henrik replied, turning to look at the person. 
“Hi.” The person said with a smirk. 
Henrik sighed. “Hi Chase.” He replied before turning back around. 
Chase smiled and pulled out his phone. While Henrik was texting on his phone, Chase had started sending things to him. 
Henrik noticed the notification and clicked it. 
Henrik looked at Chase over his shoulder. “Really?” Henrik asked. 
Chase giggled and went back to his phone. 
Henrik tried to go back to texting. But he started getting different notifications. The first one was an airdrop of a distorted picture of a horse with the word ‘HONSE’ on it. 
Henrik raised an eyebrow and looked at Chase. “Vhat is zhis?” He asked. 
Chase smirked. “...Honse.” He muttered with a laugh. 
Henrik clicked the ‘deny’ button on the photo, and went back to texting. But he had only written 3 more words when another airdrop notification showed up on his screen. This time, it was a picture of a person hitting its head in the corner of the room. 
[Y’all ever find a corner and just ñҰҰҰêêêêêê]
Henrik looked at Chase. “.....Okay, maybe I’ll keep that one.” he said before clicking ‘Accept’. He went back to texting. He got a few words written down before clicking send. And right as he was about to go back and text someone from earlier, another notification showed up. 
It was a picture of a strawberry with a gun. 
[This is a strobbery] 
It was at this point…that Henrik had decided that was enough. He moved to his own camera roll, and started choosing photos of his own. With the photos chosen, Henrik started airdropping photos to Chase’s phone. 
“Hm- EW! What the hell?!” Chase clicked the ‘Deny’ button. “No!” 
Henrik smirked slightly and airdropped another photo. 
“What is- GAH!” Chase covered his eyes for a moment while he clicked ‘Deny’. “I did NOT need to see that.” Chase muttered out loud. 
Henrik smirked and airdropped a couple more photos. 
Back-to-back, more vulgar photos from medical case’s he had read about, had shown up on Chase’s phone. Chase had to keep covering up his eyes and clicking ‘deny’ on every single picture that showed up. “Henrik, STOP!” Chase yelled. 
“Annoying, isn’t it?” Henrik asked with a smirk. “Yes! I get it! I’ll stop.” Chase replied. 
“Good.” Henrik replied, touching the airdrop button to stop it from sending. 
Chase sighed and rubbed his forehead. “There is a huge difference between ‘Honse’, and ‘arm that’s been crushed, degloved and burned’.” Chase told him. 
Henrik chuckled. “Do not even get me started on zhe penis pictures I have saved on here.” Henrik warned with a smirk. 
Chase gagged and covered his mouth. “EW! HENRIK! SHUT UP!” Chase yelled. 
Henrik bursted out laughing as he went back to texting. 
Later, Henrik was watching TV, and occasionally checking his phone. Anytime he got a text, he would look at his phone to determine if it’s worth texting back or not. 
Eventually, one of the text messages was from Chase. Henrik chuckled and picked it up, clicking the message and looking at it. It looked like a photo of himself, but…with text on it. 
[When you’re on your 5th cup of coffee…and you’re still tired…] 
Henrik blinked and stared at the photo. Not…the most flattering picture of him, to say the least…Where Chase got this picture, Henrik couldn’t be sure. Henrik put the phone down and continued to watch The View. 
A few minutes later, another picture was sent to Henrik. He rolled his eyes and picked up his phone, opening it before reading the text: 
[When they question my knowledge on anatomy:] 
Henrik chuckled a slight bit and saved that one to his phone. Then, he put down his phone and kept watching TV. 
Not even a second later, Henrik received not one…not two…but 7 memes at the same time. This made his phone notification sound go off 7 times over, cutting off every alert so a new alert can make itself known. Henrik grumbled and got up from his seat, taking his phone with him and turning the TV off right as it was changing to commercials. 
Henrik walked to Chase’s room and kicked the door open. He heard the words “HOLY FUCKIN’-” coming from the other side of the room. Henrik turned to look at Chase, his eyes burning with rage. 
“Are you done?” Henrik asked. 
Chase blinked once, staring at Henrik…
Chase blinked a second time…before slowly smiling and clicking the [send] button without even looking. 
Henrik widened his eyes for a moment as the alert went off on his own phone, before closing his eyes and breathing in deeply. He was attempting to calm himself down so he doesn’t completely obliterate Chase…
Or rather…not right away. 
“HenrikHENRIKWAIT!” Chase ordered as Henrik sprinted up to him. 
Henrik slowed to a stop and looked at him with death in his eyes. “What.” He said. 
Chase bit his lip. “A-At least…” he pointed to the phone. “L-Look at th-the…memes?” he asked. 
Henrik sighed and pulled up the message, looking at the messages to read the memes. 
[Henrik looking for the next donut shop]
[Henrik after his 13 hour shift] 
[Henrik looking for the time he gave a fuck] 
[Henrik trying to listen to your bullshit] 
Henrik closed his phone, dropped it on the ground before tackling Chase to his bed. “Vhere did you get zhose pictures?” Henrik asked. 
Chase widened his eyes and immediately looked a little guilty. “I…took screenshots from your video cameos on the channel.” Chase admitted. 
Henrik blinked…and then poked Chase’s belly. “Very vell.” Henrik said. Then, Henrik clawed and skittered his fingers strategically on Chase’s belly. “But zhis isn’t zhe first time you annoyed me today.” Henrik reminded him. “And for ZHAT…you get tickles.” Henrik declared. 
Chase’s reaction was immediate. The man was seriously going for his worst spot right away: The right side of his belly. It was a really bad spot that Henrik knew too well and unfortunately, appeared to be taking advantage of it. “NAHAHAHA! HEHEHENRIK! NOHOHOT THAHAHAT!” Chase yelled. 
“Not vhat?” Henrik asked with a smirk. 
Chase attempted to roll himself onto his stomach, but only made it to his right side. “NOTICKLES! NOHOHO TIHIHICKLEHESSSS!” Chase yelled back, kicking his feet. 
“Oh, you zhink ordering me around vill help your situazion?” Henrik asked as he rolled Chase onto his back again. Henrik then switched to squeezing and gently digging his fingers into the right side of his belly. 
Chase gasped and threw his head back with a high-pitched squeal, before hugging himself and wiggling around as his fits of cackles filled the room. “YOHOHOHOU- HAHAHAHA! CAHAN’T TAHAHAKE- A GODDAMN JOHOHOKE- KKHAHAhehehehe!” Chase laughed rather gleefully considering the implied forcefulness of his laughter. 
“Let me guess…I suck?” Henrik asked with a smirk. 
Henrik raised an eyebrow and dug his fingers in a bit deeper. 
Chase arched his back and screeched, before falling into hysterical cackles. By this point, he was beginning to worry about how long Henrik may tickle him for. So he began attempting to kick Henrik away. 
And one of the kicks actually landed! Henrik yelped as he felt Chase’s foot push him away. But it only took a second for Henrik to grab his ankle and resume his attack. “Zhank you for volunteering your foot to me.” Henrik declared as he tickled up and down the arch and balls of his foot. 
Chase squeaked and squealed, letting out more squeaky laughter not long after. “EEK! NAHAHA! FAHACK- EEEEEHEEEK! PLEHEHEHEEEEEEASE! GAHAHAHA!” Chase laughed. 
But everything halted the moment they heard a creaking door from behind him. Henrik turned around and locked eyes on the person that was standing there. It was Jamie…And he was just staring at them with a shocked facial expression. It was like he walked in on a train wreck and he just couldn’t look away. 
“Vhat? You interested?” Henrik asked. 
But Chase saw it as a chance to escape. He immediately pulled his foot out of Henrik’s grip and scooted himself away. “Jamie HELP!” Chase ran himself behind Jamie and pushed Jamie into Henrik’s path. Jamie put up his hands in an attempt to stop himself, but inevitably smashed right into Henrik, knocking the two of them onto the floor. 
Jamie looked at Henrik with visible nervousness, almost like he knew Henrik was gonna tickle him. When Henrik started to get up, Jamie started scooting away. But Henrik started shoving his fingers into his sides and ribs to tickle him. 
Jamie could feel a wobbly smile growing onto his face. Henrik kept getting him in a few spots, which would normally cause yelps and squeaks. But Jamie was completely silent. Normally, this would be a problem. But with Jamie’s wiggling and visible jumps, Henrik was getting the tickly hints quite clearly. “Do not make me go for your vorst spots.” Henrik warned. 
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut as his grin became toothy. Meanwhile he is desperately trying to tickle Henrik back and escape. But Henrik stopped his attack for a moment and grabbed both his wrists. Jamie widened his eyes and pulled on his wrists, before staring at Henrik with surprise. 
“Vone…” Henrik started counting, bringing his free hand down. 
Jamie threw his head back for a moment, almost like he was squeaking, before shaking his head desperately. 
“Two…” Henrik counted, bringing his right hand down a little bit more. 
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut as his smile widened. It’s a little bit hard to tell if Jamie is giggling in anticipation or not. Either way, Henrik knew he was doing his job as the tickle monster rather well. 
“Three!” Henrik dropped his hand down and dug into his left hip. Jamie threw his head back and audibly wheezed before he shook with newfound laughter. His laughter only came out in mini wheezes, but that didn’t seem to bother Henrik at all. Henrik looked just as happy as ever, to make the dapper boy laugh like this. “Such a ticklish viddle dapper boy.” Henrik teased. 
Jamie shook his head, kicking his feet and pulling on his wrists. Technically with his hands up in front of him, Jamie was still able to sign. So he took advantage of that and started signing words like ‘Help!’, ‘Stop!’ and ‘No!’. 
Though these words would usually worry others, Henrik wasn’t really bothered. The man actually found it cute that Jamie was so talkative despite his hands being out of the way. “I’m sorry, Yamie. But no vone is here to help you.” Henrik told him. 
Jamie wheezed and ended up snorting in response! 
“Oh! Vhat vas zhat?!” Henrik reacted, taken aback. “Vas zhat a snort? Zhat’s so sveet!” Henrik teased. 
Jamie’s eyes had widened in shock at the sound before, but now the teasing was making him develop a soft blush on his face! 
Henrik noticed this right away, and couldn’t help the giggle that left his mouth. “Vell look at zhat…” he stopped tickling and lowered his left hand down. “Is it time for me to stop?” Henrik asked. 
Jamie looked down, still bashful. Henrik quickly took that as a big fat yes. He put Jamie’s hands down, and backed up from him. When Jamie had recovered, Jamie asked Henrik what was going on between him and Chase. 
Henrik chuckled. “Zhe arschloch kept annoying me.” Henrik told him. 
Jamie smirked. ‘Want to tickle Chase together?’ Jamie asked. 
Henrik raised his eyebrows. “Like…a partnership?” Henrik asked. 
Jamie nodded his head and clapped his hands together like a little child. 
Henrik chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “Sure, vhy not.” 
…And that’s how Chase was utterly obliterated by the evil doctor and his trusty dapper partner. Chase would later put on a GoPro and get revenge on Henrik. After that, he would eventually screenshot the funniest moments and make it into a meme compilation. 
[When someone tickles your neck] 
[When your crush starts talking to you] 
[Henrik trying (and failing) to escape the tickle monster] 
[If you tickle me, I am not responsible for your injuries] 
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ight ya lil bitches on this site heres what my friends and i made
we did charity for ya tumblr so here ya go, try to laugh at this and please leave kudos on the AO3 fanfic if u do laugh
and heres the one harvey did to put stuff on here on Wattpad to read as well, theres more chapters on the wattpad one anyway but more cohesive plot on the AO3 one https://www.wattpad.com/story/325988314-tublr-sexymen-lore-or-how-william-afton-fucked-the
please read and have some sort of enjoyment, even if its just some laughs
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shield-o-futuro · 11 months
Connor 🤗 Love
🤗 - Um dos personagens abraça o outro.
Conto 58  — Love & Connor Foster
Pela janela de seu quarto, Love conseguia ouvir as risadas das crianças do bairro, brincando na rua. Dando uma rápida olhada para fora, ela pode ver o grupo formado por pelo menos sete crianças, todas com arminhas de brinquedo, atirando água umas nas outras, enquanto corriam. Isso a fez sorrir. Era uma tarde quente de verão na cidade de Nova York, então era compreensível que as crianças tivessem escolhido uma brincadeira com água para se refrescar.
E era também por este motivo que a filha mais nova de Thor estava dentro de seu quarto, preparando uma pequena mala para partir ao anoitecer, na esperança de colocar o máximo de distância entre si e o calor exagerado da cidade. Ela sempre odiou climas quentes, afinal.
Voltando sua atenção para a mala aberta em cima da cama, Love pegou somente mais dois casacos e uma blusa nova que ela havia comprado não muito tempo atrás e jogou dentro da mala, dando-se por satisfeita. Ela sempre deixava uma mala arrumada e pronta para uso dentro de seu armário, para o caso de um dia acordar e ter vontade de simplesmente sair por aí em uma aventura ou coisa parecida. Era um hábito antigo e difícil de largar, porque apesar de ela ter começado a se acostumar a ficar em um só lugar por um grande período de tempo, ela ainda tinha um espírito livre, e de vez em quando, ela ainda precisava apenas… sair. Se afastar de tudo. Viajar. Se manter em movimento.
Dando-se por satisfeita com a questão das roupas, ela se virou e foi até a estante perto de sua mesa, e passou os olhos pelos livros que tinha ali.  Estava tentando decidir qual levaria consigo na viagem, quando ouviu os passos nada sutis de seu irmão se aproximando de seu quarto. 
A porta estava aberta, então pelo canto do olho, ela pode ver quando Connor apareceu, se encostou no batente e cruzou os braços.
— Alguém já te disse que é muita sorte sua você não ser um agente secreto? — Love comentou, sem se virar para o irmão mais velho, seus olhos ainda focados nos livros à sua frente. — Você parece um rinoceronte andando por aí.
— Como você é engraçada, Jamie. — Ele ficou em silêncio por um momento, e isso fez com que ela finalmente o encarasse, perguntando silenciosamente com o olhar o que ele queria. Apesar de que ela já sabia a resposta. — A mamãe disse que você vai pra Nova Asgard.
— Aham. Vou sair mais tarde.
— Vai sozinha?
Ela negou com a cabeça, enquanto desviava o olhar para a estante novamente, puxando o mais recente livro que sua mãe havia escrito. Ela ainda não tinha tido a chance de ler, mas teria agora.
— A G’iah vai comigo. — Pelo canto do olho, Love pode ver a careta que Connor fez ao ouvir o nome. — Algum problema?
Ele deu de ombros antes de responder.
— Não. Quer dizer, sei lá. Não gosto dessa G’iah. Ela é esquisita.
— Você é esquisito.
Connor revirou os olhos, Love sorriu. 
— Estou falando sério.
— Bom, eu também, Con.
Ao ouvir isso, Connor entrou de uma vez no quarto e se sentou na cama da irmã.
— Tá legal. Se você gosta tanto assim dela, então ela não pode ser tão ruim. Mas… não sou o maior fã. — Ele disse, e antes que Love pudesse retrucar, ele acrescentou. — Vai ficar quantos dias fora?
— Uhm, não sei bem. Uma, duas semanas no máximo. — Ao dizer isso, Love lançou um olhar curioso para o irmão. — Está com medo que eu não volte?
— Não é isso. — Mas tudo em sua expressão e linguagem corporal diziam a mais nova que era exatamente isso. — É só que, você vive sumindo de tempos em tempos.
— Ei. — Ela colocou a mala no chão e se sentou ao lado de Connor. — E vou voltar logo. Prometo que não vou fugir de novo.
— Acho bom mesmo, porque nós realmente precisamos passar mais tempo juntos, Jamie. Sinto falta da minha irmã.
Love não pode conter um sorriso ao ouvir isso, e empurrou o ombro de Connor com o seu.
— E eu sinto a sua, mas vamos ter muito tempo pra gastar juntos, então não se preocupe, pode ser? Vai ser uma viagem rápida. Eu preciso sair daqui. Sabe o quanto eu odeio...
—O calor. Eu sei.
— Pois é. E o verão aqui, é um inferno. E eu até te chamaria pra ir juntos, se não soubesse que você está ocupado...
— Aham, eu entendo.
— E você não gosta da G’iah, então seria um problema.
— Tem isso também. — Connor se levantou mais uma vez, e Love o imitou. — Mas tudo bem. Só tenha cuidado, beleza?
— É Nova Asgard, tenho que ter cuidado com o que?! — Ela riu, mas Connor continuou sério.
— Ataques de monstros e toda essa coisa. Sabe que pode acontecer.
Love revirou os olhos para isso.
— Nunca acontece quando a Lorrie está lá. Mas pode deixar. Eu vou tomar cuidado.
— Ótimo.
E com isso, Connor a puxou para um abraço apertado. Love não era a maior fã de abraços, ela na verdade não estava muito acostumada com isso ainda, mas aceitava abraços de algumas poucas pessoas. Connor, claro, era uma delas.
Ela o abraçou de volta e logo deu alguns tapinhas em suas costas para que ela soltasse.
— Tá bom, já chega. Me larga.
— Certo, claro. — Ele a soltou, e sorriu. — Não esquece de me ligar, tá?
— Vou mandar mensagem. Sabe que eu detesto ligar.
— Eu te ligo então. — Ele disse, fazendo seu caminho para sair do quarto. — Vou te deixar em paz agora pra você terminar de arrumar suas coisas. —Connor olhou para trás uma ultima vez. — Nos vemos em duas semanas.
Love acenou com a cabeça, e esperou até que ele saísse do quarto, para sussurrar para si mesma.
— Nos vemos em duas semanas.
E ESTAMOS DE VOLTA ! Não sei se o conto ficou legal, é a primeira coisa que eu escrevo em muito tempo ( segunda, na verdade. Eu fiz 85% de um conto de aniversário pro sam ontem mas não consegui terminar então não postei >.< ), mas to feliz de escrever uns continhos de novo :) Depois eu edito pra colocar um bannerzinho, por enquanto vai simples vemos. Espero que vocês tenham gostado e, amanhã acho que já tem outro ! Vou deixar AQUI o progresso dos contos que chegaram. Fiquem a vontade pra mandar mais porque acho que agora tá indo!
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itacoisa · 11 months
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7 de julho de 2023. Domingo.
Depois de semanas FINALMENTE terminei de ler um livro, uhuuul.
Pois então, de forma bem resumida, Acerto de Contas é um livro de vingança. Jamie é um dos sócios de uma grande empresa em Londres, acontece que ele é bem escroto. Assim, após três colegas de trabalho compartilharem situações constrangedoras que ele causou, uma delas decide dar início ao seu plano de vingança.
A ideia do livro é bem interessante, possui bons momentos e dá para ler bem rapidinho, mas tem um problema: o final é muito corrido.
Diz a contracapa da edição que as protagonistas começam a duvidar de si mesmas, mas não é bem verdade, o final foi tão corrido que nem deu tempo para elas (e nem a gente) duvidar de alguém.
Em outra postagem eu até reclamei disso, mas se todas as protagonistas tivessem engajado no plano, o livro seria bem melhor e quem sabe um pov do Jamie também ajudaria nisso.
Enfim. Dei 3 estrelas, o que é BOM.
Acho que faltou gente doida fazendo doidice, sabe? Achei pouco (mas quando isso foi proporcionado, foi muito bom, sério. Achei que o capítulo 29/30 foi incrível)
Só para encerrar, eu acertei o final, rsrs.
/// #embuscadosuspensedoano2023
Apesar de ser vendido como um thriller psicológico, o final corrido não me proporcionou muitas sensações, sabe? E eu acho que para um livro ser o >suspense do ano< a gente precisa sentir BASTANTE. Por enquanto, o ranking é esse:
Um pressentimento funesto
M ou N
Acerto de contas
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munch4march · 1 year
Do you care to comment on your ex’s current relationship with J*mien B*nn? Do you find it interesting that you and your ex are both alt captains who are married to their captains? Both of your partners have beards, would you say that you and T*ler share a type? Was their more to your relationship than just you and t*ler when he was in Boston?
you are.. not maddie. who are you. i'll find you
BUT i do want to acknolwedge this even though 🗣📣📢 I AM NOT BRAD MARCHAND 📢 📣 🗣
however saying that marchy and segs share a type is comparing the angel, the saint, the beautiful lovely human being patrice bergeron cleary to . jamie benn
and i hope you're not a benn stan anon, and if you are i am sorry- but that's a scary idea
it is an interesting comparison of dynamics though, good observation
that last question sent me into orbit actually. not sure i have a comment for that one
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like i'm sorry but my boy tyler leveled down SO far from bradley fr
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franklyshipping · 2 years
How To Punish Mischief Makers ~ A Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch @jameson-lee-jackson @jam-lee-jackson and @darkipli-ler
Jamie’s eyes were wide with excitement as Anti showed him the blueprint. Because of course Anti would be the kind of person to have a whole-ass blueprint for a prank. That’s right, we have mischief afoot. The ego manor was at the tail end of a week-long spree of pranks and tricks, all thanks to the duo we see before us. Anti had taken Jamie under his wing, and was tutoring him in all the ways of pranking, mischief and cheekiness… and Jamie was loving it. The sweet moustached man preferred a simpler prank compared to Anti’s complex contraptions, but he was very good at pulling them off. Buckets of water and confetti, tickly jump scares, placing masked dummies in people’s bathrooms, and replacing shampoo with a condiment were his specialties. Anti could not have been more proud.
However, their mischief was starting to get ever so slightly out of hand. The two of them in their excitement had gotten quite carried away, so much so that you could barely take a step in the manor without something befalling you! It was all in fun of course, because Anti and Jamie stuck to a special rule: amuse, don’t abuse. But, when a certain ego walked into his office and found himself soaked from an awaiting bucket atop his door, he decided enough was enough. Darkiplier was going to dole out some justice… well, his version of justice anyhow. Anti and Jamie were walking down a corridor, giggling happily without a care in the world… until their worlds went black.
Anti yelled and Jamie gasped fearfully, but the darkness then dissipated just as quickly as it had come. When they regained their vision however, Anti and Jamie were in a much different position. They were each bound to a chair with their arms restrained above their heads, and their ankles locked in stocks in front of them. Anti immediately tugged at his wrists as he looked at Jamie, his eyes wide.
‘Buddy! Buddy are you okay?’
‘I think so, are you?’
Jamie managed to sign – unlike Anti who was restrained by his wrists, Jamie’s arms were bound by his elbows so he could still sign without any hindrance. That at least was a good sign for them both.
‘Yeah yeah I’m good, but where the fuckin’ hell are we?!’
‘Well now Anti I’m shocked. I thought you would surely recognise the scene of your crime.’
Anti and Jamie jumped, and gulped when they saw Dark stood in front of them, smiling amusedly as his eyes flicked between them. Now they both recognised Dark’s office. Jamie instantly got goosebumps, averting his gaze as Anti narrowed his eyes at Dark.
‘Is that meant to mean somethin’ to me?’
Dark chuckled, ambling over to Anti so he could look down at him. He held the glitch’s chin gently, his eyes twinkling as he purred.
‘You know you’re rather cute when you try and play dumb. Completely unconvincing of course, but still cute.’
‘Shut up! Let us go you ass!’
Anti shook his jaw free from Dark’s hold, a little blush teasing his cheeks as he glared up at Dark. The sharp suited ego snickered with amusement.
‘My dear Anti, you and your sweet little apprentice are going nowhere until you have paid for your actions.’
Dark sent Jamie a smirk then, making the mute man go bright red, squirming in his restraints as he wondered what on earth was in store! Anti meanwhile scoffed, sneering at Dark like the absolute brat that he was.
‘Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, we’ve done nothing wrong.’
‘Oh is that so?’
Dark raised an eyebrow at him, before looking expectantly at Jamie who got goosebumps under the man’s gaze.
‘What about you, hm? Anything you wish to confess?’
Jamie nibbled his lip, feeling so torn. On the one hand he wanted to confess all that he’d done… but on the other hand, he loved doing all those pranks with Anti, and keeping them secret was the most fun part! Yes, Dark was incredibly intimidating, but Jamie knew he wouldn’t harm them… so how bad could the consequences really be?
‘I have nothing to tell you. Like Anti said, we’ve done nothing wrong.’
He signed, looking at Dark with the biggest pair of puppy eyes in history. Dark was almost taken in by him… but not quite. He smiled and took a seat in his own chair, crossing his legs with a sigh.
‘Very well. It’s your funeral.’
Jamie gulped, and then he and Anti both tensed when Dark’s eyes suddenly turned black… before tendrils of shadows started bleeding from his body, and slithering through the air towards them. They moved slowly, like animals carefully picking up scents and sounds. Jamie’s heart started pounding as he eyed them nervously, whilst Anti tried to remain impassive and not let on how nervous he was. Then they flinched when tendrils started sliding down their arms, and they both started to smile. Dark smirked.
‘Something funny gentlemen?’
Dark’s tendrils started softly tickling their armpits, sneaking under their sleeves so they could get to their sensitive bare skin. Anti snorted and tugged at his arms, spluttering with embarrassment as his giggles bounced out of him. Jamie’s whole body jumped as he burst into melodious giggles, shaking his head and squirming as Anti tried to glare at Dark.
‘Nahaha yohohou ahahass g-gehet ohohoff!’
‘Why? Is there a problem?’
‘Dahahark yohohou pihiece of shihit!’
Anti growled, making Dark smirk with amusement. He loved tickling everyone in the manor, but getting Anti never ceased to give him such wonderful satisfaction.
‘Well now that’s not very polite.’
Dark clicked his tongue as he tutted, and the tendrils stroked and flicked faster in Anti’s hollows, making his giggles turn hysterical. Jamie gaped at Dark’s cruelty, and struggled loudly in his restraints to get the man’s attention. Then when Dark looked at him, he signed with pursed lips.
‘You leave him alone!’
Dark chuckled warmly, finding Jamie ever so endearing.
‘Aww I’m sorry Jamie, are you feeling left out?’
Jamie’s eyes widened, and he realised too late that cheekiness perhaps wasn’t the best course of action. Now the tendrils in his armpits were tickling faster, making him squeal and thrash, his struggles increasing so much that he made his entire chair shake! Dark laughed warmly as he remarked.
‘My my, what a valiant little apprentice you are. It’s adorable, it really is.’
Jamie flushed bright red, jolting and bouncing in the chair as he let out lots of sporadic squeaks and yips. Anti was similarly wild with his mirth, his giggles interspersed with yelps as he tossed his head about. Dark chuckled as he watched them, thinking that he really should a) have done this sooner, and b) do this far more frequently in the future. He doubted Anti and Jamie would agree though, especially judging by Anti’s fresh outburst.
Dark smirked, and got up from his seat as he purred.
‘I disagree. Your lack of manners makes me think I’m not punishing you nearly severely enough.’
Anti shivered and gulped as Jamie let out a nervous whine, and the underarm tickling stopped. With Anti, the tendrils around him oh so slowly slid down his torso and legs, making him giggle and twitch as they moved closer to their fresh target. His stocked bare feet. Meanwhile Dark ambled to stand in front of Jamie’s feet, his crimson irises glinting as he grinned at the sweet, nervous man.
‘Tell me Jamie… you wouldn’t happen to have ticklish feet, would you?’
Jamie’s eyes went wide as he shook his head, his hands a flurry as he signed.
‘No? Are you sure?’
Dark teased as he rolled up his sleeves, which made Jamie sign even more frantically… even though deep down, he knew what was going to happen.
‘Yes I’m sure, I’m really sure I’m super sure!’
Dark smirked affectionately, and decided to keep eye contact with Jamie as he reached out and trailed his blunt nails up and down the cute man’s soles. Jamie couldn’t help it, he immediately burst into giggles, his face scrunching up as Dark chuckled.
‘I think someone’s a little liar.’
‘Yohou get off him rihight now!’
Anti exclaimed, which made Dark smile at him… and his eyes flicked to black as he purred.
‘Jamie is just fine here with me. I think you ought to be more concerned with yourself, my dear Anti.’
Dark winked, and then Anti absolutely howled with laughter as Dark’s tendrils mercilessly raked up and down his insanely ticklish feet – basically, Anti was screwed.
As Dark’s eyes returned to crimson, he noticed Jamie gulp at Anti’s hysteria and thrashing, so he smiled reassuringly.
‘Don’t worry, I’m not going to do that to you. Plus, Anti secretly loves it.’
Dark snickered as Anti babbled out a bunch of incoherent, flustered noises through his laughter. Then he softly scratched up and down Jamie’s soles, making him shiver and giggle frantically as his feet wriggled and scrunched.
‘Please Dark not my feet, please don’t tickle there please!’
He signed, looking at Dark pleadingly as his beaming smile spread across his face. Dark chuckled, scraping his blunt nails agonisingly against Jamie’s arches as he teased.
‘Ohh but I’ve just found the most perfect rhythm, it would be such a shame to break it.’
Jamie threw his head back amidst his giggle fits and whimpers as Dark continued his evil tickling. He didn’t know what to do! Jamie’s mind felt all fuzzy and muddled as the tickly feelings spread through his body; the sensations at his feet were just so maddening, and he even had tears beading at the corners of his bright brown eyes.
‘It tickles so bad!’
‘So I can see. I must say Jamie, you’re awfully cute and pretty like this. I think I might keep you.’
Jamie’s flush reached his neck now, and he honestly couldn’t remember the last time he felt this flustered! Then he gasped and snorted when Anti yelled very loudly.
Jamie smiled bashfully as Dark burst out laughing at Anti’s outburst, frankly amazed that Anti still had the strength to be coherent! His tendrils hadn’t let up for even a moment at Anti’s feet, and the glitch had tears streaming down his hot cheeks. Dark might have felt bad, if he didn’t know just how much Anti adored the more intense side of things. He smiled at Anti teasingly and raised an eyebrow.
‘Always so possessive.’
Anti was about to try and muster up a glare, but when he suddenly felt the tendrils stroke and flick under his toes he was gone. Anti became a mess of squawks and scream-laughter, whilst Dark returned his attention to Jamie.
‘Though I admit, I can be rather possessive myself. Especially with ticklish little dears like you.’
He remarked playfully, before deciding to scratch at the pads of Jamie’s toes experimentally… and oh boy did he get results. Jamie gaped and let out a colossal guffaw, before his back sharply arched and he descended into silent laughter, his hands communicating desperately as his worst tickle spot was exploited.
‘Not there not there not there!!!’
‘Not your little toes? Aww, are they a bad tickle spot?’
‘Yes yes yes!!!’
Jamie nodded over and over again, thrashing and letting out soft wheezes. Dark sneered, because he knew he’d won.
‘Are you sorry for being a naughty little prankster?’
Needless to say, Jamie didn’t hesitate with his good manners now.
‘Yes yes I’m sorry I’m so sorry!!!’
Dark smirked smugly, before glancing over at Anti and calling out musingly.
‘And are you sorry, or do I need to keep you a little longer?’
Anti so badly wanted to continue being a stubborn, sassy little shit – as was his nature – but alas, even he had limits.
Dark hummed with happy satisfaction, taking a few moments to look between the two hysterical men with fondness, before he had complete mercy. Not only did all his tendrils recede back into his body, but he also snapped his fingers to released Anti and Jamie from their restraints completely. They both gasped, Anti panting audibly as Dark smiled.
‘There now, was that so difficult?’
Through his residual giggles Anti sent Dark a gentle glare, which made him chuckle; he expected no less. Then Dark turned to Jamie, who had curled himself up in his chair very adorably. Dark came and stood by him as Anti got up and started stretching, and Dark made his voice low and soothing as he spoke.
‘Are you alright?’
Jamie’s face was half-hidden by his hands at first, but then he looked up at Dark and smiled. His face was a lovely pink, his eyes gleamed with the remnants of joyful tears, and his smile was the biggest in all the world.
‘Yeah, I’m good.’
Jamie nodded up at Dark as he signed, and Dark smiled gladly before he leaned in with a playful grin.
‘Good. I’d hate to break someone so sweet.’
Jamie giggled bashfully, but then he and Dark had to hold back full laughter when Anti came over with the most affronted look you could possibly imagine.
‘Oh but you’re happy enough tryna break me?! I see how it is.’
Anti and Dark playfully glared at each other as Jamie clutched his stomach, giggling happily at the silliness. Then though, Dark’s expression shifted into a more curious one as he looked between them.
‘By the way I wanted to ask… which one of you made the decision to put that bucket of water atop my door?’
Anti and Jamie gulped a little, but they both knew that at this point there was no point in even trying to lie… so Jamie gently raised his hand. Dark raised an eyebrow at him, admittedly surprised, but then he smiled amusedly.
‘You? Well Jamie… I must say I’m impressed. Not many people succeed in fooling me with their mischief.’
Jamie gasped happily at the praise, and Anti grinned hugely as pride swelled warmly in his chest. Then Dark stepped back from them both, leaning his hip against his desk as he purred.
‘Now, I suggest you both run along… before my mercy runs its course.’
Anti and Jamie shared a look, and immediately headed for the door. Dark snorted softly under his breath at the pair of them, and sighed when Anti mock-saluted at him.
‘Catch ya later emo!’
Dark narrowed his eyes at the glitch warmly, and then chuckled when Jamie sent him a little wave before he followed Anti out the door. Dark sighed. He knew without a doubt that the pair would restart their mischief as soon as they possibly could, and that indeed he would probably end up being the victim of even more pranks in the coming days and weeks. But to that, he smiled. Their mischief was making the entire household smile after all, plus if they did get especially cheeky… his shadows were always there, ready to make them smile too.
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goldenbear228 · 9 months
Hi I’ve been awake for 3 and a half hours, so, uh
*makes ler!lyney + lee!freminet art bc wholesome siblings*
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He in some jamys
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jamiesgotchu · 2 months
Heya Jamie! Who are some characters that put you in a Lee/Ler mood?
WAH I TOTALLY MISSED THIS, IM SORRY! This ask has been rotting in my inbox for a while, but I'll answer it now!
I DID mention this in a previous post, but I am SO lee for live action Monkey D. Luffy..
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LOOK AT HIM!! I feel like he'd be SUPER playful and teasy
he'd say things like "oh yeah? Yeah??" When he's going after somebody, or chase you + tackle you to the ground and tickle you silly
He would NOT care who saw, if he thought you needed to smile that day, he'd make SURE of it.
This guy would CHASE. YOU. DOWN. You can hide, but not for long. He'd find you, most likely by jumpscaring you with a little "BOO!" And then before you can process what's happening, you're already being destroyed with tickles.
He'd also ABSOLUTELY laugh with you/make that little "TKTKTKTK" sound, or super quick and teasy "tickletickletickletickle!!"
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atluimuses · 1 year
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╰     ⧼     jamie foxx, homem, ele-dele      |     MEU ÉBANO por alcione     ⧽
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✶     —     𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄    …    poderíamos ler o conto chamado A PRINCESA E O SAPO com o BASILE FACILIER, aliado com NINGUÉM. Em Fantasia, com seus CINQUENTA anos, ele veio de AGRABBAH, onde atua como VIDENTE, tornando-se bastante explícito que serve a CASA CASSIM. Os pássaros me disseram que ele está na Seleção com intuito de AJUDAR OS CASSIM COM O QUE PRECISAREM E CONSEGUIR CASAR SEUS FILHOS. Típico, considerando sua reputação de ser TRAIÇOEIRO, IMPIEDOSO e GANANCIOSO, embora eu deva admitir que possa ser HONESTO, CHARMOSO e DIPLOMÁTICO. Será que os filhos dele vão seguir o mesmo caminho?
⧼    saiba mais     ⧽
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balfeheughanmm · 11 months
Eu tentei assistir OL três vezes. As duas primeiras vezes falharam, a terceira deu certo. Não li os livros, talvez tenho planos parar ler, minha vida é muitíssimo corrida e é difícil tirar esse tempo. Enfim, na terceira vez deu mais que certo. Eu me vi totalmente arrebatada pelo amor de Jamie e Claire. Eu assisti todas as temporadas novamente. Prestando atenção aos detalhes. Sentindo cada sentimento. Me deixei levar. E em determinado momento, eu me perguntei: “Sam Heughan e Caitriona Balfe são um casal?”, “como é possível os dois queimarem juntos e não serem um casal?”, e milhares de questões martelavam na minha cabeça, dia após dia, como curiosa, emocionada e apaixonada que sou por qualquer coisa que prende minha atenção. Então, eu decidi ir pro Google. Nada. Notícias vagas, fotos sem graça e sem vida da querida com o 🧛🏻‍♀️. Casada. Com filho. Mesmo com toda aquela química, aquele fogo, aquele amor que eu nunca senti tão forte em qualquer outro casal antes, Cait é casada com um homem completamente estranho, distante, com um filho que sequer nunca foi mostrado, pelo menos com intenção. Fiquei triste, confesso que até chorei. E não foi uma vez, foram várias. Sou Mariana, 25 anos, casada, e tenho um filho chamado José. Muito prazer, aliás. Busquei pelo Sam. Quarentão, solteiro, safadão e sexy sem ser vulgar, tendo encontros esporadicamente com alguma loira com a metade da idade do mesmo, e as vezes até uma morena, pra variar… chorei de novo. Mas eu não parei por aí. Eu entrei num grupo pago de shippers, eu absorvi, li, entendi, julguei como quis, cada coisinha que eu descobri sobre Sam e Caitriona naquelas longas noites. E sim, tiveram noites em que eu nem dormi, por tantas informações novas pra mim. Eu cheguei no fandom esse ano, então, eram muitas coisas para absorver e eu queria engolir tudo que eu pudesse encontrar pra entender meus sentimentos sobre isso, e finalmente encontrar a paz com a minha decisão. Depois de ler tudo no grupo shipper, eu vim pro Tumblr. Mais algumas semanas praticamente acordada em minhas noites. Eu vi muito. Eu li muito. Eu ouvi muito. E não, ninguém pode tirar isso de mim. Mesmo que essa pessoa seja Caitriona e que ela me difame como shipper. Me tire de louca em entrevistas. Tente provar à todo custo que isso é loucura da minha cabeça e que ela é casada com um homem a qual não existe uma faísca e tem um filho com o mesmo. Caitriona, me desculpe, mas eu não acredito nisso. Depois de tudo que eu senti após ver cada olhar dos dois. Arrebatador. Painéis, entrevistas, set, casas compartilhadas. Mentiras compartilhadas não só entre os dois, mas entre muitos. Falhas tentativas em esconder o que estava mais claro que a luz do dia. Na cara dura. Doa a quem doer. Venha o que vier… eu não aceitei a “verdade” que me impuseram desde o primeiro episódio de OL que eu assisti. E graças a Deus por isso, porque eu não tinha paz até entender que pessoas estão sujeitas à outras pessoas. Outras regras, outras leis. Que em nome do amor, nós fazemos merdas. Grandes, pequenas, mas muitas merdas, de diferentes tipos e intensidades. Um dia, após continuar com muitas dúvidas sobre os dois e toda essa mentira suja, eu pensei algo espetacular. A prova estava bem na minha frente, todo o tempo, desde 2019, quando Caitriona se casou e eu não tive uma foto. Um Tweet. Uma declaração. Um nada. Todo aquele casamento foi um grande NADA. Não tive também uma demonstração de amor ou carinho. Foi absolutamente nada, perto da tempestade que são Sam e Caitriona, com apenas um olhar. Ali eu tive a minha prova. Pode parecer loucura pra alguns porque foi com esse “casamento” que eles deixaram shippar os dois. Pra mim, mais uma vez, foi mais claro que a luz do dia. A reação dela à tudo isso foi a pior e mais mentirosa possível, e aí, eu respirei profundamente e meu coração obteve um pouco mais de paz sobre o assunto. Até que fui descobrindo mais e mais sobre SC e eu vi que ela ficou calada.
CONTINUA (pq eu não sei usar o Tumblr ainda 🤣)
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rosiesramblings · 1 year
Hello! Firstly, thank you for writing Ted fics, I read everything in the characters voices and I swear they could be straight out of episodes, your characterisation is SO GOOD!
Both fics filled me with the same heartwarming wholesome feeling that the show gives me
Thank you for the HCs as well, if it’s not too much bother, please could you do some more HCs for Colin
OH MY GOD this is so nice???? Thank you???? Of fucking course it isn't too much bother, especially since we've learned so much more about colin since the last time i did HC for him.
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Fair warning tho some of these a going to be a leetle angsty but they get better I promise
Colin Hughes. What a man.
Pre-coming out, he and Isaac were constantly competing to see who could make the other one shriek the loudest with a poke.
Colin is pretty much one of the only ones brave enough to shamelessly go after isaac - the other players will fight back if isaac starts it, but they respect the captain too much to do anything that might somehow undermine his authority
This all stops when isaac learns that colin's gay. And colin tries not to let it show, but it fucking hurts. Aches, even. He didn't even realize that he enjoyed getting tickled by isaac until the man refused to touch him.
Trent Crimm the Independent kind of fills that gap for those few weeks, after he gives colin some advice and claps a hand on the back of his neck, and colin fucking snorts and shoots his shoulders up to his ears
Trent is so good at tickling colin with a completely straight face, and it drives colin bananas. He doesn't know why it makes it tickle so much more, but it absolutely does
Now, personally, i think colin forgave isaac too easily (even though i am glad that they made up!) Like, the whole 'isaac not being able to say i love you' thing broke my heart, so i imagine that it would at least crack colin's a little bit. If anything, it makes him more cautious around isaac, like he doesn't want to set him off again
Colin won't initiate any physical contact with isaac, because he doesn't think he can take the rejection of isaac pulling away again. He tries to be grateful that he's mostly got his friend back, but trent notices the look in his eyes when he stops himself from giving isaac a poke in the ribs as he walks past
Eventually, trent calls isaac over and patiently explains the situation to him. Isaac is shocked that colin feels like he can't touch isaac anymore (because let's be honest, isaac is an emotionally illiterate dumbass), and immediately feels so fucking guilty
He asks trent what he should do, and trent just raises his eyebrows with a, "show him that it's okay"
What follows is possibly the tickliest week of colin's life
Isaac makes a point to casually spider over colin's knee in the locker room, scribble across his tummy during stretches, and claw at his shoulder blade to make him fuck up doing drills. Now that he's looking for it, isaac wonders how he could possibly have missed the way colin's face lights up when he tickles him, and how the smile always stays on his face long after it's over
By the end of the week, colin is a jumpy mess, and isaac finally takes pity on him and wrecks his shit, attacking all of colin's worst spots, making him promise to go back to normal, and even going so far as to make colin say, "I am allowed to have fun with my friends. Being gay doesn't make it weird."
It is barely understandable because isaac was scribbling over colin's shoulderblades at the time, but it still gets the message across
After that, things go pretty much back to normal, except it seems like a weight has been lifted off colin's shoulders.
He resumes his position as Richmond's Most Wiley Ler, as well as his membership of the Wreck Jamie Tartt's Shit As Often As We Want Because He Clearly Adores It club
Once, roy put a hand on colin's shoulder when he's trying to coach him, and colin jumps away with a flushed face. Roy just looks at the sky like Jesus Fucking Christ, another one
Will tease Jamie expertly but absolutely cannot take what he dishes out
And, of course, he is always keeping an ear out if the other lads make any rude insinuations about Wales. Bumbercatch once said something about welsh independence and colin tickled him to the brink of insanity. (Yes, if jamie is in a massive lee mood, he knows the quickest way to get colin to wreck him is to insult his home country).
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