wrathbites · 1 year
Okay I'm curious about all of those WIP titles, but how about 'A brief hello, a lasting goodbye'? 👀
From the WIP title game here. One of the several Rhys/Coats WIPs I have rolling around in my head lol.
"You have no respect for privacy."
"Your window's open."
"Fifteen storeys up! That's not an open invitation to every vampire in town!"
"No," Shepard replies, stepping in so close Coats could headbutt him if he were so inclined, and he's fucking tempted, "but following me is. You've no been subtle in your pursuit, y'know. Aria's people had a mark on your head."
And you? But Coats doesn't ask. He knows already. Shepard might play the part when needed but he's nobody's pet, no matter the colours they fly or the logo they wear.
"Why're you here?" he asks instead.
"A question best aimed at you, I think, Jack."
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bagog · 2 years
If you'd like another kiss prompt, how about An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it? 👀
It's a kiss prompt ask meme! Thank you very much! Mshenko An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it (oh woah, did I already use up the static-shock idea?! rats!) ++ Kaidan's boots echoed off the deck as he stormed off the Kodiak. Shepard followed a pace behind, a limp in his left leg keeping him from gaining. There was a hiss as Kaidan removed his helmet, slammed it on the console. He made a beeline for the lift, eyebrows furrowed low above his eyes. Waiting at the lift, Kaidan's jaw twitched, fingers curling into his palm. Shepard's eyes darted down, caught sight of Kaidan's fist, slowed for a moment
When the door opened, Kaidan held it for Shepard to catch up. He wouldn't look at him, though. The door closed, leaving an ensign behind who held up a hand to signal he would catch the next one. Shepard didn't see which level Kaidan had selected--and it would tell him something which level Kaidan had selected. Kaidan's chestplate was rising and falling in deep breaths, gave him the sense of being caged even as he stood stock still. Just as Shepard's voice caught in his throat to say something, the lift opened: they were in the Loft. Kaidan stormed out, Shepard limping one step behind. "Kaidan, let me explain. I had to--" His breath hitched. Kaidan had him, not quite cupping but not quite gripping his chin. Fingers pulling him in by the jaw. Kaidan's mouth on his. Pressed into a bulkhead and now cradled by the shoulder. Kaidan tipped his jaw just so, ravished him with the kiss--and now Shepard was responding. When their lips parted, Kaidan caught his breath against Shepard's pulse point. "Wh-what was that for?" Shepard asked, head falling back against the bulkhead when Kaidan's lips began to move against his neck. "Nothing," Kaidan breathed. Their armor squeaked together as they embraced. Kaidan still held Shepard's jaw, more gently now, and when he pulled Shepard back down to look him in the eyes, Shepard leaned his head forward until he could press a kiss to the trembling hand still holding his chin.
"What now?" He asked. Kaidan caressed his face, thumb trailing over Shepard's lip.
"I hadn't thought past this part."
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Ooh, could I have 48 and 57 for Caleb and Kaidan? 👀
from this list
Ooo! what great questions! That last one really got me thinking!
48. Who’s the better driver?
Well, considering Caleb doesn't really get actual instruction on how to drive until he enlists (I mean, he does know how to hotwire a car and can get from one place to another while in the Reds, but usually he leaves the driving to others...), gonna have to go with Kaidan on that one, probably. He does get lessons and afterward, he can drive, but Kaidan is a bit...smoother on land? Plus, he's been there in the Mako and heard stories about the Hammerhead and maybe, just maybe, teamed up with Cortez to keep it to Shuttle only during ME3.... >.>
(Caleb, of course, knows this and he doesn't mind one bit! lol)
57. Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
ROFL Okay, so this one is HARD! They're both pretty serious and restrained when it comes to shopping. The kids would be the more likely ones to throw stuff into the cart at random (and even then that's only sometimes and with subtle encouragement from Kaidan or Caleb). Still, of the two of them, I'd probably have to go with...Kaidan again. At least at first.
It takes Caleb a couple of years after the war to get used to being a civilian (these are the years Kaidan is mostly up at the Citadel helping rebuild the Spectres) and he does learn to ease up from the Commander Shepard image somewhat and be a bit more relaxed and casual.
Being around Kaidan's mom helps, too. And the kids, of course. Still, it's a good four or five years or so afterward that he probably gets to that kind of, "Okay, just for the hell of it" stage and without prompting himself will feel at ease tossing random stuff into a cart. His years in the Reds and then in the military have formed who he is, so learning to make do with just the necessities is something he's lived with more than half his life. I think between him and the kids during those first couple of years, they learn together how to relax a little and do things that are a bit more fun.
Unless, of course, it's something he sees Kaidan eyeing and gets it into his head that he wants. Then he's much more likely to just toss it in without thinking. That he'd do for any of his really good friends or family as well.
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pianokantzart · 6 months
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Tried Jump! Jump! Jump! reprise again lol
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seventh-district · 8 months
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it’s finally getting cold enough that i can bring my cardigan collection back into rotation without feeling like i’m gonna melt into a puddle the second i step outside!!!
#Seven.txt#my face#i have rematerialized back out of the void to once again make my once-in-a-blue-moon selfie & life update post#i’m running on 4 hours of restless sleep and the single banana i ate for lunch earlier today. let’s do this#hrrrrg i hate the lighting in my bathroom but i refuse to take pictures in the absolute Mental Illness Disaster Zone™️ that is my bedroom#anyways. got diagnosed with Mystery Pain Syndrome at the dentist today. so now i take ✨steroids✨#the less funny explanation is that my tooth still hurts with pressure nearly a month post-root canal and That’s Not Good#so we’re trying some new medications to see if that fixes it. and if not then who knows. root canal pt.2 the sequel. or extraction. sigh#and so the Dental Saga continues. todays visit went quite well in spite of the unforeseen mystery pain delaying the tooth-shaving plans#we had some time to kill so he managed to fill some of my other tiny cavities while i was there today so that’s good#okay moving on. what else. uhh. OH they finally came out and ran the fiber to the house last week!!! now i’m just waiting on one more-#-guy to come and finish the interior install and the long awaited fast internet will finally be mine eheheheheeeee#now i can feel my hours upon hours of unedited gameplay footage breathing down my neck :)#man i’ve got so much stuff piled up right now. i’m drowning in Tasks and it’s a lil overwhelming but i’ll handle it all! eventually#uhhhhm my current writing project is coming along well! i’ve never put so much time and effort into a oneshot before in my life#its a labor of love though and i think i’m gonna be really proud of myself (and the fic) once it’s complete#even if no one reads it bc it’s so goddamn self indulgent and kinda lowkey throws canon out the window but like. fuck it!#if i want Astarion to write a song on piano and perform it for me while mentally taking me on a trip down memory lane. then so be it#fr though i’ve never written anything quite like this and i rlly want to do it justice. even if its unrealistic i still want it to be Good#in other news i received word that one of the chickens i sponsor at my local Gentle Barn has passed away so i had a lil cry abt that#i feel so bad for his little tiny chicken wife. they obviously loved each other and it’s like. so sad when one half of an old couple dies#like. she pulled him out of his depression after his 1st wife died. now who’s gonna be there to pull Her out…#anyways let’s not get all sad about that again. in happier news my cat who i presumed died/got killed has returned home uninjured!!!#after that huge stray dog chased her into the woods i thought we’d never find or see her again#but then the morning after i started grieving her she showed back up hungry as hell yet completely unharmed like the enigma that she is#so that’s one definite highlight from earlier this month. uhh what else. rapid fire summary of the past few weeks let’s go-#Jersey turned 10! Bullet turned 10! my 6 year Veganniversary happened! i’m approaching 700 days on DuoLingo!#i’ve written more than 20 thousand words! i’ve been facing some fears! fighting my OCD! taking care of myself! (kinda!)#anyways things are far from being all sunshine and roses around here but i’m trying to focus on the good stuff for the most part#for now tho i have a headache and have reached 30 tags so it’s time to go shovel some mashed potatoes into my mouth :)
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wraenata · 1 year
Ok ok. I need to know. Bomb pops or Ice Cream Sandwich.
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Oooh tough choice! Now if it were a banana flavored popsicle I would definitely choose that, but since it's not,
Ice cream sandwich!
But bomb pops are the epitomy of summer and it is over 80 today :(
Thank you for the ask! I hope you have an amazing day!
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reikurusu · 9 months
So I rewatched the last 5 minutes of Banana Fish for an edit I want to make and... Safe to say, I'm not over it T_T
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boyjoan · 7 months
it is the windiest of days and today we shall visit family
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night-creeps · 8 months
Sometimes I think about in grade seven/eight we had a language arts or social studies class I can't fucking remember which and we had to make a safety presentation about landmines. And my group I convinced to do a sock puppet show and let me tell you, it is one of the few school assignments I wish I had record of. I will never be that good again. Cause what happened is that two sock puppets ran into a weird wizard or something I cant remember, who warned them about landmines by singing a song to the tune of itsy bitsy spider. And I'm 90% sure I did the majority of the song lyrics. And I remember it to this day and occasionally think about how fucking fire that shit was and I don't think it was ever properly appreciated. So, read the following to the tune of itsy bitsy spider:
A long time ago there lived a little kid / strayed off the path, that must be what he did / he thought he saw a toy so he went over to play / but something else happened... (said while the wizard sock puppet does an office turn to the camera style look at the audience and stops being sing songy) / and then he went away (said sing songy again as the wizard sock puppet looks back to the other two sock puppets)
I was so unappreciated in middle school. I had iconic shit like that all the time and no one understood my visions.
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vanosslirious · 1 year
Terroriser: *laughs at his own joke*
Vanoss: Wow, you really liked that joke.
Moo: Yeah, well someone did.
Terroriser: Hey, man, I like to laugh at my jokes, you know why, because I'm fucking hilarious.
*Vanoss laughs*
Terroriser: Someone has to find me funny, and I find myself funny.
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hexjulia · 1 year
I love to say things like "I'm leaving, I'll be there soon" and then spend another 20 minutes (gently!!) swinging my bird around upside down because every time i try to put her down she flies back and then hangs upside down from my fingers again expectantly.
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nedlittle · 2 years
glass onion very good!!
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bagog · 2 years
Ooh director's cut for TDBTSATS? ⭐
It's a Director's Cut Ask Meme! Thanks very much!!
Okay, so when I first started the Difference between the Sea and the Sky, I really wanted to do well with the character voices. The whole fic is written in an extremely objective tone to match the perspective of the game, so the character voices needed to be as close as possible.
Anyway, long story short, there's a document called How Kaidan Talks.xls on my computer. Lol, this is kinda what it looks like
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There's a couple other sheets about his dialogue in 2 and 3, his non-verbal cues, the hums and pauses he makes. Kaidan's voice was obviously the most important to me, hahahaa.
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Oooh for the WIP guessing game: blue, fierce, mutter?
Oh wow! Good ones!!!! Let me see...
Okay, this one is from a writing prompt I pulled out and dusted off earlier this evening for Caleb and Kaidan:
Barely two steps in the door, Kaidan meets Caleb’s gaze in the mirror; brilliant blue sparkling with humor and delight for reasons Kaidan doesn’t quite understand.
2. A different Caleb and Kaidan snippet - from their first post war story:
They already have a tentative plan, one formed in those last, late days of the war.  One Caleb has held onto fiercely to help see him through the finish.  Waking and knowing he cheated death yet again, it gave him something to focus on during his recovery.  It means more to him than anything.
3. And also from Caleb and Kaidan's first post war story:
Tossing his hands in the air, Coats mutters, “Bloody hell!  What’d I do to get all three of you picking on me today?”
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strayskinny · 2 years
today was actually so awful i hate everything,,,,,,
#so last night i had an emotional b!ngl bc i was upset about my pet#so i paid the price this morning bc i v0mited three times bc my body could not handle that much food n i needed to get that shit out#i don’t even p*the that was just my body’s natural response lol#and bc i had to take my pet to the vet to see if there’s literally anything we could do to help him#i wasn’t able to eat or drink anything so i finally made some miso soup n ate a bun bc that’s was the first piece of bread i could find lol#that was like 3hrs ago maybe n now i’m picking on some freeze dried bananas#but the flavor is literally so concentrated bc of the freeze drying i can only eat a few#oh and the vet has no idea what’s wrong with him and bc he’s a small animal it’s really hard to check to see if somethings wrong#like they can’t even do bloodwork bc his veins are so hard to find bc of how tiny he is#but hes literally lost so much weight n idk why idk what happened it was so sudden i can feel all his bones :(((((#they said there’s no real way of knowing what could’ve happened or caused this but the gave us antibiotics to try but i’m not very hopeful#she said it could be organ failure bc she said his kidneys felt very small and he was dehydrated#but that’s not a diagnosis bc there’s no way of confirming if that’s what’s wrong#she suggested we think about saying goodbye to him….#it fucking hurts so bad man bc he’s always been such a sweet n cuddly boy n he doesn’t deserve to suffer like this#he’s so weak n i’m trying my best to help him by giving him all his fav treats n feeding him critical care n giving him medicine#but it just doesn’t seem to be enough#i hate it man i really do i hate seeing him like this bc ik he must be suffering n i feel so helpless bc there’s nothing more that i can do#n i think his cage mate knows somethings up too bc he’s been very attentive to him recently n he’s been grooming n cuddling with him#and that breaks my heart even more bc he’s gonna be alone soon n he won’t know where his friend went#god i hate it so much#anyway now i’m crying again so that’s cool major slay ahahahaha
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pumpking64 · 1 year
It’s the small things in life you guys…. My mum visited me earlier today for a few hours and it was so nice to just sit next to her and write on my exam and eat lunch together, but I had to leave the house long before her. And when I got back she had left me a tiny gift she had gotten in the city during the day, with a sweet note next to it <3 and I just love her so much
And as if that was not endearing enough, she left me an apple, an orange and a banana, clearly placed in the shape of a smiley. And I cannot imagine her doing that on accident <3
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