#travel up to $300 is reimbursed
adleryoung · 3 months
"I'd be delighted," Venatrix declared excitedly. "After folklore, fashion is one of my passions. The particular style of dress I'm wearing was invented by a spider, as was much of Roger's wardrobe as well. It all started with a talented seamstress named Serica who had two very enthusiastic patrons…"
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"… and the Lord Centipede and the Lady Millipede did indeed wed," she continued after what seemed like a neverending, interminable backstory. "And they commissioned Serica to make clothes for all 300 of their children. Each one had to be unique so the nobles could tell their offspring apart at a glance. The wide variety of outfits she created became the basis for much of the costume popular today."
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"All right, all right," I jumped in when Venatrix paused for breath. "I wasn't looking for a comprehensive history of styles, just a description of what's trending right now; what's hot on the street, if you will. You seem to have a keen understanding of the subject, so here's what I need first: You must procure an outfit for a fashionable lady; and by that I mean a full set of clothes, everything from the ground up. It must all look most swell, with the elegance and the pizzazz and the hey hey hey, but not attract undue attention. I can give you her measurements, very nice, very feminine, but I'm not sure they are 100 percent accurate, so the clothes may have to be altered slightly when it comes time for her to wear them."
"That shan't be a problem," Venatrix stated confidently. "I don't think I exaggerate when I say that I am a more-than-capable seamstress myself."
"Who is the special lady?" Barkingthwaite asked, with a roguish wiggle of his eyebrows.
"That isn't important yet," I declared. "You'll find out more after you have finished this task, IF you finish this task. Finding me was only the first of your tests. Oh, and I shall give you funds enough to cover all your expenses pertaining to this matter."
"Oh pish-posh," Barkingthwaite scoffed. "There's no need for payment, my lord. The gift you've already given us is all we need. Our newfound love will last a lifetime."
"No really, I insist," I insisted. "I have a huge store of gold. HUGE. Let me reimburse you for your trouble. Traveling here couldn't have been cheap, or easy. The dress will have to be bought somewhere, and I should give you a retainer for future assignments."
Plus, I thought, word of a substantial cash reward might draw more followers!
"Oh it's no trouble at all!" Venatrix protested. "We journeyed here at our own expense. We fully expected a loss of finances. And anyway, traveling between Eire and England isn't all that far. We're happy to perform your tasks free of charge. Not to be too indelicate, but I happen to have a ready supply of fabric which does not cost me a farthing! It's the least we can do for what you've already given us." "Take the money," I reiterated. "For your time, if nothing else."
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asanee44 · 9 months
One of the first things that I tell my coaching clients about embarking on any new endeavor is to count up the costs. This basically means doing your research. Understand what you are getting yourself into – know the cost of admission. And when it comes to traditional spirituality, this concept applies three times over. Always know the cost of practicing African spirituality before embarking upon such a journey.
Nothing is free in the spirit realm, regardless of what spiritual system you practice. Churches ask for tithes and offerings. Islam teaches the concept of zakat or almsgiving. Hindus regularly donate hair and other sacrificial offerings to their temples. And the list goes on…
African traditional systems are no different with respect to paying for services rendered. However, they contrast other religious systems in how, when, and why an individual reimburses for spiritual services. Even more than monetary costs, African spiritual systems require that you pay in other ways to reap the many benefits they offer. So, if you are considering venturing into an African or African diaspora tradition, you should know the costs involved in the practice.
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Spirits of Africa Numerology Deck //  Asanee 44
Practicing within an African traditional religion (ATR) can be fairly costly from a monetary perspective. In general, an ATR devotee in a westernized country can expect to spend $300-$1,000 a month on average. The cost for practitioners in developing regions may be less, but the cost can still be significant in relation to the average devotee’s income bracket. The average devotee can easily spend 3-10% or more of their income engaging with an ATR regardless of their socioeconomic status.
Divination services and spiritual supplies such as candles, spiritual colognes, alcohol and food offerings, altar paraphernalia, etc., are regular expenditures for many devotees. Additional costs may include initiation rituals for those who choose this route. I have seen costs for these types of services add up to anywhere between $1,000-$30,000. Though, the average cost of an initiation ceremony is generally between $5,000-$10,000.
Adherents may also have to pay fees for special ceremonies such as festivals, fets, etc. In some cases, they may also have to pay for travel related to such events. You can easily spend $5,000-$15,000 or much more in any given year if you are a dedicated devotee who wishes to fully engage with an African spiritual system.
For Christians and religious adherents who faithfully pay their tithes and offerings, this may not be a major transition for you. However, if you typically don’t spend this much on your spiritual practice, such costs can be prohibitive. So, definitely be mindful of these dynamics before committing to a practice.
Committed devotees of African spiritual systems often spend considerable time engaged in rituals and ceremonies. One can easily spend 5-10 or more hours a week engaging with their spiritual system. Many factors will determine the average amount of time that you spend in such a practice.
Primary among these factors is the size of the devotee’s spiritual team. Secondary to this is the devotee’s desire to have a strong connection with his or her spiritual team. When you engage in traditional spirituality, you usually won’t know what deities or spirits are working with you and what they want you to do to honor them until you get a reading.
Aside from your ancestors, many other spirits can and do guide your life experience. Sometimes these spirits want to have a casual connection with you whereby you spend little time serving them. Other times they may request that you set up altars or icons in their honor and spend daily time with them.
Some people only have one or two spirits that may make such requests. Other people may have five or more spirits who wish to habitat with them on a continual basis. Oftentimes these spirits require continual offerings, feedings, rituals, and sometimes elaborate ceremonies as a means of appeasing them. In such cases, it is easy to spend 30-60 minutes or more several times a week paying homage to your spiritual team.
Aside from this dynamic, you will have to spend considerable time studying and learning about the spiritual system if it is new to you. You may even have to spend time becoming intimately familiar with another language or culture. Such lessons can consume countless amount of hours, which may change many aspects of your life.
If you are not ready for this level of devotion, it can be a major burden. In which case, I often advise my clients to consider their schedule, needs, and desires before fully adopting an ATR. It is better not to initiate a relationship with a spirit rather than to connect with a spirit and thereafter neglect to serve it properly. Doing so can cause a number of problems in your life.
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Erzuilie Freda – Veve Bomber Jacket // Women
It’s no secret that ATR is not a commonly practiced or accepted form of spirituality in some societies. It is often looked at with disdain and distrust because it has been heavily demonized. As such, practicing within an ATR can significantly impair and sometimes destroy relationship dynamics.
I have witnessed separations, breakups, and even divorce among couples because of ATR. I have likewise seen many friendships and family connections come to an end when someone decided to devote themselves to an African spiritual system. Some have even lost their employment or social status, political position, and other beneficial connections due to their spiritual beliefs.
In some cases, this happened because individuals or organizations disowned these individuals. In other instances, these relationships were broken because the ATR devotee was advised to end such connections by their spiritual team. Either way, the loss of important relationships may be a significant cost to pay if you decide to practice African spirituality.
Practicing ATR can also significantly alter your lifestyle. Depending on which system you engage with, you may have to change how you dress, what colors you wear, where you go, where you work, where you live, when you go out, when you have sex, etc.
Particularly in West African traditions like Ifa and Benin Vodun, divination may reveal that you have certain taboos. Taboos are things that you should or should not do based on your soul contracts or agreements. These can include common spiritual guidelines like not lying, stealing, getting upset, using profanity, etc. Or they can be more specific, like not working at midnight or not traveling during a certain time.
You never really know what Spirit will say until you get a reading. It may seem benign initially, but these things can seriously change your entire lifestyle. This is a small price to pay to enjoy a more fruitful, prosperous life for some. For others, these lifestyle dynamics can be hindering and overwhelming. So, choose wisely when deciding to practice ATR.
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Erzulie Freda Collection // Crewneck Sweatshirt // Unisex – Asanee 44
While it is quite demanding at times, engaging with African spirituality can be rewarding and enjoyable. The information in this post was by no means meant to discourage you from engaging in this practice. Instead, it was meant to shed light on what it means to be an ATR devotee.
I have personally enjoyed a very satisfying experience with two African spiritual systems for several years. However, the journey has not always been easy, and it has definitely been costly. But these are costs that I am willing to pay based on the rewards I receive from devoting myself to African spirituality.
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yasmijn · 2 years
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Karena aku sekarang udah resmi masuk family office dan ceritanya jadi investment analyst, beberapa minggu lalu akhirnya disuruh ngambil ujian Certified Financial Analyst (CFA). CFA itu sertifikasi profesional untuk orang yang kerja di industri keuangan, khususnya investasi. Untuk make up sama my lack of finance background, sih, sebenernya. Sama nambahin kredensial kali ya biar nggak di-look down sama counterpart.
Ujiannya ada 3 level, yang sayangnya pake approach distribusi normal jadi ku gak bisa berpegang sama nilai target, dan si gelar CFA itu sendiri baru bisa dipake kalau udah punya pengalaman 4 tahun di investment-related position + lolos ketiga level tersebut. Terus mahal banget sih, harga tes 1 level-nya $700 + ada mandatory registration fee $450 :”( Jadi total kalau semuanya bisa lulus in one go gak perlu ngulang, akan butuh biaya $2,550 (katanya akan di-reimburse untuk tes yang berhasil aja jadi.. ya).
Seperti biasa, langsung cari-cari aja video Youtube tentang tips n trik ambil CFA untuk cari tahu aja dulu persiapannya kayak apa. Terus asli baru tau ada kalkulator khusus finance (as pictured above), yang UX-nya jujur aneh. Excel dalam bentuk batangan. Mahal banget hiks harganya 800ribu... jadi inget dulu pas S1 pernah ngomongin kalkulator grafik anak Tekim yang harganya sejutaan lebih. Sungguh ada banyak banget hal di dunia ini yang tidak kuketahui.
Aku sebenernya pede sih kalo disuruh ambil-ambil tes, kaya ya dulu ambil TOEFL sm IELTS juga dengan persiapan yang cukup alakadarnya tapi hamdalah bisa dapet nilai yang lumayan memuaskan. Terus kemarin pas nyampe Indo sempet belajar GRE karena ada plan mau PhD (yang sekarang lagi diistirahatkan dulu aja di lemari). Tapi yaaaaaaAAA makin tua tuh makin males aja gitu kalo harus cramming belajar tiap hari :( Kata mba & mas CFA, harus alokasiin paling nggak 300 jam untuk belajar. Kalau dibagi jadi 6 bulan, sebenernya itu 1.5 jam sehari, sih. 
Tapi sebagai manusia dengan pengetahuan finance yang barely there jujur kayanya aku akan butuh waktu lebih.
Terus udah gak sanggup aja. Asli salut banget sama w jaman menjelang SNMPTN dulu, itu bener-bener bisa belajar terus gak berhenti. Pas S1 juga masih ada lah semangatnya, kalau mau ujian di malem sebelumnya bisa tidur jam 3 pagi. Belajar terus karena gak mau nilai jelek, huft. Pas S2? Duh jangan ditanya deh, emang itu niatnya menjadi part time student full time traveler.
@Allah mohon kembalikan grit dan ambisi itu kepadaku. 
Gak tau juga sih mau daftar CFA untuk kapan, tadi aja masih belajar gimana cara make kalkulator finance yang aneh ini.
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Travel Assistance in Brisbane
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Travel assistance Brisbane can be provided in many ways including public transport, private vehicles and accommodation. These schemes are designed to help the most transport disadvantaged residents in NSW.
Patients wishing to stay in private accommodation may be eligible for an approved subsidy for each night of their stay. This is paid directly to the accommodation provider by the approving hospital or health facility. To know more about Travel Assistance Brisbane, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
The PTSS helps eligible Queenslanders travel to access specialist medical treatment not available locally. It reimburses patients for their travel and accommodation expenses. It also provides for patient escort assistance where necessary.
The governance framework for PTSS has been the subject of several reviews and audits since 2010. However, improvements are still needed.
A disability pensioner from Blackwater regularly travels to Brisbane for specialist appointments. Each trip costs them approximately $300 for travel, accommodation and food. This has become a major burden on their budget. In addition, delays in receiving reimbursements have been causing financial stress. This has resulted in this patient having to choose between groceries and trips to Brisbane.
The Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) is a NSW Government scheme that provides financial assistance for people who need to travel long distances for specialist treatment. This includes travel and accommodation expenses, as well as a living away allowance.
A person who is travelling interstate to see an authorised medical specialist can claim up to 75 per night for non-commercial accommodation and 40c per kilometre for private vehicle travel. The IPTAAS subsidy amounts have recently been increased to give more people access to life-saving treatment. This is great news for people in regional communities. It also means that more people with complex health needs can travel for essential treatment.
School transport assistance is a grant towards the cost of private bus or ferry travel for eligible students. It is based on the distance between your child’s home and the nearest state school of their chosen type. See the Specialised School Transport Assistance page for more information about eligibility.
It’s worth checking that your child qualifies before applying. If you’re unsure, ask your child’s school for advice. A conveyance allowance may also be available to help you as a parent/carer pay for your own car or van. See the Conveyance Allowance page for more details.
Eligible seniors can enjoy cost-of-living concessions across a wide range of goods and services by getting a free Queensland Seniors Card, Seniors Card +go or Seniors Business Discount Card. These cards offer discounts and offers on a wide variety of goods and services including holidays, travel, hospitality, automotive services and household needs.
You can also get a Gold Opal Card to access transport discounts on the Queensland TransLink network. You can find more information on eligibility and how to apply on the Queensland Government’s website.
There is a single application process for all three card types, and you will be issued with the one that best suits your eligibility.
Providing free travel on all TransLink bus, train and ferries services including regional qconnect and ferry services for eligible Queenslanders with severe disability. The Access Pass also subsidises taxi travel and lift payments.
Managing one of the largest integrated public transport networks in Australia, TransLink delivers bus, train and ferry services across a 10 000 square kilometre region that includes Brisbane City Centre, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Ipswich. This network supports the social and economic wellbeing of the diverse local communities in South East Queensland.
The Palaszczuk Government’s vision is for a public transport system that is accessible to everyone. The removal of annual and replacement card fees is one step towards this.
The Palaszczuk Government is ensuring commuters who are blind or have low vision can travel more independently with the introduction of the upgraded permanent go access Vision Impairment Travel Pass. The pass allows free travel on TransLink urban rail services and regional qconnect bus services, and is available from Vision Australia in partnership with Guide Dogs Queensland and Queensland Rail. To know more about Travel Assistance Brisbane, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
The Vision Impairment Travel Pass is loaded onto a personalised myki and is valid on TransLink buses, trains and most ferries. It also entitles the holder to a companion card, which provides discounted travel for a carer or support worker. To apply, have a medical assessment completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist and request the VIP application form from TransLink.
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nivetha6206 · 7 months
Chennai To Tirupati Package By Car
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Chennai To Tirupati Tour Packages
Call Us: Ramanujam - 9444922834, 9003219834.
Welcome Chennai to Tirupati One Day Package. Price Starts Tirupati Tirumala Venkateswara tabernacle Same Day Darshan Package Per Person Cost 2000 Rs. For reserving 1 Day Tirupati Temple Tour Package Pl Call Us or Whats app 919444922834
 At One day Tirupati Tour Package From Chennai Focus verified Darshan Ticket, Breakfast, Lunch, Neat & Clean Vehicle and 6 Times Experienced motorist with Stylish client Service. 
 Display Chennai to Tirupati 1 Day(5.00 AM to 11.00 PM) Tour Package Detailed Plan 
5.00 AM: Chennai City Pickup
8.00 AM: Breakfast
11.00 AM: Tirumala 300 Rs Ticket Counter Joint the Queue & Darshan
2.00 PM: Lunch
3.30 PM: Tiruchanur Padmavathi Amman Temple Darshan
5.00 PM: Tirupati to Chennai Start Your Journey
10.00 PM: Approximate Chennai Drop
 Auto Type Number Of Person Package Cost 
 Indica AC Car 2 PeopleRs. 6550/- 
 Indica AC Car 3 PeopleRs. 7250/- 
 Indica AC Car 4 PeopleRs. 7950/- 
 Swift Dzire AC Car 2 PeopleRs. 7400/- 
 Swift Dzire AC Car 3 PeopleRs. 8100/- 
 Swift Dzire AC Car 4 PeopleRs. 8800/- 
 Innova AC Car 4 PeopleRs. 11800/- 
 Innova AC Car 5 PeopleRs. 12500/- 
 Innova AC Car 6 PeopleRs. 13200/- 
 Innova AC Car 7 PeopleRs. 13900/- 
 Tempo Traveller AC Van 7 PeopleRs. 16900/- 
 Tempo Traveller AC Van 8 PeopleRs. 17600/- 
 Tempo Traveller AC Van 9 PeopleRs. 18300/- 
 Tempo Traveller AC Van 10 PeopleRs. 19000/- 
 Tempo Traveller AC Van 11 PeopleRs. 19700/- 
 Tempo Traveller AC Van 12 PeopleRs. 20400/- 
 Price Includes 
 Aircondition Vehicle Car & Tempo Traveller 
 Tirumala 300 Rs darshan Ticket Only 
 Important Note 
 Tirupati Darshan Ticket Booking Only for Online Availability 
 Tirupati Darshan stint reserving mandatory Full Payment to be settled 
 Once Confirm the Darshan Ticket Not Reimburse the plutocrat 
 Tirupati to Tirumala Hills Up and down Non AC Only Service 
 Above Price Only Individual Transport 
 Payment Mode Online Transfer/ Hand Cash 
 further details Pl Call Us 24 * 7 919444922834 or Whats app@ 919003219834
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Chennai To Tirupati Tour Package
Chennai To Tirupati Package
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
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Republicans used to boast that they were strong on defense. But that is now as out of date as them saying that they are the party of law and order.
The last GOP president referred to Americans who died in combat as "suckers". He tried to undermine the NATO alliance while kissing the butts of anti-American dictators.
The latest weak on defense Republican to make headlines is US Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama. Tuberville is holding up the promotions of officers in the US Armed Forces as part of his hissy fit about abortion. Putin, Xi, Kim, and Cuba's Díaz-Canel must be delighted with Tommy. You couldn't make up a clueless dingbat like Tommy Tuberville.
US military leaders say Tuberville is aiding US adversaries with hold on military nominations
The three US military service secretaries went on the offensive against Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville over his ongoing hold on senior military nominations in an interview with CNN on Tuesday, saying he is aiding communist and autocratic regimes, and being used by adversaries like China against the US. “Our potential adversaries are paying attention,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told CNN’s Jake Tapper alongside Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro and Army Secretary Christine Wormuth in an exclusive joint interview for “The Lead.” “It is affecting how they view the United States and our military capabilities and support for the military. This needs to stop.” Kendall said that at an embassy event in Washington, DC, an Air Force general officer was “taunted” by a Chinese colonel “about the way our democracy was working.” Del Toro echoed the same concerns, saying that as someone “born in a communist country, I would have never imagined one of our own senators would actually be aiding and abetting a communist and other autocratic regimes around the world.” “This is having a real negative impact and will continue to have an impact on our combat readiness,” said Del Toro, who was born in Cuba. “That is what the American people truly need to understand.” “It is just unprecedented to be attacking apolitical general officers and flag officers in this way. It is taking our apolitical military … and eroding its foundations,” Wormuth added.
Republicans could remove Tuberville's hold if they really wanted to but they are afraid they might offend the anti-abortion fanatics in the party.
Tuberville, of Alabama, has delayed the confirmations of more than 300 top military nominees over his opposition to the Pentagon’s policy of reimbursing service members and their families who have to travel to receive abortion care. In the Senate, one senator can hold up nominations or legislation, and Tuberville’s stance has left three military services to operate without a Senate-confirmed leader for the first time in history.
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msclaritea · 9 months
White House pounces on Tuberville’s military holdups: ‘Stop playing politics’ | The Hill
"The White House on Tuesday pounced on Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) hold on hundreds of military promotions, saying that Americans have had enough with him and Senate Republicans playing politics with service members.
“The American people have had enough with the excuses. Senator Tuberville, and all 48 Senate Republicans who are standing by him, owe it to the country to stop playing politics with the lives of those who serve in uniform and their families, and risking our nation’s safety,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a memo.
The memo highlighted that former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R), a presidential hopeful, criticized the hold Tuesday, arguing that “there’s got to be other ways” to protest the Pentagon’s abortion policy.  
It also highlighted a CNN report about hundreds of military families who recently signed a petition for Tuberville to relent, calling his hold “political showmanship.”
The Defense Department’s new abortion policy provides paid leave and travel reimbursement for abortions. Tuberville argues it violates the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from being used for abortion.
The White House memo, titled “The Evolving World of Senator Tommy Tuberville,” also points to Tuberville’s past comments about why he is holding up the military promotions since he began his protest in February.
“For nearly six months, Senator Tuberville’s excuses for holding up the confirmation of more than 300 senior military positions have piled up, with each one weaker than the last,” Bates said.
Mega Millions jackpot increases to $1.58 billion ahead of Tuesday’s drawingWild brawl caught on camera at Montgomery dock results in several arrest warrants
The memo noted that Tuberville said in February that the abortion policy was an “illegal expansion of [Department of Defense] authority,” in April said “the military is top heavy” and last month said that the freeze is not holding up readiness. 
President Biden and other top officials have for weeks been hammering Tuberville about his protest. Last week, the White House called out Tuberville on X , formerly known as Twitter, posting “This you?” and sharing a series of headlines about the issues the holds have caused. 
Tuesday’s memo is the latest example of the White House recently becoming punchier going into 2024, increasingly jumping in and bashing the GOP. Earlier Tuesday, it issued a statement accusing Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) of lying in order to cave to the far-right members of the House Republican Conference and their push for an impeachment inquiry into Biden."
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6lack6allerina · 1 year
January 2023 Recap | Late
What I learned in January 2023:
I learned that having a mortgage, and now an employee is not allowing me to live as frivolously as I used to. I'm having to be ultra intentional with my income. Learning to cook from home. Learning to communicate more with my husband / more planning financially. January was such a grind working almost every day to catch up from Christmas.
I started to enjoy audio books more than podcasts. I spend way less time on social media and more time alone with an audio book.
While January was a grind, I took 0 photography jobs this month and that allowed me to focus solely non running my husbands business and our home (so trad I know.)
What I accomplished in January 2023:
We made time to see 1 Mavs game with friends.
We had a pretty sweet New Years Eve party.
I got our new living room painted.
Went to the gym 1-2x a week on average
(Not much happened because we were working our asses off just to recover financially from Christmas, and buying a house.)
What surprised me in January 2023:
What surprised me is the caliber of clients we have. I am finally happy for the most part about the work we're doing, and what we're getting paid. I feel good that we're able to help others spread their message through video production.
The days I remember best in January 2023:
Filming a podcast in downtown Dallas for one of our clients with the founder of Warstic Baseball Bats. It feels good to be trusted professionally to handle important interviews like this one. It's amazing looking into a room with tons of lights, and cameras knowing that we own 100% of it.
Another day was seeing the Mavs VS Clippers game in the 100's Section with our friends. The only caveat was my mood soured about halfway through it over something super trivial. It felt more real watching the game in the 100's over the usual 300's or on TV.
Cooking spaghetti and meatballs, and setting the table to watch the Mavs game with my husband. We even popped a bottle of champagne and just spent the entire evening talking, laughing, and having a great time together at the dinner table.
The person who played a huge role in my life in January 2023:
My husband! Through the entire grind of the month, no matter how exhausting. My favorite thing is hitting our bed each night, snuggling and watching tik toks before falling asleep. We're in this together, and working towards the same goals. 100% on the same page, no disagreements. I feel such a close connection and bond with my best friend. There were days were we had to eat at home instead of the usual takeout 4x a week (spoiled, I know) but I felt comfort knowing that I wasn't alone, and that it was only temporary / for the greater good. Our goal is to visit several theme parks before September 2023 and being frugal is going to help us save for these trips.
My best, and worst moment of January 2023:
My best moments have been making our house feel like a home. Especially because we didn't go out much. Making sure we're having occasional dinners at the table. Movie nights with candy and popcorn. A well made bed.
My worst moment was ruining a good time at the Mavs game. Honestly stress, and resentment got the best of me and I was irritated with my husband for 1/2 of the game. I'm realizing now how I need to take more accountability for scheduling us so busy. I need to do more to please myself, rather than trying to please my husband so much. Things feel unfair because I don't allow myself to feel spoiled.
What I wish I had done differently in January 2023:
I said yes to a work trip that 100% contributed to the stress this month. We fronted $1000 because the company would reimburse us for our travel accommodations. Even worse it was the company my husband's mom works for -so it caused a teensy bit of tension and resentment towards her. Next time I need to ask the company to pay for those things upfront.
What I stopped doing in January 2023:
I said no to photography jobs, weddings, and work that I didn't want to do. Even if I felt like I needed the money, I didn't want it to cost my peace. People were rude to me about it sometimes, but we already have dream clients who pay us what we're worth.
What I started doing in January 2023:
Like I said, I started audio books. I stopped letting the dogs sleep with us as much in order to keep my sheets clean. I started ironing my sheets lol. I started selling things I don't use on Poshmark.
Goals I'd like to achieve in February 2023:
Catch up financially
Book a Florida Trip to Busch Gardens for my Birthday
Buy Chanel Shoes for myself / birthday gift
Visit my siblings in San Antonio
Celebrate Galentine's with friends
Have a day off for Valentine's Day
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creeseworks · 1 year
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Starting the year with an assignment for @nytimes 🚀 Posted @withregram • @nytimes Southwest Airlines customers incurred thousands of dollars in expenses as they scrambled to find alternate ways home after flight cancellations related to bad weather upended their holiday travel plans. Southwest canceled thousands of flights in December. While the other major airlines quickly recovered, inadequate computer systems at Southwest left many of its customers stranded for days. Some travelers rented cars to complete their journeys. Others incurred debt from having to pay for unplanned meals, hotel rooms or tickets on other airlines. While the chaos has cleared up, many travelers are still dealing with the financial repercussions. Southwest is offering customers ticket refunds and expense reimbursements on flights from Dec. 24 through Jan. 2 that were canceled or delayed more than three hours, in addition to 25,000 points for each ticket. The points are worth about $300 in flight credits. (at Tulsa, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnIKzWKPP3A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stokesputnam · 2 years
Business Insurance Protects Your current Investments
When you commence your own personal business it is important that you include business insurance in your own start up strategy. It is crucial that you shield your assets with insurance and presently there are many different types in order to consider. You need protection from all sorts of possible deficits. This can array from auto insurance coverages, key man insurance, liability, and property protection insurance. An individual may need just about all of the above mentioned or maybe just one or 2 of those but here we will provide you with a brief overview associated with each kind so a person can decide whether or not you need to check further directly into them. When you have any automobiles which are travel by for work related trips this is important of which you are properly insured. If you are in an auto related accident having your vehicle covered by insurance can really protect your other resources. This is also true if you are carrying plenty of coverage. My personalized feeling is of which businesses that have any assets whatsoever need to have a policy having an absolute minimum amount coverage of 310, 000/100, 000. This specific means that your own insurance company will probably pay out a total of $100, 1000 per person involved in the accident most abundant in per accident becoming $300, 000. This type of coverage will ideally allow you to settle system involved and keep these people from coming right after your other assets. Key Man insurance is normally held in the individual that is the biggest asset to the company, hence the name "key man. " This is the life insurance insurance plan that if this person were to die you should receive money in order to help your company stay afloat when trying to get a replacement or perhaps liquidating the company. This money could cover everyday business expenses such because home loan repayments or aid you maintain your salaries running smoothly throughout this unfortunate transition period. Liability insurance is just of which, it protects you from any responsible law suits. This particular means that in the event that someone has your own store and slides and falls this particular is the insurance that will; hopefully, protect you from an extended drawn out law suit. This type of insurance also protects you if your business requires you to will give you results on task sites. For example, in case you are some sort of tree trimmer in addition to you are cutting branches and one particular of them comes on a parked vehicle this insurance really is used to be able to reimburse the vehicle's owner. Asset defense insurance will surely have tons of different forms of coverage. Most of the times it covers the buildings and articles in your buildings quite similar to homeowner's insurance. In that case you will find more certain policies for market markets. One example is when you own the restaurant you can easily insure your perishable items so within the event regarding a prolonged power outage you will be reimbursed with regard to your lost supply.
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When you possess a business that is very significant that you consider ever loss that you might encounter and try to make certain you have the correct business insurance to cover up it. Without typically the proper types of business insurance you happen to be making your business' assets unprotect against legislation suits.
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asanee44 · 2 years
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One of the first things that I tell my coaching clients about embarking on any new endeavor is to count up the costs. This basically means doing your research. Understand what you are getting yourself into – know the cost of admission. And when it comes to traditional spirituality, this concept applies three times over.
Nothing is free in the spirit realm regardless of what spiritual system you practice. Churches ask for tithes and offerings, Islam teaches the concept of zakat or almsgiving, Hindus regularly donate hair and other sacrificial offerings to the temple, and the list goes on…
African traditional systems are no different in respect to paying for services rendered. However, they contrast other religious systems in how, when, and why an individual reimburses for spiritual services. Even more than monetary costs, African spiritual systems require that you pay in other ways to reap the many benefits that they offer. So, if you are considering venturing into an African or African diaspora tradition, you need to be aware of the costs involved in the practice.
Practicing within an African traditional religion (ATR) can be fairly costly from a monetary perspective. In general, an ATR devotee in a westernized country can expect to spend $300-$1,000 a month on average. The cost for practitioners in developing regions may be less, but the cost can still be significant in relation to the average devotee’s income status. The average devotee can easily spend 3-10% or more of their income engaging with an ATR regardless of their socioeconomic status.
Divination services and spiritual supplies such as candles, spiritual colognes, alcohol and food offerings, altar paraphernalia, etc. are regular expenditures for many devotees. Additional costs may include initiation rituals for those who choose this route. I have seen costs for these types of services add up to anywhere between $1,000-$30,000. Though, the average cost of an initiation ceremony is generally between $5,000-$10,000.
Adherents may also have to pay fees for special ceremonies such as festivals, fets, etc. In some cases, they may also have to pay for travel related to such events. You can easily spend $5,000-$15,000 or much more in any given year if you are a dedicated devotee who wishes to fully engage with an African spiritual system.
For Christians and religious adherents who faithfully pay their tithes and offerings, this may not be a major transition for you. However, if you typically don’t spend this much on your spiritual practice, such costs can be prohibitive. So, definitely be mindful of these dynamics before committing to a practice.
Committed devotees of African spiritual systems often spend considerable time engaged in rituals and ceremonies. One can easily spend 5-10 or more hours a week engaging with their spiritual system. There are many factors that will determine the average amount of time that you spend in such a practice.
Primary among these factors is the size of the devotee’s spiritual team. Secondary to this is the devotee’s desire to have a strong connection with his or her spiritual team. When you engage in traditional spirituality, you usually won’t know what deities or spirits are working with you and what they want you to do to honor them until you have a divination session.
Aside from your ancestors, there are many other spirits who can and do guide your life experience. Sometimes these spirits want to have a casual connection with you whereby you spend little time serving them. Other times they may request that you set up altars or icons in their honor and spend daily time with them.
Some people only have one or two spirits that may make such requests. Other people may have 5 or more spirits who wish to habitat with them on a continual basis. Oftentimes these spirits require continual offerings, feedings, rituals, and sometimes elaborate ceremonies as a means of appeasing them. In such cases, it is easy to spend 30-60 minutes or more several times a week paying homage to your spiritual team.
Aside from this dynamic, you will have to spend considerable time studying and learning about the spiritual system if it is new to you. You may even have to spend time becoming intimately familiar with another language or culture. Such lessons can consume countless amount of hours, which may change many aspects of your life.
If you are not ready for this level of devotion, it can be a major burden. In which case, I often advise my clients to consider their schedule, needs, and desires before adopting an ATR. It is better to not initiate a relationship with a spirit rather than to connect with a spirit and thereafter neglect to serve it properly. This can cause a number of problems in your life.
It’s no secret that ATR is not a commonly practiced or accepted form of spirituality in some societies. It is often looked at with disdain and distrust because it has been heavily demonized. As such, practicing within an ATR can significantly impair and sometimes destroy relationship dynamics.
I have witnessed separations, breakups, and even divorce among couples because of ATR. I have likewise seen many friendships and family connections come to an end when someone decided to devote themselves to an African spiritual system. Some have even lost their employment or social status, political position, and other beneficial connections due to their spiritual beliefs.
In some cases, this happened because individuals or organizations disowned these individuals. In other instances, these relationships were broken because the ATR devotee was advised to end such connections by their spiritual team. Either way, the loss of important relationships may be a significant cost to pay if you decide to practice African spirituality.
Practicing ATR can significantly alter your lifestyle. Depending on which system you engage with, you may have to change how you dress, what colors you wear, where you go, where you work, where you live, when you go out, when you have sex, etc.
Particularly, in West African traditions like Ifa and Benin Vodun, divination may reveal that you have certain taboos. Taboos are things that you should or should not do based on your soul contracts or agreements. These can include common spiritual guidelines like not lying, stealing, getting upset, using profanity, etc. Or they can be more specific, like not working at midnight or not traveling during a certain time.
You never really know what Spirit will say until you have a divination session performed. It may seem benign at first, but these things can seriously change your entire lifestyle. This is a small price to pay to enjoy a more fruitful, more prosperous life for some. For others, these lifestyle dynamics can be hindering and overwhelming. So, choose wisely when deciding to practice ATR.
While it is quite demanding at times, engaging with an African spiritual system can be rewarding and enjoyable. The information in this post was by no means meant to discourage you from engaging in this practice. Instead, it was meant to shed light on what it means to be an ATR devotee.
I have personally enjoyed a very satisfying experience with two African spiritual systems for several years. However, the journey has not always been easy, and it has definitely been costly. But these are costs that I am willing to pay based on the rewards that I receive from devoting myself to African spirituality.
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dohnfriedman · 2 years
Business Insurance Protects Your own Investments
When you start your own business it is important that you include business insurance in your own start up approach. It is important that you protect your assets using insurance and presently there are many different types in order to consider. You want protection from all types of possible losses. This can vary from auto insurance policies, key man insurance, liability, and asset protection insurance. An individual may need almost all of the above mentioned or maybe merely one or a couple of of which but below we will give you a brief overview of each type so you can decide whether you need in order to check further in to them. In case you have virtually any automobiles that are travel by for work related trips that is important of which you are appropriately insured. If you are involved in an automobile related accident getting your vehicle covered with insurance can really safeguard your other possessions. This is also true if you are carrying more than enough coverage. My individual feeling is of which businesses which have virtually any assets at all have to have a plan with the absolute nominal coverage of 310, 000/100, 000. This particular means that your own insurance company are going to pay out a full of $100, 1000 per person involved throughout the accident most abundant in per accident staying $300, 000. This type of coverage will with any luck , allow you to settle with all engaged and keep them from coming right after your other assets.
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Key Man insurance is generally held on the individual that is the particular biggest asset to be able to the company, hence the name "key man. very well This is a life insurance insurance plan that if this person were to die you should receive money in order to help your company stay afloat whilst trying to discover a replacement or liquidating the company. This money may cover everyday business expenses such since mortgage repayments or assist you maintain your payroll running smoothly during this unfortunate transition period. Liability insurance is just that, it protects a person from any accountable law suits. This kind of means that when someone comes into the store and slips and falls this specific is the insurance which will; hopefully, protect you from an extended drawn out legislation suit. This kind of insurance also protects an individual if your business requires you in order to will work on work sites. For example, if you are a new tree trimmer plus you are clipping branches and one particular of them comes on a left vehicle this insurance really is used to reimburse the vehicle's owner. Asset protection insurance might have plenty of different sorts of coverage. Many of the periods it covers your buildings and material in your buildings quite similar to be able to homeowner's insurance. Then you can find more certain policies for specialized niche markets. Such as when you own a new restaurant you could insure your perishable items so in the event of a prolonged power outage you will be reimbursed with regard to your lost supply. When you own a business this is very significant that you take into account ever loss that you may encounter and consider to make sure that you include the correct business insurance to cover up it. Without typically the proper varieties of business insurance you might be departing your business' possessions unprotect against rules suits.
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selfmademen · 4 years
Top Surgery Experience
Okay, so I said I would do a write up of my top surgery experience and I’ve finally gotten around to it. Uni started right after so I’ve been fairly frazzled.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have! I’ll do my best to answer them.
To start with, I currently live in NSW, Australia. There are a few Australian top surgeons, but as a NSW resident my best bet was Dr Steven Merten, with Pure Aesthetics in Sydney. Because Australia has a public healthcare system I was able to get my top surgery under that scheme. As far as I’m aware Dr Merten is the only top surgeon who offers this surgery through the public system. He works in partnership with Concord Hospital in Sydney, and that’s where I had my surgery. If you go privately there are other options for the hospital you stay at. There are pros and cons to the public system, which I’ll detail below.
I paid $500~ out of pocket instead of between $5k and $10k (if you have private health insurance it may cover some)
Since he’s in my state I didn’t have to travel far
He’s one of the most experienced top surgeons in the state
there’s two places for appointments, either at his clinic or at the Macquarie uni rooms
because I went publicly he didn’t perform the surgery personally, rather a registrar did. However, he was in the room the entire time overseeing the operation.
because he’s so popular I had to wait a full year from the first consultation to the actual surgery date
 it was extremely hard to get onto the wait list due to how popular he is.
the public system is only available to NSW residents over 18
I was lucky in that my GP at the time knew him professionally and called in a favour so that I knew the moment his books were open, and I am forever grateful for that. It is MUCH easier to get an appointment with him through the private system, but that’s a lot more expensive. For me, the pros far outweighed the cons here, and I decided I could wait a year for my surgery. I had also intended to lose weight beforehand, but that didn’t happen. Woops.
Prior to my first consultation I needed a referral both from my GP, and a registered psychologist or psychiatrist detailing my transition and documented dysphoria surrounding my breasts. The first consultation was $300 iirc, and I paid a $100 deposit, so only paid $200 on the day. Medicare also gave me a $100-something rebate.
The first consultation was fairly quick. He asked some questions about my transition, what my expectations were regarding surgery, detailed my options, and explained the procedures. He measured my breasts, but never touched me (I kinda just picked them up and moved them where he asked). He also took a photo of my chest, with my consent.
I didn’t actually hear from them until about three months before my surgery because my details got lost, but USUALLY the hospital will get in contact with you regarding your surgery date, what you should expect, and when your pre-op consultation is. I also had to fill out a pre-op health questionnaire and personal details. Due to my high level of haemoglobin as a side effect of T, I was required to provide them with more recent blood test results, but you may not have to do this. Usually there is also a pre-op appointment with the nurses and anethetist at the hospital, but the nurse I spoke to said that I didn’t need to go if I didn’t have any pressing concerns.
My pre-op consult with Dr Merten was a couple of weeks before my surgery, however, it’s usually around the same time. This one was $100, and I also had to pay $130 for a medical compression vest which I have to wear for up to three weeks post-op. Again, Medicare partially reimbursed my consultation fee, but not the vest.
During this consultation we basically covered the same things, and I also saw a nurse who told me what medications to avoid, and briefed me on post op care. She also gave me my medical vest, wound tape, and some pamphlets.
Some things she covered:
smokers should stop smoking 12 weeks before surgery
 you should limit your alcohol intake the week before surgery, and don’t drink alcohol AT ALL during the two days immediately prior to surgery
no herbal medications, asparin, ibuprofen, or other blood thinners for two weeks prior to surgery. IF YOU ARE ON BLOOD THINNERS FOR MEDICAL REASONS THIS MAY BE DIFFERENT FOR YOU.
do not eat or drink anything from midnight the night before your surgery. Morning medication (antidepressants in my case) can be taken with a sip of water.
 the night before and morning of surgery I had to shower with a special soap that was provided in order to kill bacteria on my skin.
I did have to call the admissions centre the day before my surgery to confirm my appointment time. For me it was 8:30. Before going in I had a brief interview with a nurse, who took down my details and checked me for allergies and medical conditions. I was given my wrist bands (red, since I have a codeine allergy), and directed up to where I would meet the nurses. There I changed into the operating gown (you can keep your undies on) and compression socks due to my weight.
I was taken to a prep room before the operating theatre where Dr Merten marked my chest. Basically where things would be cut, lipo’d, etc. I was feeling nervous so the anethetist also came in, did my canula and gave me something to relax (don’t know what it was). He was extremely kind and friendly, and said he was honoured to be included in this part of my journey, which I honestly thought was an incredibly sweet thing to say, and I’m very grateful for how he looked after me.
The relaxation shit kinda made me dopey, and pretty much immediately I was wheeled into the theatre. They had me wriggle from the bed onto the table, I nearly fell off, but it was all good. I don’t really remember much from here, but there was some music playing, and the nurses and registrar were setting up.
At this point the anethetist put the mask on and told me to take some deep breaths. I remember it tasting and smelling really weird, and the next thing I know I was waking up in recovery.
I’m not sure how long I was in recovery for because I kept drifting in and out, but they gave me something for the pain and then wheeled me to the ward. I started waking up properly around this time, had a chat with the people transporting me, and by the time I was in the ward I was fully alert (and really needed to pee).
Because of my size and the way the surgery worked out, I did have a few staples at the ends of my incisions, and I also had to put the compression vest on. I also had drains, with bags that needed to be changed every twelve hours. Nurses would also come and take my blood pressure and check that everything was okay and that I wasn’t in too much pain. They were all extremely welcoming and accepting, never misgendered me once, and even double checked my name and pronouns to ensure that everyone knew. My mate was also allowed to stay with me pretty much the whole day until dinner, which really helped me cos I’m bad with hospitals.
After surgery I was stiff and ached a little, but there wasn’t too much pain. I was able to go to the toilet myself, although wiping was very difficult for the first week.
I stayed overnight, and was discharged the next day. They gave me anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, and some opiates to help the pain. I should note here that I do have an extremely high pain tolerance, so outside of days where I pushed myself a bit too far, I generally didn’t need to use them.
I’m unsure if my experience is unusual, as I was able to do pretty much everything immediately post-op. Of course, I’ve been taking it easy, but dressing, sleeping, cooking, moving, has all so far been generally okay. I have had some pain on days where I moved about too much, or sat up too much, but that’s also partially chronic pain flaring up due to my bad back.
I was discharged with my drains still in, as I’m a bleeder. Usually with Dr Merten they’re removed before discharge, but I was sent home with some bags and instructed to change them every 24 hours and keep a record of how much had drained. I think I wound up keeping my drains in for around a week before they were removed.
I went to the medical centre twice to have my dressings changed and drains checked (and eventually removed), and was sent home with a sterile staple remover for my GP to remove my staples with. They’ll be coming out at the end of the week. The drains didn’t hurt when removed, it just felt like an odd tugging sensation. The stitches Dr Merten used are dissolving ones, so no need to get them taken out.
I do have to change my nipple dressings every three days, and the tape on my incisions can stay on for up to a week. The stuff I use is extremely strong and has glue on it, so I’m a bit hesitant to change it on my own (nearly ripped a staple out last time I changed my dressings).
I’m roughly three weeks post-op now, and I have pretty much all my mobility back. Showering is difficult, as is bending over or reaching to one side (tugs on my incisions). There is pain when I do things, but unless something actively tugs at, touches, or puts pressure on my wounds I’m not in any pain. Mostly its just an annoyance at this stage.
I’m still sleeping on my back, although I can lie on my side for short periods of time. There’s some bruising around my armpits where I had liposuction, and there is a small numb patch on my left side. I can’t feel my nipples, but I also couldn’t feel them prior to this so it’s not a huge loss.
I’ve seen some people say that they felt depressed post-op because of a hormone fluctuation, but personally when I saw my chest it felt natural and right. I didn’t cry (not a big crier) and I wasn’t surprised or shocked or… overwhelmed. To me it was my outer body finally reflecting my inner self. I already looked like this in my own mind, so it was just natural that it looks the way it does post-op.
Unfortunately some dysmorphia and self-esteem issues surrounding my weight have resurfaced, but that’s not really related to the top surgery, and it’s something I’m able to work on as I recover.
If there’s something I haven’t covered that you’re curious about, please send an ask! I’ve tried to be as thorough as possible, but its been a few weeks and some details are fuzzy.
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msclaritea · 9 months
GOP leaders strike out on getting Tuberville to bend | The Hill
"Senate GOP leaders didn’t want it to get to this point.
They tried and tried to get Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) to lift the holds he’s placed on hundreds of military promotions — which have opened Republicans up to attacks from the Biden administration. 
But their efforts have failed, and they are now in a situation where the earliest a resolution might be found is September — when lawmakers will also be busy trying to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the month. 
“It’s hung around for a while. I support his goals,” said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Senate Republican. “The challenge obviously is the mechanism he used to get to the result has created some challenges. We want to figure out a way to resolve it and address that.” 
“There are conversations now going on, which is good — between him and the military and others. We’ll have some time in August to work on a path forward, and hopefully we’ll find it,” he said. 
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has been among those trying to find a resolution, Thune said. Tuberville said he and McConnell discussed the holds Wednesday, hours after the GOP leader froze and felt lightheaded in front of reporters. 
“At this point, everybody’s engaged trying to figure out how to solve this,” Thune added.
Tuberville began his holds in early March to protest a new Defense Department policy to reimburse service members who must travel to seek an abortion for those travel expenses.
Six months later, the list of holds has grown to 300. Senate Republicans were hoping to find a solution before leaving Washington for five weeks — five additional weeks during which those military officers will remain in limbo, fueling Democratic attacks and frustrating the Pentagon.
One Senate Republican said finding an offramp agreeable to both Tuberville and those opposed to the holds has become a “recurring discussion” in the Senate GOP conference, and that McConnell has been personally involved in that quest.
“There’s not a lunch that goes by that we don’t talk about it,” the senator said, but added there’s “no chance of a resolution” any time soon. 
Aside from the potential political and national security implications of the holds, McConnell is worried about the institutional implications. 
The longtime GOP leader recently told reporters at a press conference that he is concerned this could lead to a renewed Democratic effort to change the chamber’s rules. 
Despite disagreeing with Tuberville’s tactic, however, he says he recognizes it is the prerogative of any single senator to place a hold on a nominee. 
Senators on both sides of the aisle for months have been musing publicly and privately about what it would take to get the Alabama Republican to set his hold aside, but have come up empty at every turn. 
Initially, there had been hope that a vote on an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would reverse the abortion travel policy could do the trick, and Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) led the effort.
But more recently, Tuberville has maintained that not only does any vote have to be standalone, but that the Pentagon would have to reverse its policy before any vote could be taken. 
Trying to bridge that gap for lawmakers has become a herculean challenge no one has been able to complete.
Tuberville didn’t comment on efforts by Senate GOP leaders to seek a remedy, but he criticized the Biden administration and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) for their lack of outreach in trying to strike a deal. He also hasn’t had any further conversations with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin since their July 17 call and said that the initial series of calls didn’t yield anything productive.
“There’s no conversation from the other side. It’s ‘our way or the highway.’ … How does that help?” Tuberville said. “They’re not worried about it, I guess. … I hate it, for the promotions and all that.” 
He added that he has yet to talk to Schumer, who has refused to use up floor time moving the nominees through regular order because he believes it is the Senate GOP’s job to figure a way out of the maze of military holds. 
“This is the responsibility of the Republican Senate caucus. … It’s up to them. I think in August, pressure will mount on Tuberville, and I think the Republicans are feeling that heat,” Schumer said late Thursday. “He’s boxing himself into a corner.”
But Democrats are trying to increase that pressure, with President Biden on Thursday night laying into the Alabama Republican and arguing his holds are harming military readiness and creating instability within the ranks of the armed forces. 
“This partisan freeze is already harming military readiness, security and leadership, and troop morale,” Biden said in remarks at the Truman Civil Rights Symposium in Washington. “Freezing pay, freezing people in place. Military families who have already sacrificed so much, unsure of where and when they change stations, unable to get housing or start their kids in the new school.”
Senate Democrats also took to the floor before and after the NDAA vote Thursday to criticize their GOP colleague. Since the hold was put into place, Democratic senators have made 12 attempts to move the military promotions in bloc via unanimous request. 
Perhaps adding to the difficulty, Tuberville has received a boost in support from voters at home and from conservative corners of the Senate GOP conference who believe he is making the right call, albeit a difficult one. 
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They also argue that if Senate Democrats truly want to move on some of the nominations, they can start to do so via regular order — a move Democrats have avoided in order to not set precedent. 
“Democrats think they have a winning political thing on this. I don’t think they do, and I think Sen. Tuberville morally is in the right position with regard to the issue of abortion,” Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) said. “The [Defense] Department has just as much of a responsibility to find a path forward as any single member does, and I’m not seeing the Department try to work in any fashion other than to simply put pressure on Sen. Tuberville.” 
“They’re not trying to find a path forward. They think this is one of those items where if they keep putting pressure on him, he’ll cave, and I don’t think he will,” Rounds continued. “On the issue, he’s correct.”
Tommy Tuberville is an idiot, and he IS the GOP's problem. The only thing I'm enjoying about this is knowing how many 1000s of military personnel in all branches that these boxes have turned into complete enemies.
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