#trust me I’m COMPLETELY with you
getting-messi · 1 year
As a latin american, you'll never see me rooting for spain/france/england or any other colonizer. No way. Not even for any other big european country. They treat us like dirt, act like they are superior, more educated & call us barbarians. See what happened with the arg-nl game and the media and europeans reaction to it. I'm not even argentinian and got mad about how they are trying to portrait the team as problematic. Messi even said why he reacted the way he did and no big media reported on it
Ah okay, i didn’t know you were Latin American - you’re fine my friend. It’s just when I see other people on social media hate on England but then turn around and support a country like France - it’s just hypocritical to me
But you’re absolutely right. I could write an essay about how much I hate the way African and South American football is looked down upon by major media outlet and branded as ‘aggressive’ or ‘thuggish’.
The Netherlands were shameful and this isn’t the first time they’ve played in an aggressive manner: 2006 against Portugal, 2010 final against Spain, and now against Argentina. All of those matches hold the record for most yellow cards given in a World Cup match. ALL of those matches included the Dutch in them AND they lost those matches.
But you’ll NEVER see the media brand the Netherlands as aggressive or playing like barbarians. Even now, so much criticism for Argentina and barely anything about the Dutch.
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papertowness · 4 months
everyone in the show being angry at WILSON during the tritter plotline is lowkey fucking insane
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parasitoidism · 1 month
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Also I like how this artist (Manami Igarashi) draws Nanjo
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marimbles · 9 months
the agony of enjoying MULTIPLE THINGS AT ONCE. How do people do it….
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designernishiki · 1 year
y3 has made me feel many things but one of the things that lingers with me the most about it is how majima takes every possible opportunity and makes every possible gesture to say “please don’t leave me alone again, please take me with you when you leave, I WANT to be right next to you when you need me, I’ll literally do anything for you, just don’t leave me alone again” always indirectly but in strong enough ways that i think it’d be obvious to anyone paying attention EXCEPT Kazuma Kiryu, The Densest Man On Earth, who he’s pleading to in the first place. it’s. frustrating to watch. someone needs to grab kiryu by the shoulders and tell him. for the love of god. this man loves you so much and you keep leaving him when all he wants to do is help you and be with you please just take him to okinawa oh my god
#kazumaji#it’s FRUSTRATING#specifically thinking about the scene in the bar after the pink truck debacle#where majima finally says like. if you’re going to Okinawa to deal with this whole assassination thing or whatever comes up I’m coming#with you. you don’t have a ton of support down there and me and you together are basically unstoppable#pretty much completely outright#and kiryu. the dense stubborn motherfucker he is. is like. i don’t have No One down there I have a few friends (missing the point). I’ll be#fine. I don’t need your help there. you should stay here#I’ll give him some credit because then saying ‘someone has to stay here and keep the Tojo clan from total collapse’ is a good point and it#does mean something that he trusts majima to be that person (especially given I don’t think anyone else on earth would trust him with that)#(despite him being totally capable- you know mad dog persona and all that blah blah blah)#like that’s a good point idk who else would be a good choice to do that considering daigo’s out of commission and who’s even left after that#obviously mine is Sketchy. kashiwagi is (supposedly) dead. everyone else kiryu trusts in the yakuza is dead or injured more or less.#not gonna leave fuckin DATE in charge or something#so. fair enough point. but nonetheless it doesn’t erase the fact that kiryu overlooks what majima means in the grander scheme of things#and still believes first and foremost that he doesn’t need/want his help when he does and he should#he’s just. allergic to making life easier for himself#among other issues#sigh#yakuza 3#y3#goro majima#kazuma kiryu#kiryu#majima#rambling
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twomystdunstans · 8 months
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guy who just finished DnDads episode 37 Talking Sons moodboard
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vulpinesaint · 3 months
debuting my dnd character who sees a reference to something sexual and goes “ew :|” and then sees a reference to something romantic and goes “EWWWWW.” guy who rolls his eyes at sexual references but gets green-like-nauseous with disgust at the thought of romance :)
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The fic I’m currently focusing on is so fun and that’s because my most used sentence is “she glared at him”
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phantom-does-a-thing · 2 months
It’s almost worse knowing they hurt me unintentionally because I don’t have any right to hate them. It was an accident, they didn’t know, but still I have breakdowns at the mention of them and they don’t even know.
#I haven’t talked to them in months#and by god I don’t want to talk to them again#because it hurts So Bad#and I’m not even in the right to hate them bc they didn’t do it on purpose#I’d rather them do it on purpose because then I could hate them#because I’m angry and upset and I had a panic attack last night about it#this person who probably doesn’t even think about me for a second#and they’re constantly in my mind making me feel like crap#that’s not fair#I hope my name is never in their thoughts again and I hope they always wonder why I stopped talking to them#I wanted closure before but it’s too late for that because it’s been long enough that#wtf would I even say?#you hurt me. you abandoned me? but I’m the one that stopped talking#it felt like you abandoned me and I didn’t have the energy to keep up a one sided talk#when I know there were people who would talk to me#I know you’re busy. but at least something would be nice#I’m needy. and clingy. and I KNOW that#but still. it hurts because it’s like everything I always get left behind and they’re the PRIME example of that#I don’t even know why they hurt me so bad#maybe it was because it was someone I trusted completely#someone that I was closest to above all else above everyone else#I trusted them. I loved them. we talked about getting to meet up one day#but I hope that when they come up here I am Long Gone and they never think of me again#I trusted them enough they knew my state. I trusted them with parts of myself I barely trusted anyone else with#and the absence hurt like hell#and there wasn’t even one big event to break it off#just a slow deterioration in anxiety and stress that sometimes bubbled up in a message#but I always kneecapped the conversation because never was a good time to have it#and then just no more messages#I should block them. but I don’t want to ruin all the messages we had
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mychlapci · 11 days
hi local idw1 expert (i have read all the comics... more than once)
all you need to know is that the entire war was caused by optimus and megatron having the world's worst sex and megatron got so mad that he decided that war was the only way to fix it. that way he could teach everyone on cybertron proper sex education! hope this helps
an expert has just logged on. anyone who’s curious about transformers lore, pls listen to this explanation and trust it blindly right now.
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clockworkreapers · 9 months
I was wondering if you did commissions? Your art is incredible and would definitely be worth it
I do yes! And sometimes I post them (some I keep between me and the commissioner if it’s important like a special gift for someone which I’m fine doing tbh) I tag all of those with #commission work, if you want to look through past stuff.
Taking commissions tho that is something I only do over discord due to being scammed in the past. You know how it is people ask to commission give you all the refs you do it and they don’t pay you yada yada. So I do discord instead and any first time commissioners probably will need to pay half up front and half later on just as a safety net for myself. Reoccurring commissioners or ones Iv grown a base with I usually ask to be paid afterwards due to like my morals and actually feeling better about having that personal incentive to complete the work in a timely manner.
You can find me via the Alternian empire server on discord of course I tend to only advertise in there and in short bursts with like 3-6 slots per month but they do tend to go fast.
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mothidocandart · 27 days
I would be such a free spirit if I did not have a million little social rules dictating my every action
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designernishiki · 1 year
interesting to think about how majima was first introduced as a character beating the shit out of someone for not-so-righteous reasons and thus from then on he was/is widely interpreted as morally grey and difficult to trust, but when yakuza 0 starts with an opening scene of kiryu beating someone to near-death for similarly not-so-righteous reasons, it’s just sorta glossed over and forgotten because he’s just so sweet and innocent and can do no wrong. like damn it’s okay to admit the guy has his issues, some just as bad and unresolved as majima’s, that makes him 1000% more interesting than a guy who’s every action is morally justifiable
#also. do people forget that he was 100% about to fucking murder shibusawa if not for nishiki physically stopping him#like believe me I blame kazama for conditioning him/enabling him to be like this and at that point kiryu was basically still a kid-#a naive and impressionable one despite being stubborn in other ways. but that doesn’t absolve him from all wrongs. and those wrongs don’t#make him completely morally bankrupt or evil or anything either he’s just. a guy who has issues and has made mistakes and who wants to be#the best he can be regardless.#tbh arguably he’s a little more morally grey than majima in some ways like.#on a more personal level? like when it comes to his relationships with others/how he treats those who care about him sometimes#and whatnot. if you hc him as autistic (which I do) some of that makes a bit more sense but either way I feel like he’s overall less conside#considerate of other people’s feelings in favor of his own wants and whatnot than majima is generally#if majima trusts a person he gives his fucking All for them without need for transaction most of the time. he’s very selfless (to a bit of#a suicidal degree at times) and just. yeah. he also obviously has his issues but. he’s a bit more reliable than kiryu when it comes to#being there for people as much as he feasibly can and whatnot#anyway#I could get into some stuff re: infantilizing characters who can be interpreted as autistic coded but#because hes not canonically autistic or anything I’m not gonna make too a big deal out of that#kiryu#yakuza#rambling
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galaxywhale · 1 month
In our last dnd campaign, my character had a bird companion and another character was a dwarf with stone sense who spent a lot of time inspecting the history of stone items, mostly because he always rolled really badly and the dm would be like “yep that’s stone” or “you think the sculptor did a pretty great job, can’t tell much else though”
this new campaign, we’re playing completely different characters but last session, my very-enthusiastic-about-everything bard saw a bird as a mount and went omg how neat, we should get a bird to ride!! and then also rolled high perception and noticed a weirdo minions looking bird in the sky and went hey look, another bird! And the other player has an artificer who keeps collecting stones to for his magic stone spell
and so one of the other players was like “I just want to say it’s SO funny that Emily’s new character keeps looking for birds and (other player) won’t stop looking at rocks” so like. I guess you can’t escape some things lol
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 month
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starbuck · 2 years
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been thinking about Them so i redrew a screenshot to cope (it made me worse)
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