#tw: weaponized incompetence
gey-beans · 9 months
Vash doesn't want to take care of Nai 24/7. He wants to have a little bit of freedom. Sometimes he leaves the house for hours. It drives Nai insane. So he does the perfectly rational thing of "falling" down the stairs and pretending to have a brain injury.
Vash is by his side constantly, holding his hand or reading out loud. Nai fucks around with him too, pretending he can't sit up or walk on his own, leaning against Vash every time he had to walk to the bathroom.
Vash gets slightly suspicious three weeks later when Nai still can't walk or eat on his own. By week 4, Vash knows and tells Nai to stop joking around. He says he has no idea why Vash is being so mean and he's doing his best to recover.
Miraculously, Nai begins to walk to the bathroom on his own, grumbling every time about how much it hurts. Soon, he's back to normal and Vash begins leaving the house again.
Maybe next time, Vash will fall victim to the stairs.
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demeterslibrary · 2 years
My mom and I are both sick in bed and my dad STILL can’t manage to put his own dishes in the dishwasher
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cursed--alien · 1 year
A lot of what people call "weaponized incompetence" reminds me of how my brain gets scrambled and stupid sometimes. So the tag is basically for if my brain wants me to feel like I'm doing my symptoms on purpose. Yes, I am aware that this qualifies as self harm.
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normal-hands · 9 months
Nigel just walked into the bedroom. Stood in front of the dresser. What do you need? Silence. Then.
How wide is this dresser again?
Okay fine where's the tape measure.
It's in your toolbox.
I can't find it.
Bb: I want to find it!
Open the box, point it out, she takes it, underhand toss to Nigel
You're lucky she didn't throw it at your head like I would have
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, stalking, overprotective behavior, manipulation, isolation, abduction, death
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz
Serial Killer s/o
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛​Ciel has been called into active duty by the Queen due to a series of incidents that have been going on for a few months now where different murder happened. The victims have all been nobility and all of them were murdered in open space by a shot through the head. A sniper of extraordinary talent must have done all of it, someone who almost rivals Mey-Rin in skills in that from what Sebastian has been able to detect by examining the corpse. All of this must stop at once and Ciel decides to lure the serial killer out as he is within their target group as he challenges them via newspaper. He leaves his mansion, accompanied by Sebastian, in hopes of them taking the bait yet nothing seems to happen. Instead another two victims are killed and Sebastian muses that the killer must have been smart enough to realise that Ciel had something planned, although he doesn't mention it when he sees his young master silently seething, humiliated that he was ignored.
🐈‍⬛​Sebastian himself feels quite indifferent about the whole ordeal. Humans have always killed each other as they are feeble and incompetent creatures. He only is doing his work because of the contract he has with Ciel. His feelings change significantly when one night the sniper decides to target Ciel at night in his own mansion and it is Sebastian's inhuman senses that save Ciel that night as he races through the corridors to stop the bullet from hitting its target. Ciel, despite having just woken up, instantly analyses the situation and orders Sebastian to go after them. A small devilish smile, a polite bow and in the next moment the butler is gone. He is shot a few times but senses soon that the killer has realised that bullets don't work on him and has opted to flee instead. As if that would work. Whether they survive or not is of no concern, especially not for him. At least until he closes in on them and is suddenly surrounded by the sweetest scent he has ever taken in.
🐈‍⬛​The scent throws him out of composure, something you instantly notice as you shoot one more time, this time in his face. In that moment where his senses are overwhelmed, it catches him off-guard as he falls over. You naively assume that you killed him finally as you flee but not even seconds later you are grabbed and pinned to the ground, the same man you just shot in the face looking down at you with glowing eyes and not a single imperfection on his skin. You look at him in disbelief and horror whilst Sebastian takes away the rifle you tightly clutch in your hands, throwing the weapon carelessly away as his eyes never leave yours. He feels shivers going up and down his spine as he feels your racing heartbeat, his body pressing itself closer to you to relish in your warmth and the shape of your own body against his. One of his gloved hands caresses your face, magenta eyes engraving your facial features into every layer of his mind and soul. His mate. You are his mate.
🐈‍⬛​Ciel has made him promise to never lie to him and to obey his every demand yet for the first time Sebastian goes against the contract as he refuses to hand you over to the police. He doesn't expect a human, even if this human is his current master, to understand just how rare and significant a mating bond is to a demon like him. Ciel is quite shocked to see his servant acting like this as he has never been attached to anyone before yet here he is, holding the culprit and pressing them against his body like they are his saving line. You yourself look confused and scared all at the same time as you try to squirm away from the demon's hold. Yet Ciel has no choice ultimately as he has to cover the story up and Sebastian participates as Ciel allows him to do whatever he wants with you. You may be terrified now, kitten, but fear not. Your days of living in poverty and killing to steal and survive are over. You just have to give yourself to him.
William T. Spears
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​📒​His work schedule has recently increased by a lot as an arsonist has recently started inflicting terror onto the public of London. Almost a dozen of houses have been burnt with victims either dead or wounded, especially at night. Police security has tightened and whilst the incidents have decreased a bit, they still happen in different areas of the town. It is so much work for him and he silently wishes the culprit to accidentally burn themselves at one point, especially when he sees all the name who will be made victims in the future. Whilst William doesn't see it as his job to catch the arsonist himself, he decides to still take a look and find out who is behind all of this. He searches for one of the next victims who will die and then waits for the culprit to show up. Eventually he catches you sneaking up on the house, a weird device in your hand that you throw into one of the windows, shattering it in the process. There is commotion inside the house before an explosion occurs and in the next moment the house is burning.
​📒​He has never seen this before and decides to follow you as he sees you disappearing into the shadows and streets of the city. You live in a house on the outskirts on the city, a scrapyard not far away from you. So this is where the troublemaker lives. Now that he knows where you live, William just opts on following you from that moment on whenever you go out to commit the next crime. He notices that you often bring with you a small device that he can't identify yet it seems to be the main reason why the house bursts into flames in the first place. He knows that you spend a lot of time rummaging through the scrapyard, probably searching for suitable parts to build this bomb. As much as you give him trouble, a part of the grim reaper is impressed that you can build something like this from garbage. One day when you are out of your house, he can't help his curiosity as he takes a look inside your house. He has never met a person who has such a messy house yet such a clean workspace.
​📒​You are terrified when you return but find the entire house cleaned somehow yet soon you figure out that nothing has been stolen. It has just been cleaned... Believe him, William wasn't anticipating to suddenly play the cleaner for you but he just could not help himself. He just had to tidy up your place because god knows how you manage to survive in there. Maybe, just maybe he was mildly concerned for your wellbeing as you clearly don't care for hygiene or basic order in your daily life unless it involves work. At least you are passionate about your work as you have made detailed plans on the constructions on those bombs. William has made a theory that you are a rejected engineer and scientist who is trying to accomplish the creation no one believed you could finish. Perhaps your low status plays another part yet instead of dejection you seem to be even more determined. A part of him respects it but not only do you risk getting caught but you put your work over your own health often.
​📒​His fears soon turn into reality when you are spotted by the police when lighting up another house. You flee through all the side streets but soon meet a dead end. Behind you, you hear the cops coming closer yet before they arrive, a figure suddenly appears behind you. A man in a neat suit and glasses who swiftly knocks you out. The last thing you recognise is the feeling of being lifted up before your consciousness fades away. That sudden abduction unlocks a completely new life for you. William absolutely forbids you from building a bomb in the house he purchased weeks before he abducted you as he had plans long before you had to be so careless. You may still read books about the topic but you will not create something that will ruin the house. As he knows that you are not the best when it comes to leading a good life besides when it involves work, he also takes over your schedule completely. The house is kept clean, you receive nutritious and healthy food and he makes sure that you get the needed amount of sleep every night.
Ash Landers
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​▫️​The Queen has been receiving a lot of news from a new serial killer who has appeared in London yet this one seems to be a strange one. It has been reported that all of the victims have been known for treating spouses and childred badly, for abusing and for being con artists who deceived people of their hard earned money. A true criminal for justice by all accounts yet Ash, who is the one reviewing all of those reports and telling the Queen what to do, still views it all with disgust. There is no single good soul in this city after all and whilst he doesn't care about the scum who died because of the new serial killer, that won't save them from the judgement that he will cast on the city as soon as all of the needed preparations are completed. He has been plotting and planning for so long now, his goal is in sight already. Really, this silly human is just wasting their time. If they are trying to achieve a better world by killing of the other scum, it is for naught. Only a cleansing of the entire city will save it.
​​▫️​Yet through a sheer twist of fate one day you pass him without any knowledge of how lunatic and inhuman he really is. It is nothing special for you as you are trailing someone who is your current target but Ash pauses on the busy streets, his head snapping around as his eyes drill into your form. What a beautiful presence... What a clean aura... He has never felt something like this before. Entranced the angel decides to follow you around as well, enraptured with such a clean and beautiful being as you are. What is someone like you doing between such a vulgar crowd? What if they defile you? Suddenly there is a pressure he is feeling, his eyes nervously darting around as he scans all the people who are around you. None of them could even compare to you so why do you go outside? Your presence can't save those sinners anymore. Oh, how benevolent you are for still gracing them with your presence despite their ignorance of your true greatness. You truly are too precious for this world.
​▫️​Then he sees it though. How you walk up to someone who has an especially rotten presence around them. A smile on your face as you talk with them and Ash feels his hands twitch as you touch them slightly. You shouldn't even breathe the same air as them. With slick words and touches, you manage to seduce them enough to have them follow you as you lure them away from the busy streets. Ash instantly goes after you two as all of his alarm bells go off. You mustn't be left alone in a stained presence such as theirs. They will ruin you. He follows you all the way, his hand already on the grip of his sword to behead them if they do anything to you yet there is no need for that as suddenly you pull out a knife and slit their throat in one swift motion. The body hits the ground as they spend a while choking on their own blood and looking at you in horror before all life leaves their eyes. You mutter a silent prayer as a ray of light hits you as you pray for their soul to eventually be redeemed after paying for their sins.
​▫️​That's when you notice Ash appearing around the corner and you are visibly startled as you lift your knife threateningly. Yet in his eyes you only see awe and admiration as he looks at the dead body and then you. He clasps his hands over his heart as a singsong of praise and worship leaves his lips. How truly kind of you to pray for their forgiveness despite their sins. How thoughtful of you to end their pathetic and miserable life. You truly are a pure and special human. You find yourself disturbed by his words to the point where you don't even attack. Something is terribly off about this guy. He begs you to allow him to protect you, to assist you in your task of ridding this town of all the people who have ruined it. You are helpless in the face of an actual angel, one who is smitten with you to the point of a deadly obsession and offers to kill for you so that you won't have to mingle with those who he deems to not be worthy of your time and presence as you spend your time forever trapped and isolated under his care.
Claude Faustus
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🕷️Whilst his master can rest perfectly safe in the mansion, the town surrounding it is living in terror as recently a lot of people have mysteriously disappeared only to be found days later with stitches all over their bodies, their hearts always missing. Not that this concerns Alois much who is aware that no one can do this to him for he has Claude by his side. Claude himself is very much disinterested in all those incidents as he holds a general dislike for the common crowd with no splendid souls to sense anywhere. He plans to finish his contract with Alois to get his hands on the young boy's soul in order to consume it and after that he will vanish. Nothing about this village will be memorable to him as everyone is crude and forgettable. That is just how a demon lives as they are mostly very detached creatures who only cater to their own needs without consideration for those who do not know of their existence. One day he will probably make another contract with another person only to continue the cycle.
🕷️​Then one day it happens though as he is in the town to buy some groceries for the next meal of his young highness. It truly isn't a special day but he can't remember that any day has ever been special ever since he became the butler of the Trancy boy. Yet it is on that day that he picks up a scent that has all of his senses and his head spinning as it invades his mind. Something primal awakes within him as he breathes in as much of the aroma as he can before his golden eyes start darting over all of the people around him as he needs to know the source of this scent. Eventually he locates the person the scent comes from, his eyes glued to your back as his legs start moving on their own accord. It's almost like the aroma has a gravity that pulls him to you and before he knows it, one of his gloved hands reaches out and grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. When you turn around and he sees your startled and confused face, he suddenly snaps out of his trance and swiftlx apologises to you. What just came over him?
🕷️​Unable to forget about you, Claude spends days silently agonising over the distance as he hasn't seen you since that day. He doesn't want his master to find out as he knowd that Alois would throw a fit which is the last thing that he needs right now yet his temper is clearly more agitated. A lot of excuses are used to leave the mansion in hopes that he will find you again but there is no sight of you detected until eventually he decides to leave the mansion at night after Alois has fallen asleep. Hannah is ordered to take care of the boy if he should wake up whilst Claude leaves at night when most people are already asleep. Finally he can use all of his abilities without a time limit and indeed is he now able to track you down after a while. He easily breaks into your house, a prominent smell of blood in the air together with the sound of prayers in an ancient language coming from the basement of the house. It isn't your blood though which is why Claude isn't worried as he follows the stairs down.
🕷️​He finds you in the middle of a ritual you are performing and it is then that he finally realises that you are the person who is responsible for all of the murders that have recently happened. He has seen those rituals before, they are generally used to summon his kind yet it is obvious to him that your soul is much more splended then the soul of the person you are offering. You aren't even aware of the worth of your own soul, are you? In either case, he can't have you summoning another demon who might make a contract with you. The candlelight suddenly vanishes as only darkness surrounds you and your heartbeat increases in fear and excitement. Maybe it has finally worked. Suddenly a hand clasps over your mouth and when you manage to look up, you see glowing eyes within the darkness who look at you with greed and desire. If your wish was to meet a real demon you shouldn't have gone through all of this trouble. You have one right next to you after all who doesn't want any of the sacrifices you have abducted and kiled. You are more than enough.
Hannah Annafellows
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🟣​Sometimes humans can be more savage and demonic than what people call her own kind at times. Hannah can confirm that once more when the newspaper starts reporting that a new serial killer has appeared in town who butchers their victims like some do animals. Heads, guts and limbs are found spread in the sewerage or are sometimes delivered directly to the house of neighbours or friends of the victim. Waves of horror and fear take hold of the citizens as the murder has taken nearly a dozen lives already and their kill count only increases as weeks pass by yet the police is unable to catch them. Hannah has only passive feelings about the whole case though as she doesn't have to care about what happens outside of the Trancy mansion. She has sworn loyalty to Alois despite not even having a contract with him and she spends her time fulfilling her tasks for him despite all of the abuse he puts her through. The life of other people are not important to her.
🟣​She meets you in town during your workshift as you sell vegetables and fruits on the market. Hannah is immediately drawn to your soul and when she appears in front of you, you appear to be drawn to her too as her gorgeous looks take your breath away. You appear enraptured with her from the very first moment you meet her and Hannah uses that to her advantage a lot as she gets closer to you. She has pinpointed fairly quickly that her attraction and attachment she feels is because you are her mate as your soul calls out to her all of the time. She starts spending a lot more time with you as she isn't very much the center of attention to Alois who is mostly focused on Claude. Whilst she doesn't abandon the boy and still does her tasks dutifully, as soon as those are done she tells the triplets to take over everything else whilst she is heading out to meet with you again. She feels peace when she is with you yet she knows. You are hiding something.
🟣​A stench of blood seems to surround you even if the scent is very subtle and a shadow is lying over your soul as if theire is guilt that is shackled to your very being. Your lips are sealed though as you only give her a misleading smile whenever she tries subtly to find out what it is that fills you with such guilt. That smile could fool everyone but Hannah isn't a human. There is a secret you keep from her, most likely because your shame is too much for you to tell others about it. Do you not trust her enough? You should be able to give your everything to her without any fear as you may not be aware of it yet but both of you are bound together by fate. Hannah decides to take matters into her own hands after a while of failing to convince you. That is how she catches you in the middle of another crime, an axe in your hand and your body covered in blood as you are in the middle of dismembering another person. You break out in tears when you see her as you didn't want her to know about this.
🟣​It is a sick and perverse impulse that comes spontanously over you at times, a desire to dismember and murder someone. You don't know where it came from but the fascination has been always there even when you were only a child. You shudder to think what you will have to do with Hannah now that she has found out your secret but it never gets that far because you never get the chance to attack her. Instead her demonic powers overwhelm you instantly and the next time you wake up, you are stuck in a dark room, your hands tied up. Hannah still loves you despite finding out that you are the serial killer who has been butchering their victims but she expects some modesty from you. You should at least be able to control your twisted fantasies more instead of being a slave to them and fulfilling them without any self-control. As long as you haven't learned that though, she can't let you roam freely. You may think of her as a monster now but she only has the best in mind for you.
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yukuoo · 5 months
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A/n: 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗 𝚃𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚙𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚘𝟹 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍! 𝙼𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚏 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚝 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚘𝚜 !𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙽𝚊𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 :𝟹
Tw's: cursing, blood, mentions of death, weapons, fluff, slightly ooc Nagumo probably, my first language isn't english btw
You've known this man ever since the first days of JCC, having the unfortunate fate of being stuck with him during missions and 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴.
He always bothered you— in a child like manner of course. Making fun of your assasin skills, always following you around when Sakamoto or Rion weren't around. He even had the audacity to make fun of your 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘯. You always hit him in the back of his head or shoved him whenever he did one of his pranks on you.
But you never did anything to get at him back.
Once you became a member of the order just like him, you were sent frequently on solo missions. More than him as well, overworking yourself to the 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦.
Of course, took breaks when needed.
Not really.
So the day you were sent to a solo mission that would have supposedly lasted a week to complete. Destiny decided to that you simply had other things to do.
Therefore the mission took you two months.
𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴.
Two months to complete because the target wasn't even on the island. Two months because the staff of JAA was so incompetent that they forgot to get you plane tickets to get back. 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵.
You were beyond exhausted. You sent messages to Hyo and Shishiba to let them know your current status. Not to Nagumo though, that guy just spammed your phone whenever he had the chance.
Which was daily.
You blocked him for two days straight, so when you unblocked him he began to spam you again.
You weren't that mean so you answered him every once in a while.
"This guy.." You let out a sigh, leaning onto your seat and closing your eyes. Getting a daily message from Nagumo, you couldn't help but wonder.
Why was he always clinging onto you? Since the day you both met he had always been by your side, although grateful. You could never figure him out. The certainty that Nagumo wasn't even his real name had you wondering.
Who was he really? Why did he stick by you? Did he see you weak? Did he see you strong? Does he see your potential?
One by one several questions began to gather at the top of your head.
"Hey, we're here." Announced your taxi driver, it wasn't the place that you had told him. Which instantly made you sigh yet again.
"My days only seem to be getting worse."
Before the so called driver could take out his gun, blood was already splattered against the window and his body sitting limp against the stirring wheel. You calmly got out of the car, dusting off your shoulders and pants before walking away.
Then doing a whole twirl to dodge a sniper bullet that had barely caught you off guard. Letting out a deep breath you walked out like it was nothing, soon getting shot at again. There weren't people around, which could be used as a grate advantage for both the sniper and you. You took some cover, sweat dropping slightly at the rough situation. Since that sniper member of the order wasn't around it was proven to be more difficult than you would have thought.
Then again the mission hasn't gone your way since you landed.
When barely peeking out, your shoulder got hit by one of the bullets. Nothing vital thankfully, but painful.
"Son of a bitch!" You groaned, holding onto your shoulder. Though it stung, the snipers location was pin pointed. Taking off your coat you threw it to the opposite side, not knowing it if would work you ran to the other side to get closer as your coat got shot up into nothing but a yarn with holes.
The sniper kept missing while you made your way towards it, getting out a gun and shooting blindly at one of the buildings before hearing a groan and flesh getting ripped by the bullet. Standing there on guard of second, the bloodlust had faded and you let out a sigh of relief.
Your phone rang, grabbing it you answered it while panting slightly. "Yeah? No I just took care of some guys that were out for me.... Really?... Okay, I'll be on my way."
Finally, getting out of the damned island.
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He didn't leave your mind the whole travel. Nagumo was following your thoughts like a sort of spirit that haunted you. You couldn't get his stupid smile off of your head, or his obsession with sweets that made you question how he didn't get diabetes yet. Perhaps with all the time that he had been by your side, you began to worry how he was.
It was no lie that you two were awfully close.
But why now? With the aching pain on your shoulder, the only thought that should have been were complaints about the not so new found pain. Nagumo was always there, relishing the memories of hang outs and fun missions you were both sent.
Looking at your phone, the sudden realization of why there were so many notifications hit in.
You hadn't texted any of them in more than a week. Which began to leave worry in some of them.
Several messages from Hyo, Shishiba, even Osaragi. And of course, Nagumo.
All sorts of messages as in, "are you ok?" Or "are you alive?" They weren't all so heart warming. But it was nice that they cared about you.
However, you always reread Nagumos messages. Chuckling every once in a while at his silly comments, perhaps he was annoying, but he was entertaining. He was intelligent, he had speed, he even had good looks for someone so childish and annoying.
It would have been a lie if you said you weren't attracted it him. Hence why you began distancing yourself slightly. But the man would 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 leave you alone.
Closing the phone, you looked at the window. Almost as if you were processing something, eyes softening slightly before your eyes focused on your reflection. You stared and stared for several minutes, lips parting slightly as eyes widened.
Oh, you thought.
It's not that Nagumo was annoying the hell out of you to the point he haunted you, it wasn't that he always made stupid jokes that would somehow crack you up because you always thought of them.
It wasn't because you were sick of his pranks on you that you always thinking about them.
It was because you were 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘕𝘢𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘰.
After years and years of spending time by his side. You had only just realized this while in your late twenties. You had only 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥 that you were 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 with NAGUMO out of all people for so long that 𝘺𝘰𝘶 never realized it.
You had been head over heels for so long, that perhaps even he noticed it. But you 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵. You never even suspected that someone as yourself would have had feelings for someone as energetic and lively as Nagumo.
The airplane had finally come to a stop, and you were a sitting duck while everyone else got their luggage.
With your gaze still fixated on your window, a blush crept up to the tips of your ears to your cheeks.
You were actually in love with Nagumo.
"I'm gonna kill myself.." Were the first words you murmured upon realization.
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You stood infront of the doors, the doors that led to the meeting room where the rest of the Order members were. You weren't exactly sure how to feel considering you just found out about the new found feelings you recently discovered about Nagumo. There wasn't question about it that you liked— 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 him.
It could be a facade you told yourself, he was grate at pulling off certain personalities. He was someone to fawn over after all.
Another sigh left your lips, this time it was more mopy than the other ones. You were sulking by the fact that you only 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 found out about your feelings.
You could hear the other members talking behind the doors, once you heard Nagumos it felt like your heart definitely got a jump scare.
"This fucking sucks" you muttered, placing your finger tips on the door, your hand began to touch the door and began to push it open. The voices had gone quiet once your figure began to show itself.
"Hi." Was all you uttered, averting your gaze with a low head from the other members. The atmosphere was extremely suffocating.
"Erf.. I'm home? I don't know say something geez." You sighed for the millionth time.
Hearing footsteps run up to you at an alarming speed, your head shot up only to be met with a certain assassin throwing himself at you like a cat.
Negumo held your face close to his chest, his legs wrapped around your upper body and arms wrapped around your head while burying his face into your hair/hijab. He clung onto you like a koala to a tree.
"Hii [Name]~!" He exclaimed, seemingly more happy than before.
Due to his heavier weight, you stumbled backwards and would have fallen to the floor if you didn't hold onto the door frame for dear life. Struggling to keep your body on feet you groaned. "Nagumo, get the hell off! You're too heavy!"
He didn't listen though, he only hugged you tighter while mumbling something incoherent to you.
Shishiba came up to you both, welcoming you back with Osaragi behind him. They didn't even bother to pry the man off of you. While the other members greeted you, they couldn't get a glance of your face due to Nagumo having your face buried on his torso.
Still, it was nice to hear their voices again.
Due to the sudden surprise of your return, the meeting would take place later today. The other began to leave.
Now it was just you and Nagumo, still clinging onto you like a Koala.
It was a miracle your legs didn't give out, so once he got off it felt like you had lost several pounds out of your luggage.
"You're as heavy as ever" you gasped for air, using your tired knees for support while exaggerating from his weight.
"And you're still as clueless as ever!" he mocked back, his stupid smile never leaving his expression.
You chuckled, looking up at him while playfully punching his shoulder. "Still the same I see, didn't change a bit after two months."
"Yeah, and you were gone those two months 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦."
"Well I wouldn't have mentioned it was two months if.. I wasn't gone for two months."
You both stood there for a moment before laughing your asses off.
"Your explanations still suck!"
"Suck my ass!"
"I can"
After a bit of shoving around and laughing, you leaned onto the table. Humming at the pleasant feeling of having returned. "I would have never thought it would have felt good to come back."
Nagumo, however changed the topic almost immediately. Staring off somewhere else while avoiding your gaze. "You still haven't noticed, have you?"
Your heart almost jumped out of your rib cage. Sudden thoughts if he found out about your feelings for him crossed your mind. "What are you talking about?" You questioned him.
"Come on [Name]! You're so slowww" he began to approach you, standing by your side and resting his head on your shoulder while hunching a bit. "You're telling me you haven't noticed?" He was clearly taunting you, just as always.
He's left out hints and hints. But you were too slow to notice. Even if he left out the most obvious clue, Nagumo had the feeling that you would somehow miss it.
How you would miss his obvious feelings for you.
It was no surprise to him actually, ever since you first met you always seemed to be the one to be slow with emotional feelings. Yes, you were smart, but you were emotionally dumb.
Nevertheless, he found that interesting about you. Despite the intelligence of being able to predict an enemy attack or pinpointing their location by some mere calculations. You were still incredibly dumb when it came to emotions.
Opposites attract, is what they say.
He couldn't carry out the hints anymore, after your disappearance for over two months he had thought you had died. But when you were revealed behind the door he 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 he couldn't carry them out anymore.
So when you questioned him once more, Nagumo lifted his head up and place a quick peck on the corner of your lips. His cheeky smile only grew once your face went into a stage of shock after such action after pulling away.
"Does that answer it?" Standing up straight, his hand rested on his hip. Perhaps a bit nervous for your answer, but his smile never faltered.
What he didn't expect, was for you to make a move aswell. Placing a kiss on his cheek, while holding onto his arm, you cleared your throat and looked away. "I guess it did take me a bit. Huh?"
Nagumo stared at you, his mouth opened slightly in pure surprise. Out of all the years he had been with you, you never seemed to be a romantic type. He began to poke your cheek with a smile wider than usual. "You're so cute you know that [Name]?"
"Shut up!" Swatting his hand away (gently), you crossed your arms. "Actually I've never kissed anyone in the cheek... Much less actually properly kiss someone so.. I'm sorry if it was sloppy."
"Oh I know!"
"Kill yourself."
"You can try to kill me instead"
"Masochistic mother fucker.'
Nagumo laughed while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. His gaze not tearing off of your figure after you pecked his cheek. A moment of silence went by before he turned you to him.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" He was so straight forward, he didn't see the reason as to why hide his feelings for you any more so why not just blurt it out?
Just like him, it took you off guard. Normally it was "will you be my lover?" Or "will you be mine?"
But Nagumo wanted to be yours. He wished to be by your side, just as he had always been.
You stared at him, getting closer and placing a small but quick peck on the corner of his lips.
"Does that answer your question?"
"You missed by the way." Nagumo added, wrapping his arms around your waist after he engulfed you into a hug.
"Huhh? But I kissed you where I wanted to" playing with his hair, you deadpanned at his sulking.
"I meant on the lips silly!"
".... You buffoon with no shame."
"Your buffoon actually."
Sorry if my writing isn't the best I'm still trying out new words.
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radgritty · 21 days
So the tw fought with me, processed a script for a patient that was waaaay too early and promised it would be done in 20. Didn't pay attention when me AND the pharmacist yelled at him when he was working drivethru and got mad when we had to correct him. He left all the daily deletes for me. He didn't take trash out. Didn't put away vials or bottles. Nothing. Have I got a report for my superiors. I'm going to get her demoted if not fired. 😀 It has nothing to do with being a tw it has everything to do with weaponized incompetence.
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crossxxbones · 4 months
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headcanons on brock as a handler (verse: 616):
[tw: mentions of noncon/dub-con, torture, brainwashing, and branding]
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I often write Brock as being there when Bucky is first brought into Hydra (whether or not he was with the Soviets first is utp) and playing a major role in breaking him down into a compliant soldier. He's perfectly comfortable with torture and deprivation and even enjoys it at times, but always for a purpose. He's very results-oriented and will never punish without a reason or just because he feels like it. He's always thought it was rather short-sighted of Hydra to use one of their greatest weapons as a punching bag when he was capable of being so much more. He even thinks reward works a bit better than punishment in some instances, although he's careful to keep that in check lest Hydra start to think he's going soft. If that makes him a more effective handler than most, it's not his fucking fault that everyone else is so incompetent.
Please note that I am not into non-con, nor is Brock--if his partner isn't consenting and plainly enjoying themselves, he's out--although I accept this as a potential part of Bucky's history depending on the writer. (Zemo: "He will do anything you want.") In fact, as long as the asset is under his care, he would make a very violent, messy example of anyone who abused him in that way--or at all without a clear reason--because a weapon that traumatized is either unstable or outright fucking useless, and he likes his weapons fully functioning. He'd treat his gun with more respect than some handlers show the Winter Soldier. In more extreme cases, he has branded his assets with a skull and crossbones to keep anyone who doesn't outrank him from touching them. He does not, however, make a lot of distinction between consent and dub-con (i.e., a brainwashed person isn't capable of real consent), so an asset like 616 Bucky, who had enough clarity to run full undercover missions and fall in love with a Widow, wouldn't pose an issue for him. (Obviously, I don't share his views. Uninformed consent is not consent. Please don't burn me at the stake.)
Decades later, after the Skull is gone and Bucky has escaped, Brock doesn't have a lot of fondness for the Winter Soldier program. It's such a massive fucking waste of resources. It takes an incredible amount of time and dedication to break down a human far enough to make and keep them compliant. It took decades with Barnes, and he still required regular memory wipes and cryo. There are far more effective ways to make loyal soldiers, and loyalty is everything to Brock. However, it did often form an inexplicable bond between him and the asset, since even Rumlow isn't capable of spending that much time with someone, putting that much effort into shaping them, and even to an extent establishing a kind of trust between them, without getting attached. He tortured and protected and worked with the assets sometimes for decades; they made him who he is almost as much as he made them, and he's often still protective and possessive of them after the fact.
If you’ve ever spent more than thirty seconds plotting with me, you know I’m not married to any particular canon, even my own. These ideas are a starting place for anyone who wants to write canon or OC asset muses with Brock, but they're by no means the last word on it. The fun is in the collaboration.
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awhoreintheory · 1 year
Katie Holt; Status? Deceased.
TW: Major Character Death and graphic violence. Continue at your own digression.
14 year old Pidge. 
Pidge, the child of the group. 
Pidge Pidge Pidge Pidge Pidge. The girl who fought with every part of her, the girl who broke into the government for her family, a girl too smart for her age, a girl who was awkward around new people but never hesitated to help. A girl. A child. 
She lay there, this child, on the cold metal floor of a random Galran ship in the middle of nowhere. A meaningless battle, worth no lives, no information, no resources. A ship on its last legs, only bots on board with simple coding. She'd — she had just been talking — she was giving Lance shit, she was barking out laughter and poking fun at him for tripping. She'd been alive. She'd been there — just behind Shiro, just fucking behind him when it happened. A sentry — not an enemy, not a general of the empire, no Zarkon, not Haggar — a sentry; a sentry who got a couple of lucky shots. 
Well. One lucky shot, really. That was all it had needed.
Pidge lay there, motionless. Her body rapidly cooling, her unseeing eyes boring into Lance's, usually sparking and honey-coloured and filled with endless curiosity now dead and blank. A round hole, carved into her forehead, straight through her skull. Bloodless. The empire used plasma powered weapons. Right. Instantly cauterized words. Her eyes— eye, Lance realized belatedly, one eye, only the one — would haunt him. A shot through her left eye at an angle. An amateur shot. Bo finesse, no skill, just programming. 
Pidge died to a fucking sentry. 
Pidge died without seeing her dad and brother safe and alive. Pidge died before she could save them and take them home to her mom. Pidge died. Pidge died. She was dead. She was dead, in a random Galra cargo ship, in the middle of dead space. She died.
Pidge is fucking dead. She’s dead. Dead dead dead dead dead —
A shot through Hunk’s right arm, followed by a pained grunt, snaps the team out of their stupor. Right. They are in the present. 
(3 seconds. That's all it took. All the time it took for Pidge to be shot through the brain, a faint spattering of the little amount of blood that managed to escape on Shiro's face and floor.)
Preoccupied by the fighting, Pidge’s body is left on the floor. No one pays full attention to their fight. Just silence. Allura and Coran's worried questioning is left unanswered and unacknowledged. They can see her heart monitor. They can see it is flat. They can put two and two together. 
But denial isn’t just a human emotion. Once the last bot falls by Keith’s hand, the team — slowly, painfully, full of disbelief — makes their way to Pidge. Face pale, with a good chunk missing, body cold and growing stiff with her bayard still tightly clenched in her hand. Shiro is the first to drop down, hesitantly reaching a shaking hand to caress her pale cheek. 
Of course, there’s no movement. Not even a twitch. Somewhere, Shiro knows this, but he seems incapable of stopping himself, desperate to keep trying.
“Katie. Katie, please." 
Katie. Katie Holt. Her name is — was — Katie Holt. She was a 14 year old kid who would've barely been graduating from middle school had she been a normal kid. No one let their tears drop — not yet, not while in enemy territory, not while they're not safe, not while nothing felt real. Not when Katie was just a child in a war she had no part in. Not when she had been so alive just moments before. Not now. Not here. 
Not her. Gods, why did it have to be her? Why was it them? Why were they chosen? Why did Pidge have to bear the consequences? Why was it always the children? Why couldn't Shiro ever protect the people he loved? Why was Shiro such a failure? Why did Shiro have to fail Sam and Matt? Why couldn't Shiro get them back to Colleen? Why was he so incompetent? He'd been right in front of her. He'd been right in front of her. 
He's the leader. He's the pilot of the Black Lion. Why, as a leader, could he not even protect Pidge? Why, as a part of the universe’s only hope, had he been so powerless? Why why why why why why why why why why why why why?
"...We're heading back to the bridge. Coran, prepare a pod." 
Shiro’s normally powerful voice is reduced to a quiet whisper, hoarse and barely eligible. 
"Shiro —" Coran starts, hesitant. 
"A pod, Coran. I said "prepare a pod." Shiro’s voice cracks. 
The team stares. They stare and stare, even as Shiro gingerly slides an arm under her leg and lifts her up. She weighs barely anything. The automatic doors opens and closes without a sound. 
The first to move is Lance. He jerks forward, as though he'd been yanked by an invisible force, stumbling toward the door with his hand outstretched. 
His voice is behind a crack, it’s splintered and ripped apart and lost. It’s broken. Just so, so broken. 
Fighting out of the cargo ship, Green doesn’t follow. Hunk wordlessly grabs the shut-down lion, trying to gently place her down in the hangar only for her to collapse like a marionette with the strings cut. It was only the safety of the Castle did the team finally move with some sort of urgency, somewhat grasping the situation. 
Pidge is hurt. She’s hurt really bad. She’s hurt so bad... they’re sure if the pods can bring her back. 
(They’re not. Of course they’re not. They’re machines, not miracle workers. What can machines do to bring back the dead?)
But they will try.
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serickswrites · 5 months
Heroes and Villains One Shots
Heroes and Villains
I'd like to think that's forever--Hero and Heroine discuss love
Married?--Hero and Heroine are married
Skirt--Hero and Lover's wardrobe discussion
Hate--TW: kidnapping; beating; drugging; enemy to caretaker (sort of), could probably argue this is yandere
Only For You--TW: temporary character death, blood and gore (mention)
I Don't Know Why--Hero and Villain are lovers
Sun--TW: major character injury, caretaker and whumpee
Heels--Villain's wardrobe
One Last Kiss--Love wants a kiss before Hero goes
Bed Time--Villain doesn't want to go to bed
Excuse--Villain lies to Supervillain
Fire--Villain's unrequited love
Water--TW: drowning; water torture; major character injury; unclear character status
Mad--Hero and Villain and work
Run--Civilian and Vigilante interact
Distracted--Villain and Supervillain in Lair
Witch--TW: injury; blood; mild depiction of gore
Beauty--Supervillain and Villain discuss beauty and brains
Caught--Sidekick goes to Villain
Smell--Hero feeds Villain
Fix--Villain breaks something
Collapse--Superhero fears for Hero
Sorry--TW: mcd; blood; death
Think--Hero, Villain, and Supervillain have a conversation
Friends--Villain thinks about friendship
Ice Cream--Villain tires of fighting
World--Sidekick is disheartened
Legend--Civilian stumbles upon Supervillain
Brightest Idea--Villain and Sidekick are out of ideas
Mess--Base is in a mess
Unknown--Civilian stumbles upon something
Destroy--Supervillian and Villain have a conversation
Pin--Villain bares it all
Shut Up--Hero is an anxious mess
Honey--Supervillain catches up to Hero
Mystery--Sidekick hasn't been using their powers
Participate--Hero refuses to participate
Weird--Mail time at Base
Naive--Villain laments
In Another Life--TW: blood, knife, stabbing
Miracle--TW: threats of death, implied future violence
Drunk--Hero and Villain get intoxicated
Rules--Hero and Other Hero talk
What it is--Hero and Villain have a bad day
Choice--Sidekick isn't a first choice
Meeting--Hero and Villain meet
Not going to happen--Sidekick wants to throw a party
Go There--Hero and Villain have relationship issues
Drama--Villain loves drama
Do It--Hero and Villain talk
Forget--Villain doesn't want to remember
Your Bad--Superhero lectures Hero
Funny--Right Hand is incompetent
Know That--Hero catches on to Sidekick
Be Real--Villain levels with Hero
Don't Like--Hero and Sidekick sneak into Lair
Please Kiss Me--Villain wants a kiss
Zoo--Supervillain needs a day off
Sure About It--Superhero catches Sidekick
I Got This--the smallest hero stands up
So Dramatic--Villain is very dramatic
Get You--Villain is weird
My Fault--Villain is blameless
Public--Hero finds Villain in public
Shut Up--Sidekick is loud
Stupid Face--Hero is self conscious
Joke--Villain cannot take a joke
Fool--Hero feels the fool
Secretiveness--Villain fears their secret will get out
Need--Hero feels unwanted
Messy--Lair is a mess
Go Home--Civilian just wants to go home
Not Allowed--Movie night is a bust
Dog--Villain misses their dog
Immortal sidekicks request--TW: referenced torture, referenced captivity, referenced emotional manipulation, hurt/comfort, hurt/recovery, hurt/aftermath
Hero is supposed to kill Villain request--TW: physical violence, blood, weapons, blade, betrayal
Swallow It--TW: captivity, restraints
Villain rescues Hero request--TW: restraints, captivity, blood, wounds, rescue
Whatever--Sidekick feels invincible
Real--Superhero belittles Hero
Screaming--Supervillain is angry
Bye Bye--TW: self-sacrifice, implied character death, blood, injury
5 croissant anon ask
Standing--Sidekick the eavesdropper
Supervillain toasts Superhero
Sick hero request--TW: infection, illness, hurt/comfort
Hero escape the hospital request--TW: injury, broken bones, hospital
Hero boasts--TW: emotional abuse
On the Floor--TW: gun, robbery, threats
Give Me a Kiss--Hero to the rescue
Awful Job--Villain is awful at their job
This is the End--TW: threat of death
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Just gonna show my whole-ass kink here, don't mind me. Can I get some headcanons for vampire Telltale Riddler with a fem reader who is a vampire hunter? She's lasted longer than most of the arrogant hunters who come after him, and she even respects him as a foe! But she's so damn flippant when they fight. Absolutely the sassiest person he's ever met. BUT THE SEXUAL TENSION IS THERE. You know the Straight On scene from Strange Magic? That's the dynamic.
"Who is hunting who?" vampire!Telltale Riddler x Vampire Hunter f!Reader
We love when people show their whole-ass kink. It's the only way to do it! Also you know I'm VERY aware of that scene from Strange Magic. A bit longer because I had to write some actual action.
TW: vampire au, mentions of cannibalism
At first he was certain you must be some form of idiot to try tangling with him. Too many arrogant hunters came out of the woodwork once he came back to town- He ripped their throats out. Your first meeting was him practically picking flesh from his teeth. You once saw him crudely raise the dead to do his bidding, a sight that sent most packing!
Yes, you must have been stupid... so he thought. If you were truly an incompetent like he thought, you wouldn't have lasted this long. Your little spats had ended at a constant draw, one or both of you escaping to continue the fight another time.
It was obvious you had come to respect him in some sense. Perhaps even admire him? He told himself it was the only thing keeping you alive. Certainly it wasn't that mouth. You always had some smart ass comeback. Some witty retort that showed your cockiness and youth.
You were, in fact, the last person he wanted to run into when conducting the business he was tonight. A meeting with other vampires to discuss their attack on The Agency. As he stood on the rooftop awaiting them, he could hear a distant whistling... When he stepped aside, a silver arrow whizzed past his head to land into a nearby wall.
There you stood, crossbow in hand, grinning at him.
"Ah. It's you. I apologize, but I simply can't play with you today," He attempts to wave you off, "Find some other vampire to tolerate you tonight, little girl."
Your response was quick, "Oho? Scared I'll kick your ass, 'old man'?"
Eddie rolled his eyes. Looked at his watch. Fifteen minutes. Perhaps he could get you to back away in that time. Easily, he pulled the arrow out of the wall... before sending it back towards you.
You should have been prepared- Yet it cut into your arm just so, causing you to drop the crossbow. The vampire took this opportunity to leap to the air and come down upon you with claws... Which met the thin-but-tough metal and leather of your bracers.
"Always prepared, are you?" he asked, his claws raking too close to comfort to your face.
Your laugh was nervous yet distinct, "What can I say, you keep me on my toes! I wasn't expecting you to be out like this, though. Usually you're much harder to find!" From your hip, you pulled a vial of some sort, smashing it to the ground.
He wasn't sure exactly the compound, but it made his eyes blur with tears. He rolled away, just in time for you to thrust forward with a knife blade. Eddie couldn't help but quip, "And somehow you're doing better than I would have thought possible. Taking tips from yours truly?"
Your face leans back away as his hand swings his cane outward towards you in retaliation. A small spark of metal on metal as your knife comes into contact with the sharpened question mark at the end of his weapon. You try to regain your balance... only to find him dissolving into smoke before your eyes-
As he reappears, it's behind you, his hand shoving you forward and his cane reeling you back towards him. A scream strangles out of your throat as you feel the pointed edge cut into your abdomen. Finally, you'd gotten just that touch too arrogant and took the bait before you were really ready to fight him in open space.
Yet even as he tried to approach you, your blood dripping off his cane, you tried to sweep his legs out from under him. It surprised him just long enough for you to scramble to your crossbow. By the time he caught up to you, it was pointed at his face.
You winced, "I'm not on the menu tonight. Sorry to disappoint you." Both of you stood at a standstill. Both of you easily able to kill the other in this moment. He seemed to be thinking over his options.
The man leaned forward, "...Too bad. You would have been a delicacy." He waits for you to lower the crossbow before continuing, "Now... girl, I really do have business to conduct-"
"(y/n)." You managed to sputter, "My name is (y/n). Not..." A pained expression on your face as you moved.
He rolled his eyes, "You expect me to remember your name? Just like that?" As if you held any importance to him. You were very aware if you didn't, you would already have been dead.
"You seem to remember everything else." Your voice is quiet. He was catching on to your fighting style. You'd have to mix it up if... if you were going to continue this, "You should know the name of the person whose going to- Um-" You were a bit lost in thought.
"Ah, and all the banter has left you." Quickly, he pulls you up. It's not rough or hurtful- If anything, his arms about you make you feel secure.
A door nearby opens and he's pulling you nearby behind the wall of the stairwell structure on the roof. You hear other vampires coming out and feel your breath hitched. You see the way his body almost seems to be shielding yours. Perhaps it was the tension... Perhaps it was the blood loss. Either way, you found yourself pulling the man to a kiss.
a kiss, you noted, he had no intentions of getting away from. He deepened the embraced, seemingly curious of your reactions. His tongue brushing over the bottom of your lips. You moaned in pain as his fingers found the wound on your abdomen, his other hand holding you steady. The sensation mixed with pleasure had you slightly hazy.
When you broke away, he was licking your blood off his fingers. His statement was simple, "Payment. Run along now, young lady. And... don't be stupid next time. You were just beginning to impress me." He walks past you to go speak to his colleagues.
You sneak away in a vague sense of shame. Why did you- Why did he- Better to heal up and answer the hard questions later.
He hummed as the last speckles of your blood soaked to his tongue. Yes... delicious.
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maytheoddshq · 7 months
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Clarity Farhan (she/her). Trainer. 113 Victor. Twenty-six. Kinza Hashmi.
What was their childhood like?
Clarity Farhan is the only child of two trainers at the Academy, and any time they hadn't spent training students at the Academy was spent spending time with and training their small daughter at home.
Surprisingly for a family in One, most of the Farhan family was uninterested in volunteering for the Games. They came from a long line of Academy employees, with a few Peacekeepers sprinkled in for good measure. They made a quiet living out of their skills in combat and self-defense, and with a steady stream of volunteers to willingly bear the brunt of the Games, they were able to live in their tiny bubble: getting married, having children, celebrating birthdays, and never being touched by the grim shadow of poverty.
Of course, such things are taken for granted when that is all one knows.
Clarity was an overachiever as a child, endlessly eager to impress. She took her craft seriously, often staying at the training grounds after hours, spending her free time mastering just about any weapon or martial arts style she could get her hands on. She lived to achieve, to move up in the world, because what else was there? The foundations of One were built on Honor, Valor, and Excellence. Clarity would represent all of those things, and continue to earn adulation and praise.
Over time, between her only child status, preferential treatment as a trainer's daughter, and all that adulation and praise handed to her like hot cakes, it may have gone just a touch to Ms. Farhan's head.
She became increasingly outspoken, feeling as though she could say what she wanted and receive no repercussions. She flipped her hair as she walked the halls of the Academy, allowing others to bask in her near-phosphorescent glow. And, soon, Clarity found that becoming a simple trainer or peacekeeper wouldn't be enough for her, and young Clarity's eyes fell to the Games.
How do they feel about the Games?
Clarity was raised with the Games as an afterthought in her life, something she would never need to worry about. After her head had begun to swell, she saw the Games as another glorious piece to add to the shrine to her own excellence.
After everything that's happened, she still views the Games as a vehicle, but one that is careening dangerously out of control. She could never and has never considered the idea they need not to exist at all: They are a necessary evil: one that can earn you great acclaim if used correctly.
What drove them to their current occupation? Do they like it?
TW: light descriptions of violence and death
Clarity had been on the tribute track for years at this point, and she had made sure everyone knew it. She worked hard and never rested on her laurels, but her mouth kept moving, spilling every little thought that passed through her mind without even a cursory edit.
"Only tellling the truth" she'd shrug when she pointed out a fellow Academy student's obvious incompetence.
"They just let anyone in here, don't they?" A casual remark said with a smile shortly after her latest sparring victory.
"If you're not going to prepare, why even show up?" She punctuated that sentence with a well-timed flip of her hair. It was an honest question. She'd spent hours last night using her parents' special access to the training floor to get in hours of extra training. Why couldn't everyone else?
It was during one of those late night practices that a terrible accident happened.
The reaping for the 113th Hunger Games were coming up in only a few days. One of the chosen volunteers had been granted extra training time, meaning Clarity wouldn't be the only one in the gym. It had been entirely deserted. No other soul in sight. They'd been on opposite sides of the room, and the volunteer had begun lifting weights.
When Clarity heard the sickening crunch and hollow howl of pain, she rushed over immediately. Her head swam in shock as she realized it was already too late. She made the call for a medic, just in case, but she already knew. This wasn't the first time this had happened, of course. Academy students were worked to the bones, and accidents happened. But, it was the first time Clarity had ever watched someone die, right in front of her.
It wouldn't be the last.
The question of the volunteer's replacement was brought up almost insultingly early. The Academy never made plans for back up volunteers, for fear someone would find that information and try to seize their glory. The Academy decided to leave the decision open to other students at the Academy, allowing them to help one of their fellows find their glory.
Clarity had actually been a bit shocked at the overwhelming number of votes she'd gotten. She knew she was beloved, of course, but she'd always assumed the students surrounding her had been jealous and untrusting of her. It was heartwarming, to say the least. Finally, the one who would become her district partner approved the decision. They said they would be honored to go into the arena alongside Clarity Farhan. They were about 22, and at their prime.
So, at only 16, Clarity Farhan raised her hands at the reaping to claim her place in the hallowed halls of true excellence.
The Career Pack that year bonded quickly. They trained alongside each other and moved as one. Clarity's private training score was stellar, as was expected. She had demonstrated several holds and grapples, the proper way to wield a sword, hit a few targets in archery, and dodged an array of throwing knives before returning fire. It was the culmination of all of her training, and the Pack had patted her on the back for her score, especially at such a young age.
On Launch Day, Clarity knew she had a team that woukd work with her and hold her up. She'd be victorious.
The Pack tasked Clarity with entering the Bloodbath and retrieving a few weapons. Clarity took the job with pride. She bobbed and weaved, grabbing a backpack and what she could carry, pleased with her performance. She'd even managed to seriously injure a fellow tribute! She returned to the spot they'd quickly whispered to meet, and she arrived the find the pack divvying up another array of weapons that someone else had pilfered.
When they turned to see her, their faces contorted in *loathing* and *disgust.* Most of all her partner.
She hated to admit it, but she froze. She'd seen the expression before, of course, but she'd never seen it leveled at her. She'd learn later, much later, that the Academy as a whole believed the last volunteer's death hadn't been an accident. And that just about the entirety of the Academy despised her.
She heard one of the pack members mumble something about her still being alive, and then they fell on her.
She'd been so shocked she was barely able to defend herself.
She'd never truly noticed before, but she was truly the youngest and smallest of the whole bunch. Catching her so by surprise, they quickly overpowered her, beating her with their fists, cutting her with their knives, and kicking her until it hurt to breathe. One of them had used their heel to dig her face into the dirt. Another kicked her face, removing most of her front teeth.
It was a sudden Gamemaker event that had inadvertently saved her. The ground moved and shook and her body fell, down, down, down into a newly formed chasm. The Pack left her, figuring she wouldn't be much longer for this world.
Clarity laid there for what felt like an eternity, but was likely only a few minutes. After those few moments, she faintly heard the scuffling of feet as someone hurried down the side of the chasm.
Someone was coming for her.
She woke up a little while later being cared for by a woman from District Six. She was about 24 and had witnessed the Pack turn against her. She told her she'd been a medic back in Six, and was unable to leave her there. It went against some oath she'd taken long ago. Plus, Clarity had been so small compared to them.
So helpless.
Once Clarity was back on her feet, she and the woman from Six walked the arena together in an awkward, but somehow safe, silence. Clarity didn't know what to say or what to do, and neither did her companion. But, neither of them had made a move to hurt the other yet. So, she supposed they were allies.
They stayed on the outside of the arena, avoiding others, just surviving. They heard the cannons build up and up, soon realizing there weren't very many left. Before long, they knew it was only them and the Pack left.
Clarity told her to leave them be for now. They'd shortly start turning against each other and take most of themselves out on their own. Then they would strike.
But, the girl from Six made Clarity promise that, should things go bad, she'd give her a lethal dose of some vial of something from inside the pack she'd stolen in the cornucopia. She knew she couldn't bring herself to do what she needed to to survive. She wouldn't be leaving.
But, that time would never come. The Pack had decided to find them and take them out first.
Clarity was forced to watch as her new companion was ambushed. Worst of all? Their ambush had been sloppy. If she'd known any self-defense, any at all, she might have been able to survive.
There had only been two left in the Pack. Clarity made quick work of them shortly after and was declared Victor of the 113th Games.
The Girl from Six stuck with Clarity. She saw her face everywhere while on her Victor's Parade. When she returned to One, most of them turned from her. She had not been the favorite to win. She was not welcome. Yet, those in Six showed her at least a tiny modicum of respect.
When faced with the choice of becoming a Mentor for One, the choice was easy. She turned it down almost immediately, offering her skills as a Trainer instead.
From then on, Clarity would seek out her own glory in the hearts of others, circling the tributes, looking for the weakest, the most out of their depth, and giving them the power they'd need to survive in the arena. She would create a victor out of the underdog one day, and would bring shame to her the district that had formerly been her home. Her choice to place her faith behind non-Career tributes had solidified her place as an outcast in One, and she now lives in the Capitol, teaching combat skills and martial arts to Capitolites to help make ends meet inbetween Games.
How do they treat tributes? Mentors? Escorts? Other characters?
Clarity searches for the most out of their depth, yet willing to learn, and tries to mold them into future victors in a few short days. She enjoys their innocence and naivete about the arena, finding it refreshing. But, she still sees them as potential for her to solidify her own glory someday, knowing how spectacular she'd look for single-handedly forming a winner from some nobody district. She is a taskmaster of a trainer, wanting to push her tributes to their limits. She outright denies Career tributes access to her skills.
She's still got a bit of an arrogant streak to her, though the trauma and thr amount of time she spends around non-Careers has mellowed her significantly. She's still searching for true glory, and is quick to point out the strengths of her protegees (although she has yet to produce a true victor in her ten years yet.)
As for anyone else, Clarity spends much of her time doing and thinking about training. Her interests are non-existent beyond that, so most uninvolved in that lifestyle would find her awkward to talk to.
What is their personality like?
Clarity is still a bit of an arrogant loudmouth, but now she's batting for the underdog. She's looking to cause disruption in the Games, wanting unexpected Games results, and loving to see anyone from her former district/any other career district brought down a peg. She can be a but shrill, and is a taskmaster, but she can also be quite inspiring as a trainer.
Three strengths and three weaknesses?
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forbiddcnsirvn · 2 years
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bae joohyun. thirty two. demigirl. she/her. demisexual demiromantic scorpio. ☾ *゚ is that evren fawn ( AKA: persephone ) behind the mask? whenever i see the playboy bunny, amateur adult video star, and waitress at the milk bar in pigalle, i think of the neighbor by porcelain and the tramps. rumor has it they are steadfast & inquisitive, but callow & possessive can be their fatal flaws. what their neighbors in rue réaumur HLM call them is the siren.
previously believed to be a supposed victim of kidnapping ransom gone very wrong; her whole life, evren was told that all of her family members have been murdered when she was three during the negotiation to rescue her and she was the only survivor left. it is often mentioned that the lieseil agents were present at that time to shelter and take her under their wing.
she was brought to safety in the lieseil headquarters and had resided there ever since, completely lacerating the conception of social life all at once and leaving her isolated. the agency saw the golden chance of making her one of their deadliest weapons especially with the child’s innocence.
hwangmok isn’t actually her surname, instead a name she had adapted when she was young and had gotten herself invested with books; the agency permitted her the liberty to not enforce one picked by theirs name and choose one on her own. sadly, it seems like that was the only streak of freedom they had offered to her.
though given material care, for some inscrutable and perhaps pernicious reason, evren was never allowed explore outside the building. lieseil promised it was merely for her safety; but the only place, and so-called playground, that she was allowed to visit was the school they had allowed her to attend, while within the headquarters malevolent practice was executed and she was demanded to witness all of it; from physical extortion to torture, even participate when she was old enough to do so.
every education and knowledge given to her was tightly supervised. evren was trained to do activities that a mentally-naive and innocuous individual should never have to endure. this includes, but not limited to, partaking in questionable “research” and testing, witnessing torment, and learning certain skillsets; tracking, spying, and luring people in with manipulation and seduction.
with that upbringing, she was sculpted into the near-perfect marionette for lieseil-however, along with that, comes her biggest defiency: due to all the isolation, she became thoroughly incompetent to fit with the society. she became an incredibly perilous pendulum, who understood no boundaries, and searched the most extreme methods to solve problems or interact with people.
she perceived everyone as objects, things that she can play and own and tweak around to her desires. she had an entirely naive mindset that’s also very fucked up and skewed; the actions and matters that might be seen as cruel by most others she could not comprehend and instead assumed to be the correct way of doing things. one second, she could be cold and unapproachable, then playful, but one wrong word would send her into complete hostility. she absorbed most things in black and white, and when she wasn’t trying to be professional, this caused her to become emotionally turbulent.
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however, much to lieseil’ chagrin, evren’s obedience was somewhat short-lived especially when, during her teenage years, she met up with one certain, wounded punk CYREK FAWN. everything about him and his constant acts of rebellion intrigued her to her core, and despite their flaring, inferno-like exchanges, they started to hook up in secret even after the agencyhad strongly advised her to not maintain contact with him but evren paid no mind to it. cyrek’s resistence began to rub off on her, and she relished the ventures they were able to devour together, picturing the universe sinking in and there was only the two of them left. the two were pretty much hazardous and inseparable, up until a specific point where they had to be forcibly shredded from each other. though, it was definitely not the last time she’d seen of him. in spite of the agency’s rage, a child came out of her relationship with cyrek, named AMARIS JIWOO.
driven to disappointment with her defiance, lieseil ordered torture to be given down to the new mother; this led to an abundance of agony and it was then announced that evren had been put in a comatose state. however, a short time after, she managed to re-emerge appearing a lot more bewildered, repulsed, and seemingly missing memories. 
the agency began feeding her with lies; telling her that cyrek had departed out of distaste and that she had been deceived. still somewhat naive at that time, evren was rendered lost and cluess as to which side she should put her trust in, and parts of her that believed that cyrek might have intentionally deserted inflicted a massive amount of wrath which she then released the next time they encountered one another. sexual tension remained to linger at that time, however, the more she got to know him, the more she realized he had been genuine all along,
after an incident that warranted scars and injuries on cyrek; evren took the time to tend him in which their relationship blossomed even further. at this point, evren was entirely swayed, her memories mended, and after a deep rumination while spending time with him and his band of misfits, evren agreed to leave the agency. the latter, of course, did not take this kindly whatsoever.
they started sending their best efforts to, if not recapture, then eliminate them; including sending trackers to follow suit, spreading word around towns about the bombers and caution for their residents to watch out for the two. with the help of a fellow agent who also disliked the agency’s practices, evren and cyrek were able to narrowly escape them.
a fire occurred in the midst of all of this and after being attacked by more of lieseil’s agents, silent death included, evren ended up being mortally wounded. almost meeting her demise, cyrek came in to ressurect her by turning her into a vampire.
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the pair eventually managed to hide themselves away from the agency’s grasp, beginning a proper romantic relationship together and later marrying, evren also converted to judaism and tailed alongside their camps whenever they went, sharing stories with one another.
several years passed, she now officially rides with THE BOMBERS, she and cyrek, and lives a much less extravagant and blood-coated life. with that being said, she savors in everything it has to offer despite their struggles with finance on several occasions. evren strips down her guns, most of the time, for a life filled with odd jobs and much more common activities, though after enduring one that forced her to be that bloody agent perhaps normalcy becomes entertaining. after several miscarriages caused by stress, she currently lives with her children and taking care of them with with her spouse.
has a fairly good eye in fashion though she never really delves deeper into it and doesn’t particularly possess that much interest in expanding her knowledge.
evren is an animal lover but her desire for pets isn’t as rampant as the other two, she’s fine with just seeing them and being able to interact with them fleetingly.
her aesthetics were inspired by cyrek’s, and she’s often seen donned in punk-like clothes.
is an excellent sharpshooter but can’t do hand-to-hand combat to save her life.
typical Asian Mom with strict hours although all of her children are still very young
she gets high in her break time with cyrek, but keeps it minimum whenever she’s going through pregnancy or is ill.
she doesn’t necessarily get along with the bomber’s members despite being their co-leader, but she could tolerate a few of them. is also rather curt in her co-leadership.
is rumored to be the lost oldest child of THE CHOIS.
ever since she came out of her comatose, she has begun to behave differently; a lot more sex-repulsed except with her husband, and she seems to not know how to be have like a normal human being. rumors say that the real evren had actually died during her torture, and she was replaced by a doppelganger: lieseil’s finest work. 
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animeyanderelover · 11 months
Could I request how it would be with indra,madara,Sakura,tsunade,Tobirama,itachi,naruto,Sasuke,shisui in a hunger games au?Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
I might have twisted a few points of the Hunger Games here and there to fit my storyline better. In general I'd like to say that I've never seen or read this franchise so all those informations are based on what I've been told from my followers or what I've read online. By the way, I accidentally added Hashirama in here since I'm so used to having him and completely overlooked that you didn't even requested him here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, stalking, paranoia, clinginess, manipulation, blackmailing, poison, violence, torture, death, mentions of suicide, trauma
Hunger Games AU
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜 As one of the highest officials even within the Capitol, Indra has always stood out. Not only because he's gorgeous but also because he hates the luxurious and shallow life most citizens in the Capitol lead. He has dedicated his life to overseeing the Peacekeepers, training them and brutally striking down anyone who dares to oppose the system. It makes him as feared as respected as the highly ranked officials in the Capitol do their best to keep Indra content so he will never turn against them as that would surely be fatal. Due to their fear and equal desire to keep a gem like him on their side, he has risen up to be one of the must influential and powerful humans in all of Panem with an army of Peacekeepers behind him. A lot of them from District 2 where Indra is worshipped as a god of some sorts. The Hunger Games have to be watched even if he thinks he could spend his time doing more important things, it's disgraceful to see people dying pathetic deaths due to their own incompetence.
💜 If someone would have ever told him that he would ever find himself falling for someone he only sees on TV, he would have flung them across the room. Yet this is exactly what happens during this year's game as you, an 18 year-old tribute from District 12, enter the games. Most other participants, especially the Career, are flashy and want attention to get supported and sponsored by other citizens. You stand precisely out because you don't draw any attention to you. You're calm, think ahead and it isn't your goal to try to be cool as you just try to do what you're supposed to whilst simultanously surviving. When nearly half of the tribute are already killed at the beginning whilst fighting for weapons and other important stuff in the Cornucopia, you instead decide to explore the region only to set a few traps later to steal everything other tributes collected. A bow and an arrow seem to be your favorite as you shoot opponents from a safe distance, silently waiting in a hidden spot.
💜 He can tell that you're experienced with hunting as you're excellent in hiding your own tracks whilst being a genius at following others. You even use the poison from muttations thrown in by the gamemakers to finish of your enemies even more efficiently. Someone who was forgettable at the beginning of the games has turned by the end of it into everyone's favorite as citizens are gushing over your smoothness and predator-like behavior. You have a lot of sponsors yet the first one who provided you with medicine and weapons was Indra. He's investing into you as he deems you to be someone who deserves to live. You're different from those incompetent and arrogant fools who are either too terrified or too cocky, you always approach everyone with the same amount of caution and fight seriously. Perhaps it is no one's surprise that you end up winning, the first champion of your district and the people love you. One specific person probably more than others.
💜 His desire for you shocks him as he's never met you in person, he's only seen you in the arena. Truth is though that you're everything he's ever searched for. Courageous, smart, strong and merciless when it comes to snuffing out a life. You're unaware of him until the day where he pays to see you, something that is allowed as he's from the Capitol and you're a mere attraction for those people. You walk in, completely expecting him to initiate sexual intercourse yet he's more interested in talking to you, seeing your skill with his own two eyes, scientifically modified with his own request to grant him even more power. The end result are permanently red eyes with black dots within his orbs which make him all the more intimidating. You're secretly just relieved that he doesn't want to violate you so you indulge him in his interest to see your abilities up close. If only you'd known what consequences that would have later on for you. It's never like you had a choice anyways...
💜 His obsession gets gradually worse as he gets to know you better. Your skills match your fast thinking and you're a quick learner as he suddenly starts training you in hand-to-hand combat and the use of other weapons. Slowly you start spending a lot of time with him until you find yourself staying days in his house as he provides a room for you. He grows possessive, sees it as such a terrible waste that you still have to stay in your District, even if it's in the Victor's Village. Thoughts fill his mind, wondering if he could convince the president to let you live permanently with him as Indra is almost as powerful as he is. Those dark thoughts turn into schemes yet it is when one of the Peacekeepers in the Victor's Village informs him that you recently took someone in who isn't your family but someone you fancy that a burning rage takes over him. The next time you're forced to come over, you instantly sense that something is wrong. It is only confirmed when you're grabbed by the man, red eyes gleaming as he smashes his lips against yours in a searing kiss, growling in between that you can't refuse him. You're his, he will see it through that you can never leave him.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑 Madara is a Career from District 2 that will participate in this year's Hunger Games and to say that he's confident is an understatement. He's been training essentially his whole life for such a chance and in his last year before he would have been excluded from it, he's finally chosen. There are rumors if the Capitol might have manipulated the decision on purpose since Madara is quite well known even among the citizens of the Capitol for his skills and beauty. Truthfully spoken though, Madara doesn't care. He's just thrilled that he gets his chance to participate, to fight. His District has produced a lot of victors for the Hunger Games so this is about honor, especially since his own father is a previous victor from a game years ago. He can not let his family down like this. Madara is instantly the favorite among the crowd as soon as he enters, the cheers for him are deafening and a lot of tributes seem to give up instantly, recognizing him.
🌑 When he notices most of them cowering upon noticing him, avoiding his eyes and making themselves as small as possible, he can only scoff and give them a condescending look. He despises people like them, weak cowards. They're all going to die anyways. There's only one person who meets his gaze and refuses to look away, a sign of rebellion. A tribute from District 7, the same age as him. Both of you get caught in a silent stare battle as looking away or even blinking is a loss, something that both of you don't want. It's this first encounter between the both of you that not only sticks in Madara's memory as you're the first one to have challenged him so openly, but also makes you more memorable for the citizens. So you're the tribute he decides to keep an eye on for now but it's the fight around the Cornucopia that really earns you a spot in his memory and heart alike. Your strength from providing wood and lumber for the Capitol surprises and overwhelms almost all other tributes, even Madara.
🌑 Madara and you alike slaughter quite a few tributes until only both of you are left in the Cornucopia, staring at each other again. The adrenaline is still high yet both of you come to an agreement. You'll wait for this fight until you're the only two left. There's no doubt in Madara's mind that you'll survive to fulfill your promise and you think likewise. All viewers crave the same as both you and Madara receive lots of support, in your case an axe which becomes the weapon you slaughter all your enemies with. Even Careers fall ultimately when fighting you, the hardest fight up until Madara for you is the female Career from District 2 who is plenty skilled although you don't expect anything else if she comes from the same place as Madara. After a longer fight though, she succumbs to her injuries, her severed arm the main source as she has lost too much blood. When Madara and you meet again, both of you hold each other's gaze again...before one of the most spectacular fights unfolds itself.
🌑 You two go at it for hours as both of you possess a great amount of stamina, endurance and strength. There's no denial that both of you enjoy this fight to it's fullest though, you can even see Madara grinning, thrilled to have someone who can finally stand up to him. It seems inhumane, watching the fight between essentially two monsters. Both of you are so immersed in your own world where only you two and this fight exists that it's only when a loud announcement echoes through the arena, announcing both of you for some reason as victors of this year's games that both of you come back to reality. It turns out that the audience in the Capitol is absolutely enraptured with the both of you and has unanimously demanded for both of you to be named winners and the president saw himself forced to keep the citizens satisfied. Madara is in a way thankful though because if you two are alive, it means that you two can fight again. In a way you've completely won his heart with this fight.
🌑 It's never the same for him again after he's met you. You're special and talented, no one in his district can compare to you and that causes him to grow irritated. Luckily the Capitol is unable to forget about you two just as much and the demand for both of you to keep entertaining the citizens is high so both of you see each other often despite living in different districts. No words could describe just how excited Madara is about being able to see you as often as he does, focused on only you. If he has to take a spouse, he wants it to be you. He knows that it's technically not possible yet he senses soon enough that he isn't the only one who would want you two to be together. A good bunch of people in the Capitol love the romantic tension between you two and his growing possessive behavior so it dawns on him that he could use the foolish wishes of those people to his own advantage. Some people in the Capitol really start voicing their opinion that you two should marry since you are perfect for each other and you plan to announce that you don't have any interest, you're stopped by Madara. Hush, darling. Don't even try to stop something you have no control over.
Hashirama Senju
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🌳 Hashirama and you alike are both from District 4, although his family lives in the Villager's District looking on how his father has won in his younger years the Hunger Games. That doesn't spare his children from being chosen as tributes though and it just so happens that Hashirama and you have been childhood friends since forever. His family is very close with yours so you're often allowed to come over and visit and train together as Careers. You know that Hashirama would do anything to spare you that fate though because even if his district sees it as an honor to add victors to their districts and stay wealthy and powerful among the other districts, Hashirama sees this entire game as rather cruel. He's always been empathetic as he watched so many young people dying for the amusement of others yet whenever he has voiced his opinions in the past, he has been scolded and punished by his parents. If the Capitol would find out after all, they might be killed.
🌳 Yet it is the cruelest irony when both of you get chosen as tributes to present your district for this year. Horror washes over his body as he clutches your hand tightly into his, sweaty and shaking ever so slightly. When he's shortly about to leave for the arena, his father advices him to not get all emotional and spare your life as there can only be one winner and those words haunt him and are the start of his breaking point. Obviously Hashirama doesn't listen to him as he sticks close to you the entire time, nervous and terrified for you instead of fearing for his own life. Both of you know that he's been in love with you for a long time now although you have asked him to give you time to think about it. His father knows about it too, the whole family does, that's why they're worried that Hashi will prioritize you over everything since he's an emotional fool. When all of you are presented to the viewers, he refuses to stray away from your side. Both of you catch the eyes of some people thanks to that.
🌳 They refer to you two as unfortunate sweethearts as Hashirama's love for you seems to earn you the favor and support of quite a few fans who are eager to see the development between you two. When both of you fight in the Cornucopia and Hashirama shields you and gets hurt in the process and you carry him around in desperate search of a hiding spot, you receive medicine and bandages from fans of you two who are positively gushing over the dedication between you two. This sickens you yet you have no choice but to accept the presents to help Hashirama who is busily soothing your guilt for him getting hurt because of you. You stay awake the entire night to let him rest, keep guard so that nothing and no one can attack him whilst he is so vulnerable. Both of you never separate once from each other during the entire game and the one time you suggested splitting up, Hashirama had a small meltdown, stopping you physically from leaving him.
🌳 Being part of the game and seeing himself forced to kill other participants breaks him and his psyche. Nightmares that always turn him into a whimpering mess who clings to your form and an emotional breakdown as soon as he thinks that he has lost you. He clings to you like his sanity depends on it and at this rate that is most likely the case. Whether it's luck or not, both of you find yourselves as the sole survivors by the end of it and Hashirama has killed a good bunch of them, something that still horrifies you even if you understand the rules of this game and that he only did it to protect you. There can only be one survivor though and you can only stare anxiously at Hashirama. He truly looks broken, dark rings under his eyes, bruises and cuts covering his face. His own tired gaze meets you and he musters a reassuring smile before embracing you. Terrified confusion turns into utter horror when he mumbles that he won't let you die, no matter what. Even if he has to commit suicide.
🌳 This revelation triggers shock and admiration alike within everyone in the Capitol, all of them loving the tragic love story. People crave a happy ending though so a lot of requests fly in to allow both of you to survive since you're from the same district. You're crying out in relief when the announcement is made or otherwise you would have knocked Hashirama out to stop him from doing anything stupid. Both of you return as victors to your district yet it wasn't worth the price you paid. Hashirama is traumatized with everything he has seen, glued to your hip and emotionally unable to accept you leaving him. You two move into a separate mansion in the Victor's Village, you would have most likely done that even without them telling you that you have to live together, apparently another sick fantasy of the Capitol. You despise all of them though because they've taken your best friend away from you and have ruined him into this anxious, clingy and delusional broken man in front of you who showers you excessively with his love and affection. Apparently that's what the people want though, you realize that with horror when you hear the rumors about an arranged engagement.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊 Tobirama is within his lifetime the pride of his District 4 as he was barely 12 years old when he participated and won against everyone else, even if some of them were years older and had way more training as him. Tobirama is just naturally gifted and just happens to be your best friend as well. Something inside of him changed after he came back as the victor though. He never was all that much sunshine to begin with but he became harsher and way more merciless after he won the games. You can only imagine what he saw during his time as a player but when you try to ask him, he always puts you rudely down. He lives with his family in the Victor's Village where you are often visiting thanks to his influence. Instead of playing around and enjoying time together, now he starts training with you intensely though, reminding you harshly that you might get chosen one day too. It's jarring to see his transformation after the games.
🌊 You're 18 when you're chosen and shocked when you hear your name and even Tobirama is shaken but he flawlessly hides it behind the usual scowl sitting on his face. Needless to say that he becomes your official mentor since you're now the official tribute for this year. Expectations on you are high as all believe that with Tobirama as your mentor, you can not fail. Tobirama himself goes harsh on you now that you're going to participate in the Hunger Games. He's relentless and unforgiving, you pass out a couple of times since he does not allow you even a minute to take a break. Whenever you start begging him to stop, all you receive is a harsh lecture that you'll die as one of the first in the game if this is how you're going about it. Partially that is true, he knows that better than anyone else. However, Tobirama is also deep down very paranoid about the aspect of potentially losing you. All his rudeness aside, you're still very much his best friend and his first and only love. The later you don't know yet though.
🌊 The arena this year is close to the sea with a lot of beaches, rocks and cliffs and it's almost as if the Capitol is favoring those from District 4 with such an environment as they specialize in fishing and for that know how to navigate around such places. He watches this year's game with a lot more dread than he ever has. Whilst he is confident in your abilities, he knows that his district isn't the only one who produces Careers. Luckily for you and your fellow Career from District 4, the Cornucopia is placed on a small island within the sea which means that you either have to swim or build a boat. Unfortunately a lot of tributes lose early on their lives, underestimating what muttations swim around in the deep parts of the sea. You belong to the smarter ones who build a boat instead of risking to get eaten, go even as far as catch bait to keep those creatures under control in case they decide to assault your boat too. Sailing a boat is no problem for you.
🌊 The last part of the game is a never-ending train of death, fights and survival of the fittest as only the Careers are left and have to battle it out. You on the other hand go into hiding, stay close to the sea where using weapons will be for the most part very difficult, plus the fact that even Careers are careful to dive to deep into the water, considering the terror creatures the Gamekeepers have designed for this. You avoid the bloodbath for the biggest part, until only you, the other Career from your district and one from the first one are left. This fight is gruesome as you gut your fellow Career out with a harpoon you snatched away in the Cornucopia and push the other one down the cliff, watching the shark-like muttations tearing them apart. When you're announced the winner, Tobirama can only slide down the chair, all tension leaving his body and leaving him exhausted. You've won. You survived and most importantly...you'll return to him.
🌊 He gives you genuine praise when you return, relieved that you were skilled and strong enough to survive everything. You get your own house in the Victor's Village, beyond grateful that you made it out of this living hell of a game. Unfortunately you don't get much of a break as soon afterwards, his family and your own family start talking about potentially engaging you two. Both of you won a game after all and are now praised as the best of the best among their district. His father is finally willing to see you as worthy for his son and your own father can allow himself now to demand high things from your future husband too. This disturbs you as you don't plan to marry Tobirama and you seek him out as soon as the topic is brought up in your family, naively thinking that he will respect your wishes. Instead you're met with overwhelming silence as soon as you've finished your earnest plead to him, red eyes scrutinizing you. Are you really that repulsed with the thought of marrying him? After he's trained you, mentored you, helped you survive the game? It's on that day that you realize for the first time just how much the Hunger Games can change a person, especially your best friend.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌 Tsunade is one of the most well-known victors in all of District 4 as her grandfather as well as her great uncle were both legendary victors in the annual Hunger Games and she herself participated when she was 18 years old. Unfortunately for Tsunade though, she lost everything because of those games. Her brother, who had just freshly turned 12, was elected as one of the tributes. Young, optimistic and naive he saw it as an amazing chance to show to everyone, including his sister, that the Senju were a family of winners. He lost his life in an explosion though, the necklace the only thing left of him. During her own time as a tribute, Tsunade was forced to see her own lover die, who was in the same year chosen as a tribute. The mere thought that only one person would survive was mortifying as it was but when Danzo sacrificied himself for her, earning her as a result the favor of the crowd, she was shattered forever. All her hope and optimism gone and instead she spends her time with sake.
🐌 When you enter the Victor's Village as the freshest addition of that place, you already know about Tsunade, everyone knows. For a woman of her height she easily matches and often surpasses the strength of any men and is additionally very skilled with medicine and surgeries. Yet all other victors who live here warn you about her as she's turned into a bitter and lonely woman who refuses everyone's company. It's a shame for someone with a pretty face like hers, she's still such a young and attractive woman after all, only a few years older than you are. In a way you can not bring yourself to blame Tsunade though, not after you've gone through those games too and had to kill the other person from your district who you had actually gotten along with quite well. You just leave her be, even if her own house is right next to yours. You never engage in any rumors about her, even go as far as defending her when other victors talk down on her. She's after all still one of the greatest.
🐌 Your first encounter is certainly one you will remember as the good lady had a few drinks too much and stumbles into your house instead of her own, breaking your door in the process with her brute strength. You initially think of thieves when you see the broken door hanging out of it's door frame only to see the good Tsunade Senju herself sleeping in your bed. You're baffled for a good amount of time, confused to say at least about what you should do now before you decide to let her be and instead sleep downstairs on the couch. The next morning is awkward for the both of you as you have to explain to her that this is in fact your house, especially since she was about to deliver a good punch for thinking that this was still your house. She leaves with her head held high, apologizing for putting you through such a situation before she leaves with the slightest hint of pink dusting her cheeks. After that encounter, your relationship with her is never the same again.
🐌 Somehow she seems less hostile around you, most likely because she will never be able to forget about that accident. That has eased her up around you and so you two occasionally engage in small chats when you meet each other outside. That slowly evolves into meeting each other inside either your or her house and you feel honored that you're pretty much the only one who she has ever allowed inside her mansion. She has her own laboratory that was specifically built for her as the Capitol still demands her to invent new medicine since she is the best there is, even surpassing the scientists in the Capitol. She admits to you that she doesn't want to help the very same people who took everything away from her but she knows that they will threaten innocent people and only bother her more otherwise so she still does as she is told. You openly tell her how much you admire her for what she does and also express your compassion regarding her brother and lover.
🐌 You're a person Tsunade feels comfortable around, less lonely and miserable. She can talk with you about her pain without others talking their death little by calling them simply not strong enough. You're still human, you admit that the whole concept of the Hunger Games is sick and wrong. You give her solace and she starts yearning for that feeling, seeks you out more and more actively. Initially you don't object, you know how lonely and misunderstood Tsunade is. Eventually you recognize that her clinginess has become rather unhealthy though as she barely wants to separate from you and you spend most of your time in her house. She doesn't want you to spend any more time with those people outside who have traded their morals and human lives for fame and glory, wealth and riches. You're still a good person but most importantly, you're a person she has learned to love and cherish. She won't lose you again and if she has to poison your food and weaken you a bit, she will do so. Don't worry though, she would never risk your life. No, instead she will only sicken you a bit to be the one to nurse you back to health.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂The Uchiha family within District 2 is by far one of the most well-known families throughout the entire country of Panem since a lot of people from there have not only been chosen as tributes but also won those Hunger Games. Shisui is no exception to that as he was barely 13 years old when he entered the game and left the arena as a victor. His skills were so outstanding that he was in fact approached by some high officials from the Capitol and asked if he'd like to join the Peacekeepers of Panem, looking on how they trained already in his district. Shisui politely declined though although he in fact is allowed to watch them training and even acts as a teacher at times since his abilities surpass theirs far. Some people in the Capitol are at times terrified that Shisui might betray them though because if he would join any sort of rebellion, he could make it work. That's why they go to great lengths to keep him content with his life, although they are never able to figure out how he is really feeling.
🍂You're a close friend of Shisui even if you don't belong to his family. You're still from District 4 though but have never been made a player in the Hunger Games and are out of their age range by now. When you turned 19 years old, everyone celebrated your birthday as if it was the greatest day in your life and honestly, it was. Because it meant freedom and no fear for you anymore. You have obviously been trained as a Career just like everyone else but you would have never been able to survive out there, at least in your opinion. Even Shisui seemed off for a few weeks after returning, you still remember this hollow look in his eyes and the goosebumps across his skin when he hugged you despite the sun shining brightly, pressing you tightly against his own body. He never talks with you about it and a huge part you've seen on TV when it all aired but the camera wasn't focused every time on him. You just assume that Shisui wants to spare you from the unspoken horrors he went through.
🍂With him moving into the Victor's Village, a tradition for everyone who wins a Hunger Game, you find yourself spending less time with him. It's lonely without him since he's always been your best buddy, even if he still tries to make time for you as good as he can. Instead you are now more often alone, a little bit sceptical to make new acquaintances. That is until you meet a lovely group of people, one of them is in fact a neighbour of yours. All of them are around your age which means you don't have to fear that even one of them might lose their lives in such a cruel and useless game. You start to spend gradually more time with them but Shisui seems a little bit relieved that you have found new friends, considering how much you've blamed him for leaving you all to yourself at first. He admits briefly that he's a little bit busy at the moment, although he never explicitily states what he is doing. All you know is that he's doing something for the Capitol.
🍂After a few weeks of spending time with your new friends and just living your life without the looming threat of death, they start asking you about what you think of the Hunger Games. You're cautious ith your answer since you know that quite a few people in the second district see those games as a chance to prove to the Capitol that their district is the superior one. You still make it clear that you think it's cruel and unfair to throw essentially children into an arena and have them killing each other for the sick amusement for the richest of the rich. To your relief they agree with you and voice their clear dislike of the whole concept. What you gradually notice though is that conversations always shift to the games and soon you start talking about how one might stop those games and how to overthrow the Capitol. You initially entertain them with your own schemes and ideas, start feeling very uncomfortable soon though. When they notice though, they instantly revert back to doing something else.
🍂You're surprised when Shisui one day requests you to visit him and even more shocked when the first thing he does as soon as letting you in is forbidding you to spend anymore time with those people. He doesn't answer any of your questions but only insists that you have to stay away from them. His more bossy tone does not sit right with you. Who does he think he is, telling you not to spend time with your friends when he's barely there anymore? It's this rebellious streak that you give him that shifts something within him and just as you're about to leave his house, he is in front of you in the blink of an eye, slamming the door closed and staring at you with black eyes who appear to see right through you. You shrink, trying to escape from his gaze that is staring relentlessly at you. You break out in cold sweat when he asks you if you really want to know but find yourself still nodding. When he tells you that those people plan a rebellion against the Capitol and planned to recruit you and that he has been tasked to kill them, your blood runs cold. When you asks him quietly if he can really kill people again, he gives you a firm nod. Those are orders and on top of that, they promised him the one thing he's always wanted. You.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡 Another resident in District 4 who has been trained from a very young age on as a Career. Itachi is gifted, there is no denying his skills as he has risen up to the status of a genius from a very young age on. It's precisely due to his outstanding abilities that his father is secretly always hoping that Itachi's name will be chosen in the annual lottery to determine the next participants in the game. Year after year passes by though and his name never once appears. Perhaps a stress relief for the other Career within District 4 as they have zero confidence to win if Itachi would get chosen together with them. How does Itachi feel about this though? Well, he isn't much of a talker and stays silent most of the time when someone approaches him and wants to converse with him about the Hunger Games. He hides his unhappiness though as he would rather spend time with his little brother or with his darling instead of training hours and hours on end for the slim chance he might get chosen.
🍡 When he passes the age of 18 and is officially out of the register, his father is greatly disappointed whilst Itachi is just relieved that he can hopefully spend more time with Sasuke and you from now on. Unfortunately fate is not as kind as your name gets chosen that year, your last year of potentially being chosen. Terror freezes you in your place as your name gets chosen and the same silent horror seeps into Itachi's veins as he hears the news. You come running to him the same day, although he was planning to search for you just as much. You're crying your eyes out whilst in his embrace, terrified and scare out of your mind. You don't want to participate in the games! You don't! Seeing your tears and the hope already having left your body breaks his heart, fills his chest with a searing pain. When Itachi finds himself laying that night wide awake in his bed, an idea suddenly pops up inside his head and the next morning he approaches his father and asks if it's possible that he can take your place.
🍡 Technically it shouldn't be allowed since he's out of the age range but when his father notifies the people organizing the Hunger Games, they're very happy to make an exception for Itachi. He's skilled, he's handsome and they're sure that the citizens of the Capitol will be very happy to have him as a tribute. News quickly spread within your district about the change of plans and knock the air out of your lungs when you hear what a sacrifice Itachi made for you. Yet you can't accept it, approach him angrily with tears in your eyes as you lash out at him for doing something so stupid. He shouldn't have done this for you. You aren't worth it. You try to convince him to pull back, that he doesn't have to do this for you yet he just gently nudges you away, speaks with a soft voice that it's alright. It's too late now anyways, they won't let him slip away now that they have him finally in the games. You can only watch with an aching heart as he leaves for the Hunger Games.
🍡 You watch everything with your heart in your throat, horrified yet unable to avert your eyes from the game you watch safely from the comfort of your house as Itachi participates in your place. At times you feel almost glad that it isn't you when you see the gruesome deaths of the participants yet guilt fills you almost instantly after as you realize that it's because Itachi risks his life instead of you yours. When Itachi stands as the last one and wins, no one in your district is surprised and instead they celebrate him. Only you sit there, devastated that you forced Itachi, who never wanted to kill tributes, into this living hell. When he returns and is brought to the Victor's Village, you try to avoid him. You see the broken glimmer inside his eyes, the burden he took because you were too much of a coward and it is too painful for you to witness. You don't deserve someone like him. You spend the following weeks away from him, ignore all letters and attempts he does to reach out to you.
🍡 After a few months have passed by and Itachi's attempts to reach out to you have stopped, you've slowly attempted to get back on track with your life. Itachi's absence has left a hole though, one you try to ignore since you made that decision. Your life isn't good but you try your best to do the best to make it acceptable again. Until one day a few Peacekeepers suddenly storm your house, arrest you and the rest of your family for no reason and you're separated from them. You don't know where they plan to take you, at least until you see the Victor's Village in the distance where you're thrown into one of the houses, the doors shut behind you. When you look up from your position on the floor, you're met with Itachi's black eyes. He's standing a few feet away from you, his face unreadable yet there's cold fury in his eyes. What do you expect? You betrayed him in a sense, left him alone when he would have needed you the most. Do you even know what he went through during this game? Your apologies barely do anything nor does your pleads to help you with your family. At least not for free this time. You can only stare at him with horror when you hear those words. What have you done?
Naruto Uzumaki
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🍜 Naruto Uzumaki is from the twelfth district, the poorest district in all of Panem. He's an orphan whose parents have unfortunately died when he was really young due to the poor conditions such as minimal food. A lot of people in their village suffer under the dictatorship of the Capitol and they barely produce any winners for the Hunger Games as they lack the resources and the training to train the young children such as the wealthy districts do. So when one of their tributes miraculously wins the Hunger Games, only the tender age of 14 years, hope returns once more to the people that for at least the next year, the Capitol will provide them with enough food and supply them what they need. When the winner returns to the village, they're hailed and celebrated like they're the incarnation of a godly being themselves, so dire was the daily life before they won. It's been years since someone from their district has won after all. They move into the Victor's Village with their family soon after.
🍜 4 years later, Naruto gets chosen as a tribute for the Hunger Games, clinging to his hope that he has a chance to win if he works hard enough to win and help all the people in his village who suffer from the lack of food and water. There's also a bit of giddy excitement though to meet you, the very same champion who won 4 years ago and is even the same age as he is. You haven't been here that often ever since you were able to move into the Victor's Village but the stories about you have never really stopped. Such an impact left your victory on the people, the first one in over two decades. Naruto actually recalls that he knew you before you were chosen as a tribute but when he sees you again, he feels like he's meeting a completely new person. No wonder, you're famous now after all. He feels flattered when you actually recognize the blonde-haired boy too, point out that he surely has grown up. You do warn him that you won't go easy on him or otherwise he won't make it.
🍜 Training with you is surely tough as you force him through hours and hours but you admire that he never gives up and insists on doing something over and over again until he's got the hang of it. He's optimistic, painfully much so, and you wonder at times if that is a farce to keep himself motivated or if he truly thinks he has a shot. When you ask him, he manages to flatter you when he answers that you've given him and everyone else a lot of hope with your victory. The time you have to train him isn't that long yet you too grow quite close to each other during that period, most likely because of Naruto wanting to get to know you better. He's quite a fanboy, blue eyes admiring everything you do and somehow that feels nice. You're anxious when he leaves since you've grown attached to him and he's grown even more attached to you. You can only pray now as your one eye that you didn't lose during the games is glued to the screen when the tributes enter this year's arena, a forest.
🍜 Naruto is anxious and nervous when he enters the arena but he tries to do his best to stay optimistic throughout it all. His friends are watching him, you are watching him and this is a chance to help everyone in his district. Unfortunately his optimism gets shattered during the games. He knew that he would witness multiple bloodbaths but nothing could have prepared him for the real deal. His blue eyes grow dull as the game goes on and his hopeful smile leaves his face the more he is confronted with the ugliest side of humanity. It breaks your heart to see him although you can fully understand that no one would be able to stay happy after this hell of a hell. It's the finale of the game that mortifies you though as the other tribute from your district gets killed right in front of Naruto's eyes and the Career makes fun of them. Silence as blue eyes are glued to the mutiliated corpse before something just snaps and Naruto enters a frenzy, an outburst that makes him the victor as he kills the other survivors.
🍜 You wait for him in the Victor's Village, a shell of what he used to be with hollow and empty eyes. You do your best to take care of him, keep him hydrated and see through that he eats as Naruto sits otherwise just around, blue eyes staring into the emptiness. It truly shatters your heart and you do your best to help him to heal as good as you can and slowly he starts responding to you. Sad eyes are always following you around and soon you have him trailing behind you like a little duckling. You're too glad that he has started reacting again to notice the alarming signs that you're feeding him into an unhealthy and delusional obsession. You've always been there for him, haven't you? You've sacrificed even more than him since he didn't lose any eyes or limbs. It makes him wonder how much pain you still carry around inside of you and it's that thought, the idea that he should help you to heal too, that fully pushes out the grin out of him again. A smile to cheer you up. Initial happiness soon turns into dread when you finally come to realize that Naruto has lost his sanity in those games, his broken mind viewing you two as soulmates since both of you have gone through the same hell.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙 Sasuke and you have been childhood sweethearts for such a long time now, Mikoto adores the two of you together just as much as your mother does. Both of you were born in the second district which means that you two live a rather good life in comparison to most other districts, looking on how District 2 is one of the wealthiest districts among the 12. It also means that the both of you are trained from a very young age to be Career and potential tributes from the Hunger Games when you're old enough. You know that the pressure is big on Sasuke as he is from the Uchiha family who is generally known to have created a lot of champions in the Hunger Games. His own brother is hailed as one of those victors who has won the games at the age of 14 and that has led Sasuke to become visibly more bitter and greedy for power as he spends hours training relentlessly. You're one of the few people he is still occasionally showing his soft spot, although he has also demanded that you spend a lot of time with him.
💙 Both of you are 17 when somehow both of you get chosen as tributes and both of you are aware what that means. A shiver goes through you and when Sasuke clutches your hand tightly in his own, clearly stressed by this sudden turn of event, you know that both of you are screwed. You more so than Sasuke since he's talented whilst you're not. You're not bad but certainly not good enough to win this game and silently you might have already resigned yourself to the fact that you'll die. That is until Sasuke grabs you and drags you harshly to a place where no one can hear you two and tells you that you'll stay close to him during the entirety of the game. You want to protest but his dark eyes leave no room for a discussion and you silently nod, decide to listen to him. You spend the little bit of time you have left training with him and you can tell that he goes very hard on you as you receive bruise after bruise with him snapping at you that you need to focus more. You sense that he's scared for you though.
💙 Starting from when you enter the arena to be presented to the citizens of the Capitol, Sasuke keeps a sharp eye on you and an additional arm around you, glaring at everyone who does as much as glancing at you. When the fight in the Cornucopia begins, you realize very much just what hell behind the hell you'll have to endure as all tributes start fighting and slaughtering each other mercilessly to gather the weapons and supplies inside the building. Sasuke gets his hands on a katana and that's when pretty much everyone else is already screwed as he flawlessly starts slaughtering him, the blade of his weapon cutting through flesh with blood splittering his clothes and his face. The only ones who survive are the ones that are fast enough on their legs and a part of you wants to run away from him too when he turns around to you, covered in blood and far too calm considering what he just did, instead asking you if you're alright. You can only swallow back the lump in your throat and nod.
💙 You're able to collect a lot of stuff in the Cornucopia since everyone else fled when they saw Sasuke and his skills with the sword, the way he almost danced whilst killing everyone else. You should be glad that he's on your side and you are but at the same time you're frightened out of your mind. You never knew that Sasuke could murder so many people at once without feeling an ounce of guilt and dread pools deep inside your stomach when you think about what might happen at the end if you two are really the only ones left. With Sasuke on your side, you survive easily as he continues tracking down one tribute after the other and kills them all whilst you stay back and hide, wait for him to come back. One time you dare to ask him how he can just kill everyone that easily. Black eyes land on you for a few silent moments before he tells you that he doesn't care about anyone else besides you. If it wouldn't have been in those circumstances, you might have felt flattered by those words.
💙 As you have feared and dreaded, ultimately it's really only Sasuke and you left and that's when your fear really starts kicking in. He has reassured you throughout the game that he will find a way for both of you to survive but you just don't know how he plans to achieve that. You know that everyone is watching you two right now and Sasuke is just as aware of that and suddenly pulls you closer to him, one arm wrapping around you to hug you. For a split second you're confused only to completely freeze when you feel the blade of the katana pressing against your back, slightly pressing against it. He won't let anything separate you two, not even death. So if both of you can't survive, he'll just kill the both of you instead. You clutch the material of his outfit in your hand, wide eyes meeting his own horrified and silently begging him to reveal that this is a twisted joke. Your heart stops for a few seconds when you realize that this is his plan though, his ultimatum. Silence that drags on for far too long before both of you are named the victors, his daring gamble paying off. You lose all strength in your legs, Sasuke tightening his grip on you to keep you steady. A smirk on his face as you're pressed against him. Perfect, everything worked out.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸 The 75th Hunger Game is around and with that special anniversary comes the Quarter Quell with a twist to the rules to make the games more entertaining for those who watch them and even more gruesome and bloody for those who are forced to participate. This year's game is especially anticipated among the richest people in the Capitol and especially dreaded among the districts, especially those who can not afford to train their children. When the special rules for this year are read out, everyone is watching it with mixed feelings, the most common ones fear and dread. Winners from previous games are supposed to participate in the games and team up with one tribute that is chosen from the lottery. That means that from each district one tribute and one winner will participate and to make it only more interesting, this year two winners will be allowed. Only if both of them are the victor and the tribute from the same district though.
🌸 Everyone has obviously heard from Sakura from your district, the poorest in all of Panem. Who didn't? She's legendary, 16 years old when she won the Hunger Games 3 years ago and stood out with her unusual strength and ability to create poison which she then used to paralyze and murder her opponents with. She's chosen as the victor that will participate in this year's Hunger Games to represent the victors from their district as she's the youngest one. Chosen as the other tribute to fight alongside with her are you, in your last year where you could have been chosen as a tribute. Your whole family is horrified as this is essentially a death sentence for you and you have no choice but to put your faith in Sakura, who was actually your friend before she moved to the Victor's Village with her family, who comes soon over to pick you up and mentor you. Her face contorts in one of shock when she sees you, her heart dropping into her stomach. No, why did they have to choose you this year?
🌸 It's been years since you've seen each other but Sakura has never forgotten you. How could she? You were her best friend back in the days when she was all shy and insecure and together with her family the main thing that kept her going during her time as a tribute in the Hunger Games. She tries to push all her emotions down but that is very hard because this is not how she envisioned your first encounter after such a long time to be. She pulls it ultimately together though as she senses that her fear only makes you lose your hope more. The time before the game starts is short so she has to teach you as much as she can. She mentors you in multiple things such as hand-to-hand combat, how to hide your own tracks and read the ones of others and especially in the usage of medicine and poison, the area she's the most skilled with. It's so much for you though, too much in such a short time yet she promises you that she'll do her everything to see it through that both of you survive.
🌸 She's terribly overprotective but you won't blame her for that as soon as the game starts and you're thrown into the hell that is meant to entertain those people in the Capitol. In fact, everything you see is too much for you to handle and you resort to clinging to Sakura as your sole pillow of protection and comfort since everyone else wants you dead. This in return only makes Sakura worse even if she won't show it all of the time. She immediately knows what the strategy of everyone is. They try to slaughter the tributes of districts that are ideally no Careers to take the easy route since without their tributes, the victors will have automatically lost. That's why Sakura never allows you to stray away from her side, something she doesn't need to tell you twice. Part of you has always been a little bit curious to know how she survived her first game though since the Sakura you have known throughout the years was too kind to hurt anyone. Your opinion is definitely about to change.
🌸She's rather merciful for the most part, only killing someone if they attack you and then with the poison she has already extracted from the snakes and poisonous insects within the arena.  It's the last fight that brings something out of her that is truly fearful when the only other two survivors, Career and champion from the second district, manage to catch her off-guard and hurt you. Not seriously as you're quick enough to dodge but enough to make you scream out in pain which causes Sakura to see red. It's hard to tell what you witness but at the end of it you only know that Sakura rushes to you to quickly tend to your wounds whilst your eyes can only zoom in on the two people behind her, one of them with his head smashed in and dead whilst the other one is still slightly twitching as his life slowly leaves him. Their blood is still on her hands as she stops the bleeding and bandages the wound whilst you distantly note that you two are announced the victors. That's when you finally manage to look her into her green eyes and she manages to give you an exhausted grin, mumbling that you two made it. That's when you wonder if everything you've just seen has been some sort of fever dream as there's no trace of that bloodlust left on her face anymore.
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dragons-and-scorpions · 6 months
Note: This account used to be called the “jaded-dragons”
About Jade
Name | Jade
Age | 25
Pronouns | she/her
Gender/Sexuality | female, bi lesbian
Extra | I am an alter in a DID system. If parts see things that they think I will like they will reblog them for me, typically with things like “jade coded” or “jade vibes” with their names attached. I also have a subsystem called the Dragons and those girls may tag themselves accordingly. Medusa, Nef, or Katana may tag themselves too.
I am a very femme lesbian, I am typically dominant by nature. Though for the right person I am open to being submissive.
Honorifics I accept | Domina, Mistress, Dame, Madame, Master, Your Majesty. Do not call me Mommy.
Kinks you may see here | butch4femme (not into femmes, sorry), dominant lesbian things, impact play, weapon play, bondage, breath play/breath restriction, degradation/humiliation (to my partner, not to me), body worship, t4t, edging, exhibitionism, mild hierophilia, objectification, mild sadism, hate sex/angry sex, sensory deprivation, marking, (consensual) forced masturbation/commanding how one should please themselves.
Non-kink things you may see here | angry-toned posts, SA trauma related posts, art I enjoy, religious trauma, demonic imagery, violent imagery/descriptions of violence.
I am terrible with tagging things correctly so consider yourself warned. These are all trigger warnings and you are responsible for your own wellbeing. If you choose to interact with my posts and you find yourself triggered, may you suffer your own incompetence.
About Elektra
Name | Elektra/Elle
Age | 25
Pronouns | she/they
Gender/Sexuality | bi lesbian, butch
Extra | I am a part in a DID system, so other parts in my system may tag me in posts, usually as “for Elle” or “Elektra coded.” I also have a subsystem and some of them use he/him pronouns. Collectively butch lesbian, though. They might tag themselves as “K1/K2” or “S” or just use the 🦂 emoji.
I believe I am a stone butch, though I’m still working on how I feel about that. I am very much a dominant.
Honorifics I accept | Boss, Sire, Ser/Sir, Domina/Dom
Same kinda kinks as Jade as we are pretty connected in-sys. I’m a big biter and into much rougher roughhousing than she is. 😝 Same non-kink TWs as well.
Butch4Butch only in this here house.
Both of us are dating a lovely butch we sometimes will tag with “sev” or “seven.”
0 notes
theold-ultraviolence · 11 months
hey bestie,
pls don't - seriously - worry it ain't a problem. and I wholly understand that y'all have lives outside of here and important things to do. as for the whole end of semester thingy, I ain't going to lie: I feel it deeply as I have gone through a zombie since february and right now I have finally finished my exams but my mind is just error 404.
(also bestie, I DID END UP listening TODAY to some songs of the new album - not everything because I am a bit sleepy from not sleeping much last night due to... you guessed it... anxiety, BUT I DID MAKE A SILLY LITTLE GRAPH THINGY WITH MY OPINIONS AND THOUGHTS ON THE SONG AND I SHALL SEND IT TO YOUR DMS) (hoping it won't sound creepy).
oh in all truth, I think that oftentimes men are capable of doing stuff - like if you don't know, there's always a silly tutorial to watch ugh -, they just don't want to do stuff and hence relegate it to women, feigning incompetence.
like today we had a few dudes coming for works at our uni apartment and the mess they left... like I get that it isn't their thing to clean up stuff and that they need to come tomorrow to paint the walls so they had no need to clean up as it'd get dirty, but they could have at least flushed the freaking toilette or maybe just dusted the toilette seat, since it was a mess of dust and I had to.
or another thing (can you tell I hate work being done while I am over?) is that we had this dude coming to check on the heater and he left all his dirty tissues and rags in the kitchen sink, although my roommate had brought to him a bin to put them I ugh... men and the tale of weaponized incompetence.
ok over onto my beef with house works being done, but YEAH men get so much for so little shit. like everybody is always amazed that my dad cooks for us, instead of my mom. and like... maybe he just likes cooking... which isn't inherently a woman's activities, although according to many 'women belong in the kitchen'... I just am amazed whenever men think that simply being human decent being brings them to be utterly gods.
(also your friend's boyfriend's story cracks me up because dude... there are literally canned soups that you just have to microwave... I... it isn't that difficult. and google is free.).
also we have a problem with feminicides as well, alongside a whole culture that tends to protect abusers (TW SA: like you have no idea of how many sa cases got pushed back because of stupid reasons, like e.g.: a girl leaving the door open to her assailant I ugh...).
so yeah, I'd love to be out at night and feel comfortable in my own skin and not have to worry about whether I'd come back home. I know many of my friends are really chill, but I don't know... my anxiety gets the best of me and past 9 p.m. I have to be in my bed. safe and sound.
(also I am truly sorry if these messages seem so heated, I don't - TRULY - know why, aside from feminine rage filling me wholly whenever such topics are brought up).
I didn't want to get too much into it, as I didn't want to use as free therapy, but my therapist literally told me that - no matter whether they are positive or negative - changes are truly exhausting and I felt every inch of that exhaustion.
also I do INDEED struggle a whole lot with things out of my own control as I ... might have... a few... control issues and I do hate being caught unprepared (especially from the food side of things, because it isn't a funny experience, although I know it might seem relatively stupid and of limited importance). but yeah, changes and huge sudden things aren't ever good and I do hope to maybe go back there TO MY OWN TERMS or at least with different expectations and a bit less control onto myself. I certainly have a far better experience underneath my belt.
(still, I have to admit that one of the funniest things was that one of the first conferences was to be had in a former asylum, and the fact was that it wasn't that ... bad. like it wasn't any way creepy if anything, it seemed like some place straight up of a fairytale or a summer villa).
also pls... bestie, don't worry about the fics. I, again, totally understand that y'all have lives and busy stuff to do. they aren't going to certainly run away so pls take all the time you need, although I can't wait to know what you'll think about them!
(but no pressure!).
no no, bestie, I GOTCHA! (are we the same person but in different fonts?) I also dread starting new TV series and I casually rewatch all the three same ones that I love and I now know by heart. mostly because I - EITHER - finish a series in a whole week or I start it, pause it and never get back to it. but yeah, starting new fics asks for a whole level of energy that I am not sure I have in this period, so I wholly understand yah.
(still, I shall check out 'dickensian' because from what I heard it seemed pretty cool).
also yeah... I think that the pacing does a whole lot about my liking for a book as well, and just by trying to read the plot of 'the blind assassin' it did seem like a whole lot to take in.
also can you believe I never read anything by stephen king?
it's mostly because I am a scaredy cat but I have always been curious about 'gerald's game' and also 'the salem lot' seems very interesting (you got me at the 'vampires'), so do let me know how you like it!
and oh gods, I hope you'll enjoy 'mexican gothic' and pls feel free to always chat me onto that as I truly love it! also I have been liking 'lady chatterley's lover' so far, although I haven't read all that much mostly because of uni stuff.
still, I can't believe how ... rowdy and audacious this novel was. like I know that it had some trouble being published for the explicit scenes but the whole ideology and themes behind it were definitely far more scandalous than I thought.
also, another thing is that the beginning there's this discussion about the fact that being intimate with somebody lessens the emotional love they feel for such somebody and I couldn't help but think that it's very similar to a concept expressed in a poem by catullus (a latin poet), where he says the infamous 'odi et amo' (I hate and I love you). which can be taken as both the typical antithetic view on love BUT ALSO, about the author's lessened emotional interest in a pure relationship with his lover and heightened favor for a sexual relationships. it's a whole interesting concept, I am a sucker of and when I read a similar reasoning in 'lady chatterley's lover' I was definitely giggling like the idiotic academic I am.
oh oh, I gotcha: I feel like joe was my last summer's obsession, ewan my autumn and winter's one and he keeps on being the one of spring, although during this summer, who knows which actor might I get attached to? (jack o'connel is growing onto me bestie). they certainly need to be british if I want the royal mail to send them.
(and yeah, like ewan is the babiest of my favorite actors, leave that man alone! haven't you seen the sweaty and oily glow of eternal youthood).
oh oh, I am glad you found both the series and although it might seem difficult, roman dialect isn't that terrible (although they have some strange ways for example: 'tagliarsi' - which is generally translated as 'cutting yourself' - means around rome 'having fun'. why? I don't know. it's super funny because there are so many different ways to say something, like to skip school it can be: 'fare bigia', 'fare filone', 'marinare la scuola' based on where you live in italy).
also I hope that you get back to your courses, but also give yourself some credit: you are learning a whole new - complex - language, while handling a life. not all people can do that and you can absolutely take a break from it.
and if you ever want to send me silly messages in italian, I am all for it! if anything your italian might be better than my own...
with this being said, I am off to doing a bit of stuff and then I hope that tonight I'll get a bit to myself to continue finally reading 'lady chatterley's lover' (I have reached to where clifford has asked her to have a baby, I am quite at the beginning as I have told you but hey...).
pls take all the time that you need to answer this and I hope you get to relax and enjoy life and most importantly daydream all you want about eddie and sorceress! reader.
have a lovely day!
Error 404 is SO RIGHT, BESTIE! tbh I'm still feeling like that! some things came up that I need to do but I seriously don't have any more brain capacity at the moment because my brain is already in vacation mode, and thinking about my trip next week, but most importantly ON DANNY ELFMAN MODE! because I FINALLY GOT MY VISA, so it's super confirmed that I'm gonna see the goth grandpa! (although you already know this, but I feel the need to sneak this into all my conversations recently, so, apologies kdflkgjdjh) also, LOVED your graph thingy!! (another thing you know by now, but I really did) Anyway, onto my reply!
"they just don't want to do stuff and hence relegate it to women, feigning incompetence." Absolutely. And it freaking sucks to hear that you had to experience that because another thing I absolutely hate next to an incompetent man is people who simply do not respect your space. And this goes for people in general. My mom likes to invite her friends/colleagues to our apartment sometimes, and we only have two bathrooms, one that's my mom's that's inside her room, and the other in the hallway, which is mine, but because it's in the hallway, when we have visitors, that's the one they use. And I always have my things in order and spotless and when the visitors come UGHHHHHHHHHHH JUST, DROPLETS OF WATER EVERYWHERE, THEY USE UP ALL THE TOILET PAPER, THE HAND TOWEL IS JUST THROWN OVER THE SINK, JUST, A MESS! A MESS! And it's awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! makes me wanna chew through the drywall when I go check my bathroom after they're gone, so I totally understand.
And also this whole rant about men feigning incompetence reminds me of my uncles (all of them, but especially the one that lives with my grandparents). Idk if I've mentioned it to you before, but part of the reason why my brain has been mush this year is that my grandma has been sick and requires 24/7 care because of brain damage. And my uncle literally lives in that house and STILL my grandpa had to hire a nurse (and a very important detail is that my grandpa, at 80 years old, STILL WORKS because of necessity, so hiring extra help puts a dent in his income) to be with them because this fucking man can't, for the life of him, lift a finger and help my grandpa take care of my grandma. Like, men will have egos so freaking big that they can't see past their own noses and put their comfort aside to help one another, it's way easier to feign incompetence. Anyway, long ass rant!! in conclusion: men that aren't fictional fucking SUCK. Which also ties into our respective problems with feminicides. Absolutely, we have the same culture here, that protects abusers. And the horror stories you hear about how women were treated are just awful to think about, and terrifying because you have this lingering fear that, you never know if it could happen to you, so you can't just freely walk around alone in the streets. Because we've both shared that we wanna get out of our countries, I truly hope it's something that can happen to us because, Idk if you feel like this too, but I feel like I'm missing out on so much stuff and my life is just slipping by because I can't do so many stuff because of my countries limitations. I hate feeling that way. It dawns on me that I'm gonna be 30 in a couple of years (and I know that by no means 30 is the end-all of your life), but I feel like I've missed out on life so much because of this.
Also PS. Never be sorry about heated messages, lmao!! I love that we can talk about silly AND serious things! And also, the thing about the food doesn't sound silly at all! Especially if it alters how you feel significantly. I feel so fed up and annoyed about things that maybe other people find insignificant and ridiculous but it's like, they're important TO ME and them being altered because of things out of my control affects ME. My mom is always on my case because of these sort of thing. I'll have meltdowns over things she finds absurd but it's like: you have a plan, or a predicted outcome, and when that outcome is altered, it's kinda like !!! your whole world shifts, I suppose. Like with my visa. They specifically told me: you'll be able to pick it up between 2-3 weeks. AND WE WERE ONTO THE FOURTH and I wasn't hearing from the consulate at all! In fact, the page where you can check the status of your application was probably malfunctioning because every time I logged in, it said 'your search did not return any data'. I was starting to panic because what if the application never came through? what if the visas are ready but because the data isn't showing, I won't know when to pick them up? and I had heard horror stories of that process taking up to 3 to 5 months, and I was already thinking that that was gonna be my case, so goodbye Danny Elfman and goodbye A7X. My mom was absolutely chill about it meanwhile I was losing it, because in my mind I already had a time frame set, and not only was I looking forward to seeing those shows to make up for my horrible year, but I'd have to resell the tickets and that was gonna be a whole mess to get into because I don't know many people that are into them, so I was thinking that I was going to lose my money if the visas didn't come in time. Anyway, yet another long ass rant!
About The Blind Assasin, yeah it was A LOT and at the very beginning as well. It started very mystery/plot heavy in the first part, and then it shifts the pov in the second part and that's where the pace kinda slows down for me. Which, I get that's the intended effect because it's being told from the point of view of an old woman, but, just personally, that shift from super plot-heavy and intrigue, to the lady describing her day, kinda threw me off a little bit. And I don't doubt the intrigue and mystery will resume, but I'd rather just start another story because I know this will take me a while to finish, and I kinda wanna just read more books in general. I used to read so much when I was in high school and now I'm lucky if I finish (1) non-work related book a year. I'm really liking Salem's Lot!! BUT if you're new to Stephen King, I'd definitely recommend 'The Mist' which is super short, and not that scary in my opinion, so it would help to get a feel of his narrative style with a shorter story and see how you like it! The first book I read of his was 'Misery' because I'd seen the movie, and the book? omg. I wouldn't say that one's that scary either. It's more of a thriller. So those are the ones I'd recommend! From him, I also love 'Pet Sematary'. I think I might have liked that one more than Misery but that one is scarier.
ALSO!!!!!!!! I'M LOVING THE PARALELL YOU MAKE WITH 'LADY CHATTERLEY' And also love that you're enjoying it so far!!! AHH!! YES! I also was not expecting how rowdy it would be. For its time, I was expecting something a little bit tamer and like, classical? idk what word I'm looking for. But certainly not this. I was also very surprised to learn that D.H. Lawrence wasn't, in fact, gay, because of the way he speaks about the way men view pleasure, in a sort of, condemning and critical way? I was like, there's no way a MAN wrote this. No way. And also the way the sex scenes are described is so raw but honest, and the slow build of the relationship between Mellors and Connie is just something that the movie got totally wrong and that it glossed over completely. The movie stripped away all the grit from the novel!
When you say Joe was your summer obsession and Ewan autumn and winter? YES. PRECISELY THIS. And maybe this is why I'm slowly coming back to Joe because he just feels like a summer kind of love? Bestie you just put that sooo beautiful sdlkfgjslkdjg. Eddie sure feels like the summer kind of love, with the sun and the sea and the music blasting outdoors and going to concerts, while Ewan + Aemond feels like coziness and warm drinks and blankets as you curl up together to enjoy a calm evening. I'm sounding corny as hell, but hey.
Also let me be the down to fully push you into the Jack O'Connell love bestie. You need to see SAS Rogue Heroes, and also maybe when you finish reading Lady Chatterley you can see the movie with him as Mellors because, OH DEAR. OHHH DEAR. I didn't like the adaptation but him as Mellors? yes please. Absolutely (although I did picture Ewan as Mellors while reading the book because of the character being from Derby, oops). That was of course before knowing Jack, and also knowing he's from Derby too sdkjfklkjldfkgj.
The bit about the dialects reminds me that I saw a map the other day about all the different ways you can say (idk remember what word it was) throughout Italy and I was like.....no way.........how am I supposed to remember that!? But I guess it just seems intimidating as someone who's starting out! I'm sure if I was to dissect all the different types of ways you can say one thing in Spanish it would be difficult too! also, there are variations you can find in the Spanish from Spain, South America, and North America. This reminds me! that I found out why Lupo was transformed into Lobo when they both come from the same root! but I wanna drop that in a message in your own profile along with other thingies I wanna say/show you before I go on my trip next week! heheh. But also, thank you for that, bestie! I feel bad because I paid for those courses, but I literally can't bring my brain to focus on those right now, or even on fics. Like I physically cannot bring myself to focus on something or write, even if I want to. It's been tough! which is why it means a lot to me that you put up with my Italian inquiries and just generally, that you keep me company with your messages! :')
Good luck with your thesis bestie! and as always, I hope that you find time in between studies to indulge and relax. Again, glad to know you're enjoying Lady Chatterley's lover, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts as you read! Sending you a big hug and lots of love! x
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